#oh yeah lyrics are from ascensionism by sleep token
one-flower-one-sword · 4 months
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well I know what you want from me you want someone to be your reflection, your bitter deception setting you free won't you come and dance in the dark with me? show me what you are, I am desperate to know nobody better than the perfect enemy and I know what you want from me you want the same as me my redemption, eternal ascension setting me free
for @bladesmercy's fic The Fear of Falling Stars
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sugoi-writes · 1 month
♥️♣️♦️♠️♥️ thank you!
113. What was your childhood nickname?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
127. What makes you happy?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
137. How tall are you?
140. Summer or Winter?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
Awww, Anonie!!! Thank you! 💋 I've got you!
Childhood Nicknames-
Most notably, my mom would always call me 'Sweetpea' (very Southern thing, I know), meanwhile my Step Dad would always call me 'Kiddo' (which rubbed off on me now... FML)
Legitimate nicknames were hard to come by, as it were! My weeb friends would call me 'Keshi', which is a so-so pronunciation. (More accurately, Kei-shi, which my friend @hazelfoureyes pointed out, if I remember correctly)
Other noteworthy things that came from Bastardizing my Maiden Last name (which is Dice... Usually it's via Mispelling--)
-D*ke(A SLUR? IN EARLY 2010s? More likely than you think)
Most people aren't very creative when it came to my name;;; these days, my wives call me Danny-Boy, which fills my heart with joy ❤️
Can I keep white shoes clean?
HARDLY... I can barely keep my multicolored Crocs clean. Feet are gross. I do what I can, but most days I'm too lazy with my shoes. A little dust adds ✨Character✨
What Makes Me Happy?
Oh, a good number of things!
-My legal Wife, Robin, for one... But mostly when she's not making her horrendous Dad-Jokes. 💀 Quality time with her is rare and loved.
-My HDC Coven, featuring Hazel, Minky, Syn, and someone secret (SHE'S MINE, YOU CANT HAVE HER). Quality time with them also brings me joy and peace.
-Stability (weird answer, I know). But being on the ✨Spectrum✨, I resist change heavily. So Stability in all aspects of life brings me the MOST happiness/relief. Especially Financial Stability (that can get dicey)
-Dabbling in my hobbies! Writing, Crochet, Doodling, and as of recently: Fashion/Makeup. I love exploring my gender through those mediums❤️
-Haunted Attractions/Haunt Acting- Being a Haunt Actor for the past 7 or so years gives me the most joy I can get while not being paid for it. I love dressing up, I love teaching people how to scare. And dare I say, I'm pretty good at it 🔥💀 I've been an actor manager at a Volunteer Haunt for 3 years, fun fact! 💀❤️
There's... A LOT of things that can bring me joy. I just have to remind myself sometimes!!!
Who is the last person you've had a deep convo with?
DEFINITELY my HDC Coven. We accidentally stumble into deep, insightful topics... Or, Trauma Stories (which I affectionately call ✨Lore✨). I'm sure you good folks will hear more about my lore one way or another!
Favorite Lyrics rn?
*Looks at Sleep Token's Discography* I-- ...THIS SONG SPECIFICALLY. ALL OF IT. IT DOES THINGS TO ME--
But, here is some of my favorites (it's like half of the song, don't judge. You get my favorite song now, to boot:)
"Won't you come and dance in the dark with me
Show me what you are, I am desperate to know
Nobody better than the perfect enemy
Digital demons make the night feel heavenly
Make it real
'Cause anything's better than the way I feel right now (THIS ONE FR FR)
Dumbest lie I ever told?
I am... WAS NOT... A smart child. I got my first hickey early on in middle school (SCANDALOUS, I KNOW)... And I told everyone a myriad of excuses. Fell and bruised my neck on a door knob, burned myself with a curling iron (I have naturally wavy hair), my sister threw hot food at me and burned me... Just... YEAH. But I hate to say I am a MUCH better liar now! 😂💀
How tall am I?
Begrudgingly, I am a mere 5"3, but in my mind's eye, I'm 6'2. Like my dear sweet wifey. ❤️ (#shortking)
Summer or Winter?
NEITHER, F A L L. But if I had to choose, Summer, because the town is so much more lively/has things to do during that time. ❤️
Tea or Coffee?
If you were to ask me a month ago, I would have said neither. But Coffee has grown a great deal on me... (Iced Coffee or Cold Brew preferred, hehe)
Was today a good day?
Could have been better, could have been worse! I DoorDashed most of my day and made some money! I got to wake up next to my Queen! And, hopefully, I get to talk to my Coven and write a little today. It wasn't perfect, but it was nice ❤️ Thank you for asking!
