#oh yeah organisational tags lol forgot those
catboy-cyrus · 2 years
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great idea @merryloo
Catboy Giovanni REAL
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enchantedbyhiddles · 6 years
elisliddle replied to your post “I really don’t want to fall for conspiracy theories, but it is pretty...”
There have been some news this year from Saxony that make me think this is not to far from true. https://www.zeit.de/news/2018-04/27/wikipedia-sperrt-saechsische-behoerden-fuer-einen-monat-aus-180427-99-87390
And I think Germany has a realy bad track in terms of nazi and crime. NSU enyone?
Yeah, I know. Especially the Verfassungsschutz is always heavily involved in those scandals. Like when they financed the NDP and neo-Nazi organisations via their informants, but failed to notice the crimes they committed.
tennantaddict replied to your post “I really don’t want to fall for conspiracy theories, but it is pretty...”
I wouldn’t put this in the realm of conspiracy theories tbh. It’s as simple as looking at the evidence. Seehofer is a xenophobic wanker. The CDU in Saxony has traditionally been the most right wing Landesverband in all of Germany. And the Verfassungsschutz has a looong record (proven and validated not least through what came to light during the NSU Untersuchungsausschuss) of protecting and financing right wing organisations and parties.
Now don’t get me wrong, in my opinion, most politicians here are dishonest hacks and the media has sunken to such lows that I treat everything they report with the utmost caution, but in this case...nothing is proven yet but from the data I have, I'm inclined to believe those who do talk of a right wing mob. Cause really, we've all seen more than enough of east Germany's 'Nazi problem' to easily believe this could’ve happened there. Anyway this has become an essay, lol. I hate this country
oh also I forgot, regarding your 'dense and obvious' tags: don’t forget that, like anywhere else in the world, the majority of people here aren't too bright or too interested in all of this, so you don’t have to make up elaborate lies...only a minority of us will question their claims, the others won’t even see how transparent and bad this looks
I agree with a lot you said, but I don’t share that bad opinion of media. I think there are a lot that are crap, but also a lot that do a good job and many who’d like to, but are underpaid and lack time and resources. There are still good investigative journalists and news reporter here. I think it is dangerous to paint them all with the same brush of “media are crap”, because without them we would lack an important part of our democracy. We need them to report on all those crimes and minglings between media/politics/economy/etc. that happen. We need the diversity of them to report on each other, to explain when some of them fail. We live in these dangerous and amazing times, where information is at our disposal, but we often lack the knowledge or overall picture to evaluate them. We still need journalists for that. We have to be able to trust them and I still think overlal the facts they report are okay. Even though I could list a thousand things were they are crap and dangerous and where structural problems mean that they influence opinions for the worse, I’m glad that we have them and they are pretty independent.
Politicians aren’t necessarily dishonest hacks, I think they are living in their own bubble and are so far removed from the mindsets and questions of “normal” people, that they are out of touch. The more they try to be relatable, the more it becomes obvious. And then there are these power games, that are utterly disgusting and ridiculous and yes, to a degree dishonest. But all of that is a far bigger issue and they are on a range from “unimportant, but probably well-meaning and kind of honest” to “power player without their own opinion that just wants to have power”.
You are probably right with that Seehofer actually is that kind of ruthless and shameless liar and it is scary that a lot of people will believe him and use his lies as proof. I think with all of the talk of Chemnitz we reached a point, where the majority of people has their own opinion and doesn’t even want to look at facts or hear what the other have to say. Makes me kind of scared...
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