#oh hi there sevgi
alwayzraven · 2 years
Kardeşlerim Ep 65
It's going to be a very short recap because this episode sucked !!!!
Asiye told Sevgi that she took the money from Seval and told her about their agreement to leave the city. Asiye said that she doesn't know how to tell this to Omer or how to convince him to leave the city. Sevgi said that she will take care of that. the next morning Sevgi said she got some money and suggested that they leave the city and live somewhere calm. Omer didn't want to talk about leaving and told them to stop talking about this.
The professor gave the class a project to work on and of course Aybike was put in the same group as Tolga. Susen found Berk sulking in the cafeteria. Berk told her about what happened with Tolga at the restaurant. Susen told him that his dad doesn't know about him working there. Later in the evening, Berk went to have dinner with his mom at A DIFFERENT RESTAURANT !!!! It looks like the writers can think of other places when they want to. Ayla asked him if Doruk is still trying to make him forgive him and Berk said no. Ayla asked him about his relationship with Sarp and Yasmin. Berk said that his relationship with them is okay. He said that Sarp is a troublemaker. Ayla asked him: "What do you think about Yasmin" and he was like she is okay. Ayla suggested that he asks her out and basically make her his girlfriend and Berk was like:”When will you stop imagining ridiculous things like this”. It was nice to see Ayla and Berk spend time together ❤️️
Tolga's dad was there and said hi to Ayla. Berk told him that Tolga was working at that restaurant. Tolga's dad went straight to the restaurant and tried to get Tolga out of there but Akif basically threatened him. I think Akif knew about some suspicious things he did with his business. Tolga’s dad got scared and he agreed to leave Tolga alone. Unfortunately Ayber fought because of this again. Aybike told Berk:" If you mess with him again, you'll find me in front of you".
I don’t recognize Aybike anymore!!! She is not the Aybike I know and love !!
Because Omer and Sarp argued in class, the professor sent them to the dean's office. The Dean put them on cleaning duty together as a punishment. I remember that he made Omer sit with Harika when they first found out that they are siblings and argued with him non stop. Anyway, Omer tried his best to not fight with Sarp since he promised Asiye and I think that pissed Sarp off. When Omer tried to leave the storage room, Sarp tried to go after him but he tripped and fell. A lot of stuff fell on him and he injured his head. When Yasmin, Asiye and Oglucan came into the room, Sarp told them that Omer did this to him.
In the teaser, they showed Berk saying: "I will play with your happiness". I am not sure if he was talking with Asiye and Doruk or someone else. oh god I hope it’s not Tolga again 😭
In conclusion, fuck this episode! It was a complete shit show! worst episode of the show! Actually, we shouldn't be angry at the characters this season, we should be angry at the writers, they are responsible for this mess!
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orbleglorb · 10 months
Happy WIP Wednesday! yunie and reese?
link to the wip wednesday post
this one is finally started to be more than a series of ideas i write down sporadically! also there's a little gay thing going on with margo and reese because i saw a fic on ao3 and it haunts me (in a good way)
"Who's that?" Reese asked Howell. "Yuniesky. He's–" "Conditional Yuniesky, the Shoe Thieves' Season 9 post-season birth! Gosh, he looks older now. So he's y'all's former teammate?" Reese said. Esme raised an eyebrow. "You just know that off the top of your head?" Howell waved as if to tell her "don't bother," then turned back to Reese. "Yeah. Well, we didn't play with him." "Shadowed," Reese nodded. "Right," Howell nodded back. "But we saw him around. Maybe a bit more than the other shadows." "Definitely more than the other shadows," Esme said, taking a sip of her drink. "Yuniesky was our go-to tech guy. I swear, he never left Choux." "He's a natural spy, though," Howell said. "Oh, absolutely," Esme cut in. "If I didn't know him from the Shoe Thieves, I'd assume he was one of the few that signed up right before games started. Although, none of them are really spy-like, I guess." "I think Sevgi has it in xem," Howell commented. "But, really, sometimes Yuniesky will do things that remind me of you and the other original Spies. "Like what?" Reese asked, a little scared of the answer. "Just watch him, when you get the chance," Howell said. The conversation changed course and carried on, but Reese stopped to keep an eye on Yuniesky. They had a clear view of his face from where he sat beside Ivy. "Okay, I'm not really the best person for geometry," He said. "I thought math was your strong suit," Ivy said. "Didn't you major in math in college?" For a very, very short second, an expression crossed Yuniesky's face. For that split second, the mask dropped. Reese could see his eyebrow twitch like he was thinking. And then he continued on like normal. "I didn't graduate," he said. Reese turned back to Howell. "I think I see what you're getting at."
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oalgar · 2 months
Pilgrim's Journey in Love and Arrival Home
“O you masses of pilgrims, Where have you gone? Come back to your beloved, Come back!”
-Rumi, Ode 648, Divan-e-Shams, translated by Zahra Partovi, Ruminations, 1998
"Ey hacca gidenler! Neredesiniz, neredesiniz? Sevgiliniz buradadır; geliniz, geliniz!"
-Rumi, Ode 648, Divan-e-Shams, çeviren Şefik Can (c. II, 648)
Earlier when his sun and moon has arrived in Ode 633, he paints a beautiful picture. First in Turkish, then English:
Benim güneşim geldi, ayım geldi; gözüm kulağım geldi. ... Dün gece [elimde bir lamba] aradığım dost, bugün bir gül demeti gibi çıktı geldi! ... Derdim başımdan [aşınca sevgi yoluna] düştüm. Allahım; bu yolculukta ne saadetler buldum, ne güzellikler elde ettim! ... Şarap içmenin tam zamanı! içeyim de, aklımda şimşekler çaksın! Uçmamın, göklere yükselmemin zamanı geldi! Çünkü güçlendim; kolum kanadım geldi! Sevgilim, bu gazelin söylenecek [iki] beyti daha var! Var ama, beni benden aldılar, bir yere götürdüler ki, orada bu dünya, gözüme pek küçük görünmektedir!
-Rumi, Ode 633, Divan-e-Shams, ceviren Şefik Can (c. II, 633)
And in English [two lines in brackets are adjusted from original translation]:
My sun and moon has come, my ears and eyes have come ... The one I sought for yesterday, a lamp in hand – Today, like wildflowers, just swept into my hands! ... از حد چو بشد دردم در عشق سفر کردم Az haddo beshavad dardam dar eshgh safar kardam [When my pain became boundless, I journeyed in love] یا رب چه سعادت‌ها که زین سفرم آمد Ya rabb che sa'adathā ke zin safaram āmad [Oh God, how much bliss and felicity this journey brought me] Time’s come to drink the wine and lighting-bolt my mind Time’s come to soar aloft, since wings have come to me Time’s come for me to shine like sun upon this world Time’s come for me to roar aloud, a virile lion! Two lines remain unsung, but love, I’m borne away to where the world appears to me as summary.
See also:
Rumi: Swallowing the Sun, translated by Franklin D. Lewis pg 33
Ode 633, Divan-e-Shams, translated by Chiva
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Şu saatlerde kafama çok güzel bir dinginlik çöküyor, çoğu insan gecenin sakinliğini sever ama tam olarak ne demek istediğimi benim gibiler anlayacaktır.
Diğer tüm canlıların uyuyup da sadece cırcır böceklerinin öttüğü saatler.
Müziğin bile daha güzel olduğu saatler.
