#kira nerys x reader
neuroprincess · 9 months
Star Trek - How you met each other
Classification: Fluff
Pairing: B'Elanna Torres, Christine Chapel, Deanna Troi, Kathryn Janeway, Kira Nerys and Number One
Warnings: None
Word count: +900
B'Elanna Torres
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You're an ensign assigned to the engineering division, just one of a dozen young recruits who have just left Starfleet Academy and couldn't have imagined finding yourselves in such a situation on the very first mission. Having B'Elanna as chief engineer is an almost amusing challenge, her geniality is accompanied by a strong personality, necessary to deal with all those who doubt her capabilities or resent her position. However, you're almost invisible in the eyes of the half-Klingon, probably because you don't give her any headaches or are usually on counter shift, at least until a big technical problem leaves her dumbfounded and you come to the rescue, solving something that even she couldn't, using only an old two-strike trick and a bit of luck. She genuinely laughs and tries to guess your name, a little embarrassed that she can't remember it, to thank you for the great help. 
Christine Chapel
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It's almost a funny situation if it weren't tragic. After another unfortunate transporter accident and a fall that would make anyone feel the soul leave and return to the body, you find yourself in the sickbay having a general check-up, not to mention the fact that you've hit the head. Dr. McCoy, with a scowl, gives you an extensive list of recommendations and bonus scoldings, for a difference of a few adjustments he almost lost one of his best medical officers, who he considers his new pupil. "You'd better lie down, darling." a melodic voice comes from at your side and soft hands push against the stretcher, your eyes are closed in delight, when opened they reveal an angelic figure staring at you with concern, bright blue irises filled with compassion and curiosity. You smile and are relieved at how her presence brings immediate calm, before everything fades into darkness. 
Deanna Troi
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When the USS Enterprise finally responds to the rescue signal, you've already given up all hope and started waiting for a quick death. A promising exploration mission turned into a nightmare when the ship was destroyed on landing and the locals are more like big feet, physically and mentally. With no outside contact, no food, limited energy, extreme temperature changes, several losses due to murder or consequences of the precarious conditions, in the fourth week, probably given up for dead by the Starfleet, you are the only survivor, a junior lieutenant grade with a diplomatic specialization, how ironic. It's all very fast, you don't remember much because you're almost unconscious, just a couple of faces, the feeling of being held by a warm body that whispered words of comfort, stroking your hair, telling that everything was going to be all right. Exactly what you needed at that moment. 
Kathryn Janeway
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Being part of the Maquis wasn't even close to your childhood dream, having Starfleet Officer parents loyal to the Federation, a destiny was already set for you to follow in their footsteps, before everything changed drastically. The colony was attacked by Cardassians, many families were decimated and you were just another one left among the wreckage, orphaned, wounded, traumatized and with nothing but your own luck, which forced the development of survival skills and knowing nature like the back of a hand. This made a difference when it was time to enlist and ally yourself with them, driven by a blind sense of justice and pain that fueled resentment. Within a few months you find yourself fearing death and then wishing for it when rescued by Voyager, past experiences have created an aversion to anything related to it, but watching the captain run and fight to ensure that everyone, including the rebels, is safe, made you feel something unusual, a strange feeling in stomach, especially when she realizes your presence on the ship and smiles. 
Kira Nerys
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The engineering area is fascinating and challenging at the same time, especially on an old Cardassian station, full of catches and new things to discover. You're curious by nature and this has paid off handsomely, such as an opportunity to serve as an ensign on Deep Space Nine shortly after graduating from Starfleet Academy, which you enthusiastically accepted. So much enthusiasm, mixed with anxiety and a hint of desire to make a good impression, that you threw yourself into the duties almost immediately, with diligence navigating and exploring around the machinery's complexities. One day, overwhelmed by new responsibilities, you made a small unintentional mistake that caused a huge commotion on the Promenade and a headache for security. It's no surprise when someone comes to complain, what is unexpected is that it's an energetic Bajoran who makes you lose words and feel an inexplicable urge to cry, the weight of the last few days falling on shoulders. She stops scolding you, terrified of the reaction, and starts finding ways to make you stop crying. 
Number One | Una Chin-Riley
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Some would say you're a loner, others would say you're crazy. It's not just anyone who decides to leave the academy and a xenoanthropology specialization in the middle of the road, even less to venture out alone into the quadrants, that's what you've done. Years of independent exploration have yielded hundreds of files about culture, language, beliefs, structure and other aspects resulting from a lot of research and observation. When the Enterprise crew arrives on an M-class planet without any official first contact, they are surprised by the immediate warm welcome from the humanoid species, as if they were already familiar with earthlings. Later they understand the reason. You, the only other human there, and your skills of adaptability, linguistics and consequently diplomacy. Which impress them, especially First Officer Una. She is attracted by your vibrant personality and free spirit, the way you mediate all contact, your passion for cultural understanding and thirst for knowledge, this led her to convince Pike to make you an offer, to join Starfleet in continuing your explorations and sharing discoveries, seeing you as a promising addition. 
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aerospas · 5 months
Hello! :) I've really enjoyed all your posts so far. It feels like you understand these characters on an incredibly intimate level, and so many of your headcanons and characterizations hit the spot for me. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful things you create with us! Looking through your writing brightens up my day every time.
If possible, I'd like to request a Star Trek matchup. I've only watched TOS, AOS and a bit of DS9 and TNG, but I'm completely open to any character that comes to mind regardless of series and gender.
I'm a transmasc enby and lean towards masc or androgynous presentation. I have dark brown eyes and wavy hair. I have a bit of grey hair from stress and a single dimple that shows when I smile or purse my lips. My height and build are on the lower end of average and I've been told I have fairly broad shoulders.
