#of course it has to be between our muses like lol
writernopal · 28 days
✍Writer Interview✍
Thanks to @teamdilf for tagging me here!
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When did you start writing?
Technically, when I was like 15/16. I was writing a little bit back then but I don't remember what I was writing, which sucks. I really wish I remembered! After that I picked writing back up in summer of 2019.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Yep! I think its kind of limiting to only read the genre you write. There's always stuff you can take from other places and work it into your writing. It can produce some surprising results! That said, my favorites to read are non-fiction and classic works of fiction.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
No and no. There are plenty of authors I admire but I've got a voice of my own and I don't particularly think we need two of anybody.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
So I have two main things I use to write: a desktop computer and a laptop. My desktop is on a desk (surprise, surprise lol) in the corner of a room with two little windows above it. I recently upgraded the setup to have one ultrawide monitor instead of two smaller side-by-side ones to help me focus when I write because I noticed when I was writing on my laptop I'd get more done because I only had one screen. I also have a mechanical keyboard with blank keys for cool points lol. On the wall beside my desk are a bunch of posters and things, some for inspiration, others just because I like them. Of course I've got some pirate/ship themed art there too! With my laptop I kind of take that anywhere, so with that I write on the couch, the dining room, cafes, libraries etc but never in my bed because then I won't sleep. I've been trying to have better sleep hygiene and phone habits in general which is only worth mentioning here because I used to write on my phone but I don't anymore.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Music, but like really listening to it. As in, closing my eyes, not doing anything, and being present as its playing. I'm very in tune with how my body experiences feelings/emotions so doing that will usually make me feel something and from there its just letting my mind wander.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Forbidden/taboo things. It can be anything from interpersonal relationships, oppressive systems, internalized responses to stimuli, etc. Also drawing connections between the world and our environment and the stages of our lives or even things that happening. To me, those things are all connected. And no, they don't surprise me one bit.
What is your reason for writing?
To make sense of the world around me. And to live lives I won't have time for in my short one.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Anytime someone notices a theme or callback in my work. Which I think has maybe happened once so I do my best not to rely on engagement to motivate me otherwise I think I'd go insane.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Oh ideally I don't want my readers thinking about me at all lol. I want them thinking about the story and what it makes them feel.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Prose. Especially of the visceral or imagery-heavy variety.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I think its quite strong but I think I've reached the limit of what I can do on my own. I really want to start honing my craft and improving it so I'll probably be taking some courses and/or joining a writing critique group soon.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I guess I'll say mostly for me. There is 'an audience' in my head but whether those are people who would actually read my stuff or someone I made up, I can't say lol. Also I have to have fun writing something otherwise I won't want to do it so its hard to say I'd want to write for someone else unless they had requested something specific from me.
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Tagging (gently): @tabswrites @void-botanist @paintedbutton @sarahlizziewrites @oh-no-another-idea @kanobarlowe and anyone else who wants to play!
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elstreem · 3 months
(Spoilers for FGO LB6)
Something that has been bouncing around my head for a while now is how interesting it is to compare Bedivere and Oberon's actions and roles in their respective chapters.
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...I'm pretty sure I can never put this neatly or concisely enough so ok rambling time!
Which means, this is a warning for a very long post. Seriously.
I have read discussion on similarities between the Faerie Knights and the Knights they were named after, as well as Morgan and Goddess Rhongomyiad, and of course the game itself compares and contrasts Artoria and Castoria. It wasn't until I read that Chapter 6 Habetrot mirrors Bedivere's journey that I realized that our cat-loving fairy is actually Bedi's counterpart in Lostbelt 6 lol, but it is obvious in retrospect (they bond closely with Mash and help her work out her issues, they're both close friends to a queen figure who they now must work against, they're carrying a secret weapon that has to be returned to someone).
So why compare and contrast Bedivere and Oberon? Because I feel like it and also I just think about Bedivere a lot :b A little disclaimer though, I don't actually have Oberon on my account so I might be off base about my understanding of his character...basically, these are just my musings!
But yeah, I think it's interesting they're very alike characters in a lot of ways: they appear to help Ritsuka and co., but secretly had their own agendas waiting to be fulfilled at the end of said chapter. They both even have important bonds to the iteration of Artoria that appeared in their chapters, and interestingly, both of them do mention outright having used Ritsuka for their own purposes and express a sentiment about being fake (Bedivere's wording is "counterfeit" while Oberon is, well, a Pretender).
At the same time, Bedivere and Oberon are very much each others' opposites, too - and I think the key difference here is Bedivere is truly himself, and Oberon...basically can't do that. "Staying true" is an impossibility for Oberon because his very existence is being something he's not.
Going scene by scene, the contrast between the two shows as early as their respective meetings with Ritsuka:
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Bedivere tried to keep his distance from the Chaldea crew, even giving a false name and bluntly stating he can be considered an enemy. (key word here being "tried," he sure caved in quickly later on lol) He even says the meeting was just coincidence, and you know, in retrospect it's a crazy stroke of fortune for both Bedivere and Ritsuka to meet like this in Camelot.
By contrast, when Ritsuka finally meets Oberon face to face, he's immediately friendly and personable, even stating he's destined to help them. However, this meeting is definitely not coincidental, as Oberon has been making sure to keep Ritsuka and Castoria on a specific track of actions.
Following the story, Bedivere doesn't actually join Chaldea until he shows himself against Gawain during the night of Selection. And even then, he sort of admits it was an impulsive decision on his part -
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And he even confesses to Mash that what happened afterward wasn't totally for Ritsuka's and Mash's sake, he was also just taking advantage of the Chaldea crew.
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While he is a genuinely good person, it's true Bedivere had his own personal agenda throughout Chapter 6 which he kept secret until the confrontation with Goddess Rhongomyniad. It just so happened that goal aligned with what our heroes were after, too, so it all works out.
Meanwhile, Oberon does a lot of things to help Ritsuka from the get-go, and he makes plenty of suggestions as to what to do next - but as it turns out, it's all part of his plan to lay the groundwork for him to appear as Vortigern. Castoria even calls him out on this when she confronts Oberon about how he deliberately kept it secret from Ritsuka he knew where Mash was.
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Speaking of which, this is another major difference between Bedivere and Oberon -
Part 1 is mostly Mash's story, and as with all of Arc 1's companions, Bedivere mostly guides her.
I know I have terrible BediGuda brainrot hours all day every day lol, but I do admit as far as the actual game goes, Bedivere is shown being very close to Mash. The film switches it up by giving the conversation before the final battle between Fujimaru and Bedivere, but in game, it's Mash who reassures Bedivere there is meaning to his journey, and it's Bedivere who tells Mash how to fully utilize Lord Camelot. Mash even reacts to the news of Bedivere being a summonable Servant by saying she has another Senpai to look up to (which, tbh I'm kinda sad the game never really followed up on, I think it would have been cute to see more of Bedi being Mash's supportive senior at the Round Table).
