#angewomon tcg
koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{from here!}
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digi-lov · 8 days
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Mastemon Ace EX6-029 Alternative Art by tyuga from EX-06 Theme Booster Infernal Ascension
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foundfamilyhq · 6 months
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// i am so normal about. angels and co.
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lonk-water · 10 months
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Bought this off of a guy at locals for 5 bucks yesterday, I think these came in one of the gift box products but I don't really keep up with those
Also the plastic was apparently the only thing keeping everything in it's frame cause it all came tumbling out when I removed it. I already lost one of the DP markers. It's actually a little too big to use as a memory marker in my opinion, still cool to have though.
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darktyrannomon · 1 year
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Exciting pulls! I also got a breakdramon for my dracomon deck that I'm excited about 😁😁
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mirika · 9 months
A bit late, but in November 2023 I went to Dutch Comic Con's winter edition and holy shit what a trip.
I will just summarize the whole weekend... I fucking met Elijah Wood. Holy fucking shit. Just writing this already brings me to tears.
On the first day I was dressed with mostly hobbity vibes, no real cosplay... and then on the second day as Mimi from Digimon again.
I never actually got to properly talk to anyone about my Comic Con experience, because my computer broke a little while after and it destroyed me emotionally and financially. Does not take away how special this weekend was for me though.
All weekend the Starbucks wrote my name wrong, except for one time when I went to a different one. I've been Min, Milou, Niemke...
Day one. CHAOS ENSUED. I left super early to make sure I was on-time. The schedule was clear: visit the Q&A, go straight to the hella expensive photobooth, and then finally go shopping.
And so I did! I could do a little bit of shipping in the artist alley in advance, his Q&A started at 11 am and I entered at 10 am (opening time). It was actually weird to be at opening time as I never am. The Q&A was very fun, but sadly I forgot a lot of details since my memory is awfully poor and I did not take notes, and on top of that I had to leave midway to go to the photo booth because Comic Con loves putting photo sessions right after Q&As.
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Literally missed half of it to queue in advance. I did meet a very lovely lady in the queue though, dressed as Arwen, she was a teacher in science or something like that. We chatted a lot and we are mutuals on Instagram now. Absolutely adored her. The photo turned out HELLA awkward and I never have the courage to ask for a re-shot despite paying BIG money to get a photo taken, I really hate myself for this, but if I imagine my arm away it's okay.
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I also hate how I insisted on wearing this flower crown when I should have known the background was going to be blue. Do I look nervous?I was!
After that I went on with my shopping. And look... THE RETURN OF THE ONIGIRI STAND! Fucking love these rice balls.
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Glorious rice balls filled with tuna, with a small wrapping of dried seaweed... yum yum!
I also will showcase of course the merchandise I purchased.
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A Digimon TCG gift box with a special Angewomon token, another bottle of mead like this time... again, they did not have cherry cinnamon, so this time my copium was pear cinnamon. A mini Kazuha bodypillow cuz I thought it was funny and they used his NORMAL art, not some weird spicy stuff... a bunch of buttons (the bottom left is a gift for a friend, the others are my new favourite Genshin Impact character, Lyney), a bag that has Lyney's constellation on it WHICH GLOWS IN THE DARK, two key chains also related to Lyney.
And because I still felt a little frustrated about my photo with Elijah, I could not resist buying a selfie with him as well. Also super expensive, and a bit awkward as he stayed on his side of the table, but... I love the photo so much.
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I told him... gosh I am sOBBING. I told him I wanted to come as Wilfred (which btw, on day 2 I actually found a Wilfred cosplay, IT WAS SO COOL and he told me I was the ONLY one who recognized him).
So I told Elijah I wanted to go as Wilfred instead, but alas... and you know what he told me????
"Well, you look beautiful."
I'm..................... in tears. I can't believe how someone who is technically a stranger can impact me so much. I am actually proper crying just writing about this now. Elijah fucking Wood said I look beautiful. Let's... let's move to day two.
