blossomhcney · 4 years
@ofvagabxnds​ ‘for some godforsaken reason, i’m still here, like i’ve always been before.’ / easton + calla
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the look he regards her with is one of confusion and worry, at best. it’s clear to see she hasn’t been the same since the mess that had been the fight between connor and leo. he hadn’t seen much of it at the time, but he had heard plenty since and he was suitably worried about calla more than the two of them. they could handle themselves, but calla was a lot softer and sweeter than they were. “yeah, tell me about it.” he folds his arms over his chest and watches her carefully. “you know, i mean that. you can tell me about what’s bothering you if you want, calla. you’re here for a reason, ain’t ya? what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” easton reaches out and takes her hand gently, smoothing his thumb over her knuckles in attempt to soothe her. 
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melancholaes · 4 years
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he had been a little caught up in his own mind lately, but that washes away entirely with one glance toward the dark haired woman.  “ why do you look like you’re thinking up a storm over there? “ he asks as he straightens in his spot. he leans forward, elbows resting on the table top and his head tilts some.  it’s comical that he is the one asking her what she’s thinking, considering it’s usually the other way around with her being the talker and him . . . not so much. 
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wrrgod · 4 years
@ofvagabxnds​ ft. theodore marx !
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a sigh slipped past his lips, perhaps a bit more dramatic than the situation asked for, but leonardo had always been way past the point of caring. hand came up to rub at his temples, only adding to the drama aspect of their encounter — one might think leo couldn’t stand the other male, but funnily enough, it was nothing personal. “ how many times do i have to say this until it gets through that pretty little head of yours? ” was it an insult or a flirtatious remark? who could even tell? “ i got nothin’ to do with it. ” he stated, gaze locked on theo. “ lots of people have fuckin’ tattoos ‘round here. if that’s their only lead, might as well lock the whole town. ” shoulders rose in a shrug. “ i assure you, this ain’t it. ”
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femmefatclle · 4 years
🍬 🐢
send 🍬 for a family headcanon
Elienna is the type of person to rarely say the words ‘i love you’ even if it comes to her own family. Even if she had spend most of her time living with her mother, there is a small part of her that feels way more emotionally attached to her father then her - he was always the one to encourage her to do the things she likes, not the one that will bring her fame or money, or both like her mother nudged her to do. Yet, she had said it way much more times to her then to him, since she never saw her father again after leaving Newton at 11 years old.
send 🐢 for a mental health headcanon
Ella had always suspected that she has some of the traits more commonly met in serial killers or sociopaths and had even tried to do few of the test (like the Rorschach one) but could never bring herself to actually finish them and look for what the results mean. There was a time when she wanted to study Psychology at collegesimply to try and understand her mind better, but her mother was strictly against it so it was left as nothing more then yet another desire she would never fulfill. 
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liesofthelonely · 4 years
                               as the tail gunner, it wasn’t her only job to keep everyone in line literally and figuratively, she made sure no one ran out of gas either. once in a while she paid one of the gas stations a visit, with no intention on being a thief, she’d grown to the life over the many years but she was no damn fool. in a town where the clèmonte’s had turned out to be more than a power couple who had moved into a permanent house, they spread word by joining the diablos fast enough give or take eight years ago. though the two weren’t always to be seen together. they were smarter than that, trusted each other more than anything else in the world and their fellow gang members just as much. and groupies were damn handy. one of them she’d taken out of town for the day, the plan was simple. calla could do her thing, draw away, buy anything she wanted and occasionally wave at the only store employee behind the counter as leslie filled up as many fuel tanks as she could without sweating it one bit. it took less than an hour with how used she’d gotten to this job. filling them wasn’t the hard part, the getting away with it was. once the last tank was put in the back of the truck and she’d gone in to pay, she notified the brunette. ‘’alright, gypsy, time to go. fix that skirt and hop on in, we’ve spent long enough for the perv to not even fucking notice how little i’ve paid him for all the gas we collected.’’ 
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wickcddreams · 4 years
⌛️ for a sleep headcanon
Kaeden’s both a morning person and a night owl in one body, meaning he doesn’t get much sleep. He operates on black coffee and a couple hours of sleep most days, always finding excuses for his insomnia. It’s not healthy but he’s lived like this for over ten years now and by now it’s turned into a habit that he doesn’t feel like breaking just yet.
💩 for a ridiculous headcanon
Little known fact is that Kaeden had done drunk karaoke. It happened in college. He’s usually a relatively good singer but mixed with a few shot of tequila his talent fades away. There is a clip of him singing... He can’t really remember. But it happened during his second year at university and the clip is probably still on his best friend’s phone.
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wcstlcys · 4 years
Braid (theo + Frankie)
[ braid ] for your muse to braid mine’s hair
she loved when theo played with her hair , so much so that she can convinced him to try and braid her hair. she sat comfortably between his legs , hands held out in front of her as she tried to demonstrate the motions of how to form a braid. she explained the motions past soft giggles , hands following suit along with her words. she’d never be able to explain how grateful she was for theo , and how he was to willing and eager to put up with her shenanigans. 
“ how’s it turning out ?? ” she questions with a smile , although she didn’t really care for how it turned out in the end. she was just happy that they were spending time together. once he’s finished she turns to face him, still between his legs , as she pulls her hair across her shoulder to examine his work. “ oh wow. ” she genuinely surprised. “ that’s actually really good. ” a bit messy, but her hair tended to be messy most days. “ good job , honey. ” she grins up at him before leaning in to place a chaste kiss against his lips. “ your efforts will definitely be repaid. ” and with that , her arms wrap around his neck as she presses yet another kiss against his lips.
