#odo being an awesome friend
tolkienocweek · 4 months
Tolkien OC Week
A fandom event for OCs and underdeveloped characters in Tolkien's world!
This event celebrates both characters of Tolkien's world and our own characters that need more love, by creating and reblogging all kind of fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fanvideos, fancrafts, headcanons, playlists, edits, moodboards etc.
The event is modded by @yellow-faerie, @elamarth-calmagol and @stormxpadme and will take place between 25th August - 31st August 2024 for the fourth year running.
NSFW text entries are allowed and we’ll tag them accordingly when we reblog them, but please put them behind a “read more”.
We'll also be tracking the tag #tolkienocweek during this week!
Event schedule for 2024:
Day 1 (25th August): World Building
Create a fanwork about an original character, and use them as a jumping off point for worldbuilding. Share a dwarf from the far side of Rhun, consider the existence of an Aina before the creation of Arda, explore Rivendell from the point of view of an outsider, or tell us about the underground punk subculture of Gondolin.
Day 2 (26th August): Canon-OC Relationships
This year, it’s not just about romance. Today, explore a relationship between your OC and a canon character. Your character could be a lover or spouse of someone canonical, lf course, but they could also be a friend, sibling, teacher, servant, fan, or even rival!
Day 3 (27th August): Alternate Universes
Share an OC who isn’t canon compliant at all. Maybe you want to add a fourteenth member of Thorin’s company or give a reborn Celebrimbor children with a surviving and reformed Sauron. Or, maybe you want to do a crossover with your Star Wars OC or let your self-insert narrate a coffee shop AU. Go wild!
Day 4 (28th August): Gaps and Ghosts
Create a fanwork based upon a character that Tolkien either thought up and abandoned, such as Odo Took oe the characters of The New Shadow. Or, create someone he missed creating in the first place, like… um… just about anyone’s mother.
Day 5 (29th August): Non-Humanoid Characters
Middle Earth isn't just elves, Men, hobbits, and dwarves. Today, share a character who is something different entirely: an animal, a dragon, a Maia who doesn't take humanoid form, an ent or huron, or a creature of your own invention.
Day 6 (30th August): Background Characters
This prompt is all about people who are in the background of the action: the low-ranking soldiers, the servants, and the ordinary people living in extraordinary times. Or maybe you want someone who isn't so ordinary, like an advisor in the Council of Elrond who never made it onto the page, or one of the Maiar who sank the Feanorians on the stolen boats. Show us their view of the action!
Day 7 (31st August): Freeform
Did we miss something? Do you have an OC that doesn’t fit into any day, or did you want to do a second fanwork for one of the days? Today, create and share whatever you want, as long as it has to do with original or abandoned characters!
Since we want to celebrate creations about neglected characters all year long, the mods will occasionally reblog posts and fancreations about OCs and underdeveloped characters. If you would like to see your post on our blog, you're very welcome to tag tolkienocweek. Since tumblr's tagging system is often being faulty, don't hesitate to message us, too!
We are looking forward to see and share all the awesome work you come up with!
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thegeminisage · 1 month
star trek update time! thursday we watched voy's "random thoughts" and ds9's "resurrection."
random thoughts (voy):
i was expecting this episode to be about being racist to b'elanna and was pleasantly surprised that it was a tuvok episode instead
YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH OF VIOLENCE. ITS DARKNESS, IT POWER. KING!!!! you wait this whole episode for him to snap and then he does but not in a way that makes him look less competent and it is AWESOME. tuvok is so cool and handsome all the time
subplot of neelix getting his whiskers tugged was so horrible it wheeled back around into being funny i think
also funny: the idea of thought crimes. they're living on planet tumblr for real. trading their problematic ao3 fanfiction on the black market........idk obviously the episode is trying to address something serious and i do respect it but the way they worded some of the dialogue was too good
finally, seven of nine. my beloved seven of nine who i am drawing hearts around. whatever she had going on with janeway at the end was gay as hell and also very fun. she got like one scene of note in this ep and she nailed it. also, i love when she calls something irrelevant <3
resurrection (ds9):
rare L for ds9.......
apparently nana visitor hates this episode, because 1. kira had healed from bareil's death and 2. she would never get that involved with a man she just met. while i don't respect all her opinions (she also doesn't like kira/odo...sorry ma'am) these were spot on
like, i dont even care about regular flavor bareil so why would i care about the mirror version. why would anyone
i was thuh-RILLED to see kira's evil lesbian counterpart but she had very little to do so like what is even the point. was also surprised there wasn't more odo in this episode given his whole thing currently happening in slow motion with kira
SISKO EVEN WARNED KIRA. ABOUT MIRROR ROMANCE. and not only did it become a problem anyway we also never got to follow up with sisko. nobody was even in this episode except kira and bareil
AND OH YEAH MY BEST FRIEND QUARK............................
quark who warned kira bareil was shady cuz he didn't want her to get hurt...like he didn't have to do that but he CHOSE to because why? he's just that great.
TONIGHT: voy's "concerning flight" and ds9's "statistical probabilities."
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funnywormz · 9 months
for the character bingo… thoughts on lwaxana perhaps :3
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lwaxana....... i love her so damn much definitely one of the milfs of all time. a lot of ppl in the fandom hate her, and tbf she can be a little domineering sometimes but i genuinely think she only has good intentions and i love her a lot personally. also her relationship with odo was so good i kinda wish they'd stayed together ngl
a lot of my friends and mutuals (esp hotelpod mutuals hi guys) love her too which i think is awesome :-)
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Newly Wed
Fandom: Star Trek Deep Space Nine Pairing: Kira Nerys x fem!Reader, Odo x Reader (PLATONIC!!!) Words: 1.9K Warnings: Fluff, maybe a bit angst Summary: Y/N and Kira return from their honeymoon and Y/N feels obligated to report to her best friend Odo. All the good things and maybe the fears too. A/N: Odo is not in love with Kira, he never was. He's just a very good friend in this one. We don't wanna make things awkward
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Silently, the doors of the security office slid apart and Y/N crossed the threshold into the room, a wry smile on her face. "Reporting for duty, sir," she smirked. Odo turned, a feigned serious mask on. "Acknowledged. At ease." He leaned forward. "Shouldn't you be showing up by tomorrow, Lieutenant?" She lifted her chin. "I thought I'd just have to see the loving face of my best friend that I've missed so much sooner than tomorrow."
"Is that any way to talk about your commanding officer?" She could see the amusement in his eyes. "No, but I do to my best friend." Apparently Odo couldn't fight his smile any longer, because the corners of his mouth turned upwards, causing her smile to widen as well.
"Oh, come here, "she laughed, spreading her arms as wide as she could. Odo sighed, but stood up anyway to comply with her request. A contented yawn escaped her as she rested her head on his shoulder. "That's nice." Odo only gave a grumpy snort that proved to her that he was as happy to see her as she was to see him. Nevertheless, she noticed very well that he was quite stiff and slowly released the embrace. She knew very well that Odo was not yet very comfortable with physical or social contact and she did not want to invade his comfort zone. The smile and his small nod showed her that she had done the right thing.
"Please, sit down."
"I'm definitely not going to turn down that offer," she laughed and dropped into one of the armchairs. Odo took a seat opposite her, hands folded, resting his head on them. "I certainly hope I'm not interrupting your work. I could come back later if you'd prefer." Y/N knew how much her friend hated to be disturbed in his work. For him, there was hardly anything more important than having his work done conscientiously and perfectly. Odo, however, just shook his head slightly. "Not at all. It is already late in the evening, the station will manage a little without me." He tilted his head slightly. "So, tell me. How was the honeymoon? "
Y/N smiled while at the same time shaking her head in disbelief "Not the way I expected, I can tell you that. Maybe we should have flown somewhere else after all. To Earth, perhaps. Or Risa. I hear Betazed is very pretty this time of year too." She winked at him. "Then perhaps we could have said hello to Lwaxana for you." Odo rolled his eyes and tipped his head back. If he had had a blood system, though, he would most likely have blushed. Giggling, she pointed to the replicator in his office. "May I? The replicator in the shuttle and our quarters didn't work and I'm dying of thirst. I haven't drank anything for the last hours" Odo gestured for her to help herself. "Thank you."
She stood up and walked to the alcove in the wall. "Computer, Y/N Alpha One, 200 millilitres." She had made her own drinks and food list and stored it in the computer, with a little help from Chief O'Brien, since what she normally got from her replicator didn't taste nearly as good.
With glass in hand, she returned and sat down opposite Odo, who eyed her. "So I guess Bajor wasn't so to your satisfaction."
She sighed and took a sip. Instantly the slight scratching she had been feeling for hours now stopped. "I wouldn't put it that way." Odo frowned, obviously confused. "Explain, please." She rubbed her face. "Bajor itself is beautiful. I think the problem was more with Nerys."
Odo sat up straighter. "With Kira?"
"Don't get me wrong," Y/N hastened to add. "I love her to death and marrying her was the best decision I ever made. However, I felt she was trying to get too much out of everyone." Odo now seemed even more confused. "Isn't it the desire of every newly married couple to have a perfect honeymoon?"
"Perhaps. But I had hoped that we would just enjoy our time together. Nerys seemed tense and nervous so often, though, that I'm afraid she didn't enjoy those weeks as much as I did." Her gaze was fixed on the floor, her lips pressed tightly together. All at once, she felt fingertips gently slide under her chin and lift her face. Odo had come around the table and was now squatting in front of her. "What makes you think things would have been better on another planet?"
"Maybe the fact that we would have been further away from Ds9? Nerys checked her padd for messages every hour. Maybe the fact that she got at least three visits from Kai Winn? I honestly don't know." She bit her lower lip. "On the other hand, she looked so amused, pleased and proud when she showed me her home. Like a child showing off her constructions."
"See." smiled Odo, stroking her head before standing up and sitting back down behind his desk, "Not so bad after all." She heaved another sigh. "I never said I personally didn't enjoy the honeymoon. It was wonderful for myself. I learned so much about her culture, her religion and about her life in general. It's just that I felt Nerys had taken on so much that she couldn't enjoy it herself."
Odo nodded slowly. "Do you feel better now? Now that you've talked that off your chest."
"Somewhat, yes." She smiled at him. "Thank you Odo."
"You're welcome. But now," he leaned forward. " I would like to have some details." Y/N laughed. Who would have thought that Odo was such a gossip?
"Well, the first few hours were the most relaxing, I think." She took another sip of her drink. "We had this beautiful house right by the sea and near a small town. It was wonderful, really. However, I noticed that Nerys was getting restless after a few hours, probably because she really needed to stretch her legs, so we went into town because there was a market going on."
She sighed and Odo tapped his chin. "And let me guess, it didn't go well." She laughed. "Yes, it did, actually. Nerys bought me a beautiful traditional Bajoran toga and introduced me to culinary cuisine. However, then a young man, maybe twenty years old at most, thought he had to make a stupid comment." She shook her head. "Nerys didn't think it was funny." Odo chuckled roughly. "I can imagine that. Is there anything left of him?"
"Yes. But she was pissed off. It took all my strength to keep him alive. I can't afford to have my wife arrested on the very first day of our honeymoon." Despite the seriousness of her words, she had to smile. She couldn't help it. The words "my wife" still caused butterflies in her stomach.
"Understandable." Odo snorted in amusement. "I would have hated to invade your honeymoon to take her out of it." Y/N laughed out. "Could you have imagined the conversation between us though? 'Hey Odo, I know we're on our honeymoon, however Kira killed an idiot in the market and I'd need you to bail her out of jail'." As she spoke she kept being interrupted by her own laughter. She was obviously overtired.
Perhaps it was because Odo was already close to his regeneration cycle, however, he gradually joined her laughter until they were both barely able to stay on their feet. Y/N even had tears running down her face and was gasping for breath.
"How did I know you'd go first to Odo- what's going on here?"
Y/N and Odo slowly caught themselves and looked up. Nerys had apparently stepped into the office during their laughter and was now looking at them with a confused smile. "Are you all right?" Y/N tried to suppress a rising laugh. "Yep." However, she then made the mistake of turning back to Odo. As soon as their eyes met, they both burst into unrestrained laughter. Y/N had to cling to the table to keep from falling over.
"Okay?" Nerys pointed to the door. "I'll just go then, shall I?"
"No, honey, wait!" panted Y/N, trying to calm herself with even breaths. "I- I'll come with you." Still giggling, she turned back to Odo, who was also slowly getting his laughter under control. "We- We'll talk more tomorrow, yes?" Odo simply waved, gesturing for her to finally leave. "See you tomorrow."
With that she grabbed her wife's hand, oh how she loved saying that, and led her over to the promenade deck to the turbolifts, still giggling.
"Level 11," Nerys ordered, leaning against the wall in amusement. "I don't know what you did, but I don't think I've ever seen Odo laugh so hard."
Y/N grinned broadly. "I have a natural talent for making people laugh." Nerys laughed out. "Of course."
"Ha, see!" She pointed at the Bajoran. "You laughed."
