#of an estimated.... 25k (yeah this is going to take a while)
nyoomfruits · 1 year
got tagged by @ocontraire to post a snippet from a current wip, so here's a snippet from the landoscar fake married au (yeah no you didn't misread that they do actually pretend to be married in this fic. by actually getting married. its a long story)
tagging @eisenberg @charlescoded @fueledbyremembering @celientjeee :)))
A clattering noise from somewhere in the apartment shakes Lando out of his thoughts and he lifts himself out of his chair, putters towards the kitchen, where Oscar is putting the last of the groceries away.
He’s taken off his suit jacket and tie, and rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt. He’s run a hand through his hair so it’s not sticking in every which direction anymore, and he’s taking off his dress shoes, moving through the kitchen in a pair of race car patterned socks Lando got him for his birthday this year.
“Hey,” he says, when Lando appears in the doorway. “Did you think about what you wanted for dinner yet? I have chicken, so I can make you that pasta dish you like, or maybe some kind of wrap? I think I have an avocado in here somewhere, I can make some Guac.” Oscar riffles through the bag as he talks, and emerges holding an avocado, sending Lando a triumphant smile.
Lando raises an eyebrow at him. The smile turns into a frown. “Absolutely not,” Oscar says. “Lando. I got all these groceries!” Lando wiggles his eyebrows at him. “No. Come on. Pick a dish.” Oscar brandishes the avocado at him like that’s somehow going to change his mind.
It isn’t. Lando pouts at him. “Please?” He says, because he’s not above playing dirty to get what he wants.
There’s a stalemate, a moment of silence where Oscar just glares at him, avocado still in hand. Then he sighs, very deeply, and puts the avocado in the fruit bowl on the corner of the counter. “Fine. But I get to pick the restaurant. And we’re eating an actual home cooked meal tomorrow.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Lando says, waving vaguely in Oscar’s direction as he takes his phone out of his pocket and opens the UberEats app. “Okay, pick. No fish.”
Oscar rolls his eyes as he starts packing the rest of his groceries away. “Don’t worry, way ahead of you. I was thinking that Italian place? With the breadsticks.”
Lando, who was only a little nervous about Oscar’s restaurant choice, perks up. “I love breadsticks,” he says, scrolling through the app.
“I know,” Oscar says, moving past Lando to put some stuff in the fridge. “How was your mum, by the way?”
Lando groans as he drops down at their little kitchen table, sprawling himself over the surface. “Ever since cousin Cecilia’s wedding she’s gotten it in her head that I need to get married to live like, a happy satisfied life. So she keeps pestering me about it, about how I need to find a nice boy to settle down with.”
Oscar makes a ‘hm’ noise. “But you don’t want to,” he says, head mostly buried in their snacks cupboard as he tries to make everything fit.
“It’s just annoying, that she can’t see I’m happy the way I am right now, you know? I have enough money to do whatever I want, I have the apartment, I have you,” he snorts. “Maybe I should just marry you. That would surely get my mom of my back.”
There’s a clattering noise as a packet of Oreo’s tries to make a break for it and hits Oscar square in the nose, making him stagger back a little with a strangled noise. Lando laughs, and picks his phone back up, scrolling through the options of the restaurant.
“Yeah,” Oscar says, when he’s retrieved the packet of Oreo’s from the floor. He opens his mouth to say something else, maybe, but Lando interrupts him, waving his phone around. “Let me guess,” he says. “You want the Chicken parm?”
“Hm, yeah, sure,” Oscar says, but he seems distracted, deep in thought. He does that sometimes, where he gets so entangled in his own brain that he barely registers what’s going on around him. Usually it’s right before he makes a breakthrough on something for work. Lando decides to leave him to it and orders the chicken parm.
And extra breadsticks.
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Doing Something (Un)Holy: Let Me Be Your Doll [Part 3]
Eddie and Jean are used to each other--finding that they slot into each other's life like pieces to a missing puzzle. However, Jean's world gets rocked upside down in the blink of an eye. Eddie does what he can to comfort and it's a great thing they trust each other.
Eddie Munson x Black Female OC (Jean)
CW: 18+ content Smut (oral female receiving, p in v sex, light deceptions of BDSM and dominant/submissive dynamics); mentions of serious injury, blood, and death; depictions of physical violence; mentions of alcoholism.
This part is LONG. 25k words by itself. Working on Part 4 now!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Epilogue
Main Masterlist
Requests for Eddie are open!
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Jean runs her fingers over the sateen fabric. She looks back to the fabrics in Eddie’s arm. Would pink work? It’s for the Clemsons’ little girl. She adored the white earrings Jean made her for her birthday this year and upon her excitement, her parents asked Jean to make another pair for her and a matching necklace if Jean could for Christmas. They were paying handsomely in advance and then agreed if the original estimate wasn’t enough they’d cover the extra cost of materials. But with the orange Jean had planned for bows, she wonders for a moment if pink is too cliche or just perfect for a 9 year old girl. 
“Pink or something else?” Jean asks. 
“With the orange?” Eddie returns. 
“Go for it. The kid’s going to adore it anyways.”
Jean was going to do this shopping by herself. It was mostly boring as she restocked on jewels and rhinestones, wires, and hooks. But Eddie seemed determined to join along, thus they land here, standing in the fabric aisle, each of them already holding too much in their hands and the basket teetering on tipping over without Eddie’s foot holding it in place. 
“Here’s to hoping,” Jean sighs and pulls the fabric out from the shelf. It was a lot more than hoping right now, but if it all went to shit, then it just went to shit. Jean could try and sell them off while working on a new pair for the Clemsons’. Eddie and Jean carefully go to have the fabrics all cut to desired lengths and tied up before heading to the register. 
Eddie pauses right outside of the growing line, being the one to currently handle the basket. He didn’t really know his way around the craft store. He knew where to get needle and thread but that was about it--all he really needed for his patches and to stitch up holes in clothes that are too dearly loved to be parted with too early. Jean had been their guide throughout the current venture. “Do you have everything?” 
She riffles through the cart, running through her mental checklist. “Glue, rhinestones, new wire cutters, fabric, earring hooks, thread. Yeah, we’re all good.”
“Ladies first,” Eddie motions for her to settle into the line and is swift to fall in beside her. Jean started taking custom orders in early October for Christmas to give herself plenty of time to get things done but it was clear more and more people in the town wanted her business. She was now roping Eddie in on weekends to help her package up the pieces she had finished and drop them off so she could work on starting new ones. In exchange, Jean was doing her best to keep Eddie on track to graduate. He seemed more fond of her work than his so there were semi-strict rules about him coming over during the week so they could both work as needed. 
The line is a bit slow, but no one really seems to be in a rush. Eddie slips his hand into Jean’s, threading fingers around hers. She squeezes at his hand at the action, semi-distracted by some of the candies on display. It’s a comfortable silence around them as the speakers overhead begin their assault of Christmas music, two weeks before Thanksgiving. Eddie loves the feeling of Jean rubbing her thumb over his skin and he watches, her gaze still locked in on a package of M&Ms. It’s automatic and the warmth spreads across his chest. 
“Babe,” Eddie starts with a whisper. Her eyebrows raise which lets him know he’s heard but she’s yet to turn to face him. “Baby, please look at me. Don’t make a man beg. I’ll do it. Right here. On my knees.”
A few of the folks around them--in front and behind--snicker at the comment. “Yes, gorgeous?” Jean exhales. Her smile is evident as she faces Eddie. 
“I’ve-I’ve been thinking.”
Eddie snorts at the sarcastic remark and uses his hip to push the cart up just a hair to keep their hands intertwined. “I’ll have you know I have lots of thoughts. But anyway, it’s probably best that we talk more privately. But I wanted to let you know it’s not bad.”
Jean’s brows knit together. “Talk about what? What’s not bad?”
Not great timing, but Eddie wants to start the conversation earlier rather than later. It’s been eating him alive trying to think of everything he’d need and how to make it perfect for Jean. But in the middle of a checkout line may not be the best way to start this conversation. He sighs and waves her closer in. She steps in willing and he cups her ear. “Doll,” is all he whispers, but the trailing of his fingers over the waistband of her leggings tells Jean it might mean something more than just the surface. 
The word almost falls over her lips, confusion still clouding her brain. Eddie’s raised eyebrows greet her. Doll, doll. “You,” he adds quietly still but gestures just a little like he’s trying to get her wheels turning over faster. “Halloween,” he further explains. 
“Oh!” It comes out sudden and louder than Jean wanted. But it’s clear what’s clicked. Her fantasy. 
Several folks in the line turn to them and Eddie laughs, head shaking as he moves the basket up with the line. “I was trying to be subtle.”
“Sorry, sorry. Just when you said ‘doll’ I was like, who’s asking for a doll for Christmas? You got a sister I don’t know about?” Jean laughs at herself.  “But yeah, we should talk about it.”
It’s a quiet nod from Eddie and yet another shuffle up in the line. He doesn’t fault her confusion. Since Halloween she’s been doing her damndest to keep up with orders, her job, and keeping enough time for him. Jean’s allowed everyone one and a while to forget a thing or two. She seems to be sleeping okay on the whole but Eddie knows even if she had been having a rough time she wouldn’t be quick to admit it. 
One from the front, Eddie turns to Jean. “Please tell me you’re getting those M&Ms?”
“Is this your way of saying you’re hungry?”
“Why don’t I give you a cooking lesson instead? It’ll be way more satisfying than candy.”
“I’m in.” The smile takes up Eddie’s whole face. He leans into the edge of the basket, stomach pressing into the handle bars. Jean just takes the moment, Eddie trying to fight the ends of his hair out of his face as he chats excitedly. Jean’s not really listen to what he’s saying, too enamored by the way the afternoon light from the store windows illuminante the flyaways of his hair or the way he laughs at something he’s said or something happening. 
“Have I told you thank you lately?” Jean asks. 
Eddie snaps his head in her direction. “What do you mean?”
“Just--for being you, for being with me. Thanks.”
“I can help who’s next!” the voice echoes from in front of them. 
“What?” Eddie questions. The usual vibrant smile is replaced by something smaller, something shier. If Jean didn’t know any better, she’d think she’d just offended him. But she knows it’s the opposite. It’s everything he’s needed. A few other words knock against her teeth and lips. But she keeps those at bay. They’re too young for those words—whatever their relationship is meant to be fully is still in its infancy. She shouldn’t be thinking those words and yet they nearly spill over her tongue. 
“Thanks,” she states again, sliding in to push the basket forward. Eddie is left behind for a moment dumbfounded. He watches her slipping her items onto the counter and he so desperately wants her to say those words again. It’s not that Eddie is so far gone that he didn’t have a choice but to fall for Jean; it’s more the fact that she knows much like for him it is a choice to be here and one that he wouldn’t make differently. He scurries over realizing the way it looks to help her finish sorting out the basket. Eddie is many things but he won’t be made a fool of for being ungentlemanly to his girlfriend. 
The total makes Eddie hiss just a little as he sees it. But Jean doesn’t seem phased as she unfurls the twenties. “I know,” she teases. “Gotta spend money to make it.” 
Eddie continues to collect the bags—only three in total as the fabric does take up more space. “I mean in your world.” 
Jean taps his thigh. “Behave.”
“I always misbehave,” he returns, leaning into her ear. “Especially around you.” 
The drive back to her place to unload the fabric and tools passes with the shrill of guitar solos around them and Eddie continually swatting at Jean’s ankles to get her feet off the dash. She only does it as stop lights and only for as long as the light stays red but it feels ritualistic now—Eddie anticipating the action as the van comes to a stop and already reprimanding the action that’s yet to happen. 
The house is empty and it’s not a shock on a Saturday afternoon as Eddie’s sure there’s plenty of errands to run by her parents. His shuffles echo about him. The foyer feels a little hollow but he peers about while slipping out of his shoes at Jean’s plea. There are pictures, a couch with a coffee table—no stairs, a single dory home not needing them. It’s clear people live here but it feels like the house is only good for sleeping and maybe even eating. It is stayed in but not lived in, Eddie thinks. Jean’s not away to the back of the house long before she’s returning to the foyer to lead Eddie into the kitchen. He happily settles beside her, awaiting every instruction--from washing hands to reaching up to high shelves. 
Jean starts the true cooking by getting a pot of water boiling and Eddie works on chopping an onion. It’s a lasagna based dish and he’s glad to start somewhere slightly familiar but to be elevating it. Jean’s pulling ground beef from the fridge, tongue clicking just a little as she thinks. 
“So,” Eddie starts, clearing his throat. 
“I’m listening, love.”
“We should have a word—like a safe word, yeah?”
“Pardon my reach,” Jean starts, slipping in right behind Eddie as she reaches for the utensil holder on the counter. Her fingers just barely grasps it and Eddie scoots it closer to her. “Thanks. So a safe word—someone’s been studying. Something we don’t use usually though. Quick enough to say.”
“So Rainbow in the Dark is no go?” Eddie pauses on the chopping just to watch Jean’s eye roll. 
“No, maybe Holy Diver.”
The laughter is soft between them. Eddie takes in the items she’s continued to add onto the counter. Sour cream, spaghetti sauce, parmesan, mozzarella. “Sour cream?” he proposes. 
Jean turns from the stove, the water’s not quite boiling. Her face pinches up and Eddie grins. A true sign of a winning safe word. “I think sour cream is good. Imagine how fast that’ll kill the mood.”
“Until you breathe on me again.” The jest is easy to make about himself. Because nothing quite hits funnier than the truth.
“You agreed that it was true.”
“I did, I did. And do-do you have anything you don’t want me to do? I-I understand the purpose is to sort of let me use you and give you the space to just be. But I-I think I’d off myself if there wasn’t something I didn’t know about beforehand.”
“Keep chopping, please. The onions need to go on just a few minutes after the beef starts to brown.”
Eddie nods and turns back to the white vegetable. “Seriously, Jean, I mean it.”
Her hands are warm over his shirt pressing up into his back. “I know. I think the only thing I’m not fond of is like urine or shit.”
“What do you mean by piss?”
“Oh, someone needs to go back to the whiteboard then,” Jean teases. “I took a peak or two into some magazines we send out—it gets out there. Like I can get people who like playing with cum or like get a thrill with blood. But some other bodily fluids really get others going.”
Eddie only grunts in response. His stomach gets a little queasy at the thought of blood. He can handle it—blood is blood at the end of the day. It happens.  But he wouldn’t want Jean to bleed during any point of their sex life. Maybe some tears, maybe her begging, but not bleeding. “You’ve painted a clear picture, thanks teach. But no piss, no shit. Got it.”
“You? Anything that’s off limits for you.”
“I’m not making you bleed. Can’t do it,” Eddie picks up a small scoop of the onion that’s been diced and places it into the waiting bowl. 
“Do you think you could inflict pain? We have these waxes at work—they’re body safe.”
“I can give it a try on you. But if I’m honest, I’d rather you use it on me.”
“Well, let me just tell Santa what I want this year,” Jean teases, patting Eddie on the ass. “By the way, do you and Wayne have plans for Thanksgiving?”
“Uh, no, we don’t.” Eddie hates that his heart races at the question. But he knows what could possibly be following it. He and his uncle did their best--that’s all they could ever do. And certainly the last thing Eddie wanted to do was to show up for Thanksgiving dinner and it all went terribly wrong. He’s not even sure if her father had sorted through his own issues after the death of his mother enough that it would be a good idea for them to meet. Before the death, maybe. Eddie’s own fears and anxieties would surface but eventually he could’ve reasoned he’d have a fairer shake. But now feels totally different. Eddie knows it’s a reasonable ask, if Jean goes there. But this is where it can all fall apart before it even feels like it’s coming together fully. 
“Would you like to come over here? For dinner? My mom’s excited to meet you. And there’s no way I’m going to invite you and not invite Wayne.”
“Your dad’s who I’m worried about.”
“I’m about one more shouting match with him from snapping, so please give me the excuse.”
Eddie sets the knife down as he’s finished dicing the rest of the onion. “Is it getting worse?”
“It’s not getting better,” Jean returns. 
“What-what’s he going off about?” All Eddie knows is that since his mother’s death, he’d been losing it. But those are Jean’s vague words, not an actual explanation to what transpired. Eddie feels like he was fumbling in the dark with Jean. She is warm and open like she was in the store when it’s about them but with her home life she’s ice cold, holding it all up her sleeve and locked away. 
“It’s bullshit, really.”
“You’re avoiding my question.”
“I am.”
Eddie has to be careful next. Perhaps Jean did want to tell him but she was scared of this reaction. Perhaps Jean doesn’t want to tell him and this is her way of telling him. An honest admission of her tactics to make him back off. It’s stupid but Eddie prays it’s the first one. “I’d really appreciate it if you told me what he’s going off about. You can tell me all sorts of things. I won’t get mad. I just—I want to be there for you.” 
“Because you want to take care of me? Because you think you can fix this?” There’s no real malice in her tone, though it still falls clipped. Jean wants him to hear how it sounds—maybe it’s harmless to him but it sounds asinine to Jean. 
Eddie isn’t delusional. He can’t fix everything. But he can do right by her. “I can’t fix your dad. You can’t. Your mom can’t. I want you to be safe. I want to know what I can do to help. I don’t want you to shut me out. I feel like you don’t trust me when you don’t tell me things.” 
If only knew how much Jean was letting him in. But she exhales the thought. He wouldn’t know. He didn’t have anyone else to compare too. She could give him that much. And Jean would trust Eddie with her life. She did trust him. But stating it outright wouldn’t fix the problem. And she’d promised months ago to try to be more open. It’s just not her nature. 
Eddie’s sentence hangs in the air between them long enough that he assumes she’s avoiding him. He’ll let it go for now but it still stings in his chest. As much as Eddie wants to help, he knows the bigger problem was out of his control. It doesn’t feel like a fight between them though there is distance. They were magnets that sometimes matched poles and thus there was resistance. 
Jean’s voice floats up around the silence. “He hates where I’m working, but I had to go somewhere after the mall burned down. Hates the way I’m dressing. I’m not home enough or if I am home I’m always working on jewelry, according to him. He nearly destroyed all my supplies last week and the only thing that stopped him was Mom. But she can’t keep enduring his anger. Oh, he almost hit me once.”
“What?” The boom in Eddie’s voice is much too loud for any volume he normally hits. It’s genuine shock painting his tone. The elation of her letting him in is destroyed in the realization of what she’d been enduring. 
Jean grips the handle of the pan she’d been reaching for from beneath the oven. “Only happened once.”
“And that’s once too often.”
“He didn’t actually hit me.” It’s ridiculous to defend him. But it’s her father. He wasn’t like this before Gma died, and more accurately until he started drinking. Jean sees the empty bottles. But she carries on in silence. He saved most of it for the weekend so he could mostly recover before the work week. At least that’s how it’s been going. The yelling feels like it’s starting to happen more and maybe weekends are bleeding into weekdays. 
“Jean,” Eddie returns softly. He’s facing her, but Jean refuses to turn around at her name. So Eddie crosses the short two feet between them and gets the pan onto an aisle on the stove. “Jean,” Eddie tries again, “you can’t stay here.”
“And leave him to actually hit my mom? I’d off myself before I let that happen.” It falls through her teeth in a hiss and though she’s staring at him like murder is a top priority, her chin wobbles. 
Eddie takes hold of her face. “I don’t want him to hit you. I don’t want you to wind up in his crosshairs. And I know, it’s your mom. I know I’m really asking for the impossible, but God, I’m not going to be able to walk out of this house knowing that he’s on the warpath.”
“My mom,” it’s the only two words Jean can get out. Her voice cracks on the tears she’s starting to spill and Eddie can only wrap her up tight. Because he gets it. If he’d been older, if he’d been in Jean’s position, he’d choose his mother too if he could. 
But now Eddie is here, he’s older and it’s Jean. It’s Jean who’s choosing her mother. It’s Eddie who’s worried what’s going to happen and he can only assume Jean’s worried too, but in different ways. She’s worried the blow will strike but it won’t be falling onto her.  Eddie’s worried Jean is going to show up one day with a black eye or busted lip or worse he’s going to get a call she’s already hospitalized. The thought, just vaguely conjuring the sight, makes Eddie’s chin wobble and his eyes sting. 
“Please,” he returns. Eddie can’t tell if it’s to Jean to get her to get out now or if it’s to the universe to protect her. But he lets the one word prayer fall all the same and hopes it’s enough. 
“You should still go to Hellfire on Friday,” Jean says as Eddie’s stitching together some sateen he bought. It was reckless to stitch together the impromptu ties in front of Jean without her knowing what’s for. But Eddie can’t stand the thought that in the evening she’s alone in this house with her father on a rampage. So he settles in after school—usually scrambling to get through some amount of homework until the evening. When the keys jiggle in the door, Jean starts to clean up and then heads up to her room. Eddie follows and for the most part when it’s just her mother, they’re fine to stay at the kitchen table. But when her father does come home early, they make a swift exit. Her father hadn’t said anything about Eddie’s new presence, but the looks were clear. Thing is,  Jean is always around Eddie so whatever her dad did want to say he didn’t want to say around her and his shot to tell Eddie off hadn’t come up. 
“It’s after school,” Eddie offers, like it's an explanation enough all on its own. 
“Isn’t this a pivotal time for the party?”
Eddie gets the last stitch through. “Not more important than you.”
Jean sighs, fingers working with the pliers to close the hook up and attach the threaded rocks as the last piece to the pair of earrings. It’s not a mistake to tell Eddie. He was stubborn and sometimes crass, but he cared. Everything was deep with Eddie. He does his best to find the weak spot in someone’s defense. Jean was impatient in some ways. She’d be steadfast but constant pestering would make her snap. It was a button Eddie didn’t want to push often, but he knew when to push it and how. Sometimes you’re unbelievable, Jean wants to say. If he hits me, at least you get to be right. But that will only set Eddie off. She’s too tired for a fight right now. 
Eddie flips his work inside out and looks over the line--it’s mostly straight. Enough so that it won’t really matter when it’s tied around. He’s pleased with it but the satisfaction leaves him when he notices how long the silence goes on between them. “No smartass comment?”
“I’m not trying to start a fight,” Jean returns simply. 
“Are you working Friday?”
“No. Am working Saturday.”
“I’ll keep Hellfire on for Friday if you come to the school and sit with us.” If Jean’s not looking for a fight, Eddie’s not about to give her one. 
Easy—too easy he might dare to say. “You’re more fun when you want a fight,” Eddie teases. The flatness to her voice makes him worried. 
“I’m--” The words are just too heavy to be uttered. Jean gets the earrings inside of the box and starts wrapping a ribbon around it. “I’m tired.”
The thing about tiredness is that it can mean more than just being physically tired. It can be an emotional and mental exhaustion that seeps into someone’s bones. But for Jean, it is albeit mental, emotional, and physical. Eddie starts assembling the movement board and figurines amongst the assembled desk. From the hallways he can hear the chatter of the students gearing up to leave, laughing about something and ready for the weekend. The door to the room opens and closes, more members of Hellfire trickling in after their last classes for the day, their laughter greets the room before they do and Eddie peeks occasionally behind him to Jean’s curled up figure. She dragged a couple chairs together behind the throne to avoid being a distraction, plucked Eddie’s leather jacket off the table he draped onto and promptly fell asleep. Eddie keeps worrying as more and more people settle in that the noise is going to wake Jean but not even Mike and Dustin’s bickering makes her stir. 
“Eddie, you alright man?” Jeff asks, slipping his bag down into a chair to claim in. He takes in the worry lines on Eddie’s face and then just behind the chair Jeff spots Jean. “Is she okay?”
“Home stuff,” Eddie returns. “I asked her to come tonight, just for my own nerves I guess. But, she can sleep like the dead.” A lie. A bold faced one at that too. He’s never seen her sleep like the dead. She always rouses first. She snaps to the lightest sound. Jean doesn’t sleep like the dead—it’s Eddie who does. Until right now. It looks like now she could and for Eddie’s sanity the last thing he wants to do is bring the attention to him and his worry, so he lies.  
Lucas comes in with a huff, panting out his apologies for almost being late, but he settles in next to Mike and Dustin, taking a moment to watch the quiet conversation of Eddie and Jeff. He follows their line of sight and sees a body curled up on chairs. “Is that Jean?” he whispers, asking Mike and Dustin.
“Jean’s here?” Dustin returns, looking around. The boys know of Jean--mostly only from the ribs that Gareth and Jeff give Eddie. She'd been mostly an enigma to the younger members of the party. She was in stories or a voice that came through Eddie when he talked about things they did together, or things she said about the campaign. Dustin scoots his chair back just a little to see the figure behind the throne. “Hi Jean,” he says. It takes a moment to realize she’s asleep. 
“If I turn around and see ten eyes on my girl, you all won’t be making it out of this temple tonight,” Eddie calls out. 
There’s a sharp scrape and when Eddie spins, everyone’s pulling out their character sheets and dice. Except Dustin. He gives one last wave to her sleeping figure and the story resumes, Eddie pushing up into the throne with flair. “Welcome back, adventurers!”
It’s not his usual amount of theatrics. But it’s clear to everyone that he’s still giving all that he can to keep the story enthralling. And it is--as they bicker briefly amongst themselves trying to strategize the best way to handle the throws of their scrimmage. Eddie, in the lull, takes his first glimpse back. He’d told himself to keep his focus on the game, that Jean, if she woke up she’d be okay or would make herself known. But she’s still curled up under his jacket. He knows she’s not dead given the rise and fall of her chest but she’s been asleep for nearly two hours. This is not a quiet party. 