Her neyse, oh ne güzel,müzik, sigara vesaire... derken, bazen aşk şarkısı dinlemek istiyorsun. Ama sahiden dinlemek, böyle tüylerini diken diken edecek şekilde. Ama tabii bunu aşık olmadan yapamıyorsun ve bazen sırf bu yüzden tekrar aşık olmak istiyorum. Şarkıların kafası daha güzel gelsin diye. Şöyle kenarda, karşılıksız... Yormayan bir aşkım olsun da şarkılar anlam kazansın gibi bir his. Bunu bazen rüyamda görüyorum. İnsan rüyasında bir hissi görebilir mi? His yani, hissediyorum, aşığım.
Ama hep ilişkiye ya da bir şeylere evriliyor sonunda ve uyandığımda hep neden bıraktığımı hatırlıyorum.
O duygular, o hisler, o her neyse işte, geldiği zaman ağır vuruyor, bunu hep unutuyorum. O kadar unutuyorum ki sağa sola, insanlara akıl filan veriyorum. Bazen kendime bile verir gibi oluyorum, aman ne aptalmışım diyorum, bu kadar abartacak ne var ki? İşin içinde kendi duygularım olmadığı zaman bir kurbağa kadar soğukkanlıyım.
Kendi duygularım olmasına rağmen soğukkanlı olduğum bir kere oldu hayatımda, onda da en büyük etken, karşılıksızlığından yüzde yüz emin oluşumdu. Çünkü o kadar acayiptim ergenken, veya ben kendimi öyle görüyordum, bilmiyorum. Neticede, kimsenin aşık olmasının imkan dahilinde bile olmadığı bir ucube gibi hissetmenin oldukça özgürleştirici bir yanı var çünkü zaten hiçbir zaman senin olmayacak bir aşkı kaybedemezsin. Neyse, onda da karşılık bulunca sapıtmıştım zaten yani soğukkanlılığım çok uzun sürmedi.
Yine de bazen rüyamda görüyorum ve çok mutluyum. Ama mesele de bu değil mi zaten, her şeyin ÇOK olması. Çok fazla. O kadar mutluyum ki ağlıyorum. Şimdi sanki başka birinin hayatı gibi, bunu gerçekte de yaptığımı hatırlıyorum. Çok acayip bir şey bu, hani çok ünlü bir yazar mıydı, filozof mu? Her neyse, "O kadar güzel bir sabah ki, kahve mi demlesem yoksa kendimi mi assam karar veremiyorum" gibi bir şeydi, öyle bir duygu işte, ben kendi mutluluğumdan bile korkuyorum şu anda.
Tüm bunların "patolojik" olmadığını öğreneli ve kabul edeli belli bir süre oldu. Napayım ben de böyleyim işte.
Bir daha asla hissettiğim şeylerden veya hissetme şeklimden utanmamaya yemin ettim, daha da kötüsü, minnet duymamaya.
Kabul edilemeyecek bir kusurmuşçasına tüm bu saçmalıklarımı gördü de beni kabul etti gibi hissetmek istemiyorum hiçkimseye karşı, bir daha asla.
O zaman ben de bunla mı uğraşıcam küstüm oynamıyorum diyor kalbim. Beynim işte, ah o beynim. Böylece yıllar geçiyor, kimseye bir şey hissetmeden.
Erkekler çok komik çünkü nedense buna ikna olmuyorlar. Sanki ben aşık olacak gibiymişim de kendimi frenliyormuşum gibi zannediyorlar. Sanki kendini frenlemek gibi bir konsept benim lügatımda varmış gibi. Aslında onları çok da suçlamıyorum çünkü bilmiyorlar ne kadar saçma olabildiğimi, o halimi hiç bilmiyorlar. Kaptırıp gitmiş. Tamamen uçmuş.
İşin aslı, frenlememi gerektirecek herhangi bir duyguyu yıllardır yaşamamış oluşum, ama anlatamıyorum. İnsanlar gerçekten iyi niyetli de olsa bazen yoruyor bu şekilde. "Bak ne kadar iyi bir insan, hadi aşık ol." gibi. Bazen ben bile acaba olmalı mıyım diyorum. Olmam daha mı mantıklı?
Gerçekten sevilebilecek erkekler var, ve hatta belki, bana sevgi verebilecek. Gerçekten çok sabırlı, çok düzgün, çok iyi insanlar var, hayran bile olabileceğim.
Ama bu noktada anlıyorum, sevgi değil aradığım. Öyle olsaydı gerçekten her şey çoook daha kolay olurdu. Keşke olsaydı.
Aşk da işte böyle mantıkla falan filan olmuyor. Olduğu zaman da sürreal bir deneyim oluyor bende. Kafanda saçlarının diken diken olduğu. Parmaklarının uyuştuğu. Sürekli elektrik akımı verilmiş gibi.
İşin aslı incineceğim diye de korkmuyorum artık, kimse beni incitemeyeceğinden değil, aksine, çok kolay bir şey beni incitmek. Aşk acısı ise apayrı bir durum çünkü resmen madde bağımlılığı gibi yaşadığımı artık biliyorum. Fiziksel olarak acı çekeceğimi biliyorum. Korkutucu değil yine de, artık değil. Ben hep iyileşirim. Hep iyileştim.
Sadece hayatımda ilk defa ayaklarımın yere bastığını hissediyorum, kafam hep bulutlarda olsa da. İlk defa rüzgara veya akıntıya kapılmışım sürükleniyorum gibi hissetmiyorum ve bu duyguya daha doymadım.
Tüm o şeylere, işte o çok fazla olan şeye, sırf yatmadan önce yarım saat aşk şarkısı dinlicem diye değer diyemiyorum şu noktada :)
Evet bazen güzel bir yaz akşamında, balkonlardan çatal bıçak sesleri gelirken, arkada hanımeli kokusu, evet güzel bir şey aşık olduğun biriyle elele yürümek. Güzel olmalı diye düşünüyorum çünkü unuttum, çok unuttum. Neyse, işte bir an imreniyorum. Belki on saniye.
Ama yine rüzgara kapılıp gitmek gibi bir şey olacak işte ve "steril", "sağlıklı" ilişki tanımları sadece göz devirme isteği uyandırıyor bende. Sıkıcı. Doğama aykırı. Ota boka toksik denildiği bir çağda kendime veya hissedeceklerime yer bulamıyorum. Kendimi ve hissettiklerimi ve diğer tüm ıvır zıvırı koyduğum dünyaya ise gerçek bir insanı sokamıyorum.
Neyse, biliyorum ki zamanı gelecek ve o zaman geldiğinde kendini rüzgara bırakmak en iyisi.
Sadece henüz değil.
