#ohdudedhesflirting request
ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
The lady in the green dress
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Pairing : Prince!TaeRae x fem!reader
Request n*2
Synopsis : Prince!TaeRae is teased by his friends due to his girl phobia. Forced by his friends he has to actually talk to a girl.
Warning : quick mention of death blink and you will miss it, champagne is mentionned. English is not my first language.
Word count : 3,2k
Notes : My dear Nina, thank you so much for supporting me to write, without you I would have never started to write again, I hope you will enjoy it <3
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Slowly exhaling prince Tae Rae tried to keep his calm after his fellow friends, or nuisance depending on the day, were making fun of him.
He was swearing that he was trying his best to stay calm but when 5 hyper-energetic boys were jumping around everywhere and making fun of him altogether it was not easy to stay composed and worthy of his title.
At first it had started as a normal, drink party with friends. Duke Matthew, Archiduke Ricky, Count Jiwoong accompanied by fellow count Gyuvin. As well as the aide of the prince, Gunwook.
Simping on his drink, the man was watching, wordless, all of his fellow friends making fun of him.
Maybe inviting Matthew had been the mistake he should have not committed.
Matthew and Tae Rae had known each other for years, their familys being close. As they had grown up together, Matthew knew almost everything about his life. At a point which was somewhat insulting. The problem with Matthew and them having grown up together, were not the growing up part that was annoying for Tae Rae, but the fact that Matthew had absolutely no filter in what he was saying.
One could believe that as a member of nobility he would somehow have a bit of fliter into what he was saying, he had not.
And thats how it happened, the disaster.
All the boys were jokingly kidding together, giving each other the news and gossips of their own territories, in the kingdom and neighbouring kingdoms.
One of the most important news was that King Zhang Hao of the neighbouring kindgom was coming to pay a visit to Tae Rae’s kindgom and a ball would be hosted in his honor, inviting every royal house of the country and of King Zhang Hao’s country.
At this point everything had been fine, until Matthew dropped, intentionnnaly the bomb. "Maybe this way Tae Rae will finally talk to a girl"
Gasps had been heard around the room and all the boys had turned their heads around the prince. Questionning him.
"Finally talk to …? Does that mean you never talked to a girl ? A prince never talked to a girl ? We knew of your loser prince reputation but still… You turned 21 this year and you neveer talked to a girl in your life ?"
Once his little troublemakers friends had started it was impossible to stop them, the man was not even able to answer all of their questions as Matthew took on that part.
"No Tae Rae never talked to a girl in his life. The only girls he had been talking to were maids, his nanny, cousins and that was it. He in fact had turned 21 without ever talking to much girls in his life. Yes he is a loser."
Ever since then the room had been filled with laughter and teasing.
All of them really loved Tae Rae of course, but they loved to tease him even more.
After approximately 20 minutes of chaos, all the boys in the room had calmed down and were back onto their respective seats.
As the eldest Jiwoong was the first one to ,seriously this time, start talking "Tae Rae we all have been friends since mutliple years and its true that we had never even saw you once talking to a girl, but you never ever talked to one ?"
Slowly putting himself deeper onto his seat, Tae Rae just wanted to dissapear to never come back.
"What Matthew said was the truth, the only times I tried to talk to girls I always made a fool of myself"
All the boys were now slowly nodding their heads at each other, the residing flirt of the group was the next one to start talking "What happens exactly when you try to talk to a girl ?"
"I just blurts whatever is inside my head, I stutter, my hands get all wet, I absoluty can’t maintain eye contact, I become completely red all over"
Tae Rae was only feeling embarassed explaining to his friends, it was something he had always struggled with. He could not remember the day it had exactly started but he would forever remember the day he noticed it.
It was at his first real ball he was attending as the crown prince, he was introduced to the whole kingdom as the next king in line. He had been sixteen at the time and the King had wanted him to make friends, be social, show himself. Everything had been alright, he had chatted with people he knew (his troublemakers) and had made small chats with ministers and people in situation of power.
Resting at the buffet, a girl had approached him. She was a very pretty girl with big bubbly eyes. Tae Rae could not even remembered what he had said but all he could remember was seeing the girl with a disgusted look as she was looking at him and quickly excusing herself before him. He had never seen the pretty girl with big eyes after it happened.