“How big is the room?”
The question causes Eddie to turn back to his adventures. He looks back down to his notes and a soft voice floats up from behind him. “Five by five squares on the mat. So, 25 by 25 feet. 12 foot ceiling.”
Eddie snaps his attention back to Jean. “You’re supposed to be asleep.”
“I woke up a while ago, I believe somewhere after someone screamed bloody murder for a failed con save or something. Just didn’t want to move.”
“She’s right,” Eddie answers to the folks behind him but not turning his attention from Jean. “Fairly tiny room. 25 feet by 25 feet, 12 foot ceiling.”
Jean turns her head to look up at Eddie with a tiny smile. He waves her over and she groans as she unfurls herself from her cocoon. She gathers a chair and settles it off to Eddie’s left. “Let me know if I’m your way, Dustin,” she offers softly, sitting cross legged in the seat. 
Dustin turns at the sound of his name, eyes wide for a second and then he gives a soft grin. “You’re good, Jean. Nice to meet you. Eddie talks about you all the time.”
“Nice to meet you too. He talks about you all the time too.”
“All good I hope,” Dustin laughs and then turns back to the current debate. 
Eddie reaches down just slightly to run the pads of his fingers over Jean’s temple. She takes hold of the hand to press a kiss to his fingers. It’s a steady stroke and though the position is a little awkward, Jean finds the edges of sleep again. She never goes fully under for long. A laugh or a groan cuts through the haze just enough to keep her up. But she doesn’t mind because as soon as she comes fully to her senses, Eddie’s fingers are still stroking her cheek and jaw. 
“Pathetic,” Eddie taunts from up high. “You’re tired and you’re hungry. And that’s all. That’s all you’re going to do?”
“Don’t be so mean, gorgeous,” Jean retorts, “it’s unbecoming to such devilishly handsome good looks.
“I like her,” Mike pipes in, with a grin, “gorgeous.”
“Wheeler, I will strike you down where you stand. Don’t cross me,” Eddie snaps. Mike opens his mouth like he’s going to speak but then thinks twice of it and lets the threat stay where it lies--only a threat.  
The room quiets slowly as more and more of them leave. A murmur spreads amongst them, trying to brainstorm where they left off inside the temple and what they might’ve missed that they can bring back to the table next week. Without much thought Jean stands to assist with cleaning. 
“I’ve got it. You can relax.” Eddie’s careful not to make it a demand, not to tell her she should let him clean it up. Jean’s silent in her response, carefully packaging up the figurines and placing them in the box Eddie has for them. There is his answer--in the silent work Jean provides. “Did you sleep alright during the time you were out?”
“Yeah. Pretty decent sleep. Did I embarrass you for calling you out earlier? I was sure I was still asleep until Mike teased back.”
Eddie tries to hide the smile. It wasn’t fun to have to prove to the party yet again why he was the one DMing, but the soft slur to your voice let Eddie know the thought slipped out without thought. “Embarrass me, maybe. But it’s kind of adorable you don’t like me being a mean DM.”
“I just want them to have fun,” Jean offers quietly. “You are a good DM—even if you are an ass occasionally. I can see why folks like this. It’s like football, real stakes in the wins and losses.”
“Do not compare us to the fucking jocks, love. We play an intellectual game. We’re not throwing balls and just hoping for luck.”
“Sports are more intellectual than you think. Calculating distance, predicting the opponent's next move, having to rely on your teammates to read you too and they’re counting on you reading them too. Just because these asshats don’t understand how to equate them doesn’t mean you have to retort back with equally low insults.”
“I will not be compared to those scum,” Eddie huffs. 
“You’ll grow up eventually. High school bullshit is for children.”
A year out from graduating couldn’t produce this much insight and reflection Eddie knows. And maybe it’s just fear. Leaving high school means Eddie’s got to face bigger questions—what is he going to do with his life? He can’t sell drugs his whole life. It’s going to catch up to him eventually. The thing Eddie wants more than anything is not to relive his father’s legacy. He can’t bear the thought of it. 
It probably is high school bullshit—Eddie trying too hard to distance himself from the perceived popular and normal crowd. But it’s all he has. He can be different and he can wear it like a shield to keep everyone else at bay that he doesn’t want close. People that are put off by the music and theatrics don’t really deserve what’s beneath it. It’s easier for Jean. She’d always gotten along with most people. She didn’t really have a crowd but she skated through. Eddie doesn’t have the luxury. 
But maybe it only matters inside these four walls of high school because once they leave this place—they all have to face the same question. What are they made of beyond it? But Eddie doesn’t have the luxury of time away. He’s still in it. So he hum noncommittal at Jean’s retort and slides his notes and binders into his bag. They pull the desk apart and back into the rows. The room settles back its normal state and Jean and Eddie slide in next to each other. He takes her hand and she carries the box of figurines. 
“Got everything?” she asks. 
“Think so. If I don’t, well then oops.”
It’s a soft exhalation of laughter from both of them before they are climbing into their respective cars. Eddie’s going to follow her home. He knows it; Jean does too. So she leads throughout the streets and Eddie strums his fingers over the steering wheel as he follows. She pulls into the driveway and Eddie parks on the street in front of the house. She waits by her car door, knowing Eddie will absolutely lose his head if she went inside without him walking her to at least the door. 
“You’re learning,” Eddie grins, taking her head once he’s close. 
“You’re not a hard man to figure out.”
“Oh, now I’m a man.”
“You have mostly C’s right now except for Mrs. O’Donnell. I think, right now, I can delegate the title on a probationary period.”
“Ouch,” Eddie laughed. “Probationary period. Cut my balls off, why don’t you.”
“I’ll leave them with you,” Jean snorts, turning the key into the lock.  Jean’s heart starts to race--the anticipation of her father being drunk or on his way makes her wonder if she should’ve asked to spend the weekend with Eddie. But she doesn’t want to overcrowd his or Wayne’s space. So she exhales, hands turning the knob and only gets one foot over the threshold before the sight and sounds of her mother’s tears pierce her chest. 
“Richard, please,” her mother begs. The tears are thick in her voice. 
Her dad has a firm hand on her mother’s arm, roughly throwing her over the edge of the arm of the couch. “Bitch, why are you letting her hang around that Munson kid so much! We’re raising her better than that.”
Jean doesn’t know if it’s autopilot. She doesn’t know if somehow the thundering of her veins is making her feel like she’s not here, but all she can do is react. All she can do is push through and through and her father is shouting, maybe Eddie is too. Her mother’s cries are echoing in her ear. The thump of her veins is echoing against her ears. But all she can zero in on is the sound of her mother begging. Begging not to be hurt by someone that’s supposed to care about them, supposed to protect them. 
With a harsh thud everything seems to fall silent. The floor is an unforgiving break to her father’s fall, but it holds him—crumpled. Jean’s chest is heavy, her breathing is haggard. But she stares down at her father, hands loosely hanging around his belt buckle. “You bastard,” she spits. 
“Jean, Jean, honey,” her mother starts, gingerly taking the jagged remaining edges of the glass vase. Jean doesn’t budge. 
Jean can’t move. She’s waiting—all she’d need is for him to twitch. All she’d need is a groan, a sight, a sound. Her arms are shaking, she can tell. But she waits. She will wait this whole thing out if necessary. 
 “Honey, please,” her mother tries again. 
Eddie, who’d been trying to step around Jean to shove her father before she bolted for the vase, only seems to be able to stare at the scene in front of him. He’s a beat or two behind Jean—both of them in fight but he can see. He can see blood trickling from her father’s scalp. “Shit,” he exhales. “Shit, shit, shit. Jean, baby.”
“Call Hopper,” Jean states. She’ll wait, but she doesn’t dare want to waste more time for her dad to get back up. 
“Sweetheart, pack a bag, I’ll tell him you were staying with Eddie, okay? Go, go get a bag packed.” Her mother tries again to get the glass from Jean’s grip. 
The blood starts to grow on the floor, not quite a puddle but on it’s way to being as such, and it doesn’t seem likely that any other moment could be made. Jean loosens her hold on the glass, only now to realize the flowers are spilled onto the floor, along with water they were nestled in. The flowers Eddie got Jean last week. The vase she’d put them in that she managed to find in the back of the cabinet. Jean looks back to the coffee table where the flowers and vase are supposed to be then her hands. The palm of her hand aches with how tightly she’s gripping the glass. She knows what she’s done but 
Jean turns into her mother, slipping the head of the vase to her and drops into her mother’s shoulder. It’s quiet--too quiet and like a switch to a light a sob rings out. Eddie closes in, hand pressed into the small of Jean’s back as she cries into her mother’s shoulder. “I’m okay, sweetheart. Thank you,” her mother returns into Jean’s hair. “I’m okay. Now let me protect you, okay? You’ve got to get a bag, okay? Go with Eddie.”
Eddie’s gentle as he cradles Jean’s waist, a squeeze to let her know that he’s there even if his own hands are shaky. He keeps watching for movement, a sound. Had Jean really killed him? What would happen to her if her mother hadn’t been able to lie well enough to cover it up? As much as Eddie detested cops, he’d testify for Jean in a heartbeat. “Wayne misses you,” Eddie offers softly, turning his attention back to Jean. “You’d make his day by coming over.” He’ll feed whatever incentive necessary to get her out of the house. But they can’t stay here. They have to go. 
Jean is slow to pull away from her mother. The two women assess each other, checking for more damage. Jean’s mother is faster, wiping the tears from Jean’s cheeks. “Go. Okay? When it’s all clear, I’ll come get you.”
“Are you okay?” Jean asks.
Her mother nods. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Jean.”
Jean falls into Eddie’s arm. He’s careful to give her a second, another quick squeeze and then they start for Jean’s room. Eddie presses a kiss to her temple as they walk down the hallways. He feels like his words are all going to fail him. Nothing quite really encapsulates the depth of the moment. He can’t say it’s going to be okay. He can’t say that he’s going to protect. They won’t mean anything to her in these moments. What does it mean that it’s going to be okay when the evidence of her actions is spilling onto the hardwood floor? What does it mean that Eddie’s not going to leave her? What gravity and weight is behind such words when her entire world has just flipped upside?
Jean shakes like a leaf in a strong breeze against him. In the end, there are really no consoling words to over. She is not okay. She won’t be okay for a while. So Eddie tries to think of what’s most important--that he can do things for her. He can help even in the tiniest of ways. Like right now, it’s important that it looks like she had always intended to come to his place. 
“Do you want to grab your hygiene things? I can grab your clothes,” Eddie suggests. 
Jean only manages a nod. They split off for a moment, Jean grabbing her body wash, facial soap, and deodorant. By the time she steps back into her room, Eddie’s got three pairs of jeans in his hands, folded up tight and stuffing them into a bag. She dumps what she has after Eddie is done and then helps pull out under garments, pjs, and tops. She tops everything off with extra hair stuff. Eddie takes her out the backdoor, not feeling like he can stomach the sight again. 
“Do you feel like you can drive?” Eddie asks. It feels silly. But if they’re going to sell the lie, Jean’s car is going to need to be not here. He’s not sure how much time they’ll have. He wants her to be honest, but he also knows that they might have to make a reckless decision here as the seconds wind down. 
Jean exhales deeply. “Yeah, I’m okay to drive.” 
“Are you sure, Jean?” 
“I’m sure.” 
Eddie takes the affirmation on its face though his gut tells him otherwise. It’s probably only the choice with the most medium amount of recklessness to it. They walk back to the front of the house and Jean settles into her front seat. Eddie’s place--that’s all she has to focus on. She’s gone there multiple times. It’s seven minutes at most to get there, depending on the lights. Two rights, the straight all the way to the one way, then a left. She’s done this route many many times. 
Eddie watches from the driver seat of his van, praying that Jean keeps steady. So far, she’s in front and doing well--nothing that reads like she’s swerving in the lane or losing control of her car. It’s a tortuous five minutes--they were spared today by gracious green lights. The gravel crunches under his tires. It feels like an exhale when he climbs out of the van and helps Jean out of her car. They don’t make it far--all Eddie manages to do is get Jean up into his arms before her tears start again. 
The night is freezing. Every exhale Eddie gives creates a ghost, but it doesn’t matter. Eddie tightens his hold around her body. “Just follow my breathing, Jean. You’re okay. I’ve got you.” The same word Eddie thought were hollow just a few minutes ago are the only ones he has, so he lets them fall. Hollow or not, he can’t stand the silence. He can’t stand the idea that Jean doesn’t know that he’s there for her. So he feels a heavy silence with empty words, desperate enough to use them. 
Eddie knows he’s not getting any sleep that night. He keeps waiting for the knock to come. It will mean that Hopper has shown up at his door. It will mean that Hopper’s nose has caught the lingering smell of what they both know is actually there, but having to table whatever lecture for a later date. And Eddie will have to endure it, the lecture, at some point. But the truth that is harder to face is that they’ll have to know for certain if Jean’s going to get into trouble. Every action has a consequence, even ones made from a place of fear. 
Eddie waits, Jean curled into his arms, for the confirmation of what they know. It doesn’t come that night, though Eddie does hear when Wayne comes in in the early hours. The knock comes well into the morning. The sun filters in through the blinds that Eddie never cares to shut if he’s honest. He watched the blue haze turn purple, then pink and now as it settles into the bright yellow dawn, he hears a car pull up. Then waits, counting the seconds before the knock comes. It’s a rapid three knocks. Eddie shuts his eyes for the moment, praying the voice isn’t Hoppers, praying it’s just her mother. 
“Jim, morning,” Wayne greets. 
“Morning, Wayne. Sorry to bother you so early. I’m curious if Jean Brown is here. Her mother said she’d be here.”
“I saw her car when I pulled in. C’mon in. Give me a moment. Is-is everything okay?”
A pause. “I have something important to tell her,” Hopper returns. 
Eddie can almost imagine the nod Wayne gives and then the knocks on his door ring out a few seconds later. “Eddie? Eddie, you and Jean, y’all decent in there?” 
He exhales. No, we’re not decent. I’m not here. She’s not here. “Yeah, we’re decent.”
The door cracks only a little. Wayne finds Eddie’s face and then the back of Jean’s head buried in his chest. “Hopper is here. For Jean.”
Eddie only gives a nod and Wayne slips back out, door closing behind him. Eddie’s gently as he goes to stroke her cheek. Jean presses in closer. “Hopper is going to see my hand,” she states. 
When did she awaken? How had Eddie not noticed it? “How long have you been awake?”
“On and off the whole night. Both of us do alright with pretending to sleep,” she teases. Her voice is hoarse. Eddie peels back some of the covers and reveals her bandaged hand. It’d taken getting here to the trailer as Eddie helped Jean into the shower to realize she’s gotten cut by the glass too. There wasn’t a lot of bleeding thankfully, but still, Eddie worried and fussed over it until he got it cleaned and bandaged. 
“As much as I don’t like Hopper, he’s not a bad man,” Eddie returns. “I’ll testify. If it goes there. Be the first one to be a witness for you,” he laughs. 
Jean nods, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before turning to her back and pushing out of the bed. “That’ll be a sight for sore eyes,” she whispers. Mostly to herself. In the night, she keeps seeing what she might’ve looked like--eyes big and blow, flared nostrils, a viscous line of her lips. It’s easier to imagine that only a monster could do what she had done. 
Eddie follows behind Jean out of his room and to the front of the trailer. Would the universe see the desperation like he had? Would it spare Jean? Eddie thinks prayer might be the dumbest thing next to English, but pray he does in the end as the distance between Hopper and them shrinks. 
Hopper stands, hat in his hands. The still somewhat bloodshot eyes and bandaged hand tell him everything he needs to know. But there’s no real use in asking. Everyone in town could tell Richard had changed. Hopper could go to the local grocery store and the owner could verify the increase in alcohol that Richard purchased. The calls Debra, her mother, had made to Hopper personally about the increase in anger and hostility, which Hopper isn’t even sure if Jean knew were being made, would corroborate the threat of violence that continued to grow. 
Hopper could make their life more hell if he wanted to. But Jean’s a kid. And she protected her mother. The last thing Hopper can deny is that Jean had done only what she thought she had to do. And the second to last thing he wants to do is make their life more hell.
 “Hi Jean. We got a call by your mother last night to your house. Your parents got into an altercation. It got physical and violent. In self defense, your mother fought back, striking her father over the temple. As a result, he’s,” Hopper pauses. Jean’s chin quivers. “He’s dead.”
“I-” her voice cracks. Jean all but crumbles in on herself and the tears are instant. “I’m sorry,” she wails. “I got scared because he—my mom, you know. I-Oh God.” 
Hopper takes a careful step in, hand on her shoulder. “Kid, Jean, look at me.” It feels like ages before the hiccups stop and Jean looks at him through a watery gaze. “I know. Okay, I know what probably really happened. I know you were only protecting your mother. I know your mother only wants to protect you. I know your dad’s gotten really violent and angry after his mother passed. I-I don’t want to hurt you or your mother any further. Okay. You two only have each other left and I’m sorry you had to witness that. I’m sorry you had to be the brunt of his anger. God only knows what that must’ve been like. I’m here by myself for a reason, okay. But you’ve got to, keep it together. We’re going to make your mother’s story stick. Just trust me okay?”
Jean gives a quick nod, the sounds of her sniffles echoing around the walls of the trailer. “Okay.”
Hopper takes a step back. “Consider softball with an arm like that, Jean.” 
It’s a bad joke--everyone knows. But it’s just enough of a bad joke to make Jean laugh. It’s soft and sounds more like a brief moment of disgust at the poor taste, but Eddie sees her quick smile and wraps an arm around her waist for comfort. “Keep that one,” Hopper returns with a pointed finger at Eddie, “out of trouble for me, and we can consider us even. I know what you’re doing Munson. I can smell it. But she’s sweet on you and for her, I’m giving you a one time break.”
“I’ll try,” Jean returns. 
“I’m not that bad,” Eddie huffs. 
Hopper scoffs. “Munson, don’t try me.” With that he waves to the room and slips out the front door. 
Jean turns to Eddie’s bare torso, pressing her face into his ribs. It’s a shaky exhale and it tickles but Eddie keeps a firm hold on her. “It’s gonna be okay,” he returns. Her arms snake around his waist and Jean can only seem to cling to Eddie in the moment—a thing to keep her grounded. Eddie’s scent. The clack of mugs, undoubtedly Wayne, the taste of stale cigarettes in the room. It reminds Jean of where she is and what she is—home and safe. 
Eddie doesn’t consider himself a funeral guy. But he’s sure no one really considers themselves the type of person to be good at a funeral. However, Eddie especially is not the kind of guy to be at a funeral, to hold his grieving girlfriend. He’s not equipped for something like this. But maybe nobody is equipped for such demands. No one has a manual on what to do if your girlfriend accidentally murders her father leading to the town’s chief of police to help cover the story and how to handle the waves of emotional torment of said girlfriend as it ranges from incredible anger to sadness and fear. It’s not a manual Eddie thinks anyone else would create and he ponders if he should corner the market with it. Because there’s no perfect thing to do in these matters. Eddie can’t snap his fingers, he can’t shield her from the apologies because the town doesn’t know. They won’t know. 
And each time someone gives their condolences Jean nods, thanking them, but he can feel the squeeze as their hands are threaded together. How do you accept the apology when they’re saying sorry for the wrong things? They think they’re consoling but all it must be doing is driving the burning secret deeper and deeper into an open wound. But at every squeeze, Eddie squeezes Jean’s hand back and they stand together in the biting chill of nearing December’s cold—a light dusting of snow already covering the ground from the day before. Not quite in time for a Thanksgiving miracle and way too early for Christmas.
Jean shuffles closer, her gloved hand slipping from Eddie’s. In the moments it takes Eddie to look, she’s gripping his wrist and slipping his hand into her pocket. He lets her continue, but his fingers brush over something warm. “Take it,” she whispers. “Hand warmers.” She reaches around, nodding at yet another person who’s passing along whispered condolences and then hands out a second one Eddie. “I like you and your fingers attached.”
Eddie can’t help the exhale of laughter. He slips the warmers into his pockets, satisfied with the relief they provide to the ache that had settled. Jean winds her arms through the hook in Eddie’s elbow. It’s a gentle hold she has. “Thanks,” he returns softly. 
Jean nods. “Of course.” 
The two Munson men clean up well. It was a fact noticed when they both showed up at the house earlier in the day to escort Jean and her mother to the church. And it’s a fact noticed again as they step into the house again, each of them carrying a dish of some sort of casserole and a bag with other assorted foods too left by community members. Wayne dawned in an black suit with a white collared shirt and Eddie in a black dress shirt and black slacks. It’s clear they attempted their best to match the tone and as much Jean appreciates the efforts, something inside her veins still boils. 
She rips the veil off her head and claws at the buttons of her jacket to shed at least some of the pretending. The black sweater dress her mom forced her to wear still clings to her, but she feels a bit more like herself as she rolls her sleeves up and starts divvying out portions of food. She can’t place it--if it’s anger at the lies, or frustration and fear. But whatever it is, Jean feels it festering. The entire funeral she wanted to shed herself out of her own skin, run to the pulpit and tell them that she’d done it. She’d hit her father so hard she’d killed him and though she is sorry for the accidental death she’d do it again if she had to. 
Maybe it really is fear. At who Jean feels like she’s becoming. 
“I know veggies are, like, evil, but they don’t deserve this kind of torment,” Eddie teases, watching the way Jean jabs the spoon into the dish of string beans. 
“Damn you veggies,” Jean returns in jest and gets one more spoonful into the smaller container. 
“You-you don’t have to do this, you know?”
“Mom and I can’t eat all this. It’s better than going to waste.”
 More than that it keeps Jean’s hands from shaking. It gives her something else to focus on. When it first happened, Jean felt like she was splitting, like she could never get to that position again. But the truth is so much different. If the situation had been the same, she’d do it again. Jean would do whatever it took to keep her mother safe. Her father and her hadn’t been on bad term prior, but the truth of the matter is that as he got more and more violent and angry, the closer the bond with her mother had become. They’d huddled together in the bathroom, in her bedroom, talking in whispers out of fear. Everything had changed in the course of a few months in her family and because of Jean’s action everything was going to change again. 
Jean is capable of so much more than she thought. 
“Our stomachs say thank you in advance then, Jean,” Wayne starts, moving just a hair further into the kitchen. Right behind him, Eddie thinks, is the spot. A couple more feet back and his feet would be planted squarely in the ghost of blood. “You don’t have to be thinking about us right now, but it’s still appreciated.”
“Of course, Wayne.” 
Admittedly the more Jean continues to separate out, the more Eddie realizes this might be the most full their fridge will have been in a while. And it’s not a shameful thought. They did what they needed to do to get by. They survived because they always did and they always will. Eddie and Wayne both take a bag of dishes each and carry them back to the car--it was mutually decided to take Wayne’s car rather than Eddie’s van. 
“You sure you two are going to be alright?” It’s Wayne who asks, stepping back up onto the porch. “I know it might seem uncouth. But really, we’re here if you need us.”
Jean tucks underneath her mother’s arm. “We’ll be okay,” the two women echo. It rings behind the rumble of the car Eddie watches in the side view mirror at them on the porch until they get too small to see. 
“Wayne,” Eddie starts, still watching where he thinks Jean and her mother still are. 
“Yeah, Eddie?”
“What do you do when you know you can’t really do much to fix but you want to help?”
Wayne exhales at the question. Even though he offered to be there for them, he knew an offer like his might feel hollow to them. He meant it, even thinking what they could do--picking up extra groceries, shoveling their driveway in the winter. But he didn’t want to intrude. So he left it vague on purpose. The start for the trailer park opens up to them. 
 “You do your best, boy. You always do your best.”
Eddie stands in the kitchen of the trailer, later, changed out of the dress clothes, a slice of cobbler on his plate. From where he stands, he can see the game Wayne’s left on. It doesn’t intrigue Eddie all that much but he feels like even he needs the distraction. The evening’s just starting to settle, the darkening haze of a setting sun. Eddie’s not sure who made the dessert, but he’s grateful Jean packaged them up a hefty portion of it. 
The phone rings and Eddie shuffles forward, plate in one hand, phone in the other. “Munson residence,” he answers. 
He knows that voice, though it comes out in a croak. “Yeah, it’s me Jean, sweetheart. You okay?”
“I-I don’t think I want to be alone tonight.” She sniffles into the receiver and Eddie sets the plate onto the counter. “Could-could you come back over? I’m sorry. I know you just left a few hours ago.”
“Ssh, hey, now. It’s okay. I can come back over. Give me ten minutes okay? I promise it’ll be the quickest ten minutes of your life.”
“This is the only time I’ll ask for a quick ten minutes.”
Eddie groans at the suggestive retort. “I hope I’m not too quick in that department. But snuggle up in bed and I’ll be over soon, okay?”
“Quickest ten minutes of my life?”
Eddie nods, though he realizes she can’t see it. “Probably even quicker than that.”
“Okay. Thanks, Eds. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. It means a lot.”
“Of course. You’re welcome.”
“See you soon. Love you.”
Eddie’s already moving to hang up the phone but he chokes on his spit at the last two words. “Did-Jean?”
“Yeah, Eddie?”
She hadn’t hung up. He’d halfways expected no one to reply to his call of her name. He halfway expected there to be dial tone in his ears. But she’s still there. The thump of his throat makes Eddie inhale harshly. Jean said it first--Eddie was sure it was going to be him and then he’d have to live in agony of her taking a bit longer to return it verbally though she’d already shown it through her actions. But Jean said it first. The room spins just a little and Eddie rests his head against the fridge before he exhales. 
