#oh the far right rodnovers are going to just love this
zarya-zaryanitsa · 1 year
In a later variant that appears in a fifteenth-century Novgorodskii Sofiiskii Sobor manuscript, this drinking ritual has an even more explicit sexual or phallic connotation: „And when one of them celebrates a wedding, they entertain themselves with drums and pipes and many other demonic devices; and another rite is even more inimical than this: after making a false male phallus, they insert it in buckets and drink from cups, and when drunk they smell and lick and kiss it.”
Here the ritual drinking is performed in a very specific context: a wedding celebration. Additionally, a curious container with a phallic shape is employed. It could be related to an allusion contained in the same Sofiiskii redaction of the Sermon by Saint Gregory, Found in the Comments, on How the Ancient Nations, When Pagan, Worshipped Idols and Offered Sacrifices to Them, and Continue to Do So Now: “The same Slavs during the wedding celebrations put their private parts inside of a bucket with garlics and drink through ithyphallic objects.”
- Rituals in Slavic pre-Christian religion by Juan Antonia Álvarez-Pedrosa and Enrique Santos Marinas
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