What's your favorite quote?
HONESTLYYYYY, the one I've been feeling most (as a Enby stuck in Florida with my Transitioning partner), I think of what Gerard Way screamed at a recent concert...
"In the face of extermination, say FUCK YOU!!!" (Or something similar)
I've been trying to live as my authentic self, while my wife gets the help and treatment she needs first. Together, we will be safe and we will love our best lives, unashamed. I also turned this quote into a sticker and sold it at art markets for a while (but sadly, living in Florida, it's hard to push Trans-Positive things...) SIGH...
But otherwise, a good back up is "History is doomed to repeat itself unless we learn from it". (Or something similar).And I Live. By. That.
Do you believe in ghosts?
As funny as this sounds (from a haunt actor), no! Not at all! I believe there's always an explanation or reason for the weird happenings people run into... But not ghosts themselves, no.
I am Superstitious in nature, but not supernaturally inclined... If that makes any sense? ANYWAY--
Hope this isn't too long of a ramble! I will try to post a sneak peak of something I'm working on (and tbh, the feedback is probably needed)
If you made it this far, thanks for reading and learning more about your boy, Sugoi! ✨❤️
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light-lanterne · 1 year
hello !! so, a lovely anon has sent me the most wondrous ask analysing (from a byler perspective) the lyrics from an album that came out on friday night, the likes of which is by my current favourite band (and hyperfixation). unfortunately, my reply was getting ridiculously long, so i shall screenshot the different parts of this ask and add them to this post instead ~
needless to say, i'll also be connecting these beautiful lyrics to byler :O many an au idea has spawned from me listening to this album a few times over, so there's that too. if you're a byler who've never even heard of this band, i highly suggest you check them out; some of their songs are very heavy, others are not and may even be considered pop. regardless of the music, all the lyrics are wonderful and they're definitely worth a listen.
anyway, let us begin !!
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— sleep token —
take me back to eden
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okei, so for the "simple" question: i don't know which is my favourite new release, they're all just so good :( maybe 'ascensionism', for it's the one that's been stuck in my head all day x.x but really, they're all perfection and if these guys don't get a grammy or five i'll be very mad >:(
anyway, you said you were joking but i'm actually buzzing with excitement at the prospect of analysing the whole thing so here we go ~
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first, the singles (i'll be as brief as possible):
i. chokehold: ah,,, the perfect start of the album. i think the song is mostly about vessel's devotion to sleep, but these lyrics really feel like s1 mike to me :O - - - - - - - - - - - beneath the stormy seas, above the mountain peaks, it's all the same to me, it makes no difference. i've seen my days unfold, done the impossible. i'll turn my walls to gold to bring you home again. - - - - - - - - - - - yeah,,, just the disposition to do anything and defeat all obstacles in order to literally "bring [this person] home again" really reminded me of mike :]
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ii. the summoning: such an exquisite single,,, really the best song to pull people in~ needless to say, the bridge brings a really neat dynamic that would work really well in an aged-up fic, i think. - - - - - - - - - - - oh, and my love. did i mistake you for a sign from god? or are you really here to cast me off? or maybe just to turn me on? 'cause these days i would be lying if i told you that i didn't wish that i could be your man, or maybe make a good [boy] bad. - - - - - - - - - - - maybe the classic good student will/rebellious mike? something like that :D
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iii. granite: this was my favourite single !! it's dark and moody and it paints a sad but somewhat beautiful picture :O from the lyrics this is about a dysfunctional relationship and codependency, so it doesn't quite fit canon byler :S an au, however,,, - - - - - - - - - - - i was more than just a body in your passenger seat, and you were more than just somebody i was destined to meet, i see you go half-blind when you're looking at me. but i am. between the second-hand smoke and the glass on the street, you gave me nothing whatsoever but a reason to leave, you say you want me, but you know i'm not what you need. but i am. - - - - - - - - - - - ,,,yeah. messy queer relationships can be fun to write and read and this one paints a very interesting scenario ~ when i first heard it, i immediately associated it with my serial killer au :D
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iv. aqua regia: this one is such a vibe ~ i originally didn't care much for it, tbh, and it took me a while to get the metaphors x.x but once i got it i really started liking the song a lot more ! - - - - - - - - - - - aqua regia, (< gold refiner; vessel describes himself as gold before) oxytocin running in the ether. (< the ether would be the internet,,,) silicon ballrooms, (< silicon is a main component of electronics, so instead of social gatherings happening in an actual ballroom, they happen on the phone) subatomic interactions if it's all good. - - - - - - - - - - - so yeah, my understanding is that the main character in this song is someone who resists technology, but stops trying to fight it once they meet someone they feel something for online which is quite lovely ~ also, these lines are so cute: - - - - - - - - - - - oh, when i am done dancing to alarm bells no wonder my ears are still ringing. - - - - - - - - - - - (just imagine vessel bouncing around all excited about getting a message from this person :D ) anyway, um, modern byler au where mike is an anti-technology nerd who finally gets himself a phone just so that maybe he can talk to this really cute, semi-instagram-popular guy he likes from one of his lectures ^-^