By contrast, Oberon very much focuses on Ritsuka, and there's a couple of scenes where he talks extensively with Ritsuka about personal matters.
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It goes both ways in Lostbelt 6 really, if you think about it, Oberon goes out of his way to have Ritsuka tell him about the Lostbelt and how they've felt so far, but in turn, Ritsuka actually does learn enough about Oberon to be suspicious of him at various story beats. (Although, one thing I'm not completely sure of is, does the Oberon who appear in the Garden of Lost Will the actual Oberon or is it just a representation of Ritsuka's doubts?)
In any case, while they have a different focus in relationships, Bedivere is still clearly shown caring for Ritsuka as Chapter 6 goes on, and at the very end, when he comes clean of everything, he does so with an apology.
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So while Bedivere hid a secret all this time, his end goal worked well with Chaldea's goal of eliminating the Singularity, so no harm was ultimately done by his keeping his secret, even if his aberrant action was the root cause for Goddess Rhongomyniad being who she is.
And by contrast, Oberon does address Ritsuka and Castoria's anxieties, and makes sure they are doing what needs to be done, but while doing so he is also making sure he can be Vortigern again. Needless to say, his end goal of destroying the world is something Chaldea needed to stop. Though, my understanding of Oberon is, he does care for Ritsuka and Castoria, but his way of affection and concern is all twisted up because of who he is, so he can't really be honest with them even if he wanted to, because admitting it would turn it into another lie.
Their relationships to the Artoria they knew are also interesting to look at, because both Bedivere and Oberon in part made them who they are. Bedivere meant well when he didn't return the sword, only to find it led to Artoria turning into the Lion King, and he sought her for a long time to fix his mistake. Even then, when they met again, she didn't recognize him until he could reveal Excalibur for what it really was. And before that, Bedivere knew Artoria as a king to be looked up to - he loved her and served under her, so while there are strong emotions of respect and concern, it's still a formal sort of relationship, the king and the knight. Meanwhile, Oberon practically raised Castoria while he could. The way they interact is very much devoid of formalities, since they argue and fight a lot, but deep down they understood each other for what they were.
There's probably also something to be said about how both characters did find closure at the end of their journeys, but while Bedivere got it after fulfilling his goal despite all the hardship, Oberon got it even after he was thwarted at the very end.
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I think I can put a few more comparisons in but I'm gonna be repeating my points and just stating what's already in the dialogues.
So to sum them up - one is a horrible liar and the other is a natural liar :b
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Sorry, I just had to put in how terrible Bedi is at lying, it's pretty funny.
Gosh, I don't even know how to tl;dr this, it's so scattered and long. I think it took me over two hours to write this and this probably still reads more like ramblings...and man, I hate having to look for screenshots only to find I'm missing the one I'm thinking of and I don't want to be bothered to re-check the game :')
But yeah. Anyway. Bug boy got them issues, while Bedi resolved most of his (good for him).
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cavitybloom · 23 days
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౿    RULES – @’#cavitybloom !
hello, i'm ayu! i'm an 18+ writer who enjoys plots of all kinds! i've been writing for a while, but i've decided to start fresh as my style of writing has changed & i want to write with people who have experience as well. i've been writing since i was 13 & it's become something that i truly love & seemingly cannot live without. i am currently a student so i will always prioritize my education over writing & i hope that people can respect that when it comes to responses. as much as i would love to relax, chat with my partners, & write all day i don't have that luxury 24/7. college has proven itself to be . . . pretty demanding. however, outside of writing, i hope that we can become friends! i do tend to talk a lot which can get pretty awkward fast, but i truly enjoy having partners who are the same.
i love love love making playlists, pinterest boards, & simply just talking about our ship or the characters that we've involved in our plot. so, if you're the same, please come out of hiding.
i am an adv-lit - novella writer! depending on how much detail & planning that goes into our plot i can reach around. . .3000-4000 words, maybe even more! don't feel obligated to match the length, all i ask is that i'm given something to work with. i will take quality over quantity any day so please don't shy away because of this.
i love darker plots & i will admit, i do prefer them solely because there's a lot that can be built on topics that are gritty/angsty. while i don't have many triggers/limits, i WILL NOT write non-con between our characters or anything nsfw involving underage characters. that being said i would like for dead dove topics to be discussed before being incorporated into our roleplay. i do not throw in sensitive issues just because. everything needs to tie in & be handled with care.
i'm a sucker for toxic relationships/corruption. . .i will kill for anything similar at the moment so do what you must what that information..
i write most pairings, m x f, m x m, f x f, a x nb (you). i do have a preference for writing male characters but i am open to pretty much anything. i will always be open to writing against trans ocs, so feel free to introduce them without worry. ❤︎
i mainly use realistic fcs, but you're more than welcome to bring drawn ones. just no AI. 3. PRIMARY RULES. . ?
for my own comfort & i'm sure for others, i will not write with anyone that is 25 or older. i'd prefer to write with people who are close to me in age, & of course, this will change as i tragically get closer to death.
DO NOT beg me for responses. a check-in here & there is fine, but do not become a pest. . . i am super friendly & patient & i truly understand that writing is exciting & fun, however, it frustrates me when people don't understand boundaries, or don't take into consideration that this is a hobby for most & not everyone has time to respond day to day. i love talking to people & making friends outside of the roleplay, so don't be scared to start a conversation.
GENRES; ! - psychological horror, western (bring me your cowboys), apocalyptic / post-apocalyptic,victorian, romance ( depending on the rp, i will not be doing enemies to lovers at this time so so sorry!), fantasy, supernatural + more!
if we've written before & i accidentally ghosted/you ghosted...i got busy/you got busy. whatever the case may be, feel free to reach out again. i don't really hold any grudges because, to be frank, it's never that serious LOL. though, if you leave without warning intentionally or anything of that nature please don't reach out. i'd rather be told that you aren't interested than left wondering.
when it comes to nsfw, i can either write it all the way through, fade to black or we could just not do it at all. these are things i like to discuss before we start so i don't accidentally overstep or make anyone uncomfortable! i do prefer to play the dom/top role as most of my muses are, but it can vary depending on the plot or the muse! i'd rather it not be a determining factor of anything plot-related or plot-centered.
i believe that is all for now! anything new will be updated. please like or dm if you're interested & i will reach out or you're more than welcome to on your own! i look forward to writing with you all! ❀
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staybabblingbaby · 5 months
SKZ x Coordi (Lee Know Part) a1 d4
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader is a successful makeup artist with a notorious and prolific career and no self awareness. Reader joins JYP as a part of Stray Kids' team and encounters their hazing ritual for new coordis: flirting.
