#also noticed his cape is purple
quibbs126 · 2 years
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Someone’s probably already done this, but I decided to try and up the brightness and other stuff (I don’t actually know how to do that, I just sort of guessed by messing with blending modes and upping the brightness on the HSB thing on Procreate) on the new costumes preview and got this
I had done it to see Dark Choco’s costume, and ironically his the one I can see the least. Probably because it’s the darkest
But yeah, I am very excited for these costumes
Now I just need to figure out how to get more Rainbow Cubes
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Edit: so I looked up how to mess with contrast in Procreate, and apparently that’s by using curves, so I messed around with the original image and ended up getting these
Apparently there’s a background in there (oh wait yeah there is I’ve just been staring at the brighter one for too long. That’s on me). Also I think these are better when it comes to the actual colors
If I get anything better I’ll just add it in to the post
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
The bakery is a front!...Right? Part 5
Danny opens his eyes to the sight of a potent magical barrier glowing around him. It would have held off many of his subjects but did nothing against his court, much less the king.
Then, he noticed he was in some sort of cave, strapped down to a fluffy bed. There isn't much he can see besides the various machines hooked up throughout the place, various cars, two planes, what appeared to be a training ground, and a.... dinosaur?
Where the hell am I? He thinks, trying to recall what happened to lead him here. But all he can clearly remember is fighting with Phantom over going to the park. Everything after that was a blur.
He tries to move, frowning at the very little give of his restraints. One around each of his four limbs, three large belts over his knees, stomach, and upper chest.
After a few minutes of struggling as a human, he slumps in place.
His blue eyes fly over the runes that shine along the barrier's side, noting three magical signatures. This was a group effort. Strange. Who would put Danny here?
Phantom remains silent but watchful from their shared eyes as Danny scans his surroundings again to ensure no one is around before shifting. As soon as his ghost forms, the barrier flairs, indicating an alarm has been tripped.
Danny sighs tiredly, allowing his body to pass through the restraints. Phantom reaches out to push his hand through the barrier, wiggling his fingers on the other side. Just as they thought, it's not going to keep Danny inside.
Feels like water. Phantom says, and Danny agrees. Whoever put him in here either overestimated their strength or underestimated Danny. He hopes it's not another death cult. Those always left him feeling sick after dealing with them.
It's then Danny realizes another fact. Phantom does not feel like his body trying to split in half; Phantom feels like himself again, another part of who makes up Danny.
Like the inner voice when you read in your head, just as his ghost half had always been since he was fourteen. Danny had been in this creepy cave for over a week because his mating season had finally ended.
That also meant that Danny was missing a full week of memories.
He is going to have some words with whoever is responsible. Danny rechecks the barrier, realizing it's still flaring, and decides to wait for them to approach him. He can pretend he's trapped inside, hopefully creating a false sense of security and getting answers from his kidnappers.
He crosses his legs under him just as a portal rips open a few feet away from his barrier and out rushes a blond man in a trench coat. Behind the man is a woman in a magician outfit and a teenage girl in a purple cape. Danny scans each person, noting the barrier's magical signature matches them all, and knows they are responsible.
Trench coat falls to one knee, bowing his head in respect. "Your majesty."
The other two follow suit after he speaks, repeating his greeting. It seems Trench Coat is the leader. The ghost king leans back on his hands, frost slowly spreading over the blankets under his palms.
It crawls to the edges, slowly falling down the legs of the bed and around the floor. Danny stops it right at the lines of the barrier, knowing the blond man is watching it. The blond man's shoulder relaxes when the frost fails to go over the drawn lines.
So they did underestimate Danny. Well, it made things easier, at least.
"Where am I?" Knowing Phantom's voice echoes and unsettles the three kneeing magic users, he asks. Sam had once told him it sounded like the cracking of ice glaciers from within the giant ice caves after his friend returned from a trip to the artic with her parents.
Danny wasn't exactly sure what that sounded like, but he had always thought it made him more intimidating, especially when he kept his voice a regal calm. Tucker said the calm made it extra creepy, and he wanted to watch these three sweat right now.
"The Batcave, your Highness." Trench Coat responds. Danny's jaw drops.
"The what cave!?" He gasps, springing up from the bed to spin around and look at his surrounding better. He knows he just shattered the illusion but come on! It's the Batcave! This place was a legend among his customers! "Batcave as in Batman!?"
"Indeed." A new voice calls and Danny's head snaps toward a man hiding within a shadow. He's good for a human, but although the shadows open their arms to him, they are not part of him, and Danny can trace every inch of him as easily as though a spotlight had been shined on him.
"Batman" He whispers in awe. The Dark Knight steps out into the line of sight of the other three, ignoring Trench Coat when the blond man starts to hiss at him to kneel. "I got kidnapped by Batman. That's so metal."
Batman, to his credit, doesn't even flinch at the accusation. "You were deemed a danger to the public."
Danny snorts. "Been there. Done that. Got a cookie on the way back."
The mask man's eyes narrow. "Are you aware of the damage you have caused? The lives you have potentially ruined since arriving in my city?"
"Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about. All I did was open a bakery." Danny glances down at the magic users before waving a hand. "You three can stand now, by the way."
The three stand as Batman steps up against the barrier. He looms over Danny in a poor attempt at intimation. Even with having to tilt his head back to keep eye contact and the glowing yellow stip of magic, Danny finds himself on equal footing with the human.
"Batman, bugger off. Now." Trench Coat hisses, yanking the other back a few steps. "We do not need a war with one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse."
"A being that tried to steal my sons." The other man growls, and Danny blinks.
"First of all, I didn't even know you had kids. Second, I have never met them in my life, much less steal-"
"Red Robin will not be going with you, no matter what you say!" Batman interrupts. "If I have to keep you here until the contract is neutralized, I will."
"This is not helping B." The woman dressed like a magician says. She was beyond nervous, a slight tremble ranking her frame. "We're supposed to be negotiating the terms of the engagement."
"The engagement?" Danny mouths, confused.
"We have his sister, Jassmin Fenton. That's a good enough starting point-" The girl in the cape starts, and Danny snaps to attention at his sister's name. Her neck is in his hand, cutting off her words with a chock gasp. He sneers in her face even as the other three scream at the speed he crosses the barrier.
"Where. Is. Jazz."
"Raven!" The other woman screams. "Prat eht gnik ni a egac!"
Her magic washes over him but freezes as Danny's power overtakes it. The spell lands on the ground as a sparkling clump of ice.
The girl claws at his hands, trying to pry him off even when a bear tazer slams into his side, sending electricity throughout his body. If he had been fourteen that would have been enough to have scared him enough into letting go.
He's not a little kid anymore, though. He backhands Batman away from him, catching the tazer he drops as he is flung and throwing it at Trench Coat.
It slams against the man, knocking him on his ass. "I didn't even do anything!"
Danny raises the girl, wondering if he should squeeze more- it's not choking her. He just wanted to scare her.- when Ellie came flying from the direction of a large stone stairway. It seems the Batcave was underneath something. "Danny, stop! Let her go!"
"They kidnapped Jazz!" He yells, eyes blazing in an angry green. Raven's eyes widened at the color. She chants a spell, but her magic is frozen like Zatanna's was before it could even form. She looks stricken.
Not surprising since magic is supposed to be one thing to never fail against the paranormal. Too bad for her Danny is the king and thus far more powerful than the average ghost.
"No, they didn't! She literally upstairs flirting with Jason!"
Danny lets Raven go to swing his head in Ellie's direction. "Who the fuck is Jason!?"
"A really buff book nerd."
"Of course he is."
"Yeah, he's also Peter Draper." Ellie continues with a What can you do shrug.
"Oh, word?" Danny tries to imagine Jazz and Peter, but his employee is so short-tempered that he finds it odd his sister would ever look his way twice. Then again, Peter was only short-tempered because he was trying to keep Alvin safe from Phantom's charm, so....maybe that's what got her attention?
"Your Highness," Trench Coat clears his throat. "We really need to discuss the engagement."
"What engagement?"
Ellie flies over to drape herself across his shoulders like a floating scarf. "The one between you and Timothy Drake."
"The Wayne CEO?" Danny never met the guy; how was he engaged to him?
"Yeah, but you know him as Alvin Draper or Red Robin." Ellie shrugs at his Godsmack expression. "The Bats thought you were selling drugs, using kids as carriers, and using the bakery as a front to cover up your crimes."
"Drugs? Child endangerment!? Why would they think I would do something so terrible?! My bakery is a lovely place!"
"Cause you're kind of shady, Danny. Fruitloop shady."
"I'm disowning you." Danny turns his attention back to the four - heroes? If they were with Batman, they had to be right?- and frown. "I love Gotham. I was just trying to sell pastries and help my community."
"Yeah, but you're still shady." Ellie laughs, ignoring the disownment like every other time Danny threatened her. "They sent in spies to figure you out."
"Spies? In my bakery?" Danny repeats, horrified. He snaps his fingers at his sister, narrowing his eyes. "You can never tell Andres he was right."
She bares her teeth in response, and he knows his store manager will be unbearable come Monday. Danny covers his face wanting to scream, until Batman steps to growl at him. "Tim isn't going anywhere with you."
Danny squints at him. "You're making it sound like I'm taking him by force."
"You are." And another voice jumps in, but this one is familiar. Danny twists around to see Alvin-er Tim calmly walk down the large stairway wearing only white pants. Along the sides of the pants are runes that make Danny's stomach drop.
They're the marking of a human sacrifice in the ghost zone.
"I won't resist." Tim continues stopping before a horrified Danny and clasping his hands tightly. Tim's gaze rests on his feet, every inch of him portraying submission. A group of people quickly come down the stairs, each trying to talk over the other, but Danny can't take his eyes off the human, giving himself up.
Phantom's core weeps. When a human is made into a sacrifice, there is nothing other ghosts can do to intervene. It's one of the Rules within the zone, like Truce Day. There was nothing he could do to save his employee.
"Who?" He whispers his ghostly glow highlighting the youth in Tim's face. Only nineteen. "Who do you belong to?"
Tim's hands twitch, but it's the only sign of discomfort as he lowers his gaze even more. "To you, your highness."
"Oh, for goodness sake!" Jazz yells, walking over to whack him on the head. Ellie moves so her hand can reach his skull and punches the back of his head. Several people gasp, scandalized, but she does seem to care as she starts nagging. "Daniel Fenton! You let this boy out of his human sacrifice engagement with you right now!"
"His what with what?!" Danny screams back, only to have Sam walk around a blond woman and stomp on his foot. "Ow!"
"This a dick move, Danny! Tucker, come over here and tell him!"
His best friend appears only to punch him in the gut. "It's mess up, man! Tim didn't even know he was walking into a fae circle when he went to your apartment!"
"Stop hitting me! I don't even know what the hell is going on!" He yells, rubbing his bruised stomach.
Jazz crosses her arms and taps her foot. "Five. Four."
"Why are you counting?"
" Three. Two"
"Jazz, seriously, stop it."
"One. Zer-"
"I, High King Phantom, release Timothy Drake with no conditions!" He screams, cowering away. The runes on Tim's pants snap like broken chains. "Just please don't say zero!"
"That's what I thought." She says, nodding her head and then laughing. "I can't believe that still works on you. I'm sorry we didn't explain, but I wanted to get Tim out of danger as soon as possible. Tim was the first to find you when the Bats raided your house a week ago, looking for non-existing drugs. Phantom took over in a mate craze and tried to keep him along with Damian- er Robin- prisoners. "
"We all had to join forces to free them, but you were too powerful. You ripped a portal into the ghost zone and took them." Sam takes over giving Danny a stink eye. She always does hate when Danny slips away to the zone to avoid them. "Tim struck a deal with Phantom agreeing to be his human sacrifice/ husband in exchange for his brother's freedom while the rest of us tried to get to the zone."
Danny doesn't know what to say but feels his mouth moving. It's Phantom who answers. "Again, from the bottom of my heart. My bad. Really. I just wanted a baby."
Ellie chirps, "Baby fever is a medical condition Phantom. Don't sweat it."
"Maybe sweat it a little." A man shouts from beside the frozen Tim. The teenager is staring at Danny with a kind of worship looking upon a saint. And a lover. Danny blushes slightly. "You stole my baby brothers."
"Richard. I can not have this conversation again with you." Phantom rolls his eyes and fades back into Fenton as he powers down. "All I did to Tim was try to cover him in blankets, feed him and make him sleep. My human side wasn't even aware of things."
"Still not cool, Phantom. I thought Danny was going to retake him after this visit," Richard responds, pressing Tim into his side. "Even if it was just due to your mating season, don't repeat it."
Danny takes over with a raised brow. "Don't go into my lair during my mating season, then. Who had you snooping?"
"We did what we had to." Batman is notably less hostile now that the contract between Tim and Danny is broken. Danny considers his words and then nods. He gets that. He would have done the same if he thought some creep was luring the street kids into something dangerous.
"Danny," Tim says, approaching the halfa "Will you go on a date with me?"
"Drake! No!" A child screams from the crowd, but Danny can only see those gorgeous blue eyes, and something deep within him uncoils. Phantom settles in Danny's soul with a content sigh. It's found its mate, after all.
"Yes, I'll go on a date with you." Danny pauses. "You won't work at the bakery anymore, right? I can't date my employees. That's a power imbalance."
Tim laughs leaning in to press his lips against Danny's. The other human's outraged cries fade away as Danny melts against him. "How could I ever think I could resist you. You're too perfect. "
"Wait- what?" Danny blinks, but Tim shushes him with another kiss. Both ignore how the Bats leap in to pull them apart, or Team Phantom rushes to protect Danny and fight them off.
John Constante watches the two groups with a frown "So...no war?"
"I don't think so?" Zatanna responds, confused, while Raven watches impassively.
Danny was right. Come Monday, Andres is unbearable, but Tim comes over for lunch and a quick make-out session, so it's worth it. Manolo returns later that day to invite Danny to his school band performance. His mother is now on her way to recovery, finally allowing him to learn the flute.
All is well in Phantom Bakes.
(Part 1), (Part 2), (Part 3), (Part 4)
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euphorianyx · 2 months
Bet Beat Keep [Ep 1]
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Pairing : Jungkook & Reader (mc) Genre : Smut / Romance / Thrilling / Dark Summary : Jeon Jungkook is a legendary boxer, currently the best around the city. Even the illegal cage fights he takes place become famous… And your rich boyfriend decides to bet on his next game. JungKook must win no matter what because you are on the line. Will Jungkook win for himself, or will another game begin? ⟪A/N: Do not copy or publish my work on other platforms without my permission. All Rights Reserved. Every and each like & reblog are highly appreciated.⟫
The vale in simple yet clean suit opened my door. I stepped out and glanced around. A slum with faded colors of old buildings. We were so out of place with our fancy clothes. I thought so until walking into the building. People like us were following a hallway. A buff guy checked Jae Hwan's invisible mark with a purple light and opened the door. A small laundromat was behind it. Wondering where this will lead I followed quietly. I reached another small door. Peeking inside I could see the cage with locks in the middle. Blood running cold, I stopped on my track. However before I could form any word, another man cut in. His suit and fedora carried no sign of reliance. "I thought big bets like these were not your thing Song. What happened?" His husky voice filled the thin hallway. Jae Hwan chuckled. I did not like it, because I knew it was not a good sign. "Well you got what you expected now. Stop using your words, use your zeros." The man returned the same sort of chuckle, sinisterly. "Still thinking small Song? How about the beauty you brought?" Jae Hwan arched his eyebrows arrogantly. "You are not laying a finger on her." I felt sick to my stomach. They were talking about me as if I was one of their belongings… As if I was an object. Not being able to stand their immature testosterone war, I walked in. Before I took my seat, I looked for the ladies room, hoping there has to be one. Somehow on my way back, I heard the familiar voice of a male. It was the same man who talked to Jae Hwan. His hands were on each side of the young guy before him. "Listen…. You either win this or I will shove this down your throat… Understand?"
