#oh sisto and mom as well
vincepti0n · 6 months
no way... brak...
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i love him so much, i cant believe they nerfed his intelligence to a fucking 0. im so evil about this...
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Solar Opposites in Ultra Opposites Sneak Peek: Nova Finds Out Sherbet’s an Orphan (for @avaveevo)
Korvo starts gooblering as he pace back n forth and then Nova comes in.
Nova: Korvo?
Korvo: WHAT?!
Nova: Is everything okay?
Nova: Umm?
Korvo: Ugh. Sorry. I just learned that Sonya's parents were aborted...
Nova: What? Oh my God. That’s horrible.
Korvo: I know. I feel so bad, I can't stop turning into my Super Shlorpian form when I cry...
Nova: Really? I had no idea that. I’m just glad there wasn’t any orphan problem back in the wall. That would’ve been terrible…
Korvo gasp and grows nervous. Korvo starts crying as he transforms into his Super Shlorpian form. Terry comes in and gasps.
Terry: hugs and comforts Korvo Oh Korvy. He is still upset because of Sonya being an orphan. But guess what?! We’re adopting Sonya!
Nova: Oh my god! That's great news! Are you gonna tell her?
Terry: Oh we want it to be surprise for her and the kids later… I hope Sherbet gets a home too…
Nova’s smile then frowns into a concern one as she grow confused over what Terry just said about Sherbet.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Nova?
Nova: What are you talking about?
Terry: Well, I'm just saying I hope that Sherbet gets a new home soon.
Nova: A new home? Wait, what are you talking about? What do you mean Sherbet has no home?
Terry: Oh… she didn’t tell you didn’t she?
Nova: Terry, Korvo, what the fuck is going on?
Super Shlorpian Korvo sighs and turns back into his regular Shlorpian form. So, Terry and Korvo decided to tell Nova about Sherbet’s Tragic Backstory.
Korvo: Nova… Sherbet’s parents died two years ago in a car crash before she got accidentally shrunk…
Terry: And she had to live with terrible people who treated her like shit...
Nova gasp silently as she grew terrified by the tragic reveal of the fate of Sherbet’s parents and her huge heartbreaking past. Then, she began to cry while Korvo sighs.
Nova: tearfully Wh-what?… Sherbet lost her parents before she was in the Wall? Is there anything else she also lost after her parents’ death?
Terry then sighs sadly and shows Nova an old newspaper article from two years ago, which shows the closing of Sherbet’s family’s sweet parlor with a picture of Sherbet and her parents before the car accident.
Nova: No…
Korvo: Poor Sherbet has lost everything since that crash. Her parents, her family’s sweet parlor, her friends, her eyesight and her house. She was forced to live in a homeless for a year before Yumyulack accidentally shrunk her.
Nova cries and runs into Korvo's arms. Korvo comforts her as he soothes her, like a brother comforting a sister.
Korvo: I'm so sorry, Nova...
Nova: tearfully Oh God… I had no idea what her life was like before the Wall. Oh, I should’ve known. She must’ve still been so heartbroken when she first came here.
Terry: It's not your fault.
Nova: YES IT IS!
Nova sighs as she put her hand on her head.
Nova: I had no idea. Poor thing. The first time I saw her at that Wall tiki hut, she looked very scared… I bet things even got worse for her when Sister Sisto took over.
Terry: Maybe it did. Maybe it didn't.
Korvo scowls at Terry.
Terry: Oh. Shit. Sorry, continue speaking Nova.
Nova dries her tears.
Nova: I wish there was something I could do for her…
Korvo: Then adopt her.
Nova then hears what Korvo said and thought about it.
Nova: Hmmm...
Nova look back because all she wanted was to start a family with Halk before he died, then looks down at a bottle cap Sherbet gave her the first time she came here.
Nova: I'll do it.
Terry and Korvo: What?
Nova: I'll adopt Sherbet.
Korvo: You do? I thought you gave up on having a child when your husband Halk died.
Nova: I know I did, but...after what Sherbet's been through. She deserves the perfect mom.
Korvo put his hand on Nova’s shoulder and smiles.
Korvo: I think that's the right thing do to.
Terry: I agree. But she doesn’t a perfect one. You are already wonderful and kind enough to her when she first came to the Wall. That’s what moms really are…
Nova smiles with tears in her eyes and hugs Korvo. Korvo is shock but hugs back.
Nova: Thank you guys.
Korvo: Anytime.
Terry then seduces Korvo by squeezing his ass.
Korvo: Ooh! giggles
Terry: Yeah. Ya like that, Korv?
Korvo: Oh-ho-ho! fiddling his fingers in Terry’s stomach Yes I do, you bad alien!
Nova: You two seem really affectionate in your marriage, huh?
Korvo: Oh hell yeah.
Terry then got onto Korvo and the two aliens starts making out.
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