Ever since that traumatizig event, every time he was trying to talk to a girl, he would get sweaty, red, uncomfortable, without being able to form even one correct sentence.
"You have a girl trauma"
All the boys turned around to look at Gunwook, he was the youngest but also the most clever of them all reunited.
" I saw you at balls, and meetings with girls, you just run away from them, you must have had a traumatic event and since then you developped a kind of phobia or trauma surrounding girls"
All the boys, including Tae Rae were nodding their heads, it  was making sense.
"Do you recall a particular moment with a girl which could have created a trauma for you ?"
Completely lying Tae Rae said he had no idea and could not remember a special event. He was mad enough at himself for making the girl so unconfortable she had to excuse herself, he would not have been able to stand the disgust of his closet friends upon learning what he did.
All the members were lost deep in thoughts, clever Gunwook was not buying what Tae Rae had said but as a good friend, he could not push him to tell him what happened if he wasn’t ready for it.
"There is only one solution, you have to be exposed to what you fear"
Jiwoong asked him what he meant exactly "Well if you do not want to be scared of something anymore you have to be exposed to it until you do not fear it anymore, so you will have to talk to girls until you are not scared of them anymore"
"Sorry, what ?!"
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Tae Rae loved his friends, he really did, but having them by his side this way truly felt ridiculous.
The day of the ball in the honor of King Zhang Hao had come and now all of the boys together were waiting eagerly in the ballroom for the festivities to start.
All of them had made a deal : Tae Rae would have to talk to girls to get rid of his trauma, for that to happens he would have to talk to the first girl with a green dress that he would see.
Gunwook had been the one making the strategy, at each gathering they would pick a different dress color and Tae Rae would have to speak to the girl wearing it. Slowly exposing him to his fear should be effective after some time.
All the boys were looking at him with stress and anxiety, this whole treatment and fear of Tae Rae had started as a joke but the implications and consequences were quite evident.
As the crown prince, he had duties to follow. As he had turned 21 and his father was getting older and his health was declining, soon would come the time he would have to ascend the throne. And soon he would have to be married.
As a child, and an adolescent, Tae Rae knew of the pressure that was resting onto his shoulders, mainting the family line, being a good king, being a good husband. It was easier said than done.
The King kept on urging him to take a wife, to introduce a lady to him as the future queen. Before being a King, he was a father and he wanted his son to be happy, to be safe. He knew his time was reducing and soon he would have to leave Tae Rae. His mother had passed away a few years prior to a pneumonia, and as a father, the King had only one worry in mind : his son. He did not wanted him to be left all alone between the palace walls. He knew that he had great friends, but they all had their own duties, soon they would have their own families. How could he as a father leave bethind him a lonely son ?
Tae Rae was fidgeting with his outfit, it had been years since he had been feeling that anxious. At a distance he was looking at the dress of each lady coming inside the room,  there was every single color imaginable except one : green.
His friends were, too, getting fidgety next to him, they knew that if Tae Rae had too much time to think he could perfectly give up and just hide behind his affairs and duty as the crown prince and only talk to the aide, secretaries and ministers.
That was when she entered : the girl with the green dress.
Magnificent, head straight, long black hair tied in her back, a crown on her forehead, the top of her dress being black and the other half being green, elegant and gracious, she entered the room.
Seeing her all the boys nudged Tae Rae who was looking at her. It was her, the girl he would have to talk to. Feeling nervous all over, his mouth started to be dry again. Without leaving him the time to speak, all the boys pushed him towards the lady.
The girl in the green dress was making her way trhough the ballroom with quite difficulties, people were not letting her pass trough them and she had to struggle to just find her way up at the buffet.
Slowly, almost trying to dissapear she was looking at the amount of food in front of her.
A few meters away from her was a struggling Tae Rae who was trying to find the strength to introduce himself. He knew that it was not proper to not be introduced by someone else, so he would have to be clever about it and pretend that he bumped into her.
Yes he could make it, it wasn’t as if his whole reputation of crown prince could change right at this moment, and it wasn’t as if all of his friends were going to watch the interaction. Yes he would be fine.