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prodigalscns · 4 years
You don’t scare me. ; bash and maeson
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listening to him lie was par for the course, and usually she would have allowed them to slide, sweet little white lies. this one rubbed her the wrong way, which was evident by the flipped switch of emotions, the way they were displayed all over her features, chuckling a little bit but the sound was off - wry, bitter. they were all tones she’d usually spared him, but even Sebastian Barrett knew that sometimes when you messed with the bull, you’d get the horns. “no, bash, because i don’t have to.” a hand shoved at his chest, making her point in physical contact rather than just settling for words before head dipped, features darkening. “you scare yourself just fine without anyone’s help, am i good enough, will i ever be what she needs, can i make up for everything we’ve been through...will i ever be him?”  she continues to list down his flaws with a dangerous accuracy, a finger popping out for every one, as precision played in her favor. now when she laughed, it was another dry sound. “so let’s stop pretending you ever had time to give a fuck about me and my mountain of shit when you can’t even.”  she looked him up and down to again, make a point. “handle your own first.” 
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heartswhoride · 4 years
@ofvagabxnds​ | calla | CLOSED STARTER.
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She was looking at some art for in her small cottage and just couldn’t find what she had been looking for. She wanted something else, not something that could be found in every home. On her search, she had heard about a local girl who painted and she was now going to check her work out.
“Oh. I absolutely love your work.” Leah says to the girl while eyeing the paintings behind her. “They are gorgeous. Could you please show me some more?” She asked with an easy smile on her face. Leah’s stance oozes confidence and kindness. 
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ridefm · 4 years
calla and theo will be here
FOLLOW ! welcome to ridefm, please make sure to track all the tags and follow everyone !
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Continued from || x || @ofvagabxnd​
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“Wh-What’s with that face?” Venti choked out a laugh, hunched over as he, somehow, remained standing. “Don’t make it s-seem like... what I did was a bad thing...” Despite his attempts at keeping a playful, cheerful attitude, Venti’s body was not keeping up with him. The bard lurched forward as he coughed almost violently, spitting up a worrying amount of blood.
There were still enemies around them and pulling the spear out would have only assured Venti’s death; as bad as it seemed, the spear was keeping the Archon from bleeding out, entirely. He definitely still needed it removed, fast, and the wound needed to be tended to with haste. “Don’t--ugh...” He flinched, falling to one knee. “Don’t w-worry about me. I’ve been through worse.” Malachite eyes glanced around them, watching as a few Cryo Hilichurl arches nocked their bows, an Abyss Mage of the same element laughing as it admired its handiwork; it had been the source of the spear of ice.
“Either run or fight them,” Venti breathed, letting his eyes fall closed. “I’ll be fine.”
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melancholaes · 4 years
sleepy (con+calla)
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Nothing but sheets are clad to their skin, slick with glittering sweat from their second time that night. a smile, one reserved for the brunette female in his arms, touches his lips as they lay back together in the bed and connor listens to the sounds of the room. there is a low hum form the television and fluorescents, muffled conversation outside in the parking lot of the motel and the soft and yet soothing sound of her breathing. A hand cards through her long, dark tresses and he blinks slowly, soaking in the moment and indulging in simply her presence. There’s a shift in both her breath sounds and her how she curls up on his chest, causing the now curious biker to tilt his head to look down at her. Her eyes have fluttered closed, and her grip on his hand as softened just a touch. She is asleep. His smile only grows and connor leans down slightly, not wanting to disturb her, but presses a gentle kiss to her head.
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wrrgod · 4 years
@ofvagabxnds​ ft. theodore marx !
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“ since when do i need a reason to go for a drink with an old friend ? ” since when does he have friends would be a more appropriate question, if anything. viktor was and had been, for as long as he could remember, a man of contacts and business partners. acquaintances. genuine friendships were practically nonexistent in his world. no matter how hard he might try ( which was not to say he tried at all, mind you ), he couldn’t escape the eriksson tradition. there didn’t seem to be any room in his life for intimacy, at least the kind that didn’t consist in bare bodies rolling around. “ you always seem so ... tense, marx. i’m merely trying to change that. ”
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noctuaphoenix · 3 years
@ofvagabxnd said: "Whats a DILF?" Aether asked, knowing full well what it was but Diluc didn't need to know that.
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"𝐀𝐡. 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥. 𝐈𝐭'𝐬..." He made some vague gestures with his hands. "𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧... 𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦."
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liesofthelonely · 4 years
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                              ‘‘oh, come on. after removing the clowns horn you despise so much, you owe me. give me a lil something about your next case, i’m curious.’‘ and jackie’s curiosity sparking like this wasn’t often. the dramaqueen of gossip from twenty years ago had aged into a minding-her-own-business literal business woman. but not the kind she had always hoped to be and theo was her closest connection to what could’ve been. eyes remaining focused on the pile of cards that found itself growing on the table between them, she slowly felt the tension rise of another jack incoming.
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wickcddreams · 4 years
do you believe in god?
“No. No one in my family was ever religious. However, I sometimes do believe there is a force, but still the majority is what you accomplish yourself. The rest is just there to soothe your nerves in need of that.”
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