#i make less than minimum wage in my neighboring state for subbing
britneyshakespeare · 1 year
in a very strange way which confounds all logic and human emotion, i do enjoy substitute teaching
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #104
(taken january 22nd; uploading surveys taken while gone)
Have you ever been for a ride in the back of a truck? Yeah, when I was way younger.
Did your grandparents teach you anything? To not be an old-fashioned, holier-than-thou piece of fucking garbage that refuses to change with the times and kiss the feet of an invisible mass murderer in the sky.
What are the longest and shortest romantic relationships you’ve been in? Longest, over 3 1/2 years. I was with Juan less than 24 hours.
Have you ever been obsessive over calories, exercise etc.? I've had multiple phases of this.
What are you listening to? So Rammstein's vocalist has an independent band as well and I sometimes explore his solo work and I'm currently obsessed with "Ich weiß es nicht" and I've just fully accepted chaotic 50-60 y/o men dominate my interests lmfao
How is the weather outside? It's raining. I wish it would just snow already, I really wanna get pretty winter weather pictures this year.
List eight things you like about your best friend. He is extremely patient, absolutely hilarious, a strong listener, the most loyal person I've ever met, very obviously genuinely cares about me, he's a very hard worker that's super dedicated to whatever he sets his mind to, he's very good with animals (especially dogs), and he's super intelligent.
List two favourite colours. Pastel pink and coral.
What was the last book you read? I started Wings of Fire: Talons of Power the other day.
How many best friends do you have? I only feel like I'm being entirely accurate in the sense of what I consider an absolute best friend to be when I answer with Girt, but I know some people will be like "oh he doesn't count" because he's my partner, but whatever. If not him, then it's Mom, buuuut again, I know some won't consider that a valid answer. My closest friends that are just friends and not blood or anything are both Tez and Mazzy, though.
Are you holding back doing or saying anything? Yeah, I guess. Nothing very important, though.
Have you ever been used? Oh I'm sure I have been, in one way or another.
Are you pregnant? Zero chance of that.
Do you want to be? BIG no on that one.
Can you describe your entire family in three words? Complicated, strained, distant.
What’s the first thing you see when you look out your window? Our road and houses across the street.
What’s your favorite fair food? I actually don't know; I've been to so very few and tried barely any food. I do know that I actually don't like funnel cake, though.
What’s something you always wear, even in the shower? Piercings.
How did you feel after your first kiss? There was a whole lotta butterflies and shyness but also tons of happiness and peace and the feeling that I was in the midst of something wonderful. Girl if you only knew lmfao
What’s your state's or country’s minimum wage? $7.25/h 🙃 proven to be properly unlivable here
What was the best thing you ever did for your parents, legal guardians or parental figures? hell if I know honestly
Have you ever worn a suit? No but women in suits is FUCKING HOT
Would you rather make 2D or 3D art? 2D. Sculptures and stuff aren't my thing, at least when it comes to ME making them. I love looking at that kinda stuff, though.
Do you eat candy corn? No, I hate that shit.
Were either of your parents baptized? I can absolutely, positively guarantee my mom was, but idk about Dad.
The last concert that you were at, was there a mosh pit? Nah.
Do you think pepperoni would be good on a meatball sub? I don't even like meatball subs to begin with because the bread gets so damp and gross.
Has anyone killed one of your pets before? Well, yes. Growing up we had cats get hit by cars a lot. I've told the story of our then-neighbors' rottweilers getting loose and going on a cat massacre once too, but I honestly don't blame the owners and haven't for a very, very long time. Those dogs were smart and it wasn't like them getting loose was even a remotely common thing. It was entirely an accident.
Does your bathroom have a theme to it? Neither one does.
Are any rooms in your house themed? Not really. I WANT to redesign mine with more of a nature-y vibe, though.
Is there someone that you have lost respect for recently? My grandmother, who I ALREADY didn't respect at all.
Have you ever edited an article on Wikipedia? No.
Do you remember your first love? I am not AT ALL exaggerating the times I say that I very sincerely doubt that I would forget Jason even if I developed dementia/Alzheimer's. Some patients do remember specific details of their lives and I am fully convinced that would be me with him.
What is something you can never give up (that's not love or family)? The Internet, lmao.
Have you ever waited in line overnight for something? No.
Is there such a thing as being too rich or too poor? Obviously?????????????
Go back to your freshman year; what kind of music were you listening to? Same stuff as now, various forms of metal, but I would also listen to more scream-y stuff.
Do you have an alter ego? Describe them: No.
What is something you think about yourself that nobody agrees with? That I'm incredibly dumb. People who know me, especially family, always love to point out I'm "super smart" (when it comes to book-type knowledge, everyone knows I have terrible common sense) but I very much feel like they just think about how I performed up through high school. I don't know WHAT happened once I started college (my one and only guess is that my trauma genuinely affected my memory and even how I register information), but it did a fantastic job at making me feel appallingly stupid and unable to process new information. It's probably always going to upset me, how much I changed in terms of learning.
What about something people think of you that you don’t agree with? That I handle kids quite well. I always feel like I'm doing or saying the total wrong thing and acting awkwardly, and even seeing evidence that kids DO seem to gravitate towards me doesn't make me believe that I'm actually good with them.
What is your favourite type of video game? Horror, esp psychological-type horror.
