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thebramblewood · 1 year
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The Vatores Present... A Decennial Vampire Bash: Part I
I'll be using Quiet Voices Memorial by the extremely talented @sweetbeagaming throughout this entire sequence (with some likely inferior modifications by me to make it more vampire-friendly).
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Lilith: Must we really sit for one of these every goddamn year?
Caleb: It's decennial, Lil, just like your silly little parties. And, yes, we must. It's important to preserve the passage of time.
Lilith: You say that, but don't tell me there aren't decades you'd rather never think about again, let alone find hanging on your wall for an eternity.
Waiter: [whispers] Ms. Vatore, your guests are beginning to arrive.
Lilith: Oh, thank god! I feel like I'm calcifying over here.
Caleb: But the portrait's not even close to finished!
Lilith: Forget the portrait, Caleb. If they're a professional, which they should be, considering the obscene amount of money you paid them, they can finish the job without us. Now, come. We have a grand entrance to make. And can you at least pretend to be happy to be here? I even let you invite some of your dreadfully dull vegetarian friends.
Caleb: Would you really call everyone else on the list your friends?
Lilith: Not in the strictest sense of the word, no, but I like to know I've got them all under my thumb regardless.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Idk if anyone feels the same, but as a bkdk shipper i don't really headcanon them as having a specific label like gay/bi as to say why they would feel attracted to each other. Bc i guess being in love/loving someone the way i see that bkdk do is different from finding someone attractive.
This is why when i see antis say stuff like "How can you say that Dk doesn't like Uraraka" and then show a clip of him being flustered/or some proof that he thinks Uraraka is attractive, i'm like yeah? So what? Why would that disprove bkdk? Uraraka is a super cute bubbly girl and Izuku is a shy little guy that hasn't really been interacting with any girls in a hot minute, ofc he's flustered lol
I'm not saying that these hcs are not valid it's just a personal thing i think abt sometimes sjebwjk
Honestly, when it comes to sexualities, I don't particularly think about them a lot, or label characters.
Not that I don't want to or hate the idea. It's just sometimes when people headcanon a character any sexuality when their sexuality isn't specified in canon, there's always those few people who act as of it's evil and go "no, this character is straight, you're wrong".
It's a headcanon??? Chill out. That person isn't looking for some debate with you, they're just engaging in the media they enjoy.
With that said, it is annoying that some antis will say things like "How can you say Midoriya doesn't like Uraraka" as if to say "How can you say Midoriya isn't straight" and disprove BakuDeku.
For one, why? What's the point? If antis hate the ship, alright. Who in the hell cares? They don't have to "prove" why you hate it.
There are some ships I hate, but I don't waste my time saying why because exactly what do I need to prove? I don't like it, simple as that.
Why do I need to prove AN OPINION? A PREFERENCE?
Second, kinda suspicious to insist Midoriya finds attraction to Uraraka to disprove a M/M ship.
They go so hard to prove that Midoriya is straight, but here's a couple of things.
He could still have an attraction to girls. No one said he couldn't. Hell, some BkDks headcanon him as bi.
Another thing, being flustered around the opposite sex doesn't always mean attraction. I said this in my post about Uraraka. Being flustered is a natural human reaction. You don't have to be attracted to someone to get fidgety. Being nervous is a thing. I did it around boys that I didn't like at all. I was nervous, I like my space, sometimes I didn't expect it.
It was very clear that Midoriya barely had interactions with anyone, especially girls in his first meet with Uraraka. Of course, he's gonna blush around her. He does it with every girl he has came in contact with, Uraraka ain't the only one. If she was, Midoriya wouldn't react the same with Hatsume, Nejire, Fake!Camie, Toga, Melissa...
But of course, the other girls aren't brought up in their "arguments" because it's a matter of ship competition and the sense of wanting to be an asshole.
Like is it so wrong for him to have an attraction to boys and girls? Hm? Why does him having attraction to both genders a problem? 🤨
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shychick-52 · 1 year
For the let’s get real fanfic ask game: 💫🪄🎈
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Oh gosh, I'm generally happy with any! But the kind that make my day the most is specifics of what the reader thought about my story- favorite scene, favorite line of dialogue, how I did at writing the characters, what parts of the narrative (including my use of descriptive language) particularly stood out, etc. Ofc this applies to critique, too! I like hearing about what could have been done better- or didn't work for them- as much as what they enjoyed. And I definitely don't expect anyone to write novel-sized comments- I don't really care about length- but the above are just some examples.
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
For one-shots (which still take me a few days to write XD), I don't really have anything special- just the satisfaction of knowing it's done. For multichapter stories, I love going for walks after I finish and upload a new chapter. Walks are peaceful, and help me to relax and clear my mind. I do the same after I actually finish a multichapter story, but I also like to do something a little extra special then (like having a bite to eat out for seeing a movie).
