peppermint-moss · 2 years
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Warrior cat oc designs commissions from August ! (+ a coloured sketch that was also commissioned for myrtlestem c: )
commission info || tip jar
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I know this a weird question, but how will you go about they/them + neopronouns in your story when it comes to writing? I've written them into my stories before but I've had people say its confusing to read and makes the text make no sense.
Not a weird question at all!! I’m actually flattered that people ask questions to this degree for me to answer; it makes me feel like a Real Writer, offerin’ advice, as silly as it is ^^’
So when it comes to neopronouns, I personally don’t really understand them, but I think they’re important and I want to include them and provide ample representation for them! Many of my characters have multiple sets of pronouns (for example, Raven using he/they), and I completely understand that sometimes it can get confusing, but that’s just writing. Writing gets confusing! It can get cluttered! And that’s okay!
I know that a lot of people don’t like using “descriptor phrases” (like: “the blonde man”, “the green-eyed woman”, etc) when it comes to differentiating characters, but I personally really like it so I use it a lot lol, especially where cats are involved. Saying things like “the sleek black cat”, “the dual-eyed tom”, “the towering, powerful molly” is not only fun to write, but it helps to propel the story along in a natural sense and negates the need for personal pronouns at all. I also think people don’t like using said descriptor phrases because they feel flat and can easily get overused, so I try to give mine a little bit of flare and make em’ funky lol.
My advice ultimately boils down to: don’t rely on pronouns quite so much. Let your writing flow! But most importantly: don’t worry about it too much!! Obviously take the criticism you’re given, but don’t fuss over it too hard.
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vixenfrightz · 11 months
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first attack of the year for af user kibbyc4t!!!
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Sorry about all the crap you're getting for transfem tiger :(
I love the hc. Not sure why. I just like trans hcs, I think.
Anyways, consider:
Nonbinary Mosskit
Trans Alderheart
Trans fem Darktail
Bi Leafstar
Nonbinary Sol
That’s kind of how I view it as well! It’s not to be disrespectful or support some weird agenda; I just think it’s neat!
Love me some trans hcs, regardless of the character. I’ve personally always kind of viewed Alder as more enby-leaning, but I love trans Alder. (Transmasc or transfem, this is the only question I have) AND HECK YEAHHH MORE EVIL FUCKED UP WOMEN
Bi Leafstar is canon
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laugtherhyena · 1 year
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I've seen a bunch of people draw the start of their clangen saves so i wanted to do the same! Here's the original Orangeclan cats from way back in December when i started playing this game
More info on them under the cut
Orangeclan lives in the mountain cliff and as far as backstory goes i always imagined that they used to live in caves/tunnels but a huge flood happened and their clan was decimated. Despite being pretty old when this happened Sleetfur was able to dig a way out of the cave/tunnel and save himself, his mate and Sparkblotch's family from drowning, his beavery was rewarded by starclan giving him nine lives and giving him the mission of rebuilding the clan.
Sleetstar would later scout the area after the flood passed to look for more survivors from his clan, which led to him finding and rescuing Asterswoop, Spikefreckle, Tigerbush, Forestpaw and Slightpaw. He then guided the cats to the mountain top because be believed that being all the way up there would keep the clan safe from any other natural disasters that happened down bellow.
Dont ask why they're called Orangeclan btw, i didn't out any thought on the name. I was having a lot of save problems and had 3 other clans before this one that i couldn't save and i thought it was gonna be the same for them so i didn't bother picking up a cool name and went with the first randomized option.
Now into the cats themsleves
I already talked a bit about Sleetstar but i love him so much :(, i don't get why people never pick older cats to be leaders, maybe it's different in the newer version of clangen but my guy would rarely lose lives let alone get sick or injured. He was a strong man! And a very good leader, he wals always trying to set a good example to his clanmates.
He is mates with Shadowpelt and they were very sweet, tho i don't have much to say about Shadowpelt because he died on my first timeskip and then i got sas because his last though was about growing old with Sleetstar 💔
Tigerbush was my first medicine cat and one of the only cats from this image that's still alive in current Orangeclan, i have no idea how, this man is absolute ancient and refuses to retire. Crusty old cat is only leaving the medicine den on his coffin at this point.
Spikefreckle was pretty cool? The cats liked her as a deputy and she was always looking out to the younger cats in clan, but unfortunately i also don't have much to say about her since she also died pretty early on when i send a patrol to investigate a badger den. Which sucked because she had such a cool design :(
While no cat at the start of a clangen save os related i always pictured Sparkblotch being Pigeonpelt and Fadedgaze's mother, she was very nice and spent most of her days as a sweet old lady looking over the clan's kits. Her sons are pretty cool too, Fadedgaze is very chill and Pigeonpelt is such a guy!! He's a little shy and adopted two abandoned kits that grew up to be called Doveheart and Hailhawk! Bird fam!
