#oh his joy at seeing her restored im tearing up
maraczeks · 3 years
cafe funiculi funicula thread pt 2
#if they switched fugasi and kohtakes roles i will riot#HIRAI HEY GIRL#ffeb 27 2021#hirai looks so cool#wait kazu love interest???#HE WANTED TO SEE HIS CAT SHUT UPSFLDJSFJFKLFNKSDJ#WAIT SHUT UP KAZUS MOM USED TO DO THE POURING>?@$@TR**#WAIT HTE GHOST IS HER MOMDKHFSJSKNG LJFDKHF:SLHGKJHWJEFOK#OMIGOD#no bc whyd they switch kohtake and fugasi .#i refuse to use naur i refuse to be merivoodood#the ghost being kazus mom is the best addition#grrrrrrr it wouldnt be better or worse to keep fugasi as the one w dementia its equally heartbreaking but there was something so perfect abo#ut all four visitors being women#like i really think it was intentional all four were women whyd they go and mess it up#'she's never written me a letter' NO MORE RIGHTS#the water as time thing is so..............................................#no thoughts head e#oh his joy at seeing her restored im tearing up#wair the photos on the wall change too#how much did i forget oh NO#no bc the beauty of kohtakes visit was going from nurse back to wife this completely erases that uHGDSLjf#AND THEIR LETTER WIRING COURTSHIP ITS SICK#crying anyways bc the whole seeing her as she once was is just heartbreaking#this is so . i should watch in a dark room not on the tv#oh no hes a nurse too wait her CARD LJFLS GOD I HATE THIS BOOK ITS SO SICK THEY KEPT THAT PART THANK YOU#nooooo kazu talking to the ghost this is sick omg im gonna cry again shut up#THE CAT IS SO ROUND THANK YOU FOR ADDING A CAT#what is this montage supposed to be#HIRAI timE YYAYAYAYAYYAYYYY
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btxtreads · 4 years
whispers || min yoongi
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➳ Fate is such a fickle thing. So easy to tamper with. 
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↳ Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (Based off of the Daechwita MV)
↳ word count: 1.5k words
↳ rating: PG-13
↳ genre: fluff, angst, historical AU
↳ Warnings: Swords, Death, A gun, Battle Scenes, Forced Engagement, Failed Execution, Assassination
↳ a/n: i wrote this for like three days until i realized oh maybe it should be a series so enjoy this first chapter lol also!!!!! i put a lil final fantasy thing here and its kind of a central point to the story lmaooooOoO guys send me some asks im like really bored bls
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Empress Y/N
Empress Y/N (1384 – 1461) was the second emperor of the Baekje kingdom during the early Joseon era and one of the best-known queens of the Joseon dynasty. Born to a consort, the ongju only became the heir to the throne when Gongju Sun, only child of the Baekje emperor and the late empress Shin, became the empress of Goguryeo after her marriage with the Emperor—father of the late crown prince Geum—after his queen’s untimely death. Y/N became the first empress to rule without a king in 1413, until her marriage to her royal guard Park Jimin in 1420. The empress was then succeeded by her son, Park Il-Guk, after she and her husband stepped down the throne in 1446. She died of natural causes in 1461.
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It was a normal day at the temple when the empress suddenly visited. It was dark and silent—the time of the pig[1].
The heavily pregnant empress of Goguryeo, ever the superstitious, approaches the oracle with a careful bow as she cradled her swollen belly. She was due to birth any time.
“Your highness,” greeted the oracle.
“Priestess Cho,” the empress nodded back. “Apologies for having barged in at such an inconvenient time,”
“None-sense, your majesty.” The priestess replied. “The stars have called you here. Who am I to disagree?”
The queen nodded solemnly before setting her hand on her stomach. “I am to birth at any time. I would like you to tell me about my child.”
And tell her she did.
The priestess whispered a prayer as she lit an incense, then closed her eyes.
As if magic, a prophecy tumbled out of her mouth.
A family of greatness
Birthing a child of weakness
As one approaches his end,
A brother prepares to reign.
The queen gasped as tears welled up in her eyes.
She touched her stomach as she felt her child respond to his mother’s touch.
The stars have spoken.
The unborn child will not reach his seventh year, and he will not see his brother crowned as the heir to the throne.
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It had been seven years since then.The country prospered and was better than ever.