" Shut up," Nerys muttered, pulling her close by the waist and pressing her lips to her wife's. This successfully silenced her, even when they disengaged she only had a dreamy smile on her face. The turbolift stopped. Nerys gestured her arm towards the door. "After you, dearest."
Sighing, Y/N crawled under the covers of their bed and snuggled into her pillow. "I'm so tired, I probably could have even slept in Odo's bucket." Nerys laughed out and slipped under her own blanket. "And I'm sure he would have let you do that."
"He loves me," she murmured sleepily and Nerys pulled her close to press a soft kiss to her temple. "Not as much as I love you," she whispered before wrapping her arms around Y/N's waist and pulling her close, sighing contentedly. There was silence for a few moments, but Y/N couldn't hold it in any longer.
"Nerys?" A soft "Mhhh," was the reply. "Did you enjoy our honeymoon?" Silence. Then the rustling of duvets was heard and Nerys had sat up, leaning on her elbows and looking at her anxiously. "But of course. You didn't, did you?"
"No! No! I've enjoyed it very much. It's just-" She bit her lip. It was stupid, why had she had to bring it up? "You always seemed so tense and nervous and worried about Deep Space Nine. I was afraid you didn't like it."
"Oh," Nerys gave out, sitting up properly to take her face in her hands. "Oh darling, why didn't you say that before? I could have saved you all that worry." Sighing, she pulled her closer. "Of course I enjoyed our honeymoon. I was able to devote two weeks to just us, of course I enjoyed it. It's just- I'm not used to doing nothing for two straight weeks. I grew up during the occupation, so we didn't really have time for that. But I really enjoyed it. And I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't." She kissed her tenderly. "How can I make it up to you."
A sly smile spread across Y/N's lips. "Dinner tomorrow night in our quarters followed by a bath together." Nerys laughed and kissed her again. "How about I add a massage on top?" Y/N began to beam and dropped into bed, pulling Nerys with her. " Nothing I'd like better than that."
They stared lovingly into each other's eyes for a while before Nerys grasped the intiative and leaned forward to kiss her softly again.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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dragonmuse · 2 years
apparently I'm in a talkative mood, so while I didn't get to every DS9 character, here's who I think everyone from the Revenge would be on the show:
Eddy- Definitely Sisko. In charge, a trickster, capable and dangerous, savvy and sensitive.
Stede- A 100% Bashir, smart man out here thinking he's doing frontier medicine? Slowly adjusts and becomes a vital strong member of the team, but will always be a bit of a chaos muppet.
Jim- Total Odo, loves to play at being the enforcer, but ultimately follows their own moral code. Had difficultly expressing emotions at first, but has come into their own over time.
Oluwande - Total Miles. He's just trying to keep everything working and putting out fires, but he also loves to roleplay with his friends and occasionally engage in total chaos.
Lucius- Jadzia! Just out there being competent, a gossip, in the ear of leadership, protecting the people he cares about in his own way. Love.
Pete- Rom! Starts off not super appealing, easily swayed by a powerful figure, but gains confidence, sheds the ideals of his society to win the love of an awesome person.
Izzy- Potential Garak energy really. If he swings back in the second season to have to ironically help Stede's crew to claw back the damage he's done, then he just hangs out being cryptic and odd and having a lot of chemistry with a dark haired man? Bingo bango baby.
I cannot think of anyone that matches up to Kira Nerys' amazing energy. Open to suggestion there!
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nimthirielrinon · 4 years
Odo should be a slime mold!
Let me elaborate:
When creating Odo, the writers wanted to make him as different and strange and “other” as they could, so they made him this enigmatic being with a completely unknown physiology. So they made him a being that doesn’t eat, drink, smell or taste, but can change into (almost) any shape he wants. But here’s the thing: you could have had him be EVEN WEIRDER and really played up the way “solids” felt an aversion toward him by making him a slime mold.
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So slime molds are freaking awesome. They are squishy and they change shape and move around, splitting apart and coming back together, much like how the shapeshifters do. This means you keep the shape shifting aspect of Odo, and the need to be liquid as a form of sleep AND have him start to come apart if he holds solid form for too long, because he needs a nap! But here’s the added fun of being some kind of slime mold, specifically, needing to eat and having a sense of taste and smell.
Speaking of taste and smell, in Solids it functions as a means of chemical analysis, helping us find nourishment and avoid poisons. For Odo, this could again be any part of his body, and his sense of taste and smell could be all part of the one system, instead of relatively separate like in humans (though we do have some olfactory sensors in the roofs of our mouths), and you could imagine him tasting/smelling something and leaving a sticky residue on its surface. He could use it as a means of tracking, for instance, travelling along surfaces like a goopy sniffer creature. Kind of like this:
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It would also make intimacy with solids go up a level because of how much sensory input he’d get from the physical contact.
The thing with Odo is that ANY part of him can be, well, *any part*. So Odo being able to eat could be something he learned to do by creating a cavity in his abdomen and releasing digestive juices in just that area, but if he’s REALLY hungry, he could start to “sweat” digestive juices, and it would gross out EVERYBODY.
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If he wants to stay fed for a long time without needing to eat, he just doesn’t chew his food and let’s his body break it down gradually. Kind of like an internal lunchbox. If he really wants to play up the weirdness aspect, he might just extend his hand and encase his meal in a glob of goo and digest it slowly that way while his friends giggle and the xenophobe walks off in disgust.
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When he gets dehydrated, he might shrink and shrivel and bits could break off. Maybe Julian has to develop a “skin suit” for him so he doesn’t lose much water, or he might keep an internal waterbag in his belly to gradually absorb throughout the day, kind of like his lunchbox.
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So, having a means of energy input, Odo could also grow (potentially regrowing pieces lost due to damage or similar), or even reproduce, if he wanted to. I’m sure some kind of explanation could be given for the lump of goo that is his baby not automatically inheriting all his knowledge, so we’ll pretend that when a small lump breaks off for reproductive purposes it doesn’t retain everything Odo knows.
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This is where I could segue deep into possibilities for their culture and ideas of self, but I’ll save that for another time.
He could still have had similar problems when stuck in solid form and similar philosophical dilemmas as to the nature of self, community, and belonging, while also managing to be energy more alien and strange to Solid sensibilities.
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My fandoms and my favorite characters and ships
I’m going to talk about all my fandoms and my top one or two characters from each fandom, and my top OTP from each one, if I have any. I’m going in order from when they entered my life. 
Star Trek: The Next Generation
I watched TNG when it first aired in 1987. It was my first fandom and my most time honored fandom. I literally grew up watching it as a child, until it ended in about 1994, when I was about 10. I didn’t know about ships or OTPs or anything back then (no internet cuz you know... it was the 80′s and I was a child). But I did have my favorites: 
Favorite Characters
Captain Picard: Seriously Picard is awesome. He was my first role model. He always had an important lesson to teach and he always did the right thing. I had tons of different Captain Picard action figures.
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Dr. Crusher:  She was probably my very first girl crush. I seriously loved Dr. Crusher. I thought she was tough and smart. In the 80s, when women were beginning to be able to go to college and stuff, she was especially important because she was the Chief Medical officer. She had an important role on the ship.
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OTP: It shouldn’t come as a surprise that my OTP for TNG is Picard and Crusher. I wanted them to get together so bad!! My favorite episode was “attached” an episode in season seven where the two of them were stranded on a deserted planet and could hear each other’s thoughts. They learned about their intimate dreams and their feelings for each other.
Star Trek Deep Space Nine: 
Deep Space Nine is near and dear to me because it was MY show. I watched it as a young teenager. It was there for me when I was dealing with some dark times in my life, and dealing with the challenges of being a teenager. it was the first fandom that I wrote fan fiction for. Of course, there was no internet then either, so it was just on notebooks and those notebooks have been lost in time. But even now, Deep Space Nine is my default when I can’t decide what to watch. Its my comfort zone, it’s where I feel safe. It was also one of the first times I felt moved by a show ending. I mourned TNG but I was too young. DS9 left just a void and there was no netflix to take comfort in, so no reruns.
Kira Nerys
I loved Kira so much! She was so bad ass. I seriously wanted to be her back in the day. She had a quick temper and she could be stubborn but she had a very tough past. She was a terrorist. She fought for her people’s freedom and she cared deeply for her planet. She dealt with some serious trauma and PTSD because she had been fighting as a resistance fighter since she was a child. It’s all she knew. Living in caves, starving, surviving. She taught me how to be resourceful, my favorite quote is when she said if you need a hammer, use a wrench. 
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Constable Odo
Odo was the sheriff in town. He cared about justice and getting at the truth and he tended to be very hardline about it. He took his work very seriously. I loved his banter with Quark. Odo was the observer, he was on no one’s side but he didn’t hesitate to give his opinion and he wasn’t a fan of authority. He did things his way.
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OTP: Kira and Odo! I shipped them so hardback in the day! I knew they had something from the very beginning. In season one I shipped them. I was waiting through the whole show to see them be canon, only to be crushed when Odo left in the series finale! That kiss on the promenade was probably the best thing that ever happened to me!
Star Trek Voyager
I admit I didn’t get into Voyager right away. I was mourning for DS9 and couldn’t handle any more Star Trek spin-offs at the time. So I didn’t get into it until it had already been syndicated. But when I did, it definitely hit me hard. I was going through my early community college years, making friends, I met my husband around this time. I moved away from my parents. There were a lot of changes in my life so VOY came into my life at an important time.
Captain Janeway
Of course, I love her! She’s the captain! She’s smart, she’s tough, and she doesn’t take crap from anyone. She was another huge role model in my life. She was a scientist and a leader. Her crew mattered the most to her and it was through her that I learned about sacrifice and bravery. 
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Commander Chakotay
I liked Chakotay. I liked his spiritual side. I happen to be part Native American so that’s something I related to him with. He was a strong sensitive type. The warrior. 
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OTP: Janeway and Chakotay of course! I wanted them to get together so bad! It kills me when they had so many close chances that never happened. I mean it was so clear that they loved each other and that Chakotay/Seven thing at the end was a total slap in the face to us Janeway/Chakotay fans! I still hate the writers for that! it totally ruined the series finale for me.  
X-files: So begins the era of stuff that husband introduced me to, starting with X-files. I had never watched it back when it was on because I only had eyes for Star Trek, but my husband, who was my boyfriend at the time, introduced me to pretty much every fandom from here on out. X-files was his show, its what he grew up on. 
Scully: I’m a total Scully girl. I love her! She’s a scientist and she wears a gun. Total badass! And I love that even though her scientific mind, she was also spiritual which, as a pagan, I can relate. She knows that she is in a male-dominated occupation but she doesn’t let it bother her and isn't afraid to give people a piece of her mind.
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You can’t have Scully without Mulder! I love how dedicated to the cause he was. And my husband and I have this on going joke that whenever you see a top secret secured area you have to wonder if Mulder has broken into it yet. Cuz he always manages to get to places where he isn’t exactly supposed to be. 
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OTP: Mulder and Scully of course! Mulder may be a goof ball but he has said some of the most romantic, amazing things. “You were my constant” that whole speech right there was amazing.
Lord of the Rings
My husband introduced me to Lord of the Rings. I never read the books until I met him and even then, I’ve only read the Fellowship, but I loved the movies. They are my ultimate sick day splurge. I plan a LOTR/hobbit marathon when I get sick. 
Aragorn: I think we are seeing a pattern. I like the leader types. The warriors. Which is why I love Aragorn! Also, I’ve always had a thing for guys with long hair so there’s that. But yeah, Aragorn is the sensitive, courageous warrior but he also has this self-doubt. He worries that he won't live up to what everyone knows he must become. 
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The younger brother to Boromir. I hate how Faramir’s father treated him and I think it’s sad how he still looked up to him and to his brother. He was brave but he had a kind heart and he deserved better than Denethor.
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OTP: To be honest, I didn’t really ship anyone from Lord of the Rings. 
Rurouni Kenshin
I’ve never really been into anime but this is the one exception. And of course, my husband introduced me. He’s been a fan of the anime and the manga. I like this anime for it’s historical content. I am a history major and I love fandoms that make the setting a big part of the show. Like the setting itself is a character too, and this was certainly true in Kenshin. Meiji Japan was a character in the show in many ways. I really loved how it tied history into everything, describing Japan’s beginning of imperialism and its rise that would eventually put it on the world stage.
Kenshin is my favorite character! The wandering Samurai who just wants to protect people. He’s the warrior type just like all my other favorites. 
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OTP: I didn’t really ship anyone, although I did have a soft spot for Kenshin/Kauru and Sanosuke/Megumi.
The Legends of Drizzt
My favorite book series of all time! I got so obsessed with the Drow through reading these books. My favorites were the first books about Drizzt and his homeland. This is also the first fandom my friend and I got really into and started RPGs with. WE had done RPGs with Voyager and X-files crossovers but this was probably the longes RPG series we did.
Drizzt Do’Urdon: Drizzt and Kenshin have a lot of similarities. Drizzt is another warrior type. He was abused by his female-dominated society until he finally had the courage to do what few drow ever did- leave. He faced hatred and discrimination on the surface because everyone feared the Drow.
