#oh doubters let’s go down down to the river to pray
lizardmonet · 5 months
listening to the whispering in my ear, soft but getting stronger, telling me the only purpose of my being here is to stay a bit longer
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podmusical · 8 years
Teeth Together, Teeth Apart
Credits and Lyrics for Episode 5 of The Fall of the House of Sunshine
Dankent - Nathaniel Kent Flosso - Jared Loftin Mama Sunshine - Grace McLean Panglo - Melissa Lusk The Toothsome Youth Choir - Rachel Flynn, Matt roi Berger The Toothsome Youth Players - Melissa Lusk, James Kennedy Brushworth Sunshine - Matt roi Berger Horace McMenemin - Nathaniel Kent Grand Cuspid - Jocelyn Kuritsky Precious Premolar (Agnes) - Jacqui Rossi High Incisor (Pete) - James Kennedy Loyal Canine - Nathaniel Kent Janitor - Jenni Putney
written by Jonathan A. Goldberg music by Matt roi Berger
The Toothsome Pageant 
There! Rising above the hills! A city of devout faith and peroxide; home to the One Tooth God, and all of its beloved children. Greetings Ortho-Pilgrim! Have you come to serve? Grab yon roll of floss from the teething barn and come on in!
Welcome to New Molar! New Molar! Welcome to New Molar! New Molar!
Welcome Neighbor! Tooth Bless Thee!  
Here the smiles are bright and wide And the children floss with pride Here you needn't hide your teeth from sight!
Here's a place of love and faith A most toothsome holy place! All are welcome in His loving bite!
Welcome to New Molar!  New Molar! Welcome to New Molar!  New Molar! New Molar!
Aaaah! Aaaah!
Leave your idols and all earthly things Here crowns are for teeth and not for kings A higher Tooth is ours, raise your voice and sing...
Well, now - don't tell me you've never heard of the Ur-Tooth, our One Tooth God? Oh my Oh my! Well, this is GREAT news! Though we are a secret and closed society we love telling folks about our pearly Lord, and sell them tooth based merchandise from our gift shop at the Mouthatorium. Sign up for the tooth saver card and get a free slice of pizza at Village Pizza not valid on the ‘Heavy Dwayne’ or the ‘Right in the Meatballs’ specialty pies. Sign up today! We know you will - once you hear the incredible story of how our town was founded by the Ur-Tooth's own chosen ones: Brushworth Sunshine and Horace McMenemin! See it with your eyeteeth - The year is 183-odd... and Brothers Brushworth and Horace pray to the Ur-Tooth, asking for guidance.
Behold Here in the Ancient Days of 183-odd and I am Horace McMenemin.
And I am Brushworth Sunshine.
Praise be to Teeth!
Lo, we are but simple men who serve a Higher Bite Humble men called Dentites, who need a place to spend the night
Yay - you villagers, may we sleep upon the floor of your poultry coop, and quietly clean and drill our teeth? We shan't wake the chickens.
No! You tooth lovers ain’t welcome here! Be gone!
Alas! Brother Horace, I fear this is the last town on the Eastern coast. How shall we care for our small Dentite following in the forests - lo see them there eating acorns? -
I am the 30 odd families who followed the Dentite way at this time. Now I eat this acorn. Yum.
No man will shield us Dentites and hear our pearly truth.
Have no fear, Brother Brushworth.  Here, let us pass the time chopping down this cedar tree, the best tree wood for making toothpicks
Aye, Brother, let's!  But - oh my! What's that in the tree?
Brother! It's a Tooth-o-scope!
Oh holy scope Oh holy tooth-o-scope It let him see. Truly see.
Look Brother! A Tooth-shaped star! A sign!
Are you there tooth? It is we tooth? We have Ur'd Tooth calling in the night If you chew us, we will serve you And lead your people to your bite.
And so they followed the star! Into the wilderness of western Pennsylvania they went! There they defeated the Land Pirate Pontius Pirate – in a scene we no longer re-enact because of its racist overtones. And thus they followed the tooth even Wester -
There you are Tooth! We have seen Tooth! As you shine above the western sky!
We will follow Where you lead us! And floss and brush your name on high! It's westward-ho for all Dentites!
And so we wandered! Horace leading the way. And Brushworth kept us happy With his little tooth-based plays. Dysentary flowed like rivers And several died from bites of lizards Still the tooth-star shone the chosen way And we followed the tooth star to this place. 
Yay, they wandered, o'er hill and o'er dale, singing praises to the Tooth Most High in his Over Bite.  Until, while camping for the night on a serene hill overlooking the wide and bountiful River Rinsenspit and its subterranean cave system, the star gave a brilliant display of showering Tooth Particles and disappeared. Some were fearful! Some were confused! One thought she was a badger but she had this feeling for a long time and thus they set her to find others of her kind with no ill feeling. But Brothers Sunshine and McMenamin were hopeful, filled as they were with the Tooth.  And they led their fearful Dentites into the caves, following the river to its source. And there waiting them in the rock was the Ur-Tooth glowing pearly white. See it glowing to this day in the New Molar Mouthatorium Tuesday Thru Saturday, 9am to 7pm and 9 to 4 on Sundays –
The Ur-Tooth! We had reached the promised land!