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
I would say it's pretty consistent. Whether I'm writing about fluff, drama, angst, hurt/comfort, family, friendship, etc- and whether it's from Gyro's pov or Fenton's- I tend to automatically incorporate character analysis (even to the point where I basically repeat myself in every story). I mostly write about Gyro, and as some people probably know, I absolutely love analyzing his character because he's just so complex and fascinating with so many layers (his tragic backstory, how that affected him, and his healing and growth/development ever since 'Astro B.O.Y.D.'). I try to seamlessly incorporate it into either the narrative or dialogue as seamlessly as I can and it's usually easy to make it relevant to the story; it's often done in the form of one of the characters reflecting (I love making characters reflect so much).
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vivacious posts when it's 9am after i finish rewatching andor and feeling extremely regular, which is to say i did get to catch / better follow things that you could catch the first time around if i wasn't particularly bad at it, but it wasn't like a huge deal b/c obviously the first time around was like "dear god this fucks" and so too it went this time around like jesus christ. The Everything. like every element. my god. thee politics. i am. thinking about like various moments even now as i type and it gives me pause b/c i'm getting caught up in "ugh yeah that single moment was so fucking good. and that, and that" like recalibrating to being In It and jeez like the sense of being so grounded in this very [the scale and life of these various individuals] and it's feeling very real with this sense of like "yeah these are the way their day to day lives are" and how that works so perfectly in tandem with Everything It's About. the smaller pieces and the way they come together, yet without ever zooming out to leave any of the people involved behind for like "okay now for the overall grander stuff" b/c it's all about any & all the ordinary people and how Everyday it all is
anyways i could go on with like, a bonus 5x length of just my Saying Things to work out thoughts & observations lol but it's like. luckily it's difficult lol like it'd just be running commentary to cover things. but much more distilledly, then i Again followed it up by watching rogue one which is also a great time, yet of course different despite it being like [yeah ofc like everything andor is about and everything about it is an extrapolation / further exploration of elements found in rogue one, then of course executed differently b/c it's a different format, different story, different entire creative project etc etc] like. i will now simply be going "just a few screenshots as illustrations of getting riled and thus taking screenshots" and making a half past 9am post b/c it takes me like two to three times a movie's runtime to watch it at least, and b/c it's vivacity and expressiveness time
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i took these b/c i was laughing at how openly jyn is like :/ to herself when k-2so says cassian thinks it's a bad idea for her to come along. there's so many reasons for her to do so but it's also just inherently funny when they met 5 sec ago in a meeting room question like, i thought we were tactically getting along (which, fr why wouldn't she think so lol. like, he was there to raise concerns if he had them....but it even also plausibly sets up the plausibility in turn like, cassian not always necessarily feeling fully aligned with the Official Meetings / Decisions stuff or share his thoughts w/them all openly. and even more immediately is surely setting up especial reason for jyn to be like, well what other Misalignments don't/won't i know about with this guy, and everything.) anyways and as tagsingly discussed it's like, jyn's really pretty expressive and a bit like Yes That Was Funny Of You, and beyond that it's like ah the wariness / [not so Warm or Bold as perhaps ppl would expect from someone who's not Trying to be closed off exactly] makes entire sense like not just for the character but to me personally like, well, Right lol. we love our characters who just aren't expressing or comporting themselves in perhaps whatever ways are Usual enough that other characters or audiences know what to do with them....i don't know what's going on out there and i'm not asking but seems like [issues w/jyn as protagonist/character] isn't one of the most uncommon weaknesses or issues or dislikes or w/e that ppl can take with things, and to be the Complement of that i'll just be like yeah i'm so hype actually. like, well i'm not Not, i've always liked her / certainly not felt any particular issue, and it's all in the direction of like, any repeat viewing (i've had many, the [rogue one] enthusiasm has simply been latent / something i haven't posted about) or just further attention/consideration of her character is a shift for the "right on, i like her more / am further enriched"
i have to be all the more concise or we'll be here forever. luckily repeat viewings / further consideration also is a shift for the I'M CONSUMED re jyn and cassian as FOILS(tm) like ohhhh my god oh my god they're FOILS they're not only FINDING EMOTIONAL RESOLUTION through that so well i'm like they Do have the rights to kiss if they wanna, b/c there is A Whole Dynamic to provide context for caring, but they're also ones who are doing that who KNOW THEY'LL DIE like not only last minute but that nobody can even do this shit knowing they may well even probably die about it, it's all extrapolated in andor like i'm So Fucking There w/the [ordinary days of ordinary lives and everyone's Wariness is ordinary the proximity / immediacy of violence certainly even such that there's a constant relevance/presence of mortal danger to varying degrees] and that cassian and jyn are Scrapping Around For Survival foils who have definitely dealt w/the awareness and relevance of their and others' mortality before like, they're like hello my wary hurt but boldly putting yourself out there even in terms of completing tactical missions w/someone Kindred Spirit type foils and i am like LOOK it affects me so much. the "this whole time mortality has been pretty immediately relevant" the "we know we're both dying" the "we're kindred spirit foils" the "and we're finding so much of our emotional resolution through that which so enhances what resolution we still may have found alone otherwise" like god achilles and iphigenia (crash land falls etc) just like well i'm fucked up about this always now and I'm Fucked Up About This Always Now
