#oh especially if youre subbing for a para. fuck
britneyshakespeare · 1 year
in a very strange way which confounds all logic and human emotion, i do enjoy substitute teaching
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owenepierce · 4 years
Sparks Fly || Para
Who: Sam Evans & Owen Pierce
When: July 4th, 2020
Where Out by the lake, Ozarks, Missouri
Notes: Owen pulls off the prank Sue assigned, and somehow it still winds up being cute af. @sammythedominant @miss-sue-sylvester
While Blaine was off hiking with his brothers (or brother, depending on the state of affairs between Blaine and Eric) Sam and Owen made the decision to head to the beach for their free time during the afternoon. Holding hands, they walked through the trail leading out to the shoreline and set up camp on the beach. It was a gorgeous day. There was a light breeze, but not enough to take away from the heat - meaning it was the perfect weather for a swim in the admittedly cold lake. Dropping his backpack in the sand, Owen wrapped his arms around Sam's middle and pressed a kiss to the man's chest. "I'm so frickin' happy right now, it's ridiculous." It was true, too. This trip was one that Owen knew he'd never forget, and it wasn't even half over yet.
Sam kept his own arm around Owen's shoulder, keeping the submissive close as they walked. He smiled as they made their way to the beach, and then chuckled as Owen pressed a kiss to his chest. "Good. If I have my way, I'm gonna spend a long time making you and Blaine very happy," Sam murmured, as he turned his head and pressed a kiss into Owen's hair. "You didn't want to go for a hike with the Andersons? I bet Blaine would've wanted you to, if you did."
Owen smiled even broader against Sam's chest in response to the other's words. "You're almost as much of a sap as I am, sir." He stated with a giggle, hugging himself a little tighter to the dom before he relented and stepped back a bit, still keeping his arm around Sam's torso as he looked out at the lake. Owen laughed weakly at Sam's suggestion. "Uhh, no. I don't think putting myself in the middle of the woods with Eric is like...the best idea right now. I know we'll get to a place where we can be friends, but right now I think giving each other some space is the best way to go about it. Besides, Blaine should have the time alone with his siblings - maybe it'll give them a chance to smooth over any issues I've caused..." Owen said a bit sadly, his bottom lip pouting out a little bit.
Sam shook his head instantly, and instinctively. "Stop that. You're not to blame here. This is just one of those things that happen when we're all crammed into one campus and expected to find people to live our lives with," Sam said firmly, before he reached out and ran his thumb over Owen's bottom lip. "It's amazing that this kinda thing doesn't happen more. But you did nothing wrong, and neither did me and Blaine, and neither did Eric," Sam reassured Owen gently.
Owen listened to Sam and the more he did, the more it actually made perfect sense. There was no way he could've known how well he'd mesh with Sam and Blaine when he first met Eric. Everything just kind of fell into place so perfectly and almost without any of them noticing there was nothing to be done at this point, and Owen felt like he was just wasting energy harping on it. "You're right," Owen stated with a sigh. "I just have to keep faith that everything will calm down on its own. In the meantime, though - I'm gonna stop bumming both of us out." He turned and pressed a quick kiss against Sam's lips. "Thank you, though. For making me feel better about the whole thing, and for being so understanding." Owen turned his gaze back to the lake in front of them. "We should go swimming soon! I'm a little overheated from hiking out here."
Sam smiled as Owen seemed to understand his point. He cuddled the submissive a little closer to him, and nodded. "I think it will. Eric's not the type to hold grudges, which is good because me and him have argued a few times," Sam admitted, with a shrug of his shoulders. "He just needs some time, which I think is fair," he added, before chuckling and nodding at Owen's promise to stop bumming them out. He grinned as Owen gave him a quick peck on the lips, and nodded at his suggestion. "Well...I don't bring any swimming gear with me, dude," Sam sighed dramatically, not even bothering to attempt to hide a grin.