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gaywoso · 4 years
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Fenerbahce vs Bellona Kayseri
Game Week 6 : KBSL
Live @ 9 AM Eastern
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coyging · 4 years
Lol listen my thirst doesn't know limits. The English? The French? The Scottish? New Yorkers? Even them! I'm very international 😜 oh anyways on that note looks like they finally postponed the Turkish wbb league. Sevgi post some photos pls. But it also means no more Tank for now 😔 man can these bballers do ig lives like the footballers? Oh and did you find out about plus? I wanna play something ✌ or I could stream and you could watch me die 100 times lol
my thirst is VERY much dictated by club loyalty in english football, but other leagues not so much
ok so i do not have plus on my account, but my brother does so i can play thru his account but i’ll have to add u on his if u want but he’s playing 2k rn so it’ll have to be later skdkkdkd
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Size şiir gibi bir sevda anlatayım mı? Dinleyin. Şiir gibi diyorum çünkü ötesi yok yaşananların. 2015 Haziran ayı. Bir arkadaşıma gidiyorum o gün. Kız ortamındaki muhabbetleri bilirsiniz işte, eski sevgililer, küçük ağlama nöbetleri ve yeni biri klişesi...Arkada Ahmet Kaya “Ben senin sokağına ulaşamam dardayım.”, diyor bu arada. Çocukluk arkadaşım var benim bir tane. Onun fotoğraflarına bakarken “Bu kim?”, diye sordular. Size yemin ederim ilkokuldan beri tanımama rağmen yüreğim eriyerek baktım o kareye. Onun gözlerinin başka bir yere odaklanışından, ellerinin duruşuna kadar her şeyi ilmek ilmek işlendi içime. Kimseye bir şey söylemedim ama eve dönerken bile göğüs kafesimin içinde adını bi türlü koyamadığım tuhaf bir his peyda olmaya başladı. Neyse işte anlatmadım kimseye 17 yıllık kardeşim dediğim çocuğa dahi söylemedim uzunca bir süre. Sonra nasıl oldu, ne ara oldu anlamadan “Ben tanışmak istiyorum” onunla dedim. Aylar sonra öğreneceğim ki o da adımı duyduğunda bambaşka şeyler hissetmiş ve Sezen Aksu dinlemiş. Lakin unuttum Sezen’in hüzünlü sesiyle Ahmet Kaya’nın yürek parçalayan sözleri hiç bir araya gelmemeliydi. Unuttum, kahretsin, unuttum bilemedim işte. Böyle başladı bizim hikayemiz. Böyle başladı her saç teline ayrı bir mısra adayacağım adama aşık oluşum... Bir gece de mesaj geldi. Öyle kimseyle konuşamayan, hele erkeklerle hiç anlaşamayan ben yediğim yemekten içtiğim suya kadar her şeyi anlatmak istedim ona. Güzle beraber geldi koynuma. Eylülle beraber. Yaprak yaprak ayrılık düşerken kaldırımlara ben aldırmadım, biz farklı oluruz dedim ve inanmadım. Konuştuk. Bir anda içim oluverdi ki canımın içi dediğimde onun da canının içine işlediğimi çok iyi bilirim. Başka insanlar gibi uzun uzadıya yormadan usulca yanaştık birbirimize ve 27 gün gibi kısa bir sürede sevgilim oldu. Elimi tuttu. Bilir misiniz Üsküdar yolunu, o yolda “Benimsin” dedi gözlerimin içine bakarak. “Ölsem bırakmam seni, benimsin.” Onundum, o da benimdi. Tarif edemeyecek kadar bulutların üzerindeydim. Ben çok çocuk gibiyimdir ve o olgundur. Başka ve zıtızdır aslında. Çanta taşıyamam, saçlarım takılır ellerime, kaldırımda yürürken taşları sektiririm. Hep elimi tuttu ben bunları yaparken. Hep gözlerinde bana olan sevdasını okuyabileceğim şiir dizeleri sakladı. “Ben romantik değilim, bekleme öyle şeyler”, dedi yine de gece üçte aradığımda açtı telefonunu. Uykulu sesini yorgan yaptı üzerime. Can oldu canıma. Hayattan tam anlamıyla tüm beklentilerini yitirmiş olan bana, nefes oldu. Hatta “Mimozam Karadeniz’de çok önemli bir sıfattır. Benzersizliğin tahayyülünü koyar ortaya. Evlenince adamlar eşlerine Mimozam diye seslenir” dedikten sonra Mimozam demişti bana. Ne demek biliyor musunuz? Eşli açar mimozalar ve eğer eşleri baharın ortasında küsüp açmayı bırakır yahut koparılırsa solup ölürler. Bunun altında yatan derin anlamı bilerek ağız dolusu Mimozam dedi. Çok güzel vakitler geçirdik, çok zor anlarımız da oldu. Ben korkağım. Bakın hiç inkar etmiyorum ben çok korkağım. En ufak kavgada beni bırakmayacağını duymak için “Bitsin” dedim. Şuan dilimde olan tövbelerin hiçbir anlamı yok o yüzden. Ben bu ayrılığı hak ettim, biliyorum. Ama şuna da inanıyorum, biz sevdik ve sevgi ucunda ölüm dahi olsa yürünecek tek yoldur. Aylar geçti, her şey öyle mükemmel ki. Doğum günü 12 Aralık. Buz gibi bir günde doğmasına rağmen, o ketum yüzüne rağmen içi sıcacık, içini evim yaptığım demir adam o gün doğdu ve en çok istediği şeyin bir doğum günü partisi olduğunu söyleyiverdi bir ara. O gün beraber Galata’ya çıktık. Tek tek her basamağında anı bıraktığım o yerden şimdi izin verseler kendimi bırakırım. Bir de size anlatamayacağım kadar güzel bir fotoğrafımız var. Gözlerini kapatıp şakaklarımı öptüğü... Arkamızda yedi tepe üstünde bir şehir! Ve kimseye gülmediğim kadar naif gülüyorum ona. Hırçın değilim, kızgın, küs kalamıyorum, her gün artan bir sevgiyle bağlanıyorum kollarına... Boynundaki kokunun hatrına ömrümü yoluna dökebilirim. Abartmıyorum, ben Demir Adam’ı öyle sevdim. O gün ilk buluştuğumuz kafede ona sürpriz olan doğum gününü yaptık arkadaşlarıyla. İçeri girdiğimiz an yüzüme baktı, elimi daha sıkı tuttu. İnanamadı, ve siz de inanmayacaksınız ama ben hayatımda daha önce birinin mutluluğuyla bu kadar mutlu olunabileceğine şahit olmadım. Sımsıkı sarıldık birbirimize. Tek bir vücutmuşuz gibi, sanki iki ayrı bedende yek bir ruhmuş gibi... Eve dönerken “Ne diledin?” dedim. “Benim dileğim yanımda.”, diye cevap verdi. Söyleyin bir adam size böyle cevap verse unutabilir misiniz? Şimdi ben bunu ölsem unutamam. Aylar geçti. Hep gittiğimiz o parka gittik. Güzeldi her şey. Çocukluk yapıyordum, canını sıkıyordum ama ne bileyim gitmez gibiydi be! Gideceğine hiç ihtimal vermedim. Bir gün ağlayarak “Korkuyorum” dediğimde “Ben seni hiç bırakır mıyım?” demişti. Bıraktı. Bırakırmış. Bir süre sonra eskisi gibi olmak için çabalarken daha çok yıprandık. Hatta birbirimize bıçaklar sapladık. Ama ben elimi ona kaldırdığımda bile açılacak yaranın merhemi olmak isterken, o “Yapamıyoruz” dedi. Ve biz 25 Nisan 2016 akşamı yapamadık. Ben o gece canımı gidip o parka bıraktım. Ben ondan sonraki her gece kabus görüp uyandığımda telefona sarılarak Demir Adam’ı arayamadım. Bakamadım fotoğraflarına, bakamadım fotoğraflarımıza. Ama kıyamadım da. Bir yandan ölsün isterken diğer yandan eline kıymık batsa yüreğime hançer geçirilmiş gibi hissettim. Kalkmadım ayağa. İnatla elimden tutup “Buradayım Mimozam, gel hadi.” demesini bekledim. Gelmedi. Doğum günümde mesaj attı. Canımı, ciğerimi hatta ömrümü o küçücük ekrana sığdırdım. Oh be, dedim seviyormuş. Ama ben bugün insanların birbirini sevmesinin yetmediğini öğrendim. Seviyorsanız eğer gururunuzu hiç sayıp uğruna bir şeyler yapın. Biz farklıyız, hayatımız, ideolojilerimiz, anlayışlarımız farklı diyerek bahanelerin katı kabuklarına sığınmayın. Şuan arkada Ahmet Kaya “Ben senin sokağına ulaşamam, dardayım”, diyor. Onu ilk sevdiğim günki gibi. Güz ayrılık getiriryor ve Galata rivayetleri yalan. İnanmayın, sevgi emek ve çaba gerektiriyor. Tahammül gerektiriyor. Sevgi tek başına yetmiyor. Bir sene önce nasıl heyecanlarla başladığım bu ilişkiden, bu sevdadan, satır satır şiir dediğim adamdan, ölüm olsa bırakmaz sandığımdan gitmek zorundayım. Ben onun sokağına bir türlü ulaşamadım, dardayım.