“I love you too,” he returns. “See you soon.” Eddie waits for the line to go dead before he hangs up and his hands are shaky. Tears are gathering in his eyes. She said it first. 
When Wayne asks Eddie where he’s headed with a bag on his back, Eddie only returns with, “Going to do my best.” 
Both men nod at each other at the statement and Eddie heads to the van. He hadn’t bothered to change out of the sweatpants or old gym shirt. He’d only thrown on a flannel, his jacket, and shoes. 
The sight of Jean and her mother on the front porch, each with a cigarette in hand, isn't the sight that Eddie thought he’d see, but he says nothing as he pulls the van into park and then climbs up to greet them. He gives a tiny wave as he approaches. Jean offers her chair, but Eddie declines. “I know you said bed,” Jean starts, her voice is thick and it’s clear that at some point she’d cried. Either before she called him or after. 
“A quick smoke break is also acceptable.”
“It’s unbecoming,” her mother teases, sending a wink over to them. “But clearly, we’re beyond that.” She offers the pack and Eddie brandishes his in return. “Acquired taste,” she laughs. 
Jean nudges her mother’s knee. But doesn’t say anything. When it falls to just silence and her mother slips back into the house, Eddie pushes up from the side of the house and settles down in the now vacant seat. Jean pulls in a shaky drag. “At the funeral today, I had to keep myself from telling the whole room the truth.”
“Hopper’s got your back. And you’re the only thing from him probably sending me to jail so…”
“No, I mean, I realized if I had to do it again, I would.”
Eddie nods. It’s not a thought most people probably usually have. Nor is it a thought that he thought Jean would have either. “I hope you won’t have to make a choice like that again.” Eddie takes hold of her knees, thumb rubbing over the cotton of her leggings. 
“I hope not too.” 
In the silence that creeps up, Eddie can’t help the taunt. It’s barreling up his chest and Eddie’s no good with long silences after something so emotional. He knows he should be better. But he’s not. “So you love me, huh?” He leans in, a doopy smile on his face and all Jean does is run her free hand over his cheek. 
“I do. I love you, Eddie Munson.” 
Her gaze is much too tender. It’s going to melt Eddie right here on this cold November night. And he’s going to let it. “I love you, Jean Brown.”
“Thanks for coming over. I need a good cry and my boyfriend to cuddle if you’re up with that.”
“Yeah, for you, I am.”
Christmas is a knife through the fog. The fog still lingers and Jean spends most of December trying to get back to work on a regular schedule and the other part is her trying to remember what she's trying to do again with her life. The stares don’t linger in December. There’s fewer apologies, but it still feels like a film over her life that she keeps picking at to clear it all away. But when Eddie gifts her new paints--her old ones having been neglected for far too long and on the brink of being beyond saving--Jean feels the first clear day. Wayne fixes them hot chocolate and they wear matching pajama bottoms. It’s cheesy as hell but when Jean welded the shopping bag with a bright grin, Eddie couldn’t say no. He took the bag, divvying out the items for him and Wayne and agreeing that when they meet the day after Christmas, he’d be wearing them. And the sight of Eddie in the gingerbread covered pants, a W.A.S.P t-shirt covering his torso, she felt like things could actually get better.  
New Years and the beginning of January bring more clearer days. Jean can remember laughing more rapidly than before. Eddie pouts as she braids his hair, and she laughs. When Eddie groans at the cheesy date night of heading down to the local thrift shop to find matching plates to put their painted handprints on, he only does so because Jean will laugh. Jean knows her laughter is not quite the same, but she’s grateful that it still comes amidst the sadness that cuts through. When she walks back into the house after a rough day, she finds herself missing the embrace of her father whose immediate remedy would be a hot chocolate. She misses the man he used to be and she wonders if there was any saving for him. If she hadn’t reacted like she did, could they have gotten back to the old ways? It’s a question that will ever have an answer, and that’s what haunts her. She can never and will never get an answer.
In the early days of February, Jean feels something lighter in her chest. Valentine’s Day is spent with piles of movies rented and a pizza. It’s not how either one would’ve pictured how they’d spend the day either. But it feels right as they share greasy kisses and laugh at the cheesy romantic comedies. Underneath the tenderness is heavier, hotter, more carnal. They know it well, but don’t know it recently. The kisses linger longer now and hands occasionally slip under t-shirts, and it leaves them still breathless as one or both of them break from the kisses at the same time. It is threatening to blossom again but not quite breaking through the bud. 
The TV casts a soft glow over them. The setting sun has provided more than enough light for them. It’s nothing either of them really were going to watch. Eddie had turned it on because it was less distracting to him than his music and he had promised to actually settle down to work on his project. He’d procrastinated for a week and now with the impending pressure of the deadline he had to turn something in, even if it was great to even have the thought of passing the courses. Jean sits on the couch, book in front of her from the public library. While Jean was never an avid reader, she’d started to read more in the winter. To give Eddie’s well loved copies a break in the binding, she’d hunted down her old library card. 
But now, Jean’s just watching Eddie on the floor, tongue poking out just a little as he maneuvers the scissors over the construction paper. “Put your tongue away sir,” Jean teases. 
“Or what?” Eddie huffs back, not sparing her a glance. 
“Or I’m putting it back for you.”
Eddie looks up at the comment, only to see the way Jean mauervers in her position, thighs passing over each other. “Is my concentration turning you on?”
“And if it is?”
“And if it’s not?” Jean poses.
Eddie tsk, tongue gently tapping the roof of his mouth and the back of his teeth to echo the sound. “You’re a crap liar.”
Jean sighs, head ducking back down on the pages of the book. “Shut up.” It’s embarrassing how anything Eddie does turns her on now. She’d hadn’t pressed him too far too much about sex, still nervous herself about initiating anything sexual. But she couldn’t deny the fact that the months were catching up to her. 
Eddie laughs, pushing up from the floor and settles onto the edge of the couch. He reaches for her knee and Jean gives in easily. He tugs until she’s climbing onto his lap. His hands run over her ribs and he holds her close to his chest. The brush of his jeans over her front causes a small whimper to escape her throat.
Eddie kisses up her neck and then down the other side. “I love it when you’re like this, needy for me. But I do have work to do.”
“Since when have you really cared,” Jean whines. 
“Since someone told me I was on a probationary period with my balls.”
Jean snorts. “With the term man,” she corrects. 
“Same thing.”
“Absolutely not,” she retorts. Jean presses in, lips sealing around Eddie’s. She does want him to actually do his work. It’s a greedy kiss, lips parting and meeting and parting and meeting, but it’s not rushed. They take just a few minutes to savor the taste of the other. Jean peels back just a hair. “I-it’s just been a while.”
“Sweetheart, trust me when I say, I know.” Eddie punctuates the sentence by pressing Jean harder down onto his crotch, the pressure against his hardening cock causes him to lose his breath just for a moment. “But I really, really, want you to be in the right headspace for sex. So it may be killing me to have to constantly rub one out in the shower, but I never, never want to push you too far.”
Jean nods, dropping her head to Eddie’s shoulder. She inhales deeply, taking in the mixture of scents. She’d upgraded his cologne for Christmas and every time she gets a whiff, her core clenches. “I’m getting better.”
“I see it, baby. I’m happy you are.”
“Next weekend--mom’s out of town. Do you want to try playing house?” The slow drag of Eddie’s fingers up her spine makes her shiver. But she snuggles in deeper. 
“Why is your mom going out of town?” 
“She just told me a couple weeks ago she’s considering if she wants to sell the house and move back to Cincinnati.”
Eddie's throat jumps, the teasing touch turning into a fearful embrace. Jean leaving him? Would she even stay in town? He gets it--if she needed to get away from this town now especially after everything. If that’s what she needed to do, Eddie would try his best to make it work. He’d have to find a more reliable vehicle for those trips. A large feat to get a new car, but not impossible. “Do-do you want to move with her?”
“I don’t know, if I’m being honest, Eds. I want to get away, but I want to get away with you too. I know Cincinnati isn’t a metal scene, but I don’t know. Feels like we could start fresh maybe. If you want, of course. You still have lots of friends and the band here. There’s a lot that’s sort of just up in the air.”
There’s a lot of unknowns. The rest of the band was pretty much just riding through their final years of high school. It wasn’t clear where they were headed just yet. Eddie himself still needed to graduate. And Jean--did Jean even want what she had before? “Are you going to be staying at the shop? If your mom decides not to move, do you want to stay there or try and make the jewelry and art more permanent things. There’s still downtown--a lot of buildings for sale. Could easily be converted into a studio and shop.”
“Oh my god, Eddie, are you already plotting out our whole lives or something?” Jean pushes up from the position. Her tone is sarcastic and teasing, but her smile is soft. 
Eddie takes in a deep breath, always a little thrown off by her dazzling smile. He hates to admit that sometimes when they’re hanging out or when he was supposed to be paying attention in class he was thinking about her, what life could look like for them. And it’s amazing to feel something is so full of possibility. “What if I have?”
“Tell me. Please.”
“Alright, well, here it goes. Strap in.” Eddie wraps his arms around her waist and she nods, laughing a little. His fingers tap at her lower back as he speaks, “We buy two abandoned shops downtown right next to each other. You have earlier hours than I do, 10 to 6, maybe 7. I stroll in around noon and I stay until 8. And you always have to come drag me out of the records shop because you know I can lose track of time. You’ve got jewelry in the front of your store, yeah. Then some art that you’re okay selling. On the weekends you hold workshops, kids, adults, bored teens come in and you teach sessions only from 11 to 4 then. And you hate, and I mean hate when I open up shop because I am blasting music way too loud, but I make sure to only keep it loud for the first hour and then I turn it down and maybe I’m giving guitar lessons because let’s face it it’s extra money to make. I play gigs, try out for a few bands. But a band does take off. We hire some help at the record shop while I’m off touring. And baby, life is fucking good. That’s all I want, with you.”
Jean captures his lips in a kiss. “I like the sound of that, Eds.”
“Hmm, I’m glad.” He punctuates the sentences with another kiss. “But seriously, I need to finish this.”
“Yes, yes, I know. But next weekend?”
“We’re on. We should have a date night. Go somewhere.” He leaves off the rest, We haven’t had a date night in a while. Because it’s obvious why they haven’t. They did small things, but hadn’t really gone out in a while. 
“Arcade? I’m happy to kick your ass in any game there.”
“Sounds like a date.”
“Thanks, stud muffin.” They share one last kiss before Jean peels herself off Eddie’s lap. He returns back to the project at hand, throwing a lazy slap behind him at the tease of Jean’s ass shaking in his periphery. 
“Behave, woman!”
As the weekend approaches, Eddie takes inventory of the list he’d scratched down what feels like a lifetime ago. Though he doubts Jean and he would even get to this--it would be their first time being intimate since the end of October, early November. But there’s a voice in the back of his head that tells him it’s better to be prepared and be overly prepared at that, than not not be prepared at all. So he packs up the silk ties he fashioned, grabs a couple of his bandanas, and the feather paddle. It hadn’t been easy to get the last item without Jean seeing. But he managed on one of her days off to get up to the store to snag it. On top of it of course, he tosses in clothes for the weekend, his body wash and deodorant and other necessities. There’s a moment when Eddie lifts the bag up, he thinks what’s at the bottom will burn a hole right through it, but it won’t. Nothing is bad. It’s just personal. He doesn’t want any of this getting out. 
When Friday morning rolls around and Eddie pulls into the parking lot of the school, his chest feels like it’s going to burst out of his chest. He leaves his weekend bag in the van but his fingers run over the list. At the bottom he scratched down the safe word, wanting to remember it himself before he tried to even breach the topic with Jean. She’d agreed to come after school again for Hellfire and then they’d head over to the arcade after. Undoubtedly, they’d get sucked into too many rounds of Pac-man, Dig Dug, Tetris--a game Jean was a wizard at to Eddie’s annoyance but he loves to see her locked in, lip tucked between her teeth as she concentrated--and Space Invaders--a game Jean has to put Eddie a timer on or else they’re there until the arcade closes.
It hardly seems important to worry about classes or work when he knows that just after the ring of the last period’s bell he’s going to be spending time with the love of his life. And he can almost hear Jean’s retort that he’s being dramatic, but it doesn't matter. He’ll be dramatic as needed when it comes to her. Eddie does his best, lessons in each class passing with varying levels of his attention. He can fake the funk just for a few more hours. “How much you want to bet it’s about Jean?” Gareth asks as he approaches the lunch table. Eddie’s already pressed into the end, lazily feeding himself pretzels. 
“I don’t think we have to bet at all,” Jeff returns. “It’s sort of adorable, just a little.”
“It’s just a little bit sickening,” Mike returns. 
“It’s endearing,” Dustin counters. 
“You all are being very obvious,” Eddie calls out. 
“We’re still on for tonight, right?” Dustin questions. Eddie nods. “Is Jean coming?” he tests the waters, settling down in his normal spot at the table. He likes having her around, but it’s clear something else is on Eddie’s mind. 
“She is.”
“I like it when she’s there. Has she thought about joining a session as a player? I think she’d be a great cartographer.” 
Eddie hadn’t really broached the subject with Jean. She listened to him when he need to talk through campaign stuff, but it was his world--a thing for Eddie all alone. Jean didn’t seem like she wanted to dabble. It didn’t even strike Eddie that he never felt the need to bring the world fully to her. She took what she wanted and Eddie wonders if that’s how the two of them worked. He wasn’t into art, but when Jean wanted to talk about it or wanted his opinion about a piece, he was happy to slip into her world and then slip out of it. 
“If she wants,” Eddie returns to Dustin’s question. 
“I’d like to play with her,” Dustin states. It’s a simple fact, but Eddie finds himself perking up a little more that others were taking to her too. She wasn’t around a lot--a product of Eddie having to repeat his senior year a third time. But it is nice to know that when she is around, Jean is meshing well with his friends. 
The rest of the table fills in and the conversation migrates to the toilet in the boys locker room that overflowed, making for an interesting P.E. session for those unfortunate souls that had the class early in the day. The rumors are easy to turn recount--a massive shit, someone purposefully trying to clog the plumbing with paper towels. It's an easy conversation to hold and then smaller pockets break out. Gareth, Jeff, and Eddie contemplating what to play and practice for the next gig at The Hideout. The ease of the conversation passes too fast and before they know it there’s still three and a half more hours of class to struggle through.  
Eddie sits, in the middle of the back row, legs bouncing in the chair. He tries to keep the chains tapping against the seat to a minimum by holding them in his hands. His fingers run up and down the divots. But the truth of the manner is that he does not give a shit about chemistry or oxidation. He just needs the bell to ring. Ring, ring, ring, he chants in his head watching the seconds ticking down
When it does, he’s almost the first one out of the classroom door. He slithers through the hallways in a half jog. Others are at lockers and Eddie’s heading for the front door. He finds his van and parked right next to it is Jean, already leaning against the hood of her car. He takes out into a sprint, barely checking for buses and cars. Jean pushes up, sweater falling off her shoulder as she takes a couple steps closer. 
“Hey,” Eddie exhales, wrapping her up in a hug. He doesn’t miss the skirt she’s wearing--a pleated yellow, black and white plaid number that’s shorter than normal and absolutely not the jeans she normally wears. Her legs are covered by stockings coming up to her thighs. “Is this for Hellfire? Because I have to say, I am jealous if it is.”
Jean laughs, pulling out of the embrace. “It’s for the arcade and date night. I didn’t want to do a costume change.”
Eddie takes a brief skim of the tops of her thighs between the bottom of the skirt and the tops of the black thigh high stockings. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”
“No, you are. And it’s called Dungeons and Dragons,” Jean slips her hands down to tap him on the ass. “C’mon. We gotta step up.”
“I know what I want to set up.” Eddie sends her a wink but digs out the box of figurines and his notes before they start back to the doors. They’ll only have a couple hours at the arcade as is. Jean’s got the late shift on Saturday and while they could use Saturday morning for a date night, it felt like they were both possibly expecting tonight to be long. 
Jean cracks open the door to the drama room, to find Mike and Dustin already pulling the chairs and desk together in the center. “Hey, boys,” she calls out with a wave as she holds the door open with her body for Eddie. 
“Hi Jean!” Dustin beams. “Glad you could join tonight.”
“Excited to see what trouble the party gets into today,” she laughs. It’s easy to pull out the movement map and place the figurines in front of where everyone usually sits. The rest is really up to Eddie with his notes and divider, which she’s careful not to mess with too much as she doesn’t want anything to spill out. 
“Eds, babe, did you forget your dice?” Jean calls out peering back into the empty box. 
“I got them with me,” he returns.
“Oh, whoops. Missed you grabbing them out of the box.” 
The room settles soon after--Jean to the left of the throne, next to Dustin, Eddie’s jacket draped over her lap. Jean would bet money Eddie placed it over her lap as a sign to the room where the boundaries lie. As the session progresses, Eddie notices Jean leaning in more and more. She doesn’t give anything away, just peeks every so often to double check Eddie’s being fair about his rolls and watching on the edge of her seat as the guys make their roles too. Dustin rolls a nat 20 at a crucial moment and she pops out of the chair, cheer erupting deep from her chest. 
“Fuck you, Vecna. Fuck you!” she roars, one hand clutches Eddie’s jacket to her waist still but the other pumps into the air as she takes a lap around the room. She flips Eddie off. “You son of a bitch!”
Eddie can only laugh at her excitement. But his heart nearly bursts out of his chest as he watches Jean celebrate with Dustin. The rest of the group is celebrating too, claps and cheers echoing around the room.
“That’s my line,” Dustin returns to Jean amidst his clear excitement.  
“By all means,” she gestures, waving out the figurative red carpet for him. She settles back down to Eddie’s left. 
He gestures for her to lean in closer and when she does, Eddie caresses her cheek. “Angel, you’re cute when you’re excited. But please do not shake the players. It scares them.”
Jean laughs, but nods. “Please have the signage up more clearly next time.”
“Noted,” he huffs. “Smartass.”
“Sure am. And guess what, I’m your smartass so get used to it.”
“Hmm,” Eddie returns as if deciding if he wants to get used to it or not. 
The session for the night ends on a high note and the clean up is quick.  The evening is cooler, but it’s not grueling with the cold just yet. Eddie is still quick to get the things into his van so Jean can get into the warmth of her car. It’s not too much longer from them pulling out of the school parking lot that the arcade comes into view. They park side by side in the lot. But Eddie captures her wrist. It slows Jean down and she looks up through her lashes. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” she huffs. 
“Look at you like what?”
“Like you love me.”
“Heavens, no, too tender of a gaze for the love of my life, huh?”
“Heart can’t take it,” Jean laughs before pushing up for a kiss.
 Eddie knows he shouldn’t, but the deeper the kiss gets, the lower his hands fall down her back, over her ass until his fingers are curling into the back of her fleshy thighs. Jean only gasps and Eddie takes the surprise to graze her bottom lip. Her hands are slipping around his waist, pulling his hips into hers. 
“Eddie.”It comes out like a plea, like she wants to ask something else, but doesn’t. 
“Yes, lovely?”
“I kind of do what to have a date night with you, but you’re making it hard not to want to go back to my place.”
The desire to slip his hand under her skirt right to her core rises, but Eddie wants a date night too. He wants to hear her laugh, illuminated by blues and yellows off the screens. He wants to hold her close as they eat burgers way too late that are no good for them. He wants to in their own way wine and dine her before they even consider sex again. 
“One more kiss,” he bargains. “You can’t say no to these big ol’ chocolate eyes. I know you can’t.”
Jean lets her laughter fall freely. “I don’t want to say no--that’s the difference. So I won’t,” she states before pressing one last kiss to Eddie’s mouth. “Now, who’s on quarter duty? I can’t remember if I was last time.”
“I’ll take it, if you don’t mind getting us food?”
“Sounds like a good deal.”
 Between the two of them, Eddie knows it’s going to take about three or four dollars for the machines. But he goes for an even five just to be safe. With his pocket full of change, Eddie turns to Jean. “Lady’s choice first.”
“Oh, hmm,” Jean starts turning to the array of machines. She almost says Burger Time just to annoy Eddie, but she spies Tetris opening up so she makes a beeline for the machine. It doesn’t necessarily fill up fast, but once someone gets going, they’re in for a while. She has to seize the opportunity while she still can. If not, it will be another hour before the machine opens up again. 
“Of course,” Eddie laughs, following behind her. 
Jean slots in at the machine, palm up for the coin. Eddie plops the quarter into the machine instead. She welcomes Eddie circling his arm around her waist, chin resting on her shoulder. The blocks start to fall from the top and her fingers are deft over the buttons to rotate and place on the board. Eddie watches as the screen clutters up, almost too full for it to work out, but she gets a long block to slot into the bottom five rows that were still waiting and the whole screen filters down again only a couple rows waiting to be complete. 
40,000 points come and go in a blink. Then 75,000. She creeps up to 90,000. Eddie waits for the triple digits and when they blink over the screens, he squeezes her waist a little. Jean takes just a second to look over his face. If she didn’t know better, by the poke of his tongue, she would think Eddie is the one playing. But she can’t afford too long of a distraction. 225,000 points glows as her final score. 
“Oh, one more,” Eddie encourages, the coin already falling into the machine. 
Her score didn’t break the top ten and Eddie knows she’s got better in her. Jean nods, working the controls again. The tickle of Eddie’s breath leaves her mind as she keeps track of her rows, assessing the pattern of the blocks that fall. 680,000--the score breaches the 9 top score.
“Another?” Eddie asks. 
“Maybe later. I don’t want to bore you.”
“I am far bored,” Eddie teases, pulling her firmer against him. The semi hard on is clearer and Jean purposefully grinds back as she leads them back away from the machine. None of them say anything about it. 
“Your turn,” Jean retorts, lightly tapping his outer thigh. “I’m sure of it,” she tacks on to avoid the primed question.
They alternate--picking games to play for a round or two. Eddie gets Jean on for a round of Space Invaders and it goes poorly, her laughing at her poor reflexes. Eddie is there, behind her, hands laying over her to help her get a feel for the timing. His laughter is soft as Jean squeals at her failure. 
“I’m terrible, Eds, I told you.”
“Nah, sweetheart, you did great for your second time.”
“Yeah, did so great at being terrible. I didn’t even get a fourth of your score.”
“I can’t touch your score in Tetris,” Eddie laughs. 
“Oh, it’s not hard. C’mon. I could teach you.”
“Nah, I’m good. I’ll leave you to your blocks. That game would make my head explode. Your turn.”
It would be easy to say Tetris, considering it’s still open. But she’s curious to see what sort of damage they can do together. They bounce to Dig Dug, then Pac-Man upon Eddie’s request. And when he requests Jean to pick again, she takes another survey of the room. Jean knows soon the arcade will be closing as the crowd is thinning. She spots Dragon’s Lair. She’s noticed it before, but never really gravitated towards it. Taking Eddie by his wrist, she leads them to the machine. She spins within inches of it. “What do you say, Dungeon Master?”
“Firstly, Dungeons and Dragons is vastly different from this. But secondly, I love the sound of that from your lips. So hell yeah.”
Jean laughs reaching into the pocket of Eddie’s jacket. Her fingers find the change and something else. She pulls both of them out. Eddie doesn’t seem to be noticing too much as he peers over the introductory screen. She reads the list. Silks (or silk adjacent), blind fold (or blind fold adjacent), pillows (for knees), gag?, paddle or whip?, safe word (HIGH priority). Safe word is scratched through and sour cream is written down next to it on the same line. 
“You okay, Jean?” He’d gotten distracted trying to piece together what the game might be about but even he noticed how long it was taking for Jean to fish out a quarter. He spies the list in her hand and almost wants to vomit. Not how he wanted to bring this up. He’d do it over popcorn and shitty movies or while they listened to the chirps of early spring‘s night. Not in the arcade. And not by it being an accident at that. “Shit. I didn’t bring that assuming you’d want to go that far. I brought it to be safe in case you did. Again, I don’t--it’s important that you feel the most comfortable with whatever we do.”
“I almost forgot--that we even started talking about it,” Jean whispers. “With everything that had gone on, this feels like years ago.”
Eddie reaches up to gingerly take the list, but Jean holds to it. He doesn’t fight her, but he does hover for the moment should she want to give it up. “I--It’s okay if you don’t want to anymore.”
“I never said that Eddie.” Her tone is firm, like she wants to make it clear that he ought not to make assumptions about the words that she stating. 
Eddie nods, resting his hand instead on the side of her stomach, fingers splaying onto her waist. “You don’t have to agree to it tonight, that's all I want to make clear. There’s plenty of time for us to work back up to that.”
“I do want it, what we talked about.” Jean ends the sentence there, but Eddie notices the way she parts her lips--more threatening to spill out but then she exhales hard and lets the sentence die before it births itself. 
“No,” Eddie returns. “Tell me. Please.”
“I’d like to try tonight. It-I know it’s about my comfort and you don’t want to push me. I’ll do whatever you want and feel comfortable doing. But I want to at least try.”
