#of course i don't feel loved i never let anyone love meee
plaintoast · 9 months
i was not expecting anyone to reblog that post about my poem which is making me wish i could make my tumblr private the way you can with twitter or insta. i always get really anxious about things escaping my circle. it feels nice, like, i have friends who are proud of me, and i do want people to read and hopefully enjoy my poetry. but oh my goooood the mortifying idea of being known!!!!!!
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satansaidnottoday · 2 months
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When they are sick: human Au.
Info: Human AU, GN!Mc.
Summary: how do they deal with being sick and how can you help them.
Warnings: just general talk of sickness.
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He ignores all of the symptoms and signals that he's going to be sick.
Even if you try to tell him to take care, he will tell you it's just a sore throat.
He's sneezing all over his paperwork and can barely breathe.
He won't take a single day off. He'd just chug some pills and act like his fine.
In the end, you have to force him to bed when the fever takes over and he's writing down nonsense. You let Diavolo know he won't be working the rest of the week.
Protests and whines about it, but it's too weak to do anything about it. Internally he's actually glad someone cares for him, but it's too prideful to admit it.
He will sleep most of the day, trying to pass the sickness as fast as possible. Bring him tea, and some medicine, and put on his favorite classic vinyls. It will help immensely.
When he is better he thanks you genuinely. Being the oldest brother, he never got to rest and get taken care of. He's very appreciative.
The moment he feels the smallest indication of sickness he starts to whine about it.
He just wants attention. Your attention specifically.
If you give in and console him he will latch on to you and act way worse than he actually is.
If you don't he will whine even more about you not caring about him.
"Mc! You're do cruel, I could die you know…"
Over dramatic when the cold actually hits him.
He's in bed with the lowest fever ever, crying because he's going to die.
Encourage him by saying he's way stronger than any sickness and he'll instantly stop.
You're right! The great Mammon can't lose against a common cold.
Won't let you leave his side. Gets really needy and asks you the most random questions to keep you talking to him.
"Okay but what's your second to last favorite animal?"
Will get better pretty fast, his immune system is amazing. He will pretend to still be a little sick to get pampered tho.
He will buy you presents as a thank you for taking care of him.
He ignores the symptoms at first. It's not like he leads a super-active lifestyle anyway. Playing video games all day can't make your cold worse.
His immune system is shit due to how little he goes outside, so when it hits, it hits really hard.
He says he's okay and can take care of himself. It's a lie, he not only wants you to take care of him, he desperately needs it.
He gets high fevers and skull-hammering headaches. Every time he sneezes he feels like his brain is rearranged. He can't even sleep because of the pain.
He clings to you and whines about the pain.
"Why meee?"
You make him his favorite chicken ramen because that's all he wants to eat.
Since he can't look at screens, you read him novels to keep him entertained.
When he gets better you stay over for a marathon of every new anime episode he missed.
He starts preparing when he feels the symptoms coming.
He tries a few home remedies he read about, but they rarely work.
When he is actually sick, he will arrange time off work. He has his doctor on the line and already made a run to the pharmacy to get real medicine.
Takes a lot of short naps.
His symptoms are strong, but he knows how to manage them.
Reads most of the day. Only allows the cats into his bed. Sadly, that doesn't include you.
He won't let you come close, he will even try to convince you to not visit at all. Of course, you still show up to make him vegetable soup and refill his honey tea.
When his eyes sting too much to read, you sit at a cautious distance and narrate to him whatever book he wants.
Gets better pretty fast.
He surprises you with homemade dinner as a thank you.
He panics when he realizes he is going to be sick. Tries to deny it until it's too late.
He hates being sick, more than anyone else. He hates the puffy eyes, the swollen nose, the chapped and broken lips.
The only saving grace is you. He loves the extra attention (like he doesn't get enough already).
He actually has a pretty good immune system and has barely any symptoms.
Doesn't exaggerate his symptoms like Mammon, he just straight up tells you to pamper him.
And how could you say no to that face?
You spend the week holed up in his room because he doesn't want to be seen by anyone but you. Every time he needs you to run an errand for him, he frames it as a mission.
Your most frequent mission is getting more chocolate.
Skincare, skincare, and more skincare. You use around 20 different masks a day.
When he is feeling better he wants to go out and have a proper date.
Now you gotta pamper him because he was sick before! He couldn't fully enjoy his time with you.
Has an immune system made of steel.
Rarely gets sick, and when he does he just goes on with his normal life. At most, he gets a low fever and has to test for a day.
You can convince him to take a little rest by offering to cook for him. Anything will do, even just instant soup. He just loves the thought of you cooking for him.
He will try to help, do not let him. One thing he does get when sick is dizzy. You don't want him near anything hot.
