#oh GWSN you’re so missed…
lilidawnonthemoon · 5 months
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strawberrymiya · 2 years
Moonlight in the window (GWSN Soso x Reader)
Comfort fic, Soso convinces you to stay over with her for the first time after a movie night. Super fluffy, silly girlfriend antics, and a lot of cuddling (title comes from lyrics to GWSN's 'TOKTOK').
Pairing: GWSN Soso x Female/NB Reader Word count: 1533 Requested!
A/N: I really love this idea to be honest, so I'm a little bit excited to share this one. Hopefully anon likes it too! Thank you for requesting, I truly hope this is something like what you had in mind ^^
Read on Ao3
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“Well don’t hog all the popcorn!” You shouted, amused laughter escaping you as snatched the bowl from Chingyi’s hands and took a handful of the snack for yourself.
Chingyi tried to look offended, but the way her lips curled to hold back a smile gave it away, “as if you didn’t have the whole bowl to yourself during the last movie.”
You and Chingyi had been dating for a couple of months. The first two weeks consisted of simple, formal dates, but once you discovered you had a similar taste in movies, you made Saturday night your official movie date night if you had no other plans. You always went to Chingyi’s house; she had the bigger TV and a corner shop close by full of ideal snacks. The bus was your route there and home, should you be too tired to drive or if the two of you felt like drinking.
“I only had like two pieces, I was still finishing my chicken wings.” You defended, taking a mouthful of popcorn.
Reaching over to take the bowl back, Chingyi whined, “give me some!” You simply lifted the bowl up, stretching your arm so Chingyi couldn’t grab it. You and Chingyi burst into laughter, both scrambling in a bid to keep the snacks for yourselves.
You used your free hand to catch Chingyi’s forearm that was reaching for the popcorn, pulling it away from the bowl before stating, “you can have it if you give me a kiss.”
Without hesitation, Chingyi jumped forward and planted her lips on yours, lingering through a smile as you submitted to her and lowered your arm, allowing her to reclaim the snacks. She pulled away with a smirk, looking right at you as she ate a large mouthful of popcorn. You couldn’t help but find her adorable.
Both of you began to focus on the film again, but your mind wandered to how long you had before the last bus home would leave. You glanced at your phone screen, your eyes widening as you noticed how late it was. The last bus would be coming in 10 minutes.
“Oh, I have to go!” You exclaimed in a slight panic, jumping up off the sofa and rushing to grab your things.
Chingyi paused the TV, a look of confusion and worry on her face, “why, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just don’t want to miss the bus.” You answered, checking you had everything in your bag.
“But my favourite part is coming up.” Chingyi pouted in protest.
You slung your bag over your shoulder, speeding back to the sofa to pick up your phone, “I’m sorry, if the takeaway had come earlier we wouldn’t have had to start the first film late.”
A hand grabbed onto yours, “at least stay for this part.” Chingyi’s eyes went puppy dog on you, trying to persuade you to stay.
“I can’t,” you started, trying to resist looking at her face, “if I don’t go now I’ll miss the bus, then I’ll be stuck here all night.”
“Then stay here tonight!” Chingyi suggested in the spur of the moment, tugging on your hand.
You paused, turning your head to finally look at her, “what?”
Her enthusiasm faded, suddenly unsure of what she just asked you, “you could stay here tonight. I know we haven’t done that before, but I think we’re comfortable enough to do so? It’s okay if you’re not, I just don’t want you to leave yet.”
A smile cracked on your face, flattered by her sentiment, “I don’t have stuff I would need though, I don’t have anything to sleep in.”
“You can borrow some of my pyjamas,” Chingyi assured, “I’m sure they’d fit you. I also have some mouthwash since you don’t have a toothbrush.”
This made you smile even more. You really hadn’t reason to decline, “okay!”
Chingyi jumped up with excitement, throwing her arms around you and spinning you round, “that’s great, this is going to be so fun!”
You matched her enthusiasm, your face beaming, “I know!”
“Okay, enough of that,” Chingyi stated, abruptly letting you back down, “let’s watch the end of this.” She pulled you back on to the sofa and pressed the play button, triumphant. Before you turned your focus back to the film, you observed how her face glowed, knowing you would be sleeping over for the first time. You smiled at her, then turned your attention to the TV.
Strutting out of the bathroom, you dramatically struck a pose in Chingyi’s bedroom door frame, wearing a matching pair of white pyjamas covered in a pineapple print, “how do I look?”
Chingyi, wearing a tiger onesie herself, glanced up from where she was busy making her bed to look at you, “wow! You look so good, it’s stunning! Who are you wearing?” She matched your dramatisation, pretending to take photos of you with an imaginary camera.
“I am wearing a number from the Wang Chingyi collection,” you responded, trying to change your voice to sound like a posh supermodel, “it’s called… pineapple nights.” You accentuated your words with a hair flip, making Chingyi crack and burst into laughter. You joined her, your body relaxing as you wandered over and caught her in a side hug.
“Do they fit you?” Chingyi inquired.
You smiled, nestling your head in her shoulder, “yes, they fit perfect, and they’re so comfy.”
“You can keep them,” Chingyi suggested, “I bought them a few years ago and just never really wear them. Plus they look so much better on you.”
A confused smile rose on your face, “they’re pyjamas, how can I look good in them?”
Chingyi’s head turned to face you, a pout showing, “you look good in everything, shush.” She gave you a quick peck on the lips before speaking again, “should we get into bed?”
Giving her a nod, you released her from the hug as she took your hand. She let you choose which side you preferred, then got in the other side herself. The two of you crawled under the covers and magnetised towards the middle of the bed, allowing you to wrap your arms around each other in a close and cosy snuggle.
“In case you were concerned, I’m a quiet sleeper.” You informed Chingyi.