Do you sometimes pretend to do things you dont know how to do? No, that sounds like a bad idea.
If you have tattoos, which one that you have was the most painful? I want to say my inner forearm, I think.
Do you have any pets who will bite anyone else out there, besides you? No.
If you died right now, what would be your biggest regret? Never feeling like I found my place in the world.
What do you believe was your greatest achievement? Healing from the breakup. I know it sounds super little and unimpressive, but when you know how desperately I just always wanted to be dead and the psychological damage it all did that I STILL deal with, you'd realize it was a feat of fucking strength and self-love that I frequently forget about.
What have you learned from pain? To cherish every single moment without it and to also have empathy and understanding.
What was the last text or IM you sent? Girt was asking about moving our hangout day to Wednesday, which I told him was fine; he just feels like having the weekend to himself. I wanted to see him, but I'm not actually upset at all; he's allowed to have time with himself, even if I WASN'T okay with it.
What is the simplest way to make you happy? Talk to me about meerkats or Rammstein or Silent Hill and stuff lmao.
When was the last time you had deja vu? Actually when I was writing an RP post yesterday, it was really weird.
Is there something you are always interested in? The main topic of deep interest that has prevailed the longest is meerkats.
Do you like buffet restaurants? I really don't, I find the concept super gross with how people are.
When was the last time you felt like you were starving? Full realism, I've never felt like I was sincerely, truly starving because I never factually have been. Yeah, I exaggerate and sometimes am like "I'm starving" when I mean I'm super hungry, but I'm fully aware I'm actually not. I consider myself an incredibly lucky person to have constant access to some kind of food.
Would you ever dye your hair all the colors of the rainbow? If my hair would actually take it and it wasn't absurdly expensive, fuck yeah.
What has made you laugh lately? I've been watching a lot of Game Grumps lately, and they do very, very easily. More than any other YouTube channel on a consistent basis.
If a Miley Cyrus song was playing in a store, would you leave? Oh, grow up. I'm not leaving a store I went to to get something I need or even just want just because a fucking song comes on.
Have you ever actually discovered someone watching you? No, thank the fucking lord. That would REALLY creep me out.
What would you do if you found an inappropriate picture of yourself online? I would be EXTREMELY freaked out because I've never taken an inappropriate picture of myself and I've never allowed anyone else to either, so someone would've done it in secrecy. I'd also be absolutely fucking humiliated because I hate my body. I'd absolutely try to figure out who got the picture and try my absolute damnedest to get it taken off the Internet.
What do you think of Facebook? I use it to keep tabs on people I care about and also see memes haha, plus other cool or motivational/inspiring stuff, but it DOES sometimes negatively affect me in the sense it makes me feel insanely behind in life.
Would you rather have Junior Mints or Reese’s? Reese's.
Have you ever taken a Polaroid? I'm quite sure I haven't, though I would actually really like to have a Polaroid-type camera. I can absolutely see the aesthetic appeal of them.
When was the last time you felt pressured? This past Friday Emerson wanted to play catch with one of her toys for a little bit, and though I didn't really want to because I was reading a book, I obviously did.
How many times have you broken a bone? Once.
Do you have a preference of chocolate? Milk chocolate with either a peanut butter or caramel interior.
Do you have a favorite author? Nah I really don't.
Do you own anything “designer?” Definitely not. I ain't got that kind of money.
If you had to draw your life, what would it mainly include? A lot of mental illness imagery and also Jason. Mom.
What is your favourite dinosaur? It's always been the spinosaurus. I also really love velociraptors, but their understood anatomy has changed a whole lot. I've found I prefer less feathery dinos. The Jurassic Park iteration of them are more my style.
Have you ever made bread? I personally haven't.
Would your childhood self be disappointed? UH, YEAH.
Has anything ever fallen asleep on you? Yeah, pets, partners, kids. Maybe sisters at some point.
What do you feel about surgeries? Do they worry you? Well, they worry me NOW because I learned sleep apnea (and mine is apparently severe) is a dangerous complicator in surgeries. I've also wondered if my nightmares could be an issue... I also have a considerable fear of anesthesia awareness, but it's not absolutely overwhelming.
Do you have a Tumblr? My Tumblr was (I'm assuming) accidentally terminated over a month ago and I am STILL waiting to hear back from them, even after sending a second report. 🙃 I've been tempted to go back to my old email account (that one was ALSO randomly terminated after a theme edit but was restored), but I really don't want to so am trying to wait. I just don't at all see what in the world I could've done wrong to be fairly banned.
Would you ever consider moving to another country? Realistically I don't think I will. My mom has basically begged us girls to stay together and prioritize our family bond because our extended family ALL live out of state, usually many states away.
Would you like to live in a realm where the zombie apocalypse is possible? How do we know the one we live in now isn't? Zombifying parasites already exist in simpler, smaller organisms; who knows what the future holds. I do remember reading a scientific article about it for some reason just not seeming possible for humans with our current biological knowledge, but. Who knows. BUT ANYWAY, I would DEFINITELY prefer it to not be possible. I will never understand the absolute maniacs that basically fetishize that universe, like bitch you will die within the first couple days like basically everyone else, stop pretending you're a godly badass in the face of a horde of dead humans that are deadset on eating you and accept you're gonna shit your pants like everyone else lmao.
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