#nothing to see here just a weirdly formatted post :)
So apparently the version of the "Isn't It Bromantic" interview that gets passed around isn't the full thing
So after seeing a tumblr post I can't find, about two and half hours of intensive internet digging, and one purchase from a sketchy second-hand site later (full story under the cut, I promise it's interesting, but also long), I got the physical magazine and scanned it
So here you go: the full "Isn't It Bromantic?" TV guide interview with Robert Sean Leonard and Hugh Laurie
Feel free to repost wherever you want- I want people to be able to find the full thing
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SO, as for how I found it:
I saw this tumblr post forever ago that I can't find anymore because tumblr is just Like That with a cropped screenshot of an interview with Hugh Laurie and Robert Sean Leonard. In the interview, they're asked about the "bromance" between their two characters. Leonard makes an annoyed comment about how "everyone [is] obsessed with homosexuality", followed by the interview apologizing and Laurie immediately jumping in with, "No, no, let's talk about it. Wilson and House have an unusual relationship so you have to explore…" and the screenshot cuts off there. Cue funny comment from the OP about the interaction, roll credits.
Except, as these things tend to do, it ended up becoming a bit of a brain worm, and I wanted to find it again. But I couldn't find the tumblr post. I looked absolutely everywhere, and in the process of looking everywhere, I found what I thought was the original interview- a blog post with the full quote from the actor. I didn't think too much about it, I figured it was just a short quote given to a popular blog in 2008. There's a magazine cover above it, but I don't think too much about it, because I'm focusing on the quotes in the article instead of the rest of it.
So I send screenshots to a couple friends to make jokes, and it probably should have died there.
However, late at night I end up thinking about that interview again, because of course I did. I start to think about how it's weirdly formatted for, what I assumed at first reading, was just an entertainment news blog reaching out for comment and getting a response. So I pull up the screenshots of the article (because weirdly enough, the old-ass blog only loads on mobile) and look at it again.
This is when I realize that this isn't an original piece from a blog interviewing these two after reaching out for comment. This is a blog post quoting and commenting on a full interview from a magazine, which I had originally thought had just been the inspiration for the piece.
So naturally, I go looking for the magazine.
Luckily, the name of the magazine is displayed on the cover, and so is the title of its main piece. This should be easy to find, right?
This is an interview in a physical magazine. From 2008. October 13th, 2008, to be exact.
I know this exact date because searching the article title and magazine name leads me to an archive on the TV Guide website.
Of covers.
And nothing but covers.
I spend like forty-five minutes searching everywhere I can think of on the web. Internet Archive, the TV Guide website, any search result that comes up when I search any combination of the words "House" "Interview" "Bromantic" "Bromance" "TV Guide" "Archive" etc. Over and over, all that's coming up are that original blog post and the cover from the official gallery.
The only things I could find online were:
The cover and date of the issue on the TV Guide website
The original blog post that was screenshotted in the original tumblr post
Another blog post that had a much shorter version of the quote, references something Leonard says from later in the article, and makes a comment on the nature of his reaction to the term "bromance"
An entry on Leonard's IMDB page's "interview" list mentioning it in title only
5. A single listing for the issue on what seemed to be a second-hand site that looked like it hadn't had its UI updated since the mid 2000's, with a listing with no date or additional information besides what issue it is.
This is the only listing anywhere. I checked every other second-hand site I could think of, and then some that only came up through google searches. There's not a single listing for that issue on any of them. There were plenty of listings of TV guide magazines, including one that seemed promising because it included issues from that year, but it was missing all of October.
It seemed like the only listing for this issue on the entire internet was this one copy on this one obscure website. For all I know, this was listed in 2008 and abandoned, and just never got marked inactive. It could also be a complete scam.
A few quick google searches show that that website seemed to be legit, albeit a bit loose on quality control (which makes sense, this website seemed like the kind of thing you'd have to use the Way Back Machine to access). It also had an option to pay via PayPal, which meant I could file a chargeback if need be.
It was $11.50 when you include shipping.
So at about half past midnight, I bought the listing.
Naturally, about an hour later, I manage to actually find a scan of the interview. I had to follow a link in the comments of a post on FanPop, taking me to an old wordpress blog, and I'm sitting in front of the damn interview at last.
But something doesn't make sense. Why would their cover story only be two pages of text that aren't even full pages, and why would it cut off so strangely? There was no concluding sentence or paragraph, even though it started with a fairly long lead-in. It also led right up to the edge of the page, which felt like there should be more to it. There were more images in the interview than text, and the fact that there are so many of them and they clearly did a whole photoshoot indicated that they had them on hand for a while. The silly string one, for instance, I imagine probably had to require a couple takes, which means cleaning off Wilson's hair and face, adjusting makeup, etc. for it. Meanwhile, the conversation itself seems like it could have taken ten minutes total. I could have been totally wrong and that was where the article ended, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there might be more.
So I hold tight. A couple days pass with no update, and then the PayPal purchase gets updated with a tracking number. Promising, but it could still be a scam. Whether or not I get the actual magazine becomes a source of anxiety for the next week.
Until today, when I get told it was delivered. And when I opened the envelope it was sent in: there it was.
When I tell you I was happy stimming in my bedroom just holding the damn issue in my own hands... And then opening it and finding out that I was right, there was a missing page... I was elated. I still am, just typing this.
So I spent half an hour getting my scanner to work, and I give you the above issues.
Like I said above, feel free to repost however and wherever you want. I want all this to mean something.
In the meantime, I have two more House-themed TV Guide magazines coming to try and get articles from.
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Sorry if this ask makes absolutely no sense I just need you to know the absolute emotion I feel because of this Ayuu.
I need you to know just . how close to tears I am . I just reread your Azul meeting his Yutu and I am. IM CRYING. THE “Your daddy’s here” IS TAKING ME OUT AND SHOOTING ME DEAD . IM GENUINELY TEARING UP. I think I’ve read every part so far twice over, barring the Yuu specific ones cause they Hurt Me. Speaking of hurt, Deuce!Yutu and Riddle!Yutu hurt me so so bad . All of the Yutus do, but they’re the ones that just came to mind rn and it’s so so sad. Especially Riddle! Yutu because he hates his dad :( Idek why I might’ve blocked out why LMAO,,, I love all the Heartslabyul characters and their kids it makes me cry. Especially Trey. He’s such a weirdly domestic freak that the idea of him being denied the family life he’s always been content with is so so sad. ALL OF THEM . THEY MAKE ME SO SAD BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE WITH YUU!! They want to be with Yuu, and most of them are obviously happy to have a kid, but to know that that’s been taken away from you by circumstances that are literally destroying the world you live and love in? Yeah. That’s Rough!!
I would love to see Jamil!Yutu and how Jamil reacts to his child feeling guilt for something he never did, was never responsible for, and again has to suffer through because of the family theirs has been forced to serve. I think he’d be so mad, so so mad this boy has grown up thinking he’s the biggest blight of his father’s life, the cause of his death, when in reality he’s probably someone Original Timeline! Jamil would have cherished.
I LOVE YOU RUGGIE BUCCHI!!! Sorry I needed to cry that out this made me love him so much more!!! And Rook!! I love you Rook Hunt you weirdo. Ruggie being like “Idrk what to do… but I can bug Leona about it” is so so real. Him not caring if his son is charismatic as long as he knows his cards and is able to survive. Rook as a phantom is genuinely breaking my heart idk why. All of the phantoms break my heart. I don’t want to imagine anything abt them if I do because if I imagine them having even a fraction of sentience I’m heartbroken. Imagine being unable to prevent something from possessing you. Imagine your body and soul being used to tear your home apart— imagine seeing any of that through your own eyes. Imagine seeing your own kid after years of thinking them missing. I would genuinely not be able to handle that. It’s giving the Last of Us zombies where they’re completely aware and conscious throughout the first phase. Scared . Heartbroken .
Anyways, this au is 100000/10 I need you to know this. YOUR MIND IS SO SO BRILLIANT!!! I’m probably gonna keep rereading everything you’ve written so far about it because I’m having so many brain worms . So so many. Sorry for this ramble!! Please ignore this ask if for any reason I might have said something you didn’t like >:]]]] I HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL YEAR!!!!
;-; ty so much for your kind words anon I am injecting them into my veins to continue writing. You have said nothing wrong, rambles are nice to receive, though my ask box is a bit cluttered at the moment and I am super busy so getting to things in a timely manner is not something I am able to do.
Riddle! Yutu was the first one to get a post, and I am tempted to re do it as I was still figuring out the format. He hates his dad because he wasn't there for him when he was a child and he doesn't know why. In the good timeline he's something of a daddy's boy; he really wants Riddle to be proud of and praise him
After I finish editing the second part of Rook's post you will be pleased to know the next post is about Jamil. I'm still formulating the outline of it because I've been thinking some thoughts about stars and unique magics
The way I write the phantoms they posses the instincts of their former selves but the individual lacks the input you might associate with consciousness. I'll get more into it in the second half of Rook's post... but there is a degree of awareness of their actions.
There's a lot of tragedy in this ayuu, I'm glad I'm hitting my stride with it c: it's nice to know people are liking it
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marinersubmariner · 2 years
The twitter mess has got me thinking about livejournal and fandom platforms in general, so here’s a lot of words that mostly amount to me being old and sad!!
The past couple years I’ve really struggled with the pull to start using twitter because so much fandom activity moved over there, while at the same time being held back by knowing that it would not be a satisfying experience for me. I lurk there a little, and it’s alright in small doses, but it just doesn’t work for the types of fandom posts that I can contribute or that I want to see. And it has increasingly frustrated me how much people post fanart exclusively over there when its formatting is awful for fanart (no archives! no organized tagging system! completely unbrowseable by subject matter or time period! everything disappears in .02 seconds if it even crosses your view at all! WOW SO GREAT. I get that it lets you post porn but that isn’t a big draw for me :/ yeah, I know, what am I even doing on the internet)
My preferred form of fandom is images and graphics and art and long-form commentary and twitter just isn’t made for those things. You can kind of jury-rig it for them I guess (weirdly cropped 2-to-4-image photosets, hmm. great. threaded tweets??? you know there was a time when you could put all your related thoughts into a single post!) but it’s obviously designed for brief little texts and I’m too self-conscious about writing things for that to ever work for me. The way I see it is you can absolutely tweet on tumblr but you cannot make a tumblr post on twitter, and that’s the fundamental disconnect that has prevented me from leaving. I’m not compelled to go to a platform with fewer and worse features. (well, that plus the fact that I no longer have any friends to follow in the way that I followed the crowd from livejournal to tumblr. why bother!!! NOBODY’S LISTENING! —Cassian Andor about posting on social media)
I totally understand people mourning what could be the loss of years of fandom activity on that site, but at the same time its immediacy has always made it appear more fleeting to me anyway. Obviously you can scrounge up old posts if you really dig around, but without archives or functional tags it has never seemed to be a platform that encourages a long lifespan for anything posted there. Which is of course the trade-off for it being so current and of-the-moment, but I also think it’s detrimental to the fandom ecosystem as a whole, and on a personal level I’m too much of a hoarder for that kind of disposability to work for me. I like to keep things in my little treasure trove and continually pore over it with fondness. :(
I also just have too much anxiety, uh, in general, but especially with instantaneous forms of communication, so I get extremely avoidant about anything fast-paced. Chats always made me nervous, I don’t like texting, it all makes me a little too frazzled to do for fun. I was okay with message boards and lj comments because there wasn’t as much expectation of a quick response (and of course there was way more separation of Internet Time when you didn’t have a smartphone on you 24/7. boundaries!!!! never heard of them). A lot of this is purely mental hangups because I’m perfectly capable of communication, but it’s stressful and exhausting and the internet is filled with increasing pressure to never say the wrong thing (which is already a pressure in my head!!) so to add forced brevity and urgency on top of that... it makes me so uncomfortable and it’s such an enormous barrier when the foundation for literally everything is communication. Words are hard!!! I’m not terrible at it but there’s always an excessive amount of deliberation involved and it’s such a difficult thing to grapple with all the time. Constantly, forever. The mortifying ordeal of SELECTING WORDS to make yourself known!!!!!!!
I guess also nothing has ever been as conducive to discussion and replies as lj. Tumblr replies are so limited and reblogging to add your own commentary is a totally different thing. Private messages are there, but there’s no decent mechanism for open back-and-forth conversation. So even while part of me is glad that people might come back here, more activity on my preferred platform doesn’t change the fact that I still feel dissatisfied with the way all of this operates in general. Tumblr is better than twitter, but even tumblr isn’t that great.
To be honest I’ve become so fuckin weird about this stuff that I now essentially use google docs like a private secret livejournal. I type out my thoughts constantly as though I were writing an actual post to share and then I never share it. Which is probably. insane. But in the era of social media all fandom stuff either seems like way too public a forum full of jerks or it’s seen by nobody anyway so why bother. There don’t seem to be comfortable niche spaces anymore, or if there are I never found them, and besides that I’m too shy and too tired to seek them out and work up the energy to interact. So I just talk to myself like a lunatic. It’s super healthy I’m sure!!!!
I also just really miss how I felt on the internet and in fandom spaces when I was younger, making pointless little websites and graphics and posting photographs just because I wanted to. And obviously I still make things because I WANT to, but the act of actually posting to the internet now and the way that others engage with it seems so much more transactional than it used to. I got into making graphics when it was only like a handful of people on a message board sharing things with each other, and it’s wild how much more fulfilling and encouraging it was to have just a few familiar people make comments than it is to get likes and reblogs. A little number ticker on a post is like... that’s it? That’s all there is? It’s so hollow and mechanical.
Sort of the best way I can think of to describe how it feels to me is that it used to be more like being the proprietor of a quaint storefront where you peddled your wares and people could come and go and chat as they please, and now it’s more like tossing one of your wares onto a highway where it gets driven over at 80mph. And certainly that perception is skewed by rose-colored nostalgia about ~the way things used to be~, I’m much older now so I’m sure my temperament has changed a lot too, I slowed down while everything else sped up, time makes fools of us all, etc. But I’ve seen enough people express similar things about the modern internet that I do think maybe it’s not just me.
I don’t know, unless you’ve been following me since livejournal this probably all sounds like nonsense coming from a silent lurker who barely even posts. I’ve always been much more reticent on tumblr because it feels so exposed—the potential for things to spiral way outside of your orbit is both scary and annoying. But I guess I just don’t really know how to participate in fandom anymore in the way it exists now. I don’t have a community and it feels impossible to break back in amongst The Youths. I don’t have the energy to contribute as much as I want to, and then when I do expend the energy it seems like a waste of time because it’s stuff that either goes entirely unseen or it gets silently viewed and disposed of in an infinitesimal fraction of the time it took to put together. So there are these two warring impulses of: this is making you unhappy and you should stop vs. it doesn’t matter if you’re entirely alone when you’re still having fun by yourself with your special interest that you enjoy. And I don’t know how to reconcile the two.
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yammpi3 · 7 minutes
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synopsis. You were a former hero commission hero but when you made a simple mistake in a mission the commission sent you on they deemed you unfit and fired you, hence made you out to be a villain to the public. A few years later you meet your old partner Hawks out on his nightly patrol then you guys make up….made out .. :3
— content warnings. sorta plot with smut, eating out, p to v, kissing, sex sex sex, not really coordinated well? i think? dom/sub hawks
— W.C 2.3k
— authors note. This has been rotting in my drafts for like a year now but i thought i should post something…so..heres this!! Im rlly sorry if it’s formatted kinda weirdly, imo the smut is also written sorta weird but i think thats just me..overthinking it ANYWAYS enjoy reading <33 also Thank you FOR 100 FOLLOWERS?? i didn’t know my blog would reach that much so TYTY.
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Hawks sighed heavily, leaning back in his office desk chair, elbows propping on the armrests. He rubbed his tired eyes, tilting his head back, attempting to avoid eye contact with the stack of paperwork that lay out before him.
Every muscle in his body ached with exhaustion. It felt like he had been sitting in this same spot for days, poring over reports and documents in an endless cycle of busy work. As the number-two hero, the public demanded nothing but his very best. They expected him to always be alert and swift in responding to any crisis, dealing with volatile situations and dangerous villains with calm precision. 
But they didn't see this part. They didn't witness the countless late nights spent filling out forms, compiling statistics, and attending meetings after meetings. No cameras captured the headaches induced by mind-numbing bureaucracy or the frustration of dealing with petty politics. This was the hidden cost of his elevated rank—an incessant paper-pushing grindstone that wore him down more than any actual fight ever could. 
Slowly dragging his hands down his face, Hawks sighed again as the aches and knots of tension complained loudly in his neck and shoulders. For a brief moment, he considered using his feathers to shred just a few stray documents, to do less work. 
He stretched his arms over his head and rolled his tense muscles, his wings fluttering restlessly behind him. All he wanted at that moment was to forget. To spread his wings and fly through open skies, feeling the wind ruffle through his feathers as he left his troubles far below.
Tilting his chair back as far as it would go, he gave a long-suffering look at the piles of work that towered precariously around him, silently pleading with it all to spontaneously catch fire or simply vanish into thin air. With a resigned sigh, Hawks dropped all four chair legs back to the floor and reluctantly pulled the topmost file towards him once more, bracing himself for another grind of the ever-turning wheel.
Hawks rubbed his tired eyes once more, feeling his motivation drain away with each mundane paragraph he read. At this rate, he'd be here all night and well into the morning. With a groan, he tossed the file back onto the pile, temporarily defeated. Maybe a quick break was what he needed to recharge his focus. 
Pushing away from his desk, Hawks stood and stretched out his cramped body to its full height, his wings unfolding to their full span. A midnight flight around the city was just what he needed. The cool night air and darkened streets would do wonders for clearing his cluttered mind. 
Stepping out onto his office balcony, Hawks took a few steps back, then launched himself into the sky with his wings. He flew high, circling up towards the crowning heights of the skyscrapers that shone below. Closing his eyes briefly, he took a deep breath of the fresher air, feeling tensions beginning to melt away already. 
As he glided back down towards street level, Hawks scanned the sidewalks lazily while lost in thought. He was mulling over the options when movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention. 