Day two. So on this day I was again making my way to Elijah Wood's Q&A again at 11 am, and this time I took notes! Which is great as someone with potential aphantasia.
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Some notes are...
We touched upon the subject of Daniel Radcliffe and him being a bit of a meme, so he told another story on it. He was in an elevator with someone and he could see this person was building up the courage to say something. He was thinking really hard, and when the elevator opened, he yelled "Harry Potter!" to which Elijah Wood REALLY comedically replied "NO!" and it was SO funny the way he landed his story.
He also mentioned that usually when he is misunderstood for another actor, he kinda lets it slip. He does not want to break their dream. He will only say it if they specifically ask him "are you [name]?" but otherwise he goes with the flow. This has also caused him trouble though, lol.
He ended up deep in conversation with an older woman, I think in a shop. She would be like "hey I saw you on a talk show yesterday" and Elijah was basically thinking: "I was not on one yesterday, but reruns happen all the time, it must've been that" so he went on with it. However, the more she continued, the more he realized it was not actually about him, as the woman went on about how she could relate about his feelings on thanksgiving as a vegan. That is when Elijah realized that it was not about him, it was about Tobey Maguire. He was already in so deep though, he just kind-of laughed it off and hoped the conversation would just end as soon as possible. He did not want to ruin this woman's day of course, but luckily she did end the conversation soon after that, he was so relieved. He just thought it was unique he was mistaken for Tobey Maguire in this instance.
Also very important, he said STROOPwafel correctly, he said the double o in the Dutch way instead of the butchered English way. Bless him.
He also talked so much about his experience with Jim Carrey, loved hearing him talk about him. Basically confirmed Jim is a cool and funny dude.
AND OF COURSE! A fan in the audience: "I have a question. It is very important and can be career changing. [pause]. Will you wear wigs?" - EVERYONE fucking died at the spot. The way it was landed. Fucking fantastic. Bless than fan for bringing it up. It led to Elijah telling about that his wife had not seen this "interview" until recently. He went like "...babe..." in such a tone, it was fantastic.
Brainpower was his Q&A interviewer, he is really talented, love that he also brings up less popular roles. He brought many GOOD questions and notes, a lot about his acting career, but I did not take many notes on it, but we did get a fun fact about what could have been in Dirk Gently season 3. There was going to be an invisible entity that would've basically been there the whole time and there would have been interesting quarrels between Todd and his sister. Man...
Overall... Elijah Wood was a very pleasant man to listen to. He is very calm, he has a sincere kindness to him that I cannot explain. You can tell he has been in the acting business for so long, been doing Comic Con gigs for so long, he was radiating. His eyes just expressed so much friendliness. Comfort. It is odd to describe, and actually kind-of funny considering how much of a horror fan he is, that he is suck a kind and comforting person.
Alright. That was the Q&A. What I noticed during the Q&A was that he had a different look about him though; he had shaved. This triggered my FOMO and purchased ANOTHER expensive photo with the man.
In this photo I am about to post... you may not see it... is a very happy woman. In the queue I was building up an incredible amount of courage; I would regret it if I did not try it... I... I went in to ask for a hug.
"Can I ask a question?" ("yeah") "You can say no, but can I have a hobbit hug?" (not exact quotes, a rough memory of how it went)
And... I actually got to hug Elijah Wood. ;_; I got to receive the realest of hobbit hugs. I was too nervous to properly live in the moment, but it was a blessing. I am proud that I asked, that I had the courage, I would have really regretted it if I did not, and I'm just - ;_;
The photo was after the hug though.
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And gosh look at his face, he looks so precious and happy. I did take off my hat from the cosplay to take the photo as you can see. I'm so happy I took the opportunity and took another photo, that I dared ask him for that hug, and I am grateful for his kindness.
That is enough about him... I have more merch to show.
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This is a BEAUTIFUL postcard I bought for my bestie Jamaine. It is an astral-looking cat, and I thought it was perfect for her.
I also took a photo of merch I really wanted, but could not afford anymore.
