allhippiemaphias · 29 days
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Everyday is Onile's day. We love you Earth!
Me: "And the mangos and trees that I would sell for you!"
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Yoruba culture has used the Ifa paradigm of the cosmos as the basis for building their major cities. The structure of the Yoruba Nation was a federation of city states. Each city was ruled by an Oba. In ancient times the Oba was never seen by his subjects, so he became the invisible nucleus of the circle that formed the city. He was surrounded by a female council of elders called Odu and a predominantly male council of elders called Ogboni. The city itself was supported by male and female work parties who tended to divide their labor along gender lines. The men were traditionally farmers and the women traditionally controlled the market place. Both men and women participated in craft guilds that preserved the techniques used in the arts. The cities were built in a circular formation with the compound of the Oba at the center. The symbolic image of Yoruba culture appears as follows:
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There is some archeological evidence in the Yoruba cities of Ile Ife and Oyo that suggests that this design was used as the basis for the actual layout of those cities. The extent to which this occurred in other cities has not been thoroughly researched. It does appear that this structure was used in pre-colonial times as the basis for establishing political and religious institutions both of which were built upon the cosmological model found in Ifa.
Variations on this structure involved the system of establishing the location for sacred shrines. The system is called Gede which is a very old form of astrology. In Gede the path of solar bodies and planets is marked in relationship to the ways that they transverse the landscape. Celestial bodies are believed to enhance the ase (inherent power) of natural forces that arise from the Earth. By correlating the influences of Olorun and Ile, the ancient diviners were able to consecrate their shrines in places that reflected the essence of specific Odu.
Earth (ile) was considered a reflection of Heaven (Orun) and the layout of Yoruba cities was designed to make them mirrors of the cosmic order. The religion of Ifa originally comes from the city of Ile Ife. In lfa scripture, Ile Ifa is described as the original home of humans. The words: "Ile Ife” translate to mean; "Spreading Earth." So Ile Ife is a city and it is any place where land formed on Earth that allowed for human evolution to take place. Ifa scripture also refers to Ile Ife as a Spiritual place. It is the home for those ancestors who have returned to Source.
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Perhaps the most accessible manifestation of Odu is through the portal of individual consciousness. Ifa teaches that Odu represent the energy patterns that create consciousness. They are analogous to what Carl Jung called archetypes of the collective unconscious. Jung believed that there exists a set of primal patterns that form the content of self-perception and place the self in relationship to the world. According to Jung, these patterns remain abstract until the unconscious gives them a cultural and personal context. In both Jungian psychology and the Ifa concept of consciousness, Odu (archetypes) can be revealed through dreams, where they take on personal qualities and manifest as mythic drama. By grasping this particular manifestation of Odu, Ifa teaches that it is possible to create internal balance which is the foundation of living in harmony with Nature.
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Ifa psychology is linked to the concept of ori. The literal translation of ori is "head." This is a limited definition because ori also implies consciousness and Ifa cosmology teaches that all Forces in Nature have ori or consciousness.31 Because Ifa believes in reincarnation, every ori forms a polarity with ipori. The ipori is the eternal consciousness that exists in Orun (Heaven).32 It is the ipori that forms the link between past and future lives. If a scripture describes the ipori as the perfect double of ori. According to Ifa cosmology, every ori makes an agreement with Olorun prior to each incarnation.33 This agreement outlines the type of life that is to be lived and the lessons that are to be learned in a given lifetime. At the moment of birth the content of this agreement is lost to conscious thought. Part of the process of establishing internal balance is viewed as the task of remembering the original agreement between ori and Olorun.
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This agreement is the source of individual destiny. Because divination is considered a method for discovering destiny, all divination based on Ifa is related to the question of enhancing the alignment between ori and ipori.
The link between ori and ipori lies within ori inu.35 The Yoruba words; "ori inu" translate to mean; "inner head." This is a reference to what Jung called the individual consciousness or self. Ori inu is the nucleus of that circle of Forces that creates self-awareness.