I had no idea about cage fights, but one did not need to be a genius to see the problem. He was going to wear a knuckleduster to destroy his opponent. In this case, it was Jae Hwan's bet. I had to do something if I did not want to end up in the hands of another freak.
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Jungkook sat by the bench, listening to the deafening cheers of the crowd. Elites were present, so he had to give them what they wanted. They were thirsty for blood… Torture… Violence… Lives of miserable poor like him were meant for the entertainment. He took a deep breath, starting with his mantra. "Right, Left, Right, Left… Focus" Those whispers faded away when a woman suddenly pulled him back to the small room. The door was closed and Jungkook was stuck between the unfamiliar delicate body and the door frame. Eyes wide, he looked down to the unexpected guest.
I took a step back to create some space between me and the tall man. I finally looked up slowly and instantly regretted my decision. The only thing he had on was a cape along with shorts hanging on his hips. He had long and shaped legs and a muscular body. His chiseled chest and abs along with wide shoulders were literally perfect.
He had the face of an angel with captivating big eyes. Jungkook was also caught off guard. The first thing he noticed was the intoxicating perfume. The classy dress wrapped the beautiful woman’s curves and flowed perfectly. When your eyes met the only thing Jung Kook could think was that you were beautiful… From head to toe.
After a long minute of silence, the confusion kicked in. Closing my eyes I tried to put my thoughts together to explain. "Your… uhm… Your opponent is wearing a knuckleduster to the fight." After hearing those words, Jungkook even had more questions than before. He took a step to the delicate figure before him.
“And how do you know that?”
Since I did not have much time, I rushed the words. "It does not matter. I saw it. Its because of the bet." Jungkook raised one eyebrow questioningly. "How much is it?" I shook my head. "Money? I do not know. The real bet.." I stopped in the mid-sentence when my brain caught up with my mouth. However, Jung Kook's expectant gaze urged me to go on. "...is me." After I explained, I heard the footsteps outside the door. Jae Hwan's voice followed. "Find her!"
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vigil-antes · 1 year
First meetings
Imagine Bruce walking up to Wonder Woman and Superman and being like
"I would like to introduce you to a partner of mine, Red Robin" and gesturing to his side. But because the bat kids like being as uncooperative as possible in any given situation, there's no one next to Batman, which prompts him to pat his legs and sides like a dad who's misplaced his wallet.
After a minute of frantic and yet composed searching, he shoves a hand into his cape and gropes around for a couple seconds until he finally manages to grab onto something.
As he pulls out an entire vigilante out of his costume, Diana and Clark watch on confusedly.
But the vigilante, a young man in a decidedly too tight black and blue suit, doesnt seem to be the right one, because Batman scowls and asks,
"What are you doing in there? And where is your brother?" (At the seeming admission of parentage, Diana lets out a small delighted gasp, and little stars appear in her eyes like in a cartoon)
But the man doesn't answer, instead grinning and shoving a hand back into the cape (seriously, where the hell does it go??) and pulling out the edge of what seems to be another cape.
Batman somehow frowns more, and from where he's holding his presumed son at the scruff, like a particularly unruly kitten, he pulls him further from inside the cape.
The young man in turn pulls another figure from under Batman's arm, this one covered in black from head to toe. They lift a hand to wave at Batman, but the other seems to also be holding onto someone else.
Batman releases the first vigilante on the ground, and takes a hold on the arm the secon figure is holding onto, which after another pull, turns out to be connected to a purple clad girl, the upper part of her face visible under a hood.
"Hey, big guy!" she exclaims with nonchalance like she's not part of the most bizzare display both Clark and Diana have been witness to, and they've both seen a lot of shit.
Batman grunts, and if Batman could sound anything other than mildly annoyed, Diana could swear he sounds downright distressed.
He doesnt answer, instead proceeding to keep pulling masked figures, each one holding onto the next, out of his cape, in a severely messed up imitation of a clown pulling napkins out of his sleeve.
"damn," says the first man, sounding a bit winded from his position under the increasingly tall pile of slumped over vigilantes "its like a clown car in there."
At some point, Batman's finds in his own cape grow more bizzare, including an old man dressed like a stereotipical butler, complete with a steaming teacup in hand, a woman in a wheelchair, and what Clark refuses to believe is a cow with bat-shaped markings over its eyes.
At last, when the room is at least fifteen people (and non-people entities Clark is currently pretending dont exist) fuller he pulls out a young man in red and black, who's furiously tapping away on a tablet.
"There." He sets the boy down next to the amorphous pile on the floor, and his shoulders relax an invisible millimeter.
The boy looks up from his tablet and startles at the sight, like he hadnt noticed the change in settings.
"As i was saying, this is Red Robin, my partner." Batman introduces the boy, acting like the damn cow is not very valiantly trying to eat Diana's lasso of truth.
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luckyjiii · 7 months
a vampire's kiss {l.z.}
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Paring - frat!Laurance Zvhal x reader
tw/cw- alcohol, thigh riding, fingering, oral (m and f), protected sex, edging, sorta softdom!laurance, facial, pet names, marking, biting, very minor hair pulling, multiple orgasms, pussydrunk!laurance, dumbification
Not grammar checked sorry! >~<
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Halloween was just around the corner. In the college town that meant children trick-or-treating, spooky decorations being hung up, and the town’s Halloween festival. However, for the students of Falcon Claw university, this meant many parties. The week before Halloween was like any other for you, classes, going home, hanging out with all your friends, especially your best friend Travis, then rinse, and repeat. 
Travis and you arrived at class early to find your favorite seat and to talk with some privacy. “Soooo y/n..My frat is gonna have this totally epic party this weekend and I think you should come!” He was always too energetic in the mornings. “Hmm well are there going to be any vampires there?” Travis raised an eyebrow at you and gave you a look of confusion.
You leaned in and whispered into his ear as more students walked in. “Travis I have a thing for vampire, if there’s one there I’ll fuck them.” Travis’ jaw dropped and he whipped his head towards you letting out a gasp. “Y/N! You naughty girl!” He laughed at you and as the teacher walked in. He knew exactly who he had to tell about this.
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Laurance arrived at the frat house and headed to his shared room with Garroth as he passed Travis and you leaving Travis’ room. He didn’t know what was going on between you two. The two of you claimed to be best friends but knowing Travis, he wasn’t sure how he could only be friends with someone as beautiful as you. 
He heard the front door close and Travis peeked around the corner. “Laurancee you’ll never guess what good news y/n told me!” He said in a sing-songy voice that never failed to annoy Laurance. “So you know how you like her?” Laurance’s eyes widened at that. 
“How did you know what Travis..?” Travis scoffed and gave him a mischievous smile. “You don’t try hard to hide it. I see you making heart eyes at her everytime she comes over but anyways, she said she’d get with anyone dressed as a vampire if you know what I mean. Just wanted to tell you!” He winked as he ran off. Sometimes Laurance wondered what was wrong with that boy. Also though..he would keep that in mind.
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Inside one of the bathrooms of the frat was Laurance, Aphmau dressed as a purple werewolf, and Lucinda dressed as some anime character that nobody could name off the top of their head. He sat on the toilet lid in his vampire costume as Aphmau carefully did his makeup. “Laurance, stay still!! The makeup is gonna get on your clothes!!” He wasn’t used to getting makeup put on him and the brush Aphmau was using to make him look paler tickled. “Yeah, don’t mess up the costume I made you. Why’d you ask for it and for us to help you on such short notice?” Lucinda questioned while tilting his head. Honestly he felt a little foolish doing all this for you but I’d be worth it. 
“Y/N said she likes vampires!” Travis interjected as he peeked his head into the bathroom and flashed a cheeky smile. He then quickly left before any questions could be asked. Aphmau let out a more exaggerated gasp than Lucinda as they both asked. “You like y/n?” He nodded his head before a quick careful was yelled at him. “Laurance why didn’t you tell us we could have helped! You know I’m like the matchmaker!” The ravenette scolded him.
He sighed before he spoke. “I just didn’t want everyone to know. Can you help me?” Aphmau squealed as the two girls agreed to. Finishing up his makeup, Aphmau added small designs to make him look, in her words, like a sexier Edward Cullen. He looked in the mirror to see and even he had to admit he looked more handsome than usual.
After putting on his cape and parting ways from the girls was the final part of his look, the fangs he ordered online. He didn’t really understand the hype of vampires but from what he had seen online and asked, girls liked the appeal of danger and getting bitten. Putting them in he felt a bit silly again and really questioned if this was all worth it. His thoughts were interrupted by his roommate Garroth. 
“Bro you look good but I thought you were gonna be Ghostface?” He sat on the bed next to him and smiled. “Ah man change of plans, you look right at home as a cowboy.” Laurance laughed as his worries went to the back of his mind. If he was like this for the rest of the party and just stopped worrying so much tonight would go smoothly. 
Garroth got up from the bed and motioned him to follow as the party was about to start. Some people were already there but it was about to hit full swing. Aphmau and Lucinda waved him over as he came down stairs to talk about their plan.He saw Travis slip out right before the clock hit nine, where waves of many people filed into the house. He tried to look at the people coming in but none of them were you.
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You arrive at the party well after it was in full swing. You were still on the fence about going until Travis appeared at your front door. “Y/N there’s a vampire waiting for you at the party!” After that you threw together a slutty sleeping beauty costume, which really consisted of a short pink dress with some white and gold accents and a crown on your head. 
Now at the party you didn’t really know what to do. Aphmau was talking to you but you were scanning the crowd for your vampire. Travis was pushing through the crowd to find you. “Y/N! Mr. Vampire is over there!!” He yelled barely enough to hear over the music while pointing. 
You turned your head to see a tall sandy haired man talking to Lucinda. A black cape was draped over his long figure. You saw him turn his head towards your direction to see that your Mr. Vampire was Laurance, one of Travis’ friends. 
Laurance had caught your eye over the time you had known the group, never being too close to each other. He was handsome with his blue eyes that reminded you of the ocean. His olive skin always looked like he had just gotten away from the beach. The warm smile he always gave you in the brief moments you talked. The way he smelled, and your favorite thing, the intense gaze he had when you two met eyes during group hangouts. 
Now in his costume you couldn't see the warm guy you had grown to kinda know, but you would be lying if you said he didn't look good. The white
makeup made his skin paler but you wondered if you could make him sweat it off. The blood around his mouth made his lips pop out more, they looked soft. 
You took a sip of your drink for courage and started to head your way to him. “Laurance she's coming this way, take this." Lucinda put a vile labeled ‘liquid confidence’ into his hand and walked away. He popped it open and chugged it, feeling an additional sense of self-assurance he felt a tap on his arm. 
He turned around to see you. He was stunned at how gorgeous you looked. All doubts he had before were long forgotten as the off the shoulder dress led his eye directly to your cleavage. He glanced down and noticed just how short the dress was, stopping mid thigh. He let out a wow under his breath. 
“Hey, your Laurance right? Wanna dance with me?” You leaned in so that you wouldn't have to yell. He nodded as you grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor. This being your first party in forever and always only dancing with your friends you weren't sure how to even dance together. 
Your feelings of indecisiveness melted away under the feeling of warm hands on your hips from behind you. Turning to see him, Laurance pulled you closer and started to sway your hips to the beat of the song. He leaned down to whisper in your ear. 
“You look really pretty tonight princess.” It was so simple but something as simple as that turned you on much more than you'd like to admit. The minutes and songs blurred together as dancing with him was the only thing that mattered at the moment. 
However it couldn't last forever and he offered to get a drink before dancing more. Waiting outside the packed kitchen for him to return, Aphmau approached you. “Hii y/n!!! I saw you dancing with Laurance!" She said, raising her eyebrows in a knowing way. 
“Isn't he just the besttt? He's sooo cool and a really really good guy. You guys would be super duper cute together.” You nodded giggling as she spoke, sounding very drunk. It wasn't long after more babbling about Laurance that she was pulled away by Aaron and Laurance came back. 
      “Hey princess, ready to get back to dancing?” He said while you turned to face him and he handed you a drink. His back was facing the light coming from the kitchen and was only illuminated by the flashing party lights. This is the first time tonight you had really gotten a good look at him, and maybe you thought this because you had been deprived of sex for so long, but if the room wasn’t full of people now you would’ve jumped into his arms and begged him to fuck you, but that wouldn’t be happening, at least for now.
“Are you calling me princess because you don’t remember my name??” You asked, trying to tease seeing if this confidence was just an act. However you were quickly proven wrong as he pulled you close to him. Your head was pushed against his chest as he whispered into your ear. “Y/N I could never forget the name of a beauty like you.”
A heat crept over your whole body, he had such a way with words. He loosened his grip on you so he could look at you, but kept his arms wrapped around your waist. He leaned down making your faces inches away from each other. “Princess can I..?”
The moment was interrupted by the two of you getting bumped by someone, after all you were still standing by one of the entrances to the kitchen. “OH MY IRENE I’m so sorry Y/N-chan and Laurance-kun!!!” Kawaii-chan, in a pink anime costume you couldn’t bother to recognize, apologized. 
“Kitty watch where you’re going!” Behind her was one of the other boys from the frat that you thought was her boyfriend, Zane. He was dressed completely the opposite of her in a grim reaper costume. Which would be funny seeing them together if they hadn’t just ruined your kiss. “It’s fine Kawaii-Chan.” Laurance said with some annoyance in his voice. She apologized again and ran off with Zane outside. 
Although the mood was ruined, your feelings for him at that moment were not. If he was to just steal a quick kiss and go back to dancing with you it would be enough in your opinion, even though you and him both know you want more. Before anything else could happen Travis placed a hand on your shoulder. 
“Heyyy y/n! You having fun??” You could tell he was slightly drunk by the slurring of his speech. “You don’t mind if I take her rightt Laurance??” He said, pulling you away before the other could say anything. Why was everyone trying to disrupt you two right as things were getting good?
“Travis what the fuck! Why’d you pull me away?? We were about to kiss..” You said super annoyed at the second distraction tonight. All you wanted to do was make what you told Travis come true with a super hot vampire. You rolled your eyes as he realized what he did.