My MBTI is INFP. I'm reasonably sure my enneagram is 4w5, but I could be wrong. I'm neurodivergent and that factors into a lot of my personality and worldview. I'm an old soul. I have a variable social battery, but I am always there for people when it matters the most. I feel things quite deeply, but I strongly believe that emotions and logic go hand in hand, and as a result have a pretty high EQ.
I'm very easygoing and approachable, and like to make lots of friendly acquaintances in my daily life. I try to connect a bit with everyone I can strike up a conversation with regardless of age. I care a lot about people and I think people would generally consider me sweet or easy to get along with. With my closer friends, I'm maybe the dad friend counterpart to our other mom friend. I'll be silly with them but am usually the first to go no-nonsense when they need a voice of reason. My brand of humor is quite deadpan, but I laugh a lot at my friends' antics. I will only sass or give a ribbing to people I consider fairly good friends, but make sure to avoid any sore spots.
I'm passionate but not really competitive and thrive in environments where everyone really loves what they do. I have no problem taking on leadership roles or otherwise. I generally serve as a mediator for conflicts, and don't mind speaking up for other people's needs. Otherwise, I'm somewhat easily embarrassed and prefer to deal with problems myself instead of asking people to go out of their way to help me.
I gravitate towards creative mediums like art, reading and writing, music and theatre, but also have a soft spot for anthropology and biology. I really like talking to and connecting with other people. It is pretty easy for me to find beauty in all sorts of places and people and things, and one of my favorite things to do is to take things slow and focus on the little things for a while.
I'm demisexual, sex-positive, and probably ambiamorous. My love language is words of affirmation then physical touch, in that order. Gender doesn't really factor into my attraction for someone and I find people attractive because of who they are as a person, not how they present. I'm most drawn to people who are fundamentally kind but are unafraid to push me to think about things from more perspectives. I feel like the basis for my attraction is first and foremost the capacity for a strong bond built around trust and communication.
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from the original series, i'd pair you with, spock!
with your introspective and empathetic nature, spock would find himself drawn to your depth of understanding and your unique perspective on life. initially intrigued by your combination of logic and emotion, he would appreciate the way you balance your feelings with rationality, much like he does himself. your gentle demeanour and quiet strength would complement spock's reserved nature. your capacity for understanding others' emotions, despite your own occasional struggles with vulnerability, would resonate with spock's own internal conflict between logic and emotion; he would admire your ability to navigate the complexities of human interaction with grace and compassion.
from deep space nine, i'd pair you with, kira nerys!
kira would admire your courage and resilience, seeing in you someone who understands the importance of fighting for justice in the face of adversity. initially, she might be cautious around your easygoing nature, unsure of how to reconcile it with your deep sense of purpose, but she would come to trust your sincerity and reliability. your willingness to mediate conflicts and support those in need would resonate strongly with kira, who shares your dedication to protecting others.
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starfleetimagines · 1 year
I've always loved the way you write Kira Nerys! Any chance you'd be willing to do a fic (or headcanons, or anything really) in which Kira and the reader have recently started to date and the reader comes out as nonbinary to her? (they/them pronouns preferred for the reader)
Coming Out As Non-Binary To Your Girlfriend Kira Nerys Would Include...
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She knows all too well what it's like to be punished and looked down on just for being who you are, so she's supportive and accepting of everyone no matter their gender, religion, etc. In the nicest and most loving way possible, Nerys doesn't give a shit about gender. If you're a good person she likes you, end of story.
Still, you'd be nervous to tell her. Not because you didn't think she'd accept you and support you, but because you would worry how it might affect your relationship; things with Nerys would be going so well and you hadn't been going out for all that long.
But she makes you feel so loved and supportive in all aspects of your life. She's so loving and caring, and just wants you to be happy.
When you finally work up the courage to come out to her, she'd just smile and say "okay". And when asked if she minded, she would hold you, look you right in the eye and say, "Why would I mind you being your true and authentic self? This doesn't change the way I feel about you, YN. And it doesn't change what's happening between us, I promise."
She would ask you about it a bit, mainly clarifying what pronouns and terms to use for you and what to say if anyone asks (e.g., who knew/who you were out to). She'd instantly and easily switch to using they/them pronouns for you, and she would correct anyone and everyone who misgendered you.
Should anyone speak ill of you in this regard (or any), she would not hesitate for a second to stand up for you and put the other person in their place.
True to her word, nothing would change between you two. In fact, you coming out and being your true self would only bring you two closer.
Tag list: @plaguedoctorsnake @shadyfirecollector @starfleet-memedom
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warpfive · 2 years
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how the ds9 crew reacts to their lover being flirted with
CW: gn! reader
CREW: ben sisko, kira nerys, odo, julian bashir, jadzia dax
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BENJAMIN - he doesn’t notice until jadzia points it out. of course she’s the one to notice, the trill would sniff out drama on a vulcan ship. she points you out through the throngs of people on the promenade, waiting for the lift with some kind of furry alien standing awfully close. benjamin’s first reaction is protectiveness, of course, but he sees quickly that the alien isn’t threatening you. quite the opposite, actually - his hand settles on your shoulder, flashes you a wide, toothy grin. head nods off in the other direction, hoping you’d follow him toward the vendors. jadzia doesn’t even mind when he leaves her in his wake, reaching you and subtly, forcefully, puts himself between you and the too-friendly alien. he’s still commander of the station, the alien hasn’t technically done anything wrong, so benjamin uses his best diplomatically-pissed-off voice to scare off him. and you seemed to enjoy the show - when ben looks down at you, the way you grin at him does make him a little embarrassed. still, he walks you all the way back to your quarters with his arm over your shoulders.