Word Count: 639
Notes: I don't really like this one. It doesn't really feel Lee Know enough, yknow? I'll probably revise this entirely at some point. Upon review I also think the flirt is too subtle for the reaction Reader has. I mean, I would fold, but Reader is stronger than me lol. I am not our strongest soldier. Also needs editing for clarity + detail.
Warnings: None that I know of? Reader has weird self esteem but it's not bad? Reader referred to with She/Her pronouns
Masterlist link :D | Prev Part Link <3 | Next Part Link ;3
You’re not sure if it’s Han or Bangchan who informs the rest that you’re game to play along, but they must have. There's no other reason for the next attempt to be so much bolder. It’s about three days after Chan’s cheesy pickup line and you’re shadowing Lee Know’s usual makeup artist today. The two of you had decided (with Lee Know’s consent, of course) to do an even split down his face, and you’d copy what she was doing as she was doing it. It was working wonderfully, in your humble opinion, and as long as Ji-Won doesn’t look too long at your station, you’re certain you’ll get away with it.
You’re chatting idly with the idol as the other artist does one of his eyes. You’d kept bumping elbows at that point and you’d decided to back off for a bit in favor of preserving the look. Once you’d made some friends outside of work, maybe you’d be able to convince them to do something similar. Then you jostle each other all you wanted. Somehow, the topic of age comes up.
“I’m a 2000’s baby,” you inform him cheerfully, “I’m between Hyunjin and Han, age-wise.” He narrows his one open eye at you, and you can swear you see the moment a devious thought crosses his mind.
“Ah,” he muses, “You’re younger than me? Should I call you informally then?” You narrow your eyes at him then. You’re aware there’s a trap in there somewhere. The entire team was well aware of your overly polite manner of speech at this point. Even the girls you’d tentatively consider friends at this point were not granted permission to speak informally with you. Ji-Won was the only one who dared, as your head stylist. Still, you yourself spoke very politely to her in turn.
You know Lee Know is well aware of this. Lee Know is aware that you’re aware. You walk into the trap with a reluctant smile pulling at your lips anyways.
“Not at work, no.” You deny him. Your professionalism was your value, and you were someone who stuck by their principals. A smirk crawls over his face and you know you’ve been had.
“So home would be fine then?” He questions innocently, like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. The implication is not lost on you nor on the stylist currently painting his face. You choke on a surprised laugh and her face contorts in amusement and embarrassment.
Quick as a whip, you shoot back, “In your dreams, maybe.” your sunbae finally cracks at this, setting the brush she was using down to sink to the floor and giggle helplessly into her knees. Lee Know, on the other hand, is looking at you with smug approval. And you simply cannot let that stand.
You lean forward with devious intent written all across your face. You lean in until your mouth is level with his ear, taking advantage of the other coordi’s distraction.
“And oh, what sweet dreams they’d be,” You whisper seductively, pausing just to emphasize, “Oppa.” before you lean back and smile, pleased as punch, at his flabbergasted expression.
You turn to your sunbae, still giggling on the floor, and offer to finish your side of Lee Know’s face while she pulled herself together. She flaps a hand at you uselessly, and you take that as permission. If you’re using the distraction to keep yourself from blushing, that’s for you and your elevated heart rate to know. After all, it’s not often you’re propositioned with such a sweet voice.
You can’t totally count this as a win, in all fairness. But you gave as good as you got, you think, and so you’ll count this one as a tie. Congratulations, Lee Minho, the first SKZ point on the board.
Coordis - 3, SKZ - 1.
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cursedhaglette · 5 months
Ooooh fun!!
Hm, #7 Raphael X Mix (he/him ranger elf, can read more on my Tumblr or just improvise) 🤭 or reader! If you wanna do some Raphael of course 🤭
i'm gonna do raphael x reader just so it's a little more approachable, hope that's okay! writing for raphael was actually so refreshing, i'm actually so curious about writing for other characters after this exercise. thank you for requesting him!!
raphael x g/n reader; 1100 words content: blowjob (lol)
You don’t know how long you’ve been on your knees, but an ache has set in before you see him again. The devil, dressed in finery and backlit by the glowing sunset of Avernus like he’d been wrapped in a cape of red and orange light. 
He warned you, the last time he caught you snooping through his personal effects, that if he caught you again, there’d be hell to pay. You’d snorted a laugh at the flimsy joke and ran for the portal, magic you’ve grown proficient with since saving the world. What else did you have to do, between rebuilding a city and accepting praises for heroics you had no choice but to partake in? 
And the hells offered something the mortal plane didn’t - Raphael. 
Raphael in all his glory, horns and wings and talons. Red skinned, enormous, and perpetually smirking. Theatrical and wrathful. 
You were desperate for him now, so much so that you let yourself get caught this time, just to see how this might play out. What his punishments might include, how long he might hold you captive in this house of debauchery and pain and pleasure. 
The devil doesn’t speak as he approaches you, stopping a breath away and dragging one clawed finger under your chin, tilting your face until your eyes meet his. The smirk on his face is different, but still exquisite, and your breath catches in your throat as you await his punishment. 
Arousal builds in your core as you wait in silence, his expression unmoving. The wait is tantalizing, the kind of drama you know Raphael delights in and has subsequently left you aching for more. You want to see his wicked grins and hear the purr of his voice as he scolds you. 
“How, little mouse, should I punish you this time? It seems you haven’t yet learned the valuable lesson of leaving me alone,” he tuts once, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth,  before continuing, “so I can only assume you’ve become rather fond of our games.”
You swallow but stay quiet, aware he can sense the beat of your heart racing with anticipation, and don’t look away. 
“I can smell the arousal in your blood, the need coursing through your veins each time you set foot in my house,” the devil continues, “and I have to admit, I am quite curious to see if you can live up to the might expectations that come with being the Hero of Baldur’s Gate.”
He says “hero” with a scoff, though you know he respects your victory more than he’d ever let on. Hells, without it, he wouldn’t have been crowned King of the Hells. He aided you along your journey, watching every step you made with your companions. How deep does his curiosity actually go?
“Please,” you whisper, the scrape of the talon still holding your chin sending a jolt of delicious pain straight to your core. You don’t say anything else, frankly you’re a bit unsure what else to say without begging him to rake those talons down your spine as he takes you from behind, thrust after punishing thrust. 
“You forget, hero, that should I allow you that which you desire, I very well may decide to bind you as mine,” Raphael finally smiles, but it’s the kind of grin you’ve seen too many times to count - one that spells trouble and ought to evoke a feeling of mistrust. Instead, it stokes the fires in you, and you can’t help but squirm at the sight, desperate for some relief of the aching need you’re quickly losing control of. “I am not fond of letting go of those I enjoy.”
