#oh no i use a ~customized~ tag now i can't pretend i tag it as the animanga name bcs it's my tag and not bcs i want attention anymore noooo
schwirrymartz · 3 months
unbelievable, but the "you're the one who bent me over" moment is even gayer in context
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larluce · 3 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys because we deserved a better epic battle between Merlin and Nimueh.
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 (You're here) , PART 13
More of "The Poisoned Chalice"
Arthur: Do you want to see what you'll be wearing tonight?
Merlin: (thinking) Not those ridiculous ceremonial robes again! (says) My clothes, obviously.
Arthur: (smiling brightly) No, the official ceremonial robes of the servants of Camelot!
Merlin:(fakes excitament) Oh, I can't wait to see them.
Arthur: (pulls out a very nice and elegant robes, nothing to do with the buffon custome he wore in his timeline)
Merlin: (mouth open) You... you can't be serious.
Arthur: (frowns in confusion) You don't like them?
Merlin: Are you kidding? Arthur, they're gorgeous! They look more like noble's clothes than servant's clothes. I... I can't use that.
Arthur: Too bad. You're using them. (throws robes at Merlin, who catches them in reflex) In fact, Keep them. They're now yours.
Merlin: What?! Wait! Arthur-
Arthur: You're welcome (leaves before Merlin can't give him the clothes back)
Merlin: (in shock for a few seconds, but then puts the robes on and smiles) Uhm, they fit perfectly. Just like the other ones. (processing) Wait, how did he know my measures? 😧
Time skip. Just after the revelation the cup was poisoned.
Uther: (furious) Who dare to try to poison my son!
Merlin: (raises his voice) I know who did it!
Arthur: Merlin don't-
Merlin: (points at Nimueh) It was her! I saw her entering the room were the ceremonial goblets were at night!
Nimueh: (surprised pikachu face)
Uther: (suspicious, to Bayard) Doesn't she work for you?
Bayard: (unsure) I don't recall her face.
Merlin: (mumbles a revelation spell to undo the glamour Nimueh put on herself)
Arthur: (subtly stands infront of him, so nobody sees Merlin's eyes turn gold, thinking) Has he always being this careless for gods' sake!
Uther: (livid, shouts) Nimueh! (to guards) Seize her!
Nimueh: (Runs)
Arthur: (tries to go after her)
Uther: (stops him) Don't. She's too dangerous.
Arthur: Do you know her? Who is she?
Uther: Nimueh. She's a very powerful sorcerer. No one you should mess with.
Arthur: (thinking) And yet you messed with her (turns to Merlin) Merlin, we have to-
Merlin: (already gone)
Arthur: Merlin! (thinking) He did not go into danger alone again! He did not just go to confront a powerful sorcerer all by himself. This motherfu- (shouts, between furious and concerned) Merlin! (leaves where the guards went)
Uther: Arthur! (sighs and turns to his knights) Go with him.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the woods.
Nimueh: (stops running to take a breath)
Merlin: (appears) I must say that was a really intelligent plan. Pretending to be some innocent maiden and trying to make me believe Bayard poisoned the goblet. But you won't fool me. (thinking) Not twice.
Nimueh: (laughts dryly) I understimated you. I'll give you that.(straightens up, smirking) Come now. We are too valuable to each other to be enemies.
Merlin: (dryly) I share nothing with you.
Nimueh: Don't you want Arthur to become king?
Merlin: You just tried to poison him!
Nimueh: No, I was trying to poison you. You keep interfiring in my plans when we have the same enemy. I have nothing against Arthur. It's Uther I want to destroy.
Merlin: By killing innocent people? Sorry if I'm not okay with that.
Nimueh: Sacrifices must be made for the greater good.
Merlin: You just seek revenge, not justice. Nothing justifies what you've done. (Steps forward) I'll make Arthur king when the time is right. But you won't see that day. (extends his hand) Astrice! (strikes her with light of energy)
Nimueh: (traps energy in her hand) Your childish tricks are useless against me, Merlin. It's a shame, you could've been a powerful sorcerer, perhaps, if you had the time, the training and the experience, but you are no more than a newly hatched chick that hasn't learned how to fly. I, on the other hand, have been practicing magic for decades. I'm a Priestess of the Old Religion. I am an opponent you could face but not defeat Forbearne! Akwele! (Throws fireball at him)
Merlin: (stops fireball midair without moving a finger)
Nimueh: (utterly confused) ... What? 😨
Merlin: You're right. Immature talent can't overcome decades of experience. But an experienced talent can. Akwele! (Throws fireball back with more force and bigger)
Nimueh: Scildan! (makes a invisible shield so the fire doesn't touch her) Forbairn ypile! (Makes a circle of fire around Merlin)
Merlin: Cume þoden! (Makes a whirlwind that blows the fire and then strikes Nimueh against a tree) Fire is not the only element you can work with, you know?
Nimueh: (smiles) Oh, I know. Gewican ge eorðe (makes a hole in the ground and Merlin falls there while he screams. Then she stands up and starts walking to the hole, limping a little, and says to herself, rubing her back) Oh, that hurt.
Merlin: (emerges floating in a piece of earth and stone, eyes golder than ever) This is going to hurt more. Eorðe, stanas, hiersumaþ me. Akwele! (Jumps from the rock and it goes to strike Nimueh)
Nimueh: Stanas tobrytan! (manages to break the rock into pieces but she's still hit by them and is severely injured)
Merlin: (stands over her with a somber expression)
Nimueh: (recoiling in fear, weakely) How...? How can this be? You shouldn't be this powerful! You manipulate magic as if you've been practicing it for a life time!
Merlin: (coldly) You don't have to know. (Starts to create a fireball in his hand, about to make the final blow)
Lancelot: (appearing in the distance, meters behind Merlin) Hey! What's happening?
Merlin: (the flame dies as well as the gold in his eyes and he turns around, wide eyed, whispering overcome with emotion) Lancelot?
Nimueh: (takes advantage Merlin is distracted and pulls out a dagger hidden in her leg)
Lancelot: Look out! (Runs to them)
Merlin: (moves away just in time so the dagger cuts his neck superficially)
Knight 1: (far away, but getting closer) I think I heard something!
Knight 2: (far away, but getting closer) This way!
Nimueh: (runs away as fast as she can with all her body hurting)
Lancelot: (goes to Merlin) Did she hurt you?
Merlin: I... (falls)
Lancelot: (catches him before he hits the ground) By the gods! She did! (Checks him, full panic mode)
Merlin: (thinking in Lancelot's arms, only able to move his eyes) No, she did not. The wound is barely a scratch but she put a paralyzing poison on the blade, the sneaky bitch. 😑
Lancelot: (sees Merlin's neck is bleeding, worried) There's so much blood.
Merlin: (Thinking) No, there isn't. 🙄 Honestly, Lancelot, have you seen a serious wound before? (Analysing his symptoms) Hum... It's not a letal one, the effects should go in an hour or so.
Lancelot: (checks his vital signs and sighs in releaf) He's still alive.(shaking Merlin) Hey! Can you hear me?!
Merlin: (Thinking) Yes I can! I just can't talk or move, damn it! 😠 I did miss you though 🥺. Why did we have to meet again like this? 😖
Arthur: (arrives with his knights) Merlin! (raises his sword, furious) Stay away from him!
Lancelot: (puts Merlin on the ground gently and steps back, hands up) I was just helping him! The girl. She did something to him. He's seriously hurt! He needs help!
Merlin: (thinking) No I'm not! I'm just... ugh, never mind 😒.
Arthur: (finally sees Lancelot's face and his features harden due to the resentment he feels towards the man he once considered a friend but then betrayed him by getting involved with his soon to be wife in his other timeline) Arrest him.
Before you ask why doesn't Arthur know Gwen was echanted and Lancelot was a shade that time if he's from the future, well the only one who could've told him that was Merlin and he was a tree so... And I don't recall Merlin ever mentioning any of this to Gaius. But even if he did, I think Gaius just focused on telling Arthur everything Merlin did for him with his magic, and the man is old, he could easily have forgotten to tell him a couple of things.
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ioniansunsets · 8 months
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn Birthday Special ✖
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn Birthday Special ✖
✖ Word Count: 836
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: I think of this as a 10pm-2am party on the 30th so Kayn can quietly pretend its a party for his real 31st Birthday.
It was irritating, he'd have to admit. A full day of media and paparazzi chasing him. All he wanted was to by your side, to celebrate with you, to not have to phase through walls just to hide from the crowd. The crowd that was even worse than usual because it was Halloween night. He clicks his tongue as he pulls his facemask up to hide away from the crowd.
" Gods help me."
He whispers angrily under his breath. Almost like an answer to his prayers, Ezreal pops up and drags him down an alley, helping him to slip away from some fans and find his way to the club that you told him to meet you at. It was the usual spot, Heartsteel's favorite bar, the bouncers already waving to let Kayn and Ezreal in.
" Everyone's waiting LMAO! You're so late." " You're late too loser. The fuck you on about!"
Ezreal laughs as he flings the doors open. You, with the help of some others in Heartsteel booked out the entire club for Kayn this night. A hustle and bustle as K/DA and some other friends of Kayn's hang out, laughing and drinking. Cheers from everyone as he walks in, everyone wishing Happy Birthday on what he personally thinks is the wrong day. But attention is attention and he can't say no to a little fun at night. Everyone in little Halloween costumes, high fives, loud laughs, awkward hugs he talks to everyone, socializing and thanking them for the wishes. Yone graciously DJ-ing for the party, Akali pointing him a middle finger as they make eye contact but showing up to the party anyway, Sett and Aphelios trying a hand behind the bar to make drinks for the party. K'Sante sitting by a table talking to Alune and the rest of K/DA. But still, something was wrong, he sees all his friends but where the hell were you? The you who was arguably the most important person to him. The you were the one who invited him here anyway.
" Happy Birthday Kayn!"
