#oh this is gorj
yaekiss · 2 months
ok last music rec i promise but mili <33 theyre an indie band and they make a huge variety of music esp songs for games and animes :)) two of my favorite games ever have osts made by them!! personally my fav album is to kill a living book (although thats prob bc it is the album for one of the aforementioned fav games) but their singles and other albums are also incredible and their vocalist has an amazing range i adore them with my whole heart -🪻
OMG MILI MENTION !!!!!!!! I LOVE A LOT OF THEIR SONGS! RTRT is one of my faves...
I think I knew them from Cytus and Deemo if those are the games you're talking about HAHA
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anantaru · 11 months
ATTENTION MY LOVELY VILLAGE OMG SKIRK GOT LEAKED!!!! HER MODEL GOT LEAKED AND SHE IS GORJES OH MY 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 please be careful when you go on twitter you guys, for those who don't want to see her! 💓
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 9 months
Gorjes 👉👈
hehe yes you are, Lu Lu <33
Gorgeous: what do you like in a person?
i like someone who has morals and sticks by them, lets themselves have fun, doesn’t take themselves completely seriously but takes their work seriously, and has passion for something whether that be hobbies or interests or career
also! little like quirks, just cute things about yourself. oh you know everything about space? that’s so cool! You’re obsessed with animals? wow tell me all about them!!
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liu-yu-xin · 11 months
oh my god winwin is sooo gorj he is sooo up my alley face wise and yknow what i was betting against him but credit where credit is due he's actually not a bad actor. One could say hes better than quite a few of the most popular cdrama actors. Which is not a high bar but still. But he does have a coldness to him like even as an idol i wonder how well he would be able to act in love very curious. But all of it still kinda has an awkwardness like watching a friend act. My close personal friend winwin
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tobo-love · 1 year
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🍒Im Spot~
🍒My pronouns are she/her but i won't cry if you call me they/them🤭
🍒Welcome to the fruit basket you fruity mfs
🍒These are just my boundaries to start off with❤️❤️
🍒Constructive criticism is 100% allowed, I'm new to writing and i wanna get better
🍒No bullying, racism, homophobia, harassment, etc. Go ahead and block me if you don't accept these 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
🍒I know my writing isn't top tier, and I'm not at all popular, but please don't steal my works. I put in alot of effort into my writing and it would suck to see that someone stole it.
🍒Reblogs are allowed but please don't repost my works on any platform without asking me first and giving credit
🍒 Anyone can interact with my posts, just don't be weird or creepy. I have no control over who is reading this, plus it would just be weird if i ended up talking to a child on a page with mdni content.
🍒You are responsible for what you read write, watch, and do, not me. I'll always put warnings on my works, but if you end up offended even tho u read the warnings, it's not my problem 🤷🏽‍♀️
You will be blocked if you come here (especially from reddit, ig, and tiktok) trying to be a troll, causing problems and conflict for me or other fruities, or if you're just being a straight up ass🫏
I'm def not saying you can't play around and act a fool, but if your form of playing is being a dick, just leave, save all the hassle for someone who wants it.
That's all for rn~~🥰🥰
Oh I almost forgot to ask:
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thatssofetchxo · 3 years
happy birthday kristen stewart, twilights my fave movie so like yeah if you have robert pattinson’s phone number please tell me xoxooxoxox
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sharktles · 5 years
everyone shut the fuck up and look at
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petermurphyinfo · 4 years
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1982 Bauhaus big Japan visit. Tokyo. Biggest promoter brings us there, Mr Udo. Fans all over the place, swarming the 5-star hotel lobby etc...(all hired darling, I’m sure). Next morning on the way to the venue: loaaaads of fans in the lobby (or robby). Remember, the Japanese have a pronunciation difficulty with R and L. Most often than not confusing the two, for instance lobby is voiced as “robby”,​ Rob as “Lob” etc.
So, Your Majesty (me) of course stops to respond to some dozen girls who are properly Beatles-hysterical me worshippers. How could I not?
I am very lovely with each, making gorj eye contact and bowing back to their “Peter san” giggly awestruckness.
One smashin fan has her turn to exchange with me. Explaining that she was so happy, and that before I had emerged all gorj and PM that she had met “Lob in the Robby" (Rob Coled was my then front of house mixer). I nod and smile with an “Oh how nice blah blah.” She then uttered the glorious phrase: " I rub your relics”
To which I retorted with magnificent blue-eyed aplomb:​ “Yess, you will one day my dear, you will one day.”
