#sung han bin comfort
ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
Question of responsibility
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Pairing : Idol!Hanbin x femreader
Request n*1
Warnings : physical and mental exhaustion, pressure, anxiety, physical injury, quick mention of food (I think that’s it?)
Synopsis : After a long day of training, it all became too much for Leader Hanbin...
Notes : My request are still open as well as my tag list. Dear anon I hope you will like it ! Special mention to venom ( @zerobaseonefics) because I know she has that love/hate relationship with Han Bin.
Panting in the dance studio, leader Sung Han Bin was scrupulously checking the movements of his members.
They had been in that training room for hours now. The choreographer had already left but they had stayed behind. Lacking the sharpness in their movements as well as being synchronised.
Han Bin had just run through them the choreography once again. Doing it at a lower pace he had hoped his members would be able to pick it up.
They were not.
The leader was frustrated at them. It had been hours why couldn't they get it right?
The tiredness and global exhaustion mixed with the pressure of their first comeback since their debut was making them committing mistakes they would have never done otherwise.
As soon as the music stopped all the members fell to their knees or their bums, panting, struggling to breath.
"Why are you guys not getting it ? Its been hours"
Seeing how the leader was becoming more and more frustrated, the trusted eldest, Jiwoong, took one for the team to approach him and tell him that they should stop for the night.
Han Bin only let out a frustrated growl before watching his members that were in a terribly bad state.
Slowly he nodded his head and told them they could get back to the dorm. He would be joining them later, after he did it again a couple of times.
They all agreed and told him to not stay behind for too long. They still had vocal training in the morning.
Once again, Han Bin picked up the choreography from the top. Slowly at first, scrutinising each move, his facial expressions...
As time went by, the pace of the choreography did as well. Doing it at the normal supposed pace, and then quicker. And quicker.
Everything was blurred in Han Bin head. His responsibility. Toward his agency, his members, his family, his girlfriend. All depended on him and if he couldn't do the basic of learning a choreography and perfectly teaching it to his members what was the point ?
As Han Bin kept on going faster, his feet quickly twisted itself, making the tall man fall on the floor. Wincing in pain.
Right at this moment, someone knocked on the door. Slowly lifting himself up from the floor the man went to get the door.
Opening it he was left in front of a figure smaller than him, looking at him with big eyes.
"Yn ?"
Without letting the man realise what was going on, you took him him straight into your embrace.
Leaving his embrace you looked at him and slowly pinched his cheeks. They were so soft it was hard to resist the temptation.
"What brings you here ?"
Slowly smiling you looked at him, taking the situation he was in. Drenched in sweat, his hair up in a ponytail, wearing a tank top.
"I got a call. From the guys. They were worried and you didn't pick up the phone, so I came"
Hanbin was left speechless and just looked at you.
You were a university student, living in your own place, 25 minutes from the studio and you came there in the middle of the night? All while you hated driving in the dark ?
Swiftly you took him by his hand and slowly brought him to the couch. The man had difficulties standing up from the moment you entered the room, so it wasn't a surprise when you saw him limping to the couch.
Making him sit down and without a word you went to fetch the first aid kit.
Han Bin was only watching you. Too exhausted to even process what was happening.
Getting the kit you slowly put yourself down asking him which ankle it was, sitting on the floor you slowly took it on your hand and rested it on your knees to take a better look.
"What happened ?"
Slowly breathing Han Bin took his head between his hand, hiding before them, being shy of the way he felt.
"I don't know I just was rehearsing and all of a sudden it was hurting"
Inhaling, you both knew that it was not the question. Bandaging his ankle up you told him that it was just a sprain and that he would need a couple of days of rest.
Getting up from the floor, you sat next to your boyfriend.
Even if he was taller than you, he automatically placed his head in the crook of your neck. And slowly you stroked his hair.
"Do you wanna talk about it ?"
Han Bin slowly inhaled before starting to explain : the long hours of recordings, the photoshoots, promos, tik tok and interview, concepts pictures, preparing for the music videos, interacting with fans, taking cares of his members..