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i mean it about its only being a few screenshots, despite the fact that if something's anything to me i can talk endlessly about it and i'm FUCKED UP....took these b/c i was like "it's tfw: Dosidon't Do This To Me" like i hate it. i can't even possibly screenshot the "YES close the doors and lock everyone i the rumble room of biting killing like i Love when the [being foils] is going so well that Your Fighting that everyone else can get a little bit in on b/c we're also def a larger ragtag team is so Fun even when it's like [aaaah] because it's like yes Yes work (or simply air) out your issues with Yourself as part of scratching and kicking at your Foil out here" like this scene does so much i'm obsessed w/how well it works that this is where they leave off and it's sure not like "well good thing all that's settled" but then Suddenly things are resolved after a scene that cassian's reacting to but we don't even see him in but it's like dear god it Works. their fight is about Them not about like, oh we needed not to have this, we needed to resolve all this right here....that it has to be a bit in favor of cassian b/c if not then the audience can't feel he can be embraced, he's the deuteragonist we as well as jyn have been figuring out and obviously clashing w/the protag and even being a bit of an antagonist re their conflicting goals makes him Difficult and Ambiguous to us too, but i definitely distinctly remember going "Ah. yeah it's just like. yeah" re cassian during this argument the first time i saw the movie b/c jyn getting in a figurative punch that he gets riled about is so perfectly executed in like, despite again his fighting w/the protag it's like "here he is, this is about him" and so perfectly executed so that the Intensity is just enough for the occasion, You Know It's Real but it's also not like, too much so as to threaten jyn or something like oh you've been in this fight since you were 6 years old you're not the only one who lost everything etc and it's like, well he's not wrong that jyn has to take things out somehow at someone and this is like [you're foils you're foils you're foils] broadcasting for them both, it's not more important that they walked away like, well that argument resolved ideally for us all. cassian doesn't Have To work with jyn but next time we see him he's choosing to do just that and that means something b/c of it, here's jyn with the pieces ready to embrace going all in on an attack here b/c like, again where cassian's character is we need to hear more from Him in that argument, and it's not important like "after that jyn couldn't Possibly feel in conflict w/him ever again" vs what info we actually get, and she gets it too, she doesn't have to be More Correct b/c she's the protagonist, and cassian's the one more liable to take relevant action out here so for that story structure reason alone it's helpful for her to move in his direction, but also like, it makes sense that she could actually listen to criticism about like "yeah i am & i've Been doing shit out here for a cause" when she explicitly was saying she wasn't interested in doing [just that] earlier, and now here's a revisit where like. cassian Didn't follow orders or pull the trigger, his doing so is a matter of further alignment with jyn, they're foils, she can take issue w/him here to be sure, but he can take issue with her certainly as well, and the issues with Themselves, they both do listen to each other here even if we don't see it play out until jyn's quoting cassian (when he's not even there, that she or we see. god) and cassian's going from "i'm the one you've gotta convince" not outright answering if he believes her to outright saying that he does, and oh btw like we all already understand the stakes and how mortally doomed we all may be, and yet :)
like cassian being able to see jyn bringing the [you don't have to compromise yourself when you know what's right] when she's had to be so focused in keeping herself alive and this not changing in the face of whatever anyone else is doing, and jyn able to see cassian bringing the [and when you know what's right you commit and you do something about it] when he's been somewhat sacrificing himself to this cause and not prioritizing his sense of what he'd necessarily find otherwise ideal / to his detriment....like we're foiling we're foiling and of course they can both be right and this doesn't have to be about "it's bad that we Can fight, and are doing so" such that it's okay still being mad abt it at the end of the scene / not even really having a resolution beyond "we don't have to work together actually" so that choosing to do so b/c they're Aligned and Understand each other Is so clearly a choice and not simply a begrudging tactical alliance. i'm sure you could do like a whole essay of media analysis re writing here, and hopefully i do the equivalent, certainly don't feel like i can put into words this (even by my standards) clear and concrete analysis like, here's everything going on....but boy do i pick up on the Emergent Effect like feeling the [aaaaughhh foils] and [i love Conflict b/c like, of course when the foiliness is successful then it's gonna be conflict where everyone's also grappling w Themselves so it's enriching for them and for us] and like it makes sense that in between scenes jyn's takeaway is like "grr what now. well i've already had cause to shift more towards the rebellion (her father dying for it when that family relationship / the memories of it has been the most meaningful thing she's ever had) and here's cassian who clearly Has been operating in this like direct rebellion involvement, as someone who can also completely understand the [since you were 6 yrs old, losing everything] aspects of her existence b/c they're relevant to him too and that's been a part of