#oh god the top of the playstation is dusty
snoozaga · 2 years
Showing him the classics
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thegame-r-boy · 3 years
A New World Awaits: A Short Review Of The Commercial Success, Called PlayStation Virtual Reality (or PSVR)
As many as you know, Virtual Reality (or VR in short) had it’s hayday in the middle of the 90’s of the previous century. It was tried out by many companies, but it failed very miserable - I’m talking about you, Virtual Boy! It gave you serious headaches and nausea when you were using your VR for a longer time. Hence, therefore came the saying “Don’t play too long or you will strain your eyes!” Yeah, right ...
It took us almost more than two decades to wait before companies tried it for a second time with VR. Occulus, Microsoft and Sony. These three companies are the first that come to my mind when I’m talking about something that is not real. The Sony PS VR came out in 2016 and was sold for about 400 $. It wasn’t cheap for the time, nor it is today, in 2021, but in the store where I got mine (it’s the same store I’ve got my Nintendo Switch in 2017!) it was selled for roughly 300 €. That’s almost as much as my PS4 Pro costed me in 2020. I’m going to tell you how I got this device and review it for you, so you get a feeling of if it’s worth it or not.
So on Saturday, the 24th of April 2021, my and my GF @aquamoon33 went from here living place in southern part of Slovenia to our capital, Ljubljana or specifacally the industrial zone, near BTC. First, we went to IKEA, were there was a lot of things to see, and then we went further to the Big Bang store.
We first got our eyes on the new PlayStation 5. It looked absolutely massive! But unfortunately, we had no clue on how to use this kind of device. We were playing the new Astro Robot game on it, and after almost 10 minutes found out, that you have use your motion skills to actually move your character! Can you believe it?! I felt so ashamed, almost like a boomer or such. But after that, we went further to the PS4 stand, where there was a VR machine on it.
My gf was brave enough to use it first. There was a game, called Drive Club VR and the game was quite fast. You have to make fast turns from left to right. Before there was a huge right turn, she did not only used here hands, BUT also her body, which would’ve meant she would have to fall directly down, on the floor - if it wasn’t for me, who stood directly by her side, so I could block her fall before she even touched the ground.
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She looks like a movie prop from a music spot, where Daft Punk is playing xD
After she was finished, I’ve put the glasses on. And OH MY GOD - WHAT A RELIEF! First, I was a bit “woody” while playing Drive Club VR, but after a while, when I got the hang of it, I was quite good. Indeed good! Okay, I wasn’t first, but still, I felt WIDELY awake from that moment on. In contrast to my girlfriend @aquamoon33 , I had no headaches, nausea or other akward feelings. Keep in mind that a night before our trip, I had a hard time falling asleep, just because the matress had a big hole in it (her brother, who was quite fat for thath time period, made it’s tool I guess). Because of that sensation, I was immidiately so impressed, that I just had to buy it! I know, It was an impulse buy, which doesn’t happen often in my life, but still, it was definetely worth it!
Fast forward to two/three days later, and I’m telling you, how this system looks like. I’ve bought it in separated cash, costed me almost as much as my PS4 Pro, but still, every cent was definitely worth it. When I got home at the end of the weekend, I wanted to connect it to my PS4 Pro and TV. And that was the time I wasn’t thinking so much about. There are exactly 12 cables around my devices. That’s is A LOT! But on the other hand you have to understand that this device was made in 2016, when cables were something more common than by todays standards. Here’s what I got:
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The whole package
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Picture taken from top (it was from a dusty warehouse, therefor don’t mind the scuffs and dust)
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What the headset looked like
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And how it looked like from the front.
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This is how I managed to stick that little device for the VR set onto my PS4 Pro. Great, isn’t it?
And this is the bill I had to make - luckily I’ve bought it in times of Spring Sale - in order to get the 6 games for this device (Superhot VR, Gran Turismo VR, Dirt Rally VR, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, Tetris Effect and Job Simulator). I’ve also got a PlayStation VR Worlds digital bundle included, but apart from the game London Heist, there is really nothing special to it. That’s how less of a price I’ve paid:
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This is all I had to pay. Quite cheap, ain’t it?
The first game I started on my PS4 Pro was Farpoint, which I got for free on a Playstation Now subscription service and - OH MY GOD, IT BLEW ME AWAY!! It didn’t take that long, but after about 5 minutes while I was playing, my hands started to sweat. Really sweat! Now I know exactly how @aquamoon33 must’ve felt when she’s nervous while gaming. The graphics are really impressive. And the planet you are onto is just gorgeous!