The there's Asterswoop who's the cat with the biggest swag around, they're full of themselves and think they're the best warrior ever. But he's not a jerk, they were always pretty helpful just a lil annoying. I absolutely love his fur pattern and it sucks ass that none of his kids got the same harsh white divide :(
Speaking of kids, they're family was kinda of a mess, they got together with an ex-loner and had two kits but quickly divorced and the ex went ton to marry Fadedgaze shortly after. Who she also had kits with and divorced to get together with another cat shortly after-
Lastly we have Forestpaw and Slightpaw who grew up to be Forestpoppy/star and Slightstreak, god there's so much to say about these two and their fucked up relationship. Being the only two young warriors in the clan there was pressure from their clanmates for them to get together and bring kits to the clan, which they did but their relationship was by no means good or healthy.
Slightstreak was a pool of negativity always complaining about everything and everyone, their son Woodkit was born around the time Forestpoppy was appointed as deputy and many times she put her job over being around for the kid, leaving Woodkit to be around his other mom most of the time, who was seemingly never satisfied or proud of anything he accomplished.
They actually divorced right after Woodshade became a warrior which was fucking hilarious to me
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exhosong948 · 11 months
Week 2 of Artfight attacks
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From top left to bottom all artfighter users/on the platform:
Young Dew and a Lantermouse: @draagu
Ranly: 롼니_Lonely on artfight
Lavender “The Chieftan” (left one with the most detail): Phazethelizard on artfight (friendly fire)
Pigeonpelt: KibbyC4t on artfight
(the other scug in the Spider-Man meme is mine, a new rainworld oc)
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samurottdragon · 6 months
Birchstar : white cat with light brown stripes
Lionclaw : ginger tom cat with extra toes on each paw
Medicine cat
Goosefoot : grey cat with orange paws
Rabbittail : bobtail brown she cat
Pigeonpelt : grey fluffy tom cat with white ring on neck
Beetlebush : black tom cat with dark brown eyes
Brightberry : white she cat with one brown spot on belly
Yarrowpelt : light brown tabby she cat with blue eyes
Tigerpatch : fluffy dark brown tabby tom cat with ginger patches
Mousetail : black tom cat with white tail
Mudstream : brown tom cat with long face (a devon rex)
Deerhoof : white she cat with brown paws
Thistlespike – grey tom cat with long sticking out fur
Junipertail – brown tabby she cat
Pearpaw – small light brown tom with white patch on belly (mentor – Rabbtitail)
Robinpaw : white tom cat with ginger belly (mentor – Beetlebush)
Ivypaw : ginger she cat ( mentor – Thistlespike)
Hawkpaw : small grey and white she cat (mentor – Tigerfur)
Queen –
Blossomtail : white and grey cat (mother to mosskit and ghostkit)
Greyeyes : grey she cat with brown eyes
Speckledspruce : white she cat with one brown, one blue eye
Foresttail : brown tabby tom cat with bushy tail
Robinpaw , Ivypaw and Pearpaw are children of Yarrowpelt and Thistlefur
Hawkshriek is child to Pigeonpelt (mother is dead)
Birchstar is father to Blossomtail
Hailstar : black and white tom cat
Sparkpaw : black fluffy she cat with violet eyes (mentor - Frogmouth)
(will leave the rest for now as its alot and yous have all the main characters here)
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clangenmoons · 1 year
Moons 66-70
Moon 66
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Spiretooth earns her warrior name, and her adoptive father Webstreak couldn't be more proud. The celebration is short as tragedy strikes TalonClan.
Pigeonpelt and Rabbitfreckle are killed by a gang of rogues. Gullfoot and Shiningfur are inconsolable. Now two of their kin watches over them from StarClan - taken much too soon.
Moon 67
Rainstar catches whitecough in the leaf-fall cold.
Moon 68
Rainstar seems to be improving, when all of a sudden he collapses. His old age has finally caught up to him, and StarClan takes his remaining lives from him. The whole clan grieves the loss of such a strong leader - that is except Webstreak and Wildshadow who had deep hatred for the leader.
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Sprucestar steps into the leadership role of TalonClan - though she may be terrified. She chooses Shiningfur to take the place of deputy. This is a popular choice, though some clan gossip suggests that this smells of nepotism. After all, Shiningfur is the only remaining kit of her mate, Gullfoot.
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Moon 69
Juniper is on patrol when she receives a message from StarClan. She wanders through the territory, following an unseen signal, until she finds a dead queen with two newly born kits at her belly. She ushers them home to Junipermoon. The pair names them Garlickit and Fringekit.
