#oh 13 likes wearing rainbows same here. and the doctor never opens up to anyone. me too
i-like-media · 5 months
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Beware the blorbo rabbit hole
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nightmanatee · 3 years
13 has had romantical feelings for yaz since s11 and here are some proofs
(disclaimer: i have this long lasting theory proven to myself by myself about how 13 fell in love with yaz since the beginning with yaz catching up with her in s12 and like it makes so much sense when you watch s11 all these years later. 13 was so open and kind and i really think she was ready for something new back in the days (pre-master ones) or in other words: we could have it all).
1. so there`s almost nothing in twwfte and tgm bc it`s mostly them running and then running and then running and also 13 first need to find her wifey #1 (tardis)!
2. looking at yaz (respectfully) (rosa+arachnidsat least)
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3. always wanting to pair with yaz! (it takes you away+ep10+rosa+tsuranga)
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4. personal space WHO? (twwfte+rosa+tsuranga)
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5. TEA AT YAZ?????????????????????? like do i even have to say ANYTHING ELSE?
also yes i think i do. i dunno wheter it`s only me or smth but both hakim and sonya treated yaz "poorly" in front of her new friends asking wheter yaz pays them to be friends/talking about how she`s never had friends etc etc (while we`ve ALL seen "can you hear me ep") so our knight in the rainbow armour made herself look stupid and socially awkward so that yaz is going to be comfortable!! like i do really think that 13 did that on purpose.
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6. eh?
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"are you twoo seeing each other?"
it generally seems like 13 was not so against this idea but rather respectful (and secretly hoped that yaz would say yes). add here the fact that she was glancing at yaz ALL the time while talking to najia.
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7. the way when "the boys" or literally anyone else (look at the tsuranga ep you`ll see) touch her she`s always like ew what is that but then when it`s yaz she`s like oh yes thank you
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8. "doctor can we go back to see my nan?" "no" "please?" "no" "pretty please?" "
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+i would marry your nan to not your granddad"+in the kerblam like right AFTER THIS EP right AFTER THIS "this is what happens when i`m too nice to people" she says "always" to yaz`s "doctor. can i have a request?"
9. should i even start on this whole universe-being-13 thing?
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10. her showing off in front of yaz (kerblam! at least) "too bombastic?"+ her in the witchfinders being able to catch an apple?
11. this foreshadowng about "i think you came here with a plan but you didn`t expect to fall in love"
12. a little "it takes you away" theory about how 13 didn`t see anyone but a frog in the solitract bc she`s already had a crush on yaz and yaz was there!
this conversation between madam vastra and clara (about how 11th doctor looked young to "flirt" with a whole world so 13 wearing rainbow clother might`ve been the same)
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203 notes · View notes
sly-merlin · 4 years
 HUMSAFAR - let me love you forever || lee jooheon
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HUMSAFAR || companion or a fellow traveller.
• pairing || jooheon + doctor! y/n 
• Ages || 32 and 30
• Genre ||   transition from angst to fluff to angst to fluff / almost divorced au
• Word count || ~7k
• Warnings || angst???
A/N :: this piece is dedicated to my dear SEVEN @msmadness99​ , written for the @kafenetwork​ kafeholidays event! a little note for you at the end seven! enjoy🥳
beta readers ::my cutie @hunjins​ and sweetest @adamfoolcry​ (thank you so much for being patient and correcting me my two grammarly professors) and i hope you enjoyed your cameo aria)
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Synopsis ||
At our parting neither you cried nor I
But why is it that neither you slept peacefully nor I
Even as grownups, we sometimes fail to understand how to keep going when the going gets tougher. Easiest decision? Give up. You chose it. Jooheon respected it. But with each passing day, apprehension of parting forces him to finally realise what he should have been doing before the going got tougher for the both of you!
He has a choice. Either to lead you closer to him or let you further away from him. Choosing the former, he makes you wear the binoculars to the past countering your impulsive decision with another of his own.
Without a word spoken, how would he say “Let me love you forever?”
Playlist: rainbow-sana, still falling for you, sixteen - ellie, you are the one for me - Shania, every man of mine - Shania (this one is just for fun)
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At our parting of ways, neither you cried nor I
"I can’t take this anymore, jooheon. It’s not love if it suffocates you. Sign these papers so we can both move on. Please!” you pleaded.
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 November 29
You pleaded.
He complied.
The very next moment, he regretted it.
 He was lost in the old conversations when your emerging figure broke his train of thoughts. He removed the baseball cap shadowing his eyes to take a good look at you. You looked tired. Incessantly massaging your nape, you passed his car with heavy footsteps without even sparing him a glance. Checking over his shoulder, he felt his confidence fading away as you neared your own car. His trembling fingers opened the door but his legs refused to move. The fear of facing you after two weeks settled in as shivers travelled from his hands reaching his chest but a voice in his head screamed for him to budge. Today was the day he had waited a long time for. He had been gathering the courage for two whole days and that might not be long for others but for him they were.
Inhaling a deep breath he walked around his car to approach you. From what was obvious to a stranger’s eye, you looked like you were struggling with your bags. Did she lose her keys again? Jooheon wondered.
“Lost something miss? I mean missus.” He corrected himself with emphasis.
He noticed you pausing your actions. Your back was still facing him but you were no more rummaging through your bag. When you turned around, he was met with a pair of furrowed brows.
“What are you doing here?” you asked in an ice cold voice.
“I just- I just wanted to see you.” he replied forgetting his love-speech he had memorised earlier.
“Leave! And never come here again. Anyone could recognise you here!” you deadpanned but couldn’t hide your worry for his privacy making him smile involuntarily.
“How are you?” he continued ignoring your warning.
“What exactly are you looking for joo?” He loved the way the nickname rolled off your tongue.
“I won’t repeat again joo. Do not bother me again!”
“And why is that?”
“We are divorced.”
“Not yet!”
“It’s just 13 days joo. Then you’ll be free.”
“But I don’t want to.” You rolled your eyes at his sharp tongue.
“Papers are signed joo. I’m not sure where you are heading but save yourself the hard work and focus on your career instead. I need to go home.”
You whirled around to continue the search for keys when jooheon smoothly picked you up to place you on the car hood causing you to let out a small yelp. Holding you securely, he closed the unwanted distance to rub his forehead against yours to ease the creases on your head. Right when you were about to release the breath you held, his lips met your right cheek in a sweet kiss. His one hand cupped your chin in the softest of the manner and twisting his own face to the right, his cheek met with your lips to earn one for himself as well. Before you could decipher his train of actions, you were positioned back on your feet. Winking at your baffled face, he walked back to his car, all while smiling like an idiot.
“What are-?
“Don’t forget to eat something. I’ll see you tomorrow. Oh and check your pant pockets!” he shouted inappropriately loud for a public place.
His car left the parking lot and unconsciously your trembling fingers traced the pant pockets. The keys were in your pocket and like always, he was the one that reminded you!
Time passed but you kept staring at the empty space, transfixed by his actions.
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But then, what’s this that neither you nor I slept peacefully!
The glass photo frame in your hand was stained with salty mixture of your tears and the mascara that was adorning your eyes till few minutes ago. Your fingers brushed the drops away to save the photo but the endless stream wasn't helping much. With back against the bedroom door and the chilled surface beneath, your body slightly shook at the midnight coldness. The heater managed to increase the temperature of the room yet it failed to release the warmth that your heart yearned for.