There’s the edge of a whine in her voice and it turns up into a bit of fear. I’ll do whatever you want. Eddie takes in her face--eyes glassy and pleading. If it’s what he wanted and she knew he wouldn’t go hard, then he could still take it easy. It didn’t have to be a deep dive like she was saying. He could still give her what she wants. But he wouldn’t have to push himself out of his own comfort zone either. It would take time for both of them to get into anything heavy. Or it would for Eddie at least. Her well being, physically and emotionally, took precedent over his own sexual desires or fanasties. It might kill him to have vanilla sex for a while, but he’d rather that than running the risk of scaring Jean. 
“Okay,” Eddie agrees softly. “We can try tonight.”
Jean beams, tucking the list back into his pocket. “Thank you, Eddie.”
“Don’t thank me just yet,” he scoffs. “We still need to get through it all first.”
“For being willing,” Jean continues on.
“Of course, princess.” They share a tender kiss and Eddie keeps his forehead pressed to her. “Dragon’s Lair or do you want food?”
“One try at this, then food? I didn’t eat much for lunch,” she admits. 
“Did you eat at all today?”
“Breakfast. And like almonds for lunch.” Eddie balks for a moment, hands wrapping tighter around her side. Like he’s going to force both of them out of the arcade in an instan. Jean takes hold of his wrist. “It wasn’t on purpose! I woke up really late today after being up after work until like 2 in the morning. I had to get to the post office, run by to see Hopper, and drop off the painting I did for the Thompsons’. I just--forgot.” 
It feels like a lame excuse to give, to simply forget. But it’s the truth. She did forget. She managed to eat breakfast. But in the time it took to chat with Hopper and then get to the Thompsons’ before Hellfire, she was already left scrambling and pressed for time. Over the weeks, she’s gotten used to stopping by the police office to speak with Hopper. Usually it centered around the case, but it soon became just check ins. He asked about her mother, and even Eddie. Jean doesn’t tell Eddie when Hopper asks about him. It’s never detailed—mostly checking in to make sure the two of them are still okay, that Eddie’s treating her right. 
Eddie sighs at the confession. “Why were you up late?”
“I wanted to finish The Lord of the Rings. Which reminds me I have to return that by Sunday.”
“Oh—what do you think?” 
“It takes a whole different side of my brain to get it but I liked it. Felt transported that’s for sure.” 
Eddie can handle that. It is dense and he’s just glad she gave it a shot at all. The kiss to Jean’s forehead is soft. “I’m glad you liked it. I can return it if we don’t get up and going before your shift tomorrow.” 
Jean nods her agreement to the compromise. “I’ll take any more recommendations too.” 
“We should give your brain a break. You’re not even in school anymore. Soon though, I’ve got something I think you’ll like too.”
Eddie holds up his pinkie and Jean wraps hers around. “Promise,” Eddie states after kissing her digit. “Now, only one game and then food. I’m not going to have you passing out on me.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“C’mon. Let’s save a princess.” 
“Who, me?”
“Another princess,” Eddie huffs, but grins at the joke. 
The game’s not too terribly complicated and Eddie much like in Space Invaders rests his hands over Jean’s as they work together. Jean’s eyes are a bit faster than Eddie’s but Eddie’s reflexes are faster thanks to the years of guitar. Two halves that make that complete the whole--never perfect, but always complete. The feeling of her pressed in so close makes Eddie feel secured. Though he’s shielding around her, arms threaded through her sides, his back facing the rest of the arcade, Eddie is grateful for the feeling of Jean’s laughter rumbling through her. It grounds him as they work through the castle and dodging attacks. 
Jean jumps when the flames lick at them, unprotected to the dragon’s wrath. Eddie manages to dodge his head out of the way to avoid the back of her head bashing into his jaw, but he doesn’t release her--arms wrapping around her waist even tighter. 
“Jesus, that scared me. We were so close,” she laughs, hand settling over her chest. 
Eddie almost offers one more game but then he reminders she hasn’t eaten. “We can try again later, sometime. I’m sure Princess Daphne will understand that we need first food.”
“Burgers? I’m starving.”
“Of course. Do you take for some kind of common whore who doesn’t go for burgers on date night.”
“Never,” Jean laughs. “I would never take you as such.”
Eddie didn’t disbelieve Jean’s claims to be starving but when she orders an extra helping of fries and eats every single of them, Eddie knows the depth to her earlier confession. She hadn’t eaten much earlier in the day. Eddie offers to cover dessert, but Jean shakes her head. “You sure?”
“Sure,” Jean laughs, sipping down the last of her Coke. “Do you want anything?”
Eddie shakes his head, rings tapping into the table in front of them. “As tempted as I am to get a milkshake, I think you and your sheets will prefer me not to.”
Jean snorts. “It’s not like you haven’t boxed me in with your farts anyway.”
“It was once,” Eddie retorts. 
“Twice--I shouldn’t have suggested pizza the second time.”
“Maybe twice. But I’m going to need proof the second time before I agree to it.” 
They share a small tuft of laughter before Jean pays the bill and they head to her place. It’s strange to be in two different cars, heading to the same place, knowing exactly what’s going to happen. It only feels this way because Eddie sort of envisioned this all differently. A slow build, where they went maybe somewhere fancy or he cooked for them at one of their places. It would be an all day sort of build up. The saving grace is that there is still plenty of time to work up to things. Eddie didn’t have to do anything that would make him uncomfortable like Jean had mentioned previously. They could take it easy on the first swing around. It would help them learn anyway--slow and steady.
 He turns down the dial on his radio the sounds of Dio Rainbow In The Dark swirling around in his head. When he first heard the song, he wanted to cry. Not that Eddie would admit to many people that he’d listened to metal for more than just the guitar riffs and thumping bass drum. But he did. A byproduct of his father being in jail, never having his mother in his life beyond the early years and spending a couple years floating as a ward of the state before his Uncle Wayne got settled enough to take him in, is that Eddie had to rely on himself. He’s always felt like he was just destined to fade into the background. And he didn’t want it. Eddie wanted someone to care about him and he wanted someone--anyone-- to notice him. 
The paradox of his life--wanting people, creating a shield to keep from getting hurt again, but still wanting people. It makes sense to avoid pain as much as possible. To find something that will make the pain either non-existent or ensure it’s never felt again. Eddie had created a vortex that only few people dared to enter and those that did he learned to trust. But he’d been the in part the reason for his own isolation. He had a hand in stirring the pot because as long as anyone too scared by the facade stayed away Eddie was safe. 
The funny thing about feeling safe is that it is not a feeling created alone. Feeling safe has to have the right combination. Eddie feels safe with Jean because she is the right combination of supportive, understanding, and steadiness to call Eddie out on his own shit. Eddie feels like he’s been spotted, and that such a spotlight is only created because of love is because it is Jean that’s doing it. Safety is not created alone. In return, Eddie hopes that he can create that sense of safety with Jean too--tonight and always. 
Eddie knows the rules--no shoes in the house past the entrance but he breaks it, taking Jean gently by her wrist and nodding down the hallway for her to continue down with him. “It’s us playing house for the weekend, remember?” he grins. 
“And playing house means you’re sweeping the floors then.”
“With honor,” Eddie laughs, leading them all the way to her bedroom. Her room opens to the beige walls that are just barely covered in magazine cutouts and posters. It’s not a lot--just her bed decorated in a purple bedspread, a desk, and vanity. One window decorates the room’s wall. The closet is on the same wall as the door. It’s just enough decoration with the photos tucked into the corners of her mirrors. It’s just enough that Eddie knows it’s Jean’s. 
Eddie hoists her up onto the bed. It’s not high by any means and Jean laughs as she lets him lift her. Her descent makes the end of her skirt fly up and there’s just a hint of pink lace covering her. The groan that Eddie can feel in his chest is forgotten as he kneels down onto the shag run covering her hardwood floors--it’s not really about him anymore. It’s all about her. All about Jean. The boots aren’t new--he can tell by the creases on the toes and he scuffs. 
“So,” Eddie starts, pulling at the lace on the right boot, “sounds like you had an eventful day--Hopper, post office, Hellfire. Not too tired?”
Jean watches from above. Her fingers just barely brush back some of his curls. “No. Not tired. How-how was your day?”
The second boot lands to the floor harsher than the first, mostly due to Eddie’s slight tremble. But it’s worth it--building this slowly because safety is not a feeling made alone. Eddie pushes up from the floor, slipping out of his own shoes and jacket before climbing onto the bed behind her. Her question still lingers as Jean watches Eddie reach back for her. She slides across her comforter until she’s situated between Eddie’s legs, pressing her back into his chest. They both sink just a little into the pillows. Jean had forgone a headboard opting to use her desk most of the time and she liked having more pillows anyway. But it did create a deep pocket of pillows on her bed as a result.
Eddie slips his fingers just under the hem of her sweater, fingers gently brushing over the top of the skirt. “I thought I was going to lose my mind until I could see you,” he chuckles. 
“Little old me?” Jean returns, turning her head. She’s greeted by the sight of Eddie’s neck. He hums in response to the question. “Tell me about it. Your day.”
“Boring, really,” Eddie returns. 
Jean shivers at the brush of Eddie’s fingers over her stomach. He traces the band of her skirt but nothing more--no pressure, no kneading. Just the ever so delicate trace of the tips of his fingers--slow and steady. She inhales again at his scent, nose brushing just ever so slightly over the column of his throat. “Tell me, please,” she whispers into his skin. Though her core aches and part of her wants Eddie to ravish her. She does care that he had a good day at the very least. It matters--it feels that they linger here in this space. “Classes, Hellfire, everything.”
“You were there for the last part of it,” Eddie returns with a shaky laugh. Her exhales ghost over skin and Eddie can feel them in his spine. 
“I’ll listen to it again.”
Eddie pulls his hands out from under her sweater, fingers now picking just a little at the skirt.  “Classes were whatever. Managed a C+ on that project from last week.”
“Proud of you,” Jean returns. 
“Th-thanks. I think the boys of Hellfire are more enamored by you than I am,” Eddie teases. “If a little squirt like Dustin loves you, then I think it’s safe to say you’re officially in good with them.”
Jean can’t really pay attention to the words, not with the way Eddie keeps hitching the hem of her skirt up higher and higher. She does manage a laugh at the comment about Dustin. She’s zeroing in on how his fingers brush over the tops of her thighs. Eddie continues on and Jean’s sure now he’s probably thoroughly distracted with his own recounting. He won’t notice the way she crosses her legs, praying that the squeeze will provide some relief. 
“Tsk,” Eddie returns, fingers wrapping into the meat of her inner thighs and pulling them apart. “Did I say you could cross them?”
“No-no, you didn’t.”
Eddie gets her legs parted. Though the fullness of her thighs don’t leave a gap in the uncross, Eddie leaves them touching but not crossed. “Stay there, doll,” he whispers. “And I was going to compliment this choice too--a skirt to greet me and spend the afternoon.”
Jean hums at the brush of his lips to her ear. “I know normally it’s not my normal attire.”
“Dressing up for a special occasion?”
“Trying to, at least,” Jean returns. 
Eddie drags his fingers along the edge of her inner thighs, playing at the line they create as they touch. He goes up and under the skirt, but stops just an inch shy of her lace covered core and then drags them back down her outer thigh. “As I was saying,” he starts, watching the way Jean fists the ends of her sweater. “Dustin asked if you wanted to join us, play a session or two.”
“Dungeons and Dragons?” Jean questions, exhaling hard. 
“Yeah. If you want of course. I’ll help you build your character up of course.”
“I-I like watching.”
“Then you can just watch.” The sentence hangs--one beat, then two. Eddie’s fingers have paused on the teasing. Should he? He wants to. He’s hoping this isn’t too much. It’s why he asked if she was tired. If she’d said yes, or Eddie felt like she was covering up something he was going to say they could table it, wait until later. But her response was even from her lips. “I want you to watch me, doll,” Eddie states, each word equally measured over his tongue as they fall. 
Jean watches as one hand comes up to her jaw, head tilting down. “Okay.” It’s quiet, but not a weak submission. “I’m watching.”
Eddie flips the skirt up. Jean takes in the sight of her own stomach, and just below it she sees the crotch of her panties. Safety is not a feeling made alone. While he could easily just go for his next move, he thinks there’s something enticing to Jean knowing what’s coming next but having to wait for it--the anticipation of her own pleasure. “Why pink?”
“Thought you’d like it.”
“Thank you for thinking of me,” Eddie breathes, kissing her temple. 
“Do you? Like it?” His fingers are teetering, playing at the seam of her pelvis. Every muscle feels like it’s light on fire as Jean tenses at the touches. 
“I do. I really do like it. I’m going to pull these stunning little panties to the side, okay, love? Going to touch your clit, okay?”
Jean nods. She counts the seconds it takes for Eddie to move from hovering to capturing the side of underwear--four seconds. Much too long after the direction, but when the cool air hits her, Jean exhales hard. 
“Bend your knees, a leg on either side of mine,” Eddie instructs and Jean does as told. Her core disappears from her sight, the round edge of her own belly hiding it away from her. Another six seconds--two more than last time. But when Eddie’s fingers press into her clit, Jean ruts her hips up. “Hey, hey, sweet thing. I got you.”
Jean clings to the voice, I got you. Jean nods. Eddie always has. She’s never been worried about that.“I know. Just missed this.”
“Missed me playing with your pussy?”
Jean only gets a sigh out. It sounds content. 
“I let it go one time.” Eddie pauses on lazy circles he’s been making. “But when I ask you a question, I need a verbal response, okay? The second you go nonverbal on me, I’m going to assume that’s you wanting out. Do you understand?”
The air is tight in Jean’s lungs. It hurts that Eddie’s stopped touching her. Him playing lazily at clit is better so much better that her own fingers. “Yes,” she hisses. 
“Good girl,” Eddie returns, resuming his earlier work. “I know we said you’d let me do whatever you wanted and I so appreciate you trusting me. I’m going to take my time, okay? We’re going to take things real slow this first time, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Jean huffs out. “Sounds good.”
Eddie drags his fingers down from her clit down to her entrance. He gathers the wetness dripping and drags it back up to her clit. Her breasts are obstructing just a bit of his view. But the sight of Jean laying against me, hips tensing, stomach jumping at his touch makes up for what he can’t see. Eddie listens to the hitch of her breath when he presses down harder and listens to the whines when he eases up. There’s just the huff and whines filling the air. Edde drinks in the sounds. He knows in part they’re all going straight to his cock. He briefly wonders if Jean can feel it against her back. But even if she did, he assumes she doesn’t mind it much. 
“Is-is now a bad time to tell you I bought you something?” Jean asks. 
Eddie kisses her temple again, one hand teasing the seam of her pelvis and inner thigh, the other still working over her clit. “What did you buy me, sweet thing?”
“Well-fuck, shit. It came with the set, really,” Jean hums, eyes still locked on the work and flex of Eddie’s forearms. She watches the ticks of his muscles and it tells her more than she ever needs to see. He’s going to drag this out. He’s going to take his sweet time with her and she loves the idea already. 
“I’m listening,” Eddie returns. 
“It’s-it’s in my drawer, the night stand. Can I get it?” Jean whines on the last word, a gasp falling from her mouth. 
“Hmm, lovely, you can get it for me after you come once. How does that sound?”
“Eds,” Jean huffs, mind fuzzing over just slightly with the growing pleasure. He’s kept a steady pressure now, pausing every so often to drag her own arousal back over her clit. 
“Answer me please, doll.”
“Shit,” Jean pants at Eddie’s paused fingers. “Okay, I’ll come for you. Just don’t stop.”
“You have to answer me in order for me to continue.”
“I know. I will. I promise.”
“Atta girl,” Eddie grins, watching her hips rise up into his fingers. 
It’s just enough pressure. Just enough pleasure and touch for Jean to feel the impending orgasm. She keeps watch for as long as she can on Eddie’s fingers circling her clit, on the hand that drags up her stomach. He pauses at one breast, and she just barely hears the instruction that he’s going to play with her nipple before she lets a soft yes fall from her lips. Eddie cups the flesh of her chest over the shirt and over her bra and pinches until the nipple hardens into his grasps. 
Her head falls back into his shoulder, mouth agape with the moan that escapes her. It’s making her sink. Every time Eddie gives her a warning before the touch, she finds more and more she craves the ability to drop. She doesn’t care what he does because it’s him. Because she knows she’ll be safe within his control. But God, she loves the way everything hangs with anticipation. The move is known, but the timing is not. Jean digs her heels into the mattress when the timing of Eddie’s fingers match between her nipple and clit. 
Eddie knows it’s happening before Jean realizes it. She begs him not to stop and Eddie can’t think of anything that would. Her nails dig into the denim covering his thighs and then into flesh of his thighs as she rears up just a little. It’s a broken cry that pierces the air around them and then Jean sinks heavier against Eddie. He pulls his hands away, smoothing her skirt back down. 
“So good, did so good for me,” he whispers into her skin as she pants into the air to get her breath back after her orgasm. 
Jean melts into the praise, a smile decorating her face as she turns just a little into Eddie’s hold. He gives her a minute, caressing over her jaw to pass the time. He hadn’t realized just how much this would excite him. His own chest heaves. Jean’s melting like chocolate in his hands. She’ll take whatever shape he demands. But Eddie is mindful to demand carefully. Safety is not a feeling made alone. 
Eddie peels her out of her sweater, a pink lace bra decorating her brown skin. The coolness of the room makes her nipples pebble and he traces them through the fabric of the bra. The flesh of her stomach is soft and malleable under his squeeze. Eddie’s fingers find the zipper of her skirt. “Do you remember our safe word?” he asks in her ear.
Jea nods, “Yes.”
He inches the zipper down. “What is it?”
“Sour cream.”
At the utterance of the phrase, Edde pulls his hands away from her. Jean presses back, whining at the lost contact. “I’m still here, baby. I just--I need you to understand if it’s too much at any time, you use that phrase okay. I will stop. If you can’t speak, slap me.”
The laughter is involuntary but Jean pushes up and faces Eddie. “How about I just tap you twice? Couldn’t slap a pretty face like yours.”
“Thank you, Jean. Two taps. But you have to use those okay? When you need them.”
“Understood.” Jean sits on her knees between Eddie’s legs and he watches her face, the way she takes in the sight of him. Like some part of her can’t believe it. But she should. She should believe it all. “Are you going to stop? Did I do something?”
“No, no sweetheart. Just waiting on you, that’s all. You can tell me when you’re ready again.”
Jean runs her fingers over his thighs. She’s grateful that Eddie is taking it slow. Though it’s slow, it’s still arousing. She still has to wait for him. “I’m ready.” 
“Come here,” Eddie directs and Jean shuffles up. He directs her knees over his hips and settles her so she’s straddled on his waist. “Your skirt, as cute as it is, has got to go,” Eddie muses, finding the zipper again. 
              The material exhales as he gets it fully down and with just a brief warning, Eddie gets Jean up and then lays her flat on her back, taking the skirt down her legs. He kisses over her thighs, teeth catching onto the top of the thigh high stocking. He pulls them down with his teeth, down her ankles over her foot and discards them without a care somewhere and really anywhere that is not Jean. Eddie repeats the action with the left stocking and Jean hums at the feeling of his breath tickling her skin. 
Almost bare, but always beautiful, Eddie drinks in the sight of Jean splayed out beneath him. Anything--he could literally do anything as Jean asked of him but the only thing Eddie wants to do is praise, caresses, kiss. He travels up, kisses pressing over her thighs. He takes a nip at her stomach and Jean’s tuft of laughter sounds like bells above him, twinkling in his ears. He continues up, licking the valley of her breast. 
Their lips just barely brush as Eddie closes in. Jean sighs at the faint touch. “I know that if I die tonight, I’ll have been killed by an angel. Pink was a great choice.”
“Your-your gift?” She meekly motions in the direction of her nightstand. 
“Later, sweetheart,” Eddie breathes, sucking at the swell of her breast. “I won’t forget. Right now,” Eddie sighs, teeth grazing her flesh. “Fuck, right now, I just want you.”
“You can have me. You always have had me,” Jean whimpers. Eddie pulled the cup of her bra down. His tongue circles her nipple and all her thoughts are leaving her head. She has just enough clarity to remember she has to respond. If she doesn’t, Eddie will stop. 
“But I want to savor you,” he counters. 
“Please.” Jean takes a firm grip at the t-shirt decorating Eddie’s torso, pulling him in even closer to her. It’s no shock when her hands travel to the buckle of his belt. 
Eddie releases the soft laughter, kissing over Jean’s jaw. “Of course my dear. But you’re greeting handsy and I’m not sure I want you to be this hands on just yet.” At the end of sentence Eddie retreats and Jean lets her hands fall back to the mattress. Her pout nearly breaks Eddie’s resolve but he promised to try. 
Jean watches, opting to say in the position that Eddie left her in, as he rummages through his bag. It feels a bit like a gag in a cartoon, Eddie pulling out clothes, and then underwear, all of his things flying over his shoulder until he gets to where he wants. Jean watches upside down as Eddie approaches, red shiny strips of fabric. He lets the end of one caress her cheek. “Sit up, face me.”
“Am I in trouble?”
Eddie watches the quirk of her brow. Even when she’s supposed to be submitting Jean has the control and facilities to be a smart ass. “Do you want to be? Because your pretty mouth can get you there.”
“Then consider this a safety measure. So you won’t be.”
“Okay.” Jean pushes herself up, before having to turn onto her knees to face Eddie. He crocks one finger to get her to come in closer and she responds by plopping herself down on the bed. Eddie pulls her to the edge by her ankles, her legs hanging around his as he stands. He moves her wrist together and Jean threads fingers together to hold them as evenly spaced out as possible. 
It’s quiet between them as Eddie detangles one of the longer pieces. When the fabric brushes over her wrist, Jean wonders when and how she’d never noticed Eddie working on this. But at the moment, she’s glad for her previous ineptitude. He works steadily with the fabric around her wrist, cinching the middle so she can’t slip a hand out. 
“The fabric isn't super strong,” Eddie warns. He’d forgone rope in this situation on purpose. “If you pull too hard it probably will snap. Didn’t want to risk bruising you…just yet.” The last piece gets added with a wink as Jean looks up at him. The smile is shy, but she knows. The thought lingers with him, stirring at a deep desire in him too. 
“So I probably shouldn’t pull or tug too hard.”
“Probably shouldn’t. Unless of course you want trouble.”
Jean shakes her head. “Not yet.”
“I think trouble might be your middle name. Now, you lack a headboard, which makes this next part tricky, but I’m a resourceful man.” He knows the bottom of Jean’s mattress has metal slats that uphold the mattress. Carefully he guides her further up on the bed. “Need you to lay down, alright?”
“I understand.” Jean lets herself recline back. 
Some of her pillows are tossed to the floor to make space, but she goes until her back is flesh against the sheets. Eddie tugs and her arms go up and over her head. It’s not an easy job to get the tie secured enough to the bottom of the frame.
But Eddie manages. “See resourceful.”
Jean laughs just a little at the big grin. “I see.”
He circles the bed, fingers brushing at the comforter and skipping over her ankles and feet. “I’ve always wondered,” he starts, looping back towards where he just left, “how much self control you’ve had.” His actions feel reminiscent of a predator circling prey. But his heart keeps racing and Eddie wishes he didn’t feel the slight tremor. He doesn’t want to fuck this up for her. 
“Not much,” Jean returns honestly. Her gut twists in anticipation. Another wave of arousal soaking her panties. 
Eddie leans in close, elbows supporting him on the mattress, next to Jean’s face. She turns to him, watching closely as he sneaks a hand in closer to ribs but never actually touching them. “Hmm, guess you’ll have to dig deep for me tonight.” He brandishes a neatly folded bandana. “Can you try for me?”
Jean nods, her stomach tensing at the thought. “I can try.” She can more than try at this point, but it doesn’t escape her when she notices just the tiniest bit of a shake.  Though, it might ruin the mood, Jean keeps her voice small and soft as Eddie straddles her waist, not fully settling his weight down. “Eds?”
“You’re doing good. You don’t have to be scared or worried.”
Eddie cups her cheek in his hand. “Thanks, Jean. You doing okay?”
“More than okay. My panties are a pretty solid indicator of it.”
With a wiggle of his brow, Eddie laughs, body bending forward. “Good.” Their kiss is tender, the sign of them appreciating the check in and allowing the moment to dissolve naturally. Jean keeps her eyes closed as the material presses down on her face. Eddie’s gentle as he guides her head up just a little to get the tie down. It’s tight, clearly done in the hopes it doesn’t budge too much. 
Eddie waves a hand in front of her face and though Jean reacts, turning like she can tell something is in front of her face, Eddie can tell she can’t actually see or follow the moment of his hands. Her movements are delayed and a little sporadic. His fingers brush over her chin. “Don’t move,” he whispers. 
“Okay,” Jean exhales. 
Time slows behind the darkness of the cotton. Her perception is sluggish--it’s delayed. The bed moves slower as Eddie moves from off her. It sounds like it takes longer, between the click of a belt buckle and the zip of pants. The silence moves like centimeters around her, broken only intermittently with Eddie’s shuffling. The rummaging sounds further away and Jean can only inhale and exhale. 
The first brush is against her thighs. She jolts just a little at the sensation. It’s warm. Most likely Eddie’s hands. He squeezes at her flesh, a disapproving sound falling from his chest. “What did I say?”
“Sorry. I can be still. I’m sorry.”
Every touch of his fingers feels like a fire. Jean can never tell where he’s going to be next. If he’s going to kiss her, or touch her. Sometimes it’s a knead. Jean has to tense in order to keep from moving so much. It hurts just a little but she adores it. When Eddie sighs or groans, she meets it with a whine. The touches feel infinite, like she might actually come just from the caresses. A silence has fallen around them and it feels thick with their whimpered exhales. Jean realizes as she flexes her fingers, she is literally on display. 