Owen's interest was definitely a little piqued at the notion that Sam and Eric had argued before - but in the spirit of laying the topic to rest, he figured that it was best he ignore his curiosities and move on. Laughing at Sam's show of faux-dramatics, Owen nudged the dom playfully and rolled his eyes. "Oh no." Owen sighed out with the same amount of grandiose. "What ever will we do, sir? I can't have my king out here sweltering in this heat! I guess you'll just have drop the pants of go out in your birthday suit..." Owen toyed with the waistband of Sam's shorts, very purposefully dipping his fingers under the fabric to trace up the v-line of his hips. "Don't worry, though - as your prince, I'll skip the swimsuit too. As if you wouldn't order me not to wear one anyway..." Owen added teasingly.(edited)
Sam grinned as Owen nudged him, and started to play along. "Oh, no, I guess you're right," Sam laughed, as he Owen began to play with his waistband. His dick gave a little twitch at the thought of both of them skinny-dipping right now, and knew it was going to be a lot of fun. "Oh, I'd definitely order you not to wear one, you're right," Sam laughed, as he took over, and didn't hesitate to push down his shorts, leaving his naked from the waist down. "Come on, dude, let's hit that lake," he grinned eagerly.
No sooner had Owen slipped his fingers under Sam's waistband than Sam took it upon himself to drop his pants completely, leaving him clad in nothing but his shoes - which he quickly kicked off. Owen couldn't help the proud little smirk at the fact that Sam's cock was definitely starting to thicken at the mere idea of being naked together. Granted, Owen was dealing with a situation of his own, but he was always especially proud when he had that effect on Sam. "Alrighty, go wait for me by the water. I'm gonna get undressed - don't go in without me, though!" Owen brushed past Sam, making sure to give his cock a little tug as he did so. Squatting down to open his backpack, he saw the firecrackers Sue had given him earlier and an idea instantly dawned on him. Looking out to the water, he saw Sam standing there - cut, chiseled back, perfect ass, hands on his hips...it was a sight that had Owen melting on the spot. "Sir, you look so good! Stay there, I wanna take a picture... Just...look out at the water. It'll be a candid shot!" Owen called out, quickly shedding off his clothes and snatching up the firecrackers and the accompanying lighter. "St...Stay there, don't move! The lighting's like - perfect right now." Owen said as he hurriedly set up the firecrackers in the sand a safe distance away but close enough for the sound to get a definite reaction. Once the firecrackers were set up, Owen swiftly planted his phone on his backpack, turned his camera on, and began recording. "Just a few more, sir! These are coming out so, so well." Owen called out again, trying desperately not to laugh. Finally, he lurched forward and lit the firecrackers before stepping back and letting them go off with a loud BANG!(edited)
Sam was a little surprised Owen didn't want to just quickly strip off and run into the lake with him, but laughed a little as Owen promised to follow, and played with Sam's cock for a moment. "Eager boy," Sam teased, before he jogged down to the lake. He grinned as he looked out to the water and let Owen take as many shots as he liked. "These better not end up on instagram, Owen! My Mom would have a heart attack!" he called out, grinning to himself as he imagined his mother's scream as she scrolled her regular insta feed of recipes and her children's accounts. He rolled his eyes playfully as Owen promised it was just a few more shots, and was about to finally turn around to call Owen over into the lake, when he heard the noise. Sam practically jumped out of his skin with fright. He let out a yell before he toppled over, and fell, butt-first, into the water. "What the FUCK!" he yelled out, his eyes wide.
Owen brought a hand to his mouth as he laughed, but that technique to keep his giggles at bay was very quickly made useless when Sam completely fell over into the water. Clutching his stomach, Owen doubled over in giggles, his eyes tearing up as he did so. He barely managed to pull himself together enough to end the recording on his phone, slip it into his backpack and job around the smoking firecrackers and down to the shore, where Sam still was - sitting waist-deep in the lake. Catching Sam's bewildered expression, Owen broke out into laughter once more. "I-...hahaha I'm sorry. Oh my god! Your face!" Owen kept giggle, breathing heavily as he tried to regain his composure. "I'm sorry! Sue made me!" He called out, having a sinking feeling that Sam would be paying him back very, very soon.(edited)
Sam was lost for words for a few moments, as he heard Owen giggling. He knew he'd been pranked, but he still wasn't sure what had happened. He was still sat in the edge of the lake, and blinked as he realised Owen had moved, and was now laughing right next to him. As soon as Owen declared he was sorry and that Sue had made him do it, he reached out for the sub's arm and pulled down into the water, making him sit on Sam's lap. "Oh, you are so going to get it, Owen," Sam grinned at the submissive, and shook his wet hair.
