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The Hôtel Camondo, home to one of the finest collections of 18th century French decorative art in the world. The gilded rooms are adorned with canvases by the likes of François-Hubert Drouais and Élisabeth Vigée Lebrun. The museum teems with further Ancien Régime treasures, from Riesner and Oeben cabinets, Beauvais and Aubusson tapestries, Savonnerie carpets from the Grande Galerie in the Louvre, to fine pieces of resplendent Sévres porcelain. No amount of beauty, however, can make one forget the story of the great family that once lived inside this glittering palace. Photograph by Musée des Arts Décoratifs #museenissimdecamondo #hotelcamondo #ruemonceau #paris #france #hotelparticulier #museum #frenchdecorativearts #frenchdecorativeantiques #ancienregime #francoisherbertdrouais #elizabethvigeelebrun #riesener #oeben #beauvais #aubusson #savonnerie #tapestry #sevres #sevresporcelain #georgesjacob #houdon #18thcentury #18thcenturyinterior #antiquefurniture #interiors #interior #decor #art #interiordecor (at Musée Nissim-de-Camondo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqGXwxxInm3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thegoldensanctuary · 7 months
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The Oeben/Riesener cylinder desk finally reunited with the Joubert red laquer work desk.
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love-for-carnation · 1 year
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Pair of Corner Cupboards, about 1750–1760, Paris, France Creator Jean-Pierre Latz, Jean-François Oeben
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444names · 1 year
russian forenames + german towns + dance styles
Abackh Aben Abisch Abmück Abrück Adeben Affen Akel Alba Alderg Allm Alteid Ameim Amme Ance Anich Ankir Antadt Arch Aria Avdim Aven Averg Avgum Avika Avin Aving Avipe Avks Avlang Avroch Avrose Avtorn Bach Bachen Back Badt Balz Baue Beld Berf Berg Berlen Betz Biedan Bisch Bledt Blen Boach Boch Bochen Bopart Bordel Borf Borfen Born Borty Bosnya Bovel Bregs Breim Brems Brow Bruch Brurg Brüm Busten Buth Büden Candy Caspe Chten Colach Cold Colory Conz Couich Crode Damerg Dammen Dance Dangen Datz Dena Deren Diesa Ditten Dmück Dorf Dorme Dornst Drance Drand Drim Düls Dürep Eberg Eburg Ehohna Ekamee Elydar Emda Emste Epen Erel Erlohn Erna Ersen Esen Esim Fafin Falin Fanda Felden Fing Fingen Finser Fiya Flya Frecke Free Fremar Fren Frey Frie Frig Fring Frio Fursen Fürt Gelen Gelzen Gena Genben Genna Genz Gerg Gerlub Gern Glau Gneuth Gnorf Gorf Greck Greild Groda Grück Grüde Gubau Günce Gütja Hach Haisen Hamben Harn Haron Hatadt Haum Hayda Heck Heille Heim Held Hena Henle Henst Herg Hild Hingen Hirch Hock Hofel Hofeld Houick Hüfin Ileonn Ingen Jivel Joseld Kald Karich Karrem Kasonn Katinz Keln King Kletz Kober Kold Konnen Kral Kran Kren Könich Künden Lach Lade Ladt Lamoe Lance Lara Launn Laurg Leburg Leck Lehne Lemp Lenbug Lerg Leue Ling Liya Loch Lohna Lukow Lutbur Lörten Lüberg Lüch Lündan Lünsch Mach Maikya Marg Marke Marn Marurg Meld Merg Milhen Mirau Mood Moode Moodt Moody Murg Münde Müne Müns Münsch Münst Nade Nadt Neben Nefeld Neffel Nerden Neuch Neus Nich Nide Niemp Nighl