“Oh my IRENE I did not mean to..Well my bestest friend have fun.. But not too much fun!” He pushed you back into Laurance’s direction. Pushing through the crowd you could barely see him, not because Travis took you far, but because lots of party goers decided to migrate to the kitchen to get drinks. It’s like the universe was trying to keep you apart right now.
You felt a hand grab your wrist, it was Laurance after he saw you and decided to just head your way. He pulled you through the crowd towards the stairs. He muttered something under his breath before being stopped mid crowd. This time it was Garroth and Laurance let out a very annoyed groan.
“What is it Garroth?” Garroth opened his mouth to say something but he saw you trailing behind Laurance and closed it again. He thought for a second before whispering something to Laurance that you couldn’t hear. All you saw was the annoyance washing off Laurance and him nodding his head. “3:30..ok got it.” He repeated back.
You didn’t know what that was about but you did notice Laurance switch from holding your wrist to your hand, which made your face heat up. As he continued to lead you up the stairs you peeked into the crowd and saw Travis winking and giving you a thumbs up, you laughed and winked back. Leading you through the less crowded hallway you saw many doors closed and some people you knew in the cracks of slightly open doors.
Finally at the end of the hall you arrived at Laurance’s room. You had seen most of the other rooms except for this one, which was the one you were most curious about. Would his side of the room be clean and mature like him? Or maybe you would see that he’s super nerdy and the opposite of what you’ve expected.
The door opened and you were pulled into the room. You looked around and honestly it was nothing too special , green sheets on the bed, some posters of things he liked. Being so busy inspecting his room you didn’t notice him let go of your wrist and the door closing made you jump, he had also shed his cape and red suit vest leaving him in his white button up and black pants. He let out a chuckle which just made you all fuzzy inside. Seriously, how had he not had a girlfriend by now?
“Finally I’ve got you to myself.” He said as he hugged you from behind. His embrace was warm and comforting, you could get used to this. “Princess, I really like you.” He said turning you around and leaning down to eye level. “Can I..?” You didn’t even know what to say, it’s like all the words you’d ever known disappeared from your brain, you thought this would be a one night stand but him saying those words gave you hope for more. With a blank mind you just nodded your head yes.
He closed the gap between you two and it felt like fireworks were going off in your stomach. You had thought about this moment in passing maybe once or twice but never thought it would actually happen, or even be this good. He placed one hand on the back of your head and tightened the one around your waist to deepen the kiss. You tangled your hands into his slicked back sandy hair messing it up as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. 
Without noticing he started to lead you towards his bed. You became aware of this when the back of your knees hit the edge of the bed. You fell backwards onto the bed without breaking the kiss. As the kiss went on the needier and sloppier it got. He switched the positions to where you were now placed on one of his thighs as he sat on the edge of the bed. 
Both of his hands were placed on your hips and helped you gently rock back and forth. You gasped, breaking the kiss for the first time since you locked lips. You laid your forehead on his shoulder as you let out small, quiet moans directly into his ear. You let out a remarkably loud moan as he bit into your exposed neck with his fangs. He bit in a number of other spots on your neck a few more times before starting to suck leaving small marks around your neck. 
You wrapped your arms around him the best you could to stabilize yourself to speed up. The feeling of the fabric of your panties and his jeans rubbing against your clit was addicting. As it continued you start to feel arousal bubbling and a burn in your thighs from moving yourself.
Slowing down as you felt yourself wearing out Laurance bit you neck again and stopped moving, making you yelp and whine from a lack of friction. “C’mon princess don’t give up on me now, I know you're close I can hear it.” He said as he sped up the movements of his hands again. You were falling apart in his hands like putty, and you prayed to Irene that it wouldn’t be the last time.
You don’t know how much more of this you could take. Between his fluctuating speed of moving you, all the marks he was leaving on you, and the praises he gave you you were teetering on the edge of an orgasm. You were thankful your moans were drowned out from everyone else at the party with the blaring, but muffed for you, music. 
Everytime you signaled your peak to Laurance he slowed you down making you whine again. It happened more times than you could count as your head spinned with the intoxicating cycle till you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Laurance please” You whined, just a little bit more and you would’ve cum but now your orgasm had been ruined “Please don’t stop again please” You begged him lifting your head from his shoulder and looking at him with watery eyes. The cocky smile he had dropped and a worried look appeared on his face. He captured you into a tight embrace.“I’m so sorry princess you sounded so pretty I couldn’t help it, you ok?” You nodded sniffling, as your face fell back into his shoulder. 
He let you go and held your hips again tightly, this time determined to make you cum. He started moving you again, building up his pace. You held him tight as you scratched his back through his shirt leaving marks that stung. The familiar feeling of pleasure starting to boil over had appeared. All you could do was tap his back to warn him before your orgasm washed over you like a tsunami, you swore you saw stars.
When you came back from the high you released him from the tight squeeze you didn’t realize you had stuck him in. “Don't let go now, we're just getting started." He said as he laid you down onto the bed. 
He lowered himself until you couldn't see head below your skirt. He licked a strip over your clothed pussy as you let out a whine. He pulled down your panties with his teeth making direct eye contact with you. 
He threw them somewhere behind him. Nervousness and arousal bubbled in your stomach as his fangs grazed your thigh. He licked another stripe into your wet fold. His tongue flicking your sensitive clit sent waves of pleasure flowing through your body. 
You tangled your fingers into his hair, messing it up more than you already had. You pulled him closer and spread your legs wider. His tongue poked at your hole, making your legs shake. Being so sensitive from your prior orgasm you were sent over the edge by him sucking and flicking his tongue over your clit. He licked up everything you gave him as you rode out another orgasm on his face. 
He lifted his head, seeing that all the makeup around his mouth to chin had been smudged in some parts and completely washed off in others. The only cohesive part of it was that it was shiny from your juices. Your head was just spinning from the sight of this. 
“Ready to give up yet princess?” He said with a smirk. He just couldn't get enough of you, if you would let him he would've stayed between your legs forever drinking up every sweet drop you gave him. But you both wanted something more satisfying than that. 
You shook your head in disagreement. Giving up and ending this was the last thing you wanted to to, especially since there was no guarantee for a next time. Even though you were weak, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him up towards your face to kiss him again. Locking lips, you could taste yourself but honestly you didn’t mind.
His hands roamed your body until his left found a place on your boob and his right went under your dress. You gasped and moaned into the kiss as two of his fingers entered you. Your back arched as your chest hit his. You moaned out his as he sped up the pace of his fingers.
His fingers curled and hit just the right spot, it was like he knew your body like the back of his hand. “L-Laurance…please” You gasped out, he hummed in response too occupied with moving his finger to actually speak. With every movement a loud wet squelch could be heard. Your head started to spin with all the pleasure you had felt within the last hour.
You had completely forgotten what you were going to say to him as you lost the ability to speak long ago but it’s like he knew what you were going to say. “After this just one more ok princess?” You nodded weakly, his fingers made you lose all strength you had ever had. Each time he moved his fingers in and out of you, another orgasm threatened to spill out of you. 
You squeezed him tight again as you came, unable to count how many times this has happened. As you panted heavily he rolled over next to you leaning against the headboard of the bed, giving you some time to breathe. “Can you give me one more y/n?” You lazily nodded, however you wanted to return the favor before that.
You reached for his pants and sluggishly struggled a couple times to take them off due to your shaking hands. He smiled at your desperation and helped you by quickly unbuttoning them and pulling them and his boxers off, throwing them somewhere with the rest of the rest of the disregarded clothes. He looked absolutely tasty only in his button up and with his fanged smile. Looking at his dick you practically drooling as you grabbed it. Quickly you shuffled to be in between his legs and licked the precum off his tip. He let out a groan as you sucked it and slowly started to bob your head up and down his length. 
Whatever didn’t fit into your mouth was in your hand, which was moving in unison with your head. He thought just giving you pleasure and hearing you moan was enough, but this was his own personal heaven. He held the hair falling into your face back as he let out more delicious sounds. Praises fell from his lips like a prayer giving you an incentive to quicken your pace. 
Even though this was mostly for him you deeply enjoyed it as well. You loved hearing all the sounds and praises he let slip out from his soft lips. You also loved that now he was falling apart just as you had not too long ago. It was the confidence boost you needed to deep throat him and swallow around him. He pulled you up by the hair making you let out a moan as his nut landed on your face.
“Sorry princess, you just look so pretty with it on your face.” He said between pants. You swiped your thumb over the slit to gather some cum as he reached into his side drawer to grab a condom, making a small groan come out from his mouth. He looked back to see you eating what you had collected on your finger and a heat spread across his body.
You watched with careful eyes as he ripped the condom package open and slid it onto his dick. He leaned to give you a quick kiss one last time before pulling you from out between his legs. You positioned yourself gripping on his shoulders  and slowly lowered yourself onto him, wincing in pain as you slowly sank down. He had done his best to stretch you out with everything before but, his dick was bigger than his fingers. You buried your face into his chest, smearing his cum onto his shirt, you felt so full.
You let out a breath and gave him a signal to start moving. He thrusted upwards into you as he held your hips tightly to keep you somewhat still. He didn’t waste any time quicking speeding his pace. “God y/n, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do this.” He moaned out. All you could do was reply with a muffled moan, that wasn’t muffled just quite enough and he could still clearly hear and he thanked Irene he could.
Every thrust into you he could feel your boobs bounce against him which egged him on more. He had fucked all the sense out of you and you let him use you as essentially a sex toy. All you could think of and say in the moment was him and his name. You had unbuttoned, or better described as ripped off the first couple of buttons on his shirt to feel more of his warmth. You melted under every single one of his touches. 
The constant drag of him against your walls was almost too much for you to handle. He overwhelmed all your senses, you felt him all over, his cologne hit your nose every once in a while, all you could hear or think of was him,  and the taste of him lingering on your tongue. At this point he was slamming into you and every slam would release a loud moan from the both of you. The room was filled with the sound of skin slapping and the  sounds of sex that you would definitely hear and make pretty obvious what was going on if you stood outside the door.
A multitude of orgasms had hit you but you just couldn’t get enough. Everytime he would even consider slowing down you begged him not to. The sense of time or space had long been gone for you two. Everything blurred together and the only thing keeping you grounded was the constant pleasure running through Your veins. Your head began spinning again from pleasure and you couldn’t hold yourself up anymore, folding and putting all your weight against him. “Just one more ok y/n?” He said in a smooth, chocolatey voice that you just couldn’t resist and let out a sound in agreement. 
He switched positions once again to have you lay under him after noticing how weak you were. He began to move again and a few quick thrusts almost sent you over the edge again, however he noticed this and began his sick trick of trying to delay the inevitable. For every few quick thrust were many agonizingly slow ones to string you along a little longer. He couldn’t help it. You looked so beautiful underneath him and he never wanted the moment to end. The way the makeup you put on much earlier in the night was smudged and mixed with his, the hickeys and bite marks on your neck, the way you called out his name, the face you made as you came,  and your stupid little dress he couldn’t believe he hadn’t ripped off you the moment you were alone were all too captivating to him. It could, and would, never get enough of it.
“Lauranceee, please stop teasing” You whined out, this time the edging felt like death. Everytime your sweet release was placed in front of you it was swiftly stolen away. You couldn’t handle anymore of this. “Only if you beg princess.” He said between pants, this is something he desperately wanted to hear. You honestly didn’t know if your brain could process doing that, being so blank.
“Please Laurance please I’ll be a good girl, just please let me cum.” You begged like your life depended on it. He let out a soft sigh and sped up, almost slamming into you once again. His olive skin glistened under the soft light illuminating from a smaller desk lamp next to his bed. You both wished the moment could last forever, it felt like a little secret you two shared underneath the moonlight hidden away from everyone else.
“Can I cum?” You asked desperately, tightly closing your eyes as he hummed in approval. This one was the most intense one out of all of them. You could wear your vision went white as he fucked you through your orgasm and you felt a warm liquid seep into your body. Tears streamed down your cheeks from the overwhelming pleasure running through your body. You never thought you would come down from it, of course though you did. 
He pulled out of you and tied up the condom, throwing it into a nearby trash can. Your legs felt so heavy you didn’t think you would be able to move them for the next couple days. “Was I the vampire you've been dreaming of?" He asked panting next to you. Not realizing what he said you nodded in agreement, too out of it for the words to really set in.
           You closed your eyes and reached out next to you for him, noticing that he got up. Your eyes slowly opened to see him in his closet grabbing a towel, noticing he had almost magically put on a fresh pair of boxers. He walked back over to you and started to take off your dress to clean you up. He wiped everywhere as clean as he could get it. His words sunk in and embarrassment spread over your body. “Wait Laurance, how did you know about that?” He feigned a look of innocence.
“Know about what?” You could tell he was obviously lying with that tone of voice. “About the vampires..How did you know I wanted to be with a vampire tonight?” He shrugs, smiling as he took out his fake teeth. “A little birdie told me.” He said in a teasing tone. You knew exactly who he was talking about, Travis. You weren’t complaining but questioned why they had planned this. If he had just told you his feelings you would’ve accepted his feelings, Aphmau wasn’t lying when she said he was a great guy.
He squatted next to the bed to be eye level with you.“Alright I’m done teasing, Y/n I have two questions for you. One, do you want to put back on the dress or wear something more comfortable?” You chose the second option as the dress was too short and tight to wear comfortably after everything you had done tonight. “Two, do you want to go home or stay here?” You softly scoffed, even though you did want to see him all cozy in your small apartment and lay in your much bigger bed, you probably couldn’t. Your body, mostly your legs, felt so heavy and you were absolutely exhausted. You told him pretty much everything you just thought.
“Well I could and would get you back home if you really wanted to.” As much as you would love to have that you would just rather stay here and you shook your head no. He got up and got you both a pair of his pajama pants as well as a shirt. “Do you want to borrow underwear too? I think yours are a little bit of a mess right now.” He said with a slight laugh, turning to face you. You nodded and he came back to help you get dressed.
He helped you sit up and slip everything on, it all smelled like him leaving an amazing aroma around you. He settled into the bed next to you, up until now you didn’t realize how tight of a squeeze it was. You rested your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. You guys looked like a couple and you loved it, which sparked a thought into your head.
“Laurance, tonight was amazing and I was just wondering if we could actually start going out?” He left out a warm laugh as he hummed in agreement. “You know usually you're supposed to do that before you have sex.” You giggled as you drifted off into sleep.
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You woke as you heard the sound of someone trying to get into the room. You looked at the clock on the nightstand to see it read 3:30am. Assuming it was just someone from the party that was still going on outside looking for a room you tried to fall back asleep on Laurance. Until they were persistently jangling at the doorknob. You gently shook your now boyfriend awake. “Honey there’s someone trying to get in.” The pet name had just slipped out your mouth, it was a happy accident.
He slowly awoke and cupped your face, giving you a quick peck on the lips“Honey? I like it, but who would even..” He glanced at the clock before panic sprung onto his face. He jumped up from the bed and quickly began cleaning up the clothes and hiding them away. You heard an aggravated sigh from the other side of the door before a bang against the door jolted you up right. “Laurance if you don’t let me in I swear to Irene.”