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OTP: I didn’t really ship anyone. I liked Drizzt/Cattie-brie and I thought it would have been nice if he got to reconcile with Ellifain and maybe they could have been together, but that’s all.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
I wouldn’t say I am a hardcore Buffy fangirl, but I love the show. My sisters were really obsessed with it back in the day and they both know every single episode by heart. My husband is a huge fan so he finally got me to watch it. 
Willow Rosenburg
Willow’s my favorite! She’s nerdy, geeky, and witchy. She’s been Buffy’s number one and she’s no side kick, she can handle her own. I was a nerd in school, and still am so I get her.
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OTP: I liked Buffy and Angel and Willow and Tara. I also thought maybe Xander and Spike would have been cool, or maybe Xander and Andrew.
The Hobbit
I loved the Hobbit movies despite the criticism. They were my first attempt at publishing fiction online. I have a bunch of my old Hobbit fics on Fan Fiction.net still. I also have saved some of my all time favorite Hobbit fics. I love the brotherly love between Fili and Kili and fan fic writers did such a good job of capturing it!
I am on the ‘justice for Fili’ team for sure. I seriously feel like Fili deserved way more than what he got in the movies. The third movie irritated me because Fili hardly got a part. It’s like he wasn’t even there. Fili was Thorin’s heir and I just think fan fiction does a way better job of giving him the love he deserved. 
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I loved Kili. He’s the younger brother so he feels he has to prove to Thorin- his hero- that he can do what needs to get done. I think it hurt him to be left behind.
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OTP: No OTPS here, I don’t really ship anyone. I wasn’t a fan of the Kili/Tauriel thing at all. When I write Hobbit fics, I have these OCs I have been using for years that I ship with Fili and Kili but that’s all.
Last but not least! Supernatural is my last fandom. I’ve been a part of it for about three or four years. It’s my most current, the one I’m into the most at the moment. After it ends, that will be it! No more fandoms for me, all my fandoms will be things of the past. But my husband introduced me to it. He and I both have an interest in theology so that’s why we got into it, for all the angel and religious aspect. I like the mystic stuff, and I like how angels and demons are these different species with their own rules and such. That is the thing I’ve always loved about science fiction and fantasy- I love learning about non human cultures. I like learning how their society is. 
Hannah is my current crush these days. I love her. I pretty much think she is a goddess. I have so many reasons. I love that she is a soldier and she’s tough, I love that she has flaws but that she’s brave. Her inner conflict was the best part of her character, how she struggled with her sense of law and justice and with her emotions. She seemed to struggle a lot with trying to process the things she felt. I can honestly say that she is the closest I’ve ever seen to a female person with autism in any of my fandoms. That’s why I love her so much, I relate to her on such a personal level, being autistic myself. She inspires my writing and my art so much. She’s probably my favorite character out of all my fandoms right now. I’ve never related to a character more than I do to her. She is the character I love to play the most because she feels comfortable to me. 
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When it comes to team free will, I am a Cas-girl all the way! Who doesn’t love that adorable little angel? I feel like Castiel’s whole time on the show has been so sad. He rebelled for his friends and ever since then, it’s been one disaster after another with him and even now when season 15 is about to come out, I don’t think he’s ever found true happiness, and that hurts. He misses being an angel and it hurts that they don’t accept him for who he is. I’ve tried to touch upon Castiel’s emotional health a lot in my writing because I don’t think the show does a good job of addressing it. He has done so much for the Winchesters but I don’t think he’s happy with how his life is now, especially after the end of the last season. 
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OTP: Castiel and Hannah! My ultimate hardcore forever OTP. I truly believe Castiel loved Hannah and its clear that she loved him. She is one of the few people in Castiel’s life who seemed to truly, honestly want to address his needs. She literally begged him multiple times to take care of himself, and in true Winchester fashion, was willing to let Metatron out and this sacrifice the world, just to save Cas. She’s one of the few angels who cared about Castiel, even knowing what he’s done, none of that bothered her. In the beginning when they first met, when all the other angels wanted to kill him, she didn’t care what he had done and only left when she thought he had betrayed them and was quick to come back to him when she found out the truth. I love Castiel and Hannah, pretty much all my fics focus on them. 
NOTE: Before you start getting all upset about the fact that all my OTP ships are m/f, I want to point some things out to you. First off, I am bi. Second of all, m/f doesn’t always equal straight and m/m or f/f doesn’t always equal gay. STOP IT WITH THE BI ERASURE!!! I have plenty of other ships but these are my top ships and yes I mostly ship m/f. Just because they all just happen to be my favorites. Maybe because all the above characters tend to have certain characteristics and certain traits and it's their personalities that I ship not their gender. Also, I have huge crushes on the above female AND male characters so again, it’s probably why I ship them. Also, I am demisexual so sex doesn’t really play a huge role in who I ship. A lot of these characters also have similarities to me and my husband, so I tend to ship what I see in real life. I actually ship plenty of other ships other than what’s listed, yes most are still m/f, but some are f/f and some are poly. I don’t ship a lot of m/m because, well, I just don’t. I haven’t found any m/m ships that I really ship. I am all about chemistry first and if I don’t feel it I don’t feel it. Since sex doesn’t play a factor in my ships much, I need them to connect mentally and emotionally much more than physically. I also value equality in relationships. I am not into the whole ‘opposites attract’ thing. Characters have to be compatible. 
And one other thing. Chemistry is in the eye of the beholder. What one person sees as chemistry someone else might not agree and that’s okay. It’s okay to disagree it's not okay to be a hater.
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kaelio · 6 years
Dominion War opinions/blabberzone
I’ve always sort of disliked the Dominion War. To be honest, it feels like a case of wasted potential, where there was a really awesome idea-nugget that could have been used to explore what makes the Star Trek universe so engaging. I just... yeah, wish it focused more on the theme of the role of the Federation among the civilizations in the quadrant?
I mean you have to start with the groundwork: what is the Dominion War arc trying to achieve from a thematic standpoint? I’d say that ideally, it should cover the “role of war” in conflict between cultures, and how the Federation--as a highly ideological institution--perceives war, what strategies are applied under what circumstances, and whether this approach is justified and/or written as effective. (This is why the really good DW-arc episodes, like Under the Pale Moonlight and The Siege of AR-558 work so well.) 
That doesn’t mean every episode has to address this concern exactly, but I think it should be the strong focus of the Dominion War arc overall. (For example, Once More Unto the Breach is one of my favorite episodes but it exists somewhat independent of the themes that characterize the Dominion War arc.) I also think that the writers would largely agree about the importance of some of these themes, although I don’t think that the way that the show went about addressing these things was as effective as it could have been.
As a somewhat parallel but related note, I would strip out anything that felt like it had a “destiny” aspect. Star Trek is supposed to present a world of opportunity, and “destiny” narratives not only tend to rob characters of agency (and therefore undercut the significance of whatever choices they are making), but also divide characters into two camps: those who are allowed to matter, and those who are not. So, for example, I would have Sisko be the Bajoran “Emissary”, and allow that to have explicit cultural meaning on Bajor. However, I would never explicitly define what that meant for Sisko--I would never make it clear if the wormhole aliens themselves care about Sisko, guide him, or affect outcomes that affect him. Maybe they are! Maybe they’re not! Making decisions in the “listened to the wormhole aliens, who are right / try to resist for 15 minutes before coming around” space robs Sisko of the successes he derives from his own competence, virtue, and ambitions. It also unnecessarily highlights his character shield, implying he also doesn’t face normal consequences for his actions, which betrays their significance.
If it’s “destiny”, it’s banned!! 
I think the starting position of Deep Space 9 is basically perfect for this conflict. I wouldn’t really change anything at the outset. You have a space station above recently-occupied Bajor, Sisko has taken over the leadership position there, and his friend Dax joins him as newly-minted Jadzia Dax, spots and all. (Just to be clear, this doesn’t exist in my “alien redesign” world, though it could, I don’t think it would make any difference?) Sisko’s wife did recently pass away, and Jake is with him on the station, being a kid. 
Kira was a successful resistance fighter but not someone inherently super influential, and she’s there to ensure Bajoran interests are upheld. It’s not really a plumb position but it’s not bad, and it’s a testament to her diligence, intelligence, and capability. O’Brien is there as a highly-competent engineer who is thought to be able to repair and maintain a Cardassian station. His wife, Keiko, is there with him and in this timeline she actually gets to be involved in goings-on but that’s another story. Bashir, the hyper-competent if somewhat overzealous doctor is there, ready to do good with limited resources. Garak’s still a 95% burn-notice’d spy in exile. Quark has his bar and his brother Rom is there to assist him along with his son Nog. Odo is the changeling security officer who they inherited along with the station. So, the only real difference being that Sisko’s role as the “Emissary” is still culturally clear, but in real terms, highly ambiguous. 
I’d also start off the series the same way: the stable wormhole opens and DS9 becomes more influential. I don’t know if I’d have it extend all the way to the Delta Quadrant though--maybe just some place well out of known space. At that stage, DS9 goes from backwater junker to essentially the sessile form of the Enterprise: neat aliens and interesting conflicts come to it, but the format is similar. And I’d also give that a few years of breathing room to get to know the characters and develop their dynamics. At that point, gears start turning.
The Cardassian government starts churning a little. Gul Dukat should have been associated with the occupation of Bajor, but whether it’s a little too “cute” that he ran DS9 (or inappropriately small-scale) and it runs against my beef with “destiny”, I’m not sure. But anyway, he becomes a rising political power on Cardassia. He’s charismatic and superficial; he’s addicted to attention and validation from others. He does actually cut a figure that is effective as a leader--people like to follow this guy. He is backed up by the stoic Damar, who is substantially less cunning than Dukat, but wise and a careful strategist. As a team, they carve a powerful political niche in the Cardassian Union.
Okay, here’s where stuff starts to get radically different:
Dukat is part of the political contingent who hammer out an alliance with the Romulans to attack the Klingon Empire. (This might also leverage a connection Tain had developed, that’s not super important.) The Romulans like this idea because they can get rid of one of their contentious borders and focus their efforts on the Neutral Zone. The Cardassians like this idea because they know that the Romulans will take the brunt of the casualties and damage (particularly since the Cardassians and Klingons don’t border in most maps I’ve seen), and they still get to remove a significant threat, as well as pick up necessary resources from conquered worlds. The Romulans aren’t as resource-hungry as the Cardassians, so it’s a rather sensible divide for the two. 
The Klingons start taking a beating, and the Federation must decide what--if anything--to do. It’s not to suggest that the Federation and the Klingons are suddenly buddies, but there’s a lot to fear in a successful Romulan/Cardassian alliance. (Aside: For the purposes of the scenario, please assume there are Romulan characters who matter in DS9....) A few ideas are bandied around:
1. Suggest to the Klingon Empire that the Federation assist the Klingons directly. Rationale: If the R/C alliance is successful, then Federation-controlled worlds are likely next. (Well, after they clean up any minor powers they feel like, such as the Tzenkethi.) Detractors point out that actually, taking ownership of the Klingon Empire--assuming that the R/C alliance even wins!--will probably keep them busy for a while, and it does get rid of the Klingon, a perennial thorn in the Federation’s side. If the R/C alliance fails, then all of the Federation’s major rival powers will come out the worse for wear, putting the Federation in a strong relative position.
2. Suggest that the Federation assist the Klingons covertly. Mostly the same rationale as above, although it introduces some duplicity and wouldn’t be as outright effective. If it’s never uncovered then everything is fine, if it is, then that’s a black eye for the Federation’s reputation (not that the Romulans or Cardassians would disagree with the logic!) 
3. Do nothing. Firstly, it’s not the Federation’s war to fight. Furthermore, letting your enemies duke it out while you keep your own nose clean is quite appealing. The downside is, among other things, that the Federation lost the opportunity to develop and active stance and acquire possible benefits. The Federation benefits in relative terms and will likely end in a strong position, but is also likely to be targeted in the future by any continuing R/C alliance.
4. Offer to join with the Romulans and the Cardassians! The advantages are many. This combined alliance would be virtually guaranteed to win against the Klingon, perhaps so decisively that causalities are comparatively limited. The Federation could also bargain for amenable borders, or the return of worlds conquered by the Klingon, in return for their assistance. This also puts the Federation in a better position to bargain with the Romulans or Cardassians in the future if either party would rather join with the powerful Federation than the other for any future major conflicts. Instead of the Federation looking down the gun of the R/C alliance (with whatever benefits come from having taken Klingon space), suddenly the Tal’Shiar is knocking at their backdoor asking if the Federation might just be interested in knocking out the Cardassians. 
This is a major conflict among contingents within the Federation, and they spend quite a while arguing it. During this time, during unrelated expeditions through the wormhole, Sisko & Co. discover the changeling homeworld. Odo is very excited.
The changelings have a bit of an ordered (and teensy bit apparently fascist) bent. However, their powers--which, as in DS9 proper, are better developed than Odo’s--present endless possibilities for subterfuge. Ultimately, someone informs the Federation of the changelings, and a determination is made: the Federation will select #3--they will not become directly involved in this war. For now, anyway. However, they will form a compact with the changelings, and send them to infiltrate every side of the conflict: Romulan, Cardassian, and Klingon. 