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The image does not do it justice though, it was printed on metal and the shimmer made it GORGEOUS. There was also one with Mew and Mewtwo where it looked gorgeous because of the moon shimmering.
But lastly merch that I DID buy, including another gift for friends.
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On the left a bath bomb shaped like a d20 with an actual dice set inside. Next to that three buttons, one of Lyney, two D&D buttons (bard/warlock) and a gift button in the glowing bag that made me laugh. The plush on the right was a gift for my bestie Jamaine because it reminded me of her cat, they both look like actual void. The nerds candy string was actually a gift from an old friend from college, she worked at an American & Japanese candy stand.
I also took a bath today with this bath bomb, so it was destiny I would make my Comic Con post today. These were the dice inside:
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I love them! I was so excited when I saw them haha. These are now my cleanest dice ever, HAHA!
I also wanted to quickly post this last pic of me meeting my internet-friend June. We had never met IRL yet and I have no idea who she is cosplaying, but still!
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I was not entirely prepared for the photo haha, I am still wearing my bag, holding my phone etc... but it is what it is hahaha.
I also had onigiri again, and they finally wrote my name right in the other Starbucks than the last three times I went (I spent a lot of money on these toffee nut lattes).
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I went for Mimi because of my cosplay instead of Miri, and besides spelling it right, THEY EVEN ADDED A SMILEY. Bless 'em.
So yeah, that is a summary of possibly the best weekend of my life.
Elijah Wood... thank you SO much... for just being you. Being awesome. Reliving this by writing about it is bringing me so much joy.
— WDCC - 2023 - hobbit vibes / Mimi cosplay DCC - 2023 - no real cosplay WDCC - 2022 - scuffed Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC - 2022 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) / scuffed Ellie (The Last of Us) RCC 2020 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) WDCC 2019 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) / Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2019 - no report, little happened
DCC 2019 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) / Mimi (Digimon) DCC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) ACC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) RCC 2018 - Mimi (Digimon) WDCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) DCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) RCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2016 - Hook (Once Upon A Time) DCC 2016 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC 2015 - Sunday - Hobbit (Lord of the Rings) DCC 2015 - Saturday - Ellie (The Last of Us)
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drwormdcg · 2 years
Learning to Love Good Decks
Or how a timmy became a Spike and then a Mel
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TAK/CORE TCG September Evo Cup Top 16
A small recount about how during Digimon [BT5]. I broke taboo about playing the best deck in the format and how it affected me positively.
As TCG players we usually pivot away from [tier 0-1] decks due to the triviality of a relative power advantage over our peers, maybe the decks are perceived as easier, more linear, etc. But the truth is unequivocally good decks can teach you about aspects of the game which are mostly ignored by new players.
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I actually started to play this game around [BT4] in plain Yellow WarGrey Format, and my color of choice was red, I was piloting a [BT4] ShineGrey deck (one of my favorite cards ever, but thats a story for another time.)
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But then the infamous LordKnightmon tier 0 format came by in [BT5]. And I ended building the deck in question after it was favored in my pulls, Had to sell my soul for a pair of TKs and Pulsemon but every card I needed for the deck after that was actually fairly easy to get, so I said:
"what the hell I am expending so much in this game I may as well pick some wins."
What was the result? I performed like fucking ass for the first half of the format.
LKM was a good deck, the best deck probably, it had an unfair edge in it's ability to cheat out Lv5 digimon to the field as well as the best removal in the game by far.
With an ideal stack
The player can start the turn with WarGrowlmon, use its effect to do -4K
Evolve into LKM, attack, use its effect to play a Knigthmon which deal another -4K on play, finish its attack.
And evolve that new Knight into a SlashAngemon for -8K
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For a total of -16k damage for a total cost of 6 memory spread across multiple targets and 2 Lv6 digimon on the field. Mind you in a time period where removing a Lv6 or higher digimon meant either dropping a Gaia Force or getting Omnimon on the field.
