#ofnd: freckledfoot
Is Raven or Jackdaw the one whose biological father is Stagleap? I assume it’s Raven but I could see either.
Why did they decide for Robin to only have a claim to one of the kits?
Is Stagleap at all interested in having a relationship with their kit?
Do Freckle, Chestnut and Cherry resent Robin’s son, or show their dislike publicly if so?
Jackdaw is actually the affair kit!
It was moreso Robinwhisker’s decision. She was so distraught and horrified once her actions truly sank in, so she decided to distance herself from her family. In their initial blind rage and grief over her actions, Freckledfoot, Cherrystorm and Chestnutfur agreed without question that she should essentially be cut out - and if she wanted to take the evidence of her cheating with her, then so be it. (In the recent aftermath of Freckledfoot’s death, Chestnutfur is rethinking and debating this decision… Cherrystorm is more than happy to never look back upon Robinwhisker in any way, however)
Stagleap has no knowledge of their kits. Robinwhisker cut contact with them the very instant she realized that one of her kits had been sired by them in an act of an affair.
Chestnutfur feels… a detached sort of indifference for Jackdaw. They feel for him, and know that, realistically, the destruction of their family wasn’t his fault, but they can’t help but feel somewhat bitter whenever they look at him. Cherrystorm, meanwhile, is boldly resentful of him; she’d rather not talk about the mess that was what her family once was, but if she is pressed, she will gladly snarl out how much she dislikes Jackdaw and Robinwhisker in equal measure, and how they deserve any hardship the Stars place in their path.
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Spill the tea on the RobinFrecked drama, I must know how these cats have been affected. Also, who was Robin’s affair partner or did she just have a fling with a random cat.
In their youth, Robinwhisker and Freckledfoot were sickeningly sweet. They were that couple, the seemingly perfect, deeply in love, forever-in-the-honeymoon-phase pair that everyone envied; it took moons of mutual and obvious pining for the two to finally get together, but they did so shortly after earning their full names. They were happy and loving, and started a family almost instantly: Chestnutfur and Cherrystorm. As parents, they were both loving but somewhat strict, making sure their children knew what was expected of them while also ensuring they knew that they were loved.
For the duration of their kithood into their training, this was how their family stayed. Healthy and loving. But then… something changed in Robinwhisker.
She became more reserved. Less willing to interact with her family, quicker to snap and snarl, easier to upset; she fell into a depression. Nothing sparked this, exactly; Robinwhisker felt as though she had wasted her youth solely with Freckledfoot, using most of her energy to become a partner and a mother rather than her own person. This realization made her a little bitter, and she began to push herself to become better, become greater - and to do that, a family didn’t exactly fit into that. Not for her.
It was during a lone night walk, pushing herself to run through the territory until every inch of it was memorized, every rock and root and patch of earth, so she could run through it with her eyes closed, that she accidentally crossed over the border with the Moorswept and was swiftly caught by a jack named Stagleap. The two hit it off immediately, despite the slightly tense situation; they had a natural chemistry, a sense of mutual respect for one another’s abilities and strength, a sensation of wonder for each other as powerful people rather than simply blind infatuation. Their relationship grew naturally from there, all while Robinwhisker was still sharing a nest with Freckledfoot.
Ultimately, Freckledfoot asked if they could have another litter; of course she had sensed Robinwhisker’s distance, but had simply figured she was trying to figure herself out and wanted to respect that. But even still, she wanted another litter, just one more with her beloved partner to remember this time of peace and love should their relationship sour any further. Robinwhisker agreed, and their litter was sired by a mutual friend within their own faction… but when the kits were born, Robinwhisker was horrified to discover that one of them was practically the spitting image of Stagleap, right down to the shape of their little head, and the dark coloring of their pelt.
She confessed to what she had done immediately, not realizing that her romp with the Moorsweeper would have extended to these lengths. Freckledfoot was horrified and angry, renouncing the kit as hers immediately and taking the other for her own, hot tears streaming down her face all the while. Their family shattered around them, with Robinwhisker devoting all her attention onto her now sole son, and Chestnutfur, Cherrystorm and Freckledfoot renouncing and shaming Robinwhisker.
The two littermates were raised as strangers, kept as far from one another as possible, even when the truth finally reached their ears and they looked upon each other for the first time in that new, strained light.
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Can we get some fun Frecklefoot facts? Seems like an open and steadfast cat from what I’ve heard.
Tbh I only realised recently that her canon equivalent is Leopardfoot I was just imagining her as a new white cat with red speckles.
Heck yeah you can! And lol that’s alright; lots of name changes, I get it T^T
While her littermate is naturally black-and-white, Freckledfoot is actually melanistic!
Unlike many of her fellow Woodruffians, throughout her life, Freckledfoot never donned a single personal decoration. She was a pursuer, and personally felt that any such trinkets would “weigh her down”.
In light of her mother’s death and father’s distancing, little baby Laurelstorm turned to two cats: Mapletail, of course, and Freckledfoot. Freckledfoot was the first to train under Pineheart, and when he was announced as Laurel’s mentor, she stepped in immediately. Offering gentle guidance, advice, tips and tricks - anything she could to give the young molly shrouded in so much tragedy some slack. While unofficial, Freckledfoot picked up the remainder of Laurel’s training before Pineheart’s unfortunate fate.
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FFFF (FreckleFoot Fun Facts)? - ❌
Right here!
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Is/was leopardfoot apart of ofnd? If she was I’m guessing she’s gone since she’s not on the allegiances
She was!! Her rename was Freckledfoot, and she’s the sister of Patchedpelt, mother of Cherrystorm, Chestnutfur, and Raven :D
She died pretty recently compared to OFND’s current narrative, a moon or so before Raven and Jackdaw became the wards of their respective mentors. She went out via a snake bite, sparking an additional fear and wariness of serpents in Raven and Jackdaw both.
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Blackberrylily / Patch / Patchedpelt
Pursuer (formerly a supporter) of the Woodruff Faction (as of: the start of A Dream of Destiny)
A muscular, lanky, spiky-furred black-and-white spotted jack with a scarred left shoulder and green eyes.
Wears a necklace of thin elk leather strips pierced with fox teeth, with two blue heron feathers hung at the right side.
Littermate of Freckledfoot†. Auncle of Chestnutfur and Cherrystorm. Auncle of Raven.
Trained Willowpelt.
174 moons old (equivalent to a 75 year old)
Dutiful, Short-Tempered, Determined | ISTJ-A
Aromantic-Casssexual // Nonbinary-Demiboy // (They/Him/Theirs)
Luke Skywalker - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Mark Hamill
Name implies a patch-furred (bicolored or multi-colored) cat with a notable coat / no other distinctive traits.
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