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Moon 70
On a patrol with Spiretooth, Halffreckle is attacked by a fox. While the pair make it out alive, Halffreckle leaves with a mangled tail.
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lightningnose · 7 years
The Generations of ShadowClan
ShadowClan is in its 12 generation.
The current Leader is Blackstar. His current and second Deputy is Russetclaw. His first Deputy, Swiftpelt, died of old age. The current Medicine Cats are Shrikewhisker and Littlecloud.
Before Blackstar was Cedarstar. Cedarstar had three Deputies under his reign: Pipittail, Tatteredpelt, and Blackstar who was Blackfoot.
Before Cedarstar was Tatteredstar. Tatteredstar had two Deputies under his time: Roachheart and Cedarstar who was Cedarcloud.
Before Tatteredstar was Morningstar. Morningstar had two Deputies under her reign: Ivyclaw and Tatteredstar who was Tatteredface.
Before Morningstar was Shadestar. Shadestar had three Deputies under her time: Icepelt, Whimbrelstream, and Morningstar who was Morningfur.
Before Shadestar was Asterstar. Asterstar had two Deputies under her time: Gingertail and Shadestar who was Shadeface. Barleycloud and Blizzardfur were born during Shadestar's time.
Before Asterstar was Sandstar. Sandstar had three Deputies under her time: Ravenstep, Badgerclaw, and Asterstar who was Asterstripe.
Before Sandstar was Mistletoestar. Mistletoestar had three Deputies under his time: Addernose, Flystream, and Sandstar who was Sandwhisker.
Before Mistletoestar was Pigeonstar. Pigeonstar had two Deputies during his reign: Railfur and Mistletoestar who was Mistletoeflower.
Before Pigeonstar was Shreddedstar. Shreddedstar had four Deputies during her reign: Elderfang, Mintclaw, Bitternstep, and Pigeonstar who was Pigeonpelt.
Before Shreddedstar was Cypressstar. Cypressstar had three Deputies during her time: Sloestorm, Yewstripe, and Shreddedstar who was Shreddedface.
Before Cypressstar was Shadowstar, the founder of the Clan. ShadowClan had two Deputies during her time: Dapplefur and Cypressstar who was Cypressstorm.
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I have discovered you through fatal rewrites (HI FATAL IF YOU SEE THIS IT'S SNOWKIT ANON AHAHFHHSHD) and now I am SUPER intrigued by this rewrite!! I must ask (and apologies if this has been asked before): Ableism runs pretty rampant in warriors, and I was wondering, will they be fixed in your rewrite? Like, Snowkit living, Cinderpaw/pelt not being forced into being a medicine cat, Longtail not being forced to retire, etc?
I’ve discussed this a bit in prior posts, but I’m always happy to go through it again! ^^ Let me start off by saying that I, myself, am disabled (I have POTS and debilitating chronic pain) and have to handle casual ableism in my everyday life as I live with my parents who are determined to “fix” me. As such, I try to veer away from ableism in my work unless it is relevant to the story or to a character, in which the ableism is treated very seriously and is warned - but that doesn’t come up very often, both due the very world of OFND in addition to my own comfort and ability to express such topics.
OFND’s whole basis is radiation - I discuss the effects of radiation often, especially when it comes to the physical traits that are expressed in various characters. Due to this, there are also tons of characters who are technically disabled/don’t function as an able bodied member of their species typically would. Some examples would be Laurelstorm’s talons, Minktail’s longer tail, and Sunningstrike’s scale-lined throat. The disabled characters far outweigh the able bodied, though I acknowledge that this is definitely due to my own starvation for casual representation in addition to the intrigue I have of how animals with these radiation traits might actually be handled.
Due to the abundance of these traits, the fealty also in turn has become far more accommodating to other disabilities, especially physical. Our protagonist, Rust, for example, suffers an infection that leaves his left hind leg wracked with constant pain and essentially useless. The Woodruffians don’t even bat an eye when he wakes up; they focus on his recovery more than his injury. Spottedleaf even uses his survival as a sign of his strength, something to pad her claim of him being the flame that will guide them to greatness.
Disabled characters are offered accommodations as easily as breathing. For mobility aids, see Fritillaryheart and Laurelstorm’s braces. For Cherrystorm’s PTSD surrounding combat, she became a pursuer. Fealty Gesture is an entire new language that is fully nonverbal. The character Privetnose is deaf and a highly exalted member of her community. Etc etc etc.
In addition to the general treatment of disabled characters just on their own, there is also more jobs readily available within each faction! This is to ensure that the functioning within each faction is as smooth as possible, and to offer a place to everyone. Alongside this, the role that many retire to (the historians) is not restricted solely to senior or disabled cats; it is a role of history keeping and storytelling, the tales of the fealty’s past. It is moreso a job that implies wisdom and knowledge than age or a lack of ability.