You recognized that voice, it was Laurance’s roommate Garroth. Laurance ran to unlock and open the door greeting him with a smile. Garroth pushed past him to grab a few things. He quickly greeted you before turning to Laurance. “No offense to you two but I am not sleeping in here tonight.” He said and left as quickly as he came closing the door behind him. The dots connected together in your head as you remembered their earlier conversation.
Laurance crawled back into bed with you and cuddled back up. His arms made you feel safe again and his warmth was a warm welcome compared to the cold air that filled the room. However, this time you couldn’t fall back to sleep as easily as he did. Your heart was beating hard enough it rang in your ears. You were too delusional to realize but you were cuddling with a very attractive man.
You looked up at him and all you could think of was how his tongue had split you open hours earlier. You began to squirm thinking about the memories, trying to get them out of your head. This led to him waking up again, you apologized as he sat up. “You ok y/n?” He sounded very worried about you. You blushed and couldn’t meet his eyes. “Just couldn’t sleep, that’s all.”
“Why? Can’t stop thinking about me? Princess I’m right here no need to imagine.” He pulled you into a kiss and put his hands on your thighs, he just couldn’t get enough of you. You pulled away knowing if you let it go on any longer you wouldn’t get any sleep all night and your body was still affected by your prior actions. “I think we should head to bed. We can do whatever my imagination comes up with tomorrow, I’m not going anywhere.”
He sighed in agreement as he laid back down as he held you tight. After some sleepy play fighting, you entangled your legs together having one over the other. He held your face and looked at you in such a loving way you didn’t know was possible and gave you one last kiss before you drifted off into sleep.
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annymation · 8 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 12- Magic Pencil
Chapter 11
The rain is still falling as we see Aster flying faster and faster through the woods. He knows where Asha is and he doesn't want to keep her waiting a second longer.
Aster is animated with sketchy lines all over him, reflecting the rain that is falling down.
Aster stops flying once he reaches a clearing in the forest. This is where he sent Asha to... But she's not there.
"ASHA! ASHA I MADE IT! WHERE ARE YOU?!" The star yells for her name as he looks around.
No response... So he might as well ask to the ones who were there when she landed here.
Aster flies to a tree and use his magic to bring it to life. The tree now has two holes for eyes and another for a mouth. The tree gives Aster a concerned glance, noting how distressed the star seems.
"Excuse me, have you seen a girl wearing a purple dress around here?" The star asks politely even though he's very worried.
The tree uses one of it's branches to point towards a cave on a mountain nearby.
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"Thank you!" Aster thanks the tree while already flying to the cave at full speed "ASHA?! ARE YOU IN-" And sure enough, she was.
Aster is standing on the entrance of the cave as he sees Asha sitting there, leaning on the stone walls while hugging her knees.
The walls of the cave are filled with shiny gems and diamonds, it would be a beautiful sight in any other situation.
Asha heard Aster but she didn't move. Still remaining with her face hidden between her legs
Aster is relieved to find her "There you are! See? I told you I'd be back before you knew it, didn't I?..." Aster asks with a smile on their face...
Asha remained on the same position, but she lifted her face up so Aster could see her, she looks... Hopeless.
The star realizes this isn't a moment for celebration yet... And notices also that she's shivering because of the rain.
Aster sits next to her in silence. And uses his cape as a blanket to wrap around her back. Asha doesn't react to that, still remaining with her head down.
He tries to light up the mood with an forced smile this time "... So umm bet you're wondering how I made it, right? Ya know it's actually kinda funn-"
"They didn't believe me." Asha's voice came out as a hollow whisper.
Aster stops talking... He looks at her like he wants to tell her something but they can't find the right words. So she just continues:
"I thought- I REALLY thought I could make them see the truth... But... He did it, he won." Asha hides her face between her knees again.
Aster tries to interrupt that thought "No he didn't, actually- He-"
"YES HE DID!" Asha exclaims, quickly lifting her head to look at Aster... He notices the tears running down her face "They managed to convince EVERYONE that I'm a traitor. Do you understand that? I can't ever go back." Her voice sounds broken with pain.
Aster places a hand on her back to try calm her down "W-we'll figure this out, trust me, you just gotta believe in-"
"What? Believe in myself? "Implicitly and unquestionably"?" She quotes what Aster told her on the previous night, now she looks at the star irritated.
Her voice is exasperated as she speaks "Well, I did, just like you said Aster, I believed I could inspire them, I BELIEVED I could save their wishes, and I didn't question myself for a second, and look where that got me." She extends her arms to indicate the cave they are in right now.
Aster is staring at her with sadness clear in his eyes, still at a loss for words. Asha can tell how the light coming from his hair seems dimmer than before... She tries taking some deep breaths as she continues, now with a disheartened tone:
"*sigh* I- I don't know WHAT you see in me that made you think I could make a difference but... I can't, okay? We were wrong..." She puts on the hood of her mother's cloak to cover herself.
Aster hears those words attentively, trying their best to think on what to say, what can he do to show her that this isn't true?...
With one hand, he carefully moves the hood so she can look at him, and she does, her teary eyes are now looking to the side to keep eye contact with him.
"... You wanna know what I see in you?" He asks with a hopeful smile "I see a girl who inspired a whole lot of people with just her voice, YOU DID make a difference-"
Aster doesn't even know about how she also managed to convince a lot of people to question how things were in Rosas when she was confronting the king... But if he knew he'd definitely be mentioning this now.
He's just talking about the song they played together.
"That wasn't me, that was my father’s song" Asha says with downcast eyes
"That WAS you!"
"Aster! Listen." She looks at him seriously "We've only known each other for a day... You don't know me. You think I'm some kind of hero, but I'm just some girl who accidentally found out a horrible truth about my home." She turns to sit with her back away from Aster "And now, no matter what I do the king and queen are always one step ahead... I.can't.do.this." She says slowly so the star can understand.
Aster can see the light of her star dimming... Her hope is vanishing. He can also feel his own light growing weaker...
She says that he doesn't know her, but Aster knows that couldn't be farther from the truth.
... He promised himself he'd never tell her this but... It might help her see what he sees in her... Aster takes a deep breath and says:
"... I know you a lot more than you think."
"Oh yeah? What do you know?" Asha says, doubting him completely.
The star thinks for a moment on what to say... He remembers something, and starts making a butterfly with his star dust, as he tells her with nostalgia in their voice:
"Well... For starters, I know that when you were little, every time you found a butterfly... you'd chase after it, trying to draw the patterns on their wings perfectly" Asha's eyebrows arched in surprise when she heard the star casually speak about a childhood memory of her's "And you never gave up on it, even if it was really hard to draw them... You were always... SO so happy when you got at least a little bit of the pattern right..." Aster talks about it with a feeling of admiration, while he looks at the glowing butterfly on his hand.
Asha turns back to look at the star, her sadness now replaced with confusion.
"... Wait, what?"
Aster makes the butterfly disappear as continues talking while looking Asha in the eyes, he's smiling serenely but his eyes carry a hint of pain.
"I also know that when you met Dario, you inspired all your friends to learn sign language. And even if learning it was hard, you didn't give up."
"Y-you know my friends?" She asks now perplexed... Was he just pretending he didn't know Dahlia and Simon earlier?
Aster voice becomes more heavy and the light from their hair dims slightly as he says:
"And I know that even when you felt sad after failing... The many, many times you felt sad, and... All I could do was watch from the sky... You always managed to get up and try again..." As he get's to the last line his voice changes from heavy to showing a sense of wonder, like he admires that aspect of her immensely.
Asha is at a loss for words... Aster has known her even before she made her wish? But didn't say anything?... Why?
"... Aster, how do you know all that?" She asks him with her mind full of other questions.
The star lets out a sigh, he really REALLY hopped he wouldn't have to tell her this... They always get emotional thinking about it... But again, he gotta prove to her that he really does know her, and he knows she's the one who can save Rosas.
"... Remember how I told you wishing star's gain conscience from their first wish?" The boy asks now looking down on the floor of the cave, he has a distant gaze and his smile is no longer present.
Asha slowly nods positively.
Aster closes his eyes as he quotes the first words he ever heard:
"... "May my granddaughter's days be filled with joy, and she never experiences sorrow such as this."... That was my first wish."
And just like that, Asha understands... Her Saba made that wish.
The two share a glance for a moment, Asha is speechless as she process this new information, Aster lets it all sink in for a moment.
He then continues explaining, now sitting in a drooped posture with his voice sounding numb:
"These words are my first memory... followed by the feeling of grief, the sound of a baby crying, and the smell of smoke..." Asha knows what he's referring to. The fire that took her parents away. "I didn't understand any of it at the time... But as I grew I learned what the words meant. What a "Granddaughter" meant for my wish maker... What the word "joy" meant... What the feeling of "sorrow" meant... So I learned my purpose was to make YOU happy..." Aster confesses with a heaviness in his voice, like the memories of all the times he couldn't make her happy are flowing back to him.
The light from his hair is flickering and his animation becomes even more sketched out and unfinished.
Asha sits closer to him as she asks "... Why didn't you tell me?"
"Cause' I knew reminding you about Sabino would make you sad... And I'm supposed to make you happy..." Aster voice cracks with that last sentence, and Asha sees something she never expected to see from the star... He's tearing up.
Tears start running down their eyes. The tears look like a liquid blue night sky. Aster continues to speak, his head is down as he's now trying to hold a few sobs while speaking:
"But I'm just terrible at it, aren't I? *sob* I don't know what I'm doing... And I was so SO excited when you wished upon me of all stars, because I thought "That's my chance! I'll finally be able to do something, to make her happy, right?"... But look where I got us." The star extends his arms to indicate the cave they're in, the same way Asha did earlier.
Asha looks around the cave filled with diamonds on it's walls... She didn't notice them before...
She looks back to Aster and realizes some of his tears are falling on the grassy floor... The grass quickly wither and decays once the star's tears get in contact with it. That surprises Asha even more, she thought all that Aster could bring was life...
She looks at the star with pity as he continues:
"Sabino is gone and I never managed to grant his wish... Wether I try doing it from the sky or from land... I keep failing him... I keep failing you." Aster's light is so dim that a candle inside the cave would probably create more light.
The roles reverse, as now Asha is the one who tries to show the star what she sees in him.
"... That's not true... You made me happy a bunch of times." She says placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Like when?" Aster asks, still not looking at her.
... A serene smile crept across her face as she remembers everything they've already been through, she starts to list all the things that made her happy:
"When we first met and you were so fascinated by everything around you... When we danced together in the forest, or when you jumped inside my sketchbook... When you woke me up to tell me you made friends with the sun... When you gave me flowers... When we played music together at the plaza... When you fixed my wish... " She places a hand on her chest, feeling that sensation of having her wish back with her again, as well as the joy all those moments brought her.
"And you did all that without even trying to make me happy, you did it just by being yourself." She adds, giving Aster a reassuring smile.
The star is looking at her from the corner of his teary eyes, with his face still turned downward, though he's still upset some light returns to him, now he's about as bright as an old lantern.
"...hm" He simply hums, not sure of what to say.
Asha tries to dry his tears with her finger, a shiver runs down her spine, the star's tears are cold as ice, a contrast to how warm Aster usually is. So instead she lets his tears flow some more, as long as he needs them to.
"Also, of course you can't make me happy all the time... That's not how life works." Asha explains calmly.
Aster nods slowly at that, as if it's something he already knows but he doesn't like that it's true "I know... I just wish I could..."
Aster's eyebrows raise in surprise by his own words... There he is again, "wishing" for things.
"When you were in the sky... How could you make me happy?" Asha asks curious, trying to talk about this might make them both forget about their problems for a while.
The light on Aster's hair starts to glow slightly brighter.
Aster begins to explain, his tone sounds less sorrowful "Just by throwing some subtle magical interventions in the form of "luck"... Sometimes give you a good dream after a bad day... Or, as of recently, BEFORE a bad day." Aster says with a smile slowly forming in the corner of his lips.
Asha looks confused for a moment, she was about to ask what he meant by that but... She remembered.
The dream she had the night before her birthday, of a boy made of light trying to warn her not to give away something important... It was Aster.
(Yeah bet ya'll forgot that was mentioned in chapter 2, right?... Also, hi! I've been awfully quiet huh? This scene means a lot for me y'all, they're so cute GAAAAAH.)
"It was you, wasn't it?... The boy I saw in my dream. You tried warning me to not give away my wish." She says with a smile, the realization that Aster tried to protect her even before they formally met, that makes her feel even safer with the star.
"Yeah... Couldn't have predicted the lengths they'd go to steal it from you though." Aster's eyes become a bit downcast as he remembers how he could only watch as Magnifico and Amable manipulated Asha into giving away her wish.
(Side note: I imagine Aster kicking and screaming in the sky during the whole "Wish Away" music sequence, our boy was distressed.)
"Well, you did what you could... Thanks." Asha tells him with a tender smile while holding his hand.
Aster eyes light up with those words, and so does his hair and cape. Asha notes how he just became warmer, like a small sun. She holds his cape that is wrapped around her closely.
They spend a few seconds like this, just quietly sitting close to one another as Asha feels some of the warmth coming from the star... Aster can't feel warmth, but he's feeling really good too, no more tears running down his face.
The previous storm outside now a small drizzle.
Asha breaks the silence while looking up at some of the shinny gems on the cave's ceiling. They look like a night sky.
"So... You've known me ALL this time... Wow." She says, still reflecting on how this explains why Aster talked to her sometimes like he already knew her.
"Is that weird?" Aster asks, also looking at the cave's ceiling.
"Wouldn't say weird... I actually had a feeling you knew me somehow... But I assumed you just knew everyone in Rosas because you watched from the sky." She admits.
Aster blinks a few times... She's not wrong actually, Aster knows a lot of people in Rosas, from watching them go about their lives... Heedless of the gift it is to be them.
"... There's some truth to that too. At first when I was younger I'd just keep an eye on you, but then I started observing your friends too, then to other people in Rosas, then I payed attention to the things you'd try to draw like the plants and the animals... And before I knew it I was fascinated by everything down here."
Asha chuckles at that, saying Aster is "Fascinated" almost feels like an understatement.
"Heh yeah, that I could tell."
Aster looks at her as he says almost like he's venting "It got to the point that... I wished I could be human too... But that's dumb right?"
"Dumb?" Asha asks now turning to look at the star.
"A wishing star, making a wish? That's like... I don't know, like a dog wanting a pet. I'm supposed to be the one who GRANTS wishes, not MAKE them." Aster explains... But those words feel like something that someone else told him, and he's trying to convince himself they're true.
Asha doesn't really think before she blurts out:
"And who said a dog can't have a pet? Once Valentino wanted a ladybug as a pet and I let him keep it." She mentions this weird scenario with a very serious tone like it's the most normal thing ever... Which makes it sound even funnier.
