#oh gosh i feel so bad for arvis now... ;__;
luminousrider · 1 year
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you! come closer
Name: Erica
Pronouns: she/any/whatever
Birthday (no year): May 3
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Phildelphia ish, EST
Roleplay experience: oh jeeze oh gosh uh like idk 15+years off and on?
Got any pets? Winston the German Shepherd and Pipis the ragdoll pisscat
Favorite time of year: Winter
Some interests and things you like: taking naps
Some funfacts & trivia about you: - I'm the oldest in toa cringe, idk man I'm so tired rn
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? nothing like consistently right now? I like rpgs and games with a good story.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Ground and grass, Diglett and Dugtrio I've been their number one fan since the games came out
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I was at a Gamestop determined to buy a new game and Awakening looked interesting. 3H reignited my love of the series though.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Uhh Radiant Dawn is the only one I don't have any experience with but I read the Jugdral games, the Archanea games, and Binding Blade.
First Fire Emblem game: Awakening
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Genealogy if it counts even if I never played it. Three Houses or Blazing Blade if we're talking about ones I like to actually play.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Arvis baby call me back we could be clap in clap love clap
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Frederick I took one look at that freak and knew I was in love- Fates: I think it was Hinata but I honestly don't really remember- Three Houses: Claude and then I immediately felt bad because I stole him from Hilda - Engage: Saphir she's old like me
Favorite Fire Emblem class: I like an armored knight honestly idk why
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Some kind of cleric/healer
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Golden Deer
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Sigurd probably it's baby girl time
How did you find TOA? I saw it in the tags when I was looking for Hilda content and went hmm. Kept watching until their Hilda fell through and then jumped on that.
Current TOA muses: Deirdre, Ethlyn, and Altena
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Hilda (the good one) but her time is done
Have you had any other TOA muses? Hilda, Charlotte, Elise, Serra, Silvia, Tina, Ninian, is that it?
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Tragic wives/moms, little sisters, pink. Love how Ethlyn combines all three of these.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I love familial relationships whether they are biological or found. I also really love cross game relationships whetehr they are platonic or romantic. It's fun having the relationship develop from ground zero rather than with an extra boost from them knowing each other in canon. Plus it's just neat to get to explore. I also like a little (a lot) of drama and angst. Messy relationships are very fun.
Favorite TOA-related memory: It's gotta be all the friendships we've found along the way. The writing and stuff is great and wonderful but the community and sense of belonging is something I will always remember and cherish.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? Louise is a matter of when not if honestly.
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Arvis/Seliph C-A Support
Written by  animenutcase
CONTENT WARNING: Arvis’s marriage to Deirdre (his half-sister) isn’t going to be explored in-depth, but the subject is going to come up a couple times.
Seliph: Duke Arvis of Velthomer.
Arvis: …Can I help you? Seliph: I wanted to ask you something. Arvis: That’s fine, but we need to prepare for the next battle. Seliph: You wanted to unite Jugdral as one, correct? Arvis: Yes. My goal is to create a more equitable world, one without discrimination. Seliph: A noble goal. Then, may I ask why you killed my father? Arvis: …I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I don’t know who your father is. I don’t even know who you are. Seliph: I think you do. Arvis: My apologies, but I’m afraid I don’t. Seliph: Then why aren’t you looking me in the eye? Arvis: …! Seliph: I was told that my face resembles that of my mother, Deirdre of the Spirit Forest. It’s also my understanding that she was the wife of Emperor Arvis of Grannvale… in other words, you. Arvis: So it’s true, then. I could theoretically have pretended that Sigurd had been trying to trick me when he saw her at Belhalla, but this… You look too much like her for it to be coincidence. Arvis: Heh. Of course you do. Deirdre looked too much like… Seliph: Like your mother. Arvis: How- Seliph: Given how the Loptyr Sect was nearly hunted to extinction, it’s not that hard to guess that there was some foul play involved in Julius becoming Loptyr’s vessel. Lewyn only suggested it as a theory, but I think it’s true. He had some spies in Velthomer who distinctly remember a portrait of Lady Cigyun. Arvis: Tch! Seliph: I’m not going to force you to talk about it, but I will want some answers eventually. Good day to you, Duke Arvis. [Seliph leaves.] Arvis: He really does look like her... [Arvis and Seliph have reached support rank C.]