Slowly he pretented to lose his balance, and he slowly bumped into the apparent shoulder of the lady at the green dress. Startled she turned her head over to look at him.
Tae Rae was looking at the speechless face he had in front of him. Big round eyes, plump lips, a beauty mark on her collarbone.
It was her.
The girl.
The girl he made run away 5 years ago.
Looking at him with big round eyes, the girl seemed to recognize him and before she could even say a word, Tae Rae deeply apologized before running away to his friends.
All of the boys welcomed him completely startled, he made the hardest step why would he back away now ?
"What happened ? It was going alright !"
Ashamed the man could not even explains himself, what happened years ago kept going back into his head, how she looked at him like she just had wished he could dissapear, the way she ran away from him. It was truly a nightmare, his worst nightmare.
"It’s for your own good, go back !"
"I can’t, please guys trust me when I say that I absolutely can not talk to this girl ever agin"
In his head Gunwook was trying to find a solution, as the only member with a working braincell he had been observing the situation but most importatnly he had been looking at the girl in green that had been left with a confused expression on her face and still looking over Tae Rae and his group. That girl was the solution to Tae Rae girl phobia he was sure of it.
"Listen, we will make a bet. If you can get this lady in green to dance with you tonight, Matthew will become your personnal maid for a month and do everything you want, deal ?"
"Wait, why me"
Tae Rae looked over at Matthew side, the man was laughing to himself, the close bond uniting them made them so close but also easier for them to bicker. If Matthew had not opened his mouth then none of this would have happened. In a pure spirit of petiness Tae Rae accepted.
Without even leaving him the time to say anything more, Gunwook urged him to go on the balcony to make himself ready to talk to the girl. Quickly obeying his friend order, the prince went on the balcony.
Arriving on the balconly, the prince felt the fresh air on his face, slowly approaching the terrace rail, he rested his champagne glass on it. Tae Rae had been scared of this moment for years.
Seeing the girl with whom everything started.
He did not know what he had done wrong, he never understood. Going back into the conversation in his head, he had only introduced himself and had asked about her name and if she was having a good time.. Why had she been so disgusted by him she had to run away ?
"Excuse me.. Your royal highness .. ?"
Slowly turning back after being called, Tae Rae looked at at the girl that just came onto the balcony, having as well a champagne glass in her hands.
Looking at her this way she was shining, he could see perfectly her features. She was a pretty lady and had just gotten prettier over the years.
"Your friends told me you wanted to talk to me .. ?"
Questionning her with his eyes, Tae Rae had not made such a request. Quickly he walked toward the lady in green, and after her, trying to open the doors of the balcony. Both were closed.
Slowly gulping, the man realised what his friends had done, they trapped them together in a short place.
The lady in green looked at him, and looked behind him and her too, understood the situation. She slolwly laughed at the ridiculous of the situation.
Looking down at his hands Tae Rae started "I think my friends locked us, I am very sorry for their behavior"
Slowly laughing at his reactions, the lady looked at him. She too had not forgotten about him.
"It is quite alright, I should have known when they approached me that something was weird, but since I wanted to talk to you I guess I was quite imprudent"
Tae Rae looked at her with questions in his eyes, she wanted to talk to him ? Quickly realising that he was directly looking at her he went back to looking at his hands.
Finding him endearing she laughed slowly at his reactions.
"You probably do not remember but we met years ago, in this very ballroom.."
Hearing her, Tae Rae affirmed that he in fact, remembered their first encounter.
"I have been wanting to apologise for years, but I have not been able to come visit your country since it happened, so you can understand it had been quite complicated"
"You wanted to apologise… ?"
Now it was Tae Rae turn to be perplexed, why would, she, in her right mind, want to apologise to him ? He was the one that had made her uncomfortable all those years ago.
"When we met, I ran away before even telling you my name and you must have found my behavior quite rude, she bowed to him, I present to you all of my most sincre apologises your royal highness"
Feeling a sudden sprout of braveness, Tae Rae approached her and made her stand up again.
"I should be the one apologizing, I ignore what I have said all those years ago that made you so uncomfortable you had to leave but for that I apologise"
It was his turn to bow before her, before, she, too pulled him up.