“Why else do you think I’ve been coming here?” You ask. “You know what I want, devil, so let me have it or let me go.”
“Let you have it,” he repeats, musing at the demand you dared utter in his home. But his hand falls from you, reaching to the button of his trousers. You finally look away from his face and notice a hardness there, caged behind the finest fabric in all the realms, that he releases with a single, deft hand. 
Your mouth waters at the sight, the red, ridged length and the beautiful head that already has a bead of wetness, gathering at the tip. Absentmindedly, you run your hands up the length of his thighs, and bite your lip as you look up.
“Go on then, let’s see how well you do and perhaps that will earn you a less devastating punishment, hmm?”
He slaps his cock against your cheek before you take it between your lips, licking at the bead of the devil’s arousal and moaning at the taste. You’ve longed for this moment, waited for months, and you intend to take your time now. You intend to impress. 
Your head bobs along his length, and you run your tongue along the infernal ridges, desperate to know how it might feel inside you. How each might feel as he pummels into you, and you moan at the image your conjure, the sound muffled by your desperate licking and sucking. 
“I must admit, my dear hero,” Raphael grunts from above you, one hand moving to tangle in your hair, "You are so pretty with my cock in your mouth."
His talons dig into your scalp, just enough to send a jolt of pain through you, mixing with the pleasure building within you. You ignore the tears that spring at the corners of your eyes as he hits the back of your throat - it’s worth it for the sound of his moan. 
You can’t help reaching between your legs now, your body begging to be touched by him but you know for now, your own hand will do the trick. He grinds into your mouth with increasing speed and the taste of him, the sound, floods your senses. You moan again, bucking your hips into your hand in tandem with Raphael’s, and you feel him tense briefly before a deep, drawn out moan escapes him. 
He floods your mouth, salty-sweet cum hitting the back of your eager throat in thick spurts, and he continues to buck his hips as he rides out his orgasm. You swallow once, then again, as he finishes, and then bob your head up and down his length one last time before moving to lick him clean. 
“Well, little mouse, it seems you have a talented mouth in more ways than I realized,” Raphael pants softly, the hand at the top of your head moving to caress your cheek for a brief moment. “Now, go to the bed and undress. The real punishments begin in the bedroom.”
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ripstefan · 3 months
okay but speaking as someone who lives for and loves crossover ships (be they canon/oc or just canon muses from different source materials): please tell me more about salvacooper and fabratore, pls & thx <3
a glorious question !!! i'll take any opportunity to gush about these two ships !! i'm gonna start with fabratore because i have a lot more to say on salvacooper lol. there's just a lot that goes into them heh.
so, fabratore is a ship between stefan & miss quinn fabray ( written by miss caroline, @alchaemy ) it started off with caroline making a tvd verse for quinn, where she's a cheerleader & eventually turns into a vampire. i can't remember how she turned, you'd have to ask care lol but stef ends up helping her with her transition & they fall sooo in love. she pulls him out of his shell a lot, she helps him not be broody as often & he stays on the football team unlike in canon when he quits or i guess he never really quit but after mr. tanner died ( thanks damon 🙄 ) i don't recall them getting a new coach but we can pretend in this version. they're the couple who is together all throughout high school, the lowkey jock couple even though stef isn't really a jock in his eyes. so cute & mostly pure while she also deals with being a baby vamp. we've had them since i wanna say 2017 / 2018 ? & i just love them so much ...
now, salvacooper is our favorite ship together, our most developed, multiple - verses for them. ugh. so i apologize because this is gonna get long. salvacooper is stefan & miss betty cooper ( taken out of riverdale & put into tvd / the hundred ) betty is both of our favorite character in RD so when care decided to pick her up, we of course wanted to build a ship with them, but little did we know how much we'd do. betty has full verses for tvd, the 100 & legacies that we have ships for them. also one of our mutual friends is a genuine stan of them & she used to freak out about them & read our threads back in the day lol. under the cut is what i can remember of our verses for them, you don't have to read them of course but i figured i'd give the details <3
in the tvd verse, we have a version where betty is a wolf hunter who runs into klaus and stefan when they're hunting for wolves. klaus finds her but assumes she's a wolf & kills her to turn her into hybrid, little did he know she wasn't a wolf. & right when she wakes up, she's in a cabin, stefan with her & helps her & keeps her safe from klaus. they eventually fall in love while he's helping her be a new vampire ( just like he helps quinn lol ) another version we have is, betty is a wolf hunter in mystic falls, she meets stefan, they start dating, fall for each other & then she catches him drinking the blood bags in the salvatore basement, & that's how she finds out he's a vampire. they eventually work through it, and she once again turns into a vampire but again i can't remember how for this time.
the hundred ... ( if you haven't seen the show, i'm sorry if this makes no sense hgufjoi ) this verse for them is our most tragic & most developed verse for them. they met when everyone was still on the ark, but they didn't talk much. & then everyone went to the ground, they ended up becoming close, they fell in love QUICKLY, never left each others side until s2 & then other shit happens. fast forward to when everyone's down under the bunker, a year of them being in the bunker happens, stefan gets sick. he's sick as if it's like the flu in this universe. betty working at their med bay, steals some medicine for him even though he told her not to. a couple days pass, he starts to feel better but not enough to be okay. a couple more days pass, betty was caught for stealing the meds & would now have to be thrown into the pit ( a fighting pit where criminals or people found guilty would have to fight to the death, only one left standing ) the night before betty had to go into the pit, stefan proposed. as a hopes that she would somehow get out of this. the day comes, stefan wakes up to an empty room. betty was down at the arena where the pit is. he rushes ( slowly, was still weak from being sick ) he makes it there, was being held back by one of the guards, not allowed to go down to see her. he has to watch her fight in the audience like the rest of the people, however he was being held back tightly because they knew he'd run down to her. eventually, the guard is too busy paying attention to the fight and stefan gets free. he rushes down to the arena, when he finally gets there betty was stabbed in the abdomen by one of the fighters. stefan screams out, he makes it into the pit. she's bleeding out, he pulls her into his lap, she ends up dying in his arms. needless to say, he doesn't get past it. he wears her blood stained scrunchie on his wrist every day after that. there's a post somewhere where i wrote his pov of her death, could find that if you wanna see it ! lol but it's tragic.
legacies, this one we don't have too much of but as you know, in my legacies verse stefan comes back to life in a different body. after being dead for 13 years, he's a baby witch, yadda yadda. betty is a teacher at the salvatore school, they end up reuniting and she at first can't believe it's him because of the new body but they make their way back to each other.
then we have a simpler tvd universe verse where they do end up getting married, having a life together & all that good stuff. <3 i don't recall her being a vampire for this one either.
and one more in the tvd universe that's not fully developed but we have a throuple type situation with one of @prophecey 's muses ( harry bingham ) where the three of them work out a lil situation. since they both love stefan so much heh. harry is another major crossover ship i have for him. care's betty & kt's harry are two of the few exclusives i have for canon muses bc i can't / won't see myself writing / shipping with other versions of either !
so yes, that is a big chunk of the salvacooper lore lol, i'm definitely missing pieces to their tvd verses but i adore and appreciate the question ! i could truly ramble about them & fabratore forever. thank you lovely !!! i apologize for how long this got ahhhh
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asklotarasarrin · 6 months
Lessons from Adepticon
//An out-of-character musing about the weekend.