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jareauwalker · 4 years
tagged by the gorj @nickydolls
name: sydney
nickname: syd, dolly
zodiac: sagittarius sun, libra moon, leo sun, and an ass ton of capricorn placements rip
nationality: canadian
languages spoken: english and a lil french and russian
what time is it: 5:30 pm
celebrity crush: michelle pfeiffer 
fictional character fav: oh god so many - jenna rink, elle woods, romy white, sibella hallward, blanche deveraux, cordelia goode, edie britt, donna sheridan and those are just the ones off the top of my head
fav musician: lady gaga or lana del rey because i’m what? basic
fav sports teams: don’t have one, but when i was little i used to rly love the tampa bay bucs bc they were close to disney world
fav season: fall probably!
fav flower: peonys
fav scent: cinnamon
fav animal: bunnies maybe??
fav food: panera mac and cheese
dream car: something new, all of my cars have been shitty barely working cars from the late 2000s
dream trip: at the risk of exposing myself as even more basic, i’d like to go to europe
instruments: none, i’m so bad at music that i was asked to sit out of music class in the eighth grade
dogs or cats: cats, but i’m allergic to them so i’d rather have a dog as a pet
following: 532
followers: i’m not positive but last i checked it was like 1300 or so?? probably mostly inactive from my broadway stan days
other blogs: i have an inactive aesthetic blog and that’s it
blog established: like 2010 bc i’m fucking oLD
do you get asks: i used to, but less so now!
do you have a tumblr crush: maybe a little one but nothing noteworthy
drinks of choice: water, sparkling wine, cold brew
what are you wearing right now: david bowie t-shirt and underwear lmao
random fact: i did competitive rhythmic gymnastics for most of my childhood (like ages 5-13) and i was like pretty good, and there were these russian twins i competed against who were really really good obviously like one of them ended up going to the olympics, but i beat her in several competitions when we were like 9-12, and that’s the story of how i beat an olympian at their own sport
i’m not tagging anyone bc i feel like most of my mutuals have either done this or  have been tagged and not done it, but if you feel like doing this and no one’s tagged you consider this your tag! <3
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gem-quest · 5 years
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[ SIDEQUEST 01. — I N F E R N A  &  N E D D Y  ]
taglist: @ayzrules @bebemoon @interluxetumbra @now-on-elissastillstands @pulltheskydown @atimefordragons @armadasneon
aka: how Neddy & Inferna meet! tl;dr neddy saves inferna’s stupid ass, and inferna loves one (1) dragon who is the goodest boi ever <3
After beating Level 35 - ‘Enchanted Forest and Faerie Court’ - Inferna was pooped; dealing with stupid annoying riddles was, well, stupid. She would have rather just fought the faerie queen lady, no matter how powerful she was supposed to be, and then fucked off.
I could have totally 360 no scope’d her, she thought, a bit bitterly.
But faeries reminded her of an easier level; Finvarra’s Gardens, all the way back in Level Ten. Just the thought of all the food she’d seen the first time she passed through made her mouth water. So, Inferna pulled an ictuium potion out of her inventory, and the next thing she knew, she was surrounded by the blue skies and dancing faeries of the level.
She followed her nose to the feast table, and if Gem Quest was an anime, Inferna’s eyes would have turned into a pair of massive hearts. There were glazed hams and candied figs and dainty little sweetmeats; honeyed wine and fruit tarts and a pig with an apple in its mouth. But one thing, and one thing only, would grab Inferna’s attention anytime, anywhere: pastries.
Inferna gravitated towards the sugary confections, eyeing the sweet treats. She reached out to grab one, already able to taste the chocolatey filling melting over her tongue...
“Hey, what the fu-” Inferna muttered as another player - Moonstone, apparently - came out of nowhere and smacked her hand. 
“Bad idea,” she said.
She jerked her lilac head down the table to the end, where a group of fae NPCs were watching them with intense interest. “If you Partake, they get to keep you.” 
Infera looked up, noting the girl’s pale purple hair (it was gorj), before her gaze flitted back towards the NPCs. “Oh.” Inferna frowned. “I don’t remember that from the last time I came through. Has that always been a thing?”
The other girl smiled. “Er, yeah. It’s been a thing for a while- Sorry, you’ve been through this level before and...you came back for-” she paused, looked down, and then looked back up “-sweets? That’s a new one.” 
Inferna shrugged. “Uh, yeah, there’s no fucking way I would have come back to this level otherwise,” she mused out loud, glaring at the NPCs. “The Finvarra guy is annoying. Honestly, all the NPCs in this game are either annoying, assholes, or both.”
She flicked her gaze back towards the purple-haired Moonstone player. “What about you?” she asked, curious. “Why are you hanging out around here? Is something fun going to happen?”
“No- I’m just camping here. For now.” Neddy smiled again, and stuck her hand out. “I’m Enthroned, by the way. But people call me ‘Neddy’. Less pretentious.” 
Inferna smiled back at her. “Cool name,” she said, taking her hand and shaking it. “Both of them.”
