#Evil Team Leaders (cat edition)
catboy-cyrus · 2 years
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good news: catboy marriage is now legal
bad news: so is catboy divorce
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askdacast · 2 months
hey block people fans, so I really love the Tanuki Joel/Smallishbeans fanart goin around as inspired by @mellozheist's design and it made me think, what youkai (Japanese folklore monsters) would we portray the other Hermitcraft/Life Series members as? Some of the more obvious and fun ideas I thought of:
Scar - Kitsune, easy. Charismatic, cunning wiles, enterprising, known for tricking people, tendency to be wet cat on the rare instance you find his weakness. Also kitsune are rivals to tanuki (although Scar and Joel aren't really rivals so much as occasional partners in crime). You could alternatively choose the bakeneko because it's also a wiley shapeshifter and cat connection (RIP Jellie).
Grian - Tengu, also easy choice. Not just for the obvious pesky bird connection. Tengu are also trickster beings. They are sometimes evil (abducting humans) but sometimes benign and teach humans secret arts. They are excellent fighters and leaders, but just like a regular crow, they can just as easily goof off for no reason at all. Dangerously capable but also goofy bird fits Grian to a T.
Mumbo - Kappa, maybe? He's not associated with water much iirc but the kappa from not iRL folklore but a certain series are associated with engineering, and I needed an appropriate one for the Redstoners lol
Etho - Kamaitachi. Weasel with sharp blades. Like a tanuki (Joel), but consistently sneaky, while also being just a little guy. Can probably team up with Skizzle and Tango for the traditional trio of sneaky people with sharp blades. EDIT: I know there's fanart of him as a kitsune to match Tanuki Joel, and I'm by no means contesting that, this is just a fun alternative.
Bdubs/Skizzleman - Oni. They beeg. They angery. They not necessarily dumb but they stronk and one of them has lived in the mountains at least once. I can even see Bdubs being like a Sakata Kintoki spoof (the "son" of a yamanba a.k.a Cleo)
Jimmy - Yosuzume. Birds of bad luck. Canary curse. Need I explain more?
feel free to give alternative suggestions or ideas for the others, or ask me what youkai I think might fit certain traits, I may not know much about the block people but I know a little too much about Japanese folklore so this is just a fun exercise for me
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the-owl-tree · 4 months
I'm sorry if I've asked you this before, I genuinely don't remember, but why does everyone dislike yellowfang's secret? I like it a lot as a story, I find her powers silly but no one seems to have that issue... What is it?
It's been a while since I've read it so I'm going off of memory but my general reasons why I had so many problems getting through the book were:
Yellowfang herself isn't really Yellowfang? She's not snappy or grumpy and doesn't really act in the same way she does in TNP. She's just kind of the punching bag of the book without any of her signature sass to at least make her as a protagonist enjoyable.
The power in itself is an unnecessary retcon, it's only there to force Yellowfang into becoming a medcat and, well, there lies an even bigger issue: we are once again recycling the plotline of a cat forced to be a medcat when oooghgh they just wanna be average :( it's frustrating to me that Yellowfang gets so much of her own autonomy ripped away in this book, to the point where she can't even CHOOSE to be a medcat.
Her backstory in the original books was that she was a Warriors turned medcat and that's interesting. The life of the warrior is glamorized, it's the ideal life for Clan cats, so characters who CHOOSE to turn their back on it to heal are really interesting conceptually! The powers completely ruin this, it's a cheap cop out that's forgotten as soon as the book doesn't have to force Yellowfang into a job she should've wanted.
Why do books treat this position like a punishment or something embarrassing. It's Bad Writing above all because the position is important! It is a necessary part of the Clan to function, medcats should be treated with respect! But that's a whole other response.
That's also where Sagewhisker comes in, the mentor figure who, uh, pressures Yellowfang into doing something she doesn't want to do and yet the narrative continues to affirm is Correct.
I could go on but Bonefall has a good post on Sagewhisker that I personally agree with that adds screenshots and details.
It's just....miserable watching Yellowfang be dragged into a position she doesn't want and I don't know why they would choose the most miserable possible route with this character.
That's not even getting into Raggedstar, the good ol' abusive male love interest who's actions are swept under the rug as he guilt trips, berates, and generally treats Yellowfang like garbage! Despite an entire super edition of abuse and the website acknowledging he's abusive - his actions will never fully be held accountable and he will consistently be portrayed as the Nice Leader who just wanted what was best for his Clan <3
His own abuse of Yellowfang is never acknowledged and fuck's sakes the books play the Nightcloud card and go "well, guess what, it's a WOMAN'S fault that Brokenstar happened!"
In a book already swimming with misogynistic writing, the authors decided to up the ante and introduce Lizardstripe: the mean bitch mom who doesn't want to be a mom and that's all you need to be told to know she's an abusive evil woman.
The book will never actually show you scenes of her being abusive, they will literally just write scenes of her saying she doesn't want to be a mother as a shorthand of her being abusive.
I'm sure this definitely doesn't factor into the writing team's incredibly conservative ideology towards motherhood's and women's roles.
I'm gonna link Bonefall again, he's just good posts that really delve into the problems with this and I'd honestly just be reiterating a lot of his posts if I talked on my own lol
Yellowfang's Secret takes everything interesting about Yellowfang and just flat out ignores it or makes it worse. It's miserable to read, it's just page after page of Yellowfang getting beaten down.
And you could argue that's the point, that Yellowfang believes she deserves her troubles, but I don't think that's the case. I think the book is just troubling in its handling of motherhood and abuse, it handles them poorly.
Bad Book i guess. sucks! i think Yellowfang as a character could fill up an entire super edition, but the one they wrote is miserable garbage.
I can't even remember the plot outside the medcat stuff. Idk mean clan cat invasion time for no reason?? Uuhh kittypet attack?? i don't find it memorable outside of the stuff that actively upset me.
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Round 2 Match 2: They Should Have Been At The Club Tournament
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Propaganda below the cut.
Propaganda for Kozuki Hiyori:
Hiyori's 26 and has spent most of the past 20 years working to get revenge on and take control of her country from the man who killed her parents and usurped the shogunate. This involved becoming an oiran and becoming said man's favorite, spending time around him when she really, really just wants him dead. She's only had a single person supporting her during this time, one of her parents' surviving retainers; he helped her distribute funds to the poor that she got by swindling her immoral clients. Now that the country is free and her brother is shogun, she needs to help rebuild her country from 20 years of tyranny. Girl needs a vacation and a spa trip.
Propaganda for Squirrelstar:
TW: Animal Death and Abuse
Squirrelstar, since she was a young teenager, dealt with a lot of trauma and $h!t within the books, that she honestly really needs a break from. As a young teenager, she saw a cat who she was traveling with, Feathertail, die from falling from a high altitude.
