#oh no! who would've thought that she could be pregnant! oh my gosh!
elvgreen · 2 years
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after feeling nauseous all day, Sena heads home and discovers she’s pregnant! she lets her bird friend, Jinky, know right away!
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humaforever · 2 years
Hook siblings children head canons
CJ will not be having children, she could never be tied down like that and is far too irresponsible to take care of it.
CJ is the fun aunt, the funnest, her nieces and nephews adore her (because she lets them do whatever they want) and she loves her nieces and nephews, a lot more than she loves her siblings
She gets cute aggression and often wants to steal her siblings babies but they never leave them alone with her.
Harriet once found CJ teaching Harry's two year old daughter about different knives with all of the different kinds, unguarded, left out in front of the baby as she played with said knives with encouraging words from her aunt.
Harriet was over the moon, gathered all the weapons, told her brother, and scolded CJ. Harry was less angry about his daughters safety and more disappointed at the fact that CJ was trying to take the opportunity of teaching his daughter about knives from him.
CJ did not take a lesson from this, she just learned what she couldn't do with her sisters children and that she could get away with more when it was her brothers children.
*Ahem* just so you know CJ definitely didn't cry when these babies were born and she definitely didn't rush over to the hospital to be the first to see them. (Besides their parents of course)
She also didn't cuddle and borderline squeeze her first niece to smitherines crying and freaking out about how cute and tiny she was. Refusing to give her niece back to her parents.
Harry was the first to have kids, and younger than Harriet would've wanted. But he's more irresponsible in that way.
Uma didn't want to tell anyone she was pregnant for as long as she could because she didn't like the attention it brought.
But everyone figured out in a matter of a few days though, after Harry started clinging to her more, around her always to make sure she was safe, with a shocked, worried, loving expression.
Also after he quite loudly whispered "is that okay for the baby?" In front of everyone when Uma decided she wanted some rum to help with the sickness she was feeling.
The crew tried to "coddle" Uma out of caution and respect. But that only lasted about an hour after she blew up at everyone. Really scary. (The only person she would allow to be all sweet on her like that was Harry)
Harry told his sisters nonchalantly to hide his anxiety. Yeah. He expected those reactions.
Harriet's jaw went slack and she immediately started scolding him. "Are you kidding! I always knew you were irresponsible but oh my gosh! You're having a kid! You're a kid yourself!" He wasn't, but she always saw her siblings as babies.
CJ broke into a fit of laughter at the situation, mostly at her sister's yelling. She gave her brother a thumbs up and a smile to the news though. Uma was an amazing woman, her child would be great, just as long as it didn't inherit Harrys genes or look anything like him.
Once Harry found out he was having a daughter, he was overjoyed. Not like one of those psychos who were disappointed because of their child's genitalia.
He grew up around women, he knew how strong and talented they could be, and those three girls were the most important people in his life, now it would be four.
When his daughter was born he instantly burst into tears. He had never dreamed of loving someone so much, he could hold and stare at her forever.
Oh and he was so in awe of Uma. If anyone had ever thought men were superior to women he had facts and proof to back up that that was not in fact true and no one on the planet was stronger than Uma.
Harry and Uma couldn't get enough of their daughter and had two more children. Three daughters in total, and Harry couldn't be more proud.
Harriet was not the fun aunt, her nieces didn't like being left with her but they always were because CJ was "unfit" and "untrustworthy."
Harriet's anger dissipated the second she saw her brothers first daughter. She always vowed to never have kids but now looking at this precious girl she wasn't so sure.
But later. A lot later. She still had too many people to take care of and protect right now. Including her niece now.
She teaches that little girl all the "boring" stuff like manners, history of pirating. Not nearly as exciting as knives
Unlike Harry and Uma, Harriet has her first child after she actually married Anthony Tremaine, is stable, and old enough (by her standards) to have a child.
Her first is a son.
His cousins have just as bad an influence on him as his aunt. Which was infact CJs plan.
Harriet discussed this with their parents, Harry laughed, and Uma couldn't of been prouder of her girls.
Next she had a daughter.
And she was waaaaay influenced by her cousins.
Unfortunately Harriet didn't have a babysitter like Harry did. Because she didn't trust either of her siblings to take care of her children even if Harry had children himself.
Harriet's son and daughter often reminded her of her childhood and her younger siblings. Her son always took care of his sister even if they butted heads sometimes, just like Harry was for CJ.
What I imagine the hooks named their children.
Harry and Uma:
Cordelia (I read this in a fanfic and found out that it means daughter of the sea so I think it's fitting)
Haven (keeping that "h" tradition)
Udora (I always thought this was a pretty name, just take out the e and have that u name.)
Harriet and Anthony:
Ambrose (I just think it's fitting)
Hadleigh (it's cute, it means meadow)
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dinogaby · 4 years
How do you think Koko would've reacted if Lloyd was born with 4 arms instead of two?
*blowing raspberries into baby Lloyd's chest* "who's my handsome little man?"
"ha! handsome, I get it."
Omgggg! I love this headcanon! 😄 I think at first Koko should have been a bit shocked but then she would get used to it pretty quickly, i mean she loves her baby no matter what!
And honestly i have so many headcanons and soft thoughts about Expecting Parents Garm and Koko and Pregnant Koko that i can't even begin to list them all. Like first of all, when Garm found out Koko was expecting he was obviously very happy but soon enough he started getting very anxious and worried cause he feared about what their baby would look like (considering how he looks) and he was afraid the pregnancy or the birth could hurt Koko, cause after all he's not really human and neither their baby would be... at least not fully human (nggg can i mention how weak i am for that trope?!? Evil Demon Impregnates Beautiful Human Bride) 😈😈😈. So yes, Garmadon would be victim of these guilt episodes where he would freak out and spend nights awake in worry ("What have i done? How could i have been so selfish? I didn't think of the consequences of my actions!")... only for Koko to come to him to reassure him over and over again that everything would be ok and that she loved him no matter what ("You were not selfish! We love each other and our baby is proof of that. Don't worry about me Garm, i'm strong, i can face anything... and you will be by my side").
So then Garm would be all "but what if i'm a terrible father?! I destroy and mess up everything, i'm the worst person for the job!". So yes, you get the idea... xD
Of course Koko would feel worried at times about the outcome of her pregnancy, but she never let her worry show (for Garm's sake). She did have a lot time to think about all the possibilities, so even if Lloyd would have been born with 4 arms she wouldn't have been so shocked after all, and she would have accepted him regardless and love him just as much 😭💕
So then, in-canon, lol you can imagine Garm's relief and surprise when Lloyd was born looking like a normal human xD "oh my gosh Koko our baby is so beautiful". And he cries big fiery warlord tears. (Like seriously, he has cried only a few times but when he had, it's been either because of Koko or Lloyd. Basically like how he does on the movie. Ugh my heart. I love him so much-- i'm weak for bad guys with a soft spot).
And then to circle back your original comment of Lloyd being born with 4 arms. Lmao! I can totally picture Garmadon saying that. What a dork. And lol he would be all "yeah i'm handsome, right?". And Koko is all "i wasn't talking about you". And he pretends to be hurt and mopey xD so Koko has to spoil him too "yes, you are handsome too".
Gah sorry for the mega rant, anon. But you just struck my chords here 😭 i'm very, very weak for cute Garmafam headcanons, especially when they involve baby Lloyd uwu :3
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