She paused, and flipped her red hair over her shoulder. “I’m Inferna. I tried to name myself Iroh, but someone had already taken the name. You know, after the uncle dude in ATLA?”
Neddy seemed...confused, and her brows creased. “What’s-?” she cut herself off as a shadow passed over the feast. There’s a black dragon flying overhead, but it doesn’t take long for it to disappear from sight. 
When Neddy looks back down, she’s grinning. “You want to come meet a friend of mine?”  
Inferna raised an eyebrow, following Neddy’s gaze skyward, and nodded. “Sure,” she agreed. “What’re they like?”
Neddy started off in....some direction. Inferna couldn’t tell, but she was willing to trust her - she was horrible with directions. “Tall, dark and handsome,” replied Neddy. 
“Really,” Inferna said. “Tall, dark, and handsome in the creepy male movie love-interest-slash-stalker way? Not my type at all. I mean, movie Edward Cullen just looks like a white, uglier version of Kris Wu with that dirty blond-ish colored hair.”
Neddy laughed. “Don’t be so sure. I think you’ll like this one.”
Inferna gave her a skeptical look, but continued following Neddy, until they reached what looked like a treehouse, made out of leaves and branches. “Whoa,” she said, impressed. “Did you make that yourself? That’s so cool; I can’t do jackshit when it comes to, like, arts and crafts. Or building stuff in general.” 
“Well, I had a little help bending these thicker branches, but-” Neddy put her hands on her hips, beaming. “-yeah, it was quite the undertaking. One has need of home and hearth, after all, even in virtual reality.”  
Inferna whistled softly. “Still, it’s super impressive,” she said, admiring the treehouse-ish shelter for a moment longer. “I just steal money from other people so I can have, you know, AC. And running water.” She wrinkled her nose. “The freshmen dorms at my school are like, janky as fuck. Is it even legal to force people to live in places with no AC, when it can get up to 100 degrees in the summer? Anyway, after a year of that, I’m never going without AC again. Ever.”
“So, where’s this friend of yours?” she asked, scanning the area around them.
Neddy blinked. “Oh, right- I guess he’s lollygagging. But I’m sure he’ll be along any second.” She gestured towards the tree house with her thumb. “Do you want to come inside until he gets here?” 
Inferna shrugged, though she was a bit suspicious - did Neddy always just randomly invite people into her house? “Sure, I guess,” trying to sound as nonchalant as she could. 
Neddy smiled and turned to head up the twiggy ladder, but she paused as the same shadow from the feast slipped over them. She looked over her shoulder at Inferna and pointed upwards. “He’s back!” 
Inferna, for her part, was shaken out of her thoughts by Neddy’s excited exclamation. “Huh?” she said, then looked up, as Neddy directed. 
She watched as a jet black dragon circled a couple of times before landing lithely in the cleared area outside of the treehouse. Inferna froze, but Neddy went over to put her arms around the creature the same way someone might hug the family dog. Finally, she looked back over at Inferna, one hand still rested on the dragon’s snout. 
Inferna’s eyes widened. “Shit, you have a dragon?” she asked, her own wariness forgotten as she watched the black dragon circle above and then land in front of them. Inferna stayed where she was by the tree as Neddy threw her arms around the dragon’s neck.
“I told you he was handsome.”   
She nodded, slowly. “He is,” she agreed, smiling despite herself. “What’s his name?”
“Jack.” Neddy gave Jack a fond look. “I know he looks villainous, but he has the kindest heart of anyone I’ve come across in this entire game.” 
“Awww, what a good boy,” Inferna said, taking a few steps closer. A thought occurred to her. “What kind of food does he like?” she asked, mentally rifling through her inventory. “Does he like spicy things?”
“He likes everything. Sugar cubes, especially,” Neddy said with a snort.
Inferna’s eyes lit up. “Oh, perfect!” she exclaimed. “I steal those from the Tearoom all the time. Well, not really ‘stealing’ if they’re just laying around on the tables for people to take, I guess, but what is that NPC who runs it going to do? Tell me I can’t bring Tupperware into the place?”
As she rambled, Inferna popped open her inventory on her player-plexus and selected the sugar cubes. “If I throw one to him, will he catch it?” she asked, beaming at Neddy.
Neddy considered Jack, thoughtfully. “I don’t know. Worth a try.” 
Inferna grinned and clapped her hands. “Okay, here goes,” she said, then gently tossed a sugar cube in Jack’s direction.
Inferna’s grin widened, and she let out an excited squeak as Jack snatched the sugar cube right out of the air - a thoroughly good boi. Neddy giggled. “I’ve never tried that with him before.” 
 “Really?” she asked, tossing another cube in Jack’s direction. “He’s so cute!!!” Jack snorted a plume of noxiousness, as if to say that he was in agreement with Inferna.
