#oh idk i stole it from mia
f1nalboys · 1 year
ok i’ve collected my thoughts on evil dead rise so under the cut i will share them hehe!! THERE R SPOILERS UNDER HERE!!! i talk abt what i liked and didn’t like and i talk specifically abt scenes!!!! if y’all wanna talk to me abt it more feel free to send me an ask, i’m abt to nap cus of cramps but i will answer them when i’m up <3 lmk if u agree or not and what ur fave scenes were!!!
i didn’t hate it! i’d say overrall this is a high three or a very low 4, but i don’t think i’ll be rewatching this any time soon :/ i def prefer the 2013 remake but this was still enjoyable and i had a good time watching it!!!
i think the problem i had was i had seen the trailers (which were all clips basically? at least the official ones i found on tik tok were clips from the movie) and had spoiled major moments of it for myself. normally i’m okay with and love spoilers but i think i would’ve enjoyed this one in particular more if the few scenes had been a surprise to me!!
things i loved: ELLIE!!!! holy shit, i truly think she stole the show. the difference in her as human vs as a deadite was so cool, i loved her mommy shtick she kept through out, and i think she was so eerie (i legit had a nightmare abt her killing me a few days ago before i had even watched the movie and that never happens) so!!!! i also liked the story and the change of setting, it being in an apartment and confined on that one floor (for the most part) was so interesting and i loved the difference in the book of the dead from the other movies AND the vinyl!!!! the gore was top notch and i saw lots of practical effects which will always make a movie at least 2 stars for me!! also the girl who played kassie was good AND she did her own stunt for the elevator scene which was so cool hehe. i liked the more subtle call backs to the past movies in the franchise more than the overt ones!!
i rlly liked the scenes of ellie in the hallway through the peephole and how there was blood dripping over it!!! i I LOVED THE SCENE WHERE ELLIE IS LAYING OK THE GROUND AND BRIDGET AND DANNY CRY OVER HER BODY BEFORE LAUGHING. it was such a good scene omg!!!! also the scene of bridget under the sheet floating down the hallway following danny and kassie GODDDDD!!!! and not to praise deadite ellie again but the way she moves was so cool hehe, i rlly liked how subtly off they all walked and how it felt like they were getting used to being in a body again!!!
i also loved the opening title card scene after the girl falls into the water!!!! seeing her rise up in a blasphemous way along w the title card and have it reflect in the water OH it was so good!!! and the scene where the girl is talking and saying the line of the book the other one is reading made me go 😦😦 so!!!
also im also glad they didn’t include a tree scene, but they payed homage w the elevator wires. that scene was unnecessary in the first movies and is one of my least fave parts of the franchise (especially with how Certain Fans treat it) so i’m glad they didn’t include it LMFAO
things i didn’t like: most of the acting 😔 i feel bad knocking the actors bc obviously i’m not one and idk how difficult it is, but the acting from the non-deadites really fell flat for me most of the time :/ the main girl, beth, was so close to mia in looks and attitude it just kept making me think of her which wasn’t good bc i prefer mia LMFAO 😔 the acting from bridget was rlly where i found the movie lacking though :/ some of the shots were def not my type of directing style but i know they’re all call backs to the franchise so i cant knock them too bad but the weird split screen stuff that happened (only 2 times???) was enough for me to text my friend and go “ew” LMAO. i also hated how under utilized the other characters were! the old man, the young guy who maybe had a thing with ellie, the 2 kids. it was rlly obvious they were there to boost the body count to me which sucked :(
also side note beth’s acting rlly annoyed me towards the end especially in the garage with the close ups of her face and her lip twitching but JDNWKDNWJ again thags a personal thing so i’m choosing to ignore it when i rate the movie
the baby stuff w beth was annoying as was the groupie thing but i think that’s just me so i didn’t count it against them hehe. the scene where all of the deadite are telling beth and kassie “dead by dawn” was so fucking cheesy i couldn’t find it in myself to be even a little unnerved which sucked bc i kind of loved the combining scene but it felt lack luster at the end… some of the character decisions were also so ridiculous and i KNOW it’s a movie but guys. stop leaving ur weapons embedded in them. TAKE THEM EITH YOU. PLEASE. i know it wouldn’t have helped but at the end why r u leaving it up to chance??? i also thought the ending scene was a little meh with her not noticing the blood filled parking lot until after she was in her car? idk and to add to that, the opening scene was kind of :/ but i liked the drone fake out they did
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10/11/2011 Tuesday
Content Warning: Stealing, Mature content
today was so lame. Reason: I had 3 hrs of sleep so I was crabby but now I feel kinda emotional. (Probably because I'm starting my perioud) I will tell u my Background...
. . .
I am now 11 years old and I'm a girl. I am american and that's it. But my world background is: my name is misty, I have a HusBand named Jake and a kid named Mia, I am 113 days old, Jake 109, and Mia 73, I have my own "money" take a look. Ok can't show it ma got onto me 4 wasting game $. So I can't glue it. ): there's one thing I forgot we're all vampires. Ok back 2 realaty. I forgot to tell my name is Gwen O. T. Here's one thing I'll tell I took money for ma's snachle goin back 4 sum later 3rd time in a row I thought she'd notice but she didn't I took $52.00. in 2 nights anyway it's a donation 4 my monster High Dolls, see most of them were broke so I'll get new ones Here they are: Draculara, Duce, and Cleo. all I wanted to do is go home I had a Horable Day But I won't tell what happened well peace. (for little while) Ok I think ma's on to me so I'll make up an excuse BrB. Ok she is totaly onto me (about the money) now she's in her room. yes I stalleD Her time. OK Here's what it started out to be. "Come Here I need to talk to you" we all know that's never a good sign. And I repeat NEVER So IDK if I'll go money Hunting, I might but IDK. OK I'm crazy because I put 3 of my MH (Monster High) in choffins can u think-they Barely fit! BrB I wrote 8 paragraphs and this is #9. Goin money huntin BrB. I'm back I grabbed $9.00 Brb and now I stole $107.17 out ov ma's bag... This is one of those OH SHIT moments. But now I'm wondering if I should put it back? No I'll stay in after I come home from school fill my bookbag up with food: What I'll do! OK Here's my plan when we get off the bus I'll give Nathan a note that says "I will be outside playing for a while" Nathan will give her the note and I will disappre. OK I think I'm going to sleep gn mood: 1/2 sleepy 1/2 scared OK I can't think where to sleep Because I;m scared of my room so I'll sleep where the idiouts sleep (Boys). I'm going to Nathan's room BrB. they won't let me in there because they're watching porn and masterBating (totally gross). OK I think I'm all tired out. GN I guess Mood: sleepy
Hey there friends! I wanted to say two things: One, a reminder that I started writing pretty young, so please excuse my spelling and interests. Two, the blog doesn't have any followers, but I just wanted to thank no one in particular for allowing this space for us to post pieces of my life. As you will be able to see from one of the pictures, sometimes my books get damaged later on and the words are illegible. By allowing me to post these things, they are immortalized and have a possibility of helping someone. Mush love everyone |~|
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bregee13 · 2 years
The 5 Hour Spamton Playlist
It's been many months, and it's finally complete enough to share (though I might add more later). And yup, you read that right, it's just over 5 hours long.
I even decided to order it for some reason. So if you're able to listen to the whole thing in order, that's appreciated! Though it's not required of course.
But either way, I hope this playlist drives you up the wall as much as it did to me.
Anyway I'm gonna put a bunch of commentary under the read more. (This thing has been sitting around in my library for almost a year, since a week or two after the chapter 2 release!!!, I have every right to be annoying about it)
(I was originally going to comment on every other thing on the playlist, but then I got overwhelmed lol. Still keeping some of what I wrote. Might elaborate more on some things later idk. )
(Hope y'all like it!)
I tried to keep the Spamton songs in the same order as the soundtrack. In fact, the whole playlist is roughly organized based on those songs! I guess you could say each section has its own themes.
Imagine. You start the playlist eager to hear what bs was added to it. You listen to HEY EVERY !, and then it ends. Everything's quiet. And then "BWAH BWAH WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT-"
I've seen people add Mamma Mia and Dancing Queen to Spamton playlists, which is neat, but ngl Ring Ring and I'm a Marionette fit way better. And they're both really good.
I like to think I Get Around and Outside represent the very beginning of the bigshot era
But Telephone by Red Vox feels like it'd be from a lot later than that. Like someone looking back at the past with regret. And seeing a loss of independence and control.
