#oh the homework guy is warren btw
maxthesillyy Β· 1 year
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got bored last night and put too much effort into some incorrect textposts. or incorrect quotes? i dont really know actually. bone apple teeth πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰
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fiberglassandflowers Β· 1 year
Ramona and Dr sunshine ALSO is Dr sunshine still one of Warren's old friends from her previous identities
ok so i didnt answer this the other day because. homework. but i can answer it now yippee. also this may not make any sense so bear with me
also the answer to the second question is in fact yes i just havent thought about it a lot. they do know each other though
this is all soooooo so so so barebones i havent thought about this enough. but anyway. i think it would be funny if ramona and sunshine were like. figuring out some end of the world shit. honestly i have no clue where the idea for this even came from but i think i heard "and if dreams can come true what does that say about nightmares" and thought "haha wow wouldn't it be so crazy if sunshine had like apocalyptic prophetic dreams..... woaw...."
and also the fact that sunny isnt totally like. human. like shes humanoid and all but it's like if an alien was also just some guy. like a celestial ford prefect if that makes any sense
so yeah ramonas a little freak about like. all of this. she kind of treats her like a test subject which honestly! not cool girl it has feelings! but ramona's kind of too caught up in her research about the possible world ending disaster to consider that at the same time so uhhh. whoops!
anyway i don't know if the end of the world stuff is actually real but i think its funny how everyone else's active plotline is like "i went to therapy today" while ramona's is like "STOPPING THE END OF THE WORLD WITH A CELESTIAL BEING?!?!? [REAL] [NOT CLICKBAIT] [WE BOTH CRIED]"
also a lot of this is subject to change btw its just an idea i had for what their deal could be eye dee kay
also go listen to the song phanta by le tigre because that was also partly inspo el oh el
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"Dating Warren would include" HC
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Note: just a 2AM blurb about our fav winged boi. btw I'm pretty sure it's awfully written but idgaf bc it's way to late to proof read it.
Enjoy ✨
Warren is the most touch-starved person ever to exist.
He would turn into putty for you and you only.
Srsly, he loooooveeees having your hands all over him.
Playing with this golden locks you adore so much.
Kissing his forehead, his cheek or any other part.
Kissing him all together!!!
Even if it's just holding his hand, it doesn't matter this man loves every single chance he gets to feel your touch.
Problem is, he is also Mr. tough guy! So he wouldn't be the biggest of fans for PDA.
After all your man has a reputation to look after.
If you're out with the gang he would let you hold his hand or he would place a protective wing around you
Nothing more
People thinks your relationship is the least romantic one ever.
Those fools!
Once your alone your BigBadassScaryBoyfriend turns into the neediest baby ever.
Like, if your reading or busy doing homework he would just lay his head down on your lap for you to play with his hair
He will absolutely fall asleep like that
Talking about sleep
It's heavy.
Bc of his wings, the only position comfortable for him is on his stomach.
Wouldn't stop him from wanting you close to him tho.
He would always have you underneath his wing
With an arm wrapped around you
Not the best idea for a hot summer night bc of how hot it can get under those his wings
Not like you mind.
You love sleeping with Warren next to you
It's like, sleeping inside a cacoon
It's warm and it's quiet and it's only you two!!!!!!!
Did I mention kisses?!?!
This man is the biggest kisser there is
And the bestttt
No, really every kiss leaves you all flustered and breathing heavily
Would also get him all blushed and with a foolish grinn
Passionate kisses on the rooftop where you won't be interrupted
Longing kisses whenever you wake up and leave for classes
Soft and tender when you're cuddling or after he wakes up from a nightmare
Those are bittersweet
The salt from his tears would get in the way
You would kiss the hollows of his eyes too
And his face entirely
Just asssshagsjsksjs he's so gorgeous and you adore him so much, why wouldn't you want to kiss his everything all the time.
Back to the sad stuff
He has had a shitty life and more nights that you woul like, he wakes up all sweaty and teary from being hunted by those past mistakes
The first time he cried In front of you he thought you'll dump his ass
Yes, your man is't so bright all the timeeee
Actually It had the complete opposite consequence
You held him in your arms and just .... Stayed like that, saying sweet nothings trying to calm him down
That's when you found his weakest spot
While you were soothing him by caressing his shoulders and arms
In the middle of his back where his wings meet
That's the spot
Warren goes crazyyyyyyy whenever you massage that place
His wings are gigantic meaning he gets gigantic back pains
Special where those angelic beauties come out from his back
But no, srsly massage that place and you'll have The Angel Of Death at your knees
Btw talking about wings
You are the only living being that can get close to them
He's proud of his wings!!!! His most prized possession
But then he lost them and got his horseman ones and then he got them back thanks to Hank
For reallllllll!
He would be death if he lost his white feathery wings again
So he's incredibly jealous of them
And you
Not like crazy psycho jealous
He trusts you and he knows you'll never do anything to hurt him
But your pretty good looking yourself
Which causes many men to want to be the one you kiss
That being said Warren during those situations would just hold you by the waist
Or wrap you with his wings
Or grab your butt for everyone to know that butt is his
Buuuuutttt if the men in question make are making you uncomfortable
You know, undressing you with their gaze or anything else like that
He would be the one to start the fighting
Not like you'll want to stop him
You kindda enjoy it
Seeing him kick those bastard's asses has to be the hottest thin ever
Now back to the wings
Not even the gang can even poke at them or HE WILL BREAK SOMETHING
unless it's you
He adores how much you love his wings
And with how much tenderness you touch them
You are the only one that can clean them after missions
He used to do it himself but it's a hell lots of work
And oh so hard to do, bc he can't see what he's doing so they were always somewhat dirty
Until you offered to help after you found him struggling one day
He'd made a mess all over the room
There was water and feathers all over the place
And he was lying on the ground trying real hard not to loose his shit in frustration
And you couldn't help to laugh
He looked so cuuuuteeee
He didn't like that part tho
But when you held out a hand for him to follow up to the bathroom
And cleaned his wings so deligently
He couldn't help but to love you even more
If that was even possible
After all he's just a big beautiful, hot-headed bird
But a bird nonetheless
And many birds mate for life
Like swans
And crows
And Warren Worthington III
Yup you heard me right
Your man is in for the long rideeeee
There is no way in hell you'll get rid of him
And let's be honest you wouldn't have it any other way
You love him with all your heart!!!!!
And he loves you with all of his!!!!
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