#oh my gleeb
textmel8r · 4 months
OFFICE HOURS! series spoilers ahead!!
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screchie · 2 years
secret santa !!!!
silly little guys wowie !! @oc-giftexchange2022 @unga-bunga-i-have-arrived
happy holidays and happy new year !! :D
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yanderespamton78 · 2 months
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My babies :3 the tall one is Willow (she/her) the short blue one is Termite (it/it's) and the small green thing is Gleebo (it/it's) oh and btw if you use he or they on termite or gleebo i will come to your house and steal your organs :3
So willow is just some 7ft tall forest woman idk how she got there I haven't gotten that far yet. She lives alone and has for as long as she can remember and can't speak English nor really communicate in general due to the fact that she never needed to (also her vocal chords are blocked by the mushroom thing I'll get to in a min so she can't make sound in the first place) but she is still very clever. In the human au I made with my friend she went to like Oxford or Cambridge or smth idk but ANYWAYS thing with willow is she is immortal BUT she has a disease that causes mushrooms to grow in and on her body, which will one day kill her. She has a few hundred years before this happens tho so she's fine for now since she's only in the early stages but for now it causes pain and also means that she is blind in her right eye since a mushroom grew there. But anyways willow is very jumpy and timid like she is CONSTANTLY anxious. She is pretty lonely and also loves snails because they are the onely things she could pick up and take around with her that wouldn't run away or bite her. She is also not very strong because she doesn't have the guts to kill anything and eat it so survives off of nuts and berries meaning she's kinda malnourished
SECONDLY termite so termite is less fleshed out because it hasn't existed for as long (I've had willow for YEARS) but it is this like 4"10 creature thing. It has roughly the intelligence level of a border collie and has also, like willow, lived alone it's whole life. It's also like fucking rabid it survives solely off of meat and could kill a village in cold blood. Now you might be wondering "how it's like 8 years old" WELL it can kinda transform into this much stronger being if it's trying to kill smth big. I have a drawing of this but I haven't posted it I will when I'm finished :3 but in this form it has quadriplegic legs and claws and spidery legs on its back which it uses to tear apart prey plus a tail with a spike on the end which it can stab things with. Like it is fucking terrifying. Also the lil green thing gleeb is a weird lil alien thing termite adopted :3 because termite saw it and was like "hold on a second that thing doesn't look edible and also doesn't look like it's from earth. Twinningggg mine now bitch" and adopted it. Gleeb isn't very intelligent. It can recognise termite and follow it around but other than that it kinda just exists and doesn't do much.
So termite and willow do meet eachother at some point because termite was injured or smth I haven't decided that yet and willow was like "shit something that isn't a small mammal or an insect this is groundbreaking" and took it in. They are cutie patooties :3 neither of them really know how to deal with other beings so their relationship is kinda unnatural but they like eachother. But like for example termite would bite willow affectionately and then nearly bite her arm off. It doesn't help that neither of them can really communicate as termite just isn't intelligent enough to really and willow can't speak at all but a lot of how they communicate is through clapping and other things like that. In the aforementioned human au willow adopts termite and termite has some kind of learning disability that I will research and name ✨later✨.
The thing is willow and termite have such good potential for angst because willow will end up succumbing to the mushroom disease and termite will have no idea why its only carer is dying and isn't able to do anything about it but watch her slowly waste away. Y'all watched ep1 of sweet tooth??? Or when the wind blows??? Yea that kinda thing. And termite would likely just sit next to willows body like a dog sitting near it's owners grave waiting for her to wake up. But you know what we can ignore that and just look at the sweet nice family fluff parts :3
As for willow and termites environment uhm uh. Minecraft. Like they literally live in the world of minecraft. Termite got it's clothes through Minecraft achievements.
LOOK termite was originally a drawing of my Minecraft avatar then it turned into a whole story leave me alone
But anyways for the few people who read it I hope you enjoyed my incredibly long winded ramble about my OCs :3
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boomboxphighting · 6 months
Oh- um maybe?
Also im valk!! Or my real name microphone-
Im one of the filpside idols :D
Gnorb gleeb! Glarble gneep glerb? Glarble gnarp zorp gneeble!
Oh that's cool! How's it like being an idol? Tell your friend I said hi!
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oberorka · 9 months
            ░   ▒▒           ░░  ░░░▒      ▒▒▒▒░░░░░░▒▒▒  ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░▓██▓░▒    ▒▒▒▒▒░░O░ω░O░        ░░░░░░░░          ░░░   ░      ░░▼    ░░    ░  ░      ░░  ░   ░          ░░░░░░
OH MY GLEEBNESS im symbols,.....,.,,..