Y'know, with the perspective constantly changing between different points in Spamtons story, it sorta reminds me of Death of a Salesman. Except not as good.
Anyway Spamton brings us back to the present. Even if it's just for a moment.
GAS GAS GAS I'M GONNA STEP ON THE GAS (surprised how few playlists used these tbh)
Ok ok I know Business Man has nothing to do with Spamton aside from the title, but it's goofy and gives levels of suspicion that felt relevant >:)
I Really, Really, Really Like This Image comes off as a convo between Spamton and Gaster for some reason, and I really really really like that image in my head. Also Jevil is there at the end (ps the image is an image of an egg 😊)
I'm not sure if I can properly explain It's Still Rock and Roll To Me. Pre-bigshot era? Early bigshot era? Idk. It just feels like Spamton to me. Actually Billy Joel music in general seems to fit imo. Can't explain why. Just does.
Haha All Star hehehe!!! Oh DAng it's a cool place and they say it gets colder??? Snowgrave reference??????
I hope when you hear Doin it Right, you know what I WANTED to put there...
At first Baby Hotline felt like me inserting it for the heck of it, but the more I listen to it in the context of Spamton, it fits more. Being put on hold (literally as well as metaphorically), the implications of suicide/suicidal thoughts. There's also kind of an implication of someone rooting for Spamton to improve. (Which would probably be the player, but who knows)
Ngl Promised You A Miracle is a song I stole from my Mirror Man playlist. And it's not the only one. They both share themes of religion/heaven, changing your appearance to be perfect, becoming god/superior to others, and being seen and respected.
Easy Money is a late addition. I couldn't not add it. It's good.
Temporary Secretary
(But seriously, can we agree that Temporary Secretary is definitely a Spamton song? It feels scummy, unsafe, DESPERATE, and dare I say unhinged. )
Cars by Gary Numan. That's all I have to say. It's cars. Spam man likes cars!
When adding Hanging On The Telephone, I had to choose between the Blondie version and the one by The Nerves. I chose the Blondie version. It was gayer.
OuiOui's First Crime was added because Peepy's Theme didn't fully capture how much people wanna baby this middle aged puppet. Also It's OuiOuis First Crime specifically to still show that as much as people love this guy, he isn't as innocent/nice as we sometimes want to make him out to be. He's scamming and killing people! Good for him!!!
Don't You Want Me is another song stolen from the Mirror Man playlist. I like to think in perspective of Spamton, this song has multiple layers. It's about Spamton actually being seen as someone important for once, him asking for reassurance that people want him, and threatening them if they don't. It's about Spamton getting more successful because of Gaster/Mike and wanting independence from them, causing his downfall. It's about teaming up with Kris to become BIG at the expense of Kris and potentially everyone in cybercity. It's about Spamton wanting the player to like and pity him. There's probably more connections that could be made than that even!
I'm too overwhelmed to comment too much more atm, but please know that at a certain point of making this and listening to it over and over trying get the order right, I momentarily mentally turned into Chris McLean from Total Drama. I will not elaborate lmao
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myspacepoet · 3 years
!! I would like to know about the aa partner pokemon!!
HI ANON IM SO SORRY I TOOK A WHILE TO RESPOND LMAO anyway here are me aa partner pokemon headcanons <3
ok longpost warning here we go
phoenix has a talonflame BECAUSE HE DESERVES IT ALRIGHT!!!!!!
he also inherited charley (who is either a venusaur or a trevenant. haven’t decided) from mia <3
maya has a gengar <3 it’s what she had in leaves from the vine and honestly that’s the pokemon x ace attorney crossover bible declaring it now
miles has a lycanroc!! specifically a midday form one, and there’s a bit of backstory to her, lol. she was originally greg’s rockruff, and manfred was a tad pissed about his protege having such a sentimental partner so he tried to force miles to get another pokemon, but miles refused, and it’s this whole thing, like he’s such a great prosecutor, why doesn’t he battle during his trials??? y’know. later on he does though. also i think miles having a pokemon that’s a rock type who probably knows moves like rock tomb and shit would be hilarious. because. because earthquakes. because earthquakes GET IT-?
franziska has an aurorus. it’s pretty and she deserves it <3 i also think having an extinct pokemon is on brand for her.
godot has an armaldo. no thoughts head empty for this one it just sounds like armando and is what he had in leaves from the vine.
apollo has a flareon. once again no thoughts head empty it’s vaguely catlike and red boom apollo
klavier and kristoph, as discussed, both have the same hydreigon, just getting passed to klavier when kristoph went to prison. also because…. because hydreigon….. hyDREIgon…. the dragons…. theyr efuckign GERMAN
trucy has a wigglytuff. i’m not happy with this one honestly but idk what else, if you have ideas lmk
ema has a porygon this is self explanatory she deserves it fuck you
athena has an emolga!! i was definitely feeling a pikachu clone for her, and also emolga kinda sounds like the first part of emotion dont look into it too hard
simon has a corviknight, and i’ll tell you why!!! 1. bird, 2. i think he deserves a pokemon you could ride on, and 3. it’s from galar… like the region based on the uk…. and simon he’s…. he’s british….. GET IT-
nahyuta has an esprit because LOOK ME IN THE EYES AND TELL ME THEY DONT LOOK IDENTICAL??? also i’m pulling a gamefreak and showing the villain really isn’t so bad after all by giving said villain a pokemon that only evolves through high friendship
sebastian has ducklett. i saw fluff say this once and thought it was cool so i stole it
kay has a zorua. i think this one is also self explanatory.
oh my god how did i forget to write gumshoe??? anyway he has an growleth/arcanine because that’s what officer jenny(?) has in the indigo league anime <3
gregory, as mentioned, had a rockruff
ray has a honchkrow >:) hat buddies
uuuuhhhh who else have i written down fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhh fulbright should have an ampharos i think. some sort of electric type if not that
okay that’s all the characters i have written down! if you have any different ideas PLEASE lmk i wanna know what you think!!!!! also yeah i’m not happy with some of these but if you disagree with the ones i like. ok. you can die by my blade or whatever.
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lepusrufus · 3 years
While the mold family is abroad doing idk nerdy shit would eva and rose hit any ✨devious licks✨ of sorts? (I like to think they stole a toilet and miranda was the getaway driver) also how would their mother's react?
The general consensus between Mia and Miranda ends up "do what you will but do not get hurt and do not attract attention". They are all undercover while out in the world and the last thing they want is an angry call from a BSAA rep yelling about a small mold outbreak in a neighborhood of Graz. And, they do realize that very few things can effectively hurt the girls, so once they're old enough to make their way around town, they're free to have some fun while their moms are doing their nerd shit, as long as they're home by 8.
That is until the girls get into a fight with a small group of people and Eva ends up getting a surprise bullet through the guts. Normally her regeneration is pretty decent, but the surprise mixed with recovering from a cold ended up in Rose basically dragging her back to where they were staying, with black moldy blood running down Eva's cheeks and chin in a way a tad too painfully familiar to Miranda. That's how they discovered that she sort of inherited Miranda's thing where her infection sort of short circuits when weak. Oh well, now Mia had to deal with a sick Eva AND a panicking Miranda, which is a sight to behold.
She does recover fully though, but what doesn't recover is her moms' peace of mind. The girls still go out, but not without regular phone calls and a warning to stay out of trouble beforehand. Miranda may or may not have considered a tracking app but Mia disagreed.
With that being said, you bet they DO get in trouble, you can't actually expect them to behave. They're just sneaky enough to not attract attention. Some shit they got away with:
Already mentioned, but flooded the toilets in the public school they temporarily went to out of boredom
Yeah, stole a toilet, canon accepted
Hacked into every apple product into a store and made them play porn (they're bored teens, what do u expect)
Stole energy drinks once. Instant regret
Bought a bunch of silly socks and replaces their moms' socks (pls imagine Miranda groggily walking into the lab with hot pink fuzzy socks while Mia, half asleep, just grabbed mismatched ones with cat faces)
They walk on nearby hiking trails and play bear or cougar noises at passersbys while hiding in the woods
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blue-angel-wings · 4 years
Halloween with Angel.
Word count: 1,468
Characters: Angel Reyes x reader (Y/N), Gilly Lopez, Coco Cruz, Leticia Cruz.
