#im gonna do the elementary school tomorrow though. good for me
britneyshakespeare · 1 year
in a very strange way which confounds all logic and human emotion, i do enjoy substitute teaching
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rex101111 · 17 days
Whee time to slap stickers on things! 🎱🍓🐇🧃 🍄🦷🥐🧩
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
User Subscriptions:84
Comment Threads:621
Word Count:313,916
No idea how much this stacks up to others but im pleased with it XD surprised how many subscribers i have though :O
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
"...man...these demons in naruto are kinda cool...huh...i wonder if one of them was a dragon...waaaaait a minute..."<-11 year old unaware he's about to discover the joy of writing his favorite cartoons in various situations. No seriously. 🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
Much as i appreciate the appeal of self inserts, personally if im going to add anything i'd prefer if it was a different thing from myself. Then again all creative work is an extention of at least even a fragment of the self...meh. Seriously though, I don't do much of either but given the choice id just go with OCs.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I went to a sort of private elementary school that had an honest to god zoo. like, a pretty small petting zoo type thing you can just...go to during recess and pet animals. all sorts of animals too, horses, parrots, a reptile house. my favorites were the weasels though. super friendly and they loved to eat cottage cheese.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Baiken can cook, and after everything settles down she insists on cooking when Anji's birthday rolls around. She cooks like the person eating is planning to go on an expedition, calorie rich, large portions, plenty of salt and fat because the body is gonna need those if you're gonna go out and run around somewhere dangerous for a while. Usually the most dangerous place Anji goes to after finishing one of his Birthday Meals is the hallway between the kitchen and the bedroom. Since doing so keeps him out of trouble, Baiken considers this a success.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Don't. Force it. Just don't. Every day sit down and give it a try, see if anything comes to you, but if nothing does? Close the doc, take a breath, and go do something else. And I do mean do, like make yourself something to eat or attend to something else you have going on, read or, whatever. Unless you have a literal deadline over your head, forcing it will just piss you off and bum you out. It's okay not to write every day, it's okay not to have anything come out, just leave it alone and check on it tomorrow. It'll be there for you to try again, promise.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
*enthusiastic live action bowser voice* MONKEY! :D
i have no earthly idea why, but years and years later, still gets me.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
no paragraph breaks. full stop on that one. i see a wall of text and i turn around like that one grandpa simpson meme. no thank you. you could have the second coming of the epic of gilgamesh hidden in there but i ain't spending the time to excavate the damn thing. learn how to format your fics, god's sake.
also 1st person POV. sometimes. some fics have done good work with it...very, very few though.
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression: Niconama Vol:5 - Takoyaki party.
Part 2 (To part 1)
J: So, we're watching chef Kaoru work..ah, "Can't see for the flag", ah,  we moved the flag, now you can watch Leader cooking in all his glory.
T: Ok, now put the powder in this bowl.
J: Oh, the measuring thing is called a 計量器(*keiryōki - measuring device). I really don't know anything. And next, we put water in. When do we put the egg in? Not yet?
T: Ok, Joe, a quiz for you? When does the egg go in?
J: Ehh?! Well, now right? On top of the flour...and then the water?
T: Haha, yeah.
K: Well, we can put water in first.
J: Oh really?
K: Yeah, if we're mixing it all up together anyway, it doesn't matter which goes first.
J: Of course, yes.
K: Haha. Water in.
T: I'll pour it in one go.
J: "Cooking Kaoru is so precious"
K: Now the egg. *cracks it with one hand*
J: Cool! One-handed!
T: Did you catch that on camera, the one handed egg cracking?
K: Leader can do it one-handed.
J: Can you show us again? Oh, we only need one egg?
K: Yeah, only one. Then mix.
J: Oh, that tapping thing.
T: Joe, I think you are the only one who calls it that. I bet everyone will be calling it that tomorrow.
T: Ah, "one-handed cracking", "He's good at it" , "Im missed it". You can re-watch it! 
J: Ah, with time shift.
T: Yeah.
J: Please do, and remember that tapping thing.
T: Haha, it looks like they like that.
J: Everyone say that tomorrow when you are cooking, other people will be like, 'Huh??' Thats the story of my life, haha.
K: They do say that, don't they?
T: You're doing well after a month away though, Joe.
J: Ah, it was lonely
K: Really??
J: Yeah, it really was.
K: It wasn't like that for us.
T: Haha
J: Hey, I was hoping you'd say you were lonely too.
K: Takumi joined us, right? Takumi might not have wanted to go if you were there.
J: No, well, ive spoken to Takumi quite a few times at lives, we are not that distant, I mean, Im not sure...but he hasn't contacted me since , haha.
T: No, but Takumi's cookies were really good!
K: Yeh, and he came as a guest on the second day of Tora no ana, and he brought some more with him then. They were good.
T: Did you share them with everyone?
K: Ah, no, I had them myself.
J: Ahh, one of these days Takumi needs to open his own store.
K: Yeh, we could hold an event sometime for Takumi's cookies.
J: Ah, people are saying they want you to sell them at lives.
T: Oh, 20mins have passed already, that was quick!
J: Well, what should we do, should we hear some of the birthday messages that people have sent in? Tasai could you read some? Kaoru, are you gonna start cooking?
K: Not yet.
T: Ok, I'll read some messages. From Asako san, "Kaoru san, Happy Birthday. How many outfits did you take with you to Tora no ana? I couldn't decide what I wanted to wear, I ended up taking 8 outfits, my suitcase was packed!". So, how many did you take?
K: About 3 I think.
J: 3? Did you wear all of them?
K: Yeah. My suitcase was full too.
J: Well, cause its winter, right?
K: Yeah, you wanna take stuff just in case.
J: Ok, so 3 outfits.
T: Alright, next from Momoka san, "Its my first message"..Thank you.." Happy Birthday Kaoru. Im a third year elementary school girl.
J, K: Ohhh!
T: "My mum has taken me to your lives 4 times, and I became a fan of you! I will keep supporting you, so please keep doing what you're doing!
K: Thank you.
T: We should say Momika chan, right?
J: How do you feel getting support from a little kid?
K: Was she ok at our lives??
J: No, but going to see Dir en grey from age 4...
K: Won't she ???? On the other hand, it might help her grow up well, if she knows about all sorts of things.
J: Yes, cause there's not much of this type of thing in the world. Amazing, a third year student? She might be a your youngest fan.
T: We also have messages from overseas. From Diana san, this is written in Japanese, "We love you so much from America! Happy Birthday Kaoru ♥"
J: Ahh, from America.
T: We also have overseas messages from Saku san, Perry san...there was one from Russia too.
J: Russia?! Tasai, can you read Russian?
T: No...but where was it? I just had it. Oh, here it is. How do I say the name..Oracle san? "Happy Birthday. Something something something"
*Kaoru takes paper*
J: Huh? Kaoru, can you read it??
K: You can use apps to read it, right? *gets phone out*.
J: Ohh, these are the times we live in now. You don't have to write in sentences? Can an app do that?
K: You just have to get it in shot.
T: Ah, "My 2yr old loves Dir".
K: Huh? *reading phone app* Happy Birthday..three happy people..
T: That means its a nice message, right?
K: Its talking about us 3?
J: Yeh, maybe. Thank you! Im so glad people are aware of this show, and contacting us.
T: Ok, we'll read some more fan messages in the second half. We got all these *holds up paper* Thank you so much everyone!
J: Well, now, we are getting close to..
K: The end??
J: No, we've just started, you havn't even cooked them yet! I mean, the first half of the show is nearly over. We've finshed making the batter, but before we cook it, we are gonna have a bit of fun. Cause its a party, yeh? We have some fun stuff prepared. Its this..tadaa!....oh, nothing happened. Nothing happened when I said tadaa. Oh, I should just show this? Oh, I'm sorry, shall we try that again? haha. We have some fun stuff prepared for the takoyaki party.
K: I'll just keep mixing this batter.
J: Yes, you do that, its just about finished, right Kaoru? So, we are gonna do something fun before we cook it.
T: What is it??
J: Its this...tadaa! *shows card with maid aprons on it* Cameraman, zoom in. So that we don't get food or cooking smell on our clothes, we have prepared various aprons. So, next we will do a lucky draw to see who has to wear which apron. No matter which one you get, its kinda tough, right? Number 1 is wakazuma/young wife style, as is number 2. Next, number 3 is okami-san/landlady style, then we have maid version 1, and maid version 2.
T: Kaoru is gonna wear one of these, right?
K: No, all three of us are.
J: Yeah, all three.
T: All three?! Aghh.
J: Well, we wore pretty silly costumes for Halloween, didn't we? So..
T: Well, yeh.
J: Someone asked, "Is the management ok with this?"
T: Yeah, they said they are.
K: They are not here at the moment, are they?
J: Yeah, there's no one here.
T: We'll do it while they're not here.
J: I wonder if the viewers have any preferences about which ones they want us to wear? I mean, we aren't gonna decide like this, we'll do a lucky draw, but... what do you guys wanna see? Oh, Kaoru as a maid, or a young wife? Yeah. Its like the management ran away..."Cook's apron"...."naked with an apron"??  No, we are not gonna go naked with aprons. haha. "Young wife, young wife" "the frilly one" "maid"..ah, opinion is quite divided isn't it?
T: Yeh.
J: Is there any one which you want to wear, Leader? There must be, right? As for me, I would say what I don't want.
K: Hm, any of them is fine.
J: Any? Ohh. Ok, well, lets do the lucky draw. There is one card for each number in the box, we just gotta decide who draws first. So, lets do rock paper scissors, and whoever wins, picks first.
J: Ok, Leader, you lead.
*They play, Tasai wins*
T: Ok, I'll go first.
K: Lets pick them out first, and reveal all at the same time.
J: Oh, yeh. Im trying to figure out which is the worst...maybe the maid. We're definitely gonna get one of these each though.
K: Well, only three.
J: There's young wife - one and two, landlady, and maid - one and two. Ok, lets reveal to the camera all together. Readddy...go! Ahh, what did Leader get? Show us.
T: Maid 1
J: Ahh, Leader got Maid 1. Tasai got..Young wife 2. I got Maid 2. This is gonna look like something straight outta hell.
K, T: Hahaha
J: This is like the worst combination, right? Two maids, and a young wife.
K: Yeah, its pretty cringey.
T: Is this???? I'm gonna wear this.
J: *sings* 'Higashi no wakazamakaze'. You need a cushion too. So, whoever wants to see this hellish image of us, and Kaoru wearing aprons, we'll be doing this in the second half. Also, I'll tell you how you can do this. I know you probably already know, because we've done this a few times already, but..Anyone can watch the first half of this show for free, but the second half is for subscribers only, so if you want to see Kaoru in an apron, you will have to register. If you register, you can watch this broadcast as many times as you like in the archives for one year. And we also have an extra members only video for you, to be available in the coming days. There is a blue link appearing at the top of the screen now, and you can sign up here. Is it there, Kaoru is pointing, at the top, this is where you can join. If you havn't already registered, please do. Its not very difficult. Step 1, click the link and a payment method screen will appear. Step 2, choose credit card, paypal, whatever method you like, click proceed, and enter your payment details. Its easy, just two clicks. Please register, everyone. So, in the second half, we will actually cook and eat the takoyaki,  plus you can see Kaoru in the apron...what was it again...maid 1. But actually, it is black..so it just about works for you.
K: Yeah, haha...I don't know.
J: And, actually, because its your birthday, we might be getting a special message from someone who is familiar to you, who the fans will all surely know too.
K: Ehh?
J: So thats another surprise we have planned
T: You're prepared, Joe.
J: Its not me, its the staff. They wanna celebrate Leader. You wanna know who sent the message, right, guys? Well, channel members have that to look forward to. Also, as for the members only video that I mentioned before, this time it will be a baseball talk about Kaoru's faves, the Hanshin Tigers.
K: Yep.
T: We have to do this before the season starts, right?
K: Yeah.
J: So we will record that after this live broadcast finishes, and channel members will be able to watch it in a few days. So please look forward to that. So, its about time now, its over 30 mins. The screen will change in a moment, but we'll be back straight away for the second half. Please register, and join us for that. Are you good, everyone? Did you register? Ok, see you in the second half! Yehy.
To part 1
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ya-doyoungie · 3 years
get to know me tag!
tagged by @fleeceyang!! thank you for the tag cutie <3 i'm gonna tag @tensuperm @demonhaechan @clovdless @wehotwesauce @tvonq @shotarology
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What day is your birthday? 14th
What is your favorite color? i'm indecisive because it normally is based on what colours i like to wear in that moment, so i'll say sage green for now :-)
What’s your lucky number? 14! (for obvious reasons)
Do you have any pets? i'm adopting a senior cat tomorrow!!! i'm so excited!!
How tall are you? 5ft2 / 158cm on a good day
How many pairs of shoes do you own? too many... at least 11
Favorite song? right now it's a toss up between industry baby by lil nas x and d.o's new album rose!!
Favorite movie? i'm gonna cheat and say favourite movie genres: historical romance (i could probably recite pride & prejudice, i also love emma, becoming jane, etc.), mindless action movies (mission impossible, fast n furious series, etc.), and concert documentaries!
Who would be your ideal partner? well i'm a libra, so according to ~the stars~ im compatible with geminis, leos, sagittarius and aquarius.... but generally my ideal partner loves to laugh, doesn't take themselves too seriously, but open minded and willing to grow with me
Do you want children? depends on who i'm having them with, pregnancy scares the shit out of me though
Have you ever got in trouble with the law? just face offs with police in protests, nothing serious
Baths or showers? showers because im impatient
What color socks are you wearing? purple!
What type of music do you like? as a music major i dread this question because people always expect something ~profound~ but i listen to pop, hip hop, and kpop of course. it's all about the vibes.
How many pillows do you sleep with? at least 2
What position do you usually sleep in? on my right side
What you don’t like when you are sleeping? when there's a strong draft in the room and makes my throat dry up
What do you typically have for breakfast? i try to eat something filling like eggs and toast when i have time, but im a whore for sleep so i just make some vietnamese coffee and chug a glass of water
Have you ever tried archery? not properly, just toy bows and arrows haha
Favorite fruit? watermelon and lychee ftw
Favorite swear word? shit
Do you have any scars? here n there
Are you a good liar? only when i'm lying to my parents
What is your personality type? last time i checked i'm an enfj
What is your favorite type of girls? i love women in a feminist way but also in a gay way, i love all non-men
Are you an innie or an outie? outie gang
Left or right handed? right handed
Favorite food? i love japanese food!