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Does Trump Have Syphilis?
There are more than a few people who do not exactly see eye-to-eye with our most recent president. While some disagree with Donald Trump’s policies and values, others question his sanity. There have been enough instances where he has given us reasons to wonder does Donald Trump have Syphilis.
Like that time he talked about light bulbs giving you cancer:
Remember, new "environment friendly" lightbulbs can cause cancer. Be careful– the idiots who came up with this stuff don't care.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 17, 2012
When he defended sexual assaults:
26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 7, 2013
Or when he discussed foreign relations with us:
Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend – and maybe someday that will happen!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 12, 2017
Many people have thought Trump isn’t “right” since he started campaigning for president, but nobody knows exactly why he does the things he does. It wasn’t until Dr. Steven Beutler’s article titled “A Medical Theory for Donald Trump’s Bizarre Behavior” published in the New Republic did syphilis enter the picture. Beutler claimed that Trump’s odd and irrational behavior could be attributed to a bad case of untreated syphilis. This is quite the claim, but is it true? And if so, how?
Syphilis is Easy to Miss
Always check yourself before you wreck yourself
The only physically indication that you usually have syphilis are painless sores. If you saw them, you’d likely know you should have them looked at. Still, some people either ignore these sores since they are painless, or miss them all together.
Untreated Syphilis Can Hide In Your Body For Decades
What kind of sane person eats pizza this way?
If you ignore or miss syphilis and let it do its thing for a couple decades without treatment, it eventually will develop severe side-effects. Late stage syphilis can really take a toll on someone, and is best known for eventually making you go crazy. Crazy enough to Covfefe (despite the constant negative press). 
Speaking of Making Someone Go Crazy..
Untreated syphilis has somewhere between a 25 to 40% chance of developing into neurosyphilis. Some of the milder side effects include dementia, confusion, changes in mental stability, irritability, memory problems, and mood disturbances. Hair loss is also a known side effect of syphilis.
If Trump Does Have Syphilis, He Probably Got it Sometime in the 1990s
1-800-FKE-NEWS on speed dial
It generally takes somewhere around 20 to 30 years for syphilis to really start to take its toll, so Trump would have had to have most likely gotten the STD sometime between 1988 and 1998. Back when he looked like this: 
Donald Trump poses in the foyer of his home in August 1987 in Greenwich, Connecticut. (Photo by Joe McNally/Getty Images)
Syphilis Was HUGE Back Then
According to the article “Sexually transmitted diseases in the USA: temporal trends” by Sevgi Aral, Kevin Fenton, and King Holmes, syphilis peaked in the US around 1990. So during the most likely time Trump would have gotten syphilis, the STD was five times more prevalent. Huh.
Trump Definitely Slept Around During That Time
The man has said himself that he’s “had” many women in the past, and he was especially busy around the time of divorcing his first wife Ivana in – you guessed it – the early 90s (1992).  He compared his past sexual promiscuity to the Vietnam War with Howard Stern in a 1997 interview.  
“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world,” he told Stern regarding his past dating life. “It is a dangerous world out there-it’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
Maybe He Stepped on a Syphilis Mine While on Deployment in His “Personal Vietnam”?
Trump poses with about half of the Miss America contestants on his personal yacht in Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1988.
The only way we will ever really know if Donald Trump has syphilis is if he got tested. Beyond that is purely speculation, but what we do know is syphilis is nothing to be ignored. He has sounded pretty confident in the past that he’s been safe, but it never hurts to check!
The post Does Trump Have Syphilis? appeared first on STD Exposed - Sexual Health Blog.
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alwayzraven · 1 year
Kardeşlerim Ep 68
For the first time in weeks, I really enjoyed writing the recap 😜
After dragging Sevgi into the room, Seval locked the door and sent a message to Omer saying that she is going to stay with a friend. Ahmet asked his lawyer if he can stop his mom from taking back her money/assets that she gave him and the lawyer said that she can't but she suggested that he sells whatever he can and send the money abroad before his mom sues him.
Oglucan contacted a food blogger so he can come and try Sengul's kofte. Since the poisoning incident, no one wants to eat her food. The food blogger didn’t know where to find Sengul's truck. He asked Gunul where he can find the kofte seller and she said it was her. She sent someone to buy Sengul's kofte and gave it to him. Orhan saw that and got so mad. He later contacted the food blogger and explained everything to him. The food blogger came to taste Sengul’s kofte and said that he’ll be back with some friends next time.
After school, Sarp told Berk that they should play tennis. Berk said that he will invite Susen so they can play in pairs. Susen said that she didn’t play tennis in a long time and Sarp asked her if her boyfriend doesn’t know how to play. Basically, he was making fun of Omer and Susen didn’t like that. She told him: “Would you like it if I made fun of your girlfriend?”.  Sarp told her that if he was going to date, he will date someone that suits him (meaning rich I guess) and that all the girls at school are head over heels for him lol. Berk and Susen laughed at this because yeah it was funny. After the girls left, Sarp asked Berk if he doesn’t believe he can make a girl fall for him and Berk told him he should try doing it with Afra and Sarp said that he should try to make Leyla fall for him. Berk said that Leyla doesn’t like him to begin with and Sarp told him: “Oh so you’re not confident” and Berk said that he will do it.
The next day at school, Sarp took a picture of Afra while she was standing by her locker (creepy 🙄). She asked him why he did that and he said: "Because you look so pretty". Watching him trying to flirt with her was so funny. Why is he so dumb at everything?? Then he gave her the camera as a gift.
Leyla wanted to talk with Omer but Susen saw her. She held Omer's hand and basically tried to get him away from Leyla. Leyla said angrily: " What is this? is she trying to get Omer away from me?" 
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I have a question: does delusion run in the Barcin family?? HE IS HER BOYFRIEND lol she really thought she stands a chance with Omer just like her brother thought he can be with Aybike. 
Berk came to talk to her and to start working on his bet. As you can see here, he looks very thrilled
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He asked her out but at first Leyla was suspicious. She said that she knows why he’s doing this: “A) you’re trying to piss off my brother B) you’re trying to make Aybike jealous C)..” Berk cuts her off: “Just to talk”. Leyla accepted his invitation in the end and said it out loud while Omer and Susen were walking past her.
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I don’t know if she was trying to make Omer jealous or if she was trying to let Susen know that she is interested in someone else so she can let her hang out with Omer in peace without “interfering”. I really pity these two siblings. Aybike heard Berk ask Leyla out and she immediately panicked lmao. Look at her trying to hide her jealousy.