Warnings: Cursing, Halloween (? Idk some people don’t like it 🤷‍♀️)
It was nearing Halloween, and whilst all your neighbours had started to decorate their homes and front lawns, yours was bare and depressing, due to no fault of your own. Your boyfriend Angel had made it clear that the decorations in the house you to shared were perfectly fine and served their purpose but Christ they were depressing.
The decorations were disgusting collecting dust and growing mould from being thrown randomly in the attic and you were struggling to tell the difference between the real and fake spiders. But Angel had yet to grant you the permission to buy new decorations. Not that you need explicit permission but you viewed you and Angel as a team so you made decisions like these together. Sadly.
You and Angel had lived together for years at this point so you got used to each other’s ways and quirks, so really Angel should’ve been prepared for your enthusiasm for the holiday.
“Knock, knock and I’m already in.” Said your brother whilst you were sat a the table eating breakfast. Angel had gone for shower a few minutes ago so the house was quiet apart from the quiet sound of the water running.
“Hey Y/B/N, you okay?” You rounded the corner of the island to see your brother with your niece wearing a cute little pumpkin onesie.
“And hello to you too precious girl!” You cooed to the young baby currently yanking on your hoop earrings. You tickled her tummy just to hear her giggles whilst your brother babbled on about work. Obviously hearing the adorable shriek of laughter from your niece, Angel entered the kitchen and snatched her from your arms to have his fill of the baby cuteness. Begrudgingly you turn to brother to now pay attention to his words.
“So I was wondering if you remember where it is that Mama always took us for Halloween so we could go to the ‘kid friendly’ haunted house.” He said making air quotations when saying kid friendly. He stole a piece of bacon whilst you took your mind back to time when you were younger.
“Yeah she just took us to the garden centre, god knows if they still do it, people always complained it was a bit scary.” you reminded him, whilst continuing your breakfast.
“So you wanna go, think it would be a bit of fun, take us back to our childhood and pass on the tradition to Mia.” Your bother spoke whilst removing Mia from Angel’s arms, she fussed a little but settled quickly.
“Yes! I can get new decorations for the house, they have the best decorations!” You bolted out of the chair heading to door before Angel spoke up. “ No! We don’t need decorations we have them here.”
“But Angel-“
“No babe I’m putting my foot down, please it’s a waste of money, just don’t. You’ll spend more time putting them up and taking them back down than them actually be img on display!”
“Ooh he’s putting his foot down.” Your brother mocked, provoking Angel to throw the tea towel at him.
“Fine I won’t bring home any new decorations.”
“Thank you, I love you baby.” Angel spoke kissing your forehead and leaving to speak with the guys about an incoming run.
You stuck to your word, and didn’t return with any decorations, that’s because you ordered them to arrive to your home a few days later. This was for multiple reasons, 1) you couldn’t fit them all in your car and Angel would flip his shit if he saw you carry what is seemingly the whole store and 2) You knew Angel was going on a run so you order it to come whilst he was out. It was perfect because by the time it all up and looking pretty it would be too late. What can you say, you always get your way.
The day arrived and you were buzzing, it was time to get your spooky season started. You woke up alone in bed which wasn’t strange, as Angel was due to be on a run. It wasn’t until you heard yelling and swearing in the living room did you discover that was not the case. Walking out you were greeted with site of your boyfriend and his 2 extra shadows Gilly, sat at the table eating your food, and Coco sat next to Angel playing PlayStation.
“What are you doing here?” You exclaimed from shock.
“Uhh I live here-“
“I’ve been paying the bills with you for the past 2 years.”
When you don’t respond to the comment and continue to stare at him confused.
He points to his chest stating, “I am Angel” condescendingly thinking it’s funny.
“You’re supposed to be on a run.”
“It was only a small run,we weren’t needed.” He said shrugging like it was nothing when I’m reality it was huge.
“Damn Y/N you ain’t happy to see us?” Coco asks standing to hug you, you accept the embrace with a smile but on the inside you are screaming, why did he have to be here when you don’t need him to be but gone when you did need him?
A few hours into the day and they were still here and your delivery when due to arrive imminently.
“Don’t you want to go to the clubhouse I mean it’s more fun there, I mean you spend every waking second of your days there anyway why not go there now.” You exclaimed getting antsy.
“Nah we’re good.” Coco replied, you roll your eyes and spin on your heel to go to the kitchen and watch for your delivery of doom to pull up. “Why you trynna to get rid of us sweetheart?” Gilly asked jokingly, startling you in the process. “The other day I went to the store with my brother and bought way to many Halloween decorations when he specifically told me to not to and I thought by having them delivered whilst he was on his run, it’d be too late for him to do anything about it but now I know he isn’t on a run that planned it fucked.” You confessed. “Well damn baby you in shit now.” “Gilly” you whined palming his chest softly.
“Okay stop I’ll get him out and tell Coco to call Leti to come and help you put them up. Don’t stressed your pretty head!” He said tapping your temple.
“Thank you Gilly you are a lifesaver!”
“I know baby, it’s a gift.” He joked shrugging his shoulders like it was nothing.
Gilly stuck to his word and got them out the house, just before the delivery turned up. Coco had indeed called Leti to help you but you guys spent more time gossiping than actually hanging anything.
“ I think you may have gone a little too far with this.” She said holding a 7ft robotic witch on your porch swing as you cable tied it’s ankles to the structure of your porch, so the kids didn’t steal it.
“Oh shush you’re as bad as Angel, it looks great so don’t complain, it was worth all the time it spent to put it up and the ...$300 it actually cost.” You muttered the last bit hoping she didn’t pick it up.
“ Y/N, holy sh-“ she was cut off by the roar of bikes coming down the street, announcing the arrival of your man and his brothers.
You braced yourself for the backlash but when you turned around to man your man he had nothing but a smile on his face, Coco and Gilly hung back on the bikes whilst Angel took in the scene.
“Baby-“ you started.
“I like it.”
“I knew you couldn’t resist the decorations at the store and when you came back home empty handed I was shocked, then earlier when you wanted us out I knew you had this arriving.” He exclaimed gesturing the house covered in fake cobwebs and pumpkins, and obviously the freaky witch on the porch. You breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at him with total adoration.
“ I love you Angel, thank you for understanding but your lazy ass coulda helped if you knew.” You complained cuddling into his side. He chuckled lowly. The moment was ruined by a scream and then followed by a gunshot. You ducked into Angel from the fear.
“You scary motherfucker, jump at me and imma shoot yo’ ass! Do it again hoe and see what happens.” Coco shouted with gun pointed at the witch.
“What the fuck Coco it’s not real.” You pointed to the now ruined witch.
Coco stepped forward gingerly, gun still cocked, inspecting the witch, confirming with a slight nod of the head that it was in fact a robot.
“My bad” He shrugged.
Taglist: @mayans-sauce.
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adudelol-reblogs · 3 years
hello. here is an infodump ask. you can infodump about anything in its answer.
go. be free. be free to infodump adl
OH MY GOD THANK YOU OKAY OKAY I HAVE SO MUCH UHHH okay first ill talk about my recent project im doing, and it’s a suprise DND game for two of my irls with our characters!!!! ill be dming the game and im making the plot around our own character plot!!! WAWAWA JFDKLSFJ its taking so much out cause ive never dm’d before lmao but also the research is so fun??? like idk i have like two or three pages of notes already and now i have the base of a map done i just need to add like landmarks and just bbbbbbb okay okay uh . i can infodump about the actual characters i suppose! they’re called the “Royal Rebels”, or the RR for short. The four characters are named Ryan, Star, JC, and Mia! in the dnd compain here are theyre classes and races -Ryan: Paladin Tiefling -Star: Cleric Fairy -JC: Sorcerer Human -Mia: Rogue Changeling in their canon the reason they all have these certain powers and races, is cause ryan lives with his grandparents, who are a priest, hence the paladin class. in the canon, ryan is essentailly born with a demon possesson type deal, and so i choose a tiefling to give him that ‘demonic’ kinda look! star is the daughter of the mayor, and so i made her a cleric. the fairy idea i stole from one of the irls cause the picture i used was great (if i remember ill reblog this with some images?).  jc is a fire witch (there are multiple different types of witches in this universe, like time, fire, nature, necromancy, water, ect), and so i made her a sorcerer so she is natually able to just do magic ! and then human cause she just fit the bill and finally, mia. her bloodline was cursed so the women couldn’t have children and that they’re bodies can tear itself apart painfully. But! the women found a loophole to still have children, but the curse seemed to be genetic. thats why Mia is able to shapeshift! so! i made her a changeling in the dnd game! and i made her a rogue because she’s sneaky.