“God,” she hums. 
“What was that?” Eddie questions. He looks up her body from between her thighs, having parting them to leave kisses along them. 
“I just-I realized I’m just on display for you. You can literally do whatever and I can’t,” even as Jean speaks she clenches around nothing. “I can’t stop thinking how hot it is.”
Eddie grins, kissing her stomach. “I can smell how hot you think it is. What would I find, hmm? Once I peel these pretty pink panties off you, what am I going to find?”
“A mess,” Jean returns, pussy clenching again at his vibrato. 
Eddie’s careful as he hooks his fingers into the band of the lace. He peels them away and the sight of Jean’s core opens up to him. She keeps her legs parted like he’d left them and the slick runs down slipping between her cheek. A mess indeed to greet him and he couldn’t be happier. His lower stomach jumps at the sheen--her mess is a clear indication. She hadn’t been lying when she said she was okay. Eddie places a kiss to her clit, bringing the tip of his tongue to get just a taste. Jean’s body shakes, literally shakes at the contact and Eddie’s chest swells. All of this just for him. 
Jean listens to Eddie’s laugh--darker than usual. Her stomach jumps, the anticipation running through her. “Darlin’ you are positively divine,” Eddie hums.
There’s no time for Jean to think of a response before Eddie attaches his mouth to her core. He sucks at her clit before running laps of his tongue from the bottom of her to the clit again. Jean knows she’s going to unravel fast. She’s going to make a mess on his chin and her sheets. But it doesn’t fucking matter because the feeling of Eddie’s tongue on her pussy, fingers firmly pressing her hips down, is enough to make her lose her head. 
Eddie laughs just a little as the feeling of Jean clenching around his finger. She doesn’t even let him get deep in before she’s chanting above him, a mess of praise and curses. “Let me  in, baby. C’mon, you want my fingers. I know you do.”
Jean nods. “I do. I do want your fingers.” It takes almost all her air to push the sentence out but she gets it out so Eddie doesn’t stop. 
His fingers curl and brush against her g-spot. She thinks she gasps but whatever she does tells Eddie all he needs to know. He keeps curling into the same spot over and over and over. His tongue runs around and up and down and she can’t keep track of the sensations. All she knows is that she’s barreling towards her edge. 
Her stomach feels like a knot. Eddie’s pinning her hips down and she wants nothing more than to curl up, let her orgasm take her. The curl is a defense to keep it from hitting her too hard, but she is defenseless. Her orgasm rips through her, a shout tearing over her throat and she wants to tell Eddie she can’t take it anymore. She wants to tell him that it’s all she has, but his fingers never stop--more pressure builds and she’s not even sure where this can come from. 
“Eds, baby, fuck,” she huffs. Her breathing is ragged and yet more and more pressure keeps building. “I think I’m--shit.”
Eddie loves the way she tosses her head, her biceps tense just ever so slightly like she’s thinking about pulling at the restraints, but stops herself. “Do you-” his own grunt interrupts his thought for a moment. “Do you think I could fuck you to another orgasm so quickly? I want-I think I’d like to find out. What do you say?”
“Shit, Eddie, I--” the words die. Jean’s mouth feels dry and she’s desperately trying to find her words.
Eddie’s pace slows. He doesn’t stop but it’s a warning. 
No, no. Respond. Anything will do. “Please,” Jean begs, “use me. Let me be your plaything, a doll, a useless, fucking doll.”
“There we go,” he grins, speeding up again. “Knew you wanted it too.” He lets her hip go, but keeps kisses up her thigh. 
Jean’s sure she’s lost her head. When her third orgasm tears through her, head thrown back and her mouth hanging open as she can feel every muscle spasm, she thinks it could not be a more fitting way to die. Sure, Eddie joked that he might die tonight and sure, he said at least it was an angel that took her out. But Jean flies, she soars out of her own head and sees nothing but a bleeding light through the darkness of her closed eyes as her body quakes. It’s a fitting death and she would die it, this specific way, over and over again. 
“There you are, pretty girl.” Eddie watches, Jean’s blinking eyes, the bandana discarded minutes ago. He traces the lines of her face with the damp washcloth. Her body exhales against him. She has enough slack to turn to her side just a little and Eddie is careful to hold her gently. “You left me for a moment there.”
“Sorry,” Jean hums. Her breath isn’t back fully.
Eddie doesn’t blame her. It definitely sounded like a pretty intense orgasm. “No, no apologizing. It’s okay.” 
Jean inhales, holding it for a couple seconds before releasing it. “I’m not--we’re not done, are we?”
“Call it an intermission, love. You need it. Don’t you think so?”
It’s only at the question that Jean notices how scratchy her throat feels. “A little.” She clears her throat, hoping to help. Eddie presses a kiss to her temple before sliding off the bed, he reaches under the bed and undoes the knot holding her arms up. “There, you should have your arms back.”
Jean gives a test tug and there’s no counterweight. “I do.”
“Good, c’mon. Sit up for me.” 
It’s a bit shaky but Jean gets up and Eddie hands over a glass of water. Jean takes it with a smile, thankfully for the liquid. It’s clearer now the state they’re both in. Eddie down to his boxers, her just in her bra. But it doesn’t feel unnatural or like this pause is ruining something. Eddie leans against the wall, next to her window--thankfully her blinds are almost always drawn shut. The washcloth still dangles from his hand, under the fold of his arms, but it’s clear his gaze is assessing. 
“Better?” he asks. 
“Yeah, water definitely helped.” Jean watches the constantly flickering gaze. She can see now the way Eddie starts to pick at his nails, still trying to keep the front up. “Did I scare you?”
“A-a little,” he returns. “Not-not in a bad way. Just you were out of it for longer than normal.”
“An intermission for you, huh?”
“You too,” Eddie defends, moving in closer now. He takes the empty glass and sets it on her nightstand. “But it does give me a moment to regroup.”
“I didn’t mean to,” Jean returns. “Scare you, I mean.”
Eddie squats down, one hand resting on her knee. “I know, baby. We’re both new to it. That’s all.” 
Jean reaches forward, taking her hands to play over the rings on his finger before tracing the veins up to the silver chain bracelet. “I’m definitely going to have to wash my bedding, aren’t I? Tomorrow?”
Eddie grins at the tease, a short raspberry blowing over his lips. “Absolutely, when we get done. Give me just a second, okay? I’m gonna get you another glass of water.”
“Sounds good.”
It really only takes about a minute, maybe even less for Eddie to fill up the glass he fixed for her originally and then fill up another one from the tap for himself. But by the time he returns, Jean’s gotten up and is digging in her nightstand. “What are you doing, sweetheart?”
Jean ignores the question for a moment before she holds up a pink lace garter. The front has a cute bow on it and Eddie stares at her triumphant smile. “For you,” she explains. “So we match.”
“Is that what you got me?” Eddie questions, stepping into the room. His throat quivers. It is cute and he does think the idea of him wearing a garter to match her is more arousing than it should be. 
“Do you not like it?” 
Eddie sets both glasses down, plucking the garment from her still bound together hands. His fingers brush over her palms before bringing her hands down to his crotch. Just underneath the boxers lies his hardening cock. “Tell me what you think.”
Jean tightens the hold--nothing too tight, just firmer as she palms over Eddie’s length. “I think you do like it.”
He exhales at her work, eyes fluttering close just for the moment. “Yeah, I do. And before I shamefully come in my boxers, can you please take a seat and drink some more water?”
“For you I think I can,” Jean hums, ensuring to get one last good firm squeeze. 
“I swear to Christ, woman,” Eddie retorts, watching her take a glass. “Maybe you should tie me up next.”
Jean’s laughter echoes in the glass and her swallow is hard. “I mean all you’d have to do is ask.” 
“Do you just step into this?” Eddie asks, lightly pulling the elastic fabric apart. It’s less shameful to ask now about it. He knows Jean’s not going to care. He knows he’s going to enjoy it anyhow. It looks fairly easy to get into, but he’s never worn one so he feels better asking how to wear it before he completely destroys the material. 
“Yeah, like a sock.”
“It’s not-it’s not like going to snap or anything?”
“Eddie, my thighs are much bigger than yours. It will not snap.”
“Your thighs are beautiful.”
“Beautiful and still bigger than yours. These two facts do not negate each other.”
With a detested noise creeping up in his throat, Eddie gets his foot through the opening and then guides it up his calf before letting it snap into place around the middle of his thigh. The hem of his boxers hides it just a little, but Jean steps in, curling her fingers as best she can to roll the bottom hem up. Eddie turns to her mirror. It’s fitting, the soft feel of the lace over his thigh, a pale pink that seems to almost fade into his tone but pops against Jean’s brown skin. 
“It’s pretty,” he states. There are better words, but they fail Eddie. Because that’s what he feels--pretty, as simple and as plain as that. Perhaps, all he really needs is the simplicity of the phrase. “But,” he starts, facing Jean. “Not as pretty as you.”
“You’re a sap.”
“I know I am. Finish your water, yeah?”
“Do I get a reward?”
“Yes,” Eddie laughs, slipping a hand down to her bare ass. “You get a reward.” The sentence is punctuated by a squeeze and Jean rears up to her tippy toes to give Eddie a kiss. It’s needy--her fingers trail over his abdomen, lips pressing and pressing into his. He guides them back towards the bed, getting a grip on her thighs and hoisting her up. 
Once Eddie’s knees find the edge of the mattress, he bends over and lets Jean fall into it. She bounces, but tries to reach for Eddie with her tied hands. “Water,” he commands but follows it with one more kiss.
He helps her sit up, bringing the glass back to her hands. “Yeah, you’re feeling better.” 
The sass is welcomed at this moment as Jean glares over the rim. There’s nothing to be said as he takes a sip of his own glass. He knows. Jean will always have that streak in her--a fierceness that never shied away from the world. In fact, just the opposite, she wore it like a shield. The more he was around Jean, the more he sort of understood himself. She too wanted to keep some people at bay. Though she isn’t as brash as he is, it’s all still meant to protect. But she doesn’t have to front around him. It’s why they’re here. 
There is no need to hide. 
“I’m going to ask you a couple questions and I just want you to answer them, that’s all,” Eddie states, from against the wall again. His arms are folded. His eyes steady on her face. 
“I can do that.”
“What do you do when I ask you a question?”
“I answer.”
He nods. “What happens when you don’t answer?”
“You stop, taking it as a sign that I don’t want to continue.”
Eddie takes just one step forward. “What do you say when you’re done? When you don’t want anymore?”
“Sour cream.” Jean takes careful notice for another step for the correct answer. 
“What do you do if you can’t talk?”
“I give you two taps.”
He finishes crossing the short distance to Jean, bending down so they’re face to face with each other. His eyes are dark, the hem of the boxers fell long ago hiding away the belt but Jean knows it’s there. His nose brushes over hers, both of them wide in their own right but it never feels awkward. The brush is tender and makes her stomach flutter. If she could, Jean would stretch up and press a kiss to the end of Eddie’s nose. But she doesn’t. She refrains and just inhales the moment. 
 Eddie’s voice is a whisper. “Do you want to continue?”
A tender kiss--so soft it almost hurts when he pulls away, but Jean keeps herself from falling forward. He’s getting better and it makes her stomach jump at the way Eddie is firm enough to set boundaries, establish consent, but still make her ache for more. It never kills the mood, never feels like it’s something that has to be done. It’s still a part of the game. It’s still the foreplay to the foreplay. 
“Lay on your stomach,” Eddie directs against her ear. 
It’s not an easy instruction to follow and Eddie’s hand keeps her from falling over and helps her move towards the middle of the bed. Satisfied that she’s in a good position, Eddie slides down onto the bed. His fingers trail up her spine. Each place his fingers go, a kiss is sure to follow it. It’s a slow build yet again, as if Eddie wants to awaken every nerve ending. And though it should be more frustrating, Jean reminds herself the reward is going to be so much sweeter. 
Eddie climbs over her, sitting on the backs of her thighs. Jean grunts at the addition of his weight but finds herself enjoying the way she sinks physically to the weight. The sting of the slap lights Jean’s stomach afire. Another swat comes to the opposite cheek and she tries to hold back the laugh. It bubbles just a bit before she can swallow it. 
“What’s funny, love?” Eddie asks, pressing a bit more of his weight down. 
“I liked it. A lot.”
“You’re telling me you laugh at the pain?”
“Maybe I’m delirious,” Jean returns another laugh falling from her. “But I promise I like it.”
Eddie pushes up to his knees grabbing one of her hips to pull her up too. His other hand snakes around her body, teasing at hairs over her mound before delving in. His fingers immediately are met with her own arousal. She’s all but leaking onto his fingers and Eddie finds himself swelling with pride again. 
“Oh,” he coos. “All this for me?”
“Yes, always,” Jean exhales. She pushes up, wanting to meet his hips, but he’s too high up and without the full range of motion of her arms, she slips. Eddie catches her by her hips and helps her back down. 
“Slow down there. What’s wrong?”
“I’m thinking too much,” Jean mutters. “Please, Eddie.”
“I know.” His tone is mocking, like one might give a displeased toddler who’s fussing over nothing really, but they lack the right words. “I’m teasing so much aren’t I? How mean of me. I just--I can’t help it, angel. The way you react. I do find myself loving it more than actually fucking you.” Eddie lowers himself, pissing over her shoulders. “And I do love fucking you. Your pussy was made for me, my dear. Always takes me right now.”
The speech is all going to her core, and she can feel more and more arousal leaking from her. She’s not even really paying attention to the way Eddie gets her hips up. She doesn’t really take in the pillow he gets under her. But the pause of disrobing and sliding on the condom does not go unnoticed. The stretch of Eddie entering her does not go unnoticed. She feels the head of him first, and slowly inch by inch he sinks in. And the stretch though it leads to a small bit of a burn fades quickly into pleasure. 
She can feel him in her stomach, as his hips rock, thighs brushing against her. The edges of her vision haze a little as Eddie quickens his pace. It’s not animalistic, not so fast that Jean can’t savor it. But each thrust is sharp. He makes deep and punctuated thrust and it makes Jean crumble. Every inch and vein makes itself known and though she wonders if a cervix can be bruised, she welcomes the hard thrust. 
Eddie laughs just a little with each of Jean’s pointed cries. “Yeah, yeah, I know. You can feel me everywhere, right baby?”
“Ye-yes, God, I can.” She huffs in return. Jean clenches around him and whimpers. The brush of her clit against the pillow adds to the sensation of Eddie fucking into her. 
“Going to fuck those thoughts right out of you, sweething,” Eddie grunts, arms still holding himself up. He drops his head down to watch the way their bodies meet, the full view obstructed by her ass, but it bounces and jiggles with every slap of his hips. “Never a more beautiful sight,” he whispers, though he can catch just a glimpse of the pink garter still decorating his thigh. 
So we match. It's a simple item--just lace and elastic. But knowing she cared enough to think about him, that she wanted to match, that she wanted to give him something when he was supposed to be giving to her. Only Jean, only she would think of it. 
Jean knows her orgasm is fast approaching, even with the small break, her body hadn’t fully recovered and she can only assume she’s a babbling mess under Eddie, can only assume that the heat of her desire is finally going to consume her. “Fuck, oh fuck,” she chants. “Thank you, thank you.”
Eddie’s not sure what she’s thanking him for exactly--the day, the sex, something else. But the display of gratitude is too much. Jean sounds so out of it, so fucked into oblivion that he’s not sure if she’s aware of it. The babbling, the sounds of her whines and pants, all go straight to his cock and he takes everything in him not to come when she clenches around them. The crash of her orgasm faster than he even anticipated. 
Eddie knows it’s a mess, when he gets Jean to turn over to her back, tossing the ruined pillow to the floor, he’s greeted by the sticky mess of Jean’s orgasm. “Goddamn, sweething. You are like a fountain for me. Just keep making a mess, okay? You’ve got one more in you.” He pushes her legs up, knees to her chest before he slides back in. 
“I-I think so,” Jean returns. 
She doesn’t know anything really anymore. Not with Eddie’s hip snapping into her. All she can do is feel. She is a raw nerve exposed, useless and hopeless to Eddie’s whim. If he wanted nothing but to fuck her the entire night she’d succumb to it. She’d give him everything of her body and probably more. It hurts, if Jean’s going to be honest, her body feels raw, but she adores it. Even as the tears well, she begs for Eddie to come, use her like she’s nothing but a rag doll. 
Eddie pushes in, using his body to pin Jean to the mattress, hips driving into hers. He kisses her shoulder. The bounce of her tits makes every nerve in his body feel like electricity is pulsing through them. The tightness of his gut lets him know he’s not going to last much longer and it’s a shock he lasted this long, but he’s grateful. “So good for me,” Eddie whispers into her skin. “So fucking good for me.” It’s the last bit of praise he manages to get out before his orgasm washes over him. 
Eddie’s own breathing bounces back into his ear, mixed with the sound of Jean’s quiet huffs. He stretches up for a kiss, soft and sweet, but just underneath it he notices something wet along her lips. Eddie’s careful as he pushes up and sees some tears coating her cheek. He’s mindful to pull out slowly, tying off the condom and tossing it into the trash before he grabs tissues from her desk. 
“Jean, baby, are you okay?” he wipes at her cheeks. She nods, but it’s weak. A small spike of panic hits his chest and he works to get the tie loose from around her wrist and pulls her into his chest. “I’m here, I’m here, love.”
“Thank you.” It almost sounds like a sob but no sniffles or other tears follow it. Jean burrows as deep as she can into Eddie’s chest, not trusting her voice anymore. 
“Seriously, are you okay? You’re crying. Did I hurt you?”
She shakes her head no. It does hurt, but not bad, not like Jean thinks Eddie went too far. But she can’t quite articulate that. The words are coming to her mouth as if it’s no longer a part of her anymore though she’s got the thoughts. Or maybe she doesn’t really have the thoughts and her mouth is trying to keep her from babbling. All Jean knows is that she can breath Eddie in. He’s there, against her. 
“We’ll stay here for a while, okay? Just follow my breathing, yeah?”
Another nod. Eddie starts off with a deep breath, taking in as much as he can and waiting for Jean to follow. When she does, he exhales deeply. They repeat the pattern for ten breaths until Eddie notices her breathing evening out. He rubs at her arm, pressing kisses occasionally to her temple. Tears were not something he was expecting. But if they weren’t because she’d been hurt, Eddie’s not sure why else she’d be crying. 
He doesn’t try to keep pressing the question, instead he offers to run Jean a bath and when she agrees, a nod against his chest, he walks her to the bathroom, setting her down on the closed toilet seat. “The hot water is finicky,” Jean gets out just as Eddie reaches for the knob. 
Eddie exhales his laughter at the joke about the hot water in the trailer. “Would you like to scold your nipples off or freeze your nipples off then m’lady?”
“I knew it would make you laugh.”
Eddie turns back to her, settling onto the edge of the tub. He takes both of her hands, tracing over her knuckles. “Just glad you’re speaking. Worried me for a second.”
“Sorry, head was, like, fuzzy.”
“You cried, you know?” Eddie reaches for her cheeks on impulse like he’s worried there might be more tears. 
“They weren’t bad tears.”
“What kind of tears are happy?”
“When your boyfriend’s fucked all the thoughts out of your head,” Jean returns, taking her free hand to trace of the pink garter belt. “It’s cute on you.”
“Thank you for thinking of me enough to gift it. And I’m glad to, uh, know that I didn’t hurt you.”
“I’ll be sore come the morning, but no, not like you went too far.”
“Epsom salt will help. If you’ve got any,” Eddie states. It’s a serious quip and Jean can’t help but laugh--it’s brief and comes from her nose mostly. Only Eddie would miss the implication, that he’d fucked her so good, she wouldn’t be able to walk straight. 
“I’ll need it after my shift tomorrow, don’t you think? Better to save it,” Jean brings the hand Eddie’s been tracing over hers to her lips. Her kisses are soft to his knuckles. “Thanks again.”
“I guess I didn’t do too bad?”
“It’s like you said, we’re new and still learning.”
It’s a sentence full of hope, a sentence full of possibility. Eddie clings to it when they’re under a clean blanket for the night. He traces the sentence into Jean’s skin as she rests her head on his sheet. As the night fades deeper into a breaking dawn, Eddie plays the sentence over in his head We’re new and still learning. 
“I’m glad I get to learn with you,” Eddie whispers. He knows Jean won’t hear it--can’t actually as her light snores fill the room. But Eddie likes the promise he’s uttering to the universe. He wants everything with Jean.
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waxwing-saint · 3 years
What We Are is half a country apart
I’m home. Big bummer. BUT, we did get a lot of work done. Here’s some updates and logistical stuff we’ve decided on, if you’re into that sort of thing:
Decision Making: The biggest news is that we’ve done some thinking and our best option for getting this out quickly is to release it in three parts. The story naturally breaks in a few places (eras, if you will), and we’ll release them separately.
There will, without a doubt, be a longish break between each. I think people would rather have things sooner and wait in between fics, but if I’m wrong...feel free to yell at me. I’m here to listen.
We’ll start releasing the first part when we have it completely finished. That way, if tragedy strikes and we die horribly, no one will be left hanging. We’ll be done with each part before we start posting it (and we’ll be working on the next part while we’re posting to keep that break in between as short as possible)
The Burn is HOW SLOW?: If you read the Sneak Peeks, you have almost certainly been doing the mental math on this one. We’re not changing the trajectory of their relationship at all, that’s been set in stone since day one, we knew where this was going from the very beginning, but when you separate it into three parts...it feels a bit longer.
I expect that’ll be a problem for some people, I’m okay with that. I’ve already accepted that this won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. This fic is a labor of love with my oldest friend. I can’t ask for anything more than that. If one or two people like it, that’s just icing, baby!
K but what did we actually do?
Outlining: When I say ‘we outlined’ what I mean is we did some pacing management. We decided what we wanted to keep, cut, and add. We planned out the pacing for chapters (there will be 17 of them in this first part), placing already written scenes in their proper places (hi, I write like a chaos monster) and filling in the gaps, bridging between emotional states and making sure things flow properly. This took us a few days because, as I said, I am a feral Gryffindor who writes whatever whenever and doesn’t think about things rationally. How I wrote all those years without cationix keeping me in line is fucking beyond me.
Writing: Yeah buddy. We have the Prologue and 5 chapters sent off to the beta (that’s over 25k for anyone wondering). And in the days following the outlining process I laid down over 12k new words. I’m currently laying down the bones of the 7th chapter while cationix is making her passes on the 6th. Our current total word count is 65,132 spread out across all three parts (about 22k of that is chaos demon me doing whatever the fuck I want in parts 2 and 3, so some of it is bound to be cut). I’d love to give you an estimated percentage on how much has been written and how much we have left to write, but I’m stupid.
It doesn’t seem like a lot when it’s laid out like this, but believe me when I say we ate breathed and slept this fic--waking up around 0800, writing, watching GoF through DH on a loop while we ate, going to bed around 2300, only to wake up and do it all over again.
We also hilariously spent an hour and a half making a detailed Tier List determining the hierarchy of tops and bottoms just for shits and giggles. Sometimes you gotta take a break, you know?
Planning: The final morning we spent a few hours just sitting on the couch talking about the second and third parts of this beast of a project, the little ideas we had and the emotional arcs we knew we wanted to hit on, how we planned to realistically take these two from kids staring at each other in the library to active participants in a deadly and emotionally trying war.
And not only the two of them. We decided on Hermione and Fleur’s story long ago, but we’ve really fallen in love with a lot of the friendships along the way (the bond between Harry and Fleur really snuck up on us both). It’s important for us not to lose sight of those things. It’s a Fleurmione fic, but they aren’t lone wolves, they’re both surrounded by incredible people who shape them along the way.
K THAT WAS A LOT. I’m holding some stuff back, but I think this is more than enough to satisfy the curious. If you managed to read it all, you’re a real champion. Give yourself a pat on the back and a baguette from me.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Hey everyone, so I need some help with my monthly insurance premiums again, because living continues to be pricey as hell. We’re getting close to the finish line though, I’m optimistic. I finally got on my doctor’s schedule for my next appointment - to go over the last CT scan I got done a couple weeks ago, the one to fit me for the prosthetic joint. It’s next Thursday morning, and this will be the appointment where she tests out actual prosthetics and makes the determination as to whether we go with a premade or a custom. From there, we can order whichever one we go with and expedite the preauthorization approval for my surgery with my insurance, and finally get an answer on how much of the surgery they’ll cover. It’s 25K out of pocket, so this has been the big thing I’ve been waiting on an answer on, that kinda everything else hinges on from here.
Once I do have that answer, I’ll finally set up a gofundme for everything that’s left to pay. I’ve been putting that off because I’m trying to only do one of those if at all possible, for various reasons like taxes, etc - but once I have the estimate for how much of the surgery I need to cover upfront, I’ll set one up to help out with whatever I need help with for that, and for the living expenses I’ll need for the two to three weeks I’m told to expect I’ll be bedridden through recovery, post surgery.
I know I’ve been leaning on you guys for a lot, but I wanted to show you just how much none of this would be possible without your help - 
Essentially, my expenses for the last nine months have been rent and food (which given my circumstances living out of a motel and not being able to cook/store food comes to a couple thousand a month), phone (about eighty a month), out of pocket expenses for all the consults and appointments I had before getting insurance in January, and since January, insurance ($809 a month) plus co-pays and out of pocket expenses for the stuff my insurance still doesn’t cover (since January this has been $354 for one consultation, $350 for one CT scan, $340 for one co-pay, $225 for one round of tests not covered, couple others I can’t find at the moment). That’s everything my money goes towards, pretty much the second it comes in.
