starsourcecokr · 8 months
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Culture Creative has responded to recent speculation that singer Grey breached an advertisement deal contract. Days after the annual Asia Arts, Entertainment, and Sports Gala was held in Bangkok, an anonymous user shared a post to a popular community site accusing an unnamed celebrity singer of failing to fulfil their end of an advertising contract with several other celebrities who attended the gala. When another anonymous user claiming to be a staff member for the advertisement shoot shared further details, attention turned to soloist and Blacklight lead singer Grey. On Tuesday, Grey’s home agency responded to a request for comment with a brief statement: “Any disputes between Culture Creative talent and outside contractors will be treated as private issues and handled accordingly. Culture Creative will continue to work to communicate with brand officials to avoid misunderstandings and properly convey any unforeseen circumstances.” The statement has earned criticism from commenters, who claim it confirms Grey is the mystery celebrity and that Grey and Culture Creative are refusing to take responsibility.
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starlabels · 8 months
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idlingworship · 1 year
Jihye's been told she has a vivid imagination.
Today it seems more overactive than anything.
She eyes the wide-eyed girl with hands on both cheeks in embarrassment as she profusely apologises to the entire studio for the nth time for making a mistake. Really, wasting everyone's time, but Jihye digresses.
They'd gone over it all of last night, and while she doesn't think Jimin would be on SMTM anytime soon, she'd thought the other girl had at least gotten the verse down. If it's a ploy to get more screentime, Jihye would get it. Respect it, even. It seems more genuine incompetence than anything, though, and Jihye wants to shove the other girl's head through the glass of the recording booth.
She's visited her happy place so many times during the survival show it's been struggling with overtourism, and right now, it's just not cutting it. Her lyric sheet's crumpled with the amount of times she's tightened her fist around it every time Jimin fucks up, and as she takes a glance around the studio, everyone seems similarly tired.
She sighs involuntarily, because she might scream if she doesn't. It's louder than she means it to be, though, and she locks eyes with their producer, who looks like he's in a similarly frustrated boat.
IT'S NICE TO HAVE A FRIEND. with ♡, for @ofgreyskies' ash.
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sungpeach · 11 months
sung was regretting having requested to take himself to his schedules today. he enjoyed time alone, but the car wasn't a particularly fun place to be alone. on top of that, it was raining.
rain was a fickle creature in sung's mind, one with both a sense of solemn sadness and warm coziness, depending on the day. in its truth, he knew that it was based around his emotions more than anything else, yet, like any part of the natural world around him, it made him feel more connected to imagine it as a creature with a sense of self.
today, his friend the rain felt lonely, and sung felt lonely with it.
as he opened his umbrella, ready to fully exit the building from his day's schedule, sung noticed someone in a worse predicament than he was. sung made his way over, and though he hesitated when he realized he recognized the person, he still offered, "would you like to share?" and wiggled the umbrella to make his point.
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its-jace · 1 year
❝ pour up
❝ the more the time passes, the more unfocused my eyes get i got 99 problems but this one makes me dizzy @ofgreyskies
it felt just a bit weird, to not have seen ash for such a long time. it was long really, a few months. sporadic texts and whatever news article was posted, is pretty much all jihoon had. of course, he didn't mind. they were both pretty busy people, but their schedule this year was not it if he had to be honest. they had what, two months to catch up before he himself had to fuck off for a tour of his own. maybe he could bribe ash for some tips, that wouldn't be to hard, would it? that was one of the many reasons jihoon had invited ash over, to his studio of all places, for a drink or two, maybe more, they would have to see what the night brought.
"oh how generous of you, to finally great me with your presence." he says, obviously joking with the over the top voice he was using as his friend opened the door to the studio. he was just taking out some of the unopened bottles of whiskey, champagne and apparently wine from one of his shelves. glasses and some snacks already placed on the table next to the couch. despite the success of his past few albums, including the one released this year, jihoon really stuck to the original studio space culture creative had given him. there was something nostalgic about he, he wasn't really ready to give it up despite it already being nearly five years since he joined the company.
he waves ash to come and make himself comfortable as he places the bottles on the table "your pick, it's to celebrate the success of your solo tour." jihoon says, smile tugging wide on his lips as he takes a seat in the chair he pulls from his desk. "we can also order food, i had no clue what you wanted to have so i didn't mind waiting for your suggestions." he adds, because he is very much aware how the two of them could be.