Squirrelstar also saw her own home being destroyed to humans, and had to travel miles away from her old home in order to now live in a new one.
She also learned that her friend, Shrewpaw, died from being hit by a car. And when Squirrelflight became an adult, she had $h!tty love interests to choose from:
Ashfur, who’s toxic and obsessive to Squirrelflight, who can’t even handle a literal love rejection from her, And Brambleclaw, who’s toxic and $h!tty towards her when he’s angry and/or upset at her. Squirrelflight eventually decides not be with Ashfur, and (unfortunately) chose to be with Brambleclaw.
Squirrelflight was also pressured by dead people in the afterlife to adopt her sister’s kittens, with one of the spirits lying to Squirrelflight that she’s literally stillborn. (Due to the kits existing being illegal, due to Squirrelflight’s sister, Leafpool, being a healer, and Crowfeather, the kit’s biological father, being from another clan.)
And Ashfur, is SO upset that Squirrelflight rejected him, that he literally cornered Squirrelflight’s adopted (now fully grown) children and wanted to KILL them in front of Squirrelflight order to make her “feel the pain that he felt.” when she rejected him.
And after the secret of her adopted kits’ heritage is revealed, Brambleclaw broke up with her and remained distant and/or cold towards her until literal evil spirits from cat hell try to murder all cats within the clans within a BIG battle. And within this BIG battle, Squirrelflight’s adopted daughter, Hollyleaf, dies, and so does Squirrelflight’s father, Firestar.
Squirrelflight, a little while after this, has a litter of four kits with Bramblestar, but two of the kits died, due to them weakening after birth. And her mother, Sandstorm, dies from an infected wound while traveling Alderpaw, Squirrelflight’s son, on a big journey. And with her PoV super edition book, Bramblestar is quite abusive towards her.
And he refuses to listen to her when she tells him that the clans shouldn’t attack a nomad cat group that’s temporarily occupying land that Skyclan doesn’t own yet. She sees her grandkit die after recently being born, And also saw her daughter, Sparkpelt, having depression from the loss of her kit and mate.
Squirrelflight teams up with her sister in order to help save the nomad’s leader kits, which resulted in both of them to be CRUSHED by a rockfall. But when they reach the afterlife, the dead spirits there - including the one who lied to Squirrelflight that she’s stillborn - literally decide to judge whether or not Squirrelflight and her sister should go to literal CAT HELL because of something that THEY LITERALLY TOLD SQUIRRELFLIGHT AND LEAFPOOL TO DO.
Oh, and Squirrelflight also learned that Ashfur, the very cat who threatened to KILL her children, was accepted into cat heaven, literally because apparently he “only loved too much”. (Which, unsurprisingly, turns out to be a BAD IDEA for the kitty heaven to do.)
And when Squirrelflight decides that she’s not ready to die yet - while Leafpool decides to be in Starclan, the kitty heaven afterlife - Squirrelflight wakes up seeing that her sister died from her injuries from the rockfall.
And Bramblestar apologizes to Squirrelflight for being $h!tty to her, but states it in a way that blames BOTH him and Squirrelflight being in the wrong, despite Bramblestar being the abusive one in the relationship and literally wanting to attack a group of nomads that literally done nothing to him.
And then sometime later, Squirrelflight’s mate dies from an illness, literally gets possessed by - guess who - ASHFUR, in order to destroy and break down literally everything that Squirrelflight knows and/or loves.
And after Ashfur, who’s possessing Bramblestar’s body, is exiled from the clan, and Squirrelflight became the temporarily leader of the clan, her clan mates disrespected her and didn’t view her as leader because she doesn’t have nine lives, like all leaders do (Yet somehow when a old man takes her place who doesn’t have nine lives her clan mates are chill with following him for some reason?)
And when she goes to the religious pond place to grief Bramblestar, her abusive mate- Ashfur literally knocks her unconscious, and DRAGS her into CAT HELL with him. And after all of this, Squirrelflight eventually becomes leader of the clan, due to Bramblestar being traumatized by Ashfur, and still being mates and/or having a strained relationship with Brambleclaw.
Squirrelflight dealt with so much abuse, trauma, grief, and $h!t from other characters, traumatic events, and from the writing itself in her life. So because of this, Squirrelflight deserves to be whimsy, chill, have fun, and have a freaking break from everything within the club.
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ohdudedhesflirting · 2 years
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My top 9 on boys planet
So if you are following me you now that I am kinda obssessed with boys planet currently and !! Because I am an indecivive person i needed to make sure my votes would be the right ones.. so.. i did my little research about each of them, their pros and cons.. So yeah.. Lets go ? (they are not classed by favorites but random) ((images are not mine))
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Park Gunwook
2005- 18 years old
1m 83
K Group
Pros :
Giant Baby
So good at dancing
Great stage presence !
Clever and great vision (The kill this love stage ? His whole plan)
Zhang Hao loves him
He is very polite and I love him for that
Invited buddies from another dorm room to sleep in his room bc they couldn’t sleep due to Ji Woong’s snoring.
(cough for all those traines that thinks he is scary, no he is not !! he baby your honor)
Con :
He is legally an adult but 2005 is a bit young for the mental pressure of being an idol
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Zhang Hao
2000- 22 years old
1m 80.
G group & center
Pro :
Can play the violin
His singing voice
Stage presence
Dancing skills
I love his ears, reminds me of an elf
Pro looser
He has great taste. Why ? He adopted Gun Wook. I love gun wook he is baby. And my boy Zhang Hao recognised that, so yeah great taste.
He helped other people rehearse at night/late on the day
Good team spirit
Smacks people’s ass
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2004 – 18 years old
1m 83
G Group
« Young and rich. Tall and Handsome. Charisma boss baby Ricky. »
Pro :
He has a cute laugh
Great stage presence
Good humor (How do you feel ? – I feel stoked)
He did not laugh with the whole hat prank.
He has a tatoo on his neck
He loves Ji Woong
Can make a cocktail (very rare apparently)
Con :
Resting bitch face
Mnet evil editing him fr (mnt is globally evil editing kind of everyone from g group)
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2001- 21 years old
1m65 (he is the same height as me lol)
G Group
He already debuted in the group Ciipher
Pro :
Said he can do composition, always useful in a group
All rounder
He always serve on a performance level
Great rap
He is the one who made “I love you, I want you, Seok Matthews”
Con :
Dont know much about him
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Sung Hanbin
2001- 21 years old
K Group & center
Bestie with Matthews !! (They come as a package. Do NOT separate them)
Pro :
His dancing skills
He wanted to be a kindergarten teacher or a psychologist
He is very tender with other
Fell for him when he cried for Matthew performance because he was so proud of him. Thats the moment I knew I was ready to die for him
He said he liked writing and I like writing too so he get a point in my agenda
He is humble with the whole center and killing points parts.