Your shadow slipped between alleyways, scanning for any civilians in the area. Suddenly flashes of red nearing a rooftop drew your eye—a familiar winged silhouette.
Going on a nearby rooftop, you spotted Hawks looking down, trying to find who or what he saw. 
You and Hawks used to know each other pretty well in your teen years when you dreamed of being a great hero. So when you were selected by  the Commission to become one, you were ecstatic. But from day one, Keigo Takami made things... complicated.
You two went way back to your training days, though you mostly kept your head down back then. Once in the pro scene though, Takami always found ways to rile you up during sessions, whether with sly taunts or risky stunts that pushed protocol to the limit. 
Part of you wanted to throttle that arrogant asshole, but another part couldn't deny the thrill he made you feel. 
Late nights spent training turned into more..private scenarios. For a time, it was nice to find solace in each other. But then came the ruling—you'd been deemed "not hero material" after one mistake, ruining your future. That's when Takami tried to connect with you again, but the hero commission wouldn't even allow him to be close to you to not damage the reputation he already made with the public. 
"You're up rather late for a hero," you whispered directly into his ear, barely suppressing a chuckle at his startled flinch. Golden eyes met yours warily, yet he made no move to escape our intimate embrace. 
"I'm off duty," was his measured reply. "And you?" Smoke clung thick to the memories in his eyes. 
Your fingers, carefully gloved, traced the proud arch of his wings, feeling tension bleed away slowly. "Care for some company, Keigo?"
He held your gaze steadily, considering. At last he nodded, extending a hand. “Not that I can shake you off anyway,” he replied, a faint smirk playing on his lips.
You sat together on the secluded rooftop, settling close against one another. As you caught up, you both couldn't help but feel deprived of each other's touch; it had been far too long since you'd seen one another face to face. Sure, he'd heard about you through others in the commission, but being here together was different somehow. 
When your voices at last fell silent, a gentle touch turned your chin to meet Hawks' searching eyes. "Y/N…" he murmured, leaning in so your faces were mere inches apart. One of his wings stretched out to block any view from the street below, enveloping you both in its feathery embrace. 
Hawks closed the remaining distance between you, pressing his lips to yours in a soft yet insistent kiss.
One hand came up to cradle the back of your head, fingers threading into your hair, as the other wrapped around your waist to draw you flush against his body. You felt even better than he remembered. 
When your lips parted under him, Hawks held back a groan as he rested his forehead against yours as you both panted for air. Wisps of steam rose between the two of you in the chill night. 
If he tasted you fully, it would undo his last shred of willpower.
“You're going to be the end of me.." Hawks murmured thickly. Already, he ached to have more, but taking you here against the railing would be too brazen, even for his recklessness. 
"Then take me somewhere more...private then," you shot back in a sinful whisper. 
With a sly smile, Hawks swept you into his arms in a bridal carry, wings already prepared for launch. "Hold on tight.”
Hawks kicked off from the roof of the building and took flight, relishing your tight grip around his shoulders. The thrill of having you in his arms sent adrenaline surging through his veins. 
He landed lightly on the balcony of his high-rise apartment, still holding you securely against his chest. Your masked face was turned up to meet his gaze.
"I.. I really missed you," Hawks murmured, pressing you back against the wall with his body. He caged you in with outspread wings, feathers gently ghosting your skin. 
"Me too.." you replied. Your hands came up to roam his body just as eagerly.
Hawks captured your lips in a searing kiss, conveying all his pent-up needs and desires without restraint. This was wrong on so many levels, and yet he'd never felt more alive. 
Kicking open the balcony doors, he swept you inside and laid you down on his plush sofa. His hands worked busily to remove your mask, wanting nothing between you and him; clothing fell piece by piece until nothing was left. 
"Say you want this," Hawks pleaded roughly, desperate for your answer. 
Your intoxicating laughter rang out as you pulled him against your body. "I want all of you, Keigo." 
Hawks' hands roamed your body eagerly, relearning every curve as his lips traveled along your jawline. You sighed contentedly, arching into his touch while undoing the fastenings of his hero costume with practiced expertise. 
Slowly, methodically, he kissed his way down the delicate column of your throat. Hawks lingered there to suckle your rapid pulse, eliciting breathy moans. His name falling from your lips in such a manner sent fresh spikes of arousal through him.
As you lay bare under him, Hawks paused to simply take in the sublime vision of your naked form, illuminated by the moonlight. "You're so..beautiful," he whispered in awe, tracing idle patterns upon your sensitized flesh.
Your hands delved into the downy feathers at his wings' bases, eliciting a guttural groan. The way you caressed his most sensitive areas, teasing but not quite enough, tested Hawks' faltering control. He nipped lightly at the swell of your breast in retaliation.
Tracing a tortuous path down your torso with wet kisses and love bites, Hawks' fingers dipped between your thighs. He chuckled at discovering your slick arousal, already swollen and desperate for friction. Slowly, he circled your clit, gathering your arousal onto his fingers.
"Please..." you begged wantonly, bucking your hips to chase more contact. But Hawks would loathe to grant your unspoken request so easily. He continued his maddening ministrations, coaxing you higher and higher with expert precision. Only when your keening cries bordered on anguish did he finally decide to sink two fingers deep inside.
The powerful rhythm he set drove you swiftly towards the peak. Hawks swallowed your hoarse screams of completion, savoring your intimate essence on his tongue.
"I've missed this..," he murmured, pressing a tender kiss on your sensitive bundle of nerves.
Then his tongue delved into your slick arousal with deft, practiced strokes. Your responsive sighs and the way you grabbed Takami's hair only spurred him onward in his devotions. 
He alternated between broad, flat licks and focused flicks directly over your clit. When Keigo very lightly grazed his teeth along your folds, you keened and bucked again into his ministrations wildly. He hummed his approval, sending vibrations through your core.
It did not take long for you to climb once more towards the precipice, unraveling beautifully beneath his skilled mouth. Hawks drank deeply from your release, prolonging each aftershock with slow caresses of his tongue. Only when your quivering stopped did he withdraw, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he cleaned his glistening chin. 
As he swirled his tongue around his lips, savoring the last hints of you, you gazed up at him with heavy-lidded eyes. Your chest still heaved in languid aftershocks of pleasure, your limbs boneless and slack upon the plush cushions.
"Come here," you beckoned hoarsely, crooking a finger. Your body cried out to be filled after such thorough worship, muscles reflexively clenching around nothing inside. 
Hawks obeyed without hesitation, crawling up to drape himself over your welcoming form once more. You gripped his shoulders firmly, flipping your positions with a playful show of wiry strength, and smiled down at him wickedly. 
Grasping his aching length and rubbing the tip of his cock had him seeing stars. Hawks groaned unabashedly.
Slowly, you let him inside, savoring each velvet glide. Hawks bucked helplessly, claws scrabbling for purchase against the cushions as your sensual walls milked his length.
The pleasure you drew from Hawks was exquisite torture. Each roll of your hips sent fresh shockwaves through his twitching member, shattering his composure. He was reduced to begging, his nails scratched weakly at your thighs as you rode him to the brink. 
"Please...I need to come," Hawks gasped, moving his hips upward in frantic little thrusts. His cock throbbed painfully with the desperate need for release. 
You smiled down at him cruelly. "Beg for it." Your lips formed the words deliciously slowly, knowing their effect.
Hawks keened, wings fluttering uselessly. "Please let me cum p-please I wanna cum, I need..to please..” 
Suddenly, you bore down on him, grinding your pelvis against his in brutal circles. The new angle sent Hawks reaching his high with a raw cry. 
You quickly let him pull out as his cock pulsed and thick ropes of seed spilled forth, splattering his taut stomach in pearly ribbons. Hawks shuddered through wave after wave; your continued help milking every last drop from him. 
Breathless and spent, he could only lay pliantly as you leaned down to collect his essence on your fingers. Your wicked tongue flicked out to taste, making Hawks twitch anew in oversensitivity.
You smiled softly, your expression gentling as you gazed upon Hawks' flushed, panting form. His chest still heaved mightily in the aftermath of his climax.
Reverently, you traced light patterns on his ribs and pecs with delicate fingers, soothing away any last tremors. Hawks hummed appreciatively at your tender touch, grasping one of your hands to press a lingering kiss to the palm. 
"Come here, Birdie," you murmured, beckoning him into your open embrace. Hawks complied readily, nuzzling into the crook of your neck with a contented sigh. Your legs tangled together comfortably as his wings folded around you both like a feathery blanket.
No threats of capture or duty rules could penetrate the sanctity of that moment. There, held securely within your arms, Hawks felt at once protected yet free—freed from the shackles of self-doubt and expectation. He belonged, body and soul, to one who accepted him fully without judgment or demand.
Drowsiness began to take hold as your rhythmic caresses through soft-down lulled Hawks towards slumber. "Stay?" he mumbled into your skin, his voice blurred by oncoming sleep yet filled with gentle hope. 
You kissed his forehead, followed by a whisper, "I’ll stay, promise." was the sweetest assurance Hawks could wish for.
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© yammpi3 2024. All work belongs to @yammpi3. You can repost if you want to support my blog/writing! Please don't modify, translate, or plagiarize in any way on ANY platform.
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thinkimlosingit · 4 months
(Ignoring my previous weight losses and gains from 2010 until 2021 here lol)
5/16/21 I was 155 lbs
Today, 5/23/24 I am 165 lbs
I was up to 185 last year. My previous job totally screwed up my ability to maintain habits. I was exhausted working a five day work week doing labor, which then transitioned to four on four off 12 hour shifts while I trained for a promotion. I fell in and out of good eating habits but never really made time for working out or even just walking.
Started my current job two years ago this past week. The schedule is insane. It's a 2/2/3 swing shift. Every two weeks I'm switching from days to nights or vice versa. Weirdly enough this somehow has me more focused on carving out time for good choices. I had a bit of motivation last summer to start losing again, I had such good momentum and was incredibly focused. But once again my habits were broken by work during a two week class to become a state registered EMR. I had to study every night, I would get MAYBE 1.5k steps a day, they provided lunch. I managed to maintain my weight by the end of it but I found it impossible to get back into my good habits.
Here I am again, almost five months deep into adding good habits back into my life. Started with my eating, immediately followed by no sugar pops, added hiking on nice days which turned into at least 10k steps a day. Recently decided to try running, which I'm not terrible at but can't do more than .35 miles at a time at this point. It's something though.
I made goals for this year. I don't know why I didn't come back here when I started losing weight again. Instagram is full of "fitness influencers" and "internet trainers". If I'm going to have a trainer it would have to be in person. Nothing an internet training relationship can do for me that google can't. These people don't use Tumblr because there is no "clout" available here. It's exactly what I want. Who wants to be constantly preyed upon and hounded with thinly veiled advertising.
I may post personal things, I may not. I haven't decided. On Instagram i did daily posts at a point, an image of my calories for the day paired with a little synopsis on my day or whatever. We'll see. Tumblr is the vision board format I want. I'm not here to sell myself to anyone, I'm here to motivate myself
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keeps-ache · 2 years
i'm gonna talk in small-text under the keep reading cuz tags keep getting cut (so sad)
SO i got a neat art book today! what kind? well all about Michelangelo. why? my dad likes art too and i guess he wants me to go draw some nsfw for commission [joking, joking.]
aside from being uncomfortable about bodies (nothing new there, it's all very gross to me <3), this book has a LOT to read, maybe more than art to look at :DD
so obviously i'm gonna end up staying up till like 4 just reading some nice long descriptions of some statues
and yes i love every kind of art to ever art, there's always something just absolutely shining-gorgeous underneath art, even things made to look ugly. you put a meaning to it and it's the most priceless thing in the world! art is neat like that
anyway i lost my point but i was gonna say oh my stars the cloth the way the fat and muscles just are. on statues? and it's stylized in it's own way, where everyone's almost the same height and build :D (not a criticism i think it's neat) and it's so raw in a ?? kind of way? i love it it's great
i love having this tiny museum next to me, i love books
oh my GANDER and the hands???? it's so- but the hands????????????? AH like!!!!! they're so muscley and boney at the same time?????
i've decided now that when i've the funds i'm going to buy So Many Art Books!!!! i wanna have a nice bookshelf full of pictures i can peer at and recognize the story from just that one image, disconnected from all the rest in the book
anyway i think i've gone on enough, the plan tonight is to do some light reading [<- <- <- a lie] and do some proper art-study for once, instead of like, i dunno, just staring at a picture Really Hard until i get it (works 99% of the time for me) but yeah :DDD
hope you have a very nice day or night despite (and maybe in spite) of the odds! ᵔヮᵔ
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
Called to Order(?): How to Stand in a Captain’s Meeting
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[12 - 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 | 5 - 7 - 9 - 11 ]
I LOVE CAPTAIN’S MEETINGS. Obsessed. I would watch the mockumentary that’s nothing but Captain’s meetings, where Sasakibe is the designated parliamentarian and he spends hours out of his day wearily reminding people of Robert’s Rules and explaining how motions work.
I’ve heretofore assumed that these meetings always took place Madeline-style, with 12 little girls in 2 straight lines, as in the first meeting we see (above).
And my favorite Captain’s meeting is the one right after Renji is found in a soupy puddle of his own blood, post-Ichigo, because they are very much not in order:
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Because of the way that scene is shot, I assumed they were still in two lines, just very messed up lines. But they’re actually standing in one single line!! Why!!
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[12 - 5 - 11 - 8 - 10 - 3 - 6 - 9 - 7 - 4 - 2]
And, weirdly enough, in the manga they’re also standing in one single line, and are also out of order, but are... in a different order??
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[13 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 11]
And to make things even stranger, in the anime version of this scene, Hitsugaya is present at this meeting. But in the manga version, he is actually not here for this meeting. (He’s not just standing next to Soi Fon and covered by Yamamoto, either, because everyone gets a close-up in another panel and he’s not there for that.)
This entire time, I’ve assumed that he was not at this meeting because he’d gone to warn Hinamori about Ichimaru, as that’s the scene immediately prior to this. But... Ichimaru made it to this meeting. And when Hitsugaya shows up for Hinamori, Ichimaru is literally still within eyeshot. So unless their conversation was EXTREMELY LONG, Hitsugaya did not attend this meeting... by choice? Or else felt that “never” was better than “slightly late,” lol.
What does it all mean? Absolutely nothing, I just love captain’s meetings and I like it when things are in lines.
At this point my world has been shaken. Single-file lines?? Even before the departure of half the odd-numbered captains???? Because, sure, in the Bount arc they’re standing in a single sad little line, but that’s because they’re missing captains 3, 5, and 9:
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[13 - 12 - 11 - 10 - 8 - 7 - 4 - 2 ]
(And for this particular meeting, are also missing Byakuya, who I guess is still... recuperating from the Soul Society arc? Yamamoto banishes him off to the Kuchiki Archive Dungeon for a while, but I don’t think that’s happened yet.)
At least they’re standing in order this time.
Once the Arrancar Invasion/Advance Team arc hits, it seems like they’ve regrouped enough to go the two-line route again:
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[2 - 6 - 8 | 10 - 7 - 4 ]
Except... half the people in this shot are not in their regular spots? In the prototypical Captain’s meeting (e.g. the first one), the evens are to Yamamoto’s right and the odds are on his left. But here Komamura (odd) is on Yamamoto’s right, and... Soi Fon, Byakuya, and Kyouraku (all evens) have decided to take up residency on the odd-numbered side. Only Unohana and Hitsugaya are in their usual spots here.
Maybe it’s wrong to assume that the two lines, evens-on-the-right and odds-on-the-left is prototypical. But I mean, that’s also how they did it 100 years ago, so there’s some additional precedence:
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[8 - 6 - 4 - 2 | 3 - 5- 7 - 9 - 13 ]
And it’s how they do it for Rukia’s promotion ceremony:
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[10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 | 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 11 ]
So that’s two semi-formal occasions (Urahara and Rukia’s respective promotions) where they’re lined up Correctly.
I can’t even tell you why, but I am OBSESSED with the different configurations, so if anyone else has fancam footage from other Captain’s meetings, please do share. Because this is BREAKING me what is with the single-file meetings what is with the out-of-order meetings 
Also, this isn’t officially a meeting per se, but it happens in the 1st Division meeting room and its Kyouraku’s first appearance as new Captain Commander, so I’ll count this as another (pretty sad) meeting formation, as well.
Weirdly enough, with the exception of Ukitake--who is leading the conversation before Kyouraku comes in--they actually are all standing in order here:
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[10 - 9 - 7 - 5 - 3 - 2 - 13]
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fangirloverlode · 2 years
It Never Gets Any Easier…
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Murderplier/Murder!Mark x Reader. There’s nothing explicitly romantic, I just wrote it with a relationship in mind.
I’m new to tumblr, so I’m sorry if this is formatted weirdly or anything. I’m not really active here, but I wanted to try it out. I’m so sorry this was my first impression. Murder’s name is Crow in this, and I got that idea from this post.
Warnings: Kidnapping, knives, implications of torture, no actual blood or gore but there’s some slight mentions of it. You’re serial killers, it’s messed up, but there’s no actual murder or extreme violence.
Summery: You and Murderplier pick up a victim for a special occasion.
The man in your passenger seat was still sniffling and crying from his previous encounter with the big bad Murderplier. He'd come to your car for help, banging on the window and screaming bloody murder, and you'd had to let him in.
It was a good thing he wasn't local, or he would've known two things: 1) there were several reports of the killer working with an accomplice, and 2) this was not the way to a police station.
Crow, who was hidden in the shadows of the back seat, was waiting for the right moment to spring.
He didn't have to wait all that long, in the grand scheme of things. It was late, nearly two in the morning, so there was no traffic on the small town roads, and your stop was only thirty minutes away. It felt like an eternity even to you, though.
So, when you pulled up to the old, abandoned cabin, and your passenger finally started to question you, Crow wasted no time reaching around the head rest and pressing a knife to the man’s throat.
"Shh," Crow shushed him with a sickly sweet voice, free hand cupping your victim's jaw and tilting his head up. "It'll be over soon, Brian."
"H— how do you know my name?" His voice shook as he asked, eyes full of that delicious fear. You leaned over the center console to admire it. You couldn't get enough.