The Federation presumes that the changelings are in earnest, even though there doesn’t seem to be much that the Federation is offering them. The changelings claim they protect themselves by knowing what is going on and being aware of threats, which makes some sense (especially given their tale of historical abuses from solids). Odo vouches for them, and he’s always been a pillar of the community. The Federation is largely enthusiastic to take them on board, and not critical. Sisko is considerably more suspicious, but he is not heeded by his higher-ups. 
Sisko and others are also concerned that this is a substantial violation of the Federation’s values and sets a horrible precedent for how the Federation engages with other sovereign governments. I mean sure, he accepts that spies exist. Other governments have provably used them against the Federation, and the Federation has spies. It’s not okay, but it’s an established, historical practice. However, what’s missing with the changelings is almost a sense of fair play. A changeling is an espionage superweapon, of which the other major players are unaware, and they are being used in what is technically a time for peace for the Federation, to exploit a war that is gruesome in extent and brutality.
The Klingon Empire eventually falls, and though a few rebel forces remain (rising particularly from the civilian population), the Empire is essentially gutted and billions of Klingons die. 
Jadzia is aware of the “logic” underlying the Federation’s approach, but she never forgives it. In her mind, once it was clear the Klingon really would fight to the last warrior, and that this would entail de facto genocide in defeat, and that the Federation might have been able to curtail it, but instead sought to leverage it, she loses all respect for the Federation as a government. She continues to serve in Starfleet as a way to help Sisko during these difficult times, and support him in his criticism of the Federation’s chosen strategy (as well as promote the interests of the remaining Klingons, some of which are orphans and refugees). There are times when she considers sabotaging official Starfleet missions and etc. She serves but considers herself an apostate.
Given his experience in espionage, Garak’s brought into the thinktank on the matter. (That he’s trusted at all is a function of the Bashir link still developing in this version of events.) Garak’s not a fan of the changelings either, and had told Sisko as much. The Federation has no real leverage over the changelings and are just as vulnerable to the techniques they are teaching the Changelings to use against the Romulan Star Empire and the Cardassian Union. Sisko agrees but still views it in an ideological space, not an existential-threat space.
Dukat gains power and popularity for his role in promoting the alliance and subsequent war, defeating the Klingons, and improving the Cardassian resource base. Thus far it all seems to have been a good move and he’s now an influential Legate. He’s the talker and the firebrand but as usual, Damar’s the one crunching numbers about what their next move should be. It’s worth noting that Damar is perfectly happy with this arrangement, and given Cardassian culture, sees it as a safe and effective position from which to promote his agenda under the guise of it being Dukat’s. Dukat is almost like an assassination-mulligan. 
There’s also some Romulan who should have existed, I’m going to make it Cretak because she deserved better, who is the face of the Romulans and is enjoying complementary boons in reputation and status among the Romulans, so this alliance has been going relatively well. There have been some arguments and misunderstandings, but ultimately the prize was so good, and the Obsidian Order / Tal’Shiar so evenly matched that they’re making a good go of it.
The Federation hears about the inner workings of this alliance via its changeling agents. Members of the Federation become increasingly concerned. They’re hearing about plans involving inviting, conquering, or even slaughtering the Gorn and the Breen. No one is talking about wholesale war with the Federation--yet--but they’re down in ships and exhausted, with many officers dead. Admittedly, it wouldn’t be the right time to attack the Federation still at its full force.
However, someone in the Federation gets the idea to play the Federation’s relative strength for a further advantage. The changelings are ordered to begin trying to upset the R/C alliance and to promote distrust and animosity between the two factions, and in fact to try to instigate another war.
What could be better for the Federation than for the Romulans and Cardassians, already weakened and trying to maintain control over a vast new territory, to go to war themselves? Whoever should win, they would both be further weakened, and yes, it’s being suggested that the Federation could then rapidly swoop in and overcome the victor. I mean it’s sneaky, perhaps, but imagine--a Federation bordered by no powerful enemies at all. Sure, the Breen are still out there, for now, but get serious. No more Neutral Zone, no more DMZ, and no Klingon border. It’s a dream come true and you don’t get chances like this every day.
Sisko literally thinks this is the most horrific, reprehensible thing he’s ever heard. Jadzia agrees and is apoplectic. Kira sort of likes the plan, since she’s distraught at the recent successes of the Cardassians and is worried for Bajor’s future if Cardassia remains strong on a trajectory to become stronger. Bashir abhors war and can’t support it. O’Brien is on the fence but generally thinks it’s wrong, though he understands the appeal. (What they don’t know is that Garak has managed to smuggle word out to Tain, so the Cardassians are quietly pretending to be unaware of the changelings, but are learning to identify them and mislead them, throwing as much false intel as possible back to the Federation. The Romulans, however, still don’t know, and the Cardassians are using that fact--I mean, they can’t really help themselves, an advantage like that.)
Jadzia publicly breaks the news of the changelings to the Romulans and the Cardassians (or so she thinks, in the latter’s case). This is a huge violation of everything ever and she knows it. However, it’s a principled stand against a Federation she views as willing to profit from bloodshed. The Romulans, led by Cretak, are furious, and the Cardassians, via Dukat, come out as publicly also furious!
This has an unexpected effect: it’s the changelings who flip. Suddenly, they transition to the next stage of what was their ultimate plan: destroy any powerful contingent of solids. See, from day one, they felt any powerful union of solids was a threat; changelings disdain and fear disorder, so their goal was always to drive the Alpha Quadrant to as many wars as possible, including eventual civil war within the Federation, to break up these powerful forces into smaller, disorganized communities, and destroy them. 
(And of course, they had already been installing agents in the Federation as well.)
Odo is heartbroken. He had no idea!
Garak is quite annoyed because he absolutely thought this would happen.
Jadzia is suddenly unsure of whether she did the right thing by coming forward.
Kira admits she was wrong to let her obsession with the Cardassians lead her to promoting immoral strategies and that her own perspective was, in a way, one of war profiteering (if not for latinum). 
Quark uses the opportunity to make a point about dishonesty within bounds.
Sisko is so mad because he sort of thinks the Federation kind of deserves it for what they’ve done!
The changelings immediately do a ton of damage. The Federation, Cardassian Union, and Romulan Star Empire quickly realize that their only hope is to join forces to try to identify and drive out the changelings before it is too late. The Cardassians do have to admit that they knew about the changelings and had a few techniques for identifying and waylaying them. The Romulans are mad about that but they’re in a tight spot and will have to save that tantrum for later. 
Eventually, after working together and countless painful losses, the changelings are identified and driven out. How this is done exactly, and where they go, and what is done with them--eh. Maybe they’re given some sort of place to be roughly equivalent to Megan where they can feel confidently safe, who knows. 
What’s important is it leaves behind a Federation that has seen the ugly side of compromising its values, and has a damaged reputation among the system. There is some shuffling among the leadership of the Federation, and anyone who promoted the changeling plan is at best blacklisted from high office or major influential positions. 
Oh, also at some point Dukat dies and Damar has to take over, which works out well for the future since he’s not nearly as aggressive as Dukat and is fine with Cardassia working to now improve its internal strength and be at relative peace with the other bordering governments. Cretak can stay leader through it all because she is neat & cool, and good for her making it to the endgame, you know?
The Romulans, Federation, and Cardassians emerge overall wounded-but-intact, and there’s something to be said for the fact that they’ve just defeated a greater foe--together!--but they’ve also seen an ugly side of one another, and still maintain significantly different cultural values, some of which are outright detestable to the others. What will happen from here isn’t clear--there’s a moment of genuine peace among these historical enemies, and though everyone is grateful for it, there is still the lingering notion that war, someday in the future, may again be an inevitability as memory fades and powerful interests seek to raise the stakes.
Sisko and all are left to consider what choices they made along the way and whether they did the right thing. Character arcs reach logical conclusions--Jadzia has still become Ezri, for example, probably due to an execution from someone or other. Garak’s exile is lifted based on his role in assisting Cardassia from DS9. I didn’t talk about him but Rom still joins Starfleet and does have a valuable perspective--one that would have been valuable when assessing big questions earlier, but was not available due to Ferengi being largely brushed off even in areas where they can be very keen. Perhaps Odo is made the warden for the other changelings. The major questions to chew on are:
1. Is it right to be interventionist in wars that do not immediately affect your direct interests? What is the role of neutral governments?
2. What strategies are appropriate against “rival” forces that are not explicitly hostile?
3. What strategies are appropriate against hostile forces?
4. What is the appropriate level of transparency for a government? How much transparency should governments exhibit with one another?
5. What alliances can be justified and under what circumstances?
6. What is the dividing line between being justifiably opportunistic and being exploitative? 
Sisko comes out largely justified: he believes in genuine Federation values, and promoted them. But... could he have done more? Should he?
ANYWAY, that’s how I wish the Dominion War played out. (You’d probably even have to call it something else!) Thanks for reading this far!!
I’m always interesting in hearing other opinions too or knowing about anywhere else people have been talking about it!
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prepare4trouble · 6 years
I was tagged (a while ago but I didn’t have time until now) by @sturwurstrash to list my top 10 male characters!
Unfortunately, I suck at this kind of thing and I struggled not to name every single character ever. So I’ve given myself an extra rule. I’ve tried to only include one character from each movie/show/franchise.
So, in no particular order:
Kanan Jarrus (Star Wars Rebels)
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(I might have said no particular order, but Kanan had to go first. I’m still not over what happened to him so I won’t dwell too long, but yeah. He’s the reason I watched Rebels.
Spock (Star Trek)
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I was a Trekkie long before I was a Star Wars fan. I was 9 or 10 when I first saw the original series, it was on every day after school, and I recorded every episode on vhs tapes (because it was the 90s), carefully labeled each one and watched them endlessly. Star Trek got me into science fiction, and Spock got me into Star Trek.
The Frog brothers (The Lost Boys)
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This is cheating a bit, since there’s two of them, but I couldn’t choose, anyway, they’re basically inseparable. Or they are until Alan’s forced to drink vampire blood and spends a decade or so desperately trying not to give in to the thirst and turn fully, while Edgar’s shame and fear means he barely acknowledges his brother’s existence. I could write literal volumes about the Frog brothers, in fact, I have. Just check my FanFiction.Net or AO3 accounts if you don’t believe me. A lot of my feelings about these guys is mixed up in fanon and my many, many headcanons. This random 80s movie will always have a special place in my heart, and while a lot of people like it for the vampires, or the Emersons, for me it’s all about the Frogs. The sequels are good too (the Thirst is, anyway, it’s all about the Frogs!) and the Frogs are the only characters to carry on into the other movies. And comics. In fact, just writing this paragraph makes me want to revisit the movies, and maybe write Frog fic again...
Burton “Gus” Guster (Psych)
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Gus tries so hard to be the straight man to Shawn’s over the top sillyness, and fails every time, actually succeeding in being even funnier. Probably because if you put him in a room with literally anybody else in the universe he would be the clown. It’s just in comparison the Shawn that he looks (almost) normal.
Illya Kuryakin (the man from UNCLE)
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I’m talking here about the original Illya, the one played by David McCallum back in the 60s. I didn’t like the version in the movie remake a few years back, he just wasn’t Illya. I loved that he spoke a lot of languages, and he was pretty too. That helped. Oddly, I found out years later that my mum had had a crush on him when she watched the show when it was first on. I discovered it years later, of course.
Matthew Murdock (Daredevil)
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For so many reasons. Please note it’s Matt that makes the list, not Daredevil. Daredevil is a bonus, but only sometimes.
Zuko (Avatar)
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I love the journey he went on, from being the main antagonist of the first season to Aang’s friend and teacher. I never thought when I started watching Avatar that the weird bald ponytailed kid would end up being my favourite. But when he cut his hair and went into hiding, everything changed.
Rodney McKay (Stargate Atlantis)
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I just love him. Always will. He’s snarky and arrogant, but with a big enough heart to make you root for him anyway.
Lister (Red Dwarf)
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This was the first non kid’s show I was really into and Lister was one of the best things about it. The rest of the characters are awesome too though, so it was difficult to choose which one to put on here. Lister wins though, because he’s the best.
Merton Dingle (Big Wolf on Campus)
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Merton was funny. Honestly that’s the main reason a lot of these characters ended up in this list. He was also the weirdo loner at the school, which I could definitely identify with at the time. And he ended up as best friends with some awesome people, which I guess I wished I could identify with? I dunno. (Also he likes the Lost Boys too. Both the Corey’s had cameos in this show and that’s what made me watch the movie in the first place.)