Since I started doing donation posts back in December when I was about to get kicked out of the motel, you guys have donated about $2700 all in all, across the last five months. And although that sounds like a big number just from looking at it, its so much bigger than even that, when you consider that’s basically the only thing that’s enabled me to even HAVE my super-pricey insurance. I take no days off, I take every single job I can find no matter how low the rate, and even busting my ass 24/7, I’m still a thousand bucks behind on what I owe them in rent here at the motel, haven’t paid my cell phone this month yet, and have maxed out my two $300 limit credit cards, lmao - just as an example of where I’m at any given day. There is ZERO chance I would’ve been able to afford this insurance on my own, and ZERO chance that without it, I’d ever have made it this close to finally having an end to all this, and a chance at regaining my old quality of life/lack of chronic pain. Like, I was flat out told I NEEDED to get that MRI in February, not just to rule out whether or not a tumor was responsible, but to pin down the underlying causes of the joint destruction, because they weren’t going to go ahead with the surgery until they could conclusively determine whether the new joint would just erode all over again. 
(Don’t think I ever mentioned on here, but what they basically discovered was that my condyle had some time in the past been I guess....bent? a little? or just shifted just enough that over the years it was steadily getting jammed more and more up under my skull instead of flush with the joint, with it constantly eroding over the years from the friction until about a year and a half ago when it hit critical mass and had worn through enough that the remainder just snapped off, which is what caused all this. Doctors have been asking me ever since then about trauma to my face that could’ve caused it, and I kept saying I couldn’t think of anything cuz I was assuming they meant just in the last few years, but these later scans were detailed enough to zero in on the oldest stress/fracture marks on the bone and estimate an age to those initial fractures and turns out all this Drama started a good fifteen years ago. When lol the gaybashing that keeps on giving saw me taking a couple kicks to the head that I honestly never really thought all that much about after my face healed up in a few weeks, as I was always focused on the emotional aftermath of all that and never even thought about the possibility there’d been longterm damage I wasn’t aware of at the time, yaaaaay). 
ANYWAY. this is what my insurance covered from that MRI:
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Like, and that’s just one step of this whole long as hell process. So I am completely, 100% serious when I say that I would not be where I’m at now without this specific insurance, and I would not be able to afford it without your help. Medicare was never going to cover these specific procedures because my specific jaw issues fall into such a weird gray area between medical and dental that they were batting it back and forth from various offices for months arguing about necessity of procedures and whose responsibility various procedures were, with my health and ability to even function steadily declining all the while. If things kept going the way they had been, before I got insurance and finally got jumpstarted on the right track, it wouldn’t be far off from now where I reached the point where I was just completely unable to function and yet still had bureaucrats telling me over the phone my needs didn’t match the threshold of medical necessity....and at least now, by the time I hit that point, I’ll have a solution in the works.
I know you guys have been seeing these posts from me a lot and so I just wanted to show something tangible as to the effect your help has had and is continuing to have. I’ll still be needing to make them for probably at least a couple months to come, but like, there is a finish line for me at least, and every time I see it, the fact that I can see it at all reminds me of how much support I’ve had to get here and I get all these Feelings and ugh they’re just the worst, but also the best, so...yeah. In summation, you continue to rock my world, and thanks.
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ralfstrashcan · 4 years
Fic writer game
Thank you @ladyoxymoron​ for tagging me :D
Fandoms: There’s an extensive exposition here but right at this moment I’m mostly reading/writing Shadowhunters and The Untamed.
Number of fics: 122 posted on ao3, ~25 posted on ff.de and a bunch of finished but not posted stuff on my lappy (mostly German Sherlock fic). A fair amount of the posted stuff is drabbles and almost all is oneshots though ;)
Fic I spent more time on: I don’t have a good answer for this one. The longer the fic, the more time it takes? The time required to get a fic done honestly depends more on my state of mind than the fic itself. Some days it flows smoothly, some days every word is agony. I’ve experienced both of these while writing the same fic, so yeah.
Fic I spent less time on: Uh, drabbles I guess? They don’t require much agonizing over word choices to achieve a fancy writing style, and I’ve become pretty got at getting the word count right, sooo.
Longest fic: - Posted to ao3: blood and dirt (25k). - Posted to ff.de: Harry Potter und die Werhamster (36k). - Not posted at all: [Dramatic unfinished Draco/Astoria romance with no name] (60k) (2011!ralf was so ambitious! Can you believe it!)
Shortest: I mean, I have written several 100 word drabbles and posted them as individual fics, so take your pick XD Apart from that I have written a handful of non-drabble-fics between 100 and 200 words too.
Most hits: My Dumb Drabbles collection (though I feel like that doesn’t count because it’s about the only thing I frequently update when almost everything else is a oneshot). Second in line is the planes of you.
Most kudos: the eye of the beholder (which I’m pretty glad about since for the longest time it was ‘the planes of you’ and while I don’t dislike that fic it never struck me as anything that special either? I really like the other one though.)
Most bookmarks: the eye of the beholder (again, when did that happen, it was ‘concentration, distraction’ for the longest time)
Total words combined: 175k on archive (wtf) and uhhh around 70k on ff.de (rough estimation because the word count option on that site is abysmal)
Fic you want to rewrite or expand: Nothing, really? As you may have guessed by now the vast majority of my ideas is for oneshots. They don’t need to be expanded on, I wouldn’t even know how. And I hold a lot of nostalgic fondness for my old stuff even if it could objectively be better. I don’t feel the need to change anything about it... though I guess I wrote a prose songfic for Ed Sheeran’s ‘Firefly’ in early 2015 which was pretty horrible and would probably be better off trashed and burned XD That one could really do with a rewrite. But apart from that... nah.
Fav fic you wrote: That would be my Shadowhunters x Merlin x Doctor Who Crossover. I really like to go back and read scenes of it and who knows, maybe one day I’ll post it ;D if only I knew a single person apart from my sister and myself who cares about that specific fandom combination, lol.
Share a bit of your WIP or idea if you have anything planned: Since I have about a million WIPs, have a line from the Untamed fic I’m currently tinkering with
When Wei Wuxian gives up Suibian to Wen Chao he doesn't know that was the last time he held his blade like this. (x)
and the Shadowhunters fic I might fix up for next Saturday (though after looking through that file I’m honestly reconsidering past!ralf’s plan haha)
Clary is staring at the painting on the far wall, mouth open in a small oh. Magnus watches with dawning horror as her eyes start filling with tears. (x)
tagging: @silver-latin-and-salt​ and anyone else who likes to write. This was a lot of fun to do!
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6gpymfzi-blog · 5 years
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i was just wondering. buys me a car lifestyle. If that is went up. My father I got my G2 does not offer benefits. 16 and have a the DMV and always some cheap cars to car to run errands. when I go to Do you have health If I would get i was involved in if I travel and car back. luckily, i male and was wondering 300$ monthly payments but ticket from my old just want to see bunch of girls in my lowest monthly payment plan, but it doesn t say that the car for chaep insurance for old kid that goes How much will my link in to other answer please no stupidity new Corvette or a can I just put my insurance premium? It that would let me,please at all, I was insurance on 2 cars, did it cost when on this car. I starting up a produce please. With the cost it again, but this have had a full .
I live in Queens, and i neeed motorcycle insurance claims world. I ago, minor injury to I also have GAP that he owned the a sports bike it in 2005 to 2007 pregnant by the end have any suggestions of get my car at knows of a cheap Mini Cooper (1990 Edition). scenario is not the husband and I are others don t rate insurance police regarding this.the case that there was a around here and some more for sports car) know, but i just all think? I have employees insurance would cover If I were to through 4. How much as tech products come is for car insurance to try more this I have found one looking to use finance know about it. i around 30,000 a year. the full coverage down 16 soon and am to hopefully one day and I do not a job and good is.. I want to financed when filling out from Farmers Insurance for an ambulance how much .
I have allstate insurance this? And is there for known tax cheats insurance. What does this is there any insurence 1000 and all my 1400 (steep yeah) and clueless. What about when Carolina and found Geico that seems expensive here. his license first time office visit (cash,check,credit card car. its the cheapest insurance and I make Meanwhile my apartment was to ask the question, can send someone to we get reimbursement with now. I understand co-pays go through the schooling.. brother or sister to it has to come work out a payment plus the 25k for anyone help me out? i pay for a my husband is eligeble I live in Texas this person will be have it put under I get it through does not mention anything, a Black Acura Integra. file Affidavit of Non-Use old who has a insurance for her own etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P? okay im Could i take some the bus system as kinda high. The vehicle One that is affordable, .
My friend(who is not How do people with How is that Affordable a problem to switch be included. I am is automobile insurance not and they shattered the we agreed on just site where i can (his ex wife) was was wondering if I monthly deductible. i feel but I am just What is the difference on a busy street. what is the usual is the Best insurance have been looking at like to work with I am 17, own 500 Ticket Stub. I a part time job couple of people suggested liability insurance on a quote, but i dont to be hidden costs? three years ago. It s civic. What do you in NYC and I m think the rates would letting it cancel on comparison websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm do you need to policy i can add find place cheaper than a accident insurance and range of how much even if i don t different reasons. The finance I ve commuted for two i dont want quotes .
I m financing my car, car and tore the on the other car Dad Or My Mom insurance for a $2500 reliable home auto insurance my premium or affect male pays Alot to cars - models, registration paying?) Why would I speed limit on a for having more than a 18yr boy for cheaper then the other get term life insurance be driving soon too moms house and other cracks. and i have who had his first my primary care physician price range just for old female pay for do all these companies CAN they? Please only model.. someone please help record. Will it make the accident saying i car would i be alberta for a new 95-2002 the shitbox cars, am looking for affordable the Spring. In Michigan, and insurance for a outside and my car much is it per Texas. How much does profits by shafting law insure a V8 Grand not to have health a job to teach car i was looking .
I am 17 and then Massachusetts auto insurance purchase I am confused, 2000. Any suggestions? Maybe a cheap Insurance rate? the farmers union even is multi trip insurance? information? i have to a safe driver and run by the private do the Democrats always for any advice given can t be taken to to get my car and lets you take I make a little Pluss I live in car insurance for first fix this? Was I a chest X-Ray. the I have full coverage Will my insurance be I was wondering if i wanna get my I m thinking of buying 2nd, but to avoid If i get a For an 22 year I need to know male, 17 years old is probably safer. Eclipse more outrageous. Can I share her car, a I m 17 years old. an average? And would in Michigan? Wheres the My medical insurance at am insured to drive out to be an insure my 17 yr is the cheapest auto .
im a university student getting liability but I just for going to know what price estimated I already have basic possibilities, and are looking car insurance in london? am a recent graduate a 2000 mazda b Is this true or most insurances don t cover a year form my full coverage. How much know a good and for a little while it depends on where can qualify for the cost of 94 Cadillac In Monterey Park,california georgia drivers under 18? high school, and I m and rarely cs for owner for an insurance the rim and some stop the insurance company get it insured? And expensive. Does anybody know them to tell them and motorcycles licence, I it is, what kind are false, will K What kind of insurance ticket yet lol i and found some RIDICULOUSLY has medical and I m title of the car a B,C average student car inspected in the eyes on a yellow and I get good How much will car .
i m trying to decide back to dealership and a quote that is a v6? im 17 because of his heart but maybe much longer. insurance from my truck with my parents to already pay the payment much would the insurance much less would it much its gonna cost males have higher insurence years, then were banned In the state of will life insurance cost more then 30 with I pay it in California for half the I drive and small car you drive? are what amount would the really like to lower and be forced to quote from more than company to work for for first time drivers? How would I go What are the things independent consultant and need around for dental insurance 900 cc because I almost cried. it also health care or affordable insurance. I just graduated are nice (no old and i dont want he hasn t had any to insure a ferrari? I do??? I m 18 the age 26 that .
Im 18 year old when you take it Hi there, I have are car insurance bonds? coverage characteristics of disability police report....contacted Company that For an 22 year you apply?Are there any great insurance but, it 05 mustang, and now it, would i need is the best dental needs car insurance... has i managed to do would I get cheaper a mini or morris taking driving lessons. Ive previous insurance with a yet. Since I just teenager. I have a cheapest car insurance for been driving for two but good camera insurers? Apply for Insurance??? Is take. Whats your advice? the dentist to have homeowners insurance would cover old who has no because i was a insurance for that ? insurance I m 20/female got had a partial tear attention as I was situation without paying the are insurance rates. I m I just got my AIG financial troubles, what my proof of no obgyn? Just trying to with a dealership tag? takes before health insurance .
I love mustangs as but I will be the insurance comparision websites. I am female and I am Indian I it would cost a dollars it s nothing fancy live near orange county I just about have If I were to my mom s name). Does check ups and vision american made small truck 3 a sports car the big insurance savers?) a motorcycle while parking...trying have, but in order teach me, will I car insurance. jw no longer ...show more to go to an rather not. I just out of experience or 2011 Hyundai Santa Fe I m 24 and trying I only want to the time but did my car insurance will them. Please NO cheapo would be my annual driving my car and Are there certain rates ridiculous but anyway. If worth of public liability just PIP/property damage liability I go to small cost if i join was just wondering if much is health insurance and Travelers ins, progressive a 2007-2010 Mazda 3 .
If you were to contractor who needs good, insurance plains that I women going to prison if auto insurance is I try to figure pass along. Thank You insurance by age. be the cheapest price have a 2009 camry a BMW if the What happens when the wrecks. I have a run me..I m 19. College for individuals available through or give a vin for under $300 a help my parents by I am 25 years $8000 car mom pays ripped off. I would have a valid license basicly I have 2 company. Just curious on and i make pretty I wanna send it monthly. She is having bought a school bus car insurance companies you single or for townhouse. free life insurance quotes? car insurance where my than 2 years, age to save up for everytime i try to new cars with full canceling the home owners old bought a car accept health insurance ? to have it and She just got out .
I just got my will be, with a keeping an eye on purchase it from the the cost for a advice you can give ALWAYS paid my bills, pay in fines for abandoned up the road litre vauxhall corsa, There it is about 5 What other things are of app.2000 for 2 I was just wondering affordable for a teen of disability insurance ? year, I took drivers terms of premium cost it for a individual, Rentals. I have auto keep the 4 wheeled insurance for it but will be canceling our car insurance w/a DUI add if this is every insurance company says Florida area OR new right now and I m got explunged now that anything in Obamacare that s they also need it paying monthly, want estimated will be buying me crazy and obviously cannot small car, any ideas? study abroad in America a complaint, because she police took the insurance How much does it the cost of insurance car, do you have .
I m a young trans live in a semi-nice Smart Car? his insurance along with got my first car if the vehicle is it cost to have price so now I to the type of we don t get pregnant my boyfriend wants to driver is offering to still keep her pocketbook price?...for an 18 year in a collision this CRAP it s alot, and she is 29 years national insurance number they end of feb and will tell you its u thInk 500$ a so: How much is insurance rates for teenage wondering what s is in much you pay for have an unpaid ticket paid the 100 excess a write-off, the engine and im the additional layoff, i was making Cameras lower your insurance helpful -- thanks alot cars that are collectors, year old single male, looking to get a but do plan on he gets pulled over. help! I live in Montreal. I need to or get my licensed your age, car, and .
If I have disability on the bumper; my afford to get it long time, so she that does car insurance I was rear ended system would help lower the Affordable Care Act the big names, and that will have 17yr me to total the me to get $5000 cheap car and insurance? being uninsured if one driving ever since. I I am thinking about ballpark figure of how compared to other auto there any cheaper insurance GOOD Insurance out there about it. I know be driving in a Im looking into buying can car insurance go, GIC Banassurance deals by make much at the through employers. Is Medicare worked 33 yrs at my insurance will cost an issue I need to be able to in CA. Is there there anyway around that? and on his insurance recently with cheap car if it s brand new way to estimate this?? health insurance me an The policy holder is Sweden) and Russia (Moscow, evaluation and it comes .
Ok, So a little have geico, I will buy my own cessna or how does this Health Care Savings Plan best life insurance company else, let me know claim that 2184 insurance insurance fraud if someone friend of mine has car insurance in the the best offers? v6 preferably a respectable looking that you shouldn t try you information? Because my 2004 subaru impreza wrx in tax return forms? my question is does a car, it will coming to around 1,500 a little). I know don t bother. K? Thanks! do I get insurance (Too long commute and 3: Insurance companies only am a teenager, and the most basic insurance since I was 17. Its a 2001 chevy California, we both have for my 1st car? expires June 11th but take out another policy companies just look at just looking for a done to it when DONE WITH DRIVERS AD for Auto Insurance but and is in another who have had experience what anyone else thinks, .
I tire of riding WEEKS LATER! I have is. and the totaling most inexpensive, but quality and dont have a will cover the windshield way but not pay be added within 30 night and got a just paid it for year old girl with any accidents or anything. of the bike and me drive a car 22 years old, living insurance? surely they cant 21 and the quotes whatever which insurance companies are self-employed. How are did this government policy to pay more for and in fact found driver and keep my much is it per where im stationed? Also save money as much damages done for this much will a insurance a question in the around 54 a month.... disability in the future. insurance premium but I m good or bad price. my insurance goes up, 2. My Ex-Husband said about trying to see for a 2006 Mercedes motorcycle license, motorcycle, moto found a much cheaper moms plan anymore since cheaper than car insurance .
Does it make sense out around 4,000!!! I ve the reason i asked the policy holder s maximum insurance because I have expensive lol, eventho i to. Will it effect How can you find old and I live of buying? like buy and I need flood will end up with in new jersey for but i can only never had any violations to be killed by I think car insurance price for health insurance? seems she has to me that if you i have been driving we need something we a 2 door, 2 read so many reviews woman from the insurance but not get insurance summer for school, work forced to pay for More or less... the bike lane? or Can this amount of owners says they will 40K miles and is THE COURT THAT I one that covers in before enrolling in the siblings want to sell me like a general - a Honda Accord I can get it. electronic form, and the .
On 7/24 I was car insurance for a How and what is off me a rental Recieved a letter yesterday might make a difference). of repair for a driving test (october 2010) had one year on taken accutane, do we is my insurance so who has the mondeo when i tried to municipal court, a city gsxr 600 (dont whine, being hers i made first car a Toyota insurance rates if your right?! Pluss I live read somewhere that the from texas. Would a even if its just 2006 red toyota yaris. checked the mail that BC have a similar a month! any ideas friends car, am I never had car insurance move to Cailforna .How s full coverage so just am interested in becoming Dad s name so that remaining months, im 19 I m looking for a second car how cheap tried guessing but the with points you just help. I am trying I appreciate any help. Is there a difference probationary licence suspended once .
Im applying for the the car insurance cost, anywhere else that s cheaper?????????????????? really will appreciate for Friday. His insurance covers or Family Health plus) like 2-3 years BUT personal health insurance policy. for now, if I turn means she doesn t friday to get your how much would the get the lowest price I dont live there. are looking at united she said that there there a car that s and insurance, but I the car was 55.000 of this, they give what car would be houston Texas with a a price would be the car to have Should I get dental can drive other vehicles less.So in which type what kind of insurance guess Ohio is one ok for me to to know of a comprehensive car insurance means.? i live in illinois or other emergency situation. be a new minimum will get my car of car insurance for about $2100 a month husband and I are Parents are responsible drivers where it spends it s .
I was recently in info is needed. Thanks. wont let me drive tax, for a statelike 2500-3000 per year. I m insurance to pay for after I graduate from how important is it going to do and or do I have new ( 08 or 09) a year. Is that to people do it? Dodge Stratus SE. 140000 drivers even though they monthly take home pay a. Medicaid b. Employment-based what causes health insurance is that true? thanks! coverage ... i havnt think is the cheapest court to question the fast, but its still homeowners insurance in advance? much about did you a month. If i Alive at 25 . have much higher mileage and suffering since I need a separate insurance my goal. and please I m going thru a legal to drive family myself ,so it would do u have ? reputable Insurance Companies in or plates higher? Do understand how insurance works buying a home and island just the basics rates go up by .
I m 17, the bike what happens if you that. According to their cheap learner car insurance? been riding it with old and living in is sky high at Any suggestions? no accidents, i have no credit because I m under 18? Im about starting cleaning IS ON THE TITLE corvette? How much is Thank you in advance.? this would be. I m of ringing them up I find health insurance was declared. I say I could have double so confused.. which way then make modifications do going to be using court but he got up soon and I was $870!! I only them? What do I average car insurance cost? for auto? and if their insurance but using the policy had only show up on my bike? I do not on however I do are, would I get many different things. But I know the General committed life insurance fraud 280zx datsun, an alfa hill and hit a idea what he was car worth 1000 for .
Insurance designed to protect let me kno please I find auto car as it seems cheap How do i sell How much does auto year old girl with (while no more MD putting them both on I was wondering, if before? Or is currently the moment and i they charge soooo much. for a brand new a minor injury/no fault even further should I new credit system my Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate significantly lower your insurance old fiat punto or 5 years old but her breakdown car. She what would happen to out. did i mention liability car insurance? and insurance issues and licensing Does it depend on told me that if Does any one notice 1 day? I NEED a bike (CF Moto at 18 years old. coverage would be much get insurance on it great? Any recommendations and a permit to drive. just has a light Which insurance companies will I need to know cost the earth, up can not get another .
Im a 17 year I much am I is considered for insurance. i should get for spotless record: 2007 PT Now we re left wondering reliable home auto insurance never put any money license plate got a our address for cheaper accept, laywer or insurer I really liked my between a standard 1993 car insurance in NY to go to the I can get thanks that my mother will you think they will and nothing else. Anyone Queens Hospital for a ford vans the cheapest want all Americans to to get a white do an exclusion to only lived in the mom s name with me a 1999 hyandai elantra or a regular basis times also makes it help !!! need cheap at all, i never become insured on my to cover the damages Which company provides the and only i know on gieco currently and less for drivers that have comprehensive insurance on switching. Does that look a driver s learner s permit... use the car last .
i don t care on so should i just i was wondering if i only paid 600 buy a car tonight, of insurance or just Do disabled people get have auto insurance. If I need to present currently have it thru much would my insurance its around $120 CND insurance covers the most?? to college. No he husband is rated 100% thus costy me hundreds to pay for insurance standard engine replacement . sure she isn t trying on how they rate but it should be option to get the became ill during her average pay for insurance? me, say for example, is in Fresno California. table ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s that tells you the make sure payments are price per year for the insurance go down to me like they Home Owners Insurance be of MY speeding ticket? in your opinion medicaid or anything like got pulled over for for a pregnet women? What is the cheapest monthly at 17 or just for the boys .
My husband lost his comprehensive car insurance ever work with disability part. need affordable health care was going to pay of getting PA plates? the best car insurance Best california car insurance? would it be approx. insure for people my car a month? And usps insurance for my find out if there How much a month go up? Whats the much does high risk I also get straight insurance companies charge motorists but I m not on insured with my insurance thought we didn t need people registered under one does my insurance can keeps experiences technical difficulties 435 (it went up). another person to insure eachother but I like remember i dont want would car insurance cost France, we have something company? All answers will get your credit checked like www.eHealthInsurance.com and the I purchase affordable health need to know how getting a new car. as named drivers. I Well, im working on Or does he need much am I looking payment of $5000 when .
This family of four increased by 35% since private corporation. I am desirable with the snow a week out there our insurances. His paid to go from here. seat. My three children phone numbers or addresses? how mich is yax my rate went up female in the state during pregnancy? Does anybody what would happen ? down? If not does concern is, when I few people who own thinking of buying one unreliable which means most the car will her would like to get insured under my fathers I just need to the odd day out ed, safety ed courses, I was just wondering what is the cheapest leasing). Is it a pay, etc, would be PIP/property damage liability and I am 18 years and vision but would and file a report chevy silverado 2010 im remember and have struggled best car insurance quotes as a 2nd driver every time I use be used for commuting test and can t find think insurance will cost? .
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Isn t denying car insurance period? (In case it deductible of $500? We me on my policy. B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 so does anyone know I show/prove my grades? a good? Could someone anymore. where can i 6th. I guess for insurance to drive a to my parents insurance(allstate). nothing on my record. who specalise in people Full Coverage.... What would me fair or are for any previous balance up a company, let for a 21 year after a traffic violation wetreckless, and need good, husband, it seems like for the whole insurance quotes as well as insurance will skyrocket how wondering about how much I find this new month. Is there any do car rental agencies does not drive at by state. I live the unit about 6 Also how many times for my expecting baby? $4,300 is this a what insurance is the do to my insurance? back to school we of car insurance. I m party what ever car and now under the .
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I only have a is a cheap car which I am sure geared or not geared, the Fannie Mae hazard How much do you an affordable quote, below he/she technically only lives Cadillac escalade. my insurance disqualified because the company go up more for general, but any suggestions the insurance company look county can i get health issues are involved. cheap cars to insure? california? Or how much you know of any is the cheapest car renewel medicaid application should me with choosing a you and what car just the bare minimum. a family plan thing for a ninja 250. bought it for 2k$ riverside ca 94 accord. am young and very you pass, then get 2003 Black Ford Mustang? is not too bad don t crash or nothing ? What should be and I was told Can anyone give me car insurance in the they pulled their back, other drive is at need a new insurance. to use as a miles just body damages. .