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v. vore: um,,, yeah,,, as someone who leans towards heavier music i love this song so so much !! the themes of obsession are amazing and really build on the concepts brought up in "this place will become your tomb", so that's a nice callback :O needless to say, there's not much bylering going on here but the vibe really goes well with aforementioned serial killer au, so there's that x.x
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ix. dywtylm: aha, last single ! i must admit, i also didn't care for it a lot when i first heard it but, within the context of the album, it's a great break between "the apparition" and the final part of the record ~ so, i think i'd mentioned this before (?) but i can't remember,,, anyway, the lyrics scream mike at me ~ - - - - - - - - - - - and my reflection just won't smile back at me like i know it should. and i would turn into a stranger in an instant if i could. and there is something eating me alive, i don’t know what it is. maybe not that you conceal your feelings, they just don't exist. - - - - - - - - - - - also these: - - - - - - - - - - - and i've tried so hard to fix it all but nothing seems to help, but i cannot hope to give you what i cannot give myself. - - - - - - - - - - - yeah, canon mike's insecurities, guilt and confusion really reflect on those lyrics :( if i were to write something around this, it'd probably be a post m*leven break-up thing where mike is unsure if he has a chance with will, so they’re both just dancing around each other,,,
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anyway, there's the singles !! now onto the new songs :D
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vi. ascensionism: my absolute favourite song of the album ;-; there's something about fun genre-merging that really tickles my brain ~ i can't say i get the lyrics as much as the other songs, but from what i get it's about a relationship that's gone awry and both parts know they need to break up, but neither one wants to do it :( (there's also some stuff about a pseudo-religion called "ascensionism" and from what i get, it would imply that our main character believes they deserve this because of something they did in a previous life, so by accepting this, they will be able to ascend,,, or something like that x.x again, i don't quite get it just yet.) anyway, as much as i like this song i can't really connect it to byler ;-; maybe an exes fic, where they reflect on their fallout ? i don't do well with those, unfortunately x.x
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vii. are you really okay?: this song is so pretty and sad :( i actually quite liked it !! it doesn't sound like anything from the soundtrack, i don't think, but it reminded me of my favourite film ever ("the crow") ~ the 90s vibes are delightful and it really gave me a feel of nostalgia that only added on to the emotion ;-; now, out of all the lyrics i'd say these are the most straightforward so i don't think i need to say what this is about :( and it's not quite the same, but i heard this part and had an idea for a short fic: - - - - - - - - - - - and i, i cannot fix your wounds this time. but i, i don't believe you when you tell me you are fine. please don't hurt yourself again. - - - - - - - - - - - picture this: during the confrontation about the painting, mike finds out about everything will has sacrificed to help him be happy so he tries to comfort him.
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viii. the apparition: ah, this song feels so short :( it's very pretty though, all about vessel's troubled relationship with sleep ~ indeed, those lyrics you mentioned do feel very byler coded :O maybe their feelings between s3 and s4, when both of them were mourning their perceived lost connection (which they could've solved with a single phone call, but alas,,,) ? something like that ~ as for the dream stuff, i can definitely see will yelling this at vecna, once he's fed-up with the nightmares and being messed with and all that: - - - - - - - - - - - just let me go or take me with you. - - - - - - - - - - - granted, vessel's relationship with sleep is more of devotion than hatred (as reflected by the rest of the lyrics), but that particularly line gave me that visual :O i propose an alternative to the vecna interpretation, though: - - - - - - - - - - - why are you never real? whenever you appear you leave me with that grace, i am trembling with fear. but i know that you will disappear, just as i awake. whisper in my ear. - - - - - - - - - - - imagine that will's been taken by vecna (slipped into a coma or something of such nature) and he communicates with mike through his dreams :] that could be interesting, i think ~
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x. rain: woo, byler-coded song !! those verses you wrote definitely feel like them, maybe once they get their stuff together and they accept that they can achieve happiness with each other ;-; i also love the references to other songs ~ part of the chorus feels a lot like "atlantic", there was a callback to "aqua regia" (something about 'saturate'), the 'game' part of the lyrics might be tied to "blood sport",,, i really like it !! the music is amazing and i can proudly inform you that listening to this as it rains around you is a wonderful experience ~ i have nothing more to add to your analysis n_n so, for a fic, i'd write about the direct moment after they defeat vecna and everything is done, with them running into each other's arms and just being happy to have each other, fully, at last.