KIRA - she knows, logically, as a liaison for all of Bajor on Deep Space Nine, she really needs to keep her mouth shut - some things aren’t worth breaking hands over. and as much as she thinks you’re very high on the list of things that are worth it, kira doesn’t need words to know what you’re telling her. a stern look, a subtle shake of your head, clearing your throat very pointedly - you’re telling her not to lose her shit on the Gamma Quadrant ambassador that’s getting way too friendly with you. and to kira’s credit, she’s done an amazing job so far. but what crosses the line is the not-so-subtle invitation to his quarters for “off the record” negotiations. kira just can’t contain her temper any longer and she lets the ambassador knows what he can do with his negotiations. when he scurries off, you pull her aside and scold her a little for doing that - sisko will have to clean up the mess. at the moment, kira doesn’t care. she hates the idea of someone disrespecting you like that, and okay, was she a little jealous? maybe, but that’s not important. the ambassador spends the rest of his trip stony and polite, and kira starts standing just a little closer to you than usual.
ODO - flirting between the solids was always something odo had little interest in, unless it related to a case or station security. but seeing you sat at quark’s bar, chatting with one of your friends but continually interrupted by some drunkard, odo suddenly paid much more attention. he didn’t want to jump to the rescue just yet - you may not appreciate his intentions, and there’s also quark’s gossip to consider. you can handle yourself, odo knows that. but then he started getting touchy, uncomfortably close, odo catches the wrinkle of your nose under the interloper’s breath and rushes to intervene before he even realizes it. odo grips the man’s arm hard, removes it from your spine, and threatens to arrest him for disturbing the peace before suggesting he go and sober up somewhere else. the drunkard leaves with a couple low grumbles, and that’s that, right? no, you’re taking odo’s arm and lightly pulling him closer, smiling at him and thanking him for rescuing you. turns out, you didn’t want to be impolite and tell him off, even though it was within your rights to do so. odo makes a note to stop by the bar more often when he knows you’re here.
JULIAN - was he being foolish? no, no, never - julian was just getting into character, is all. though the hologram was fake, the unpleasant tug in his gut was very real and he couldn’t truly shake off the aggravation of watching you flirt back with the holosuite character. a character - julian was definitely spending too much time in the holosuites. he tries to play his role as intended - a spy undercover as the taxi driver, subtly driving their target out of the city while you distract him with your charms. from the looks of things, it was definitely working. julian couldn’t stop glancing up into the rear view mirror, and every time he did, the hologram was closer than he was last time. the doctor notices a hand on your leg, a finger pushing back the hair from your face, and julian instantly spouts out that he’s rather warm before rolling down every window in the car. this, of course, tips the target off to the spy’s schemes, and you pause the program. julian’s quiet, part-embarrassed, part-annoyed. he hears you shift on the leather, feels your arms drape over the front seat, and is rather shocked to feel your lips press against his cheek. though, julian deflates a little when you tell him to warn you before making changes to the program.
JADZIA - honestly? it kind of impossible to tell when jadzia gets jealous. it will depend on the person doing the flirting and i’ll give you two examples. the first time you were hit on while shaking up with jadzia was during a birthday party for miles. this young ensign, fresh out of the academy with a fire under his ass, decided it was a good idea to chat you up. it was harmless, he was kinda drunk - jadzia found it more amusing than anything, especially when you kept giving her those “rescue me” eyes from across the room and you both laughed about it later that night. the second time, however, was not nearly as friendly. some glinn, one of dukat’s men, getting way too friendly and making you way too uncomfortable and didn’t let up until jadzia had come over and not-so-subtly threatened to shoot him out an airlock. jadzia doesn’t really mind light flirting, and thinks it’s rather funny to see you get hit on while knowing she’s the one you’re going home with. her mood really depends on the person doing the flirting - she won’t tolerate you feeling super uncomfortable or demeaned, but some harmless flirtations never hurt anybody.
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suckerforcate · 2 months
Star Trek
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Kathryn Janeway
Kira Nerys
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jusvibbbin · 2 years
Confession Confusion
Kira Nerys x Reader
//I know I’m hecka slow but better late than never! I’m trying to finish a couple requests and then add some new stories/chapters for all to read :) missed writing on here a ton! enjoy~
On an early afternoon, on a space station far into the galaxy, Kira Nerys sat on the promenade, unaware she was occupying someone else’s mind. Said mind was the property of a nervous lieutenant, who took a quick breath and began to head in the Major’s direction.
But before they could make it even halfway there, an unassuming doctor took the seat across from Kira, stopping them in their tracks. As the two friends started conversing, they turned and headed towards their station, though it was half an hour before their shift was supposed to start.
Unbeknownst to them however, the local Trill was watching the whole thing.
After your shift ended, you headed to Quark’s, hoping to drown your sorrows at the bottom of a glass of synthehol. You sat at the bar, and waved towards Rom to order. Though you swiftly straightened up in your seat as Lieutenant Dax, your supervisor, took the empty seat next to you.
“Good evening, sir.”
“Please (Y/N), we’re off duty. Call me Jadzia.” She smiled as she said this and it immediately put your mind at ease as you relaxed your posture.
“What’ll it be?” 
You both looked over to see Rom impatiently waiting for your order.
Before you could answer, Jadzia had ordered you three raktajinos. 
“You’re gonna have two? Isn’t it kinda late for that?” You quipped with a smirk. She smirked right back and shook her head.
“No, I won’t be having two. I just figured the Major would enjoy one after a long day.”
Your stomach flew up into your throat and you choked on your spit for a moment. Jadzia chuckled and gently hit your shoulder.
“Here,” Rom said as he set your drinks down. He held his hand out for payment but Dax just waved him away.