Im sorry but he looks so young I wanna put him in my pocket
He has a tatoo on his arm
Him in sports day (« please do not make me talk)
Close to his mom
Great team spirit
Con :
Held Matthew’s hand #WishThatWereMe
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Kim Jiwoong
1998 – 25 years old
1m 78
K Group
Also an actor and had a debut in INX
Pro :
He is calm
Brilliant leader
I like his stage presence
During sport day he helped his partner when he fell by securing him so he wouldn’t be hurt.
He snores. I snore. Good point for him.
He gives great advce and he really helped Matthew while he wasa leader for the love Killa task.
Somehow reminds me of a stray cat that does not want to be pat but once you get to know him he will come purr on your lap
Con :
I want to hear him more of his singing
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Kim Gyuvin
2004- 18 years old
K Group
« Did you do only Love Killa for years ? »
Pro :
He loves snacks.
He is cute
Great dancing skills
Litteraly just put him in this list bc he loves snacks and I find his stage presence great
Con :
His ugly ass dog.
I know litteraly nothing about this guy
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2001- 22 years old
G Group
He said he considered it to be his last chance :’(
Pro :
His voice !!!!
Dancing skills
He said he liked studying history and as an art history major I love him for that :’)
His humor
Great facial expressions off and on stage
Con :
Mnet and koreans racism towards mixed people : ( (not his fault tho)
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Seok Matthews
2002- 20 years old.
1m 70
G Group
Bestie with Han bin ! (They come in a package. Cannot be separated)
« I love you. I want you. Seok Mathews. »
Pro :
Born in 2002. I am born in 2002 so we are bestie now
He talked in french. I am french. A point in my agenda
His voice ?????!!! On the floor
Great dancing skills
Always serving in every performance
He had good leaders skills during the « love killa » performance
Great presence on stage
Always show a different energy on stage
Can make a cocktail approximately, he put some ice in there and I love my cocktail cold so yeah. 
Thats it :)
Dont jump on me for not adding Hui. I Will not be sharing my opinion.
And also dont jump me for not adding Yujin. He wont get just one vote for me because he is a minor. And I dont want a 15 years old kid to debut.
His talent will still be there in a couple of years. So its a no for me <3 I refuse to put a litteral child in the industry we all saw what happened to Ni-Ki and to litterally every fucking minor/young idol in the industry.
(also if anyone is interested tell me if you want the aesthetic I imagine for the group and the name :) )
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 21: It'll Be A Cold Day Season 1, Episode 22: The Deadly Flowers
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Episode 21: It'll Be A Cold Day
And we open with Lotor evil laughing, great start
Oh, so this is the continuation of the episode where Romelle got kidnapped, she's in a dungeon with other women now Lotor tried to force a kiss on her after he compared her to Allura again, disgustang good for Romelle, she managed to slap him in the face
With the editing it doesn't really look it but Lotor knocked out Romelle and carried her away only for her to return by herself and collapse before she starts crying, something very nonconsensual happened to her,, poor girl
While knocked out she thinks back to when she was captured, Bandor officially became crown prince after their father went insane apparently, pollux is a patriarchy which is good to know for world building The other ladies in the cell are helping her out and making an escape plan, something tells me this is going to go wrong
Oh, shit they did it, similar to how the boys did except they LITERALLY COMMITTED ARSON BEFORE STEALING A SHIP, girlbosses every single one of them
Lotor's already on their tail, somehow his attacks set the ship on fire which you'd think couldn't happen because there's no oxygen in space but ok also they're crash landing on Neeve? I didn't catch the planet name, but Romelle sent out a distress call which obvs the team and Bandor picked up
The team and Bandor meet up, apparently they formed voltron but I think it's so funny that they ended up deactivating formation anyway, what a waste of energy lol
Allura finds one of her mice down her uniform as they're all out scouting in the snow, then proceeds to put them back into her collar, so they can keep warm why do I feel like lance should be saying that he wishes he was that mouse? Maybe it was in golion because he definitely doesn't say it here
Bandor and the team run into the ship but find it empty, then Allura notices a scrap of fabric and almost gets attacked by haggar disguised as romelle after the door closes behind her this is like the second time Haggar's disguised herself as allura's family, does she have beef with them specifically? The mouse saves her though which gives the boys time to get to the princess
Man they make Pidge such an acrobat in this show lol, he flips in the air and PUNTS HAGGARS CAT AWAY AFTER IT STARTS CHASING THE MOUSE SDOVINSDV
obvs haggar escapes but not without bandor, the team chases after her straight into the worst case scenario, being on lower ground Lotor demands Allura to be traded for her cousins, of course nobody trusts that he'd actually follow through
Allura starts heading towards lotor as the pollux siblings head towards the lions, but Keith is the leader for a reason, and he hides his uniform in snow before swapping places with allura so lotor still thinks its her also lotor unleashes a robeast when he gets close enough
Lotor v Keith again, except the siblings come back and want to attack lotor themselves for being a POS Romelle gets knocked out and kidnapped again,,, girl gets no break
Voltron forms, robeast is taken out, and now onto lotor apparently romelle gets set free? It's very vague because they catch lotor and tell him they'll tail him to pollux to make sure, but then they're back on arus? We'll see ig
/episode end
Episode 22: The Deadly Flowers I've seen so many screenshots of this episode onvsdo
Some random seed pods fell from space and sprouted on arus in abundance, immediately that's a sign that things aren't right
The mice pick some for Allura though, and they end up dancing together for a bit, how cute Immediately cut to doom, and we find out the flowers are haggars doing, which are supposed to make anyone who smells them sick
Coran calls an emergency meeting because the flowers are rapid response ig, people are blacking out left and right so Allura wants them treated at the castle by their doctor Dr Gorma The flowers of planet Lyra apparently are medicinal and should help
Lance has literally started a wildfire apparently because Coran told him to burn the flowers that started blooming maybe not the best idea guys
Allura has an idea to get past the magnetic field that surrounds planet Lyra but obvs she smelled the flowers so now she's out cold too just when we were getting somewhere too >:/
Lance ditches the team to go to planet Lyra by himeself in blue hey his suit finally matches lol
"I know, and I've got special equipment! Intelligence, charm, personality, good looks, and a rabbit's foot" *(winks)* -Lance ICONIC
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aaand the bad guys are on planet too, of course, except they think it's allura and go off to try and capture blue
Lance finds this weird divot filled with honey like liquid AND FUCKING TASTES IT, MCCLAIN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT IS also the natives started attacking, this is why you don't stick your fingers into everything Lance
ooh pretty girly to act as diplomat, apparently the roses are worshiped and not given away so easily so Lance gets grabbed and taken to the king for that permission only for a doom cruiser to pick him to go there, yeah definitely not good