Nisast Nitz Nomm Noves Novils Nusten Nörf Obeln Oben Obenn Oburg Oeben Oeln Oerg Ofst Ohburg Olly Olmste Ordim Ossadt Oval Paichn Paig Papdan Parg Passen Perg Pfel Pfulz Pichof Ping Piong Pirch Plaviv Polde Poth Preim Prein Prüsta Pößen Quaken Quen Rackal Raden Radt Raisch Rand Rarg Rehr Reim Remgo Renth Reuba Rhee Rheich Rheim Rheit Rhen Rhorf Rhüns Ringen Rock Rocka Roden Rodt Rody Rons Rosen Rotten Runnow Ruten Rödien Sach Sachel Sade Sadelm Samp Schen Schhen Schin Schl Schlen Schmer Schom Schorm Schorn Schr Seck Seld Seln Sendoh Senra Setz Seßlen Shald Sheing Snide Solich Sonna Soya Stald Stap Stasin Sten Sthn Stra Städt Sumber Svim Swal Tach Tadand Taden Tadie Tadt Tadtin Taladt Tand Tannen Tedana Tehl Teim Thal Theim Then Tradt Tredt Treim Ueck Uling Umberg Ummerg Unde Vells Vena Verg Vily Vlau Vlow Vreim Vsen Wadan Walen Walk Walz Wanya Wassin Weig Weim Weing Weis Welenn Wemste Werf Werg Wern Wert Westy Wetten Wien Wigen Wing Wislig Witz Witzen Woogau Woogee Wosen Wundan Wupf Wurg Würg Würsh Xange Yelln Yerg Yern Yeshau Zach Zeuth Zied Zien Zing Zingen Zirn Zitals Zorf Zweim Zwöhr Zülln Öhrim
same thing but longer names
Aarna Abaar Aberg Abissen Aboich Aburg Agapauburg Agelfin Agenree Agolfsweim Ahrtadt Alberg Alklönburg Allmeim Alpin Amptolen Angen Arden Attenke Avdipege Avdisch Aveldance Avelim Averg Avguburg Avina Avinatzen Avisa Avisch Avroß Aßfulen Baboslona Backlen Badan Bechsten Beckling Beckup Beensen Beinge Benbatz Bermücken Bernen Bersee Bersha Biederg Bissance Blenheim Bling Bluderg Boldorf Bolfen Bolitzen Boogderiya Boorf Borchheim Bosee Brausaark Brocked Broderst Bruck Brucker Brungerg Bruppinker Brücka Brüelden Brühlen Brünce Burgary Burgen Büdimmy Bünnhen Bürticht Büthoya Büttis Cance Chittia Chterg Clitterg Clomingen Clusen Conwalzgen Crierwal Dahlsdorf Dance Danzbach Dechst Denbal Densen Diachweim Diedt Dierenburg Dipeth Disfeld Disteden Doriedt Dorteitz Dortren Driede Drophicht Dürsenteid Eggenid Eifen Einsen Eldorn Elsee Elsenka Elsriegka Elsulmetlo Erseckau Eshurg Estadt Eublolz Fakenburg Feldorf Felerneuck Filin Finau Flöhr Fradt France Frath Frating Frehe Freumar Friesel Frislow Friverg Frömily Fullinen Fürenstadt Fürspance Gathold Genbance Genheim Genstuhl Gentin Giebern Glang Gniklit Gortep Gremme Grinbe Groch Grömhohn Gröneudorf Grünneuck Görfen Hafal Hafody Hagusa Haleing Hareburg Hasyk Haung Hausen Hausenfeld Hauten Heida Heild Heimmirch Heindsach Heindy Heischim Heitzlau Helletten Henburg Hende Henderg Hilsteun Hinden Hingert Hoese Hofenstädt Hofferg Holbach Holleyen Hopdanau Hopper Iburg Iltmarien Irche Irilheln Irsburg Ischof Jahmen Jeven Jiven Kaich Kaing Katzinfen Kenberf Kineup Kipdance Klenauena Klickena Klitz Klounlang Kochst Konov Kornhaus Kranied Kroch Könau Könerst Könienburg Köthar Laden Lahda Laisina Lakoh Lance Lastaßladt Lausten Lavdinene Lavdisen Lavenburg Lavil Leneseßen Lenhaust Lenhein Lensch Lexeystadt Lichteng Lingenhen Litburg Loittehn Lomilsburg Loppau Lubershein Lukleim Lückamboa Lüglüder Lünce Magalbern Magen Mancin Marsta Marten Marth Mayrinig Meerg Melden Menstorg Merthoch Metze Minfen Mingen Mingenberg Minkobech Miratadt Mirivel Moderburg Molyda Monndeven Moorf Mölshoferg Mückeum Mügle Münce Müneben Müneueberg Münzen