#rasielmon tcg
koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{from here!}
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melancholywally · 1 year
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Digimon Evolution Lines 3/∞
Meicoomon and one of its main evolutionary families. This line is featured in the Digital Monster Ver.20th V-pet and Digimon ReArise.
Stages: LV2: Unnamed LV3: Unnamed LV4: Meicoomon LV5: Meicrackmon LV6: Rasielmon
Artwork from Toei (LV2, LV3) and Teppei Tadokoro from the Digimon Card Game (Meicoomon, Meicrackmon, Rasielmon).
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digi-lov · 2 years
I wanna take a moment to talk about Tailmon/Gatomon subspecies.
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The classic three are the vaccine type Tailmon, the virus type BlackTailmon and the data type Mikemon.
I've talked more in-depth about Mikemon's history in a post before, but let's quickly review each of these guys' debuts.
Tailmon was introduced in Digital Monster Ver. S for the Sega Saturn in late 1998 and had its V-Pet, Card Game (Hyper Coloseum) and Anime debut shortly after in 1999. BlackTailmon was first seen in Hyper Coloseum's Starter Set Ver. 4 in 2000 and in Digimon World Digital Card Arena for the Playstation just later that year. Mikemon's debut followed in 2002 through the D-Scanner Toy and first appeared in Hyper Coloseum in the same year.
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As of BT-12, with the addition of Mikemon, each of them is also represented in the current Digimon Card Game.
While these three are already 20 years old by now, there have also been more recent additions to the family.
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I believe BlackTailmon Uver. being part of the family is pretty obvious. Meicoomon might seem a bit more far-fetched, but there's been evidence to suggest they're related.
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Meicoomon has been featured along with the Tailmon family twice on the Digimon Web Twitter in celebration for 猫の日 neko no hi (cat day, 2/22). It is of note here that other cat themed Digimon were not included. It is also on the BT3 card of Tailmon, along with Mikemon.
Meicoomon's type has been stated as Unknown for the most part, but as Free in the Digital Monster Ver.20th. In that V-Pet, Nyaromon and Plotmon are used as pre-evolutions for Meicoomon. Recolors of these were shown as Meicoomon's pre-evolutions in the obscure Shabette Concier App Skin: "Mytserious DigiTama". This could suggest the unnamed Baby and Child Level of Meicoomon to be subspecies of Nyaromon and Plotmon with the same name.
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[Recolors of the Bandai Artwork are fan made, from Wikimon]
Meicoomon's Digitama was also included as the final Digitama to hatch in the Digimon Adventure tri. promotional nade nade game. You can see that it is nearly identical to Tailmon's. The game even uses the same pattern, just flipped, but with darker color.
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It is worth mentioning that the Digitama were displayed in black and white in the nade nade game. Tailmon's Digitama is the bottom right one on this screen.
Furthermore, Meicoomon's vaccine evolution's final stage, Rasielmon, has the trait "Throne" which previously has been exclusive to Ophanimon. (More on Angel Digimon here)
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All this points to Meicoomon being intended to be a part of or closely related to the Tailmon family.
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
Y'know i will write down my headcanons for lines for the characters i like. Some might come from games, some just me imagining possible ideas not featured anywhere before. Bear with Ni.
Daisuke: V-mon → XV-mon → Wingdramon → UlforceV-dramon
I got this from CSHM actually. Seems a good match. Alternative idea was XV-mon → Grademon → Magnamon, but i don't like it much now… (also i love Ulforce V-dramon a lot…)
Ken: Wormmon → Stingmon → JewelBeemon → BanchoStingmon
This is the line i like the most. Alternative from CSHM: Stingmon → Okuwamon → GranKuwagamon
Miyako: Hawkmon → Aquilamon → Hippogriffomon → Valdurmon
Another possible in CSHM. I like this one, I adopted it from a friend!
Iori: Armadimon → Ankylomon → Groundramon → Cannondramon
This line is not possible in games, but i think it is in tcg but i don't remember now.
Wallace: Terriermon → Gargomon → Rapidmon (perfect) → SaintGalgomon Lopmon → Turuiemon → Antylamon (deva) → Cherubimon (virtue)
I admit i ran out of options for Wallace, so i kept it simple.
Menoa: Morphomon → Hudiemon
I'm imagining a scenario where Menoa could get her back and naturally she becomes Hudiemon. Now for Perfect and Ultimate i have no idea.
Maki: Bakumon → Monochromon → Megadramon → Chaosdramon
I'm stealing it from a friend. Also I suspect Shinkai Sara (from ReArise) was mirroring Maki in terms of role and partner. But I'm changing it to Chaosdramon to make it different from hers.
Daigo: Bearmon → Grizzmon → LoaderLiomon → Baihumon
Another line i'm stealing from ReArise, actually this is one of the ones i suspect was tied with ▽ pt4.
Meiko: Meicoomon → Meicrackmon (normal) → Rasielmon
Idk why but i have the impression this was in the plans but they rewrote the plot so many times it became scrapped. Okay, i'd have liked to see this instead of… that
Michael: Betamon → Seadramon → MegaSeadramon → Plesiomon/GigaSeadramon
Plesiomon one is possible on CSHM game actually. GigaSeadramon idea came from a friend. But i'm putting both because i'm not sure which one to pick.
Catherine: Floramon → Kiwimon → Lilamon → Lotusmon
An alternative route is Kiwimon → Sirenmon, but i'm not sure if i could go with Lotusmon in this one too?
Derek (Dingo): Ganimon → Coelamon → Gusokumon → Neptunemon
idk, i just had a feeling this would work.
Rosa (The little girl from Mexico): Gottsumon → Monochromon → Gogmamon → Blastmon
I like to keep the mineral vibe...
Jun (Daisuke's sister who i love since i was a kid): Pulsemon → Runnermon → Tempomon → LovelyAngemon
Idk i'm sold of the idea of giving Pulsemon to her. Like, if he were a V-mon "cousin" or something lol
[rest of the list is a wip]
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