#oh drat and bees. i'm off then!
keeps-ache · 2 years
i'm gonna talk in small-text under the keep reading cuz tags keep getting cut (so sad)
SO i got a neat art book today! what kind? well all about Michelangelo. why? my dad likes art too and i guess he wants me to go draw some nsfw for commission [joking, joking.]
aside from being uncomfortable about bodies (nothing new there, it's all very gross to me <3), this book has a LOT to read, maybe more than art to look at :DD
so obviously i'm gonna end up staying up till like 4 just reading some nice long descriptions of some statues
and yes i love every kind of art to ever art, there's always something just absolutely shining-gorgeous underneath art, even things made to look ugly. you put a meaning to it and it's the most priceless thing in the world! art is neat like that
anyway i lost my point but i was gonna say oh my stars the cloth the way the fat and muscles just are. on statues? and it's stylized in it's own way, where everyone's almost the same height and build :D (not a criticism i think it's neat) and it's so raw in a ?? kind of way? i love it it's great
i love having this tiny museum next to me, i love books
oh my GANDER and the hands???? it's so- but the hands????????????? AH like!!!!! they're so muscley and boney at the same time?????
i've decided now that when i've the funds i'm going to buy So Many Art Books!!!! i wanna have a nice bookshelf full of pictures i can peer at and recognize the story from just that one image, disconnected from all the rest in the book
anyway i think i've gone on enough, the plan tonight is to do some light reading [<- <- <- a lie] and do some proper art-study for once, instead of like, i dunno, just staring at a picture Really Hard until i get it (works 99% of the time for me) but yeah :DDD
hope you have a very nice day or night despite (and maybe in spite) of the odds! ᵔヮᵔ
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paintball169 · 3 years
Commissioner Gordon to the Rescue!
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Paris, Eiffel Tower, 4:34 AM
" Ladybug we can't keep this going! We need help! " a bee -striped heroine's voice is heard from a distance. Abeille .
" While that is true, who is going to help us? The justice league already called us a joke." someone says followed by a sharpening sound. Tatsu .
" Why don't don't we ask Batman? He's the most reasonable one" a calm voice reasons supporting his girlfriend's idea. Serpent .
" Yes, but how are we going to call Batman without ending up in asylum? Bailing ya outta there is hard work ya know?" the spotted armoured heroin asks. Ladybug.
" She's right guys" the quick witted fox hero chimes in. Reynard.
"Why don't we broadcast worldwide news that if Justice League doesn't show up in Paris within 24 hours we'll destroy the world" the usually quiet turtle cladded hero asks. Shellder.
"Yeah right! That way we'll have even more charges." Serpent says glaring at Shellder.
"Hey LB don't you know a police officer there? Afterall you are from there." Abeille asks the once street kid.
"Yes, Bug. You know the old guy. Maybe we can ask for his help." Tatsu asks her girlfriend.
"That's a nice idea. The Commissioner does have contact with Batman! Oooh then we might get to use the Bat Signal! Oh my Kwami, what if he doesn't recognise me?" Ladybug asks.
"He will recognise you Bug!" Shellder chimes in.
"The Bat Signal is real!" Reynard exclaims.
"That's out of the point. Don't get distracted!" Tatsu scolds.
"Ladybug, do you trust him enough to reveal your identity? Cause if you don't he won't believe you either." Serpent reasons.
"I guess. After all he saved my life multiple times." Ladybug answers unsurely.
"Ladybug there's no 'I guess' it's either Yes or No." Serpent says sternly.
"Then I do. I trust him." Ladybug answers firmly.
"Alright then, Yes it is." Abeille says.
"To Gotham we go!" and Reynard jumps off. Returns a minute later. "So, when exactly are we going and where?" he then asks.
"Now, Luks call Jagged and inform him. I'm sure he'll cover for us. Kalki if you may?" Ladybug asks.
"Of course Great guardian, but till Serpent finishes the call can you tell how and when have you been to Gotham?"
"Oh that, I was a street kid with my brother back then. We used to steal for a living. Jason took care of both of us. I was just three when we started living on the streets. Jay was eight. There were a few warehouses where all the street kids lived together. Commissioner Gordon came disguised as an old man and gave the kids blankets. He also anonymously left food for kids. When I figured out that was him I asked him why he didn't report us to the CPS. He answered Kid I know the CPS gives you Pipsqueaks shitty homes. Don't think about it. When I was seven I was kidnapped by Scarecrow. For testing some toxins. He threw me out saying I wasn't good enough. So somehow I found myself in Paris. Without my brother." Ladybug says with tears in her eyes.
"I called Dad and he said Okay because the Sandboy akuma was hard. Five hours particularly, all of your guardians think we're having a sleepover." Serpent says breaking everyone out of their stupor.