He is completely fine by the next day. I wish we could say the same about you.
He infected you. Now you're in bed with a high fever and can barely move.
Don't worry tho! He will make you the best chicken soup you've ever tried.
You would think he is another drama queen, but honestly, he doesn't have the energy for that.
He already expects you to spoil him at all times, sick or not.
He gets sick too often to make an event out of it. The winter, the change of seasons, and humidity variations; everything gets him mildly sick.
Of course, that's just a great excuse to take extra naps.
Doesn't care at all about infecting you, he will demand you cuddle him the whole time.
You're the greatest body pillow ever, so of course he needs you to feel better.
A lot sweeter than usual. He will drop the snark and be pure fluff.
Force him to eat some vegetables, he will never get better if he keeps sustaining himself on snacks and candy.
If you're strong enough, you will have to carry him everywhere. His bones hurt too much to walk.
If you're not strong enough, you will build muscle dating him.
Not much will change when he gets better, he'll just have more energy to tease you.
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A little bonus Lucifer scene. Because I'm shameless about my favoritism.
"Luci, I think you have to go to bed," you said as you raked your hand up Lucifer's hair. He looked at you from his desk, his eyelids dark and red.
He tried to speak, but his throat hurt and he gave up. He let himself rest against your touch. He slowly shook his head.
"You have a fever, angel," you leaned down to whisper, caressing Lucifer's face and feeling it burn under your hands. "What you're writing makes no sense."
You tried to explain, but Lucifer wasn't hearing anymore. He hugged your lower body and let his head rest against it, looking for comfort. You gave him your arms and helped him stand up, guiding him all the way to his room.
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Thanks for reading!
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hoshi-y · 1 year
Could I please ask for an Amane with an s/o who once they start to like him, they have the tendency to poke him, jumpstart him -- any excuse they can to touch him, and how Amane reacts to this change in behavior?? 🙏🥺
You're the best Hoshi 💕
Thank you ❤️
Not like, but Love.
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Yugi Amane
TW : None
A/N : HELLO I AM BACK AND VERY HYPER, I absolutely LOVE this request because I do this to the person I like sometimes, I find excuses to touch them HAHAHAHAHA
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I never knew
It was like a cliché high school romance story, where in someone falls head over heels for their best friend.
That someone is you, my friend. Over the years that you've been friends with Amane you have never felt anything like this before, its like your whole body erupts with butterflies and you trying so hard not to smile whenever you see him.
Well, who wouldn't fall for a guy like him? He is smart, talented, athletic, sweet, and also a gentleman. He has this shy and quiet personality yet very mischievous and slightly chaotic which you found adorable.
You met Amane when you were in 2nd grade, you two were partnered up for an art project where in you two had to paint a flower pot. During those weeks you two painted, your friendship blossomed.
Back then he was a cute chubby cheeked little boy.
But now he was a very eye catching and drop dead gorgeous teen boy. Even you were hypnotized by his charms.
You never liked it when other people touched you, or when you touch people, you just found it akward.
But in your situation, I think you'll let this one slide.
"Hey [F/N]!" Amane called out to you cheerfully "Hi Amane, you seem very hyper today." It was so early in the morning yet he had an energetic personality already. "I'm just excited for PE thats all~"
"Reallyy now.." You sarcastically said as you closed your shoe locker "Yeah! What don't believe me?"
You poked his side which he jolted to the left "You're always up to something I can't trust you sometimes" You continued to poke his side which he let out a laugh, Cute.
"AgH— Stop that tickles!" Amane grabbed your hand and you stopped. On the outside you had this bored and sleepy expression but inside you were exploding, your heart was beating so fastand your stomach felt like a butterfly zoo.
"Wow for once you didn't yank your hand away, is it because you want to hold my hand?~" He teased which you, of course yanked your hand away, although you wanted it to stay like that you couldn't bare for him to know you like him. "A-as if. Im leaving.."
"Ah I haven't changed my shoes! [F/N] please wait for meee TT"
Your whole week, was just you finding ways to have physical contact with Amane. Like purposely tripping, or pretending someone bumped into you making you bump into him aswell, jumoscaring him and most of all poking his sides cause it always ends up with him holding both your hands.
It made you blush, madly inlove with him, you couldn't control your feelings with him anymore, whenever he teases you, you don't respond with your normal insults, but blush
This, he found amusing, and quite adorable too.
3 weeks have passed, and you'd think Amane hasn't noticed or connected the dots? No. He is just smart like that, He knows you better than anyone else and he knows how much you hate it when you or people touch you. So when you don't react to him touching you, he just knew.