Favorite foreign food? uhhh i'll say italian
Are you a clean or messy person? depends on my mental health, but i do try to keep things clean
Most used phrase? me and my best friend have been saying "swag" in response to things again ... that's right we're bringing it back
How long does it take for you to get ready? a long ass ride time, probably upwards to 1-2 hours
Do you talk to yourself? not really
Do you sing to yourself? all the time
Are you a good singer? im alright
Biggest Fear? loneliness
Are you a gossip? im on twitter so... yea sometimes unfortunately
Do you like long or short hair? on myself? short. i have a pixie cut!
Favorite school subject? music and literature
Extrovert or Introvert? extrovert, or ambivert
What makes you nervous? being in a room with just white people (i.e. my entire undergrad experience), debates
Who was your first real crush? a boy named tommy in elementary school all the way through middle school... even though he was MEAN to me... i was trying to live out my enemies-to-lovers y/n life
How many piercings do you have? i have 5 ear piercings and 1 body piercing, and many more to come
How fast can you run? im really bad at running, so not fast at all
What color is your hair? black
What color are your eyes? doo doo brown
What makes you angry? bigoted, closed minded people; when people try to shame other peoples' music/art tastes; white saviours
Do you like your own name? i do! it means "orchid" in my language and i got an orchid tattooed to honour it :-)
Do you want a boy a girl for a child? gender? in this economy?? no thanks. that's just my baby.
What are your strengths? i'm friendly! be my friend pls!
What are your weaknesses? indecisive, stubborn, can't handle bugs
Color of your bedspread? sage green!
Color of your room? white
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calpalirwin · 4 years
First Day Blues
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Summary: Mason starts kindergarten.
A/N: Since real first days of school are in the process of happening, let’s back track a bit to Vanessa’s pregnant days with the twins to find out what happened when Mason started kindergarten (and calling her “Mom” instead of “Momma”). Also using the picture with the twins because it’s a better representation of Mason and Bailey’s ages even though Vanessa is only pregnant with the twins at this point, so just deal with it my dudes.
Word Count: 1.5k
And away, and away we go!
Mason proudly held up a backpack with a green holographic T-rex on it. This one!
“That’s the backpack you want?” Vanessa asked.
The little boy nodded frantically before something caught his eye, causing him to let out an excited gasp of air. “Mom!” he screeched, grabbing the matching lunchbox.
“Mom?” Vanessa repeated. “Sweet boy, I’m Momma.”
Mason just chuckled. That’s what I called you, silly.
“Oh… I don’t think I like this anymore…”
I can’t have the dinosaurs? Mason asked, his lower lip sticking out.
“You can have the dinosaurs, Mase. C’mon, put it in the cart and then we’ll go look at the clothes.”
Yay! Thank you, Mom! He grinned widely, showing off a mouth still full of baby teeth, before hugging her leg, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist.
“And they lived happily ever after,” Ashton read, before closing the book shut. “Alright, now off to bed. You got a big day tomorrow, Mase. Do you know what tomorrow is?”
Mason nodded, pointing over at his backpack.
“That’s right! You have school in the morning. C’mon, Bai. Say g’night to Mase, and let’s go get you in your own bed.”
“I go too, Papa?” Bailey asked.
“Yes, you’re going to bed, too.”
“No! With Mase amorro!”
“No, sweet girl,” Vanessa answered. “You don’t go to school yet. Next year though. With Mimi.”
The small girl’s face twisted. “I want to!” she wailed, starting to cry.
“Bailey…” Mason winced, covering his ears.
“I got her,” Ashton told Vanessa before picking Bailey up off of Mason’s bed and hugging her to him. “Shh, it’s alright,” he started to soothe, walking out of the room.
Mason frowned. I didn’t say night…
“Papa’ll be back. Bailey’s just upset right now. She wants to go to school with you.”
She’s little, Mom. She can’t go to school.
“We know that. But Bailey doesn’t. She’ll be okay, though.”
Mason nodded in understanding before snuggling down in his blankets. I’m tired.
“That means you’ll sleep really good,” she told him, placing a kiss on his forehead. “Night, sweet boy. I’ll see you in the morning. I love you.”
“Mom,” he answered back. I love you.
She gave his forehead one more kiss before getting up and leaving the room, catching Ashton in the hallway. “She still upset?”
He shrugged, rubbing at his neck. “I think part of it is she’s just overtired. I had just put her down for her nap when the guys came over earlier.”
“Oh, so she didn’t nap like at all then?”
“Not really, no. How’s Mase?”
“Poor girl… He’s good. Waiting for you though.”
Ashton nodded. “Meet you in the room?”
Vanessa checked the time on her phone. “Still a little early. Find something crappy on TV downstairs?”
He ducked down to kiss her. “Meet ya in 5.”
Bailey was already out like a light when Vanessa went to tuck in the two year old. “Night, sweet girl. I’ll see you in the morning. I love you,” she whispered softly, kissing her daughter’s forehead.
She could still hear Ashton and Mason whispering softly from Mason’s room when she stepped back into the hallway, leaving Bailey’s door open just a crack. “Papa,” Mason yawned.
“I love you too, bud. Sweet dreams.”
“Dad?” Mason asked in confusion, pointing out the car window to where Finn was leaning against his car with Mia.
“Yeah, Daddy wanted to see you on your first day of school,” Vanessa explained as Ashton parked besides Finn.
“Daddy!” Bailey cried, running to her father the minute her feet hit the pavement.
“Baby girl!” Finn crouched to accept her hug, lifting her up in his arms. “What’s wrong, Mase?” he asked his son who stood frozen in place between Ashton and Vanessa.
“Dad…” he said in a low, scared whisper.
Finn looked over at Vanessa in silent question, who shrugged in response. “Are we scared, Mase?”
Mason nodded. A little. What if I don’t like it?
Mia squatted down to Mason’s level. “Remember in my class how we talked about trying new things? Even if they seem a little scary?”
I don’t have to like it, but I have to try first.
“Exactly. And look,” Mia gestured around at Ashton, Bailey, Finn, and Vanessa. “We’re all gonna be right here with you. Have we ever let anything bad happen?”
Mason shook his head. No. Will you be with me all day?
“No. We’re all gonna go to work. But, I’ll be right down the hall from you all day. And when school’s over, I’ll take you to Nana’s to be with Bailey until Momma and Papa come get you. Just like always.”
And next week after school we’ll get Bailey, and go home to yours and Dad’s? Mason asked for clarification.
“Yes. Next week when you’re with me and Daddy, after school we’ll get Bailey from Nana’s and then go home. It’ll be just like always, you’ll see.”
Mason took a deep breath, a look of determination crossing his little features. Okay. I’m ready.
As the family of six strolled down the halls of the elementary school Finn whispered to Vanessa, “Since when am I ‘Dad’?”
Vanessa shrugged, patting the man’s shoulder. “I dunno. He’s been calling me ‘Mom’ since yesterday. I think we gotta face the music that our little boy is growing up.”
Finn shook his head, clinging tightly to Bailey still in his arms. “I don’t like it. I fuckin’ hate it.”
“I know. I hate it too.”
“No, Ness. I hate it. Like, you don’t get it. You’re still gonna get called Momma for at least another five or so years. I have half that time if I’m lucky. Matter of fact… Bailey? You’re not allowed to grow up, okay? Not ever. You gotta stay this little forever. That’s the new rule.”
“Finn…” Vanessa warned. “Don’t get emotional, because that’s gonna make me emotional, and my hormones are gonna make that so much worse. Let’s just agree that this sucks, and leave it at that.”
“Mom!” Mason said excitedly, pointing wildly at a row of cubbies in the kindergarten classroom. Look! This one has my name on it!
“It does!” she agreed, feeling herself start to tear up anyway. “Good job, smart boy! Go put your backpack and lunchbox in it.”
“Alright,” Mia announced, kissing Finn’s cheek and the top of Bailey’s head. “I’m gonna head out to my own classroom before chaos ensues.”
“Bye, Mia,” Ashton and Vanessa told her, giving the other woman a hug goodbye.
“Bye, baby. Have a great day. Love you.”
“Love you,” she smiled back, before giving him a quick kiss.
“Bye, Mimi!”
“Bye, Mase!” Mia waggled her fingers at Mason who was still enthralled by the cubby with his name on it.
“Mimi!” He rushed back over to hug her leg.
“Hey, you can do this, Mase. Gotta try. I’ll see you later.”
Mason looked up at the rest of his parents. You leaving, too?
“Are you ready for us to?” Ashton asked.
Mason took a look around the room. Yeah. I think so.
Ashton knelt to give the boy a hug and kiss goodbye. “Okay. Momma and I will pick you up later at Nana’s. We love you.”
Finn went next with Bailey. “I’ll see you and Bailey this weekend, okay? You’re gonna have fun, bud. Just give it a chance. I love you.”
“Dad. Bailey.”
“Bye, Mase!” she told her big brother, giving him a slobbery kiss on his cheek that made them both giggle.
Yucky! Mason rubbed at his cheek, still giggling. “Mom?”
Vanessa hugged him tight. “I love you, my sweet, smart, wonderful little boy,” she said, feeling the tears that had welled up start to spill down her cheeks.
She hurriedly sniffed and wiped at her face. “Oh, I’m not sad, Mase.”
It’s okay. We don’t have to like it.
“That’s right, my smart boy. But we’re gonna give it our best try.”
“Mase!” a little voice called out from behind them, causing Mason to flap his arms and gasp in excitement.
“Hug?” she asked, holding out her arms.
Mason flung his arms around his friend. Lily’s here!
“Oh, thank goodness, people we know!” Y/N said in relief, hugging everyone hello. “Lily was so nervous. Took us forever to get out of the house.”
“Auntie Y/N? Uncle Luke?” Mason asked, tugging at both of their hands.
“Hey, bud, whats up?” Luke asked.
Can I go show Lily her cubby?
“Oh! You hear that, Lily? You have a cubby. Do you wanna go find it with Mase?” Y/N asked the little girl.
“Okay. Mase, hand?”
The adults watched the two kindergarteners go off in search of Lily’s cubby. “Okay, maybe this won’t be so bad after all,” Vanessa decided, and everyone knew she meant for their own sake at watching their first borns grow up, just as much as she meant it in reference to the five year olds.
“Still,” Finn said, passing Bailey to Ashton. “You’re not allowed to grow up, okay?”
“You either!” Luke agreed, tickling Posy’s sides and making her giggle.
“At least they have each other,” Y/N pointed out.
Ashton nodded. “Yeah. They’ll be just fine.”
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@frontmanash​​ @goeatsomelife​​ @flameraine​​ @creator-appreciator​​ @cxddlyash​​ @1-irwin-94​​ @sparkling-calm​​ @tea4sykes​​ @youngblood199456​​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​​ @gosh-im-short​​ @aquarius-hood1996​​ @talkfastromance4​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @philthepegacorn​​ @boomerash​​ @teenwolfss24​​ @karajaynetoday​ @myfavfanficsever​ @stormrider505​ @cashtonisruiningmylife​ @another-lonely-heart​
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quaranteehee · 4 years
hello:) may i please have a matchup? im a straight female. i’m Korean and around 5’6 with long straight black hair and dark brown eyes. I’m quite shy/timid, so it takes a while for me to open up and trust people (which can sometimes make me seem unapproachable😓). my way of flirting is usually teasing/making fun of the other so i love when they have the same energy back to me. i’m protective of the ones i love and passionate about the things i stand for. 1/2
my biggest fear is that i trust someone that i shouldn’t have, and end up getting hurt; making me retract further into my shell. im not much of a small talker but i absolutely love deep conversations and getting to know someone on a different level. if i feel as though im not good enough at something, i constantly trying to improve and push myself until i feel satisfied. i also get anxious so it’s really nice when im around someone that can keep me grounded. thank you so much🥺❤️ 2/2
I match you with your guardian angel,
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Sugawara Koushi
Listen,,, he has the energy of a 2nd year so u KNOW he’ll fire back with a sassy comment that counts as “flirting”
He’ll be one of those people that’s just easy to talk to.
His voice is so angelic and just soothing and comforting that you want to hear him talk
Is a good listener and gives the best hugs <3
Smells like Vanilla!!
One moment you could be talking about benign trivialities and next you catch yourself melting into this deep conversation in which time and space cease to exist. In that moment you realise you’ve fallen for him.
Idk but tears just start rolling down your face because you can’t believe you’re in love. Other than that, you want this so bad that it actually hurts
He’s the type of person who starts off with wrapping his arms around you as comfort and when you’ve calmed down, he’ll ask what’s wrong
You tell him right off the bat. No bullshit. No beating around the bush, “I think- no. I love you.”
Pulls you tighter against his chest beneath the lamplight in that particularly snowy day.
Guess what? He loves you too :)
His favourite pet names for you would definitely be “darling” and “love”
Oh this man’s gonna be the death of me
Whenever you pass by each other in the hallway, he’ll just wordlessly give your arm or hand a light squeeze as of saying I’m here for you, and everything’s going to be alright
Is a firm believer in the future. So it doesn’t matter to him what you used to be- or who you were, because he KNOWS you’re in the position to give yourself a better tomorrow
Devoted to helping you be the best version of yourself, since you always seem to bring out the best in him
Don’t believe me? Why do you think he ends up as an elementary school teacher?
Your momma likes him.
With that being said, she has asked him to call your momma “mum” at LEAST two times but he still insists on calling her Mrs. (L/N)
You’re mother thinks it’s v respectful of him and falls in love with this cutie! Your dad thinks it’s awfully nice of him~~
Your younger siblings throw a mf fit as soon as he announces that he’s leaving your house after a study session
Your parents gave him a spare key to the house bc they TRUST this boy to take care of you when they’re away for a while~
Won’t let a single day pass without letting you hear those three words from him:
I love you... I love you... I love you...
And he means it. You know he means it.
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fortheloveofcrue · 5 years
Pen Pals
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Part 1 
Summary: Y/N and Nikki have known Each other forever but haven’t seen each other since they where 12 years old. But that’s all gonna change.
Word Count: 1,049
Warnings: None yet
Note: I should probably do a disclaimer for bad grammar, spelling mistakes. Don’t @ me I’m Dyslexic and im just having fun!
You have known Nikki since before he was Nikki. You meet Nikki when he lived in El Paso with his grandparents. You two became instant friends because you knew what it was like to be the new kid. Your dad was in the military and you had to move around a lot too. Even though you both knew you would be separated at some point you made a packed to keep in touch. So when the time came for him to leave to go live with his mom you told him to write you and one day you would meet again. Well today is that day. Nikki had invited you to come out to LA to spend some time together since it had been almost 11 years since you last saw each other. It took a full 3 letters of him convincing you to come down. He was telling you about how he was in this band called London and said you could crash if you found your own way. After a month you finally caved and called to Nikki saying you would book you flight the next day.
“Hello?” Nikki said confused as he picked up the phone. Not many people have his number and even less of them actually call.