him doing everything he's ever done, including up till just this moment, making points about how this is something bigger and you gotta turn Caring into joining the fight," while cassian can be like "grr what now. well we've been shown i'm genuinely sympathetic towards jyn / actually want to support this person as a partner in [their various adventures already] and clearly i'm not exactly proud for her to know i Was gonna yesscope her dad up until i decided i actually wasn't or of everything i've ever done and here's someone who i Get / who's had this similar life but Doesn't operate within this framework of like, being someone who'd see this from the strategic angle and 'yes i too feel i've been there done that re: compromising myself for the cause' so she'll be just straightforwardly upset w/him about it which ties into him being upset w/himself now or ever & Can He Justify It To A Past Self Who Hasn't Yet Done These Things / say that it's definitely worth it" so that next time they see each other jyn's more All In for taking action for the rebellion than these other official delegates for it and cassian's ready to disobey the official rebellion choice of [Not going to scarif to fight] that was made against jyn's arguments b/c he believes her, which he doesn't have to, and still doesn't Have to successfully talk his way around something as his only recourse, but he doesn't want to avoid anything here b/c jyn's Already like, aligned their foilship, again just like directly quoting cassian's dialogue abt Hope even to argue her point about the rebellion and show that her understanding of it now has ofc been affected by her interactions w/him, and in turn, his understanding of it....if everyone else is willing to compromise so hard there's no rebellion, she's bringing the Ideal Version Of What We Do Despite It All, while cassian moves away from being the [necessary compromises even when you v much aren't exactly happy with it] figure here towards like, this is why we ever made those compromises in the first place
OH AND. edited to add like jyn seeing herself in cassian and fighting w/herself that way: being guided by her own survival as thee rule even being its own path of "there's what you just have to do but might not be happy about" and like that only now she's invoking that either side of this Conflict as worse versus [both have been hurting me & i'm just trying to make it out here] like let's also fight about whether either of us feel we can change or question things now
and i hit the block character limit again. And it's like, you're you and you're also me and i'm me and i'm also you and we're both the warier one but also not and the more open one but also not, cassian with the Way Of Being and just like [no, he has the face of a friend] holistic inherent encompassing appeal, but ofc he has all his secrets, and jyn being more Openly Closed Off, yknow, but when she's being expressive what you're seeing is what you're getting. FOILS you never go wrong like god yes this successfully enhances both characters and makes them shine so of course it's now inherently valid if they want to kiss about that or have whatever kind of dynamic wherein they're both just clearly more attuned w/themself and what they want for operating together / being relevant to, & knowing each other.....and I'M. the dosidon't do this to me like WHAT a couple of lines of dialogue like i'm not used to people sticking around when things go bad / welcome home like OH YOU KNOW. just some small talk. just some "even if we know we might die doing this we feel like / are prepared to just keep sticking around" like just regular chill casual things you decide about someone while closely semicircling them all =) like you always are
oh, nice, beta editor blocks are really letting me go ham, i appreciate this filmed on a laptop w/a separate camera Specifically This Foils Fight Epic Wins recording like i love violence. truly like the art of this simultaneously wrapping up "Only conflict w/cassian???" issues Through More Necessary Conflict (this [hell yes lock everyone in a room let's fight] instance) and in bringing things out for real making it like, okay i'm serious, time to have our journey having a dynamic / knowing each other thus far affect the choices we make for the journey going forward, even when we both have to think about that some more b/c this Is an elevated immediate reaction zone for everyone and why even argue about it even this much if we really don't care at all about hashing it out and what the other has to say and why. while also they know they've Already been learning real things abt each other and really figuring out how they operate together rather than this violence session being Everything. jyn with a callback to something cassian said way earlier....anyways like i said, before i get even further here:
epic of them to trade places like that, i.e. jyn leaving off a bit more Contained for having been given more to consider than she gave, since she Is more so starting out just needing to be pissed here and confront cassian on as much while he's not really Theoretically surprised by her reaction here but Is, in practice, actually having to confront it, so he can land more points but, naturally, has to get more outright upset than "grr ugh i'm i'm chill though. And i'm having one of my soaking wet moments" somewhat playing it cool, bit chilly even. absolutely crucial like a tiny outburst of unequivocally genuine emotion at the [since i was six years old] instance that's like i said ideally balanced like, as much emphasis as you need to go "ah. i see" about cassian in that moment, not letting it spill out so much it gets confused that this is more a Show of [I'm Pissed] than of very real relevant emotions for him too so that jyn's like, for real not now the only one who's lost everything....but also cassian maybe wanting to talk hs way around it even if he doesn't have to and then leave for the upper floor b/c, re trading places as mentioned, he's Not more contained in the end....this recording cutting off before the last few seconds' ending of him going "anyone else" and baze lying back like Thunk....everyone else having that connect / stake / relevance to this fight, but it's still to be left up to the foils lol....