Everything was fine until that choreography. It was for their title track which would be out in a week. At the last moment, the company said it wasn't good enough and needed to be changed. An entire choreography of 3 minutes without even adding the dance break had to be changed and thaught.
It was a nightmare. No matter the number of hours put into rehearsal it was never good enough, good enough for the company, for the choreographer, for their self esteem, for the expectations..
Now Han Bin was full on sobbing into your shoulder and you listened to him. Finally pouring his heart out.
"But where do your responsibility lay in all of that ?"
"I am the leader. I have to..." Hanbin struggled to find his words.. "I have to take care of everyone, everything, make everything perfect and not disappoint zerose"
Now fully taking Han Bin's face in your hands you forced him to look at you. Fighting the urge and need to tell him he looked adorable.
"All the responsibilities do not lay on you. Your company is responsible for the change and you are all just trying your best. All the members are giving it their all. You are giving it your all. Do not bear everything by yourself. Talk about it. Share it."
"But it's my responsibility as a leader"
"Your responsibility as a leader is to make sure your members are doing alright physically and mentally. That zerose are happy and safe. That you are happy and safe and healthy. You matter Han Bin, as a leader and as a person. Don't take your health lightly"
Slowly stroking his cheeks you left his head fall again on the crook of your shoulder. He started to cry again.
"But their expectations.."
"I know.. I know.. The public is never satisfied enough Han Bin. You can only try to satisfy zerose."
Hanbin was definitely not convinced and kept on sobbing onto your shoulder. With love, you stroked his cheek against yours and slowly massaged his hair. His hands had found their way to your hips, fulling resting onto you.
"You can only try your best Binnie.. Zerose will be happy only seeing you happy. I know people expect a lot but they will always find reasons to give critics. The only thing you can do is care about what you love and take care of yourself."
Hanbin tears slowly died down as you kept on holding him close to you.
"Binnie I love you and I don't want to see you hurt yourself.. If you struggle I beg you, talk to me, talk to the members just please don't push yourself to the point of hurting yourself"
Slowly nodding with his head, Hanbin stayed comfortably against you. In your warmth.
"I know you have a training session tomorrow morning but how about I drive you to the dorms and cook you some creamy pasta ? We could just cuddle afterwards okay ?"
Finally leaving the crook of your neck, Han Bin happily nodded, showing his whiskers again. His nose was red and runny, and his eyes was puffed but you still thought he looked cute as ever.
"Come on, I will give you a piggyback ride to my car"
Getting up from the couch you pointed to your back and rather than getting on it, he only took help by resting his arm on your shoulder to help him walk.
Smiling at him you thought that it was just the right way things should be : helping, loving and supporting Hanbin whenever he needed you by his side.
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soap143 · 2 months
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Ok, so I had 2 quite similar requests. I’m sorry, anons, hope you don’t mind if I merge your requests😁 Binsung is sucha cute duo, but I feel like I have at least 5 other fics about them😭
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Taglist: @makebelieveyouregoodenough @hearts444innie @skznccmlee @jeonginsdiary (if anyone else would like to be in this taglist lmk😁)
65. “oh, you asked for it!”
69. “i don’t think i’ve ever seen your face so red.”
72. “be polite and say please.”
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Jisung was quietly sitting in his room, browsing through his phone. His bandmates were having a movie night, but he had missed most of it because of the extra work in the studio. Even if it was a bit late, his couldn't help but hear... laughter?
Han got up from his bed, making his way to the living room. There sat Chan, Changbin and Hyunjin. As he looked closer, he saw the long haired boy twisting around and cackling. He felt his face heat up.
Something in him pushed him to join them and enjoy the last few moments of the night before going to sleep, but Sung stopped himself before he could do anything.
The second he walked back into his bedroom, Han drowned out the flustering sounds coming from outside with his noise cancelling headphones and blasted some music, trying his best to fall asleep as soon as possible.
The following day, they whole group of Stray Kids were as always practicing some new dance. That day wasn't very busy, so everyone was quite loose.
Before he knew it, Jeongin was on the floor along with 2 pairs of hands attacking him. Felix and Changbin were laughing along with the younger, trying their best to grab at least one of the maknaes squirming limbs.