“Oh, I know,” Chingyi remarked, a knowing grin on her face, “you fell asleep during The Intervention, remember?”
You paused for a moment in thought, before the memory clicked in your brain, “oh yeah, I remember. I really did almost miss the bus that night.” You and Chingyi both laughed remembering the events; how you fell asleep on Chingyi’s shoulder and she didn’t have the heart to wake you up. Eventually she did, once the film ended, but it ended up being a rush to gather your things and make it to the bus stop.
After your amusement settled, Chingyi began twirling a piece of your hair with her finger, “you know, you’re really pretty without makeup.”
You felt your cheeks blush as you smiled, “really? I was thinking the same about you.”
“Really?” Chingyi replied back, her face in disbelief. You nodded, and Chingyi gave you a quick kiss of thanks on the top of your head.
For a little while, you and Chingyi led in silence, simply enjoying each other’s proximity. You felt yourself growing extremely tired in the comfort of Chingyi’s arms; the way her fingers gently played with your hair and the pressure of her chest rising and falling next to yours was slowly lulling you into a deep relaxed state.
Before you drifted off, Chingyi’s voice broke through the silence, “what do you want for breakfast tomorrow?”
You looked up at her, “why, what do you usually have?”
“Anything really,” Chingyi shrugged, “but I want to make you whatever you want.”
Your face heated up again, “you want to make me breakfast?”
“Of course!” She confirmed, beaming, “we could have eggs, or shao bing, or pancakes?”
“Wouldn’t shao bing take a long time to make?” You asked, concerned about how long a tired Chingyi would have to spend in the kitchen just to make it.
“I don’t mind,” Chingyi assured you with a smile, “I like making it even first thing in the morning. But we can have whatever you want.”
Your eyes trailed down in thought, before answering, “pancakes sounds good.”
Chingyi grinned, pulling you closer in excitement, “pancakes it is!” She gave you another kiss on the cheek, making you laugh. She then leaned away for a second, turning out the lamp on her bedside.
The two of you fell silent again, both of you closing your eyes in content. As you both gradually began to fall asleep, you naturally broke away from each other’s hold for a more comfortable sleeping position, remaining close enough that you were both still fairly centre of the bed. With the lights turned off, you noticed the pale moonlight seeping through the window, perfectly adorning the magical feelings Chingyi gave you. Her bedsheets were so soft and cosy, the fact you were in a foreign bed didn’t affect your sleep, and you rested peacefully the entire night with her by your side.
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girls-scenarios · 3 years
Recent Girl Group Comebacks
Hey everyone! A ton of girl groups have recently made their comebacks and I wanted to highlight them all as much as a could, even though I haven’t been as active as I usually like to be. Please go give all these girls some love and check out these absolutely wonderful songs! - Admin Kiwi
Oh My Girl - Dun Dun Dance
This song is perfect for the summer and I can’t help but dance every time it comes on my playlist!
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KEEMBO - Whatever
I will always hype up KEEMBO, this duo makes such good music. I think it’s actually impossible for them to make a bad song. Please go check them out!
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Okay but this comeback? They did it for the lesbians. If you for some reason haven’t checked it out yet, you’re definitely missing out.
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Rocket Punch - Ring Ring
This song has not left my on repeat since it dropped and it probably won’t for the rest of the year. I listen at least once a day and bop hard every single time. It’s probably my favorite release of the year so far!
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fromis_9 - We Go
Another amazing song by my girls. The music video is so cute too! I’ve been listening to this song nonstop as well, it’s perfect for the summer.
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Aespa - Next Level
I’ll be honest and say that I didn’t really like this song when I first listened to it, but it’s definitely grown on me and I understand why it’s banned for students in Korea. I’ve basically had “I’m on the next, level, uh” stuck in my head on loop since it dropped.
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I’m going to be honest I don’t know anything about this group but I really liked this song!
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BlingBling - Oh MAMA
Y’all know I loved BlingBling’s debut and this song is also totally up my alley. I’m loving them so far and I’d totally recommend that you all check them out and give them some love!
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PIXY - Let Me Know
Okay I haven’t gotten to scream about PIXY on here yet but OH MY GOD I love these girls and everything they’ve put out so far. If you aren’t stanning yet then please do because they are SO talented and their songs, dances, and concepts have felt so unique!
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Yuqi - Bonnie & Clyde
I’m so glad we got this Yuqi solo. I love this song just as much as everyone else.
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Everglow - First
Ummmm did they have to go this hard? No, but they gave us EVERYTHING and I’m obsessed. If you somehow missed this song go listen now because it’s a masterpiece.
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GWSN - Like It Hot
You all know how much I adore GWSN and this comeback once again did not disappoint. The entire mini album is great as always and I’ve been watching the music video again and again because all of them look so amazing and I love the song so much. Go give them so love because SOSO IS BACK!
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woo!ah! - Purple
I adore woo!ah! and this song was just as wonderful as all their others!
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Joy - Hello
I’m sure you’ve all already seen this. She’s amazing.
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Mamamoo - Where We Are Now
This is the most recent comeback on the list so far and it’s a pretty great start to the month!
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cuntresskibum · 3 years
I want to get into k-pop/j-pop/c-pop (for LOONA and other wlw-friendly fanbases, basically), but idk how to find their songs? lol I mean idk how to find their new songs on yt and stuff like that? I don’t speak the language, so getting updates and songs and things like that feel incredibly complicated :( help? also girl group recs? :((
I just subscribe to youtube groups, follow some twitters, and check r/kpop and the rest is just follow kpop tumblrs there's quite a few girl group based ones that are decent for letting me know when there's been a new comeback
Most groups have English based social media at this point OR have people posting English translations immediately under all of their posts. Kpop is extremely accessible to English-speaking fans these days. Tumblr, reddit, twitter are great places to start if the youtube channels or spotify pages are too chaotic to follow
Anyways, if you like LOONA, I would recommend GWSN (Like it Hot is their most recent comeback but I really love Red Sun 0210, Bazooka, and Puzzle Moon, too! Wonder Boy, the Aerialist is my fave by them) if you're more into theri solo/sub unit stuff, Everglow if you're more into theri recent stuff (I'm into La Di Da, Dun Dun, and Bon Bon Chocolat with Bon Bon Chocolat being my fave).