So while sitting the the airport waiting for our return flight, I had some time to muse on the course of the weekend.
It's been a lot of fun! We did have a good time; I really enjoyed meeting some online friends, dressing up, and playing games. It was also a learning experience, as every con is a little different and every venue has its quirks. It's very much a competition and playing convention, with an array of hobbying layered over it, so going without the intent to compete or play does curb a significant amount of the actual events.
It's definitely not a costume convention. There were probably about two dozen full on costumes for a convention with eight thousand visitors. Apparently in previous years there have been costume competitions, but its been awhile(last documented thing I could find was for 2018). In talking to the staff about it, there was some (semi-joking?) suggestion that I should volunteer to staff next year and run it myself. Then another veteran staffer said she'd look into running it. I got her email with the offer of supporting that venture. So maybe. lol.
We did also meet the staff for NOVA Opens costume contest with three encouragement to make the trip down. So we might have to add that to the list.
As one of only a handful of costumed persons(and maybe a touch of arrogance, definitely one of the best), I was WELL received for the most part. Lots of enthusiasm, lots of squeals, and lots of pictures. I will definitely do that again. We did have some costume mishaps (my Jedi&lotara boots will need total replacing)and I will probably do some upgrades/additions for the future.
It was also not a ribbon convention, so almost everyone I gave a ribbon to needed explanation for what it was/how it worked. But maybe with the power of repetition and exposure, we can change that lol. I did really enjoy handing them out because there was also an air of wonder and enthusiasm about it.
Hobby seminars! We really enjoyed our resin class and our freehand class. We also learned the hard way that there was a BIG difference between a "demo" hobby seminar and a "hands on" hobby seminar. I admittedly didn’t notice the difference(since they're both hobby seminars) until we discovered we'd paid 40$+ a head for what amounted to an in-person version of a youtube video. Not a mistake I will make twice. In the future I expect we'll only take classes for things we dont think we could somewhat easily learn via youtube or would otherwise not benefit from a teacher hanging over our shoulder for guidance. We'll also likely watch a youtube video or two of teachers ahead of time- some people, while very talented/experienced, are just not great teachers.
My brother will likely bring a mobile hobby painting set up next year, as there was some down time to paint. I’m not totally sold on the idea but we shall see lol. We did end up picking up a number of models and such, so I am glad we had some extra bag space.
All in all, an excellent experience. We will likely return next year, a little more prepared and ready to battle. :)
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hockeyisforthegays · 6 months
What made you want to write/come up with the idea for heroine?
OOHH thank you for asking i will do my best to answer. some of the details are probably lost to "i didn't store this in my long term memory" tho alsdjjdlska.
so. ok. i was an anime-only at the time and started thinking about it in some form mid-season 2 airing, because like, well. i've never written a fix it fic before, i dont think, but i knew shibuya was gonna wreck shop and it did. but i think hidden inventory arc was a pretty big piece of the conceptual puzzle here too because--
well honestly what a lot of it came down to was: i love yuuji. i love gojo. i love the yuuji-gojo dynamic and i'm always wanting to explore it, have since s1.
and then when i saw?? hidden inventory gojo?? that sure was SOMETHING like omg my man was a bitch. the dichotomy between teen and adult gojo is my muse. so the idea of how yuuji would experience teen gojo....
i remember as a kid in other fandoms reading a couple of fic that had that basic premise of "character time travels and has to fit in with the previous generation as youths" and obviously those left a pretty big impression on me. cause i think abt them all the time. wherever those fics are now they're definitely creditable for heroine existing. but tbh i started writing the first scenes just to see what would happen and then--
then i basically went. oh if yuuji met geto suguru would it be fucked up or what. and then i started that scene and they went no actually, have you considered we have things to bond over? specifically eating gross shit? and then they ran away with the story together and a lot of things kind of followed from that. so another source of inspiration really is just the suguyuu dynamic which i had literally never thought about until i put them in a jar together and shook it. can you say your fic is inspired by itself? cause it a little is.
speaking of how i started writing mid-s2 actually so obviously there wasn't the immediate intention to have "yuuji ate mahitorb" be the source of his abilities. i was at first operating off the theories that sprung from the s1 yuuji-mahito + yuuji-todo + s2 yuuji-choso fights that yuuji inherently had some kind of soul-based ability that affected memories. before of course we learned that choso is just that brocon and todo is indeed just a maladaptive daydreamer for real. (if you read carefully you can probably identify the point where i started catching up with the manga LOL but the first handful of chapters were powered by speculation and spoilers alone)
... tbh some of our plot points, like yuuji not having some memories, are literally a case of "well. i havent figured that out yet, so let's say he doesn't know." asldjalskjdal i have since worked out the mechanics of the fic and its lore and i think it's stronger for having them be mysterious to yuuji but it IS funny to think about how i was just like AND I'LL FIGURE IT OUT LATER. writing heroine is just trust falling into my own arms most of the time
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whiskeysmulti · 27 days
For the ship post I have two, one is of course 1859 lol the other is oddly 8018/1880?
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send 🚢 or ( 'SHIP' ) if you ever considered shipping our characters romantically and want me to fill out the following form for our muses.- accepting!
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.Whiskey. Quick shoutout @ukigumos and @fightingthetides because I had never considered 1880 until I watched them bring it to life on the dash.
1859 first because that's the main one we've been testing/ working towards and a fave of mine.
do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship (possibly hiding it from the others because of Dera's rank as the right hand and both of them having guardian status) | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between ( what specifically? ) (I like the pace we're going with them just kind of testing the waters and knowing there's attraction there but neither understanding why, etc)
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: When we do mark them down as official expect me in your inbox a lot more, lol.
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on to 1880
do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon (I haven't had any Yama really that has approached my Hibari yet for a ship)
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between ( what specifically? ) (Again, same as HibaDera, I wanna test it out and get interaction going and just test the chemistry.)
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: again expect me in your inbox more often if they do ship, I have never written 1880 before so this one might take practice, bear with me.