"It was not your fault your highness, my brother was behind you and he was the one that made me so uncomfortable that I had to leave"
"Your brother.. ?"
"Yes King Zhang Hao, I am his sister, Zhang YN, even if at that time he was not the king yet."
What YN was not telling him, was that her, so dear brother, was the one that had pushed her towards him. Knowing how shy her sister was as well as her little crush on prince Tae Rae after having seen his portrait. And then, seeing them interact he had been mimicking kisses.
"So I did not make you uncomfortable ?"
"No you did not your royal highness, it was the opposite, I thought that you were actually very kind and polite"
She also thought he was very pretty, and that his dimples were to die for. She had been dreaming about those for years, hoping to one day seeing them again.
Finally exhaling, Tae Rae passed a hand through his hair and realised how dumb he had been. It had been years he was mad at himself for making an honest lady uncomfortable when it had never ever been his fault to begin with. How naive he had been…
Abruptly the doors opened on the two young adults, revealing King Zhang Hao and one of his aide, Sung Hanbin. Hurriedly the King went to his sister side and went to verify everything was alright with her.
"I was worried"
"Sorry Hao"
Giving her a nudge on the shoulder, he looked over to see Tae Rae that was showing to him his dimples, trying to make a good impression. The King looked over at his sister and repressing a smile introduced himself. Catching a clue he also apologised for disturbing them.
Tae Rae assured him that it was quite alright.
Not wanting his sister to make a fool out of herself, the King started to pull her away.
From the corner of his eye, Tae Rae saw his friends urging him to not leave her side, forcing himself to be brave the man spoke up.
"Actually, if you’d allow me I would like to make myself forgiven, and ask YN to a dance ?"
The lady in green looked over at her brother which accepted and gave him the gloved hand of his sister.
Watching the two young persons leaving the balcony, Gunwook was satisfied with himself. Not even needing to talk to Tae Rae he knew that his phobia would be quickly forgotten.
Request- Taglist
Taglist : @jiaant11 @seok02
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haesunflower · 1 year
zb1 mentions you in their live.....₊˚⊹♡
genre: fake subs comedy
pairing: idol reader (mostly gn) x matthew, ricky, hanbin and jiwoong
about/tags: y/n is an idol, and they get brought up during zb1's lives
only included members who have had solo lives before! fake subs this isn't real
⠀⠀ ♡ seok matthew ♡ ⠀⠀
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matthew reads out a funny letter from his childhood friend y/n, who debuted earlier this year
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⠀⠀ ♡ ricky ♡ ⠀⠀
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ricky is a huge fan of y/n, and upon request, re-enacts their latest teaser photos
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⠀⠀ ♡ kim jiwoong ♡ ⠀⠀
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(this is literally so crunchy help) y/n is a fellow actor and idol that worked with jiwoong in his last drama project, and he decides to share some stories about them
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⠀⠀ ♡ sung hanbin ♡ ⠀⠀
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y/n is a contestant on girls planet season 2, and hanbin promotes her
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა a/n: wanted to do something fun! actually inspired by this request, which has been sitting in my inbox for a while now
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✎ mobile masterlist ✉︎ request -> join my taglist so you don't miss out!
tagging: @jiaant11 @beomibeom @wonluvrbot @ihrtgw @starhyeon @ohdudedhesflirting @seok02 @dwcljh @aleiamk @snowflakemoon3 @kpoprhia @en-ct @weeiyin @aleinasstuff @caocoamamam @mashihope @wonluvrbot @littlegirltacos @ollieluvrs @thejadeazalea
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jebiwonutty · 1 year
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I officially welcome you here !
This is my second zerobaseone blog (first one is @ohdudedhesflirting) and it will be ONLY dedicated to smutty/ hard hours with zerobaseone.
It is obvious that there will be only works with the LEGAL line of ZB1: Jiwoong, Hao, S Han Bin, Matthew, Tae Rae.
I am an 02’s and I will NEVER write/reblog stuff about the members that are younger than me.
You can call me Rose or cookie
This blog will not accept any minor and if I find any on here you will be blocked to not see anything.