If you're looking for WLW/LGBT friendly, a LOT of idols have been into pride flag/voicing support these days, so I wouldn't be too scared of running into like... openly homophobic idols.
Boa is an older solo artist who has actually performed at pride and you might actually know her from her Japanese work (every heart from Inuyasha). Her latest song is "Better" but my FAVE stuff from her is "One Shot, Two Shot" and a song from her Englsih album "Eat You Up."
Boa has just dabbled in Japanese tracks (as have most kpop artists) but if you want an artist who does Japanese and English tracks, Utada Hikaru si AMAZING and is nonbinary and bisexual! Some lesser known tracks that I would recommend outside of their more famous stuff (just look up Utada + Kingdom Hearts for That) is their new Song "One Last Kiss" for the NGE Soundtrack, "Too Proud," "Nijikan Dake No Vacance" (WHICH HAS A WLW MUSIC VIDEO!), "On and On" which is about gay parades lol, and "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence." The last two are English releases!
Shinee has a large LGBT audience but is a boy group but if you can brave that, 95% of their discography is just... fucking amazing but off the top of my head, I LOVE Odd Eye, View, All Day All Night, and Who Waits for Love. Key did a collab with Years & YEars (lead singer is gay and nonbinary) called "If You're Over Me" if you want more explicitly like... LGBT associated but the sound is more Years & Yaers than Shinee or what you'd get from Key's solo work.
And to just spit out a lot of my faves atm, "First Love" by After School (disbanded, rip), "Easy" by WJSN, literally any song by Sunmi who is the queen of accidental gaybait and is VERY pro-LGBT, "Thank you Soooo Much" by Yubin who was in a group with Sunmi and has posted gay things before debuting, "Free Somebody" is by Luna who feels very WLW-adjacent, "Touch" by Anda has a VERY WLW heavy music video abotu implied pussy eating and her stuff with Primary is AMAZING, the Irene & Seulgi MV for Monster is WLW baiting of the nth degree but better songs from them and Red Velvet would be Kingdom Come, I Just, Sunny Side Up, and Psycho.
Brave Girls put out sound of the Summer with "Chi Mat Ba Ram" but Fever and Pool Party are better songs off that mini album and if you want their older stuff, Deepened and High Heels are fuckign AMAZING songs. And We ride is a fucking BANGER
Listen to Soul Lady by Yukika, Touch by Sori (but please know she quit the idol life), Like You by Rakiyah, Scandalous and Whatever by Keembo (two ladies singing together!!!), and Party Feel Love by Hyuna (which does feature her bf but I swear the song is worth it).
All of the idols I've listed so far hve pretty strong LGBT/WLW followings. IDK if Apink does but if I look at Eunji and feel gay if that counts. If it does, check out Dumhdurum, %% Eung Eung, and I'm so Sick. OH and I THINK one of the Weki Meki membres has come out like 50 times, I don't follow their career much but I LOOOOOVE Picky Picky. Also, Twice haev full of gay-conic bops but I feel like listing them was a bit overdone? I have specific recs for their songs if you want tho
I recommend just throwing allof these songs onto a playlit and skipping any song you hate. I am sorry for recommending Shinee when you asked for girl groups but they are my boy group exception and Jonghyun was such a beautiful advocate for the LGBT community and mental health and I miss him so much that I coulnd't leave them off the list, even fi I mostly put newer releases. Shinin' by Jonghyun is honestly an incredible song and you might like it if you like Loona's sound!
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haknew · 4 years
anon asked: I HAVE SONG RECS :DDD I tried not to do songs that you would have obviously heard before but a lot of the songs here are still popular but I couldn’t help but add them 😭
AHHHH thank you so so so so much for all the recommendations anon ! your taste is absolutely impeccable !!! i think i vibed with a lot of these maybe we are a bit similar ^~^ and no worries about your picks ! i totally support you and your incredible music taste no need to defend yourself :p ! popular songs can still be good ones ! thank you again and i tried ... to ... get through them all i’m so sorry JHGFDJHGDK you’ll see i get through like ... half and then ran out of energy T^T i’ll probably get back to this list some other time when i have free time and update with thoughts ! thank you for sending so many in ! i found so many new songs to add to my playlist heh thank you lovely ! 
cherry by rina sawayama - super cute ! i love these kinds of pop songs it’s right up my alley :o ! 
xs by rina sawayama - her voice is so well suited for this style ! i watched the mv and djkfhskgrjf HHH idk she gives me mitski vibes even tho their music is pretty different, you have peaked my interest i’ll definitely look into more of her stuff :o !
comme de garçons by rina sawayama - the bass line T^T !!! the talk-y (?) parts are so good i got chills, it’s like a rave song low key haha :p ! it’s so good ! 
Any song by Rina Sawayama 😭 - yes yes i’ll try to look more into her stuff ! 
123 by nct dream - i’m only an honorary guest of ncity but one of my irls ults them ! and dream’s music has always been a bit more my speed :o ! this has more nostalgic kpop vibes to it ! i said this before but i really am more a pop person at heart and this is so good ^~^ 
Up to you by pretty much and nct dream (HAECHANS PART HHHHH) - oooh are you a haechan stan 0v0 i like jaemin tho i admit my knowledge of dream is limited (my fren ults renjun heh) also yes yes consent is very important kids u.u dskjghkdfj YOU’RE RIGHT THO haechan is a singer he SINGS, i love the vocal harmonies ! 
