#oh I think it was Ninjago s11 with the Ice Emperor’s prisoner
quibbs126 · 2 years
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Someone’s probably already done this, but I decided to try and up the brightness and other stuff (I don’t actually know how to do that, I just sort of guessed by messing with blending modes and upping the brightness on the HSB thing on Procreate) on the new costumes preview and got this
I had done it to see Dark Choco’s costume, and ironically his the one I can see the least. Probably because it’s the darkest
But yeah, I am very excited for these costumes
Now I just need to figure out how to get more Rainbow Cubes
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Edit: so I looked up how to mess with contrast in Procreate, and apparently that’s by using curves, so I messed around with the original image and ended up getting these
Apparently there’s a background in there (oh wait yeah there is I’ve just been staring at the brighter one for too long. That’s on me). Also I think these are better when it comes to the actual colors
If I get anything better I’ll just add it in to the post
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