“W-Why would the Major be joining us?” You wanted to ask her why she had even joined you, but decided against it.
“Because,” Jadzia began as she turned towards the door. “Matchmaking is fun. Hey Kira!”
Your face was hotter than the Bajoran Sun.
“Ugh what a day!” The major sat on the other side of Dax as she passed her the third drink. She took a quick sip before her eyes landed on you.
“Lieutenant (L/N), right?”
She knew your name. You might die then and there.
“Yeah it is. Nice to meet you, Major.” You smiled, trying not to look nervous.
Kira tilted her drink in your direction and you both gulped some down.
For the next ten minutes, Kira, Dax and yourself talked about your day and the frustrations of working on that old, rust-bucket of a station. Just as you had started to relax, Dax announced she was going to bed. 
“I’m sure you’ll be wanting to head that way as well,” you said to Kira after Jadzia had gone. Surprisingly she shook her head.
“No, I could go for another drink honestly. Got the late shift tomorrow.” She grinned and ordered a Bajoran ale, then moved into the seat directly next to you.
“Truth be told,” you began, “I’m happy we have the chance to get to know each other better.” Kira gave you a sly smile.
“Oh really? And why is that?”
You felt the heat rise to your face once again but as you opened your mouth to answer, Rom tripped behind the bar and spilled whatever soup Morn was hoping to enjoy all over Kira’s uniform. She gasped and shot out of her seat, her fiery eyes fixed on Rom, who immediately dropped to his knees, ‘a thousand apologies’ cascading from his lips. Quark rushed over and began apologizing as well and offering anything he could think of to calm the Major down. She simply huffed once and unclenched her fists.
“Well sorry to run but…” She gestured to her clothes. You shook your head understandingly, bid her a goodnight and watched another opportunity evaporate before your eyes.
Two days later, you were enjoying a game of racquetball with a friend. Coming off a stellar win, you walked through the promenade to get back to your room. You were sweaty, tired and barely paying attention as you smacked straight into Major Kira. You reached out quickly and caught her arms before she fell over.
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” She blinked at you a few times and you suddenly realized you were holding onto her. You let go and you noticed the blush creeping up Kira’s face.
“No worries. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” She paused and looked you up and down. “Why are you so sweaty?”
You screamed internally for being so gross at the moment.
“Racquetball. Lots of swinging.” You awkwardly demonstrated your backhand and she chuckled at you.
“Major Kira to Ops,” the station-wide intercom boomed from above.
“Duty calls!” 
And with that, Kira rushed towards the main turbolift as you headed to your quarters.
Your birthday was quite the to-do for the science department. They had booked out Quark’s and replicated a custom cake. You were thankful to have so many friends onboard and greatly enjoyed the festivities. Someone from deck twelve had even managed to import some vodka from Earth and the punch was spiked instantly.
Being very drunk, dancing seemed like the best idea and most everyone agreed. As the music thrummed throughout the bar, you danced your way around the room. Seeing your friends having a good time and enjoying the cake made your heart full.
You eventually moved to sit at a table on the second floor, needing a bit of a break from all the energy, and someone sat across from you.
“Can I buy you a birthday drink?”
You lazily looked over to see none other than the Major sitting across from you. She had draped her jacket on the back of her chair and looked quite comfortable as she leaned back. Your confidence peaked in your drunk state as you leaned forward and rested your head in your hand.
“How could I say no to Major Kira Nerys,” you said, with a sultry and slight slur. She scoffed and lightly kicked your foot under the table. You laughed and kicked her back. After a short footsie session and several flirtatious looks, the two of you had fallen into an easy silence. 
“So, I was wondering,” you began as Kira looked over at you. “Are you seeing any-”
Suddenly your stomach twisted into about a hundred knots. You stood quickly, maybe too quickly, and rushed towards the nearest restroom. You could hear Kira calling after you, concerned, but you ignored her as you shut and sealed the bathroom door behind you. Barely making it to the toilet, you spewed your guts violently. That last drink you had really done you in. By the time you were finished, a few of your friends were waiting outside the door to take you home and you promptly fell asleep.
For the next few days you avoided the Major at every turn. You were so embarrassed with your behavior, you didn’t know if you would ever recover. Your anxiety had even started to affect your work, and your productivity tanking made you feel worse.
Eventually Dax stepped in and, seeing how stressed you were, gave you a couple days to take some time for yourself. You decided some fresh air would do you good, and found a small village to stay at on Bajor. After finding the small cabin you had rented from a local, you settled in with a book and a cup of tea for the rest of the day. 
Waking up early on your second day, you were starting to feel a lot better about what happened. Maybe it wasn’t such a big deal. You didn’t even know if Kira was interested in you to begin with, so how bad could things really be? 
You continued to wonder about what was or what could be as you got dressed. The village was quiet since you were up so early and you decided to take a walk through the nearby forest. You grabbed your book and headed through the lightly beaten path into the trees. 
You walked for several minutes before finding a small clearing with a large, gnarled tree. You sat with your back against it and got comfortable, then opened your book to try and finish off the last few chapters.
An hour or more had passed and you were still reading, until a shadow fell over your pages. You looked up to see Major Kira standing above you.
“May I sit?”
You nodded, eyes wide with shock at seeing her here. She sat across from you, letting out a small sigh as she stretched out her legs. You marked your page and closed the book, waiting to see what she had to say.
“Look I’ve been wanting to tell you something, but it never seems to be the right time.” She ran a hand through her hair, looking a bit nervous. She dropped it quickly and said, “And please don’t worry about the other night. Happens to the best of us.”
You looked away, thinking of how awkward that had been. Kira gently reached for your hand and you let her take it.