But that was just a branch of all the possible routes you could go with it. With Angewomon you get access to lines in which you play a Knight and a Starmons or a BushiAgumon (maybe even 2) for a hit for game. You even have access to Lucemon for a recovery +1 if you need to stall.
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Just reading these card together explains the strategy in its barebones
For the first time I had a deck that gave me enough fuel to do tons of different things at any point of the match. My red ShineGreymon deck needed me to find tamers and build my guy, then swing at security and hope he would be alive next turn but LKM gave me a flowchart of questions and options at almost every relevant point of the game.
The deck was a huge toolbox with generous action economy. The problem was, you, the player, needed to manage those resources and find the shortest route to your win. It becomes a game about Macro. Do you extent early? Do you play defensively, count how many attacks your opponent has over you next turn. You gotta manage the Pickmon -1k you are missing to attack over that Hexeblaumon this turn before it becomes a problem, or maybe remove that blocker on field so you can go for lethal.
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I took LKM to the online Regionals and got beat by everything, Lilith-Loop, Hexeblaumon, Sec-con a scimblo black deck. But when I came back to locals, I started to win more games, not undeserved either I was just a better player on macro level. As minimal as it is just learning when to just straight up pass turn was really beneficial, I could identify that even though I was piloting the best deck, it still had a roll, LKM was a reactive strategy.
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By BT6 I started to pivot toward purple strategies, picked Titamon, legitimately not a bad deck but a much much more difficult one, in part because it didn't carry that generous action economy LKM had. In Tita you build an ideal stack, discard some cards, and with luck and care you will have from 2 to 5 security checks in one turn, with all the flexibility purple already brings to the table. We were still just hitting hard. But despite some learning rounds I was a much more confident player, Titamon had an excellent niche against the best deck at the time, GabuBond, because you could build a Lv6 blocker with retaliation abusing the way Rebellimon retains the effect even if it evolves on Titamon.
But I did dip back into LKM builds, Lordknigth-Dynas was a fantastic. Less strong comparatively to its predecessor but it carried this action economy that made me enamored with it on the first place.
In short, picking wins with a better deck will always be easier than with a worse deck, there's fun in being able to pilot a powerhouse. I dont have to tell you this but winning in cardgames is fun, and even tho losing can be fun, the root of said fun is having a chance in the first place. No one likes being the coughing baby . And sure, over favorable wins aren't fun either.
Playing a close to tier 0 deck in BT5 taugth me that, when your gameplan is working you get to learn a game about what do you do once your deck is working, in contrast to the struggle to achieve your gameplan in the first place.
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I now pretty much play only Mastemon, a deck historically known for being a deck about struggling to achieve its gameplan. (We find gatomon or we cry) But for me now it feels like its a risk I calculate before choosing the deck, rather than the blind gravitation to quirky off-meta decks I used to feel.
It will save me stress, to know that my Sakuyamon deck which is really inconsistent but has strong and satisfactory blow out. Will lose the majority of games it plays against a consistent aggro deck like Imperial. And it is the awareness of these weaknesses what allows me to play around them.
Maybe by the end not much has changed, I used to play quirky trashy decks, then I played LKM for a season and then went back to my jank. I am not a fantastic pilot in the first place but I like to imagine the humbling experience of being in the big chair changed the way I see the game, the decks I like, the options I can take when building a given strategy and the way I play the macro game. And I feel, if you are starting in any decent tcg and can afford it or have the chance be in a simulator or playing with proxies, try the best deck in the room. Even better, ask you friends to do the same, you will get a perspective change, you will play fire with fire and your piloting skills will be rewarded with some of the most satisfactory wins, and all you learn there, you will take it with you next time you show up to locals playing Black/White Diaboromon-Eosmon OTK
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v-mundi · 2 years
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Angels! Royal Domain needed some art fixes to feathery, heavenly powers. Since RD contained Holyangemon and Angewomon, we took the opportunity to make the existing ones look a lot better.