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jiubilant · 3 years
22 for finna and gleeb?
22. soup
“It’s like the start of a bad joke,” says Enthir, who is fiddling with a monstrous machine sprouting pipes. “Greasy gear-gatherer and her Falmer friend walk into my workshop. Pass me that wrench—”
“Pass me our money,” growls the greasy gear-gatherer, catching his wrist. “I want half in advance this time.”
And there, says her Falmer friend wearily, rapping out the words on the nearest wall, is the punchline.
Enthir smiles his oiliest smile.
“Oh, dear,” he drawls, delicately reclaiming his hand. “A sum like this, Finna-and-Gleeb”—he never addresses them separately—“and you think I’ll part with a single septim of it before you’ve done your job? That is funny—oh, bones of the earth!” His machine’s boiler is shrieking like a teakettle. He snatches the wrench from his workbench, raising his voice above the din. “Think again, my young friends. Think hard.”
Finna scowls at him. Her second-best buyer is a lean whippet of a wizard, scruffy and snappish and stingy with the money he sneaks from the College’s coffers. It’s easy to forget, watching him tighten screws and snarl Falinesti oaths at his machine, that he’s older than she’ll ever be; elves are strange that way, straight and spry and smiling long after their neighbors start groaning of gout.
Except Enthir isn’t smiling. He smacks the side of the device, and, in the dreadful silence that follows, she sees his face pinch with the pent-up wrath of centuries—
“Ha!” he barks, baring his teeth in a grin as the boiler shivers awake. The pipes that coil around the room like catgut creak and tick. “There she goes. All right, what.”
“We came straight here,” says Finna, unmoving. Though her foot itches for it, she resists the urge to kick the stool out from under him. “Soon as you sent word about a job. We’re hungry.”
“Does this look”—Enthir whacks the boiler again, which clangs like a queasy gong—“like a patisserie?”
Finna wrinkles her nose. She wipes it with the back of her hand, and looks around the workshop: the bobbing magelights, the bubbling cauldrons, the pipes bulging and twisting with steam.
“Looks like indigestion,” she says.
And smells, says Gleeb, sitting comfortably cross-legged at Enthir’s elbow, like cheap cologne.
Enthir smiles. Tightly.
“They’ll sling some slop for you in the refectory,” he grumbles, waving them off. He stands to scribble some notes on a slateboard. “Don’t tell them I sent you, or they’ll probably poison it. Say you’re from the Synod or something. I don’t know. I don’t care, either, incidentally.”
Gleeb pulls his mouth to one side, grimly amused. They’ll throw stones at me.
“My unsightly friend, they’re scholars!” says Enthir, looking with shock over his shoulder. “Enlightened minds! They’ll throw textbooks at you.”
“Piss off,” growls Finna, though it’s his workshop. She gently tugs Gleeb’s ear. “Come on. We’ll ask Gane. Or something.”
Her friend unfolds his limbs like a spider, feeling the space around him for her arm. Finna offers it. As she steers him through the mess of gadgetry and magical paraphernalia, a noise pricks up his ears; he lays a pale and thoughtful hand on one of the pipes, then pats it and smiles helpfully at no one in particular. It’s overheating.
“No, it isn’t,” says Enthir, throwing a baleful glance back at him. “It’s calibrated to exactly—it’s overheating. Shit. Shit.” He scrambles back to his machine. “By the Elden Grove—”
* * *
“And then,” Finna finishes, her voice devoid of emotion, “he caught on fire.”
For a delicious moment, Arniel Gane and his lab assistant stare at her in horror. Then they tumble from their seats and scramble for the door.
“This is—this is terrible!” she hears Gane cry from the corridor, his voice fading fast as he runs. “Just terrible! Who’s going to procure my research materials?”
Finna-and-Gleeb stand for a moment, alone, in the center of Gane’s laboratory.
Then Gleeb laughs—a wheezy, rattling sound—and feels his way to the worktable, where Gane and his assistant have left two bowls of steaming stew.
We should make ourselves scarce, he says, tapping the words on the tabletop, before they find out he’s fine.
Finna, righting Gane’s fallen chair, makes a curt noise of agreement. “But first—soup.”
With solemn dignity, they clack their bowls together.
[winter prompts]
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ssadropout · 7 years
Yes, His Name is Maes
Royai Week Day 4- Promise- Yes, His Name is Maes
In a more perfect FMA world, there would be a Royai marriage and at least one Royai baby. Amirite?
It was up to him to quiet the wails. Riza was busy in the kitchen and had been with the baby all day.