“I really want to spend more time with you. Maybe over dinner in my quarters or…” Kira trailed off as you stared at her.
You let out a small laugh and threw your hands up in the air. Kira looked at you, puzzled.
“Nerys, I have been trying to ask you out for almost a month! And here you are, beating me to it.” 
Hearing this, a smile spread across her face and she laughed as well. You pulled her hand to your lips and kissed it lightly, feeling braver after hearing her confession. Nerys moved her hand up to your face and pulled you in for a real kiss.
Tag List: @elen-aranel @ratkingbunting
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Tbh, as a polyamorous person, I love thinking about how it would be to be in a relationship with the people from shows and stuff. Like the one's in a relationship or I ship together. For example, Kira and Odo. C'mon, need I say more? Think about it. How fun, neat and healthy it would be to be in a polyamorous relationship with those two. You would literally never feel unloved.
Kira would be more bold then Odo, greeting you with a kiss and a 'hi honey!:D' every time she saw you. She would def give good morning cheek kisses and good night mouth kisses (Cause morning breath). Odo, would be more subtle with his love. Gifting you and Kira little things he thinks you two yould like, keep an eye on you both to be sure you're safe. Of course you and Kira absolutely let him know he's loved, and he gets so soft in private with you both. If Kira is overwhelmed with her duty, Odo is down in his insecurity, or whatever is making you upset, no person in that relationship would be left un-comforted.
Odo and Kira are protective of you in their own ways, and those lines meld together at violence. They will not shy away from violence to keep you safe. You and Kira are protective of Odo, You and Odo are protective of Kira, and they are of you. Nobody's getting hurt in this relationship if the other two have anything to say about it. Communication is a key element in you threes relationship, that's why it works out so well. You three would be the dream team, literally. The three of you together? Unstoppable.
You guys want kids? Here are some scenarios. (Also you're going to have to work with me here, because I'm pretty sure Odo doesn't have a weninei (dick) and if he did, that means he'd have to study it in order to replicate it, I think.)
For female or those with a uterus: Odo is going to be upset that he doesn't have the right...parts, or at least, his parts don't work like a humans parts so that they may impregnate you and kira. (Assuming you're of a species akin to Kira, or a species that can mate with other species.) Will you and Kira reassure him? Oh fuck yeah. In more ways then one~ ANYWAYS. Tbh he would probably research a tone of shit to see if their was a slim chance he could knock you and kira up lol. However, it's a good thing you three are perfectly content with adopting!
AFTER ODO BECOMES HUMAN: Odo is happy he can bow provide you and Kira with a larger family. Even if you can't get pregnant by another species, assuming you're an alien that can't crossbreed, Kira will happily have the children (this applies to if you don't want to bear children. They will not hold it against you). I can see maybe three or four kids? Four at the most, two at the least.
For male, or those with a weninei (penis): Now. You may think, 'oh! Odo might be upset that only you can get kira pregnant!' and I'm shutting that down. A baby that's a mixture of the two most important people in his life? SIGN ODO TF UP. Kira is on board with this, 100%. (Again, assuming if you're a species that can procreate with other species.) Once again, if you're not able to reproduce with Kira, adoption is always on the table.
AFTER ODO BECOMES HUMAN: Kira is happy is can now bear both your children, so is Odo. I think it would be a pleasant suprise to see one of the children come out looking like you and Odo, or a mixture of you three. (Eggs can be fertilized by two men and grow up looking like both of them.)
For those with no gender or ✨parts✨: ADOPTION! A D O P T I O N.
Now then, I think Kira would be the type to want children. No matter how, I think she'd wanna be a mom. I don't think Odo would mind not being, or being a dad.
I could expand a lot more on these two, but I didn't sleep last night and it's already 2:04. So yeah. Bye!
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the-great-bob-off2024 · 2 months
let the bob-off commence!
submissions are closed, and we are ready to start round 1!
a few things to be aware of...
78 bobs have been submitted to the tournament, and the first round will consist of 39 matches
each matchup has been decided at random (some of them have put my beloved bob blorbos in dire situations but. we move) by a random name generator - I haven't selected the match-ups myself
each match will last for a week, and I will post two matches a day
you can still send bobaganda (bob propaganda) when the tournament is underway! stick up for your bob blorbos! each poll has a section for bobaganda, and if one of your faves' has been left empty, please help me out by sending some my way! you can even submit reasons that your faves bob should win if they already have bobaganda attached - you can never show too much love to your favourite bob!
enjoy the tournament, and bob speed to you all...
[underneath the cut, I have included the complete list of bob entries - tournament spoilers ahead!]
The Contestants!