The photo you held with your dear life was taken in Rome, at the congratulatory trip you both had taken on your first marriage anniversary. You both were standing on the top of the Spanish steps when the tourist photographer had clicked you with hands interlocked and eyes trained on each other, a perfect heart-warming moment. You both considered yourself lucky as a few months after your trip, sitting on the same stairs was banned. Your fondness with this piece of glass and paper couldn't be described in mere words, at least you always failed to explain your love for it. And now this immortal memory was your solace in nights.
You didn’t clearly remember the day, month or year when you first encountered it. you didn’t remember the exact time when the loneliness you felt when he went away for weeks on tours, the desire to snatch few moments for the both of you, the love that still grew with each day despite not being close was morphed into a guilty conscience of your inability to shower him with the same amount of love and affection you desired when he was away. What started with him ended up with you? Even in med school and his rap rehearsals, you both managed to take some for each other leaving no room for complaints. But as the years passed, you got occupied but you still got by, somehow.  Even when he went to endless tours you took it upon yourself to surprise visit him from time to time so he won't feel alone and for that you even started double shifts to use them for leave. You did what you could until it was impossible to give your all and finally you grew tired of it. It was a year ago when you had your first fight over the issue. Jooheon had taken hiatus and booked a vacation as a surprise but you were unable to take any leave. In his displeasure, he had thrown some harsh words at you but nothing that a sweet love filled apology couldn't fix. But that small argument developed into extended string of many.
"Let's have a baby y/n. It's been more than 10 years since we got together. I think we are ready for an addition" he had proposed, only two days after you were promoted. You were burdened and confused. 
You refused.
He complied.
When few months passed you felt like a liability on the man who wanted nothing more than to have a family with you. So you proposed the end.
"I can’t take this anymore jooheon. It’s not love if it suffocates you. Sign these papers so we can both move on. Please!” you pleaded.
He hesitated but agreed. You'd be lying if you said it didn't hurt. You expected him to start another fight with you but more importantly for you! 
That was a month ago and now you were lying on the cold floor crying yourself to sleep to pass another night.
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You had never called him that. It was always joo for you! Since you were 19? 20? He couldn't remember but it had always been joo. 
Ignoring the trivial fights that stretched over for more than a year had been one of the biggest blunders of his life. For what he considered insignificant, you took as warning. The things he remained oblivious of, marked the end of a decade old relationship. As much as he wanted to stop you, he couldn't. How he could be selfish when it came to the person who had loved him selflessly almost half of his life. 
He complied when you pleaded. And his heart ached at the absence of any tears.
I failed her! These words repeatedly played in his head for two weeks. Who else was to blame for the calamity than himself? He was the other pillar of the house that you both had built once. He, instead of protecting it had shattered you as well.
That was a month ago. Following a week after that cursed day, you both signed the papers and had queued your petition due to winter holidays. Year was ending and so his life.  
It was two weeks ago. When he moved out of the house. You had insisted upon shifting into the hospital dorms but he refused. You complied. 
But miracles happen at unexpected places. For him, it held true.
Two weeks ago, you had called him for separation of an old joint account. You had opened your wallet for your id card when he had found his hope. In your wallet laid multiple stamp sized photos of him, some old some new. He was aware that you used to get your favourite photos in stamp size just to carry around but why his! When you had curtly made it clear that your feeling for him had died down.
With chaotic mind he had reached home. The entangled mess that his thoughts were found themselves making straight queues of responses that lined up from his head to heart.
There was a chance you had lied. Why? He didn’t know. The only think he was sure of was that he loved you. And perhaps you did too! And he couldn’t let you further away from him.
Your impulsive actions would be compensated by his own!
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In the eyes that hold my beloved, who else can be beheld
5 December.
“I have to attend appointments joo. You just can’t turn this hospital into a picnic spot. If you don’t want to meet the security then don’t ever show your face again!” you warned again.
From the past three days, he has been camping in your office. Though he did wear a mask and a cap, you were still afraid his fans would recognise him causing trouble for you in the hospital.
“Yo! No need to be aggressive woman. I just came to eat your homemade food. I’ll go right after that. You want to eat with me?”
His crinkled eyes were persuading you to agree but always knowing better, you shook your head and left the room after picking up few charts.
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Shutting the door with a thud, you left the room. Jooheon’s palm met with the table, the loud noise coming back to pierce through his ears.
Why were you so stubborn!
All he wanted was a response of some sort that, if not a guarantee, would give him an assurance that he was indeed chasing his old y/n. not that lack of any was going to stop him, he was just getting anxious. He was already late. The only way to have you back was to crawl towards you, slowly, cautiously until you were ready for him to run to you.
Till then?
A little effort and lots of waiting!
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6 December
You saw him leaning against your car. Again!
“What do you want Jooheon?”
“Go on a vacation with me?”
You rubbed your forehead in frustration, “are you high joo? You cannot ask me to trips! You shouldn’t even be here in the first place. You probably don’t remember but we are not together anymore!”
“Have you lost your mind y/n.” he mimicked. “The divorced is not finalised yet.”
“I don’t know what bit you in a month but all this is not a joke for me joo. I’m not taking divorce to go on fun holidays wi-
“Nothing is a joke for y/n.” his voice suddenly grew serious, “just two weeks is all I’m asking from you.”
“We. Are. Separating! What part of this are you finding hard to understand?”
“Separation to separating? Nice journey baby.” He snarked, standing tall, jamming his hands in his pockets.
“I don’t want to be anywhere near you.”
 “You owe me few days y/n. I’m just cashing those.” He said nonchalantly.
“We both owe each other many things but you don’t find me demanding any?”
“Three weeks”
Wrapping your arms around yourself and ignoring his requests, you circled the car.
“Two weeks?”
You opened the door and threw the bag onto the seat.
 “Please y/n.” you yapped at the proximity of the voice, gulping at him literally sitting on his knees!
“Joo do-
“I’m not asking for reconciliation. I just wanna spend some time with you. Nothing more, nothing less. I don’t wanna leave you with a guilt y/n. please.”
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9 December
“Of all the places, why here?  If this is where you want me to waste my 15 precious holidays then sorry I’m out!”
“Can’t you just shut your judgemental mouthpiece and concentrate? Kihyun is about to enter the stage.” He whispered, picking some piece of lint from your jacket.
Yes, you were on a vacation. Your guilty conscience had over weighed your screaming rationality and also because he was too persistent. But this was opposite the vacation he sounded so excited about! No offence to kihyun, you loved the elder but the operas were not your thing and certainly not with a body running on 2.5 hours of sleep and caffeine!
“Look look, there he is!” jooheon slightly jumped on his seat.
You begrudgingly craned your neck to notice the man entering the stage with other two artists. Without further ado, the world-famous opera singers greeted the audience and began singing.
Taking a look at jooheon's face, you observed how his eyes lit up when kihyun's voice reverberated in the auditorium. The seemingly incurable boredom due to the same old melody slowly dispelled as the prominent wrinkles emerged around his eyes, the deep dimples appearing as if his cheeks had been scooped out.
 He was invested in the performance and you in a very particular audience. You thoroughly enjoyed the side view of the exclusive affair until you just couldn’t anymore.