In addition to the polarity between ori and ipori, ori inu is the center point of the polarity between ara and emi. Ara is the physical body. Ifa psychology includes the heart (okan) and the emotions (egbe) as part of the physical self. According to lfa, the nature of one's ipori can only be grasped if the head and the heart are in alignment. In other words, the mind and the emotions must be in agreement if spiritual insight is to occur. Similarly, Jung understood that a conflict between the mind and the emotions is one of the sources of mental illness.36 In Ifa this conflict is called ori ibi. It is difficult to make a literal translation of ori ibi, but the term suggests a lack of alignment between ori and ipori. When the ori and ipori are functioning as one, it creates a condition called ori ire. A literal translation of ori ire would be; "wise head." .Jung referred to this condition as individuation, which was his basis for defining mental health.37
Ara or the physical body exists in polarity with emi. The Yoruba word emi means; "breath.” Ifa teaches that the breath of life comes from Olodumare and contains the eternal essence of consciousness. Emi in this context would translate to mean; "soul." The Ifa symbol of self would appear as follows:
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gravalicious · 9 months
Apparel is worn with intent – which could be to seduce, to intimidate, to stun, to announce one’s presence, one’s status, to illustrate one’s relationship to the community or to announce who one is to the surrounding world. In the same way a Punk on a 1970s east London street flaunted black leather and safety-pins to declare an anarchic world-view, so too does a Yoruba Ogboni Chief wear their ‘ saki ’ (ceremonial stole of office especially woven for the individual on initiation) signifying their status as initiates into that secret and exclusive society. Centuries of tradition and a culture of crafting beautiful items have imbued Yoruba communities with an air of elegance and vibrancy in their clothing and attire that is not generally experienced in the Western world which often chooses conformity above individual expression. With reference to aso-oke , beauty is conveyed not merely in the appearance of the cloth, but in its multi faceted actuality – both its materiality and sensoriality, its symbolic import and its historical linkages. Its beauty is also in the instruments of weaving – the balance of the loom, the ooya , the omu ; the texture and grade of the yarn; the physicality of the weaving; the intention and commitment of the weaver; the knowledge of the appropriate supplication made to the relevant Orisa and the conviction of their guidance. Within this sphere, respect and reverence are manifested as ‘beauty’ (ewa). This multi-layered analysis that occurs almost instantaneously in the ‘mind’s eye’ of the discerning observer – the appreciation of the essential harmony of all parts – is what confers beauty and elevates it to resplendence.
Eni Bankole-Race - Aso iyi, aso eye: Resplendence and the Yoruba prestige textile aso-oke (2018)
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pwlanier · 7 months
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Bronze Edan couple. Ogboni society. Yoruba. 19th Century.
Ogboni bronze 'couple' castings are known as Edan. Edan represent the Ogboni societys founding male and female ancestors; they are the guardians of society laws and are cast during the initiation ceremony of novice members to an Ogboni Society lodge.
Stothert and Trice
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davidsoto666 · 1 year
Las Iyanifa están consideradas los babalawos de las mujeres, consagradas en Ifá, aunque con limitaciones para realizar ceremonias, pertenecen a una congregación femenina muy importante en la Religión Yoruba.
Iyánífá es la mujer que se consagra en Ifá, con el objeto de darle entrada a los conocimientos de Orunmila, realmente no están consideradas como babalawo, tienen acceso a los Orishas con conocimiento de los 256 Odú de Ifá, los cuales aprenden a recitarlos. Asimismo entre los derechos inclusivos están la realización del sacrificio a través del tablero de Ifá, en este caso las mujeres que deseen tener oportunidad de desarrollarse espiritualmente, pueden solicitar la inclusión como Iyanifa ante los sacerdotes principales.