“Hey you it’s Y/N I can’t take the harassment any longer” you laugh “I’m gonna book a flight to LA tomorrow when are you free for me to come stay?” You ask hopping he says sooner then later.
“Oh hey Y/N, Um I’m Not doing much ever except work and band rehearsal. Come whenever you have time off work.”
“I have 2 weeks off next month for my Birthday how about I come down then and we can celebrate like real Rock Stars!” You say still laughing.
“Yeah sound good! But I gotta go I have a gig tonight I’ll write to you soon okay?”
“Okay! Break a Leg Mr. Rock Star!”
“Bye Y/N” “Bye Nikki”
You hang up the phone and lay back in bed. You are actually going to do it you are flying across the country to see a guy you meet in elementary school. Nikki wasn’t a stranger by any means you have been pen pals and have been writing to each other constantly for 10 years. But this is going to be different you have both adults now and you have both changed a lot since you saw each other last. You have shared some photos with each other now and again but still the last colour photo Nikki sent was a Polaroid from almost 3 years ago before he got into a band. You have one of Londons flyers Nikki sent you in your desk but Black and white photos don’t really show you the person he is.  
The longer you lay in bed the more you feel wary about going to LA. You aren’t a big city girl at all but you promised your best friend that you would come visit and you never break you promises.
A few days later.
Just like every morning you go out to the mailbox and check to see if you have any mail. Today you did a few bills the news paper and a new letter from Nikki. Open immediately to see how his gig went.
Y/N Well the show was shit. I just got off stage and London is no more the asshole singer punched me in the face during the show and well I lost my temper and you can probably guess what happened. So unfortunately you won’t be able to come see me play. Unless I can put together another band in the next few weeks. I’m sitting in a dinner while I’m writing to you because I’m to jacked to head home quite yet. But yeah I just needed to get this out while it’s fresh I’m probably gonna drink a bit tonight and I don’t want to leave out any or the pressing details for you. Okay it’s a few hours later now and I met this kid drummer at the dinner. Guess everything is coming up Nikki. His name is Tommy and he’s only 18 years old but I have a good feeling about this kid. What am I doing calling him a kid I’m only 5years older then him. Oh Well. I’m also looking for a new guitarist too. Tommy like the one add in the paper I sent you a copy of it with the letter. I mean if I’m gonna do this the right way we might as well go big or go home. I’m also writing some new stuff for the new band so when we are auditioning people I can get what our vibe will be. Tell me what you think of this so far. Plug me in I’m alive tonight Out on the streets again Turn me on I’m hot to stop Something you’ll never forget Take my fist Break down walls I’m on the top tonight No no You better turn me loose You better set me free ‘Cause I’m hot young running free A little bit better than I use to be Well that’s all I have for you right now. Can’t wait for you to come visit! Let me know if you booked you flight yet and what time your plane lands in LA so I can meet you at the airport! Nikki
You smile sitting at the dinning room table. You loved hearing about all of the weird things Nikki gets himself in to because you know you where to chicken to ever be as outrages as him. Looking in the envelope you find the ad placed in The Recycler that read: “Loud, rude and aggressive guitar player available”
That’s all you had to read before you knew that he was definitely Nikkis type. You also knew that these guys will be at the house when you go and visit knowing Nikki he will probably have them living with him if they need to he’s just that kinda guy. It was time for you to get ready for work the new job you haven’t told Nikki about. So you put the letter in your desk and headed off to the radio station.
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feel199x · 6 years
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best friends to lovers!
summary: it’s final, you decided that you’re going to confess your love to Hyunjin after his graduation, how does it work out?
warnings: none!
a/n: another request...wrauw;;; i hope you like it :(seungmin’s will be up soon! masterlist
Your best friend was graduating today. You were graduating yourself next week, and Hyunjin promised that he would go to yours, but of course, he was busy. You had gone to the same elementary and middle school as him but parted ways when Hyunjin attended the school of performing arts to pursue his dreams. You had expected to lose touch, but being the sentimental and clingy guy he was, Hyunjin made sure to keep in touch. And by keep in touch, you mean he texted you whenever he was free for hours. It most definetly didn’t help the massive crush you had on him either. It was always a bit ambiguous, you could never decide if he actually had a crush on you or if he was just being his regular clingy self. You didn’t mind though, just because you were friends with someone didn’t mean you were always going to end up having a crush on them, you. Especially because you realized that Hyunjin had a lot more attention on him now. Well, he always had a lot of attention in general, he was attractive but a lot of people didn’t see past that. And now that he was an idol, he was incredibly wary of new relationships and confessions, so you didn’t feel like it was your place to confess your love to him.
Didn’t mean you stopped feeling that way though.
Hyunjin had been your only real, undying crush, and trust- you did everything you could to repress these feelings. Sure, you had interest in other people before, but the feeling never lingered the way it did with Hyunjin. But today was the day, well okay, not today. But in the general area of time. Normally, you would never even let your mind wander into confession territory. But, there was something about the graduation that you thought gave you a little breathing air. Hyunjin told you that he was preparing for a comeback, and apologized profusely for being unable to give you the attention he wanted to give you. In fact, he snuck out of the dorms to come do skincare with you. You hadn’t actually invited him, you mentioned it when he asked what he was doing and he ended up rushing over.
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As he talked about his next comeback you just stared at him, you weren’t even necessarily thinking about he looked, but more of what he meant to you. Relationships, whatever type they were, weren’t easy to maintain. And here Hyunjin was, spreading a charcoal mask on your skin after sneaking out of his dorms to hang out with you. Not gonna lie, it made you feel special.  You hoped he didn’t notice how you looked at him intently, dreamily, maybe a little bit intensely. He was sticking his tongue out as he did his best to spread the mixture evenly across your cheeks. His touch was always gentle like you were a flower and if he pressed too hard a petal would fall. As you looked up at him, looking at the mole underneath his eye, you decided that you were in love with him. And you needed to tell him, or you were pretty sure that you were going to confess to him randomly and blurt it out awkwardly. After he finished, and the mask dried, the both of you laid on your bed, holding hands. You forgot what he had been talking about at that point as he rested his body on the side of yours.
“Do you love me?”
“Obviously,” you said, “You’re my best friend.”
“Hm,” he hummed, “How much?”
“Too much, probably.”
“I love you more, though.”
“Yeah, right.”
“It’s true!”
“Prove it.”
He was silent for a bit, and you thought you could feel the hold on your hand loosen for a bit before squeezing it. “Okay,” he murmured, “Soon.”
And boy, did you have no idea what that meant. And boy, were you scared. But here you were, holding a stupidly big bouquet of flowers as people flocked to take pictures of the boys. You were more than anxious, and growing more insecure by the minute. 
The graduation process was a little longer than you had anticapted, and you let your mind wander back to some memories.
There were a couple more instances before the most recent that made you flustered whenever you thought about it. Yes, Hyunjin was clingy, you were aware, but sometimes he was very clingy. 
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 There was one particular time where he climbed through your window and failed to do it gracefully. Actually, it was so bad, that your parents had shouted and asked you if everything was okay. And as you tried to play it off as a textbook falling off your desk, Hyunjin was losing his mind, trying to stifle his giggles.
“Hyunjin,” you whispered, “Did you really just come over here to cuddle?”
“Yes! I’m desperate, and I miss you!”
“You have eight members to cuddle!”
He pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you, toppling over you as you fell onto the bed. “Yeah,” he whined, “But they’re not you.” You could feel your breathing constrict and your chest panic at the pulling of your heartstring. You smiled kissing the top of his head and playing with his hair. “You’re such a baby, but I love you.”
“Please, you’re clingier than I am, you’re just less vocal about it. Thankfully, I am shameless.”
“Thankfully,” you murmured.
The other time was the same circumstances. Hyunjin fell into your room with a loud thud. Really, shouldn’t he be better at this by now? And being the amazing dancer he was, shouldn’t he be more graceful? At this point, your parents had to know that your textbooks couldn’t have been falling all the time. But if they knew, they hadn’t brought it up at any point in time. You were about to scold him, but as soon as you realized he was crying, you opened your arms.
“I missed you,” you whispered, playing with his hair in a way that seemed to be therapeutic to him, “I’m sure you’ve been working really hard.” You wiped away his tears, looking at him softly. “I like when you look at me like that,” he murmured, “You’re so pretty.” You felt your cheeks flare up as you focused your attention back on his hair. “Yeah, but you’re prettier, you look like a prince, plus you’re good at everything.”
He repeated after you, his face inching closer to yours, lips nearly brushing against your lips. You could smell his chapstick- it was honey. “You smell like cherries,” he murmured, and you could feel his lip finally brush against yours. You thought it was finally going to happen, and you closed your eyes but he pulled away. You swore that he had said “I want to kiss them,” under his breath but you were unsure. You sighed quietly as you continued to play with his hair, even as he was napping quietly with his arms resting around you.
That kept you out at night.
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When you heard the shutter of the cameras you snapped back to reality, turning your attention back to the stage. They were stepping off, and as Hyunjin did he was met with a swarm of people wanting to take a picture with him. And there it was, that pang of jealousy and insecurity. It was a human emotion, but it still wasn’t great to feel. But more than that, you were excited to see him after a while. You watched as he pulled out his phone and typed something really quickly before slipping it back into his pocket to take more pictures. Immediately your phone buzzed from your jacket pocket.
jinnie, my love: can’t meet here :( go to our regular diner, im sorry babe
you: dont worry about it! i’ll see u there
The diner he referred to was a local family diner that you had since made your go-to place. The both of you knew the owner and managers by name, and you visited there when you were missing Hyunjin and his hugs. The manager always teased you and him, sending you knowing winks as you shot her a glare. But when you came in, sad and pretty much crying over missing Hyunjin (not one of your best moments, but the guy was your best friend), she always gave you free milkshakes and advice. She waved at you when you saw you come in, and smiled big when she saw the bouquet of flowers.
“Hyunjin finally confess?”
“What? Oh, no. I’m going to, though.”
“What? Really? Look at you go! Can I do anything to help.”
“No, please don’t. I’m begging you.”
“Nah, I’m definetly interfering. And I’ll kick your ass if you don’t end up doing it.”
You sighed, shaking your head and sitting at your usual booth. The flowers were sitting on your table, and you swung your legs anxiously. You were toying with the hem of your shirt, looking down as your fingers rubbed with the loose strings. You looked up and smiled as you saw him come in.
“Hey there,” he placed his hands on the table, making grabby motions until you filled in the empty space in his hand, “It’s been a while.”
“It has,” you said quietly, “ah, I got you flowers.”
“We’ll get to that,” he hummed, “I missed holding your hands.”
“We should probably order,” you said quickly, “Jina!”
The manager sauntered over, clearly already having been listening to the conversation and waiting for her cue to enter. “What can I get you two lovebirds?”
You glared at her, “We’re not-”
“The usual, Jina, and can we get strawberry milkshakes?” Hyunjin turned to you, “That’s your favorite, right?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t think you’d remember.”
“Why would I forget? I love you.”
Jina laughed, and you narrowed your eyes at her. “Alright, I better get going.” Hyunjin rocked with your hands, playing with them as you waited. He was talking about how excited he was to feel like an adult and completely devote himself to his group. You looked at him, head tilted, and if heart eyes were a thing, you’d have them.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, Jinnie,” he tightened his hold on your hand as he turned his attention to you. You could feel regret telling you to retreat, but you pressed on, “But are you busy tomorrow?”
“Yeah, actually, I’m sorry. Do you have something in mind?”
Jina came in, and like she had promised, a messy heart shaped burger was plated in front of both of you. And instead of two milkshakes, she brought one with two straws. “Enjoy, young lovers.” You bit your lip, glancing over at Hyunjin.
“Right,” Hyunjin said again, “What were you saying?”
“I wouldn’t usually, or at all- uh,” you sighed, opting to keep it simple, “I didn’t plan on doing this, right now, ‘cause I don’t want to ruin your day.”
“Do you not want to be friends anymore? I’m sorry about not being able to spend time with you anymore.”
“No! No. Ah, I’m in love with you. Like a lot.”
There was a moment of silence between you and you looked down, feeling a wave of embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to ruin your day, I can leave-”
“I’m in love with you, too. For too long, probably. Can I kiss you?”
“Yes!” Jina yelled, “Ronald, it’s happening! Ronald! We’ve done it!”
“Ignore them,” Hyunjin smiled, a blush tinting his cheeks, “Can I?”
“Mm,” you hummed, “Yes, please.”
He smiled as he looked at you, peppering kisses around your face before planting a kiss on your lips. You should’ve been embarrassed and worried about kissing in a public place like this, but Hyunjin didn’t seem to care. “You taste like cherries,” he murmured, “I’m gonna kiss you all the time.”
“That’s okay.”
“I mean it, I’m going to kiss you whenever I can. Like, all the time, like all the time-”
“Jinnie,” you kissed him, “Congrats on your graduation by the way.”
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] TsukiPro Special CD - Starry Sky Collection Track 2
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Yay~! This time, it’s VAZZROCK!! Next one is Mamoru and Koki’s and then the rest of the Yaminabe series dramas ww
Thank you once again to Deea for the files~! Please don’t ask her as per her request, thank you!
Also, Sho briefly mentions the story behind Lyra the constellation so, please do give it a read to understand it completely ^^
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 02: [心揺さぶる音楽を -こと座 ベガ-] “Music that Shakes the Heart – from the Constellation of Lyra – Vega”
Mamiya Takaaki, Kira Ouka, Onoda Sho, and Nadumi Ruka
  MAMIYA: Everyone, thank you very much. We’ll leave the rest to you.
SHO: We’ll leave it in your care.
SHO: We’ll be taking our leave now.
OUKA: Thank you very much for today.
RUKA: Thank you~!
  SHO: Now then, thank you for the hard work once again.
MAMIYA: Good work.
OUKA: Great job.
RUKA: Yay~! We all did well!
SHO: With this, VazzRaji’s first season recording is now finished.
SHO: Our party with the staff is over as well and now all we need to do is return to the dorms.
SHO: I heard that if we go straight home from here, it’s not that far but…
SHO: Takaaki, do you want to call a taxi?
MAMIYA: Ah, that’s right. Let’s call for one by the main street.
MAMIYA: But, uh… Can I ride a different one (from yours)?
OUKA: A different one? Where do you plan on going?
MAMIYA: Don’t look at me with such cold eyes~ I just feel like going for a little walk.
MAMIYA: If I walk from here to the dorm…
RUKA: If we’ll trust the map application, it’d take about 10 minutes!
MAMIYA: See? That’s what he said. It’s not really that far.
MAMIYA: I was just thinking of walking around to feel a bit refreshed.
MAMIYA: That much is fine, isn’t it?
RUKA: Ah! Then, I’ll do the same~! I don’t really like the smell of taxis and I try avoiding them as much as possible.