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12 December
For the tenth time, you tried your best to push yourself but the heavy, soft clouds forced you further into the bed. You felt snug under the warm blankets, the relief of not having to wake up and run to the hospital at 7 a.m. finally crushing you but in a warm way. 
Kihyun's high notes still echoed in your head as you prepared breakfast. This was the reason you weren’t super excited over watching him being all majestic on the stage. Since college days, you never liked how his voice would live in your head for several days after only an hour of performance. As for the recent one, it was two days ago, the day you last saw jooheon. You had tried to call him the day after with the purpose of throwing a small gratitude speech regarding his gentlemanliness for dropping your sleepy self to home but you weren't lucky enough to receive an answer. You felt annoyed at first for his carelessness towards the so called vacation but your annoyance died down after a much needed 8 hour nap. Now, you were sprawled on the couch eating away the delicious food while catching up on an old show. 
No sooner had you finished the food than you ran for the door. 
"My queen!" He squealed, pouty lips trying to touch you before his needy arms could. You rolled your eyes, opening the door for him, turning around only at the dramatic gasp he let out.
"That's not how you greet your guests missus!"
"Guest?" You scoffed before continuing, "since when joo?" Strolling around the living room, you missed jooheon's perplexed eyes.
"Do you wish to stand there for the whole day?" You jabbed to which his lips merely curved up in the disgustingly adorable half smile that you hated so much.
"Do you want to eat?" You offered
"No. I'm good. Just here for a pick up."
"I could've taken up the surgery Mr. Nam is doing today! You wasted my two days!" You shouted from the kitchen, pouring some juice for him.
"Looks like someone slept well. Your zombie eyes are gone woman" he looked through the glass, clearly poking fun at your swollen eyes. "And please refrain from mentioning scissors and blood for a few days. Also take an extra coat."
"Umm what are we exactly doing?"
"I'll let you know missus!" You groaned at the overuse of the title you were no longer associated with but remained silent. For the time being.
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"FUCKIN SNOW TUBING!  You screamed in horror as your now soon-to-be ex hubby parked the car. "You know I hate this so much. What are we doing here?" 
"Chill madam. You won't die. Besides you said you wanted to try it once before dying and according to an ancient saying who has seen tomorrow so let's go."
"No thanks"
"Thank me later baby" he snickered.
"I don't want to wear those already worn tubing pants Joo! Let's just go back." You protested but he merely rolled his eyes at your weak protest and grabbed your arm, dragging you along the railing.
After obtaining the tickets, you both were guided towards the changing area. A man handed you the snow pants wrapped in clear plastic.
“Sir are these pants washed?” jooheon asked, very obviously ridiculing you.
“Yes mister. These clothes are dry-cleaned and sanitized for proper care.” The man explained politely.
Jooheon’s judging brows danced in sync before he left you alone to change. The pants were comfy but you couldn’t say same about the whole tubing thing you were going to experience. You weren’t against snow or the related activities, but the ski slopes were frightening. Even thinking about the steep run, you felt nauseous.
Wintry air blew your hair as you stepped outside of the lodge area and into the white carpet zone. The temperature seemed to be decreasing as you took slow steps for the tubing area. As jooheon took your hand in his, you knew there was no escaping.
"Did you take my pictures? I got to post it. Everyone needs to know I went for tubing. They are going to be shocked boy!"
You kept mumbling while sipping your hot chocolate. You were busy staring at the snowman marshmallow melting into the drink that you missed his loving gaze on you.
"Yeah of course everyone needs to know. That the scaredy cat y/n, who's afraid of slopes, after 8 years of resolution, finally went to snow tubing"
"Are we going somewhere else" you mistakenly voiced your hope but feeling embarrassed, immediately drew your eyes back on the mug.
"No. You ain't feeling it but you are pretty overwhelmed. Let’s just buy some pasta and then I'll drop you home. I forgot my glasses so I can't drive too late" 
Your face instantly dropped at his open disregard for your subtle indication. Blowing on the hot drink, you tried to drown his words with loud slurping but the disappointment was evident on your face.
Jooheon took a note of that, suddenly feeling not so exhausted!
And just like that another day was over! 
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13 December
The car rolled along the few bungalows that lined up across the apartment building where jooheon was residing since last month. He had called you to pick him up for his car had suddenly stopped working which was quite strange considering how much he cared for his boy toys. But here you were, returning the favour of his kindness! 
"What are you aiming for Joo? This is not a holiday, it's just a city tour. And now a bookstore? Why are you choosing all the boring things in the world! Do you want me to throw you out of my car? You huffed as he mentioned the next destination.
“Bookstores? Boring? For you?" His nose crinkled as if he smelled a burnt egg. 
"I love reading and you know that! But these days I- I don't get enough time to finish a book. Not even in a month! I don't wanna hoard more books and then feel guilty while passing our library" hearing yourself, you understood how frustrated you were over the fact that even after building a mini library to enjoy your love for reading , you weren't able to do the same.
"Yes I know! That’s why I don't understand why you refuse to make some time for yourself. Just like this vacation. You can take some days off. You are no more under strict supervision y/n. You can use your allowed days!"
"I know I'm promoted and all but it comes with a responsibility. I just can't leave everything for juniors and seniors to handle while I enjoy a cup of coffee!"
"Don't tell me they don't get their paid leaves! When they are not considerate enough then why do you bother so much about t- stop? Stop the car right here!"
Startled at his howling, you hit the brakes and parked the car in the permissible area.
"What was that bitch! You wanna kill me or something?" His eyeballs widened into infinity as your chest rose and fell with newfound anger. For a tiny person, you sure had some Good temper. 
Horrified, he sheepishly smiled at you before pointing outside with his finger. Your focus changed scenery when you looked outside, blood calming in an instant, hands smacking your own face in astonishment.
"Oh shit! This is still alive!"
"Cut the profanities kid." 
Some other time you'd have sliced off his tongue for calling you a kid but all your attention was diverted to the store outside. Jooheon chucked to himself as your eyes gleamed with something he had been missing from days and he was simply satisfied. 
The Renaissance book cafe! 
The place you once called your home! Not dramatically but literally as all your time beyond studied was spent there!
The bell chimed as you both entered the cafe. The air smelled of the warm memories that still lived within you but the consciousness that the walled space provided wasn't something you'd have carried with you. 
 It was a nice cosy 2 storey building, owned by an old couple. They both used to sit on the receptionist seat together, making everyone coo at their loveliness towards each other. But nothing remains steady! The old man was sitting alone, reading some comic book, not caring about anyone's arrival.
You exchanged an understanding look with jooheon before entering further. 
The aroma of gold liquid felt oddly similar.
"Came for the books and stayed for the coffee. “You mumbled
"Come for the coffee and stayed for you" He whispered in your ear before walking away. “I need some short stories to detoxify myself.” He announced, stretching his arms not glancing behind. He knew if he did he's found you stunned and glued. But instead you passed him weakly, going straight for the fiction section.
"At least someone has enough time to properly read. Unlike me!" 
Jooheon's heart knew your now dulled expression was not just because of the books. The old couple had been the subject of jooheon's final graduation project but being too busy with rookie career you had happily offered to do the observational worksheets for him. Their smiles, little arguments, interactions with each other and customers had taught you more about life then you'd have had on your own. His arm outstretched on its own but he retracted. He couldn't!
"Hey y/n. Let’s go upstairs!" He said, gripping your hand tightly, dragging you along with him.