lotor bitch slaps lance for not being allura, luckily for lance he's near something sharp, so he starts cutting his ropes without being noticed Farla is the girls name and she doesn't seem to understand that lance and lotor know each other so she asks to give him flowers which Lotor is glad to hear because voltron is out of commission atm
Lance is loose and starts a sword fight with lotor before his sword gets stuck on the highly magnetic rocks on the wall of this cliff they're on, Lotor shoves him off into the river below where apparently nobody has ever survived falling from obvs that's about to change real soon
Lotor wants the roses for allura himself and the king of lyra tries to extort him but lotor fucking KILLS THE GUY, LIKE STRAIGHT UP THE TEAM WHO EDITED THIS EPISODE STOPS THE SCENE AND FADES IT TO RED FOR CENSORSHIP HOLY CRAP
Lance lived and is back in blue, hooray! Except Lotor's crew is destroying all the flowers except for what they needed, Farla tries to stop them but she got smacked into the water before Blue came out to crush the troops
Falra pulls through and before she faints (dies) she gives Lance a bag of seeds for him to plant on arus, but he promises to plant them on Lyra instead he's such a fucking sweetie i love him omg
As the other boys try to fight the robeast lotor sent out on Arus, Allura stumbles her way to castle control and flies red since lance and blue are still gone man this girl has flown 3/5 lions already, girlboss
lance returns, voltron is formed, robeast destroyed, and lotor runs off, except dad calls and chews him out for destroying the flowers though lotor gets out of it by saying he's brought enough flowers to keep making the meds he apparently needs to stay alive for a long time, call ends and lotor calls zarkon stupid dude i feel like he'd know if his meds were missing/short how was that a good plan
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Special reward for a special guy
Pidge tries to get a kiss too but gets smooched by a mouse instead, maybe that's where vld got the idea in the first place sovsdv
Lance still remembers planet Lyra, and he rushes off to plant the rest of the flowers with Allura coming along too
/episode end
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electrivolt · 2 years
poke.mon Favourites!
FIRST GAME: yellow, it was my first console as well getting the gameboy color! fun fact i had a pikachu limited edition one that for the life of me i haven’t been able to find anywhere, it had pikachu and pichu on the sides and one of pikachu’s cheeks was overlapping with the on/off light of the gameboy, and it was semi transparent. it was cool as fuck i miss that gameboy :(
FAVOURITE SPINOFF GAME: mystery dungeons and rangers, to be even more exact explorers of sky and shadows of almia/guardian signs. mystery dungeons was my silly childhood dream of getting to play exclusively as a ‘mon and when i first played rangers it blew my mind how different it was and yet how cool it all was, both gameplay, story and the setting itself because getting to be a ranger was one of the coolest things i could think of. i still think a lot about those games they were just so good. 
FAVOURITE EVIL TEAM: team galactic, always team galactic, they still seem like one of the best teams to me to this day. they feel like one of the most actually dangerous teams of the games i’ve played that actually shows it, the lake bombing still sticks in my mind with how memorable that was not to mention spear pillar!! great team 10/10 nothing will top it for me
FAVOURITE TEAM LEADER: painfully obvious but cyrus, i could go on a 1 hour yt video essay on why he’s in my humble opinion the best team leader out there. i just think he’s neat and his ideals are smth wild and yummy to explore
FAVOURITE STARTER: rowlet because i love decidueye and ghosts are some of my favorites all around, but like. i could pick one for most gens. i love totodile i love turtwig i love snivy. help.
FAVOURITE BOX LEGENDARY: giratina. that’s my favorite legendary all around it’s never gonna be topped really
FAVOURITE POKEMON: can’t pick just one and go but i can narrow it down to very few ones actually excluding legendaries- luxray for sure, the whole line really but like. i love lux isn’t that obvious. big electric cat my beloved. mimikyu is another BIG one, i love mimikyu to death it’s just a lil guy that wants to be loved just a cute lil ghost that did nothing wrong AND THEN there’s gengar i love that mf it was actually my fave ghost type before mimikyu came along. espeon particularly is also a big fave though i don’t? really know why somehow?? but it’s my favorite eevolution all around. AND hisuian form zoroark i love that bastard ( to volkner’s dismey :) ) it’s such a cool regional variant concept ok-
if i had to mention legendaries ( other than gira ) there’s the obvious zappy bird and i’ll admit the galarian version is also p cool, the dogs are also pretty cool and lugia is one of my big favorites as well. there’s probably a few more but between technicalities of legendary vs mythical and all i can’t just sit here naming everyone
FAVOURITE PROFESSOR: admittedly i don’t really pay too much attention to the professors usually, but i think it’s rowan, i’d like him to be my grandpa
FAVOURITE RIVAL: barry my dear adhd crackhead child. i do remember using to like hugh a whole lot too as a kid when i first played bw2 but i cannot for the life of me remember why. i have to replay those games
FAVOURITE CHAMPION: cynthia! she’s always been great and so memorable, i just can’t help but be attached to her especially as my first “real” elite 4 challenge. steven is pretty close too for being weird
FAVOURITE CHARACTER (if not already covered): for obvious reasons it’s volk here but roark is neat too :) ( also for obvious reasons ). grusha and allister too though i got attached to these weird lil guys and i rlly want to go back to writing them if the mental illness allows me
FAVOURITE STORY: MMMMH WELL. i love the original dppt a whole lot, bw is also something i’m attached to a lot for many reasons, so i’d say those two are tied. i do have to add legends though because that fucked so hard
FAVOURITE MUSIC: i don’t. really pay attention a lot to the music but i guess the gym leader theme in galar is neat. some other stuff like the poke.mas remix kinda count too honestly and i really like some of the stuff in the og gen4
FAVOURITE REGION OVERALL: sinnoh all around. by extention hisui as well, like sinnoh already held a special place for me because it felt so alive and special with that care put into what is its own culture and the dedication to legendaries, and i love to have gotten hisui and to get to see the origins of so much of current sinnoh. unova is also a big favorite nearly as close to sinnoh with how much character it has and i have a lot of good memories of those games
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kudosmyhero · 3 months
Detective Comics (vol. 1) #569: Catch as Catscan
Read Date: July 04, 2023 Cover Date: December 1986 ● Writer: Mike W. Barr ● Penciler: Alan Davis ● Inker: Paul Neary ● Colorist: Adrienne Roy ● Letterer: John Workman ● Editor: Dennis O'Neil ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read:
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● Catwoman dressed more like Huntress ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: A group of Catwoman's ex-henchmen dressed as "cat burglars" attempt to steal a prototype catscan machine from a warehouse. Batman and Robin show up to beat the crap out of them. Their leader Crandall takes a hostage, but Catwoman arrives and takes him down with her whip. Catwoman expresses disappointment in Crandall, having given him enough to "start over" when she went straight and broke up the gang. Later on the roof, Catwoman asks Batman if this was enough to make him believe that she's good now. Batman explains it's not that he doesn't believe her, he's just not sure if a romantic relationship would be possible in their line of work. Catwoman invites Batman back to her apartment, but he declines. She reminds him that she cannot wait forever, and leaves. Batman explains to Robin the reason he's hesitant to date Catwoman is that all of his relationships seem to end in ruin.