Alexander Rozhenko (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Amity Blight (The Owl House)
Anne Shirley Cuthbert (Anne With an E)
Anya Jenkins (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Armand (Interview with the Vampire)
B'Elanna Torres (Star Trek: Voyager)
Becky Botsford (Wordgirl)
Bruno Bucciarati (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Dr Charlotte DuBois (Falsettos)
Chris Noel (Dead Poets Society)
Christine Chapel (Star Trek: Strange New Worlds)
Christine "Lady Bird" McPherson (Lady Bird)
Colette Tatou (Ratatouille)
Dana Scully (The X Files)
Dora (Dora the Explorer)
Edna Mode (The Incredibles)
The Eighth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Eleanor Levetan (Do Revenge)
Eliza Pancakes (The Sims 4)
Emma Frost (X Men)
Eurydice (Hadestown)
Fa Mulan (Mulan)
Go Go Tomago (Big Hero 6)
Haku (Spirited Away)
Han Sooyoung (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Helmeppo (One Piece)
Himiko Yumeno (Danganronpa)
Jane (Descendants)
Jenny Calendar (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek: Voyager)
Kira Nerys (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Kit Kittregde (American Girl)
Komaru Naegi (Danganronpa) 
Lady Mary Crawley (Downton Abbey)
Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview With the Vampire)
Lindsey Bergman (American Girl)
Little Lad Who Loves Berries and Cream (Starburst Ad)
Lola Luftnagle (Hannah Montana)
Lord Farquaad (Shrek)
Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice the Musical)
Mahiru Koizumi (Danganronpa)
Maria Von Trapp (The Sound of Music)
Mavis (Hotel Transylvania)
Mei Lee (Turning Red)
Mei Misaki (Another)
Monaca Towa (Danganronpa)
Mon Mothma (Star Wars)
Mystique (X-Men)
Nancy Downs (The Craft)
Nancy Landgraab (The Sims 4)
Poppy O'Hair (Ever After High)
Quinn Fabray’s blonde bob (Glee)
Quinn Fabray’s pink bob (Glee)
Quinn Fabray’s platinum bob (Glee)
Rapunzel (Tangled) 
Ruby Sunday (Doctor Who)
Sabrina Spellman (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
Sophie (Howl’s Moving Castle) 
Spock's ‘break up bob’ (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
Stephanie (Lazy Town)
Suki (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Tanya (Mamma Mia!)
Tashi Duncan (Challengers)
Taylor McKessie (High School Musical)
Tina Cohen-Chang - gaga (Glee)
Toralei Stripe (Monster High)
Tori Spring (Heartstopper)
Tracy Turnblad (Hairspray)
V (V for Vendetta)
Valeris (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
Velma Dinkley’s live action bob (Scooby Doo)
Velma Dinkley’s animated bob (Scooby Doo) 
Velma Kelly (Chicago)
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Worf (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Yuki Takeya (Gakkou Gurashi)
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
An Eye For An Eye
This one's been living in my brain for a while now. READ THE WARNINGS.
Day 28: Ruined Orgasm
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Mirror!Kira Nerys (ST:DS9) x Fem!Reader
[A/N: This is smut, 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Human/Bajoran sex, lesbian sex, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, degradation, punishment, restraints, gags, domme!Mirror!Kira but she's not a good domme, edging, orgasm denial, ruined orgasm, established relationship (sort of, it's complicated - even they don't know what to call themselves), everything is consensual, but Mirror!Kira is angry and (obviously) mildly insane, so...be aware lol.
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The Intendant had invited me to her quarters with a cheerful lilt in her voice that struck me as dangerous. I'd heard her use that tone when she was about to order a person killed, but I'd never had it directed at me before. Surely, she couldn't know what I'd been doing for the Terran rebels...right?
No. No chance. I'd covered my tracks too well. There was no way she'd know I was facilitating deals between the rebels and some sympathetic arms dealers. I'd bribed all the right people and batted my eyelashes so often I was almost afraid they'd fall out. The rebels had won the last three skirmishes they'd had with the Alliance, and every victory brought us closer to our ultimate goal of freedom from domination.
When the hour she specified rolled around, I was all dolled up just the way I knew she preferred. We weren't lovers, exactly, but we had been intimate more times than I could count. Oh, I was far from her only partner, but I was one of the only ones who'd caught her interest for longer than a couple of weeks.
Two years ago when she saw me coming aboard the station amidst a new batch of workers for the refinery, she'd had me pulled from the throng of people almost immediately.
"What's your name?" She'd asked, and I'd been so terrified that I'd barely been able to speak above a whisper. The smile that had stretched her lips had been half-amused and half-predatory. "Oh, little mouse, there's nothing to be afraid of. Come. I have something to show you."
She'd grabbed my hand and led me down a seemingly endless maze of corridors and hallways until we reached her quarters. To be completely honest, I was so afraid of her guards that I thought she would kill me as soon as she released her grip on my fingers, but all she'd done that night was bathe me, order a nice meal for two, and talk with me until I'd fallen asleep.
I hadn't feared her for some time, so when I walked into her quarters this evening and found her in the midst of agitated pacing, I did what I always did when she was in one of these moods. I walked over to her and dropped to my knees just outside the path she was tracing and retracing with her steps.
"Are they dead yet, or does Garak still need to find them?" I asked quietly, taking my usual bet that she was contemplating someone's brains being splattered over a bulkhead in penance for whatever crime they'd committed. She froze as soon as the question left my lips.
"No, and no. She's still alive...and she's right where I want her," she murmured, turning to face me with a dark sort of fire brimming in her eyes. In a rather detached sort of way, I noted that when she got angry like this, her hair reminded me of flames. This certainly wasn't the first time I'd made such an observation.
The glow of candlelight flickering and flowing across the room made the waiting a little easier. In the middle of our – could I really call it a 'date?' – Kira had been commed by Garak about a rebel on the station. Apparently, he was an old lover of hers, Benjamin Sisko, and he was on Terok Nor causing problems for security in some minor raid.
That was the first I'd heard of the rebellion beyond the whispering of Terran workers. That was also the first time I'd seen the Intendant storm into her quarters with an expression as volatile as a volcano. I'd walked over to the sofa where she'd flopped rather unceremoniously and dropped to my knees beside it.
"Should I go, ma'am? You must have a lot on your mind, and I don't want to trouble you–"
"No," she breathed. Her expression had softened minutely as if she was only just remembering that I was there. "No, no, stay. You're just the balm I need right now, little mouse."
"Of course, Intendant. I'll help in any way that I ca–" she cut me off with a kiss that was much more delicate than I'd been expecting.