"Slow down joo."
Nostalgia warmed your body as your feet led you to the section devoted solely to the majestic 1700s and 1800s. He watched as you grinned, fingers brushing on various titles 
"How much time do we have?" You queried hopefully.
"Umm." He pretended to count, “the whole day" you slightly jumped on your toes at his words before picking up your favourite classic from the shelf.
"Which one do you want?" You asked like your hands weren't on the other copy of the same volume.
"I always read same as you!" He felt offended at you forgetting the most significant detail. 
"Oh ok." 
Shoving his copy to his chest, you made your way to the distant two seater couches. The setting of the table was incredibly inviting. It's was situated on the corner where there was minimum light, perfectly providing you the comfort of home.
 "Oh hear me out y/n. There's a superb paragraph" You shifted your gaze towards him as he sipped on his coffee. "Once upon a time there's was a 19 year old boy named as Lee jooheon. On insistence of his friends, he once visited an amazing coffee shop. The ambience of the shop was so alluring that he decided to take a stroll. No book caught his eye but a certain pair of eyes did. The beautiful maiden's captivating eyes seduced the poor man into daily visits. With each passing day, he found himself getting trapped inside those y/e/c orbs. He wished the woman would spare him a glance or two. He wished she'd call his name one day. He desired to be born as the bookmark in his next life or the book itself! For she'd stare all day lo-
"Well if the young man didn't shut his mouth then the not-so-young maiden would pour the hot coffee onto his head." You whisper yelled as he cowered away dramatically.
"Chill. I'm just trying to have some fun. It's totally cool"
You nodded knowingly before fixing your gaze on the lost words.
Only if you knew what he truly meant by it!"
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His eyes had the song that I never sung aloud
16 December
"I wanna stay here. Backstage!" You pouted, pulling shownu by his arm. 
"Jooheon would kill me!" He shrugged.
"Please noni don't wanna stand with those mad fangirls and besides, I have heard your songs plenty of times. What difference it'd make"
He pressed his lips together, eyes glaring at you. "Wow y/n. It's been like 14 months since you attended our last concert. Now you don't wanna even stay in the audience. Where's the y/n who loved the thrill of bass!" His spoke and went on to ruffle your hair.
"14 months?" You chuckled. “No way! Your calculation is so wrong!"
Shownu folded his arms against his chest giving you a no-nonsense look, "then care to explain why your dear husband is shouting at everyone to not cause any problem because his precious wife is attending after 14 months! Even the food delivery man knows that you are here. After 14 months. Precisely"
A wave of guilt coursed through you as you took in his words. You truly didn't remember the last time you went out to support your husband. Another breeze followed at the realisation that jooheon was actively making efforts. For what? You couldn't say but being aware of his little measures, you didn't want him to stop. Why? You couldn't say that either but something tender had made its way to your heart and thawed the ice.
Despite having the VIP seats, the commotion that was going to follow made you anxious. It wasn't that you weren't fond of the monsta's power packed concerts but fangirling over your family members didn't set right onto you or you could say you didn't feel thrill that the rest of audience dealt with. You were glad that kyun's girlfriend was present to provide you the much needed company.
The evening was about to end and you were catching up with mina when suddenly your voices drowned out among the hooting of the crowd.
"Well everyone, someone has a special surprise for you all. This is a complimentary performance dedicated to all of you. Please enjoy and merry Christmas everyone"
The lights focused on the single chair on the centre stage. After a few seconds, the spotlight was occupied by a raven haired man. 
“What is he doing up there? With a guitar?” mina jerked her head in your direction and found you equally flabbergasted by the whole scenario.
“I don’t know.” you barely managed to whisper back.
“I never knew he could play that?”
Mina’s wonder laced look and also of everyone present in the arena was worth capturing. Because they had simply never seen that man with a guitar before. He was always the enthusiastic, wildly alive rapper on stage. His secret acoustic career had always remained exclusive for your ears. Until now. With hair down and a simple hoodie, face rid of any makeup, he mirrored the younger version of jooheon who learned guitar specifically for you.
You noticed how his eyes met yours for a second but darted away. He cleared his throat nervously. Not only you but the whole arena could sense the odd overwhelming feeling that he radiated. The audience seemed all ready to see him in action but you slightly chuckled at how fidgety he was being. You could only hope he won’t run away from the stage.
But instead he exhaled mightily, shifted his posture and the very familiar tune resounded in the quiet place. 
“When was the last time he sang this to me?” you quizzed yourself. 
As he proceeded with the song, you felt like something you treasured for so long was being exposed to the whole world. Unlike others, the lyrics spoke differently to both of you.
You’re still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You’re still the one I want for life
Look how far we’ve come my baby.
You knew, among the sea of people, the only ears he wanted to reach were yours and you wanted nothing more than to scream on the top of your lungs that you indeed would run to him and he was still the one that you needed.
You wanted to. But you chose not to. 
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 19 December
Your hand secured in his, he took painfully small steps to match yours as you were too busy ogling at every piece of item displayed in the showrooms. You weren’t interested in buying anything as you had told him earlier and he was pleased with anything as long as he got to be with you. Knowing that you were not keen on spending time outside in the cold, he was initially afraid of your reaction when he had suggested the idea of doing Christmas shopping. But your sparkling eyes had liberated him of the worries. Slipping into the crowd was easy but keeping a pace was getting difficult. It was an hour ago and now his one hand was crammed into his pocket and other one was holding yours. He had a Christmas presents list tucked in his shirt pocket but the warmth of your happy eyes was not something he wanted to lose at that moment. It was early in the evening so having plenty of time on his hands, he was more than happy watching you smiling like an idiot.
“Oh shit! Why didn't you remind me? We have to buy toys for ari!" You reminded him. Aria was minhyuk's three year old daughter and being the only kid in your friend circle she was more than just spoiled. 
"What to get this time?" Jooheon's muffled voice got lost in his mask.
He crouched down to speak in your ear, "I said what to buy?" 
"Oh ok. Umm how about a roller coaster? She can play with it in summers and a Lego set of-
Jooheon was already looking at you when your head snapped up. "Which Lego set should we get?"
"A musical theatre"
"A hospital building"
You both cut each other and shouted, gaining unnecessary attention from a few passer bys. Slightly bowing to particularly no one, you dragged him by his elbow to enter a small antique shop.
"Why would a 3 yr. old need a hospital building" he sounded bothered by your choice.
"And she ain't going to be a musician either"
"Oh so this is about that hmm? Sorry to burst your bubble but she's going to be a rapper just like me."
"Yeah yeah we'll see-
"Do you want to buy something sir" you both turned inside the shop to find an old man smiling at you both. He bended forward forward in welcome which you both returned immediately. A glance at his face and you were already feeling awkward for barging into his shop without any purpose but before you could say anything, jooheon took your hand and pulled you outside.
"That was so rude joo!" 
"Better than just standing there and looking like thieves caught up in the act" he explained and you merely nodded, getting distracted by the hamleys store in your eyesight.
"There it is!" 
Jooheon chuckled at your cuteness and let himself follow your wordlessly.      
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"Didn't you make your list this year?" You asked, counting the sparkles on the night blanket. Of all members, including you, jooheon was always the most excited one on Christmas. He was always the one to write a list of gifts for others. That's why you were sitting on the concrete bench of the shopping centre, bags resting beside you. 