At the sound of your voice he perks up, immediately putting his drink down to turn and find you. As he spots you a little away he basically runs over to throw his arms around you, lifting you up and giving you a little spin as you hug him back.
" My favorite person! Where the hell were you! I'm only here because you told me to come by the way."
He sticks out his tongue in mock irritation, arms still around you the whole time. All the attention and well wishes from everyone could never compare to your love. Ah how he loved your smell, your cute laugh, your stupid teasing smug face as it stared at him. He leans down giving you a quick kiss before letting go. Resting his arms across his chest waiting for a good explanation from you.
" Took a while because I had to get this finished for you."
You defend yourself, you hold up a present for him. It was small, suspiciously small for a gift for someone as amazing as him, but it was from you so like hell he won't complain. Picking up the box for your hands he holds it up, shaking it a little, no noise. Curious now he opens it, face immediately lighting up. He puts the wrapping down behind him as he holds up the gift.
" Oh fuck is this...?"
You nod as he examines it, a custom guitar strap. Designed like his recently solidified aesthetic from the Paranoia MV, bright colors, a yellow base, pink, purple and green accents with an imitation of his signature down the strap. Little handmade patches of him and Rhaast on the corner, hearts the colors of all the boys around the middle, and finally your initials sneakily sewn in the underside next to Kayn's right where the strap would meet the guitar, there, yet hidden from view so he could still use this on stage. A beautifully thought out way to have something of you near him all the time, even when he was on tour, on stage or in his studio. How personal... Kayn laughs, a hand returning to pull you into him, he leans down close to your ears as he growls out softly,
" Damn babe...you're going to make me emotional."
A blush rising up your face, Kayn turns to give your cheek a quick kiss. A hand sneakily rising up to wipe something away under his eyepatch. You take note to tease him about it later.
" All custom made and details hand sewn by the way, I got K'sante and Sett to help me."
" Thank you. Amazing gifts from you as always."
After a quick kiss on your forehead, he pulls away from the hug, hand wrapping around yours as he drags you to the bar, the brightest smile on his face as he gives Aphelios a nod to make drinks for you two.
" Now let's properly celebrate together."
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
12 - Baby Number Three
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Part 13
The Texas Tire Family
Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita @liesanddreams
"Urgh...Georgie call an...ambulance...it's the baby I think...something's wrong!" He squeezed my hand grabbing his phone frantically trying to dial 911.
Gripping my stomach I take a few deep breaths feeling pain shooting through my lower back. Georgie was slamming on the gas trying to get the truck through the busy city streets but this wasn’t like Medford. “Come on. Move it dang it!”
“Georgie, yelling at them isn’t going to - oh fix it!” I winced, bending forward baring my teeth together. Somehow this felt exactly like how my last few months of Aurora’s pregnancy was. But this feels like double the pain of that.
“Darlin don’t you worry. I’m gonna get you to the hospital and everything's gonna be fine…uh.” He glanced in my direction moving his left hand to my knee for a second getting an idea that hopefully would work. He started turning the channels on the radio until the song he was looking for came on. “Life's like a road that you travel on. When there's one day here, and the next day gone. Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand. Sometimes you turn your back to the wind. There's a world outside every darkened door. Where blues won't haunt you anymore. Where the brave are free and lovers soar. Come ride with me to the distant shore…”
“Life is a Highway from Cars…Georgie how is that supposed to help!” I grunted hitting the windseal with my fist wanting the pain in my stomach to go away. The baby kicks we’re getting bigger so that wasn’t making it any better.
He intertwined my freehand with his lefts even though he was left so he was driving with his non-dominant hand. His brown eyes locked onto mine for a brief second then he focused back on the road. “Cause when Rora was like four she loved this song. So I was thinkin’ that this would distract you to think about that.”
“Awe thanks ah!…oh I think it is working.” Shutting my eyes I leaned my head back against the headrest listening to the song praying that the baby was going to be fine.
Coming inside our apartment I was exhausted from work seeing that I had to deal with some rude customers at the restaurant. Dropping my bag at the door I closed it hearing a sneeze from Aurora’s bedroom. Georgie had stayed home to watch her seeing that I would be on maternity leave in a few months anywhere. “Georgie, how’s she doing. Any better?”
“Her fever has went down. But she has been whining all day to watch Cars with ya. I’m gonna go pick up Eve from daycare.” He carried her in his arms coming out of the room handing her to me since I was sitting on the couch.
She hugs her stuffed animal version of Lightning McQueen to her chest while I draped a blanket over us turning the tv on. “Oh I’m sorry my baby. Momma’s here now.”
I whispered seeing her face change to a smile when she started singing the words. And to my surprise it was a hundred percent correct. “We won't hesitate. To break down the garden gate. There's not much time left today, yeah. Life is a highway. I wanna ride it all night long. If you're goin' my way. Well, I wanna drive it all night long.”
“Through all these cities and all these towns. It's in my blood, and it's all around. I love you now like I loved you then. This is the road, and these are the hands. From Mozambique to those Memphis nights. The Khyber Pass to Vancouver's lights. Knock me down and back up again. You're in my blood, I'm not a lonely man.” I started singing alongside. She pretended to drive McQueen up in the air until she had to cough into my shirt, never dropping the smile on her little face.
We had finished the whole movie now watching the movie credits until the song came back on so I pulled my daughter up to her seeing that she was feeling better when I gave her chicken soup. “There's no load I can't hold. A road so rough, this I know. I'll be there when the light comes in. Just tell 'em we're survivors. Life is a highway. I wanna ride it all night long (whoo!). If you're goin' my way. I wanna drive it all night long (all night long)” Unknown to us Georgie had returned with Evelyn who ran over to join in our little dance party in the living room. Georgie took my hand in his holding Aurora’s other hand before the four of us were dancing around the apartment.
Georgie jumped out of the truck rushing inside the hospital waiting room coming outside with a nurse and a wheelchair helping me into it. Death gripping the handles I threw my head back seeing that he was walking right beside us while we found a room. “Georgie…”
“I'm right here, honey.” He squeezed my hand in his unit and we got inside a room where he lifted me bridal style onto the bed. He moved his hand up pushing hair from my eyes once I was laying down.
The doctor came inside the room not really sure of what to tell us since the history of my other pregnancies wasn’t in their system. They were back in our home town and it would take time before they would be sent over. “Mrs. Cooper, I have contacted your local hospital and we are waiting on the history records. But we will check your blood pleasure and everything that we can now.”
“What is that look for….what’s wrong please tell us?” A nurse put a finger reader on my left hand seeing that oxygen was normal along with everything else. But I saw concerns cross her face making me grip my husband’s hand tightly.
She called over her shoulder rushing out into the hallway. “Doctor, we have to tell them now!”
“Mr and Mrs. Copper, I hate to tell you this but the baby is currently in distress. According to the X-ray we did, the umbilical cord is wrapping around the baby, so we are going to have to rush you into surgery for a c-section.” The doctor entered the room again where I covered my mouth thinking I might puke from how bad that sounded.
Georgie lifted his head up trying to process what he just said. “Can you give us a minute alone, really quick. I need to be with her.” The doctor shut the door leaving us alone.
“Georgie, it’s happening just like when we had Rora. I mean what are we going to do... I’m scared.” I whispered wrapping my arms around him where he pulled me in for a short hug.
He broke the embrace resting a hand to my cheek while I was crying at the thought. I didn’t want to lose this baby considering I was so confident that it was a boy. I had also not lost a baby yet. “Hey look at me Y/n. You are going to get through this you hear me. You are the strongest person I know so we are going to have this beautiful baby inside you, I love you,”
“I love you too, Georgie.” I croaked out in tears wrapping my arms around him once more hearing the nurses come back and roll me back into surgery. I had no clue how long it had been by the time I woke up but I squinted my eyes open seeing that I was back in another hospital room. I had an iv in my left hand before I lifted up the blanket noticing that my stomach was no longer big like it was when I came in here.
The door got pushed open where I moaned attempting to sit up seeing Georgie bolt over to my bedside crying happy tears. “Thank god Y/n…I was so worried when they kept you in there longer than I cared for.”
“Oh Georgie…” Wrapping my arms around his neck I winced where I had to lay back down feeling some slight pain in my back and in between my legs. “Georgie, where's the baby. What happened during the surgery?”
He broke the hug sitting in the chair at my bedside making me shiver at his silence. That wasn’t a good sign where I stiffened my back against the pillows. I knew if we lost the baby I would feel so bad. “You can’t see him yet but he made it. I uh - named him while you were still asleep.”
“It’s actually a boy. What’s…his name?” Covering my mouth with my hands I started sobbing happily.
Georgie intertwined my hands with his smiling up at me. “Montana George Cooper.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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purplelea · 2 years
kingdom hearts for the character thing ^-^
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Okay so I'm gonna answer you both here since... it's the same ask haha ^^" @pinelo tagging you so you get the notification
Anyway let's go boysssss
Xion definitely. I love her so much, ever since I discovered her story in days the only thing I wanted was to see her come back. The idea that she didn't even have a face until Roxas saw her as a real person is soooo good. I love this message in kingdom hearts, that anything can be real and have a heart as soon as someone see them as having one. "By ourselves, we're no one. It's when others look at us, and see someone, that's the moment we each start to exist." Thank you Joshua. These words have never been more relevant than for Xion.
And here I will put... Player :) "But it's not a character, it's supposed to be you!" Nope. Not at all. Player is their own character. You may customize their appearance, but they make their own choices. They have their own personality. Would you, as the one playing KHUX, have chosen to join the dandelions? Probably. But Player did not. Anyway. Player my beloved. The speech they gave for Ephemer is living rent free in my mind. Also the scene when they pretended to be controlled by the Darkness? Ephemera just told them "hey Skuld and I are going to sacrifice ourselves for you" and Player went nope. No no no you are not doing that. They didn't even hesitate. My heart.