Además, cuentan con el derecho de ser jefes consultantes, donde cualquiera que tenga una preocupación o problema puede acudir con toda confianza a la Iyanifa para consultarla, aunque muchas personas piensan que esta práctica esta dedicada sólo a los hombres.
El concepto etimológico establece claramente los siguiente: “Iya” madre, “Ifa”, todo el mundo religioso, por lo que al traducir obtenemos “madre de Ifa”, es importante destacar que en la tierra yoruba, específicamente en Áfric,a algunas mujeres pueden utilizar los Ikines (nueces de palma sagrado) de Ifá para la adivinación, e incluso se comenta que hubo una Iyanifa con una gran sabiduría que llegó a competir con varios babalawos de la ciudad, la cual cantaba los versos de una manera impecable y efectuaba grandes sacrificios.
Llevar un Odu (saco que contiene los conocimientos ancestrales) significa ser portador de un conocimiento muy grande en aspectos religiosos espirituales Yoruba, por lo que muchos testifican que las mujeres lo llevan por dentro desde su nacimiento, y forma parte de su matriz, esta afirmación ha traído innumerables reacciones, ya que el planteamiento original establece que todos los hombres llevan a Orula por dentro por el simple hecho de poseer un pene y dos testículos.
Todo esto ha traído una discusión entre los maestros santeros que hasta el día de hoy presentan discusiones de alto nivel, y hasta la fecha no se ha logrado una solución efectiva y verdadera.
Por otro lado en términos religiosos tenemos que ancestralmente no ha existido en registros ni documentos yorubas de mujeres Iyanifas que pueden avalar la práctica de las féminas y ser consagradas en Ifá.
Para comenzar esta explicación debemos resaltar lo siguiente, en Cuba las mujeres no pueden ser iniciadas en Ifá, ya que por ser una sociedad enteramente machista, no permite el crecimiento ni la propagación de esta práctica por parte del sexo femenino, por el contrario en Nigeria existen más de 400 mujeres Iyanifas iniciadas y consagradas en Ifá, lo que establece una gran diferencia de criterios religiosos ortodoxos entre un país y otro.
El primer paso para la iniciación de una Iyanifa es tomar la decisión con mucha fe y fortaleza, de manera que no pueda haber desviaciones en los criterios espirituales que va a proyectar, el segundo paso consiste en recibir el Orisha guardián sin necesidad de haberlo portado anteriormente, por lo que una mujer que haya recibido un santo anteriormente el mismo desparecerá cuando le toque recibir a Orisha para su consagración, la parte final de esta iniciación consiste en realizar la consagración como tal, donde la mujer ya consagrada como Iyanifa realiza los votos de fidelidad y compromiso hacia su santo protector.
En la religión Yoruba la mujer tiene una posición en la Sociedad Secreta de Ogboni (fraternidad donde los seguidores de los Orishas se reúnen para rendir tributo a la diosa Onile “Madre Tierra”), es por ello que al recibir la iniciación participan grandes sacerdotisas de esta deidad.
Las facultades de una Iyanifa en ceremonias, preparaciones, ritos y consultas son muy similares a las de los babalawos, eso es si estamos en una país diferente a Cuba, porque si tomamos en cuenta las limitaciones que tienen en este país para la Iyanifas, nos encontraremos con una lista bastante extensa.
En el caso de las Iyanifas que practican su devoción en otros países, encontramos que la única limitación que tienen es la de no poder recibir el Igba Odunn (enseñanzas dadas por el espíritu Tata G. emisario de Oduduwa), del resto están facultadas para realizar sanaciones, sacrificios, adivinaciones y consultas para la resolución de problemas.
Por otro lado en el nuevo mundo encontramos que en algunos países las Iyanifas no pueden: manipular lo ikines, ni siquiera para ella misma, no puede realizar sacrificios ni realizar Ebo, tampoco mirar Igbadu (Creación del mundo), no puede poseer Ashe, sólo se le permite estar cuando se baja Orunmila (Atefa), y cuando realizan consagraciones menores.