Aster stares at her, caught off guard by her random comment
Asha stares back at him, now realizing what she just said
After a few seconds in silence, the two teens both start trying to hold in a laughter, but fail to do so:
Their laughs echo through the walls of the cave, they almost can't remember the sadness they were both feeling a few minutes ago.
After taking some deep breaths, Asha manages to keep it together to get to the point she was trying to make "Haha *sigh*... I don't think you wishing to be human is dumb at all Aster, it's beautiful really." She speaks with her voice full of compassion "...If anything my wish is the dumb one." She lets out this thought that has silently eating her up inside.
(She's referring to the wish that she gave away to Magnifico, not the "More for us than this" wish)
"What do you mean?" Aster tilts his head to the side.
""Make other's happy"... I couldn't even wish for something for myself, it's like all I want is to please others" She explains, slightly frustrated that she cares so much about what others think.
Aster ponders for a moment on how to explain to her something that, to him, as a wishing star, is a concept they're familiar with... About what a wish really means to a human.
He begins to explain with that same cheeky smile he had when they first met, when he explained to her what a wishing star does:
"It's not about what the wish IS... It's about what it MEANS. On the surface it may seem like you only care about what others think, but really it's so much more than that..." He begins to talk with an admiration clear in his voice "Asha, you care about others well being, you're altruistic, you feel joy by spreading joy to others... That's what your wish means, it's a beautiful... And It's just ONE of the many beautiful parts of you." He says while looking at her with a beaming smile.
Asha can feel herself blush with those words. "Can you see all those other parts?"
"As clearly as the smile on your face." Aster tells her softly, quoting what he said the previous night about how he could see people's wishes as clearly as the smiles on their faces
(It's blowing my mind that this "previous night" was 5 chapters ago)
Asha smiles as she goes in to hug the star tightly. Aster is, for the second time, caught off guard by her hugging him... They hug her back with no intention of letting go this time.
"You know... If my Saba's wish was for you to make me happy then... I think you're doing a pretty good job, Aster" Her voice is filled with warmth.
... Aster really needed to hear that. The star is smiling as one tear runs down his face, but this time when the tear hits the ground... A purple flower blooms.
Asha notices that and asks "heh heh... Happy tears?"
Aster nods positively "Yup heheheh... I know what they are now." He says, referring to how in the previous night he didn't know what happy tears were.
The two of them notice it stopped raining outside. They decide to get up and take a walk around the forest.
The sky is slowly starting to clear up as some rays of sunshine begin peaking through the clouds. Asha breathes in the earthy sent of the woods after the rain, as she and Aster start walking, both still reflecting on everything that happened.
Note that Aster previously never walked, just floated, and he's on his 2D form now so he sure can float, but he's making the conscious decision of walking because he wants to feel his feet on the wet soil... Like a human.
Asha had a pondering look as they walked. And that pondering becomes a question to the star.
"... Aster... You say that all wishes have some meaning behind them, right? That makes us who we are."
"Yup, that's pretty much it." Aster says with his usual cheerfulness.
"Well... I have a wish, a VERY strong one... But I don't know what that wish means for me." She hopes that he can help her figure it out.
"What is it?" Aster smile widens, already excited with the possibility of helping her with a wish.
Asha takes a deep breath before saying it "... I've always wished I could make drawings move, like my mom did... I've been trying to do it but I can't figure out her technique." Asha grabs her sketchbook and shows Aster an attempt she made on flipbook 2D animation of Valentino hoping, it looks really good but clearly not perfect.
"Looks great, if you ask me" Says Aster, the literal character that is hand drawn 2D animated.
(Thats the kind of wholesome meta humor I live for)
"Thank you, but that's not the point... I don't know the meaning behind this wish besides it being something my mom used to do too..." She explains while flipping the pages of her book.
Oh Aster does know the meaning of this wish... It's actually what he has been trying to make Asha see in herself from the start.
Aster has a playful smile as he says "I actually know the answer to that... Buuut I won't tell ya"
The girl stops looking at her drawings and turn to the star confused "Why not?"
"Like I told you, only you can figure out who you are."
(He said so in chapter 7)
"I can give you a hint though!" They say enthusiastically "Think, what do you love most about drawing?"
... What she loves most about it?... Asha never really stopped to think about this, it always just came naturally to her... She tries to put the feeling into words:
"... I love to create. To practice over and over again so I can get better at it... So it's all the more rewarding when I manage to draw something new... To put myself into it and see a part of me come to life." She says looking at him, trying to find the right words.
Aster nods "Keep going, why do you want to make moving drawings like your mother?" He encourages her, she's almost getting it.
"Because it's magic..." She says with the same wonder in her voice that she had as a kid, and believed that her mom was a fairy "Magic that you can't do with the snap of your fingers, it takes time and dedication. But eventually when you do succeed, you create something fun to watch, something that brings simple joy to others... That's what I want... To create something that inspires people." She says all that like a huge weight is dropping off her shoulders, like the words were always there but she couldn't find them.
Aster jumps and for the first time since they left the cave he starts flying "And there you have it! That's who you are!" He gives her a hug, happy and even proud that she managed to find the answer. He lets go of the hug as he continues with a huge smile "Asha, you have this... This undying hope inside of you that makes you persist no matter how hard things get, not just when you're drawing something new, but also in LIFE." the words come out like he has been waiting to say them since the moment they met.
Her smile is hopeful, now she understands why Aster had so much confidence in her since the beginning.
"And that's why I can defeat them, right?" She asks, already knowing the answer.
The star nods "Um-hum!... Now you see what I see."
Asha chuckles... The star really helped her understand who she is, and all he did was listen to her as she explained why she loved drawing so much.
"Heh heh you're getting pretty good at this "guiding stuff", ya know?" She mentions, referring to how he seemed insecure about guiding her before.
The star shines even brighter upon hearing that, his animation becoming even more fluid and detailed.
"Thanks!" That means a lot to him... And also... Gives him an idea. The star has a confident look as he says "But a wishing star can do a lot more than just guiding though... Asha, give me your pencil and your sketchbook, please."
Asha looks puzzled for a second but doesn't hesitate as she hands them both to Aster, her pencil is already inside her sketchbook.
"What you gonna do with them?"
Aster has a cheeky grin as he explains "Weeeeell you wished you could make moving drawings like your mom, didn't you?" He asks as he takes the pencil out of the book "That's a very strong wish, and like I said, the stronger the wish, the more I can do!"
Aster focus as he uses his stardust flowing from his hands to make the book float, the pages flip as the stardust begins to make the lines in each and every drawing shine. And once all of the drawings are glowing, Aster makes their glow return to the tip of his finger. With their other hand, the star is holding the pencil.
"Aaaand boop!" He touches the pencil tip, the glow that was on his finger is absorbed by the wood "There! Try it now!" Aster says excitedly as he hands her the pencil and the sketchbook.
Asha looks at the two objects in her hands, she can tell what Aster did was pretty much the same thing he did last night with her Saba's mandolin, so is she a better artist now?
She tries to test that by drawing-...
"What should I draw?" She struggles to think of something, looking to Aster for some guidance.
(lol art block am I right?)
"Anything! Come oooon" The star spins in the air, he just can't wait to see her reaction.
Asha thinks for a moment... She draws a butterfly.
She expected she'd know how to make the process of making a flip book animation perfectly, but she doesn't feel anything different.
Once she's done with the drawing she looks at the finished product confused, while Aster smiles eagerly.
"... Nothing happened." She points out to the star boy floating in front of her.
"Hmmm... Try waking it up." Aster says with knowing smile.
Asha eyes widen... She starts to put together what Aster just did... She taps her finger on the paper and-
The drawing of the butterfly starts flying off the sketchbook. It's a black and white hand drawn animation.
Asha is surprised at first, but as the butterfly begins to fly around her she smiles widely in amazement.
"Y-you made me a magic pencil!"
"YUP! Now if you can think it, you can make it!" The star spins in the air.
Asha is thrilled to see everything she can do, she runs to the clearing in the forest that Aster send her earlier. As she's now in the middle of the circular clearing she begins to test her abilities.
Asha begins to draw other things, she draws leaves and lines of wind that becomes literal wind flowing out of her book.
She draws dolphins and they swim off the page into the air, growing into the size of normal dolphins, and they begin doing flips in the air. She can even hear their sound.
She then draws a bow and arrow. Asha taps the page and the bow is now normal sized, she can actually hold it. And so she does, to test it on a tree and-
She shoots the tree that Aster brought to life earlier with her bow and arrow.
"Do you MIND?! Some of us just wanna take a nap in peace!" The tree yells at Asha sounding very peeved, her voice is of a woman.
Asha holds he bow and arrows close to her, embarrassed and confused to why is this one tree alive.
Aster intervenes, flying close to the tree "I'm so sorry mam! She didn't mean it! Hold on let me just uuh put you back to rest" He takes away his star dust that was in the tree, thus turning it back into a normal tree. Aster turns to Asha with an awkward expression "Heh hehe that was weird, huh?"
Asha chuckles a little as she rushes over to where Aster is
"This is AMAZING! Aster, thank you so much!" She exclaims jumping up and down with excitment.
"Youuuu're welcome, just another day as your wishing star." He bows down elegantly while flying above her "And the best part is that since you've practiced drawing your whole life, the magic on the pencil will be permanent, unlike the one in your grandpa's mandolin that only lasted till midnight."
(Just wanted to point out that this rule is based on my main inspiration for Aster's powers: the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio. Think about it this way, Pinocchio got to become a real boy permanently because he EARNED IT, so Asha get's her wish of bringing drawings to life like a fairy permanently because she earned it after practicing for so long. And also because her want to do it was really strong, making Aster's magic stronger too.)
"This is perfect! With this pencil I actually have a chance to face off against King Magnifico!" She has her back turned to Aster as she starts to think of all the possibilities, all the things she can draw in combat, and the sorcerer won't even see it coming.
She's unaware that behind her Aster just has the biggest:
Face you can imagine, as he remembers one little detail... Oh yeah... King Magnifico... The king he saw being struck by lightning earlier... Asha should probably know that, right?
"... Uuuuuuuuh yeah hah ha ha- um about that... The craziest thing happened." Aster says as he slowly flies back down with a nervous smile.
Asha doesn't really notice his tone as she turns back to him and asks
"Oh yeah, how DID you escape Magnifico? Must have been quite a fight huh?" She asks curious, wanting to know all the details.
"... It was shocking, I'll tell ya that" Aster can't resist the pun, but then continues to explain the situation "Sooo let's say theres a 50/50 chance that Magnifico is either... dead... OR he's alive and really really really really really REALLY wants us both dead."
Aaaand with that we cut to Magnifico's scarred face on a broken mirror.
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"I'll give those kids a fate worse than death."
(Jump scared you didn't I? Yeeeeah I know I promised a feel good only chapter, buuuut I kinda need to cut to our villains real quick so we can do a time skip to the next day... Ya know when you're watching a movie and the POV changes to some other people involved in the narrative so then later when you cut back to the protagonists it's another time of day? Yeah that's what I'm doing, but don't worry, their cameo in this wholesome chapter will be brief so lets goooo.)
The royal couple are in the king's study next to the wishes room. The study looks like a hurricane passed through it, it's a complete mess, with almost all the books on the floor.
Amable is sitting in a comfortable chair petting their lynx, Bravo, while Magnifico just stopped what he has been doing for a moment to look at himself in one of the many... MANY mirrors in the room that he broke with his own hands in frustration, as a response to seeing his new scar.
But he quickly turns back to do what he clearly has been doing for the past few hours, pacing around the room angrily while using his magic to bring books to him. He does so with the few that are still on bookshelves, reading their covers quickly
"101 Damnations- NO" He throws the book away and immediately brings in another "The Black Cauldron- Ew NO" He repeats the process while stepping on some books on the floor "Tales of Chernabog- UGH NO! NO! NO!" He throws the book on the wall with his magic, creating a crack on the wall.
"ALL THESE BOOKS ARE USELESS!" The king yells at the top of his lungs while kicking the spell books on the floor "There HAS to be SOMETHING I can do to free you of this curse." Magnifico says to his wife, who has just been watching her husband have a nervous breakdown with a serious expression.
"I've already told you, darling. A spell to raise the dead comes at a GREAT price. The price I've payed to save you was my youth, and nothing can change that." She explains with a calm and collected voice as she pets their lynx on her lap. "You should be thankful really, had I not been quick enough when brewing that potion and you would've been turned into a ghoul." She adds casually.
"Oh and I AM thankful my love, and it's BECAUSE I'm thankful that I want to restore your youth and strength... But it's clear there's only one way to do so..." The kings look outside their window with rage filled eyes "We need that star's magic... Only with it you shall be whole again." His voice comes out as almost a growl.
The queen agrees with a nod, while pouring a cup of tea for herself "Well then, what are you waiting for? Why rely on those hopeless soldiers that can't even capture the little brat when you can do it yourself?" She sips the tea.
"I gave captain O'danohue a magic mirror that grants him direct contact to me, if he finds the star, he'll let me know where it is, so I may take care of it... Personally." The king explains as a wicked smile starts creeping in the corner of his lips "But really, what's the rush? After all, like our little star said himself... The girl is stubborn... She'll come back to save her precious Rosas soon enough." The king is now on the window looking down on his kingdom “And once she does… We’ll make her wish she never met that star in the first place.”
We fade away focusing only on the Magnifico’s eyes, like this
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(Because it would be insanity to not reference this in your 100th anniversary movie… Oh wait they didn’t, cause they’re cowards, I forgot.)
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So we now fade into a sunrise in the woods of Rosas, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming
(In days like these, kings like Magnifico should be burning in h- sorry, anyway it's DAY 3! THE DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY.)
It's a beautiful morning, as we then see the cave that Asha and Aster were in the previous day.
We see Asha sleeping in a hand drawn black and white bed-
(Okay how many times did we have Asha waking up in a bed in this story? Like, without counting the intro song sequence we had 3, this kinda bothers me... But there's a reason I'm doing it this time, aaaaand you guessed it, it's for the sake of a reference.)
Asha is sleeping peacefully, but then she hears Aster whispering
"pssst... Asha… Asha wake up"
She opens and blinks her eyes slowly as the image of a smiling Aster floating above her comes into focus, the star is not as close as he was to her face in the previous morning, looks like he's getting the hang of personal space after all.
"*Yaaaaawn* Good morning, Aster" She stretches her arms while still laying down.
"Good morning... We got visitors!" The star says cheerfully
Asha's eyes are quickly shot open when she hears that... VISITORS???
She sits up on the bed to see...
Dahlia, Gabo, Safi, Hal, Bazeema, Dario and Simon.
All lined up in front of her staring at her from the other side of the bed... Gabo's small so he can only be seen from his nose to the top of his head.
(Yuuuup! It’s a Snow White reference, that’s why Asha is waking up in a bed again... I really wanna get to 100 of these references.)
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Chapter 13
Final Thoughts
Okay okay OKAY so many thoughts OOOOH let's see.