Owen squealed as he was pulled into the water and into Sam's lap. "Ack, sir! It's cold!" Owen continued to laugh and giggle in spite of himself, wrapping his arms around Sam's shoulders and leaning back as the taller blonde shook out his soaking wet hair, spraying lake water all over him. Before long, they were both equally wet and laughing together. Catching his breath, Owen leaned in, resting his forehead against Sam's. "I really am sorry... Coach Sue was offering points for us to do these pranks. We get points and a day pass in exchange for doing it, though - and I thought you and I could use the pass to do something fun sometime." He pouted at Sam and shifted his weight so that he was straddling the dom in the water. "Don't be maaad." He drawled out playfully, still trying to stifle his giggles.
Sam laughed as Owen complained about the cold water, and didn't hesitate to hold the submissive close to him. He wanted to be sure Owen was safe in the water, but he also wanted to keep him as close as possible. He smiled fondly as Owen rested their foreheads against each other, and he nodded gently. "It's okay, you don't have to keep apologising," Sam promised. "That sounds like a great idea, we should definitely do that," he chuckled lightly, as Owen moved to straddle him. "Oh, I'm not mad. But I definitely think I'm glad I packed your pretty pink cage," Sam teased, as he reached down into the water to touch Owen's shaft.
Owen's breath hitched when Sam's hand wrapped around his length under the water. Letting out a little huff, he nodded gently, a twinkle of playfulness in his blue eyes. "I guess I totally had that coming, huh?" He rocked forward, tucking himself in against Sam so that the dominant's cock was tucked upwards between his bare ass cheeks. Rutting down a little he leaned in and pressed a kiss to Sam's lips, wrapping his arms around the other's neck and letting out a slight moan into the exchange. When they broke apart, Owen brushed Sam's wet bangs to the side, similarly to the way he had on that first night they spent together, when they talked on the bleachers after cheer practice. Sighing, he smiled down at Sam, taking a moment to really study the other's face. "You're kinda like...beautiful, y'know that?"(edited)
Sam grinned a little, and shrugged his shoulders. "You're not being punished, or anything like that. I want to make sure you know that," Sam said gently, and then groaned as Owen moved, and his dick pressed against the submissive's naked ass cheeks. He licked his lips, as he watched Owen while the submissive brushed his wet hair to the side. "Have you even seen yourself?" Sam asked in a quiet tone, as he reached up to gentle run his fingertips along Owen's cheek. "You're the beautiful one, sweet boy."
"I know, don't worry." He assured Sam, cutely nuzzling his nose against the dominant's. He used to think of chastity as some kind of punishment, but as he got more and more into the kink with Sam, he'd been viewing it more-so as little more than a focus-shift. It was a way of ensuring that every ounce of his attention was on pleasuring Sam. It also tended to make that moment when he finally earned his own pleasure all the sweeter. Owen leaned into Sam's touch, his eyes fluttering a bit as his smile broadened. "When you say it, I actually believe it..."
[fade to black...]
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vagoasdf · 7 years
Ahora, sigamos con Daybreak y Ward.
Nos quedamos entonces, en cuando la protagonista calmaba al hombre del auto.  Ahora, la chica decide irse al auto, y simplemente, quedarse allí. Esperar.
Una maniobra adecuada en mi opinion, todos son maduros, nadie deja la cagada,va bien.
Me gusta si como se respira el ambiente del hervidero, como todo queda la cagada. reflexiones como :
If he would’ve gone so far as to use violence, would it have been relentless, requiring people to pull him off, or would he have stopped the moment he was interrupted? 
Te hacen pensar en la chispa corta que esta en la sociedad: Todo se fue a la mierda, el mundo acabo, lo estamos reconstruyendo, y pocos se hacen cargo.
¿Hay algun gobierno que culpar?
 joder... la gente debe estar hecha bolsa
Ok, la gente se va,  la  protagonista se queda esperando a ver que pasa. a cada parrafo ella me gusta más. Esta bastante mas madura que Taylor, ya tiene una personalidad bien construida, mas entera. ¿Cuantos tendrá? una veintena? 21? no creo que menos que eso.
I didn’t want to say ‘sorry’, and echo the kid in the car.
I almost asked if there was anyone I could call.  I stopped myself when I realized the answer could be no.