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pebblysand · 6 months
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chapter: ii. out of ash (ashes twirl)
wordcount: 10, 476
playlist: notes here
castles FAQ: here
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g e n e r a l t h o u g h t s:
for a very long time, this chapter used to be my favourite, and i still hold it in very high regard. i don't know what it is about it, it just feels like ✨vibes✨. it's both incredibly funny at times, and incredibly sad, and i feel like it really exhibits that awkward post-war happy/sad balance that is so important to castles. even if it's no longer my favourite cause i'm not quite sure which is my favourite anymore, i still think chapter 2 has some of my best writing in this fic. i'll go through a few chosen bits below but i feel like it has that general sense of messiness and melancholy that i really like in the early days of this story.
just like with chapter 1, you might notice a few changes i've made along the way, depending on when you read it last. again, i don't think it's anything major but if you do notice, you'll see that i didn't actually delete anything, just moved things around a bit. i think it flows better that way. i also added some stuff - i'm curious to see if you'll spot it. let me know!
having said that, omg, i'd forgot how SLOW the pacing is in this chapter. don't get me wrong, i think it needs to be slow for the purposes of telling the story, but it's very much like: this is them leaving the hotel, this is them having breakfast, this is them testifying - it is very step by step lol. i worry about my pacing in the later chapters, sometimes, but i clearly forgot about this one lol.
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g i n n y:
Generally, reading this just this morning, I couldn't help but feel this raw sense of panic in Ginny, throughout this chapter. I think obviously, it's something that only really makes sense and becomes apparent on re-read, but there's this way you really feel how fucking terrified she is that Harry will find out. I hate to say this, but the way she acts with him, that summer, is almost reminiscent of her "relationship" with Amycus, actually. She is watching his every move, everything he says, everything she says, trying to make sure he doesn't find out. And, I don't think the pretending and the lying comes easy to her, I think it basically tears her apart, but those are skills that she "learnt" with Amycus. Being cued into his every emotion, expertly toying that line between saying too much and too little. She is almost manipulating him, into thinking they have this connection, and that them not talking is the Right thing for them, and it's not really her fault, it's how fear has wired her to function, but I find it chilling.
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h i g h l i g h t s:
A year later, roses bloom once again in the gardens of Ottery St Catchpole and Harry’s still holding her. Some things in life never change, he muses, although, of course, everything else has changed. They’ve both fought in a war that should never have been theirs and one of her brothers has died, leaving the start of the summer to mend itself without them, trapped in a combative attempt to shovel the little hope it has left down their throats. When Harry caresses Ginny’s skin, the summer of ‘98, she’s naked next to him, the both of them tucked in her small, twin bed at The Burrow. They try to be quiet (always, despite the silencing charms they cast) but they each have a side, now, an oddly domestic habit, and after they have sex, Harry often lies with her body wrapped around him, so close that he’s never quite sure where her limbs start and where his end. Her bed’s pushed up against her window - along the skin of his left arm, he feels the morning dew build as the night chill leaves the air; it trickles down the single-glazed glass. They watch the sun rise together - early mornings and milky skies.
I LOVE THIS PARAGRAPH SO MUCH. idk, jokes aside, i think it's one of my favourite things i've ever written. there's a flow to it i really like and i adore the end of "early mornings and milky skies". and i think it's the beginning of this motif that sort of comes back in chapter 17 where the two of them are always touching, comfortable in bed. the chill of early summer mornings and OH I LOVE IT.
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'I'm not a Healer, Harry.'
so, this is actually a line i added in reaction to a) the people in my comments being mad that ginny wasn't weeding secrets out of harry and that being "ooc", and b) a conversation i later had with @btelling. i think there's this misconception in fandom about ginny being a "healer". this idea that she's almost harry's therapist after the war, the only one that can get him talking, etc. and i think firstly, there's very little evidence of that in canon. ginny asks for explanations, often, but she very rarely ever gets them. and secondly, there's this general view of women as healers in general, tending to "sick" men and making them better, which i don't particularly enjoy. so, i guess that was me reacting to all of this.
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They barely swallow any food. For the other two’s sakes, Harry tries to hide the knot in his stomach, can tell that Hermione is anxious enough for the three of them - she keeps tapping an annoying rhythm against the table with the tips of her fingers, doesn’t even seem to realise she’s doing it. Her make-up is minimal, the varnish on her nails a plain but shiny transparent. His mind drifts back to Ginny again, how she always painted her nails in bright colours in school, reds and oranges, and golds, performed complicated charm work on them so that it would stick. ‘If I don’t, it always chips with Quidditch.’
i noticed this on a previous re-read but, i don't think i wrote this intentionally but i love the way harry is so infatuated with ginny in this. like, i think this is one of the moments where the fact that he totally idealises her and is very teenage-infatuated-crazy-about-a-girl really shines through. he literally looks at hermione's nails and is like: oh and by the way GINNY does her nails like this. it's so silly but it really shows how obsessed he is with her, but also how shallow it kind of is. he thinks it's deep, because when you're that age you think you're so deep, but it's actually not.
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‘When we get there, it’ll be like the craziest circus you’ve ever been to,’ he speaks, quick, before he runs out of words. There is an urgency to the things that he needs to tell them both, ones that they don’t necessarily want to hear. ‘It’ll be dozens and dozens of people standing in a crowd, clapping and screaming, and wanting a piece of you. They’ll want to thank you, insult you, ask you questions, tell you personal stuff about themselves. They don’t mean anything bad by it, they just don’t really realise you’re a person. The press will be there, too, and they will be flashing their cameras just about five inches from your face to try and get a good shot,’ he adds, raising his hand close to his own cheek, showing them the distance. ‘They’ll want to touch you, have you sign stuff, and they’ll keep talking at you from the moment you step out of that fireplace to the moment you get into the lift. We’ll have an escort of Aurors to try and hold them back but I honestly doubt that they’ll be able to do much. It’ll feel like you’re in the longest tunnel you’ve ever been through and you can’t see the exit. At least, wear that scarf over your head, it’ll hide your face and your eyes from the cameras, protect you a bit. Ron, you can use the hood at the back of your robes.’
i think honestly, this is one of my favourite harry moments in the whole fic. i can't possibly tell you how much time i spent on this paragraph, back then. i see it as one of those post-war moments where harry actually does start growing into his own skin and also where you start being faced with the reality of the post-war world. there's this sort of "bubble," i think, throughout chapters 1&2 where they're all very removed from the outside and inside their little burrow bubble, and that obviously bursts big time, with the commission. there's something very brutal about the way harry speaks that day, and i think it really fits.
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‘Why were we never kids?’
ah, another castles classic line people quote all the time. yuuup. 💔
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That evening, the both of them eat Pad Thai takeaway and sit on the floor in front of the muted hotel telly. They laugh at funny Hogwarts stories of Romilda Vane and crazy things that Harry remembers Luna saying. They drain a few cans of bitter and wait for Ron to come home.
i've always loved this moment loads because it's 1) harry-and-hermione-my-babies!!!! but also 2) it has these trio-codependency vibes that are very present in the early chapters of feeling lost when the three of them aren't together. the way they "wait for Ron to come home" breaks my little heart for them.