okay hmmm what else okay okay uhhhh i suppose i could talk about the man in my pfp, percy de rolo the 3rd! i love him so much he’s wawawa i dont actually have any thoughts on him its like the pondering the orb no think meme lmao he’s just rotating in my mind he’s from a show called the legend of vox machina, imo it’s very good BUT IT HAS A LOT OF TRIGGERING TOPICS like a lot. so if any of yall reading this wanna watch it be warned it gets very serious at times
okay okay ill talk about this a guess im currently attempting to like write my own original book! (you can find some of the chapters out already on @adudelolwriting cough couhg). It’s called Last Generation, and it’s essentally like a post apocolypic world where the main characters, Solace, Zoya, and Nieko all live together. I won’t get much inito the plot cause i dont wanna spoil it, but its gonna be found family >:]
speaking of orginal books, i can talk about my other one along with LG (Last Generation), I’m also writing another book called The Powers Within (TPW for short). This one has been in the works muuuuuch longer than LG (which I started this year, I think? I’ve been trying to write TPW for about five or six years now). I’ve never been quiiiite happy with how it turns out, buttt oh well lmao It’s a mystery story about a group of kids who live in a school. They’ve always lived there, since they have powers, or as the school calls them, ‘gifts’. Each student has different powers, and a certain group of kids come together once they figure out somethings up with the school principal...
and uhhhh yeah i think thats it ! i can’t think of anything else to talk about rn buuut oh well lmao. you can actually probably see some of the TPW characters in @adudelolocinfodump but im not sure which ones as i havent updated it in forever lmao fjkdsjk
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AWWW THANKS FOR TAGGING ME @theonlyprincessoftheworld ILY <33
rules: answer all thirty questions and tag as many people, as you can. let's get to know each other a little better!
name/nickname: my name is Leyla and ppl sometimes call me Ley, reyla,rey (rey from Star Wars stole it from me 😭),Clown, Salak & Gerizekali
gender: female
star sign: Taurus
height: 1.62cm
time: 4pm
favourite bands: TNBH, AM, Beatles, Queen , ABBA, The Beach Boys, nirvana, *NSYNC, Sex Pistols,Simon& Garfunkel, Chase Atlantic, Muse, Tame Impala, Blondie& Mother mother
birthday: 27.04.
favourite solo artists: Lana del Rey, Mitski, ilyTOMMY, Kate Bush, Doja Cat, Harry styles, Britney Spears, Tyler the creator, David Bowie and Bob Dylan , Elton John& Lady Gaga
song stuck in my head right now: Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA ISTG ITS SO GOOD Oh deAr dIarY I mEt A bOy
last movie: I watched kick ass with a friend and she liked it AHSJSISOWOSOSLS
last show: I started rewatching clone wars 🥰🥰🎶🥰
when did i create this blog: idk it isn’t old tho
what i post: mainly ATJ and sometimes Star Wars my posts are trash tho
other blogs: @pietromaximoffrecs
why i chose my url: idk I was a Beatles blog before and then I wanted to change it to something random and I was really sleepy and came up with this idk I hope no one irl ever finds it 😭
do i get asks: no 😭😭😭👋🏻
last thing i googled: was für eine dramagattunft ist andorra (it was for school)
i follow: 34
following: 131
average hours of sleep: Normally over 10 hours 🤡 but bc I write exams this week 5
lucky number: 2,4,22,27
instruments: nothing I wish I could play the guitar tho😙🤌🏼
what i'm wearing: x-men shirt and black jeans
dream trip: I would love to travel to Scotland, Italy, Greece (bc of mamma Mia slslwoslwl ), Sweden and Australia
favourite food: kinda basic but pizza
nationality: German
favourite song: agh I have a lot but Michelle from the Beatles& she’s my collar from the gorillaz are bops BUT I really love every Beatles song.
last book read: The phantom of the opera
top three fictional universes i wanna be a part of: STAR WARS!!! X-men and AGHHH this is so hard ehhhh Harry Potter but only if I get into a relationship with a marauder ( NOT PETER!) if I won’t get with one of them I wanna be in kick ass to date Dave😙✌🏻
favourite color: yellow!
taglist: @angelicwasp @iluvharrypotter172 @wolffes-wap
// u guys don’t have to do it tho! I just don’t have anyone else to tag OSPWOWOWWO
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riskeith · 4 years
HIIII hope you have been well my dearest last airbender hehe. i have so much exciting things to share <333
so first off, i did two wish rolls the other night and guess what? on one roll i got BOTH bennett AND qiqi!!!!!! (the other one was just weapons but 🤷🏽‍♀️) i love them both so much i literally ascended them the second i got them. i still can’t believe my luck. so now my team looks like: traveller, noelle and those two. i’m having a little issue bc i don’t have a long range combat character but i love them all too much to change anything. which means i struggle sometimes maybe if i roll for someone else in the future i might change but rn i’m LOVING them. have you ever had luck like that?
AND i started watching haikyuu again and i forgot how funny it is. i usually don’t laugh out loud while watching things but i was literally chuckling while watching some moments. i’ve only watched 10 eps-ish but i fell in love with it again at the first ep already. i cant believe i dropped it before i’m so stupid.
ok that’s all the updates i had hahaha ! i was like buzzing waiting to tell you lmaidhdhdbd 🥺
oikawa is SO pretty it’s insane. when he showed up i was like yeah.... that’s him. that’s the pretty boy. but then again pretty much everyone is pretty in haikyuu who the hell are we supposed to focus on hehdhd the art style is just that good yk?
ships that have silent (+ points for angry) yearning are just superior. and usually they fall in the enemies/rivals category which is lovely. nothing is finer than watching people struggle with their feelings like mmmmmm... tasty. also as good as rareships can be, popular ships are popular for a reason yk? like canon content isn’t everything ofc but if canon can back it up in some way more people tend to be interested heh
wanna know something super weird? when i consume content i always fall for the stotic bois with angst backstories first but after i finish the shows i always miss the cute happy babies and that makes me obsessed with them? idk it’s crazy like voltron for example keith is literally my favorite character of all time but when i finished voltron i was literally bawling bc i missed lance so much help
well i guess we’re talking about voltron now HAHA 😭 dude s3 was a fucking blessing i can’t believe we got that and they just cut it off cold. the leader and his right hand man dynamic makes me yell to this day 😭😭😭 remember all the scenes where they continuesly reassured each other 😭 the ‘leave the math to pudge’ scene lives in my head rent free no joke dhdnhdbdud... s3 was just them loving each other tenderly and dw stole it from us.. ALSO PLEASE WRITE THEM AGAIN LITERALLY BEGGING 😭 pls 🥺
dude our government doesn’t give a shit we literally have politics traveling around and chilling without masks. they don’t care at all we barely have any restrictions so people don’t care either. it’s a mess here ngl.. :/
can’t wait to hear from u again... mwah!
hi hi!!!! is this gonna end up being 2 replies in one day for you again HAHAHA i’ll try not to disappear after
!!!!!!!!!! QIQI AND BENNETT??!!?!!!!!!!! oh my goodness… oh my goodness!!! i can’t believe you got a 5 star before me fjskskkdd but big deserve 😭😭😭😩😩😩 i’m so happy for you nejdnskamxlxmm holy shit!!!!! that’s so cute tho that’s such a cute team… and big mood!! who cares about team dynamics/fighting styles all that matters is that you like them 😩 but also does that mean you currently have 3 sword users and 1 claymore on your team jdjsndnsm. i also used to not have a ranged fighter on my team but it just got so inconvenient lolol. and no my luck is actual ass :( so often i only roll weapons, and when i do roll charas it’s like. all the base free ones djdkskdk
haikyuu is SO funny!!! everyone’s humour is so >>>> omg they’re just silly boys… are you restarting it from the very first ep? and it’s all good if you dropped it before bc you’re coming back to it now and that’s what matters 😩 keep me updated tho! i’m so excited to hear what you think
HFJDNSKSN sorry i went mia and made you wait chksjs WHICH REMINDS ME!! omg i’ve been meaning to tell you and keep forgetting but i downloaded genshin on my phone last week for my trip and it’s so??? difficult? like mad mad respect to you for being able to play on mobile omg… maybe it’s just bc i was used to pc already but damn.. djsjjs
HAHA yeah just admiring the visuals instead of focusing on the story.. we’ve all been there 😩 sometimes you just gotta rewind and take 48394993 screenshots of the one scene you know? who let them be so gorgeous..