I will mostly really and appreciate works from other writers.
I will also occasionally post smut here even if it will be more rare. (If that is the case I will make a masterlist)
I hope we will all have a nice time with each other, take care 💛
Taglist - Masterlist-
Some prompts requests. Asks are open !
(Also if you see a bitch named @conneyes replying it’s me lol. It was my first blog when I got here years ago and I don’t know how to change it)
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ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
Question of responsibility
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Pairing : Idol!Hanbin x femreader
Request n*1
Warnings : physical and mental exhaustion, pressure, anxiety, physical injury, quick mention of food (I think that’s it?)
Synopsis : After a long day of training, it all became too much for Leader Hanbin...
Notes : My request are still open as well as my tag list. Dear anon I hope you will like it ! Special mention to venom ( @zerobaseonefics) because I know she has that love/hate relationship with Han Bin.
Panting in the dance studio, leader Sung Han Bin was scrupulously checking the movements of his members.
They had been in that training room for hours now. The choreographer had already left but they had stayed behind. Lacking the sharpness in their movements as well as being synchronised.
Han Bin had just run through them the choreography once again. Doing it at a lower pace he had hoped his members would be able to pick it up.
They were not.
The leader was frustrated at them. It had been hours why couldn't they get it right?
The tiredness and global exhaustion mixed with the pressure of their first comeback since their debut was making them committing mistakes they would have never done otherwise.
As soon as the music stopped all the members fell to their knees or their bums, panting, struggling to breath.
"Why are you guys not getting it ? Its been hours"
Seeing how the leader was becoming more and more frustrated, the trusted eldest, Jiwoong, took one for the team to approach him and tell him that they should stop for the night.
Han Bin only let out a frustrated growl before watching his members that were in a terribly bad state.
Slowly he nodded his head and told them they could get back to the dorm. He would be joining them later, after he did it again a couple of times.
They all agreed and told him to not stay behind for too long. They still had vocal training in the morning.
Once again, Han Bin picked up the choreography from the top. Slowly at first, scrutinising each move, his facial expressions...
As time went by, the pace of the choreography did as well. Doing it at the normal supposed pace, and then quicker. And quicker.
Everything was blurred in Han Bin head. His responsibility. Toward his agency, his members, his family, his girlfriend. All depended on him and if he couldn't do the basic of learning a choreography and perfectly teaching it to his members what was the point ?
As Han Bin kept on going faster, his feet quickly twisted itself, making the tall man fall on the floor. Wincing in pain.
Right at this moment, someone knocked on the door. Slowly lifting himself up from the floor the man went to get the door.
Opening it he was left in front of a figure smaller than him, looking at him with big eyes.
"Yn ?"
Without letting the man realise what was going on, you took him him straight into your embrace.
Leaving his embrace you looked at him and slowly pinched his cheeks. They were so soft it was hard to resist the temptation.
"What brings you here ?"
Slowly smiling you looked at him, taking the situation he was in. Drenched in sweat, his hair up in a ponytail, wearing a tank top.
"I got a call. From the guys. They were worried and you didn't pick up the phone, so I came"
Hanbin was left speechless and just looked at you.
You were a university student, living in your own place, 25 minutes from the studio and you came there in the middle of the night? All while you hated driving in the dark ?
Swiftly you took him by his hand and slowly brought him to the couch. The man had difficulties standing up from the moment you entered the room, so it wasn't a surprise when you saw him limping to the couch.
Making him sit down and without a word you went to fetch the first aid kit.
Han Bin was only watching you. Too exhausted to even process what was happening.
Getting the kit you slowly put yourself down asking him which ankle it was, sitting on the floor you slowly took it on your hand and rested it on your knees to take a better look.
"What happened ?"
Slowly breathing Han Bin took his head between his hand, hiding before them, being shy of the way he felt.
"I don't know I just was rehearsing and all of a sudden it was hurting"
Inhaling, you both knew that it was not the question. Bandaging his ankle up you told him that it was just a sprain and that he would need a couple of days of rest.
Getting up from the floor, you sat next to your boyfriend.
Even if he was taller than you, he automatically placed his head in the crook of your neck. And slowly you stroked his hair.