She frowned, thoughtful. “You think he’d like hot sauce?” she wondered out loud, pulling out one of her tiny bottles of Inferna Sauce. “I made this myself, because the food is way too bland in this game. Is it okay if I give him some?”
Neddy gestured that Inferna should have at it, and Inferna beamed at her, again, then dunked the bottle of Inferna Sauce onto the sugar cube and tossed it at Jack. Once again, the dragon snapped the treat out of the air. However, this time, Jack’s serpent-y tail swished back and forth afterward- he was clearly a big fan of the improved sugar cube.
“Wow. Guess he likes it. If you keep those coming, I bet he’ll let you have a ride,” said Neddy.
“He’ll let me ride him?” Inferna asked, clapping her hands. “I’ve never ridden a dragon before. Awww, but he’s such a good boy!” And she tossed him another sugar cube covered with Inferna Sauce, cooing at Jack in delight as he swished his tail around.
“What do you think, Cha?” Neddy and Jack shared a look. Inferna watched, intrigued, as the dragon dipped his head- up and down again- almost like nodding. Neddy nodded back before looking over at Inferna. “He’s ready when you are, Inferna.”
“Alright,” she agreed happily, skipping over to Jack. She glanced at Neddy. “How does this work? Do I just get on and hold on to something?”
“Exactly. Hold onto one of those collars.” Neddy gave her a boost onto Jack’s back and indicated the lowest collar studded with clusters of rubies as a hand-hold. “I’ve almost fallen loads of times, but he always catches me, so don’t worry about that. Just hang on as tightly as you can. And take off anything that might fly off of you because he goes really fast. I had a circlet whipped off my head once- it was a really pretty one too.”
Inferna settled comfortably atop Jack’s back, grabbing onto the collar that Neddy pointed her towards. She nodded, taking in Neddy’s advice. “Aw, that sucks,” she said, tying her own hair into a ponytail so that it would be out of her face. “The one good thing about this game is the accessories. I mean, shit, where am I going to get boots like this in the real world?” And she indicated downwards to the black leather boots she was wearing, with a matching leather snake wrapped around one of her calves.
Neddy nodded approvingly. “Those are dope.”
Inferna smiled her thanks. “Okay,” she said, making sure that she was holding on tight. “I think I’m ready to go. Is there something I’m supposed to say to get him to fly?”
“I just say ‘let’s go’. Usually does the trick.”
Inferna gave her a crooked grin. “Sounds good,” she said. “Let’s go?”
Jack took off, and Inferna held on as tight as she could, letting out a loud “Wahoooooo!!!” as he swept up into the sky.
All at once, the wind began rushing past her as they flew up into the clouds, and Inferna was very glad that she’d tied her hair back beforehand. She let out another exhilarated yelp as Jack spun them upside down then right-side up again, giggling at the sheer fun of it all.
Inferna guessed it had been about ten minutes - ten minutes of loop-de-loops and dizzying turns and thrilling dives that made her head spin every which way - when Jack began flying back towards the ground, landing in front of Neddy’s treehouse shelter.
“Holy fucking shit!” she shrieked, letting go of Jack’s collar to clap her hands. “That was by far the best thing I’ve ever done!!!”
Neddy applauded. “He was really showing off for you up there. Lots of fancy maneuvers.”
Inferna gave Neddy a curious look. “Really?” she asked, hopping off of Jack’s back so that she could lean up and kiss him on the snout. “You’re such a good boy,” she cooed, digging out another sugar cube and topping it off with Inferna Sauce. “Here!” And she tossed the sugar cube up into the air for Jack to eat.
Jack caught the morsel, emitting a gentle noise. Inferna stayed to play with Jack, and as night fell, Neddy invited Inferna to stay the night. Inferna agreed, of course - who didn’t love sleepovers?
In the morning, Inferna woke up because she was hungry, and groaned. She was still way too tired, so she tried to fall back asleep (her player-plexus said that it was 6:30 AM in-game, and Inferna found that she stayed up till 6 AM more easily than she got up at that time), but no luck.
After about an hour, Inferna gave up. She left Neddy a message via the messaging function on the player-plexus - hey neddy wassup, i’m gonna bounce bc i need some food, but it was fun meeting you and jack and ill see you around!! <3 :***** - and then climbed down out of Neddy’s shelter, waving goodbye to Jack as she pulled out an ictuium potion, headed for the Tearoom.