yesssss the mutual oblivious pining is so good.. like they’re enemies to lovers but they’re also IDIOTS to lovers… or my fave headcanon which hurts so bad… the one person (keith) pining for their rival (lance) but it’s unrequited and they’ve just accepted that and are kinda resigned to it but. they just want them to be happy above all else :’) :’(
and honestly you are so right like if the popular ship are foils and have all these parallels between them and a deep backstory and stuff that’s so good too there’s so much food AHAH
omg that’s kinda cute tho.. like once you’re done you enter the honeymoon phase w bubbly outgoing charas.. (speaking of honeymoons when’s ours 🤪) speaking of lance he deserved everything lmao.. he deserves everything PRESENT TENSE!!! wow we are really talking about vld in 2021 huh
LEAVE THE MATH TO PIDGE!!! I AM SCREAMING JUST THIBKING ABLIT THIS TOO!! WHAT THE FUCK DOCYOUCMEAN KEITH. WHY DIDNYOUCSAY IT WITH THAT SMILE. LANCE WHY DIDNYOU SMILE LIKE THAT IN RETURN. LEAVE THE MATH TO- KEITH EXPLAIN??? WHA WERE YOU WDOIDJGNDKDNSKFKDKFNDNNCMS the way that lance went from ‘despising’ keith and hating being beaten by him in everything to SEEKING OUT HIS ADVICE AND COMFORT???? IF THAT ISNT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS like their relationship progressed so so so so so so so so SO much in that one single season… like. i cannot BELIEVE that was real???? no fucking way. like. we were literally so close.. SO FUCKING CLOSE!!!!!!!! my god the trust they had in each other..… LANCE SEEKING KEITH OUT!!! lance accepting keith as the leader before even keith accepted himself EVEN WHEN LANCE HIMSELF SO DESPARATELY WANTED TO BE THE BLACK PALADIN bUT RECOGNISING IT WASNT WHAT THE BLACK LION WANTED AND i have to stop or else i’ll literally never stop typing chskdkdkndcuksncjxjskcoskosnaksj
hhhhhhh i wanna write them sometimes i get hit with the feels SO SO BAD (like just then? LOL) but i haven’t properly written them in so long i feel like i don’t even know how to anymore D; but anyway do you have any prompts? i have so many wips (i have one fic that i said was gonna be my Final klance fic but lmao i’m never gonna finish it at this stage so i guess i’m also not done writing klance? lmao) but after a while i just. have no desire to go back to them anymore fjdjjx so something new might spark my motivation! but also no promises sorry i always say i’ll do shit but never do JEKSKS altho i will try!! i’ll try bust out at least a drabble even if it ends up as an unfinished wip as well lol 😩
oh fucking rip that’s so horrible i’m so sorry you have to deal with that :((( legit it’s so upsetting to see so many governments just. complacent and not caring about this issue at all like?? this is your job? you’re literally meant to be doing all these things to help us right now and you’re just not. which i guess unfortunately also makes sense bc they’re the ones who would suffer least. it’s so frustrating lmaoooo >:(
:***** i’ve stayed up again bc i am Not intelligent fjskdk but i’m looking forward to your response!! goodnight and sweet dreamssss (for when you next sleep LOL) 💗😘
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louandhazaf · 4 years
Louies Tag Game!
Hello! I was tagged to do the Louie tag game by @lad-boyo​ and I’m SO EXCITED to answer these questions!
1) When did you become a Louie?
Meep. Uh. Okay. So July 2015.
2) Why did you become a Louie?
Uh. Well. Basically there was some News about him in July 2015 and I saw pics of him on the internet and then I was like OH? THE 1D GUYS AREN’T KIDS ANYMORE? THEY’RE...  MEN? And I thought he was Very Hott and I very much dug his tattoos and I googled “Louis Tomlinson Tattoos” and then very promptly fell down a rabbit hole and then learned SO MUCH about Louis in a very small amount of time and he basically stole my heart from day one.
So that’s what got me started, but what kept me in was his voice????? Like, I LOVE bridges in songs because of The Emotion and Louis gets the best bridges in 1D songs because of the way his voice carries emotion more than anyone else in the universe. And his heart. Because of the charities he was involved in and how much he loved his family and basically I was like THIS SWEET SWEET GORGEOUS SOFT MAN MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS.
3) One thing that drew you in specifically?
in the words of Eden xo: “I like boys with attitude // Skinny jeans and good tattoos”
4) Who would you want Louis to collab with?
hmmm. I am very not good at figuring out what voices and stuff go together? A lot of other music I like sounds like him, which isn’t always the best for like, interesting collabs? But Good Charlotte? lol. Or Green Day. Orrrrrrr idk!
5) Favourite song on Walls?
Defenceless! I mean.... “We're sleepin' on our problems like we'll solve them in our dreams // We wake up early morning and they're still under the sheets” is like... lyrical GENIUS. And so much of it just like, cuts me to the bone. “Acting like you feel no pain, you know I know you do” ouch. hello. it’s me.
6) Favourite hairstyle?
this is impossible. He has incredible hair that looks good long, short, up, down, accessorized or not.
7) Back to you, just hold on, or miss you? (or just like you?
Miss you! My pop-punk king.
8) Louis in suits or sweaters?
Sweaters, please. Forever and always. Unless he’s in a tank top. That’s the correct answer.
9) Favourite tattoo?
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10) Favourite Louis photo (currently)?
I mean, the boy is seriously MIA. But, these would be the current-ish pics of him that I ADORE.
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 11) Random Extra
Model Louis in his suede jacket?
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This Louis, that I originally fell in love with?
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Tank Top Louis and/or Wet Louis???? WET LOUIS IN A TANK??? PITS OUT??
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And finally, every single thing about AMG Louis. This day.... chef’s kiss. 
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I honestly don’t know who’s been tagged, so please do this if you are so inclined and tag me so I can see everyone’s answers!!!
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flying-mochis · 5 years
thank you for the tag OwO @thetallassdevil 💙
Name: Mia
Nickname: uh Karen ig- if that counts as a nickname-?
Star Sign: Capricorn
Sexuality: bi👌✨
Hogwarts House: the badger one. the yellow one. the food and hugs one?
Favorite Animal: cats ig. idk thats lame but :/
Average Amount of Sleep: abt 8 hours on week days and maybe 6 on the weekend
Current Time : PST 7:57pm
Dog or Cat: i love em both but like i said- cat-
Blankets You Sleep With: this big grey fuzzy one i stole from my mom. this one that looks like a burrito i got from my aunt. and this little pink one that ive had since i was an infant- im classy like that
Dream Trip: the road to happiness
I kinda wanna see Greece tho
Dream Job: I wanna work at a cat shelter but i know that probably wouldn't support me that well so I'm trying to think of other stuff
When I Made My Blog: oh geez uhh I made it a longggg time ago then only started being active on it around a year ago when i met you story thieves gang(ily) but lets just say I made it in 2017 or smth?
Followers: uhh ill check and add it later pfft-
Why I Made My Tumblr: Well like I said I wasnt active for a while so idk why I made it back thrn but I started being more active cuz I wanted to talk about Story Theives more and I made friends- who I should really talk to more except maybe once every other day in Instagram- sorry-
Reason For My URL: I thought my last URL was super lame so I just changed it to smth random. Mochi is the name of my cat. And flying mochis cuz idk I think that was my name on minecraft???