You have been spacing out alot, probably day dreaming about you and him— "[F/N], are you okay? you've been staring at the wall for awhile now." You snapped out of what you were... thinking about "Y-yeah, I'm fine don't worry"
"Mmm.. Well it doesn't seem to be it"
"Im fine, Amane"
"Well, your hugging my arm alot lately" You finally realize what you've been doing and immediately scoot away, you didn't wanna let him know as the fear of rejection crawls thru your back "Oh my~ don't tell me you've fallen for me hm?~"
When he got no answer back he chuckled and pinched up your cheeks "Stwop." you said, but he just kept pinching and squishing it. "Do you have any plans tomorrow?"
You shook your head no as he slowly let go of your mochi cheeks. "Great, cause.. I got tickets to this movie that me and Tsukasa were supposed to watch but he has practice tomorrow.. So I was thinking maybe you'd come with me?"
"Why do you sound so nervous, Amane"
"Why is your face so red, [F/N]. Oh my it may seem that you have fallen for me~" He teased but you playfully smacked his shoulder "S-shut up. I'll go to the movies with you.."
"Great! I'll pick you up at your house tomorrow" He stood up and grabbed his bag "See ya~" and left the room, probably to go to soccer practice.
You sunk in your seat containing your squeals and your blushing face "Oh my god.."
You couldn't wait for tomorrow
When you went hom you barely slept
You were that excited
Always tossing and turning and smiling to yourself
Bu eventually you did force yourself to sleep, but with a huge smile on your face
You heard the doorbell ring and quickly went downstairs "Have fun on your date with Amane dear fufu~" Your mom teased as you froze "I-its not a date mom.." But you wished it was though, you opened the door and went out
"You look cute [F/N]" Your cheeks slowly burned from the compliment, Amane put on a soft smile as he gently grabbed your hand "Come on, we don't wanna be late"
As Amane led you to the bus station you could hear your heart pounding, your stomach is basically becoming a zoo at this point. "Hey.. Are you okay? your face is so red" He held up the back of his hand on your forehead "Your pretty warm too"
"T-thats cause its very hot! hahahaha lets go—"
Yeah you ended up dragging him to the bus stop
There were times youd sneak glances at him when Amane would look at a different direction
And sometimes youd get caught lmao
you two got there and it was PACKED literally, thank god he bought tickets already all you had to do was line up for food and your good to go
You wanted to try something bold today, like accidentally holding his hand maybe or pretending to be jumoscared by the movie
We all know damn well he knows your faking them but he didn't mind
He found it very cute
The movie finished about 2 hours ago, but you and Amane were having a walk around food stalls for the pass hour trying out things to eat
"You think your parents are looking for you?" Amane asked nervously, he once brought you home late 30 minutes and he got a light scolding. He can't imagine what the scolding will be if it was for an hour.
"Don't worry I sent them a text before we browsed around food stalls" He sighed a sigh of relief as you giggled "Dont tell me your scared of my parents Amane"
"Well a little haha~"
You two sat in silence as you ate, the only thing you two could hear was children running and screaming, people chatting with each other or the sound of food being cooked in each stall.
The lanterns shined bright as it made it impossible for you to sneak glances at the moon, you never told anyone you liked stargazing or looking upat the night sky as you were too embarrassed to do so.
You felt Amane slightly tug onto your sleeve "Here, follow me" He stood up as you followed him to a less lighter area, the noise dying in the backround and nothing but crickets and the nights cicadas.
"I never knew you liked stargazing [F/N], how come you never told me?" Amane sat down on the grass as you followed hugging your knees "Well.. I was too embarrassed too.." You said, pickingoff the grass under you.
"Well, there is nothing to be embarrassed about you showing and talking about the things you like, you can tell me I wont judge you" He poked your side as your reflexes moved to the right "Im also a little mad at you for not telling me you liked stargazing, think of all the missed opportunities..." He sulked
You giggled "Im sorry~"
Once again, you two sat in silence, not in an akward way but rather a comfortable silence. Nothing but both of you laying in the grass stargazing.
"Hey.. [F/N]" Amane spoke up, you slowly looked at him "Yes Amane?"
"Ever wonder whose behind all those written letters and gifts that always left on your desk?" Well yeah, you were curious, they had neat handwriting too. "Mhm, I want to know who it is.. They kept writing that they've liked me for awhile yet they never show up, why you got ideas on who it might be?"
Amane handed you a neatly folded piece of paper, your eyes widened as you saw that signature flower doodle that your secret admirer kept leaving. "Its me."
Amane took a deep breath as he fidgeted with his hands "I-I've liked you.. No, loved you for.. 2 years now, I wanted to tell you how I felt a month ago when I wrote a letter to you to meet me by that big tree behind the school but.. I chickened out.." You couldn't believe what you were hearing, you were so overwhelmed with emotions you couldn't speak
"I mean its fine if you don't like me back, but I want our friendship to keep going—"
"Who said I didn't like you back?"