...Ouch. Esa ultima frase duele. El pobre viejo estaba solo. Sin nadie, la placa era el recuerdo, quiza el ultimo, de un ser querido.
¿Como te reconstruyes de eso?
“How about we get away from here?” I asked, keeping my voice soft.  “We can go grab a coffee or tea, and you and I can talk.”
The man looked at me, as if just now realizing there was a person right next to him.
“It’s got to be better than violence,” I said.
“I don’t – I’m not violent,” he said, sounding very small.
Pero si nos empujan al limite...
Siento que Ward va a ser de eso, de la sociedad reaccionando mal, de como todo se esta yendo a la verga, y como la sociedad, impulsada por el odio ciego,empieza a destruir todo, y como nuestra protagonista va a tener que caminar entre calmar las cosas, y hacer las cosas que se deben hacer. Si, es otro dilema moral, distinto.
Behind me, it seemed.  A man in costume.  It was a good outfit, too, more in the dollars that had been put into it than in terms of looks, but that was personal opinion.  Partial discs of metal seemed to intersect his body, forming a look where he looked like a blender caught mid-whirl, axe blades and metal rings jutting from his breastplate, armguards, leg armor, and even his face, with blades running along one brow and cheekbone to frame one eye. 
Okay?...este parahumano no parece muy del lado de los superheroes, Demasiadas espadas filosas para eso.
Fuck me.  Not what we needed right now.
The old man started to stand.  I helped him.
Oh... no, un villano no se puede presentar justo ahora. Bueno, chica, a ver que pueden hacer tus poderes
“Can I do anything to help?” he asked.
“I don’t think so,” I said.  “Minor accident, we’re just waiting for cops to come and assess things, take numbers.”
Pues no, es un superheroe...¿entonces, que es lo malo?
I was barely done speaking when someone in the crowd said, “We don’t need you.”
...Hm... la sociedad resentida contra los heroes, ¿contra los poderosos? Esto es un hervidero, justo la situacion se habia calmado, y ahora hay un nuevo objetivo. Un heroe, de un equipo, en medio de todo esto... 
¿Hay algo que me estoy perdiendo? ¿tan fuerte es el sentimiento anti-heroe?
He nodded.  He looked deeply disturbed by the one comment he’d heard.
Claro...intentas hacer las cosas bien, intentas ayudar a los demas, y solo recibes un escupitazo en la cara...
No, definitivamente las cosas en Ward no van a estar bien... La situacion con los que no tienen poder va a empeorar antes que mejorar, y las cosas son un barril de polvora.
La protagonista recuerda uno de los primeros heroes.de hecho, el primer heroe en morir, el primero despues de Scion. paralelos con la situacion actual.
Parrafo indicado: 
Still, the general setpieces were here.  The barely restrained emotion.  The lack of care.  The ill-timed intervention of the man in costume.  The lack of respect in particular was in play.  For Vikare, it had been because so many people hadn’t truly believed the powers were real, and he had apparently held back to avoid scaring people.
For this cape from Advance Guard, it was the opposite.  He’d gone all out, we’d gone all out.  Capes still hadn’t been able to stop the world from ending
¿Sera posible que la protagonista no tenga poderes? dice que quiere ser la de la multitud que ayuda, que hace algo por el bien...sería interesante, que en medio del polvorin de aquellos que son normales, contra los parahumanos, nuestra protagonista sea una parahumana.
Aunque...sería raro, no, definitivamente no.
De todas maneras, nuestra protagonista conoce bastante bien a las masas,  y sabe que no puede hacer mucho, esta tratando las cosas lo mejor que puede, pero no puede atacar las olas de odio y de resentimiento. Joder. 
“She’s a kid who made a stupid mistake,” I said, in case he was trying to come to a decision.  “You don’t have to forgive her, but you can’t go and hurt her or anything.”
“I wouldn’t have…” he said, and he didn’t finish the sentence.  Because he might have, or because he didn’t know what he wouldn’t have done.
.Bleak World.
me pregunto si esta usando paralelismos de la situacion actual en las calles de muchas partes del mundo.  La situacion actual resuena mucho: Personas comunes empujadas a los extremos por una situacion que no conocen bien, que no controlan, y en la que no pueden ejercer poder.
y estan chatos de ello.