I'm starting to notice a trend in this rewrite that is basically this:
Scenes with the royal couple:
Scenes with Asha x Aster or Asha and the 7 teens:
🎶… All the time 🎶
✨I'm grateful all the time ✨
❤️I'm sexy and I'm kind ❤️
I'm pretty when I cry
I really could've foreshadowed Aster knowing Asha the whole time better, I kinda just:
Had him appear to her in a dream.
I mentioned he knew where she lived as a kid
Said he seemed to know the lyric to a song Sabino sang for her
And I left it at that, when it would've been so easy to add one more clue in chapter 9, like this:
Asha drags Aster away as he says "Bye Dahlia! Bye Simon!"
Simon waves goodbye still a bit confused... then he realizes
"Wait... I never told him my name..."
THERE! At least one more clue, I'm gonna edit chapter 9 and add that in, because it's such a simple change that does wonders for the reveal.
Anyway, you guys probably already noticed that this whole story revolves around the theme of working hard to achieve your dreams, as well as being a celebration to the medium of animation, because guess what fellas, animation IS HARD AS HECK to do, and I feel that's not talked about enough.
So basically what I'm doing here is saying that "Hey, life is hard, and it's gonna throw obstacles at you, but you can get up and try again. Trying over and over until you succeed, just keep moving forward" and all that sweet stuff we've learned in Meet The Robinsons.
So I'm taking THAT life lesson and turning into a metaphor for being an animator, because to be an animator you gonna fail in drawing things a lot of times, actually, you gonna fail a lot of times trying any form of art at all before you get good at it, and that's totally cool, it's part of life.
But not only that metaphor applies to Asha wanting to be an animator, it also applies to her wanting to free her kingdom in general, because as you all seen in the previous chapters... Those two don't quit.
The villains represent rich white people all the problems that put us down in life, things that make us feel like we can't do it. But Asha finds the strength to keep trying, no matter what they throw at her, she'll never let her hope die out, and neither will Aster.
Speaking of our boy, would you believe if I told you this draft is the LESS SAD version of how I was planning the story to play out? Initially I was gonna have a scene where Asha said that Aster CANT help her, and thus Aster spiraled down into a crying mess, crying while revealing that he has known her all this time and that he feels like the worst wishing star ever because he just can't make her happy... But then I remembered I promised wholesome vibes in this chapter so I toned it WAY DOWN and made him more mature, still cried, but he showed that he can be a guide in his own way, and honestly that's a WAY better turn around than what I was initially going with.
Sooo yeah, what else can I say? The 7 teens join the party the next chapter hahaha here I go rewrite "Knowing What We Know Now"... I hate that song but oh well, it fits my story, so I'll use it.
As always, see you guys next time
Thank You For Reading!
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pottedplant53 · 3 months
Oumota Post [Contains Spoilers]
Something I don’t hear talked about enough in relation to Oumota (or just Kokichi and Kaito in general) is the SHEER NUMBER of parallels that they have with eachother, beyond just their narrative roles. Their philosophies of Faith VS Logic and their respective Hero/Villain personas are undoubtably the most interesting part of it, but there’s so much more to be said than just that. Even their physical appearances are designed to contrast. Here's a list of some of the similarities I found.
•Kaito is tall with broad shoulders, while Kokichi is short with a small frame.
•Their hair colours are almost exact opposites on the colour wheel. On top of this, while you don’t really see it due to their respective hairstyles, they both have roughly shoulder-length hair.
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•Tying into the previous point, they have very similar colour schemes. They both wear white shirts, and have red, yellow, grey, and white accents scattered around their outfits. They’re also both heavily associated with the colour purple, with Kaito being more aligned with magenta (pink) and Kokichi being more aligned with indigo (blue).
•Kokichi is especially pale compared to the rest of the cast, while Kaito is noticeably tan.
•Kaito’s eyes are upturned, and Kokichi’s are downturned. I’m not sure how to word it but it’s almost like their eyebrows are going in different directions, too.
•They both wear capes that fan out in their splash arts. Kaito’s is a coat, but it has the same effect.
•They’re both bilingual. Kaito can speak English, Japanese, and Russian thanks to his astronaut training, and while it’s unclear why Kokichi can speak multiple languages, we know that he can thanks to his second FTE with Kaede, wherein he says ‘common sense’ in English, Japanese, French, and Spanish. ‘Common sense’ isn’t a commonplace word that new speakers of a language would know, implying some level of fluency.
•In the original Japanese script, Kaito had quite a few homophobic, misogynistic, and transphobic undertones, all seemingly stemming from internalized toxic masculinity. Kokichi was very much the opposite of this (read: not straight), as is discussed in-depth in the trivia section of his Wiki page. [We do not talk about Japanese Kaito in this household].
•Kokichi’s birthday is the 21st, an inversion of Kaito’s birthday, which is the 12th.
•Neither of them portray themselves 100% authentically. Depending on how you read their characters, you could almost argue that deep down, they’re more similar to the other’s persona than they are to their own.
Though he’s often referred to as an idiot due to his stubbornness in the trials, Kaito is actually rather analytical when he so chooses to be, seeing straight through Maki’s lone-wolf act and understanding her needs startlingly fast. He was intelligent enough to pass his astronaut entrance exam (which would’ve involved extremely complicated scientific concepts and a basic understanding of medicine) and has proved himself willing to cheat and lie to get what he wants (i.e, forging an I.D to get early acceptance).
This isn’t the only instance of him lying when it wasn’t strictly necessary, another notable example being the entirety of his Free Time Events; he lies about his impossible summer escapades and brags about how many famous people achieved success because of his influence, seemingly just to boost his own ego and to make himself look more impressive to Saihara. Shuichi internally calls him out for this, more or less verifying that it was all a lie.
He repeatedly lies in the trials (like when he tried to insist that he was the one in women’s underwear in chapter 2), and of course, hid his illness from the others by pretending he was fine, when in actuality, he was on death’s door.
None of this makes Kaito’s passion and kindness any less real, but it’s important to note how he’s not as saintly as he seems. He’s a lot of things, but he’s also an Egotistical Liar, much like Kokichi promotes himself to be.
Moving on to Kokichi, while it’s hard to say with 100% certainty what kind of person he is, we’ve seen him become emotional a number of times throughout the game, most notably in Gonta’s trial. There’s a lot of debate over whether his tears were genuine or not, but the general consensus is that they were. He shows anger here, at both Gonta, the situation, and more likely than not, himself. He clearly feels a lot of shame and grief, but ultimately continues to push on with his plan for everyone else’s sake.
He shows mercy to Yumeno in chapter 3, when he asks her what she was holding back at the end of the trial. This is seemingly done in an attempt to help get her in touch with her feelings, with no obvious ulterior motives or mocking undertones. Him calling her out earlier in the trial can be chocked up to his hatred of hypocrites – as is seen with his overall relationship with the rest of the cast, specifically surrounding how they gang up on him and treat him like a monster for lying when it’s something that they themselves do – but this interaction shows that he sympathises with her, proving that he has some level of empathy.
Kokichi is EXTREMELY selfless, something that’s proven over and over again to the point that if I sat here and tried to list every example, we’d be here until the release of the V3 anime [forever]. He actively plays devil's advocate, knowing that this would lead to the rest of the group disliking him, and his entire plan to end the killing game centred around villainizing himself, all so that he could die to save the rest of the cast. He’s shown to have spent time, likely days upon days, thinking about how to end the killing game – if his room is any indication, he’s poured a lot of toil into making that a reality. Much like with Kaito, none of this changes how Kokichi chose to act – he’s still a bad person who did inexcusable things, but there’s some merit to the fact that beneath all of that, he’s a human being.
 In the end, he dies as a Selfless Hero, trying to save a group who he surely must’ve known would feel no gratitude for his sacrifice. He's the exact kind of person that Kaito would approve of, were it not for the other, less pleasant aspects of his personality.
Again this is all just my interrpretation and what do I know but I thought it was interesting so here :3
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
Some Forgotten Land Roleswap Beast Pack lore!!
Thought it would be fun to share some more about the Beast Pack ruled by Clawroline, and my thoughts behind some choices I made when swapping their roles! More under the cut-!
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The big three. Queen Clawroline, Leongar her enforcer and second-in-command, and Bandana Dee the Awoofy Prince.
I can't be too detailed about these three because I'd spoil my own comic! But think of Leongar and Clawroline swapping each other's roles like this:
Clawroline is the Queen now but also a sort of Ringmaster based on her circus theme (her boss fight location in Wondaria, and the magic tricks and acrobat attacks she does). That's why she keeps the cape and top hat but accessorizes it a bit more. Also, the jewels on her cape are the purple ones on canon Leongar's cape. You may have noticed in the first page of the prologue, I had Carol and Leon wear one jewel each as a sign of being co-rulers. But now she has both of them. >:)
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Leongar is the Enforcer and loyal second-in-command. To be honest I thought his boss attacks were a little basic before Fecto takes full control of him. Biting, scratching... standard things you'd expect from a lion. So to keep with Clawroline's Ringmaster theme, he is now going to be more of a performer. I'm thinking of some fun moves for him. I mean, he's really buff. He'd make a powerful acrobat. So that's where the bow-tie and ponytail come from. (can't have your hair in your face.)
I can only say this about Bandee right now: He's the Awoofy Prince because he made a special connection to the Awoofies and they respect him. However, he rose to Number 3 rank in large part because of the special knowledge he could share with Clawroline from being a Waddle Dee, denizen of Popstar, and someone who has traveled between dimensions before. He becomes a really big asset and gets the Pack closer to their goals than they ever were before.
What goals are those? Sorry! Not spilling yet. :')
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Some backstory on Skipperdillo (Roleswap Sillydillo) and Gorimonger (roleswap Gorimondo)! These aren't spoilers, just lore :P
Here's an old post that goes into detail on my thoughts when swapping these two. Basically I swapped the "Anchor Necklace" and wearing "Metal Signs as Armor" aesthetics and things went really smoothly from there, haha.
They don't have a TON of personality in the canon game, so to be honest I broke down their basic characteristics (Silly is.... silly, creative, and chaotic- Gori is strong, territorial, and protective) and made them my own :P
As for why Gori doesn't like Bandee- part of it is because Bandee became Number 3 very quickly, but it also has to do with their first encounters which will be part of the comic :D
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Gori and Skipper work together a lot because their jobs complement each other. They like to fistbump after a job well done- a tradition started by Skipper when it saw it on an old advertisement. :3
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Finally, the Beast Council's eye makeup! Clawroline's distinct eyeshadow, Leongar's winged eyeliner, Bandee's eyeshadow and Awoofy markings, Skipperdillo's "eyepatch", and Gorimonger's "under-eyeshadow"
The reason I made the Roleswap Beast pack look so different to the canon one is because of the difference of my interpretation of Clawroline's leadership.
Leongar's Beast Pack in canon is more focused on returning back to primal roots. Really embracing the powerful beast within. Raw, untamed energy.
I wanted Clawroline's Beast Pack to be the opposite- under her leadership I think she'd evolve the Beasts forward as they learned from the remnants of culture left behind in the Forgotten Land. They wear a lot of "people clothes" for that reason. (the capes, bow ties, armor, hats...) In canon, she's the only Beast who wears true "people clothes" other than Leon (her top hat and cape). I took her canon interest in these "human behaviors" of magic tricks and clothes and ran with it. So her Beast Pack is very expressive in their appearances.
I think she wouldn't mind it because A) it doesn't directly interfere with their goals, and B) even while brainwashed, she's still a creative being at her core. In canon she wears glitter eyeshadow and learned some complex performing tricks like knife-throwing, acrobatics, and disappearing smoke tricks to complement her feline attacks. To learn all that, I like to think she must have had some respect for the cultural remnants of the forgotten world they live in.
However they're not eliminating the "Beast" part of themselves. They are still wild, but they're blending these ancient, forgotten aesthetics and interests with their own. They have plenty of natural talents and skills to fall back on when something doesn't go right.
So those are some of my thoughts behind this swapped Beast Pack! Since there's so much room to interpret them in canon, I had a lot of fun stretching it all further and in the opposite direction!
Thanks for reading! <3
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rataccatak · 1 year
Analysis of how KaySD draws Sergey Razumovsky
Or: trying to justify a thirstpost about the world's most terrible man
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Sergey's gone through a number of artists through the years, and I gotta say, KaySD's rendition has captured my heart. In fact, it was a screenshot of Kay's Sergey that first got me into Major Grom. While Phob's is the official art style that we associate with the comics, Kay's style, I believe, better serves Sergey's character in the current PD run.
Genre-wise, PD returns to being a big-action, ensemble comic, which--compared to The Game's tight conflict and human drama focus--deliberately implements Kay's more traditionally comic-book style to this effect. The first arc (nine volumes in total) of PD are all Kay; though the current issues are being outsourced to a number of different artists now, Kay's style--with its roots in distinctly American superhero comics, such as DC--was what they wanted to prime audience's expectations with. After Time of the Raven, there was a big push for Bubble to adhere their stories to big names like Marvel, and with that came the desire to usher in things like a multiverse, space and supernatural elements, and franchise crossovers. Plague Doctor was one of their latest installments of that new "culture," and they had to match their aesthetics appropriately.
Okay, but that brings me back to the brainrot part of this post, which is HOT DAMN KAY'S SERGEY LOOKS SICK???
The whole idea of Plague Doctor is that, for like seven years or something, Sergey has been declared dead or missing or otherwise MIA. Nobody, both in-universe and irl, knows where he is or what the fuck he's up to. You crack open issue 1, encounter a guy in sunglasses and a hat who is painfully obviously Sergey, but you get to the last page and
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(I will say this is probably the most unflattering frame of him. His chin makes him look like such a chad derogatory)
This isn't the soft, sort of angelically beautiful Sergey we're used to seeing from Phobs. It's radically different, an entirely different character almost, which was the intent.
His new look is more practical, both tactically and socially. His hair is cut, so people won't recognize him as easily. It won't get in his face or get grabbed during fights, and combined with his more muscled build, this is a Sergey who's taking things more seriously this time around. Gone is the flamboyant cape and swishing fiery locks; the plague doctor campaign is no longer a passion, but a duty. And he's ready to enter the thunderdome and get his hands dirty and god damn it, he will die trying.
Kay does take care to preserve the core elements of Phob's Sergey, while making a hard left into traditional masc territory. He's still unrealistically attractive, in that distinctly soft and youthful way. He's more noticeably fit but still maintains a slim, smooth appearance.
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But on top of that, he adds this charm and charisma to him that is distinctly boyish (as in, young and mischievous, a pretty face that's up to no good). It makes his persona as a young, leftist radical more believable; he looks like a student revolutionaire, angry and passionate about all issues topical and trending.
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He does look more obviously aged. Guy is now in his mid(?) thirties, and the past five years probably amounted to like three lifetimes of stress, so it certainly makes sense. Compared to how Kay drew The Game Sergey, his face is more defined with sharper lines, muscularity, and wrinkles. The short hair also ages him somewhat, making him look less angelic and more like... a regular dude.
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And of course, there's the overnight peach fuzz.