RUKA: Also, I ate a looooott of meat and rice so I wanna exercise a bit!
RUKA: And so~ Takaaki-kun, can I go with you~?
MAMIYA: Of course, you’re welcome to~! Let’s take it easy together, ‘kay?
RUKA: Alrighty~!
OUKA: (sighs) Ruka, if you walk back to the dorms from here, won’t it override your calorie intake?
RUKA: Non, non, non, Ouka-kun~ Doing things when you feel like doing them is important, too!
RUKA: In other words, there’d be no feelings of guilt lingering!
OUKA: Is it like that?
RUKA: Yes, it is! It’s kinda the same as when women go shopping.
RUKA: “Oh, I might find some use for this,” they say and then they end up buying more than intended~
RUKA: In my case, I say “I’ll lose it all in practice tomorrow” and then I eat as much as I can!
RUKA: If you say that, you won’t feel as guilty! Doing the things you love sometimes is important, too~
RUKA: It’s essential, right~?
OUKA: I see… That’s deep.
MAMIYA: By the way, I only want to walk, okay?
SHO: Yes~ I don’t really have any feelings of guilt but, can I join you for your night walk?
MAMIYA: Oh~ Sho, you wanna walk, too?
SHO: Yes, I’m the same as you, Takaaki.
SHO: Heading straight back to the dorms feels like a waste and somehow, I’m in the mood to walk, too.
SHO: I had so much fun a while ago that I feel like wanting to enjoy your company for a while longer.
MAMIYA: In Sho’s case, isn’t it just because you had too much to drink?
MAMIYA: You’re looking quite pale, y’know~? See? (Mamiya touches Sho’s hand) Your hand’s a bit warm, too.
SHO: (chuckles) Is that so? Well, maybe it is, since Takaaki’s hand feels cool and nice.
RUKA: Were you bad at handling your alcohol, Sho-kun?
RUKA: Like, your head feels floaty whenever you drink?
SHO: Hmm… I don’t think I’m particularly bad or good.
SHO: Though, it’s true that my head feels kind of floaty but, it doesn’t really go beyond that.
RUKA: Heh~ I’ll remember that~
SHO: Hm? Why would you want to remember that?
RUKA: When I know what my friends’ limits are, I can help them when they’re troubled about what to drink next or when they’re about to pass out, right~?
RUKA: I can handle my alcohol well so don’t hesitate to rely on me, ‘kay~
SHO: Thank you. Ruka’s very kind and reliable, huh?
MAMIYA: ROCK DOWN’s bonds are so dazzling~
MAMIYA: Alright! Then, Ouka will go home first in a taxi and then—
OUKA: Wait. Do you really think I’m that much of a loner to go home by taxi when you’re all walking?
OUKA: (Ouka grabs Mamiya by the necktie) You should at least lie in a situation like this.
MAMIYA: (with a pained voice) O-O-Ouka-kun… Ouka-kun? Don’t pull my necktie…! My neck’s gonna fall off…!
MAMIYA: My neck’s gonna snap…!
RUKA: (smiles) VAZZY’s bonds are so tight, huh~!?
SHO: Ouka, calm down~
OUKA: Tch.
RUKA: So, that means~ Ouka-kun’s gonna walk with us?
OUKA: I am. Now that that’s decided, let’s get going.
OUKA: Let’s go. Hurry up and go.
RUKA: Yes sir~
MAMIYA: Y-yes…
  RUKA: (singing) ♪ Let’s go on a walk, let’s go on a walk~! ♪
RUKA: (singing) ♪ I am the great Ruka-kun~! ♪
SHO: (chuckles) Ruka’s in a good mood, huh?
OUKA: I’d understand if that was his energy after drinking but, I’m surprised that he’s naturally like that.
OUKA: In a way, he’s pretty energetic.
MAMIYA: That’s to be expected. Ruka’s a stage actor after all.
MAMIYA: I think he’s got more energy than a certain someone here~ He’s got pretty great stamina.
OUKA: I see.
SHO: I’m so sorry, Ouka. We ended up going home by walking.
OUKA: Ah, no. If I’m being honest, I was the same as everyone else. I felt like going for a walk.
OUKA: That’s why you don’t have to mind it.
MAMIYA: Oh my~! You’re quite honest with Sho, aren’t you, Ouka?
OUKA: If someone tells me something directly, I answer as honestly as I can.
OUKA: That’s all there is to it.
MAMIYA: In other words, you’re rebellious when it comes to me?
RUKA: (smiles) Walking like this together with everyone feels kinda nice, huh~?
RUKA: The food and alcohol during the staff party was great, too! I’m extremely satisfied~
RUKA: I’m super happy!
OUKA: Ruka, your voice is too loud.
RUKA: (laughs) I’m sorry, Ouka-kun.
RUKA: I’m feeling good and the wind feels so nice~ I just got taken in by the atmosphere. (to Sho) Right~?
SHO: Hm? Yes~ (to Mamiya) Right?
MAMIYA: (to Ouka) Right~?
OUKA: Ruka and Sho aside, when Takaaki does it, it’s disgusting.
MAMIYA: So mean!
RUKA: Alright~! Sho-kun and I passed!
MAMIYA: Discrimination is not good, Ouka.
OUKA: Don’t hold on to me, you drunk.
MAMIYA: I didn’t drink any though~
MAMIYA: I only drank like, one beer and about two or three ciders.
RUKA: Me, too! Normally, I’d drink so much more but, I have to wake up early tomorrow.
RUKA: Hm… But, Takaaki-kun, Ouka-kun, Sho-kun, and I are kinda a rare combi so—
RUKA: Going home so early just kinda feels like a waste…
SHO: Even though you say that Ruka, Gaku asked me to take you home safely.
RUKA: Ack! That bastard…!
MAMIYA: As expected from his partner! He can read you like a book~
OUKA: You laugh at him and all that but, you need to wake up early for filming tomorrow, too.
OUKA: Walk properly, get home, and then go to sleep.
OUKA: Don’t tell me, “let me watch one video before going to sleep,” got it?
MAMIYA: (groans)
SHO: (laughs) Looks like he can read you well, too~
SHO: Although Takaaki takes his work seriously, there are times when he indulges himself, huh?
SHO: Just like me~
RUKA: I-I don’t think that’s something you should be smiling about, Sho-kun… (laughs nervously)
OUKA: Good grief… So, our leaders have the same weird tendencies.
SHO: Please don’t abandon me.
  SHO: (gasps)
RUKA: Hm, what’s wrong, Sho-kun?
SHO: Look, Ruka. Since there are no buildings around, you can see the stars properly.
RUKA: Ah! It’s true!
RUKA: Woah~! Since when did I last see the stars like this~?
OUKA: We might have seen them but didn’t really notice them much.
MAMIYA: So, they can be seen properly even in the city, huh~!
OUKA: The stars I saw from my relative’s house when I was younger were even more amazing.
MAMIYA: Heh~ In the countryside?
OUKA: In Okayama Prefecture’s prefectural border.
OUKA: I was in elementary school back then probably. I went there about 2 or 3 times during summer vacation.
OUKA: In any case, the stars were so beautiful that I’d lay down and look up at them until my mother came to scold me.
OUKA: It’s such a vivid memory that when I close my eyes sometimes, I feel like I can still see them.
OUKA: The scent of incense, the squeaking of the wooden floorboards, the sound of the wind chimes, and the starry sky spreading from the night sky.
RUKA: When I imagine Ouka-kun with stars, it makes for such a perfect picture that I get scared~
RUKA: Ouka-kun, you really love stars, huh?
OUKA: I guess. I love them.
OUKA: Not just the stars but the universe in general. When it’s shown on T.V. I end up watching it completely.
MAMIYA: This is my first time hearing that~
OUKA: Have I not told you…?
OUKA: Don’t you generally prefer conversations where you can talk of anything compared to half-hearted ones that don’t fit your interests?
OUKA: It feels good to be able to talk about what you love, doesn’t it?
MAMIYA: I see~ That’s such a great reason that’s so fitting of you, Ouka.
RUKA: I love stars too but, not on a realistic scale, I guess.
RUKA: I love things with star designs! They can be cute or cool~!
RUKA: Oh, and they’re good luck~!
MAMIYA: Oh! Now that you mention it, I feel like a lot of your t-shirts and bags have star designs on them!
MAMIYA: Don’t you have shoes like that, too? Ya know, the ones designed with stars for buckles and stuff?
RUKA: As expected from Takaaki-kun! You’ve observed well, huh~? Those are my favorite~
RUKA: It’s the one I decorated with the make-up artist backstage! It’s the only one of its kind in the world~
RUKA: I wear them to feel in the mood before a play!
SHO: You really take acting seriously, huh~ Leaving it to luck is not manly, was it?
SHO: Though, you give me the impression that you would leave it to your own abilities.
RUKA: (laughs) That’s correct! That’s exactly it!
RUKA: Whether it’s luck or abilities, the one that wins in the end is the me who practiced a lot.
RUKA: The only superstition I believe are good luck charms, I guess.
RUKA: I usually feel like giving it my all when I’m acting since I can~
RUKA: Though, there are a lot of people on stage who believe in superstitions.
SHO: True. I think I have the same way of thinking. The world is not so simple that we can win on luck alone.
SHO: But, we can’t completely undermine luck and being lucky. That’s about it, I guess~
RUKA: Yep~! Samesies~
  SHO: (chuckles) Hey, does everyone know the legend of Vega from the Lyra constellation? It’s one of the brightest stars in the Summer Triangle.
MAMIYA: That’s pretty sudden~ The Summer Triangle constellation is uh… Altair, Vega, and… Ah, Deneb! It’s that one, right?
MAMIYA: The only thing I know about it are the stars’ names.
OUKA: I’m the same.
RUKA: Wow, you’re amazing! I didn’t even know the stars’ names!
RUKA: I only know the words “Summer Triangle”.
SHO: (chuckles) That’s exactly it.
SHO: Lyra is the constellation that’s shaped like a musical instrument. It’s the lyre that appears in Greek mythology.
SHO: The story goes is that it’s Orpheus’s lyre up in the sky.
SHO: The legend says that Orpheus went to the Underworld to reclaim his departed wife.
SHO: He offered his music to the King of the Underworld and managed to charm him.
SHO: Though, it seems like he failed with his initial plans of bringing his beloved back.
SHO: I’ve been told this story when I was young and I remember admiring the music that was supposed to have swayed even the King of the Underworld’s heart.
SHO: I just remembered that suddenly.
RUKA: I feel like Sho-kun’s violin can shake the heart of the King of the Underworld, too~
SHO: No, no. I still have ways to go.
SHO: I think that the violin is something that I still have to learn for quite a long time.
SHO: It’s never-ending and it makes me feel a bit scared but, it has its own charm, too.
OUKA: It might be quite similar to the reason why I admire the universe.
OUKA: Something that we want to chase for an eternity.
RUKA: Ah, that kind of phrasing is perfect for my ideal stars!
RUKA: Something that we admire for eternity is something that we’d yearn for for a long time!
RUKA: Isn’t that cool~?
MAMIYA: I feel you. Though, it’d be a plus if I can make mine shorter.
MAMIYA: See? Just like those stars spreading above our heads right now.
MAMIYA: I can see them all the time and I feel like I can reach my hand out to them. They’re always watching over us.
MAMIYA: I was just thinking that it’d be nice if the fans thought of us like that, too.
OUKA: “Watching over” is so like you.
MAMIYA: Right?
SHO: Right now, we are the ones being watched over by the stars, huh?
SHO: Let’s continue to do our best so that we can become those kinds of admirable people~
RUKA: Yeah!
RUKA: (singing) ♪ Let’s go home, let’s go home~! I am the great Ruka-kun~! ♪
OUKA: Like I said, your voice is too loud.
MAMIYA: Alright, let’s sing together in a moderate tone then~
MAMIYA: Alright, Ouka, you too~!
OUKA: I won’t sing.
  SHO: (chuckles) We’ll continue to make music that will shake your heart one day.
SHO: Beautiful and dazzling music just like the stars that’s dedicated for you.
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
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lunalopierce · 5 years
LA LA BABY| Chaotic Four
WHO:Iris, @oliver-puckerman, @gioharper, @stephaniepills WHAT: The four friends find themselves finally in California where some... things, happen on the first day Feelings emerge, lollipops are taken away, and someone makes another damn sex joke
The plane ride went smoothly, none of any of the four teens luggage had gotten misplaced, and they didn't need to wait too long for the Ubber to head to her apartment. It wasn't anything super fancy but it was the teens home away from home, and it helped that after that one ubber trip they'd be able to use the car her mom left there for her. 
As they pulled up to the building, and got all their stuff out, she pushed through her bag to find her house keys. "You guys all know once we drop this stuff off, we need to go food shopping, cause I don't think i have any food here." She said truthfully, pushing her hair behind her ear looking between the group. "And with it being the four of us, it's probably better for a cosco run and not a target run"
If there was one thing Oliver hated more than anything, it was being on a plane for long periods of time. He had always had a fear that the one time he actually flew anywhere would be the time the plane would malfunction and go down. He knew it was a fear that was likely never to happen, but he couldn't control how far his imagination would take him. Happy when the aircraft finally touched down in LA, Oliver could finally relax a bit more and really let his vacation start. Going down to pick up his bags, the young man laughed with his friends as they made their way through the airport.
Before he knew it the four of them had finally reached Steph's apartment. It had felt like a lifetime has gone by since the last time any of them had come to visit her, but it still gave the feeling of a long lost home. "Yeah, I really wouldn't trust any food that may have been left here before you moved back home.  Though are you sure? Since I'm sure majority of the time we might be eating out. What with sightseeing and Disney. Are we even going to be here often enough to cook ourselves dinner?"
The trip to LA was uneventful - he'd flown to and fro New York a couple of times when he went to Columbia, but he wasn't able to get any sleep the night before their flight.  Though he won't be admitting it out loud any time soon, he was excited. So, he spent  the four-hour flight time dozing off. A groggy Gio wasn't really pleasant company, but by the time they'd arrived at Stephanie's  LA home, he was up and fully awake.
"Costco's much better," Gio agreed as he plopped his bags on the carpet - he never  frequented LA, he never really found amusement parks fun and entertaining, but he'd take every opportunity to go out with his friends before they inevitably part ways. "We should do a bit grocery shopping, y'know - for domesticity, or when Oliver's stomach starts grumbling in the middle of the night," he grinned. Despite his suggestion, however, he sat down on the couch, slumping lazily against the seat.
This was the first time she was going on a trip without her family. Sure had gone to summer camps since she was in elementary school and some of those included sleepaway camps; but those were only a few towns over and not a few states. And surely not more than a few days. This trip meant everything to her. Being the youngest in the group she was scared that when everyone went off to college they’d all lose time for her-- so this was the best way to gather whatever time they had left before that happened. A trip away from drama and a trip away from their parents so they could just be kids and have fun and not worry about anything or anyone. 