"AAHAHAHAHA HYUNG PLEHEHASE NOHOHO!" Innie begged, shaking his head side to side.
"A-alright, that's enough. You're going to kill him." Jisung softly interviened.
Both the ticklers slowly stood up, leaving a panting I.N. on the floor. Han walked over and handed him a hand, helping him get up.
"Thank you, hyung..." the youngest breathed out, a wide smile plastered on his face.
Han smiled back, but on the inside he was screaming. He wasn't sure how much more tickling he could watch before exploding out of jelousy. Yep, Jisung was jealous. He couldn't stand watching everyone but him being tickled. Although he was certain he was next...
After practice, the whole group were happily walking to eat lunch in the JYP building. They all sat together on one big table. Everyone was chatting and just discussing their plans for the day until their food came.
Jisung was simply enjoying his meal, when suddenly Minho, whom was sitting in front of him, harshly flinched and almost spat his food out at him.
"Bin, stop. We're eating lunch right now." the dancer whined, slapping Changbin's shulder.
"It was you who insisted on sitting next to me, so deal with it~" the shorter teased, doing something to make Lee Know jump in his seat once again.
"Hey, what is happening there? Can't we eat eat in peace for once..." Chan yelled from the other end of the table.
"Changbin keeps on squeezing my- AGH stohohop, dohohon't tickle me!" Minho almost punched Binnie in the face this time.
While everyone was laughing and teasing at Lee Know, Han quieted down more then ever. His ears were burning hot and his leg was bouncing up and down.
" Enough now, he could choke, Changbin." Jisung quietly warned the older.
"Right, Changbin. I could choke and die and it would all be your fault." Minho smirked, sticking his tongue out in a childish manner.
Han breathed out in relief, his bouncing leg slowing down.
After lunch, everyone went their own ways for a quick break. 3racha were, obviously, making their way to the studio to finish up some work from yesterday.
Just as they comfortably situated themselves in their seats, Chan oppened up his laptop.
"Damn, this thing is old... just like you." Cangbin snorted at his very well thought out joke.
"Hey! You're not much younger..." the oldest huffed out.
"Are you calling me old?!" the dweakki yelled, grabbing the back of the leader's neck.
"Nohoho Binnie dohohon't!" Chan swatted at the invading hand that was scribbling at his sensitive neck.
"Hyung stop. We have a lot of work to do." Han tried to interupt their tomfoolery before he started genuenly tweaking out.
"Damn, ok mister party pooper..." Binnie playfully flicked at the younger's forehead and crossing his arms over his chest.
Jisung just sighed in dissapointment. He was at least expecting a poke.
"Right, so where were we?" Chan clapped his hands, signaling everyone to focus.
Han finally got to slump down onto the comfort of his bed after what felt like the longest day of his life. He was one sight of tickling away from snapping.
How come Changbin has tickled basically everyone today but him?
He suddenly heard a knock and soon after the sound of a door opening.
"Hey man, we're going to visit the other dorm - Felix made brownies again. You in?" Chan suddenly asked, an impatient Changbin and Hyunjin standing beside him.
"Umm, no. I'm too tired. Can you bring me a few pieces though?"
"Aw dude. Why not? It's going to be fun!" the shortest pouted.
Jisung was about to give in, but just the thought of watching Bin wreck someone else today made him wanna throw up. His lee mood had gotten unhealthyly bad.
"Nah, but thanks for the offer." the quokka denied once again.
"No, if you're not going, then I'm staying here too. I'm not leaving my bro alone." Changbin crossed his arms stubbornly.
"Fine, the two of you can miss out. Me and Chan are going to eat the best brownies of our lives~" Hyune teased, slipping his shoes on and shutting the door behind his back.
Jisung sighed and flipped onto his back, staring into the ceiling. If Changbin wasn't going to tickle him, he was going to make him wanna tickle him.
With the new determination rushing through his veins, the ace proudly stepped out his room.
"Han, are you ok? You've been awfully quiet today. I stayed just in case you wanted to talk." the rapper's voice bounced from the halways walls all the way to Ji's ears.