Seliph: Why don’t you tell me about Lady Cigyun, Duke Arvis? Arvis: You just dive right in, don’t you? You’re more like your father than I thought. Seliph: I’m just curious about the sort of woman my grandmother was. Oifey told me about Sir Vylon, but he never knew my father’s mother, so I can’t ask about her. I’d like to ask about Prince Kurth, too. Arvis: Prince Kurth was a kind and wise man. My mother always looked happier when he visited than she did with my father. Of course, Father also seemed to prefer the company of women besides his wife. Seliph: Duke Victor was rather infamous. I’d heard a few stories about him, as well. Arvis: How unfortunate for you. My father was a blight on the House of Velthomer, and his death was one of the few good things that came out of the mess with Prince Kurth. Seliph: Was your brother another of them? Arvis: You know about Azelle? Is he alive!? Where is he!? Seliph: I-I don’t know. I only know what I’d heard from Oifey, Shannan and Lady Edain, and none of them knew what happened to him! Arvis: I see. I apologize for grabbing your shoulders. Seliph: No, it’s my fault for bringing up a sore subject. Arvis: And yet you brought up my mother. Seliph: I… apologize. Arvis: Don’t apologize. It was a joke. Seliph: (It didn’t sound like a joke…) Arvis: As for my mother… I’d always loved her long, silver hair. I remember it tickling my face whenever she hugged me. Come to think of it, Deirdre’s silver hair was the first thing I noticed about her as well. It was a rather unusual color. In hindsight, I should have been more suspicious. Seliph: I’d… I’d prefer it if we kept the subject on Lady Cigyun, please. Arvis: Of course. My mother was a timid woman, but she was capable of standing up when she needed to. When Father tried to have Azelle’s mother banished, she argued that she should be allowed to stay. Seliph: Wow. Arvis: At the same time, trying to keep Velthomer stable and keep Father in check took its toll on her. I can count the number of times I saw her smiling in the days before she left on one hand. Seliph: It sounds like things were already starting to go bad even before the war with Isaach. Arvis: You may be right. That’s part of the reason I became as ambitious as I did. My mother swore me to secrecy the night she told me of her Maera blood. If anyone learned of it, we’d doubtlessly be burned at the stake. I couldn’t condemn her for fleeing Velthomer, especially after I learned the truth of why she did so. Seliph: … Seliph: When exactly did you learn the truth, Duke Arvis? Arvis: …It was shortly after the Battle of Belhalla. I had done some digging and learned that around the time Sigurd set out for Verdane, a woman matching Deirdre’s description had been seen near the Spirit Forest where my mother came from. That was where I learned the truth. At that point, however, it was too late. When I returned to Belhalla, Deirdre broke the news that she was pregnant. At that point, all I could do was pray that neither of the twins inherited our Maera blood. Seliph: Do you… remember finding out? Arvis: I spent every day praying that the mark on his forehead was just a birthmark. The day it became clear that it wasn’t was the worst day of my life. Deirdre went to check on the children, but then there was a commotion in the twins’ room. I rushed there, but when I arrived, Deirdre was lying on the ground and Julius had turned into… something I couldn’t recognize. And Julia was… gone. Seliph: Duke Arvis… Arvis: I don’t know anything beyond that. If Julia is alive, then Deirdre’s sacrifice at least meant something. Please, tell me! Seliph: She-she was alive last I saw her! But… she vanished in Miletos. We think she might have been abducted by Manfroy. Arvis: …I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance. Seliph: Duke Arvis, you’re getting angry. I think we should table this discussion for now. I’ll be happy to tell you about Julia later, but please try to calm down. Arvis: Very well, then. [Arvis and Seliph have reached support rank B.]