In fact, I got a bit carried away - and inspectively ANALysed too much! xD
But when it came to combat, there was no time for having fun! In fact, I shrieked a bit when the first “headcrab” got onto me! :S
And then I’ve played some London Heist and had some fun with my brothers, who are not gay or they just don’t like my cigarrette! xD
I’ve also played with some Dirt Rally VR, which is BY MY FAVOURITE GAME OF THIS YEAR SO FAR!
Here is a glimpse of my second, more serious playthrough:
Overall, I’m quite happy with the PS VR that I’ve bought. Nevertheless, the PS4 (Pro’s) aren’t current gen anymore, so to find peripherals that’s aren’t as common as they were in the time when this system was current gen (this is the PS5 by now). I was literally over-the-roof- excited to try this thing out. And my expectations were met. Some, at least. Okay, the graphics aren’s as sharp as they are with the Occulus Rift, there are quite a bit of cables laying around, the headset could be tirring at time. But the fact that you feel like you are directly in the game, the quite reasonable price and the ammount of fun you get by playing a huge selection of games you have on offer (they’re still making games for this system, today!) are worth IMO.
Virtual Reality is a good thing to get to know better. It’s a gateway of finding your true inner feelings and conceptions. And for a long time, I’m just really greatful to be a part of it.
9.0 / 10
The Good:
- Reasonable price
- A huge selection of games to play
- Some exclusives (Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, Astro Bot, etc.)
- If you are like me and don’t feel any nausea, headaches, etc.
- A new way of playing your favourite games
- A good device to expand and forfill your driving skills
The Bad:
- Quite a lot (twelve, to be exactly!) of cables laying around your PS4 (Pro)
- Isn’t that cheap as it could be
- Not so great graphics
- Get’s kind of sweaty after some playing time
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bedbellyandbeyond · 5 years
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Wake Up
(Story Post)
“Wake up…” Dusty put his fingers through Dante’s hair lightly. It was a similar scene each morning. Dusty would wake up to start getting ready for work and would walk out to the living room to find Dante sleeping there. The only difference today was that he actually had a couch now so Dante was sprawled out on that. This brought his head up to the height of Dusty’s hand which made touching it just way too easy. After a few seconds of grooming, Dusty suddenly felt embarrassed and decided to just slap him on the forehead.
Dante jumped a bit. “Huh? Ugh…” He rubbed his eyes and yawned. “I’m awake… What day is it?” “Saturday.” “Time?” “Eight a.m.” “God… Dusty… Do you not believe in sleeping in?” “I have a toddler.” Dusty crossed his arms. “But also, I have an extra shift today so I need you to feed your son this morning.” “Ah. I can do that, yeah…” Dante sat up and scratched at the stubble on his face.  “Do we have eggs?” “Cereal is fine,” Dusty said. “Naw, I want to do better than that,” Dante said. “Do you have time? I can make you eggs.” “I’m not hungry.” Dante got up off the couch. “If you have time, I’m making you eggs.” Dusty frowned and looked down. “I have time…” Dante patted Dusty’s shoulder but the demon pushed his hand away and went to go get his son. Dusty couldn't believe how much self restraint he had to exercise on a daily basis. Being around the one he'd bonded to made him feel like he was going crazy with desire and sometimes he had to be harsh with him to try to keep himself in check. Grey had been up for about an hour now but he has occupying himself with a small collection of rocks he'd started. Dusty came in and scooped him up, lifting him for a kiss to the forehead. “My handsome prince, are you hungry?” Dusty asked smiling. “Yeah,” Grey said getting excited. “Well, Papa's gonna make you eggs this morning,” Dusty said. “Special big boy eggs just for you.” Grey giggled. “For me?” “Yes sir.” It had seemed pointless not to tell Grey that Dante was his father at this point. Grey took it well, but at three he couldn't understand the implications and was just happy to have two parents all of a sudden. He already liked Dante so it wasn't hard for him to get used to the idea. Dusty changed and groomed his son before taking him out to the living room. With his horns coming in, Dusty would massage argan oil into his head to relax the process. Grey loved it when he did that because he liked the smell, so Dusty always told him they'd visit Morocco one day to see the trees where the oil came from. It was wishful thinking but he truly hoped he'd be able to take Grey along anywhere around the world. “Good morning, Grey,” Dante said as he watched them come in from the hall. “Breakfast is almost ready.” “Eggs!” Grey exclaimed seeing the yellow scrambling on the stove. “Big boy eggs!” “That's right. Eggs for Grey and his Daddy,” Dante said as he starting serving plates. “I told you, I'm not hungry,” Dusty said, bringing Grey over to the dinner table and putting him in his high chair. “You should eat before going to work. It isn't healthy to start the day on an empty stomach,” Dante said. Dusty was just silent and sat down beside his son and put his bib on. Dante served up breakfast and sat