anushkavadlamani · 2 years
No strings attached.
I wish I had zero strings attached,goodbyes didn't have to hurt so much. I could love people without them expecting from me, or I could be wherever I wanted to go, whenever, with anyone.
With no feeling of having a void in my heart, or no thought of someone holding me back.
I wish I had no strings attached, to people and to times.
But what is the point of goodbyes if they don't make your heart shrink? and how can you be everywhere you want to be? Maybe that's life , the strings you want to let go, the strings want to break untangle and throw apart , want to hold you back , and when you try to untangle them, you tangle them even more.
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anushkavadlamani · 2 years
I feel numb.I feel scared.
Does this world want me to live or does this life want me to end?
End the suffering,end the pretentious laugh that have been going on for weeks now, that have been sabotaging every move,
Help me someone,or better yet forget I exist. Forget I'm occupying that chair,forget I sipped some coffee, forget all our memories together, forget you and I cried together,but cry when I'll be long gone.
Long gone from sadness, long gone from pain, long gone from any part of this myriad world of illusions, long gone from what makes me insane and lastly long gone from, you.
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anushkavadlamani · 2 years
No strings attached.
I wish I had zero strings attached,goodbyes didn't have to hurt so much. I could love people without them expecting from me, or I could be wherever I wanted to go, whenever, with anyone.
With no feeling of having a void in my heart, or no thought of someone holding me back.
I wish I had no strings attached, to people and to times.
But what is the point of goodbyes if they don't make your heart shrink? and how can you be everywhere you want to be? Maybe that's life , the strings you want to let go, the strings want to break untangle and throw apart , want to hold you back , and when you try to untangle them, you tangle them even more.
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anushkavadlamani · 2 years
Why is it that you expect December to be the best time of the year but it always,fuckin always turns out to be the worst month.
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anushkavadlamani · 2 years
Lost in the sound of nothingness
Lost in the silence of chaos,
Trying to wake up , I barely make it out alive
Bring me a casket,place me in there
For alas! I am ultimately under no ones care.
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anushkavadlamani · 2 years
One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs,
Or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls.
A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini
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anushkavadlamani · 2 years
I love blurry photographs of people on adventures because someone wanted to record the moment but they were having too much fun to take a good photograph
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anushkavadlamani · 2 years
* cries in icse *
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anushkavadlamani · 2 years
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anushkavadlamani · 3 years
Nothing is warming than watching a sunset all by yourself.
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anushkavadlamani · 3 years
At this point im ugly, petty, sleep deprived,passive aggressive and on existential crisis :')
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anushkavadlamani · 3 years
Okay but this.
Do you believe in soulmates?
hmm yeah i think so? but not in the intense way that a lot of people make soulmates out to be… like there’s not just one person in the world for you, and they can be platonic too! my best friend & i have been friends since we were 8, she’s for sure my platonic soulmate :)
the idea that one person is made for you and will be magically perfect for you isn’t a healthy expectation. we’re always changing and growing, at least we should be, and love is about growing together and learning how to love each other at whatever stage we’re in. that also means people fall out of love, but just because they thought their partner was their soulmate doesn’t mean they’ll never find that again, you know?
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anushkavadlamani · 3 years
But what about the one who heals it?
"You see," she said, "your first love isn't the first person you give your heart to -- it's the first one who breaks it ."
- Lang Leav
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anushkavadlamani · 3 years
It's always I love you and never " you are poetry personified and I will recite you until the day I die".
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anushkavadlamani · 3 years
All we wanted was a person to feel like home.
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anushkavadlamani · 3 years
Watched dead poets society. I need a shoulder to cry on and get hit by a train please.
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anushkavadlamani · 3 years
Oh the intimacy of receiving an annotated book.
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