#oh right and i'm not even a linguist just a language nerd
volixia669 · 1 year
“Okay Daniel, the fate of everything rests on your shoulders. Now, here is the thing. You have to pronounce Yu Huang Shang Ti correctly or literally all the Goauld will know you’re a fake. Can you do it?”
Cue Daniel being murdered, and the Tok’ra destroyed.
No but seriously, I may not speak Chinese but I know Daniel’s pronounciation was baaaaaaaaaaaaad. Which, sure, okay, the linguist doesn’t know Mandarin, fine, he can’t know every language. But any linguist worth their salt would know that oh gee, maybe don’t use American pronounciation of letters for literally any language other than English.
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
can I have male stranger things matchup please? i’m a girl, aries, enfp, my pronouns are she/her. i could be really shy sometimes due to my bad anxiety, but mostly i’m very sweet and bubbly person, i deeply care about my friends, and i’m super affectionate with people who i love. also, my love language is physical touch!!! i’m also very sensitive and emotional person, but i’m fully open with my feelings only with close people in my life. my height is 5’5, i have a petite figure, long brown hair and green eyes, i would describe my style as a hyperfeminine, but i also love to dress cozy! i’m polyglot and i speak 6 languages, and i’m studying linguistics in uni. my other passions are makeup, cinematography and music ofc! i’m obsessed with rabbits and bunnies and all the bunny-themed items! i love cute things, such as clothes, accessories, makeup, stuffies and etc. my ideal partner is someone tall and protective, who would take care of me and be attentive to me and my feelings! and also someone who would cuddle me a lot <3
From Stranger Things I Ship You With:
Eddie Munson
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Ship Dynamic:
Mutual Pining™
«I'm still afraid to be there, among the hounds of love, and feel your arms surround me; I've always been a coward.»
When I started to read your description I was like "Eddie?" Because yes, Aries and ENFP? And then I was like yeah no but... You'd make a bomb couple.
I was tempted to ship you with Steve (he's being extra hard to match) but something about your vibe made me keep gravitating towards Eddie so here we are.
We're just gonna assume Steve would initially feel attracted to you, but Eddie fully falls hard like the touch-starved, lovesick puppy he is.
I feel like he would misjudge you at first because he tends to do that a lot. First it was a defense mechanism and now he's stuck with that.
I'm gonna put myself in Eddie's shoes and say he'd probably think you're just another airhead girly girl. Boy is he wrong.
He immediately realizes he's wrong too and goes from aloof to eager to know every bit of you.
You have in common just the right amount of things for this relationship to be tandem. A little more would make it boring, and a little less would make it way too explosive.
You're the one who confesses and Eddie loses his shit. He thinks he's so cynical and detached, and here you come wearing your heart on your sleeve and he just wants to run away.
But oh my god he's so in love so he can't.
I just KNOW he's a linguistics nerd (hello fellow Tolkienian), but school's learning methods are just not for him, so you would ALSO mistakenly judge him about this probably.
He asks you to teach him at least one language. It's actually super fun for him and he knows it's fun because of you.
No one, and I mean NO ONE, fucks with you when Eddie Munson is around.
I genuinely don't think he can fight (I literally went through this in one of my fics) but I DO think that he's one scary, obnoxious motherfucker with a bizarre reputation.
I also think he'd do crazy things for the people he loves so if he has to get full on protective he will.
I feel like you'd be super protective of him too in your own way.
He definitely got a pet bunny after learning about your love for rabbits just so you would spend more time at his place. He is THAT extra.
Constant cuddles. You two are so touchy with each other, it's kinda cute but also kinda weird.
I'm not talking about romantic or sexual touch, I'm talking about just touch. Holding hands, his arm over your shoulders, head on the other's lap, leaning on each other absentmindedly etc.
Eddie lets you put makeup on him before he goes out. I don't wanna hear anyone go against this statement because y'all just would be wrong.
He spends an embarrassing amount of money on buying you pretty things to the point where you literally have to scold him for doing so.
You'd see him every weekend even if you're in college and he's not, because he'd drive all the way to see you.
Oh my god you know that one Conan Gray lyric, "They met in class for metaphysical philosophy. He tells his friends, 'I like her 'cause she's so much smarter than me'. They're having talks about their futures until 4:00 a.m." GIRL THAT'S YOU TWO.