Once in Steph’s apartment she dropped her bags along with everyone else's before dropping herself to the floor. Instantly she made herself comfortable, swinging around to lay on the floor, throwing her legs up to rest on the other side of the couch. “Costco is best, we definitely need at least munching food when we’re not eating out or when we want to grab something on the way out. Also drinks.” She nodded, looking up at everyone. “Oh, also, Costco has those taste testing sample people out.”
Stephanie rolled her eyes instantly at Oliver, but laughed "I am not door dashing every night when we're here Oli. And Iris is right free samples for days at Cosco." She put her bag ontop of her suitcase before walking into the kitchen, trying to see what she had left in the cabinets before heading home after her show was unfortunately canceled.  Pulling her phone out of her back pocket she started making a list. "Does anyone have any special request that are must for the next week and a half or are we just gonna be four seventeen and eighteen year olds braving cosco without a list? "
Rolling his eyes at how his friends picked on him, Oliver followed Stephanie into the kitchen, pulling open cabinets as he went. "I think we should plan a few nights out. I have an idea of what I'm going to make you for our date, but I don't have to write that down. Maybe a few pizzas we can bake, stuff Gio and I can barbecue, chips and soda. Other than that im not sure what all we'll want." Finally leaning against the counter, Oliver slung an arm around her shoulders as he watched her write down the things he mentioned.
If Gio had bothered looking back, he would've noticed the dynamic between Stephanie and Oliver changing slightly. "We need to make a grocery list, I think," Gio shrugged, playfully resting his feet across Iris' legs. "It'll be a damn disaster, otherwise. Unless you want to spend half of the day at Costco." Frankly, he wouldn't mind. Costco was magical.
“We’d up buying crap we aren’t going to eat if you don’t make a list.” Iris threw in, knowing the four of them would run around grabbing whatever they wanted and end up spending hundreds of dollars. She sent a glare towards Gio, kicking her legs to annoy him but ultimately didn’t care. She was too comfortable to move. “Oh oh oh! Add candy to that. Specifically lollipops.” She said, reaching into her shorts pocket and yes, pulling out a lollipop, unwrapping it and popping it in her mouth.
As everyone talked, Stephanie was quickly typing the list into her phone, leaning back on the counter, a small smile crossing her lips when Oliver draped his arm over her. "You're saying as if being at costco all day wouldn't be a good time Gio" She said with an eye roll, and typed in Lolipops to the list.
"Iris..I think it might be time we had an intervention about your addiction to lollopops. It's not healthy for someone of your size to consume that much sugar in a day." As he smirked in Iris' general direction, he couldn't help but give Steph a knowing smile as he nodded towards the pair. He couldn't take how adorable they seemed as they flirted with each other. "Do you guys want me to make us french toast before we leave tomorrow?"
"I'll help you," Gio offered, his head lolling back to the edge of the couch to grin at Oliver, "And the Iris and Steph can cook dinner!" It seemed like a fair idea. "I'm kinda craving mac and cheese for dinner tonight. And, hm, a bunch of drinks," he added. "And no lollipops for Iris, nobody wants you to start jumping all over the place 'cause of all the sugar you're consuming."
Iris pulled the lollipop out with a pop, a pout adorning her face. “That’s rude. I have the perfect amount of sugar intake. Just because I’m tinier than all of you and it effects me more, doesn’t mean I have a problem. I can stop whenever I want to.” She shrugged, turning to Gio and pointing the lollipop at him. “You touch this, and you die.” She muttered towards him, a grin still adorning her face. Before calling out to the other two. “Yeah, we can make chicken or something in return.” She shrugged, popping the lollipop back in her mouth.
Stephanie put an x2 next to the lolipops, knowing that just the fact it would piss off the both the boys. "Leave hear alone, we're all gonna end up on a sugar high either now or at disney so y'all need to calm yourself." She pushed up off the counter and walked out to the living room, and looking between the two on the couch. "Do you two wanna stay here and just send myself and oliver to get the stuff?"
Watching as Stephanie wrote down two bags of suckers for his smaller blonde friend, Oliver made a mental note to be sure to take them out of the cart while she wasn't looking. He knew she meant well, but it really wasn't healthy for Iris to have a sucker in her mouth 24/7. "I'll leave her alone the day the two of them finally get together. Then Gio can take over for the both of us, and control his girlfriend. Maybe he can give her something else to suck on." He mentioned as he wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.
Gio let out an undignified squawk at Oliver's sexual innuendo, "Jesus Christ," he choked out, not really knowing whether to laugh or cry. If it had been somebody else, he would've went with it, no doubt, but it was Iris. Iris was different. Gio could feel the heat in his cheeks rising, and he attempted to will it away by sitting up and reaching down to pry the lollipop from Iris' mouth, "Get that shit off,  or else Oliver will start spewing weirder shit!"
She was ready to die. Right then and there, bury her under the sofa, say nice things about her, she wanted to die. Sure, everyone was used to Oliver’s weird perversion to make sexual jokes but this one just felt different. Any moment now her life could fall apart with a few simple words and she wasn’t ready for that. Not yet. She sat up, legs falling to the floor as she peered over at Oliver. “You’re a jackass.” She said, gasping in protest as she felt the candy leave her mouth. “Hey! Give that back! I don’t care what he says, he can go suck a dick for all I care.” She protested, climbing onto the couch and reaching over him to grab at her lollipop.
Stephanie's eyes just widened at Oliver's comment. Yeah she had heard them before but it was never that extreme or about the elephant in the room. She pushed her hair behind her ear just watching everything. "Kay I'll let you two fight over the lolipop and.." she grabbed her bag as she spoke "you two can deal with what just happened with Oliver not having a filter some times." She debated on grabbing Oliver's hand but didn't and just hoped he was gonna follow her.
You would think his friends didn't know he had no filter when it came to this subject. One thing that had yet to change in his growing up was the fact that he used his inexperience in sex as a way to make light of a situation. Truth be told, and he would rather die than let Iris and Gio know, but their threesome had actually been his first time. Maybe it was his defense mechanism, but he did feel bad about what he said when he saw the look on Iris face. "I'm sorry ris. That was uncalled for." Watching as Stephanie left out the front door, Oliver silently followed as he pulled the door closed behind him.
Gio grunted in annoyance, stretching his arm upwards, far away from Iris' reach. "What the hell, get off me," he complained, trying to ignore the way his heart was beating wildly against his chest - Stephanie and Oliver were off somewhere doing god knows what, and they were alone. The asshole part of him thought how hilarious popping the lollipop into his mouth would be (and see the look of infuriation and shock on Iris' face), so he did, a shit-eating grin on his face. "'S mine now."
Iris just glared back at Oliver before putting her focus back on the task at hand. If there was one thing she took seriously, it was her lollipops; she didn’t eat many different kinds of candy, and lollipops were always her go to whenever she wanted something sweet. She shook her head, still trying to reach the lollipop, not hearing the door close behind them. “Dude what the fuck.” She exclaimed, reaching forward and grabbing hold of the stick, mimicking his movements moments prior. “You do know that has my salvia all over it?” Iris questioned, giving it tug , not caring she was all but hovering over him.
Stephanie looked behind her when the door closed seeing Oliver, a small smile crossed her face. "So how long do you think it's gonna  both of them to realize that we're going to the store without them?" She asked grabbing her keys out of the zippered part of bag, and started to walk down the stairs to wear the car was parked.
Patting his pockets to make sure he didn't forget his phone in the kitchen, Oliver glanced over at the redhead. "I doubt they will even notice. I mean did you see them? How can they not see that they are 100% in love with each other." Making his way over to her car, Oliver waited until he heard the beep of her car unlocking before he ran ahead so he was able to open the car door for her. "How long are we going to leave them here? Like are we just going to Costco? Or are we going other places as well"
"Don't care," Gio managed to hiss out, the lollipop still wrenched between his teeth - he wasn't going to lose, it was childish, even for him, but the prideful part of him remained stubborn. "We've done worse," he grinned up at her, eyebrows raising up challengingly. Where did the audacity come from?  He didn't know. Probably their compromising position - which, he didn't mind at all.
Iris rolled her eyes, still determined to get the lollipop; even though it was more so to mess with him and win over him than the lollipop itself. Even out of school, she was still competitive as ever against Gio. No matter how embarrassed she might be at the fact that she was all but straddling him at this point. “Yes, yes. I know. I even know that that was a one time thing and as much fun as it was, not looking to do that again with Oli.” She shrugged, leaving his name out of it. She might try to put on a front with him, but she couldn’t lie to herself.
Stephanie let out a soft laugh. "They are blind if they can see it." She murmured watching him walk in front of her biting the side of her lip. "You know i can get my own door." She teased going over and leaned on the car  looking at him. "I feel like we should just stick with Costco, but we can probably stretch it until they call us and ask where the hell we went"  she shrug a little bit.
Oliver agreed wholeheartedly. He wasn't sure as to why they hadn't just gotten it over with, but if there was anywhere in the world that could spark up a romance, it was Disneyland. "trust me, I know you don't need me to take care of you, but just let me be a gentleman." Oliver complained as  he placed a hand on her waist before closing the space between the two. "Do you have a problem with that?" He asked with a slight smirk gracing his face. "Well I do have our date planned out, but if we did that today, we wouldn't be back until late tonight."
Unfortunately, Gio caught the hint. With Oli?" He asked, pulling the lollipop out and waving it in front of Iris with a teasing smile on his face. Now that the both of them had considerably calmed down, Gio was all-too aware of Iris on his lap, but he made no move to push her away. "Here's your damn lollipop," he passed the candy back to her, "Happy?"
Iris had two choices, to try and correct herself, or just go with it. And considering the compromising position they were in, the fact that she really didn’t care all that much about the candy, and the statement their blonde friend had made earlier, she had a feeling playing it off wouldn’t get past him. “Yes, with Oli.” She grinned, taking the lollipop back from him and popping it in her mouth, halting her fight against him. “Considerably so, yes I am.” She said, pulling the lollipop out. “Though, it’s seemed to have lost it’s flavor.”
Stephanie could feel her cheeks growing redder as Oliver's hands rested on her waist. Why was the smallest thing making her feel like they where kinda perfect in a way. "Fine, i can't say no to that." the redhead whispered rolling her lips between her teeth seeing the smirk play on his face. "No, but we should save that date for a full day in LA."
Watching as she softly chewed on her lip, Oliver felt a sense of pride that he had this sort of reaction on her. "We should really get going, Steph. It's already going to take us a while before we actually make it back here." Nodding in agreement, Oliver waited for her to get in the car before closing it behind her.
Iris' smile was infectious, and Gio found himself returning it with the same calibre. "Just with Oli?" He asked, with a joking lilt to his voice, although there was a little hesitance (hopefulness?) behind his question.  The mere fact that Iris still hasn't made any move to get off his lap was saying a lot. Maybe. "How unfortunate." He licked his lips, "Can't relate, though, my mouth still tastes like strawberry."
“I said what I said.” She shrugged again, twirling the stick between her fingers. She had one every single day, she knew the workings of candy; Iris knew the lollipop didn’t actually lose flavor, she wasn’t stupid, she just wanted to see what his reaction was. A simple test to gauge what her next choice would be. If she was being honest with herself, she was getting tired of the back and forth between them and needed to know if the feelings truly were one sided. She bit her lip, eyes flickering towards his. “Is that so.” She muttered, before mustering up all the Lopez-Pierce courage she could, surging forward and planting her lips on his.
"Fine fine fine." Stephanie muttered getting into the car. She watched him walk around the car to get in himself. She opened google maps and typed into it Costco and set her phone down in the cup holder smiling when he got into the car. "Ready?"
Pulling the seatbelt across him, Oliver only nodded as a signal that he was ready. "So can I ask you something?" Oliver paused as he tried to think of the best way possible to ask this without him seeming like he wasn't happy. "What made you say yes to a date? I thought.." trailing off as he gathered his thoughts, it took him a moment before he actually finished his sentence. "I thought you didn't have feelings for me like that."
Gio freezes - the gears in his brain had stopped for a nanosecond. He certainly hadn't seen this coming; yes, sure, he'd dropped a lot of not-so-subtle hints and openly flirtatious to Iris, but he didn't expect her to... Return it. The moment their lips had touched, and the moment Gio gathered his shit together and kissed her back, the heavy tension in the air had snapped like a rubber band. Gio cupped her cheeks as he deepened the kiss, pulling her flush against him. Oliver and Steph had fucked off somewhere, but were they to suddenly walk in and catch them making out, they would have a lot of explaining to do.
Part of Iris was afraid she just made a huge mistake. Her whole family may be full of confidence but when it came to iris half the time it was pure ‘fuck it all’ mindframe. She knew there was something between the two of them, but she wasn’t sure if the extent of it was just something she made up in her mind. All this was flying through her mind in the seconds before he kissed back, and in that moment a rush of butterflies went right to Iris’ head without mercy. The lollipop fell from her hands, instinctively letting go to bury her fingers in his hair, really not wanting this moment to end.
Once he was buckled, Stephanie started the car backing out of the spot, and started to drive out of the parking lot and getting on the road. She was about to turn up the radio but stopped as he asked that question. “A date. not datING” She said peering over at him hoping that didn’t come off as she wasn’t excited and ready for it,  but talking about the date made her heart race. “I’m an actress, i am good  at showing emotion when I wanna”  she whispered, looking back at the road as she started to change lanes, letting out a small breath. “Like if it wasn’t for the stupid gossip blog, i probably would have just kept pushing my feelings i’ve had aside cause I didn’t want to get between you and your music, or if we /had/ dated before, and i was out here and you saw pictures of me with other guys i wouldn’t want you to think that i was cheating on you. Cause honestly last thing i would do is that to someone I really care about.” The redhead took a few turns as she was talking, and soon they where at Costco. “So, don’t hate me for not telling you.”
Rolling his eyes slightly, Oliver corrected himself "Yes, date but you know what I mean. I know this is us testing out the waters together, but I still wanted to know." If trying to break out in the music industry had taught him anything, it was the fact that tabloids would do anything to get a story--even if they have to make it up in order to do so. "I would still trust you if you told me nothing was going on. You've given me no reason not to trust you. It would be the same thing with me out on the road all of the time. Once we have this album finished, the band and I are planning on going on a small tour. Nothing major..just a few small venues, but you would have to deal with the idea of girls potentially being all over me. I just just hope that if we do end up giving this a real shot, that you would trust me." As the pair pulled into the local Costco, Oliver helped in the task of finding a spot. "I don't hate you. I mean its not like I ever made my feelings known." Looking down one of the lanes, Oliver finally pointed" I see a spot down there."
