ofmermaidstories · 3 years
U think bakugo ever gets so angry his mouth misses surrender reader’s when he’s trying to have a passionate heated make out session because I do
Katsuki’s home for once, sleeping off the last few days in the darkness of his room, cocooned.
It’s early evening before he remerges. You’re peeling the potatoes for dinner when you hear him shuffling from the room to the bath, keeping track of him by the running of the taps before he closes the door, the sound cutting off — leaving you alone in the quiet of his large apartment, trying to amuse yourself by carving the perfect spiral of a potato peel; petty, silly.
When he wakes up after a marathon sleep it always takes him a while to come back, to return to the here and now; his mind catching up with the rest of his body as it realises it can finally relax, can take these next few hours to pause and breathe. He can be reticent even on good days: after big missions, after a series of demanding patrols, he’s even more silent, staying that way until something annoys him enough that he comes back into himself — or makes him laugh in his startling way.
The city outside is falling into dusk: the windows opened wide to the pink-twilight city glimmer. You hum along to a song on the television, jiggling the rice you’re rinsing and hear the traceable movement of your Pro Hero as he shuffles back into the living room.
“Hi!” You call out behind you cheerily, rinsing your hands and darting between the sink and the fridge. The door rattles as you open it, looking for the cold water bottle you set aside for him, earlier — but then big arms are slipping around you, enveloping you, and there’s the touch of lips against your neck, the feel of Katsuki’s fine hair against your face. The soapy, minty freshness of him, clean from washing up.
You lean back into the weight of him, the warmth, and he pulls you in tighter; breathing in deeply, like he’s still half-asleep. He very well might be — for a moment you stand together in front of the open refrigerator as you trace the veins of his hands, his arms, nosing into the side of his head where its against you.
“Hi,” You say again: softer, against the fine down of hair by his ear. Everything within you is vibrating that he’s here, that you’re together — your very cells rioting, hyperaware of his closeness. The invasion of space that only belongs to him.
The fridge beeps. You try and tug away from his arms to get his drink, to close the door — he pulls you back and kicks the door shut with a grunt. “No,” He says, and it’s ridiculous enough that you laugh. It’s the jiggling of the rice you were rinsing, the weight against the sieve; your body moves against his and he buries his face in your neck, like he’s trying to osmosis your laughter through your skin.
You breathe in and settle and eventually he lets you turn in his arms, your hands snaking up between you, his bare chest and going to his face, cupping his cheeks. The lines under his eyes are deeper, now, than they have been since you’ve known him — he looks at you, ruby eyes dark and tired, and your heart tightens.
You thumb the shadows of his face, gently. The feather-light touch of handling something so irredeemably precious. In answer he dips into you, a headbutt with no real force; you’re breathing one another in now, and you let your hands slip from the panes of his face to his shoulders, your fingertips mapping the familiar feel of him.
“You need more sleep,” You whisper to him; the tiny space between you gaining all the sanctity of a Library’s quiet.
Katsuki huffs. It’s light against you. “D’wanna.” He says, annoyed, childish. His hands - hands that have destroyed, that have saved, that are now on you - tighten. You wait, tracing the edges of the scar on his shoulder.
“Missed you ‘n shit.” He says at last, even more annoyed, now.
You droop into him, wilting like a flower; you’ve missed him too. He hasn’t been home in almost a week — it’s not the longest of his stints, not lately, and you knew what you were signing up for, when you fell for him — but it doesn’t make it any easier. When he is home the two of you sleep in shifts, almost: only able to be together, both awake and coherent, for a few stolen hours. It means the need to be near him has gotten so persuasive, lately, that sometimes when you’re here and he’s in bed, sleeping off a battle, you crawl in next to him; carefully and lightly, curling into his warmth and forcing yourself into a midday nap, just to be near him, to share his space. You always awake entangled and overheated, afterwards — Katsuki finding you in his sleep and dragging you close, missing you just as much as you do him, even in his dreams. It’s never comfortable — he runs hot, constantly, and it’s like sleeping with a heater but —
It doesn’t matter. It’s just more proof that he’s there. That he’s with you, alive and home safe.
There’s a light touch of lips at your neck once more; leading, ghost-like tracing, kisses, from the dip of your collarbone to just under your jaw bone as you tilt, giving him more access. Everything within you pulses, tightens — he nips at the soft skin just below your ear and you finally turn your face to his, enough to feel the sharp intake of his breath before his lips meet yours, deepening the kiss almost instantly.
His mouth is cool and tastes of mint and aniseed from his toothpaste and mouthwash, respectively — you let him spin you, pressing you into the counter. He pulls away, grunting something, leaving you momentarily bemused — before he presses in close again, mouth on yours, his hands hot even through the fabric of your shirt.
You want to claw your way into this man. He tilts you back — like he’s trying to claw into you, too and you break apart only long enough for the both of you to draw in what breath you need, gasping before you are kissing again, sloppily. Hungry for the need to be close.