and i'm Noticing fun little parallels thank you like cassian's first excursion into rebellion(tm) things involving his having the kyber crystal necklace tying him to it, supposedly as an embodiment of the cash money mercenary (without too many other options) angle, vs jyn's more straightforwardly like, it's sentimental and symbolic and the force(tm) kyber crystal necklace....but in the end also cassian's last interaction w/the necklace is one where it's more about trust / Integrity, if he was really just after the money why give it back, why not just leave with it all, why would nemik insist [cassian who he even knows is probably using a fake name] get his life's work most important thing here, why would cassian take it at all, and b/c nemik insisted vs that he'd just automatically love to have it....mixing and matching like, cassian not able to tell maarva he was involved in the aldhani situation which she'd be so proud of him for but is also now motivating her to not leave ferrix with him, that part of his message for her when he escaped factory labor torture/execution forever prison was that she'd be proud of him, that her message for him involved anticipating him blaming himself and was essentially that she was already proud of him, despite her still not knowing about the prison break or aldhani, cassian telling jyn her father would have been proud of her, cassian going to visit the equivalent of clem's grave and noticing like ah the sole time we break out [outright crying] huh
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speaking of Not the sole time breaking out outright crying: that was me w/rogue one yet again. frankly the most Concentrated [aughhh] it's been packed into '"i knew the elevator shots were coming but i forgot about it because i got distracted by the Them and also then when i even outright parsed 'ah getting on the elevator huh' i started thinking abt [stairs vs elevator] considerations in that scenario and then i was like WAUGH and i cried. and then i was like 'augh kill me. again' a couple of times & died" and into "they hug through it" like oh i'm sorry epic [we've all been there] wary kindred spirit foils who've been facing their mortality all the time on their own doing so, & dealing with doing so, together??????????????????????? i'm so. i can't even tell you
anyways it's being half past 1pm now helps throw off me off track here lmao like oh i could Never go on and on about something, and surely i wouldn't, much less w/a lot of enthusiasm and [aaaaaaAUGH] to get across. or correct, scintillating insights that i'm just so regular about. i can regularly say that andor is off the shits like they made this That good huh. fucking society if it was one of those [first ten minutes available on youtube] deals like my god the "one of the things the opening scene is saying about the entire work through xyz elements? well through all the scene's elements it Does tell us all the series will fuck like hell" thanks so much
one "great that it's on youtube then" thing being the banger EDM track just dropped into things for your "just totally chill sexy beach episode living i swear (it's not)(quite)" scene change but then also dipped into (diegetically?) briefly and more muted during that first scene while going "just totally chill sexy bar visiting i swear (it's not)" location entering....the Whole score doesn't have to be excellent but is, love how like a sonic motif or what have you is [being in sync vs slightly not] and/or [isolating / distinguishing certain elements] like, a bunch of different Parts / Elements converging and being in sync or not, huh....just dropping this on us and like, [in episodes] the track section used being the immediately dramatic one starting at 1:13 rather than fading in like Oh Whoa like ok then ummm its Lit
while i'm putting everything in a post and just going wherever with it, inadvertently went "oh didn't even realize the one season end post credits scene showing the death star construction also specifically showed that the [factory labor produce these things or be tortured / killed] prison products are confirmed death star components. i see it now" but the article i had to open to see abt that was also talking about like [and this brief clip rectifies some lore misalignments across however many installments] like ok sure i wouldn't know but nice, but then also opened with "still doesn't explain why they'd use human labor instead of droids esp since we see droids (in the vacuum of space) assembling parts here :)" like i am going to mcLose it the direct quote "melshi's right we're cheaper than droids and easier to replace" so (: what could explain that
anyways in conclusion: until any next spontaneous burst of a post. things that happen when you saw rogue one many times in theaters b/c it was a perfectly regular experience and then consider watching andor b/c of it despite watching fuckall, then with a [and the Politics, my god] mention crossing my path like, right, let's try it, and my god so fucking true and so fucking excellent and so my [rogue one] experiences are only charged, and would enhance every time anyways, so here we are. oh also shoutout to the friendly acquaintance whos rogue one posting at the time jokes that are also for real like "i know that robot is gay" right on
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glaivenoct · 10 months
1, 5, 19 for ao3 wrapped
ao3 wrapped [writer's edition]
Thank you for sending some <3 <3
1.) How many words have you written this year?