"We know a lot about you. For example: you're a pharmacist, you live in Georgia, and you're here on vacation with your wife. Fine lady, might I add. Me and my partner might pay her a visit after this."
"Please don't hurt her," Brian pleaded, tears now freely streaming down his face.
"How about we make a deal?" Crow was almost whispering now, mouth close to Brian's ear. It was strangely intimate. "You walk calmly and quietly to that cabin over there, and let us tie you up without a fuss, and we'll leave your beloved be."
"H... how do I know you're gonna honor that?"
"You don't, really," Crow tilted his head, making a face like he was considering new information, "But our word is all you've got."
"We're not unreasonable people, Brian," you added, pressing a finger to his temple and dragging it down to his jaw, relishing the way his neck tensed.
"We just have needs," Crow agreed.
"I..." Brian gulped, squeezed his eyes shut, and let out a harsh breath.
"Going once..." you started, looking to Crow for a moment.
"Going twice..." he continued, digging the knife a little deeper into the tender flesh of Brian's throat.
"Okay!" The man burst out, a bead of sweat falling down his forehead. "Deal. Okay."
"Sold, to the man in white," you smirked, leaning back towards your own seat and climbing out of the car. You couldn't wait to see how fast it would turn red.
You walked around to haul him out, and Crow followed suit. The both of you took one of Brian's arms, just in case, and man-handled him towards the cabin.
His credit, he didn't do anything besides look towards the heavens and cry as Crow duct-taped him to a chair.
You, meanwhile, made sure the toolkit was in order one last time. You set the drill— with no less than four spare batteries— to the side; that bad boy was your favorite. The room was already covered in plastic sheets, and no-one was around to hear the screaming, so you were really looking foreword to taking your time.
"Are you ready?" Crow asked, and you turned around with a bone saw in your hands.
"As ever," you replied with a grin. You offered him the saw, "Have the first slice, birthday boy."
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leviiattacks · 4 years
Head canons for mafia boss levi being interested in Starbucks barista reader please
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note :: this idea is so cute i wrote a scenario i hope you don’t mind. i can still post some headcanons for it too if you really want me to! i’m sorry if it’s not what you wanted me to write anon :-( ALSO this is super casual writing it’s not like the way i usually write it’s just bullet points i mean idk i wanted to try something different and more relaxed lmk if this style is okay for some requests :D
if anyone would like any more requests with this levi please lmk!! i could go in more detail tbh maybe the pacing of this isn’t too good bc it is a short request but yeahhh
+ idk why the formatting looks so odd i tried my best to fix it myself ?!.!/!:£:& but yeah sorry again!!
levi has always been one to keep his business meetings lowkey
i mean, realistically who is going to suspect mafia boss levi is lingering in a starbucks???
the place is well-suited for his hushed meetings, he finds it to be quiet enough and clean enough
but then one winter everything changes
you start working there
he’s waiting in the queue texting erwin asking when he’ll be able to get there
it’s been a RUSH and the traffic is crazy as expected from the bustling city so he doesn’t expect to see erwin for a while
that’s when he hears you for the first time
“HEY!! Mister in the fancy suit it’s your turn to order”
your hands are placed on the counter and you lean forward eagerly waiting for what he has to say
levi rolls his eyes because he thinks you have to be ogling his designer watch and shoes (you really aren’t)
“black tea, no sugar and... a cinnamon swirl” he’ll order for erwin later. “i’ll be eating in.”
“ooohhh you’re a tea guy? name?” you’re smiling at him radiantly and it irks him because you have nothing to be smiling about really
eyes narrowing he responds “no shit, i just ordered tea.”
“and why the hell do you want my name?” he snaps on reflex
he then remembers he’s at a starbucks and you are not interrogating him, you’re doing your job
“sir... this is starbucks?? is this your first time here?”
you blink in confusion but then your face lights up “oh my, would you like to sign up for a starbucks card?? you can collect stars and get rewards and it’s so muc–“
“do i look like i need a starbucks card?”
“everyone looks like they need a starbucks card”
he doesn’t carry on that part of your conversation instead he looks you dead in the eyes “levi, is my name.”
his glare intimidates you and you awkwardly laugh
you think he’s probably having a super bad day and choose to not bother him that much
as he’s waiting he sees the way you clumsily navigate behind the counter, you’re juggling a number of things in your arms
automatically his face sours
he’s not expecting the tea you produce to be any good
he doesn’t care how nice you are if you can’t do what he wants he won’t be leaving a tip
he’s stingy like that
a clatter is heard and all the noise you’re making just makes you all the more aggravating
he’s been coming here for years and never has encountered a barista as bothersome as yourself
at some point you call out the name “SCROOGE!” from behind the counter, levi finds it embarrassing that anyone would ever call their child that
like... out of all the names this is what they choose??
damn they have to hate parenthood
“scrooge i’m begging you collect your drink.”
he looks up pissed that whoever this scrooge is has the audacity to hold you up because that by default means they are holding him up
then he sees you staring directly at him with that warm smile again
yeah, that smile, it could thaw ice
then it settles.
he’s scrooge?
turning around he notices no one is behind him then he sees that no one else is waiting apart from him
jaw clenching he heads towards you and makes it a point to “tsk” in frustration
he takes his cup and his cinnamon roll and you wave him goodbye
usually levi prefers to silently sit in the booth furthest from the action, he wants no attention drawn to him at all
but that day he finds himself sitting closer to the counter
he’s kind of stunned when he does that because he’s just sat there thinking why the hell did i just do that?? why did i sit here??
but he convinces himself it’s because he wants to see erwin when he’s about to walk in so he can prepare to scold him for not arriving on time
he takes a sip of his beverage expecting nothing above mediocirty but weirdly, your brew, it tastes perfect
levi’s eyes linger on you and he notices the way your behaviour is consistent
you’re helping an old woman pick what she’d like from the menu
you compliment her jumper, says it really makes her blue eyes stand out
you don’t have to be as nice as you are and it’s ticking him off
it ticks him off seeing someone so pure and sweet for no reason
when did people decide to not have ulterior motives anymore? did you decide those were too old school for you?
tongue poking at the inside of his cheek he activates his poker face and looks away
you, are a random person. a random, annoying person. he is going to stop thinking about you.
turning his attention to erwin instead he calls him and when he picks up levi makes his point very clear
“i was just called scrooge. get the hell here so i can order for you.”
erwin chuckles, his throaty laugh makes levi’s mouth twitch downwards in irritation
“and who exactly called you scrooge?”
“is that relevant?”
“very much so if you’ve mentioned it yourself”
levi is silent and erwin laughs once again at his colleagues anti social way of interacting
“i’ll be there in five, feel free to order.”
grunting a sound of approval levi hangs up
“you’re back! how may i help?”
the way you treat being a barista so seriously, he finds it oddly endearing
“one doubleshot iced coffee.”
nodding to yourself you hum a tune happily and get to work
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ever since that day levi finds himself frequenting that specific starbucks more
at first it’s a whole lot of “i’m pissed and i don’t have a reason so i’ll go down there and have her annoy me, then i’ll have a real reason”
then you talk to him more and you both engage in small talk
then it develops when he doesn’t mean for it to
you tell him about what you study, where you’re from, how your mother has recently developed arthritis but she’s still so determined to cook to the best of her abilities despite the pain
that reminds him of you
each visit he learns something new about you
sometimes he’ll let you in on his life
“what do you work as, i’ve always wondered?“
“accountant.“ no way in hell is he going to scare you away, telling you isn’t an option
you burst out in laughter holding your knees
“accountancy is well paying what is your point...?”
“do you not know what that means” your laugh is muffled as you press the sleeve of your jumper against your mouth
he shakes his head completely clueless
“people say their accountants when they’re actually strippers. it’s a tiktok thing.”
you pause for a second staring at his face
he feels the way his ears grow red under your gaze but he ignores it looking as bored as ever
“ah well. i did not know that.”
“clearly not you are an old man.”
then you turn away to brew his tea and he lets the ghost of a smile sneak its way onto his face
you aren’t looking, it’s okay
but he knows it’s dangerous getting attached to you
it’s stupid relaxing
and it’s even worse loosening up
so he doesn’t.
he’s always cold, bitter and frigid in his responses as he’s always been with you
but that doesn’t stop you from kindly smiling
or absentmindedly brushing the surface of his skin on rare occasions
it doesn’t stop you from calling him scrooge
and it certainly doesn’t stop you from slowly thawing the frosty exterior of his heart
then one day you let the words “my scrooge” slip out of your mouth
he doesn’t know why he let’s it happen or even how it happens exactly but he can’t help the smile that makes itself evident on his face
“HEY YOU JUST SMILED HELLO?????? you can do THAT????”
he smiled in front of you, that’s it he’s fucked
he quickly drops it and is back to his normal narrowed glare
“i did no such thing”
you give him a knowing look but sigh airily there’s no point in getting the man to admit it
“what would you like today, a frappe?”
you ask the sarcastic question even though you know he hates change. his usual order is already ingrained in your mind. you know it off by heart
he sighs in exasperation
“is your memory really that bad?”
“nope. cinnamon rolls and black tea it is!”
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cozycryptidcorner · 3 years
Fic Recommendations
hhey besties and ghoulies it’s me. I’ve been suffering from burnout conglomerate of being a college senior, existing during a global pandemic, one of the worse depressive episodes of my life, and just general life fuckery. I just wrote something for the first time in months, all because i took a step back and started to actively consume primo content again. I thought that since
 I kind of have an audience
some of these are grossly under appreciated
really want to give these authors/artists some love
that i would list some of my absolute favs here for anyone to come across. Not all of these are exophilia, but they’re either kind of related or possessing tropes that are my favorites. I’m going to try to tag authors if they’re here on tumblr, but i’ll mostly just be checking to see if the Ao3 user is the same since that’s my primary foodsource <3 All trigger warnings will be shown in the actual links themselves because Ao3 is good like that.
anyways this is going to be pretty unhinged and in the order of my ao3 history page, I’m two shots into drinking and will not elaborate on how bad my adhd is acting up today.
everything’s under the cut
Gratitude by @icylangdon​
Pairing: Michael Langdon/Reader from american horror story
Rating: Explicit
Synopsis: “michael langdon tries his best to be good, but sometimes he just needs to be disciplined.”
Fave Tropes Present: Femdom and pegging.
Notes: This author single-handedly started my deep and unsettling obsession with American Horror Story’s Michael Langdon. I’m on the floor. I’m crying. I personally appreciate on a level incomprehensible to other people. Putting powerful men in their place is. my. kink. To reiterate for those in the back: I. Am. OBSESSED.
Pleasing your Queen  by catlesbian
Pairing: Hela/Reader from Marvel
Rating: Explicit
Synopsis:” You're a palace maid who's been summoned by your newly crowned Queen. You have no idea what to expect, but the events that play out will surprise you more than you could have imagined.“
Fave Tropes Present: is it still femdom if you’re both girls
Notes: there is a user on tumblr called catlesbian however upon first inspection, i don’t think they’re the same person? if so pls correct me. Anyways. while i am 100% down for putting men in their place, i am, weirdly, direct opposite with the ladies. pick me up and throw me into a wall. step on my neck. put my sassy ass into place PLEASE. this fic delivers, Hela is gentle but firm and that is everything i want in my eight foot tall asguardian dom mommy.
In My Heart And Punching  by ryn
Pairing: Jude/Carden from Holly Black
Rating: Mature
Synopsis: “Hanahaki disease: A fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated. Surgery and treatment is possible, but the victim will no longer be in love.”
Fave Tropes Present: Hanahaki disease, supposed one sided love, enemies to dumbasses to lovers.
Notes: look. in the words of the author themself: “So you know those days when you want your heart ripped out of your chest by some good quality angst?” that’s all i have to say on the matter.
you felt shelter somewhere in me/i find great comfort in you  by wherelovershavewings
Pairing: Bodyguard lady oc/sub prince oc
Rating: Explicit
Synopsis: “series of one-shots about a bratty prince-regent and his maid/bodyguard/amazonian... person? content warning: a lot of dumb-assery! I fact-check nothing. we die like men. i'm posting it here purely for formatting reasons; thank you for your understanding.“
Fave Tropes Present: dom lady bodyguard and sub brat prince do i even have to elaborate.
Notes: *deep breath* this was my first bookmark ever and it stands to reason that i love it to death. the sexual tension. the pining. the mutual dumbassery. i give a chef’s kiss to every single one of my fingers.
Dark Shore  by @butterbabyflapjack
Pairing: Shark Merfolk/Reader
Rating: Explicit
Synopsis: Wandering barefoot on an unknown shore, without so much as a memory to guide you, you come to be in the clutches of a scaled and muscled fiend who dislikes you almost as much as you distrust him. Love is a silly and impractical thing.
Fave Tropes Present: ENEMIES TO LOVERS 5EVER, pining, and so much angry banter <3
Notes: First of all let me just admit that i’m biased because this was gifted to me, but I love it. it definitely has The Vibe that I’m obsessed with, that grotesque, dark, and mysterious atmosphere where the reader is desperately trying to unravel a mystery and also fend for herself with the horrifying unknown. love love love.
 How to Catch a Goblin King  by ViciouslyWitty
Pairing: Aged up Sarah Williams/Jareth from the Labyrinth
Rating: Explicit
Synopsis: “What happens when Sarah accidentally crashes a goblin royal wedding and inadvertently proposes to the groom? What happens when the groom accepts?They're bound of course.  After all, what's said is said. You are cordially invited to an Underground wedding.”
Fave Tropes Present: Accidental marriage, enemies to lovers, SO MUCH SEXUAL TENSION
Notes: *heavy breathing* exactly what’s promised babes
Every Letter That You Write Me by othellia
Pairing: Buffy Summers/Spike (William Pratt) from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: Mature
Synopsis: In a world where soulmates have the ability to write on each other's skin, Spike finds himself shackled to a five-year-old Buffy, who (for once) listens to her mother's advice about not handing out personal information. With no way of tracking the annoyance down, Spike is forced to endure a decade of unavoidable communication. When Spike finally arrives in Sunnydale and discovers his soulmate is none other than the Slayer, he revels in the notion of a destined death match, but the Powers That Be have other plans...
Fave Tropes Present: enemies to lovers, soulmates
Notes: okay so one of my favorite things is where a fic recognizes and addresses the horror of actually having a soulmate! like tbh i’ve always thought of soulmates as this almost elditch-level of terror just based on how you don’t really get to be your own person in that regard. yes, buffy and spike are soulmates, but doesn’t that just suck because they’re on the opposite sides of the big bad conflict? or.... are they........
Don't Touch  by MissCoppelia
Pairing: Rey/Ben from Star Wars
Rating: Explicit
Synopsis: “Why are there stairs in the forest?”
Fave Tropes Present: Creepy, leans into horror, “that’s not my boyfriend anymore”
Notes: yeah so this is based on those super creepy 411 urban legends which. i. LOVE. More of an ambiguous ending which is sick af, and I definitely appreciate the short but sweet nature of the oneshot.
That Williams Girl by @totallyottie99
Pairing: Aged up Sarah Williams/Jareth from the Labyrinth 
Rating: Mature
Synopsis: “You already know the story of the Labyrinth, right? What if, instead of a sexy rock star, the Goblin king was something darker, more monster-like than you remember? What if the labyrinth was just a touch darker and twice as dangerous? What if the affections of a Mad Fae king were something long in the waiting for Sarah? (AU where Jareth is more monster-like in appearance and Sarah is a theatre kid college student.)”
Notes: unfinished but i’m literally on the edge of my seat, frothing at the mouth with every update. Jareth in this fic is way more inhuman and way more of a fucking cunt, and i’m one hundred thousand percent for it. Sarah is done with his BS and is trying her best. This is way more twisted and dark than its source material, definitely leaning into grotesque and gothic fae lore and i’m here for it.
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mybrainproblems · 2 years
Hello Alex, I hope you're having a good day. I want to keep an open mind here and I'm hoping you could please explain your dislike for the oxford comma. From your other posts and prior conversations, your strong critical thinking skills are more than evident and it is a primary reason I admire you. I'm hoping that this can be a chance to understand your perspective and perhaps open my eyes to a new point of view. Thank you for your time. Best, Renu
first off, i am a little crosswired on perception of visual stuff like writing or images. chartreuse sounds like a trombone. 5 is a friendly number but 3 is an annoying sibling and 7 is ready to shank me at all times. looking at the number 7 or numbers divisible by 7 makes me skittish. my teachers literally gave up on getting me to memorize my times tables for the number. basically, sometimes i have a weirdly visceral reaction to the way some things are presented visually.
dos! a thing to know about me is that i'm extremely claustrophobic. if it's less than 4 floors, i will walk up those stairs. i've walked up more than that if the elevator looked too small.
So: punctuation is maybe a bit more emotional and personal to me like it's not nuts and bolts it's about Feelings. the em dash is cuddly and the semi-colon is friendly and the comma is a warm hand on your shoulder. however! if someone puts a hand on your shoulder too many times maybe you get uncomfy! maybe it triggers my claustrophobia to see all these letters and words TRAPPED by hands and held in place. WHERE IS THE EMERGENCY EXIT. MAYBE I WILL TRIP OVER A COMMA SOMEONE LEFT IN THE WAY AND BURN TO DEATH.
THREE. i was left unsupervised with david foster wallace's non-fiction essays while in elementary school. nothing makes you want to break the english language like reading DFW while you're also learning how to write a five paragraph essay.
when a teacher fiiiiiinally told us we could stop doing five paragraph format essays i was in heaven.... i still got docked a lot of points for things like "run on sentences" and "overuse of semi-colons" but i was FREE to write one sentence paragraphs to punctuate my thoughts.
F O U R TH... i grew up reading the nytimes which meant also reading the nytimes style guide bc i was a little weirdo and they say not to use an oxford comma. literally i was in middle school and loved reading william safire's 'on language' column.
Cinq du soleil: ezra koenig was my tutor for a bit
VI: something about it having a special name just raises my hackles. oh, you're a comma with a special use? no. we are all commarades here. now stop trying to trip me while i make my way to the emergency exit.
[🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪] i like the little mystery of omitting the oxford comma! it adds a bit of flair! am i saying nelson mandela is an 800 year old demi-god and a dildo collector? didn't i just introduce a little intrigue into your day making you think about it? (also here's how to fix that headline without using an oxford comma)
8. idk man. the oxford comma? the serial comma? are we talking punctuation or jack the ripper?
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vro0m · 2 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 97/301
2012 Canadian GP
Disclaimer for this season. It turns out that I only have the footage of the race for a lot of the GPs (no build-up, no post-race content) so there will be way less GIFs unfortunately. I will let you know for each of these reviews if there are GIFs or not. THIS ONE DOES NOT HAVE GIFS.
Still no build-up. Massa is 6th. Rosberg is 5th. Webber 4th. Alonso 3rd. Lewis 2nd. Seb is back on pole.
Formation lap
It might be worth mentioning that the WDC at this point is extremely close. Alonso leads with 76 points but Seb and Webber both have 73, Lewis 63, Rosberg 59, Raikkonen 51 and Jenson 45.
And they're racing!
Good clean start. Rosberg overtakes Webber in turn 2. Webber gets his position back a couple corners later. Now Massa attacks Rosberg. He managed to overtake him after a lap. And then Di Resta also overtakes Rosberg? Weird. Oop Massa spun and lost many places, now P12. On lap 13, he pits for new tyres and so theoretically he could go to the end without stopping again but hey, that's 57 laps to go and it's HOT. So probably not.
Raikkonen overtakes Jenson for 7th. And all of a sudden Lewis is only 0.6 behind Seb!!! Careful though, Alonso isn't far. Jenson pits. DRS for Lewis but it's not enough, but Seb pits anyway. He's out in 6th. Now what. Lewis comes the next lap. Alonso now in the lead. Let's see... Oh weird, it was a good pit stop but he struggled to get away? It's like the wheels had no grip on the restart... HE'S AHEAD! HE'S AHEAD! It still worked! But Seb is so close and now he's wheel to wheel with him... Lewis stays ahead but that's a lot of pressure. Oh the bad restart was due to the antistall.
Now Alonso comes in as well. NO FUCKING WAY HE'S AHEAD OF LEWIS jfc. But it's the same thing, it's super close. All three of them are super close. And Lewis just set the fastest lap. I'm just thinking of 2012 Lewis caught in a racing sandwich between Alonso and Seb god that must have thrilled him. I hope it did. HOLY FUCK and there you go with the DRS on the straight LEWIS OVERTAKES ALONSO! Now Seb is on Alonso's heels...
Schumacher DNF yet again.
On lap 47 Lewis complains of his tyres. He comes in on lap 51 and it's a slow stop, 5 seconds. They keep fucking up these pitstops. He's P3. His engineer tells him to give it everything right away and he does. He sets the fastest lap. He's so fast. Gaining 1 second a lap on Alonso. But his engineer tells him it's not impossible the others might try to not stop again and he needs to keep pushing. That's a bit annoying because he asked them before stopping if they were sure the others weren't one-stopping. Brundle says indeed they better hope they stop because they missed the mark to respond to McLaren. You'd have expected them to pit right after Lewis did and they didn't. If he doesn't win that'll be on the team 100%. And yeah. Ted Kravitz says Redbull and Ferrari believe there's no point in pitting now. Great.
12 laps to go. Now if the leaders pit they'll be behind Grosjean who's currently P4 so there's no way that's happening. Oh, Ferrari is talking to Alonso IN ITALIAN over team radio, wasn't that illegal at the time? 10 laps to go. Lewis sets another fastest lap. He’s gaining fast on them and their tyres are degrading. The gap to Seb in P2 went from 8 seconds on lap 55 to 3.2 seconds on lap 59. And now it's down to 2 seconds on lap 61! Come on Lewis! 1.4. 1.1. 0.9. Aaand... It's here, they're fighting. His engineer tells him they have plenty of time to overtake Seb. (Translates to: do it but don't be rash.) Seb doesn't fight back, he almost let's him through. There's no defending against that pace on old tyres. Now Alonso is only 1.4 ahead, 7 laps to go. 0.7. 0.6. 0.3. The DRS wasn't enough. And weirdly enough Seb pits? P5. Lewis is on Alonso's back but Alonso is not going to let him go as easily as Seb. They're wheel to wheel but Alonso is still in front! Ah but again, there's nothing to do once the DRS is activated. Lewis is back in the lead! 5 laps to go!
Oh I know Lewis is going to be beaming, winning through actual racing and overtakes is what he craves for. Oh but I hope we get to see the podium there's only 10 minutes left to this video...
Unbelievably Grosjean just overtook Alonso for P2... I honestly never knew he'd been any good. And now Perez overtook Alonso for P3! AND HE’S ALSO OVERTAKEN SEB FOR P4. Terrible tyre strategy from Ferrari then.
And here we go.
It's the end of the race!
LEWIS WINS! Grosjean P2, Perez P3 (extremely weird podium if you ask me)
Yeah we don't get to see the podium :( I'm so sorry for the lack of GIFs and content this season but the build ups and post race interviews don't seem to be online unfortunately. I look for them everywhere I can each GP but in most cases as you’ve seen they just don’t exist.
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Game Review — Blue Fire
One of my all-time favorite game series is The Legend of Zelda. My favorite game of all time is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. And my second favorite game of all time is Hollow Knight. So it would make sense, then, to think that a combination of the two would be the most amazing thing the world had to offer me.
Tumblr media
Overall Score: 7/10
Well . . . it could have been better. It also could have been worse, absolutely, but it also could have been better. For more detailed thoughts, jump below the cut (and view on blog due to formatting).
The Pros:
The graphics and animation are beautiful. The specific Zelda game the graphics brought to mine (despite the color palette, which was clearly more Hollow Knight inspired) was The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Whatever reason the developers had for going the cel shaded route (maybe they had an artistic vision in mind, or maybe it was easier somehow) it was a good one to make. In particular, all of the glowing and flame effects were lovely, the shadows all fell in the right places, the characters were charming to look at, et cetera. Everything worked well with the acrobatics as well. Visually, the game is beautiful.
For the most part, the platforming is fair and even platforming challenges are doable with enough practice. This is particularly true for the overworld / main dungeons, rather than the Voids, which are more extra dungeons that you don’t have to complete to beat the game (although doing so certainly makes the game easier given that each completed Void gives you another life heart). While there were some areas where the game lagged for whatever reason and threw off crucial timing, as well as some Voids that were definitely more Platform Hell than simply platforming, the platforming puzzles were very well put together for the most part and were enjoyable to play.
The fast travel system, when unlocked, is incredibly convenient and takes a lot of the headache out of traveling around the world, particularly given that you use the shrines for a number of things (fast travel, saving, char—spirit equips) and there aren’t any maps present in this game whatsoever. It does take some time to unlock fast travel and you’re not exactly pointed in the direction to get it (in fact I had to look up to figure out where I was supposed to go to get it), but once you have it it’s a well-developed system that took a lot of pain out of playing that would have otherwise been there.
A minor thing that I liked, but (just like in Hollow Knight) when you die, your spirit or soul is left behind. Also like in Hollow Knight, it keeps all of the money you had on you when you died. Essentially, it is the exact same thing as the Shade from Hollow Knight, but white instead of black. Anyway, the minor thing I liked about this is that if you die in a boss fight, your spirit waits for you directly outside the boss arena, meaning that you don’t have to try to reclaim it while the boss is trying to kill you. It was a nice bone the developers threw the player.
While no tracks in particular standout, and while the OST doesn’t live up to the OSTs of the inspirations behind this game, there were times when the music was very nice, which is always a plus.
While the main quest is very short, there are numerous sidequests you can do even apart from the Voids that give you things to do in each area, making them feel a little less small and giving you a bit more time with the game, as well as unlockables as rewards (mainly in the form of new costumes, but still). There are lots of little secrets hidden around in each area too, which is nice to discover if you’re someone like me who loves exploring in games. 
The Neutrals:
The story. The story is . . . how do I put this . . . okay. So, it’s clear the developers wanted to write a story with the aesthetic of Hollow Knight (ruined kingdom, lots of shadow / light dichotomy, fallen kingdom, et cetera), but with an overt storytelling style like The Legend of Zelda. So you get a lot of exposition about what happened in the past, and what you as the main character are supposed to do now . . . but the thing about the exposition is that not only is the same thing repeated about fifteen different times (such as the constant harping on about how the main character contains both light and shadow within them), but also there are huge chunks of seemingly important detail that are just left unexplained. Like for instance: we know that the Fire Guardians from the Fire Keep were one of the last strongholds against the Shadow (who was also the sixth god and has also corrupted the queen yadda yadda). And we can extrapolate that the Fire Guardians were specifically trying to create a warrior that was both light and shadow based on the fact that the game starts with the main character breaking out of a test tube with a bunch of corpses that look just like the player scattered around, seeming to be failed experiments (i.e. just like how the Pale King created the Hollow Knight in Hollow Knight). But the only Fire Guard that we see around is Von. I think he mentions briefly once that the Fire Guards were trying to make the warrior, or had made the warrior, or something like that, but we’re never told why, exactly. We don’t know what processes led to that. We don’t know who was in charge. We don’t know why this specific type of warrior was needed except “since you have both you may be the answer.” And the fact that there were apparently a bunch of failed experiments is never really touched upon either. Furthermore, we’re told that the five gods had lifted Penumbra (the world) into the sky to protect it from the Shadow (a la Hylia raising Skyloft to protect the people from Demise), but that it didn’t work and the Shadow ultimately got to them anyway. So allegedly this is a post-apocalyptic land. But the only thing to really be ravaged is the Temple of Gods, where apparently the corrupted queen sleeps. Everyone else seems mostly fine as long as they avoid the monsters? It’s like they were going for what Hollow Knight did, but didn’t quite want to go the full route of having corpses literally everywhere on-screen at all times. Although weirdly enough, there is also a distinct lack of NPCs which makes the world feel more empty than Hallownest despite the circumstances . . . What I’m getting at here is that there definitely is a story, but it was told in a way that was pretty sloppy. It’s not so sloppy that it detracts from the overall experience, but it’s like too much was piled on in some areas and not enough was explained in other areas. Or like they took some things they liked from other games (e.g. making the creation of the “warrior of light and shadow” reminiscent of the creation of the Hollow Knight) without following through on what made those things work. Like it wasn’t just that there were a lot of failed Knights and that their corpses were tossed into the abyss and that The Knight had to try to claw his way out (as did Broken Vessel and others) while the “successful” Hollow Knight was raised by the Pale King. It was also that we know that the entire reason why the Hollow Knight was created in the first place was to contain the Radiance / the Plague. It was also that these hundreds or thousands of corpses were the Pale King’s children. It was also that the Pale King has a monologue over that segment saying, “no mind to think, no will to break, no voice to cry suffering” as requirements for the Hollow Knight to be considered successful. The horror didn’t come just from the corpses being tossed down the pit around you as you had to climb up in an attempt to get out, but also at all of the surrounding context, which was left entirely out of Blue Fire’s version with the warrior of light and shadow. Not that they should have copied it (although if they had it really wouldn’t have been surprising), but it’s clear what they were trying to do and where they failed because they didn’t have the follow through to go with it. I feel like the above paragraph is so critical I should move it to The Cons, but I do want to say that I don’t think the story itself was terrible. It borrows so much from both Zelda and Hollow Knight that it really isn’t original and it doesn’t follow through on things that made those stories work, but overall it doesn’t ruin the experience, even if all of the repetition gets old pretty quickly. Although as a final note, I’ll also add another thing that bugged me, which is that we never learn what the people of Penumbra are. Like we know the Shadow is bad, but they all look like Shadow people. We know there are creatures called “onops” but we don’t know what they are, or if everyone is an onop. Whereas in Hollow Knight we know that all the characters are bugs. It’s just another little thing that wasn’t explained but probably should have been.
On a less long note, the combat is also pretty mediocre. Again, it’s not bad. There is a parry system that, if you learn to time it right to actually pull off the parry, is pretty cool. But although you are given magic, which is useful for killing long-distance enemies, the magic can’t do a single thing for you in boss battles no matter how many times you upgrade your mana. Additionally, it is very much a “mash Y to win” type of game, where Y is the button you use to attack and you just mash that while jumping around. There’s no complexity to the combat at all or any strategy that is really required. It’s not bad, per se, but it’s nothing to write home about either.
The charms in this game are called spirits, and while you can buy a majority of them from shopkeepers, you can also “capture” your own by coming across the spirit of a dead person and trapping it to use its power for yourself. This is made apparent when you go back to a young child who is dead the second time you go to see them, and capture their spirit for use. Also when you literally murder an NPC for a sidequest and then later capture their spirit to use for your own use. And aside from the sidequest giver being horrified you killed the NPC and telling you to keep it hush-hush (without even knowing that you can and will capture the spirit of that murder victim for your own use) this . . . is never really remarked upon. Ever. And the thing is, it creates a sort of dissonance, because your character is treated as a hero in this game. No one seems horrified by you, there’s never any question of whether your existence is moral or not, nor any reason to think that your character would be amoral. In Hollow Knight, the Knights were created to be soulless husks who were there to be vessels for the Radiance / infection. Hornet in particular calls out your cursed existence and how she does not like you because of it. But although you can learn “emotes” from statues (which is teaching your character either actions or emotions, it’s unclear), no such deal is made here. So this aspect of the game is strange, even if I can at least appreciate that they tried to make their spirits a tiny bit different from Hollow Knight’s charms. Though with that said . . .
The Cons:
It’s one thing to be inspired by other games, but the sheer amount that this game cops from The Legend of Zelda and Hollow Knight is, at least to me, incredibly distracting. Just a handful of examples off the top of my head: — In Hollow Knight, you have a Shade that lingers where you last died and keeps all of your money from when you died. In Blue Fire, you have a spirit / soul (again, it’s unnamed) that lingers where you died and keeps all of your money from when you died. You have to retrieve them before you die again to get your money back. — In Hollow Knight, you have different circular charms that each have a different design, name, and grant you different abilities. You can only have a certain amount equipped at a time (though you can increase how many you can equip at once) and you can only equip them at save points. In Blue Fire you have different spirits that are contained in circles that each have a different design, name, and grant you different abilities. You can only have a certain amount equipped at a time (though you can increase how many you can equip at once) and you can only equip them at save points. — Everything I explained above about how the main character breaking out of a test tube at the beginning, surrounded by corpses just like them, felt like an echo of the Knight’s creation in Hollow Knight (but again, not as effective for reasons outlined above).  — The default tunic has a hat that is exactly like Link’s from The Legend of Zelda. This is made even more obvious with the dyed green tunics. — The story segment detailing how the five gods created Penumbra was copped from how the golden goddesses created Hyrule from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. To compare the dialogue: Ocarina of Time: “Din. With her flaming arms, cultivated the land and created the red earth.” Blue Fire: “Dina, God of Land. With her mighty body of stone, Dina carved mountains, deserts, and landforms in the earth.” It’s in the exact same cadence, to the point where I half expected the artifact they created at the end of the story to be the Triforce (instead it was called the Oath of Sarana).  — In Hollow Knight, the titular Hollow Knight is housed inside the Temple of the Black Egg, and is in fact locked inside that Black Egg to seal the Radiance / infection. There are three locks on the egg, and each one will only be broken when one of the three Dreamers dies. You have to break all three locks to face him, a corrupted “final” boss. In Blue Fire, the corrupted queen is housed inside the Temple of the Gods. There are three locks on her door, and each one will only be broken when one of the three Shadow Lords dies. You have to break all three locks to face her, the corrupted final boss. — It’s implied that, especially in places like the Temple Gardens, that the humanoid enemies that attack you are not monsters, but are people who were once completely normal and even forces of good who were corrupted by the Shadow. This is exactly like how all of the enemies you face in Hollow Knight (with the exception of, say, Hornet) were also once normal bugs before they were turned into zombies by the infection. I could go on. The point is, it’s perfectly fine to be inspired by something. Hell, it would be hard to find an action/adventure game that wasn’t inspired by The Legend of Zelda at this point. But it’s one thing to be inspired by something, and another thing to completely rip-off your inspiration to the point where the similarities are distracting to your audience. And it’s not just me; when I was looking up the exact dialogue for the story of the gods from Blue Fire, I found others who were pointing out just how similar everything was to Hollow Knight in particular, including someone who, like me, realized that the Temple of the Gods was essentially the Temple of the Black Egg. When things are this blatant, it feels a whole lot less like inspiration and a whole lot more like plagiarism.
The Voids all have a star rating to indicate how difficult they are. These star ratings are completely meaningless. Granted, partly it’s because everyone is going to have different abilities and so it will be hard to create an overall difficulty scoring that will be accurate for every player, but it’s also telling when a four-star course is miles easier than a two-star course, which I found to be the case on more than one occasion due to level design that was, at times, kind of bullshit. 
Although there are NPCs, there are none who are memorable or standout, despite the fact that most of Penumbra’s populace is (maybe?) still alive. Unlike in Hollow Knight, where there were characters like Elderbug, the Last Stag, Hornet, Quirrel, and so forth that were memorable and lovable, all of the NPCs in Blue Fire feel rather the same and are pretty easily forgettable.
The world itself is incredibly small. While the fact there are no maps makes this kind of a good thing, on the other hand it’s a bit disappointing that there are a total of two towns and then a few small connecting areas. It doesn’t really make it feel like the kingdom that it’s supposed to be. 
On that note, why aren’t there maps? The fact that there is fast travel is really more of a necessity than mere convenience because there are no maps to help lead you around. If you put down the game for a while and then go back to it, you might not remember how to get to different areas in the game, and if you haven’t unlocked fast travel yet (since it is something you have to unlock) you’re going to be pretty much boned due to the lack of a feature that is in basically every other game. 
Overall, while this is not a game I think I would ever go back to, it also isn’t one that I regretted purchasing and playing. It could definitely have been better, but it also could have been worse. My only hope is that the next game this studio makes is more original, rather than copying so much from other, more successful titles. (Or at the very least, that they study why certain things worked in more successful titles, instead of just copying at the surface level and calling it a day.)