Oasis by crush ft zico - those electric keyboard synths (?) amazing ! this song bops u.u 
Moon by everglow - !!! i actually have heard this a lot before ^~^ i got so excited when i saw this bc it’s so good ! it’s definitely one of my fav everglow songs too i think i overplayed it a lot when it first came out *v* 
Woowoo by dia - i love the ocean wave sounds ! that’s so cool i love how summery it is ! it kind of reminds me of loona too ! ggs are just >>> i love the fun and brighter pop songs so much 🥺
Secret garden by Oh My Girl - i’ve heard a few songs by omg ! and i really like a handful of them, secret garden kinda gives me early gfriend songs vibes too ! it’s so pretty ! i really love when songs utilize strings in their instrumentals too ! it’s a bit slower paced too which is really nice ^~^ 
Page by got7 - YEEEES okie actually maybe unpopular opinion but spinning top is one of my fav got7 albums ! i used to listen to the whole mini on repeat ! i actually used to ult got7 too for a few months heh ^^ BUT YEEES i love page ! got7 always have bangers love them so much 
Nekkoya by produce 48 - AHHHHH ANOTHER SONG I LOVE !!! i’m actually a wizone haha :p so i’ve seen produce 48 ! tho admittedly it probably contributes to my burning h*tred for mn*t and any survival shows ;;;; but i loved the title song so much ! i used to unironically play it on repeat djghskfj
Puzzle moon by gwsn - AHHHH YOUR TASTE !!! i also followed gwsn from debut and puzzle moon is so so so cute ! it’s such a bop too ! they have such fun and catchy songs ! 
Goblin by sulli - ahhh the xylophone chimes ! they make the song sound a bit haunting before the piano comes in ;;;; it really reflects the mv story so well i think ;;; and sulli’s voice is so beautiful ;;;; it’s got that characteristic background vocal harmonies that sm artists usually do and it’s just really beautiful ! 
What are you up to by kang daniel - today on can you tell jess is unfortunately a bg stan daniel’s songs have been so good :,)) i stopped following all the wanna ones closely after a while but ! he always surprises me ! his songs are such vibes u.u 
Best day ever by yeri and nct dream - the TRUMPETS YEEES it’s so upbeat and fun !!! the cheering is so cute i love it ! 
Hair in the air by yeri and nct dream - JAEMINNNNN !!!! I LOVE YERI SO MUCH PLEASE ! i love the vocal harmonies between her and the boys 🥺 it’s so cute T^T ! renjun’s a singer HE SINGS 
119 by nct dream - ah yes this is ncity brand u.u LOL they always have really filled chorus instrumentals and use a lot of vocals to fill up the space which i think is really cool and something i think immediately screams sm artist :0 ! i think renjun’s voice really sells this for me tho HIS VOICE IS AMAZING him and haechan yeees it’s a banger tho :,) 
Save me save you by wjsn - i love wjsn’s music so much ! it sounds so magic and ethereal and totally bops ! their voices are so beautiful too and work together so well and i think this song’s style really suits all the members’ voices so well too ! 
Loonatic by loona - YEEEEES loona are my ult gg ! and oec is probably my fav unit in terms of music ! i have spent many a day playing their whole discography ! haha :3 
Up by izone - MY GIRLS ! yes yes up is so cute ! i love it so much ! the choreo is so cute too ! i love izone please ;;;; 
N/s by stray kids - oh boy okie ;;;; i’m like not a good judge of a lot of hip hop / more rap heavy songs ;;;; bc i was classically trained as a singer in choir ;-; so i’m sorry i do not have much to say about this one ;;;; it slaps tho ! i probably wouldn’t listen to it normally if you hadn’t recommended it tho so ! good to listen to smth outside of my normal preferences  
Sunshine by straykids - OH very very different from the last skz song KJHGKFJHKD yea this is probably more my speed i’m so sorry LOL T-T it’s so good tho :o ! i don’t listen to a lot of skz bc i figured i wouldn’t be able to vibe with them but this one is so good i really like it ! skz and ateez man i’ve been trying to stan for ages but music is a big part of why i stan /stan/ certain groups more seriously and it’s also why i’m only honorary nctzen lol clearly i have been enlightened (literally *looks at my past ult groups* yeaaaa)
Blueprint by stray kids - YEEES IT’S SO UPBEAT ! i love upbeat and brighter songs (i am consistent like this T-T) it’s got summery tropical vibes to it too ! it’s so cute ! 
Question by stray kids - another banger yeeeees ! i vibe with the lyrics too u.u love that 
Any mixtape by stray kids (but I really love 1 and 4) - oooh i still have a lot to get through so i’ll save these for my own time haha ^^ 
I’m your girl by khan
Revolution by Alexa
Secret by wjsn
I wanna be by key and soyeon
Handle it by twice
Teenager by got7 
Bump bump by woodz
Stylish by loona - this is one of my fav loona b sides yeeees !!!! love them so much ! 