Gio eventually had to (reluctantly) break the kiss for air. He wrapped his arms around Iris' waist, grinning up at her. "Well," he sucked in a breath, hoping to the gods that he didn't look as nervous as he felt. "That was nice," he said lamely. Way better than their little fling with Oliver. "We should, like, totally do it again."
It was only when he pulled away did Iris realize how on fire her lungs were, that there was this thing called air they needed. “Yeah, really nice.” She responded, not helping the laugh that escaped her, leaning forward once more, pressing a firm kiss to his lips before pulling back again. Her hands fell away from his neck to only let her head fall into them, another laugh escaping from her as everything that just happened in the last few minutes flew through her mind. “I can’t believe I just did that.” She muttered, thanking every god imaginable that not only did he obviously felt the same, but that their friends weren’t around for it.
Stephanie shrugged a little bit. "Well.. you know now." She said softly as she hit the blinker on her car, pulling into the spot. "I'd trust you too, Oli." She turned off her car grabbing her bag and looked over at him. "And you're acting as if I wouldn't end up being a groupie following you guys around" she teased, tossing her keys into her bag getting out of the car, waiting for him. "Look, whatever happens between us, our friendship always comes first, deal?"
The fact that she had always been supportive of his dream really meant the world to him. He wouldn't know what to do if his friends didn't support him, and the fact that the girl he wanted to try and make something with, seemed to always be his biggest fan. "You should know that no matter what, I'll always have VIP passes sitting at the box office for you." Nodding his head as he got out of the car, Oliver could only smile as he made his way over to her side. Wrapping an arm around her as they walked into the store. "Nothing is going to come between us and our friendship, Sunshine. I won't let anything happen."
Gio lets out a soft snort, one hand flying up to stroke Iris' hair; as  amazing as kissing Iris felt, there was an unanswered question hovering in the air, and Gio certainly wasn't going to waste the rest of his summer away being a complete coward. No, he was moving to New York for fuck's sake. "I can't believe you just did that," Gio teased, leaning against her. "So," he started, licking his lips. "Did - uh, did that kiss mean anything, or...?"l
Iris lifted her head solely for the purpose of slapping Gio across the chest. “Don’t forget Gio, you’re the one who reciprocated.” She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. “No, it meant absolutely nothing. I just made up an excuse to kiss you for the hell of it.” She joked, sticking her tongue out at him, a sign she was messing with him. But as quick as she joked, she quickly got serious. “It did. It really did. And yeah you’re going to college in a few months, but doesn’t mean we can’t try, right? I mean, if you’re up for it. Because I am. I mean who knows, if you can deal with dating someone still in high school, we could totally make long distance work.” She said, quickly realizing she was rambling.
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i-can-be-king-again · 4 years
Has the person you like ever seen you in your pajamas? Nope
Did the last person you kissed celebrate your last birthday with you? No, that person dumped me a couple years ago and we stopped talking after a while
What’s the first word of the last text message you received? “okay”
Do you think you’ve changed at all over the past year? I’m being less of a pushover than I've been before and being less of a perfectionist in front of ppl
Is there a song that reminds you of your ex? Do you still listen to that song? “In my head” by Ariana Grande, I listen to it sometimes to remind myself that I'm better off without them
Did you tag anyone in your last Facebook status? I don’t use Facebook as much anymore
How do you behave when you’re drunk? Never been drunk, but I was super tense when I was buzzed lol
What is your least favorite type of chocolate? White chocolate, it makes my stomach hurt lol
When was the last time you felt disappointed? What was the reason? Last week when I felt like I'm not improving in my self defense class, but I'm always disappointed in that lol
Is there someone that can make you smile, even when you feel like crying? There’s a couple people that can
Is there a certain person on your mind right now? Tell me about him/her. My boyfriend
You’re getting ready to go to bed, and the last person you kissed shows up, what do you do? Tell them to get tf out my house lol
What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? I’m so goddamn lonely lol
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Probably not
Are you okay right now? I’m never ok tbh lol
What time did you get up today? around 8:30 am
When was the last time you saw your mom? As of writing this right now, about 10 minutes ago
What is the last thing you drank today? Water
Do you dislike/hate anyone? Trump, my self defense teacher, and this stupid guy in my self defense class
Where is your best friend right now? Probably at home
When will your next kiss be? I’m not going to predict that because I don’t want to jinx the possibility lol
Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow? Hell no lol
Does anyone completely understand you? My therapist, I think
Who was the last girl you hugged outside of family? A couple years ago I think
Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? No
What will you be doing in 3 hours? Playing games
How often do you straighten your hair? I already have straight hair so I don’t need to do that
What are you currently looking forward to? This stupid pandemic and trump’s presidency to be over
Is tomorrow gonna be a good day? What are you going to do? Probably not lol, mostly waste time
Who did you last hang out with? The person I'm dating(?) at the moment
Did anyone see your last kiss? Nope
Could things possibly get any better? I hope so ugh
Do you know who you’ll even kiss next? I have no clue!
Do you ever sleep in jeans? No, that sounds really uncomfortable
Name something you dislike about the day you’re having? Anxiety and lack of sleep
Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night? No
Are you in love lately? No
How often do you see your ex? Never, thank god lol
Who was the last person to text you? My friend
Did you like anyone last summer? Not really
Do you replay things that have happened in your head? All the time!
Who was the last person you stayed up with till 2am? My friend
Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? yes!! I’m fine with either one lol
Are you currently in a relationship? Nope
Do you use a full length mirror daily? Rarely
Would you be shocked if the person you have feelings for texted you? No
Is there anyone you wish you could fix things with? Not really
What are you planning on doing after this? Probably play some games
Is there a girl you would do anything for? Yep!
Who IMed you on facebook last? An old classmate from college
How old are you? 27
Do you love dogs? I love them!!
Were you finished childhood and teens when Harry Potter movies came out? No, they started coming out when I was in elementary school
Did you keep all your VHS tapes? Some of them yeah
Do you think Jack Nicholson is a good actor? Yeah I think so
Have you ever watched an episode of “The Honeymooners”? No
Have you ever owned a pair of high-top Converse? No
Do you have rain boots with a cute pattern on them? I don’t own any rainbows lol
Would you rather eat an apple or an orange right now? Orange
Would you rather do a cartwheel on land or a backflip in water? Cartwheel
Have you ever performed on stage in front of people? Not performed, but one time I saw a comedian at a small venue and they had me come up on stage with him to be his “personal assistant” because I looked super young for my age, it was really fun lmao
Were you kinda scared of the goths in high school? Not scared, but mostly intimidated lol
What size is your mattress?(single,twin,double,queen,king) Full size
Do you eat foods from all 4 food groups everyday? I don’t eat meat so no lol
Do you sleep in PJs? Yes
Do you prefer watching TV or listening to music? I’m ok with either one
Would you rather watch a movie in theatre or at home? Depends on the movie I'm seeing in the theater
Do you prefer brown or white rice? Brown
Do you like spaghetti? Spaghetti is pretty good
What about lasagna? Lasagna is pretty good too
Do you celebrate Christmas? Sort of
Is your Thanksgiving celebrated in October too? No..? I've never heard of that tf lol
Do you like chocolate bars? Not really, I like chocolate in other forms lol
what about ice cream? nah, it hurts my teeth when I eat it
Have you ever been stung by anything? What was it? Mostly mosquitoes lol
Do you get tired easily? Sometimes
Or do you always have plenty of energy to spare? Never lol
Have you ever done volunteer work? Where? I volunteered to help office workers at red cross What about court-ordered community service? No
Have you ever worn contacts?(even just to try them out) I tried but they were too hard to take out and they were uncomfortable
Would you wear contacts on a daily basis? yes if they were easier to take out lol
Are your ears pierced? How many times? Nope
Do you have GOD-GIVEN(not dyed) natural brown hair too? I have natural brown hair but from genetics lol
Or were you born blonde? No
Have you found a gray hair on your head or body before? Not yet lol
Have you ever had any suspicious moles removed? Nope
Have you ever been screened for STDs? No
Are all your wisdom teeth pulled? not yet
Did you have your tonsils taken out? No
Did you have your appendix taken out? No
How many kidneys do you have?(have you donated one?) I have both of them
Would you(to save someone)?^^^ If it’s a close family member yeah
Have you ever found a bug or slug in your salad? no thank god
Do you like Harry Potter? not really
What about Twilight? I liked it when I was younger, but not now How do you feel about Lord of the rings? It’s kind of boring lol
Are you going to see ‘The Hobbit’ when it comes out? I saw, it was ok
Do you have a glass that says ‘Molson Canadian’ on it? No
Do you have any collector’s glasses or cups or mugs? Nope
Would you rather have a white fridge or a black fridge or a stainless steel fridge? Stainless steel
What size shoe do you wear? 7-7.5 womens
Do you have a wide foot or a narrow foot or just average? Narrow
Do you bite your nails when you’re stressed? No
Do you have to take an allergy pill daily in order to live normally? No
Are you on the birth control pill? No
Or are you trying to get pregnant? I’m trying not to get pregnant, but I use condoms instead
You’d rather wear black sneakers or sneakers in a bright color or pattern? black sneakers
Has anyone ever told you they were attracted to you? Yes
Can you swim well in water way above your head? yep
Are you afraid of thunder & lightening? No, I love them lol
Have you ever experienced an earthquake? yes
What about a tornado? No
Are you closer to your dad?(more so than your mom) I’m a lot closer to my mom
Were you your parents’ first born? Yes
Do you have a child? Is the father still with you? No
Did you trade stickers at recess when you were a kid? No
How old were you when you had your first crush? Do you remember their name? I think I was 10, I don’t remember their name
Can you even remember what the hell they looked like? Not at all lol
Have you ever operated any type of motorized vehicle before? A car
Are you going to drink alcohol tonight? Nope
Have you ever heard of the Canadian kids show called “Mr. Dressup”? No
What about the kids show “Fred Penner’s Place”? No
Did you hate Sesame Street when you were little too? I've never watched it so I can’t have a valid opinion of it
Were you born perfectly healthy or with some(or a lot) of health issues? I had semi severe stomach problems when I was a baby, and still have them now lol
Do you collect DVDs? Nah, I just rent them
Do you download music? Yes
Or do you still go to stores and buy CDs? No
Did you skip(jumo-rope) a lot as a kid? Sometimes
Did you ever catch any bugs or insects with your friends as a kid? roly polies and ladybugs
Didn’t you just LOVE art class in elementary school?! I don’t remember having an art class back then lol
Have you ever played dodgeball? Yes, I'm pretty good at dodging but not throwing
What about Red Rover? No
Have you ever played “What time is it mr. wolf?”? It sounds familiar but I don’t remember it
Do you hate your weight? I’m fine with it
Have you ever struggled with a mental illness? yes and still do lol
Serious question, peanut butter or nutella? Peanut butter
Have you ever stepped on a snail? yeah, on accident :/
Do you prefer baked potatoes or mashed potatoes? Mashed
Do you prefer ankle socks over regular socks? Ankle socks
Last movie you’ve seen in theaters? Sonic the hedgehog lmao
What is your oldest sibling’s middle name? I don’t know their middle name oops, I think it’s the same name as my dad though
Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disney World? Both
Would you ever go backpacking across any country? Nah, not interested
Would you prefer to travel around the world by yourself or with a friend? With a friend
Do you like breadsticks? Not really
Do you usually wear shorts around your house all year long? No, my house gets cold a lot
What state were you born in? California
Have you ever had a nose bleed? Never had one
How far away do you live from your birthplace? An hour maybe?
Do you have a weak stomach? yes, I hate it ugh
Do you know anybody who has been diagnosed with cancer? No
Have you ever had to take care of an intoxicated person? No
Have you ever considered becoming a lawyer? Not at all
Do you *really* like donuts? Hell yeah I do!
Do you think Disney World could ever get old? If I went there all the time, then yeah
If you could, would you hookup with the last person you texted? I don’t like hooking up with people :/
What are your favorite things to spend money on? Games, art supplies, clothes
Will you talk to the person you like on the phone tonight? Probably not
What do you usually order on a pizza? vegan cheese with veggies on it Do you and your boyfriend/girlfriend fight a lot? I don't have one 😭
Who’s the first person with the letter “m” in your contacts? My cousin
Which would you rather have a new puppy or kitten? Puppy!!!!!
How old will you be on your next birthday? 28 😱
What color are your underwear? That’s confidential information lmao
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? All the time, I always have to eat in an area with little to no people.  It sucks
0 notes
beautyindisguise00 · 4 years
its been awhile...again..
Early Thursday morning October 1st 2020 @8:09am
how would your parents react if you got pregnant (or got someone pregnant)?   like right now? like when i’m not married and have to tell my parents i did the dirty before marriage? well, let’s see. my mom would cry. then i would get a big and long lecture from my dad. my mom would try to yell at me cause she’s mad but she’d be too sad so i’d have to wait for her to pull herself together for her to lecture me. I’d hear a lot of “i’m so disappointed in you” “this is not how we raised you” “do you know how bad this will look on you and on our family”  LOL honestly, i dont even know but this is how i envisioned it, but i hope i’d never have to tell them until i’m actually married
when you were little, what did you really want to be? a teacher and i’m on the right track to getting there! if only schools would hire me!
if you could be with anyone right now, who would you pick? him
how much would someone have to pay you to live alone in a haunted house? uhm...like 100. i’d probably do it.
what do you think about when you fall asleep? usually i fall asleep with my boyfriend so i usually just listen to him talk until i fall asleep
has Facebook ruined your life? no
have you ever had a fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend’s mom or dad? no. i’d hope not
are you afraid of frogs? no, but i wouldn’t touch it
what would your dream job be? an elementary school teacher or a wedding planner :) 
how would you react if a complete stranger complimented you? say “thank you and that’s so nice of you to say that”
would you lie to someone just to make them happy? depends. if it’s a small lie, then sure
what is your greatest fear? not being able to bear children
who was the last person to make you cry? honestly, myself and my thoughts last night.       
what are you doing today? finish this, get ready, then go into work to get some stuff done then go shopping really quick
what makes you happy? when the people i love are happy
would you rather stand on a block of ice or walk on hot coals? uh, ice
would you rather have a private yacht or a private jet? tough one, but probably a jet
Do you have Facebook? yup
Have you dated someone of another race? no i have not
How would you react if you found out your crush had a terminal disease? i’d cry for a long time
Can you tell when someone who was your friend, doesn’t like you anymore? uhm, if we were close and they’d stopped staying in contact. then i’d question it for a bit, but move on if that’s how they’re going to be.
