#oh gosh do these qualify as heartfelt/heartbreaking/majestic?? i hope so!!!
gaybluesargent · 7 years
boo, hey, will you conspire with me and think up the most heartfelt, heartbreaking and majestic Noah headcanons to ail my gf with (and hopefully cheer her up from possible busy days)? My own noah knowledge is shamefully too limited for such a great task
oh i would Love to help for this worthy cause!! let’s see...
well i mean. let’s start with what we know about noah. he’s generally cowardly, and easily entertained, and he’s the kind of kid who can say things like “i’ve been dead for seven years” upon meeting a new person and nobody thinks anything of it. 
from this, we can extrapolate:
his sense of humor is inscrutable. partially because he doesn’t know how to be funny on purpose. partially because he’s operating in the context of simultaneous past/present/future and often says things that don’t make Sense. at least.. not until Later. this makes him hilarious and unnerving in equal measure. 
i’d guess that adam is especially Into This — he always listens a little closer when noah talks, yknow? 
and i feel like blue is probably especially Immune to this. like, she grew up around psychics always saying strange things, which gives her a special ability to see through noah’s cryptic strangeness and know what he Really Means. 
he is wonderful at gifts, because he has no concept of what Is or Isn’t a good gift. like, if he sees something that reminds him of one of his friends, he’s going to give it to them. even if it’s weird and inexplicable. 
like. one day he hands ronan a cable knit sweater that’s 2 sizes too small for him, just because the tag says “crossroads” and noah thought it was cool. and ronan’s like “what am i supposed to do with this” and noah just shrugs and ronan is confused but oddly flattered. 
tbh tho gansey is extremely touched by any and all of noah’s odd gifts. he treasures each one even if he doesn’t understand it at all, because it’s so,, Genuine.
he is the best person to be scared with. by comparison, you will always look brave. 
when adam goes to cabeswater all on his own, sometimes noah shows up to keep him company and jump at creepy noises and point anxiously at weird shadows. adam never really gets why noah joins him on these trips if it makes him so nervous, but the truth is, noah’s just doing what noah’s always doing — guiding his friends, in an unconventional, backseat way. 
when ronan goes driving too late at night, sometimes noah joins him in the passenger seat. every time ronan blows a light or takes a turn too quickly, noah gasps and clings to the seatbelt. it annoys ronan, but it also reminds him that his driving has consequences, which has helped preserve the life of everyone on the road and also the small animals that often dart across the street without warning. 
when maura is missing, noah spends a lot of time with blue. he can’t go into 300 fox way for Obvious reasons, so he visits her at school. he doesn’t especially Like being there; the first few times especially, he’s jittery about the idea of being seen, or perhaps the idea of being reminded of all that he missed by being dead. but blue smiles more when he’s there, and she walks a little more confidently when he’s by her side, inquiring about this or that with a bunch of nervous little questions. 
when gansey jolts awake from his dreams-turned-nightmares, noah is there more often than not, fumbling around in the dark on some random task or another. noah doesn’t like the dark, even though he can see in it more easily than those with living eyes, but he always finds something to do to distract gansey from his unearthed anxiety. gansey doesn’t always realize that noah is doing this just for him, and often becomes more interested in noah’s task than noah himself is. but it works — it helps, and before long, the sun is rising and gansey’s nightmares are miles away. 
noah is a lil weird and a lil annoying and a very good friend!!! and his friends love him and he loves his friends!! thank you!!!!
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