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Love in its million different forms, the way Dumbledore preached it. Harry loves Hermione the way he loves Ron, like the boy who introduced him to chocolate frogs and the girl who cried in the loo and faced a troll.
again, trio vibes. love, love, love.
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l a s t l y:
okay, so i love, love, love the rest of this chapter but also i'm having a hard time articulating precise thoughts so i'll leave it at that for now. please do not hesitate to send me asks if there's anything else you'd like me to comment on, though. very excited to hear your thoughts.
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tayfabe75 · 7 months
Do you think Maroon is about Matty?
Anon, you know I do! lol But hopefully I can make a little sense of why I think so!
Let's start with the title, itself. Obviously, 'Maroon' is a color, a dark red. This of course hearkens back to Taylor's Red album:
"The album's title refers to the tumultuous, "red" emotions Swift experienced during the album's conception; its songs discuss the complex and conflicting feelings resulting from fading romance."
The term "fading romance" reminds me of how red can "fade" into maroon, think bright red autumn leaves fading to brown. Taylor is reminiscing about a love that faded.
Though, the title could have a double meaning. Maroon is also used as a verb, meaning "to abandon or isolate someone". These are themes we see in both 'Cardigan' and 'Question…?', and I'd argue that Taylor visually shows herself marooned in the video for 'Cardigan', as she desperately clings to her piano in the middle of the ocean…
Once we get into the lyrics, we see that our mystery muse has a vinyl shelf, and our suspect also likes to collect vinyl:
"I love vinyl and I've got a lot of vinyl, but I'm more of a t-shirt collector."
Matty has also historically had roommates: he lived with his bandmates for a while, and he lived with George in London for a time, and later, with Sam Burgess-Johnson.
The first thing to strike me while listening was actually this line, but the way Taylor sings it makes me hear it this way:
And I chose you (pause) The 1 (pause) I was dancing with in New York
If this is a reference to 'The 1', well, that song almost certainly references Robbers lyrics!
And speaking of dancing in New York… that's quite reminiscent of Cardigan: "Dancin' in your Levi's, drunk under a streetlight" and "Your heartbeat on the High Line" (the latter being a New York landmark).
We have splashing wine, and a man who has a heavy association with wine, to the point that it became part of his persona, stagecraft, and silhouette circa 2013-2014 (as well as his clumsiness)
"The rust that grew between telephones" is reminiscent of Matty's lost verse from "Slut!": "Plus 44 on an American phone"
"Sobbing with your head in your hands" reminds me of this performance from late 2014 (just after they allegedly broke up) which ends with Matty literally sobbing with his head in his hands (jump to the last ten seconds of the video to see it). He would go on to describe what happened that night as being partially due to "girl stuff"…
Lastly, and this is admittedly, a strange one. But that sort of foreboding synthy undercurrent throughout the song… reminds me so much of a pitched-down version of the same sound from the Real World version of 'I Like America' (compare them here and here).
Whew! Hopefully that's everything! Thanks for the ask ♥
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postalninja · 10 days
Fic Author Q&A
Tagged by @cicaklah - thanks babe! (sorry if my answers end up vague or unsatisfying, it's past midnight and i would be in bed if there wasn't a music festival currently happening outside my window - I"m not exactly at my best lol)
1. Why do you write fanfic?
It started from the desire to make fictional characters kiss, which is still a large part of why I do it, so let's go with that.
2. Which of your posted stories do you think about the most, even though the story is “finished”?
I don't really know - I tend to think about a lot of my stories pretty often after they're finished, I'm not sure that there is a specific one I fixate on. They all get a bit of time in my brain, and i tend to go and re-read stuff too.
3. If you could give yourself fic advice from when you first started writing fic, what would that advice be?
S l o w d o w n. Don't be afraid of big word counts, it'll take as many words as it takes, and rushing toward the finish line will just make the pacing suffer. Make room for the moments in between, let the story breathe.
4. What’s your relationship to fic stats?
Lately I've found that not looking at them in too much detail is better. Over the summer I found myself looking at my stats for validation, and of course, not finding it there. But the problem is in my head, not on the stats page. So they are just numbers that are there, and if I need to check something specific, then that's a useful thing to have.
5. Is there a pairing or scenario or friendship you miss writing? If so, why? If not, why not?
I've really fallen off of writing for Hitman over the past couple of years, with only one short ficlet as a recent offering. It's one of the fandoms were my muse has been fleeting, but the fandom is so wonderful that I miss being a more active participant in it.
6. What motivates you to write?
Lately I have a pretty hard time writing without having clear inspiration, so that's the most surefire motivation is just being struck by an idea that grabs me and won't let go until I get it down on the page. But that sort of inspiration is hard to come by, so I haven't been writing very much in its absence.
7. Why do you write for the fandom(s) that you write for?
In most cases it's because I have a ship I'm obsessed with, and if not that than just general love for the game (it's almost always a game, let's not kid ourselves) and the characters. It's hard for me to write for a fandom unless I'm at least a little bit unhealthily obsessed with it.
8. If you’re stuck writing a WIP, what do you do?
Normally I will take a break, and some of those breaks have turned out longer than others... I have a few unfinished wips that are an albatross around my neck, and I'm not sure how to go about finishing them.
9. What do you wish people knew about comments?
They are all an author wants! We want to hear about what you liked and why, and given the chance we would talk your ear off about our fics, so don't ever feel like you're bothering an author by commenting something nice on their fic, we are looking for that engagement and validation.
10. Maybe there’s a question you wish had been on here. What’s that question (and answer)?
What's something you've been excited about/feeling good about recently with your writing? One thing I will mention is that a few days ago I went back and read a bunch of free writing exercises I did for a class last semester that i hadn't looked at since - I had completely forgotten about most of them, but when I read them again the majority of them were so good! It kind of bolstered my confidence that I had that kind of quality output from 10-minute warmups where I wasn't thinking too hard. Like, even though I haven't written much lately, I still know how to write!!
Not tagging anyone specific, just whoever want to do it because I am too tired to think and decide :)
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icybreaths · 2 months
Favorite Roleplay Detail ||| Anonymously
I like that you give good incite into what your character thinks and feels in the situation they are in. I've RPed with people who don't do that because they "don't want to show their/their character's hand" in the situation and have the edge in our story.
|| Anon me your favorite details about how I write Jewel. ||
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Thank you! c: 💙
I love to delve into Jewel's internal conversations and detail how she feels or how something has affected her. I'm biased of course but I love the way she thinks and how she perceives other people and the world.