But there was no delicacy, no gentleness tonight. I was practically tossed on the bed and restrained with my limbs spread wide. A gag was quickly shoved in my mouth, and now, hours later, the Intendant had dragged me to the edge of orgasm over and over until I was babbling incoherently around the intrusion in my mouth. Hell, at that point, I knew I was begging, but I had no idea whether I was begging for her to stop or for her to let me come.
She'd begun with her fingers, curling them into me over and over until her hand undoubtedly ached, then Kira had switched to using her mouth instead. She was devious. She was ruthless. She knew every inch of me as well as the things that brought me the most pleasure, and she used that to her advantage.
I was there. I was right there, but just as I started to tip over the edge, she removed her mouth from me entirely, ruining my orgasm once again. I huffed in frustration, even as my breathing turned shaky.
"Aww, princess, did you really think I'd let you finish after you betrayed me?" Her poisonous smile made it clear that she wasn't done with me by a long shot. One of the Intendant's fingertips skimmed lightly down the bridge of my nose. "Don't look so distraught. Garak suggested I have you thrown out of an airlock instead of keeping you at my mercy. I think this is a much more pleasant alternative, don't you?"
I had no choice but to nod my head as her lips met my forehead.
"Maybe if you behave yourself, I'll begin reinstating your privileges, but make no mistake: if you set so much as a toe out of line again, I'll give you to Garak and let him do what he wants with you. We both know how fond he is of making examples out of disobedient Terrans," she said, and a shiver ran down my spine. He took an inordinate amount of pleasure in extracting confessions and information from people.
Her hand gripped my jaw, and my heart thudded faster in my chest.
"Now, let's see how long it takes to make you break beyond repair. I'm betting you'll last another hour. You're a strong girl, after all. Guessing any time shorter than that would be an insult to my skill in training you." The Intendant's hand slipped between my legs again, drawing a whimper from deep in my throat. This was going to be a long, painful night.
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Masterlist
Julian Bashir
Immortalised on skin (Julian x gen!Reader) Soulmate AU where when you write something on your skin it appears on the skin of your soulmate. And while Partner A (Reader) is an artist and decorates their arms with beautiful ornaments, Partner B (Julian Bashir) always scribbles down things to not forget them in the most unreadable font A has ever seen.
Kira Nerys:
Newly Wed (Kira x fem!Reader) Y/N and Kira return from their honeymoon and Y/N feels obligated to report to her best friend Odo. All the good things and maybe the fears too.
Romulan Summer (Koval x fem! Reader) Koval knew that Humans we're fragile, however he was not aware of the extent to it.
Christmas Bakery (Koval x fem! Reader) Koval learns about this so called "Christmas baking" that his wife seems to love
I Can't Help Falling In Love With You (Letant x gen!Reader) Sometimes just a fraction of a moment in peace with the person that counts the most in the whole universe can sooth the mind of one troubled soul.
First second I saw you and I couldn't get over how beautiful you were (Odo x gen!Reader) Odo becomes self-doubting about his relationship. Reader is try to dispel his dark thoughts.
Beauty knows no pain (Odo x fem!Reader) The senior staff is ordered to attend the greeting of a diplomatic delegation. Unfortunately the reader has to attend as well. In dress uniform
Santa Claus (Odo x gen!reader) Odo knows a lot of people however he never met a certain "Santa Claus". From what he knows, he might be a criminal
Worth it (Solok x gen! reader) Solok is not that popular and being in a relationship with him is not the easiest thing in the universe. But hell, it's worth it!
Decorations (Vreenak x fem!reader) Vreenak knows a lot about humanity and their sentiment towards certain traditions. That didn't prevent him from being surprised when comming home to a newly styled house
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neuroprincess · 6 months
Star Trek - Cooking Together
Classification: Fluff
Pairing: B'Elanna Torres, Christine Chapel, Deanna Troi, Kathryn Janeway, Kira Nerys and Number One
Warnings: None
Word count: +500
B'Elanna Torres
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The half-Klingon is passionate about cuisine in general, but that doesn't mean she's a good cook. B'Elanna loves experimenting flavors and daring spices, the same goes for unlikely combinations, some of which can be compared to pregnant cravings. Cooking with her can be great fun, with gentle jokes, exchanging smiles, sharing tasks, ironically it's safer to let her chop the ingredients than to use the stove, there's a big risk of setting the room on fire. In short, it's enjoyable in every respect and results in abundant dishes of dubious quality.  
Christine Chapel  
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This woman can do many things with skill, but cooking has never been one of them. It's not even one of her interests. However, if you want to try a recipe, Christine will attempt it without hesitation, dedicating herself more to organization than to the preparation itself, making sure that all the necessary ingredients and equipment are available and that everything is clean. Over time, she creates a little more interest, specifically in baking, and it won't be long before you're tasting the best brownie in your life. 
Deanna Troi  
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She knows how to cook, it's nothing extraordinary, extravagant or fancy, when inspired she can risk doing something different and intimate. A candlelit dinner made from scratch between sips of wine and caresses exchanged, Deanna touches your waist lightly as you move around the kitchen, fingers brushing across the arm in conversations that end in genuine smiles, admiring each other passionately, plus she likes to steal a few kisses. The betazed enjoys the whole process and romantic aura that is built up. Of course, you can't go without some chocolate dessert, which will be shared late at night.  
Kathryn Janeway  
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Janeway is a minimally competent person who believes to be an expert in the art of cooking, which comes from her upbringing with a mother who prefers and values traditionally prepared food, teaching her a dozen things while growing up. The moment you decide to cook together, she naturally tries to take charge, very proactively, only to end up having to improvise to save a simple recipe that the captain swore she knew by heart. You may have to end up replicating something to eat, but the moments spent together make the scorched pots worth it.  