The crown prince, Geum, grew up to be a cheerful, kind and intelligent boy. He had an affinity for diplomacy and is exceptionally skilled in warfare and battle strategy. The kingdom loved him.
Prince Yunki, however, was a sad child. Perhaps that was because he was constantly ill and born with a death sentence.
The boy was born with snow white hair, which the queen supposed was the result of his illnesses—though quite unheard of. Despite his affinity for swordsmanship and politics, the boy could barely even wield one.
The queen was disheartened.
Agitated by her son’s fate, the empress once again visits the temple. Once again, she sits across the same oracle.
“Your highness,” greeted the oracle. “You have returned.”
“Priestess Cho. I came for my son,” The queen replied with urgency, no time for pleasantries, “The fates have told you that he will die as his brother ages for the throne.”
“They have.”
“Geum will be groomed for the throne soon,” The queen rushed. “Is the death of Yunki really mapped by the gods?”
“No gods, your grace. Stars—the planet. Destiny. Fate. Whatever it is called.”
“Fate dictates the death of my son?”
“Alas, the stars have changed course.” The oracle whispers. “The spirits whisper.”
“What do they say?”
“That your son will be the fiercest king Goguryeo will meet.” The oracle tells. “The emperor that defies fate and destiny.”
“Priestess Cho, forgive me. I was not talking about Geum.”
“Neither am I.” The priestess replied, shocking the queen into silence as she continued. “He will not die tonight, my queen. Not yet. Not for a long while.”
Perhaps the mistake the queen did that night was not to ask what this entailed.
For the following year, the queen was delighted at what she saw.
Yunki loses his illness, recovering at a fast pace. He grew up a strong prince with fair skin, maintaining his white hair, and a sharp gaze. He became strong and fierce.
The queen perished happily that year, joyed at the fact that her son will live. She returned to the planet as her country mourned.
For years to follow, all was well in the kingdom—they had a crown prince who would rule kindly and another who defied fate.
It wasn’t until years later that it all crashed down.
Prince Geum fell in battle, and the emperor died from grief. Prince Yunki immediately ascended to the throne.
The bitter child that he grew up to be, Emperor Yunki became the mad king. All he did was pillage and burn.
That’s what he did to terrorize nearby cities, that’s what he did to eliminate rebels, and that’s what he did to conquer the Kingdom of Silla.
It was because this that fate finally fixed itself—the planet called the whispers[2].
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Min Yoongi was simply… Yoongi.
He didn’t think anything was special about him—well, except for the fact that he was a time-travelling assassin sent to different moments of history to fix details that would change the course of destiny.
It would be nice to see an ancient Korea after the mess I made in America, Yoongi thought as he headed to his mission.
He shuddered at the thought of his previous mission—Yoongi spent two whole years egging Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton’s rivalry to end in a duel rather than amicable terms.
Never again.
Shaking his head, Yoongi stepped through time and landed where he needed to, Joseon era—the year 1411.
Yoongi gazed around at the busy street and the lively Goguryeo culture—but that really wasn’t what he’s here for.
Yoongi breathed and nodded to himself.
He was back here to do his mission: assassinate Emperor Yunki and restore the timeline.
Securing his straw hat on his head, Yoongi started to walk through the busy marketplace.
While he did feel weirdly out-of-place, he found that didn’t actually care as long as his cover wasn’t blown.
Three loud bangs on a drum and airy horns were suddenly heard, making him feel alive—Yoongi came at the same time they were playing the Daechwita [3].
Yoongi has always liked music. He liked to play, to listen, to sing and dance and rap. He liked it modern, classical, and traditional—and the Daechwita was one of his favorites. Perhaps it was the ties to his culture.
Intrigued, Yoongi went to watch the captivating performance.
“You really like music, don’t you?” A soft voice hummed next to him. “Obviously, right? A person wouldn’t smile that big while watching the Daechwita if they didn’t like music.”
He turned to see a girl, donned in a plain-looking blue and purple hanbok, tilting her head at him.
Yoongi blinked and turned to leave. “Hey, wait!”
The girl ran after him. “Hello!”
“What’s your name?” The girl persisted, as Yoongi turned to another pathway, his hands in his pockets.
“None of your business.” Yoongi quipped, shooting the girl an irritated gaze.
“Sorry, I just found it really sweet that you were so happy, watching the Daechwita,” the girl continued. “While I do like music too, I really don’t listen to the Daechwita much.”
Yoongi sighed, deciding to humor the girl.