Just like that, his confidence bubble was burst.
"Yes, why wouldn't I be? You're just overthinking like the old man you are..." Han mumbled, not letting the sudden question weaken him.
"What did you just say?" Changbin's jaw dropped.
"I said that you old people are always over concerned and think too deep about things. You should lay back a little."
"Well I don't know, you just seemed so sulky for no reason today. Can't I care for my little baby~" Binnie teased.
"Ew, save those sayings for your grandchildren." Jisung sassily bit back.
"Wow, you talk a lot for someone who has said an average of 3 words per hour today. What is up with you, is your puberty finally setting in?"
"Well it's likely you didn't even hear half the things I said today, granpa." Jisung barked, smiling at his well thought comeback.
"Oh, you asked for it!" Changbin howled, launching himslef toward the unsuspecting Han.
"What are you dohohoing?!" the taller whined in his hyung's grasp.
"What is up with these massive mood swings of yours? You're not a teenager anymore. Just 5 minutes ago you looked like your dog just died, and now you're slandering me like there's no tommorow."
Jisung gulped. The position he was in made his face rapidly heat up, not to mention his heart, which seemed to be on the verge of exploding.
“Please get off me. You’re overthinking, I was just tired today…” Han quietly mumbled, pushing his hyung’s chest.
“Nu-uh, you’re not going anywhere until you spill.” Changbin grabbed the younger’s wrists and pinned them to the sof cushion of the couch they were sitting on.
“You’re crahahzy. Are we just gonna sit here? Or are you planning on doing something, because nothing is wrong and I have nothing to say.” the taller stubbornly stated, getting himself comfortable.
“No, I wasn’t gonna do anything. Would you like me to do something?” Bin said with a smirk.
The truth is, Changbin wasn’t born yesterday. He just knew something was wrong, and even had his theories. But he wasn’t so sure how to make sure if he was right after all…
“If you don’t tell me, I’m going to tickle you~” the rapper teased, examinating the ace’s face for any reactions.
Jisung’s stomach churned and he almost chocked on God knows what. His eyes started darting around the room and he started tugging at his pinned arms.
“Oh boo-hoo, I’m not even ticklish. This stupid game w-won’t work.” Han tried to brush his afraidness off.
Changbin snorted at the statement “Not ticklish my ass. However, I have my reasons to believe you might want this, Hannie.”
The taller started to nervously squirm in the older’s iron grip. There was no way he knew…
“What do you mean, hyung?” he tried to sound as oblivious as possible.
“Oh no I’ll wait. Don’t underestimate me, I know you better than you know yourself, Hanji.”
“Please explain what you mean.” Jisung scoffed, trying to pretend he wasn’t basically shaking out of embarassment. If Changbin knew, he was so screwed…
“You think I didn’t see how you looked at Innie, Minho or Chan today? Plus, you didn’t even come to the movie night yesterday when me and Chanhad some fun with Hyunjin. You’re not that slick, Jisung.” Bin snickered, just pointing out the obvious.
The quokka gulped, hoping to swallow his immense fear along. But his heart was still shaking in his ribcage and his blush was starting to boil him alive.
“I d-don’t get what you mean…”
“You don’t? Maybe this will help you understand.” Changbin said, placing his hands on Sung’s sides.
Jisung flinched harshly, his mood making his torso hypersensitive to any touch.
The older decided to tease Jisung a little longer. He proceeded to situate his palms on the siedes of taller’s chest, digging his fingers in the slighest bit.
“DON’T! Plehehease nohohoho…” Han whined, almost managing to free his arms out of the shorter’s hands.
“Calm down, man. I’m barely even doing anything…” Changbin laughed “Listen, I’m not about to waste time or energy pinning your arms up. You’ll have to do that yourself.”
The ace’s jaw dropped at the suggestion. He knew how ruthless Binnie could be, but it sounded challenging.
“Weren’t you not ticklish? It shouldn’t bother you at all anyway.” the dark rapper cocked an eyebrow.
“Y-you’re right I’m not ticklish, this doesn’t bother me at all.” Jisung recollected himself, taking a deep breath in.