Outta my head by somi
showersnow by orbit
show off by orbit
crazy love by orbit
any orbit song ngl 😭
poison girl by nanaka suwa
lost umbrella (I like the tsukishima kei version cause it sounds like lee know :DDD)
Notice by moe shop
Kawaki wo ameku (domestic girlfriend opening)
The day by porno graffiti (my hero academia opening 1)
Odd future by uverworld (my hero academia opening 4)
Again by yui (full metal alchemist brotherhood opening 1)
More English music
Luxury by azalea banks (Ive heard she’s said some terrible things tho 😭 WHY DOES IT SLAP)
Hurricane by Bridget Mendler (I miss this song and ready or not too 😭)
Little dark age by mgmt
I got a couple one direction recs bear with me here 💀
Happily, Magic, AM, 18, Tell Me a Lie, Through The Dark, Wolves, Night Changes, Better Than Words
Leaked by lil tjay
Pretty little fears by 6lack and j cole
Water by joe gifted
The London by young thug
Bands by shoreline mafia
Swervin by a boogie wit a hoodie
Father stretch my hands pt 1 by Kanye west
More English music (indila is French)
Northern lights by kennie
I am not a robot by marina
Tourner dans le vide by indila
Parle a ta tete by indila
Greek tragedy by the wombats
Viva la vida by Coldplay (SHHHHH DONT ROAST ME)
La da dee by Cody Simpson (SHH IT MAKES ME HAPPY 😭)
Move your body by loving caliber and anders lystell (this ones good to make u feel like an early 2010’s movie protagonist :D)
Mariposa by Peach tree rascals
Sunflower by post Malone and swae lee (like many songs on here it’s popular but I still wanna put it here cause they make me happy 😭)
I got really carried away sorry I hope you haven’t heard too many of these 😭😭 OKAY BYEEE ❤️
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vyvesvi · 4 years
song rankings january - april 2020
only for my bias groups - loona, ateez, gwsn, and h&d - who are the only ones to have a comeback this year :^)
also to note - loona’s mini has 6 tracks, gwsn’s has 4, ateez’s has 5, and h&d’s has 7, not including the intstrumental tracks.
1.) gwsn - tweaks ~ heavy clouds but no rain
2.) loona - day & night 
these songs are very close in my mind. there’s something almost remeniscent of future funk, which a kinda deep bass that i’ve been extremely fond of recently
3.) loona - oh 
4.) gwsn - after the bloom (alone)
these two songs are also basically on the same tier, the only reason why oh is #3 is because yeah gaja 1 2 is so iconic. the rap in after the bloom has major potential to go viral too (it’s literally so so so good pls listen) if groos start the trend but i don’t see it happening yet, idk. 
5.) h&d - empty handed 
a chill bop. dohyon has a lot more lines in this one, which is nice (im a hangyul stan btw)
i also feel like the vibes suit hangyul’s voice more. he’s being pushed as a main vocalist when that’s not really his strength, but this song fits his range a bit better than their title tracks have.
6.) h&d - toward tomorrow
very similar to empty handed, just more vocally driven? it almost feels like they’re two versions of the same song. but whatever, i like it.
7.) ateez - horizon
8.) loona - ddd 
the raps in these two are very different but i love them both sm TT. horizon is just art (hongjoong is deadass one of my favorite male rappers in kpop, like #1 or #2) almost but not quite on the level of after the bloom and ddd’s rap is just cute and catchy af, one of my favorite loona raps in general. horizon’s whole flow as a song is just really nice as well.
9.) ateez - precious
precious’ bgm is just weird af, kind of like h&d’s intro now that I think about it? but i like it, whatever. it’s kinda weird because it has the feeling of being a really artsy song kinda stuck in a pop mode? idk
i also like the feeling that they infuse this song with. like it’s very...idk if motivating is the right word? but this song evokes some sorta weird hopeful emotion that ateez often strays towards that i’m pretty fond of
10.) h&d - good night 
she’s cute, not much to report tbh. dohyon also has more lines in this and this concept suits him more than soul, which is nice.
11.) h&d - unfamiliar*
i fully expected to hate this song and i kinda did when it came out but as i relisten i’m coming to appreciate it. it’s not something i’ll listen to a ton 
12.) h&d - make me a different person 
it’s pretty chill, a little more...i’m not sure what the word is. it’s definitely not trop house but the beat is certainly...bouncy. idk. i have to be in the mood to really enjoy that tbh.
the other weird thing is that the song- and almsot all of their songs now that i think about it- sound super melancholy in tone? but the beat is so bouncy, it’s confusing lol. and not in the kinda tongue in cheek sad lyrics happy beat kinda way, just...the melody or their voices are very...emotional? that’s maybe too much, but i’m having trouble describing it lol.
below here is the slow songs section and im a slow songs anti, sorry
13.) loona - number 1 
she’s alright.
14.) gwsn - the aerialist (wonderboy)
the fact that this is their lead bside is like a kick in the jaw i’m personally offended
15.) ateez - star 1117
...not their best, by far.
*unfamiliar was technically a title track but it wasn’t the title for this album so i’m counting it as a bside lol
title tracks:
honestly i’m not a *huge* fan of the title tracks on any of these albums in comparison to others by the same group (for loona, ateez, and gwsn)
ateez - answer > loona - so what > gwsn - bazooka > h&d - soul
intros and outros: 
h&d - intro = loona - # > ateez - outro: long journey
of all of these songs ateez’s outro: long journey and star 1117 are the only songs not to be added to my library (and therefore not downloaded). i haven’t figured out h&d yet (so none downloaded atm), but i have all of these songs downloaded except for the aforementioned ateez songs and gwsn’s the aerialist (wonderboy). off the top of my head i’ll probably download the whole h&d album (maybe except soul, idk).
tl;dr - idk my ranking but soul is last
ateez - answer
im deadass afraid to watch ateez’s choreo because anze (their choreographer) does such an amazing job (my favorites are wonderland and wave) but ateez/kq tend to change the tone or take away my favorite parts of the anze choreo so for my sanity i really can’t watch atz’s choreo. anyways im sure answer is great lmfao
gwsn - bazooka
bazooka is simple and wayyy less intricate than their other title track choreos but i for one appreciate a solid point dance when i see one. the bazooka move is simple, iconic, and very representative of the lyrics so i appreciate it a lot. i’ve missed the iconic and iconographic choreo that kpop used to be famous for
h&d - soul
my main gripe with h&d in general is that hangyul and dohyon are s u c h a weird duo. even though i liked their album wayyyyy way wayyyyy more than i expected i don’t think that they’re very marketable as a kpop duo. duos in general just aren’t great, profit really rolls in at around 5 members, unless you’re 1.) blackpink, or 2.) a subunit of a larger group, and h&d are neither. 