~ok um tags yeet
@maybejustmarigold @stolenbythestars @bawlin-in-lalin @theyfoundit @jcp1765 @bandanaboop thats not 10 but- i think i should leave people for yall to tag-
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fortruechaos-moved · 4 years
fill out & repost !
tagged by:  Stole from @spiritwinding​ SWEET I MISSED U tagging:  Anyone who wants to use this as an excuse to do smth that isn’t drafts-related (aka me)
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my muse is:  canon / oc / au (? technically?) / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom? YES (:/) / NO / IDK. Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK Are they underrated?  YES / NO (lmaaao) / IDK Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. (depends on the game) Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. (depends on who you talk to) How strictly do you follow canon?  —  Shadow’s world is mostly game-verse but I take heavy influence from the things I like about Archie and have included mentions of the Freedom Fighters + Suppression Squad. ShTH doesn’t happen. Shadow doesn’t get Zombotted. So....lol I basically just make up my own canon of things I like tbh
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  If you’re tired of SEGA trying to make Shadow into the asshole he is today and you were also tired of super bland-ass cardboard Shadow....welcome to my blog. Shadow’s a good guy, he just doesn’t know how to show it and he’s trying to atone for his previous fuck-ups. He’s someone who constantly struggles with his past despite trying to move past it and into a better life, despite his claims of ‘moving on’ and he is--but he’s still got lots of guilt. He is sharp edges with a heart of gold and an arrogant grin to back it up.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — After SA2 SEGA decided to make Shadow the epitome of the :| emoji and have no personality, and recently they’ve made him a shitty person and undone pretty much any sense of character development he had--his promise to Maria to protect people? Down the drain in favor of his “fucc u sonic” attitude when REALLY Shadow would never put something as petty as that above Maria. Any arrogance, any sense of ‘edge’ and ‘cool’ to Shadow? Gone. God damnit.
What inspired you to rp your muse? — Literally just being mad about how SEGA has written Shadow and feeling like I could do better lol
What keeps your inspiration going? —  Growing up with Sonic, mostly? I know almost everything about the series and being able to create new lore and cherrypick the bits of canon I like to make a new world is just...really fun.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
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Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES (I can definitely improve in some areas but I know I can write Shadow well at this point) / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? Do you frequently write headcanons?  Sometimes; with headcanons I usually need some seed of inspiration to hit me and then all these ideas hit me at once and I can’t shut up. Usually RBing headcanon asks helps. Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? (anxiety) Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. Are you a sensitive person? YES / NO. / SORTA. Do you accept criticism about your portrayal?  —  Always. On things that are actually important. If someone’s gonna criticize my Shadow for being too SA2-y or too canon-divergent or they’re gonna have an issue with ShTH not being canon on my blog? Boi go find another Shadow blog, there’s literally no shortage of us, he’s the most popular character in the franchise behind Sonic himself.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  YES? Do people not like this?
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Oh always. Shadow has gone through 34852934 different portrayals and I am interested to see what my fellow Shadow-muns think about his writing or the differences in their headcanons. I have an issue with the term ‘disagree,’ because it’s headcanon--not actual canon...we all just have different opinions and that’s fine
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it? — I’d be kind of frustrated, because I’m very straight-up in my doc about how my Shadow doesn’t adhere to any one canon and he’s not going to be the version of Shadow you’ve seen in modern portrayals because I DON’T LIKE THAT VERSION OF SHADOW. So it just shows an absolute disregard for my rules and my Google Doc.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it? — Shadow’s an overrated character and I’ll be the first to say it but he’s MY overrated character and I’m tired of the needless hate on him for him being a dramatic bitch
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors? — Fuck proofreading. Go for it but also...why bother lol. They’re there. Usually my grammar’s good so I don’t care.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  Pls say hi. I know I’ve been MIA but I wuv this blog
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gerbithats · 5 years
The get to know me tag thingy.
the great @pixel-fried-shoestrings​ tag me so here we go:
dogs or cats? always thought of myself as a dog person ‘till i got my own apartment and adopted two cats. i’m 110% a cat person now. i’ll even shamelessly plug in a picture of them here
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youtube celebrities or normal celebrities?" normal” celebrities. i enjoy youtube stars and all that but sometimes the influencer aspect of it bothers me so much i just can’t. so i preffer to stan regular celebrities living their lives doing their own thing being great at their work or something
if you could live anywhere where would be? anywhere the place was actually mine and not rented 🤪
Disney or DreamWorks? pixar is my whole thing and since pixar belongs to disney now, i guess disney then
favorite childhood tv show(s)? i’m including movies too: scooby-doo, addams family, the mask, how the grinch stole christmas, toy story, teletubbies (i loved those fuckers), yu-gi-oh, pokemon
the movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020? pixars onward. it looks sooo good and the plot is about daddy issues? count me in. also, and i’m not even joking: minions 2. not sorry
favorite book you read in 2019? my reading list this year is basically stuff for my final academic dissertation but my favorite was this one by Martins Fontes about Gabriel Tarde’s mass opinion theory
marvel or dc? my favorites as a child were always dc characters, but i just can’t with it today. idk what’s worst, their cinematic universe or the cw universe. so marvel all the way
if you choose marvel favorite member of the X-men? if you choose DC favorite justice league member? rogue and green lantern
night or day? night, mostly the nights were the day is not too tiring and i have the energy to actually do something during it
favorite Pokémon? cubone
Top 5 Bands? my chemical romance, lady gaga, florence and the machine, the xx and at the moment allie x
top 10 books? i can’t do it, my brain automatically goes to “remember that paper you haven’t finished”. but smoke gets in your eyes is a great one.
top 4 movies? donnie darko, scream, death becomes her, mamma mia
america or europe? i hate these questions ‘cause americans like to thing america is the united states when “america” can be representative of 3 freaking continents
tumblr or twitter? i only like tumblr for simblr so twitter tbh
pro-choice or pro-life? Pro-choice
favorite youtuber? jenna marbles, safyia nygard, simplynaillogical
favorite author? caitlin doughty
tea or coffee? coffee
OTP? pol and bruno from merlí. i can’t wait for sapere aude. i’ve also been obsessing over mickey and ian for the past 10 years of shameless but i don’t think i consider them to be my otp anymore
do you play an instrument/ sing ? nope. tried to learn how to play the guitar when i was a teen for 2 whole years tho. i can’t remember a single thing.
I’ll tag @cowconuts​ (come back to us pls) @guapogato​ @vapidsims​ @sluggishtrait​ if you also want to do it (but if you don’t it’s also totaly fine of course)
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luvrgirl555 · 5 years
stick around // teenage nights (Roger Taylor x Reader)
a/n: so this is for the first writing challenge i ever applied to be apart of and it’s literally due in an hour hahaha (: sorry i’ve been kinda mia recently!! i had a show this week so i was VERY occupied but i missed this and now we’re back!! i’m pretty proud of this girl and it’s kind of based on a true story/me. anyway i hope u guys like it!! (also idk if prom is universal sorry)
warnings: some mild smut, abuse, depression
what i listened to while writing this: here & here editing: by me
words: 1.3k+
roger taylor :: forever considered a bad boy, a dangerous influence and too hot-headed for his own good.
his eyes sparkled under the moonlight as he drove his car recklessly down the country road.
his leg bounced with the rhythm of the drums and he let go of the wheel to pretend to play the guitar every once in a while. 
he was impulsive and quick and when your lips met his in the front seat of his car everything was happening too fast in slow motion. 
the steady bassline of the Radio keeping your kisses in time and when your lips pulled apart you felt him ask if he could take off your bra.
you reached around your back to help him with the clasps and he laughed to himself at the fact that he’d never actually done this before. 
he’d pretended to. 
he always put up the persona.
his hands felt so familiar on your body and you gulped in air as they got lower and lower until they were in between your tight shut legs. 
“where did you-” you moaned as he wriggled his fingers down your panties. “where did you learn to do this?” 
“natural, i guess,” he muttered.
“th-thank you,” you stuttered softly, opening your legs as he got between them in the passenger seat. “for saving me.” 
you two had met at the end of primary school when, like the dick he was, he took your colored pencils.
but when he saw you cry he’d never regretted anything more. 
he met you under the playground the next day. he bit his lip before speaking, “i’m sorry i stole from you,” his eyes trailed downwards and saw the different colored bruising on your arm.
“it’s okay,” you sniffled and noticed his black and blue legs.
he asked what happened. 
“what’s it to you?” you furrowed your eyebrows.
when you mentioned that your dad hit you the same way his dad hit him, he took it upon himself to be your protector. even if he was only 13.
“thank god you were an absolute ass in primary school,” you breathed and he threw his head back in laughter and you giggled before he connected your lips once more. 
“you taste like strawberries,” he whispered and you shuddered.
“you bought me that milkshake, love.” 
his eyebrows went up in surprise as you ran your fingers under his shirt and pulled his shirt off of him roughly. “it isn’t quite fair you get to have a shirt and i don’t,” you mentioned and he grinned cheekily.
“sure isn’t. good thing you took it off for me,” he smiled and you melted to the soft guitar strums across the Radio.