*hmm the weather is really nice today*
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*Let me pretend to fix Asiye’s perfectly fine coat and at the same time eavesdrop on their conversation*
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Berk gave Leyla his number and told her that he will pick her up in the evening. Then walked past Aybike while looking at her.
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Aybike: *I am calm I am calm*
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Asiye: “Did you hear that?”
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Aybike: “Yes, what does Leyla have to do with Berk?”
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Asiye:”I don’t know. Maybe they are working on a homework together?”
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Aybike: “But we’re in the same class. We would’ve known about this”
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Asiye: “Yes, you’re right”
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Aybike: "Anyway, there is nothing to worry about. They are friends, they are classmates"
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Asiye: “Yes they are just friends probably”
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Look at her trying to convince herself that what she saw was just a friend asking another friend out and there is probably nothing to worry about 😂
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I can’t believe I am saying this but I’ve missed jealous Aybike ❤️️ Did she think that when she broke up with him he was going to stay single forever? What if he really got a new girlfriend? Now that Aybike saw the possibility of Berk being with someone else, she started panicking. She didn’t bother trying to get him back before because she saw that he was still single and not interested in anyone else but now she’s really scared of losing him.
Btw, Berk did not deceive Leyla. Leyla said that she also has a reason to go out with him. Berk asked her: “So you’re saying this is a win win situation?” and she said “Yes”. So everything is out in the open.
Tolga asked the guidance counselor at the school if he knows any good psychiatrist. I don’t know if this will be of use to the plot in the future. Maybe he thinks that if he starts to see a therapist, he can be with Aybike? I just hope he’s doing this for himself and no one else because if he is doing this for Aybike then it’s not gonna work and psycho Tolga will be back.
Ahmet is organizing a barbecue at his house and Omer, Asiye, Aybike, Oglucan and Tolga will work as servers there. Berk was going with Leyla to eat hamburgers but he changed his mind and decided to go to the party at Ahmet's house. Aybike was not happy to see him and Leyla together. Tolga was talking to her but she wasn’t listening to him lol
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Later when Leyla came to the kitchen to get some water, Aybike didn’t really want to talk with her. Leyla told her that there is nothing between her and Berk and that she likes someone else.
Sarp brought Afra to the party but he gave her a silly elephant costume and told her that everyone will be wearing a costume at the party but of course he was lying to her and he wanted to humiliate her. When they got to the party, Sarp acted like his mom changed the concept suddenly. Oglucan heard Sarp talking about how he tricked Afra into wearing that costume and he punched him. While Berk was trying to get Oglucan off of Sarp, Oglucan hit him. Not sure if it was on purpose or not but Oglucan was so focused on beating Sarp up that he didn't care. Ahmet came and told Omer and the others to leave his house. In the end, Akif told everyone that Omer is Ahmet’s biological son. Omer was shocked.
In the teaser, you can hear Leyla telling Berk: “We have an agreement then”. I am guessing she’s going to help him make Aybike jealous but what is she getting out of this? I can’t believe she’s working against her brother 😭 it’s so funny 😂😂
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Later in the teaser, we see Leyla holding someone’s hand (most likely Berk) and Aybike was about to cry when Asiye asked her if she was okay.
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By the way, Aybike and Leyla have a scene together in the next episode and I am guessing Aybike is going to ask Leyla about wtf is going on with her and Berk because she told her she didn’t have feelings for him and she already likes someone else. When aytrash stans heard that Leyla and Aybike filmed a scene together at the school last week, they were so happy and thought it was going to be beneficial for their crack ship 😭😭 I can’t stop laughing!!! The writers are using their fav’s sister to help Ayber get back together jkhdfjkssdkfhsk 😂😂Also, the scene with Aybike and Tolga is so bad, she’s going to ignore him. Ahhh I can’t wait for next week’s episode. I am getting my Ayber back soon ❤️️❤️️
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orbleglorb · 11 months
📖 haii
Terrell sat in one of these chairs now, in a sitting area arranged around an ornate coffee table. Rivers Javier sat on the arm of the chair, as expected. Ae and Terrell were rarely seen without the other. At this moment, they were too engrossed in a conversation to notice Sevgi's arrival. "I'm just sayin', J, I don't think we can get away with stealing a hearse." Terrell said. "I mean, we don't need to steal one… Surely we could rent one?" Rivers J said uncertainly. "Why do you think we should rent a hearse for Yuniesky's birthday, besides 'It'd be funny?'" Terrell asked. "There's no other reason," Rivers J laughed. "I just think it would be funny." "Well then, maybe we can spare the expense." "Oh, come on, he's so pessimistic about his birthday, anyway. We might as well lean into the–" Sevgi cleared her throat. "You wanted to talk, Terrell?" "Ah, Sevgi!" Terrell grinned. "Have a seat, if you want."
one day....... one day i'll finish my bees gorczyca/sevgi gore spy mission fic
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alwayzraven · 2 years
Kardeşlerim Ep 61
Sevgi went to live with Omer and Asiye after leaving her money/wealth to Ahmet. Ahmet went to convince her to come back home but she refused.
The next day, Tolga came to school. 
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 Berk: “The school was better without you. Why are you back?”
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Tolga:”Who stepped on your tail ?(meaning who pissed you off) What are you talking about this early in the morning?”
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Berk: “I am saying: Why didn't your condition get worse? Why did you come back to school?”
dfsdfsdfsfsdvsd 😂😂😂
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Tolga: “Are you acting crazy this early in the morning? Get out of here!”
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Berk: “You’re the king of crazies ! How did it became me?”
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Tolga: “Since you said “Why didn't your condition get worse?” I thought you sounded as crazy as I am. Remember your past. You’re back to those days probably”
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Berk: “At least, I am not doing anything behind someone’s back”
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Tolga: “What are you imagining in your head? What am I doing and behind who’s back?”
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Berk: “Oh look! Yours is here”
Just to clarify, when he says “Yours” here, he doesn’t mean that Tolga owns Aybike or something like that. He is using the word “Seninki” here in a mocking way.
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Aybike: “What are you talking about?”
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Berk: “I am saying that I am aware of everything”
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Aybike: “What are you aware of Berk?? What??”
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Berk: “I am saying that I know what you guys did behind my back all this time, Aybike”
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Oglucan: “Berk, maybe you should change that voice tone of yours , she is my sister, you know”
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Berk: “Stay out of this Oglucan”
I love how he said this in a calm way. 
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Oglucan: “ Stay out of this ? I see that you missed the old days so much. Wait, let me remind you”
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Berk did not look like he was going to hit Oglucan or fight with him so Tolga didn’t need to hold Oglucan back.
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Berk: “Oh I see that you became part of the family,   speedy ! Bravo to you !”
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Berk: ” She is your sister, so of course you will protect her but nobody is going to hold them accountable for betraying me. Liking posts, whispering to each other, hospital visits! I am not an idiot! I am not an idiot, okay? I realized that there is something between you two”
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Holy shit I didn’t hear him well when I watched the ep live !! He really thinks she cheated on him 😭
Aybike: “How could you…..Berk you have really lost your mind! ”
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Aybike was so upset because he thought that she cheated on him. Tolga said that he can speak with Berk using the language he understands meaning he wants to beat him up lol. ISTG when he put his hand on her shoulder, I screamed: “Don’t fucking touch her !!!”. I am so scared that he might do something to her 😭😭
Aybike went to sit on a bench in the garden and Tolga came to get her because class is starting soon. Tolga said AGAIN that he wants to do something to Berk. He didn’t want her to get upset because of him. Ayyyy how nice of him 😭
Aybike told him: "No Tolga, if you do something to Berk, I will do something to you." LMAO 😂
Tolga is probably still going to do something to him because once Tolga sets his mind on something he will do it no matter what.