We drank the water from the River Rinsenspit! This holy water heals the aches of our sore limbs! We traveled through the wild, with but our faith to see us through And now behold the promise of our Everloving Tooth
Aw! Aw!  Aw!  Aw!
All praise the Ur-Tooth and His mighty, loving ways! And bless His chosen ones who led us to this place! Let's build town and dedicate our lives to love and faith And celebrate the Tooth for all our days! 
And so we built!  And the Tooth watched over us, blessing our humble town in Its most holy ways, letting us flourish and spread Its Pearly Truth.  And here we are today!  Continuing to serve the Ur-Tooth!  The One Tooth God!  And that is why, every year, on Toothsome Day, we celebrate Its awesome power and love!
For we are scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing Scrubbing the Godhead! Yes we are scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing and Scrubbing the Godhead!   Scrubbing the Godhead! Scrubbing the Godhead!
So come if there's a cavity you find down in your soul The Ur-Tooth's truth will fill it and His ways will make you whole!
Let the Molars all ring out! The Bicuspids sing and shout! And let us clean our heart teeth of their doubt!
And we are scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing Scrubbing the Godhead!
Yes we are scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing and Scrubbing the Godhead!   Scrubbing the Godhead! Scrubbing the Godhead!
So come build a periodontal paradise - the work will set you free! All doubters shall burn evermore in a sea of Listerine!
We must tread carefully! So lift your teeth and sing!
And we are scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing Scrubbing the Godhead!
Yes we are scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing and Scrubbing the Godhead!   Scrubbing the Godhead! Scrubbing the Godhead!
Go in Teeth! Serve the Teeth! Thanks be to Tooth!
Bigfoot, Big Badge
Bigfoot! Big badge! Nana nana na na nana! An undercover myth - Something no one would suspect!
Bigfoot!  Big badge! Nana nana na na nana! I'm the nation's perfect spy Almost too hard to describe And no one would believe you if you tried 
I was a little baby Sasquatch, when I was orphaned, all alone Discovered by two huntresses who raised me as their own Taught me to shoot and rollerblade and love the USA And of the duty we all share to keep it great. And so upon graduation I turned in my application To serve my nation at the CIA
And, now you know I'm
Bigfoot! Big badge! Nana nana na na nana! License to kill and loping gait, I've deposed foreign heads of state!
Bigfoot! Big badge! Nana nana na na nana! Ordering drone strikes Scaring campers on their hikes See, it's not all work no play if you do it right!
I've seen the Middle East, done "business" in Pyongyang Infiltrated secret rings of undead Canadians I punched a racist mummy, tracked down a separatist mermaid And now the case to put the rest to shame... I'd pose as a custodian, expose suspected fraudulence, corruption at the Sunshine estate.
Bigfoot! Big Badge! Nana nana na na nana!
Good Ole Teeth (17 Injections)
Seventeen injections for the one I love Seventeen injections make the cure Last week I was certain it was nine or ten But seventeen will work this week I’m sure
One!  Two!
Three injections in and she is growing pale Number four brings color to her face Injection five’s a failure - now I’m losing her! A shadow of a fuzz taking her place!
Oh teeth!  Our time is waning! Oh for those teeth of yesterday!
Seventeen injections - I must weather on Six and seven have her breathing well Eight’s a rare extraction of an anti-fuzzing agent Nine is a placebo (shh! don’t tell!)
Ten injections in and she is screaming out Eleven seems to get her stabilized Twelve and we are into frontier science now Thirteen’s a guess at best, so hold on tight!
These teeth!  Our time is waning! Oh for those teeth of yesterday! Just four injections more remaining Great Tooth above - please lend my hands your strength!
Alright.  Number 13…
Brushworth my love, please.  wait.
What is it my darling?  Has number 12 done it?  It’s mostly soda water and menthol gum-
No, no, it’s just…
What if this is fateful? I’m so very very tired. I’m ready to go fuzz.
No… no!
Don’t think that I’m ungrateful, Your work’s been so inspired. But perhaps the prophecy’s not meant to be as we thought it was.
And maybe this will be a new chance Tooth and Fuzz in love and balance
No… no!  Thirteen!  Fourteen!  We must finish!
Seventeen injections for the one I love Seventeen injections make the cure Seventeen injections and no other way Seventeen will make you whole and pure!
Fifteen!  Sixteen!  Now hold on darling! My love!  You must come back to me!  …Please! I have the last syringe, open your eyes!  Seventeen is waiting!
My god, she’s gone. There’s not but fuzz, And soft, soft squishy teeth…
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lizardmonet · 4 months
oh doubters, let’s go down
down to the river to pray
“but i’m so small, i can barely be seen! how can this great love be inside of me?”
look at your eyes, they’re small in size
but they see enormous things
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