“Hello, my little man. Why are you singing the sad song of your people? It's not as cool as my Flame Alchemist rap. Shhh.” Roy leaned over the crib and gently drew his son into his arms, swaying a bit. The cries gradually faded, replaced by the tap of claws on the floor.
“Oh, look. Here comes your big brother. Be glad that he came first, or you might have been named Black Hayate. How was your day, son?”
“Gleeb roorsh.”
“That's good to hear, buddy. That's because you have such a great mother. I'll bet she played with you and rocked you and sang to you and tickled you. Hee hee. I know your mother's special tickle places, but those and flame alchemy will be things I never share with you. My day at work was boring, but I'll even do paperwork to make the world better for you. Yes! Mommy and I promised ourselves that kids like you will never have to do horrible things like we were forced to do. Maybe you won't even have to do paperwork!”
Roy sighed. “Your mother and I did some horrible things.” He kissed the baby's head and placed him onto the changing table.
The baby squeaked.
“I hope that you can try to forgive us when you understand. We have spent the rest of our lives making up for it. Not that we ever can make up for it.”
“Da Da Da Da Da.”
The sweet bright sound brought Roy back to his good mood. “That's right, my little man. It's me- your daddy. Mommy is downstairs cooking dinner, so I'm on pee and poop patrol. How's that diaper of yours?”
“Da Da Da. Blurf. Zzzhh.”
“I was afraid of that. I love you infinity, but you'd be so much more fun if you weren't so high maintenance.” Roy arranged his supplies as if he were performing alchemy. He wished! He had imagined various poop and pee transmutations, but nothing seemed right. There were ways to transmute moisture and dirt out of cloth, but they were for different kinds of dirt and moisture. Besides Riza had given him that look when he mentioned that he was thinking about it. One of the reasons that he loved her was that he was afraid of her.  
Roy put the dirty diaper aside, cleaned his son up, and put on a new diaper. “Ta da! That's much better. Right? I'm glad that you didn't take this opportunity to demonstrate that you have your mother's aim.”
He placed the baby back in the crib and rinsed the dirty diaper out in the toilet.  After washing his hands, he returned and studied his son. “Until you came along, the most important things to us were our vows to work to make Amestris and the world better. You, my little man, are the one thing more important to us than that.” He leaned over, slid the baby's shirt up and blew a gentle raspberry on the baby's tummy.
“Mmpf. Ma Ma Ma Ma.”
“Mmm. Dinner does smell good, my little man, but I'm afraid that it's not for you. Mommy said that you already ate and drank.”
“Hey! Bring that up with your mother, not me. That's her area.”
“Ma Ma Ma Ma.”
“You got it, son!”
“I know. So, listen. It's time for you to go to sleep. That's right. No snap. No spark. Time to sleep in the diggy diggy dark. I love you, my little man.” He kissed his son's forehead.
When Roy went to turn off the light, he noticed Riza in the doorway. “How long have you been there?”
“Just since the raspberry.”
“I'm a pretty good father, huh?”
She put her arm around him and said, “Other than blaming me for his diet, yes, Roy, you're a wonderful father. However, do realize that when you call your son my little man, you're calling him the same thing that you call your penis?”  
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jiubilant · 4 years
2 or 6 with finnaandgleeb :)
2. ruin
“Safe?” asks Arniel Gane, professor of applied harmonics. The knife smiles in his hand. “Yes, yes, of course. Perfectly safe. So long as you stand back. Oh, for—not that far back, for goodness’ sake, or you won’t see a damned thing!”
His suppliers, smiling politely, back up another step.
Gane grins at them. Oh, he’d had his doubts those many months ago, when Enthir, the old snake-oil salesman, brought them in: a sullen, heavy-browed girl and her pallid goblin pet, neither of whom knew how to divide longwise or chew with their mouths closed. Or wash. But they’ve proved their worth thrice over, he thinks, beaming his delight. Bless them both. Now, at the culmination of his life’s work, he could kiss their grubby faces.
He doesn’t, of course. But he could.
“Finna, dear girl,” he says, “you’re clever as they come. Come here. I want you to pay attention.”
When she hesitates, he beckons impatiently. The girl, with a wary smile, slinks to his side like a stray dog tempted with table-scraps.
“I can’t emphasize enough how helpful—how essential—your field work has been to my research,” says Gane, and pats her on the back. “I couldn’t ask for a better assistant. No—protégé. When I—when I publish my findings, young lady, I’m putting your name on the first page.”