How about when a guy or crush doesn’t like you anymore, can you tell? again, if they stop staying in contact i can probably take the hint
Do you eat applesauce? its been a while
What was the last thing you made from scratch? steamed rolls last night. yum
What was the last pill you took for? a migraine from drinking too much with my boyfriend’s sister in laws and female cousins
What are you doing right now? this and drinking coffee and listening to “morning music” that my alexa has chosen
When was the last time you took a nap? like two days ago. i dont really take naps, but since my work hours have adjusted i had a lot of time of doing nothing
Does your family have family reunions? my whole giant family tries once in a few years. my immediate family just likes to take family trips. my boyfriend’s family does it every other year
Do you know any foreign languages? my native language and some en francais 
How often do you get stomachaches? when i drink whole milk (or things with it) when i know i’m not suppose to. lol
Are you in the hospital a lot? nope
Do you watch sports on television? just nfl football
Have you ever walked on the beach at night? yes and i really enjoy it
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? my boyfriend
Have you ever been asked out by someone you didn’t want to date? lol kinda
How many cousins have you got? like a lot
Do you think you’ll have a nice day tomorrow? yes
Did you have a nice day today? my day kinda just started
When was the last time you sat behind a desk? when i was student teaching
Are there many stars in the sky tonight/last night? no idea
Are you tired at all? i’m starting to wake up.
Where were you born? In a hospital. <<< No way, me too! Haha.<< diddo
Are you thinking about anyone right now? not that you asked, yes. 
Do you have any makeup on? If so what? not right now
Do you have many photo albums? no physical ones but digital ones
Do you know what hyperbole means? yeah
Do you like sugar with your tea? yes
Ever bought shoelaces? nope
Would you call shopping a therapy? ehh, not for me
Do you read poetry/make it?  nope
Have you ever had braces? no
Do you live in the same town as the place you were born? no, i moved out last year, but it’s not too far from here
How many years have you been breathing for? almost 25
If you had the chance to go to the moon would you? uhhhhmm.....nah i’m too scared of all the things that could go wrong
Do you prefer Chinese, Indian, Mexican or Italian food best? italian then chinese then mexican
When’s the last time you rode a bike? a while. haha i cant recall
What’s the last thing you scratched? my back
What did you do for your 10th birthday? honestly, no idea.
Do you own a sketchbook? What’s the last thing you drew in it?  i use it to practice calligraphy 
Do you own any red shoes? no, red is too bold for me
Do you have a picture of you throwing up the peace sign? plenty back in my teen years
Do you know what your next injection will be? no, dont need it
Are you jealous of anyone at the moment? nope
Your parents split; Would you want to live with your Mom or Dad? i’m living by myself so i dont think i’d have to choose. but if i was younger, then my mom
Ever told your parents you were going somewhere but went somewhere else? yes, but nothing too bad
Are you gonna get high later? i dont do that 
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? he annoys me sometimes, but no. haha
Do you smoke? nope
What are you planning on doing after this? get ready for the day
Do you think somebody’s in love with you? i sure hope so
Have you ever liked someone that was in a relationship? i had a crush on him, but i wasn’t going to destroy his relationship
What’s your current problem? i have to go to the bathroom haha
How many kids do you want to have? 2-3 
Have you kissed the last person you text messaged? yes
Where’s your phone right now?  next to my laptop
Do you have any plans for the weekend? yes! im going to a winery with some coworkers on saturday then on sunday i’m heading home to go to the pumpkin patch with my family
Has someone ever made you a promise and broke it? lol yes. my boyfriend’s brother. lol
Last movie/DVD watched? overdrive. it’s not all that great
What do you always take with you? my phone
What happened at 10am? not sure yet. i’ll probably be at work
Is there someone you will never forget? yes, a few people
Does anything hurt on your body? not right now
What was the best thing that happened today? so far, having coffee. oh and my boyfriend’s morning text
What is something you currently want right now? money. honestly. haha
What was the first thing you did when you woke up? check the time
Would you like to put last night on repeat, and live it forever? no not last night
How are you? ehh, not too bad
Is anything bothering you? not right now
Are you excited for next year? very. hopefully a better year than this one
What are your plans for tomorrow? not sure yet. it’s a free day tomorrow!
Is your room clean? pretty much. there’s a few things to be put away
Do you wear eyeliner? nope
Does anyone annoy you? some people
Is life good? not too shabby. hoping for more though
0 notes
Bionn Halthcharon’s Basic Journal
im reposting this from my account on the MH Fandom wiki! Its Bad™️ its got that ye olde prototype flavor and it was before i got a grip on his character and the comment about his power source being held in an alternate dimension? its a scrapped concept now. his power source is in his body.
Hey! So instead of starting this thing off with a entry, I'm just gonna write down what I can do in the first place. Why? Well if you had super cool gadgets and abilities wouldn't you?
Here's some of the stuff Dad decided to outfit me with! But I've only got one ability that I got from my mom.
The ability to create interdimensional portals to teleport anywhere and any part of me wherever I want. It's actually pretty handy for when I'm lazy and don't feel like moving. Also I can access alternate dimensions including a pocket dimension where I keep my main power source.
I also come with nanotechnology which I can use to create whatever I want. Anything made with my nanites is surprisingly solid. It can also pick up other monsters and things. Things just kinda float in this wobbly blue forcefield.
Super strength to pick up the real heavy stuff.
I have a program that lets me control technology. It's good for accessing hidden files and getting past firewalls on a combooter but I can't do anything super intense like create a giant computer monster. That would be cool though.
I breath fire because of a flamethrower in my system. A tiny trail of fire does leave my mouth whenever I sigh but a bigger burst of fire tends to come out whenever I sneeze. ....I've set a lot of stuff on fire this way. I'm not proud of it...
July 17th
I still can't understand why we had to move to New Salem. I mean, just because I busted up a few buildings and half the city all those times isn't a good reason to move. The people of Motor City were safe in the end and that's important. Besides, the city repairs itself, so no big deal right? Well, I guess it's a pretty big deal. So Mom and Dad talked it over and decided to pack up everything and move to New Salem. And by "they" I mean Mom said "We are moving to New Salem, don't argue with me." She runs the house, so who the heck are we to question her decision? We do, but it just runs the risk of getting yelled at. So now here we are.
This place is okay, I guess. It's bigger than Motor City and that's kinda jarring. We're still getting settled into the place but once we get stuff wrapped up, we'll explore more of town. Might have to wait until tomorrow seeing how long it's gonna take Dad to set up my recharge station.
July 18th
I must've shut down sometime yesterday because I woke up in my room. And I'm not gonna lie, I freaked out. I mean, I guess it happens when you move somewhere and are in a place you've never been in before? I wouldn't really know since this is the first time it's happened. I'm in a new house after all. Speaking of the house, this is bigger than the old house back in Motor City. It's nice. It's a great change that I like because we lived in a tiny apartment back home. A plus side is that I can distance myself further away from my little brother, Pat-ick. I can't STAND how obnoxious he gets at times. Not to mention how he picks fights with me every two seconds. The worst part is that it usually works.
And then we fight and Mom yells at us. Then we stop shouting and awkwardly sit there. Anyway, we explored more of New Salem today and it's a pretty sweet place. I dunno but maybe it's because I've never seen a town like this before. But at the same time it feels wrong to be here. Maybe I'm just so used to living in Motor City. Or maybe it's because I still don't get why we're here. Also they have a Maul here. It's been a while since I've seen one of those. Going in there was so weird though!
I mean... if felt like we were stepping into a food-scented fantasy land. It was so clawesome! We did see more of the town and you know what? I think I'm starting to like this place.
August 18th
You know what I like to do when I wake up? Stretch, flop back onto the bed and just lay there. It's a good way to start the morning actually. And then I make myself get up and get dressed. Coming into the living room was weird... Mom, Dad and my sister Shelley were talking about a place called Monster High and how it's time she went to school again. They were seriously thinking about this?! I knowy sister enough to know that even if she's bright and sunshine-y, her anxiety would send her through the roof of that school in five minutes flat. I pointed out only to have a bombshell dropped on me.
I was going with her. Way to just throw it out there Mom and Dad. The last time I was even in a school was when I was little. And I had to be pulled out due to huge stress issues. For all I know, this'll be a repeat of elementary school all over again! Except I'm taller. And with different people. To add insult to injury, Mom told us we were already registered and that our first day would be in September.
Sometimes I really question what goes through Mom's head.
September 6th
Y'know what's a lousy way to start the day? Arguing with Pat-ick, that's how. It was over something dumb as usual, which normally how all our fights start. Mom stopped the fight and well I got most of the blame. And Mom broke her yelling records. Which is nice and all but I really don't think I needed to be shouted at for two hours. It hurts a manster's feelings y'know? Anyways after that, Shelley decided we needed a day to fang out and calm down, which I don't mind considering that the new scaremester's right around the corner.
So we did what all the cool kids do: we went to the Maul. Shelley decided to take me shopping for new clothes since my old ones don't really suit me. She's a literal ray of sunshine and I'm okay with that. It was a pick whatever I want kind of deal too. So I just pieced together what I liked and well, I have a really colorful jacket. Also when she saw me in my new stuff, she looked so happy. I even helped her out her out with her shopping. I know what she likes. You have to, it's sibling code.
Also we went by a place called the Coffin Bean. We don't even like coffee but we needed a break and a snack so why not? And I'm not gonna lie, those strawscary tarts were pretty clawsome. Then we decided to go ahead and go home but on the way out we kinda didn't pay attention to where we were going and we bumped into three ghouls. I don't think I've ever said sorry that much in my entire un-life. Aside from that, going to Monster High doesn't seem that bad now that I think about it...
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berserker-official · 7 years
Then allow me to be the one who does it. -ahem- Answer all 200 questions, please.
200: My crush’s name is: I don’t have one right now?
199: I was born in: A hospital in Colorado
198: I am really: Really tired
197: My cellphone company is: Cricket
196: My eye color is: Blue
195: My shoe size is: I think 12?
194: My ring size is: I have no fucking idea
193: My height is: 6′2
192: I am allergic to: Nothing that I know of
191: My 1st car was: I share a Jeep with the family
190: My 1st job was: A pizza man at Little Caesars in Texas
189: Last book you read: All You Need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka
188: My bed is: Small.
187: My pet: She a good girl and like 6 different breeds
186: My best friend: I have too many
185: My favorite shampoo is: Whatever’s cheap
184: Xbox or ps3: Both but I’m a sony man at heart
183: Piggy banks are: Neat
182: In my pockets: I don’t have pockets right now
181: On my calendar: Nothing special today but I have the Danganronpa V3 release date on it in a couple of weeks
180: Marriage is: Neat
179: Spongebob can: go steppin on the beach
178: My mom: is neat but I’m mad at her right now
177: The last three songs I bought were?
Silence by Marshmello & Khalid, OTONA HIT PARADE and Emotional Literacy by Bradio
176: Last YouTube video watched: Oney Plays D. Premonition WITH FRIENDS - EP 6 - Minesweeper175: How many cousins do you have? I honestly don’t know. My parents don’t really keep in touch with immediate family. My mom is an only child and my dad doesn’t talk to her sister.174: Do you have any siblings? I have a little brother who’s a fucking loser going for an astrophysics degree.
173: Are your parents divorced? Nope
172: Are you taller than your mom? By two feet.