But, at the end of the day, these jobs are also fully optional. There might be some social pressure from peers (friends wanting to go into the same job, family wanting to keep their lineage strictly to one function, etc) but it is entirely their choice.
The only “forced” role found within the fealty is that of an augur, but that’s a whole different story that is in no way linked to physical capability.
In regards to the three specific characters listed:
Snowkit lives! I have big plans for Snowkit.
Cinderpaw/pelt does not become a healer-figure in the same way she does canon - not at all. Her deal is very complicated, but she’s similar to Firefall in that she formed a keen interest in healing while in recovery; she chooses the path for herself.
Longtail (Minktail) is not forced to retire! I also have big plans for Minktail.
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spoilers for ofnd leafpool if we're allowed to ask ?
Angry Too by Lola Blanc
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Sand: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Raven: >:O language
Bear: Yeah watch your fucking language
*incert character*: 'The fuck word'.
Rust: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Bear: Oh my god they censored it
Incert character: Say fuck, rust.
Bear: Do it, rust. Say fuck.
Realistically, only Rust would know what the f word is…. It was Rust. Rust taught Bear the fuck word
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What does the suffix -blaze mean?
Suffix: -blaze
Basic Meanings:
The suffix “-blaze” represents a cat who is bright-furred, bold, fierce, hot-tempered, brash, and notably destructive.
(A personality suffix; can also be a physical suffix.)
While “fire” is more gentle, something that gives the imagery of control and warmth, a blaze is at the opposite end of that. All consuming, leaving ash in its wake, destruction.
Coincidental Traits:
Often given to cats who tend to take out their emotions on others. Also often given to cats who are skilled or renown in combat.
Rainfall’s name was meant to be Rainblaze before she requested to be named after Songfall.
Due to the nature of the suffix, very few cats actually end up being named “-blaze”, and those that are tend to either be recluses within their community, or bright-burning and popular. No in between.
See Also:
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mosquito- meaning??
Prefix: Mosquito-
Basic Meanings:
The prefix “Mosquito-” represents a small, thickset, multi-colored (gray-furred, white-furred, blue-furred, or silver-furred) cat.
It could also be used to denote an annoying or exploitative cat.
The renown bloodsucking parasites of the insect world. Decently self-explanatory. (Sorry, got lazy with this one…)
As it’s a bug prefix, it’s almost exclusively found within the ranks of the Fenland.
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Sorry, asking a lot of Questions... how did you come up with words that don't exist. I've always been in awe of people that do that and you take it to a level beyond space itself! I guess my main question is how do you make up such amazing words?
Everybody who apologies for spamming my inbox with questions is getting bonked with a paper towel roll.
I’m assuming you’re talking about words like the ones used for the leadership’s titles :O (if there’s more or something specific you’re asking after, let me know; I’m a little slow lol)!! Fun fact: most of them aren’t actually fake words ;)
If you take a look at OFND’s dictionary, I’ve actually explained and broken down some of those words! For example:
An “orator” is someone who is “a public speaker, especially one who is eloquent or skilled.” This works perfectly for my purposes, as an orator within OFND is the head of their faction and the one who speaks on behalf of all their cats. The word itself descends from Latin, alongside Anglo-Norman French.
An orator’s title, “rhema”, is directly derived from the Ancient Greek word ῥῆμα (rhema), which translates to: “utterance, thing said”.
It also sounds like a sound a cat might make!! Rrrrrr-ehh-ma
My biggest advice for choosing words in this light? Pick an element. A substance. If it’s connected to a specific ideal within your story, break down that ideal to its most basic form and pick off pieces that could translate into a broader word!
Some resources I use to do this:
Glosbe - English to Old English Translator
Old English Translator
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i've been looking for anywhere you've said so and haven't been able to find it so i gotta ask: what is an archfiend?
Oh gosh?? I could’ve sworn I answered this in more detail somewhere else, but I also can’t find it lol ^^’ So I’ll answer it again now!!
(And also add “archfiend” to the OFND dictionary-)
OFND plays a lot into themes of radiation and intelligence when it comes to specific characters and foes. In this post-apocalyptic world, creatures are split into two: mindful (creatures that have intelligence comparable to the extinct humans), and mindless (creatures that have intelligence that are the same to their real life animal counterparts). With that being said, any creature, regardless of the status of their minds, has the potential to be touched by radiation and develop unique traits.
When a mindless creature gets multiple of these traits, they also have the potential to grow exponentially in size - to about the size of a small school bus. This growth trait is not found in any mindful. When a mindless grows to this size, with all of their traits, their brains stay the same size, leading to additional aggression, less of a drive for self-preservation, and more of a drive for destruction. They are killing machines, and nothing more.
These creatures are called “archfiends”.
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