Afra saw this fight as an opportunity to get on Aybike's nerves. She sat next to Berk in class. The teacher gave the class a chemistry assignment and divided them into groups of three. Afra is in the same group as Berk and Sarp. I never expected the writers to use Afra for another triangle.
Nebehat came to visit Suzan and found Akif there so she kicked both of them out the house. Nebehat gave Suzan that house after Suzan promised her that she won’t let Akif stay there. After Nebehat kicked them out, they went to the Eren's house to spend the night there. The next day they rented a new house.
The Dean told Doruk, Asiye and Oglucan that the new owner of the school is Ahmet Yalmaz. Oglucan remembered that Omer told him his dad's name is Ahmet Yalmaz. So Doruk, Oglucan and Asiye decided to get a DNA sample from Ahmet and Omer to do a DNA test to check whether Ahmet is his dad or not. They managed to get a glass he used at the restaurant and submit that for the the DNA test. Later, the dean gave Omer an envelop and told him to give it to Yasmin and Sarp. Omer saw Ahmet's name on the envelop and he realized that Ahmet could be his father. He asked Suzan if Ahmet was his dad and Suzan lied to him and said he wasn't. So Asiye didn't tell him the truth.
In the trailer for the next ep, they showed Aybike and Berk in the library and it looked like they were about to make up.
Berk: “I will be that Berk you love, I promise you”
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Ahhhhhh our library scenes are back ❤️️❤️️❤️️ We didn’t hear Aybike’s reply to this. So does this mean he made up with Doruk ? Or is he planning on just ignoring him? What about Omer and Oglucan? I think an apology will work in the case of these two because it looked like they were just angry with him, especially Oglucan. Also why is Berk making the first move AGAIN ?
But if this is true, Tolga is going to lose his shit 😂😂 because he thought that he was getting closer to Aybike in this episode. God I can’t wait for next week’s ep !!
In the trailer they also showed a scene with AsDor and three kids so I am not sure whether the kids we saw were involved in this scene or in a Dorber flashback scene. The last scene they showed in the trailer was Sarp about to hit/hitting Emel with is car. I hope he’s not going to leave her there and take her to the hospital instead.
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alwayzraven · 2 years
Kardeşlerim Ep 53
Omer told the guy who came with aunt Sevgi (I think his name is Ismail) not to call the police and that he will pay back the money Harika stole. Omer visited Suzan in prison. He told her that Harika left and she was surprised.  Berk called Aybike in the evening.
Berk: "I didn’t see my sweetheart today because we didn't have school, I've missed you, so I called you, I can’t call you?"
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Aybike: "No you can call me but we talked half an hour ago, you know that right?"
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Berk: “Do you know how many times I have stopped myself from calling you during that half hour?”
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Aybike: “So you’re saying I should be thankful”
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Berk: “Kind of”
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Aybike: “Anyway, were you able to study? Are you ready for the exam?”
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Berk: “No sweetheart, I am not ready. Can you tutor me tomorrow at school?”
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Aybike: “If you’re going to focus on the lesson then yes but if you’re not going to focus and instead dream about spending summer break with me then no, you can do that on your own ”
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Berk: “What can I do ? That’s what happens when we don’t spend much time together, I daydream when I see you ”
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Aybike: “Look, you’re starting to become sweet again, I am going to hang up ”
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Berk: “Okay, okay ! No sweet words ! My wild girlfriend”
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Aybike: “ Say it again”
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Berk: ”My crazy girlfriend !”
Ayla was standing at his door listening to him talk with Aybike. Sengul called Aybike so she had to hang up
Aybike: “Anyway, my mom is calling me, I am hanging up”
Berk: “Okay sweetheart ! Sending you lots of kisses ”
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Ayla: "Oh please send her more kisses. Keep it up ! Don’t listen to your mother, son ! Well done ! "
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Berk: “You’re not saying anything worth listening to, mom ! You’re saying give up on Aybike ! That’s an offer I can’t accept !  ”
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Ayla: “So she is very precious and important to you, right? She is important to you to the extent of going against and hurting your mom’s feelings, right?”
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Berk: “Let’s not say to the extent of going against my mom but to the extent that I want my mom to like her ”
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Ayla: “Oh please, no Berk ! She is not a good fit for us, son !”
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Berk: “ She is not a good fit for us ?  ”
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Ayla: “Yes, she is not a good fit for us”
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Berk: “I think it’s enough that she is a good fit for me mom”
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Ayla: “Anyway, in the end, this is just high school love, it will pass now or later, there is no need for me to worry ”
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Oh boy do I have some bad news for you miss Ayla 😂
The door rang. Akif came to tell Ayla that he is selling the school and he doesn't want her to cause any troubles for him because he needs the money to get Suzan out of prison.
The next day, a buyer came to look at the school. Tolga heard about this and he told Akif that he can convince his father to buy the school. Tolga's plan is to make his father buy the school so he can kick the Eren's out of the school. What can I say? He never disappoints ! Truly a clown ! I thought his relationship with his father wasn’t that great 🤔
That day, Aunt Sevgi came to school with the Eren squad. Doruk ad Berk hugged the girls and aunt Sevgi was kind of confused so Oglucan explained the situation to her.
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Oglucan: "Aunt Sevgi, this handsome friend over here is Doruk, he's going to come ask for Nouran's hand soon, and the other handsome guy is Berk, he is our sokran's fiancé (he meant Aybike here since she calls her sokran)"
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Doruk and Berk were confused.
Sevgi: "Nice to meet you son, I am Sevgi"
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Then she turned to Oglucan and said: "What did their mothers feed them when they were kids? Why are they 2m tall?"
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Oglucan: "I don't know what they put in their food but I wish they put the same thing for me"
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Sevgi and Oglucan were such a funny duo during this episode 😂
Tolga and Emir thought she was a professor. She made them jump as a punishment. Then the math professor came to the classroom and he told the class that they have a surprise quiz today. Berk and Doruk made a bet with Aybike and Asiye. If they got a higher grade than them, the girls will do whatever whatever the boys want. Aybike scored 60 on the quiz while Berk got 90. This doesn’t make any sense btw because Aybike is always studying so I don’t understand why they always try to make it look like she’s an average student 🙄 So Berk won the bet. The first thing he did is call his mom. Aybike heard him and said:" I feel like I am going to regret making this bet"  😂
Berk went with Aybike to a café. His mom was also there. He planned this meeting with the hopes of fixing the relationship between Aybike and his mom.
Aybike: “I don’t understand, why did we come to this place? ”
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Berk: “ I won the bet and you will do whatever I want sweetheart, that's what we agreed on from the start and you’re not going to complain about it”
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Aybike: “Okay, I am not complaining ”
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Then she turned and saw that Ayla was there.
Aybike: “You’re mom is here ! you’re mom is here ! ”
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Berk: “I know, calm down ! I arranged this meeting”
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Then Ayla saw them 😂
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Aybike: “You arranged this?”