The Joker sits in his hideout trying to plan a new crime, feeling like he's hit a creative slump. His henchmen suggest a bank robbery, and he dismisses it as "a common pedestrian crime." Straight Line shows him a newspaper with Batman and Catwoman on the front page, and Joker is finally inspired. Back in the Batcave, Batman teaches Robin how to fight a knife-wielding attacker. Alfred serves them Jason's favorite dish (pot roast), but the Bat-Signal appears and they have to leave before they can eat. Batman and Robin meet up with Catwoman at GCPD Headquarters. Commissioner Gordon tells them the Joker is back, and they've received a card with a clue on the back. Batman and Robin deduce that Joker is planning to steal a rare first edition copy of "Joe Miller's Joke Book" from the Gotham Public Library. Robin excitedly says "Holy Gutenberg! Let's go!" and Batman tells him to never use this catchphrase again. Batman, Catwoman, and Robin find the Joker and his gang in the library. Batman and Robin deal with the thugs while Catwoman runs after the Joker. The Joker chastises her for switching teams, and knocks her out with an electro-shock. Straight Line shoots Batman and Robin with a gun that traps them in constricting goo. Batman eventually slips out of his bonds and rescues Robin, but the Joker has already left with Catwoman. The Joker holds Catwoman prisoner, and reveals that he's hired evil scientist Doctor Moon. Moon intends to use Catwoman in one of his immoral experiments, proving that free will is an illusion and the mind can be molded like clay. They wake her up because Moon wants her conscious so he can measure her pain levels correctly. Catwoman is hooked up to the catscan prototype that Joker had stolen earlier. They flip the machine on to painfully destroy her mind and make her evil again.
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Fan Art: Catwoman by erlanarya
Accompanying Podcast: ● Batman Knightcast - episode 05
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solorpgist · 9 months
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The day got busy out of nowhere so I haven't had much time to work on this, but this is what I have so far for the magical girl concept! I'll probably edit this post as I get more ideas or change my mind on things. Names are written with the given name first.
magical girls:
Hikaru Yoneda - the leader of the magical girls! A boy in his normal form, he has always had a fondness for cute things and a strong interest in magical girl shows. He's kept this a secret out of fear people will find him weird, and is hiding the fact that he's a boy from the other magical girls out of a similar fear. He's energetic and basically acts as the group's cheerleader at times, being the most commited to the magical girl vibe.
Mito Hiraoka- a quiet, rather blank-faced girl. Despite her appearance, she's incredibly sensitive, and has strong emotions in general. People often don't take her feelings seriously since she always seems so calm and neutral, much to her frustration. She has water powers that she can use to heal others, and acts as the medic for any mild injuries acquired by either team in their hijinks.
Kousei Tamaki- A lazy gamer. They're friendly and chill. In magical girl form they fit the outline of a typical mentor magical girl, offering advice to the others and looking after them. What the others don't know is that they're talking out of their ass. They hardly leave the house and lack life experience, so they just make up advice on the spot when asked for their thoughts. It always either works out really well or really poorly.
magical devil-girls:
Ayaka Misono- the leader of the magical-devil girls! The mischevious prankster who started the whole situation. Haven't really worked out their full character yet.
Meiling Zhang- a shy and anxious girl. While she initially just didn't correct the magical girls because she was too nervous to speak up, she quickly began using her magical girl form to act out a more animated character without fear of judgement and played along in earnest. She's mature and caring, and something of a mom friend. She puts on a smug and teasing act in her magical-girl form.
Chiaki Furutani- a cheerful ball of energy. From their sunny nature and all the pastels that they wear, one has to wonder how they ended up on the magical devil girl team. They see the rivalry and any fights as a game, and are completely unaware that the magical girls don't know they aren't actually evil. Think pastel goth Emu basically.
I wanna come up with another person for each team and work out Ayaka. I'm not too sure on mascots but I was thinking a black cat for the magical devil-girls for the witch association. I'm fighting god to not just make the magical girl mascot a penguin.
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faeryarchives · 3 years
Yayy, another person that knows twst and genshin impact! Since requests are open, can I request for Pomefiore with a yae miko s/o headcannons? I hope you don't get tired of these kinds of request. If you don't feel comfy with this ask, then feel free to delete it!
hi anon ~ these kind of requests actually makes me happy !! i just finished yae's quest earlier and i really love her she is so funny 😭
edit: im so sorry i didnt read the s/o part dbfjebk in process of editing t_t
pomefiore with a yae miko gender neutral s/o!
kitsunes are known for their intelligence and cunning minds under their beautiful appearance
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: ̗̀➛ vil schoenheit
when vil saw you for the first time - he was amazed and immediately notice how you calmly reacted to being summoned to their world like it was normal for you.
"ara? there was a light at the sakura tree and now i am here. can you kindly tell me where am i?"
"sakura tree? i don't know what that is but you are in twisted wonderland right now."
"oh, ok so i am obviously not in inazuma right now. but how could you not know a sakura tre-"
the moment he heard that you were once the head shrine maiden in your world, vil asked if you could somehow help purifying the evil ghosts residing in their dorm in which you agreed - in exchange of asking about his skincare routine.
🤨🤨🤨 what you aren't using any skincare products? how did you maintain such clear skin?!
the pomefiore dorm leader was stunned while watching you perform your purifying ritual, he never seen someone which such grace other than himself!
sometimes the two of you would talk about the light novels your publishing house had published and once you consider him as one of your close friends.
vil noticed that despite your playful demeanor, you really treasure and care those people who enters your life which can be sometimes hidden by playing pranks on ace and deuce causing riddle going after you.
going shopping and make-over with vil is a must because why not? you will get the chance to go on shopping with your boyfriend who is looking a way to spend time with you despite his busy schedule.
overall, vil really enjoy your company despite pulling pranks on his makeup and such.
"sly potato, give me back my makeup brush."
"what if i don't? are you going to kiss me?"
"oooh, you want to kiss me so bad."
spoiler alert, he did which left you standing there with a faint blush on your face. the dorm leader couldn't wipe off the smile he had for the whole day - finally he did something that left you stunned.