Okay okay I'm done, but you'd make a super cute ship just saying.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Okay, so what I’m getting is that Vindrūl is basically (one of) the only holiday(s) Wilbur and Niki were allowed to celebrate. Are they really just gatekeeping holidays? Just because the kids were not born on your planet? Damn why is everyone so mean in the stars universe. Also, this and the no one is mourning Wilbur thing really makes me want Phil and Techno to keep them. Idk they are possessive, at least they Care. But we’ll get to that.
Also, I’m late with the ask dropping because I had a doctor’s appointment. (catsitting gave me toxoplasmosis) It’s fine. I have painkillers. I’m just tired. This chapter cheered me up.
Anyway, linguistics nerd time. So Wilbur was born on Themis. He stayed there until his mother was married off. (I think he was 3 I’m not sure but I’ll base it on that). The Themisians are rather stuck up so I assume they only speak their royal dialect amongst each other. (though maybe commend too cuz they nave to learn it some way, so we are probably talking simultaneous bilingualism). So baby Wilbur would hear a lot of the Themisian Royal dialect as a baby, which is why he knows it where a commoner would not.
Then he moves to Eldignvger. If he’s 3 he could probably speak short easy sentences. I do assume they had to speak Common there. Which explains why he can’t speak it very well. (or he only spoke it with his mom but she died when he was 8 and I assume the king would not like it if they did.) What’s important is that she had to have taught him how to read it on Eldignvger (unless Niki did it, but he seems to read fluently so I say he was taught as a child).
Then common is the language they were raised in. Tommy was 3 when their mom died, so in theory his Themisian should be even worse than Wilbur’s since they don’t speak it, thus can’t practice or maintain the language. If Tommy can read it, Wilbur would have had to teach him. Also, understanding a language, whether through listening or reading is always harder than producing it yourself. So it makes sense that Wilbur can read and understand it but barely speak it. (This is the reason French is the bain of my existence)
Yes, I had to learn how children develop language and multilingualism for one of my courses. Yes, I will use this information whenever I can. Yes, it is interesting.
oh spruce there is nothing i love more than waking up to see my inbox flooded with your asks /gen
it's not necessarily that wilbur and niki weren't allowed to celebrate other holidays on Eldingvegr, but some of the more prejudiced Eldingvegr citizens would frown upon it or give them dirty looks for celebrating holidays that are specific to Eldingvegr's history. keep in mind, Eldingvegr has retained independence for centuries, if not thousands of years at this point. they're an extremely wealthy with intense living conditions (with the Røkkrring being the only truly habitable place on the planet since it's very difficult to live full time on either Sólsid or Nóttsid), so they really don't have a lot in the way of culture mixing. they're not super friendly to outsiders, let alone ones in the Royal Family.
oh god i'm so sorry spruce!! take care of yourself and get rest, that doesn't sound very fun :(
you're absolutely correct right off the bat. Wilbur spent the first 3 years of his life on Themis in the royal palace. Royal Themisian is technically his first language, although he was taught Common right alongside it since it's standard for all Royals across the galaxy to know Common. His mom did continue to speak Royal Themisian with him once they were on Eldingvegr, just whenever she wanted to be able to talk to her son and could ensure privacy (she and tommy's father were an arranged marriage. they weren't very close.) she also brought some books from Themis with her that were written in Royal Themisian (mostly the same types of mythology books Wilbur translated for Techno) to read as bedtime stories to her kids. even though she was living on another planet, she wanted her boys to grow up knowing their Themisian roots. a little ironic, in retrospect.
Niki can read a bit of Royal Themisian but she's not very good at it. she's fluent in standard Themisian, but keep in mind she's just a diplomat, not a royal. Tommy's Royal Themisian is absolutely horrible, but Wilbur tried to teach him what he could to pass on more of their mother to him. also, the Ambassadors did actually give them both lessons in Royal Themisian for a few years after their mother died, because they still wanted the boys to have some knowledge from Themis. but they didn't keep it up for long before they eventually decided there wasn't much of a point.
that's so interesting that you had to study that!! I think it's fascinating how quickly kids can pick up on languages, so that must've been super cool to study. definitely makes this whole bit of worldbuilding very fun for you lol
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