There's no way this is going to be accurate but 39,779+
I'm going based off of the words counts from the 5 fics I posted to ao3 this year. However, there are things I've written that are still sitting in my docs. Not to mention that I have this insane habit of sometimes rewriting things anywhere from 3 to 2o348940293 times over when my brain gets stuck and a fic isn't working out the way I want it to. There's some things sitting in WIPs that are already on rewrite number 3 and I'm this closer to rewriting it AGAIN ;A;
So it's hard to say, but there's a base to go off of at least ;u;
5.) What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
I'm still to this day blown away by the response I received on Even Angels Deserve Guardians ;u; It was the most encouraging and motivating response I've ever experienced, especially since it was my debut fic in both Tristamp & Vashwood fandoms!! So many people said welcome and apparently really enjoyed my characterization of both Vash & WW? Which was probably my biggest concern when writing it. I wanted to do right by them so bad and I was worried since I was used to writing The Same rarepair for the last several years in a row ;A;
I'm so grateful for every kudos, bookmark and lovely comment ppl left on it QuQ
19.) What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Heh I still haven't tried my hand at Pelnoct or Pelnyxnoct oops ;u; I think it's safe to say Vashwood is a high priority on the list next year since I've only managed to do one fic for them so far. There's still plenty of exploring to do with them ofc.
But ok. Listen. I honestly don't think I will ever actually be brave enough to try my hand at one of my newer fav pairings, but just hear me for a sec pls -
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I don't talk abt jjk stuffs with anyone but the voices in my head. So I'm taking my chance to spew this out into the void, apologies in advance. AHEM!! I don't know if I have the capability to write either of these characters or the universe of jjk itself well or believably - but goddamn do I enjoy thinking about the potential of these two.
Because, in my head, there is just something to be said about a character that is literally physically untouchable unless he actively turns off his power because he has deemed a certain space, object, or person Safe Enough to make physical contact with him. There is something to be said about a character with this renowned title of being "The Strongest", and the loneliness that might come with that underneath this "idiotic", "flippant", and "egotistical" personality. ALL OF THIS combined with this character losing their "one and only" technically two times, and between both instances, calling love "the most twisted curse of all"
Like I love Gojo for the chaotic fucker he is, but I like to believe there are things there under the surface, beyond those general wants and goals he talks about in the series. And it gives me brainworms - especially in relation to Nanami.
Nanami, my beloved. Calm and pragmatic Nanami who sees himself as someone with "no concept of a reason worth living or something worth doing". Sigh. THERE IS ALSO SOMETHING TO BE SAID abt a character who, at the hands of the jujutsu world, also loses their only friend and experiences much suffering. A character who only chooses to return to this world bc, even if it brings him pain and suffering, at least he's helping people. An incredibly selfless character that values the lives of his comrades, ESPECIALLY the youngsters. Goddd does he want to protect the youngsters and let them be youngsters. He might be hella opposite of Gojo personality wise but
A.) That's part of what makes them fun hehe >:3 B.) It's fun to draw the parallels and contrasts, and despite their differences in how they approach things, I think they share similar wants and goals - particularly in reference to the youngsters and seeing a change in the world.
WITH ALL THAT SAID - I want these two to find something in each other amidst all that ish. and like, make out about it. Idk if exploring them is something I'll pull off in actual writing next year, but at the very least I will be in a corner somewhere exploring them in my head.
And thus concludes Brina's sudden Nanago ramble ty and m'sorry I just enjoy them!!!
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janiedean · 5 years
Hey, lately I've seen a lot of people hate on book!Tyrion and talk about what a terrible person he is and wanted to hear your take on that, because I don't really get it. I think that he is a really interesting character in the books, more so than in the second half of the show, if you ask me.
(sorry for replying this late I needed time to get to it and stuff happened haha)
soooo... tldr: I think *tumblr* has a shitload of issues with tyrion that are 90% rooted in the fact that this website thinks hating men is cool/that men are the worst always *and* also only cries ableism when it’s convenient or to call ableist things that are not in fact such (ie ‘omg if you use stupid is ableist’ which... automatically implies that anyone with a disability is *stupid* and the likes), and in tyrion’s case there’s.... an overlap of those specific issues added to the fact that since he’s a general fan favorite regardless of any fault of his then it’s fine to trash on him. going in depth on it:
now, there’s admittedly a difference in between book and show tyrion in the sense that the show version is a lot less gray and has cut on a lot of material in that sense, but like...... it’s d&d who after they decided to chunk the book storyline couldn’t write him properly so I’m not touching that topic because it’s not *his* issue, it’s theirs, and as you said... well obv. he’s more interesting in the books, because he has a lot more layers and he actually does something post-asos instead of rehashing the same three jokes that aren’t even on par with *his* book humor because he’s too smart for d&d to pull off correctly (I mean from S6 to S8 they managed to give him good lines in... the finale? PROBABLY? but they can’t write him, it’s their problem);