another huge complaint (which is basically the same as the first): h&d had like, 60 backup dancers in the mv i swear. are you telling me that not a single one of them can carry a tune??? not a single one. out of 60. there were some cute ones that i noticed in the stage performance. you couldn’t even eke out a sub rapper mbk, seriously?
also it’s very clear that they’re pushing hangyul as a visual, main vocal, main dancer, which is fine ish except there aren’t really enough rap breaks in the song for dohyon to shine like, at all? and he’s kinda always behind hangyul and it’s really noticeable bc there’s only two of them (and their army of back up dancers).
icb i used to be a lowkey dohyon anti and mbk’s treatment has me doing all this. jesus
loona - so what
i’m gonna keep it all the way real. so what feels (and looks, to me) complicated for the sake of being complicated. the girls worked so hard to learn and perform this choreo but to what end? there’s no iconic point dance, and orbits and experienced dancers will find it impressive but it’s not really accessible to the gp?
butterfly hit that balance between complex and iconographic, but i’m not sure about iconic.
//btw, this is my metric for iconic: if you and a bunch of friends who like the same group were told to do a dance move or strike a pose based solely on the title of the song (obviously assuming that everyone has watched the livestages and is a fan, etc) would you all do the same thing? that’s the beauty of the point dance: if a song has a clear point dance, you probably will. whether this is a strength that every kpop song needs is debatable, but it’s definitely important to me, with few exceptions.
there’s probably more i could go into about mv and styling but i think i’ll stop here for now xx
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kittiqueen · 6 years
I recreated my Tumblr and am looking for some blogs to follow. If you post about any of the artists below, please like/reblog this so I can check you out!
If you’re multi-fandom and also post about others not on this list, like this post, too. I’m always looking for more artists to listen to!
Brown Eyed Girls
Cross Gene
Girl’s Day
Ladies’ Code
Miss A
Monsta X
Oh My Girl
Red Velvet
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honeykoos · 6 years
about me~
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quick facts!
🌻 lainey, 20, she/her, bi
🌻 jjk and kth and myg
🌻 born 9/28/99
🌻 usa
🌻 infp, libra, ravenclaw
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more about me!
🌻 ot7 or nothing  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
🌻 saw bts live in hamilton 9/20/18, and again at Metlife 5/18/19, the best two nights of my life
🌻 i’m currently in a relationship
🌻 i attend university to study geography and environmenal science
🌻 i can speak fluent english, conversational french, and i’m oh so slowly attempting to learn korean
🌻 cat person, tae tea enthusiast, nature lover, music addict, night owl,  photography dabbler, full time bts supporter
🌻 i miss tae’s mullet and jungoo’s cherry hair the most
🌻 i also write sometimes when i’m not busy!
- my otp is yoonkook but honestly i ship all bts ships
🌻 moots feel free to ask for my social media! 
- i have instagram, snapchat, and twitter (both personal and fan accounts)
🌻 things you can tag me in:
- tag games! i promise getting tagged doesn’t annoy me at all!
- anything bts related (especially tae n koo n yoongs (or taegikook), i will love you forever if you do)!
- cats!
- tbh anything you think i might like! i don’t mind :)
🌻 requests are always open for moodboards
🌻 previous urls:
- miranoir14
- jiminie-cricket14
- ghostykookz
🌻 i ult bts, but i am multifandom! some groups i like are:
- boy groups: nct, seventeen, pentagon, stray kids, vixx, the rose, day 6, shinee, exo, got7, monsta x, super junior, astro, ikon, big bang, wanna one, winner, jbj, sf9, ace, ateez, txt
- girl groups: (g)i-dle, exid, red velvet, twice, blackpink, dreamcatcher, pristin, apink, gugudan, girls’ generation, gfriend, aoa, sistar, 2ne1, clc, 4minute, mamamoo, loona, izone, everglow, itzy, bvndit, gwsn, cignature, wjsn
- soloists/coed groups: kard, triple h, sumni, hyuna, bolbbalgan4, hyolyn, chungha, taemin, dean
- western artists: honne, oh wonder, florence + the machine, childish gambino, odesza, tame impala, vampire weekend, stromae, the neighborhood, blackbear, mumford and sons, halsey, coldplay, gallant, conan gray
*i know all of the members in italicized groups (for unitalicized groups, i mostly just like at least some of their music)
🌻 sideblogs:
- lowqualitaes (low quality tae pics!)
- triviataes (fic rec/potential future writing blog)
- greek-bangtan (semi-hiatus)
- ggukday (aesthetic blog/ lq bts pics)
🌻 i have a ton of saved urls, so if you’re interested in any let me know!
🌻 feel free to message me anytime about anything tbh, i’m always here to talk! drop some song recs and fic recs while you’re at it! 
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sailor-freak · 4 years
Ranking Girls in the Park (GWSN) ‘BAZOOKA!’ Stage Outfits
So I’m like a year late but I’m new to GWSN and I’m obsessed with everything about Bazooka era (the song, THE STAGE OUTFITS) so I had to 😂. So hey any GWSN fans out there enjoy this 😂. There’s also 50 odd separate ones so this might be LONG so have fun in there 😂. I’m also procrastinating doing (G)I-DLE HWAA stage outfit ranking cos I tried to do it but the post fucked up and it was long so now I can’t be bothered to do it again 😭.
57. Lena - 200429 (MBC Show Champion) / 200515 (KBS Music Bank)
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This is blasphemous I’m sorry she looks like a homeless drama teacher 😂.