Naildanda Nascheißen Nebel Nebnin Nebnitz Neburg Neckan Nectreim Neudwip Neuhna Neusecht Neusee Neuternben Neuth Neuwin Nisch Obeck Oberg Obergsbe Oburg Oelin Ohnaunken Olbogenz Olfrenkel Olklind Olseyek Olsulmsda Orsterg Oselingen Osilin Ostadt Ostenzen Oterich Paingein Pashirch Pausenbut Penack Penburgda Pfheigheck Pfury Photsdorf Pitzen Pladt Plangen Pohenber Pohna Radburz Raffellim Rande Rannau Rarich Raung Renberg Rershula Rhelstorf Rhenstrow Rhofsburg Rhohe Rhoyth Riches Roden Rorches Rostann Roßal Roßenstadt Roßschwer Rungen Ruselsulms Rödel Rönburg Rönitz Sachwardan Saline Salledin Samark Sarzendorf Saschweid Sausen Schance Schau Schhen Schiln Schim Schkerg Schsen Schsestena Schste Schstennin Schtege Schöneuden Senneburt Sivainov Snieschof Solsen Sonsber Sophoppeis Spana Stach Steill Steim Stelshen Sterburg Sterknitz Stinberg Straerd Sulmshora Sunst Sunwarsia Sveneude Südin Tabach Tadang Tadit Tenberherg Terkinalk Theingeimm Thern Tordt Torsde Torsum Trasee Treuf Trode Tromiriedt Trontederg Trosben Tuteingen Twien Twolerg Uenhaffurg Ulzen Undan Velberf Velzben Velzen Velübburg Ventetzsch Verick Veskock Vetzsch Vikylance Vilst Vremer Walberg Walda Waleimitz Walinge Walsfen Wance Wedaingen Weilenbach Weingen Weingenhau Werow Wetlance Wieberg Wiewabrup Wigsburg Wilaug Wingolohn Witteim Woldorf Wolengen Wolpitz Wolslippe Wrichluch Würteim Xance Yernktburg Yungenferg Zenber Zenkerg Zevesheim Zigenlen Zinfehrede Zweim Zwerg Zwesina Zwipzir Öhronha Übber Übburg
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Mechanical table
Jean-François Oeben, Paris, c. 1761. Oak, elm, limewood and exotic woods; gilt bronze, velvet, mirror.
Gulbenkian Museum
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renehw · 4 years
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Le Cabinet Intérieur du Roi (the King’s Private Chamber or Interior Study) One of the most stunning rooms of the ‘Appartement Interieur du Roi’ is Louis XV’s Interior Study, which is currently undergoing restoration. The room had originally been designed for Louis in 1738 but was modified in 1753; that year the ‘boiseries’ (wainscoting) by sculptor Verberckt (1704-1771) were put on the walls. The original furniture has been restored to the ‘Cabinet Intérieur’, such as the ‘encoignure’ (corner cabinet) from 1755 by Gilles Joubert (1689-1775). However, the pièce de résistance is without a doubt the ‘secrétaire à cylindre’ (1760-1769) on the 2nd photo. It was created by Jean-François Oeben (1720-1763) and Jean-Henri Riesener (1734-1806). It was the first desk of its type and is a mechanical marvel; both the cylinder lid and all the drawers can be opened by a single quarter-turn of the key. @chateauversailles #chateauversailles #châteauversailles #chateaudeversailles #châteaudeversailles #versailles #louisxv #verberckt #wainscoting #boiseries #interior #furniture #secretaireacylindre #oeben #riesener #cylinderdesk #art (bij Château de Versailles) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Kjefol2_J/?igshid=q8rsemlbzyh6
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Jean-François Oeben | Mechanical table | French | The Metropolitan Museum of Art  ca. 1761–63
Exquisite example of marquetry at its best.