171: Do you play an instrument? I used to play percussion in middle school
170: What did you do yesterday? A bunch of stencil work[ I Believe In ] (I’ve already answered these but here u go)169: Love at first sight: Not really168: Luck: Heart of the Cards167: Fate: No166: Yourself: Nope165: Aliens: Yeah164: Heaven: Not really163: Hell: Not really162: God: Not really161: Horoscopes: No but I look at them randomly160: Soul mates: Yeah159: Ghosts: No but not yet158: Gay Marriage: HELL YEAH157: War: No it bad156: Orbs: I BELIEVE IN THE ORBS155: Magic: No but not yet[ This or That ] (I’ve answered some of these already but here u go)154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs153: Drunk or High: Neither152: Phone or Online: Online151: Red heads or Black haired: Black hair but I don’t really care?150: Blondes or Brunettes: Blonde cuz I’m ready to have fun149: Hot or cold: Cold148: Summer or winter: Winter147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate145: Night or Day: Night144: Oranges or Apples: Apples143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight hair142: McDonalds or Burger King: Doesn’t matter141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heals: I hate showing off my feet and I actually wore high heels once so HIGH HEELS138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: I’m sweet and poor so that one137: Coke or Pepsi: Neither one I actually don’t like carbonated drinks136: Hillary or Obama: Thanks obama135: Burried or cremated: Cremated it’s better for the earth134: Singing or Dancing: Singing even I fuckin suck133: Coach or Chanel: I have no idea132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Neither?131: Small town or Big city: Big City130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller128: Manicure or Pedicure: Whichever is the hand one127: East Coast or West Coast: I’m in the middle so doesn’t matter126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas cuz my birthday is in the summer so I’m dying of heat.125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: Neither cuz going outside sucks123: Yankees or Red Sox: Cubs cuz they finally won the world series[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: It bad121: George Bush: He did Nine Eleven120: Gay Marriage: It’s great why the fuck do people think it’s bad119: The presidential election: In general I used to not care but NOW GO FUCKING VOTE118: Abortion: I think it’s important117: MySpace: I never had a myspace but bring back the grunge emo shit116: Reality TV: It’s obviously fake so115: Parents: Parents are good without them I would not be here (But if they’re abusive fuck them)114: Back stabbers: Drop them faster than you can say bye bitch113: Ebay: I’ve only used it once and it was good so I say sure112: Facebook: Needs to chill the fuck out111: Work: Work is good you get money and gain retail horror stories110: My Neighbors: One of them is a drunk so meh but The Best Neighbor is a guy that used to build his own motorcycles but has heart problems so he had to sell them but he’s a chill guy and I love him109: Gas Prices: TOO DAMN HIGH108: Designer Clothes: Too rich for my blood107: College: A good choice for your future but it’s not for everybody106: Sports: The only sport I care about is MLG Gaming105: My family: They cool but highly problematic104: The future: I’m at a big turning point right now so[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Last Saturday?102: Last time you ate: A couple hours ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Last week I think I hung out with a friend and we watched Willow100: Cried in front of someone: Months probably99: Went to a movie theater: I went to see Spider-Man Homecoming when it came out but next month I’m going to see Jigsaw with @warlord-official so that’s fun98: Took a vacation: I don’t know? When I got out of school for summer vacation?97: Swam in a pool: 2011?96: Changed a diaper: I actually never changed a diaper95: Got my nails done: Never94: Went to a wedding: Two years ago93: Broke a bone: Never92: Got a peircing: Sophmore year I got my lip pierced so...2008?91: Broke the law: I think I ran a red light once so a couple years ago?90: Texted: A day?[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: Me cuz I do the dumbest shit88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My dog87: The last movie I saw: I was watching the Rugrats Movie on Netflix a little while ago86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Danganronpa V3 and then Jigsaw in October and the Ixalan MTG set at the end of the month.85: The thing im not looking forward to: The next time I have to go to jury duty84: People call me: by my name83: The most difficult thing to do is: Be an adult82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Never81: My zodiac sign is: Leo80: The first person i talked to today was: My dad79: First time you had a crush: Probably in elementary school? She was partially deaf and my teacher told me to help her out for the year and we got pretty close78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: My friends cuz I gotta let my baggage out77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: I don’t remember cuz all my friends think the same way76: Right now I am talking to: No one75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I wanna do photography maybe teaching74: I have/will get a job: When I graduate73: Tomorrow: I gotta get up early for school72: Today: I did a bunch of school readings71: Next Summer: I’m gonna die from heat again70: Next Weekend: Hopefully I can hang with friends69: I have these pets: A good dog68: The worst sound in the world: When a racist opens their mouth67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Roman from the FH team cuz he’s NOT FUCKING NERFING CENT66: People that make you happy: All my friends65: Last time I cried: Just now boi we goin in hard64: My friends are: Good boys and girls63: My computer is: I have an 5 year old ASUS laptop that I should try to upgrade cuz it runs Overwatch poorly62: My School: MSU Denver61: My Car: I share a Jeep with the family60: I lose all respect for people who: Treat my friends like they’re subhuman59: The movie I cried at was: Death Note cuz it was fucking awful58: Your hair color is: Dirty blonde57: TV shows you watch: The only stuff on now that I’m watching is Rick and Morty and AHS: Cult56: Favorite web site: Tumblr even though this hellsite is full of sin55: Your dream vacation: Japan?54: The worst pain I was ever in was: My wisdom teeth were pretty obnoxious53: How do you like your steak cooked: Rare52: My room is: Very messy and small51: My favorite celebrity is: Gal Gadot50: Where would you like to be: Anywhere not stressed out49: Do you want children: Only if I have an S/O that wants kids48: Ever been in love: Yeh47: Who’s your best friend: I have too many to count but @warlord-official is one of them46: More guy friends or girl friends: I think it’s a tie?45: One thing that makes you feel great is: when my friends are happy or I eat a good burger44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My friend that’s in Japan I miss her43: Do you have a 5 year plan: Nope42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Nope41: Have you pre-named your children: I did when I was dating someone and thought we were pretty serious but then I found out she was cheating on me so not anymore40: Last person I got mad at: My mom39: I would like to move to: Japan or somewhere that is cool all the time like Washington maybe38: I wish I was a professional: Photographer[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Pay Day36: Vehicle: Reasonably priced car is one of the new Jeeps. Super expensive car would be an Aston Martin or Maserati35: President: Obama34: State visited: Georgia was nice33: Cellphone provider: Cricket cuz it’s the only one I’ve had32: Athlete: John Elway31: Actor: Chris Evans30: Actress: Gal Gadot29: Singer: Kesha28: Band: Bradio or Starset27: Clothing store: DXL cuz it’s the only store that sells clothes for Big Boys26: Grocery store: Safeway25: TV show: Hannibal or Future Diary. Rick and Morty is always good24: Movie: Saw, Pacific Rim, Back to the Future, or Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift23: Website: Tumle dot hell22: Animal: Dog?21: Theme park: NONE OF EM20: Holiday: Halloween19: Sport to watch: idk18: Sport to play: I used to do tennis so that one17: Magazine: Shonen Jump or Game Informer16: Book: The Disaster Artist15: Day of the week: Friday14: Beach: I’ve never been to a beach13: Concert attended: Either PVRIS or A Perfect Circle with @warlord-official12: Thing to cook: It’s like a mix of pizza and spaghetti11: Food: A nice burger10: Restaurant: I like Smashburger9: Radio station: I don’t remember the one that plays rock music here but that one8: Yankee candle scent: Something about rain?7: Perfume: There was a vanilla one that I thought smelled nice a long time ago6: Flower: idk?5: Color: a deep blue4: Talk show host: Ellen DeGeneres?3: Comedian: Bo Burnham2: Dog breed: Mutt1: Did you answer all these truthfully? I hope so   
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nebulaegem · 7 years
I was tagged by @itsahuman ayyy thanks!!
Rules: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people!
The last: 1. Drink - glass of milk 2. Phone call - dad 3. Text message - dad 4. Song you listend too - Two Cents by Emily Zeck 5. Time you cried - i don’t remember probably like a week ago  6. Dated someone twice - no 7. Kissed someone and regretted it -No  8. Been cheated on -No. 9. Lost someone special -No 10. Been depressed - yep 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - i don’t like pushing it so no List three favorite colors: 12. purple 13. blue 14. black In the last year have you: 15. Made new friends -Yes?  16. Fallen out of love -No. 17. Laughed until you cried -Yep 18. Found someone who talked about you- not really i mind my own business 19. Met someone who changed you - no 20. Found out who your friends are - sadly yes  21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list - no General: 22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life - almost all of them give or take 2 or 3 23. Do you have any pets - no sadly i don’t have the funds or space 24. Do you want to change your name - nope 25. What did you do for your last birthday - went to knotts berry farm  26. What time did you wake up - 8:30 am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night - laying in bed, wallowing in self pity  28. Name something you cant wait for - OC fair is coming! also a trip to San Fran  29. When was the last time you saw your mom - 30 minutes ago 
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life - many many things 31. What are you listening to right now - a youtuber playing the isle 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - no??? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves - my job 34. Most visited website -Tumblr 35. Elementary -Finished. 36. Middle school -Finished. 37. High school - finished 38. Collage - Gonna be a super senior YEET 39. Hair color - i dyed it a reddish brown but its faded to a reddish caramel. my roots are back so its a wierd mix of dark ass brown and the lighter color. i need a haircut tbh 40. Long or short hair - Short 41. Do you have a crush on someone -No. 42. What do you like about yourself - i’m empathetic  43. Piercings -My ears but i don’t really wear earings 44. Blood type -Idk and ive been meaning to donate to find out 45. Nickname - Jaz, jazzy 46. Relationship status -Single. 47. Pronouns -She/her. 48. Favorite tv show - Voltron, Steven Universe, documentaries (im a kid sssshh)  49. Tattoos - none atm but im designing my first rn :) 50. Right or left hand -Right. 51. Surgery - had my lazy eye operated on about 16 years ago 52. Sport - baseball but ill never watch a sport willingly
 53. Vacation - God I wish. I would prefer a road trip tho 54. Pair of trainers - a what now  55. Eating - all day, anytime of day im down for most things but breakfast is my jam 56. Drinking - get me them mixed, fruity ass drinks and ill love you 57. Im about to - stay up late even though i have to work tomorrow 58. Waiting for - my paycheck  59. Want -Money  60. Get married - no  61. Career - something in art idfk Which is better: 62. Hugs or kisses -Hugs. 63. Lips or eyes - eyes 64. Shorter or taller -Taller but i love my short peeps 65. Older or younger - around the same age please (1 or 2 year age difference) 66. Nice arms or nice stomach - arms 67. Sensitive or loud - i prefer to listen to people so i guess loud but sometimes i need an ear too 68. Hook up or relationship -Relationship. 69. Troublemaker or hesitant - my nervous ass aint ever been a trouble maker im a good boring noodle Have you ever: 70. Kissed a stranger -No. 71. Drank hard liquor - yes  72. Lost glasses/contact lenses - no 73. Turned someone down -No. 74. Sex on first date - my ace ass says no  75. Broken someones heart -No. 76. Had your heart broken -No. 77. Been arrested -No. 78. Cried when someone died -Yes 79. Fallen for a friend -No. Do you believe in 80. Yourself - not as much as i should 81. Miracles - sometimes  82. Love at first sight - No 83. Santa Claus -No. 84. Kiss on the first date - No  85. Angles - No 86. Fate - some actions inevitably lead to certain outcomes but the future is never really set in stone  87. Ghosts -Yes  88. Supernatural - yes Other: 89. Current best friends name - Abbie, Amy
90. Eye color -Dark Brown. 91. Favorite movie - I always blank on this but Spirited Away is coming to mind  92. People you can trust - My sister and my best friend I tag @thegirlwithmultiplepersonas @commanderauri @zeearbitrator @mirandaskeyes @autobotdrift anyone else who sees this tag me i want to see
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vsirin · 7 years
@nickygrimms tagged me to do the 92 truths game so!!! thank u!
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag!
1. Drink: water (thats all i drink tbh)
2. Phone call: it’s been Weeks but probably the library
3. Text message: i texted my sister abt the sims
4. Song you listened to: kiwi by harry styles 
5. Time you cried: i was close to crying on sunday but i didnt... i think i cried some time last week about 1) michael and 2) flinthamilton reunion
6. Dated someone twice: ive never dated someone ONCE lol
7. Been cheated on: nope
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: cant regret it if u never do it B)
9. Lost someone special: yea
10. Been depressed: a little bit? 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
foresty green, yellow (like the van gogh sunflower shade of yellow), and maroon
15. Made new friends: yep!! 
16. Fallen out of love: no
17. Laughed until you cried: yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: idt so?
19. Met someone who changed you: yes i think every friend changes my life bc im so grateful to have friends
20. Found out who your true friends are: yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i have 2 fb friends and no i have not kissed either of them
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life? 1 (hey thats half of them though!)
23. Do you have any pets?: yea 3 dogs
24. Do you want to change your name?: yeaaah it’s a Struggle bc i dont like it but its my Name and i feel stupid trying to go by smth else? idk :/
25. What did you do for your last birthday? ummmm i went to a used bookstore and treated myself to half of inxs’s albums.. then i think i got taco bell for lunch? and ate spaghetti for dinner. AND played mass effect andromeda for the first time
26. What time did you wake up? YIKES today is a bad day to ask lol i think i wasnt up until 12:45 or later... 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night? drivin home :// rip
28. Name something you cannot wait for: like in the big scheme of things, i cant wait to learn the Skills necessary for my dream job so i can make video games for a living
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: i see her right now
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i mean there are things i wish were different but more in a “i’ll accomplish these things one day” and not just “i want to change this now” ??? idk 
31. What are you listening to right now: a compilation of kirk pengilly’s sax solos
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: 1) the fact i have to pee and im not getting up to go and 2) i need to draw and i WANT to draw and yet... 
34. Most visited website: probably twitter bc i always go on there n talk 
35. Elementary: yes
36. High school: yes
37. College/university: no... bc of $$$
38. Hair color: brown
39. Long hair or short: it’s like shoulder length rn but i want it long again so 
40. Do you have a crush on someone: not IRL 
41. What do you like about yourself: physically i love my nose which i used to hate a LOT but not anymore, i like my eyes and how many freckles i have, and then not-physically i like that i’m a nice and soft person and i’m emotional and sensitive and i think thats nice plus i think i have Cool taste in movies and music and things
42. Piercings: no i am so scared of needles and it’ll never happen
43. Blood type: how tf should i know
44. Nickname: none rlly? i want a nickname tho someone give me one
45. Relationship status: single but Actually luke arnold is my Boyfrend so 
46. Zodiac sign: taurus
47. Pronous: she/her but im not... idk im chill
48. Favorite TV show: black sails!! but i also love battlestar galactica a LOT and chuck is one of my favs too.. i could go on but this only asked for fav and not top 5 lol
49. Tattoos: none bc... im scared of needles.. and i’ll probably never get one lol i’m a weenie 
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: ive never had one
52. Piercings: none
54. Sport: um?? ive never really Done a sport like i’ve never been on a team or anything. but i did a lot of biking and i was a hardcore jump-roper when i was little
55. Vacation: the beach!!
56. Pair of trainers: “what is this asking lol” same nour
57. Eating: im not currently eating anything
58. Drinking: water
59. I’m about to: go through all the tabs i have open RIP
60. Listening to: various inxs songs, i just finished learn to smile and now im listening to we are thrown together
61. Waiting for: hmmm... breakfast tmm... tomorrow in general bc im gonna Do things... my beach vacation later this summer... im always waiting for when i achieve my Ultimate Goal of making video games but that sort of implies im not doing anything abt it and thats not tru
62. Want: some food... some potatoes... i want to start some more hobbies like embroidery, gardening, and yoga maybe?? and i want to be able to do handstands and splits so i wanna do more stretching and what not.. i want lots of things but not in a whiny/im not trying to achieve these goals type of way if that makes sense
63. Get married: i mean maybe... like the concept is cute... when i look at my Favs (read: luke) i’m like “yeah i would marry them in a heartbeat” but irl i just dont know we’ll see.. im a Romantic type of person (despite being aromantic lol) but for me i need just a Soul Connection w/ someone and if it’s not in a marriage type of way then thats okay? idk man
64. Career: oh i know this one!!! video game programmer!!! 
65. Hugs or kisses: ???? how can i answer this??? if i loved someone i would want hugs AND kisses?? but yeah hugs probably
66. Lips or eyes: ugh this is so hard i dont know??? bc w/ ppl i like i always appreciate all their features so much... i dont know which i prefer.. but to answer the question i guess i’ll go w/ eyes 
67. Taller or shorter: taller
68. Older or younger: older than me or at least born the same year idk im always younger than my friends and it’s weird to be older than ppl
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach... i like a soft tummy but like idk arms are just arms yknow... 
71. Sensitive or loud: 100% sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hm... i would say hesitant bc i am but then i dont know, balance /is/ key right... can i just say like “reasonable” instead of an extreme lol
HAVE YOUR EVER… (these are all gonna be no’s lol)
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: no
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no
77. Turned someone down: i mean not really? 
78. Sex on the first date: no
79. Broken someone’s heart: no
80. Had your heart broken: every episode of black sails broke my heart so yeah
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: who doesnt cry when someone dies lol yes
83. Fallen for a friend: i dont Know what romantic feelings are so how would i know
84. Yourself: yep
85. Miracles: yes
86. Love at first sight: like i know it’s not Really but hey why not i think it’s a cute idea ,,, i think u can get Vibes from people and u can be attracted to their vibe yknow 
87. Santa Claus: no
88. Kiss on the first date: sure
89. Angels: yes
90. Current best friend’s names: trina & alyssa (and u nour!!) 
91. Eye color: blue
92: Favorite movie: jurassic park!!!! bc of bby joe mazzello and it’s just a good movie. and also my fav but in a different way is catch me if you can... and i’m having a hard time not saying the great gatsby too AND rush bc 1) chris hemsworth and 2) race cars!!! and 3) i love niki lauda and daniel bruhl’s accent in it is so good... also one more is snowpiercer, it would be my top fav except that it’s so heavy and i have to be in a super specific vibe to watch it... anyway those are my favs sort of in order
and i’ll tag the same ppl i always tag to do this: @punkrockaries @ageofthesith @fignewmans 
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