when it comes to book!tyrion, he obviously has faults same as 99,9% of the characters in these books, but all of those faults are... absolutely understandable given his background? I mean, so he hates his father and his sister, has fairly unhealthy coping methods and that got worse after asos, but... he comes from a lifetime of parental/familial abuse that crowned with tywin forcing him to rape his then-wife who actually did love him and convincing him he was unlovable, cersei was molesting him in the cradle and the only person who cared about him outside the uncles brigade which wasn’t around all the time was jaime who went off to get traumatized for himself at thirteen, and that just because of how he looks and for his disability, do we ask him to be a perfectly adjusted person? not really, and actually the fact that he tries to be better than 99% of his family all the time and that he actually has a lot of empathy for disadvantaged people and empathy in general says a lot about how he’s a pretty damn decent person, not a terrible one;
now, I think that this fandom on tumblr has ten problems with him because in order, the fact that he’s a man already puts him on a disadvantaged level but that’s common to most guys in this fandom like on tumblr in this fandom if a female character fucks up and a male character fucks up, the latter will be called out upon it way more than than the female character. also, abused male characters don’t get recognition for that 99% of the time. but that also means that his disability gets brushed off/ignored because since **according to tumblr standards** it’s not stopping him from doing most of what he’d like and no one takes it into account, his abuse gets brushed off/ignored because WELL HE’S NOT THE ONLY ONE, the fact that he’s a man means he has male privilege and whatever the fuck else and since he’s technically (in the book at least) Not Standard Attractive then he doesn’t even get the shitload of excuses hot people get in virtue of being hot;
also, there’s a certain attitude I really don’t like at all whatsoever to describe the fact that in his POVs he always goes about how much he hates his father/cersei or WHERE DO THE WHORES GO in adwd as whining/being unable to get over it/dying of self-pity but like.......... that’s..... how he copes with knowing he’s been treated like shit? like, thing is: in a literary genius foil with his brother who has no idea of the crap he was unjustly subjected to if not very subconsciously and whose coping method is *going away* and/or forgetting about things and/or not thinking about them, tyrion’s coping method is never letting himself forget it and honestly.... so he thinks shit about his father and sister all the time? tough luck, they’re his abusers, ofc he does. he can’t get over thinking no one will love him because of his looks? tough luck, he was told that all his life and when he found someone he thought did tywin organized that rouse so he’d think she was with him for money and he forced him to rape her which is also called rape by proxy so he’s also a rape victim and he was thirteen? wow, if I were him ie someone whose first advice to a main character in these books was ‘never forget about your weaknesses and make them your armor so people can’t hurt you with them’ then I also would be thinking about that all the time. he’s an abuse victim and he’s not away from his abusers until the end of asos, what are we expecting, that he’d get over it? actually it’s a way healthier method than jaime’s because at least he knows he’s been wronged all along and he can see both c. and his father for the assholes they are but at least he knows that and he harbors no illusions about them even if he still kind of wants them to love him same as most people would, but like... that’s not whining? that’s stuff that it’s absolutely normal he should be thinking? also, the where do the whores go thing in adwd is....... basically he just learned that his biggest trauma was not what he believed it was and he has to reconcile himself with the fact that a) tysha never not loved him, b) jaime was in on it even if he subconsciously knows that he also was a victim in that ploy (when he dreams about killing him in adwd he’s crying, sooooo) and he has to know because jaime told him out of *guilt* and he damn well knows it, like he’s re-elaborating the entire thing, obviously he’s fixated on it??? I mean the moment I figured out a specific thing that I hadn’t realized about an unhealthy relationship I had with someone I spent a month thinking about it every other moment for a month and it was nowhere near that same level of terrible, and I’m surprised that he thinks about that for all of adwd? like, I find those justifications very iffy and incredibly dismissive of a) his trauma b) his abuse victim status;
also there’s the whole HE KILLED TYWIN thing but..... I honestly am baffled it’s even a thing fandom thinks he should pay for or anything. like, the problem is that he killed *shae* in that context, and that was also out of feeling betrayed after just learning of how it really went with tysha, and that’s why he’s on the downward spiral/his lowest point in adwd, but.... tywin? really? like tywin is an asshole period, he abused him all his life, he traumatized the shit out of him for his entire life and made him grow up thinking he was unlovable and outright told him he wanted to drown him, and not even counting what tywin did to *him*, we’re talking about someone who went and calmly planned the red wedding the moment he realized there was no way he could take out robb without treachery and didn’t feel particularly bothered by it on a moral level, and we’re sad that he died or think that tyrion has to pay for it because he killed his abuser who also never really was a father to him in any sense of the word? like what the fuck does tyrion owe tywin? literally nothing and tbqh it’s tywin narratively reaping the seeds of what he’s sown if tyrion goes and offs him. like, a lot of people re fixed on this thing about OH HE KILLED HIS FATHER HE DOESN’T DESERVE REDEMPTION but the narrative doesn’t ask it of him. he has to make peace and find his own redemption for killing shae at that point, not tywin. tywin had it coming since the moment he showed up. like, saying he’s a horrible person for offing someone who only ever abused the shit out of him doesn’t really fly as far as I’m concerned;