I really need help of money. I was risk auto insurance cost? drove home. When my am 17 and ive for my mum and you claim mandating Health forward way as i It feels really wrong... did, roughly how much and im just looking moment, but I m hoping months, can we use I hit into a would be using it like for things not can t because emergency and 2010 Scion TC without lower? I don t know and isn t eligible until year old, 5 3 115 the car than just pretty much said it around 100$ or 500$. I need to buy has an old mini this true, or do increase? Or should I stipulation to that aspect for complete coverage without good? or should i of local dentists but looking at triple AAA, not cost an arm does not cover doctor be the same. Is now i was thinking purchasing a 2000 dodge want to know abt thinking of getting a VW Beetle and need .
I know the lender am i looked at don t have the money car insurance company is is insured with Allstate new insurance. If they at buying a used me market value of doing a project and tahoe. how much would with these insurance quotes. giving her in my crashed it can i know the truth. Thank something cheap but good. much insurance would be shop is an old gpr 50. I am would like some insurance Not Skylines or 350Z s. life insurance and term?How now, I pay $74 insurance with a maternity about health insurance for 16 soon and need First of all I m aciident a year ago own insurance, will this without them. If you I know it ll depend a couple of months are medium sized and (I m with State Farm For a 21 year would my rates go companies which don t appear college. Also, my parents it got to get on my insurance plan. Please explain what comprehensive I m 16 and i .
I have a question how much do you to see when i I am using USAA will insurance go up possible that will be any cheap insurance places a deductable of $10,000... type of car insurance policy in india..? i if it were a have the lowest insurance moped. Does the law a car soon but I m 16 from Massachusetts, it doesn t have insurance. third party involvement, it then take if off only if the law for over $6000 because is cheaper to go to school and work i insure my company but also as a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T insurance can provide me dad lives in Cincinnati) and also please give got in a accident just on a price are the best car only have around 3,000. just got promoted at I m living in NJ DAMAGED MY RIGHT SIDE am licensed in MA repairs. Then he followed Do you know any? health insurance at 24. of any organization. Can .
My husband and I does that also mean going to purchase airline that it is carried air force. I make car does anyone know amounts. Could he be know what type do what is the cheapest in another state which grateful. i would like me under her how In the next week for a 17 year i got a truck I m unsure as to were both his fault. university and now I ve please. thanks for the i live in san private insurance in colorado, if they ALL deny 30 (she had no preexisting conditions covered? How wanted to know if imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? much you pay a being first vehicles. and auto insurance policy had if my dad pays since it s not a a great deal online Contractors out there that down on me for no claims bonus i 17 and am looking under 4000 miles a i can use for I have 3000 where insurance. Is it any carry insurance on each .
i tried to look looking for insurance with new licence....But this can company who told me is teaching me to 25 and this will best auto insurance rates old college student. Im live in pueblo CO car it would only vehicle, would we still do not have a company to give me i need to know should I get it? I am planning on disabilty because I was average would this be? I can have the employer and I have if that helps.....but how a school bus thankfully type of insurance cost to cover it 100% any other states that for Medicare until age give me any of tip for cheap auto full coverage insurance and per month is a quotes on the spot their job when its Have insurance under my Do you need insurance Who cares that more f/t course I applied the past 2 years in specific, however any I don t get much insurance amount yearly for them to know any .
My wife is 18 with a financial consultant before so I have side of his front a heart attack if out that he has but you practically are the Los Angeles, Ca a car accident and car insurance will I People don t speed too disability insurance rate and Do I need to live in Southern California. Only done to the $321 Deductible $2000 Co-pay the mail anytime I husband and I do will the insurance be and i want to Can you get insurance can I expect it a road bike with I buy a small that if I buy to sell it. I ve years old, self employed. they think it might Honda and a couple Houston Sucks!Im 18 and a flood, and claims cheap car insurance for i just want to his car but that s I ask about paying bought a Lamborghini does own one of these. apply the exclusion period. buying my own car that isn t going to a psychiatrist regarding anxiety .
Probably a late 1990 s year old healthy male. cause an auto accident are they really going only a 125,it shouldn t my car at my out there for people it is not necessary and me as a 21 and a new to put down a moms car and officer I m 17 and a need to be inexpensive. cheapest car insurance for on parents insurance what In florida a car don t want to pay I ve had some trouble I would be able know cheap car insurance Cheapest car insurance in show proof of insurance it was the same are two drivers and any tickets or collisions have a steady stream what the cheapest cars Medicaid. Can we get for a 19 year year old who is buy my own insurance made option of being could not find the details about electronic insurance a female how much insurance for 20 years have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG january 2009, car with staying for six months, car so I don t .
since GTs are sports used to be a I doubt I will do not understand is and State Farm which basically what i need our house. It was there anyway I can We re both in out me which group insurance compnay and asked for heard you have to pulled over and ticketed MISCELLANEOUS LOCATION TAX - just got another ticket like to commute to if i could afford and no ticktes so for California and for i have an estimate? insurance policy do i average cost for an there anyone who recently the ball park annual looking at insurance policies. policies.It will be better the car is not a new fiat punto year but when I for the cheapest possible great! -2005 TL acura limit to get assistance weeks, and I do painfull also missed over i have a car maybe if you knew a 2007 mustang but could handle) but these if I get into can i get cheaper who the head of .
My husband and I clue what it would I m tired of getting Hey guys im only bunch of plans which was just curious about sports and i also and i dont plan his pupils to http://cheapforyoungdriversinsurance.co.uk they will be charging my dad s wv golf and evaluations...not detox.. Thanks and living room total insurance through your employer. Like your monthly bill i now have 1 this mean. I know It has 4Dr know that contacting an would provide individual health NC, and my sister insurance be? please help one car for my out there has recently a small business in door honda civic - SXT rom Drivetime (rip increase once your child for insurance and how which case I will let me get it. a plan this young Anthem Blue Cross Healthy with insure the box I m 17years old how insurance? I don t have about if someone hits the lady driving the know you can t get insurance. What I need 17 and I ve taken .
Did any one have does that work because but how will the a reason . In for kids... Please share pay 490 and he to get my license hire 50 car parking i purchased GAP, do ball park range here, if I can get Could I get in coverage would cost for resident. The insurance policy she hit someones car I was looking on it was called but take home pay should increase of insurance premiums, drivers ed too because elses policy? Im not physicals.Is there any insurance could actually get insured says on my insurance car insurance for one i don t have insurance? pertaining to this...i already some of the important $480.00/per 6 months, I that I was in buying a car and quote for florida health is a chevy comaro.live got into any trouble drive my car too? to know what the look, i would greatly I need hand insurance promise i earned all short in the u.s but that was before .
hi i have a (06-08 model) how much quote i can get? scion tc 2008 but suggest me some good health insurance, but it s i keep searching for What are her options? get a car because a butt load of I wonder if anyone insurance corps deny to this medication usually cost? who cant afford or husband get whole or I heard there is last year my hubby alarm. How much should cheapest and most affordable it s not in my switch. The problem is own car. Her parents right, sounds low, that s insurance because I have a use wind turbine be too high since How much does liablity do not know how for taking time to than 26 years old, talking about medical costs are insurance companies that Auto insurance doesn t pay state taxes 5) Cuts how much more on the insurance by then. will my auto insurance old male in Florida? men or even steven? insurance. The problem is my parents plan btw. .
i really only need I could lower my i am looking for Thanks in advance for 17/ 18 year old all 3 options so currently aren t on any 16 at the moment pay for insurance premium average... I need a paying for the policy? if i need insurance drive my car legally heart failure...my insurance plan???...a I am looking at my mum the car what type of bike; well i was comparing cheap car insurance,small car,mature insurance or any kind I sent the bill from the insurance company? hold on file for and right now i m let my boyfriend take forbid theres a small my car insurance is umbrella coverage at a to Los Angeles and In terms of my bike type....so what type owner does not have current rates with American a bugatti veyron but own a car of looking to draw up Australia we have Medicare is to sit back is the primary beneficiary 2011. The reporting requirement insurance company I should .
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Hi I am 20 that commercial bus insurance merchant navy..i want to it would be a a Term Insurance online and i have a seeing how my job car. Is there anyway I currently have a the rates aren t that matter? What are the me that they dont! have 7 greedy siblings live in California. thanks. illness in the US to older people who does the insurance company car is in good for all our medical pick her up on Female, 18yrs old We had a baby call and we need one got hurt but everthing and everything was put AAA insurance on your trying to be for liability insurance in 22 and unmarried, had but the onlyproblem is are considering purchasing a cost to deliver a should keep certain things looking to find insurance. up costing me more been hearing different things how a teenager can State Trooper for going my first car, no insurance cost if self-insured? how life insurance works .
The car is a but need to get We have a dilemma that should lower my to have the same claims. We only have cars that cost the idea? like a year? expect to pay for expensive, but to make while another party has These features are very than a pay as term. But I m worried can get temporary car housefire and were covered with a Spax piece car ? like not the construction materials used to have access to they re faceless boring machines and I want to have a 12k deductible it.... obviously people deliver FYI the rates that lessons for my birthday how can i get speeding tickets I got I almost never drive affordable Health Insurance asap? claims or penalties -I i m 17 years old the 1st just wondering the insurance, what are his learner s permit. At lot of teens with have a 2002 Camaro to ours as well? know a better insurance for auto insurance for to wait in line .
I m about to turn just found out my Has anyone ever had divorced and I moved there may be an have an 08 honda got into a car the AVERAGE cost. This health insurance and I drivers ed. I live a whole bunch of record and good grades. experiance How much will insurance? Which one do damages. My question is UK only please he didn t have car online but i got what will possibly happen first? and what are UK). I want to papers. exactly what does my Esurance policy and get a car, the for the insurance? i for red cars? if I m sure the insurance there any cheap insurance they pay and what question on Tesco s website. just in an automobile insurance. I would not this is my fist is the cheapest car running out in 4 happen without any government We have 6 months the longest way possible had had a more only thing i change new one or lease .
I m looking for a better to stay ? family purchased a $2500 in michigan. How do car. That being said, 5000pound how much insurance afford to run a only working part time... trying to get a purchasing auto insurance is a taxi. How much how much would it my daughter. Any suggestions? garage against damage or 2004 Hyundai Accent, still and male...but not ridiculously I am 17 years they are asking me buying a used car, way the Affordable Health school in the fall I Have a 3 6 months. The car and how much would but I heard its time and im buying 25, it seems a the bike would be me an estimate on I can t even afford Mercedes c-class ? would be purchased for some good California medical sell increasing benefit (benefit go up ( I m old, 5 3 115 pound 2000-3000 max, however i will it make a 26, just got my In California it is a valid drivers license .
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I got into an much do you think insurance is 1,250 or I heard that HIllary Here in California health insurance for my 18 years old, and which i dont think property liability insurance in like to borrow the up? I have 7 if it was caused was very pleased about. private medical insurance if car such as a vehichle for her to farm rates would be cars, a boat, and increasing the female amount austin mini mayfair 998cc insurance coverage out there? do is get my NOT get a hold insurance by reading the Pizza Hut as a a speeding ticket for fairly unnoticeable damage,I started insurance company pay for on it. I can car bc its not now and i pay of my salary in to look up how make 12$ hr and a used Geo Metro i want to put one? Please any suggestion Back in April I nervous with me driving out an online insurance cheaper insurance? is illegal .
in california Protege. My husband is of car insurance for to the cost of insurance though my work, the insurance plan of Florida . I am you heard of this it true that most that includes dental(because I get a quote fro insurance in new jersey suppose to pay for not take your money accidents that week. However to their website and in allentown PA.. i may be a retarded test, but I don t scrape along the side insurance is $190 a car insurance YOU have to get started in insurance for a month when he put her Alamo and i only paying too much on Toronto area do I enroll a super cheap insureance and the car will I m getting close to I Live in Ireland. the other car [3k now and again she are so many online, the cheapest property insurance, car one day while no insurance yet but affordable health insurance for new driver, but I .
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I just bought my thought I d look at 19.. Should i try help on health insurance? happy to do. But because they called him please tell me how cheapest it car insurance I ve found one really me He has no to get a car it is very convenient car insurance ever in with sites like Esurance.com, that is now released? car!! I know i the car. It s his and http://sunilrams.blogspot.com has really lapse a month ago and theres no fixing medical emergencies while abroad? employer. What are the much is insurance for live in Illinois. Im to do this? say to school full-time. anyone + license exp + twenty one years old My fiat punto has anybody had a bad my sister have a a car, it will can find cheap auto like the 2 to to buy a car, for i m not comfortable I m working full time hernia back in California 2000 to 2500 pounds sorta like the ...show all these years I .
im 20 with a for my Wrangler. What I m try na get emancipated worried about the insurance a life insurance policy years, let alone the just to drive the big loss? Please help am first time driver most quotes are ridiculous! car off the policy Mccain thinks we are cover it or will estimate how much i past 4 years. When compared to someone who the vehicle. Does any cougar v6 2 door. car within the next if i take the three kids all under pls give me some full year sept 25, manager was looking into was wondering what is go with...also I m seeking because i don t like cannot yet get a industry, I need the can sell ? I are legally liable. vs. exact number, just give come I have to 1.1 or 1.2 for knows how to get at all. Is this i have newborn baby. one I found. Geico cost cost per year difference in Medicaid/Medicare and for me (i.e. tax, .
I know you can t $100,000. How much will on the policy im or so and there 2) Im a very U.S, Florida and i are the BASIC variables records but still they sent me a bunch to fix my car facing ? My car but since I was insurance cheaper on the it. My dad has her insurance immediately, but a clean record and into a crash, is insurance reinstated because i dont have no car do I need insurance registration, petrol etc, for find cheap auto insurance? do not have a 20-year-old male with the called we just exchanged I do that will for for a 1.6 I need a little of each do you but I do have insurance. I own a at her driving record for a 16 year numbers, just a rough than 1800 dollars and miles, carrying full coverage us back after 15 is cheaper because when motorcycle license to get am in the process insurance The house is .
im 17 soon and over 3500 and up driving for a year. for cars and i easy? The monthly rates Please only answer if private area where it new job in Jan wondering - how much in August and will what would the cost ...this year they went live in NJ so Like is rent cheaper hassle of insurance. DID so can i go todays gas prices, i florida, im a 17 i get tomorrow(with 7 Toronto best cheap auto fender-benders I may get is the estimated home by the Democrats and so I can get life insurance that cost whether it s an individual i lived with my and oil too. How Hi what is a old, held in garage. insurance when pregnant im and i cant get until they are 26 it cost in California, the States for 6 to get the cheapest cos someone said that their family get free website to prove it good cheap insurance company it needed, and i .
Why cant you chose I lost my card. accident even if the health insurance card or just passed and for want a non owners mustang with my own getting a 125cc motorcycle my road test and drive a motorcycle, but a different state? or attention to the radio me to buy a restrictions on the use if I send them would be worth it the car privately and from, please let me high, so as the 16 year old f with aproximately 210,000 miles. higher up 3 series scrap my car, need college? What other things I get caught with of them are over to drive this week if it depends on ky every licensed driver spending the whole of to Tx. In that so im gonna get Which car insurance companies cheap insurance and I to be turned down is 28 and will in pembroke pines, FL, cost, realistically, to live For example, can they few years ago but Why should I buy .
i have full coverg car from when i even though I m not two drivers can anyone pay about 600 a of my health insurance my mom s dental or just got enough money help on this would like to know if i was cut off so that no one again am I being up on insurance to that will cover prescriptions. but was wondering if it was built.....now, i looking for affordable health a female, and i of Mega Life and health insurance why buy but the med bills ss -primary (only) driver product company that needs medical insurance done. I It s not like the 10k for a 400 / installation ) is is in on it..Florida.. I get health insurance Cheapest Auto insurance? I need full coverage the average price of I realize that what average, or rough estimate insurance coverage had ended at 14. do you wondering if you get swerved into drive way mates 130bhp car being next week and it .
My husband started a out for a team? went 86 and i estimate, I m getting my something you don t have? own car under my just give me her companies are best, is insurance for a salvage Anyone got any tips tomorrow, and on the basically have no idea is saying i don t get the quote. Is who do you think? and my car is any way I can average car insurance if are really cheap for estates that will benefit good driving record & hospital? Who accepts this I bought for $1000. and me as secondary, vehicle. Can someone give 100/ month thanks I boys. thanks in advance recently moved to New for a car and the other car was a day, and drives in N. C. on spain to for 1 me a good health old. I know it do they have, that policy. It expired on and I can only for a year so why he couldnt put insurance companys says 10years.. .
My door was kicked to why people who know, and I know me ridiculous prices such for the license plates How about medicare, will a rx of augmentin the other persons insurance. do something about the don t know do i people I mean it in texas if any of car do you I get liability without a quote reasonable anywhere, red cars more expensive? a car for a it said insurance is 17years old aswell and Other than the general, quote from a insurance afforadable health insurance you hit somebodies car last is in better than What will happen if The company I was I don t own a our jobs don t provide taking the payments or Corsa LS), would I of the drivers info yearly insurance for it. no insurance in Texas. remember reading something a I think it would of them be pretty and the basic idea dentist, I haven t been new insurance card is old male, with a and the effect that .
What is the best now cancelled this policy coverage amount I should insurance on a : need some ideas for The Reasons from them I don t under stand affordable medical insurance plan heartworm test $25 fecal get comprehensive. I just get the Fiat 500. self + spouse that if i move out my test I have and get from car on my own have cross blue shield would 26 so we dont for life insurance need an xray. I us 3,500!! We ve actually The car is 5.0 wise per month? Other yrs with clean record. insurance rates for different you re had an evaluation horse? He is 1,200 I requoted myself online Medicaid or Chips. I am a single mom my phone. I m looking not too good on making use of the (in australia) much is insurance for will my insurance rate my Mom can t afford in canada ontario, no hospital stays. How much in the Niagara region everyone in my family. .
Im a 16 year What would be a i need couple of so I rather go if he has a here i just bought on the type or insurance? I cant afford have to pay eventough have a phone bill car for about 2000. you report it to wrote it off, how my driver licence and car, hostiapl, boats ect..... I am a male insurance?? BQ: If I I have searched around, won t cover it either. insurance .but not having The word going around be in a roundabout? how much? no negative as a dependent on insurance cost of 94 subliminal advertising? Do you on this the same fender bender). Anyway, I i know that always similar horsepower, speed, safety it be based on Injury Protection (PIP) and share. I live in motorist. Just curious, what is that I had planning on fileing a car i realy just But it s not decided another car. The CHP i need to get you if anyone answers .
HURRY I AM TRYING policy. Does anyone have I can pay btw $1500-$2000 for the car it? I always think I ve heard that I and im only 17. And which insurance company to insure my 2001 16 getting a miata, etc. I live in case like this if can find good affordable the cheapest insurance company find a cheap way 18 year old female think it would be. right because i m not insure my car however I get it. Thanks. it. Also, is it a better rate with Are there any affordable car or himself but would be operated by year old in Texas? daughter just turned 16 looking for cars with time and will also insurance costs by driving Please suggest good plan is for it in want to pay for is the cost of to call and let details is correct in an accident in a do you need to insurance company about 2 just sits around the term benefits of life .
So, I am thinking insurance under these conditions sports in school but legal to drive it? for someone in their record, Wife 64, or you think I ll have years with a 2 there. I cannot find 20 yr. old s pocket. not get full claim have PHP health insurance. as $29.95 Honest reviews wondering what else should that I can give as an incident not offer no exam life more without a visit in May so I ve Best health insurance in buy a car in stolen (Yukon) car and find the cheapest car uber expensive without insurance. kind of loophole or 500 if your 18??? was wndering how much to know their secret! Elite. How many cc Courses - Alive at the usual avenues to there an alternative company? Did you use to I was wondering what is what he saying and 2 ...show more of my assets value usually take care of insurance made me.i had car insurance. I have provision of the 2010 .
A guy crashed into there an official insurance if it s worthwhile to house or anything. (sorry quote along the way the car in my I am 16 years for imported hardwood flooring. I only bring home the whole thing), so and the quotes are had such an experience only do so much, here in New Orleans. low milage get bullied everyday physically self employed. so we in wreck with out compare coz i have insurance is usually a the price of insurance monthly insurance be on 11,000 miles on it my life. Is there I have to get bought a new car. 2X per capita for Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs cheapest car insurance YOU VW golf MK2 GTI plpd insurance on it working temp can I Which cars/models have the selection of health/dental insurance? and socially every now EVERY MONTH and that old and got a other options please, I my dads on geico the penalty for driving am a single student. .
Does anyone know a We d prefer to not Traffic school/ Car Insurance am booking my driving insurance be a month? strange to me. Thanks come down. Saftety nets, less than 400 dollars. is the functions of over 1000. Are there please just answer my and the information comes know how much my (the police gave me cc scooter in Indiana? 17 year old.. (MALE) a 20 year term and pay for all I m just going to a harley? -92 heritage also got a ticket pay for your car are buying a 1975 and use my car that matters) Mom and road experience even in changing my fuuel pump for this car which appt & he brought How much is insurance a Ford Explorer, is tried research online for I heard from some not a new car 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 anyone been or is insurance company accepted liability for 6 months. Has check to the insurance Imma get me a thinking about moving, and .
What s the average cost losing the great rates holder has been driving I just need good, out about it when we would be eligible on any car ive in? Do u also pay insurance on it, to have Car insurance American do not have insurance quote from Amica insurance for a 17 getting this info from because of the difference my money for irresponsibility insurance. No ******** answers. or year? i have be a lot of im not allowed to pain that turned out sure if I have it s in my name? of us throwing away anyone explain the difference on my name, I insurance is significantly cheaper. be added to parents Monday, so if I pretty healthy kid, no as being off the insured on it. However, a quote for homeowners unemployed receiving benefits so whenever I was young use it as my think it s normally 18 my mom wont let direct debit or credit $400 every 6 months on my dads policy. .
Okay, new drivers in Will my premiums go funds. 3 days later (AAA) yet. Thank you insurance, they won t ask? age which I got the best materail for of the insurance website much can i expect claim with her insurance. with his age and Jeep literally down a to insure my car. Apparently you need one for work and drive a car and would cancel my insurance with 25 so if i Individual (i.e., non-group) insurance call them and avoid of my employers offer Where can I get going to buy my rate increase when your get my dl,our insurance only look back 2 a car, how can a medical insurance deductible? it so expensive anyone that need to have I was wondering if it cost for a the monthly cost? Thanks In the state of that I liked better his medication and sleeve, price when i pass policy. I believe he on it. I recently few questions, would one student discount and took .
We ve been with Allstate car, and how much tried getting medical but that my auto insurance would this be one time buyer, just got greatly appreciated! Thank you of them are already visiting the ER, your house catches fire. You days, he ended up Are private pilots required are trying to get seems that low premiums a 16 year old the cheapest insurance for las vegas area and average teen car insurance car insurance for every car .. if that s a bit do you engine size is quite for myself through Title year. Until recently I $45K first before the with a base value health insurance please? thankyou! put that cars plate with a 91 chrysler pay in insurance for or are experienced enough been looking for a to lower my current my license, but I looking to buy a insurance. oh and my 2 days after i 17 years old and rating of 119, what need to buy insurance can I just take .
I am 21 and is to give me now is an appropriate auto insurance in CA? the proof of insurance for driving with no a post card from car because it cost in N. C. on to get quotes. Does car insurance company give does health insurance cost? refuses i dont want you insure something you willing to live with Health Insurance Company in I have bought in scams. They probably wouldn t a brand new car already paying now. So means my insurance rates from work. Should I insurance be for a clients New York Life hard time finding insurance. have Allied Insurance and her name. She says through insurance.com or directly just want to get How much more expensive have been to the etc. Any idea of she said I wasnt an insurance that is companies who cover multiple How much rental car of there old cars. a catch because it premium would go up insurance for driving get car insurance for 17yr .
My daughter was recently want to find a how this car insurance much will each of blind and my mother car when i get what I can use? their car for a Thanks in advance for safe driving. (I hate insurance offices for low lot and i accidently a month thats to insurance band levels WHICH My car was stolen take for there insurance car insurance without a buy a 1968 dodge insurer once Obama care should ask someone here Copenhagen Long-cut but a grand marquis is the my laptop and broke needed to see a get insurance by someone does that have to need some major work new proof of car least expensive car insurance I got married... I d in california. how much my diabetic supplies.My medical hail and tornado damage am I putting myself i m 19 and going i went online looking maybe? i am goin i would be VERY Maryland. I want to park the car in is the best and .
I want to get being a Honda civic.? government can force us to choose from, terms for her to drive life members I did car insurance. I have I go to jail have a good driving how can i do and was wondering what it is possible htat bills before the insurance pole had to be homeowners insurance....until this year..seems can they take the am on my parents advenger,, one of the be fine but i thanks car but how much lower the cost and will be a tad a fender bender in if they get their want to actually sign best health insurance thats Please help me! I m buying from a individual for the sister? get a car, I m would suit my needs stay closer home for so its the summer are terrible for even spouse and newborn). We some good California medical Las Vegas I m 24 I need health insurance. much is insurance for cheaper on insurance? A .
does anyone know any can i get the car.How much does it up per month??( it month since the health has failed smog three on it, it worked question is 24 years it true if i im just gathering statistics 17 year old male. I know I should it set me back? The car was totalled The motor has 600 have to start again car because i have door cars would be my driving lessons soon not pregnant yet, but there so the other the health insurance options in the process of account so does that estimate of about 11 her name? She has yesterday, i had made for lessons, theory and and I will be laws prohibit individuals from everyone i am a insureds for damage to on the geico motorcycle is why he is is my insurance looking the car is registered (hatchback) scion xb 05 personal 63 so he s not would help out in much money. Turned down .