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galerieevebegalli · 1 month
Onile Ogboni Yoruba, Nigeria
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adewalehansonposts · 2 months
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rainsmediaradio · 5 months
Seeds Of Destiny Devotional 26th December 2023 Devotional By Dr. Paul Enenche: Bitterness, A “Disconnector” From Grace.
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The Topic of Seeds of Destiny Devotional for Today 26th December 2023 Is “Bitterness, A “Disconnector” From Grace” Scripture:  Hebrews 12:14, 15 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled. Thought for The Day: Bitterness disconnects people from the Grace of God.
Our anchor Scripture makes it clear that bitterness disconnects people from the Grace of God. The Scripture says, Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; When a man is bitter, the grace of God will be lacking in his life. Hebrews 4:16 says, Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. This means, a bitter person has no access to the throne of Grace. He cannot come boldly to the throne of Grace. When you are graceless, you are helpless; and when you are helpless, you are useless and vulnerable before the devil. Bitterness between you and your spouse renders both of you useless and vulnerable before the devil. Bitterness between you and your brother, sister, stepmother, father, or in-laws, renders you graceless, helpless and useless before the powers of darkness. Sometime ago, a man who repented from the ogboni fraternity, said that one of the weapons the devil used to ruin the destiny of Christians was bitterness. He said that whenever they wanted to attack Christians, they would send offences to them, and that if they could make Christians bitter and angry, they could gain access into their lives. So, in order to gain access into the lives of Christians, they introduce offences, anger and bitterness. I have seen a family where children kept dying one by one because of irresolvable strife between the husband and the wife. If you want the Grace of God to grease your life, you must make up your mind to avoid bitterness. Remember this: Bitterness disconnects people from the Grace of God. ASSIGNMENTS: - By all means, avoid bitterness to avoid the leakage of God’s Grace from your life. - Always ask God to give you the grace to forgive people. PRAYER: Thank You Lord for Your Word to me today. I receive Your help to avoid bitterness at all cost, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: THE ROOT OF BITTERNESS. QUOTE: Bitterness is a state of resentfulness. It is an intense or very striking, deep seated feeling of anger. Culled from the book, “AM I BITTER?” by Dr (Mrs) Becky Paul-Enenche. DAILY READING: Revelations 5-7 AMAZING FACT: The C-5, one of the longest military aircrafts, is longer than six stories tall. Its length of 143 feet is longer than the Wright Brother’s first flight of 120 feet. DECLARATION/WORD: Receive the grace to be completely free of bitterness today in Jesus’ Name. Read the full article
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crimechannels · 8 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade Oyo Monarchs’ Encounter: ‘You can’t try such affront with an Emir’, Oluwo blasts Obasanjo The Oluwo of Iwoland, Oba Abdulrasheed Adewale Akanbi, has blasted former President Olusegun Obasanjo, condemning the manner in which he ordered some traditional rulers at a recent function in Oyo State to stand up and honour him. The Oyo State government had on Friday invited the former president to formally open the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology College of Agriculture and Renewable Natural Resources in Iseyin, Oyo State. But as he mounted the podium to speak at the event, the former president expressed disappointment that the monarchs present at the occasion could not stand up from their seat to honour him as he approached the podium. He afterwards ordered the monarchs to stand up in honour of both him and the state governor, Seyi Makinde, saying by virtue of position, they are both