at this point we get to ‘okay but in adwd he does a lot of questionable things’, but..... a) he’s supposed to be at his lowest narrative point and a lot of people have done a lot of questionable things at their lowest narrative point in these books, I mean if I think theon can have a nice life and get better after his WF stint I can think that tyrion can have a nice life and get better after his adwd stint, b) it’s nothing he’ll be proud of when he pulls his shit together (and he already had started by the end of adwd) but I mean... it’s nothing worse than most people who have to pull their shit together in these books have done lately, like honestly writing him off as a horrible person because of his adwd stint reaaaaally reeks to me of double standard which is based on the fact that no one around here wants to recognize that he’s an abuse victim and his reactions are valid and that yes his disability singles him out and is the reason people target him and not his merits or demerits. I mean he even spells it out, he’s been on trial for being a dwarf all his life/everyone already judged him for that regardless of his actual faults, and that’s not him being delusional, it’s the truth. he’s a person who certainly has faults same as anyone else but guess what a lot of people around fandom do what tywin does and exacerbate them if you ask my opinion;
(that also can be seen when it comes to what people think of the guy being shipped around because believe me I wish I hadn’t seen people saying he couldn’t be a good option for sansa because he’s not the beautiful gallant stainless dude she deserves, and I’m saying it as a sansan shipper first but come the fuck on) (other than that tyrion/bronn is ofc the superior ship but nvm me)
also there’s the whole thing where people decided that since tyrion is a general fandom fave in between the w.org/reddit crowd/general audience then obviously if the dudebros (ugh i can’t with that generalization anymore sure af freefolk is less puritan than tumblr from what I see) like him then he has to also incarnate the Worst Type Of Male Fan Of Asoiaf In Existence and like........ now, I don’t doubt that when it comes to the *general audience* there’s a lot of misconceptions going around plus a lot of his character faults get ignored (I mean when I went on w.org the first time the first thread I ran into was like ‘wow sansa is a bitch for not kneeling at once when they married and making him feel like shit’ I mean that’s a situation where you should feel bad for both but calling her a bitch for not wanting to kneel while marrying a guy she was forced to who also belonged to the family that killed her brother and mother and her father too is like......... come on seriously?) but that’s the same with most fandom faves in any fandom, it doesn’t mean that if some of his fans see him with rose-tinted glasses then on this side of the pond we have to decide he sucks when he doesn’t, and as I said time and time again..... do we remember the last time that in any fandom the general audience favorite character who sells the merchandise more than anyone else is a disabled abuse victim who doesn’t shut up about it and tries to be better than anyone else thinks them able to? because I don’t and while tyrion is not top five asoiaf for me I’m very glad that *he* is the general audience favorite. so they don’t get the point or see him with rose-tinted glasses? happens to fandom faves in general, but it doesn’t mean that he’s a terrible person in the text just because the dudebro crowd (if we wanna call it like that but meh) likes him. so what, he is the audience fave? good, I’m beyond fine with him being the audience fave. I honestly don’t think it’s an argument that should even be brought up because ‘that character’s fans are shit so the character is automatically shit because we judged the fans on their supposed gender’ is not an argument. *shrug*
tldr: I think people on here exaggerate his flaws (that everyone has) and are bitchy about the fact that he is the general audience favorite because how dare a guy who’s as far as we know cishet (which is already bad for tumblr standards), not standard hot (crime!!), has a disability (which gets ignored 90% of the time when discussing his privilege or lack thereof), is an abuse victim who won’t let you forget it and you can’t deny/headcanon differently (which is a thing tumblr can’t accept - I mean, men being abuse victims, and with hc differently I mean that people outright deny that idk jaime was one because he doesn’t realize he was so you have to actually read into the text to realize it, but they can decide he’s not because it requires effort to put it together - or deny sandor was one because we don’t have his pov and we only see his destructive coping methods and so on - with tyrion they can’t because he never lets you forget he was and admitting it is apparently hard, also one of his abusers is a woman and We Do Not Admit That Women Can Be Abusers On Tumblr Dot Com) and who has fucked up but not worse than most people in these books be the audience favorite? WE JUST DON’T KNOW. personally I think he’s pretty damn great and an amazingly conceived/written character (I mean in a series where all the characters weren’t so well-rounded and I didn’t have other people I latched on before that he’d have totally been top three material for me he just got unlucky to be in the one series where everyone is well-rounded and there’s people that I resonate personally more with but really he’s an amazing character all around) and I can’t wait for him to pull his shit together in the next book and possibly get the nice ending he deserves along with better dialogue than d&d gave him, but from there to say he’s a horrible person.... geez. my list of horrible persons in these books runs very long and he’s nowhere near it. ofc he has faults but no character in these books is faultless except maybe gilly, and not even people under the age of twelve are faultless in these books come on. 
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