Scrimblo Bimbo
I'm going to put the whole twilight gang here (Hayner, Pence and Olette). MY BELOVEDS. I wouldn't say they're so underappreciated honestly but given how much love they deserve it's still not enough. They're so brave and funny and kind. Just a group of friends looking to enjoy their time and make new friends, but their new friends always get wrapped into super weird things. And there's also this friend that was only friend with digital versions of themselves. Oh, doesn't matter. He's their friend now. They're gonna save an old man from an evil man with Hayner's super flying sidekick to find him. They're the best.
Glup Shitto
Well it's not so much of an "obscure character" since the KH4 trailer, but considering only KHUX, then Strelitzia. Do I even have to explain myself? She's so sweet and kind and she absolutely did not deserve this. I don't think she would have been able to change Player's mind though, even if she managed to talk to them. But she was convinced that she should try despite everything, and I admire her for that. I can't wait to see more of her in kh4.
Poor little meow meow
And here is the case where I put... Isa!!! I love him so much. I hated him at first during days and kh2 but the implications of everything he did during DDD and kh3 really made me change my mind. Suggesting the idea of the replicas and suggesting to go fetch Even himself, explaining to the scientist his plan before letting him join the real org, then asking him to have demyx deliver Roxas' replica, then having Xion fight Axel and insisting on Axel and Roxas' names so she would wake up. King.
Horse Plinko
Character I would torture for fun? OH BUT YEN SID OF COURSE. I hate this guy. Relying only on Sora to fix the worlds and then scolding him when he fails? HE'S JUST A KID! Get up from your dumb chair and do something for once! No that one time in kh3 doesn't count. He could've done something sooner. The only thing that prevents me from sending him to superhell is because he isn't responsible for the death of thousands of children. And while we're talking about it...
Eeby Deeby
YOU. *grabs the MoM like a feral cat* YOU ARE GOING TO SUPER HELL. You know I get that he's doing this to destroy the darkness. I get it. It's true. Everything he's ever done has only been with one goal: to get rid of the darkness for good. But if Eraqus was a good example of how light can corrupt people, then MoM is an even better one. Is destroying the Darkness for good really worth all the hurt he caused? It's a question worth asking.
Ask game: give me any fandom!
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dukeoftheblackstar · 2 years
[ Moving my rants from FB to here for a while so I don't accidentally block a bitch and get fired ] 08/24/22
And in comes today's dilemma of honesty or just plainly taking it with a nod and moving on. I can't deal with the whole 'fix your tone' bullshit because that's what it is; absolute bull.
Fixing my tone is just another way of telling me to suppress my emotions which clearly indicates how passionate I am about what I believe in and the authenticity of airing my concern indicates how I take my responsibilities seriously.
I don't cuss nor throw insults, but when I'm upset I'm not about to pretend that I'm not. I'm not about to shift my entire personality because how people define professionalism is so flawed that it basically means to put your head down.
I'm not soft-spoken and I'm not sorry about that either. I hate small talks and flowery sentences when we can just be upfront about things and get it dealt with. Have more room for propositions and proper talk.
More and more do I feel like this company's a fucking chore to work with. I love what I do, the task at hand, but the fucking process changes is making it difficult for us. Certain processes we could do gets taken away, updates done without prior notice, and the way unreasonable Kens and Karen's are dealt with remains primitive.
Why not stand up for us, huh? Why not tell them they didn't read the email right? Why not go after how fucking shitty they are for not watching ACTUAL LOOM VIDEOS made tailored to their concerns? WHY NOT LOOK AT THE MTHRFCKIN SCREENSHOTS, YOU DUMB BITCH?
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But yes, customers are always right. No argument about this that would ever impact how the corporate runs you down like slaves because they pay your fucking bills.
I have to be coached for a few negative ratings because some bitch specifically said 'she thought' there was no workaround when I just gave her the fucking workaround with a fucking screenshot.
And another because our company product cannot do what she wants to, which was edit what a button would say on her checkout page. And there I was, being the even dumber bitch for trying, went out of my way to conjure a code she could use (even though we do not support coding assistance), offered it TWICE (to which she declined) went on a tirade about how our product is so shit.
Now comes the big decision of being honest or just taking the L and moving on. And by honest, I mean really calling out the fact that:
And then my boss. My boss is cool and kind, informative and shit. But same deal tho. You want us to always acknowledge shit, but you leave DMS the whole day unanswered? Tagged you in. Nothing. I get you have work more than us or even meetings, but a whole day tho? Even messages when I call in because I'm sick get unanswered. Cool fam. How tf am I supposed to know if I'm getting goddamn attendance points or not?
I had over forty, going fifty tickets amidst our 30-35 limit. I did chat and made no complaints from shifting my schedule from email to chat to chat to email because we had an outage. We were told to endorse potential bad - rating tickets and I did. I always do. I fucking always do because I take my fucking job seriously.
But I guess I fucking shouldn't, should I? Maybe I should just be mediocre at work and clock in between the hours I'm supposed to be and get the fuck out?
God fucking damn it, I am so fired up.
Fix my fucking tone. I'll fix your fucking face.
0 notes
devilfic · 2 years
Wait! Although, yes, the gender neutral thing is in all 3 projects, I actually meant that iswm was the only one that didn't show skin. I can't remember if the other projects were like that too, so i rewatched them (just the first parts) and unfortunately adwm showed skin, like a full hand, while ahwm showed a little bit between their long sleeves and gloves. Now i remember being sad about it... But what can i say... it's not like i've seen many representation of my kind in media anyway. So yeah, as someone with darker skin, i feel you 😔
In iswm, there is no skin color shown ever. It was always covered with gloves and socks/shoes. I feel that they learned and realized that's what it should be like, for the figure to be as neutral as possible so that everyone can identify with them. I wish they did that for adwm and ahwm, but it is what it is. I just hope they will continue to be as inclusive in their future projects.
I wouldn't say that my august and september would be completely stress-free, but yeah!!! Again, i feel so relieved, i'm glad i told you about it, and thank you for your encouragement!! Also, OH MY GOD. Okay. Well. I actually have read boogeyman part 2 a few times as of the moment i'm writing this ask. I don't want to sound like i'm repeating myself so i'm gonna put all my thoughts about it in the reblog tags. Oh and i will be sending my next request soon! Just in case tho, how detailed do you prefer your request to be??
What we do in the shadows sound interesting! I might give it a go, but for now, i'm actually in the middle of the sandman! I started watching it because of that gifset you reblogged, comparing battinson and sandman. I've heard of the sandman ever since the trailer came out, but i didn't know what it was, so i just.. didn't really pay attention to it, but then it's trending often and i saw that gifset and so i became curious about it!! Ugh there's so many things i wanna doooooo
Anyway, that letter from eddie looks so cool?????? If you told me that its a canon thing from the show i would believe it, like, the handwriting just suits him??? And the pictures!!!!!! Honestly it feels so weird but so cool at the same time??? I can't really explain it jdxhdjccjdb oh is it like a customized thing or??
ahh yeah, I went to watch ahwm and I noticed in some shots the hands were shown. but it didn't take me out of it too much! but you know the feeling. I had to pretend when I watched one direction's night changes mv at 15 that that was my white hand holding onto harry styles, what's a little more pretending I didn't see anything :)
yeah!! it's good they learned it'd be better to be more inclusive. I know some directors and stuff don't want things like that to interfere with their "creative vision" but going a little extra mile to make the audience feel included does wonders.
you're very welcome!! always happy to help. AND I SAW. it was a lot longer than the first one (almost twice as long? I think). I got carried away with it, I'll be honest. I know you really like the story so I thought I'd put in the extra effort ^^ thank you for continuing to support that story and reading it so enthusiastically!! it's so refreshing. as for requests, I give a few examples of requests that are too detailed in my guidelines, but honestly as long as you can leave me a little wiggle room, I can work with most anything!
OH SWEET YOU STARTED THE SANDMAN!! it's kinda crazy that dream's actor and robert pattinson used to be roommates (and I think they're still friends as well?). small world for goths. do you love death as much as I do? I love the usually broody, emo personifications of death in other media but her portrayal was a breath of fresh air.
and RIGHT. it feels like getting inserted into the canon in a little way. definitely on my nightly scenario rotation now. and it is customized to an extent, I believe! you tell them your name (my friend did it for me so I'm not sure of all the details) and I guess some other small details and they put something special together for you. like that playlist (I've got it saved on my spotify now OTL) ;-; I'm a sucker for playlists.
0 notes
savoryscribbles · 3 years
Whoever I Want Reacting to You Wearing Revealing Clothes
A/N: Ello!!! had this idea for awhile now, so here it is! I tried to make these as long as possible, but idk I just couldn't come up with a lot for some of them, srry.
I'm also not comfortable with anyone reading this who's below the age of 16-17ish cause it's heavily suggestive.
Also, reblog please? Let's me know you all actually read/like the content I make
Genshin Masterlist | Writing Masterlist
Parings: Zhongli, Childe, Albedo, Gorou, Thoma, Scara, & Xiao x gn(ish)!reader
CW/Content Warnings: uses the word "chest" but in those situations they could definitely be read as like a flat chest, swearing, mentions of food in Thomas, spoilers for Sangonomiya's story quest(Gorou's), light mentions of murder(it's an off handed joke)(Scara's), general mentions of them dying because of your hotness
Tags: spicyyy, fluff, men admiring your body(consensually), shyTM boys, ur kinda a little shit in Scaras
Pretends not to notice
Like you'll arrive on your date with your chest almost fully exposed and he'll still be talking about his damn Othmanthus wine
It's a different story if you point it out, simply "do you like my outfit?" Or "I wore something a little out of my comfort zone, I hope you like it?" He loves it trust me.
He will reassure you, he just didn't want to make you uncomfortable, so he tried to avoid staring as much as possible. But if you give him permission?
Oh ho ho, this man will not take his eyes off you, even if he's talking about his day, or rocks, or really whatever, he'll just be looking at you up and down.