You turned your head to find his eyes unwrinkled, trained on the night sky, face inscrutable under the mask. His was still just like the statue behind you, but his body radiated unprecedented sadness. But you knew him. Hesitantly, your hand reached out to break him from the bubble he had packed himself in. His shoulder trembled under your touch as he finally faced down. 
"What?" He whispered.
"I was saying if you prepared a list for the gifts. We can get them so you won't have to shop alone." 
"Oh!" He evaded your sight as his right hand mechanically clutched his coat just where he heart resided. You could swear you saw a flicker of something on his half covered face but didn't press any further.
"You ain't gonna get anything this time?" You asked carefully.
"No." He politely refused
You couldn't comprehend the sudden change of demeanour. He was fine in the store while surfing through the shelves so you couldn't understand the reason for his foggy behaviour. Maybe he was tired, you thought and suggested he end the day. 
As you both walked the same pathway again, you couldn't help when you passed that antique shop. 
Tugging at his arm, you caused him to stop.
"Umm joo, we were rude to that old man. He must have mistaken us as customers. Don't you think we can get something as an apology and maybe I'd find something good as well!" he nodded in affirmation.
"Oh yeah. We should. But hurry up it's getting colder"
You nodded enthusiastically taking a step back to enter the shop. Jooheon shook his head at your childish mannerism. Following you, he found your awestruck gaze at a wooden Christmas tree. It was a polished piece laced with beautiful ornaments. At the centre was a small golden star sparkling enough to blind someone but his gaze was fixed on something else that shone brighter than the artificial piece. 
"Can we take it joo? We'll place this on the fireplace shelf, right beside your bronze mic."
The smile on jooheon's face dimmed at your words. Despite denying it several times, you were doing it too often for it to be considered an honest error. 
You hummed again pestering for a response but none came.
"Joo! Can we get this?"
"I'll be waiting in the parking lot" before you could respond, he left. You were perplexed at his sudden action so you hurriedly apologized before paying for the tree. 
You were breathless by the time you reached the car. Jooheon's head was resting on the steering wheel, arm limp by his side. Concern clouded your mind at his distressed state as he didn't make any move even after hearing the car window noise. Placing the gift pack on the backseat, you called his name. He immediately lifted his head only to look the other way and that's when you heard a muffled sniffle. You inched forward to rub his shoulder but he swatted your hand away as soon as it made contact with his body. It wasn't rude but still something prickled. 
"Joo! Baby! Are you fine?"
"Ye-yeah. " He finally looked up but adjusted his cap to hide himself. "Let me just drop you home. Do you want to eat something? I'm not hungry so we can get something for your choice" he babbled, shifting the gears.
"What happened joo. Why are you so upset? Are you feeling sick?" A trail of questions left your lips. The more he remained silent, the more you became anxious.
"No I'm perfectly fine."
"I don't wanna talk about it y/n" 
Irritated by his rejection, you resorted on picking your lips instead of paying him any further attention. But your attempts at ignorance went futile when he let out another choked sniffle. For the first time, you felt helpless. Your destination was near and all you could was twist the ring in your third finger, trying to distract yourself. 
"I'll keep the toys with me. I'm gonna visit them tomorrow so I'll give it to them. Take your tree though" 
You were already home!
"Are y-yeah I'll do that. Good night. “You remained rooted in the seat for the next few seconds but when there was no hope left, you whirled around to pick the paper bag from the backseat. Just when you clicked the button to open the door, your peripheral vision caught something on the space above the glove compartment. It was not there earlier! 
Without thinking twice, you touched the paper picking it up, "is it a bill?" You were about to unfold it but jooheon acted faster than lightning to snatch it. He was swift yet failed as your grip was stronger.
"Go away joo. It'd tear!" You twisted your whole body towards the window as he struggled.
"Y/n it's mine." 
He kept trying but you sneakily opened the door and jumped out of the car. You heard a loud curse but without a care for the man, you focused on the task at hand. Nothing was visible due to the natural darkness so you turned on your camera flash to look at it. Jooheon was also out of the car by now.
"Binoculars to the past?" You read out loud the words written in the centre.
"Is this some poetry joo?" If you had looked up, you'd have noticed the drained colour on his face. He was eventually going to tell you about it but he wasn't ready yet. And you kept reading out loud twisting his insides.
"Number one, sleep. Number two, meet up with hyungs, have a coffee with the old couple. Would she agree for the concert? Snow tubing to freak her out, guitar practice? Visit my parents, buy Christmas gifts? And test the waters? Withdraw the application?” your breath quickened as you recited the list. 
“WI-withdraw the application joo? You also agreed to it now I don't see where the problem is-
“You can't see the problem” he interjected in a tired voice. “All this is a major problem y/n. We are divorcing and that's the problem. We'd never eat or live together and that's the problem. We'd never be there for each other and it might not be a problem for you but it is for me! I can't thin- you don't know how much I'm regretting giving in to you. I don't want to live without yo-
You didn't let him complete before you ran inside the building. He called after you but didn't follow.  
 But it was not over for him!
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There was animosity, Indifference and anguish
The one who I was parted with had everything
But be didn't have unfaithfulness
Sprawled on the bed with the photo in hand you were missing him more than ever. The intensity of the pain you felt left you shook. You glanced at the ceiling with blurry vision. In the past week, jooheon had managed to bring the same felicity that you had known once. But with each passing tear, it flew away. You had already bid farewell to him three weeks ago. It was already over from your side so why you were still wounded. You were scared that one more day and you'd end up giving in to him. And you wanted everything but to cause him further affliction.
You winced at the constant noise of your phone. It was buzzing and there seemed no end to it. Sniffling sharply, without looking at the contact, you picked it up.
 "Who's I-
"Don't leave me" the wretched sob that pierced through the phone had you dead. Pulling yourself up, you gulped against his words. He was breaking but so were you. Sounded like he had some things to say, you had too.  “Please y/n. Each day is harder than the last. Please, just one more time, give me a chance to make you happy. I won’t fail you again.”
The image of his crushed face flashed through your mind and a moist hiccup shook you up. 
“I’d never fight again. No arguments, I promise! I’ll change myself. Just give me a chance.” 
Disbelief washed over when you heard his words. He was cursing himself for being the source while it all had started with you and not him. Your much needed explanation that followed flowed with struggle. “I- you were doing more than enough. I’m unable to return your love with the same intensity. You can find someone better t-to d-devote yourself to. I can ne-
“Did I ever say you were not doing enough? Did I- I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like that. I never meant to.”
“You didn't do anything, joo. It felt the emptiness between us. You must have too! We can both do better than this joo. I proposed divorce after calculating everything. You were not happy anymore joo. I was getting bus-
“I was happy. Very happy. I respected your decision because you said you didn’t love me anymore! You never told me that my supposed happiness was the reason.” he choked out a reply. “You co-could have talked to me. It’s not like I wouldn’t have heard you. We could have found an understanding. There were two people in this relationship y/n. You had no right to decide for me!”
His words echoed through your room. You hid your face in your knees, trying to maintain the tranquillity and he didn't speak for a few minutes, donating you the time to collect yourself.
“You were-” you began, harshly rubbing the tears off your cheeks, “you were suffering joo. You took hiatus, twice, for me and I couldn't manage some time to be there with you. I knew how it felt to be the one waiting joo. I knew how you felt when I wasn't there to share your life.”