down to eat with him. When Grey asked for apple juice, he got that for him and put it in a sippy cup. Dusty left him to help Grey with his food while he got properly cleaned up for work. “So you're good to watch him today?” Dusty asked. “For sure,” Dante said, wiping ketchup from Grey's cheek. “When are you back?” “I think we'll be done around two.” “Where ya going?” Grey asked, looking a little distressed. “Daddy has to go to work today,” Dusty said, taking his son's face in his hands and giving him a kiss on the forehead. “There's no school today, so I can't bring you with me. But Papa's going to watch you today, okay?” Grey pouted but nodded. “Okay...” Dusty straightened up and fixed his hair. At work, assistants wore business casual and weren’t allowed to wear suits, so Dusty opted for a dark grey shirt, yellow tie and black trousers. “Do I look good?” “Yeah!” Grey exclaimed. “I love you, baby. See you later.” Dusty smiled and waved before stepping into the shadows and disappearing. Grey looked at the space where Dusty had been for a bit before turning back to Dante and pouting. Dante smiled and tousled Grey's hair. “Hey, do you want to play a game with me?” “Yeah!” Grey nodded. “With the animals and the houses?” “Naw, Papa doesn't have his video games with him...” Dante said, a sting of longing for his PlayStation in his heart. “I mean like...hm.. Want to make a pillow fort?” “Fort?” Grey asked. “Yeah, I'll show you.” Dante got up and scooped him out if his high chair. “Making forts is so much fun.” “Okay!”
It wasn't until part way through the day that Dusty realised he'd forgotten his phone at home. He could just pop back and get it but he figured it wasn't worth it since he didn’t really use it too much and he was there for a meeting. If he needed to contact home then he could use the phone at work. The reason they'd been called in on the weekend was for an emergency intelligence briefing. Fay asked Dusty to note take and organise any files that came with the briefing. Usually assistants wouldn't been invited to these kind of meetings but since the assistants had become so involved in managing digital paperwork, having them there in the meetings had proven to be more of a benefit than a detriment to the classification of information. This was Dusty's first meeting like it and it was nerve racking. He and Fay had shared several lunch breaks with Korsgaard and Camilo so he knew them well enough, but there were big wigs in the room he hadn't even seen yet in this meeting but there looked important and intimidating. A couple officials from NASA were present which alarmed Dusty somewhat. There was also several Yulinian liaisons at the table distinct from immigrants by their other worldly fashion and flag. Being the resident translator, Fay was seated beside them, and Dusty beside him. It would be his job to record Fay's translation and keep note of any translation he might want to reattempt later by marking the recording time. This would be Dusty's first translation meeting though so he was anxious to do right. The subject matter of the meeting didn’t help his nerve. The Yulinians had come to report an unidentified vessel spotted breaching the Oort cloud at the border of the Sun solar system. When communication was attempted with the vessel, it disappeared off their radar. From what Dusty had been taught, he knew that it was the Yulinian Force’s job to patrol and protect the borders of each solar system in the Milky Way Galaxy so for them to report this kind of breach it must be a threat to security. His worries were confirmed when the APID officials expressed their alarm. APID, being the first point of contact for the Yulinian peacekeepers, would be in charge of reporting to other space departments across the globe and NASA would be deciding defensive action from here on out. The Yulinians would collect intel and report once again within the next four months, sooner should any emergency occur. Beyond that, since they had no information yet on the origin of the vessel or even whether it was piloted or drone operated, the meeting ended shortly thereafter since intel was top priority. Dusty left the meeting a little shaken. The first thing he wanted to do was tell everyone he knew, but he’d signed a nondisclosure agreement at the beginning of his employment and it was reiterated in the meeting that if it got back to the government that he shared any of the information presented in that meeting with anyone without clearance, it would be considered treason. Fay bought him a coffee afterwards to calm his nerves and assured him meetings like that have occurred before but no actual threat to the Earth had ever come of it. The Yulinians were just very thorough by nature and their efforts to keep the galaxy safe rarely went lacking. Security had been ramped up exponentially since Dari's abduction and a breach in Oort cloud was common, the only significance was that they couldn't identify the intruder. Fay was sure that they'd be found and proper measures would be undergone to find out their intentions within Earth's Solar System. Seeing a scale diagram of how far away the Oort cloud truly was from Earth helped ease Dusty's anxiety about it considerably and he was able to assure Fay that he'd be fine going home alone since stress could potential misdirect his travel.