“You’re a commoner, what business do you have listening to the Daechwita?”
“You’re right, nothing!” She smiled.
Yoongi continued walking, vaguely aware of the footsteps following behind him.
“So, what’s your name?”
Yoongi glared at the happy girl, who only smiled back.
“If you refuse tell me, I will call you Daechwita until you do.”
Yoongi huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “Listen, don’t you have anyone else to bother?”
The girl shrugged. “Not really. Besides, everybody in the country is busy these days.”
At this, Yoongi snapped into attention, turning to the girl to gather intel on his mission. “Why? What’s happening?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” The girl snorted before shrugging. “The emperor of Baekje and his… ah… daughters have arrived. The gongju[4] is going to marry the emperor.”
“Emperor Yunki? A wedding?” Yoongi asked. That bastard is getting married?
“Yes.” The girl nodded, smiling.
“Have you seen the emperor yet?” Yoongi asked curiously, taking note of possible locations.
The girl slowly shook her head. “No, I’ve never seen him. I’m just a visitor.”
“From where?” Yoongi asked.
The girl gulped. “Baekje.”
“Ah,” Yoongi nodded. “What was your name again?”
“…Y/N?” The girl replied hesitantly.
So, this is Empress Y/N of Baekje, Yoongi noted before he shrugged. Didn’t know she was this annoying.
“Okay, then.”
He turned to leave.
“Wait, that’s it? That’s your response? To what I just told you?”
He turned his head and raised an eyebrow. “Yes, was I supposed to say anything else?”
The girl’s eyes lighted up. “No!”
Yoongi rolled his eyes and turned to leave when the girl bounded up next to him.
“So, where are you from?”
Yoongi let out an exasperated sigh.
This was going to be a very long day.
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[1] In the Joseon era, people told time via sundials and water clocks. As they did not follow the modern format of time yet, they based off of animals. The time of the pig means 9:00 – 11:00 PM.
[2] Based off of the Final Fantasy 7 remake, Whispers were entities that were meant to keep destiny in line. They appear at instances where destiny could possibly change course and make sure that whatever needs to happen, happens. However, this can be broken as Cloud and his team destroys all entities and changes the past, present and future—altering the timeline and creating a new one.
[3] Daechwita is a genre of Korean tradition music played with snares and woodwind instruments. This is usually performed during marching or when the king is out.
[4] Ongju and Gongju are both princesses. Gongju, however is the daughter of the king and queen—a crown princess. An ongju is the daughter of the king and a consort.
For other questions DM me,,,, also i just really want people to talk to u
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nmnostalgiadrabbles · 5 years
On Rivalry - KakaGai
look im realizing kakashi and gai are actually far more difficult to write than I anticipated so here's just one of a million attempts to get it right (though I'd say anyone of us stands a better chance at characterization and plot than kishimoto lol) anyway bear with me
takes place after the war, domestic-ish au, no sasuke as it should be
Gai had known Kakashi for thirty years before he saw his face, though that didn’t really describe the experience correctly; Gai didn’t just see his face, he was mesmerized by it. Had it been the right time, and under the right circumstances, Gai certainly would have kissed him. But not here, not now.
At their feet, Kakashi’s most exceptional student was trying desperately to heal his most knuckle-headed student. The war was over and long-gone, and relations between nations had improved greatly, but not all ninja had peace in their hearts. Sakura herself was injured greatly, and could only continue treating Naruto because Kakashi and Gai stood behind her with a hand on each shoulder and transferred their own (dwindling) chakra to her. It went on like so for an hour before Sakura faltered and Kakashi had to stoop to hold her upright.
“I can tell you’re both at your limits. Your chakra will be depleted within minutes.” She didn’t say it was hopeless, but her body began to shake.
Gai took a breath. “Gate of pain, open.”
(Sakura didn’t say that the new chakra burned as it passed through her.)
Later, “Gate of closing,”
“Gate of joy,”
“Gate of shock,”
“Gai –”
“It’s alright, Kakashi. Youth will continue on with him.”
“Sensei,” Sakura interrupted, and Kakashi noted that her shoulders, even if just a little, relaxed. “He’ll be okay now.”
Kakashi looked up at Gai and Gai saw that his mask was down and his face wet; it hit him that his mask had been down when he’d first came upon the scene hours before, but that the urgency of the situation had called his attention more and he hadn’t noticed. Now, Gai thought clearly that his rival had him bested in a competition he could never hope to win in a rematch – he was the most beautiful person Gai’d ever set eyes upon.