higher than the traditional rulers. But in a statement by his press secretary on Saturday, Oluwo condemned Obasanjo’s display, describing it as an affront, desecration and sacrilege against the revered stools of Yorubaland. “An injury to one is an injury to all. Yoruba traditional rulers are not uniform men anyone can command at will. I don’t blame him, those royal fathers who stood up to obey such an embarrassing direction are to be blamed,” he said. “Yoruba traditional institutions demand an apology for the open desecration to molest and bring down the institution. He needs to prove himself as a core Yoruba man with an apology letter. Kings are not toddlers. We are fathers. He will never dare that against the Northern Emirs.” He said Obasanjo’s action should be a great challenge to Yoruba, most especially the royal fathers. “This is the result when monarchs joined Ogboni confraternity and became junior to a road side mechanical engineer or carpenter. As a responsible monarch, you don’t have to join any secret society where you may be controlled by a teacher or even a herbalist. “I trust myself and my stool. At death, there are certain things my soul will not take let alone when alive, active and kicking. I only blame the monarchs who stood in obeisance to such an ignoble and desecrating of traditional institutions from the old man. Respects should be earned not demanded. “Traditional rulers respect their subjects too. There is a way respect is accorded to people of old age and position by monarchs. Kingship is an institution of God. As such, relating with kings requires a high sense of modesty, courtesy and respect." #YoucanttrythataffrontwithEmirOluwoslamsObasanjo #EnxounterwithMonarch
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jordiruizcentelles · 1 year
Los Edan en la sociedad Ogboni Cap. XXVI#LOSEDAN #ogboni #yoruba #nigeria #benin #antropologiacultural #antropology #antropología #antropologiasocial
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newsbreak365 · 1 year
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nationwidenews · 1 year
Ogboni leader worldwide killed in car crash
The universal leader of Ogboni confraternity, Oba Abdullah Adetoyese Olakisan is dead. The traditionalist, known in Yoruba language as the Oba Ogboni Agbaye, died alongside two others in a road accident on Monday, along the Ila/Edemonsi/Imesi-Ile road on Osun State, while on a mission to rescue some victims from their kidnappers. It was also learnt that two of the wives of the Oba Ogboni Agbaye…
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gazeta24br · 1 year
A Editora Ananse surge do desejo de valorizar e impulsionar a produção criativa afrocêntrica no Brasil, por meio de livros e autores pretos, que elevem a cultura africana e afro-diaspórica através da escrita. Desta forma, contribuindo para a descentralização do saber. Os idealizadores sabiam bem como fazer o trabalho, porém não tinham verbas suficientes para dar os primeiros passos, mas isso não os impediu de persistir no sonho e avançar. A editora, tamb��m está dentro do nicho acadêmico, servindo como referência acadêmica de estudos de gênero, e com o objetivo de ampliar esse caminho.   A Ananse dá espaço para livros que nenhuma outra editora acredita. "Enquanto a branquitude olha o livro e diz não, a Ananse abre as portas para obras que colocam a pessoa preta como protagonista e são combatidos por editoras não pretas. Vale destacar que existem autores que chegam a ser perseguidos, mas conquistam o mundo e são premiados em outros países. Essa é a luta da Ananse: unir forças e propagar o anticolonialismo, porque essa é a contraposição às atitudes da branquitude", aponta Wanessa Yano, co-fundadora da Ananse e Coordenadora Editorial da editora.   