Behind you, something begins to vibrate — and then Katsuki’s phone is bursting into life with that ridiculous old All Might cartoon theme, sharp and loud in the apartment. You pull away from your hero with a sharp breath, your disappointment tangible — Katsuki rips himself away from you with a hiss, grabbing for his phone angrily, as he answers, “What the fuck do you want?”
You can hear Kaminari clearly. “Yo! Kacchan! Love hearing from you too, dude. A few of us are meeting up tonight — ”
That’s all poor Kaminari gets a chance to say. Katsuki pulls away from his phone, looking at the screen incredulously — and then hangs up, letting it clatter against the counter.
Despite yourself, you laugh. “Did you have to be such an asshole?”
Katsuki grunts, one hand pushing back his hair, irritated. “They all fucking knew I don’t wanna hear shit unless it’s about the case.” His eyes cut to you — in the kitchen lights, they glimmer, and his mouth softens. “They know I don’t get much… free time, or whatever.” To spend with you, he means.
You’re close enough that you can reach out and touch him, easily, so you do; pressing your fingers into his chest before letting your palm slide against him. Underneath it, you can feel the steady comfort of his heartbeat. He’s here. He’s alive and he’s home safe.
Maybe Katsuki is thinking the same thing. In a lot of ways, he remains a constant mystery to you; he covers your hand with his, pressing it further against him. His hand is warm; he’s warm. You trace the outline of your fingers together and then follow the soft lines of him, his collar bone, his adam’s apple — the motion of his neck as he swallows. And then your eyes are meeting his.
This man, you think. It’s awe and it’s love and it’s disbelief that he’s here. That you’re here, with him.
You lean into him; he catches you in a hug, tight and warm, his arms thick around you. Nosing against him, you breathe in his scent, the salty sweetness, and then say, “I’ve missed you.”
“Yeah,” He grunts. You feel his lips in your hair, and then against the shell of your ear, his breath. “Missed you, too.” He headbutts you again, the heavy thunk of his forehead against the top of yours. You snuffle against him, annoyed.
“I have to make dinner,” You say, like you weren’t the one to bury yourself against him.
“Don’t care,” He says, a large hand slipping to the back of your neck — forcing you to look up at him, to meet his gaze, heated and soft. “Don’t want it,” He adds, his thumb stroking the soft skin behind your ear. “M’ — just wanna crawl back into bed with you and get some fuckin’ rest for once.”
“What rest,” You tease, but his hands tighten against you and you know what he means. It’s the same thing that drives you to nap, just to be close to him. To wait while he sleeps off a hard day, just so you’re there to welcome him back to the living. It’s just — it’s just the need to be together, in whatever way you can.
“I love you,” You say out-loud.
Katsuki headbutts you again, harder this time and you make a small squawk of protest — but he’s keeping his forehead against yours, trying to rub his nose against you, affectionate in the fickle way of a cat.
“Love you, too.” He says. You try and bite his cheek in retaliation — he swears, and tries to bite back and you are laughing, shaking like your sieve of rice — Katsuki holding you close, like he’s trying to osmosis your laughter through your skin.
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ofmermaidstories · 3 years
The Sun God’s Bride - chapter one: honeycomb [a bakugou x reader fic]
SUMMARY: Three warnings are given to the land, before you learn of the Oracle’s prophecy.
(Bakugou x Reader, fantasy!AU: in which we journey to Mount Musutafu in order to follow the Oracle’s decree to marry the Sun God — accompanied by the fierce, red-eyed Commander of the Sun God’s army)
read on ao3
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ofmermaidstories · 4 years
something (just like this) - chapter one: origin story [a deku x reader fic]
SUMMARY: It probably says a lot about you that your first thought on meeting Deku, international Symbol of Peace, isn't something like "Oh, wow," or, "Oh he's so nice," but is, instead, the un-Plus Ultra thought of, "I definitely would’ve bullied him, in high school."
At least until those muscles came in.
(Midoriya Izuku x Reader, Pro Hero AU: in which Midoriya is an absolute nerd for the release of his own hero-inspired comic book series -- and the artist responsible for it)
read on ao3
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ofmermaidstories · 3 years
something (just like this) - chapter two: festival episode [a deku x reader fic]
SUMMARY: It probably says a lot about you that your first thought on meeting Deku, international Symbol of Peace, isn't something like "Oh, wow," or, "Oh he's so nice," but is, instead, the un-Plus Ultra thought of, "I definitely would’ve bullied him, in high school."
At least until those muscles came in.
(Midoriya Izuku x Reader, Pro Hero AU: in which Midoriya is an absolute nerd for the release of his own hero-inspired comic book series -- and the artist responsible for it)
read on ao3
You piece together a story — and get things wrong, as usual.
