#official rasielmon
koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{from here!}
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rubixkun · 3 years
I have this elaborate set up for Hikari and her Salamon/Meicoomon. Like the digimon first appears as a Meicrackmon VM and is like an enemy but Hikari is just like "o big kitty."
so something happens where the digimon sacrifices itself for Hikari, and is reborn an egg because of their selfless sacrifice. After they hatch, they're officially partnered with Hikari.
The digimon can evolve into the real Meicrackmon form, and is the first digimon out of the whole team to evolve to its mega form, Rasielmon.
Just some rambling.
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noctilucentstorm · 4 years
Digimon Adventure: Review
Episode 5: The Holy Digimon
I was genuinely expecting to be a little disappointed with this episode, but it did mostly manage to avoid the pitfalls I was expecting.  The upped tempo of the series compared to the original somewhat worked in its favour with the lore only taking up the first half, leaving Koushiro and Tentomon to shine in the second.  
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Spoilers below:
I’m not quite sure where Seraphimon’s statue is in relation to these three, but it isn’t shown again, so I’m going to assume it’s opposite Valdurmon.  We can also see Ophanimon on the left and Kerpymon on the right, so either there is another temple with statues of the other holy digimon or they’ve been destroyed (I’m going for the latter).  Also, count how many times this shot get used in the episode (it’s a lot).
I really like the digitised shapes in Whamon.  There have been a lot of little extras in the animation to remind us how different the Digital World is from our own and I’m here for it.  Probably one of my favourite things about the art.  Also, although it may get annoying eventually, I’m glad they’re showing the main digimon’s names more than once.  It’s a large cast, and learning unfamiliar names may put some people off, so I appreciate the extra effort.
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We’re introduced to the seven holy digimon: Valdurmon, Cherubimon, Seraphimon, Ophanimon, SlashAngemon, ClavisAngemon, and Rasielmon.  It’s also clear that not only have the digimon lost their memories of the past, but Agumon can’t even remember becoming Omegamon when fighting with Taichi. It’s an interesting mystery and again hints that Omegamon was a one-off for this early in the series.  Although expected, it’s also a bit of a relief, since it means that the narrative won’t need to keep separating Taichi and Yamato just to keep Omegamon away.
I admit I had to re-watch Koushiro’s explanation a few times, but it seems that the power stations’ severs are corrupted and therefore have cut power to certain locations.  However, they can’t just reboot the stations because the power won’t turn off.  I mentioned it in an earlier review, but again it seems the showrunners have taken a real phenomenon (the effects of an extreme solar event) and adapted it to fit the narrative. The fact that the Internet is unaffected will likely play a role later in the series.
Interestingly, we’re introduced to Ogremon, but the children still don’t know about him.  I’m guessing he’ll make his appearance in the next episode, but it’s a nice, simple way of dialling up the tension.  
One thing I liked in the original series, was how the digimon explained the different behaviours of different species.  Of course, mostly it was them reassuring the Chosen that ‘x’ digimon wouldn’t attack them just before it did, but it was a good way of telling the viewers how the different species of digimon live.  Piyomon’s observation of Dokugumon’s behaviour is a great example of this being taken forward into the new series and I’m all here for it.
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I know Tentomon couldn’t carry Koushiro in the old series, but I’m wondering how much this is possible just because gravity doesn’t seem to apply in the Network.  I love the way Tentomon zips around and it seems the animation quality has improved again.  Which makes me more sad for the last episode, but I guess it can’t be helped.  Koushiro is a sweetie and gets Tentomon to create an opportunity for Whamon to escape.  I wonder if that means they’ll see Whamon again, or whether I’m reading a little too much into this scene.
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The Soundbirdmon are an cool addition and seem to have taken the place of the black gears.  Kinda cool that it was designed by a fan.
The evolution is really inconsistent.  I’m not sure how I feel about only Agumon having an official evolution sequence.  I’m glad that they’re not showing all of them because that would take up a lot of time, but because of that I felt the Agumon evolution dragged on too long.  I’d be interested to know what others think about it.
Seems Koushiro and Kabuterimon are making their way to the Digital World.  Kinda curious how they’re going to stop the blackout though, since the holy digimon basically confirmed the Network is what affects the human world.
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And just when we think the episode is finished, look who it is!  Guess we’ll be properly introduced to Mimi before Jou after all.
Final Thoughts:
I enjoyed this episode more than I thought I would.  It was kinda nice seeing Koushiro and Tentomon fighting alone as we didn’t see it much in the original series.  The characters’ reactions still all feel a bit same-y for me and I didn’t think I learnt anything really new about their personalities (except a possible hint that Kourshiro is awkward showing affection?).  I’m willing to be patient for that though, so I wouldn’t necessarily call it a criticism.
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beelzebum0n · 7 years
Rasielmon's corrupted form now has an official name: Raguelmon, named for Raguel also known as Akrasiel which in this case is presumably a pun on 悪ラシエル meaning "evil Rasiel".
oh yeah I saw that earlier o:! I didn’t know about the pun though, that’s really cool ^0^
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