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yosoycrawford · 3 years
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Le bureau de Louis XV
appartement privé de Louis XV
Chateau de Versailles
Shown, within the Cabinet d'Angle, Louis XV's cylinder secretary executed by Jean-Francois Oeben and completed by Jean-Henri Riesener from 1760 to 1769.
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jepsolell · 3 years
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👁‍🗨#Sabíasque ...? Una de las típologias de muebles que más despuntó en el siglo XVIII, y que tuvo más variantes, fue la cajonera. Desde los últimos años del reinado de Luís XIV hasta la magníficencia de los modelos de Oeben y Riesener para Luís XV y XVI, este mueble fue el centro de muchísimas salas. La riqueza de estos muebles se regía no solo por su morfología, si no por la elección de sus materiales y sus acabados: los mejores bronziers trabajaban siguiendo las modas (de la rocalla, a las hojas, hasta llegar en el neoclasicismo cenefas y temas griegos) y los mejores ebanistas creaban esplendidos dibujos en marquetería. Así pues estos objetos ya no se reservaban para la intimidad de las casas, también se exponían en los grandes apartamentos reales y principescos. - 📌En la imágen un cajón de una cómoda catalana Carlos III preparada para nuestra Subasta de Marzo. - 🇬🇧Did you know...? One of the furniture typologies that stood out in the 18th century, and with more variants, was the chest of drawers. From the last years of the reign of Louis XIV to the magnificence of the Oeben and Riesener models for Louis XV and XVI, this piece of furniture was the center of many rooms. The richness of this furniture was characterized not only by its morphology, but also by the choice of its materials and its finishes: the best bronziers worked following the fashions (from rocaille, to leaves, up to neoclassicism with borders and Greek themes) and the best cabinetmakers created splendid marquetry drawings.Thus these objects were no longer reserved for the privacy of the houses, they were also exhibited in the great royal and princely apartments. - 📌In the image a drawer of a Catalan Carlos III chest of drawes prepared for our March Auction. (en Subarna) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK1nwB2nKLF/?igshid=qc8e2hn29kwd
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amislouisxvi · 4 years
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A 18th Century French traveling cabinet by Oeben.
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Esta es la imagen y algunos datos (O no) la “Historia” la pones tú ¡La tuya! ¿Lo harás?…Eugéne Delacroix.
Nació el 26 de abril de 1798 en Charenton-Saint Maurice
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El cuarto hijo de Victoria Oeben y Charles Delacroix, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y más tarde Embajador en la República de Batavia. Nieto del reputado ebanista Jean François Oeben. Subsiste la duda en torno a la verdadera paternidad de Charles Delacroix, siendo Talleyrand mencionado con frecuencia, como su padre biológico. En 1806 se trasladó junto a su madre a París, donde estudió en el Liceo Louis-le-Grand, por entonces el Liceo Imperial. Fue admitido en la escuela del pintor francés Jacques-Louis David, en la que recibió una formación neoclásica aunque también estudió a los grandes maestros del barroco en el Louvre, interesándose por Rubens, Rembrandt y Pablo Veronés. Conoció a Géricault en 1817, quien influirá en su pintura..
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blogsmith57 · 3 years
How To Change Color Palette On Research Ir
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How To Change Color Palette On Research Irving
How To Change Color Palette On Research Irs
How To Change Color Palette On Research Irvine
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The palette function gets or sets the current palette, the palette.pals function lists the available predefined palettes, and the palette.colors function selects colors from the predefined palettes. 15 Designer Tricks for Picking a Perfect Color Palette Our insider tips will make it easy to fill every room in your home with color. Keep in mind: Price and stock could change after publish date, and we may make money from these links. These data points are assigned a unique color or shade based on their value, meaning that as the thermal sensor detects changes in heat energy, it will express this change by adjusting the color or shade of a pixel. These preset gradients—or thermal palettes—determine pixel appearance and help identify different heat sources throughout a scene.
This article explains how the color palette of the iMapping Tool works and how to change it.
You can change the color of one ore several items by selecting them and pressing ctrl+b (cmd+b on Macs). The b stands for background color. If you don’t like keyboard shortcuts, you can user the right-click menu instead. In the Background Color dialogue, you can select a new color for the item from a color matrix. Before clicking Ok, you can choose to “also color children”, which will change the color of all children items of the selected ones recursively.