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mumintroll · 5 years
Top 10 pulp songs and why?
this is a WONDERFUL ask oh god where to BeGiN
common people - obvs this is just a classic & it reminds me of car rides as a kid and dancing round the kitchen and it just bOPS all round and wow….. jarvis cocker truly snapped with this banger
lipgloss - this one reminds me a lot of last summer when i got proper into pulp and its just!!!! oof!!!! i love the lyrics, they’re like prime Pulp yk, very drab and dull and depressing but also somehow maintaining a weird glamorous mystique, ugh idk i love the synth on it too, a true tune :’)
joyriders - this one also reminds me of last summer!! i love the guitars and i love the ‘mister we just want your car…. cos we’re taking a girl to the reservoir’ bit, its so ominous and weird and wonderful!!
my legendary girlfriend - idk what it is about this one, the title is so stereotypically pulp, i LOVE the synth, i love jarvis cocker’s voice and how different it is in the verse & chorus and all, i think it may be my favourite pulp song ever??? but thats a bOlD sTaTeMeNt so maybe not
sorted for e’s and wizz - i love the whole VIBE of this, idk, it makes me feel like i know what its like to be e’d up on my way to a rave for four minutes and then i go back to being a boring teenager again
david’s last summer - oh god the whole wall of soundy type thing at the end is so glorious ughhhhhhhhhhhhh and the lYRICS and jarvis cockers voice is wonderful :))))
this is hardcore - its just a lusty anthem innit ++ the video is so gorj
disco 2000 - this ones my favourite mv and that makes the song even better and its just another classic, like common people, i 💕💕💕
sheffield: sex city - its just like the whole soundscaping/layering thing i really love, but it still feels so down to earth bc the subject is so mundane and dull, and yet also interesting……. ++ i know my way round sheffield a bit so its fun kinda knowing the places they’re talking about and all and the lyrics are just GENIUS i love jarvis cocker so much
babies - ooooooh classic!!! banger!!!! the guitars!!!! wunderbar!!! all i have to say!!!!!
f.e.e.l.i.n.g.c.a.l.l.e.d.l.o.v.e - its kinda like a slightly toned down version of sheffield sex city….. a bit soundscapey, but also like a pop tune, i like it a lot, i love the whole talking/singing layered on top of each other for some reason, oof
i wrote too much but i had fun doing it thank you!!!!
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versadies · 3 years
AHAHSJS TYSM COMRADE 💞💞💞 im glad im not the only one who loves it sm hehehe
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hooned · 7 years
How gorgeous was he in this teaser aijfgojrwogijwogj anyway I hope you're doing okay Jelly! :D
BRITTT!!!! BRITTANYYYY!!! BRIIII!!! HE WAS MORE THAN GORGEOUS OH GOD I DONT THINK A WORD HAS EVER BEEN COINED TO ACCURATELY DESCRIBE HOW BEAUTIFUL HE IS :(((( i missed him so much ;; i've been okay bby thank you so much! School is just really hectic and all but yep i'm surviving lololol :))) BUT BAEK!! HE GORJ!! I LOFF HIM!! SO MUCH!!
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anindityadp · 7 years
Departure (Umra part 1)
 Duh udah lama banget ngga ngeblog, sampe lupa password blogspot &wordpress >,
Well, in this very fine night, I wanna share my #toolatepost journey, umra kemaren Mei.
Sebenernya itu berangkat mendadak banget I mean, Papah baru bilang mau umroh tuh bulan April. BELOM NGURUS VISA, BELOM CARI TOUR TRAVEL UMRA, BELOM LAGI PUBLIKASI ILMIAH DI UNJ #nggasantai
Tanggalnya ngga pas banget asli, banyak plan yg tergagalkan---termasuk liburan ke Bandung---sad. Jadi kan jadwal ke Jkt buat seminar internasional itu tgl 20 Mei, hari Sabtu (masih inget banget), terus Minggu balik ke Semarang, Senin-Selasa masih kuliah, Rabu balik ke Jkt lagi buat berangkat ke Qatar-Madina. See?
Rencana awal mau berangkat Desember, pas liburan semester gitu kana tau awal Januari, tapi terus ada pertimbangan disana lagi winter dan kata pakde-bude yang baru kesana Desember 2016, dinginnya bisa sampe ngeri lah pokonya. Jadiiii diputuskan berangkat sebelum winter (dan ngga bisa kelar Ramadhan karena mepet haji). Dipilihlah tanggal awal Ramadhan.
Jeleknya plan kesana bulan Mei adalah ngepasin summer. Dalam bayangan udah parno duluan: bakal ngga ada hujan, anginnya bakal kering banget, kulit bersisik (dikira ikan, nin?), bibir kering, dan haaaauuuusss >.
Terus taunya disana panasnya ngga bikin kering. Bibir ngga ngelupas. Gini nih penggambaran panasnya yang mendekati: coba berdiri depan tempat pembuangan udara sisa AC (biasanya di tembok belakang tempat lo pasang AC. Nah ya gitu kira-kira. Kalo mamiku bilang tuh anginnya “Semromong,” dasar jawa eh hahaa.