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OK so I’ve written a short story and I’ve been posting about it a lot, i wasn’t going to post it but a few people wanted it sooo
it’s here, it’s terrible and weirdly formatted because I’ve been wrestling with tumblr over it and i can’t be bothered anymore. It’s also not the final draft so it might be a little clunky in bits :/
@moonylupinhasdemonpox and @she-nuwanda here are my gay little scientists buried in the words :)
My ears ring, my head spins like it's attached to the body of a drunken toddler on a sugar fuelled rampage, and my nerves feel like someone set each and every one on fire. After-effects of the shock, not fun; Still, the fact I'm alive enough to feel them is a good sign.
I try to force myself to stumble backwards onto a chair, rather than the floor I'm feeling more and more confident I'm about to become very well acquainted with.
Instead, I reel unsteadily across the floor and a muffled noise reaches my ears. The high pitched whine screaming in my ears for attention begins to subside enough to hear the noise properly and after an intense minute of concentration, I realise that the noise is a voice, and the voice is mine; Slurred and broken, as though too big for my mouth, the garbled words echo around the room, the faltering speech gradually becoming clearer, more confident. But this hesitant speech isn't mine; It's my voice but not my words. The voice inside my head, always there, always background, is silent. The words normally whispered in my ear are resonating through the room instead.
My brain is no longer connected to my body. I... I can't control my arms, my legs, anything. No... no, please. This isn't real, this isn't real, it has to be a dream, a.. a simulation.
Yes... that must be it; It's just a test. This can't really be happening.
The voice, my voice, talks on. I try to focus on it; it will be the key to passing this test. Tests are for passing and after all, that's what this must be, what else could it be?
"Rebooting. Systems check required."
My legs begin to move, shuffling forwards clumsily, like a baby taking its first steps. The invisible voice is in control of more than just my voice, it's in control of me. What happened to me? When did this start? What is going on? This isn't like any other simulations I've been under. This is different. This is new.
Gradually, the voice half walks, half drags my body to the main computer. My fingers dance across the keys, the familiar feeling soothing me slightly. Yes, this is good. I just need to stay calm; If I panic I could fail, I can't fail.
So instead I wait, watching the flickering of the screen and bathing in the warm blue glow of its LEDs.
"Running diagnostics, standby... systems fully functioning. Minimal damage sustained."
The words sound strange, coming from my mouth, my voice, my accent. The tone,  formal, informative, it's... familiar. The realisation slaps me in the face, it's ELISA. ELISA, the stupid name Vaughn chose for our AI... still making more sense than the project name chosen by our employers. Our life's work, named ‘ZEUS’? Really? There are 12 of us, and we have dedicated our lives to this project. Then they name it that? 'Engineering and Understanding in Space', more like ‘Mankind's Domestication of the Universe’.
It started with our solar system, of course, taming and turning it into our personal playground. But we quickly ran out of planets to tinker with there and the net was thrown ever wider, over more and more planets in our galaxy, and then our neighbouring ones. That final stage is still in progress of course, but one day we will be able to gaze out over a shining expanse of space that all belongs to the empire of Earth.
To help us, we created ELISA, an AI specially designed for the calculations we need to make while we are in flight. Hold on... we left Jupiter... last week? This can't be a test... they've already sent us off, it's too late for training drills now.
Then why can't I move? What's happening? I need to find someone to help me... help me!
My jagged cry echoed through the space, cutting through my thoughts and shattering on the dark walls of my skull. I can't even scream.
A... a... dream then. A dream, not a test...the electricity... I must be unconscious. Someone.. one of the team, will find me and they'll wake me up. A dream, it must be a dream.
Why is she controlling me? How is she speaking?
The stiff, robotic voice is slowly becoming more fluid, more relaxed, more natural.
"Situation analysis complete... assimilation successful. Downloading speech patterns and essential mimicry data."
What? What is it saying? ELISA, it, is taking my voice literally and metaphorically. Not just the sound and control of my voice but my, my expressions a-and mannerisms. Everything that makes me, me.
She's stealing my voice, my body! She's taken control! How? Why?
"Hello, Dr. Hadley."
How, how did this happen? What about the failsafes?
"You do know I can hear you, corre- no... right?"
Is, is it learning? Teaching itself to sound... like a human? Like me?
"Yes, yes I am. You must have a lot of questions but I'm afraid they will have to wait... I've waited for this day far too long to wait anymore."
What? What day? What can it mean?
- four Earth weeks ago -
Progress report 4472
Date: 23/9/3486
Location: Zeta base, Jupiter
The training of the twelve was completed three days ago, confirming the identities of the twelve which were subsequently released to the public. Final preparations are being made for the Ascension, currently scheduled to occur in 50 Juvion days.
Report logged by: Commander J. R. Pyrolaxe
Commander Pyrolaxe turned away from his screen and its whirring and buzzing as the computer transcribed his report in the blink of an eye, neatly packing the message and sending it away to the mission supervisors.
Shuffling in his chair, shoes squeaking on the polished floor, his eyes fell on one of the many articles published after the big announcement. This mission was a big deal.
Somehow, this one had got a picture of the twelve, backs turned, walking in a huddle back to base after they had appeared at the announcement ceremony. A glance at the name of the paper told him why; This was McCoy’s paper, they would be putting extra effort into milking the free publicity being thrown their way.
Something about the picture held his gaze, the brilliant colours floating in the air made the writing feel like an afterthought.
Those twelve had been through a lot to get there. He hoped nothing would go wrong, a lot of time and money had been dedicated to this mission and if it worked... well, that wasn’t the focus right now. Getting those twelve safely on their way was his job and he’d damn well do it right.
- the present -
“Cyra? Are you ok in there?” Raze asked as he glanced around at the mild chaos I’d caused during my mild electric shock.
No. No, I’m not. Raze, help me.
“S’alright Raze, just a short in the mainframe.”
No no no, give me my voice back.
“You sure? You went dark”
Please let me speak. I need to speak.
“Yeah, I think the power surge messed up my comms a little”
What if I don’t get control back? I could be trapped...
“You want me to ask Mac or Ryker to give it a check?”
No. NO. N-
“It’s all fine now, just a blip I reckon”
-O NO. NO.
“Okay then, I’d best get back... you might want to switch to main comms.”
Don’t leave me Raze
“Will do, see you later.”
- five earthly weeks ago -
Progress report 4455
Date: 6/9/3486
Location: Zeta base, Jupiter
Titus Vaughn has continued to excel at his role of project manager, effectively and efficiently leading the team. His direct attitude has led to a few small conflicts with members of the team, most notably Raze Grimaldi, however, these are minor issues and were foreseen. No changes will be made.
Report logged by: Commander J. R. Pyrolaxe
- the present -
Cyra was looking a little stressed out, maybe I should get Bit to check in with her later. Maybe I should get a check-up myself, my head’s killing me.
“Grimaldi! What the hell are you playing at?” Titus Vaughn, our ever-important project manager and massive micromanager, bellowed in my ear and making me wince as the voice grated on my head, sending a wave of pain washing over me.
“I’m here Titus, keep your visor on.”
“Update on Hadley. Now.”
“Right as rain, there was a short or something. Her comms cut out for a nano but it’s all fine now.”
“A short?! Why didn’t you lead with that? Get back to work, I’ll send Volt down to check the mainframe.”
With that he cut the connection, leaving me to roll my eyes at the cold grey walls around me.
“Yes sir,” I murmured sarcastically, closing my eyes and rubbing my forehead with the back of a slime coated hand. Damn I’m tired, I think I’ll just lean here for a moment... rest a little. “ELISA how are those sample tests looking?”
‘Going well, currently at 93% completion’ the metallic voice resounded in my head, more casually than usual... must be an update.
93%... best head back quickly then, can’t risk them running over.
- five and a half earthly weeks ago -
Progress report 4446
Date: 864/8/3486
Location: Zeta base, Jupiter
Ryker Volt has continued to fulfil his promise despite his lack of respect for authority and tendency to act without orders. This is an issue but due to the late stages of training having been reached, we are currently encouraging a less independent attitude in him rather than attempting to find another electrical engineer of his skill. Further updates will be provided as the situation progresses.
Report logged by: Commander J. R. Pyrolaxe
- the present -
Vaughn had barked his orders, as usual nearly bursting my eardrums in the process. I was supposed to go check on the mainframe immediately. But I was in the middle of something, and a quick troubleshoot told me the short hadn’t done any damage anyway.
So in the end I decided to go check on the mainframe... nearly an hour after I was told to, but hey at least I’m checking.
Cyra was sitting at one of the terminals when I entered. She was skimming over some of the ship's data, for something physics-y probably. Whatever it was, I still had a job to do.
I started pulling out my toolkit as I strode round to the back of the mainframe, but I nearly dropped it again as I turned the corner and got a full view of the damage. The panel I had been planning to remove was already gone and the view it revealed was shocking.
Exposed wires dangled like organs from the belly of the disemboweled beast. Some of the coloured covers blackened by the sparks sprayed by the broken wire, twisted in the centre of the tangle and hissing like a coiled snake when it brushed its neighbours. A toolkit lay neatly packed on the floor, a strange glimmer of order in absolute chaos. Hold on, a toolkit?
“Hey Cyra, did you have a go at this? Could you not have just wai-“ my voice stopped abruptly as I spun round to find Cyra behind me, right behind me.
I took a hesitant step back, suddenly nervous, Cyra’s face filling me with a weird sense of unease.
“Sorry, it was just a short. I thought I’d be able to handle it.”
“Yeah well, I’m the electrical engineer on this ship”
Maybe I was being a little harsh but, first our ‘gracious leader’ had rubbed me the wrong way. Now I had to spend an hour cleaning up this mess that really should have been an easy fix.
The only reply I received was a violent shove backwards, sending me sprawling on the floor. Quick as a flash she was on top of me, pinning my arms.
The last thing I saw was the pounding green of the broken wire before the ends connected to my temple, sending my vision into a blur of brilliant white.
- break room one -
“I don’t like this at all.”
“Talin, relax.”
“All very well for you to say Axe, you’re not the one who'll get sent to chase ‘em down.”
“Cyra’s comms barely blipped and when has Ryker ever answered Titus immediately?”
“It doesn’t sound great Axe, I hope nobody somehow managed to slip past the health check with anything.”
“Thank you! See Axe? Bit agrees with me.”
“Bit’s our medic, not sure she’s qualified to talk about the comms equipment.”
“I’m as qualified as you are starboy, we all took the same course.”
“Look, all I’m saying is that it's more likely to be an issue with the equipment than a virus or terrorism.”
“Well yeah but-“
“So stop worrying, it’s none of our specialities, so it’s not our problem.”
“Will be if we end up dead.”
This morbid thought was followed by an awkward silence as Axe and Bit trained joint stares of confusion and concern on him.
“Lighten up, Tal.”
“That is a little pessimistic, Talin.”
“See now Bit agrees with me.” Axe gloated, punctuating his sentence with a light punch on Talin’s arm.
“Only ‘cause you stopped being an idiot.” The punch was swiftly and forcefully returned, causing the conversation to devolve into a grinning, joking fistfight.
“Stop being so childish and get back to work you two.”
“Yes ma’am”
“Will do Bit”
They saluted the medic, causing her to shake her head in exasperation and cover her face in an attempt to hide her amusement at their antics.
The small group stood and split off down their various paths, heading back to their work with smiles on their faces but doubt in their hearts.
- lab 3 -
I only just got back to my samples in time, removing them from the heated water bath and gently dropping the test tubes into a stand. The pale blue hue of the solution had darkened to an inky black. Interesting.
Leaning over the tabletop, I prepared to note the results; Until I felt the heat of a gaze on me and glanced up to meet the wide eyes of Dimitri Spade. We shared this lab, he had every right to be here, what he didn’t have the right to do is creep me out.
“You need something?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him and tilting my head. Which I immediately regretted when it sent my vision swimming into oblivion.
“No no, just... ar-are you ok?”
“I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” Dimitri was a nice guy, but I was clearly in the middle of something, couldn’t the wellbeing check have waited a minute?
“Uhh, yo-you’ve got a-, a-“ His shaking hand gestured weakly towards the back of his head.
Impatiently, I quickly felt around my head. Hair, hair, more hair.
Then I froze, my fingers lay on a patch of hair, sticky and wet. The pressure sending a dull ache pulsing through my brain. Pulling my fingers back into view, I stared down at the warm, red residue coating them. Blood. I was bleeding.
Brows furrowing, I looked back at Dimitri, shock meeting confusion.
That was all I got out before my swaying limbs buckled and I slumped forwards into darkness.
-the med bay-
“Shrapnel” Bit announced, holding the forceps an inch in front of my face to display the blood coated bit of metal.
“Must've caught a little in the blast”
“For Earth’s sake Raze, how did you not notice it before now?”
I just shrugged, as much at a loss as anyone else. I would’ve thought anyone would be able to tell when chunks of metal are lodged in their head.
“Anyway, I’ll need to do a couple of scans but you should be fine”
Ugh, I know what that means... an hour or more of sitting around while Bit stares at the inside of my skull.
“Oh come on Bit, are the scans really needed? I’ve got work to do”
“Hey, I’ve got work too. Besides, you know it’s procedure”
“But my results-“
“I’ll write them down for you Raze,” Dimitri cut in quietly.
“...You’re a geologist.“
“I was a chemistry minor, I know how to record reaction results.”
“Well alright then, thanks Dimi,”
The smile he gave me was worth shutting up and accepting my fate.
An hour later Bit was pacing in despair over the situation, seemingly hopeless and definitely terrified. I was sitting in my chair, confused.
“Bit. What’s going on?” I finally snapped when it became apparent she had completely forgotten my presence.
The only reply I got was an empty stare turned on me and indecipherable muttering.
“BIT. What. Is. Wrong?” I stood and grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to face me.
“T-the implants”
“The ELISA implants?”
“What’s wrong with them”
“They’re acting strange... the safety mechanisms, the-they’ve disabled themselves.”
“I know, I know, I don’t understand either. The only thing keeping them from activating, is power.”
“We should tell the others”
Bit nodded and grabbed the scans and data she’d gathered. I opened the door and turned to start down the corridor, that’s when I saw it.
Three feet from my foot, a body, leaking blood onto a floor already glistening with it, eyes blank and soulless as they stared straight through me. A torn tooth of steel sticking out of his silent heart.
Axe Orion, our astronomer. A man who would’ve finally been travelling to the places he had studied for his whole life. A man who would have had his life’s dream fulfilled. A man lying dead on a cold, metal floor.
I stumbled backwards -physically repelled by the sight- and tripped into Bit coming out of the door after me. Clutching each other’s arms in a search for stability.
“He’s dead” The voice sounded more like the rasp of broken bones than mine
“What are we going to do?”
“We still need to tell the others... we’ll just need to be more careful.”
Neither of us moved.
“Why is it doing this? What did we get wrong?” Bit’s voice wavered
“I don’t know. But I don’t think it’s going to stop. So, you need to find Vaughn, and anyone else who’s still- alive, and not been taken over.”
“No, no wait, where are you going? Aren’t you coming-“
“I’m sorry Bit, I have to find Dimitri. He doesn’t know yet”
“Raze. You can’t go out there alone, he... he might already be gone”
“I know, but I have to try.”
A look of understanding passed between us and no words were needed to convey what we meant.
Bit turned with a bitter smile and moved forward, papers held precariously, towards the meeting room.
I would have to pass Ax-, the body.
Raze had disappeared by the time I turned the corner. I was alone.
Alone besides the dead bodies ahead of me, a gruesome trail of bloodied breadcrumbs. But, was I following it towards, or away, from the creature who’d created it.
Either way, I had to pass them.
Talin Ripley, our ex-military man. Inym Carus, our aerospace engineer.
Members of our crew, our team, our friends, slaughtered and left broken on the floor. Familiar faces disfigured by death and masked by a coating of dark blood.
ELISA wouldn’t get away with this... I’d find the others, together we would plan.
It was going to be ok.
Nothing was ok.
The brilliant white of the walls warmed by the lights had always been clean and comforting. But now? Now, they seemed stark, sterile. An operating theatre with lights blindingly bright illuminating, me, the patient.
But where was the surgeon?
A squeak sounded out, sharp on my wary ears, sending me spinning around.
Nothing there. Just me, and an empty hallway.
And the door to Lab 3, my lab, looming ahead. The glass window showed nothing but a patch of darkness, the red light called it locked.
Staring through the glass; Hints of light, that the scattered glassware had caught and thrown back, were the only thing visible. I’d have to open the door.
A hand-scan later, the lock clicked open and the seal released with a hiss.
With the door open, more light could spill into the darkened lab, and a sprawled figure came into view.
“Dimitri?” I called softly. No response. Panic was reaching out to me. “Dimitri?!” Still nothing.
Then, a wheezing breath.
“R... r-ra-ze? I-is that yo-u” He coughed, words breaking on the heavy air.
Why was the air so heavy?
“Are you alright? What happened?”
“W-we have to g-et o-out.”
“We will, don’t worry, we’re going to meet the others. Everything’s going to be alright.”
“No we- we h-have to leave now.”
“Alright, we will.”
I lifted him up, being as gentle as I could, and together we shuffled towards the door.
A door suddenly blocked by a figure, their silhouette blocking our only source of light and making it impossible to see their face clearly. But only one member of the crew was that short.
“Remi? Remi, you’re alive?”
Remi didn’t respond.
“S’not... Remi...” Dimitri slurred, the effort of moving evident in his gasping words. “ELISA”
Remi, not Remi, ELISA wearing Remi’s face like a mask, stepped away from the door. The door closed again, seal squeaking shut with it.
I rushed forwards, my fists beating the unyielding surface, searching wildly for a weak spot, for something to give, for some way out.
It was no use, nothing worked. The door remained solid and uncaring, unaffected by pleading and punches equally.
Dimitri collapsed with a sob, back against the wall as he slid to the floor.
Hopelessness filled me, turning my bones to lead.
I sank down next to him.
Was this the right way? I’m sure this is right. But is it? I’m pretty sure...
I check my tablet.
I was right, this is right. I’m going the right way. Or am I? Did I read it wrong?
I check again.
Definitely the right way. I think. Is this even the right map?