Berk: “Yes, I wanted to melt the ice between you and mom for a long time now but I couldn’t ask you because you would’ve said no, now that I got the opportunity to do so, I thought I should take advantage of it”
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Aybike: “Well done, what you did is really great Berk ! If I knew you’re going to do this I would’ve tried to score 100 in the exam and I would’ve even asked for additional questions and I would’ve solved them correctly but I wouldn't have come here”
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Berk: “It’s too late sweetheart”
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Aybike: “I swear to god I am going to beat you up and pull your hair out”
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Then they went and sat down at Ayla’s table. Berk started talking about this family’s tradition of having tea at 5pm 😂
Berk: “Drinking tea at 5 pm is our family’s tradition. We learned it from my grandmother. She used to prepare biscuits and tea at 5 pm and she would gather us around her”
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Ayla: “Berk, does Aybike know that your grandmother lives in London? That’s where the tradition of having tea at 5 pm came from. It’s a family tradition”
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Berk: “No mom she doesn’t know”
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Aybike: “ I don’t understand, what difference does it make even if you were the grandson of the queen of England”
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Berk: “Okay Aybike, please don't get hung up on that ”
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Then he turned to his mom
Berk: “Mom, Aybike makes delicious cookies ! You really won’t believe how good they are”
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Ayla: “I am sure they are ! She probably puts sugar, dough, oil and all the unhealthy stuff in them  ”
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Aybike: “What sugar? What dough? What oil? I use air, water and gas and it comes out delicious”
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Berk: “Mom please don’t exaggerate ! What will she put in them except those ingredients”
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Ayla: “She can make them however she wants but sweetheart, Berk doesn’t like sweet cookies, just so you know”
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Aybike: “No he likes them”
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Ayla: “I gave birth to Berk and I raised him ! No one knows him better than I do, right? my son doesn’t like sweet cookies ! He eats healthy”
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Aybike: “Ms Ayla, I am sorry to say this, but he probably doesn’t like the ones you make because he eats the cookies I make ”
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Berk: “Aybike, why would you that that right now?”
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Ayla: “I am saying he doesn’t like them ”
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Aybike: “Unfortunately, he likes them, he likes them”
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Ayla: “Son, do you like them ?”
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Aybike: “Berk, just say it, don’t you like them?”
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Berk stuffed his mouth with a cookie to avoid answering 😂😂
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Berk: “My mouth is full I can’t speak, I am sorry ! Should I ask for the check ?”
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Ayla & Aybike: “Yes”
You know what? He deserves this 😂 Why did he think it was a good idea to have these two sit at the same table 😂 Istg it’s like he is asking for another break up ! I really don't get it ?? Ayla gets along with Sengul but not her daughter ?? I saw a spoiler saying that Aybike and Ayla will get in trouble together but I don't know if that's true
Sengul received a letter with the court's date for her divorce. She was very sad. Aybike and Oglucan remembered that they went on a picnic as a family and they had a really good time together. So they thought if they can go with their parents on a picnic again, it might remind them of how happy they were back then and they might not divorce. Unfortunately, Orhan came with Gunul to their picnic spot and Oglucan and Aybike's plan failed.
Tolga came to the chicken coop to tell Omer and Asiye that his dad is buying the school and he will kick them out. Aunt Sevgi heard him. That same morning, someone reached out to Akif and offered him an “investment opportunity” . This was definitely sevgi because she later asked Ismail when he came to the chicken coop if he did what she instructed him to do. I think she is offering him shares? But I am not sure if it’s in her company. I think we’ll know more about this in the next episode. Ismail (he's probably her assistant) asked her when she'll tell the kids who she is. She said she can't tell Omer that she is the reason his parents broke up. She is his grandmother (his father's mom). I wonder where his father is ? is he alive ? is he dead and if they are planning to bring him to the show is he going to have an interesting storyline or are they going to butcher his character like they did with Resul daddy (I miss him btw). I don't think Omer and Asiye heard her conversation with Ismail because the teaser shows that she is still staying with them.
Overall, I think it was a good episode. I hope they keep the same pace for the next 3-4 final episodes.
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alwayzraven · 2 years
Kardeşlerim Ep 56 - Season Finale
I was so mad that they started the episode with the hospital scene !! We didn’t see Berk’s reaction after he saw her and we didn’t see who brought her to the hospital. Was it Berk or did they call an ambulance? Don’t they love calling ambulances ?? But are we really surprised that they messed this up?? Absolutely not ! 
Berk was so worried 🥺
Berk: "Nothing bad will happen to my girlfriend right?"
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Doruk said that Aybike is a strong girl and she is going to be okay
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The doctor came out and told them that Aybike was fine and her injuries were not life threatening.
Oglucan tried calling Orhan but he didn’t pick up. Gunul found Orhan’s phone and she deleted Oglucan’s calls and hid Orhan’s phone. They were going somewhere together and she wanted Orhan to focus on them two. Aybike was sad that her dad didn’t come to see her.
Berk finally came to see Aybike. 
Berk: “I was afraid that your mom was going to say something if I came to see you and when they left, the nurse came in but I couldn’t take it anymore so I came in, let them say whatever they want ”
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Aybike: “What are you doing here?”
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Berk: “What do you mean? Aren’t you my girlfriend? Of course I’ll be here”
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Aybike: “Berk, if something fell on my head, it doesn’t mean that I lost my memory, I remember that we fought ”
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Berk: “You can remember, What should I do? Right now, the most important thing to me is that you’re okay. Are you okay?”
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Aybike: “I am okay. These injuries...my hand...it’s nothing..I am thinking about Asiye”
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Berk: “Asiye was very sad too Aybike ! She was very sad ! I hope you guys will make up.”
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Aybike: “ And you’ll be able to spend time with your friend Doruk, right?”
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Berk: “What is important to me right now is, you Aybike. Didn't I see you where you fell? I swear I stopped breathing. It was the first time in my life that I felt something like that”
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Aybike: “That’s what happens when you turn your back on me, you stop breathing”
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Berk: “No one turned their back on you Aybike. You were angry and you took it out on everyone. Anyway, now we’re okay, right? it’s all in the past”
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Aybike: “No it’s not, because I still remember everything and I am still angry but I am not going to lie, I liked that you came here and waited”
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Berk: “Of course I am going to wait and I am not going anywhere until you feel better”
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Aybike: “Let’s say you’re going to stay until my mom sees you and kicks you out”
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Then Oglucan came into the room.
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Oglucan: ”Let me tell you something, I came at the right time. Mother went to wash her hands and she’ll come any minute, if you don’t want her to kick you out early, you should leave”
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Berk: “Okay then, I will be here but if something happens call me, okay?”
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Aybike: “Don’t wait here, go home”
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Berk: “ There is no such thing as going home. Wherever you are, I will be right next to you”
His expression here was so funny 😂 He was like “Excuse me? Go home? and leave you here? Not happening”
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Then he left.
Oglucan: “He’s clumsy but he is a very sweet kid”
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Omer got a call. Sevgi was at the hospital so he went with Asiye to see her. The doctor told them that she is at the last stage of cancer. Ismail said that she stopped taking her medicine because she doesn’t want to live anymore so Omer begged her to begin the treatment again. Later in the episode, Ismail told them that Sevgi went abroad for her treatment. 
Tolga came to visit Aybike at the hospital. He brought green peaches and not flowers, because he saw her eat green peaches at the party. Oh how sweet of him 🙄 I can’t believe they wrote the peaches for him and the flowers for Berk even though he knows she doesn’t like flowers. Also guess what? Tolga also thinks that buying flowers for someone else is silly and that’s why he brought peaches and not flowers.