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ofmermaidstories · 3 years
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im gonna live up to my username this may and write a merman AU — fishe boyfriend time. 🐠💕 it’ll be a one-shot (or divided into two chapters posted at the same time), and i’m aiming to upload it at the same time i update something (just like this). fishe boyfriend, wait for ussss. 🐠🌊💕
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ofmermaidstories · 3 years
Sorry if you’ve answered this before and I’ve missed it but who else have you thought about writing for in your series? I love your writing style and the depth you give the characters! … also obsessed with your drawings I set them as my wallpaper every time you draw a new one 🥺
oh….. hello 🥺💖 i got this ask and was like HMMMM,,,, lemme try and draw a proper wallpaper??? it didn’t turn out like i was,,,, envisioning tho LOL, but i will share it anyways —
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progress is a slow and steady race 😔✌🏽 a friend helped me with his face…. i tend to draw my people too passive dlkfjlsdkjfkldj but originally i wanted it to be romantic. 🥺 oh well… LOL, it is a gremlin i guess fkldjklsdjfd.
but!!! onto your actual ask, LOL: Shouto is up next, in this lil series of ours!!!! Shouto with a jeweller Reader!!! i also have vague plans for a Shinsou x Reader, and a Kirishima x Reader but given how long it takes me to write one fic, they won’t be out for a long while yet — and also idk if they’ll be apart of the same AU??? i don’t wanna have everyone….. dating a civilian, LOL, might get awkies sdlkjfklsdjfklsdjf. but after the deku fic i wanna post another lil one-shot — maybe a fireman!bakugou one, if the poll on twitter is to be believed?? and i might also slip in a lil original fantasy in there, just for fun. 🧐 so basically we’re jumping all over the place!!! anyways,,, hello anon. 🥺 i hope you had a good day. 💕🌷
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ofmermaidstories · 4 years
a moderately-sized chunk from something (just like this) [deku x reader]
“Maybe they’ll do another Hero story,” You say, another private joke with yourself. Your editor had approached you with a pitch, a couple of months before — a licensed property for the Symbol of Peace himself. Nothing had been set up yet, which you were beginning to think of as a blessing in disguise. You couldn’t image the rules and restrictions you’d be working with, if either side came to an agreement.
“Maybe!” He says, and it’s unconvincing and strangled, far removed from the quick confidence he’d been rattling off with just before, about you and Reo. He swallows; you watch the movement of his lips behind his mask, curious. “There have been talks,” He adds, then hastily clarifies, “I mean, theres’s been rumors — ”
“Hero Hentai.” You embellish playfully, grinning. You are a literal menace to society in this mood, but the trap’s been set now. “It’d be more lucrative,” You add. “A knock-off Deku giving it to a Ground Zero fake, maybe. The fangirls would eat it up.”
Your hooded fanboy lets out a tiny, shocked noise, standing rigid. “Maybe!” He says again, a little too loud, and you can’t help your snort.
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ofmermaidstories · 4 years
an ✨excerpt✨, from the deku x reader fic i’m meandering on (with no actual mention of Deku, anywhere):
The pastel colours of a cover catch your eye — you’re always looking for more inspiration, when it comes to Swan-Hime — and you pull the magazine and all its’ extra packing free, the flimsy plastic crinkling in your hand as you look it over. It comes with a little pencil case, pale lavender and blue with tiny gold stars, some cheap golden trinkets dangling from the zipper. You thumb them through the packaging, then eye the model who’s pouting at you. Her cheeks are flushed pink, lips perfectly glossy — they’ve added little stars around her eyes, her lashes long and delicate. It’s a pretty picture, you think idly; you’ll have to try and recreate something like it for the next cover art you do for Hime.
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ofmermaidstories · 4 years
me, drinking my daily ✨🥭Dumb Bitch juice🥭✨, wanting to write a End-of-the-World Bakugou x Reader one-shot so I can hurt my own feelings:
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ofmermaidstories · 4 years
I-I didn't know we were almost done with Surrender!! 😢😢😢😢 Seriously, it's one of my favorite fics. But you should tell us your idea/ideas! They might be bad, they might not be! There's noting to be ashamed of. Everyone has bad ideas at some point or another. I can't tell you how many TV shows I see where I think "....do people actually like this?" And there's a big fan community for it.
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Ignore the gremlin. You’re so sweet, Anon! And yes we are very close to finishing Surrender. 🥺 Like, I’m writing Chapter Six now — and Chapter Seven will be the end (unless I split Chapter Six into two, but I’m loathe to do that so I probably won’t). I’m... hoping it works, LOL, but we’ll see.
I was gonna do a masterpost for WIPs — but didn’t wanna jinx myself lmaooo. But here’s the summary for the one I want to do after Surrender:
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It’s a Deku x Manga Artist fic!! Because Mangaka and their punishing schedules fascinate me,,, Mangaka!Reader gonna be sassier than Florist!Reader tho... much more of a bully LOL.
This isn’t the fic that is a bad idea, tho. 👀 THAT one is,,,,, top secret for now. 👀 Maybe after Surrender’s done, I’ll share my thoughts on it and see if there’s interest. 👀
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