Seliph: Do you feel better, Duke Arvis? Arvis: Yes, thank you. Seliph: I met Julia right after we began our liberation of Isaach. She was rather quiet, but I felt drawn to her. Even if Lewyn hadn’t asked me to look after her, I think I would have done so anyway.
Arvis: How did she look? Did she seem healthy, like she was eating enough? Seliph: Heh, she looked fine. She seemed a bit shy about eating at dinner, but I think that’s because she didn’t know us very well, and it didn’t take long before she got used to us. Arvis: Good. Seliph: She’d lost her memories, however. Lewyn said that when he found her, the only thing she could remember was her name, and only because the words “Julia, you must live” were ringing in her head. Arvis: …! I-I see. Seliph: I’m sorry. I wish I could tell you more. Arvis: You’ve… told me enough. You could have lied to me or refused to tell me anything, but you were honest. I’m grateful for that. Seliph: Duke Arvis, how much do you remember of the future? Arvis: Like I said, my memories only go up to the night of Deirdre’s death. Why? Seliph: … Arvis: …You killed me. Seliph: I- Arvis: Don’t. I’m not angry. Your father was an innocent pawn in my schemes. I don’t have a right to condemn you for avenging him. I merely want to ask how you did so. Seliph: I… We rescued some children that had been taken in the child hunts when- Arvis: Child hunts!? By the Lopytr Sect!? Seliph: Y-Yes. The Bishop protecting them was from Chalphy, and he gave me the Tyrfing. He wouldn’t say where he got it, though. Arvis: He didn’t say? Seliph: It’s strange. People were saying that my father wielded it at the Battle of Belhalla, so I’m not sure how it got into his hands. The only person who could have had it after my father’s death is the king, and after King Azmur died, it would have passed into the hands of the… next king. Arvis: … Seliph: It was you. You sent the Tyrfing out with him. You were the one who let the children go. Arvis: I should hope so. The very fact that the child hunts were happening under my watch tells me that something went very wrong under my rule! Seliph: You really don’t know, do you? Arvis: Tell me what happened in the future after Deirdre’s death. I want to know every detail of what the Grannvale Empire was up to. Seliph: You’re not going to like it. […] Arvis: Hah. Hahaha! Seliph: Duke Arvis? Arvis: Oh, this is rich! You mean to tell me that everything I’ve ever worked for, every sacrifice I’ve ever made, has been for nothing!? Seliph: … Arvis: I wonder if I’ve been cursed. I don’t know if my brother is dead or alive, I’ve married my own sister, my son is going to turn into a monster, and my daughter is going to lose her memories and be raised on the run, and now you’re telling me that I’ve even failed to create the world I dreamed of!? Seliph: I-I’m... sorry. Arvis: As long as I put an end to discrimination and inequality, I could understand. Sacrifices need to be made for society to advance, and my own happiness is no exception to that. But it was all for nothing!? Arvis: Heh. I wonder if this is a curse from your father. Seliph: No, I don’t think my father resents you. Arvis: What? Seliph: After I killed you, I felt… empty. I went to the cliffs near Chalphy and held up the sword, telling my father that I’d avenged him, and… I saw my parents. Arvis: What!? Seliph: My mother said that Lewyn had done a good job with me, then asked about Julius and Julia. But my father… scolded me. He told me that I needed to know the suffering of the common people. I don’t think he agreed with your actions, but… I think he understood why you did what you did. Arvis: … Seliph: This has been an… interesting talk. I feel like I’ve gotten to know you better. Arvis: … Seliph: I understand if you don’t want to speak any more. I know you have a lot to think about. Good night, Uncle. [Seliph leaves.] Arvis: Idiots, both of them… [Arvis and Seliph have reached support rank A.]
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