Your voice cracked a little as you were tearing up "Amane.. I like you too.." Amane brought you in for a hug as you let him "Im so happy.."
Amane held you by the shoulders as he looked at you "Your so.. Beautiful.." He held your cheek as you leaned into his touch holding his hand
"I want to court you, [F/N] if that's okay with you.." He nervously asked "Of course.. You big dummy.." You couldn't contain your smile as he hugged you again making you two fall onto the grass
Stargazing with him was the best first date you ever had.
It has been officially a year and 2 months since you and Amane became official, Amane never expected you to be a physical touch person, you were very clingy, it surprised him
You two were walking back home from school as you hugged his arm "It stills surprises me that you'd be this touchy love" He leaned down and gave you a small kiss on the head
"Can we cuddle at your house?" Now this completely caught him off guard, even though you two have been dating for almost a year now, he was always the one initiating the cuddles but now you were the first one to ask that
"You don't even have to ask~" You two ran laughing to his house excited with the thought of being at each others arms after a long tiring day at school.
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I suck at writing now people
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rockunderthewater · 10 months
idk i feel like i can see you holding the phone with a half eye open and the other closed and seeing my asks -_- well! you're smiling now ) just like an angel )) you're so pretty )
https://open.spotify.com/intl-fr/track/1mea3bSkSGXuIRvnydlB5b?si=d1b5c95b63f846cf i love coldplay , the first song i listen to was paradise the next one was your sky full of stars, then i listened to every single song of them, i dont know if you know "green day" , i like them https://open.spotify.com/intl-fr/track/40joWJ6JO6LhlCsgKGBNNF?si=34840e4b8d3f4dbb please! be happy, dont let anything make you sad or feel bad, we both know that you're amazing, and your heart is so kind and u never hurt anyone and im sure you will never do, so dont let anyone or anything to make you feel bad, oh! yes, i took a look on all your blog, and i think you posting or rebloging what is on your mind or reflects your personality and i love your blog, so!! i love your mind and your personality ) i believe in you, and im so proud of you )) , you should be proud and believe in yourself too, sometimes you feel like you doing nothing or useless, its completely wrong, believe me, just by you breathing, just to know you are there, thats make some ppl so glad and happy, idk how far i am from you, and we never met, just by knowing that you felt good last day that make me feel so happy, i was feeling bad you changed my mood by your kindness, you deserve happiness and to be loved, yes i talk too much lol -.- and just be yourself you're amazing, you dont need to do any effort to steal others hearts ps. dont say i dont know you and how i can be sure of everything i said, believe me, i have a gift from God, i know ppl from a small talk, and i already saw your blog and i knew and felt many things, oh that was really long ask, idk i felt like im talking to u face to face, have a nice day principessa enjoy your time ) OOXXxO eat well ;)
dont forget, send me the songs again, be well)
Okay... I actually cried reading this ( still crying) deep down I feel like I needed these words and never admitted the need of it, I truly don't know what to say, your words held me body and soul, I'm floating, feel like swimming in the clouds (I love clouds ☁️) I don't how to describe how I'm feeling right now but yes I am smiling and reading this message over and over and over and forever maybe I'll even print it and keep it with me realistically!! I wish I can do the same you did to me woth those gentle words, I'm sorry I'm bad at it maybe the worse person in describing her feelings, I have only my prayers, I'm praying for a peaceful life for you to live happy without any struggle, we don't need to know each other to give love and appreciation, humans are simple sooo simple yet the society trying to convince us the opposite. Humans need one beautiful word to feel alive again, it's about "oh I have to know to give you this love" no... Just spread positive energy whatever you to everyone, maybe you'll be the reason to save someone! So yes I do believe in being loved by a total stranger and remember them forever!!!
Oh my goodness you saw my whole blog and still appreciate me?!!! I'm flattered tbh.. here in my blog, like you said, I share everything I feel without being afraid, it's a safe place I don't give a second thought about the things I post, i just simply share! I happy you loved it 😔🍒🤍🤍🤍🤍 it means a lot to me, I appreciate your existence wellah 🤍🤍🤍 you are such a good person I can't believe I'm talking to you...
About the GREAT music you send meee I love Coldplay too and also my first song was paradise ahh such an iconic song truly, it never get old!! Andd OF COURSE I KNOW GREEN DAY I love theemmm aaaa
I love this song from Green Day!
Idk if you know or like the smashing pumpkins but I adore them so here you go
This one is currently my favorite like whatever I listen to it I start crying... Idk it's Just a beautiful one with beautiful lyrics and of course Neil's voice is just... Unbelievable.
I hope you like my taste in music. Have a wonderful morning dear 🤍🤍🤍
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