How To Change Color Palette On Research Irving
It is important to understand one thing: In the current visual design of iMapping items do not have borders, and they are distinguished from their parent and children items only by their background color. Therefore, if you create new children in an item, these will automatically get the next color shade, i.e. the one below in the same column of the color matrix. In the default color palette, this will be a lighter tone of the same color. When the last row of shades in the matrix is reached, it continues from the middle one of the same column, which in the default color palette is a darker tone of the same color. Just keep that in mind, if you start designing your own color palette. And here is how to do it:
How To Change Color Palette On Research Irs
After you first started the iMapping Tool, you will have a folder named “iMapping” in your home folder. In there, among other things is a file named “colorMatrix.conf”. If you open it with a text editor, you can change your color palette in there. Be sure not to change the structure of the file or the number of lines – you should only change the numbers in there. You will find sections (e.g. “color 1: (default blue)”) that correspond to the 6 columns of the color matrix followed by 7 rows of numbers, which correspond to the rows. Colors are defined in the HSV color model, where the first value defines the hue (i.e. blue, green, purple or whatever), the second the saturation (is it a strong full blue or rather a pastel greyish blue) and the third value defines the brightness (light blue vs. dark blue).
So, now you can create your own, nicer color palettes for iMapping. Just make sure, the new file is in that iMapping folder and has the exact same name, then restart the iMapping tool. If you load an existing iMap, these new colors will be used instead of the ones from the old palette.
Of course, you can also just replace the colorMatrix.conf file with an existing one. Here are two examples that you can try (rename them to “colorMatrix.conf”):
How To Change Color Palette On Research Irvine
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Nicer1 ist eine Palette, die einigermaßen auf die alte Standardpalette passt. D.h. wer schon Maps mit der alten Palette hat, kann diese durch „nicer1“ ersetzen ohne allzuviele Items nachträglich anpassen zu müssen. Es sind hier auch nur die unteren vier Reihen angepasst, die auch automatisch durchrotieren. Die oeben drei (nier nicht im Bild) sind noch alt.
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Jean-François Oeben | Mechanical table | French | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Long recognized as one of Jean-François Oeben's masterpieces, this table (ca. 1761–63) was made for his frequent and most important client, Madame de Pompadour. The main charge of her coat of arms, a tower, appears at the top of the gilt-bronze mount at each corner. The marquetry of the top—one of the finest panels in all of Oeben's furniture—was designed to reflect her interests in the arts and depicts a vase of flowers as well as trophies emblematic of architecture, painting, music, and gardening. The table, completed after Oeben's death by his brother-in-law Roger Vandercruse, demonstrates Oeben's talents, not only as a creator of beautiful furniture but also as a mechanic: an elaborate mechanism allows the top to slide back at the same time as the larger drawer moves forward, thereby doubling the surface area.
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xamosnews · 3 years
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Παρέμβαση της ΟΕΒΕΝ Χανίων στον Μητσοτάκη, για ν’ ανοίξουν τα μαγαζιά στις γιορτές… #anoixoun #gia #giortes #magazia #mitsotaki_ #n. #oeben #parembasi #stis #ston #ta #tis #xanion https://xamos.gr/parembasi-tis-oeben-xanion-ston-mitsotaki-gia-n-anoixoun-ta-magazia-stis-giortes/?feed_id=12309&_unique_id=5fd87db885e42
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redand51ue · 6 years
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#Repost @oebens.mercantile ・・・ Have a great weekend! New Collection now available at Oeben’s in Utrecht! . . #indigopeople #izomepeople #indigodyed #naturalindigo #scarf #indigoscarf #izome #natural #남빛 #牛仔藍 #藍染 #靛藍 #naturaldye #heritage #denimblue #denim #jeans #traditional #authentic #ethicallymade #ikat #batik #handloom #handmade #heritage #植物染め #蓝染布 #草木染め via ✨ @padgram ✨(http://dl.padgram.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/BfCEMppHxaF/
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