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: ̗̀➛ rook hunt
rook already has his eyes on you once he learned that you were a kitsune, and he was actually having fun with you! you didn't run away from him like leona or got angry at him like malleus but you entertain him with your mind games.
"how far can grim run into the woods?"
"why of course monsieur hirsute can run up to the botanical garden!"
"my my your first guess is absolutely wrong! he could only go halfway because after that, he is running out of the woods."
"all i wanted was to get back to the dorm, why did i end up in this."
he finds it amusing that you could actually keep your friends in check while having that smile on your face. he rarely see you without your signature smile whenever someone overblots.
what rook really admire about you was your ability to be able to read and influence people
"grim ~ can you get me some fried tofu in the cafeteria? i'll give you a tuna if you do."
moments later when the cat gave you your food, grim demanded to know where is his tuna
"it's right there"
"that is the tuna i was holding earlier!"
"i am giving it to your right now so whats your point?"
cue the angry complains of your cat companion 😾
the hunter once tried to see your tail but just ended up being zapped by your electro vision.
everyone in nrc knows if they put you on the same team during school festival - your team will immediately won with your mischievous plan and rook's actions.
putting you, grim and rook together - the three of you could recreate team rocket ☄️
whenever you feel tired from keeping your friends out of trouble, rook is here to save the day! the hunter will spoil you with praises and cuddles! sometimes he would also have your favorite food ready .
"you are the best rook, i love you so much."
"anything for ma cherie! can you perhaps show me your kitsune form?"
"don't even try."
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: ̗̀➛ epel felmier
someone help this boy because you start teasing him when you saw him the first time. he just remind you of a certain eared war general in your world, how could you not resist? 😗
"epel i have a gift for you~"
"what is - no don't ya dare give me that apple pear!"
"just kidding look i just put mini illusion on it its actually normal apples."
"i thought you can only use your electro vision?"
"mmm yeah?"
"... no."
you were always mindful of complimenting epel knowing he doesn't like being mistaken for a girl because of his features in which he is really grateful for.
due to vil's request, you would sometimes give epel training by fighting your kitsune spirits which normally ended up him screaming in frustration
"i thought you were helping me to train, why do the foxes keep dodging my attack?!"
"i didn't know they weren't supposed to move? what's the use of training?"
epel would always remind himself to not let you near any prickled food knowing that you hate them with passion.
shower him with compliments how manly he is whenever he is feeling down or cuddle him! it will boost his mood1 00%
poor boy always fall for your tricks. it wasn't his fault he easily believe you because he can't even distinguish your facial expressions!
needless to say, epel felt like he won the lottery for having the best s/o who dotes on him
epel even roped you and grim eating ramen for midnight snacks at ramshackle dorm but hush don't tell the pomefiore dorm leader and vice leader know it's the secret between the three of you.
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catboy-cyrus · 2 years
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great idea @merryloo
Catboy Giovanni REAL
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warriors-last-words · 3 years
This has definitely already been done, but my mind’s nagging at me to make this, so
Cats who I think should have super editions / novellas:
Brightflower (she openly accused her eldest daughter of murdering her new litter and helped run her out of the Clan, only to find out later that said daughter never even did it-- further, it was the leader of the Clan that she might’ve been supporting [she was probably on his side for at least a bit, since that’s naturally how you feel about your leader]. Did she try to talk to her daughter again? Maybe meet her at the border and try to get her to come back?).
Crag / Stoneteller (or another Tribe cat, ‘cause I think it would be interesting to get a story from their point of view when the Clans aren’t with them).
Another Dark Forest cat (because the ‘ambition’ thing is kinda overused and I want more evil characters that got sent to hell for other reasons. It’s similar to Mapleshade, but she was pretty popular, wasn’t she? And I think part of that goes to the different tone that that book had-- at least that’s what worked for me).
Goldenflower (she deserves it).
Maybe a short story from someone in Starclan either dealing with issues from Starclan or worrying about Clan issues (cause I think it would just be neat).
Either Lizardfang or Brokenstar (again with the wanting to see more evil characters, but also because Lizardfang sucks and I want a book where we can see what happens to her)
Dustpelt (to give the authors a chance to fix how he felt about Fernpaw, but also going from Redtail to Darkstripe and having his best friend switch to his target’s side, and all that).
A cat that has some sort of mental or physical impairment (also to give the authors a chance to give us at least ONE character with an impairment that doesn’t get screwed over)
Graypool (her bio kits died and she was said to wail out to them in the forest because she thought they might be able to hear her calling for them if she were closer to their graves, then getting new kits that just show up, finding out those kits belong to the Thunderclan deputy/leader, probably having her kits confront her about it when they’re older [they were pretty upset when they found out the truth, it makes sense that they at least ask her], Rippleclaw was a dick to her mother when she gave up her kits, and then the two became mates when she became an adult, getting dementia).
The Windclan cat that killed Badgerfang (I get that it was a battle and Shadowclan was fighting viciously, but if you found out you killed someone who should’ve still been suckling at their mother’s belly, you’re bound to feel something, and I’m curious to how they deal with it).
Blossomfall / Millie (their relationship seems to have gotten better in the end, but I really want to see Blossomfall fully confront Millie and call her out)
Darktail growing up with his mother and searching for the Clans for revenge (admittedly it’s mostly because there’s a ‘fact’ [I don’t know if it’s true or not] that he met Sol. Pretty much everyone comes up with how they teamed up or got along, but I really like the idea that Sol, believing himself to be so great, tried to manipulate Darktail. Darktail either manipulated him back, making Sol think it was working when really he was setting a trap, or Darktail just straight up kills Sol. Sol, in my opinion, is basically just a con artist. Yes, he’s very successful and causes a lot of problems, but he’s not really evil-evil, at least not to Darktail’s extent. I want Mr ‘I’m-so-great’ to get owned by a deadlier villain).
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alien-slushie · 2 years
Edit: This was made when we only had the first two promos for Scarlet and Violet
Voltron: Legendary Defenders as Pokemon trainers!
I went for aesthetic, and won't give you get explaintions because it's hard to explain my brain.
Shiro, Region Champion- Silvally, Unknown, Spiritomb, Houndoom, Lucario, and Solgaleo.(Reserve: Gallade, Ditto, and Machamp)
Allura, Professor- Emolga, Dedenne, Pachirisu, Pawmi, Pheromosa, and Roserade.(Reserve: Gardevoir, and Persian)
Coran, Professor's Assistant- Alakazam, Kricketune, Arkanine, Sealio, Raichu(Alolan), and Mr. Rime.