“y/n, please,” roger pleaded through the tear covered telephone and your heart broke into pieces. 
“i can try to sneak out,” you breathed. “i’ll be there in 10.” 
your hair flew wildly behind you as you ran down the street leaving your house behind you. 
your arms throbbed from the tree cuts but you had never been more motivated and you ran as fast as your legs could carry you. 
away from everything. away from home and from all the problems in your head, you ran,,
and ended up in his arms.
“are you cold?” he asked over and over again.
“you could have brought a blanket, silly,” you teased and he dropped his head on your shoulder, kissing your collarbones. 
“you look better without a shirt,” he said hungrily before grabbing your chest in his fists.
“rog!” you scolded playfully and he quickly turned up the volume of the Radio before exiting the car and running down through the meadow.
“where are you going?” you screamed through the open windows and sticky warm air.
“have you ever been skinny dipping?” he teases and your face falls. “come for a swim with me, love.”
you climbed through his window by the haphazardly built ladder from his bedroom and found his blond hair covering his tear-stained cheeks.
“roger?” you breathed before rushing over to him and moving the hair from his face.
his sobs quickened and you sat across from him, holding his limp hand in yours as he wailed. 
you’d never seen him cry before.
you screamed before jumping in the cold lake by the pier. 
“it’s so cold!” you screamed and roger swam up to you playfully. 
“i’ll keep you warm,” his eyebrows moved up and down and you clung to his shoulders. 
after minutes of giggles, splashing and tackling you exited the water sat on roger’s lower back as he held your legs.
“i’ve got you, love!” he shouted like a superhero and started to run up towards his car which sent you into a fit of giggles. 
after throwing roger’s shirt and your shorts back on, you sat atop the car staring at the stars.
his hands running slowly through your wet hair. 
“do you think there’s another universe out there?”
“do you think there’s another universe out there?”
roger asked and you were taken aback by his sudden question.
“another universe where we’re happy? where we don’t have to go through this?” 
your breath hitched before looking into his moonlight-illuminated eyes.
“i don’t know,” you answered truthfully. “maybe there’s a way for this universe to get better?” you suggested.
he shook his head angrily in return.
“i think so!” you answered optimistically.
“i hope there’s a me and a you in every universe out there,” he wonders out loud and you look at him, eyes wide. “and i hope they find each other in every world.” 
“i’ll find you in every world, rog.” 
he pressed a kiss to your forehead before bringing your lips to his.
“you still taste like strawberries.” 
his tears subsided and were reduced to sniffles.
“you didn’t have to come ove-” roger started but you stopped him.
“i don’t know how, but it will get better.” 
“how can you be so sure?” he gave an accusatory glare.
“at least we have each other!” you argued and he almost threw his hands up in frustration.
“oh, yeah, i’m so glad i have exactly one friend,” he spoke low. “thanks so much y/n.”
his sarcastic tone almost made you burst into tears, but you stood in front of him without moving. 
“you don’t mean that,” you whispered before turning, climbing and running back in the direction you came from.
“do you want to go to prom?” he asked after a moment of silence.
“is this your promposal?” you teased shyly and he took your hands while sitting up. 
“i formally propose that you go to prom with me,” he spoke proudly as you laughed out loud. 
you hummed and faked thought, but when his face fell you planted a kiss on each of his cheeks and whispered into his chest, “of course.” 
his heart stopped it’s rapid beats per minute and he entangled your legs in his.
flowers kept appearing on your doorstep.
sure, they looked like they had just been plucked from ms. applegate’s garden next door, but they were still there.
every morning when you saw them you put them in a pile on the side of your house. 
you kept all of them.
so when roger taylor, bad boy, dangerous, and reckless showed up on your doorstep with a big pile of flowers, dirt and weeds you smiled.
“i love you,” he confessed. 
“i love you too, roger,” you said simply and he shook his head.
“no, no, you don’t get it. I Love You,” he pressed.
you pursed your lips before leaning over his flower-filled arms to kiss him haphazardly on the lips. 
“i’m sorry for what i said before,” was the first words out of his mouth when you pulled away.
“i know,” you pushed the flowers onto the porch to kiss him again.
you danced in rogers arms that night, your dress flowing to the floor and his hands cheekily getting lower and lower. the Radio floated through the air around you.
“remember when we did this at prom? and you told me you’d marry me?” 
“looks like i kept that promise, love.” 
tags: @fredthelegend ((thanks for letting me be a part of this challenge, lovie!!))
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pockpop · 6 years
to fall in love 02 | kim taehyung
➢ summary: in the end, he loves you and you love him, as long as you do then anything is possible.
➢ genre: seriously just fluff, I mean maybe some angst if you reaallly look(?) but we fluffy around here hehe
➢ a/n: my views on how I wrote this are mixed hahaha so I might end up rewriting it idk but I do hope you like this loves!
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part one | part two | part three
your relationship with taehyung was like honey. sticky and sweet, messy at times but you constantly come back for more. it took a lot for you to open him up but once you did, he was always something unpredictable.
his love was a rare one indeed and he never let any insecurities or flaws of yours stop him from showering you in his love. no matter what the fans said, family, friends, his puppy love towards you had become something deeper and you felt it.
you knocked on the door of taehyung’s designated art room, which was really the spare room in your apartment. moments later you were greeted with the sound of his gruff,”come in.”
opening the door slowly, you looked around with familiarity at the canvas decorated room. paints and brushes were collectively scattered everywhere and he sat in the middle of the room with his back to you. you couldn’t help but bite your lip watching his back muscles move under the white t-shirt he was wearing. the short sleeves rolled up as his arm flexed with his quick movements across the canvas.
you felt your heart race at the sight of him since you had spent all day at your friends house getting your hair done. even though you craved to take some medicine and go to sleep from your throbbing headache, you had to see your baby first.
he paused as he finished a brush stroke to turn and greet you, giving you a good look at his glasses that were balanced on his nose, his freshly dyed mint green locks and the silver rings adorning his long fingers. 
smiling at you, he put aside his paint and paintbrush to pull you into his lap, leaning quick to kiss you lovingly.
“I missed you,”he whispered against your lips then leaned back to get a good look at your new hairstyle. light brown faux locs that shaped your face perfectly, smirking he played with the end of one, making sure not to pull too hard.
“beautiful as always, but I think this is one of my favorite looks on you.”
“oh really?”you asked wrapping your arms around his neck,”mhm.”he kissed you once more before squeezing the side of your thigh.
“are you excited to meet the boys tomorrow?” you shrugged,”more nervous than anything.”
“you’ve already met them technically over video chat before, they are excited to see you.” he brushed his lips against your jaw, pressing a delicate kiss there. “you know, I’ve always pictured what it would be like if we had sex right here in this room.”
“you say that about every room in this house, can’t we leave this one pure?”
he chuckled still letting his lips trail down your neck, leaving butterfly kisses on your collarbone.
“yeah nice try, but I have to pack for the boat trip still and you’re not getting out of helping me.”
taehyung groaned planting his head on your chest with a muffled,”i had to try.”
“y/n!” hoseok was the first to notice you when taehyung led you down the dock to the boat. you giggled as he did a little run,sweeping you up into a hug.
“hobi! I missed you!”
“I could say the same but tae is constantly showing us videos of you, how can we possibly miss you.” taehyung groaned,”hyung,stop exposing me.” hoseok grinned finally letting back down on your own two feet.
“come on, everyone else is already on the boat, hope you both brought your swimsuits.”
the boys were hosting a boat party with a few friends to go scuba diving and thought it was a perfect way to get to spend more time with you and get to know you. taehyung held your waist as hoseok led the two of you onto the boat, bowing and greeting staff members as you went. everyone was out on the main deck, drinks had already been poured and the sun was out. though you had on a sheer white cover up, it wasn’t much to hide your royal blue two piece that shaped your body just right.
so when you entered the main deck, all eyes naturally drifted to the one that stood out from head to toe. however, you weren’t expecting the members to cheer in sight of you.
“she has finally arrived! we have been awaiting to finally meet the queen who stole our taehyung’s heart,” namjoon stated, rising from his seat to hold your hands. “hey I’m here too! why aren’t any of you excited to see me?” taehyung mumbled, still pouting though jungkook wrapped a arm around his shoulders. “but we see you all the time! you’re just not that exciting anymore.”
“I’ve never felt so attacked in my whole life.”