"Do you wanna talk about it ?"
Han Bin slowly inhaled before starting to explain : the long hours of recordings, the photoshoots, promos, tik tok and interview, concepts pictures, preparing for the music videos, interacting with fans, taking cares of his members..
Everything was fine until that choreography. It was for their title track which would be out in a week. At the last moment, the company said it wasn't good enough and needed to be changed. An entire choreography of 3 minutes without even adding the dance break had to be changed and thaught.
It was a nightmare. No matter the number of hours put into rehearsal it was never good enough, good enough for the company, for the choreographer, for their self esteem, for the expectations..
Now Han Bin was full on sobbing into your shoulder and you listened to him. Finally pouring his heart out.
"But where do your responsibility lay in all of that ?"
"I am the leader. I have to..." Hanbin struggled to find his words.. "I have to take care of everyone, everything, make everything perfect and not disappoint zerose"
Now fully taking Han Bin's face in your hands you forced him to look at you. Fighting the urge and need to tell him he looked adorable.
"All the responsibilities do not lay on you. Your company is responsible for the change and you are all just trying your best. All the members are giving it their all. You are giving it your all. Do not bear everything by yourself. Talk about it. Share it."
"But it's my responsibility as a leader"
"Your responsibility as a leader is to make sure your members are doing alright physically and mentally. That zerose are happy and safe. That you are happy and safe and healthy. You matter Han Bin, as a leader and as a person. Don't take your health lightly"
Slowly stroking his cheeks you left his head fall again on the crook of your shoulder. He started to cry again.
"But their expectations.."
"I know.. I know.. The public is never satisfied enough Han Bin. You can only try to satisfy zerose."
Hanbin was definitely not convinced and kept on sobbing onto your shoulder. With love, you stroked his cheek against yours and slowly massaged his hair. His hands had found their way to your hips, fulling resting onto you.
"You can only try your best Binnie.. Zerose will be happy only seeing you happy. I know people expect a lot but they will always find reasons to give critics. The only thing you can do is care about what you love and take care of yourself."
Hanbin tears slowly died down as you kept on holding him close to you.
"Binnie I love you and I don't want to see you hurt yourself.. If you struggle I beg you, talk to me, talk to the members just please don't push yourself to the point of hurting yourself"
Slowly nodding with his head, Hanbin stayed comfortably against you. In your warmth.
"I know you have a training session tomorrow morning but how about I drive you to the dorms and cook you some creamy pasta ? We could just cuddle afterwards okay ?"
Finally leaving the crook of your neck, Han Bin happily nodded, showing his whiskers again. His nose was red and runny, and his eyes was puffed but you still thought he looked cute as ever.
"Come on, I will give you a piggyback ride to my car"
Getting up from the couch you pointed to your back and rather than getting on it, he only took help by resting his arm on your shoulder to help him walk.
Smiling at him you thought that it was just the right way things should be : helping, loving and supporting Hanbin whenever he needed you by his side.
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ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
Hi everyone I thought it would be funny if we did some writing prompts ? I would be able to write stuff that you wish/could be interested in.
To request one of the following list (or one that does not appear here) simply send me an ask, asking for which member you want it or if you just want the prompt and do not care about which member it is.
I will not write for Yujin. I will not write member x member.
Tropes :
Fake dating/Fake marriage
Ennemies to lovers
Temporary amnesia
Famous (one or both of them)
Comforting hugs
Scared of thunderstorms
Needing to be looked after
Saying 'I love you' without saying it
Post-nightmare cuddles
Reunited after a long time apart
love potion
accidental pregnancy
age gap
blind date
If this works well I will propose some others, also if I have not listed something still feel free to ask 💛
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ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
hii!! how r u? i hope your requests are still open bcs i would love to see you write idol hanbin x fem reader with the hurt/comfort trope the rest is up to you! no pressure tho i love ur fics 🫶
Hiii ! Im doing very fine and I hope you are as well !
Yes my request are still open and you are actually the first one to ask me to write one so thank you so much 💛
I just posted the fic and I really really hope you will enjoy it !
I hope it was something like you imagined and you will be happy with it <3
Thank you so much for liking my fics !
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