"LB, Can I use Kalki this time? Please?" Reynard asks.
"Fine, Here." She says giggling.
Gotham, Police station, 10:52 PM
Gordon POV
The shift is almost over yet I can't help but feel something interesting is about to happen.
Suddenly a blue portal appears. I take out my gun for defence.
"Woah, Woah no need for a gun. We come in peace." The one dressed like a fox answers.
"Who are you? Clarify your purpose!"
"We're heroes of Paris. We come to ask for your help." The one with a katana answers.
"Heroes? In Paris? Since when? I'd say it was a joke, But the portal proves it. Why wasn't the Justice league informed?"
"Slow down a bit, 3 years, Justice league laughed on us, to specify Green Lantern." Striped one? Answers.
"A...Alright, But how can I trust you, For all you could be joker's goons."
"You can trust us, If you don't, you know her you can trust us." The one with harp points to a spotted Ladybug?..
"Okaay, What're your names?"
"Official Introduction Time!" The flute one answers.
"The name's Reynard, Paris's Residential Fox Hero! Fox to meet you!"
"Or Nathaniel Kutzberg"
"The name's Abeille, Bow down Peasants!"
"AKA Chloe Bourgeois"
"I am Serpent, The most Responsible one."
"Or Luka Stone."
"I'm Shellder, Pleasure to meet you."
"Or Marc Anciel"
"Tatsu, Nice to meet you Commissioner, Kagami Trusugi"
"I... I'm Marinette Todd, Hi Commissioner"
"Dear Lord Mari is that really you? What do need my help for?"
"We need to come in Contact with the bats, And can you help me find my brother?"
"Sure Mari, But about your brother you see, He's a Bat too..."
"What?! Seriously?"
Bat Signal, Gotham, 11:13 PM
Red Hood's POV
"Alright we're here Gordon, What's the problem?" Big B asks in his Batman voice.
"We have visitors Batman, They're looking for you." Commiss says. Who in the world would look for Batman?
One by one Teens dressed as animals come out from dark. Drat everyone's just as confused as me.
"Alright who're you playing dress up? Ya know that's dangerous." I ask voicing everyone's curiosity. Suddenly a blue blob attaches to me and starts Giggling.
"Jay-Jay it's me" My eyes start to sting. Only one person calls me that.
"P-Pixie?" I ask unsurely. Pixie nods her head.
"Pixie-Pop it's really you!" I say once i register what's going on.
"I'm never leaving you again Squirt. You're alright! Remind me not to let you alone on streets again, Leave it to Mari for a recipe for trouble!" I tighten my hold on her.
"Hood who's this? Why are they all dressed up?" B. Yeah I forgot he was there as well.
"B, This is Marinette, my little sister. Although I do not know why she and those kids are dressed up."
"Allow me to explain, There's been a super villian in Paris for three years now. These kids are the Heroes there. They came to me First cause they didn't want to get arrested. Green Lantern called them a joke. I know you'd shoo them off, but Bats I saw a Portal open. They came through it. And Jason, Your sister's the team leader!" Gordon explains.
"What! That bitch let me at him! troubling my sister for no good !I, Jason Todd will Skin him"
"Hood! No names at the Field!" Demon Spawn says.
"Relax, She knows."
"Elaborate" B says.
Batcave, Gotham, 8:56 AM
"Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth!" Red robin exclaims.
"Ha! Take that Chat! I was right!" Ladybug says.
"Red robin can you do research on one Lila Rossi? She's probably working for him." Abeille says.
Batcave, Gotham, 11:12 AM
"Guys! Emergency meeting!" Red Robin Shouts.
"Lila Rossi wanted psycopath in 3 different countries!"
College Dupont, Paris, 11: 34 AM (Next Day)
"You bitch why did you file a fake report against Lila!" Alya barks out at Marinette.
"My daughter did no such thing." That wasn't Tom Dupain. There stood in all Glory Bruce Wayne himself.
"Yo-Your Daughter?" Alya asks
"Yes, my adoptive daughter, Jason todd-wayne's biological sister."
"Hey Alya don't shoot the messenger, I filed the evidence on behalf of ladybug and her team!"
"What do you mean? Multimouse isn't supposed to be active!" Agreste says.
"Oh, I didn't know that! I mean how do you think your miraculous was taken Chat Noir?"
Gasps were heard.
"It was you!"
"Yes. Now son of a bitch outta my way!"
"What do you mean?"
"Haven't you heard Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth."
Andre's Ice Cream, Paris, 12:13 PM
"Well that went better than we thought, right Babe?" Kagami asks her girlfriend.
"Sure did Gami!" Marinette repies.
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