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The more mature, aged look helps him actually look like a person who's lived a life as loaded and fucked up as Sergey's. He's a guy whose parents died, grew up in foster care, became a CEO that rocketed to stardom in five years, committed the most elaborate fucked up terrorist campaign ever, and then immediately fell from fame to the deepest coldest cell in St Petersburg (and this is all just the OG Major Grom run). He's not Phob's Sergey (or Rag, whoever it was in The Game)--a blameless childish pretty boy who's detached from his crimes. Kay does a good job in making Sergey have this subtle undertone of... unsettled, unhinged, what have you. I don't know how much of this is hindsight bias, but he looks like a guy with a fucked up secret. You wouldn't think twice if you were seeing him in a grocery store or something but I can imagine later recognizing his mugshot on the news and thinking wow now that i think about it, he really does look like a serial killer.
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And let's talk about his fashion. For all the features of Sergey's flamboyant costumes in Phob's renditions, Kay dresses him quite casually, and it works, ironically, to make him look deceptively plain in the way all extremely rich people dress (think of the $10k white t-shirts and sunglasses get-up all rich men wear). He dresses like his current social stature: a new-money sod who has gotten used to his wealth enough that he doesn't have to show off with his clothes anymore. Of course, this could also be turned on its head and instead, be an indication of Sergey's original, cheap clothes that he habited from his childhood. Certainly, the ironic rightwing graphic tees Kay puts him in edge towards that point of view, only now they're colored by Sergey's sense of political humor. I doubt a "god guns government" shirt is selling for $500 at some luxury tailor shop.
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This is what I love about Kay's Sergey. In making him look more human, we get to orient him more organically into our own world. He looks like a thirty year old loser who studied CS in college and now commits cyber terrorism and doesn't know how to cook. He looks like a young adult leftist who is terminally online and has 500+ open tabs on Marxist theory. He looks like a guy who became too rich too young, who was the world's angle and then its devil in the span of like two years, and is now disillusioned with it all, who wears $5 graphic tees and stays up all night looking behind his back and tries desperately to find something that actually matters.
Once Sergey looks more believable, he becomes more understandable. And the more we understand him, the more the story has the potential to make him intrigue and surprise and reach us in multiple, unexpected ways.
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cosmolog · 13 days
Father and Son?
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Moon knight x fem!reader
So, I just found a comic with Spider-Man and Moon Knight and it's inspired me to write this. They both act like smartasses to one another so there will be a bit of banter in this.
"Okay, so what's the plan here?" I was crouched on a rooftop, Marc was slowly pacing around behind me. Venom's head floated beside me, mentally informing me of the number of heartbeats in the abandoned warehouse.
"Pretty straight forward, one of us goes in and drives them out to a secluded spot along the canal. From there we can question them." Marc's smooth low voice spoke from behind me. "After that...well, either we leave it to the law or we finish them off."
"Sounds like my type of party." Venom grinned.
Marc's mask appeared and he stopped beside me. I stood up and turned to him, Venom also looking at him. "Yeah, yeah, let's just try to keep everyone alive tonight, okay?" I looked between the two of them.
Marc shrugged a little and looked down at the warehouse. "I'll go in, flush them out"
I nodded. "Scream of you need help" I teased.
Steven fronted and looked at me. "Pop the kettle on, love. We'll have this done in no time" He fixed his suit before jumping from the roof, Marc fronting again and using his cape to glide to the warehouse below.
I shook my head and crouched again, waiting patiently for Marc to do his thing.
Marc landed and quietly snook up to a hole in the roof, looking into the warehouse, seeing men with guns that were almost alien. Some of the men were making more of these weapons while others either tested them or guarded the place. "Who are these guys?"
Venom and I glanced at each other. "What's the problem?" I asked, while noticing a familiar red and blue suit swing down to land on the warehouse.
"They're making weapons with some kind of alien shit" Marc said. "I'm gonna go have a look-"
"Hey, Moon Knight!" Spider-Man whisper-yelled and he crouched beside Marc.
"I'm busy, Spider-Man." Marc said lowly.
"Egyptian stuff, right? I bet it's Egyptian stuff" Peter smiled excitedly behind his mask.
"Not everything I do is 'Egyptian stuff'" Marc shook his head.
"Right, right. Gotta catch the other ones too, right?" Peter scooched a little closer to Marc, watching what he did as he observed the warehouse full of weaponized criminals.
"Are you enjoying your father-son talk?" I chuckled into the Comms. Of course, Peter, with his super hearing, heard my voice and gasped.
"Y/n is here? Where is she? Probably up somewhere..." It didn't take long for Peter to spot me using his suit's heartbeat scanner. "Oh, I see her" Peter waved to me and I waved back.
"Anyway, gentlemen, can you raid the warehouse already?" I urged.
Marc looked from where I was to point at Peter. "You. Stay here" He said before quietly jumping down and landing in the warehouse, the moon putting him in a spotlight in the dark warehouse. "You have a license for this place?" He said, rather loudly, all eyes turning to him with their weapons raised.
Spider-Man landed down behind his shoulder. "Yeah, seems like an illegal gathering to me" He joked.
Marc's head snapped to look at him. "What did I say?"
"I don't like to listen" Peter shrugged before starting to web up some criminals.
Marc sighed heavily at this before punching a man who came up to him with some kind of alien-modified baseball bat that glowed a raging purple.
The fighting went on for a while. I switched my position and sighed softly. "Marc's probably gonna kill poor Peter"
"You know when Peter finds out about me, he's gonna be outraged" Venom spoke.
"Well, if you hadn't gone and caused havoc while we were separated, we wouldn't even have that possibly. But, you just had to go and ruin it" I huffed.
"It was fun!" Venom argued.
"I can be fun too!" I glared at him.
"It's been ten years since you've stepped foot in a club" Venom scoffed.
"Yeah, because I'm older now and clubs don't appeal to me anymore"
"So you have lost your fun" Venom stated.
Meanwhile Marc and Peter had finally taken out all the criminals. Marc went poking around for information on this group.
"The Vulture?" Marc whispered.
"Vulture?" Peter quickly walked up to see what Marc was looking at. "Wait a second...I know him!"
Marc looked at Peter, his mask disappeared as he furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean you know him?"
"He...uh...well, there's this girl at school that I really like and-"
"He's her dad" Peter summed up. "Her dad's Vulture"
"So you have a name for me" Marc guessed.
"Uh...well, yeah. But that's my future girlfriend's dad, I don't want to mess things up"
"Peter, he's a wanted criminal who happily killed a few people to get this alien shit" Marc pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
Peter sighed defeatedly. "Okay, fine. I'll handle it."
"Are you sure you're up for that?" Marc raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, yeah. No problem" Peter shook his head.
"How's the situation going?" I spoke into the Comms.
"We're done" Marc replied as he and Peter walked out of the warehouse.
I had now travelled down to stand outside the front of the warehouse. I stood with my arms crossed, Venom had gone back inside so Peter wouldn't see him. "What happened to flushing them out?" I joked.
"Decided to keep the noise level down. Give you a day off" Marc smirked as he and Peter walked up to me.
Peter immediately hugged me, making me chuckle. "Long time, no see, Pete" I smiled. "How are you? How's school? See any cute girls lately?"
Peter chuckled. "I'm good, school's good. And, uh, yeah"
"Tell me all about it" I walked with him before Marc's voice stopped us.
"Y/n. About the stuff I found-"
"Marc, let's put a lid on it for now, yeah?" I suggested. Marc reluctantly nodded.
The night went on for another little while before I reminded Peter he should probably get home and sleep a while before school started. He agreed and hugged me goodbye before looking at Marc.
"Goodbye, sir" He smiled, pulling on his mask.
Marc nodded curtly. "Keep your grades up, kid"
Peter nodded, waving before jumping from the rooftop and swinging home.
I cuddled into Marc as we stood watching Peter swing away. "He's like our son" I smiled.
Marc went silent, glanced at me, then back at Peter's fading figure. "Yeah" he said, so quietly I could barely hear it.
I rested my head on his chest. "You wanna go home?" Marc spoke softly.
I nodded. Marc's mask appeared on him and I held onto him tightly as he flew into the air and took us home.
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fandom-go-round · 1 year
To Be a Songbird: Part One
Summary: Arranged marriages are wonderful when they work and disastrous when they don’t. The funny part? You never thought that you’d be in this situation. You had always wanted to marry your betrothed and now you’re single. What a joy.
Vil x Reader x Leona
Part One (Here!), Part Two , Part Three
Welcome to the second story for wedding month! This story has some wedding themes that I’m only now realizing lol. I hope that you enjoy! Also: I haven’t decided the final pairing so if you have some thoughts please let me know!
Warnings: Arranged Marriage, Insecure Thoughts (Reader), Political Drama
           To love, in Twisted Wonderland, can be a curse. Not in the literal sense (unless you pissed someone off) but because things always ended up on the extremes. It was either a fairy tail happy ending or a villain’s goodbye. The higher up in class you went, the worse it got. Being next in line to a Dukedom (not officially the heir), love isn’t something in the cards. Even for you.
           Partly that was because you were already in love. In love with someone that you had grown up with, someone who had seen you at your worst moments. Someone who had once claimed that he wanted nothing more than to marry you. Of course, that was a long time ago. Now, he doesn’t want you. Now, you’re too insecure to stay but self-respecting enough to break it off. Now, you’re going to break your own heart.
           Today, you break your engagement since childhood with Vil Schoneheit.
           This isn’t how you planned the night to go. Tonight, you had been invited out to party based on your own status. Vil had been invited separately and you hadn’t mentioned anything to him. He would insist one of you skipped and you weren’t willing to compromise after another skipped meeting. You had your own business to conduct damn it. You were going to chat with your friends a bit, talk about the newest peace treaty and avoid Vil.
           Everything went perfectly fine. Vil had seemed annoyed but said nothing once he saw you. That’s all he looked at you with anymore; annoyance or contempt. You ignored him, doing what you set out to do and having a great time. You were even able to get Duke Rosehearts to agree to meet next month. No one was insulted, you smiled at some of the princes and princesses and headed home.
           Vil was already waiting in the foyer as you pulled up, Charlotte helping slip your jacket off. He was pacing back and forth, glaring at the walls. It struck you that it had been years since Vil was in your home. Before he had gotten more serious about modeling. Before he was aiming to be Queen. Before he cut you out of his life. The last time he was in these walls the two of you were running around the garden with fake swords.
           “Lord Schoneheit. What a late visit.” You raised your eyebrows, showing you were none too excited about him being here. All you wanted to do was sleep. Maybe draft a letter of reply to Prince Malleus. He turned at the sound of your voice, a curled smirk on his face. Even then he looked beautiful.
           “Did you truly think I wouldn’t notice?” His question took you off guard and you paused, stopping in the hallway to stare at him. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Rook and Epel tense and wanted to sigh. There was always an audience now. They were good attendants and you appreciated them but you couldn’t be yourself.
           Vil looked regal in his royal purple assumable, dress ending right above the floor and cape fanned out behind him. His makeup and hair were perfect and you would think he was going to a photo shoot. Rook, his right hand, was in a matching purple suit and cape down to his knees. Epel was also in a suit but in a purple so pale it looked almost white. He looked uncomfortable in the formal wear but had finally stopped picking at his collar.
           “Notice what Vil?” You sighed, tired and not in the mood to play games. “I was ignoring you most of the night, like always.” You thought your reassurances would have made him feel better but instead he scowled more. His heels were muffled on the carpet and he didn’t sway at all on the uneven ground.
           “That’s not what I mean and you know it.” You met his eyes and resisted the urge to step back. His heels made him taller than you and he wasted no time in looming.
           “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You sidestepped him, not backing up but not letting him corner you. “You made it very clear that we’re not to interact in public and I have respected that.” You made to walk past him and he caught your arm, eyes blazing.
           “You danced with other men tonight.” You scoffed, shaking your head.
           “Of course I did, I was asked. What’s the issue with that?” Rook shifted at your question but you couldn’t look at him to confirm. Epel looked paler and moved back, shifting closer to Rook.
           “You are not allowed to dance with anyone until you danced with your fiancé.”          
           “That’s ridiculous.” You wanted to scream. The rule did sound vaguely familiar but you weren’t going to admit that. Southern countries and their courting rules.
           “You think that I wouldn’t notice? Are you trying to embarrass me?” What was left of your patience snapped as his icy tone. You turned on your heel and Vil’s eyes got wide at the emotion on your face.
           “Embarrass you!? I can’t embarrass you when you’re never seen with me! When no one knows we’re engaged! What was I supposed to do, refuse to dance with the princes? I can’t do this anymore Vil!” You could hear gasps and footsteps running from behind you. Your parents would be coming to mediate soon. He started to call you name but you cut him off, shaking your head.
           “I have no issue with your career. I’m glad that you’re happy and you’ve never once pushed away your duties as future Duke. I even agreed, reluctantly, to not announce our engagement.” You laughed bitterly, refusing to cry. “I’m not good enough for you and I can understand that but this is ridiculous! You can’t have it both ways!”
           “I don’t want it both ways!” Vil’s voice rose to match your own, Rook and Epel watching the two of you like a volleyball game. “I want you to respect your station!”
           “My STATION!?” Your voice was a roar. The door opened behind you and you ignored it, taking a step towards him. “You forget yourself! Our contract is based on equal terms! I refuse to do this anymore! I’m tired of waiting for you to call this engagement off! If you won’t pull this bandage off, I will. I am finished!”
           The room was deathly silent. No one dared breathe. Vil looked like you had stuck him across the face. Finally, Rook stepped between the two of you and your mother grabbed your arm, pulling you back. Servants began whispering and talking, their eyes wide. Your father stepped up and began to direct people, for once no one putting up a fight.
           The rest of the night was a blur. You don’t remember Vil leaving but now that the words were in the air, you couldn’t stop thinking about them. You loved Vil with all your heart but you couldn’t, not anymore. The years to trying to be what he wanted, failing, trying again and again with no change. There’s a part of you that knows he cares, of course he does, but you need more than pretending you don’t exist. You need some acknowledgment of your history, of the little boy who loved you. You need him.
           When you wake up in the morning, the paperwork was all filled out. You signed it feeling numb and your parents only nodded. While a treaty with the Schoneheit Dukedom would benefit both countries, it wasn’t necessary to keep up relations and trade. You had spoken with your parents and they with Vil’s father (years ago) and you all knew; sooner or later, the engagement would be called off. No one had ever expected it to be from you.
           Two weeks later, you were officially back on the dating market. Two weeks later, you had to learn to start putting your heart back together. Two weeks later and it was time to get over Vil Schoneheit.
           It took society by storm when news of your broken engagement became public knowledge. It took a couple of months to really gain traction and by then you were a little number. You had agreed to keep things cordial and say that the two of you broke mutually. Vil hadn’t tried to fight you, letting you lead the charge. He looks haunted every time you see him and it breaks your heart at the same time it infuriates you.
           Leona can’t say that he’s surprised when he hears the news. He knew the two of you were engaged, even if you never talked about it. One of those things on public record that no one ever looks into. He’s only talked to you a handful of times, mostly on diplomatic visits. You’re smart and quick, a little too loud for his tastes and a little too soft.