Honerable mention: Ezra Bridger, Han Solo, Foggy Nelson, Shaun Spencer, Adrian Monk, Toby Domzalski, James Lake Jr, Blinkous Galadrigal, Aaarrrgghh!!!, Nog, Odo, Uryu Ishida, Uncle Iroh, Sokka, Arnold Rimmer, the Cat, Wolverine, Carson Beckett, Jack O’Neill, Daniel Jackson, Teal’c, Clint Barton (Hawkeye), Deadpool, Al Calavicci, Quinn Malory, Hank Yarbo, Kurt McKenna, Maurice Moss, Nick Knight, Lucien Lacroix, Cisco Ramon, Benton Fraser, (and probably more that I’ve forgotten)
I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you want to do it, consider yourself tagged.
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DS9 with 001 of no one asked, Kira Nerys with 003 otherwise (or you choose which one you like best)
sry this took so long, I couldn’t copy more than one line at a time so I had to get a bit complicated lol and I’m going to do both!! bc why not
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Sisko!! My loving and very supportive father 💗💓💖💞💫💘💜💕✨
Least Favorite character: predictably enough, Dukat
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Ben/Kasidy, jadzira, keikira, Indendant Kira/me, Ezri/Kira
Character I find most attractive: the woman in red with the double pointy ears who was a very brief love interest for Sisko in one episode, Kira with short hair, Indendant Kira
Character I would marry: Jadzia
Character I would be best friends with: probably Jadzia as well lol
a random thought: the plot line with Ben being half prophet was so awful for several reasons. his bio mom having been possessed by a prophet and forced to spend 2 years (at least) with Joseph Sisko and have a kid was deeply rapey, and we never found out if she could watch what her body was doing from the inside but had no control until the prophet left, or if she just blacked out and one day woke up next to a stranger years later and found a toddler calling her mama… the show totally glossed over that and just said that one day Joseph woke up and she was gone. on top of that I preferred him being entirely human and still that awesome
An unpopular opinion: let Jake and his bad fashion LIVE
My Canon OTP: Ben/Kasidy!!
My Non-canon OTP: don’t make me choose between jadzira and keikira
Most Badass Character: i mean. Kira. But also Ben!
Most Epic Villain: honestly I really liked Kai Winn in later seasons and I felt awful for her re: the whole finding out her lover was Dukat fiasco. She deserved better than the ending she got!!
Pairing I am not a fan of: Julian/anyone but Garak but especially Ezri, Odo/anyone but especially Kira, Kira/any man but especially Shakaar and Odo
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Worf because they set his relationship with Alexander back to square one, Julian in season 7 going back to chasing after Dax, Sarah Sisko with the aforementioned half-prophet storyline, Kira by not making her gay
Favourite Friendship: Jadzia and Benjamin 100%
Character I most identify with: Kira
Character I wish I could be: Jadzia Dax… confident, great at gambling, hot, strong, good fighter, brilliant, hard worker, hot,,
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: god I love her so much!! She’s so strong and angry and she’s allowed to be angry when she should be instead of being soft for the men around her and she still believes after all she’s gone through and she’s fiercely protective and loyal and also willing to work on some of her (imo absolutely justified) prejudices
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Jadzia, Ezri, Keiko, Indendant Kira to a certain extent, I think there’s a couple female characters who appeared in one or 2 episodes and had good chemistry with her as well
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I love how Ben has to work to earn her trust and how over the seasons they grow much closer than they expected, even with the bit of awkwardness since she does believe he is the Emissary
My unpopular opinion about this character: I guess that her relationship with Odo wasn’t a step up from the previous boyfriends or remotely “cute”. I was very taken aback by the amount of Kira/Odo positive content on tumblr I saw after I finished the show. Plenty of fans dislike her relationships with Bareil and Shakaar (may he rot in pieces) but like her getting together with Odo 😬😬😬
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: LESBIAB
Favorite friendship for this character: Jadzia, Furel, Lupaza, Ben
My crossover ship: I found a one-shot of Kira and Princess Leia meeting and there being some ust there and I liked it! Someone also drew Kira hanging out with Susan Ivanova from Babylon 5, a canon lesbian first officer of a space station, in Quark’s 👀👀👀
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loverskisslikedeath · 6 years
Tagged by both @brotherskywalker​ and @staringatthetwinsuns​... sorry it’s late, I was away visiting family LOL
rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
i choose:
Star Wars
Star Trek
Once Upon a Time
the first character you loved:
Leia all the way
I don’t remember the first because I don’t remember when I started watching Trek, but the first character I remember loving was Deanna Troi
Regina. She’s the reason I started watching the show (walked through the living room while my sister was watching it, went “Who’s the hottie in the corset, leather pants, and stilettos?” and haven’t looked back :D)
the character you never expected to love so much:
I literally only have one answer for all the fandoms because I really don’t think there’s a single character in any of them that I disliked or was ambivalent about that I now like. I can’t think of anyone. Oops?
the character you relate to the most:
Luke? I guess??? I mean, he’s the most like me, at least in ANH. But really I don’t particularly relate to anyone in Star Wars.
Deanna. I’ve always been the friend everyone could talk to, with a good shoulder to cry on, ear to listen, and usually good advice, too.
Henry, especially in season 1. I was always the kid who got super into things (still am) and wanted to talk about it but nobody wanted to hear what I had to say and tended to make me feel bad for being so into things. So yeah.
the character you’d slap:
Jar Jar Binks. Cuz, y’know... he needs it.
You know, at first I was gonna say Gul Dukat, but I wouldn’t slap him. I’d shot a Varon-T disruptor at him. So I’m gonna go with Q. (Kai Winn is a close second, but Q gets the edge by being a disruption on three shows instead of just one.)
Before the second curse, Snow White. After the second curse, Emma Swan. Knee to the balls, Hook.
three favorite characters (in order of preference):
Leia Organa, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Honorable mentions: R2-D2, BB-8
Deanna Troi, B’Elanna Torres, Kira Nerys
Regina Mills, Zelena (Mills?), Ruby Lucas. Honorable mention: Belle French (she’d have tied with Ruby if not for her willful ignorance of how terrible a person Gold is)
a character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Han Solo. Kinda. I never really actively liked him, he was just kinda there and that was okay. Now I actively dislike him. (Will still ship him with Leia, tho, because, y’know... logic.)
Worf, kinda. I like him in TNG, but I really dislike how they basically reversed 7 years of character development once he went to DS9.
Emma Swan. I could write essays on the character assassination of Emma Swan, but I won’t. Other people have written them better than I could, anyway. Suffice it to say, she turned into a caricature instead of a character.
a character you did not like at first but now do:
Obi-Wan, kinda. It’s not that I disliked him in the original trilogy, just that I didn’t have much of an opinion. Then Ewan McGregor came along (the thirst is real) and was so awesome in the prequels that I just fell in love.
B’Elanna Torres. She was too abrasive for me as a teen, but now I just love her ballsy way of going about things.
Zelena, absolutely. I mean, she was a villain at first, and directly opposed to Regina (my forever fave) so of course I hated her. But then she took the chance Regina gave her, and learned how to love, and now she’s precious and I will defend her to the death.
three otps:
Luke/Leia forever. My ship to end all ships. The ships which everything gets compared to. (Okay not really, cuz I don’t tend to compare my ships, but someone says “soulmates” and I say “Luke/Leia”). Um, who else? I guess Han/Leia, tho that’s really just by default and I’m only invested in the Leia half. And Stormpilot. Because Finn and Poe were 100% gay for each other in TFA.
Worf/Troi. This is actually a pretty new ship for me, they used to be my nOTP when I was a teen, but I rewatched TNG a few months ago, and they’re just so cute??? Odo/Kira for the perfect friends-to-lovers <3 And Janeway/Torres for all your lesbian science nerd needs.
Swan Queen. I know, I harped all over Emma in two different sections above, but I still love the idea of her and Regina being together. They alternate between being like oil & water and oil & fire, and somehow it just works anyway. Evil Charming, gotta love that enemies-to-lovers thing. And yeah, Wicked Queen. Sorry-not-sorry? What can I say, I love my separated-at-birth sibling incest ships *shrug*
three nonromantic relationships
Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan (tho if they wanted to make out, I mean, I wouldn’t object...), Obi-Wan & Anakin (ow my heart), Poe & BB-8. Honorable mention: Luke and R2-D2.
Deanna Troi/Beverly Crusher (tho as above, I wouldn’t be opposed to making out happening), Deanna Troi/Will Riker (tho I also ship them, but just their friendship is adorable), Kira Nerys/Jadzia Dax (shenanigans. Need I say more?)
Regal Believer (I would literally fictionally kill someone for more scenes between Regina and Henry), Snow Queen (I usually hate Snow, but I love the weird friendship thing she has with Regina), Beauty Queen (I know they haven’t had much interaction, but any interaction Belle and Regina have had has been awesome)
So I’m supposed to tag people, but I always feel weird tagging people? @reflectingiridescent @notebookishtype IDK who else???
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thegeminisage · 7 months
ok! it's time for a ds9 update. last night we squeezed in "move along home" and "the nagus."
move along home (ds9):
i am Informed this is a divisive episode but honestly i had fun w it!!
nice 2 see jake always. every time jake is on screen w his dad sisko my best friend sisko get to exude good dad energy. love that.
like. please. he's gonna give jake the talk? at 14??? 14 is too late. he knows everything. also lmao the fact that nog there ferengi where women don't wear clothes told him everything. i'm choosing to ignore my annoyance with ferengis as a whole and find that funny because of sisko's reaction
reasonably funny antics between quark and odo here. i am getting a little tired of odo not getting anything to do besides flirt with quark, but then i have to remind myself that odo had an episode all to himself quite literally six episodes ago, it's just our insane watch order + bad batch and natla coming out that makes it feel longer to me
quark like screaming on his knees begging not to have to put someone to death when nbody was gonna die anyway was actually really funny, but i do like the nuance in his kneejerk reaction when he found out the pieces were people, which was to forsake pride and ask odo to play for him. he could have gotten defensive for the bit, which he did do later, but his first reaction was to be scared which is like completely normal and went a long way towards humanizing him in an otherwise VERY silly episode
my favorite moment of this episode, besides the part where they hotboxed the shap, was when those little balls of light were coming towards them and sisko was like FIND COVER and julian bashir, instead of finding cover, stood directly aainst the wall they were aiming at, ass first. and then died. i want that twink obliterated.png
the nagus (ds9):
thank you to whomstever warned me about this episode
it was not good and it did suck bad. i think this was the first real dud ds9 gave us (i'm not counting the q one cuz that was basically a tng episode in disguise). i feel like it would be sooo easy to walk back some of the really awful elements of the ferengi but instead of doing that we have chosen to crank them up to 11. sexism, antisemitism, etc etc...
my other problem is that. and before anyone gets mad i have a touch of faceblindness. I CANNOT TELL THOSE FERENGI APART. they gave two of the ferengi the same nose and i was totally lost trying to follow the plot.
quark holding the idiot ball. he's dumb in his own way because everyone on that space station is using their last brain cell but he's also very shrewd. so it just felt off. and again odo had nothing to do except flirt with him but that's a me problem
BUGS FOR DINNER. i hated this episode in more ways than one
THAT SAID. we finally got to see o'brien again! and shockingly i really really really really liked the b plot
i did go blind with rage when nog got pulled out of school. yes. but the rest of it.
first of all it's really funny that jake is running around with nog all the time and their families are both going DON'T!!! and sisko is like Oh No My Son Has Discovered Girls when there is every evidence he is even now discovering boys
SECONDLY sisko reminding o'brien that one day his adorable little three year old will be 14 and the light leaving o'brien's eyes
but my favorite part is that jake wasn't being late to curfew because he's a bad kid or falling under a bad influence. he's a GOOD kid doing an AWESOME thing. idk, it was really sweet that like, even when sisko was like "yeah racism's bad but with ferengi it's different" jake was like "is it? :/" and then went right on teaching his buddy how to read. and now he's earned dad's permission to hang out with nog finally. it was a fun little subplot that i didn't realize was going anywhere and then it did. a very pleasant surprise and kept the episode from being a complete drag.
also, dax coming it and daintily sampling sisko's soup or whatever, then deftly getting rid of sisko so she could help herself to a giant heap lmao. queen
anyway, even though that's definitely been the worst ds9 ep so far, it wasn't NEARLY as bad as some of tng's duds. i'm thinking specifically of "code of honor," "violations," etc. like it could have been so much worse. i'm not going to delude myself into thinking we're past all the clunkers just yet, but i was still expecting a solid hour of agony and what i got was not that. not good by any means but not tng. whew!
TONIGHT: "starship mine" and "lessons" from tng. thots and prayers🙏
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kyoupann · 7 years
if you're still doing the ultimate ship meme thing, all the categories for Unagi (ofc~) plus Reichel x 217 if you feel like it/if it's not too much?
Look at odo being awesome and coming back~!Of course it’s not too much!! ^^
I’m always up to talk about the otp, you kno ;)
Reichel and 217
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - forever
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - slowly, yk. Like ‘we’re friends and we love each other a lot but it’s not the time to be gay, maybe tomorrow’
How was their first kiss? - soft, lips barely touching and I imagine Reichel holding Nina’s face.