56. Miya - 200502 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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I feel so bad cos Miya is my bias but A LOT of hers are going to be near the bottom... we just don’t have the same taste in clothes I’m sorry I appreciate people dressing androgynous but I wouldn’t wear it myself 😂. And even if I was more androgynous idk what’s going on with that top I’m sorry 😂.
55. Miya - 200429 (MBC Show Champion) / 200515 (KBS Music Bank)
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Oh my poor Miya what have they done to you 😭. K baggy t-shirt I’ll accept but what’s with the bloody tufty jacket forced on the side nah ah not for me hun 😂.
54. Miya - 200505 (SBS The Show) / 200523 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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She looks like a binman 😂. SHE BLENDS IN WITH THE WALL 😂. I stg they gave up trying to think of something that fits her style that actually looked good 😂.
53. Miya - 200510 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200522 (KBS Music Bank)
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Yeah it still looks shit but black is a step up 😂.
52. Lena - 200501 (KBS Music Bank) / 200506 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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A lot of Lena’s are also lower down, idk what it is but they just gave her clothes that didn’t fit 😂. This ones looks a little Shakespearean (why have I referenced Shakespeare twice today) but caught in a tornado 😂.
51. Lena - 200509 (MBC Show! Music Core) / 200524 (SBS Inkigayo)
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She looks like a Barbie doll but like when you put the dress on a different doll and it doesn’t look right 😂. Light pink is NOT a colour I like as well 😂.
50. Miya - 200509 (MBC Show! Music Core) / 200524 (SBS Inkigayo)
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NO PINK THANK YOU it looks like a big pink shirt on top of jim jams 😂. But she gets a bonus point for looking so damn adorable 😂.
49. Miya - 200501 (KBS Music Bank) / 200506 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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LOL I’M SO SORRY I KEEP PUTTING YOU AT THE BOTTOM MIYA but this looks so chavvy I am not here for it 😂. Miya’s too sweet to be a chav if you keep dressing her like this she’s gonna get hoop earrings and a cockney accent 😂.
48. Lena - 200428 (Showcase) / 200503 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200513 (MBC Show Champion)
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It just looks a bit like an unironed pillowcase with a belt on 😂.
47. Seoryoung - 200428 (Showcase) / 200503 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200513 (MBC Show Champion)
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OMG FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE honestly Seoryoung has a lot of my favourite outfits but this is not one of them WHAT IS IT 😂.
46. Anne - 200503 (SBS Inkigayo)
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Another thing that is not my style at all is sportswear but when you’re not doing sports like what is the point 😂.
45. Lena - 200508 (KBS Music Bank) / 200512 (SBS The Show) / 200521 (Mnet M Countdown)
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I think I like what this could be more than what it actually is 😂. It’s just so ill fitting it doesn’t look right 😂.
44. Anne - 200501 (KBS Music Bank) / 200506 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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43. Seokyoung - 200501 (KBS Music Bank) / 200506 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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At first looks it’s quite nice, but then you notice the crap that’s all over her top 😂. I get it would be boring without it but I’d rather it be dull than a mess 😂. Luckily it’s all white so it can be missed 😂.
42. Anne - 200509 (MBC Show! Music Core) / 200524 (SBS Inkigayo)
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I guess the overall concept isn’t too bad? The trousers are nice but NOT the colour 😂. And the top I would forgive if it had matching sleeves, like why is one side sleeveless and one side has a slight sleeve like just pick one or go all the way with the mismatch 😂.
41. Lena - 200510 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200522 (KBS Music Bank)
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Like Lena’s last one I like the idea of it more than what it actually is, a shirt and tie with a skirt IS a nice idea, but why is the shirt that big? 😂.
40. Seoryoung - 200501 (KBS Music Bank) / 200506 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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It’s actually quite nice... but she has a little more than a chip on her shoulder 😂. Okay that was bad I’m sorry let’s leave that there and forget it ever happened 😂.
39. Seokyoung - 200509 (MBC Show! Music Core) / 200524 (SBS Inkigayo)
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I can forgive the colour since it’s not as bright but a crop top jumper just doesn’t look right 😂. Oo that rhymed 😂.
38. Seoryoung - 200509 (MBC Show! Music Core) / 200524 (SBS Inkigayo)
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I mean it’s not bad at all, just pink and white are a little too wholesome colours for me 😂. OMG THEY LOOK LIKE MARSHMALLOWS 😂.
37. Lena - 200505 (SBS The Show) / 200523 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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I like the two belts (I’m wearing two beltssss 😂) but idk I think it could be better idk how but it could 😂.
36. Miya - 200430 (Mnet M Countdown) / 200517 (SBS Inkigayo)
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Not completely my style but I don’t think there’s anything glaringly wrong with it 😂.
35. Miya - 200428 (Showcase) / 200503 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200513 (MBC Show Champion)
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Idk why I prefer this to the other one cos the trousers are HORRIFIC but I think the white looks slightly better than the blue 😂.
34. Anne - 200428 (Showcase) / 200513 (MBC Show Champion)
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This is kind of linked with number 46 but I like the top more here 😂.
33. Seokyoung - 200505 (SBS The Show) / 200523 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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I think this is really cute conceptually but the skirt’s a little too high and too big for me 😂.
32. Minju - 200430 (Mnet M Countdown) / 200517 (SBS Inkigayo)
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OH HEY MINJU YOU FINALLY SHOWED UP Minju had some very good outfits this era, this one’s just kinda dull and a little too summery and bright for me 😂.
31. Anne - 200505 (SBS The Show) / 200523 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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Idk why I kinda like this one, the cropped jumper is just WHY but the rest kinda looks cool 😂.