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xi. take me back to eden: the title track,,, an absolute masterpiece ;-; it's got everything musically, the most amazing breakdown, and it really is the perfect song to explain who they are :( and vessel's lyrics,,, "i dream in phosphorescence",,, who thinks of that ? x.x he's by far one of the best lyricists i know >.< the references to previous releases are so cool, too: - the ocean references are a call back to "tpwbyt" - the second verse alludes to "nazareth" (my favourite song) - the biting stuff is from "the offering" - shakespeare's "the merchant of venice" gets quoted - and of course, the first verse from "chokehold" is repeated to round the whole thing up :O ah, amazing,,, anyway, about the lyrics you shared,,,, yes. to all that ~ perfect interpretation <3 the chorus itself can be very byler, too: - - - - - - - - - - - my, my, those eyes like fire, i'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre. come now, bite through these wires, i'm a waking hell and the gods grow tired. reset my patient violence along both lines of a pathway higher, grow back your sharpest teeth, you know my desire. - - - - - - - - - - - from mike's pov, he knows he's attracted to will and he perceives that acting on those feelings is dangerous (he's a moth to a flame), but at some point he's tired of being miserable and wants to confront this. it also works from will's pov, with him having already (unknowingly) been hurt by mike and he's tired of hurting, but he can't seem to back away. ,,,i think it works, but you tell me ~ overall, the song really reflects a longing for an innocence lost and we all know mike, will and the entire party can resonate with that :(
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xii. euclid: the perfect outro to the album (and the trilogy) !! such a gorgeous piece with one too many musical and lyrical references to other songs to list x.x with the way it ties back to "the night does not belong to god" (first song in sundowning), it really feels like closing a chapter and i can't pretend it didn't make me cry ;-; (i wonder if the song is called euclid because he was the father of geometry, and this song turns the trilogy into a circle,,,) anyway, i haven't got much more to say than what you've already mentioned,,, these lyrics have been gorgeous since the original song,,, - - - - - - - - - - - the whites of your eyes turn black in the lowlight. in turning divine we tangle endlessly, like lovers entwined. - - - - - - - - - - - and these ones (which you already mentioned but i want to repeat because they gave me chills with how pretty they are) really encapsulate byler, i think - - - - - - - - - - - do you remember me when the rain gathers? and do you still believe that nothing else matters? for me it's still the autumn leaves, these ancient canopies that we used to lay beneath. - - - - - - - - - - - yeah,,, i've got nothing more to say,,,
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anyway,,, thank you for this wonderful ask and for letting me ramble about this beautiful band and these beautiful lyrics and connect it all to the other thing i love !! sorry it took me days to get through this, i needed some time to digest the whole album ;-; hope you liked my insight (?) and the fic ideas and stuff i mentioned !!
for now, i think it's about time i wrap this ridiculously long post up x.x to whoever is reading this, i really hope you're having the best day or night ever, and that you enjoyed reading my nonsense ~ i'll see about writing some of the fics i mentioned in this post, but it will (obviously) take me a bit x.x
farewell for now !! <3
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boy-bug-ghoul · 1 year
Things in take me back to eden that make me go feral
so it's my first time listening to tmbte fully after putting it off bc i knew i would be so excited i wouldn't be able to regulate my emotions HDSKSHD
and my ttrpg discord server had to witness me have very very live thoughts and reviews about the album and vessel's voice and vessel's new mask (which i plan on making!)
so here's some of those under the cut!! (i might continue to edit this as i listen again and again)
(i hope this is how you make a cut this is my first post)
I was listening to per aspera ad inferi by ghost and plugged my ears so that the music was like fully reverberating around my skull and it was. such a good experience.
my hands over my ears, like rattling my eardrums
i did that with chokehold. fucking incredible bro it was. insane. so good.
the light piano noises?? juxtaposed with the SUDDEN HARDNESS AND THEN THE VOCALS AND AHSKDJHFS
The Summoning:
i don't have much to say about the summoning /pos. it's a classic. i think the first song i listened to from sleep token.