It's not like a hungry gaze though? It's more like a deep appreciation, it's not filled with lust, it's more a 50/50, it obviously has some lust in it, but that doesn't overpower the sheer amount of love this man has for you.
Won't touch you, even if you tell him it's okay. Thinks that's something to do in private, or at least, farther away from people. Not in a tight packed restaurant.
Hand; all over you.
Obviously they wouldn't be if you were uncomfortable. But if you are comfortable with it... there's no getting away from him(you can't escape debt). If you're eating dinner, his hand won't leave your thigh, and if you both take a stroll afterwards, instead of his hand being in yours, as it normally is, it's found wrapped snuggle around your waist, rubbing gently up and down.
If you two share a kiss, he's hands might wonder further, running up your thigh, it's definitely gonna end steamy. Who could blame him? His partner just looks so good tonight, and he's the one and only person who gets to indulge in them? Sign him up!
Will complement you endlessly "your outfit fits you perfectly love." Will mumble under his breath "remind me to contact a tailor." Wants more outfits like these, where he can see you, feel you, hold you.
Oh and if anyone tries to cat call you, their name might end up on Wangsheng's lists of customers.
Stares, but tries not to get caught(definitely gets caught)
To shy to say he likes your body.
Imagines his hands running all over you.
If you make your way over to him, and ask him about your outfit, he won't be as shy to admit he likes it.
Does get hella blushy tho.
"Sucrose is this what a boner feels like?"
Wants to touch you so bad, but he's afraid he might actually explode.
Will actually explode if you grab his hands to touch you.
Buttttt if you get him alone... things might be a bit different. He will definitely be smirking(like the one in the trailer) and drag his hands up and down your body. Lightly brushing over your sensitive parts(not like your private ones? Like idk the back of your neck or anywhere else that's sensitive)
Blushyest man out here, but I think he's naturally confident, because that's kinda something you need to be a general. So I think he's have the guts to approach you.
He stutters his way through "y-you you look v-very sexyinthatoutfit(you look very sexy in that outfit)!"
He says that then bolts, "Her Excellency had to have written a solution to this somewhere."
All in all he's just afraid to see your negative reaction, even though there isn't one.
You're gonna have to chase him down, cause he really doesn't think he can face you. It's pretty easy to catch up to him though because he didn't expect you to follow him(because let's be honest, you could not outrun this man if you tried).
He thinks your gonna yell at him D: his tail even goes between his legs and he starts apologizing.
"I'm so so so sorry for objectifying you, please forg-" "it's okay Gorou." "-ive.. me, what?" "I said it's okay Gorou, you weren't objectifying me, and thank you, for calling me sexy."
This man is beet red by now, and honestly is incapable of forming a proper sentence, so just kiss him already smfh.
He will literally walk up to you and say this: "Are you a hot pot, cause you are just made of snacks." Tf does that mean Thoma?
He's lucky you love his cornyness.
Overall would be a gentleman, and refrained from touching you, even if you invited him to. As much as he would love to run his hands all over you, he has a status to uphold.
Not really different when you get him alone. The only difference is he'll take you up on your offer, and will gladly run his hands up and down your back.
Looks at you for not even a second then turns on his heals and walks out of whatever gathering you both were attending.
You follow him outside, worried if your outfit was to showy.
It's not, he's just a big baby who doesn't want strangers to see him blush. In fact, he won't even admit to you that he's blushing.
"Aw Scara, why's your face bright red?" "Shut up, I will literally kill you." "I doubt that, you look handsome yourself by the way." Stop please, this man will literally combust, I am not joking.
"You're going to pay for this." "You promise?" There's no way in hell either of you are going back to the party.
Are you trying to cause this mans premature death?
This 2000+ y/o adeptus is not prepared to handle you and all your glory. Please don't be surprised if he just evaporates.
You feel like you did something wrong so you try calling for him, "Xiao? Xiao I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He feels kind of guilty because you didn't do anything wrong, you just look, so. damn. hot.
"Hmph, you didn't do anything. You just, look really good." He responds as he reforms on the balcony. And your shocked tbh, you thought he actually left.
He's still not convinced of you tell him it's alright if he looks at you, can't help the guilt build up. But honestly, you just have to reciprocate the same energy, if you look at him as much as he looks at you, he won't feel guilty, just flustered.
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lovelytarou · 3 years
the language of flowers — oikawa tooru
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pairing: oikawa tooru x gn! reader
genre: fluff, flowershop!au
tags: flowerboy!oikawa, slowburn, strangers to lovers
word count: 4.06k
a/n: i finally finished this after 2536484 years of procrastination! but thanks to my moots shae and julie for showing support and giving their opinions about this concept hehe. this is the longest fic i've written wow 😳
⤷ summary: the flowershop on the street you frequently walk on going home is a wonder you didn't notice until recently when the smell of flowers caught your attention. deciding to enter it one day out of pure curiosity, you met the owner of the shop and with it, the start of a blooming romance.
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life was filled with repeating patterns, certain routines and habits that everybody has gotten used to doing. like the way you always took the same path when going home, passing by the familiar faces you encounter all the time, seeing the similar architecture and landscape that brings some sort of familiarity to you whenever you see it. 
your feet stopped in their own accord when a sweet smell invaded your nose. you inhaled deeply, the aroma pleasant and fresh. going a few steps back, you finally saw where it was coming from. the flower shop stood out like a sore thumb in the street with its vibrant flowers that you can see through the clear glass. the sunlight was shining down upon the beautiful flowers and they looked charming even from afar. 
you thought for a moment and decided that you'd stop by in the flower shop for a little while. besides, if the smell alone has caught your attention, who knows what else can? 
the soft tinkle of the bell on the door signalled your presence. you were simply in awe at the sight of the decorations inside the shop. it was breathtaking. numerous flowers, bouquets, wreaths, and some that you don't know the name about were placed neatly and elegantly inside the shop to let the customers feast their eyes (and noses) upon. 
giggles and loud laughter snatched you away from your thoughts, a huddled group of women and men alike are circling over something - or someone? - and they seemed to be too entertained about it than the flowers themselves. chuckling quietly, you shook your head and decided to look around the place more for yourself. 
there were buckets and baskets of anemones in pinks, reds, and purple. there were also daffodils, camellias, and tulips of many colors that you can't help but get sucked in by them. you can't think which one to go to first, there are so many! the hanging plants are wonderful as well, they can make for great decoration. the succulents look cute and adorable, it can also be manageable if you find yourself too busy to take care of a plant. 
you were too deep in your thoughts, caressing a blue tulip to even notice the sudden silence in the shop and the ringing of the bell at the door that tells you the previous patrons have exited the flower shop and you're now alone. or so you thought.
“beautiful,” a sing-songy, lilting voice spoke from behind you, causing you to jolt from where you're admiring the flower and turned towards the owner of the voice. 
if the flowers took your breath away, well he made you get your breath stuck in your throat. he looks like he's not from around him, and simply breathing in his space is something short of disgraceful. you took in his wavy side-swept dark brown hair, and his welcoming eyes of the same color that shone with mischief. his lips are stretched into a smile. 
wow, he is really tall. you're surprised he hadn't reached the ceiling of the shop. he seemed pretty intimidating with his height alone, but there's an air around him that screams playfulness.
“ah, i meant the tulips.” he apologized as a blush coated his beautiful clear cheeks, a hand touching his nape.
“oh!” you cleared your throat, immediately bringing the tulip back where it respectfully resides, “yes, they're very wonderful to look at. you have a lovely shop, uh…” 
he seemed to perk up at the inquisition of his name, he chuckled to himself before offering his hand.
“oikawa tooru, nice to meet you! and thanks, i do try hard to keep this flower shop presentable for customers like you who have taste.” he winked, walking past you and you followed suit – eyes practically glued to his form as he moved swiftly around his small shop.
“must be difficult to run a business like this all by yourself,” you wondered, fingers brushing against petals that your hand can reach. 
it's odd, but staying in there for just a few minutes has brought you a sense of relaxation. as if the flowers all around you and talking to oikawa is such a breath of fresh air. 
“well, you get used to it after a while. besides, i have my friends, uh...help me sometimes.” he nervously chuckled, he certainly knew that 'help' means that force his friends to carry things around while blackmailing them and bribing them for lunch, then sure, he had them help him. 
you only hummed in response. 
he turned around after a while, a pink lily in his hand.
“i think this suits our gorgeous customer, don't you think?” he smirked, handing the flower with a flourish which you took gently – causing your hands to touch and making you feel that slight tingle people talk about in movies and books. 
you felt silly about the way your face heats up at the small gesture, your gaze not straying away from the flowers in fear of letting oikawa see his effect on you. 
but you can try with all your might, nothing can stop him from already seeing your flushed face. he always does these things to entertain the customers but he found his chest feeling warm staring at you like that.
going back to his place in the cashier, he started to tidy up a bit for the next customers that will visit the shop. his brown eyes kept staring at you from time to time as you walked around, trying to see if there's anything else you could buy along with the lily – but we all know it's just to keep your attention away from him and the fact that he can make your heart race with mere flirting.
“i never really noticed your shop before, and i have walked this street for how many times now.” you droned on, playing with the cute pots on the shelf – some of them were heads of the cliché green alien and other space themed stuff which you find adorable, bringing a fond smile to your face.
“oikawa's flower shop is like a secret garden, my dear customer.” he boasted, spraying freesias on the cashier desk with a smile on his face.
“it truly looks like one,” you agreed, with one final look in the flower shop, you walked closer to the cashier and got out your wallet. 
“no, no. it's on the house, lovely.” he beamed, stopping the hand in your bag.
“really? thank you.” your face flushed at the feeling of his hands – the very same one who took care of these beautiful flowers – touching yours. 
he recoiled, as if burned. his face painted a deep red like the roses by the windows. both of you looked away, like two magnets of the same sign – coming in contact with each other only to repel.