30. Minju - 200509 (MBC Show! Music Core) / 200524 (SBS Inkigayo)
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Apart from the colour this is pretty nice! Like the jacket and the skirt 😂.
29. Lena - 200430 (Mnet M Countdown) / 200517 (SBS Inkigayo)
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I feel like I should love this cos I love jumpers and skirts combos but something holds it back for me 😂. Maybe it’s the giant shoelace 😂.
28. Lena - 200502 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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Don’t ask me why I like this I just think it looks cool? 😂.
27. Minju - 200501 (KBS Music Bank) / 200506 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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I do kinda like this, maybe material wise it could be better but it’s cute 😂.
26. Seokyoung - 200430 (Mnet M Countdown) / 200517 (SBS Inkigayo)
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Another one of those ones where I think it’s cute and idk why 😂.
25. Anne - 200502 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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It’s kinda bland and the shorts material is odd but I actually kinda like it 😂. It is simple, maybe if it had a little more it’d be better 😂.
24. Seoryoung - 200430 (Mnet M Countdown) / 200517 (SBS Inkigayo)
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K the sleeves have NO business being that big, I really don’t like that, but I actually really like this? The skirt is amazing and if the sleeves were different the top would be really nice 😂.
23. Anne - 200510 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200522 (KBS Music Bank)
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Simple but nice 😂. Maybe just a little too simple 😂.
22. Seoryoung - 200505 (SBS The Show) / 200523 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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The skirt’s a little weird but I do really like this, maybe without the red sticking out the bottom of the skirt I’d like it more 😂.
21. Minju - 200502 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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Some things I can’t explain it just looks cool 😂.
20. Seoryoung - 200508 (KBS Music Bank) / 200512 (SBS The Show) / 200521 (Mnet M Countdown)
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It’s pretty much just a cooler version of the last one 😂. I also really like the white detail on the sleeve it’s like a tattoo 😂.
19. Seokyoung - 200428 (Showcase) / 200503 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200513 (MBC Show Champion)
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It kinda looks like a disco outfit I love it 😂.
18. Seokyoung - 200429 (MBC Show Champion) / 200515 (KBS Music Bank)
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Idk why I love it it’s cute and dark why not 😂.
17. Anne - 200430 (Mnet M Countdown) / 200517 (SBS Inkigayo)
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Am I the only person still in love with graffiti print 😂. The top could be a better colour but I like the combo of neon and punkier graffiti print 😂.
16. Seokyoung - 200502 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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Idk why??? I just think it’s super cute 😂.
15. Minju - 200503 (SBS Inkigayo)
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I really like the skirt, but this is just kind of a variant of the next one 😂.
14. Minju - 200428 (Showcase) / 200513 (MBC Show Champion)
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The top just has a cooler design here 😂. But always love a skull print 😂.
13. Minju - 200429 (MBC Show Champion) / 200515 (KBS Music Bank)
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It’s kinda simple but it has that edgy look I love 😂.
12. Seokyoung - 200508 (KBS Music Bank) / 200512 (SBS The Show) / 200521 (Mnet M Countdown)
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I just really love the skirt, leather, zips and green plaid? 😍😂.
11. Anne - 200429 (MBC Show Champion)
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It’s a little bit dance teacher but I really love it 😂. I love the tall boots especially 😂.
10. Anne - 200515 (KBS Music Bank)
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I just think it looks better with shorts 😂.
09 - Miya - 200508 (KBS Music Bank) / 200512 (SBS The Show) / 200521 (Mnet M Countdown)
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Moment for how cute she looks 😂. But I actually really like this! I’ll forgive the t-shirt print cos I just love the black top with the shiny leathery trousers which aren’t Ross Geller style 😂. I think it might actually look cool with a couple of zips on the front of the trousers on the legs? But that’s just me 😂. I love how Miya shows up and I’m talking for ages 😂.
08. Seokyoung - 200510 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200522 (KBS Music Bank)
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Something about the skirt and the jewelly top looks SO cool 😍.
07. Anne - 200508 (KBS Music Bank) / 200512 (SBS The Show) / 200521 (Mnet M Countdown)
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I just love the trousers with the green plaid and the chain, the top is simple but it doesn’t need to be crazy 😂.
06. Minju - 200505 (SBS The Show) / 200523 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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It’s the skirt man it’s the skirt 😍. I do like the vest, I prefer it done up but this photo showed the whole thing more clearly 😂.
05. Minju - 200510 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200522 (KBS Music Bank)
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I feel like the jacket would put me off but I oddly love it? 😂.
04. Minju - 200508 (KBS Music Bank) / 200512 (SBS The Show) / 200521 (Mnet M Countdown)
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The shorts are just so cool 😍. I also love the shirt, but the shorts are what really stand to me here 😂.
03. Seoryoung - 200510 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200522 (KBS Music Bank)
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Ohh the top, the skirt, the little additions, I love it ALL 😍.
02. Seoryoung - 200502 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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I honestly love this so much, idk what it is about the colour and shape of the dress, and then the white top underneath it makes it look even cooler?? That almost never happens 😂. I feel like this could be number 1, if it wasn’t for...
01. Seoryoung - 200429 (MBC Show Champion) / 200515 (KBS Music Bank)
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DRACULA DRESS. Let me say it again. DRACULA. DRESS. It’s actually less my style shape wise, but... DRACULA DRESS. Cradle of Filth actually started playing as I was typing this and fitting I guess? 😂.
And that’s it 😂. May I repeat DRACULA DRESS iconic but if you made it all the way to the end hi thank you! 😂. Bazooka era had some absolute hits and absolute misses but I really love this era 😍. HOPEFULLY GWSN will have a comeback at some point before I die like come on 😭. Then again I got into them a few days ago and their last comeback was less than a year ago, I got into LABOUM last summer and their last comeback is still back in 2019 😭.
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