Ao contrário de outras editoras que são segmentadas em literatura, a Ananse trata do cunho acadêmico e coloca a pessoa preta em todas as áreas sociais, incluindo filosofia e história. A editora não atua apenas em um gênero e trabalha para ampliar outros segmentos dentro de um contexto e base referencial. Tudo que tiver viés histórico e preto dá para ser debatido na Ananse. O nigeriano Kábíyèsí Ọba Adekunlé Aderonmu, atual rei da fraternidade Ogboni e autor dos livros "A Sociedade Ògbóni e a sua conexão com a tradição de Ifá" e "IFÁ – Filosofia e ciência de vida" ambos os livros disponíveis no catálogo da Editora. A nigeriana Oyèrónkẹ́ Oyěwùmí autora do livro "Epistemologias de Gênero em África: Tradições, Espaços, Instituições Sociais e Identidades de Gênero" lançado em 2022 pela Editora Ananse.     Próximos passos A Editora busca sempre estar atualizada e contribuindo para a identificação da pessoa preta e sua cultura e por isso tem planos de trabalhar o Candomblé no Brasil, explorando a espiritualidade e ancestralidade dos afro-brasileiros. O time da Ananse também está trabalhando para trazer o primeiro livro teórico de afrofuturismo no Brasil, que é uma obra de referência que amplia o debate a respeito dessa temática, "Afrofuturismo: O mundo da ficção científica preta e da cultura fantasiosa", de Ytasha L. Womack.   Editora empreendedora A Editora Ananse existe e resiste focada no empreendedorismo preto e afrocentrismo e tem um time composto por 12 pessoas. O maior desafio enfrentado pela equipe é manter a estrutura preta, fundamental para o trabalho realizado na empresa. Vale destacar ainda, que a maior parte do grupo de trabalho da Ananse é formado por mães, não bináries, que estiveram na FLIP (Casa das Poéticas Pretas) e na Feira Preta deste ano.   A Ananse conhece o povo preto e entende a dificuldade que este enfrenta de se mostrar, porque, ao longo da vida, a pessoa preta é moldada culturalmente para não saber lidar com algumas situações e é aí que a irmandade entra em cena: um indica o outro e soma forças para crescer. Wanessa Yano falou sobre as dificuldades que o afroempreendedor enfrenta.   “Não existem tantas empresas, e é notável as dificuldades do afroempreendedor, neste país. As coisas não acontecem de forma tão rápida, quanto eu gostaria. A gente teve uma aceleração que nos ajudou bastante, mas mais cedo ou mais tarde ia se tornar real”, expressou, Wanessa Yano.   Autores Destaques: Clenora Hudson-Weems - Mulherismo Africana Adekunle Aderonmu Ògúnjimi - Nigeria Oyèrónkẹ́ Oyěwùmí - Nigeria Molefi Kete Asante - Patrono da Afrocentricidade. Ytasha L. Womack - Afrofuturism The World of Black Sci-fi and Fantasy Culture [ em tradução]   Calendário editoral 2023 Livro: Antol
ogia Afrofuturista: Futuros Pretos Possíveis Autores: Kinaya, Henrique André, Marcelo Souza e Rodrigo Aquiles Mês de lançamento: Fevereiro Data: 08/01 Gênero: Afrofuturismo   Livro: Ananda: Por que sou tão pretinha Autor: Henrique André Mês de lançamento: Março Data: 08/03 Gênero: Infantil   Livro: A Revolução Preta: Falas e Discursos de Malcolm X - Vol.2 Mês de lançamento: Maio Data: 10/05 Gênero: Discursos e política   Livro: Afrofuturismo: O mundo da ficção científica preta e da cultura fantasiosa Autora: Ytasha L. Womack Mês de lançamento: setembro Data: 07/09 Gênero: Afrofuturismo   Livro: Kemet Afrocentricidade e Conhecimento Autor: Molefi Kete Asante Mês de lançamento: Novembro Data: 08/11 Gênero: História Africana   SERVIÇOS Para mais informações sobre a Editora Ananse acesse o site: editorananse.com.br ou entre em contato pelo WhatsApp (11) 94811-2561 e pelo e-mail: [email protected] ou [email protected]    
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lucamoreirareal · 2 years
Na última quinta-feira (4), foi oficializada pelo partido PDT, a Pré-Candidatura do OBA (Ogboni) ADEKUNLE ADERONMU (@kabiesiaderonmu) ao cargo de primeiro SUPLENTE para SENADOR do ESTADO  de SÃO PAULO.  Mais um incentivo a todo o nosso povo que vêm sofrendo com tanto descaso político, social, cultural, educacional. Oba Adekunle Aderonmu apresenta suplemento à sua pré-candidatura ao Senado pelo…
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vudutarot · 4 years
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#certificate #ogboni #edan #onile #orisa #nigeria https://www.instagram.com/p/B5apNtpF4Ea/?igshid=nq5tn7jsx058
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kemetic-dreams · 5 years
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