Kira Nerys  
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Growing up in the context in which she grew up, cooking is a survival skill and Kira learned it easily. It's basic and nutritious, nothing fancy, but still tasty, believe me, she has a kind of gift. Little by little she learns that this is also a hobby that can be done for pleasure and as a couple, enjoying time, preparation, company, trying different things and, her favorite, watching your reaction when tasting what she cooks. The bajoran will be proud if you approve and expect her to repeat the dish several times just to please you. She also introduces you to various traditional dishes from her planet. 
Una Chin-Riley   
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Maybe she's the best cook of them all. You can hardly imagine it until you get to the quarters and find her preparing a warm three-course meal, a cute apron with a cheesy phrase you picked up on a trip, smiling smugly and the delicious smell permeating every corner of the room. If you don't know how to cook, Una will be more than happy and excited to teach you. The brunette is a great baker too, her strength advantage is perfect for kneading bread and opening pasta, making homemade spaghetti has never been so easy. 
taglist: @evattude
Join my taglist here ^^
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ao3feed-ds9 · 9 months
Star Trek x Reader
https://ift.tt/hMVlceS by neuroprincess A compilation of my writings about my new obsession. I'm willing to write requests (sfw or nsfw) and anything else you ask. Requests are open. More characters can be added. Words: 2228, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F Characters: B'Elanna Torres, Christine Chapel, Deanna Troi, Kathryn Janeway, Kira Nerys, Number One | Una Chin-Riley (Star Trek) Relationships: B'Elanna Torres/Reader, Christine Chapel/Reader, Deanna Troi/Reader, Kathryn Janeway/Reader, Kira Nerys/Reader, Number One | Una Chin-Riley/Reader Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Headcanon, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Reader-Insert
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starfleetimagines · 1 year
I love your writing so much! Best of luck with your new program!
Could I request a Kira Nerys x gender neutral reader - Nerys comforting you after a nightmare?
Aaaa thank you!! <3
Kira Nerys - Safe In Your Arms
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Length: Drabble (under 500) Warnings: Nightmare (nothing specified) Tag list: @space-helen @mrs-l-mccoy @plaguedoctorsnake @coffee-in-that-nebula
Your heart hammers in your chest as you snap your eyes open. Taking in a ragged breath, you stare up at the dark ceiling, memories of the dream at the forefront of your mind.
Just a dream, you try to tell yourself, but your heart won't stop slamming against your ribs. You shift and move closer to your partner. You don't want to wake her, but you need to feel her next to you; need to know she's there with you.
You wedge yourself against her back and hook an arm over her torso, holding her close to you. You nuzzle your face against the base of her neck and inhale slowly, breathing in her scent.
Nerys makes a soft noise and shifts a little. "Is it 0600 already?" her tired voice mumbles.
"No," you reply quietly, your own voice muffled by the collar of her night shirt. "Go back to sleep."
But Nerys moves and rolls onto her back. Even in the dark, you know she's frowning at you. "You okay?" she asks softly.
You lean your cheek against her shoulder and nod. "Yeah," you say, but your voice cracks.
Nerys sighs quietly and turns onto her side to face you fully. She moves her arms around you and pulls you flush against her. "Bad dream?" she guesses, and you nod.
"Want to talk about it?"
You shake your head and hug her tightly. "The usual. It's okay."
She slowly rubs your back and kisses the top of your head. "I got you. You're okay, I'm okay. We're both safe, okay?"
Nodding a little, you try to believe her. You know that she's telling the truth, but your anxiety is still so high.
She starts to quietly hum a Bajoran lullaby she's sung to you before. You take in a deep breath, focusing your senses on her: on her soft, melodic humming; her warm body against yours; her strong arms around you; her sweet scent filling your nose.
She's there, you're there, and you're both safe.
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captainpikeswoman · 3 years
Kira nerys with fem reader taking care of her s/o on their period ty <3 ily gjddjfj
Hope you like it!
Kira Nerys taking care of you when you’re on your period would include:
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•she can see straight away when you’re struggling with your period- ordinarily she’ll just leave you to deal with it but when it’s bad she’s at your side in an instant.
•she’ll insist that you put your feet up first of all, and she’ll quite literally drag Dr Bashir to your quarters to give you a quick once over, and if he gives you any medicine to help the pain then Kira will take charge of it- she times every dose perfectly so that you’re never in pain.
•she also knows that gentle exercise is a good way to help when you’re on your period, but she also knows that if left to your own devices you’ll just curl up into a ball and not move. So she bribes you into it, she promises to let you have whatever sweet treat you want for dinner- you don’t even have to have a main course, it can just be dessert for dinner if you want. When you finally agree then she takes you to the holodeck where you can either go for a little jog or a walk or whatever take your fancy.
•afterwards she’ll come back to your quarters with you and set up a movie and some candles while you had a bath or a shower. When you’re dried off and dressed she’ll cover you up on the sofa and finally let you have that treat dinner that she bribed you with.
•she’s not usually one for displays of affection in public places or while on duty, but during your period she relaxes that self imposed rule. She’ll wrap her arm around your shoulders as you walk together, she’ll kiss you on your forehead as you part, and at the end of your shift she’ll meet you and hold your hand as the two of you head home.
•all in all she’s a very supportive partner, but she will at times take on a sort of motherly role and make sure that you’re taking care of yourself- reminding you to eat proper foods, to exercise gently, to seek medical attention if you need it, keeping you hydrated and so on.
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suckerforcate · 2 months
Kira Nerys
Not worth living ◇♡
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jusvibbbin · 2 years
hi! hope you're having a good day <3 can i request kira nerys x gn reader first confessions where they've both been pining for awhile but never had the chance to say how they feel? i adore your writing!
glad i didn't let it sit for a whole year in my inbox but i got pretty close lol my b, enjoy!
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