“- never been a medic, but I can stabilize you.”
Gai came back to the present to see Kakashi treating Sakura; her wound had been dire, but not to the extent of Naruto’s, so she took only seconds to work on herself while healing Naruto, and even then only with one hand, and only with the crudest technique. In the final stretch, Gai had supplied most of the chakra for Sakura to use, and Kakashi had been able to restore some of his, so he used that, in the form of his lightning nature, to fully cauterize the gash in her abdomen. If her work had been crude earlier, his was primitive. When he finished, Kakashi rubbed her neck and ran his fingers through her hair and then Gai understood.
As Naruto came to, Kakashi pulled himself together and his mask up.
Sakura mustered what strength she had left to tell Naruto, “You missed it. Kakashi-sensie’s mask was off.” To which Naruto bolted upright and started off on a long and loud list of complaints and gripes about how he had nearly died, he deserved to see his face! and Gai smiled. Sakura laughed, and Kakashi looked back at Gai with eyes he could tell were still misty. For perhaps the millionth time, he thought his rival was quite cunning.
Was that what it had been about all this time? Concealing his emotions? Gai wondered if he’d ever actually ask him.
The four only made it half-way back to the village before collapsing, and were hospitalized after a search-and-rescue found them half a day later.
Tsunade herself tended all of them, practically every hour for about three days, and then they were stable enough to be treated by Shizune and Ino. After that, it was regular nurses, and then only a few more days before they were released. By that time, Sakura was, unbeknownst to the Hokage, checking in on the others. Gai had stumbled toward Kakashi’s room, and peered through the cracked door before entering to see if his rival was sleeping, but found him instead pre-occupied with a pink-haired medic.
“How are you feeling?” He heard her ask.
“I’m fine. I suffered the least of it.”
“But you still suffered.” She lifted a hand to his cheek and pulled his mask down to plant a soft, quiet kiss on his mouth.
“You should head back to your room and rest,”
“I will, but first Naruto and Gai-sensei.”
“We’re all in capable hands, Sakura.”
To that, she pulled his mask back up and winked before making her way to the door.
“Oh! Hi, Gai-sensei – I was just on my way to see you! How are you feeling today?”
“Oh, hello, Sakura.” He cleared his throat. “My youth has not yet reached its sunset; I will be back at it in no time! Or it’s five-hundred laps around the hospital when I do get out!”
She laughed and stepped around to examine the muscles in his back and shoulders.
She hummed with some concern. “You’re still quite tight. Deep tissue will hurt, but it’ll help you in the long run. Shizune’s exceptionally skilled in massage therapy; I’ll mention it to her.”
He went to protest, but she interrupted him with, “See you later, sensei, I’m off to see how that knuckle-head is doing. You know how hopeless he is!”
Gai couldn’t help but smile, though –
“Gai, come in.”
Gai blinked and remembered what he’d come there to do.
“Kakashi – are you recovering well?”
“Never mind me. Your chakra network was sent through the ringer. Sakura didn’t say it, but you should still be in bed.”
Gai shuffled to stand in front of the window.
“Gai-sensie!” Loud and filled with love and concern came his star pupil’s voice from the door to the hallway.
Lee all but tackled him. “They wouldn’t let anyone in to see you but I was so worried! Oh, Gai-sensie!”
  After being discharged from the hospital, they were quite nearly at one-hundred percent. Naruto was as loud and obnoxious – albeit in his own special, endearing sort of way – as ever, Sakura was gearing up to come back to work at the hospital, and Kakashi and Gai were waiting for the next assignment. Gai wasn’t expecting company the first Friday at home after the mission, but Kakashi knocked on his door nonetheless.
“Evening, Gai.”
Gai looked at the brown bag of groceries settled in between the crook of Kakashi’s left elbow and his hip.
“What are you doing here?”
“Isn’t it fairly obvious?” He let himself into Gai’s apartment and made for the kitchen, dropping the bag on the counter when he reached it. “Cooking competition.” Behind him filed in Naruto, Sakura, Lee, Neji, and Tenten.
“Gai-sensie we have the utmost faith that you will prepare the tastiest dish tonight! Right Neji, Tenten?” Lee looked back at his teammates, who mumbled uninspired yeahs.