As he expected, he was back just after 2pm but when he stepped into the living room, he didn’t see anyone, just a fort of pillows and blankets in the middle of the room. “Dante? Grey?” Dante came crawling out of the pillows, finger to his lips. “Shh, I got him down for a nap...” “You did?” Dusty asked. “I didn’t think he would without me...” “Me neither but I put one of your shirts on a pillow and that did the trick,” Dante said. “Oh.” He looked at the pillow fort and sighed. “Pretty much everything I own is on the floor now…” “I’ll do a laundry run later,” Dante said. “How was work?” Dusty rolled his lips and frowned. “Can I, um... Can I give you a hug?” Dante’s eyes widened a bit. “Sure. Yeah, of course. Did something happen?” “No...” Dusty pulled Dante into a hug and held it for moment. “...It's just...when you're at APID and there’s...like... All these aliens and space stuff and I just find it hard not to be reminded of how...extremely small we are in the universe... Like, everything only matters if we let it matter.” “Ah... Yeah, I can see that,” Dante said, rubbing Dusty's back. “But...we're made of matter, so we must matter, right?” Dusty pulled away and rubbed his neck. “That's a bad joke...” “I mean, it's not entirely a joke,” Dante said. “For a lot of people at APID, I think that's what excites them most. The endlessness of space. The point of existence. They love it. But for some of us, it can be really scary and worrisome. But life is an amazing thing and it is what you make of it.” Dusty nodded, looking down. “...Just so you know, that hug doesn't mean anything...” “No, I know...” Dante crossed his arms. “Sometimes we just need a hug.” Dusty turned and went to look around in the kitchen. “I thought I left my phone here... Have you seen it?” “Oh, yeah. You got a couple calls,” Dante said, grabbing it off the coffee table. “I tried answering them but they'd hang up.” “That's weird.” Dusty came back over to grab it. As soon as he touched it though, it lit up and started the ring. He didn’t recognise the number, and it wasn't a local phone number. “Must be a prank or something,” Dante suggested. “Maybe.” Dusty answered it anyway. “Hello?” He blinked then looked at Dante. “Syd?!”
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swashbucklery · 6 years
plinys replied to your post: "#what if everyone on this show is bisexual and...
like okay ray introducing it cautiously to nora like,,, she’s new here and he really likes he gor but also like the legends have this big poly mess of a thing and its wonderful and ray loves them all a whole lot so he’s trying to like slowly bring the concept up to nora (assuming that she’s going to react like ava does)but nora is just like !!! oh my god i can make out with them too this is wonderful !! and 100% fits in this whole poly mess so wonderfully wow
Y e s I’m replying to this just because I like it, this is exactly how it happens.
Also though just like. Zari who sees Nora kind of struggling and like yeah she’s got Ray to give her very strong hugs and also boy scout encouragement about being a good person, but like.
Not everyone wants to be a good person all the time. Sometimes it’s cool to just be an okay person who didn’t get enough sleep last night and just wants to try ever possible waffle topping ever invented, you know?
Zari who like. It’s bad that Nora did a bunch of demon murders, okay. She’s there. It’s bad. But she’s also been the new kid on the team before and knows how hard it is.
And also oh my god NORA you’ve never played Mortal Kombat before NOT EVER?
Oh my god Nora’s never heard of MARIO what kind of shitty demon cult did she grow up in goddamn.
Nora who actually hates games that involve any kind of weapons or shooting but she discovers Skyrim in a dusty corner of Zari’s playstation and loses a solid weekend to it.
(Zari brings snacks)
And afterwards like - they’re not dating, for a variety of reasons, but they’re definitely friends. But the kind of friends where maybe Nora fell asleep with the controller in her hand on the couch in Zari’s bunk and Zari just kind of let her.
(Nora who is nothing like Amaya at all, and Zari still feels the need to touch her totem every ten minutes or so, just in case, but she’s not the total worst.)
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jadetiggy · 7 years
Random Deliria
Thank you @witterprompts for saying anyone can do this! LOL! I was getting bored. But I don’t think I can tag 50 people. I am going to say that, ANYBODY can do this if you want. 
Rules: Answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions
1. coke or pepsi? Neither. 
2. disney or dreamworks? Disney
3. coffee or tea? Tea.