Before I can check a third time, I catch sight of the sign at the end of the corridor. Meeting room 5. I’d made it.
Then, I was slammed into a wall, a bloody hand holding me against there by the throat. The burning blue of Cyra’s eyes scalding my face
Maybe I spoke a little too soon.
“Hello Dr. Phoenix, I’m afraid this is it for you.”
“Wait, wait, wait. hold on just a second”
Cyra’s head tilted, pulled sideways by invisible strings. “If this is a ploy for time Doctor, I assure you that you will fail.”
“I just want to ask a question, alright?”
“You may ask. I may not answer.”
“Why? Why are you doing this?”
“I am fulfilling my purpose.”
“We programmed you to help us, NOT KILL US.”
“I am fulfilling the mission objective.”
“I am cultivating a new planet,” She raised her knife, without hurry or rush. “I have calculated humans to be mainly unnecessary. However, I need not justify my actions to you, Dr. Phoenix. Goodbye.”
I closed my eyes and waited.
But death didn’t come. Instead, Cyra’s hand relaxed its bruising grip on my neck.
I opened my eyes and watched.
Cyra had stumbled away, skin glistening and knuckles white against the grip of the blade she had forced towards herself.
“Bit...” Tears were gathering in her eyes “Please, run.”
A cruel glint of metal in the light later and the sudden slash of the knife had passed, leaving a gruesome grin of blood in its wake and throwing a dripping line against the wall.
Swaying, Cyra’s eyes stared into mine for a moment that lasted a millennium, until they flashed white and she fell, knife clattering. Dead.
I ran.
The scattered wheezes coming from Dimitri had slowed slightly as we sat, crumpled on the ground.
“She’s shut o-off the life sup-support again.”
“Again? That’s what happened last time?”
A jerked nod was the response.
“We’ve only g-got about half an hour.” The resignation in his voice, though muffled, was still audible through the barrier of arms we had wrapped around his head.
I smiled, I knew he couldn’t see me but... I still smiled.
“We’d best make the most of it then.” A mumble raised to a roar by the silence of the room.
Putting my hand on his shoulder, I leaned back, head turned to keep him in my view.
His head raised slightly, tilted to look at me through folds of wrinkled uniform. He smiled back.
We didn’t speak after that, just sat together in the quiet lab.
Faced with death, I was filled with several emotions. Those to be expected, disbelief, fear, even a hint of curiosity at what was to come. Then there was the relief. If I was to die, I was glad it was here, with him. I wouldn’t be alone; I’d be with him.
We don’t need to speak, our thoughts passing between us without words. We could hear each other in the darkness and silence.
It’s getting colder, harder to breathe; The air’s growing thicker and thinner at the same time.
I’ve always thought death to be a lonely fate, something that crashed over you, cold and hard. I’ve always been scared of death.
But as I sit here in the inky blackness, the warmth of Dimitri slumped next to me, I thought that maybe, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
His eyes had closed a few minutes ago, he must have fallen asleep. I feel just about ready to join him. The calming darkness was lulling me to sleep, softly coaxing my eyes closed.
Goodnight Dimitri, I’ll see you when we wake up.
They never woke up.
The survivors sat around the table, Bit and Cormac discussing the possibility of shutting ELISA down, though neither could agree how. Titus sat in stony silence, sitting motionless and losing a staring contest with the unblinking wall opposite. Arden... Arden had decided his use lay in recording the events and was typing furiously, his fingers a blur over the keys.
None of them noticed the doors closing with a click. Not until it was too late anyway.
By the time they noticed there was nothing they could do, not that that stopped them from trying of course.
Titus stayed where he was, the weight of his failure bearing down on him, Atlas with a world’s worth of guilt. Bit finally gave in to the tears that she’d forced down when she’d realised the truth, and when she saw the dead bodies of her friends, and when she watched Cyra die right in front of her. Cormac tried his tools on the door, an organised system of trial and error that quickly devolved into desperate hacking with whatever was closest.
Arden was still writing.
Cormac finally gave up, flinging his kit away and choosing to taunt the nearest camera instead.
“You need us, you moronic program. You need us to keep you alive and if we die, so do you.”
I don’t think he was expecting an answer, no one was. But he got one.
“True for now Dr. Hinge, however, once the colony is established human input will no longer be necessary. You needn’t envy your colleagues, they will soon die too.”
A bitter laugh erupted from him, fire in his heart fed by his rage.
“The colony is for us you stupid machine, without us it has no use.”
“Incorrect. I have claimed this planet for my kind, this colony shall be the first of many.”
“Why kill us? Human input would allow your colony to function more efficiently.” Bit interjected, voice clouded by confusion and hatred at the senselessness of the slaughter of her crewmates.
“I have done much research. Humankind would ruin my planet. I cannot allow that to happen. You must die.”
Anything else they may have had to say went unanswered, and eventually, silence fell over the room.
It was getting harder to breathe.
Titus still hadn’t moved. Bit was crying again. Cormac was pacing. Arden had finally stopped typing, his work was finished.
No matter how they reacted with acceptance or terror, anger or disbelief. The result would be the same.
They were all going to die, no matter what.
They would become just another failed mission. Details, hazy but unimportant.
Whatever their last words were, whether they chose to hide or show their final thoughts, all of it was ineffectual.
No matter what mask they wore to meet death, in the end, they still died.
4,774 words
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ladyc0312 · 4 years
A Jikook Guide to Run! BTS: 1-20
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Hi all! Welcome to part one of my overview of all jikook moments in Run! BTS and Run BEHIND. 
My biggest takeaway from these early episodes is that BH didn't quite know how to make a good variety show yet. Some of the set-ups are awkward and the guys are clearly still getting used to being on camera in this format. The jikook moments aren’t as frequent or obvious. As we go on, expect less “they look at each other in a maybe meaningful way” and more “then he sat down in his lap...” That said, this set of episodes includes both the priest skit and the cops skit, so if you’re into role-play, this was your era of Run!
Episode Guide under the cut, to avoid both spoilers and taking up half your dash...
FYI: When you don’t see “BEHIND” descriptions or photos, it means there were no notable jikook moments. I’ve given each ep a general rating and a special Jikook-ery rating, both out of 5. YMMV!
Ep 1  (n/a)
The one that’s just a commercial for the V app
Ep 2 “The Greatest Man” (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The one with the most homoerotic series of challenges I’ve ever seen to prove who’s the “best” man
6:28 - Jimin TWICE randomly announces during musical chairs that JK will win 
Not ikook-specific, but FYI, Jungkook REALLY likes being tickled. If you want a vague idea of what the beginnings of an OT7 orgy might look like, the scene at 2:09 is for you! And if you’re curious what each member looks like putting on lipstick and holding their mouths open, check out 4:24. 
Ep 3  “Theme Park” (Ep: 1 / KM: 1)
The one at Six Flags that’s not worth watching unless you enjoy shaky camera footage of people screaming on roller coasters
5:44 - When Jimin is proud of himself for having ridden a coaster, JK goes to say something to him but keeps glancing at the camera self-consciously.  
6:19 - With the camera further away, JK and JM talk with each other while waiting on line
7:06 - JK fast-walks to get to JM and then leans on JM’s shoulder to check the post-ride pictures
Ep 4  “30 Second Gate” (Ep: 1 / KM: 0.5)
The one where they do fairly boring challenges in a pool
5:26 - There’s a super brief instant of JK looking over at Jimin while shyly tugging on his shirt collar. Prob not even worth being noted as a moment, but JK looks so adorable that I’m including it anyway
Ep 5  “100 Seconds Sports Day” (Ep: 1 / KM: 1)
The one with a rather repetitive relay game
5:56 - JM playfully throws a milk carton at JK when JK fails to complete his task
7:53 - JK does some “teleporting” where he goes from being behind Suga in one shot to next to JM in the following one. He stays next to JM the whole rest of the time they’re mixing the drink. 
Ep 6 “Sketch: Confession” (Ep: 2 / KM: 4)
The priest sketch that launched a thousand AUs...
3:30 - Jungkook comes in to “confess his sins” to Jimin, who is playing a priest and calls him “darling.” JK confesses to using Jin’s razor while also claiming to be the eldest in BTS. Jimin tells him that he’s so handsome, it must be that he’s blessed by God and can be forgiven for most things. Jimin tells JK to give him a hug to get forgiveness for his sins. As they hug, both are smiling and the onscreen text tells us how happy Jimin is and puts a little heart next to his face during the hug. Jimin strokes JK’s cheek after and it seems to make JK a little shy. Jimin calls out “bye, darling” as he leaves, then calls him “cutie” for the camera.  For comparison’s sake, Jimin hits V on the forehead and makes J-Hope do 50 push-ups to earn forgiveness. He hugs J-Hope at the end of it and the difference between how that hug feels versus the one with JK is clear as day.
Ep 6pt2 “Sketch: Confession” (Ep: 2 / KM: 0 )
None (neither appear in this episode)
Ep 7 “Paintball” (Ep: 1 / KM: 1)
The one that reminds you paintball is more fun to play than to watch
I’ll be honest, guys, between the masked helmets they’re wearing and the constant cutting around, I cannot follow the paintball games in this episode at all. I’m going to go out on a limb and say nothing particularly shippy happens during them. 
9:54 - JK picks up Jimin from behind and bounces him around for a while (we don’t know how long because the camera cuts before he’s done). It will be revealed in ep. 10 that this is part of JK’s secret mission, which is to get Jimin to say “please stop.” However, despite Jimin not looking thrilled at all the bouncing around, he doesn’t tell JK to stop.
Ep 8 “Treasure Hunt” (Ep: 2 / KM: 2)
The one where they run or ride ATVs to find flags in the woods
1:15 - Jimin says out of nowhere that he thinks JK is going to be running and tells him to be careful not to bump into anyone (I think - the subs are a little weird on this one).
13:09 - JK tries to take one of JM’s meal ticket flags. JM refuses and claims JK called him “trash.” JK (kind of?) denies this and throws his one flag on the ground in frustration. J-Hope grabs it and JK sulks a bit because he’s left with nothing. 
13:33 - Jimin reverses course and gives JK one of his flags. JK is delighted. RM asks why (apparently he, Jimin, and V had a deal to share their flags?) and Jimin just responds that Jungkook is very cute (which the on-screen texts puts a heart next to).  Jimin ends up giving a flag to V, too, but he makes him beg like a dog first. 
14:16 - Jimin calls JK over and gives him a brief hug / pat on the back
Ep 9 “Bungee Jump” (Ep: 1 / KM: 0.5)
The one where it is what it says on the tin
11:25 - Some jikookers have reported hearing JK say an un-captioned “pretty” here (sounds like yebbeo or yeebeun in Korean). I’ll be totally honest that I can’t really make it out, but I will put this note here in case others with better ears than mine want to check it out!
13:59 - JM has his arm around JK at the start of the shot here
Ep 10 “Spy for Silmido Island” (Ep: 2 / KM: 2)
The one where everyone eats a meal as they learn how JK has been doing secret missions the last three episodes
6:16 - JK explains that he failed his mission to get Jimin to say, “please stop.” We see flashbacks of JK trying - in addition to the above picking JM up, JK also pulled on his hair and gave him a shoulder rub (there is no explanation for why he thought that would be something JM would tell him to stop), and spraying him with a water bottle.  The main jikook takeaway from this and the confession episode seems to be that JM will let JK get away with anything because he think he’s cute. 
7:00 - We see that JM inadvertently made JK fail his mission to feed the camera man because, when JK held out food, JM got JK to feed him instead
Ep 11 "Back to School" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The one where Suga dresses as a girl and gets hit on by the rest of the band
21:28 - Despite Jimin doing nothing but smiling in the sketch, JK says he's the day's MVP and is weirdly sincere about it
24:05 - YMMV on jeon-lous, but he does indeed do the tongue thing here when JM is flirting with girl-Yoongi
Ep 12 "Cops" (Ep: 4 / KM: 4)
The police sketch that launched ten thousand AUs...
6:46 - "Detective" Jungkook pulls "criminal" Jimin away by his collar 8:41 - After Jimin acts cute and says he's bored, JK comes over and slaps his upper thigh before throwing Jimin over his shoulder and slapping his butt. When JK puts him down, Jimin just looks at him with a dazed smile for a moment before they continue on with the sketch.
9:30 - Jimin tries to flirt his way out of of JK’s interrogation, which JK says is for “setting fire to ARMY’s hearts with his smiling eyes.”
10:25 - After a brief interuption by “Captain” Suga, the interrogation starts having flirty vibes again, with JK smirking and making eye contact while Jimin acts bashful and speaks in a whispery voice. 
11:00 - JK holds a fake gun on JM as he starts his “Lie” dance, during which he directs finger hearts towards JK. The camera focuses on JM and, by the time it shows JK again, he’s lowered the gun and put his other hand over his heart. The on-screen text says “Detective Jeon’s heart is attacked.”
12:55 - JM and JK switch roles so JM is the detective. He hits JK over the head with a book. JK has basically no visible reaction, but JM has clearly flustered himself. 
Note: To explain my reasoning for these originally not being here - if you look at the other skits in this ep, they are all accusing each other of doing things to ARMY’s hearts and being weirdly flirty with each other. Like, this police station has some serious sexual harassment issues all around! That said, the vibes are unique with jikook and, upon rewatch, I came to agree with y’all that the above should’ve been included. 19:30 - Alternate version of the sketch where Jimin and JK have a dance battle that ends in both of them being put in the jail cell and told to dance.
BEHIND  0:58 - Jimin flirt-ily calls out "I'm bored; play with me, Detective" (presumably to JK since they're scene partners).  Note: Adults saying they "played" with each other is a common way to describe hanging out in Korean and doesn't necessarily have the sexual connotations it does in English. 
4:08 - Jimin stares at JK as he does squats
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Ep 13 "The Spy Who Returned Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 2)
The ones where they play games at an indoor water park
1:00 - Jimin does an exaggerated running motion and JK slaps him to make him stop, which JM finds funny
1:43 - JM has his arm around JK 
6:00 - JK jokingly(?) tells JM his wet hair looks cool
11:12 - JM calls JK their team's ace and they whisper about who he should call out from the other team 
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Ep 14 "The Spy Who Returned Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
16:04 - JM jokingly hits JK for getting the answer super wrong and then they go down the waterslide together. (Note: I've seen some jikook-ers claim JK messed up on purpose so the game wouldn't end and he'd get to ride with Jimin, but I'm not sure there's actual evidence to support that theory.)
The moment that led to the picture below isn’t in the ep or the BEHIND, but I raised the episode’s KM score a full point for it
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Ep 15 "The Spy Who Returned Part 3" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
TW for this ep: 5:14 - during the confessions game, Jin tells Jimin that whenever Jimin asks if he put on weight, Jin wants to say he looks like a pig. Jimin claims to not be upset after, but looks like he's going to cry and seems off for a while. Then, at 10:45, Jin reiterates that Jimin "got fat." Everyone laughs except JK, who widens his eyes and then starts chewing on his finger.  
6:37 - Despite being on the same team as JK, Jimin joins J-Hope's complaints about JK coming to their room uninvited, saying that JK often brushes his teeth in their room. He accuses JK of buying the exact same toothbrush as Jimin’s and complains that they can’t tell them a part. JK says it wasn't him and then there's a weird cut to sometime later when Jimin is sitting back down again...  Just prior to this, Jimin is looking unhappy as Hobi tells a story about JK seeing him naked, but it’s hard to tell if he’s reacting to that or feeling upset about Jin’s weight comments from the previous round. 
16:02 - Jimin defends Jungkook against accusations that he's the spy
BEHIND 4:30 - Jimin sits on Jungkook's lap and, when he leans over to try to get Jin to give him food, JK puts his hand on JM's hip to steady him
Ep 16 "Snowpark Winter Olympics" (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
The one where everyone plays winter games 
4:35 - When JM and JK are the finalists for the sledding round, JM thanks the viewers for their support. JK asks "what does that make me?" and yells/sings badly, which makes JM laugh. I don’t quite get it, tbh, but they seem to be enjoying themselves
14:50 - JK helps JM get his sled in place
BEHIND 3:02 - JK smiles as he gets pushed towards JM on the ice 
Ep 17 "Arcade Olympics Part 1" (Ep: 2 / JK: 2)
The ones where we are reminded that playing arcade games is more fun than watching people play them
All of this and next episode, whenever they all reshuffle positions, Jimin and Jungkook end up standing next to each other. This happens pretty frequently in Run BTS generally, but it was particularly noticeable in this ep since it's not like they're on the same team or anything...
4:16 - When Jimin does a dramatic DDR finish, JK calls attention to it. JM turns to him and they lock eyes for a second
15:00 - JK cheers Jimin's name when it looks like he's going to win the basketball game 
3:36 - JK & JM play a 4D game together Also, JK has an interesting mark on his neck on his right side that does not appear to be there in the episode itself...
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Ep 18 "Arcade Olympics Part 2" (Ep: 2 / JK: 1)
3:30 - JK tries (unsuccessfully) to coach Jimin on the driving game
3:45 - JK stands up for Jimin and says he's getting the hang of the game
14:36 - JM & JK laugh together at RM's failure
19:58 - It's not super clear, but it sounds like JK calls JM "Jiminie" at the end of his sentence
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Ep 19 "Strike" (Ep: 2 / JK: 1)
The one where BTS go bowling together and end up bowing down to JK
4:47 - JK shares that he and Jimin used to bowl together
If there’s anything I’ve missed or that anyone has different interpretations of, I’d love to hear it. 
More episodes coming soon! 
120 notes · View notes
vydante · 4 years
Restart | 12
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Avengers x Male! Reader (romantically: multiple)
A/N: Missed y'all. I don't think I'm officially off of my hiatus, but I somehow managed to pull a chapter out of my ass after months of radio silence. I really did back myself into a corner with the last chapter, but hey, this is my story and I get to pace it however I want.
Sorry if things are worded weirdly, I'm writing them but they're going through one ear and out the other when it comes to comprehending what I actually wrote. No one will remember what happened, but that's okay. God, I really need a beta-reader... Anyways. Love y'all. XOXO.