“well, um, i'll see you around then.” you muttered, breaking the silence. 
“yeah, see you.” oikawa smiled warmly. hopefully much sooner, he hoped.
with one last look at each other, you turned around and exited the secret garden. you walked home that day all smiles and giddy, still feeling the lingering touch he has left on your skin, how warm and calloused they felt. maybe from how hard he was working. 
you wondered if you'll ever see him again soon. 
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the second time you visited the flower shop was when you saw oikawa in one of the coffee shops you frequented. it turned out that he usually stops by for coffee and his milk bread when the shop's particularly slow. he asked to walk you home and since you're both taking the same path, you agreed. 
he turned out to be a very chatty person – not the kind that will annoy you because they only talk about themselves, but the amusing kind because he has a lot of stories stored inside his big brain full of tales about him and his friends, and occasionally asking about your life as well.
you two had fallen into a comfortable pace as you walked together, sipping both your beverages. 
“hey, let's play truth or dare!” he blurted, eyes sparkling in excitement and thinly veiled mischief, a bright smile on his lips.
“really? here? now?” you asked, incredulous. isn't this something people do in parties around a lot of people? 
“yeah! it'll be fun,” he shrugged. 
“well, okay then.” you sighed, before sipping your drink, “you go first.” 
“okay…” he pretended to think hard, eyes darting everywhere as he hummed, “truth or dare?”
“you don't really need to think so hard about that,” you chuckled.
“just pick!” 
“alright, alright. truth!” you beamed at him, trying to understand what his brain will cook up to ask you.
“ah, that's easy. what's your name?” oh, that's right. you forgot to tell him back then the first time you went in his flower shop. and so, you told him.
“y/n. what a beautiful name. okay, my turn! my turn!” he excitedly chanted, eyes never losing their sparkle. 
you ignored the butterflies that erupted in your stomach the moment he said your name, as if he's taking his time and tasting it around his tongue like a foreign delicacy he hasn't tasted before. 
you cleared your throat, averting his gaze as they zeroed in on you, “truth or dare, mr. milk bread?” 
“hey, they taste really good, i'll have you know.” he scoffed, before his face morphed back into excitement again, “dare!”
you thought for a moment, there isn't really anything too interesting to do while walking. and then you smirked.
“i dare you to greet the person who will walk this corner as if you knew each other for a very long time,” you grinned devilishly. he gaped at that, before darting his gaze towards the street corner you were talking about. 
“y/n-chan, i didn't know you would be the type,” he teased, you were about to retort when a huge, buff man walked around the corner. he looked intimidating, even for you and you wondered what oikawa might be feeling right now. 
but you didn't need to wonder about it any longer as he was already walking up to the man, confident and grinning. he raised his hand in the air before slapping the guy on the shoulder. 
“hey, long time no see, man! say hello to the wife and kids for me, will ya?” the man gave him a weird look before shaking his head, walking past and minding his own business muttering about 'kids these days'.
once the guy was out of earshot, you and oikawa bursted out in laughter, looking at each other with relief and surprise.
“i thought he was going to pulverize you!” you wheezed in between chortles.
“i know! me too! i thought he'll get mad at me or something,” he threw his head back as he laughed. you stopped your own giggles to stare back at him. he looked radiant as he let himself go, you thought he looked attractive with the way he candidly showed his happiness.
“something wrong, y/n-chan?” you hadn't realized he stopped laughing and was left staring at him. his head was tilted in curiosity as he peered at you in concern.
“not at all!,” you catch yourself, suddenly feeling hot and embarrassed, hoping he didn't notice you ogling him, “where were we?”
“it's your turn now, truth or dare?” feeling bold, you chose dare next. 
oikawa gave you a broad smile, his hand extending towards you as if encouraging you to take it, “i dare you to stay a little longer with me in my shop,”
to be honest? you expected him to get back at you and maybe make you do an equally embarrassing (if not more) dare, but you did not expect this. 
what you also didn't expect is the fact that you had stopped in front of oikawa's flower shop with your back turned to it. how did you reach there so fast? it seemed like talking and walking with him made time stop. a part of you would like to keep it that way, if only it was possible.
“i would love to,” was your answer. oikawa opened the door to his shop, letting you in first. he then led you near the back of the shop, opening into a wide backyard that resembled a small, gorgeous garden with different kinds of flowers. some even you haven't seen him display in the shop inside. 
the two of you sat on the two seated table. you were simply at awe with how ethereal this all looked. your eyes couldn't get enough of all the wonderful colors that it landed on.
“wow,” was all you managed to say, taking in your surroundings and appreciating every nook and cranny presented to you.
“i spent most of my breaks here,” oikawa came back with two glasses of water and placed them on the glass table. 
“usually talking to myself and talking to the flowers. i heard it helps them grow faster and makes them more beautiful.” he, too, looked around his small garden with unconcealed pride and fondness. if you looked closer, you could also see the hint of sadness hidden in there. 
“you talk to your flowers? that's so cute!” you gushed, hiding your smile behind the glass of water as you sipped it.
“if anything, you're the one who's cute.” he complimented as if it was nothing, eyes boring into yours as his smile widened.
you choked on your water, coughing it up out of surprise and it was the opposite of cute. but his opinions didn't change.
oikawa barked a laugh, reaching over to pat your back soothingly. once you calmed down, you avoided his gaze once again and decided to stare at the sunflowers nearby. 
“we should just continue the game,” you decided to divert the topic. 
“truth or dare, cutie?” oikawa bit back the grin from emerging on his face. hiding it with a palm propped up on the table.
“d-dare,” you answered without thinking. and oikawa being the little shit he is, took this as an opportunity.
“i dare you to go on a date with me this saturday,” he sincerely declared, eyes not leaving you once. your head whipped back to him so fast, you swear you got whiplash. 
you're not one of these flowers and yet you felt the butterflies going wild inside of you.
your heart beat rapidly inside of your chest, pounding hard and ringing in your ears. 
“you don't need a dare to get me to say yes,” you reasoned with a wide smile.
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oikawa tooru, like his flowers, is a lively, blooming person. you get to know that the moment you agreed to go on a date with him. it followed a few hangouts, and frequent bumping into each other considering this was a small town, afterall. how you haven't noticed such a vibrant person in your life was beyond you.
you see him everywhere, every day in your life right now. in the small bushes that your neighbor has in their garden, the alien and sci-fi movies in the store which were his favorite every time he invited you to watch a movie, the milk bread you saw in the coffee shop you both love to go, and even the characters in the books you love to read. oikawa tooru practically invaded your life the moment you invited yourself in his flowershop and you loved every second of it.
every time you two hang out together, he never misses to bring you any flower. you'd always keep them with you until you come home, placing them in a vase and watering them constantly, taking care of them like how much oikawa takes care of the flowers. you paid no mind to it, only thinking that it was a sweet gesture from him until your friend decided to comment on the fresh flowers on top of your coffee table.
the both of you had known each other for a very long time now and that she's going to get married, she wanted you to be a part of it too. setting down the tea in front of her on the table, you sat down beside her, engulfing her in a hug. 
“oh, y/n! i missed you so much! it's been busy with all the planning for the wedding and the people to invite, i still haven't tried on my dress and tasted the cake, it's kind of stressing me out!” she immediately let her sorrows and agony free the moment you let go of the hug.
“speaking of stress, is there anything i could do to help?” you reached for her hand, rubbing it soothingly in circles. 
she hummed thoughtfully, sipping her tea to calm her nerves, “now that i thought about it, we still don't know anyone good enough for the flower decorations in the venue,” she pouted, sighing sadly. 
a lightbulb lit itself on top of your head, making you perk up, “i know someone who does!” 
“really? are they good?” oh more than good, you wanted to butt in but shake your head free of those thoughts. 
“of course! he's actually the one who gave me these, he takes real good care of them.” you gestured towards the tulips in your vase. it seems like her eyes lit up and she immediately fell in love with the flowers. 
“tulips?! oh, y/n, my dear, he's in love with you!” she squealed in glee, bouncing in her seat like a little kid.
“how did you know that by simply looking at my tulips?” 
“giving tulips to someone means a declaration of love, sweetie.” she sighed dreamily, “you might as well plan for your wedding too!” 
“don't be ridiculous!” you exclaimed, trying your best not to smile too wide. 
you weren't too against on the idea, but you just met afterall. it would be too early for another wedding. even though he never failed to show his affection every time you are together, there's still a lingering doubt whether he did like you in that way.
as promised, you asked oikawa about it the next day, stopping by his flower shop with coffee and his beloved milk bread since it's his break. 
“y/n-chan! it's always a pleasure to be visited by you again,” he greeted you, he was attending to a few customers in the store and excused himself before talking to you. your heart swelled with the action, not being able to hide your smile this time.
“tooru, i was just stopping by to ask you a favor. my friend's wedding is getting near and she still doesn't have any flower decorations for the venue. i mentioned you and i was wondering if you're the one who could do it instead?” you bit your lip nervously, fumbling with the paperbag containing the bread as you looked up at him hopefully. 
seriously, how can he resist you looking at him that way? your eyelashes fluttering, mouth formed into a pout, eyes shining brightly. you're just asking him to devour you whole. before he knew it, he had leaned in to peck the corner of your mouth. 
it completely shocked you to your core. he hasn't done that kind of thing before, always being respectful and never doing anything you didn't want to. but strangely, you weren't mad at him for it. to tell the truth, you kinda wished he kissed you more. 
“i'd love to, y/n-chan.” he uttered, pinching your cheek before turning to hide his own reddened face. 
that was basically the last time you saw each other since you recommended him to your friend. and since then, he has been busy and you tried to help with the wedding as well. you figured oikawa has his hands full with taking care of the decorations for the wedding, but even then, he would still message you or even facetime you after – asking about how yiur day went and craving to see your face without him being able to for how long.
the day of the wedding came and it was magical. your heart melted the moment your friends said their “i do's” as everybody clapped and rejoiced with them. the moment you stepped into the venue, everyone was amazed, speechless at the decorations being the first thing their eyes could feast upon. pink and white roses was all you could see – ranging from vine-like ones hanging from the ceiling, to arches in the doorway, and some are even placed neatly on the tables. 
to sum it all, it was breathtaking.