O iya, aku pake Najah Tour and Travel jadinya---gara-gara direkomendasiin temen-temen. Dan emang pelayanannya memuaskan BGT. Ngga kecewa lah. Bukan endorse loh yaaa, aku cuman ngereview jujur berdasarkan pengalaman #tsah. Dapet paket eksklusif 9 orang doing udah termasuk 2 ustad & hotel binta 5.
Rabu pagi sekeluarga ke Bandara Ahmad Yani Semarang, ketemu sama rombongan dari tur lain kan. Mami udah ngobrol akrab sm ibu-ibu disono ternyata beda pesawatnya. Kami masuk ke lounge Garuda Indonesia dan nunggu mayan lama (karena emg papi terlalu disiplin sementara anaknya terlalu demen ngaret, ngajak berangkat jam 8 dari rumah padahal jadwal sawatnya dhuhur gitu). Jadilah aku kabur ke sbux (ngga dikasih duit but thanks to someone ternyata kartu sbux-ku ada isinya lol.
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 Teruuus lanjut ke Jkt. Untuk kedua kalinya dalam kurun waktu belom ada seminggu. Bahkan buat urusan packing-pun, baru packing semalem sebelomnya. Asal banget masukin baju (ngga disetrika). Mikirnya ntar bisa laundry lah di hotelnya, yang ternyata oh ternyataaa-----cowo-cowo Arab rada anti ngomong sama perempuan keknya. Aku ngomong aja dianya ngangguk2 doang, jadi rada ragu buat nyerahin baju kan yaa #phew.
Sampe mana tadi? Oh ke Jkt ya. Di ruang tunggu keberangkatan ke Middle East, Sodara-sodara, ternyata NGGA ADA COLOKAN! That’s a big big problem for me karena seharian pake henfon buat chat-vcall-ngirim gambar dan nomor seri pesawat ke temen2 (kalo amit2nya pesawat jatuh kan jadi mereka tau #plak)---batre hp duaduanya kritis!
Rasanya pengen balik ke lounge Garuda Indonesia yg waaaay better daripada lounge QA YaAllah huhu. Ngeri lah ngebayangin mendarat di Qatar dan nggabisa foto TT
Eh terus mau muji pelayanan Najah lagi---sementara tur lain tamunya pada ngurus barang2 sendiri, Alhamdulillah kami diurusin semua. Asli enak banget tinggal bawa badan aja (itu aja udah capek loo, apalagi suruh bawa-bawa 3 koper isi 35kg-an). Terus sebelum check in gitu kan kami nunggu petugas Najah ngurusin perijinan (visa atau apalah udah diurus semua sama mereka), kami dapet free Dunkin Donuts gitu mau mesen apa aja terserah huhu baik banget sih. Padahal sebelumnya udah dikasi makan Hokben. Menu yg full apatuh namanya dapet senampan sendiri cuman tinggal nyerahin kupon.
Terusan nih, yg dari tur lain pada gelosoran di lantai bandara (yang banyak kumannya dari sol sepatu orang-orang yg abis balik dari LN). Sad, nah?
Siapa tadi yang abis muji-muji Garuda? Lewat udah sama QA. Emang sih, lounge-nya lebih oke (karena ada colokan) but alusnya bedaaa. Take off-landing mulus banget ngga kaya lagi naik sawat pokonya.
Tapi penilaian ini ngga adil sih emang. Kan tadi pake Garuda-nya domestic. Lah ini QA sawat gede yg dipake buat ke Doha. Udahan yaa banding-bandinginnya, focus ceritain QA aja.
Makanan aku ngga banyak protes sih. Udah sesuai selera nih menu yg vegetarian-nya. (Gaya banget di jawa aja suruh makan buncis protes hehe). Tapi aku tergoda sama greentea velvety-cake nya. Itu cuman ada di menu yg vegetarian aja L
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Terus ada mamak-mamak Sunda ngajak ngobrol pake bahasa Sunda (nanya makanan keknya), aku cuman ngerti “the, barudak, cenah, naha” udah. Parah lah lebih susah nerangin ke si tante ini daripada jelasin ke pramugari aku maunya makan apa, hehe.
Buat 1st meal aku mesennya spaghetti vegetarian (ngga ada dagingnya literally, *cry), roti mini (lupa namanya) yg dimakan pake mentega asli prancis, AQUA (protes dikit yak, ini aquanya lebih mini daripada di warung-warung *nangis di pojokan), jus apel, salad (isinya kebanyakan jagung sama selada & kacang-kacangan), dan penolong hariku : KITKAT
Eh iyaaa, aku dapet kursi di sebelah jendela which I loved it the most. Although it was a dark dark nite, tapi bagus aja gitu kerlapkerlip Jkt pas mau tinggal landas. Landasan pacunya lebih panjang (yaiyalah) daripada yg domestic, dan frekuensi penerbangan yg naik dan turun sungguh tinggi, gengs. Jadi ada masanya nunggu, ngantri, masih ada pesawat lain di jalur yang sama dan belom take off.