“Half of my life, I’ve been away. You never thought about a divorce before.”
“Because I thought everything would be solved one day. But I don't know how we exchanged places. Since last year you were the one waiting for me.  The days are longer when you are suddenly left alone joo.”
“And instead of asking me, you simply decided for me as well. Why did you wait for all these years?”
“I loved you joo. I would never have left you just because you were a little busy.”
“Then why can’t you expect the same from me dammit. Why can’t I spend few days, dinners and nights alone? Why can’t I return you the love you showered me with all these years?”
“You wanted a baby and I was-
“I want a baby with you! Whenever you want and even if you don’t its fine, totally fine. You could’ve said so instead of putting so much pressure over yourself over nothing. This is not the y/n I fell in love with!”
“You should go home joo. It’s getting late.” 
“Why didn't you wait a little longer? Am I not worth it?” 
“It’s already too late for-
“I can’t let your stupid decisions drive our future. It’s not you! It’s we! And I’ve decided to try again. First but not the last. I’m willing to do this again and again until we no longer need it. We can’t live without each other. Don’t lie anymore. Not to me, not to yourself. We can make through. We promised to love each other forever. Let’s fulfil it. Can you do that?” he asked, expecting nothing yet everything. He hated how quiet you were but it meant you were pondering as well. 
You bobbed your head like he could see you. Without much thought, you hang up the phone to let him in, this time for a lifetime.
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He was my companion!
4 years later, 23 December, 20:00
"Jooheon where the fuck are you?" 
Despite balancing yourself on the two ladder chair, you still lacked a few centimetres for reaching the top of the tree. Star in hand, you waited for your husband but he didn't respond.
"The fuck Lee jooheon! I said put the star on!" 
"Why are you cursing in front of a baby?" He cried, scrubbing his hands on the apron.
“You are so annoying. Why did you buy a burj khalifa if you weren’t gonna help!” hips jutted out, you questioned him.
“Well I have some questions too! Why are you so short? Why aren’t you using the big ladder? Why am I in the kitchen? Why is Yves eating the carpet?”
The sarcasm fell off his face when you both saw your daughter. She was lying down and was indeed chewing the side of the carpet that she held in her tiny hands. You both sprinted for the middle of the room where she was enjoying herself.
“Bad baby!” as soon as you picked her up, she wailed like you had snatched her favourite toy.
“She’s just 2! Don’t talk to her like that” he reminded as you handed her over. She was a papa’s girl after all. “Go to the kitchen! I’ll stay here.”
You pursed your lips, refusing the offer. Smiling mischievously, he circled around to hit your butt with his knee before coming back to place a sloppy kiss on your cheek. You clicked the same cheek as he ran away, making horrible plane noises to make Yves laugh. She was pleased, you weren’t.
“Lee jooheon, go back in the kitchen before I make you regret your decision.” 
Your warning voice echoed through the house as you raced after them. 
And you never ever regretted opening the door that day! 
With sunshine and shade, there was no parting ever.
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hey SEVEN! it’s candy. you can call me SIMMI ! the past month was such a happy ride with you. in the beginning i wasn’t aware of your blog but as time passed and we talked more, we found out abt our similarities, our love for jooheon and hoshi’s cheeks (this info is impo) and our interests! my sytherin sister! i’m glad you were assigned to me(this is how the message read). i hope we can continue having fun together. and thank you so much for being the sweetest person. ilysm (and this was not a typical christmas fic but i hope you enjoyed it a bit!) now i can bug you without being terrified of that stupid anon button. MERRY CHRISTMAS CUTIE PIE!
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i-am-adlocked · 7 years
Got tagged by two people and since the questions are custom-made (lol) I guess, I’ll answer twenty-two instead of eleven LMAO. Love you both guys!
The rules are:
• Post the rules
• Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
• Write eleven questions of your own
• Tag eleven people
QUESTIONS FROM @equusgirl​
1. If you could have lunch with anyone alive or dead, who would it be?
This is a tough one. I have many different aspects of myself—several masks. My joker-self would want to be with my friends because I never fail to make them laugh their pants off. My lonely-self would want my future spouse, whoever that person is, right now. My artist-self would want Vincent Van Gogh so I could do the Doctor Who thing where I would reassure him that he is amazing. 
My desperate-self would want Bob Ross because I bet he’d inspire me the hell out. My sad-self would want to have lunch with my dead happy-self because I bet I’d slap the hell out of my face. My family-oriented-self would want my maternal grandfather I never got to meet because he doesn’t know me and it’s nice to have a family who would probably say that they’re proud of me. Estranged relatives are like that, I think lmao
OH and I would also want any psychologist, so I’d have free sessions to deal with my ADHD because I can never afford to have more sessions, and I’d finally get a prescription cos I need dem meds.
2. You’re stuck on an elevator with whoever is on your lock/home screen. Who is it?
If we’re talking about my phone, I guess I’m stuck on an elevator with the Eiffel Tower (lock screen) and Mona Lisa (home screen). If we’re talking about my computer, I guess I’m stuck on an elevator with Sherlock (lock screen) and Leo Valdez (home screen). Ho-ho-ho I will be in an elevator with self-loathing mask-wearing joking-but-dead-inside heroes. That will be fun.
3. Last TV show/movie you watched?
I rewatched the last episode of The Crown again after I binged-watched Riverdale and re-re-re-binged-watched The Good Place. Movie-wise, it was the Filipino film called “Ang Larawan”. It’s actually hard for me to watch films because it takes a lot of time for me to stay focused in one episode.
4. A cottage on the beach or a cabin in the mountains?
Cabin in the mountains. I hiss angrily at beaches because I tan so easily and I kid you not, I haven’t swum in a beach since 2009. In a country where lighter paler skin was more cherished, and being an insecure bullied 10-year-old. You’ll understand why. Nowadays, I guess the habit just stuck. ALSO CABIN IN THE MOUNTAINS HOW FREAKING COOL WOULD THAT BE... I’d be surrounded by trees, it would be cold there, I can sit by the fireplace, look out my window to view the beautiful forest and night sky, and just drink whiskey, read a book, and quietly whisper, “Bless.”
5. Last song you listened to?
If we’re not including Brooke Simpson’s performances (specifically, “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World”) in The Voice which I legit just binge-watched before opening Tumblr, it would be the Riverdale Cast’s cover of “Mad World.” I was shookt that I liked it.
6. Most recent obsession?
Video-editing. More-so than usual. I legit have anxieties when I’m not making a video. I should probably stop after finishing these videos I’m doing because I know it will hinder my studies (which I’m already failing at because of my worsening ADHD), and it’s already ruining my sleeping patterns and eating habits. It’s a toxic kind of obsession.
7. Last thing you googled?
“people find out harry potter is abused fic rec” shut up (if interested, click here)
8. Which city would you most like to visit?
(for the first time?) Athens. (again?) either Assisi or Rome or Paris. You can’t make me choose.
9. If you could bring one (1) fictional character to life, who would it be?
I’m having a hard time between Mary Watson (Sherlock) and River Song (Doctor Who) *sobs*
10. Favorite thing about yourself?
My... God, I don’t know, really. I don’t really like myself so how can I find a favorite thing about myself? My ability to brag for things I’m not even good at, I guess? False advertising of myself, I guess? HAHAHAHHA WAIT NO! My ability to make anything sad or depressing. Yes, I’m good at that. It’s not my favourite thing about me but out of all, that’s the only thing I think I’m really good at.