“your boyfriend did amazing,” your friend teased, bumping her hip to yours as she walked away with her husband to greet some guests.
you were left standing there, mouth agape as you took everything in. you couldn't wrap your head around the idea of oikawa managing to do all this by himself, but then again, he has surprised you by doing a lot of things you didn't know he could do. 
“you know, if you stayed here longer there won't be enough food left for you.” the familiaf voice you grew to love and got used to spoke from behind you. something tugged in your chest, the events seeming like déjà vu all over again. 
“i'm just admiring your work, tooru.” you smiled, turning around to face the man behind the beautiful decorations. 
he's changed his clothes into a more formal attire than his usual getup with the aprons and white button up shirt for a maroon suit and tie. he even styled his hair back, if you didn't know him long enough you might have mistaken him for someone else. 
“you look...good,” you managed to breathe out, it seems like the decorations aren't the only ones that are breathtaking. your eyes drank him in, how the clothes hug his frame perfectly, the color complimenting his skin tone, and the fact that his fluffy hair is swept away really makes you want to jump his bones right here, right now.
“and you look gorgeous. i must say, i don't mind you looking like this all the time, y/n-chan.” he chuckled, a shit-eating grin blooming on his face as he eyed you up and down slowly. your face grew hot against his stare and you felt naked, as if his eyes can see through you. 
“th-thanks, tooru.” you mumbled, playing with the hem of your clothes. before any of you could speak, however, the emcee spoke on stage calling out the bride and groom to give a speech. 
you all gathered around the small stage as they thanked everyone for coming to the wedding, inclduing the guests, their helpers, the staff. after all the mushy speech, she declared it was time for the dance, turned around and threw the bouquet (that's also from oikawa) to the audience. 
you saw the thing flying to you and out of pure instinct, you threw your hand in front of you and ended up catching the bouquet. everyone around you clapped including oikawa himself as you stared at it wide eyed. your gazed met oikawa's and as if your face couldn't get any hotter, you also felt the fast beating of your heart when you stared at each other. 
everybody howled and chanted teasing remarks at the two of you. instead of paying attention to the newly weds they picked the two of you as the center of their amusement. 
your friend's voice overpowered them all as she also chanted, “kiss! kiss! kiss! kiss!” 
oikawa looked at you with a raised brow and you can only smile bashfully in return before you felt the world turn upside down, oikawa dipping you as he kissed you passionately and deeply. time seemed to stop once again as everything blurred and all you can feel is him, and all he can feel is you. he hoped it would be enough to pour all the emotions and words he wanted you to know. 
it felt like the kiss lasted forever before he pulled away, the two of you out of breath as you giddily smiled at each other, both sharing a lovestruck look.
“is it too early to ask you to marry me?” 
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general taglist: @chibishae34 @behan @bukojuiice (tagging you here bcs you're excited for this)
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mmilkbreadd · 3 years
Chapter twenty five: “The End”
Masterpost - Prev.
Warning(s): a bit of swearing ; post-timeskip manga spoilers!!
Or aka, ‘The Sakusa Kiyoomi Theory’
Act One: “Who is Sakusa Kiyoomi?”
Saturday, 6:23 am, “y/n's home”
“You're late,” said y/n with crossed arms, she was already waiting for him at the door of her house. “I hope this doesn't become routine.”
It was already morning in the streets of Paris. Tendou Satori and her neighbor (and best friend), y/n l/n, were walking towards their famous bakery and chocolate shop, ‘Sweet Strawberries.’ It was a small place with a few tables to sit for tea and delicious things to eat. Also, although it was small, it was quite crowded.
“Woah, how angry you are today, little baker... More than usual, actually” y/n shook her head at her friend's comment. “But obviously I already know why, and it seems that you know why too.”
Y/n decided to ignore what Satori had said, and keep walking quite ahead of him. It was still an hour before the store opened, but they already had several orders that were due to deliver around nine in the morning. A three-tier wedding cake, forty heart-shaped chocolates for the anniversary of a married couple, and of course, the strawberry cake for someone named Sakusa Kiyoomi.
Around a quarter to seven, they arrived at the bakery, and they got down to work to get all the orders completed on time. 
Tendou was more dedicated to the chocolate part, of course, and to serve customers. Despite y/n had advanced a lot in terms of her social skills, she still needed to learn a little about how to communicate normally with a person.
“That 'Sakusa Kiyoomi' has a Japanese name, do you think he is too?” y/n asked, wiping flour from her hands.
“I don't know, they could be. But doesn't that name sound too familiar to you?”  Satori replied.
“That's exactly what I was thinking!”
“Yeah... Anyway, the customer asked not to make the chocolate so bitter so add more milk to that please.”
“Yes, boss!” Satori made a military signal and continued his work.
Act Two: “Pretending to be Sakusa Kiyoomi.”
8:39 am, “Paris” (?)
Bokuto Koutarou, along with Miya Atsumu and Hinata Shoyo were lost in Paris. They had circled the Eiffel Tower at least five times. But it seemed they hadn't realized it yet.
They were more lost than Bokuto studying math. But a simple city would not defeat them so easily... would it?
“Maybe we should have brought Sakusa,” Hinata said after round number six.
“And hear him complain about how dirty everything is? No thanks,” Atsumu Miya replied, shaking his head. “We don't need Omi-Omi. I, Miya Atsumu, am enough to know where we are.”
Atsumu put a hand on his chest, pretending to be offended. Bokuto and Hinata looked around, ignoring the enormous tower behind them, wondering where they were.
“And where are we then?”
“Paris, of course” he replied. “I can’t believe you’re seriously asking that, Shoyo.”
Hinata and Bokuto looked at each other, unable to believe what their teammate was saying.
“Sure…” Bokuto said, getting his phone out of his pocket. It was time to be the serious person of the trio. “Akaashi, we got lost” and that time was now over. Koutarou was crying as he spoke to his friend, who was on another continent. “No, I can't stop crying, Akaashi. I swear I was following the steps you wrote on the map so we wouldn't get lost, but Atsumu wanted to take the lead, so he broke the instructions, and we don’t know where we are. It's all his fault...! No, Sakusa has not come either.”
“Hey! It wasn't my fault,” the dyed blonde complained, crossing his arms. “And we never needed Omi-Omi!”
“Okay, Akaashi, I'll do it. Bye, love you… As a bro of course” Bokuto finished saying and hung up. “He told me I have to call Tendou. Is the only way.”
Hinata started shaking his head from side to side, while Atsumu slapped his forehead with his hand. Then a message came from Keiji; It was the number of Tendou Satori himself. Bokuto started dialing the numbers that appeared on the screen of his phone, on Hinata's.
“Wait wait, shouldn't I speak? He might recognize your voice” Hinata said, awkwardly taking the phone from Bokuto's hands. 
“He would also recognize yours, Shoyo. I'll do it.” Atsumu snatched the device from him and pressed the call button. “Hello, sir, what’s up? I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi, could you help me get to your store? I'm a bit lost... How did I get your number you ask? Eh– It's on your website dude! You should delete it, some people pretend to be someone else and you should not fall for that...”
Act Three: “If Sakusa Kiyoomi was real, we should have brought him.”
10:04 am, “Sweet Strawberries Bakery and Chocolate Shop”
“I can't believe it took us almost two hours to get here! It wasn't even that far from the hotel” Hinata said looking towards the building that was a few meters in front of them.
“Six blocks. Can’t believe it either.” Atsumu wiped the sweat from his brow. “And now that? Are we going in or not?”
Bokuto went pale. He was going to see you, after so many years without communicating or having exchanged glances. He never imagined that he would see you again after that cold day in Miyagi. He had made a thousand scenarios in his head of how you two meet again: in some distant future you visit your hometown and he visits Hinata, and thus you meet in the park or on the street. You would have your own family, and he would have his. But that would happen in many years, not now. Not at this moment, when neither of you had grown enough... When he hadn't managed to forget you yet. But these weren't Koutarou's inventions, this was reality.
The incredible and stupid reality.
“I don't want to go in,” Bokuto said suddenly and stopped walking. “I’m not ready.”
Atsumu, who was already one step away from the door, turned to see him. Hinata collided with Miya's chest because he was walking right behind him.
“What are you talking about? Let's go in now” Atsumu said walking towards the ex-owl. “We didn't change the whole tour just so you don't go see your little girlfriend… We change it so you do! Don't be scared, do it now or you'll regret it for life. I remember how you talked about her during practice, and I even want to meet her after that! Come on dude, use the little braveness you have left.”
It seemed that Atsumu's words, or Hinata's smile next to him, made Bokuto take courage and head towards the entrance of the shop. 
A bell rang before three pairs of feet echoed through the small place. There was a great smell of chocolate that invaded every inch of the establishment. Hinata paced around the place until the sound of a door opening made the three teammates turn their heads to where the sound was coming from.
“Welcome, what can I offer-- So all of you are Sakusa Kiyoomi, huh?” Satori Tendou said, coming out of the back-room. “You see guys, I never believed this would happen. It makes me think a lot too… So, is Sakusa Kiyoomi even real?”
Atsumu, Hinata, and Bokuto were paralyzed in place for several seconds. The former Shiratorizawa monster stood with his hands on his hips, staring at them.
“Is it Sakusa Kiyoomi? Tell him I'm coming in a minute!” y/n yelled from the back room.
“Oh no, y/n, it’s someone much better!” Tendou replied, holding back his laughter. “You won't believe it even if you see this!”
Then, silence took over the place until a few quick steps interrupted it. A figure appeared through the door, with several boxes in their hands. A pile of boxes so big it covered their face.
