#ofc a big reason for that is because we're not taught that in school
bootlickerhawks 3 years
Oh thank fuck Leila called him out for being a dictator!
if only the french education system would do the same 馃様
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sunflowerdaisybee 3 years
you've brought this upon yourself :> may i request cc!bench trio with reader at a skate park? personally i see ranboo being more of a roller skates guy than a skateboard guy. i can also see reader trying to teach tommy how to skateboard and teaching him a few tricks along the way but like the dumbass tommy is he falls and they all have a laugh about it- platonic ofc! tysm :>> -froggy
You really have some top tier stuff going here, your requests make me want to forget having a social life and just spend all day on my laptop writing <3
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Summary: You and the boys go to the skatepark, but Tommy doesn鈥檛 know how to skate
Genre: fluff
Pairings: P!Bench Trio X Reader
Pronouns: They/Them
[A/n]: Requests are open :] <3
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You smiled and waved excitedly when you saw the three boys approaching. You had been waiting all week for the chance to skate with them, especially after hearing that Ranboo was in the UK.
You had known the three boys for a while now, having met Tommy in school and being introduced to the other two through him. So when you heard that Ranboo would be in the UK for a while you jumped at the opportunity to hang out together as a quad.
Though to your surprise, Ranboo and Tubbo had brought roller skates instead of boards.
"Gonna roller skate?"
"Yeah, Ranboo prefers roller skates and I didn't want him to feel lonely so I brought mine as well."
"Oh cool!" The duo headed to a nearby bench to put on their roller skates, leaving you and Tommy. From just the way Tommy was holding his board, you could tell he had never ridden before. Though you still took the opportunity to tease him.
"Alright big man, you ready to ride?" A brief look of panic flashes across his face before it was replaced with fake confidence. He had seen Tubbo ride on it plenty of times, it didn't look that hard. Swallowing his fear, he nodded and followed you to an area with smaller ramps.
"You wanna go first or do you want me to."
"Uh, you can go first, that way when you fail I can show you how good I am."
"Tommy, I know you have no idea how to ride. I've just been messing with you." Tommy seemed to physically relax for a moment.
"That's not very nice." Tommy looked at you with a blank face and shook his head, though that serious moment was quickly ended when the two of you burst into laughter.
"You were really just gonna let me eat shit and get hurt?"
"No! That's why I said something because I knew that's exactly what you'd do. I can teach you how to ride if you want, I've taught a couple other people." Tommy nodded and the two of you moved over to a flat area so that Tommy could learn easier. Passing Tubbo and Ranboo on the way, you guys waved and they waved back. At least those two knew what they were doing.
"Ok, so the first step is figuring out which way you want to stand on it. Are you a righty or a lefty?"
"Fuck that's right. Well, you've seen Tubbo ride before right?"
"Yeah, what does that have to do with this?"
"So you've seen how he stands on the board, so I want you to stand on the board the same way but try switching between your right and left foot forward and see which one feels more comfortable." Tommy did just that, switching between the two a few times. Eventually, he settled on having his left in the front and his right in the back.
"Alright now there's keeping your balance while moving. Do you have good balance?"
"Uh, I think so."
"Ok well stand on the board and give me your hands." Tommy did just that, although he was confused as to why.
Holding his hands tightly in yours, you began to move sideways, the motion pushing the board forwards. Tommy let out a surprised woah but kept very calm, and his balance was amazing too.
"Alright, we're gonna move a little faster ok?"
"Ok." Even at a faster speed, he was still able to balance well and keep cool. Coming to a stop, Tommy stepped off the board.
"Geez dude, you're a natural. How come you never learned sooner?"
"I don't know, I never really had a reason to learn. If I knew all four of us were gonna one day meet up and go skating together, maybe I would've considered it more but it was just never something I thought about."
"You've got a board though, so you've had to have thought of it at some point."
"Actually, I borrowed this from Tubbo, but I'll probably buy one of my own soon." You nodded and went to say something else but were cut off by a loud scream. Turning around you saw Ranboo laying on the ground and Tubbo stood next time.
You and Tommy booked it over and started asking if he was ok.
"He's fine he's just being overdramatic."
"I think I broke my butt." The four of you burst into laughter, finding humor in Ranboo's words.
"Well I don't know about you three but I'm starving. Wanna go get lunch, my treat?" There was an immediate chorus of yes's from all three boys, their fast response making you chuckle.
"Alright well get up, get your stuff, and let's go." All three boys raced off towards their things, grabbing them as fast as they could.
With everything and everyone all set, the four of you headed off. Hopefully, lunch would be less chaotic than the skate park.
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falle-ness 4 years
Hi, for the not from US ask thing - 1, 6, 8 & 16? :)
Thanks for the ask))
6. Okay, as for the song, I'd say I just hate certain freak singers, like, for example, Dzidzio or whatever.
Just choose any song, lol
8. Ukrainians get confused with Russians :D Or basically the way the Eastern Europe folks speak and understand each other seem to be pretty much confusing for those who come from English-speaking countries.
We all are from different countries, yet we are able to do this kind of magic: Ukrainians are able understand (some even speak) the Belarusian language, Polish and Czech, and also vice versa sometimes. A lot of Ukrainians speak Russian and once Russian and Russian literature was taught in schools. I had this subject at school; and I'm kinda bilingual since in my family the grandma from Mom's side used to speak only Russian, though she was born in Ukraine, but the rest of her family was from Russia, they fled here from Kursk, the city in Russia bordering on the northern west with Ukraine. And in our family Russian was always favoured more. I still don't consider myself a native speaker of Russian, but if I want to, I could pass for a Russian XD
More funny it gets when you get people from Moldova, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, all those ex-Soviet countries in one room together and put there some foreigner who is confused af why all these people understand each other and speak one language - Russian.
So, back to the question. It was a time, when someone heard Ukraine, they always assumed it's a part of Russia or whatever. Now, ofc, our country has been on the world news for so many times, less and less people confuse it... But yeah, people from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine always have this kinda problem xd
16. Maaan, I really hate that stereotype that we all love salo. Salo is a traditional, predominantly Slavic food consisting of cured slabs of fatback (rarely pork belly), with or without skin. I like it, yeah, but I can't say I'm a big fan. Or that we all drink 'gorilka' - almost similar to 'vodka' in Russia.
Some assume that we're almost as poor as Africa and people here are hobos, but it's not, though, I admit, our government could've done better job with salaries for people... Just as the rest of the world, we have a civilized, democratic and pretty much chill (except the war on the East, but the rest of the country is chill) society. Btw, there's no such thing as aggressive racism here, no one will beat you for no reason if you're black. At least I never saw anyone in any city I've been to to give a damn about your skin color.
Yeah, I admit, people here tell jokes about that, but they never actually mean it. It's just the way they are. They tell jokes about 'moskals' - a derivative term for Russians. Or any other nationalities,or anything,or about themselves. No one gets offended, I guess if we didn't joke about anything, we'd go crazy. We're very self-conscious, and love a good irony))
If you call me a 'saloed' - salo-eater, I won't be offended, I'll just joke back at you :D
Once I lived in a city where lots of black folks came to study at the fly academy, and no one gave a damn, all treated them as regular folks.
What stereotype is true, is that lots of our girls and young women travel and end up hookers or human-trafficking victims. And well, most of the time that happens because such girls willingly agree to all the promises of a luxury life.
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