11. Ideal career?
Becoming a wife and mother. Some people give me odd looks for this but I really want to take care of people in ways I never experienced. I want to be there for some people—to feel needed and depended on—to be trusted, long-term.
Younger-me would be furious. She was aro-ace. As a person who grew up only relying on books as company, I thought I would grow up as the typical strong independent woman who is a CEO or is an actress, or a musical theatre performer... I used to want to be that... 
But those dreams were based on what my family wanted. CEO because I grew up poor and being a CEO would make me financially stable which my parents wanted. Actress/Theatre Performer because my sister and I bonded through musical theatre, TV shows, and films, and we both love the arts (but I have to admit that she’s better than me with everything srsly im not kidding)...
But as just for myself? I really don’t see myself working for money, or working for the arts. I mean, obviously I want to work for money and for the arts, but... I want to work for people I care about—for a family I will finally not be scared enough to say “I love you” without fearing they would laugh in my face.
OKAY, NOW QUESTIONS FROM @musical-chick-13​
1. If you could wake up and be magically good at something you’ve never done before (or have little experience doing), what would you want it to be?
The ability to quickly understand things I’m not interested in and explain them to people easily with how I understood them. I think that would help me a lot in my Law class now at uni. Seriously, I’m having troubles reading, and I always stutter in class because I’m not good at formal English. 
My stupid brain needs time to process what I learned (which was written in English), explain it to myself (in Filipino), translate my explanation from Filipino to English, and focus enough to say those things out loud.
2. What is/are your favorite genre(s) of music?
I have an odd range: musical theatre, rock, indie, classical music, PIANO IS LIFE, ANYTHING AS LONG AS IT IS GOOD PIANO AT THE BEGINNING (usually starts with an A, idk why). Also, Lady Gaga and Beyonce. Hands down.
3. What was your first fandom?
Avatar: The Last Airbender. THE SERIES OKAY. A year after that was Harry Potter and Sherlock AT THE SAME TIME 2010 was a crazy year. Just like that, since I was eleven years old, I went down the road to fandom hell.
4. What is a play/musical/opera/etc. (basically any fictional work that’s not a book, movie, comic, or TV show) you like?
Spring Awakening, Next to Normal, In the Heights. (I listen to the full album completely. The music is divine and the stories are beautiful. You got a story about sex, a story about mental illness, and a story about Hispanics). Spring Awakening’s and Next to Normal’s rock + violin music in a setting of 1800′s Germany and a typical family house, gets me on, ya know?
Sweeney Todd, Wicked, and Rent. (The typical classics I love, note that whenever Sweeney Todd’s Prologue and Wicked’s As Long as You’re Mine starts, I get orgasms just as much when the peak of Rent’s Goodbye Love goes). Great songs, seriously.
5. If you could get paid for doing a mundane task, what would you choose to get paid for?
Organising files.
6. What is a joke you really like?
My death.
7. If you had to have a job working under a fictional character, which character would you choose to be your boss and why?
Sherlock. He would know how to take care of me. He would know how to make me feel better. He has great work ethics, and he knows when to be harsh with his words and gentle, because he knows which people are deserving to be called idiots and those who are just insecure. Though I’ll probably annoy him because of how nervous I’d be but since “Faith Smith” I’d think he’d know how to deal with me, I guess.
8. What article of clothing is your favorite to wear (i.e., dresses, skirts, pants, suits, hats, jewelry, etc.)?
A gold necklace my grandmother gave to me because out of all my cousins (or our generation in our lineage), I’m the first one she gave an “inheritance” to because I happen to be her roommate. Considering that I am the dumbest in the family as well as the family freak, I consider this as my sole victory.
9. Do you consider yourself to be an optimist, a pessimist, or something else entirely?
A total pessimist. An optimist to those who are feeling pessimistic.  In my head, there is nothing but hopelessness, despair, and utter misery and pain. But homie, you say shit like that to me? You tell me you are feeling those? Yo, imma throw my rainbows and sunshine up your ass, you are gonna vomit glitter and light, I swear to all deities out there.
I may claim to say that I’m like this because I’m the only one who should be pessimistic, like I’m some narcissistic the-world-revolves-around-me idiot because I don’t like being depicted as anything else but manipulative, cruel, and an arsehole. So please stop telling me I’m nice or that I’m a good person. It makes me feel weird. They’re like unnatural things to say to me.
10. Feelings on cats?
Tolerable. My sister loves them. My school has cats just chilling around. They love me idk why. I love dogs more so I’m surprised they let me in their pack.
11. Favorite soda (or beverage in general if you don’t like soda)?
1. Are you feeling okay right now?
2. What is the funniest thing you have ever first-hand witnessed/experienced in real life?
3. Who is/are the most important person/people in your life and why?
4. What is a memory that wouldn’t fail to make you smile like an idiot while you’re in public?
5. How did you come to your current obsession?
6. Why do you ship your OTP (either real-life or fiction)?
7. Let’s pretend speed and distance (lol basically velocity), and quality are the same, would you rather be in a plane or a ship in a storm where there are many lightnings and thunder involved in December?
8. What is the object that is most sentimental to you?
9. If you could be in any fictional world, which one would you explore, and will you or will you not interact with your favourite character? Why or why not?
10. What animal do you most relate to or you consider to be your spirit animal? Why or why not?
11. How do you define the word, “Happiness”?
Tags: @thank-you-for-being-with-me​ @sentimentalgenius​ @addignisherlock​ @randombiochemist​ @simpleanddestructivechemistry​ @its-sentimental-adlock​ @themissadventurer​ @sorrowsflower​ @throughtheparadox​ @theleftpill​ No pressure, guys! Also to anyone who wants to answer, too! I even tag those who tagged me.
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Chapter 32/??
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto x Reader (Your/Name), (Full/Name)
Summit: It all begin at the Sports Festival when Shouto’s other half met Endevour by mistake. The student never thought to see his partner fight against his father just to show him that he is wrong. It started from that instant, Shouto’s new path started exactly from that moment thanks to his friends and his beloved one.
♩ Can you remember the light that plunged into darkness? Just like values and strong prejudices, I'll break them, throw them away, and change them.
Look, can't you see the things that weren't visible before?" Without limits, just be yourself, there's nothing to be afraid of, there will be blue sky after the rain has fallen. ♩
The more they approach the destination, the more the voice becomes clear and recognizable, it's her, for sure, there are no doubts about it. They exit from the building and start to run around it to reach the garden faster and stealthier, they saw only (Y/N) and a lot of people around her, what happen if someone of the Ryuhi family see them? They'd rather wait a little longer than cause troubles for everyone and for (Y/N). They stop behind the corner and see what's happening; that's why all patients and doctors were mysteriously gone, they are all in the garden to listen to that girl singing. Children sat on the grass, doctors and nurses, parents and visitors, there's everyone! (Y/N) is sit on a bench under the tree and she has the same appeal she had in the fight against Seatiel... The police didn't find the earring yet? Oh, hold on, there's Keiji there too!
<<♩If your heart is full of envy and hatred, I will rescue you.♩>> (Y/N) sings keeping a little child sit on her lap, he holds her fingers and smiles amused like everyone else, <<♩ I'll sing as long as there's life, until it reaches you. Follow the direction of the ringing in your ears and catch a glimpse of the landscape, since music has the power to change all, like that rainbow stretching out...♩>> the girl stops singing as the Hosu's police chief approaches her slowly.