“Help me, Satori, I'm going to fall” y/n complained, and after Tendou took out the boxes that covered her view, she saw her friend smiling widely. “What?”
Satori, who couldn't contain his laughter anymore, gestured with his head towards the three statues in the middle of the place. And finally, seeing her friend's face, he started to laugh out loud.
“A-and Hinata!” shouted Bokuto nervously. Shoyo looked at him and then pointed at Atsumu.
“And also Atsumu!”
“And Saku– shit, we should have brought Omi-Omi after all…”
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Note: I am very very very very sorry for not posting this sooner, but I had thousand of things going on in my life. Now I’m better and ready to finish this beautiful, and crazy, love-story.
I hope you loved it as much as I did. I truly enjoyed it writing, and I’m happy to finish it too.
I’ll appreciate it a lot if you comment down below what you thought about the series. I’ll read you later -Tina.
Tags in reblog!
Thanks for reading🥰
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whatwwwwwww · 4 years
Quarantine Ask Game
oh hi! okay
Are you staying home from work or school?
I got a job at a small grocery store right at the beginning of quarantine. So no, but we only do online orders and no customers are allowed in the store, so I'm less worried than I was (but we still wear masks)
If you're staying home, who is there with you?
My dad and my cats. We moved my cats from my mom's house to my dad's house, again, at the beginning of quarantine, and honestly my mental health and our relationship have improved vastly.
Are you a homebody?
A bit but damn if I didn't enjoy going out every once in a while! Or having friends over for dinner 😔
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
I wanted to go to this recurring once-a-month sex party that I'd only been to once before.
What movies have you watched recently?
"Being There" is a very strange movie from the late seventies about an autistic-coded man who works as a gardener, had almost never left the house, and has recently lost his occupation-residence after his previous employer had died. It used to be one of my dad's favorite movies. I find it both intriguing and offensive, not just for ableism. There are probably better ways to spend your time than watching this movie.
I'm also half-way through "Troop Zero" bc Allison Janney and Viola Davis and vicariously living the unhinged girl childhood that I never had through film. I'm not really enjoying it lol
What shows are you watching?
"Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts" is something I'm on my third or fourth watch of lol. It's so good! Engaging plot, vibrant colors, dope music, gays!!! Also trying out "Star Trek: Deep Space 9" but I can't really get into it.
What are you reading?
Nothing, I should probably buy a book online while I still can. Thanks for the reminder!
What music are you listening to?
Whatever's on my Spotify, I usually just listen to the same album over and over. This week it's my Discover Weekly playlist.
How are you practicing self-care?
I've gotten really into gardening. I made a Hügulkultur mound and I'm almost ready to cover it with topsoil! Can't wait to give some food to my community. Also I've been buying groceries for this family and I'd like to give them fresh veggies (I gotta figure out what to do about that, how to join a mutual aid network so it's not just me. Like I don't mind it but it'd be nice).
Anything else?
I am. So tired!
Thanks for tagging me @algorizmi ! This was fun, and made waiting for my dad much more bearable. I now tag @freakin-edikan @the-blackfoot-contessa @orangemermaidprincess @pinabutterjam @theempathicnihilist @vacant-venus @cantaloupe-cream @soldierinapotatoarmy
If you weren't tagged and you feel like you were missing out, feel free to join in! You can even pretend I tagged you lol I don't mind!
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One → Two
a/n: guess who finally got a laptop mofos? when I say that this fic has given me grief.....I am in no way exaggerating,,,, but, the past is behind us! let’s just enjoy it now 😅 pls...I seriously hope y’all like this. technically it’s still Friday for some people ;) and I promise that the story will get better as we go along.
Pairing: Hoseok x Female Reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Warnings for this chapter: Mentions of alcohol consumption, a creeper dude, emotional abuse, insinuations of past sexual abuse, insinuations of self harm, language.
Word count: 3.7k
Trigger Warning: if you are easily triggered by this type of stuff, pls don't read it. I have some fluff on my account, you should enjoy that instead! Here's a link to my other works → BTS ML
Tag list: @melikeylikeyjimin
If you wanna be on the tag list, send me an ask or dm :)
Daisies in the Dark Masterlist
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All stories have a beginning and all stories have an end.
But, how does one know where to start a story? And maybe, sometimes we don't want to know the end; since unfortunately, not all stories have a good finish. Perhaps we'd like to leave it unfinished and rewrite it in our minds, because all humans want a happy ending.
You're still reading so I guess you'd like to see for yourself how this story goes.
Have you ever heard the story of how the sun fell in love with the moon?
Well, you're about to...
And I can't promise you that it's going to go the way you'd like.
3 yrs before the incident
One more chance. I'll give her one more chance, you thought as you grit your teeth, watching your once best friend in the lunch line chatting it up with the annoying girl from history class.
Your breath caught in your throat when your former bff Lena made eye contact with you from across the cafeteria after filling her lunch tray. A small smile went to find it's way onto your face when Lena's eye contact lingered, but it was gone in a matter of seconds when she just twitched an eyebrow and sauntered off to sit at a table across the room; the conversation between Lena and her new bestie continuing as if nothing had happened.
So it was true, she'd left you for someone else. Like you were worth nothing more to that girl than a tissue; use it once and throw it away. Not a very good comparison at the time, but that's all you could think of as you watched them sit down; you were worth no more than a small used tissue.
Your hands started to twitch awkwardly not knowing what to do with themselves now and you stared at the lasagna on your lunch tray; if you could even call it that–all it was was a lump of overcooked noodles drenched in sauce the color of a burnt tomato with who knows what posing as the ground beef, covered in a crispy layer of cheese.
You definitely weren't hungry, but staring at the sad excuse for lunch in front of you and contemplating life as nothing more than a wisp of a tissue floating through the air, not knowing where it might end up–was better than watching Lena start a new chapter without you.
It didn't make sense, you were best friends...weren't you? Guess it didn't matter now, since a friendship takes two people to make it work, and seeing as one was currently occupied elsewhere, you would have to make do with what you had, which was...a depressed piece of lasagna staring at you from it's home on the untouched tray. You poked at it with your fork and looked at it-thinking. Then you whispered to the disheartening meal,
"Oh well...at least you're not gonna leave me for that annoying- what was her name? I don't even know, but who cares, right?"
Then you suddenly realized what you were doing and looked up quickly in embarrassment, afraid someone had seen you. But the regular drone of kids talking, shouting and laughing was the same as always. Of course no one had noticed, because you were invisible.
And you were talking to a piece of lasagna.
Highschool was great....
You were a senior this year, at seventeen. At least this was the last year of hell, then you could do whatever you wanted. You had a lot of things you wanted to do and places to travel to, maybe you couldn't do them all but you'd be damned if you didn't at least try.
But one thing was for sure, you couldn't just sit there and stare at that fake lasagna pretending like Lena wasn't betraying you right across the room. So you got up and brought your uneaten food to the window where kids leave their empty lunch trays and put your tray down, but kept the small carton of chocolate milk. Then headed out of the cafeteria to spend the rest of your lunchbreak in the library. You fiddled with the unopened milk carton and mumbled to yourself while you walked,
"It's fine, I don't need her anyway."
Just numb the pain.
That wasn't the first or the last time.
2 yrs before the incident
"Uhhh, ya know what little missy? I think if you give me twenty-five percent off everything, maybe we could come to a compromise?"
This man......was going to die in a minute if he kept going on like this.
You tried your hardest not to just scream at this pervert to leave and say you wouldn't do a damn thing for him. You just settled for licking your dry lips while he started to smirk at you. He brought his hand up to rest against the counter, then started to slowly tap his fingers. You made eye contact with him and said sternly, "I'm sorry sir, but I can't do that."
"What if I give you my phone number? And we'll make it fifteen percent..." He tried again, not once breaking eye contact with you.
"Excuse me sir-"
"Yes, doll?"
"Do you have a coupon?"
"No, I don't bu-"
"Then no, we can't move the price down at all, would you like to pay the full price or leave sir?" You stared him dead in the eyes, this creep, you thought angrily, how dare he call me that? I hope he just leaves, I don't care if he doesn't buy anything. The man leaned over the cash register, "hmm, this isn't very good customer service. Maybe I won't come back." Please don't, you thought, but instead of saying that you settled for, "it's not about customer service, this is store policy, I'm sorry sir but I can't do anything."
"Ya know what? I like it when you call me sir- you say that a lot to me....what's a pretty little lady like you doing working in a rundown grocery store, hm? What about college? You're what, eighteen? If you'd like, I can give you my number and you won't have to worry about this job, I'll take care of you." He smirked and arched an eyebrow at you from the other side of the counter.
It was probably a good thing there was a big cash register between the two of you, since you weren't sure what would've happened if you had free range. By now your brain was just blurry and you saw nothing but blackness because of the fury settling inside. What a disgusting man. You didn't care if you got fired, you were gonna teach him a lesson or two about trying to get young girls to do stuff for him in exchange for money. You leaned forward which made him lean back in surprise, then you said loud enough for the other people in line to hear,
"If you do not pay the full price right here right now, then leave. If you think I'm looking for a sugar daddy then you are sadly mistaken. You have enough money to pay for a girl's life in exchange for your own personal services, so you have enough to pay the full thirty five dollars. There are people waiting behind you so make up your mind now, sir." You said the last word mockingly and raised an eyebrow at him in defiance. The man's eyes grew in shock, then he glared at you but he didn't say a word as he threw forty bucks in your direction, grabbed his bags and stomped out of the store.
You took a deep breath and smiled at the next customer who cautiously came forward with their items.
The second you stepped through the door after working a twelve hour shift you slumped against the wall and yanked your sneakers off; dropping them to the floor carelessly. The apartment was dark so you assumed your mom wasn't home- probably out drinking away her troubles again. Walking into the kitchen, you sighed at the sink full of dirty dishes, and the counters that were no better. The smell wasn't too bad, probably because your nose was used to it by now. You walked to a cupboard and rummaged around until you found a sleeve of saltine crackers. After that you grabbed the softened butter and a knife and walked to your room; stepping over and around the miscellaneous junk spread throughout the apartment.