The girl stares at him with guarded fascination. Then she looks, furrowing her fierce brow, to the creature crouched catlike in the door. “And Gleeb’s?”  
“Yes, yes,” says Gane without looking, “of course. Yes.” He fiddles, nervous and eager, with the knobs of the convection apparatus that will make him a household name. The knife hums heavy in his hand. “Must not forget about—about Geeb. Bleeb. Very useful fellow for fetch-and-carry work, I imagine. He can have the, uh, the dedication. Now, you see that I’ve heated the crystal to exactly seven hundred degrees Ralston, which should, if there’s no thermic drift, account for the extra coefficient introduced by Jarol’s translaton equation...”
Still talking, he taps the knife against the crystal. Once. Twice. It chimes chilly and sweet as the chirp of a glass bird, and the knife once called Keening—godkiller, godcarver—shivers in Gane’s hand.
The thing hunched in the doorway, his eyeless face concealed with hood and scarf, makes a rasping noise deep in his throat. Then he raps the jamb with urgent knuckles.
“Um,” says the girl. She’s backing up again, Gane notes with benevolent annoyance. “Gleeb wants to know if the, uh, the convector’s supposed to be making that noise—”
“Of course it is,” says Gane, raising the knife for a third strike. “Really, dear, we all of us in academia have our eccentricities, but it’s a bit much to pretend that a goblin can talk, don’t you think?”
And the knife flashes like an eye, seeking and sharp, through the fuzzing air—
* * *
When Finna opens her eyes, she still can’t see.
She stills for a moment, barely breathing, convinced that the flashbang of the crystal struck her blind; then her hands fly to her face, and she feels with relief that a familiar hand is covering her eyes. She sags with a shudder against the body curled round hers. Her friend shivers in like terror. His heart beats fast as a rabbit’s at her back. The air smells sharp and electric, scorched, like sky after lightning.
Or, thinks Finna, like a smoking convector.
“Gleeb,” she croaks after a moment, then clears her throat. Sits up as best she can. “Hey. Leggo.”
The pale hand peels slowly from her face. Then it crawls to her cheek, her chin, feeling with shaking fingers for any injury.
“M’fine,” grumbles Finna with great fondness, and catches her friend’s wrist. Blinking in the magelight’s sudden sting, she looks him over, too: fine as well, apart from a few scratches on his hands and sightless face. Finna’s brow furrows. She twists to look over her shoulder at Gane’s lab—
—at the ruin of Gane’s lab, strewn with shattered glass. Finna stares. Not a beaker nor scryglass was spared. The shards around the knife, fallen glinting to the floor, twitch and whine like wasps.
“Tits,” she says, her voice tremulous and small. Still belted in her friend’s arm, she glances round for Gane. “What—hell, what happened to the bastard? Where is he?”
Her friend, with a smile of pure dislike, touches her forearm with two fingers.
Do you think, he says, tapping out each word upon her skin, he accounted for that extra coefficient?
[elder scrolls writing prompts]
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jiubilant · 3 years
just some stuff about how my characters' names are pronounced under the cut. for the curious
ayo's name like i said earlier is pronounced "EYE-oh." her full first name (ayobami) is "eye-oh-BAH-mee." but most people call her "dragonborn" or "thane" or some other epithet or title so she very rarely hears her own name anymore unless she's with a loved one or close friend. most people don't even know it. ayo is sort of very lonely
ravi pronounces his first name (ravila) "RAH-vee-lah" but people tend to pronounce it as the word "ravel" with an 'a' tacked onto the end. he's used to it but is always very very happy to hear other native velothi speakers say his name correctly. say "RAH-vee" (rhymes with "ah, me") not "ravvy" (rhymes with "savvy") and he'll warm up to you much faster
finna and gleeb are uh. "FIN-nuh" and "gleeb." the way gleeb himself says his name (on the rare occasion that he speaks vocally) sounds more like "guh-leeb" but falmer vocal chords differ from ours in a way that makes that pronunciation difficult for us to accurately replicate. closest you can get is if you inhale on the "guh" syllable
lasana says her name "LAH-sah-nah" but unlike ravi genuinely does not care at all if you pronounce it wrong ("luh-ZAH-nuh"). nesh is nesh. shurri is "SHOO-ree" but you can call her "legate." and you want to say "rusleel rambin" in as exaggerated a french accent as possible (he's from gavaudon)
oh omg bonus round. imer's name is pronounced "IM-mer" and nchel's is "nn-CHEL," two distinct syllables
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jiubilant · 4 years
I love Gleeb so much. Oh my god I love him so much. Does Gleeb know I love him bec
relayed the message. he says, "go on"
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