Keith, 8th Gym Leader: Houndoom(Mega), Ninetales, Zoroark, Incineroar, Pursian(Alolan), and Bisharp.(Reserve: Hippopotas, Samurott(Hisuian) and Absol)
Lance, 7th Gym Leader: Blastoise(Mega), Primarina, Ninetales(Alolan), Milotic, Glaceon, and Aurorus.(Reserve: Pyroar(f), and Bisharp(shiny))
Hunk, Chef/Casual Trainer: Sandslash, Alcremie, Wigglytuff, Snorlax, Piloswine, and Appletun.(Reserve: Meowth)
Pidge, Researcher: Rotom, Yamper, Porygon-Z, Typle Null, Abra, and Grovyle. (Reserve: Sprigatito, and Tangrowth)
*Keith's first Pokemon was a Houndour, given to him by Shiro
*Keith and Lance traded Lance's Samurott for Keith's Pyroar when they were Oshawott and Litleo
*Pidge only caught Sprigatito because: weed cat.
*While Hunk is a casual trainer, hes good enough to be a Gym Leader. Just turned the offer down cause cooking is his passion.
*Pidge, Lance, Hunk, Shiro, and Allura nickname their Pokemon, Keith just doesn't see the point in it.
*Lance's goal is to take Keith's spot as the 8th Gym Leader.
*Keith and Lance have lots of exhibition matches and the whole region loves their rivalry.
*The Galra are the Evil Team, with the Marmora being League officials/spys.
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Round 1 Match 4: They Should Have Been At The Club Tournament
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Propaganda below cut.
Propaganda for Elliot Schafer:
Dragged to a magical otherland when he was thirteen, decided to stay because no one would miss him in the normal world and also he wanted to meet a mermaid. SPENT THE NEXT 5 YEARS dealing with: multiple wars, fixing political conflicts (as a thirteen year old), unearthing corrupt leaders and their coups, dealing with the facts that his friends are forced to be murderers and then CONGRATULATED for it, and other such things. my guy should have been at the club!!! not dealing with fantasy wars!!!
Propaganda for Squirrelstar:
TW: Animal Death and Abuse
Squirrelstar, since she was a young teenager, dealt with a lot of trauma and $h!t within the books, that she honestly really needs a break from. As a young teenager, she saw a cat who she was traveling with, Feathertail, die from falling from a high altitude.
Squirrelstar also saw her own home being destroyed to humans, and had to travel miles away from her old home in order to now live in a new one.
She also learned that her friend, Shrewpaw, died from being hit by a car. And when Squirrelflight became an adult, she had $h!tty love interests to choose from:
Ashfur, who’s toxic and obsessive to Squirrelflight, who can’t even handle a literal love rejection from her, And Brambleclaw, who’s toxic and $h!tty towards her when he’s angry and/or upset at her. Squirrelflight eventually decides not be with Ashfur, and (unfortunately) chose to be with Brambleclaw.
Squirrelflight was also pressured by dead people in the afterlife to adopt her sister’s kittens, with one of the spirits lying to Squirrelflight that she’s literally stillborn. (Due to the kits existing being illegal, due to Squirrelflight’s sister, Leafpool, being a healer, and Crowfeather, the kit’s biological father, being from another clan.)
And Ashfur, is SO upset that Squirrelflight rejected him, that he literally cornered Squirrelflight’s adopted (now fully grown) children and wanted to KILL them in front of Squirrelflight order to make her “feel the pain that he felt.” when she rejected him.
And after the secret of her adopted kits’ heritage is revealed, Brambleclaw broke up with her and remained distant and/or cold towards her until literal evil spirits from cat hell try to murder all cats within the clans within a BIG battle. And within this BIG battle, Squirrelflight’s adopted daughter, Hollyleaf, dies, and so does Squirrelflight’s father, Firestar.
Squirrelflight, a little while after this, has a litter of four kits with Bramblestar, but two of the kits died, due to them weakening after birth. And her mother, Sandstorm, dies from an infected wound while traveling Alderpaw, Squirrelflight’s son, on a big journey. And with her PoV super edition book, Bramblestar is quite abusive towards her.
And he refuses to listen to her when she tells him that the clans shouldn’t attack a nomad cat group that’s temporarily occupying land that Skyclan doesn’t own yet. She sees her grandkit die after recently being born, And also saw her daughter, Sparkpelt, having depression from the loss of her kit and mate.
Squirrelflight teams up with her sister in order to help save the nomad’s leader kits, which resulted in both of them to be CRUSHED by a rockfall. But when they reach the afterlife, the dead spirits there - including the one who lied to Squirrelflight that she’s stillborn - literally decide to judge whether or not Squirrelflight and her sister should go to literal CAT HELL because of something that THEY LITERALLY TOLD SQUIRRELFLIGHT AND LEAFPOOL TO DO.
Oh, and Squirrelflight also learned that Ashfur, the very cat who threatened to KILL her children, was accepted into cat heaven, literally because apparently he “only loved too much”. (Which, unsurprisingly, turns out to be a BAD IDEA for the kitty heaven to do.)
And when Squirrelflight decides that she’s not ready to die yet - while Leafpool decides to be in Starclan, the kitty heaven afterlife - Squirrelflight wakes up seeing that her sister died from her injuries from the rockfall.
And Bramblestar apologizes to Squirrelflight for being $h!tty to her, but states it in a way that blames BOTH him and Squirrelflight being in the wrong, despite Bramblestar being the abusive one in the relationship and literally wanting to attack a group of nomads that literally done nothing to him.
And then sometime later, Squirrelflight’s mate dies from an illness, literally gets possessed by - guess who - ASHFUR, in order to destroy and break down literally everything that Squirrelflight knows and/or loves.
And after Ashfur, who’s possessing Bramblestar’s body, is exiled from the clan, and Squirrelflight became the temporarily leader of the clan, her clan mates disrespected her and didn’t view her as leader because she doesn’t have nine lives, like all leaders do (Yet somehow when a old man takes her place who doesn’t have nine lives her clan mates are chill with following him for some reason?)
And when she goes to the religious pond place to grief Bramblestar, her abusive mate- Ashfur literally knocks her unconscious, and DRAGS her into CAT HELL with him. And after all of this, Squirrelflight eventually becomes leader of the clan, due to Bramblestar being traumatized by Ashfur, and still being mates and/or having a strained relationship with Brambleclaw.
Squirrelflight dealt with so much abuse, trauma, grief, and $h!t from other characters, traumatic events, and from the writing itself in her life. So because of this, Squirrelflight deserves to be whimsy, chill, have fun, and have a freaking break from everything within the club.
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ct-multifandom · 3 years
More s4 predictions? More s4 predictions.
