#oh also this isnt super relevant to his in story appearances but his universe had a whole 'what if everyone was just a normal human' gimic
arolesbianism · 1 year
Owl trying so hard to be "I absorbed my universe's power" buddies with au Mase and him always ignoring her not deliberately but because of all of the souls he carries, the versions of Sier are always the loudest
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tumblunni · 6 years
Also in the time of complete random kh headcanon thoughts, i was trying to think up a new 'beginning town' type area for my khux oc, or maybe just a set of actual npcs for the default daybreak town. Like how traverse town got mostly ff7 people + squall and twilight town got the other ff8 people but theyre all kids for some reason and also the ff10-2 protagonists are pocket sized fairies?? I just lije the idea that all the finak fantasy cameos happen in the hometown places and its a fun chance to reinterpret what if different games's heroes all grew up together as friends.
So anyway i was thinking maybe ff9? Cos i still think its criminal that we've had multiple from other games but only ONE ff9 character, and one in a mostky nonspeaking role that showed none of his personality cos he was possessed immediately after being introduced. Also like seriously they wasted all the potential plot resonance of Vivi?? I mean he's just a normal kid npc?? Despite looking like a heartless and literally actually being a monster boy. And specifically an artificial human who struggles with identity issues, which is so relevant to every damn protagonist! But i mean seriously they literally based the heartless on the black mages and theres a literal black mage class of heartless thats named after the black waltz supersoliders specifically from ff9. How in the FUCK did we not get a plot where this alternate universe vivi is a heartless? I mean maybe it could be a plot about the twilight town crew being haunted by this heartless form of their dead friend that they couldnt protect? Or like vivi could still be a totally innocent nice monster who just wants to live a hapoy human life. He could be like one step below Xehanort's heartless in terms of self awareness and stuff? Like he's sentient but he isnt able to remember his old life or hold together a humanlike appearance. And i dunno maybe its a tragic story of him always trying to befriend this older mentor figure person who's always super cold and like 'i cant trust heartless, this thing is just trying to trick me!' But then it turns out this is because vivi was actually their lil brother and theyre like.. 'gotta come to terms with the fact tmhe isnt coming back' but then he did come back and he doesnt recognise them :( i think vivi would work really well for this cos he already had a bunch of strong siblingy relationships in canon and itd be real cool to see other people in that role instead. Im leaning towards maybe squall? Cos his canonical plot involves losing a sibling being the cause of his gruff personality. (Tho an older sis instead of a lil bro) And all we know about kh Squall's past is that SOMETHING MYSTERIOUS happened to make him change his name to Leon and act all even more self hatey than usual...
ALSO! CONSIDER! Steiner and beatrix as guards at holliw bastion. I mean geez steiner is the most disney lookin character in the whole series!
Oh and maybe Quina could just be a general nice npc that runs a restaurant in the starting area? They'd be cool cos they have a really big and unusual personality for just a small shopkeeper role. And i can imagine them totally being like a parental figure to daybreak town and always bakin cakes for the new keyblade recruits, but at the same time being a goofy mess who always gets into stupid situations. Like guildmaster wigglytuff in pmd!
And im not exactky sure how but somehow find a way to include underloved characters who didnt get enough development in their original game. Like maybe Freya is the cool batman esque protector of the town? And i really have no idea what to do with amarant but please give amarant a bit of screentime for once please.
Oh and cool npcs!! Like what if Ragtime Mouse appeared again and did his quiz show minigame in KH too? Im still sad he didnt become a regular in every FF game.
And i dunno maybe COMPLETELY RANDOMEST IDEA, have the final fantasy tactics advance crew appear in the toy story world in kh3? Cos their plot was all about 'is this world real or not' it could be funny to spoof that and have them as literal toys, going thru movie 1 buzz's story arc
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