Gai smiled, feeling more human than he had in some time. “Naturally, my pupils. You need only sit back and enjoy the show!”
Naruto slapped Kakashi on the shoulder and grinned on the way to the couch, saying only, “I hope you’re thinking ramen!”
Sakura explained that they would be the judges of both preparation and end result of this night’s meal while Kakashi spread the ingredients from the bag out and filtered through Gai’s cabinets for spices cookware.
“I don’t believe in all our years of rivalry that we have ever faced off over the stove, but don’t you go thinking that means I’m not ready to become the undisputed champion of both this kitchen and yours, Kakashi!”
In no time aprons were fastened and spoons, knives, oil and vegetables of all kinds were flying back and forth. The students founds themselves enjoying the show more than judging, save for Neji, who remained quiet and stoic as always (with the exception of an outburst of Are you really putting cinnamon in a tomato dish?! toward Gai halfway through).
In the end, Kakashi was victorious.
“ – not to say Gai-sensei’s creation isn’t fabulous, it is, but Kakashi-sensei’s takes the cake.” Sakura said in between bites. Even Lee had to agree, with tears streaming, that though by only the smallest margin, his sensei had been bested.
The sun had set long before they’d sat down to eat, and now that they were finished, Kakashi and Gai’s students found themselves pleasantly full and yawning on their way out the door. Gai brought a half-empty bottle of sake out for the two of them to finish before eventually saying goodnight, but, as always, he didn’t expect to see the other man’s face. It had only happened before because he was so emotionally compromised and exhausted on that mission, so it did shock him and he did stare when Kakashi removed his mask to drink in front of him.
Kakashi noticed his gaze. “Hm?”
Gai turned slightly on the couch to get a better look. “Kakashi, was tonight your idea?”
“Oh, I might have mentioned something like it, but Naruto and Lee were the masterminds. You know how they get something in their heads and take off running,”
Gai hummed a laugh, because he had to respond, but really he was still occupied watching his mouth move.
“Gai, I can’t thank you enough for what you did. They would have died for certain if you hadn’t been there.”
Gai smiled. “What are friends for?”
And then Kakashi looked at him differently – why? Gai couldn’t decipher but – and set his drink down and closed his eyes and kissed Gai.
“I suppose they’re for a lot of things.”
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Places Hold Memories. Goodbye Places.
The second thing I am grateful in and in the midst of processing is places.
Places: There are some places that hold memories here in Taiwan. Dear memories, that will not be forgotten.
The SBS classroom (School of Biblical Studies classroom) is one of those places, especially in the first year year I moved here. That classroom became my home. It is so different now. It is more modern. Back in 2011 it had old school wallpaper and still slightly resembled a dingy karaoke bar. A karaoke bar turned into a class room, that held no sense of the word: “class”. It became my home though. The back corner, where as an extreme introvert I could still feel alone, even when surrounded. As the months went by it became even more of an introvert’s safe haven; students started to dwindled from the classroom, but I never wavered. It was there I dove deep into God’s Word. It was there God’s Word came alive, was understood, and I fell in love. I was already in love, but that love was rekindled. I couldnt get enough. I would sit eight hours straight without getting up, because I wanted to read more, I wanted to understand the historical background of each book, I wanted God to meet me, I wanted to know who He said He was and who He said I was. I did not want to miss a moment. I was breathing God in each and every minute and my soul ached for it. Jesus became more and more beautiful in that classroom. I wanted no one to talk to me, because Jesus was there with me. Alone. Alone with Jesus. It was a season I needed. I needed to be alone with Jesus. My Bible became my most prized possession. My heart was being healed. A season of painful breaking leading to wholeness or at least the beginning of that journey to wholeness.
The PEER: Steph first took me there. It reminds me of her, but of things much deeper as well. A two in one. It was exactly what my soul needed when Steph took me there, especially coming from the nature surrounding Colorado, to then being surrounded by concrete beasts. It refreshed my soul. We had long talks there and she quickly found a place in my heart. The peer was my go to place. When my heart longed to be alone with Jesus, I would walk its walls worshipping out-loud and praying. I would sit and journal all the LORD was speaking and teaching me as I peered out at the endless ocean before me and the towering mountains behind me. When I was depressed and my soul downcast, I would run to the solitude of the peer and soak its walls with my tears. It made my demons and my pain seem a little bit smaller. It was my meeting place with the Lord. The place that calmed the insanity waging within.