I've been listening to it a little more recently. the whole thing is so good especially like the middle bit where it goes so hard and the guitar goes "bleep bloop" (i read from somewhere,, the blog name evades my memory), THEN transitions into the ethereal flowy bit before iii starts bassing the house down
i love listening to the drums in ST songs as well. this is one of those crispy delicious drum songs
i sing this pretty angrily. "if you had a problem then you should have told me" etc etc yk?
after that part it's sooooo easy to vibe to because of that underlying melody, its so satisfying i listen to it over and over again
"abstract toxicity" ben says
has been in my on repeat playlist for a while now haha
Aqua Regia:
i'm such a nerd about aqua regia. the first verse goes hard. the second verse goes hard. it all goes hard without having to go musically hard.
BECAUSE THE LYRICISM IS SO GOOD. "between teeth on a broken jaw, following a blood trail, frothing at the maw" "putting down the roses, picking up the sword" "oxytocin running in the ether" JUST TO NAME A FEW
also on my on repeat
it's like the "gods" of tmbte yk? (it's because he starts out screaming. and i love it.)
but after that like, "will we remain stuck in the throat of gods" onwards,, it has something to it that makes me want to cry.
"there is always something in the way, i wanna have you to myself for once" there's so much yearning
so good. i feel bad for ignoring vore for a while before tmbte came out bc it really is. so good
i like the "oh woahs" at the start of vessel rapping
"half of a rhythm, half deity, glitches in the cold or gaps in a strange dream" HIT ME IMMEDIATELY. I HAD TO PAUSE IT BECAUSE IT WENT SO HARD. because it is basically what vessel is. oh my
"make it real" he sounds so good singing this fml!!!
"lipstick, chemtrails" onwards is SO VIBEY like all the lyrics as well!! the blood references interest me!!
vessel whispering "diamonds in the trees, pentagrams in the night sky" gave me chills. in a gay way? yeah probably
Are You Really Okay?:
i had many. many feelings about this one. it's still hard to put it into words right now
i said to my server, "im gonna start violently sobbing actually. bc its SO VERY CLEAR what it. hrgh"
it was a lot. cried, definitely. i bet it hits close to home for a lot of people.
also weird music moment i was like. noticing shdfkd i was like "damn they did this song in C major and I'm still crying" (or at least i think it's C major, it was so odd bc that's one of the brightest key signatures yk)
The Apparition:
gave me twinges of high water in emotion, but it's because i am projecting too heavily onto the first verse sdhfd
the instrumental after the first verse fucks.
the chorus as well!! the lyrics i keep talking about THE LYRICS on this one "let's make trouble in the dream world, hijack heaven with another memory"
i love the instrumental the whole time, again with that underlying melody
i read this descriptor on fake out by fall out boy, but i feel like this song is so "grit your teeth and smile"
"can you ever forgive yourself?" comes for my kneecaps.
"i cannot hope to give you what i cannot give myself" wrrrr shut up bro shut up D:
the first song i listened to off the album! it is. not because it shares a title with a ghost member... i swear...
THE ENTIRE POST-CHORUS. "refracted in light, reflected in sound" really hit me the first time!!
i love how it gets INCREASINGLY HARDER
ben, to his discord server: "darling will you saturate?" 1. CALLBACK TO AQUA REGIA 2. saturate my [redacted] vessel
i listened to rain for an hour on repeat. it slaps so hard.
Take Me Back To Eden:
the first take me back to eden refrain when vessel does that high note. ascending.
i love the chorus so so much. i had so many feelings relating to the chorus. and the harmonies ohhhh my god.
"THE CHORUS KEY CHANGE MAKES ME LIKE SHAKE" "theres so many key changes im freaking out right now im going insane right now" "THE CHORUS IS SUNG 3 TIMES AND EVERY TIME ITS A DIFFERENT KEY IM GONNA LIKE CRY IM GONNA FUCKING CRY"
i had many feelings related to the key changes. the first time i experienced all three choruses i had to pause. hyperventilate for a bit.
"and i don't know what's got its teeth in me but I'm about to bite back in anger" very high water!!!! the mouth of infinity fr
and the ending goes so hard i love it when vessel just starts screaming
clearly. my favourite. there's a lot of thoughts abt this.
the lyrics again. all so good. the night terrors. the yearning and reverence. this is my shit
the "call me when you get the chance" etc. initially i was like "this sounds so much like the night does not belong to god AND OH BOY! WAS I IN FOR A SURPRISE
"euclid is fucking insane,,, and they call back to their first ever ep AND their first ever lp and imlike hrgndnksfnrhsn" this was me before the ending right
when i heard "the whites of your eyes" my jaw dropped. i was overcome with emotion.
every time i listen to it i feel like crying. I'm like gonna cry. it's so good. what a perfect ending.
good lord. what a trip this album was. thank you for reading i still have to recover from this hahahaha
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