Who proposed? - Nina, in the most casual way possible bc ‘it’s not a big deal, you already knew this would happen’
Who is the best man/men? - nyantaro is the only one fitted for the job
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? -  The 7 ladies in ushi dorobou
Who did the most planning? - I’d say both did equally planning w
Who stressed the most? - Reichel
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - melochin  I really don’t know? they are both pretty chill
Who is on top? - my girls are versatile and like to switch from time to time
Who is the one to instigate things? - I think Nina would initiate things without wanting to? by making an innuendo or being just silly
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - it depends on whatever they are doing, if they go all vanilla they could last hours with lots of cuddles in between~
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - not necessarily but they do make sure both are pleased in the end c:
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | a solid 7| 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - insemination is always an option but I don’t see it happening? so none
How many children will they adopt? - one girl!!
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Nina always finds the way to leave the dirty stuff to Reichel
Who is the stricter parent? - Definitely Reichel
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Reichel
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Both do the little girl’s lunch every morning
Who is the more loved parent? -
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?- I feel like Reichel would handle these better than Nina,
Who cried the most at graduation? - Nina. Reichel is a strong and not-really-indepedent-woman-as-she-is-married that is saving her tears for university graduation and wedding.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Definitely Nina would cover her up but then she would be like “ listen here, love. what you did was stupid and wrong and you just better pray I change my mind of telling you mother about this because we both know you’re gonna get your ass whooped”
Who does the most cooking? -  Niina
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Reichel
Who does the grocery shopping? - the whole family go on 2 hours long grocery shopping mini trips.
How often do they bake desserts? - once every month
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - they can’t live without pork and fish but they still eat all their veggies
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Niina is just out there being the perfect 60′s wife
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Niina~ she would like to treat Reichel to some fancy place every once in a while~
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - none??? that danger is inexistent?
Who cleans the room? - whoever wakes up last
Who is really against chores? - Niina gets things done after hours of procrastinating
Who cleans up after the pets? - Niina promises she’s going to do it but in the end it’s reichel the one that does it.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Both do it and deny it.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Reichel
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Niina but then she gives it to reichel in an attempt of bribing her to do the bathroom.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? -  Reichel
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Niina + the kid
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - They do it every year for halloween bc the house looks cool
What are their goals for the relationship? - idk mate don’t ask me the impossible be happy together forever I guess???
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Niina
Who plays the most pranks? - Obviously Niina!
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - it’s an on and off relationship
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - way too quickly
How was their first kiss? - they probably were drunk and like “man I think I might be gay but idk” “just kiss me, bro, it’s fine” and it was slow and scary but it was alright
Who proposed? - Ryo put the idea of marriage out and Melochin just followed  and properly proposed (a.k.a. r: dude, I wanna marry you someday. m: ‘k)
Who is the best man/men? - considering the circumstances, two of them would be the guys melochin hangs out with recently and of course nagi and k’suke for the sake the ol’times.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Miume is the 1st supporter of this relationship so she deserves the place, then you just add other good pals like Niina and that cute cosplayer Ryo danced with once
Who did the most planning? - They were like planning completely different weddings on their own but somehow met a middle.
Who stressed the most? - Ryo stressed the fuck out of Melochin. The planning was easy but Ryo is so picky and everything has to be perfect bc dude it’s their day that even choosing the colours of the napkins was difficult
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 I imagine a wedding on the beach on breezy summer evening bc they are that extra| 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - yoshiki no one?
Who is on top? - Ryo is a bossy bottom , which can be both good and bad
Who is the one to instigate things? - I fee like both of them are pretty direct when they want to do the do ?? soo
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8  they make sure the passion never dies out| 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 your average bondage couple with some sensory deprivation on the side and maybe a praise kink somewhere| 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - it depends on what they are up to. from 15 minutes quickies to hour lasting sex.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - yeah, kinda? I like to think one’s an actual asshole and leaves the other with a hard on when they are too lazy to do even a sad handjob.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. There is no in between.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 they cuddle after sex but mostly bc ryo is a whiny bitch about the cold he feels afterwards| 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - none?
How many children will they adopt? - One girl
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Melochin was always the one in charge of diapers and Ryo never learnt how to change diapers that were soiled with more than pee.
Who is the stricter parent? - Melochin is the white suburban mum
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Both are overprotective and fear for the life of their kid
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Melochin doesn’t trust Ryo to make lunches for any of them, so he has to make them 7 days a week.
Who is the more loved parent? - both are great parents??? what are you talking about???
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Okay, so, Melochin, being the suburban mum he is, attended one of these meeting once and afterwards the school didn’t contact him but instead calle Ryo. Sorry but Melochin’s daughter can’t do wrong. Apparently, it’s easier to talk to him about their daughter
Who cried the most at graduation? - both are sentimental fucks and cried at every graduation from nursery school to university
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Ryo would so do that. He’d be like the cool parent, yk. the one that let’s you have ice cream before dinner. But nothing is free and the child has to do something in return and bc he’s an actual little shit he wouldn’t tell melochin abt it but wait and kinda make the kid confess what they did on their own.
Who does the most cooking? -  Melochin bc we all know ryo-lun can’t cook for shit
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Ryo is so picky, he’d eat everything but whine about it later
Who does the grocery shopping? - Melochin drags Ryo with him bc he insists Ryo needs to know what to buy in case Melochin isn’t around
How often do they bake desserts? - Ryo and the child whine 24/7 to melochin to make some dessert and Melochin is a loser and always complies
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - they cannot live without meat, fish and pork andveggies are great and melochin know how to sneak them into their child’s plate without her noticing
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Believe it or not, he might forget dates and shit but their wedding was th e best day of their life and Ryo can’t get over it :’)))
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Ryo
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - the possibility of this happening is nonexisting as Ryo isn’t allowed to use the stove.
Who cleans the room? - it’s a rock, paper, scissors match every day.
Who is really against chores? - Melochin might be a white suburban mum but really despises cleaning
Who cleans up after the pets? - Ryo bc it’s his dog
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Melochin, only to be caught by his partner.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - They both do because they wan to be GREAT HOSTS ™
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Ryo because Melochin doesn’t clean.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - they are both sluts for their image
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - They go out with their kid on a family walk
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Ryo likes christmas. You can’t tell me otherwise. As soon as the the calendar reaches December 1st, the birthday decorations are thrown into the trash can and the house is covered in all sorts of christmas decorations and fake snow and ready for a whole month of christmas carolls he doesn’t understand
What are their goals for the relationship? - they planned a life togehter but it wasn’t enough and they divorced
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Melochin. On weekends, though, Ryo might feel rebellious and sleep in
Who plays the most pranks? - Melochin is an asshole and Ryo is just an easy target.
Thank you for keeping me alive , odo.
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emmettwrites · 8 years
You’ve got a crew, too.
Hello, young STAR TREK fan. My name is Emmett. I’ve been working on STAR TREK for years, but you probably don’t recognize me or my name because I’m one of the folks working in the background. I do a lot of audio work, which means that sometimes it’s my job to help make Mister Spock sound smooth, or to make Klingons to sound proud-and-honorable -- even when they’re speaking Klingon (which I still don’t understand).
It’s good that I work on audio, because there’s something that you need to hear. It’s this: You’ve got a crew. When I was very young, I was a STAR TREK fan, too. My mom worked late, so I would stay up late -- That’s when STAR TREK came on TV when I was a kid. Most of the other kids didn’t know anything about STAR TREK, so sometimes I felt lonely.
But as I got older, I learned that there were a lot of kids that loved STAR TREK and I got a chance to meet a lot of them. Some of them looked like me, some of them were different. Some of them had a different religion than I did. Some of them came from other countries and didn’t even speak the same language that I did. It was a struggle, but we figured it out. Because just like the Enterprise, we had a crew. Even though we were totally different.
So, you might feel lonely. You might feel different. The truth is that you are different. That sounds like bad news. It’s not. It’s great news. Because we need all kinds of different people for our crew. Where would the Enterprise be if there were only Mister Spocks aboard? What if the Voyager only had a couple of hundred Harry Kims? What if Deep Space Nine had a thousand Odos sloshing through the decks?
To build the awesome future we see on STAR TREK, we need different people. People with different colors of skin, people with different religions, people with different ideas. On STAR TREK, we used to fight the Klingons. Now we’re lucky enough to have the Klingons on our crews! Yesterday’s enemy can be today’s friend, and tomorrow’s family.
You are unique. You are different. But you are not alone. You have a crew, even if you don’t realize it yet. No matter who you are, or where you come from. Sometimes it’s hard to find the rest of your crew. Sometimes it’s hard not to feel so alone -- It’s the hardest part of just being you. But the same things that make just being you really hard are exactly what the rest of your crew needs.
Just remember at all times: You’ve got a crew.
Have you noticed that sometimes on STAR TREK an episode will be about something, but when it’s over you realize it’s actually about something else? Me, too.
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elgatounicornio · 8 years
a little script i wrote for a pilot story that connects odo’s journey and nebula: lore somehow, hopefully soon it will be finished in comic book format and even more hopefully someday i’ll be able to adapt it to animation format. 
Deska, a 16 years old girl with green dreads wearing a gray-green jumper talks excitedly with an elder, healthy looking woman, Uliah, 318 years old, who wears a similar jumper in a different colour.  
DESKA One last thing... can I take Odo with me? Pleeease? It’s a M class planet, we won’t even need walkers! ULIAH Will you keep your eyes on her all the time? Will you ask the ship for help straight away in the first sight of trouble? DESKA Yes! I’ll be super ultra careful! She’s been so down since the last rite, I think it would really cheer her up. ULIAH Ok, but watch out. That little girl is nuts and the Singular is not the best at giving her boundaries!
INT. ODO’S QUARTERS Odo, 12 years old, is laying on her bed staring at something invisible in front of her, moving her hands in the hair with grace and a certain obsession. Deska knocks and comes in directly without waiting for an answer, seats close to Odo. DESKA So remember that book we’ve found at the second hand store at that station in Alpha Centauri? ODO The one with the cryptic writing about little salamander men? DESKA They were axolotl men, but yes! We’re just in the vicinity of the planet mentioned on the book. And Uliah allowed me to go check it out... and take you with me! ODO Oh, wow! That’s awesome! I don’t get why they’re always afraid something is going to happen with me while we have a super powerful AI watching out for us all the time. SINGULAR I see it as part of the inexorable tendency humans have to project their own limitations. They cannot fully grasp that I am completely able to multi-task. Plus older humans often tend to underestimate the survival instincts of their younglings. ODO And listening to us all the time as well..! SINGULAR Sorry, do you prefer if I pretend I am not here? ODO What if we want to have a private conversation? SINGULAR Then let me know and I will try my best to pretend I am not here. At least I will definitely refrain myself from interacting. You could always try holding the conversation in a soundproof cabin but that did not turn out well for humans last time. INT. SHUTTLECRAFT ODO This is so exciting to be in a journey just by ourselves! DESKA Yeah, it is! The scanners can already read the planet but it reads no signs of humanoid life whatsoever, just fauna and flora, no buildings. For what the book depicts I imagined it would be at least full of ruins. ODO Did you ever scan the book? DESKA Yes, it did encounter some unusual neutrino levels. ODO Well you know what that means! DESKA Yes, that this book may have time-travelled, or an Orgalorg farted on it! ODO Hahaha!
EXT. PLANET SOMA DESKA Oh wow it looks nothing like i expected! ODO It doesn’t look like there was ever a civilization out here... maybe the geography of the planet changed so much since then that all the parts that were built now are underwater? DESKA I find it highly unlikely.. The ship’s scan would have read it even if it was submerse. Still, this planet looks amazing. I’ll have a look if there’s any information on the book that I can relate to what we find here now. ODO How do you make it, Deska? DESKA What do you mean? ODO How can you deal so lightly with the rites? DESKA The rites themselves? Well it’s like an interesting game! ODO You know that is not what I mean... DESKA Well, I love the rites. I actually feel quite refreshed after them... enlightened! ODO But how can you deal with knowing how they’d have treated us back then? And just us! I mean... ok, it’s not like it would have been easy for Pêta or Kokolo... but for us specially, it just feels so random. DESKA Well, it took me a while to start feeling like this, it wasn’t like that when I was your age... for a while it just felt pretty shitty. ODO How did it get better? DESKA Hm... I think the more I’ve learnt about the past the more I understood that personally, each of those people thought they were doing the right thing and they didn’t learn that in one moment or another. It was everyday. Each misguided imbecile was taught everyday that he was doing something reasonable. And the system that created that imbecile also thought it was doing the right thing through its development... I mean... do you get where I’m getting at? ODO I guess so... DESKA We are privileged to have the opportunity to see this things from this perspective, to have access to all the information and the help of the Singular to see things with the clarity of distance. This helps me not get stuck on the anger I feel about the past... I guess at some point I just started feeling such a relief for not having to actually be there and deal with that reality that I stopped being upset about it having existed. And I can’t help feel revenged somehow, you know... we kept to keep going, they died without even... Odo? Odo? Odo rolls down a hill. ODO AHHHHHH..... I’m down here! I’ll try to find another way back up!