The OFFICE ROOF: The place I spent the most time on (at least in the summer). The weekend getaway in the blow up pool. The hours spent cleaning and refilling that pool. Getting the darkest tans I have ever had. Spending time with those I loved the most. Laughing hard as Josh chased Catt in circles around the pool as a shark trying to eat the “Kitty Catt.” Quiet moments reading and processing. Also, the deep conversations I had with Charis up there. The nights I could not sleep; it was in these moments crying together and talking about God in the midst of pain and hardships that I felt such great hope. All the lunches up there with random friends will not be forgotten. The pool was quickly retired as people transitioned out and new memories proceeded, but I still miss the early years. I would take that roof top over the beach any day…well almost.
Xueshan (Snow Mountain): The most beautiful I have ever seen the sky at night. It was as if the Milky Way was alive. It was dancing before me and it was so clear, so bright. I almost felt as if I could reach out my hand and touch the stars. I was surrounded by the universe. I felt so close to God and at the same time stood in such awe of His beauty, which created a type of distance. Ive never seen such a beautiful sight. Thank you Jesus for that experience. I serve a God who is so creative and beautiful and allows me to enjoy it. He knows what truly excites my soul.
The CAUDLE’S OLD HOUSE: The memories of Bible study there. The memory of Heather attempting to rearrange the house all by herself. The Bible study nights that trailed long into the hours of the night. Times of laugher when at 1-3am we would see dancing disco stars. The stars would be multicolored and twinkling so brightly it was as if they were moving and dancing. The night the frogs residing in the empty swimming pools sounded like demons. It was as if we were in a type of horror movie waking to the gate. Oh the gate, that by 10pm was locked and we had to climb to jump its boundary. Those times brought me so much life and so much joy. I often look down the street I now live on and am filled with joy as I see the walls I once climbed to get to Heather’s for Bible study. That alley holds so much more than words can say…even still. Becca and Heather you will be dearly missed.
7th FLOOR ROOF: My solitude my first year in Taiwan as a student in SBS. It was there that God called me to stay in Taiwan. It has now been 6 years.
Homes: Charis’s old house, Steph & Luke’s old house, Josh & Becca’s house, and Denise’s house: Each one of these houses hold memories as well. Each one of these places became my refuge and a type of comfort; a type of home. Thank you to each one of you who opened up your home to me.
Ming’s Coffee Shop: The last two years I found myself spending entire days here. Ming’s was my go to spot to prepare my teachings. God guided me as I wrestled through the concepts of restoration through the book of Ezra as well as championed me through Isaiah. I did grade many books there, I had my fare share of one on ones, and met as SBS facilitators, but Ming’s will always be remembered as the place my teachings began and were finished.
The Riverside: Honestly it wont be missed. Not in a sad way, but in a funny way. The riverside reminds me of training for my half marathon and the pain of beating your body into submission. It is also the path many friends would make we walk and although their company made it worth it, I never enjoyed walking at such a fast pace. Walking fast and for exercise goes against the peace a walk should hold. Walks to me are something to cause you to slow down. Walks should cause you to remember the beauty surrounding and the beauty residing within you. To any person I ever walked with (and I mean every), you now know how much I love you, because I embraced my concept of misery for you.
My Home & My Room: Ive been blessed to have stayed in the same apartment my whole time here. Im an old soul who likes to settle and stay settled. I have gotten to make my room my own. I love my room. From the color on the walls, to the wooden crates hanging on my wall that I found, cut, and sanded. Im reminded of the cats screeching in constant heat in the back alley. The pervert of a neighbor behind us, who would masturbate in his window in hopes we would see him. The dinner parties and movie nights. The Lord of The Ring’s marathons over the Christmas season. The Harry Potter marathon with the SBS staff. Oh, and the staple chalkboard wall that finally met its end a few months ago. All the happy birthdays and words of affirmation written onto it’s body year after year. The bare beginnings, when our apartment only had a kitchen table and a bright red leather couch. Oh baby. Now you wouldn’t even recognize the place. The tan leather couch I found on the street during Chinese New Year and the memory of Charis helping me carry it up four flights of stairs. She would claim it was mostly her carrying it up the stairs and maybe she’s right. Im sure I couldn’t stop laughing at how ridiculous the scene was and therefore it left me crippled. All the late night conversations. All the tears and laughter between roommates and of course the curse of the wine glasses. We have broken more glasses than imaginable. My home will be missed.
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