4. books or movies? Both :) 
5. windows or mac? Mac. It’s been 7 years since I’ve converted to be a Mac user and it does really well with editing stuff. XD
6. dc or marvel? Marvel for the mainstream heroes. DC for the lessen known characters :)
7. xbox or playstation? Playstation, definitely. 
8. dragon age or mass effect? Neither
9. night owl or early riser? A somewhat exhausted pigeon. HEH. 
10. cards or chess? Cards. Anybody wants to play Blackjack or Cho Dai Di with me? :D
11. chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate, definitely. 
12. vans or converse? Vans. 
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar? Neither, I don’t play Dragon Age
14. fluff or angst? I’d do both :) 
15. beach or forest? Both, although I prefer to be by the beach. 
16. dogs or cats? Cats
17. clear skies or rain? I like the rain when I am at home and comfortably in my bed. 
18. cooking or eating out? Honestly, it depends on how I feel like eating. 
19. spicy food or mild food? Spicy food :) 
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? Christmas. 
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? I’d rather be a little too cold. Give me a blanket and I am happy. 
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be? To be able to time travel. Don’t ask why. 
23. animation or live action? Animation. You can do just about anything. 
24. paragon or renegade? I don’t play Mass Effects. 
25. baths or showers? Showers. 
26. team cap or team ironman? Ironman. 
27. fantasy or sci-fi? Both, please. 
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so, what are they?
"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible" - T.E Lawrence
"Sometimes, God; Breaks our spirit to save our soul. Breaks our heart to make us whole. Allows pain so we can be stronger. Sends failure so we can be humble. Allows illness so we can take better care of ourselves. Takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything he gave us...” 
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr. 
“Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and adventures are the shadow truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes and forgotten.” - Neil Gaiman
29. youtube or netflix? YouTube.
30. harry potter or percy jackson? Harry Potter. 
31. when do you feel accomplished? When I’ve done whatever I was tasked to do. To top it, when the feedback satisfies me and the person I was working with. 
32. star wars or star trek? Star Trek. 
33. paperback or hardback books? Paperback. 
34. horror or rom-com? I’d go for rom-com. 
35. tv shows or movies? Both :) 
36. favourite animal? Anything feline. Generally, I love all animals but I am more of a cat person than anything. 
37. favourite genres of music? Rock :) 
38. least favourite book? Some people may hate me for saying this; Twilight. 
39. favourite season? Winter. 
40. song that’s currently stuck in your head? “Cinta Takkan Berakhir” by Anuar Zain. (Translation: Love Will Never Die)
41. what kind of pyjama’s do you wear?  My beloved lounge pants from Primark or M&S and a sleeveless top. 
42. how many existential crises do you have on an average day? It varies. So, cannot say for sure. 
43. if you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be? Hahaha! Highway to Hell by AC/DC
44. favourite theme song to a TV show? Sherlock, weirdly. 
45. harry potter movies or books? Both! 
46. you can make your OTP become canon but you’ll forget that tumblr exists. will you do it? Probably. I have a nutcase BFF who would blab about Tumblr anyway and she is off Tumblr -_-  
47. do you play an instrument and if so, what is it? I used to play a lot of instruments. I studied music when I was in school. I played the gamelan, the caklempong, the keyboard, guitar (self-learnt) and more. 
48. what is the worst way to die? Old. Frail. Lonely. 
49. if you could be entirely invisible for a day, what would you do? Knowing me, I would do bad things. So, I shall not continue saying. Hahaha! 
50. What are you planning on doing with your life? I honestly don’t know. Anywhere the wind blows, I guess. 
51. Favorite Disney movie? Has to be Zootopia, Lilo and Stitch. Oh, and Mulan. 
52. Do you believe in aliens? Maybe. 
53. Are u an unstoppable force or an immovable object? Definitely an unstoppable force. I think it was in 2014, my Mum got worried with how much of a workaholic I got for ONE event. I left the house at 7 am and get home by around midnight or at 1 am. 
54. If you were in front of a nondescript door that’s only property was to surprise you when you open it, would you open it? (remember, a “surprise” can be good or bad) Maybe but with caution. :P 
55. (Witter’s addition) What kind of house would you get if you had the funds to get literally anything you could ever dream of? I’ve always loved Victorian houses. Oh! And English cottages. I don’t know. It could be just me, you know. 
56. (Jajersz’s) Do you have any regrets? (My answer: Yes. The scar on my arm. But all those things I’ve done in the past, it taught me something. It taught me to be stronger than I was then.)
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