Odo walks around, looking carefully at the landscape around her. She looks inside a tree bark and finds a small, odd looking person-creature working on a tiny lab. This creature has no hands and moves around very little, looking carefully at the outcome of her experiments while little tentacles growing from the floor and from the table move all the apparatus needed for the experiments. If it wasn’t for her obvious facial expressions regarding the development of the process it wouldn’t be easy to assume she was in charge of everything, it could just look like the interior of a machine or an internal organ working without conscience.  
EXT/INT ODO OUTSIDE/MEENTHRA INSIDE TREE BARK ODO What are you doing? MEENTHRA Ugh you startled me. I am... creating something. ODO What are you creating? MEENTHRA Hm... Company I guess. ODO How come you can speak my language? Are you telepathic? MEENTHRA I can be if I choose to, but most of time time it just feels like... Why bother? It is just extra headache. I just know your language. I know all human languages. ODO How do you know I am a human? MEENTHRA I have been to your homeworld. ODO The Earth? MEENTHRA Yeah ODO I have never been to the Earth. MEENTHRA It is a lovely sight. Lots of fucked up shit happened there, but the longer you people are away from it the better it looks. ODO Are you the Starmaiden? MEENTHRA WTF is a Starmaiden? ODO Some sort of goddess I guess. My friend and I found a book about her, we came here to research. MEENTHRA My name is Meenthra. That is pretty much all I am certain about myself. What is your name, human child? ODO I’m Odo. DESKA (FROM OUTSIDE FRAME) Odo, where are you? ODO My friend is looking for me. I’ll be right back, she’ll be thrilled to meet you. MEENTHRA It was interesting meeting you Odo, the human child.
EXT. SOMA ODO Deska! I’m over here! DESKA What were you looking at? ODO You won’t believe what I’ve found, I think I just met the Starmaiden! DESKA But the computer didn’t read any sentient humanoids on the surface... ODO Well so how can you explain this! Odo points do the interior of the tree bark. DESKA What exactly? ODO What do you mean? DESKA Although it does look beautiful inside this tree bark I wouldn’t say this lichen looks like an all powerful goddess or something... ODO What?! No way! She’s in there with her tiny lab! DESKA Have you been eating any of this fungai? ODO I was not hallucinating! I’m serious! She was there! We talked! She spoke English and had been to the Earth! DESKA You do look a bit dehydrated...
2 notes · View notes
sleepymarmot · 8 years
DS9 season 2 liveblog
[Season index: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PS]
The Homecoming
They're opening the season with a three-parter about Bajoran-Cardassian problems, and Dukat will show up right in the first episode? The writers are not wasting time...
Sisko's unusually cheerful.
Again, I'm amazed at this new heroic O'Brien who is so unlike the background character I've watched press buttons for years.
One does not simply walk into a Cardassian camp! Unless you're these two.
This is completely crazy! What'll stop the Cardassians from destroying their ship?
Just as I was going to say "Why not beam the wounded right from the runabout?", they actually do so -- but just after exiting it. Is there any in-universe reason behind it, or just the ease of fiming?
Why is Dukat being so friendly? Maybe he has spies among the freed Bajorans? If so, it better not be Li Nalas himself...
Bashir you're embarrassing yourself -_-
Quark, why are you always such an ass to your brother? Is that really necessary?
Poor guy.
Oooookay?? The previous scene made me completely trust him, but now my suspicions are stronger than ever. He's replacing Kira? Seriously? That has got to be someone's plan.
Well, this episode was meaty. And it really seems like the show is finding its feet -- unlike Duet, this episode didn't remind me of the other series and feels uniquely DS9.
The Circle
Aw, Odo's being a good friend! I don't remember him ever becoming so agitated before.
Vedek Winn as guest star? *grinds teeth in advance*
what a mess... I don't know if it's funny or sad. What a contrast to Data's friendly, nice and organized goodbye party :D 
"These are my... these are my friends" 
Do the Prophets really need to show her this sexy crap? Also, I'm too faceblind, is the guy in the vision the freedom fighter or the priest?
Odo and Quark!
I don't understand, which of these two is trying to convince the other to support them? And I don't like how blatantly evil they act.
(Seriously though, you say "Prime Directive", I hear "stupid bureaucratic crap that gets in the way of doing the obviously right thing". Either retire it or write it better, dammit!)
The Siege
Okay, I might change my mind by the end of the episode, but this might be the strongest of the multi-episode stories so far.
Aww Nog
"The Cardies" haha
Ugh, don't do the "wife asks husband not to be a hero" thing
The freedom fighter becomes a leader for real!
Sisko and Bashir turn and walk away in sync lol
"Is that a spider or a dog?"
Please stop ruining your engaging story with scenes about cartoonish villains...
I've... actually completely forgotten that O'Brien had been in the Cardassian war until this very moment. That's probably why he has been so opinionated, not just because of Picard. 
That's it? Kinda underwhelming.
Ugh, killing Li Nalas? I didn't expect this show to cling so hard to status quo...
The first episode was the most impactful, but the entire story is still very impressive, epic and engaging!
Invasive Procedures
End of previous episode: Everyone happily returns after evacuation! Beginning of this episode: The station has been evacuated
Quark and Odo: *bicker* O'Brien: Ughhhh get a room already
Previous episodes: main characters defeat the forces of the entire Bajor This episode: DS9 is easily hijiacked by a handful of mercs & amateurs
That's an impressive "As you know" speech, Dax
When will poor Jadzia get an episode that's not about her being victimized and quietly accepting death?
Yes, I get it, the entire thing is just a plot device to show us Dax without Jadzia (and hopefully, Jadzia without Dax, if she'll be awake for it?), get on with it please
I hope the second half of the episode is about Dax working against the antagonist literally from the inside
Well, it's pretty disappointing that Dax by themself has so little personality and moral compass. I guess Sisko was all this time really friends with just Curzon and Jadzia, not Dax. Honestly, it's easier to forgive Quark (who sort of redeemed himself with an amusing scene) than Dax after this episode.
I was planning to go to bed after this one, but hell, I need to wash down this nonsense
I see Bashir has gained a lot of confidence since Past Prologue
"I am no more a spy than you are--" "A doctor"
I guess not everyone is fine with strangers touching them haha
"To us, he isn't even one of them any more" uh.....
"They won't hurt you. They're humans, they're not Cardassians" jfc...
"Don't apologize. It's been the high point of my day. DON'T DO IT AGAIN." 
(Sisko seems to chew out Bashir more often than others. Is Bashir just the most undisciplined?)
Oh, here we go, O'Brien's anti-Cardassian racism again, makes sense for it to be in this episode
Poor Keiko, she's trying so hard
Miles is getting over himself! I'm proud of him
Bashir is learning to yell at people! Two episodes in a row now.
Um, Miles, I don't think it's a great idea to tell these things to the boy's father...
Dukat's neck scared me. is that normal
GOD IT'S EVEN WEIRDER FROM THE FRONT why am I so bothered by this lmao. honestly was their casting requirement "not only be able to look ominous without actually doing anything, but to have an extremely long neck so we could sculpt interesting things around it"? i'm sorry i'm gonna shut up about this now
Garak if you hold that satisfied smile for some time more you're going to turn into a child-drawn picture of a sun
I love that Dukat doesn't even bother to finish the conversation, he just turns around and leaves without a word the moment it becomes clear that he lost
Ugh, poor boy... What a choice. Abusive family he loves and considers his own or the planet of strangers from an unfamiliar culture he hates, both claiming to love him and expecting him to identify with them? Even if they didn't tell who took him in the end -- he gets a bad deal either way.
it's much more easier to take Garak seriously when he's not dressed like a grandma who stopped giving a fuck 20 years ago. that's probably why he does dress like this, though... but shouldn't that hurt his reputation as a tailor?
This episode was awesome! Exploration of social issues, family drama, political intrigue -- all tightly wound together and making perfect sense. So far the Cardassian stories are the highlight of the show, I hope it's going to stay this way.
It's really weird how Bashir changed between seasons. He hasn't gotten a lot of screentime apart from this episode, but he seems less naive, awkward and bouncy, he's grown more confident, and the crush on Jadzia has disappeared without a trace. Tbh I'm kind of disappointed -- I was expecting a smoother character arc that would let him grow before our eyes and phase out his immature traits one by one. Same goes for his relationship with Garak -- we've only seen their meeting and now they act like besties, how did they get here?
No, wait, let me get back to the plot of the episode. So Dukat had a politician's child kindapped just in case that politician becomes his opponent at some indefinite point in the future, so that he could go through another complicated scheme to humiliate him? Had he absolutely nothing better to do?!! Did he arrange something like this for everyone who could ever possibly cross him?
Um, Julian, that sounded a bit too much like Geordi's style of creepy almost-stalking...
Wait, Melora is Grace Holloway? :D I didn't recognize her until the familiar name appeared on screen.
She complains about being treated differently and about following the same rules as everyone else in the same breath. Did the writers make her hypocritical on purpose?
Why is he doing this? Is he actually interested in her as a woman? Does he want to help her acclimatize? Or to put her in her place?
Okay, the low gravity scene is pretty cute even if it doesn't make much sense
Daphne Ashbrook in all your fandoms, kissing all of your pretty Doctors
so far it seems like in season 2 the good episodes are better than in season 1, but the mediocre ones are worse
god, the writing and design are so bad, I don't want to list everything that doesn't make sense to me, let's just move on
Rules of Acquisition
I was tired but the plot twist woke me up!!
Dax is so sweet
Poor Pel :( Shitty Ferengi values win again I guess 
Well, I'm glad he took a stand after all. And that they kissed. HELP I'M HAVING FEELINGS ABOUT FERENGI ROMANCE
Necessary Evil
Aw, Sisko called Rom "a family friend"
...so do Odo and Sisko perform the bad cop-good cop routine often?
yoo a flashback! I was wondering how Dukat was going to fit into this
"Cardassian neck trick" I... think I've already said enough on the subject lol
First meetings!
First meetingS!
I was distracted for some reason and didn't appreciate this episode enough :/ But it was very good!
Second Sight
Yikes Sisko don't embarrass yourself
"She's a married woman" "That would have never stopped Curzon" ew
ah I've missed the starship uniforms
what a boring episode. can we stop with the love interests of the week, please? I don't understand why the writers are suddenly forcing them so hard this season, and watching three of these in one day has turned my brain into soup. okay, Rules of Acquisition worked, but Melora and this episode were terrible!
(only pros: gorgeous woman, gorgeous dress)
What was even the point of the universal translator not working for a while? This had nothing to do with the story, and the only thing it did was to remind the viewer how implausible the entire concept is.
Second mention of the Dominion -- I guess we'll meet them in the season finale?
Yep, I'd be surprised if the promised land didn't turn out to be Bajor
Bajoran Leia!
Wait, why is famine a problem? Why can't the Federation just provide Bajor with replicators? Prime Directive again? I mean, they almost seem to want me to ask this question by cutting right to refugees in front of a food replicator.
Why are they so attached to the idea it MUST be Bajor? Ugh, I hate these stories.
Are you implying that El-Aurians have supernatural abilities and all this time people confided in Guinan not because she's charming and wise but because she mind-controlled them? 
Julian is a NERD and Miles is regretting all of his life choices that led to this point
(Gosh, I didn't realize how much I've missed scenes where the main characters just hang out together off-duty)
8 minutes into the episode and I still have no idea what it's about
Are you saying that O'Brien and Bashir's tennis rivalry is legitimately the B-plot because I'm really into it
"Not in this space-time continuum you won't"
oh my goooood
wait a sec, the listener is only figuring it out NOW?! h o w
finally, a really fun silly episode!
The Alternate
Wait, so when Odo is in humanoid form, does he see and hear like us, or "percieve" like in liquid form? Does he have 360 degree vision?
Put it back! This is either a defense mechanism or the environment needs this column to function for some reason; beam it back down
So Bashir's crush on Dax isn't dead? We haven't seen it for so long, I thought it was over. But why is he monologuing? that's just bad writing.
plot twist! D:
god, this doctor is so creepy with his Measure of the Man reenaction
poor Odo is literally having a meltdown :(
Armageddon Game
Another O'Brien and Bashir episode, nice!
Poor Keiko
Bashir's speech about wife and children at home is weirdly sexist, especially since the previous episode re-established his interest in Dax, and his previous romantic involvement this season was a fellow Stafleet officer too -- he should have the opposite problem (which was already discussed in "Melora")!
aw Quark, you don't have to hide behind the Rules of Acquisition to admit you care
Everyone around seemed to be acting like he smells bad, does this mean that's actually true?
"It's not doctors I have a problem with, it's--" "You, Julian"
jfc Miles, she's your wife, you should try to talk at least to her
Quark can't name a rule of acquisition by number? alright, for the first time in the episode I believe someone is fake
O'Brien is a badass
Are they absolutely sure the dead one is the clone and the real one takes his place, not the other way around? That was an awfully convenient excuse to shoot a Starfleet officer point blank without anyone asking questions... 