Holyangemon - I heavily edited this Battle Mode model to have reflections, partial visor/shield transparency, galactic sparkle sword excalibur, metallic boots, and shiny wings! It was a lot of work but it paid off in the end. After the RD version was posed, we made a more neutral one for the old version’s art fix.
Angewomon - For this, we wanted elegance but not so ·派手, not so garish, reflective, shiny, and flashy as Holyangemon. Angewomon has a matte finish with superdense stylized outlines. We found the hard shader not to be as useful here, since she’s a very complex shape overall. It was hiding tiny pieces of wing or fingers everywhere. Unlike the much more aggressive and battle-hardened RD version, this Base Set Angewomon is floating gracefully.
Valdurmon - The biggest birdie was pretty ugly before, since it was really just a pre-rendered JPG I had to cut out from the DMO wiki. Ugh. Now that I have a real model from a more updated game (Cyber Sleuth), we have a real Valdurmon art! We added an octagonal rainbow ring to symbolize the 8-way paths and the full-circle rainbow of Valdur. Funfact, we got the word for Ruler-type from the word Valdur here. We made a shiny material that’s part rainbow, part aqua colors for the wings. This was also used in RD on an evolution card.
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lazyspeedster93 · 3 years
If I could just find a Hikari/Kari tamer card, I might just make a pure Yagami siblings deck.
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digi-lov · 4 months
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Angewomon Ace BT15-038 Alternative Art by Teppei Tadokoro from BT-15 Booster Exceed Apocalypse
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digi-lov · 8 months
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Kari Kamiya BT15-084, Nyaromon BT15-003, Salamon BT15-034, Gatomon BT15-037, Angewomon Ace BT15-038, and Magnadramon BT15-042 by tyuga from BT-15 Booster Exceed Apocalypse
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digi-lov · 6 months
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Tamer Goods Set Angewomon & LadyDevimon [PB14] Playmat by Tonamikanji
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Angewomon ST10-05 and LadyDevimon ST10-12 Alternative Arts by Tonamikanji from PB-14 Tamer Goods Set Angewomon & LadyDevimon
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digi-lov · 7 months
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LadyDevimon BT3-088 and Angewomon BT3-039 Full Arts by yuuki. from the GB-03 Gift Box 2023
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digi-lov · 1 year
PB-01: Tamer's Evolution Box
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PB-01: Playmat by sasasi
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PB-01: Card Sleeves
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digi-lov · 2 years
I wanna talk about Angewomon, LadyDevimon and Mastemon.
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Angewomon and LadyDevimon both debuted in Digital Monster Ver. S: Digimon Tamers for the Sega Saturn back in 1998.
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Angewomon is an Archangel, and LadyDevimon is a Fallen Angel who can be considered somewhat of Angewomon's dark counterpart. This is reflected in their designs, as they contain certain elements that mirror each other.
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Digimon World Re:Digitize features them as Partner Digimon of one singular tamer, Mirei Mikagure. Later in Digimon Cyber Sleuth, we get introduced to their Jogress Evolution Mastemon, almost 20 years after their own debut.
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The Starter Deck ST-10 Parallel World Tactician revolves around that very Jogress Evolution. It contains matching cards for Angewomon and LadyDevimon, and of course, Mastemon is featured in it.
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The ST-10 Mastemon Alternative Art card was released in the Japanese format through the Starter Deck Complete Set 2021 and in the English format as Box Toppers in EX-02 Digital Hazard and AB-01 Adventure Box. The ST-10 Angewomon and LadyDevimon will receive Alternative Art Cards along with a matching Playmat in 2023s PB-14.
On the playmat, you can also see Mastemon's silhouette in between the two.
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The Starter Deck name Parallel World Tactician is also Mastemon's title. The Reference Book states that it leads an army of Angel and Fallen Angel Digimon. The BT3 card of Mastemon also makes a reference to this.
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In the upcoming BT-11, Angewomon and LadyDevimon once again received matching cards with mutual support effects, this time also featuring Mirei alongside them on the card.
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