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hyoisms · 1 year
what's the biggest lie you've ever told? what is one group you think has worse music than angelic and one that has better music than angelic? if you had to erase one role from your filmography, which would you pick?
what's the biggest lie you've ever told?
"one time, one of my drama directors asked me if i liked their haircut, and i pretty much lied through my teeth. oops."
what is one group you think has worse music than angelic and one that has better music than angelic?
"well, the better music one is easy. i've been vocal about how big of a deep blue fan i am, so i'd pick them. worse? i mean, i guess i don't really listen to eternal's music on my own. if they're playing on the radio, i'll bop my head along, but that's kind of it."
if you had to erase one role from your filmography, which would you pick?
"oh, hmm. where stars land did most poorly, so i guess that one? of course, i adore all the roles i've played, but sometimes even i have a hard time remembering yeoreum."
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tspoints · 9 months
muse name: ash kwon / grey
completed task: passed four activity checks
links: [1, 2, 3, 4]
update: +1 booking point
new total: 4 booking points
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tsevents · 10 months
NOTICE: asia arts, entertainment, and sports gala —
blacklight (grey) will be performing a short set during the gala.
original submission —
muse name: ash kwon / grey (as a member of blacklight)
proposal item description: blacklight will perform a short set during the gala
additional details: blacklight’s live set will be about fifteen minutes, consisting of four songs (the definition of ugly is, tomboy, realize, and outcast) some time after the ceremony portion of the gala.
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yebinisms · 1 year
what is your least favorite future/femme song? how talented do you think you are on a scale from 1 to 10? what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done on camera?
what is your least favorite future/femme song?
"like title song? i mean, we only have three but admittedly, i never liked tomboy. it ends too abruptly. sorry to my members who wrote it, but i'd switch out our debut track."
how talented do you think you are on a scale from 1 to 10?
"a solid 7.5 like i'm not the best singer, dancer, rapper or whatever in the group, but i'm pretty confident in putting on a performance. i pull off whatever position pretty well."
what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done on camera?
"there are way too many embarrassing moments of me that have been aired. the number one that always makes me cringe, however, is when i pretty much barfed up a disgusting drink i had on a workdol episode. yuck."
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parkduris · 1 year
dazed korea x ul:kin x cahiers seoul fashion week afterparty. with @ofgreyskies.
he wasn't entirely sure how he had managed to be convinced to come to an afterparty. nightlife was something that was never really duri's thing or anything like that. he doesn't drink, due to his allergy to alcohol, and he's not much of a partier at all. but, somehow, due to some of his friends convincing him to go; he ended up coming, and not really having the best time. it was too crowded, it was loud, and it was simply something that duri wasn't having fun with; something that he really should have known, at least. but, he thought that he should just try, right? it seemed like the best course of action.
nonetheless, he stays to the wall, not doing much. he looks onwards, out into the crowd. though, arguably, that probably makes it a tad bit worse, a little more overwhelming. but, he wasn't at least around a lot of people. he thought about leaving and going home, but he almost felt it would be weird for him to leave already. but, he probably shouldn't be in a place where he doesn't belong, right? especially when he doesn't actually want to be there and he doesn't have to tell anyone - he can just say that he ended up getting sick if anyone asked where he ended up.
so, with that, duri decides to make his way to leave the event, to be able to simply go home; maybe stop by somewhere for a treat before fully heading home. though, it seems, something else was in mind when he'd accidentally run into someone. "oh! sorry!" he says. his eyes would look up, before seeing grey, whom he would bow to, a few times at least. "sorry, sunbae! i should have been watching where i was going!" he said. "are you having a good time?" he might as well do small talk, right? just so it didn't look like he was really trying to leave, or something.