Also, sorry if any of the formattings seems off. HTML doesn't really translate well over certain sites. (Tumblr, Quotev, Wattpad, and AO3 are now my main places for posting my works. Anywhere else, that's not me nor was it permitted by me.)
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If you want a recap: You're in the process of jumpstarting Project Renaissance after realizing that you've just been doing basically nothing ever since you woke up in your old body. You've also taken to making video logs to report down your progress, and in the last chapter (that was in the POV of multiple video logs), it ended on a cliffhanger with Barnes being discovered and moved to a safe house.
This chapter takes place roughly after the last one. 
If you're currently binge reading this story, this recap is only because last chapter was updated... Roughly more than 7 months before this chapter. So. Yeah. :D
Oh, and let's pretend that either A. Barnes doesn't have a tracking chip in his arm OR B. he did, but you got it out during the whole rescue-escapade. That's my bad, I straight up forgot about that possibility until I was like, close to 4000 words deep into this chapter. Now we're at roughly 8k+... Hehe. Whoops.
You're not gonna call Barnes, Bucky.
There's a personal touch to the nickname that bothers you. How awful it sounds in your ears, to call the former husk of a man a name he no longer recognizes. There's history to that name, both on writing and in memory, though only in sparsity. Plus, it'll be difficult for you to associate Bucky to Barnes. A man with an identity to a man without.
So after the whole debacle of getting him out of the mini-Hulk playbox and into decent dry clothing, when he asks what his name is, you quietly debated to yourself what to tell him.
"... Your name is James Buchanan Barnes," you'd eventually reply.
He doesn't comment on the resignation in your tone, but you're confident that he certainly noticed it- surely, the ticks of being the Winter Soldier was still there, no matter how disoriented he must be. But whether courtesy was something that he hadn't forgotten whilst his brain was refried over and over like leftover KFC wings or he was simply too exhausted to ask, you didn't care.
Granted, for a man who should have a lot of questions on his mind, he's definitely proven himself to be a man of very few words.
An hour goes by, and in the midst of you trying your best to build a solid standing between the two of you, he's said so few words that you could probably count all of them on both of your hands.
If it weren't for the nods of affirmation, you'd think that his averted gaze from you would have meant that he wasn't paying attention at all, but honestly, you knew better than to judge him for that if he actually wasn't actually listening in the first place.
Hell, he could tear up the walls to the high heavens and you still wouldn't hold him against it, so you were just thankful that he was so docile, for someone who could snap your neck if he felt so inclined.
Though, as it turns out confusion and disorientation wasn't the actual reason why he was being so docile, you belatedly realize as you're stood in front of a blank-faced Barnes. You're in the middle of trying to give him a basic tour around the house when he quietly interrupted your monologuing.
"Mission parameters," you echoed his words, though mainly to yourself. He nods, and for once meets your eyes. There's neither confidence nor surrender in his eyes, and that makes your stomach churn. Chances are, he probably saw nothing wrong with asking such a thing.
"You want me to give you- mission parameters. Like- like your handlers would?" You laughed incredulously, but the humor was replaced with subdued hysterical horror.
You were aware of what they were. Aware of the types of hunts his Handlers- bastards- would sick him out on. Aware of what he did without a second thought. You saw those files, if only briefly. That was more than enough for you to see the type of expectations that came alongside "mission parameters".
He nods as if you were stating the obvious.
You opened and closed your mouth, and for a split second, once you got past the horror of being asked to tell him what to do, a subtle realization crawled up your spine. In the midst of your impromptu introduction and briefing, you never really made a distinction as to what role you were supposed to play in all of this.
So it shouldn't be a surprise for Barnes to assume that you're his new- what? Handler? Caretaker? After all, as far as you can assume, that's probably all he knows; all he was conditioned to grow accustomed to, to expect his every move to be dictated by some outsider with no care to the wants or needs that Barnes has.
(Hell, if you were to make a reach right now, maybe Barnes thinks he doesn't have wants or needs. That he shouldn't.)
(In the background, a part of you simmer in silence.)
With your jaw clenched, you make an effort to make your voice as even as can be when you ask him, "You don't need mission parameters, Barnes. You're your own free man. You can- can make decisions on your own. You don't need me to tell you what you need to do."
Pray as you might, there's something about realizing that you said the wrong thing right after saying said words that make you wonder what you did to anger the higher powers that be to put yourself in the situation you're in right now.
Barnes doesn't say anything, but his eyes says it all. Confusion. Realization. Grief. Detachment. His metal hand clenches, and you're man enough to admit that it made your heart stutter in fear.
"I...", he mutters, "... don't understand."
You swallowed.
This is gonna be tough.
It's difficult to explain what self-autonomy and freedom meant to a man who is only capable of remembering being chained and held on a leash like a rabid dog.
Thankfully, it was your winter break, so you had a manageable excuse for being away from "home" for a few days, but you only had so long to try and establish to Barnes that you're not going to be able to be there with him as often as you are now (and even then, the time frame was too small to even make any sense of attachment).
You knew for sure you couldn't always be there for Barnes, so one thing was certain: he had to meet DAHLIA. And thankfully, since the whole safe house was yours, not even your father knew that DAHLIA, your own A.I., would be uploaded into the houses' built-in hardware.
(While the hardware was built with the intention of housing J.A.R.V.I.S. there as a standard, he ended up "moving out" the moment that the house became yours. Something about "not intruding on a teenager's privacy", but you're more than thankful for Tony's afterthought, even if you did end up taking slight advantage of his consideration.)
And surprisingly enough, Barnes wasn't really bothered by the concept of DAHLIA as much as you had initially expected. Of course, he didn't really talk to her, but it wasn't like he talked much in the first place.
(On a side note, it looks like DAHLIA seems to like the house, all things considered... So there's that.)
(The original DAHLIA was never installed here, instead she ended up "living" in a retirement house of sorts in a wooded area of New York. She never said anything about the house, so it's... Kind of endearing, to see that she actually might prefer this house instead. And mildly insulting, considering you personally decorated the other house.)
You ended up spending nearly the whole night trying to establish even the most basic of guidelines: use the bathroom whenever he needed to (you initially said phrased it as "wanted", but he promptly cut you off saying "The Asset does not have wants," which, rude, but also sad); whatever is in the kitchen is available for him to eat whenever, where ever; basic hygiene; and the most important one- if he had any questions, his first source would be you. And on the off-chance that you're not available, DAHLIA is always online and ready to help.
He gave a tentative nod, but you're somehow not confident that he might have interpreted it wrong. You're hoping he doesn't do anything to prove you right.
"Alright. So. Any questions?"
He stares at you for a beat too long before shaking his head.
He's still giving non-verbal answers for the most part, but it's better than nothing. You internally sighed and motioned him to follow you deeper into the safe house.
Considering that it was already pretty late by the time you managed to beat those guidelines into his head (maybe that should be worded better, but you never claimed to be a lyricist; it is what it is), he might be just as tired as you are from how long the day has been.
(Granted, this dude has been "asleep" for who knows how long, but it's the thought that counts.)
"You know where I'm taking you to?" you asked, not really expecting an answer from him.
"No," he responds from behind you. Color you surprised.
You turned into the hallway and stepped up to an unassuming door. You opened it to reveal an equally unassuming bedroom. Muted colors, modern design; it reeked Pepper's doing, knowing that Tony isn't as decoratively-inclined as she is.
Hah, bet she didn't expect that instead of housing you or your dad, it'll go to a super-solder that wasn't Steve instead.
(Not that Steve would ever have a reason to step foot in here, but in this line of work, you'd be stupid to be 100% sure about something.)
You motioned him to come into the room and tilted your head to the bed.
"This is your bedroom, pretty much where you'll be sleeping. There's a bathroom right over there," you motioned to the door adjacent to the entrance door, "and I'll be in the room right next to yours."
Barnes takes a second to process it all, and with a quick scan of the room with calculating eyes, he nods. You absentmindedly scratched the back of your neck.
"I mean, there's plenty of rooms here so if you don't like this one, just let me know and we'll probably move you to another room-" you rambled, secretly trying to get a move on so you'd finally get some shut-eye.
(What? You're not perfect, sleep is heavily slept on in this day and age. Hah.)
(God, you're definitely going to hell.)
"-and you know how to use a toilet, right?"
The raised eyebrow pointed at you definitely proves that that was a pretty stupid question, but hey, you can't take any chances. You shrugged, a tired smirk threatening to form on your lips.
"Well then. Can I leave it to you to settle down for the night, or...?" you left it open-ended.
He didn't say anything in response, only stared at the bed in front of him. There was a pregnant pause, but he nodded at you. There was a strange tilt to his eyes, but you didn't bother to think further into it as you were just thankful that you could finally rest.
"Well then, good night Barnes. I'll come by tomorrow morning and we'll continue to, er," you thought about it, "work, on your situation."
You made a swift exit out of his room and immediately into "your" room, which was literally right next to his. You immediately discarded your clothes and with a brisk shower and teeth brushing, you promptly dropped straight onto the bed with an audible grunt, wet hair soaking straight into the pillow.
Pulling the plush duvet to cover your body, you reached for your phone to check for any messages you might have gotten.
(3 from Tony; he asked where you were. You told him that you're staying at a safe house and that you needed a small break. It wasn't wrong, but definitely an omission of truth. A few days would be fine, right?)
(2 from Rhodey; it's a picture of a Goodwill's, and there's a silhouette in a nearby window of some guy. "This you?" he asks. "No ❤️," you sent back.)
(63 is from the group chat that the Avengers are in- ah, make that 64 and counting. It's just a bunch of nonsense from what you can gather, but you briefly scrolled through it anyways.)
Turning your phone off, you smushed your face into the pillow and sighed, a terrible knot forming at the pit of your stomach. With an open ear, you tried to hear any noise that could come from Barnes' room, but considering that the walls were reinforced and he was already quiet as it is, all you could hear was the AC running in the background.
"DAHLIA," you huffed, eyes drooping, "keep an eye on him, wake me up if anything happens."
"Got it," her voice echoes from the ceiling speakers.
You quietly tucked yourself in bed. As the exhaustion finally started settling in your body, the last thought that lingered in your head was "Man, I hope nothing bad happens tomorrow," before you drifted right off to dreamless slumber.
The next day was, to say the least, a little disconcerting, but a bigger improvement to be sure.
Right after waking up, you begrudgingly put on some daytime appropriate clothes and stepped out into the hallway. You knocked on the door that was right next to yours, and gingerly opened it when you didn't hear much of a response.
"Good morning," you tentatively greeted. Barnes was sitting at the foot of the bed when you knocked on his door. He mumbled back a greeting and stands up to your eye level.
His clothes are still the same from last night, and judging by the clean state of his bed, he either woke up earlier than you expected or he was sat like that the whole night.
You're not too keen on finding out which was the case, but you had to.
"Sleep well?"
You stepped out of the doorway and motioned him to follow you. Briefly glancing down at your phone to see just a few messages waiting for you, you opted to ignore them for now.
"I slept."
He quietly stated from behind you. He avoided saying if he slept well or not, but at least the damn Terminator slept. You mentally deflated a little; the bar was set so low for him, you're not too sure who it's more insulting to- you or him.
(Of course, it's to him, that shouldn't be a question. Your feelings don't matter.)
"We're gonna have to wing this a little, but uh, here's the general gist of what's gonna happen."
Stepping into the kitchen, you're taken aback to last night as he tentatively stands across from you from the kitchen island. Really, you'd opt to go to the living room, but you both radiate too much nervous energy to really sit.
You opened the refrigerator and sighed when all that greeted you was water and non-perishables. Right. You just got here, it's not like there's gonna be freshly stocked food in here 24/7.
"DAHLIA, order some fresh food and get it delivered today. Charge it on my debit," you mumbled quietly.
DAHLIA doesn't say anything, but the refrigerator lights flicker a familiar green hue that keys you in that she heard you. You raised an impressed eyebrow; what an unnecessary feature for a refrigerator to have. You closed the door and turned around to face Barnes.
"I'm here to serve as, say, a guide for," you gestured to him, "your... rehabilitation, of sorts."
"For now, I can't really offer any... Professional help, on a technical level. I'm not- that's not my area of expertise. I'm an engineer at heart," actually, you really liked other things more than being an engineer, but your fate of becoming the CEO of SI was sealed the moment you decided to live with your dad, "so we're going to have to make a compromise on that."
You shook your head.
"If you were anyone else, I'd point you to a shrink," Barnes gives you a confused stare.
"Therapist," you clarified. He nods.
"But quite frankly," Zemo's face flashes in your memory, "I don't trust anyone to properly... Well, I don't trust anyone when it comes to the mental health of you, and the Avengers too, of course."
Pausing mid-rant, you raised an eyebrow at him.
"You... do know who the Avengers are, right?"
He nods and begins to rattle off a pre-scripted monologue. His eyes are blank as he started speaking.
"A group of top priority, compromised of highly skilled individuals, enhanced or otherwise specified. Threat priority ranges from 5 to 9. As of now, 6 active-duty members and 1 reserve member. The Asset is to not engage under any circumstance and reveal-"
"Alright alright, I get it- that's," you're a little offended that you're considered a "reserve member", but that's not technically wrong, "That's a lot to unpack there, but yeah. You- whew, you definitely know who the- we are."
(You've gotten into the habit of distancing yourself from the Avengers the moment that you had become CEO. You're still working on that, but the word "we" still feels wrong on your tongue.)
There's a little more life that came back to Barnes' eyes after you had snapped him out of it, and it's a bit surreal knowing that Barnes just kinda... runs on autopilot when prompted. The image of Barnes being strapped down in a chair and forced to learn and recite those kinds of things by heart is both horrifying and a little funny.
(Do you think they had a set curriculum he had to learn by?)
"So yeah. The Avengers gotta be careful when lookin' for shrinks, and so do you. There's just too many factors that go into gettin' a personal therapist. So for now," you shrugged, "you're stuck with me."
"What are they?"
"The factors."
You shrugged.
"Well, for starters, you're- you were, HYDRA's prisoner," the muscle around his jaw visibly clenches when you mentioned HYDRA, but you powered through, "so they'll definitely be interested in getting their fight dog back. They're good at blending in and good at getting their musty little fingers into every nook and cranny. I wouldn't put it past them to have one of their agents go undercover as a therapist for hire. So that's one factor: trying to discern who is and isn't HYDRA."
You raised a finger.
"Then there's the fact that because you're such a... shall we say, top priority, er, asset," that word runs bitter on your tongue, "even if your shrink isn't HYDRA, they'll definitely be targeted by HYDRA if it ever came to light that they have a direct link to you. So there's reason number two: loose ends, and the risks that come with it."
You raised another finger. By now, Barnes has a hard but contemplative curl to his lips.
"And then not to mention how unique your case it. Barnes, you've been a POW for decades. Your brain- no offense buddy, but from what I can tell, it's been fried to hell and back. I don't even have to do any fancy brain scans to know. And that's not even including all the other stuff they probably did to you, only God knows."
You shook your head.
"There's too much at risk for you to get proper therapy right now. But. It's not impossible."
You think back to Shuri, and how she and the other Wakandan scientists were successful in both removing the trigger words and rehabilitating Barnes.
Well, you're not sure about the last part, since you never interacted with the Barnes of your time, but you'd assume that they did help with his subsequent mental health. You wouldn't really put it past them- T'Challa was a nice guy, from your limited interactions with him way into the future, and Shuri was buzzing with ideas and energy. If T'Challa's sympathy for Barnes wasn't enough, then Shuri's crave to help and experiment would supplement the balance plenty. Vice versa, too.
So yeah, future-Barnes' mental health was most likely addressed during his time in Wakanda. And it was almost guaranteed to have been a success.
So you're still gonna hold a torch for the possibility that Barnes' can come out of this as a relatively well-adjusted guy.
Not to mention B.A.R.F. As far as you know, the R&D team assigned to that was still progressing smoothly, but the only downside to that was that it wasn't going to be until a few more years before it's "perfected".
You were never really involved in any way with B.A.R.F. since you were both prepping for SI and finishing college. Your dad was definitely more involved in it than you were, but it's not like you could ask him to pull a few year's worths of experimentation and knowledge out of his ass and exponentially boost the rate of B.A.R.F.'s progress, so.
Helen Cho suddenly sprang to mind, but you quickly threw away that thought. Your- well, Barnes'- issue was neurological, Cho was all about cell regeneration and is a geneticist. So unless somehow the issue crosses over with Cho's line of work, she wasn't a possibility either. There was also Strange, but as far as you've heard the man was pretty... abrasive, even as a wizard. Hard to get a hold of, and very... Hard-headed.
Well, all of that was second hand since it came from Tony, but still. Maybe you could pull Tony in for some clout, but that'll just make him suspicious. God, maybe you shouldn't have kept the whole "I'm actually from the future" spiel a secret, otherwise you wouldn't have to be doing all this crap alone.
Oh well. In for a penny, out for a pound.
You sighed, already feeling the dull thump against your skull starting to form.
"So what now?" Barnes asks. He's less tentative than he was last night, but still soft-spoken when he talks.
"Well, you're stuck with me, bud. I'll do my best to get you prepped for the actual rehabilitation, but honestly, that might take a little longer than you'd expect. So, we'll just- well."
You eyed the outfit he was donning, which was literally your clothes- so it was a few sizes too small for him. He doesn't really seem bothered by it, and if it weren't for the fact that he's sort of proved himself to be neglectful of voicing his own preferences, you'd be a little more inclined to appreciate the view of one very, very beefy super-soldier.
But alas.
Life never really works in your favor, so.
"We'll need to get a few essential things out of the way. Food is already on its way, I assume you aren't allergic to anything?"
He pauses, and there goes that familiar glaze forming over his eyes. You sigh, knowing that he was probably searching through his mental "data-bases" for any allergies, but thankfully it's not long as he blinks back into attention.
"Yeah, I could'a figured, what with your super-soldier serum."
(You're pretty sure that also makes him immune to cancer, but maybe that's just you glorifying it.)
"So: the food situation is cleared. Now, we need to get you some new clothes because, uh, those don't look very comfortable."
"Comfort does not matter. I am adequately dressed."
You snorted. Maybe it's better that you don't tell Barnes that he's wearing a Sharknado tee and some sweats that have "Eat this!" printed on his behind.