Aybike was surprised to see Tolga. She said it was weird that he came to see her, she asked him if he was sick lol. He gave her the peaches but she didn’t eat them right away so he asked her to give him one. He said that it was clear that she didn’t trust him so he was going to eat one so she’ll be sure that he didn’t poison them. Then, he said that he’s going to leave and wished her to get better. After he left Aybike said: “am I dying? Is something happening to me? Because there is no other explanation for this visit”
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Berk saw Tolga in the corridor in front of Aybike’s room. Berk brought flowers to Aybike even though he knew she doesn’t like them.
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Berk: “What are you doing here? What are you looking for?”
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Tolga: “ Calm down for two minutes, don’t get angry immediately. I came to visit the patient, can’t you see? ”
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Berk: “Visit the patient? I am sorry but the patient is not your friend or anything else. Look, if you came here to make fun of her I will beat you up so bad this time”
The way he said “I am sorry but” !! He sounded exactly like Ayla 😂
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Tolga: “ DiYoRsUn ?”
I am sorry but his “diyorsun?” annoys me sometimes 😂 I don’t know how to translate it correctly. Here he’s basically saying “so you will beat me up?”. So I guess the translation is “really?”. I don’t know if “you say?” is a proper English expression/sentence but if it is then that’s what he meant.
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Berk: “Yes, that’s what I am saying”
Tolga: “But you know how to make fun of others better then I do, Berko. Don’t I know how you went with Doruk to make fun of the people who live at the chicken coop in the past? Someone told me about this and that’s how I remember it. I thought I should tell you since we’re on this subject. So don't confuse me with you ! do you understand me, you redhead sociopath ?”
Didn’t he bring chickens to make fun of Omer and Asiye a couple of days ago because his father was going to buy the school and he was going to kick them out 💀💀
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Berk: “Get out of here ! Get out of here or no one will save you from me. Don’t you ever think about speaking with my girlfriend again ! ”
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Tolga: “Of course ! Of course ! By the way, don’t put any more pressure on these flowers or they’ll go to waste, bye bye”
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Berk: “I won’t squeeze these flowers but I am going to squeeze you, let’s see when, little Tolga”
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Like I said, Tolga calling anyone else psychopath/sociopath is SO FUNNY ! Someone needs to jog his memory and remind him of all the bad stuff he did since S1. The title of Tolga and Aybike’s scene on YouTube is “Tolga is walking toward/getting closer to Aybike” so I guess this mess will go on until S3. Tolga hates Berk because he thinks Berk was forgiven “easily“ by the Erens even tho he did bad things to them. He thinks he too should be forgiven except Berk never went too far like he did. Plus, Berk tried to make up for his mistakes. Remember how mad he was after the costume ball at Berk? When Tolga made Aybike hide the exam sheet in Berk’s bag, that wasn’t to hurt Aybike but it was to hurt Berk. His goal was always Berk and I think this time he found the perfect opportunity to mess with him. Every time Berk tells him to stay away from Aybike, he is going to do the complete opposite of that just to piss him off. Let’s see how this mess unfolds in S3....
The next morning, Oglucan asked Aybike if Berk came by to see her while he was asleep and she said no. Oglucan was afraid that Berk took a picture of him while he was sleeping because he sleeps with his mouth open 😂 . Aybike said that Berk slept in the car so he can come running if something happened to her. Oglucan said that Berk didn’t dare to come by because of him, because he is “Aybike’s big brother” and Aybike said no it was because of her mom 😂
Sengul went to the company. Nebehat said that Doruk told her about what happened to Aybike. Ayla asked her what happened and Nebehat told her that Aybike fell and was injured so she’s in the hospital. Ayla said that she didn’t know. Berk told her that he was staying with a friend. She said she was sad to hear about it. It looked like she was sincere? Anyway, the reason why Sengul went to Nebehat is because she wanted to borrow money from her to buy her house. She did buy the house in the end. I guess she did this so Gunul won’t bother her anymore.
Everyone went to school to get their transcripts. I still don’t know how this school functions. This is not their last year at high school but the next year is, because the principle told them that it’s going to be a hard year for them since they’re going to prepare for the university entrance exam. I can’t believe we have to spend another year at Attaman school. I hope it’s not going to last until the end of next season because I doubt this show will go on for a fourth season. I don’t think they can keep the cast for another season tbh. Anyway, Berk was waiting for Tolga in front of the classroom. 
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Tolga: “Good morning guys ! What’s going on? Are you welcoming me at the door? ”
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Berk: “Look don’t get on my nerves! I told you everything yesterday ! But I will say it again so open your ears and listen to me very carefully” 
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Tolga: “Don’t worry ! I am listening !”
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Berk: “From now on, I won’t see you anywhere near Aybike, Okay?”
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Tolga: “Really? There is no problem. In the end, saying this to me is completely free of charge, right?”
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I think what he meant here is that Berk can say whatever he wants and Tolga will do whatever he wants in the end. The English equivalent for the last part could be “talk is cheap”.
Berk: “Look, don’t piss me off Tolga ! Okay?”
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Emir: “Don’t you guys have better things to do this early in the morning? Go have some coffee or something”
Berk: “Look, don’t make me lose my mind ! Don’t even try ! ”
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Tolga: “What’s going to happen if you lose your mind? let us not compete over who becomes more dangerous when they lose their mind because you will lose and you’ll be sad, little vampire”
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He’s not completely wrong here. Let’s not forget how he burned down a building while people were still inside and he was also still inside. I have a bad feeling about this guys....
After they got their transcripts, everyone went to the hospital to see Aybike. Asiye and Aybike finally made up and then everyone hugged
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Nebehat and Ayla met with a lawyer to find a way to kick Akif out of their company. The lawyer told them that since both of them were the board of directors they can fire Akif without any problems. The lawyer advised them to sell all the company’s properties and assets and that’s what they did. Nebehat gave the house to Suzan and Akif was left penniless. We love karma ❤️
Gunul and Orhan are getting married. Orhan came to see the kids and he was surprised to see Aybike with bandages. Aybike was shocked to hear about their marriage and told her father to go. Sengul fainted. She went to the doctor and the doctor told her that she was 12 weeks pregnant. I wonder if this baby will be born. I watched enough Turkish dramas to know that something will happen to this baby. Either Sengul will get an abortion but I am not sure if she still can do that at 12 weeks or she will have a miscarriage. 
After buying the house, Sengul kicked Asiye, Omer and Emel out. Ismail found them and brought them to Sevgi’s house. Sevgi went abroad to receive treatment. I hope this means we’ll see her in S3. I loved her scenes with Omer, they were so adorable and she still hasn’t told Omer that she is his grandmother yet. I think he would forgive her for what she did if she apologized. Ismail told them that Sevgi is the new owner of Attaman School so they will be able to keep their scholarships. He also told them that they’re going to live in her house from now on. They were so happy that they finally have a proper place to live in. 
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I am so happy for them ! Please let's not lose this house 😭 I hope they'll live here forever ! let's not go back to the chicken coop please 😭 I hope they’ll only have happy days from now on because they deserve it after all the hardships they went through. But I wonder where Omer's father is? Is he dead? If he is alive, why doesn't he know about what his mother is going through? 
It was a beautiful episode. It didn’t feel like a season finale at first. I think I expected a more intense pace. Also, none of the secrets were revealed so I guess they are leaving everything for S3. I am going to miss everyone and especially Ayber. How am I going to wait until September 😭
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gaywoso · 4 years
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