Luka closure, duh. He will start moving on from his breakup and start existing outside the scope of Marinette’s love life
I really hope we see Adrien hanging out with him to parallel Mari hanging with Kagami but I’m afraid the parallel might just be Mari hanging with Luka as friends
Marinette will try to give Adrien a miraculous again. Near the end of the season, she’ll realize that there are only a couple if not one miraculous left without a holder, and she’ll get overtaken by the desire to work Adrien into her team. If I had to guess which one, I’d say the dog because it juxtaposes the cat and I think Sabrina, as an outsider to the group and former mean girl lackey, might be the last to go.
We’ll meet someone’s mom for the first time and she’ll get akumatized along with a mode of transportation. Maybe a motorcycle or airplane this time? Edit: I guess Gina/Befana was motorcycle mom already so we’re just missing airplane mom
Alec Cataldi will be Psychomedian. Since they rewrote Gagotor for this I’m guessing the new character was probably replaced with one we know, and Alec is a recurring, humorous TV personality who hasn’t been akumatized yet. I came across his English VA’s insta by chance on explore and he made a post about recording more Alec lines after Optigami’s release
Rocketear will be/have to do with Max who misses his mom after she leaves for a space mission. It’d be nice to see the continuation of this subplot, which was shown for a moment in Miracle Queen after Startrain. Plus, Ladybug needs to give Max a charm sooner rather than later and Gamer, a very specific akuma, already had a 2.0. Edit: I’m Stan and I was wrong.
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When Megaleech was first announced I thought it might be Bob Roth(’s sentimonster?) based solely off the name, but assuming that’s the thing in the Polymouse episode, it’s hard to tell. It’s so non-human. I wasn’t expecting Mylene to get her miraculous here based off the name either. My new theory, which I’m admittedly not super confident in, is that Megaleech is the fusion of the entire Kitty Section who got screwed over by Bob and/or XY again. That would explain the French pun and also Mylene’s personal connection to the case at hand. It might also explain why this group of heroes was hanging out outside of school. I wonder how Ladybug’s new charm animation would work with more than one charm at a time. Would they skip it altogether and just show her passing them out? Would they all match with Megaleech’s colors or would they be different for the individuals?
Edit: I am editing this post because I just saw a theory that the villain of this episode will be Andre Bourgeois again. Megaleech’s color scheme and medallions match Malediktator perfectly, and the tiny thing Chat kicks in the trailer looks like a shrunken version of him if you look closely. This is a lot more believable, but it makes me wonder what leads to Mylene being the hero of the day.
I hope Polymouse doesn’t get overshadowed by the large team, but I also hope she doesn’t get overshadowed by Multimouse. Unfortunately, there are a lot of immature kids who hate Mylene for no reason, so I hope Polymouse will be the one to come up with the winning plan, use her powers cleverly, and be heroic in general so that she can prove how well the mouse fits her instead of unknowingly competing with Marinette.
Teenage Alix will make her entrance as Bunnix when her dad gets akumatized. Both Timebreaker and The Pharaoh had time-y powers, and Alim is a historian, so if he were to get akumatized, he’d probably turn into a villain who controls time as well, leaving his daughter as the only one who can take him.
Sandboy 2.0 will happen as everyone predicted based on the voice director’s story post with Sandboy’s VA. Ladybug will probably see Chat Blanc in place of zombie Adrien, raising a lot of questions and tension. Maybe Chat will see Ladybug abandon him, or something else related to solitude rather than being trapped? We will also finally find out who the akumatized kid is.
Speaking of, I think Sandboy 2.0 might be Caprikid’s entry episode. (What?) Let me explain. I think the Sandboy kid and Marc look pretty similar, and correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure they’re the only male characters with defined eyelashes in the whole show. Both of them also have celestial thematics which would fit with Marc’s last name, Anciel (en ciel, in the sky). Sandboy looks like the night sky while Marc has a rainbow theme. It’s possible that they’re related, so Ladybug will enlist Marc to help defeat Sandboy. Here are pictures:
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I’ve also seen other people theorize that Caprikid’s power is related to dreams, I guess because of something like “counting sheep”. This isn’t my theory for his powers, but I see where it’s coming from. His kwami has the most interesting name. While most of the kwamis are related directly to their animal, Ziggy, the goat kwami, is named after David Bowie’s stage persona, Ziggy Stardust, who is an alien from space. David Bowie had other famous personas like the astronaut, Major Tom, and Aladdin Sane who had the iconic lightning bolt, all themes associated with the sky. I wouldn’t be surprised if these themes show up in Caprikid’s design, like if he has face paint instead of a mask or a similar hairstyle to Bowie.
We can already kind of tell that Caprikid and Coq Courage are matching just like their civilian selves do from their opening silhouettes with the chest fur and feathers. I predict it goes further than that with daytime/nighttime thematics. Roosters are associated with the sun, and my theory for Orikko’s power is illumination. Evillustrator’s biggest weakness, which ended up defeating him, was darkness, and I read a post today that pointed out that he can draw without even looking at his tablet so it’s more likely that he’s just scared of the dark. If he has day themes I think Caprikid will compliment that with night sky themes based on the stuff above.
I expect Evillustrator will have a 2.0 episode or any sort of comeback at some point. He’s probably one of the most iconic akumas, yet he’s only been truly akumatized once, at least on-screen. Plus, ladybug needs to get protective charms to all her hero pals asap.
We will probably meet the family of a couple more major characters who don’t have canon family members yet.
I hope we see more more-than-one-person and/or fusion akumas among the major cast. The protective charms are helpful but it sucks that they limit our possibilities for this type of stuff.
Sabrina will leave Chloe once and for all, which will trigger a big change in both of their characters. Sabrina will become more independent and leader-like, but Chloe will hit her lowest point. If not for... a certain person’s writing... I’d say this will be the true catalyst for her development as she faces cold hard reality for the first time... but I’m not so sure. Maybe she’ll just mellow down and become less bad and less relevant. Maybe she’ll snap and join evil Lila. Only time can tell.
I want to see my boy King Monkey again this season before the big finale, which will probably have everyone, and I’m pretty sure I will. I feel like they’ll all show up before that. I want him to move across the city by swinging across stuff like a monkey on vines.
We will finally see Ryuko’s full transformation and lightning dragon. I saw that the Roblox server thing featured the (oversimplified and blocky) coreo for her full transformation before the actual show did? A bit embarrassing.
I want to predict something for my boy Ivan, but he gets so little screen time that I just can’t think of anything :( I’m very excited for Minotaurox, though, and it’s possible that he’ll be involved with his family rather than Mylene or his friends.
The whole gang takes down Shadowmoth. Booyah, 17 teenage furries, bet he didn’t see that coming. And everyone has a big “pointing and laughing” moment until the obligatory Adrien angst commences
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