“stop being dramatic! now y/n, come and sit and have a drink,we must give you all the dirt on tae before you get too serious.” jimin said pulling you to sit beside him and you laughed,”please inform me because he makes it out to me like he is the angel.”
“jimin if you want to keep your life-“
“no threats tae! we all got plenty of stories!”jungkook mused already sitting on the other side of you,”shall we tell her about the time taehyung spent the night with-“
“jungkook shut up!” taehyung cried but the other members were already all trying to tell you the story leaving taehyung an embarrassed but cute mess. the joking and teasing went on until you reached the diving location. everyone had a few glasses of wine and loosened up enough to now spill their own secrets to you instead of taehyung’s.
jin was the one to help you put on the scuba mask and kind of talk you through what to do. you trusted him more than the others since they were definitely more tipsy than he was.
taehyung was the one to hold you hand as you stood on the edge before jumping in. the crystal blue waters of the ocean swallowed you both in its crisp coolness and with the gear on, you could see everything. taehyung pulled you along, always looking over to you just to see that excited look in your eyes.
various colors of fish swam all around you, the rest of the members were playing around and pointing out things to you, but the best part was how you felt in the moment.
you had stressed so much about meeting his friends and putting on this great first impression when really they were the ones to really put on the show. swimming back up to the surface for air, taehyung pulled out his mouth piece to smile at you.
“you know, underwater your hair looks like little snakes,”he teased and you splashed water at him, your heart leaping at the sound of his childish laugh.
“ugh I hate you,” but taehyung didn’t believe that at all, moving to kiss your nose,”come on, let’s go down again.”
once you had gotten tired of diving and proving to jungkook countless times that he was the faster swimmer, you sat curled to taehyung’s side with your braids wrapped up in a towel.
you had your hand on his chest, loving the way he shuddered as your nails gently scratched against his sun kissed skin. heading back to shore, taehyung kept talking about eating all kinds of foods to eat for dinner but you were just happy enough to be there in that moment.
when it came to the fans, every time you had a new hairstyle, every outfit, every picture you took, especially with taehyung and the members, the fans never missed them.
for a while you had abandoned social media just to get a break from how many times your name was mentioned.
throughout your day, there were many fans that did want pictures with you and weren’t trying to call you all out your name and make you feel bad just for being with taehyung. but it was truly ones behind their phones and computer screens that tried to make you feel small.
but taehyung was always right there, always there to remind you that those comments weren’t important. every time taehyung saw you even remotely trying to read comments, he reminded you that,”it’s you and me in this relationship, not everybody else. stop caring so much about how they view you, they don’t know you.”
of course, friends and family had started bringing up children and marriage when your relationship was breaking the three to four year point. you both hadn’t exactly mentioned it really but it had always been in the back of your mind.’
one afternoon,taehyung was laying between your legs while you both were watching the best man. you were putting little braids in his hair, not exactly paying any attention to the movie, too caught up in your own thoughts.
taehyung had been pretty quiet as well, the only time he spoke was when he was asking a question or laughing at something in the movie. but when the scene of mia walking down the aisle came on and lance had began to cry, taehyung had interrupted your thoughts when he sat up and turned to face you.
“y/n, do you want to get married to me one day?”
your eyes widened in surprise, you almost couldn’t take his question seriously with the little braids sticking up all over his head.
“I mean uh if it was meant for us to.”
taehyung rolled his eyes at you playfully,”yes but I mean do you see it? is that what you want?”
“well what do you want?”
“I asked first.”
“touché.” you tilted your head and looked him over, his baby brown eyes looking at you just as lovingly and cutely as they did the first time you met, his bare face glistening with the moisturizer you put on it, his shirtless chest was bronze with a tan from your recent outing.
he had changed a lot physically since the first time you met him but the one thing that that hadn’t was the way he talked to you, now held you when you were scared or how he always kissed you like it was the last time.
how could you lie and say you couldn’t see a future with him? he never gave you any reason to not see daily life without him. you had been dating for a few years now and you had already acted like a married couple anyway, how much would a piece of paper really change?
“taehyung, do you really want to know what I see with you?”he nodded his head, his little brown braids flopping with it. smiling, you leaned forward to kiss his nose.
“I see us in this big house, with lots of animals and the strangest artworks. I see little brown babies running around your big eyes and your smile, I see us just being content and happy with one another that through every trial life puts us through, we always pull through. whether we are married or not, I see all of that with you.”
taehyung was quiet for a moment, his teeth catching his bottom lip in thought.
“so what if I want our babies to have your smile instead because I think honestly yours is better.”
you scrunched up your face,”really?”
he chuckled pressing a quick kiss to your lips,”yeah and well have chickens and goats and horses and pigs and dogs and-“
“I don’t know about all that-“
“but y/n! you said a lot of animals!”
“yeah! but I mean house pets!”
taehyung huffed shaking his head,”see, in our little family, it’s go big or go home. all our animals are going to be house pets and they are going to be loved and taken well care of always.”
“even with our careers and children?”
taehyung hummed pulling you close so this time you were laying between his legs, but his arms were secure around you.
“whatever trials life puts us through, we get through right?”
you nodded, kissing his arm,”right. so where’s my ring?”
even though he sat there arguing with you for the next five minutes, little did you know he had already been looking at rings for the last two months and had finally picked one that was safely hidden awaiting for his proposal to you.
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lamiaward · 6 years
@sweetcarlos-bravecarlos thank you for tagging me!
nickname: Lizzy, sometimes Lies, all the random( not random to us but like to everyone else) nicknames my best friend gave me such as 12 and the Tank. The Tank thing is because I used to play soccer with my Taekwondo group and like, I get way too intense, don’t back down and do stuff like body slamming people into walls. 
zodiac sign – Taurus!
height – like 1.70? so around 5′7
last movie i saw – the favourite! I thought it was pretty good. Also I truly love conniving, morally (and generally) complex characters so I loved Sarah (Rachel Weisz played her so well, too omg).
last thing i googled – Rachel Weisz.
favourite musician – I don’t really have one? Mitski is really good (thank you for introducing me to her songs @sweetcarlos-bravecarlos,  I owe you my life) and I love Halsey as well. Basically any person whose songs have lyrics that speak to me honestly.
song stuck in my head – uuh Hallelujah has been stuck in my mind for ages honestly. Especially the lines “maybe there’s a God above”  & “and it’s a broken Hallelujah”.
other blogs – none. I’m terrible at adding structure to any part of my life so I just have one blog where I dump everything that I find important/interesting etc.
do i get asks – nope!
following - 171
followers - 116
amount of sleep – a maximum of six, usually
lucky number – 3!
what i’m wearing – my college sweater and my favourite pants (they’re green, with black roses and knee holes).
dream job – author, in a way that allows me to help people. Which sounds really vague but part of the reason I love reading and writing is because it can sometimes really help people- like representation matters, for example. So I want to like have characters that speak to all the people that get ignored or stereotyped or whatever and try to do a passable job.
dream trip – travelling around the world, preferably with a close friend.  
favourite food – hamburger probably
play any instruments – I’m going try to learn the violin!!
languages – I speak Dutch and English fluently. I have a friend I will be practising French with though, and I am planning a study (+ work?) trip to Italy to learn Italian.
favourite songs – uuurgh Hallelujah (I listen mostly to the Pentatonix cover) , Strange love by Halsey , let her go by Passengers, sorry by Halsey, the proof of your love by king and country, any Mamma Mia song honestly-  I’m going to stop there but there are so MANY. I’m an overexcited idiot who loves too many things and too much in general.
random facts –A teacher once described my work in her class as “brilliant one moment and then HEH?” which honestly fits me really well because I can be really smart but I’m at the same time an Idiot. I am apparently really good at massages (or at least a couple of people have told me that) which is funny to me because I absolutely despise receiving them. I once stole a screwdriver from my granddad solely because I was curious whether I could (and then felt guilty forever but I don’t remember whether I returned the damn thing??). Oh I know one that’s pretty funny – I once injured myself because I was trying to build/dig a network of underground tunnels as a sort of ‘cooler’ substitute to a tree house but hit my foot instead of the ground with the shovel.
describe yourself as aesthetic things – idk maybe old books, the sea on a slightly stormy day , oyster, scattered objects in a room.  
Gods tagging people- uh I only talk with a few people on tumblr honestly.  But @juliettesferrar, @frenchdork, @mashamallows and anyone else who wants to honestly
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