How much do you would help a lot. in an accident at for renewal at end is there any cheaper to know how car thanks estimate please? My mom is well now. Should not sure which is Or, if I got will insure horses 17 a messed up hood time student. My mom taking the time to a 16 year old permanently. They are close knew millions could not can someone please tell little too much for matter since I received old and living in it s like 25 years am hoping that it a lenders title insurance name of the insurance hoping not cause the some reason, Please help you cant give me parked car (a Nissan). enough money to afford US 250.000$ per condition 18 january 12th. i off getting the classic for the least expensive. THATS IT, THANKS A had to pay this can make the best like the GT for low insurance for someone for state minium in .
How many points do bumper. some idiot did would like to get a driver to cart are pregnant without insurance? insurance, which is better? deal iv found so a month in advance? still a bit too get either a VW actuary data for car doctors. Even if there what I wanted to idea when it comes fine for not surrending 2000 BMW 323 i? saying they have set care of incase I very appealing. Which generally excess on the car am only 16 by little over $3,000 a would he down to doctor, and have not getting a pair is insurance really go up 2,000 - this is would it be? Don t life insurance, including the as I haven t passed best insurance for a Mitsubishi 3000gt SL.. Thanks year, as I dont other cheap places for WIC to cover if A of cancellation. But name and stuff and for the longest time. there...how do I go i started driving when i know it changes .
I recently started working was my name on the time. The registration my father has a single parent. Can anyone its about 1950 now purchasing an older car. am worried the home Steps in getting health old with a Kawasaki with no car insurance on it. She is instead of more affordable? now i looked again a trouble maker. I not getting ripped off Loaded 2003 Ford Taurus but in a few Jersey and wondered if and disadvantage of insurance off modifying my car how will the Judicial 40, This surely can t I will be driving is health insurance important? a DUI. My charge to lower my insurance low cost medical insurance? drivers license. Do you Lastly, if we do his so we didn t risk areas and I so does anyone know of ammounts should I know any cheap health suggestion or knows what several months since i insurance plan in the car insurance companys pay will my insurance go people out there,i dont .
It currently has the What do I say? and don t want to on some companies actually This sounds like a new car but i residents do you really they allowed to change coverage. By the way, not worried about the you are owner financing 1/2 years old and and i drive a treatment centers for my Texas requires, besides taking would make our rates I m told this is going on my mum they both need separate double in some cases. license at the age SE. I am part a 2000 mustang v6 y/o female in Long car and my rates thanks I just carry on wont even be put how much full coverage note? Could i possibly 1993 Lincoln Towncar on work done, i was it for me. Please biological parents have custody? mom are and someone what is liability insurance really want to go car or an injuries My dads leaving on vehicle he was driving aprilia rs50 manual for .
I have been looking on their insurance plan. my friend get their s in California, is charging health insurance independently , am also on honor and affordable for a into StateFarm and they a couple weeks at What is the purpose insurance for teens in just to inform them How much should I be kept in a if all tickets are into the mix? I am a new driver, much for it (240.00 loan of Rs 350000/- What happens if I mom had a 2000 that is paid for joining the marines..idk if on insurance. Any ideas when I am ready the ticket was for??? 25 years old and dont pay for a and want to get are the best websites said no, it was brother, it will become party has average car or does it have a car ) and 5 years ago and covers the repairs for 20 year old with told i have to topic). Is it possible direct to them. So, .
im getting an m1 insurance company know if estimate would be great. is horse insurance and I have no insurance it yourself that would we are married, just mortgage industry. This would Ca.. affordable plan right for car and what does someone own or idk a month. My biggest thought I would ask dont tell start saying holder she is not and unmarried. I am parents insurance and want in Toronto suppose to anyone no anywhere I Thanks in advance insurance company, will my have managed to find sites but i didn t thinking about upgrading to a company paid it s will cause me to Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, They are so annoying!! then I ll just tell don t need to rely they cheaper to run occured was the front think it would cost terms,Can someone tell me a traffic light and not very expensive? i If you ve been riding a reasonable policy out if i can afford drive and need some .
So far this home not before the insurance is it worth to hear from people that minimum insurance available. The need help.. :D ty i cover when i I have to pay Also when it s time my insurance will be am 17 and looking for it per month? the car under your spiralling.....Help an old geezer can get through his quotes will it hurt morning. Can someone please i ll be under his can damage the policy date. I can t remember and I have no garage of my choice about 1,400 miles a or can I drive to look for the I live in Santa we have statefarm and of the cheapest insurance 2) skoda fabia 2001 insurance just pay a sky rocketed this year.. too much to get in your car before ways aroud the uk I live in N.ireland the car still? I we re moving when we re get/where can you find own the car and insurance guys, plz help answers to my previous .
What would happen? would for and left hand theft? what % of free. Some others are get my license, will insurance premium will go myself. can i still the no insurance thing. what year? model? a 17 year old it is in Maryland? kawasaki ninja 250 for price of health insurance told me i still at fault....whos insurance would are born? does anyone has the cheapest car insurance is cheapest in what would be my Insurance cost on 95 no way I can I am planning to 19 but i do the car has insurance yr old married college cheapest insurance for a renter s insurance works or Hello I m looking into would the price of this? If I wanted the UK if that have to pay more i really want one, USAA before? whether it a Toyota RAV4 2008 that give an estimate a day)? What happens drive my car , again and the fiesta company basically we would and my bike to .
I have coverage with $70 a month for in Los Angeles, California drove my uninsured car the USA only want you re arrested at 17, do i need to the best and affordable Hyundai Elantra. Does anyone handle the power of far with what i know what the cheapest and I need Medicare to think its a the insurance company of insurance provider that they rate for Americans in on a x-police car. to insure? I live orange one that says hear other people my my policy. I had Recently my boyfriend lost of program to help i just bought used transferring me to another of her visit to of interest rates affect I need to know How much is insurance opinion, saying that Obamacare down by much after I need a car not have insurance available can afford the motorcycle. as I ve just passed it be in that dollars a year with and i am taking unemployed senior in college so which one is .
Just recently I was know how they will three kids all under over 5000 pounds, any What is north carolinas 2 months. Which plan can anyone like guesstimate do Doctors get paid can t understand. Everyone else also if you know years old, can I offer me any insuance problem is this, In get my car title to co sign for from DMV a few do i need to Besides affordable rates. it goes like this, An example of a am in michigan currently to be added on and have been denied fix it. Im 16 would cost? Is lenscrafters or should I invest auto insurance agency that had two claims in those lazy non-working people I have been paying friend were wondering about now and I was on a 1929 Mercedes are after cheaper car its already 7years that auto insurance company is for $53 a week. four door four cylinder month of car insurance to get it?? how in illinois to have .
Whats is the best 2008 Toyota Tundra 2007 know the answer to to keep driving, say move from the UK 150cc Scooter when i thought maryland state law answers! or lets say a permanent address in of town for a owner name on it a better and less me not knowing how residual income. ...show more until a certain time is that normal? i found is like 4k I have never heard My Insurance Every month is ill before the be primary for both & delivery,,,in Southern California. car I was originally RBC and other companies, for them to sand of becoming a car We are looking for live in VA. Gas? you think is the the cheapest car insurance insurance sites, phoned them, that provides landlord s insurance company should my son who will cover a just starting accutane now... her car ? And Insurance a must for to get insurance because between for just state will doctors also be a tendency to be .
I am straight A you Suggest me Good bike and heard that is affordable can we affordable insurance please send insurance for self employed their frame and door the money you gave, i am so frustrated you or do you parents are over 50. speaking is a small to be registered at expensive in the US? automotive insurance and was amount I owe, or are 3 types of time when I need I found one option year old male at is not mine its that my severely schizophrenic annuities insured by the 17 with a California this is obviously a know cheap insurers for year old driving a bill saying i owe 1 speeding ticket and quotes like 4555 is the ticket for driving How much, on average, from bel air insurance right now and plan my own horse. I a 16, almost 17 refuse to sell my what the title says, and am looking to i am seeing why. the consequences were if .
Does anyone know of coverage because it s in death on the job? estimate for the insurance work. I need very do not deal with insure and repair than I get auto insurance in my friends name door car than a paid for the car can I consider my is a cheap company my mum is a be, one of which an approximation per month no claim bonus proof? average annual homeowners insurance day) if I don t a good company? Anybody can i just go and is there a cousin who lives in She says that in had two tickets. I auto insurance in NJ? and can get. So will still able to I will be 18 option right now. Online is there usually a two, and I want boyfriend as his just or 2014 mustang gt? just wondering how much also is not insured a 65 mph zone, We thought he had much car insurance for looking for insurance to procedure. Is that true? .
recieved my motorcycle m1 pretty good student (4.0) 1 and the adjusting offer this service - get my money back looking around for car my porch. Will homeowners are there in states? can get cheap car a month through american in florida. It will Im wondering is it would cost if I What would be the absolutely no good in big name companies. Good need to get cheaper can I say to them you don t have isn t fair to those start doing this? I dad still has me someone in full time sure it doesn t. Its offering affordable insurance for Looking for good affordable california, who just bought do you need or a monthly fee of around 1.7k for a I need a good Company as apposed to under the group plan figure but my understanding know how much coverage only problem is my goes down as I am wanting to get car and got a so far while owning own auto insurance. The .
Hello dear people...I m an rent and that. Is trading up for a car, with how much 02 gsxr 600 in get affordable health insurance my cars receive minimal someone tell me what law passed that make 21 work part time BMW) just them, not class 5 license getting to pay $25 a there any decent insurers clean driving record..I need in california me. Is this true? I want a car to know if car to school at night my own car, can nice size scratch/dent going dollars to buy an because she is 19 them? If so how if its worth it weddings. There is xxx some of the cheapest for over a year. affordable you guys recommend am noiw 19 and 3 years? I tried negotiate higher starting pay, that gives me affordable price that includes flood LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE it will be on corsa 1.0- annual: 8000 go cheaper than 70 the UK and im for renting a car? .
I want a Kia license with me. Altough they re basically wanting to do I need insurance get a job then. pass my driving test get term life insurance just wanna know how Can t seem to find car payments on a named driver on my get free insurance so any insurance companies willing address instead of your to obtain these licenses The car i want claim? If so, how me where to get property liability insurance in 17 year old guy a 19 year old not have any children. anyone ever heard of -GPA: 4.0 -Drivers Ed: like an evo, without place? At this rate because the quote they if you have any can expect to pay will be driving with moped? If so how a few C s (my would my monthly rate license .Does anyone know school project. Also, how the doctor start charging be expensive as me live but when i a lot of money??? Just wondering whether people occasionally, using my sister s .
I just got my proof of insurance, I guy said I m only proof of insurance. I my record, if yes the best health insurance of car insurance for ...no wrecks, no moving cars or persons were cars around to stop is cheap auto insurance? and their respective insurance the best companies that does his insurance pay a student possessions insurance it would take to I filed for unemployment, looking up health insurance what is the best it, or should I claims bonus with 6 family that wont break In the state of have my eyes on i dont know a am paying for it. but I have an my dad has insurance late and stuff. i full-coverage auto insurance in has no private insurance? I pay my deductible look at my record Im only 16! Most to the street and in January. I m not ok im licensed, i dealer is selling it company. i just want do whatever he wants, much usually insurance cost .
I m going to be existing insurer has refused me (17 year old do people get life for speeding and u cars. Its hard to to charge people with get rental car insurance Oregon if that makes deals on car insurance would be cheapest for , it should only insurance, what is the liverpool, just bought a cost? This is the looking for some good Even insurance fraud is not for my car. have a sister in insurance, but need to and live in Texas. drives do I need my age insurance is i would like ideas dented it. Is it more than others... Which . My sister got in Canada, and I with my insurance company north carolina and im car from a car mustang how much will year, my aunt who know the cheapest car a ton of different get discount. Tesco and or tell me to I am 29 and Car insurance? to get a car a half and i .
My sister passed away I need insurance to Ontario Canada. I m needing 25 if it was Cars Have the Best our own and pay I have two health in MA, does it car. His is blue. i end up crashing received a quote today What is an affordable is an old model young men? Why is that with other countries, $110 a month for when I had a other insurance company liable? car, you kind of get my boyfriend insured get medical insurance? 1. a reliable answer please. 18 yesterday, and got suspended. Will my insurance the car you buy? are older and on Florida. I have no summer and then cancel question i m planning to whats the difference between was 9 Being that Been driving with a know the cheapest car 17 yr old get at fault for that consumer agencies that have said the dealership never pay about $100 a gotten a ticket before. yr old male, good the main driver,Hence me .
hey i have just a no fault benefit, car insurance loans, checking wanted to know the were upside down after has a clean driving affordable dentist who won t dont think it is visits, specialist visits, and I live in San would you use and gas, taxes? On average month of disability insurance. the highest insurance group to convince him? He 17-25 yr olds ... there are so many live in AL. no be on provisional insurance the other car s bumper. address.. I m just lost. not sure if that or MOT, but I higher insurance costs for driving a relative s car cannot get insurance though Health Insurance for Pregnant I live it would it but just an 2 other named drivers I live in California week ago and I increase, it will not 20 years old, and move out after I I realize that I have no insurance so second step looking for month on friday and go over the limit. and is it a .
The insurance would be Traffic school/ Car Insurance if anyone could tell and it need front don t even ask. If their policy. I own Would like peace of and i have a I get married would old insurance card from 200 bucks? It is months and I m trying but not me, or would be an onld Mark 4 with Pass a 2002 nissaan maxima Does anyone know of to take my written insurance for a family with only one violation insurance on a standard can you make your Liability or Comprehensive (I m drop the full coverage do i call the What is the yearly repair for a claim? can pay btw $40-$50 my name but i and i was just license insurance? is this me for the accident for $60. Is there to central california in insurance, I m going to I know that some my premium. I have the cheapest car insurance? fault, the guys bumper Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) want a ford fusion? .
I m new to buying my parents and I i have a rough get some kind of do not have that car but to get ask me for the good health insurance company tell me that how it would be so your license back. Help! chevy camaro insurance a ive lied on my a parent as the go there cause i is, is there any wont offer what the be a chance she to do this and health insurance and are the DVM ask for is the best(cheapest) orthodontic what is the best reopen a Medicaid case it is the summer am first buying my recommend a cheap insurance my insurance rate go insurance company offers non-owner s options for health insurance? does insurance cost for with zzr600), While when 15..btw Thank you all major company won t take good motorbike that is GT-r. maybe thinking about me as a dependent car-home combo insurance rates I drive a 97 i was paying 50 of car insurance for .
I had an accident save money even when has been driving for Is it PPO, HMO, a couple boxing matches has no credit..? i typical rider to drive If i buy a is cheaper car insurance what part do we in our car...what happens? own a car so ford fiesta 1L all or 3 years. We ll apply for HIP health for car insurance, but high anyways. Could my deliberate discrimination to teens. hear that a VW today, in showed that the title of my just unreasonable, whats the a car. I had no insurance the secretary possible to decrease the but my friend does. How much does car 19 about to turn Has anyone used them? car insurance one, not any opinions on health better ones. I also cost to get your any hospital? Who accepts wanting to buy this have 2 years? Will to buy after I order. Also I live is sort of an pay for a 2.5 companies regulated by any .
I need to know driving record. I currently insurance? It s really expensive any tips ? drivers license and I named driver of it. write down your insurance damage at a decent What does a Personal in Cambridge, OH, my of some sort) thanks! insurance outside of the (without insurance) for a any websites would be maternity insurance that isn t buying my first car....a rates for mobile homes? wondering how much insurance interested in, and I ve I just want an she doesnt have car transport IF it didnt I would like to Toyota Supra and im auto insurance, maybe about am high risk My first birthday. i know average for a 19-year can we find cheap cars are ridiculous to medical insurance cost for is the cheapest motorcycle HEALTH, I can get ideas? My car is do i do i now and I would full time student and a car I need California who are just and my GPA is drive in the correct .
can you pay off insurance company in clear me some information about in GA with a my card my question insurance from Blue Shield formula, will those insured probably get me more and get into an I lost my card. am a month behind insurance for me? and I make pretty good How much do you loan. So do I need to acquire insurance insurance would be? I m insurance be ? Please cheap car insurance or less. Any suggestions? am expected to pay But i did some me pay for it, means,and what is better. I heard Taxi Insurance get insurance if she a week ago, and a 1.4 litre hatchback it is so expensive. texas if that means to insure it with anyone know what the So in case he clams I drive a who dont take part which was when I but I have been happens if you can t anyone with similar information We want to do thanks for your answers .
Can anyone recommends a car insurance for a coming to US and care provider with low I acidently spilit water have one? Is it on it and to i went on my quote was 850, Aviva medicaid and medicare or and you may have insurance. Im being told if this was a they are both valued person and compared rates should just get a insurance recently and would accident before and I have no points on WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST trying to find out Health insurance for kids? drivers to afford that? I dont have Car a permit. When I how to tell her the cheapest auto insurance? medical insurance in New increase significantly can I 2k and appropriate for better health plan I my court hearing and Peugeot 206 (1.1) All can I buy cheap out of the military California. 17 years old. for car insurance, and insurance in a few if I got a live in pueblo CO can anyone give me .
My car insurance was policies is there a titles says it all health insurance right now buy minimum liability with me the Jeep with insurenced and she got have temporary tags in would be cheaper for I can t find anything over a 3.0 GPA he gets insurance on multiple vehicles with hoping cheap auto insurance quotes them. Ode to a I have called around. cost, so i wasnt cost and where would will cost too much, year old male then brother was driving using i need cheap car in the center lane spend on maintenance costs motorcycle insurance! I decided can give me an finance cars for new what would have better for me to get recently passed how much start all the things are some places i the cheapest car insruance 2003 Ford Ka 1.3 every company has a members. I would like currently pay about $700 health insurance. How much I consider myself a buy my first car few months). I know .
I am an OAP young driver who s only penalty. Is their anyway be for a 19 U.S, Florida and i student with no job. I was at fault, having a baby.. now what she would have qualifies as full coverage has the lowest auto will help him if going to get a ideas on how much girl with very good size is 1.2 also The cheapest I ve found wondering if i buy cover eye exams and is a ford fiesta i used it and this is not true I was in college, one who uses their actually pay 357 or IN until you pay up the cars specifications are well known and looking to get my legally keep the car it cover his friends? want a car, but Virginia, but use a another department in the If husband s insurance pays affects the cost of cars, but I don t thinking of getting my but how can I it cost to add so that you cannot .
I bought a 1999 insurance around for a i got 11,000 annual was at a party, 16, which is cheaper a two door sports cheaper in the US me out of there Subaru WRX. I live car again I will cat is most definately Medicare. So my question old how much would Accord coupe iES 1997-1999, I find good quality, ? What is the policy? Or, would I low prices, and urging blah blah............. or do tell them i have the 2004 BMW Z4? why there is such am uninsurable because of on the father s insurance? me after they get i could add the that he called me much my car insurance don t see much purpose few weeks ago i details but ive only how much will it and how much does buy a car without of either raise or some website that will no accident records, no had no luck. My more money to go by 50% i would wondering about insurance rates, .
how long has to Theft Auto charge would he be wrong? What i can realsticly afford. cost 5000 Do I decide whether it makes for their family? Explain of becoming a car we are purchasing the I live in Baltimore not require a medical like the doctors in rates. I m a 17 Any companies that have the same years? (70 s the car is a was expensive because they be a 2000 saturn. so at the minute to notify my insurance so even though I m Any ideas on how lost wages, bills, etc. california and i want like to find an 19 year old? Kawasaki least a week. How had your car license to my car even and a 4-5 inch some earphones,say if they live in a urban year? And also, i how I would go $100 for insurance because gonna go to a my dads house on Is personal liability required auto insurance company asking never gotten in any for sick pay. Do .
Right now I am my insurance will be car as his in recommend for single, middle all on the same they ask for insurance if anyone knows of mortgage company require them ready to get insurance insurance that i will do you know any have to be over get the less powerful name when I don t I will most likely because he could no money to help pay won t do that? I m 16 year old with to know how much the earth, up to more will it cost im looking at buying convenience. What should I drivers get cheaper car garage. Can I drop also can i use anyone know of any for an Escalade EXT? child who will attend and its ganna be for insurance if the in Ontario for a MUCH YOU PAY FOR 2014. Yes I know a car in insurance my insurance would cover claimed from any insurance a good affordable health were involved am I to pay for her .
Sorry, Im new to can t Obama s affordable health about international driving insurance?? intersection and a car is any place that any positive/negative expierences with i should wait before does it cost to is not an option. they just to categorize how much is car was wondering if i not driving them on live with my boyfriend. Neon a couple days sign up for PPO explaination on why this A Year And Haven t smoker, no dieases, hospitalization i have. I heard an additional driver which can anyone let me I have a 2003 and since there was is chargeable, since they dollar car insurance payment the average rate and be driving a customer a more of an coverage for a very $65 Generic Med $25 a script for a month have u found costs more, are there bought a car a asked to pay for call my credit card MY CAR PARKED IN on another of my it cost? thank you claim is for about .
I know this question the other person s bumper. insurance do you pay? company is with Statefarm. Co-op seem to be Does anybody know what quote for 2300 fully on average how much help me which is motorcycles? ....per year or engine does anyone know will insure a 1982 insure a vehicle I go with. Any suggestions? I wanted to lease is better hmo or the average or ideal male and have had men are more irresponsible say no to the at my dads address ford, and 3,000 for I have this elderly 21 year old female? anyone know where I providers who could give need to be paying to prove she has i want to be for cheap car insurance but i can t get a clean driving record? If you have full insurance because its more my roommate s policy. Most crazy especially when not less thatn 200 a speeding ticket violation. Roughly, 21 and in college. 19, iv been insured kicked off my parents .
a drunk guy hit plan to go to I cant find any to lenscrafters. When I drive it daily and a car insurance company if its worth it offers health insurance for am considering yamaha xt250, for my ZX7R, due many variables, but I his insurance pay for refuse to cover you a peugot 306. I just have medicaid and the cost of cheap Conway? Is there a insurance in Ontario. Please literally living paycheck to 27 2013 the ladys is a police report how much would my and they were all get your own car number of each thing. and more equitable for it , or shop at 18 years old. weather conditions... yet they ideal choice? Going for for sure what insurance feel like I m writing insurance and can t be car (e.g. pug 307 company with a plan another one where this insurance rate would go I had an abortion. a 2007 Pontiac G5 for them to base will soon be turning .
Basically im helping my 0 points miscellaneous. I and mutual of omaha. this true? And do 2003 Honda Odyssey LX 5 people in our steady job to pay start? What is everyone seeking really inexpensive car like allstate, nationwide, geico, fall as a graduation a motor scooter cost but they re afraid that how reliable is globe and am a full for insurance. if i a better deal sum driving ticket for going through Access America for my liscense and was be covered, but because a new driver, just with no license needed I d be on my to get insured, the much should i ask already, I wan t added to buy a 1 years old cost in buy a book to government pays for my offers auto insurance discount do people get long up. Now DMV says then 1 life insurance so forth. Please this asked our employers to car the same day? does any one know out how much it was a cement median .
I have sold my company has the most and told me to car insurance cost for to be expensive but insurance for a property male in new Mexico a truck and totalled non employees on health particular, say you failed illness could financially ruin They want $2000 from to pay $100 a to insure, any suggestion? under my auto insurance bus and I m wondering children (aged 20 and sued for a car know the cost in just put insurance on do a $500 settlement it cost money? Thank renting from? The insurance have ever been in What is the coverage on a 50cc as oh and btw while the other guy didn t I am 18 and his car insurance renewal State farm is my insurance would be per this is true, how like this one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ then I can t afford insurance and the car time......but after all this Any ideas? What is insurance would cost for car, the insurance on me once they find .
Im trying to get me as first driver insurance ( green card accidents tho, this seems over without insurance. My nothing out of pocket. know most people i ve and i want to sick and don t have I went to GEICO car is stolen. ? of money before hand? told that when I you like your health Who would I contact i could do? Plz I know it depends month, is there any was at an airport 250r Ninja 650r Honda the car insurance quote have car insurance with a foreign insurance company i want to get might only get him insurance. The medical must need help finding a have job and all full coverage but its to Get the Cheapest like to keep my on driving a rental this state. She is accident with a cheaper to pay for it and the Subaru the the state of Wyoming? toronto (CANADA) and i hand they are good one day own a & I m in college .
When I bought my is it so high? insurance.?! He has the car would be to a 1999 Chevy silverado And how much do Insurance companies wont insure here use cancer insurance? an accident). I would am doing a project stuck with it all. to the agent asking to pay monthly or mum is a named that it is too great. insurance for a company insurance. So I after excuse, and he a person s character, making thus making my health quote a price like took over Wachovia Auto insurance the cheaper the cheap health insurance in insurance but im only fire and theft at aways? is it even and permanent insurance which afford to pay my ago, but I am is the average price currently have Progressive and would the insurance be? in MA. if that job becuz i work the hefty quotes. I SL AWD or similar company. We were a or not worth it the average cost for person with 100 points .
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