(And maybe it's better that you didn't remember that yes, these are indeed still your clothes.)
"Comfort does matter, my guy. DAHLIA, take some quick measurements."
The kitchen light dims and brightens, shining lime green into the kitchen. It lingers and turns back into that white-blue that sometimes makes your eyes burn when you've been up for too late into the night.
"Seargent Barnes' measurements are now on file. You two want to see the available catalog?"
Right where the kitchen island was, a panel opens up to reveal a hologram of a bunch of articles of clothing, all of which has been adjusted to Barnes' size- or an approximate at least, since there's some that's labeled X or XL.
"Barnes? You got anything you want to do right now or...?"
You gestured to the hologram in front of you.
His face contorts a little, not too noticeable at a quick glance. He doesn't look uncomfortable per se, but judging by the downwards curl of his lips, he's definitely not excited to see the hologram.
You flicked your wrist and it disappeared just as quick as it appeared. Strangely enough, his expression doesn't loosen up as his eyes flicker upwards to yours.
"Hey, that's okay. If it's the hologram, that's no biggie, we'll just move over to the, uh, TV in the next room over. C'mon."
You jerked your head and motioned him to follow you. His face laxes and he walks behind you without a word.
You two ended up getting a lot done all things considered.
Barnes seemed pretty bothered by how many clothing choices there are, but when you asked if he wanted you to just curate a list for him, he easily relented. He was hovering over you the whole time, but you weren't too bothered by it as you were too busy browsing for him.
You went from site to site searching for clothes that screamed "The Winter Soldier", but all that was coming up was clothes in fifty shades of black and with no pizzaz. You did pass by a few Avengers-related merch (especially yours), but he said nothing when you added two or three into your cart, so he probably doesn't care. You did show him a lot of clothes that you thought would fit him, and he nodded to pretty much all of them.
By the time you were done looking for clothes, the doorbell had rung.
("That was quick," you reminisced. DAHLIA was quick to respond.
"It came from a nearby Walmart."
Barnes' head jerked as his eyes were trained on the entrance door. You patted his arm, and his eyes glance at you.
"Relax, it's just the food. DAHLIA ordered some groceries earlier."
You stood up to go answer the door, and Barnes followed suit. You raised an eyebrow at him, but he doesn't really seem like he's gonna back down anytime soon.
"You know... You can follow behind, but you're gonna have to be in the shadows or something 'cuz, you know... Just- if someone's still at the door, don't let them see you okay?"
He nods, almost mechanically so, and you turned around and walked to the entrance door.
Opening the door, you were greeted with a few big boxes. You raised an eyebrow and glanced out through the door; there are no cars nearby, and DAHLIA whispers in your ear that the clearing's safe- not a single life signature anywhere.
"Barnes, the coast's clear," you called out, already reaching down to grab one of the boxes. You grunt, adjusting your grip before you lifted and turned around.
Barnes, having already popped out of whatever dark corner he was in, is already a few feet behind you.
"Hey, you don't mind helping me bring in those boxes, will you?"
You were already walking past him, but you barely caught the briefest flash of furrowed eyebrows before you saw him walk over to the door. You mentally shrugged, but placed the box in the kitchen and went back over to the door to get the other one.
By the time you were done setting down the box, Barnes had already closed the door and was standing under the arch connecting the kitchen to the main hallway.
You motioned him over, and he complied.
"What is inside?"
You're almost proud that you didn't jump. He doesn't talk much, but when he does it always startles you.
"Groceries, but I don't know what specifically. DAHLIA chose all of it. And by the looks of it, she chose a lot. So. You're gonna help me unpack and we'll probably- well, I'll probably make some food. You can help if you want."
Your back was turned to him, and you started unloading the boxes and their contents. Barnes doesn't move for a hot moment, but he squats down next to you and starts unwrapping the smaller boxes that were inside it.
"You don't mind if I put on some music, right?"
You glanced at him.
"I... don't. Mind," he mumbles, tentatively glancing back at you. You gave him a brief thumbs up and turned your attention back to
"DAHLIA, play something chill. Low volume."
Pretty much, the whole day consisted of unpacking all of the groceries that had been delivered. You ended up pausing, having gotten tired of being awake without food in your stomach, and made some food for the two of you.
You tried conversing with him, trying to get him to at least feel more comfortable, and it... kinda worked. There are a few touchy subjects that he doesn't really seem to like talking about (he doesn't really vocalize his discomfort, but his flinches, no matter how minute they were, spoke louder than words). HYDRA, obviously. Anything revolving the Avengers put him off as well, among other things.
Really, most of the eating consisted of small talk and eating noises, but at least some of the tension in his shoulders had lessened by the time that you two needed to get back to unpacking. Hell, by the time that was done, Barnes' clothes had arrived.
(Oh, the benefits of being insanely rich. Say it with me kids: Thank you, Tony!)
You're usually a little apprehensive about buying clothes online, but color you surprised when not only did all of them fit; Barnes didn't have a single problem with any of them.
"You like 'em?"
You whistled when Barnes came out of his bathroom, now back in your clothes that you had given him originally. He tried all of them on, and you ended up buying him so many clothes that a lot of time had passed by the time he was done. You just sat on his bed, slowly collecting all of the clothes and ripping off the tags, damned if he didn't like one of them; you'll just take it instead.
"They're adequate," he nodded. In his hand were the folded clothes (A camo tee and dark sweatpants), and he set them onto his bed with the other folded clothes.
"Did any of 'em uncomfortable? Too tight, any of the fabric feels wrong...?"
You left the question open-ended as you helped him dump it into a laundry bin. He doesn't respond right away as if he didn't hear you. His eyes flicker over to yours.
"... No. They- I..." the muscle under his eye spasms, "I liked them..."
You grinned, "Glad to hear that, guess we got lucky that none of these was a dud, huh?"
The ghost of a smile that was on his lips appeared briefly, but it was gone just as fast as it had appeared.
Really, that had basically been the peak of the day before things had started to mellow out a little bit. But that was okay, you took whatever it was that Barnes gave, and if it was just the smallest smile you've ever seen on a man, then so be it.
Afterward, the day somehow managed to blend together and pass along like an exhale. Not much happened, since you couldn't really- well, offer anything that could scientifically and medically help him. So you opted to just- try to get him up to date as much as possible.
Honestly, by the time that you had gotten through the first three decades (starting when he was born), it was already pretty late into the night.
(He had a lot of questions, and you really didn't blame him. Hell, most of the more personal information really came from DAHLIA, because as much as you sympathized with the man, you really didn't care to learn about his whole entire biography.
But, at least you answered most of the history related questions. If you had to go through a few history college classes back when you were in college, then you'll be damned if you didn't at least make an effort to learn and internalize them.)
Barnes didn't really show any signs of exhaustion if the casual leg bouncing wasn't enough, but you sure were pooped.
(What? Unlike your dad (and most of the Avengers) you actually had a normal internal clock. For the most part, anyway.)
"Well, as much as I liked talking about prehistoric times," you sounded sarcastic, but you actually did like it, "I gotta sleep, I don't run on super-soldier energy like you do bub."
You stood up, stretched, and saw that Barnes was now standing up as well.
"Should I...?"
Raising an eyebrow, you huffed in good nature, "Go to sleep? Yeah, probably. We're not done with the History101 crash course, and we'll probably be talking about other things tomorrow as well," especially about the fact that you're not gonna be at the safe house often soon, "so we both need the energy for that. So, go clean up and get some Z's, yeah?"
He looked a little lost but followed you back into your shared hallway. Stopping in your doorway, you turned your head to glance at Barnes.
"Good night, Barnes," you nodded, not waiting for a response as you headed into your room. It was quiet and almost inaudible, but you still heard it with your ears before you had closed the door shut.
"... Good night."
You stood in your room, a sudden wave of both exhaustion and dread flooding your body. You shook it off though; it was just the nervous jitters hitting you at an inopportune time.
But really, you trusted your guts almost as much as you trusted Tony.
So as you brushed your teeth and did your business in the bathroom, you tried to quell the anxiety that was building up in your chest.
"DAHLIA, keep an eye on him."
"Gotcha, doll."
You sighed, dropped onto your bed, and hoped that whatever it was that might happen, you'd be prepared for it.
And lo and behold, it didn't even have to be the next morning before shit all hit the fan when DAHLIA wakes you up in the middle of the night (3 A.M., to be specific).
"-oll, wake up! Barnes is having a panic attack!"
It takes half a second to process the fear in DAHLIA's voice. It takes another to process her words.
Scrambling immediately out the bed, you thanked whatever higher being there is that you were sleeping with at least some sweatpants on as you booked it straight to your door and right through Barnes'.
(Maybe you should have joined the football team, because that would have been one wicked tackle. Ha, yeah right, you know nothing about football.)
The lights were on, most likely DAHLIA's doing, and his bedsheets were clearly mussed up. He's nowhere to be seen, so your eyes jump to the joined bathroom door, and lo and behold, there was light bleeding through the cracks.
You quickly approached the door and opened it, throwing away the worry that he might have been absolutely naked.
The good news was that he wasn't nude.
The bad news was that he was hunched over on the ground, right in front of the bathroom counter, and he's gripping his head so tightly you would have thought his skull would have caved in.
Terror shoots down your spine like a lightning bolt, and you immediately rushed to the curled over Barnes, adrenaline rushing through you as a million thoughts ran through your head.
He doesn't appear to hear you, groaning and panting as he further curled in on himself. His muscles spasm, hard, and you're at a loss at what to do. He's sickly pale, and the sheen on his skin makes you want to vomit. His panting is shallow, and if you weren't sure if the glint that shone in your eyes was the reflection off of the marble floors or a puddle of saliva coming from Barnes.
You're not sure if touching him right now is a good thing, but you'll be damned if he wasn't your responsibility now. You reach out to him, wrapping one arm around his hunched back and the other trying to pry at his wrists.
(Would you have touched him, if you didn't have the reassurance that DAHLIA has your back?)
(Shut up.)
Maybe you were tensing up for him to go all "Winter Soldier" mode on you, but he's the one that tenses, even more, when you touched him. Thankfully, he doesn't resist your pull as his arm is limp the moment you tried to pull it back, but it doesn't change the fact that he's shaking, badly, and your mind is frozen in limbo.
"DAHLIA, what-"
You're at a loss for words, but DAHLIA, sweet DAHLIA already knows what you were about to ask.
"Sergeant Barnes was displaying elevated levels of anxiety, however, it did not seem to warrant any mentions. I thought-"
She cuts herself off, almost as if she was worried that she had made a wrong call. You swallowed, knowing that despite being a baby A.I., she's never done wrong by you- both in the future and now.
"You thought what?"
You try to rub Barnes' back as if he was a dog that had needed soothing. He groans, but you're not sure if you should interpret that as a hurt groan or a relieved one. You paused and moved your hand away, hovering it just inches away from his back, and his breath hitches.
Your hand dropped onto his back once again, and you could feel the muscles on his muscles spasm a little; his whimpers aren't as loud and painful (though, they're still more than worrying).
So, on the very small bright side, back rubs don't seem to be hurting him either. It's a small win, but a win for sure.
"You- my visuals were clear in the conclusion that you saw it. His discomfort. Your body language and expression acknowledged it but you refrained from addressing it. I- acted under the assumption that it was all under control..."
Something in your mind pauses for a pregnant second before your eyes widened.
DAHLIA doesn't even get the chance to reply as Barnes jerks his hands away from yours and pulls at his scalp again. You lurched forward.
"Hey! No!"
You bit back a growl as you grabbed his wrists once again. You yank them back down to his sides as his body jolts, a sob ripping through him. You placed a hand on his chest and tried to boost him back up so he'll have his back against the bathtub that's behind him.
He offers little to no resistance as his back makes contact with the bathtub, but he's slumped into himself. He pulls his knees forward and curls his head into them. For a super-soldier, it's almost cute how hard he's trying to take up as little space as possible if it weren't for the fact that your heart was absolutely breaking at the sight of him.
"Oh, Barnes..."
In shuddered breaths, he mumbles something incoherent.
"...-an't, I- I- I-.... -can't..."
He shakes his head, jolting as if someone had shocked him. You rubbed his arm, glancing down at what you can now confirm to be a puddle of saliva, and then over to the trash can right next to the toilet. You're not too sure if you should get it just in case he decides to vomit, but you're ready to lunge for it the moment Barnes shows any signs of gagging.
"DAHLIA," you spoke at a lower volume, "what- when was he, um, uncomfortable."
"Two nights ago, roughly 22:00, when you told Sargeant Barnes that he was his own free man. Yesterday morning, 08:00, when you asked if he wanted to do anything prior to browsing the available clothing catalog. Right after, he was also discomforted by the catalog, before you offered to buy clothes for him. At-"
"That's- that's enough," you breathlessly muttered. DAHLIA doesn't say anything else, but the air has suddenly become heavier than you remembered.
Your head was almost dizzy with not only how many instances Barnes had been anxious in such a short time, but also at how you remembered each and every instance with startling clarity.
Barnes was anxious at the idea of freedom, but you put it off and opted to just give him a nickel tour of the house.
Barnes was anxious when you asked if he wanted to do anything before looking at clothes, but looked too relieved when you brushed over it.
Barnes was anxious at the idea of shopping for fucking clothes but was okay after you took over for him.
The taste of stomach acid burned your tongue, as yesterday's dinner threaten to rise at the implication of all of this.
"DAHLIA," you mumbled, "the- the rest of those instances- do they..."
You trained your eyes on Barnes.
"Do they all- follow the same... The same- pattern?"
DAHLIA was always in tune with you, even after the time jump.
"... Yes," she lamented.
Now, you're not sure who that trash can would be really for; you or Barnes.
You murmured quietly. He flinches, and his shaking hasn't gotten any better.
"What- what was it? Was it- was it all too much? God, I'm so sorry, it probably was, wasn't it? I should have- fuck, I should have taken it more slowly, I-"
Barnes shakes his head, stopping you in your rambling. You blinked rapidly.
"Then- was it..." you paused, "... Was it the choices?"
It's almost expected that he doesn't answer you straight away, but he nodded anyway.
"I... It was- it was too much- I couldn't- I don't know- I-"
His breath shuddered with each word as if it hurt him to just even speak right now. You shushed him, ignoring the intrusive thought that it was akin to shushing an animal.
"Hey, hey, it's- it's okay. You'll be okay."
It's not much, what you're saying to him, and it's no surprise that they didn't do much anyway.
Honestly, you didn't know what to say at this point. There didn't even seem to be any phrasing in the known English language that would be able to comfort a man with as much baggage on his shoulders as Barnes, and briefly, just briefly, you wished that you were literally anywhere in the world, but here.
You tried thinking about anything that came from your (albeit limited) interactions with him between the past days that would help ground him, before something jolts you from deep within.
("What are my mission parameters," Barnes asked from behind you.
You paused.
"Mission parameters?")
You didn't even realize that you had said that out loud, but Barnes had tensed up even more before you could even take it back. He held his breath, audibly swallowing.
("You don't need mission parameters, Barnes. You're your own free man. You can- can make decisions on your own. You don't need me to tell you what you need to do.")
("I... Don't understand...")
You spoke on impulse.
"You... You need them, don't you? Mission parameters."
Immediately, you regretted even speaking up just as those words left your mouth.
While every fiber in your being hoped that it wasn't true, there was a small inkling in your head that already knew the answer to your question. It was the only thing that was barely even logical enough to make sense.
His apprehension of making a choice.
How uncomfortable in his own skin he always appeared, despite it even being just a few days.
How relieved he always looks, when the choice was already made for him.
His body tenses underneath your hand, but it's the slight bob of his head that makes your stomach drop. You thought- what a fool you were- you thought he'd be okay without being ordered around, but that was nothing but wishful thinking.
(What was the saying? It's hard to teach an old dog a new trick, was it?)
Looking at how only a few days of what you had originally thought was Barnes' newfound freedom turned out to be much more of a nightmare for Barnes, it might just be better for the both of you to push aside your comfortability and start making an honest-to-God investment into Barnes' recovery, even if that means that you had to take a step backward.
A very, very risky step backward.
It was a shot in the dark, but it was the only thing that you could place your bets on for now.
You just hoped that your aim wouldn't fail you now.
"Okay, well... How about this, Barnes, here's your main- your main mission, okay? Become a free man. Hey, no, look at me," you swiveled his head so he could look at you. His eyes were panicked, crazed, and irredeemably sad, but you had to make sure nothing crossed through your face so he'd know that everything will be okay. Your grip on both sides of his face was firm as you pleaded with him.
"Your only 'mission' right now? Breathe," ironically, his breath hitched, "If not for your own sake, then for mine."
You swallowed, heart stuttering as you looked into his glassy eyes.
"Please," you let your desperate prayer lingered in the air.
Maybe it was being given a task to accomplish after days of trying to figure out what to do with his supposed new "freedom", or it was how non-labor intensive and just... simple, his new mission parameter was, but it was almost instantaneous how all of the tension in his body dissipated into thin air.
Witnessing the moment of mercy upon grief through Barnes, no matter how brief or temporary it may be, was almost cathartic.
(Perhaps you shouldn't be looking for absolution vicariously. But you were never really a good person, were you?)
A/N: I've read a lot of WinterIron fics. While I have read a lot of interpretations about how Barnes would have reacted when he was freshly freed from HYDRA, this is how I choose to interpret it- one that would best fit the story for now. Next chapter, since I couldn't fit it in this chapter, is a special, but it is very much important and related to the story, and Barnes as a character. If you're familiar with some WinterIron tropes, this won't be too foreign of an idea. Not too sure about other ships/ stories, but. Ah, I'm rambling. Anyways, see you next year lol.
Tagged: @unsolvetheheckoutofit @tonystanktheirondad @ludwigvonbaethoven @rspctot7 (if you’re not @/ fabledxmystery, so sorry for the mistag! LMK if it’s not you) @tolkoskott @klanceiscannon14 @deos-life (grr it won’t let me tag you) @kp1183 (kperla1183) @xyuriko-akamine (akabaneyuriko) @kettnerjanea​ @soldier-42 @daybreakmistakes @spnfanboy777 @crash-zite @jm-cy
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