Poor communication kills. At first it seems like something is wrong with O'Brien, but since people refuse to talk to him about it, he becomes convinced literally everyone else is conspiring against him -- and turns out, no, the problem was with him after all! And then they kill him off for no reason just to maintain status quo and avoid the Thomas Riker situation. They could have told him at literally any point instead of being so stupidly vague, but no, gotta keep the plot moving for 45 minutes! Before they found the real O'Brien they could have arrested the clone and told him everything, I'm sure O'Brien would understand; and after they rescued the real one, they could have just transmitted the image, if they're so averse to words. And after acting so stupid, as a final insult the other characters keep talking over their poor dying friend in third person like complete jerks. The episode is great... until that ending. Which just doubles my frustration, because it's one thing when a story is mediocre to begin with, but it really sucks when a wonderful episode is ruined by shitty conclusion.
Yes, yes, I get it, this woman would do anything to keep this way of life and probably sabotaged the technology in the first place
What's wrong with replicated food? I hate this stupid trope
did she send the runabout away too?
what the FUCK
look, it might be useful social commentary to depict these rhetoric and tactics, but watching it is still torturous
it adds another level of creepiness that all this shit is done to a black protagonist -- was it intentional?
she's a more proficient torturer than the guy from Chain of Command
this woman is one of the most horrifying antagonists in all Star Trek. she actually believes all this shit
the engineer is supporting her? they all want to stay? for fuck's sake. she made them all see five lights
well. if the writers wanted to upset me, they succeeded
"How fascinating" :D
"Women don't react to me in that manner" What about Lwaxana, then?
"After seven lifetimes, the impersonal questions aren't much fun anymore"
Yeah, why does a 15 year old need a job?!
The local guy is surprised at Odo beaming up and back down, like he's never seen anything like this before, and two minutes later says he has scanned for transporter activity
I like how the Prime Directive isn't even mentioned :D Or is it a human colony? But isn't this the Gamma Quadrant?
"You want me to spy on Quark for you?" so excited, bless him :D
backstory for that one time Miles played cello on TNG!
I'm glad these villagers are not as conservative and stubborn as people from the previous episode
I am reminded how much more modern DS9's storytelling is than TNG's every time they namedrop the Dominion -- like Doctor Who did ten years later with Bad Wolf, Torchwood etc
I knew he'd transform for the little girl eventually :') Odo reminded me of Data more than usual this time because of the friendship with a child and the episode's general similarity to Thine Own Self. But while Data gets along with kids partially thanks to his own childish (in a good way) qualities, Odo is more like a grumpy but caring grandpa -- I'd even say there's some First Doctor vibe. 
(I'm a bit disappointed the episode didn't follow up on that promise of "Bashir practicing his purely theoretical spying skillz on Quark for Kira", because that sounds absolutely hilarious)
Playing God
Fun-loving cool senpai Jadzia is amazing
Interesting that Jadzia doesn't identify with Curzon at all in this case, despite presumably remembering their interaction from his point of view too
I didn't really understand how they solved the problem but I don't care
This is my favourite Jadzia episode so far. She finally got to show agency, have some fun, show off her professional skills, and explore her own identity (instead of standing around silently while other people explore it). And I love how other characters' scenes are vivid despite shortness: Quark playing tongo with Jadzia and giving well-intentioned if unhelpful advice to the initiate; Bashir's friendship with Jadzia and O'Brien; O'Brien calling across the border about his pest problem; Odo, Kira and Sisko's different approaches to the ethical dilemma.
Profit and Loss
Yesss! Cardassians!
Ooh Quark has romantic history with the pretty Cardassian woman?! This is getting better and better
A scene between Garak and Quark! is it my birthday?
"Personally, I find this style to be a bit too radical. But your friend seems the sort who appreciates that kind of thing" Does he know everything and everyone?! Though come to think of it, this shouldn't have surprised me at all -- even regardless of special channels Garak may use, these dissidents might be well-known to the point that their info is freely available on something like stateenemies.gov.car/wanted
I love how he casually rips an expensive dress to make his point
Passionate lover Quark is so strange to see
Odo's good at playing hard to get
lmao I've waited so long for someone to finally to hug Odo and... :D I do also love his relationship with Quark but I never expected these two things to intersect :D
so, did Garak change his mind on the fly or was he just stalling until that guy comes and can be disposed of?
alright, I amend my previous statement about one-episode love interests: Quark is allowed to have them, if all women who fall for him continue to be this awesome
Blood Oath
What, the holosuites have no sound isolation?! If so, who would ever use them for anything more... private than a recreation of a famous battle?
These Klingons have strange hair
It's so nice to see a young, human-looking woman as an equal to three old Klingons
ah bat'leth fighting, I didn't realize how I've missed it
-- and that young, human-looking woman is more of an old-fashioned honorable Klingon than the rest of them
what an outfit
I'm glad the Klingon interpreted her hesitation so favorably
*reads TVTropes* Wait, all these three are from TOS?! Damn... I could barely tell them apart. I really liked the episode, but turns out I didn't appreciate it nearly enough. Time for a little TOS rewatch?
The Maquis 1
What does the word Nor mean? Terok Nor, Bok'Nor...
The Vulcan woman looks great; nice dress.
"Jake-o" aww
Do Cardassians have a thing for showing up right in your quarters unexpectedly?
"We'll need one of your runabouts" "Where are we going?" Nice one, Sisko
"So you turn off my controls so I don't have enough light to take my photograph?" :D  
"Education is power. Joy is vulnerability" Dukat is being very quotable today?
"Of all the humans I've met you strike me as the most joyless and the least vulnerable" "I am when I'm with you"
Honestly it's as if they are writing Sisko and Dukat's interactions for me personally
I like how the Vulcan is taking Quark's courtship at face value
Wait, is Gul Evek that reasonable guy from Journey's End?
I'm starting to understand Preemptive Strike better -- so it all took place in the demilitarized zone? That makes sense. (How did I miss that?)
"I was looking forward to showing you more ways to mix business with pleasure" "Perhaps in the future. I do find you... intriguing, Quark" im screaming hooly shit I'd never have guessed that Quark of all people would be the chick magnet #1 on this station?? how did he manage to meet a woman this line would actually work on
good shit good shit
The Maquis 2
Sisko gives a show-defining speech!
"Vulcans are a species that appreciate good ears"
something tells me Dukat wasn't the one supplying weapons and the Central Command is trying to kill two birds with one stone -- oh look, this lie was so obvious that for once the characters saw through it right away too
"The Central Command wants him dead. That's reason enough for us to want him alive"
Interesting, Dukat suddenly started acting in a theatrical manner I've only seen in Garak before. Some Cardassian cultural thing?
Haha, I didn't even realize where Sisko was leading the conversation! He's excellent in this story
"With that kind of firepower, the Bajorans could have launched a full-scale assault on Cardassia" "And lost"
Damn, Dukat really has his Intimidate skill maxed out! Sisko fails the Paragon check, Dukat passes the Renegade check.
Finally we see someone explain to a Vulcan why they're being illogical instead of making some bullshit reference to emotion. I love you Quark
the only bad thing about this two-parter is that it kinda made me like the Totalitarian Lizard Man a bit too much??? how dare you. let me go back to my wholesome crushes on Bashir and Jadzia before I start stanning or something
oh, and also I hoped this episode would make the Maquis more sympathetic so I could feel better about Ro Laren leaving Stafleet for them... nnnot much.
The Wire
What a great episode!! I wasn't liveblogging at all because it was too intense. I don't even feel the need to comment on drama or character development -- the story and acting speak for themselves.
Alright, how the hell did Bashir reach Tain? How does one get the home address of the former head of secret service of a foreign empire?! And how did Bashir manage to convince Sisko to authorize this stunt and give him the runabout -- or did he steal it?
The "Elim" reveal isn't really a surprise after you've spent some time near a fandom where people tag characters by full name... 
What interests me now: is Garak going to act differently now that he's not keeping himself drugged? Will he go through withdrawal? In the final scene he pretends everything is Back To Normal, but... Or was the table-flipping scene the extent of his withdrawal symptoms?
Another disjointed thought: this is a wonderful example of a satisfying hurt/comfort story 
Star Trek has some amazingly intense dramas for two actors. The Most Toys, Chain of Command, Duet... This one is different because in order to bring the two characters together and at the same time isolate them from the rest of the world, instead of captivity it uses doctor-patient relationship. Oh, another story from a different fandom it reminds me of, now that I think of it: Scherzo.
Lmao it's nice that even after leveling up at unstoppable determination and compassionate badassery in the previous episode, Bashir still can be a ridiculous dork 
...though it is pretty jarring that right after a high drama where he shows his capacity for patience and caring, and greatly deepens his relationship with someone, the next episode opens with the awkwardest attempt at befriending (and flirting?)
I didn't expect Garak to appear in two episodes in a row!
Why is Mirror Kira walking like this...
I started laughing at "I don't have a designation, sir" because my mind immediately went to "There's no need to call me sir, professor"
Female Cardassian guard! And Kira called herself attractive, heh.
Mirror Quark is dressed so poorly...
Okay, Mirror Kira definitely wants to fuck herself -- wait, that's actually canon? Do all evil Kiras hit on women? I wish they'd let our Kira do that too. I know it was written in the nineties, but I really don't appreciate the "evil=bi" trope
Well this was pretty weak. The only mirror character who works well, i.e. exposes the real character's darker side, is Odo. Kira looks just weak and hysterical. (Remember how I complained about her acting in the pilot?) Mirror Garak is actually less intimidating than our Garak.
The Collaborator
Can't say I'm very excited to see Vedek Bareil again. I liked him in his first episode for ideological reasons, but this romance...
Oh no, the Sydney Opera Hat is on the Promenade again? Is she planning another assassination?
"Welcome back. You're under arrest"
The episode was not engaging to watch, but I enjoyed the Grey Morality (tm).
These Cardassians have lost all shame, what do they think they're doing
Evek again, and I think another familiar face?
Here comes the good cop
I'm glad they're not spending an entire episode on a Chain of Command remake. 
Not telling the accused what they're charged with: a deliberate ploy to mess with their mind, or do the Cardassians not even bother to think about these things anymore?
Huh, Odo had a Cardassian rank that's still valid? That's useful.
Alright, but wasn't O'Brien still declared guilty? So the scheme to discredit the Federation worked?
Also, a missing molar isn't good evidence. Maybe it means that man was just captured and processed by the Cardassians, like O'Brien. And why would a spy alter his appearance but forget about this? You'd think humans and Cardassians have different enough teeth that he'd have to get dental implants anyway. 
I found one good thing about the Cardassian "court"! The judge has fabulous hair.
The Jem'Hadar
"I bet we'll have a great time!" "I know we will" Please don't say things like this in the opening scene of a season finale...
Aw poor Sisko :D
"Guess" "He said yes" "Guess again"
Aw Quark needs a hug
Aww kids
Aww Odo cares about Quark
"If the Dominion comes through the wormhole, the first battle will be fought here, and I intend to be ready for them." Well. That's a chilling line to end the season on.
As much as I like it when the Federation arrogance is called out, Quark's speech just doesn't work. "The way I see it, humans used to be a lot like Ferengi. Greedy, acquisitive, interested only in profit. We're a constant reminder of a part of your past you'd like to forget." Well, yeah! That was basically the original concept for their species! "Humans used to be a lot worse than the Ferengi" -- so what? 24th century humans are disgusted by the atrocities of their ancestors, so why can't they also be disgusted by the exact same things perpetuated by their contemporaries? Domestic abuse and sexism are wrong, no matter who does it. Note how this entire speech sidesteps the violent misogyny, aka the Ferengi's most obvious appaling trait. This is like saying "Don't judge the Cardassian state for being totalitarian! That's just their culture, you don't understand!"
General impressions
Bashir and Jadzia finally got some character development!
I live for Cardassian episodes. It's fascinating to see a dystopia in the universe that started as a utopia, and see how characters from both sides deal with each other. 
(Random thought: I want an AU episode like "Crossover" where another universe/timeline's Cardassia is a free state, and for a Cardassian viewpoint character our world is a nightmare scenario just like the Mirror Universe is for our heroes.)
I don't loathe Winn as much as I did in the first season finale. That makes her kind of underwhelming as a recurring antagonist. On the other hand, that might be a good thing, because getting so angry repeatedly couldn't have been good for my health. But because they're represented mainly by the hateful-but-not-enough Winn and the bland Bareil, the Bajoran affairs are usually not as gripping as the Cardassian. I hope to see more of their secular politics next season.
First season was very even; second has two irredeemably clumsy stories (Melora and Second Sight), but a growing number of outstanding ones, too. 
First season was already an improvement over TNG in terms of serialization, and this one is better. Both multi-part stories are brilliant, too. I hope this trend continues. 
A noticeable weakness in the first season was the mundanity of the Gamma Quadrant. No sense of wonder, no noticeably stranger aliens. The introduction of the Dominion and their overwhelming threat partially rectified that problem, bringing back some of the feeling from "Q Who". Yes, setting foot in a far corner of the galaxy should be awesome in both senses of the word, and lead the previously unimaginable dangers right back to your home.
The costume design has visibly improved in this season!
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