Tadi aku udah sebutin ya, berangkatnya sekitar habis magrib gitu. Di jadwal sih penerbangan berdurasi 9 jam. But in faaact, aku berangkat jam 6-an dari Jkt dan nyampe Doha baru jam 11 malem. Bahaha kok bisaaa?
Bcs of time zone Daahling. Bedanya 4 jam antara sini-Arab/Qatar, jadi kalo pas berangkat kurangin empat jam, pas pulang tambahin lima jam.
Aku suka banget toiletnya QA karenaaa kaca segala sisi (termasuk kaca pembesar yang bisa bikin komedo lo jadi segede gaban) dan pencahayaannya PASSSS banget buat makeup-an. Hihi.. Itu info terbaik buat cewe-cewe. Kalo buat cowo-cowo, nih aku kasitau. QA pramugarinya buset sedep banget kayak dewi. They are realllyyyyyy gorjes! Berasa dilayani sama artis2 Hollywood. Segala bangsa juga ada, dipilih yang paling cakep-cakep pokonya. Aku yang cewe aja ngakuin kalo mereka cantique ye kan. Pramugarinya juga hot sih but aku mau umroh tolong jangan mikir yang iya-iya nin kamu tuh suka kemana-kemana kan kalo ngeliat apasih abaikan #digampar readers.
Jadi kan dalam sehari aku ngeliat bandara Semarang (Ahmad Yani) yang yampun kecilnya kek terminal bis kali, dan Soetta. Langsung lah terpana sama HIA ini. Lokasi: deket pantainya Doha-Qatar. Demi apaaaa----bagusnya Subhanallah. Oke, kalo dibandingin AhmadYani sama Soetta emang lah ya bagusan ini kemana-mana. Tapi sama bandaranya Arab juga bagusan ini kok.
Kalo yang kepo ig story-ku (macem artis aja kau nin), pasti udah liat kan yaa. Soalnya lewat foto doang ngga ketangkep segimana bagusnya.
Iyaaaa saya jadi fotografer just bcs paling muda yaa. Ini foto komplit, cuman missing 2 cowo-cowo yang ngga narsis ngga suka ikutan foto dan ngga mau motion. Okelah.
Udah dulu ya. Ngantuk. Jam set 1 malem euy. Tar aku lanjutin di part 2.
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johnisthewarlus · 5 years
baking on a cornflake part 15
ringo: whare am i? it doesn’t fel like i’ve been sleeping, just existing. it feels like i was in a coma. i don’t even open my eyes because they were never closed. my mind starts glowing but not the world around me. “hello” i hear. “who’s theri?!” i yelp in fear. the voice is deep yet soothing and very echo-y. it chuckles. “no need to fear, little one. i’m a messenger of the gods. you’re in heaven.” “oh” i say “cool.” the voice replies “wait so you’re not gonna like freak out that you’re dead?” “eh been there done that” i say. i hear some pages flipping. “are you that beatle” the voice asks. “yea” i say. “oh jesus has something to say to you man” the voice says. then i hear a bunch of little footsteps and this glowing man walks up to me and jabs his finger into my chest. “hey tell you’re friend i didn’t like that beatles are bigger than jesus thing” he says angrily. looking at his long beard and hair, i realize that it is jesus. i put my hand on his head and drag it to my nose. “see? short” i say. his face goes blank and he walks away. i hear a microphone screech like when joj unplugs his guitar. a glowing shape comes to me but its shape is never definite. i couldn’t even tell you what colour it is. it speaks and i realize it’s the voice from the mic. “Come with me” it says. i begin to walk but we’re suddenly already wherever we’re supposed to be. “This is the waiting room” he says “You’ll be here for 24 hours and after that you can’t get resurrected so you can go to your permanent room.” he turns to leave. “wait i have a question” i say. he listens. “so were the Christians right? because of jesus and god and everything.” “whatever you believe happens after death is wat happens after death” he tells me and walks away. i supposed geo will be excited to meet the man with the many hands.