Si, puedo entender a la sociedad.
As in most things having to do with law or bureaucracy, it took longer than it should have, for a relatively simple process.  I hurried to the high school once they were done with me, and I arrived rather late. 
Profesora? Mish, puedo respaldar eso.
Ademas, puntos: no le agrada la burocracia, pero la conoce.
We still weren’t at the point where we had nice lawns and yards.  This schoolyard was no exception.  We had grass and fields, yes, but it was coarse and the ground beneath wasn’t usually landscaped.  The area was large with large trees left untouched in the corners, chain link fence separating the field from the roads on two sides, the grade school formed the third boundary to the west, and the high school formed the fourth boundary to the north.  The ground was uneven, more hilly than flat, and there were still large stones here and there, and a seemingly out of place play structure for the grade schoolers.
Una escuela de despues del apocalipsis. Me gustan estas frases, no tenemos siquiera tiempo para dedicarnos bien a la educacion, hay que sobrevivir
Los estudiantes, los niños, los refugiados. 
Un tercio de ellos, refugiados.
E igual que la masa anterior, en cualquier lugar, una polvora puede saltar. Me encanta como ya estamos viendo los conflictos principales. Esto no es algo de supervillanos o de sociedades secretas: La masa, la sociedad en si, la cultura. Esos son los enemigos.
“…And I make that a guarantee to you,” a man in an orange vest was saying. “If you take those credentials, bring good shoes and work clothes, and if you don’t screw around, you can walk into any lot and you can be working within the hour and get your pay by that day’s end.  Good pay.  You can do whatever you want, after school, but you’ll always have this as a fallback, you’ll have the security of being able to walk into a lot and have a job waiting for you.  We can always use more hands.”
Enfasis mío. Joder.  No, no hay espacio para la educación, el ambiente post-catastofre es similar al de post guerra... los niños deben trabajar, no se puede todo, todos estan tenso, todos buscan culpas
I spotted Gilpatrick on the stage 
..Quien se puede llamar Gilpatrick?
 Ok, enserio, enserio, a ver, la protagonista trabaja entonces con ellos? ¿con este sistema?  ya veo, con razon sabe manejar masas, y sabe lo que pasa. 
¿Es parte de este cambio? ¿tiene que controlar esto?
¿Es el nuevo Protectorado? ¿el nuevo PRT? La mayoría son cabros chicos, o bueno, no tan chicos, adolecentes mayores que estan trabajando, unos cuantos adultos.
Tambien, interesante, hay escuela solo cada medio dia.
Bueno, Gilpatrick (voy a llamarlo Gil) parece ser como el jefe, y parece ser como de estos entrenadores que dejan las cosas duras, y prefieren como imponer disciplina y ser como: “ la vida es penca, handle it.” Sin embargo, la gente, o al menos, algunos, los quieren.
Los adolecentes al menos del grupo lo hacen
“It gets through to most,” Cubs said.  He was a big guy, tall, broad-shouldered, fit, with his hair cut short.  He thought for a second and then amended his statement, “some.”
“Us,” Jasper said.
“Guess so, yeah,” Cubs said.
I didn’t miss the glance he shot at the girl at the far end of our little sub-group.  Cami wore an expression I might have termed ‘resting angry face’.  Perpetually pissed.
Cubs, Jasper, Cami. Los primeros dos parecen tener un gran aprecio a lo que esta haciendo Gil, o a Gil en general, Cami no tanto. Son los veteranos aparentemente... tenemos nuestro primer cuarteto de personas.
Todas comunes, todas normales, yep, parece que nuestra prota es una ciudadana promedio.
Bueno, no es parte del grupo, es mas bien como...una especie de oficinista, como de administradora (todavía no descarto, poder mental bajo, lo mantiene oculto despues de GM), de un grupo que parece...al menos un poco paramilitar, pero con cabros chicos. como los.. ¿Ward Mundanos?
¿Ella es una Ward? ¿Estan formando de nuevo los Wards? hold. Debo leer.
“I’ll let Gilpatrick know you’re there,” Jasper said.  He extended a fist.  I rolled my eyes and instead of tapping it with my own, pushed it away.  Jasper smiled. 
Casi Jasper, Casi.
Ostias el capitulo es muy largo, un quiebre aca, que entra a la oficina, y sigo
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