           You’re one of the heirs to the northern most Dukedom and one of the only kingdoms with a strong matriarchy. Your family isn’t as involved politically as others due to geographical location but a surplus of resources mean that you’re usually invited to the table. The Schonehiet Dukedom is on the southwest side of the boarder, one of your closest neighbors.
           There’s been a lot of controversy from the other lords in the country, mostly around bloodline. Your mother had married your father, a commoner. The North has never been as concerned with bloodline as the Southern lands but it still caused quiet a shock. Even after almost 25 years, there were still some lords that refused to see your father as legitimate.
           It was all stupid in Leona’s opinion but it made things interesting to watch. He was more interested in who would take the crown. Call it morbid curiosity but he wanted to know if the second born would become the new Duke. Your brother didn’t want it, as far as Leona could tell, but the advisors wanted someone who was easier to control. You had too much spirit, you would never let them take power. You brother had stronger magic, that was the rumor at least, and some were saying he had inherited the family’s unique magic as well.
           The announcement that your engagement had ended was going to change the game. You had been off the market for years officially because of the engagement and unofficially because you always waved suitors off. Because there wasn’t a precedent, not one felt the urge to push you to accept courting. Now that had all been turned upside down. Not only were you “on the market”, you were willing to make treaties besides purely diplomatic.
           Leona dozed in the afternoon sun, tail thumping against the ground at a steady pace. Marriage was something every royal was expected to do, even himself. He liked you, as much as he could like anyone and sticking it to Vil was always a bonus. A tiny part of him thought that it might be nice to run to the north and away from everything. He snorted, dismissing the idea. It was about power, nothing more and nothing less. He’d send you a letter in the morning; you had been asking to meet around shipping for a while now and Leona wasn’t going to deny you anymore.
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moderator-monnie · 1 year
The First Days... (A COTH Story)
It was a night like any other in a small town known as Aislinn in the southern part of Mobius. Everything was quiet and Plutonium The Mongoose was sitting up in her bed, unable to sleep because of a mild case of insomnia.
Her husband, Copper, was asleep next to her, but he moved in a strange way. Plutonium didn't notice, of course, as she was too absorbed in the book she was reading. That was until he made a strange, almost eerie gurgling noise. She quickly turned to her husband, worried, and as soon as she did, he grabbed her.
With a broad smile on his face, his eyes were pure white, his mouth a gape and tears rolling down his face, he spoke in a slightly echoed voice. "You should go to sleep, join me in the world of dreams... Everything will be better, everything will be perfect, we can live better lives... You just need to sleep like I am. Go to sleep Plutonium The Mongoose."
Plutonium herself pushed him away from her, screaming at the top of her lungs. The sight before her frightened her beyond anything she could understand. She quickly ran out of her bedroom door and blocked it off with a chair, huffing and puffing, "C-Coppy hun, you just stay in there. I'll figure out what's going on. Don't worry!" She was determined to find out what had happened to her husband.
Copper began to slowly hit the door. Although he wasn't that strong, he spoke in that echoing quiet voice once more, "You needn't run... He will find you soon and we'll be joined together in our eternal sleep, where all our needs will be met."
Plutonium found the words coming out of her husband's mouth. Clearly, he wasn't in control of himself. All she needed to do was to find help, so she went to go open her door hoping someone, anyone even would be at the hospital.
But as soon as she opened the door, she looked up in horror, her hand still on the doorknob as she looked up at the sky. It wasn't black and full of stars, as one would expect at 3 am. Everything was a dark crimson. And the sun still seemed to be out, being a blinding white. Most of the grass on her front lawn even seemed to be a shade of purple.
So many thoughts ran thru the woman's head as she saw all that had changed in a matter of hours, but she didn't have long to process this as she heard a loud crash with some screaming and saw a few of her through running in fear while others slowly and calmly walked after them. 
All the ones who were walking calmly all had the same looks as her husband did, their eyes white as snow, tears leaking down their faces.
And something she didn't notice before was a strange symbol on their chests, a sort of marking perhaps.
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She didn't have long to react properly though, as a shadow soon loomed over her and all the mobians with the symbols on their chests turned to face her, staring blankly with wide smiles on broad faces. The looming shadow couldn't be seen, not at first just covering her and her entire house in a thick shadow.
The eyes of the affected mobians lighted the darkness slightly, before a small eye with a black pupil appeared where the shadow was being cast from and it grew larger within moments, and finally, the one behind the shadow could be seen. 
It looked like Sonic The Hedgehog but his face seemed to be a black void, with an eye in the middle of it that stared right down at her, his arms were also skeletal with rings around them and a sort of cape around his neck attached to which he could be seen as like chaos emeralds.
The towering hedgehog was 75 feet tall and as Plutonium looked up in terror, the figure spoke in a rough, deep, echo-laced voice, one almost in a similar manner to her husband's voice.
"Little Mongoose, you needn't threaten, you needn't worry... Rest your weary head for its time for bed, time to rest and help others like yourself rest, for I am the one they call Zepperaith and I've come to your town to help you and everyone here sleep... And dream sweetly into the forever night. I mean no harm, no anger, all I want to do is help... The question I ask is simple... Do you accept me?"
There Plutonium stood and shook in fear for a few minutes, the voices of her neighbors all saying at once, "Accept Our Lord, Accept Our Lord, Accept Our Lord, sleep like us, we're all happy, don't you want to be happy too?"
The Mongoose then ran away as fast as her legs could carry her out of town, while everyone else was gathered up and put into a sleep by Zepperaith. Of course, with his power and speed, he could easily find the mongoose. But he proceeded to giggle and put his hand to his face, finding her attempt to run from him quite entertaining.
He just wanted to help her and everyone in Mobius, but he'd let her run for now, wanting to see what she did for the sake of his own entertainment. In just a few days, he'd track her down again, but for now, he turned his sights on the town.
"Sheep, Sheep, Sheep... It's time for sleep. Rest your heads. It's time for bed... You need not worry about me for I'm your friend till the very end and all I want to do is help you all : )"
He spoke out loud to anyone in the town who could hear him he had not been put into a slumber. Plutonium herself just kept on running. She had to find help. She would save her husband ... right?
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tinterabyte · 4 months
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The wildest animals in the wild west, The Ferd and The Bern!!
This took a lot out of me and then some but I'm happy with the result!! Really love playing around with the gold patterns and accents on both of them :]!!
Hope yall still like outfit design explanations, it's under the cut since its a bit long. I tried putting my words the best I can ehehe
For Bernadetta, I wanted to add more to her outfits that feature short skirts/bottoms. I thought they looked cute so I kept them with the short pants underneath the purple chaps! The chaps themselves contain some of pattern details, just a bit more simple. The cut on the front was meant to resemble the shape of her boots. The two tassles and shoulder cape were also borrowed from her canon/class design. She weilds a flintlock pistol. From what I've been told, it has a single shot reload mechanism, so it's kinda in line with her archery stuff!!
For Ferdinand, his design is much more flashy, almost musketeer-y looking as well, sort of playing at his knight class/role. The white parts of his outfit are supposed to be white leather, kinda deriving from the silver armor in his canon designs. His top is inspired by this look from Vogue, I think it looks like his usual vest but more rugged! Of course, I also added gold details from his cape and vest, added them to his hat as well. I noticed that his Three Houses design also featured spurs on his boot armor!! Thats so cool!!!!
Two more pairs of cowboys coming!! It'll still be a bit since I've got finals coming up but they WILL be coming!!! Stay tuned!!
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candy8448 · 11 months
More to my Legend Headcanons:
When Link steps out of the portal in a new forest, he runs into another boy who seems to look 15. They get into a fight, he gets punched in the face and they fight until the other boy makes it clear that he isn't trying to kill him
Coincidently, this boy is also named Link
This is going to be a problem...
The two Link's wander around, trying to figure out what is going on when they stumble across a pair of a guy in a wolf pelt and a boy wearing a blue tunic with long hair, a short guy with four coloured quaters in his tunic (he looks suspiciously familiar) with a guy with a big white cape, and a group of three. A small boy wearing blue, a knight wearing a long scarf and a man in armour with curious marks on one side of his face and a scar over his blind eye.
They make a curious group, nine Links stumbling across eachother in a land they don't know presumably all heroes from different points in time, seriously in need of some nicknames.
Link finds himself named the Legend, Veteran
One time they come to his Hyrule. They return to his (uncle's) house to stock up on supplies and for him to swap out some weapons when a certain purple bunny pops out.
Link honestly thought that Ravio had left but he supposes he can let him stay and guard his things.
The chain wandered into Kakariko village when they notice how every person embraces their grumpy Vet and adore him. He is one of them and they are his people.
The knight are as horrible as ever. They attack people, including little children, for the smallest things, they stop young women in the streets and strip them off their things. Legend is usually the one who has to stop them, every single time. He has to teach little girls and boys how to fight and defend themselves and it breaks his heart.
The knights come for him especially. While the kingdom has accepted and love their hero, they he is more one of them than a prince, the knights still view it as their duty to dispose of him. People owning shops help him escape through a back window of their shops or something whenever he is backed into a corner and needs somewhere to hide.
Warriors and Time often give villagers a scare whenever they come by, but they are slowly getting used to those two being with their Link and his friends.
Legend may or may not hhave been shot in the leg in hyrule field and taken to the castle by some knights, and Ravio may or may not have had to show the rest of the chain the sewers enterance into the castle so that they can free him.
Legend had honestly gotten taken to prison quite the few times and has almost always found his way out when Zelda (or Fable now) wasn't able to get him out herself.
The fact that Legend keeps almost every one of his wanted posters kinda freaks the chain out a little.
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i was gonna wait until i finished the bitd and deadlands line-ups before posting these, but i'm not gonna get those done before the final season starts, so might as well bite the bullet now XD woohoo, oxventure d&d designs! i'll go into further detail below the cut for all of my thoughts on these designs and reasoning for smaller details, but for now, just know that i will never draw a cape. i simply cannot do it. hoods and weird draped fabric or nothing XD
okay i put like. waaay too many thoughts into a lot of these small details so im gonna allow myself to geek out here X3 firstly - though they're way too small to read properly, i did the little symbol eye shines i used in my first art for them! dob gets music notes, prudence gets fire, corazón gets hearts, and merilwen gets flowers. i usually draw egbert's pupils pretty thin to resemble a reptile, so he just gets normal eye shines, but i probably could have given him some here... he would get suns if i thought of that
dob - muscular in a wiry and dehydrated way, lol, hence having a more defined stomach/hips despite not being as strong as prudence or egbert. he has sad/down-turned puppy dog eyes at all times because i think the big-eyed endearing look is fitting for him, though i do make them darker blue than his canonical baby blues because i just... like how dark blue eyes look, lol. i'm pretty sure he canonically has the stomach scar, and obviously his facial scar has always been there, but i gave him a couple other ones just to show that hes pretty reckless. and he gets freckles because even though they arent mentioned in the dragon dogma's video, i noticed luke added some and. i like freckles a lot
prudence - i've said this before, but i love the thought of pru getting muscular after the werebear bite <3 i just think she should be a little bit hench. as a treat. once again, the heavy stomach scarring comes from the dragon dogma's video, because i found their design choices in that really fun. i change prudence's outfit the most out of any of the characters, just because her canonical outfit confuses me. i'm really bad at understanding/drawing fantasy wear as is, but her fit... i'm lost entirely XD so i free-balled a bit. her inner sleeves that hook around her fingers are based on jane's various prudence looks, and then the looser outer sleeve is just because i love prudence with a dramatic sleeve. originally the colors were closer to her canon outfit, but it just looked messy without all the details of the original, and then i tried red like jane's prudence looks but it didn't contrast enough with her skin. so i restricted them to just deep purples and black with pops of gold and dark magenta!
corazón - what can i say besides. transgender. LMAO honestly though, besides adding the top surgery scars, i just really like his canon look. i simplified the details, obviously, but i really love his big coat and his tall boots and the earrings and the black-on-black-on-black of it all. i didn't particularly feel like drawing hats when i was doing this, lol, so i stuck with a red bandana instead. the beads that are strung from it are black, red, purple, green, and yellow to match their guild's canonical color associations/the colored name plates they get in later seasons :] because corazón is the sentimental sort, even when he won't say it. also he gets a little cateye for his eyeliner, i dunno if i've ever said why i do that before haha
egbert - egbert my dearly beloved. literally just his canon look except he has la vache mauve on his tunic instead of fire! and the nose spikes i give him, i guess, but i forget those aren't canon. i actually usually draw him in mike's egbert get up, with the black robes and the golden dragon sigil, but i kinda wanted to move away from that to lean more into the end of legacy of dragons, where egbert fully commits to never going back to the dragon d'or. also i just love drawing little cow heads <3 also! i like the idea that rather than typical scar tissue, dragonborns grow thicker scales over places where they've been injured. so the thicker patches of small scales on egbert's body are meant to be scars! including his kidney scar, lol. the larger scales and the ones on his face were always there though, that's just dragonborn biology baby
merilwen - if i said i based merilwen's body on cartoon bears, would you forgive me... i just think it's cute LOL tummy <3 for the final dragon dogma's video reference, that's where her freckles and tattoos come from. ellen was right, merilwen with floral tattoos fucking rules. who am i to deny it. as a hairy woman myself, i also like making merilwen a hairy woman. she's a hippie, she would NOT shave. i also really love the red earrings she wears in her canon art, so i tried to carry that through to some other small parts of my drawing for her, and landed on the bands she has on her pants as well as the odd feather for her arrows. fun archery fact, for those who may not know - in modern archery at least, you usually will have a differently colored feather (or for my arrows, rubber fins lol) that indicate how youre meant to string the arrow! so i took advantage of that to give merilwen some more red, hehe
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mylittlesecrethaven · 3 months
I'm Dumb For Just Now Noticing This: Vil
This is just gonna go over how the event uniforms look similar to the dorm uniforms. Nothing fancy. I may get shit wrong. (Also, the events are going to be major events, not birthdays and cooking stuff. Sorry. (Also, I'm only doing events that work with the dorm uniforms, if that makes sense. So some events may be ommited))
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Our beautiful reference image.
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They literally took his dorm uniform and made a suit and cape out of it, then slapped some more flowers on it. They also made his boots longer. He also has a bat pin, cause vampire, but also a poison apple, cause Snow White. (I just noticed this later, but among the flowers are more poison apples.)
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I can't read the two words on his jacket cause it's blurry in both images, sorry. But there is a crown. And it's purple. (why are his boots brown tho? Kinda messes with the color scheme. Tho, I don't know much about fashion, so I could be wrong)
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It's nun time. Anyway- It's really just a tightened version of his dorm uniform. And his boots are now his legs I guess. Still has flowers and apples tho! And I guess the nun crown thing is supposed to be like a peacock? Idk.
(realizes I never did the overblot outfits for Leona or Azul or Jamil. Paniks. Spends 30 minutes finding and redoing those posts)
Anyway- Rook soon.
I hope.
I'm busy sooo....
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