george: i can feel rinchar’s temperature dropping. my heart pounds. pal holds my hand and smiles at me. it calms me a bit. joh looks at us and scowls for a second but then pretends he didn’t. “we’ll be there soon” he says “the submarine gps says the cave is right heri.” and what do you know, the sub settles down on a rock and we put on our mermaid tails and go into the ocean. ring’s tail is bright pink, same as his sgt peppers outfit. i knock on the door of the cave. it gets opened up by a friendly looking blue octopus. he smiles at us and it about to say hello but then he notices rinc and grabs him and runs inside. we follow him in. “you gonna do a ceremony or something like yok?” jonny asks. “no” oswald the octopus explains “that can only be performed once. now our only hope is to call heaven and tell them to send ring home.” my eyes dilate. “that’s it?” i scream “that’s all we can do? just ask? i need a guarantee. this can’t be.” oswald shrugs. i cry and pul hugs me. he plays with my hair. i look at his eyes and he calms me and the waters around us. oswald grabs the telephone that’s still plugged into jon’s arsehole.
oswald: “hello?” i say into the telepone. the voice on the other end is groggy and mumbly. “who is this? it’s 3am. granted it’s every hour here but wat do you want?” “i’m calling to ask a favour” i tell him. “who do you want me bringing back to life at this hour?” he asks, still annoyed. “ringo starr” i say “he should be a fairly new arrival.” he stops to think. “ring... ringo.... hmmm... oh that guy?” he says “you want me bringing him back? i’ve already brought him back once. he’s had his second chance.” “well it’s a legal matter now” i say. “oh yeah? and wat law is it breaking?” he says. some sweat forms on my forehead (which is actually just absence of matter because i live under the sea) as i realize i don’t actually have a legal reason. frantically, i point to the law book on my counter and geor hands it to me. i flip thru with my remaining 7 hands but one of the tentacles gets stuck on a page. i accidentally rip it out. i’m trying to shove it back in when i notice the words ‘time travel.’ “hello? i haven’t got all day” the voice on the phone says. oh btw the voice is god. anyway “just a moment” i say. i speed read the page and under clause B4, there it is!!!! “yes i’m calling because i belive that ringo’s death break clause B4 of the law book” i say. god says something in the distance to his secretary and returns to the phone. “ok buddy well i’ll tell you wat” he says. my eyes perk. “i’ve just set a court date with my secretary. you guys can come argue your case as long as you can be here by 2:30” he continues. “that’s two minutes from now!” i screech “how are we supposed to get a lawyer on time?” “sounds like a you problem” he says and hangs up.
john: our of nowhere, i feel a tug on my shoulder. i turn around and it’s george martin. when did he get here? “i’m a lawyer!” he says. we all cheer. oswald hands us all pills. “these are temporary pills” he says “they allow us to die for a brief period of time and heaven is required to send us back within one week.” we pop the pills in without hesitation and instantly collapse.
next thing i know, we’re outside a grand courthouse and there are angels flying everywhere. we walk inside and everything’s trimmed with gold and emerald. a lot like bri’s wedding. we’re also luckily still in the suits from his wedding so we look all fancy. george martin reads clause B4 over and over again. we sit down at a table that’s at a different side of the court from the other people. “here ye here ye” the judge says banging his gavel and that “lets do this thing.” “wait” i say “do we get to see rigno?” “not unless you win” the judge says. gorje huffs. “anyway, prosecutor or whichever one you are, present your argument.” george martin stands up. “your honor we believe that the death of ringo starr breaks clause B4 of the law book...”
george martin: “...you see, in this clause, it clearly states that somebody who should be dead but has time traveled into the future is not allowed to kill someone of the future’s time. ringo was killed by a founding father, meaning that his killer should’ve been dead at the time of the murder” i state. “that’s a pretty good point george martin” the judge thinks outloud. the other team of defendants or something reply, “your honor, while the prosecutor or... while george martin’s argument would be right in usual circumstances, these were not normal circumstances. if you’d turn to page 1,789 of the law book, it clearly states that strawberry fields has no time and endless time and that time travel technically does not count there. therefore, the founding fathers did not travel to the future to kill ringo because they physically couldn’t.” “damn shots fired” says the judge “anything in response, george martin?” “your honor, if we could please take a quick recess?” i say. the judge nods. we go outside the courtroom and huddle. “so wats our plan?” jhon asks. i bite my lip “i don’t have one.....”
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ilgotrip · 7 years
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Before snow season coming. Oh God, view hijau danau (atau sungai yah) dengan pohon-pohon autumn ketika di bis menuju ke sini gorjes bangettt!!! You wont regret it!! 😘😘😍 . . 'Thank you for bringing me here, ulfa!!' #autumn time!! 🍁🍁 🍁 said Rolls @rollsnroyce 😁🤗🤗 . . Good night all..zzz zzz zzz @shirakawa_go @cathaypacificid @cathaypacific #shirakawago #gifu #lifewelltravelled #LifeRewarded #travelling #instagram #instago #tripjepang #japantrip #wisatakejepang #japan (at 白川郷(Shirakawa-go))
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