I think it makes a character more immersive when I know their thoughts and how they feel. Not only does it make the other muse feel more memorable, it gives me something to reflect in my reply with Jewel's perspective.
I think some RPers do it 'wrong' when it comes to a muse showing their hand, like muse A internally thinking about what they're going to do in a battle for instance. Those thoughts aren't for muse B to magically know beforehand and work around, but to enrich muse A's thought process and potentially the battle scene if they act. If that makes sense asdfasdf
I personally don't give a fuck if Jewel's loses a fight. She makes it look sexy takes joy from losing a fight as much as winning a fight. She's not afraid of death. And in Hueco Mundo specifically, she has a sneaky shadow nearby if she ever needs to be scooped up and taken away. Part of a deal they have -- at least Chase feels the need to.
I don't write death matches unless it's something expressly agreed upon between muns -- which I'm okie dokie with that situation just being an AU where one muse kllls the other. AKA it doesn't really effect anything AKA these characters are fictional and winning doesn't really matter LOL
I think showing one's hand can be done in a really fun way too, like having opposing muses in an argument and -- through their thoughts -- gradually coming to understand the other without directly saying it, or flare up the disagreement. I've come across writers that have that internal flow down between muses and it's hella fun.
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liecoris · 3 months
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@himedachi sent:
“plots please” (if you're still accepting, for tsuyuko / killian?)
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— ya of course!!!!
when i looked at your muse pages this morning ( I also have them pulled up again now :3 ) I know for sure for Killian,
— i'd love to use Mukuro's Princess verse!!!! I also just picture a very funny moment were b/c Mukuro has a fresian horse and Killian's appearance is based on the fresian horse there's that moment where it's like ' corporate wants you to spot the difference between these two ' and mukuro's just like ' ?? they're the same photo ' lmaooooo
— also dragon! mukuro could be quite fun!!! like he's hired to take out a nasty dragon nearby ( mukuro ) and when he comes across Mukuro in just her human form chillin' lol
— I also do have a new mermaid verse that could possibly be rather fun!!!
For Tsuyuko
— Mukuro also has a kitsune verse that I think could work rather well I think!!
— Hmn, if you're fine with something like very bare-bones pre-established, they could have interacted in the past and then cross paths again?
— A third one.... hm, i noticed you have an hsr verse in the works!! we could possibly plot something out in that!! :3
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【 3 (or more) interesting plots for our muses 】 ♡ 【 accepting 】
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prettycdds · 10 months
Hello! 🏠
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{{ Hello hello ! I have written with you before, but its been ages! Hello again! As always, with another multimuse I take a scattershot approach and list any connection between any of our muses so here we go ! }}
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Howdy !
{{ Of course !! Howdy Pillar is always here to interact with Sally and help with her plays, as much as he doesn't think of himself as much of an actor. But you won't find anyone more content to play a tree, should they ever need one ! ( and I also have Poppy Partridge ! ) }}
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Sister Agatha !
{{ She has a Hazbin/Helluva verse as an angel that observes Hell! I really don't interact with the Hazbin community much, I never really felt at home in the fandom overall, but I am always open to interacting with muses from that series that wander into my blog lol ! }}
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Undyne !
{{ She has a Deltarune verse and can interact with Noelle! Probably not a good sign when the police start getting involved with whatever's been happening, but her barging in on things is a great excuse to get her to fall into the dark world too! }}
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Betty Boop !
{{ With minerva mink! She's friends with Jessica rabbit and Red Hot Riding Hood as it is, toon girls gotta stick together right? You can interact with her during her roger rabbit era or after she's been colorized in modern day! }}
Of course if there's a muse you like that i haven't listed here that never means you can't write with them too!
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vivalavillain · 11 months
👫 - you know i have to ask about Archer and his Favorite Student lol
{Send👫and I'll give you four headcanons about our muses.}
Archer very clearly remembers the day Silver was born. Ariana had to be taken and hidden away for a time because, in those days, the Rockets that were still loyal to Madame Boss would have done anything to get their hands on Giovanni's mistress and illegitimate heir-- not to mention the legal authorities who would have taken Ariana into custody if they'd known of her allegiances. As such, Archer arranged for a place to take and hide the pregnant young woman. He stayed with Ariana of his own accord during the last few days of her pregnancy (partly because Giovanni had business elsewhere, partly because of a morbid fascination with being present for his mentor's son, and partly because he actually respected Ariana and knew she'd be alone otherwise) and he offered a calming presence to the distraught administrator as she panicked in her late-stage-pregnancy-hormone-addled mindset. To Archer, there was nothing particularly fantastic or fascinating about the actual moment of Silver's birth and nothing fundamentally changed in him upon hearing the boy's cries when he took his first breath. However, it's a moment he's never allowed himself to forget.
Archer has a very hard time separating "this is the tiny brat who used to kick my shins when he was a four-year-old terror" and "this is the grown man I've taken under my wing" sometimes. Not because he doesn't take Silver seriously nowadays or because he holds a grudge against the boy, but because there's such a drastic change between the boy he watched grow up and man he's decided to trust with Rocket's future. He understands, of course, that children grow up and people change (after all, look at all the changes he's made in this timeline where he's willing to give Rocket up to anyone, let alone Giovanni's son) but he still sees that furious determination and stubborn grimace on Silver's face from time to time that reminds him so much of the boy that he forgets there's a man in his place.
Long after Silver learns how to (finally...) tie his own tie, Archer still makes a habit of doing it for him/fixing it to look more in place. I would never sully Archer's reputation by implying it's a submissive thing or that there's any feelings of servitude for Archer (Giovanni treated Archer as an equal and Silver had better expect he demands the same from his new Boss), but he actually doesn't mind being there to pick up little things like that for him. It's his strange way of doting on the boy. In the same way Archer would be there without a spoken word to light Giovanni's cigar, Archer straightens Silver's tie, smooths that insufferable ahoge, or even just opens the door for him. Silver has become something akin to Archer's heir these days (not that Archer would ever think in those terms exactly) and while he's never disrespectful or condescending about these little things, it does amuse him to see Silver's agitated "I'm capable of doing this myself!" responses to it.
Archer despises losing, particularly to young upstarts who oppose everything Rocket exists to accomplish. He never loses that disdain, even as he trains and pushes Silver to-- eventually-- beat him and prove to the others in the organization that he's worthy of taking over Rocket in his stead. As such, he never holds back when they fight. He battles as though his life depends on it because he needs to know that Silver will succeed where Archer has failed in the past. He needs to be able to trust that some semblance of Giovanni's genes are indeed there-- not the vicious disregard for Pokemon, not the desire to rule the world, not even necessarily the charm to sway a crowd, but something that tells Archer and everyone else watching that Silver is the one not to be trifled with and that he is capable of defending Rocket when the time comes.
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