After about an hour of sitting on your bed, scrolling through your phone and munching on what your dinner was that night, you heard the door open and what you could only assume was your mother stumble inside. Your mother's heels clacked against the hard floor by the door, then a heavier pair of footsteps could be heard with them. You sighed deeply, but stayed as quiet as you could. Not again, you thought miserably. Just, please just go do whatever you're gonna do and leave me alone, you prayed silently squeezing your eyes shut.
There was a lot of stumbling and cursing and your chest was tight with anxiety, scared that at any moment they would drunkenly come into your room by accident. Eventually, your mother's bedroom door slammed shut and you let out the breath you had been holding. Thank you God, thank you, you clasped your hands and shook them, then carefully and as quietly as you could, you set the remaining crackers and butter on your nightstand. Then you shifted in bed to lie on your left side and tried to make sure the bed didn't creak at your movements– cringing a little when it squeaked a bit. It was gonna be alright, he–whoever he was, didn't know you were in the house.
You closed your eyes and tried to ignore the lingering feeling on your skin, even though it had been over a year since the last time. You stuffed your hands over your ears, willing yourself to sleep despite whatever was going on on the other side of the wall.
Morning came all too soon, and with it a massive pounding headache from the lack of sleep. You groaned when the sun hit your eyes and made the darkness an annoying shade of orangey red from behind your eyelids, your brain in a fog from the tiny bit of sleep you were able to get even though it was plagued by nightmares. Then you suddenly snapped awake and shot up in bed, grabbing your chest and feeling all around yourself frantically, breathing a sigh of relief when you felt your shirt still on your body. You were okay, it was just another nightmare. You tried to steady your breathing while taking deep breaths in and blowing them out slowly. Then you looked towards the door and cupped a hand by your ear; listening intently. After a minute or two of silence that didn't really prove anything, you sighed and swung your legs out of bed- planting your feet on the floor despite laundry being scattered everywhere. Sneaking towards the door you put an ear to it then slowly turned the knob. Normally you wouldn't even be risking going out of the safety of your room but you really had to pee, you would just have to be quick.
You scurried quietly to the bathroom and when you were finished you were on your way back when your mom's door swung open. You flinched and wrung your hands keeping your eyes downcast, too afraid to look up. But then you sighed in relief when it was only your mother that pushed past you to go to the bathroom. You decided to risk it and peeked into your mom's bedroom. A weight lifted off your chest at the sight of the empty bed–he must have left earlier.
"Aren't you supposed to be working or something? Why're you just sitting around reading?" Your mother scoffed at you from the doorway, after slamming your bedroom door open to confront you.
You set your book down–not ready for another fight, "they gave me today off, I'm back on the schedule tomorrow." Your mother just glared at you and crossed her arms, "oh, so you think we can afford to have you lying around, taking days off? Lazy ass." With that she turned and slammed the door shut, leaving you to sit there and scold your heart to stop hurting, because it just wasn't worth it.
You don't need her Y/n...
Just numb the pain.
So that's what you did.
1 1/2 yrs before the incident
You walked into the apartment after three classes in a row; each one being about two hours long. You dropped your backpack by the door with a thud then changed your mind and picked it up again, not wanting another fight when someone tripped over it in their drunken state. You decided just putting it in your room would be best. 
Canned vegetables with canned chicken really wasn't too bad if one could figure out the right stuff to put in it. After years of this, you had discovered your favorite seasonings and you were mixing yourself up a nice concoction for lunch before going to work, humming and talking to yourself as you did so–when there was loud pounding on the front door.
You weren't very alarmed, knowing exactly who it was, and so you opened the door and stepped aside as your mother staggered in, thankfully alone. Turning to look at you, your mother's eyes were a bit glassy as she spoke, "is there any food around here or do I have to do all the work for that too?" She wasn't drunk, but she wasn't too far away from it. You didn't say anything and just walked to the kitchen, took your lunch and handed it to your mother.
"I just made this for you, thought you'd be home soon."
Your mom just snatched it away and walked to her room calling over her shoulder, "almost nineteen years old and all you can do is make a half-assed meal for the woman that gave up everything for your lazy ass."
You just grabbed your bag and put your shoes on, trying to ignore the insistent hunger pangs in your stomach, then walked out the door for work.
"Y/n? May I speak with you please?" It was the next day and you were just leaving the history classroom when your professor called you over. Your grades were far from satisfactory, but you really did try. You walked over to Professor Kim's (who also happened to teach your Korean class as well) desk and tried not to hang your head, since you knew what was coming. She was a nice lady, but could also be strict at times.
"Y/n, I'm going to get straight to the point. I heard that you wanted to travel to South Korea. We both know you're struggling a bit in the academic department, but I know you're a good girl, and you speak Korean pretty well."
You looked up, utterly confused, this wasn't about you almost failing history class? Professor Kim just smiled and continued, "there is a scholarship program to go and stay in Seoul for a year, learning Korean and going to the university there. I thought you might be interested in it."
You were so shocked you couldn't speak for a full minute, just stuttering out nonsense until Professor Kim laughed and put her hand on your shoulder. Then she handed you a packet, telling you to fill it out and give it back to her as soon as possible.
This couldn't be happening. Good things didn't happen to you. Could this actually be your escape?
You thanked Professor Kim over and over then scurried out of the room before anything else could be said and possibly destroy this amazing opportunity. As you left there was a new lift to your step.
Two weeks had passed and no word from the scholarship people. You turned nineteen in those two weeks, but that didn't mean much to you. All you could think about was the scholarship. Things at home didn't change, they never did. Until one day when you were heading home from work, completely exhausted, and you saw the mailman at the front door knocking. You ran up the steps but your mother opened the door right when you got there. You said hello to the man and took the mail from him, being our to thank him. When you turned to go inside, your mother snatched all the mail from you and stalked off. You followed her cautiously, "uh, may I see that? I think I might have gotten something." Your mother turned and glared at you then spat, "and what could you have gotten in the mail? You don't even have friends, and the bills are in my name." You tried not to roll your eyes, even though the bills were in your mother's name, she wasn't the one paying them.
Scanning through the envelopes, your mother stopped when she saw one with the name Y/n Y/l/n on the front. She turned and looked at you accusingly, "what is this?" Before you had time to even process what you were doing you snatched the envelope out of her hands and dashed around her, running to your room. You shut the door and locked it, hearing the woman outside screaming horrible accusations and threats at you but not caring a single bit. The envelope was white–super white actually, almost looking unnatural. Your fingers shook as you gently tore it open, running a finger carefully along the top so you could pull the letter out. The paper inside was just as bright, and the bold black lettering stood out.
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Your breathing hitched, was this actually happening? A second scan over the letter and a quick yet painful pinch to the arm confirmed that, yes, this was actually happening. Your hands trembled as you slowly pulled your phone out of your pocket and carefully typed in the number printed on the paper. The sounds of your mother screaming outside the door and hitting it, the cars outside, your own heart pounding in your ears- it all faded away to a dull thudding when you heared the ringing through the phone, once, twice, you held your breath, three rings in, four......click
"Hello? This is Jill Dunning, how can I help you?"
"H-hello? I- I was told to call you."
"Are you Y/n Y/l/n, by any chance?"
You cleared your throat nervously, then took a deep breath before answering.
"Yes, I am."
1 month later 
The flight there was extremely long and tiring so by the time you were getting off; you could’ve cried tears of joy, having felt like the plane ride really was going to last forever and you’d never step on solid ground again. But there you were; standing in the middle of the Seoul airport, completely and utterly free.
Not to mention, completely and utterly lost.
You looked around but couldn’t see anything other than a lot of people rushing around; businessmen and women, families with little children that stared at you with wide eyes, college students; and yet not a single soul that looked like they might help you find who you were looking for. You shifted your heavy backpack and decided to walk a bit, maybe you could find where the luggage came through and you could at least collect the rest of your bags. After you walked for another minute you saw a sign with a suitcase on it, hanging from the ceiling with an arrow pointing down. You hurried over to where it was pointing and saw a giant metal thing with suitcases going around on it, people looking at tags and grabbing them before hurrying off again. 
You walked over briskly and just in time too, because your two suitcases had just come around the bend in the giant machine. You double checked the tags and after confirming they were yours, you heaved them off the machine and caught your breath after setting them next to you. Then you had to figure out where you were and where your roommate, who was to be picking you up, was. You went to the name of your roommate in your contacts and pressed it before you held your phone to your ear. After one ring, the sweet voice of your roommate answered in Korean.
“Hello? Y/n?”
“Hey Eui, I just got here and I’m so lost. I just got my bags.”
“I’m so sorry Y/n! I’ll be there in less than five minutes. Traffic was awful, but I’m walking into the airport now. Just stay by the baggage area, ok?”
”Ok, thanks Eui.”
You had talked to her on the phone many times over the past four weeks and you really liked her, you couldn’t wait to meet in person. You hung up and looked around, watching everyone else go about their days; rushing to catch flights, leisurely browsing the shops in the airport, then you heard an excited squeal and turned to see a girl running and jumping into the arms of a boy who you assumed was her boyfriend. You just smiled and kept looking around- trying not to think about how badly you wished that was you.
You turned at the sound of Eui’s voice and smiled widely when she approached you with open arms. Eui wrapped her arms around you and then pulled away, still smiling, “welcome to Seoul, are you ready to start over?” That had to be the best sentence you ever heard in your life. You smiled back at her and grabbed one of your suitcases while Eui grabbed the other one.
And you were; a new place, a new school, a friendly face, and no people from your past. It was time to start over and let things go, because life just got a whole lot easier.
You had no idea that whether you liked it or not, your past would continue to haunt you, no matter how many miles away you ran.
“Let’s go.”
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