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rhiannonmyblue · 1 year
rhiannon is no stranger to writing sessions with creatives from her company. as nurturing of a place for artisty as culture creative can be, she's hardly ever allowed to release anything without going through lyrics, melody and the sorts with other people. usually it's the inhouse producers and writers, but every now and then she meets up with other idols, or outside creatives, even some foreign ones. she's well versed on the necessary politeness, on how to navigate saying no to those people when they tinker too much with something of hers, on how to accept suggestions, even if begrudingly. it's part of the job and she enjoys it as much as she dreads it.
she's not told who's supposed to come for this session, but she arrives early anyway. her manager tells her it was a matter of checking schedules, and rhiannon knows to expect someone who's relatively busy - as she, surprisingly, is not very much so as of late - and she makes through an entire song and a full cup of coffee before the door of the studio opens and in walks ash.
immediately it feels wrong for him to be here. there's a unspoken agreement between the two of them that reserves their moments together to when it's only them and no one else, in places far removed from their daily life. they are not even supposed to know each other, publicly, and the realisation of that is what kicks her into finally speaking. "ah, hi," she bows, extending her hand for a handshake, politely holding her elbow. "i'm haewon jung. nice to meet you." she feels silly pretending not to know someone who knows so much about her. but she also doesn't know which lines she's supposed to cross under prying eyes.
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starsourcecokr · 9 months
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a celebrity is in hot water after unceremoniously backing out of an ad deal they made along with other aaes gala attendees. the celebrity singer's days of being in high demand for advertisements are in the past, so everyone was surprised when instead of showing up for an all expenses paid vacation in return for an easy brand deal, they hopped a last minute flight back home instead. staff for the advertisement shoot didn't find out until they contacted the singer's management themselves.
— post deleted dec. 20 at 1am
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traumahqs · 3 years
changed urls for multi-muse, amber & danica can both be found here!
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sungpeach · 1 year
he'd only stepped away for a few minutes to attend to a friend, but what with the tears and consoling, by the time he made his way back to the table, it had completely changed. a new set of people were near or at it, and two cups with similar looking contents sat atop.
the street smart thing to do would be to get another cup, though that didn't occur to him. what did was to stare at the cups for a moment as if he would suddenly recall the exact position he'd left his in. while he didn't think it was the biggest issue to grab the wrong one, he'd been trying to stay sober for the night in order to keep up appearances.
thankfully, or perhaps not, he recognized a face in the new crowd. sung tapped grey on the shoulder, quick and light as if his shoulder was burning. "oh, um, hi, is this-" he pointed to one glass, then switched to the other, before recognizing his sentence wouldn't lead where he truly meant. "do you know which drink is yours?"
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tspoints · 10 months
admin note —
grey has been confirmed for his upcoming compilation release (welcome to the show: the archives)! please complete the related development or character item (see here for ideas) within the next month. if extenuating circumstances make this difficult, please contact the admin for an extension. if you would like to make any major changes to this career item past this point, please contact the admin to do so.
updated total: 3 booking points
muse name: ash kwon / grey
career item description: compilation release
additional details: to wrap up the year, he’ll upload a compilation of three tracks he composed and arranged that were used during his recent world tour onto soundcloud under the title WELCOME TO THE SHOW : THE ARCHIVES. the tracks will eventually be made available on other streaming sites (i.e. spotify, apple music) before the release of his next album, but are initially only available on soundcloud.
track list:
the gods can bleed
mito reborn
avalon interlude - band version
preferred date(s) of item: december 31, 2023
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tsevents · 10 months
NOTICE: asia arts, entertainment, and sports gala —
grey will be performing a mini-concert.
original submission —
muse name: ash kwon / grey
proposal item description: mini-concert
additional details: he’ll hold a small solo concert at a local bar the night before the gala, where he’ll play an acoustic set of some of his songs, old and new. he’ll take some requests and might have a surprise guest or two (to be plotted).
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