#oh. also. hugh grant as the oompa loompa is an utterly insane choice. i'm losing my mind over it.
goldticket · 1 year
alright. it's time. the new wonka movie trailer.
it's interesting that they're going for a direct prequel to the original wonka movie. i thought it was perhaps going to be a prequel without any direct reference to or building off of (or, rather, building up to) any of the adaptions. but it's clearly the original they're referencing (e.g. the oompa loompa looks identical to the original wwatcf oompa loompas, young wonka's word mix up ("quiet up and listen down") with the iconic scratch that reverse it, timothy putting on a softer voice to try to match wilder's naturally soft, disarming tone which i find to be both oddly endearing and quite silly).
i must be honest... i expected it to be worse. based on this first trailer it doesn't seem terrible. in no way does it feel of the same essence or world as wwatcf but as a movie/adaption of its own, it seems like it'll be enjoyable.
it seems far more silly and on the nose (the no day dreaming penalty sign... come on; a little too silly and lazy, frankly, and missing the point) than wwatcf. but i know if i were a kid, i'd very much love this movie.
this new movie certainly isn't apart of my canon. i feel a prequel for wonka is antithetical to his character. but this movie does look like a whimsical time. i'll definitely go see it. which i wasn't intending prior to the release of this first trailor.
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