Since the show is over, the doctors bring everyone inside again, the children greet and hug (Y/N) happily and waves at her, hoping to listen to her songs again. The child who is on her lap, raises his head but keeps closed his eyes... Is he blind? Belial and Keiji talk for a second, and the policeman makes a few steps backwards to permit the student to stand up and go to the doctor with the child on her arms. She caresses his little cheeks and says bye to him, then she returns to her seat, inviting the dog-man to do the same.
<<She looks worried... What are they talking about?>> whispers Lenka, while the brother is insulting the dog telling him to go away, he wants to hug (Y/N) and he is in the way.
<<Ah, I forgot to tell you...>> says Hakkai caressing his neck with a troubled smile, <<Actually, we didn't say to her that you’re all safe. From when she is awake, she was thinking about you, and we decided to avoid the topic... She could escape for here just to know if you are ok, so...>>
<<....If she knows that we are fine, she could escape to see us. She already did something like that, but don't you think that you could give her some hints?>> says Joel, <<She must have thought at your behavior as a bad thing...>>
<<They found the earring then!>> Shuu is the calmest one as always, <<Thank you very much but go away. It's our turn now.>> that was unexpected, Shuu that is jealous and impatient, that's new.
Keiji stands up and helps the student to get on her feet, he bows and after a few seconds he leaves while the girl stays with her head low to show the gratitude and respect for that man. Once she wears the earring again, all the flames are suck in inside it and she makes a sigh of relief. Now that her aspect is like before, the others can see how much she changed. All her left arm is covered with bandages, her hair has a big white strip on...
<<(Y/N)!!!>> it was stronger than them, Lenka and Tenka ran as fast as they could towards the girl and hugged her so tight that she was suffocating.
Both kiss her cheeks at the same time and ruffle her hair so hard that now she looks like Bakugou, but the girl doesn't mind it at all, she’s laughing and smiling almost to break her mandible, she's so happy to see that her childhood friends are all safe and healed from their injuries. Joel kneels near them and hugs the girl holding his tears back, and Shuu hugs everyone and kisses her forehead crying happily.
<<(Y/N)-chan!!>> when the group get away from her, Midoriya, Kirishima and Uraraka jump on you and hug you fighting their tears back, Tenya and the others just give you a quick hug and a smile, there's someone who waited for this moment more than anyone.
<<Shouto... I did it... I saved you...>> this time, you are the first one who run towards him crying, <<I saved my light this time! I did it!>> you jump on him throwing him down to the ground.
"Thank you God, for have listen to my prayers! Thank you, thank you, thank you so so much!" he runs his fingers inside your hair and pushes the other hand on your back to keep you as close as possible to him.
His hug is the tightest and strongest he ever done, his breath is the fastest you ever felt, his tears are watering his lips, that smashed on yours, is something that you missed so much... His warmth, his voice, his eyes, his hair, you missed every single thing about him, the only thoughts to have failed to protect your light again, was tearing you apart.
<<....Don't ever disappear (Y/N).>> whispers Shouto to suppress his hiccupping, <<I want you here, always...>>
<<I am here.>> the girl rests her forehead on his and kiss his eyes to wipe away his tears, <<Even when you wake up tomorrow morning, I will be by your side.>>
"The happiness of this moment, I want to always feel it, from here onwards into tomorrow... Always..." he nods because his voice is shaky and it would be uncomfortable to show it to his classmates too.
<<Oi, that's not fair.>> says disappointed Tenka, <<She didn't hug us for so long. Lucky kid.>>
<<Cut it out, Shouto is more precious, let her alone.>> comments Joel, <<And you shouldn't call someone kid, when you behave like a brat.>>
The couple stand up and the girl turns towards the last person that didn't greet her. She regretted her actions a bit, so now that she has a new chance to live, it's better to fix what was wrong.
<<Can I give you a hug, Kacchan?>> you open your arms ready to welcome him.
<<Fuck no! Go away stupid woman!>> he puts his hands on the pockets of his pants and looks away.
<<Eh? Then why are you here?>>
<<If you think that would make me jealous or angry, you are wrong.>> Todoroki stops next to you and speaks with his usual calm voice, <<Come on, it's just a hug.>>
<<Yeah, yeah, he is right!>> say Mina and Ochako, <<(Y/N) is happy to see everyone, so hug her!>>
<<A handshake is better?>> you offer your hand to find a compromise, but the class is making a mess because Katsuki doesn't want to touch you. You try to defend him, but your classmates are determinate to force him at least to do something.
<<Fucking fine!>> he shouts and pulls out a hand from his pocket, <<Are you fucking happy now, nerds?>>
<<Thank you, Kacchan.>> you slowly move your hand to meet his.
<<Don't fucking call me like that!>>
<<Then, Katsuki-kun.>>
<<Screw you!>>
<<How about speaking bomb?>>
<<You little sh->> the moment both hands touch, a strong and hot golden fire explode from the two students, throwing them on the ground, <<What the fuck did you do, dumbass fire woman!? I'll fucking kill you!>>
<<I d-don't know what happened...>> Shouto helps you to stand up, <<I'm sorr->> your body loses his energy and the boy supports you just in time, <<Eh?>>
<<(Y/N), you ok?>> Shuu and the others check if there's something wrong, <<How you feel?>>
<<I can't move anymore... empty...>> you struggle to keep opened your eyes.
<<This is bad. Take her in her room.>> Shouto picks you up and runs towards your room.
Shuu calls Hakkai and forces him to follow the group. Before the student could reach the destination, she starts to scream painfully, she cries trying to endure the pain, she breathes quickly and roughly, grabbing Todoroki's uniform and sinks her face in his chest trying to distract herself with his heartbeat. Once inside, Tenka explains that those stabbing pains are Astraroth's price, not even drugs can reduce the pain, she must stick up with it. Shouto stays by your side holding your hand and uses his ice side to cool you down, hoping that it's working. He's shocked about how strong you are, you’re crushing his bones, but he ignores it and focuses his senses on you. Lenka adds that those attacks last for 15 minutes at least, so a few classmates offer to help Todoroki and Joel with their icy quirks, while the others sit on the floor and wait patiently.
When the pain goes away, you rest your head on the pillow sweating and tired more than before. Izuku brings you some water, while Uraraka wipes the sweat with a little towel. You grab the glass with shaky hands and thank them with a tired smile.
<<I'm sorry Bakugou for before...>> your voice is hoarse, well, after all those screams, fortunately, you’ve this huge hospital room only for yourself, <<It's the first time that happened something like that...>>
<<Shut the hell up and rest, stupid woman.>>
<<Golden...>> Tenka is sure that the flames are seven, what are those gold now? A fusion? A new mode? <<Is it because you fought a Kafka's heir?>>
<<Everyone, get out of the room for a bit.>> wait, those voices... <<Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto must stay, as the bearer of the beasts.>>
The three chiefs, great. The class obeys at the order and waits outside while Hakkai and Miraje are trying to overhear the conversation.
<<The meeting is settled. In two days come at the estate and bring along your new servants.>> is the woman who speaks first this time, the other two stay silent and composed.
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21.5, 22, 22.5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Last Chapter
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