He slowly put his arms above his head without looking at Changbin’s mortifying gaze. But the second the older just tried to rest his hands on the ace’s armpits, Han bucked his hips so hard that he almost knocked the ler off.
“You’re doing great, Sungie~ Now just keep holding your arms like this and we’ll be alright.” Changbin encouraged.
Jisung agressively twisted when the shorter rested his hand on his side. For some unexplainable reason, every touch felt 10 times more ticklish.
“Were you jealous today? Don’t worry, I’ll make up for it.” Bin teased, grabbing the younger’s side and finally squeezing.
“BAHAHAHA NO!” Han screamed at very top of his lungs, almost slamming his arms down.
Changbin smiled, looking at the younger’s face. He slowly moved his other hand, taking a chunk of skin from Jisung’s other side.
With all 10 fingers occupied, he was ready to attack. At first lightly squeezing, making the quokka jump again and tighly grip onto his hair.
“Gahahaha just do it, stupid!”
Without any mercy this time, the dweakki pressed the tips of his fingers as deep as he could, shaking and squeezing the sensitive skin as quickly as he could.
“HYUHUHUHUHNG NOHOHO PLEASE!” the ace howled, clenching even harder onto his locks and trying to twist away from the evil fingers.
Soon, Changbin was tasering up and down the younger’s sides, sometimes poking Han’s hyper ticklish ribs.
The younger rapper was fighting demons. He was struggling to focus on both his torso being destroyed while keeping his arms out the way at the same time. And Bin was having a blast watching the poor boy’s attempt to stay sane.
“BIHIHINNIEHE STOHOHOP PLEHEASE! I-I CAHAHAN’T!” Jisung pushed out trough his uncontrollable cackles.
“Oh shut up you baby. No one’s stopping now~” Changbin tormented, grabbing the taller’s lower rib and vibrating his finger between the bone.
“FUHUHUCK HYUNG! DOHOHON’T DO THAHAT!” Han shook his head up down, barely managing to keep his arms above his head.
Jisung’s elbows were digging into his ribs, but his fingers were still latched into his hair.
“What did you say? I’m sorry, I couldn’t quite hear you~” Bin teased, moving his fingers to his uppers ribs as if he was climbing a ladder, slowly going from the lowest rib to the higher ones.
This was what finished the quokka off. His arms came crashing down, weakly grabbing Changbin’s wrists.
“Cute, you’re not even trying to stop me.” the older pointed out.
“SHUHUHUHT UP I HATE YOUHUHUH!” Han roared, barely comprehending anything through the overwhelming feeling on his torso.
“You hate me? Trust me, you don’t hate me yet.” the older scoffed.
Suddenly, Changbin wrapped his fingers onto one of Sung’s wrists, pushingit back up. The younger knew what was gonna happen now…
“H-hyuhung please! We can tahahalk this out!” Jisung pleaded.
“Mhm, right.” Changbin murmurred before shoving 5 tortorous fingers into Sung’s armoit.
“AHAHAHAHAHA PLHEHEHEHEASE NOHOHOHO ANYTHING BUT THEHEHEHRE!” the ace screeched, his mind completely filled with the fuzzy, tickly vibration overtaking his thoughts.
“Do you hate me now, mister? You know what you’ll hate even more?” Bin smirked. He knew this would get the younger good.
Han’s free hand was weakly swatting and pushing at Changbin. Safe to say, the older effortlessly gripped that hand’s wrist, pulling it above his head.
“Whahat are you doing?” Sung giggled out.
“Oh nothing…” the dweakki innocently stated, leaning his head down.
Jisung knew exactly what was coming. This was Changbin’s classic move… and also the reason no one makes fun of his pointy chin anymore.
“PLEHEHESE HYUNG! Anything but that! It’s so bad!” Han begged.
“Yes, that’s right. I’m bad, horrible even.” the shorter ignored his bandmate’s pleads, only lowering his head even more and restong his chin onto the younger’s chest for now.
“Now tell me, why were you so sad and sulky today?” Changbin asked, his moving jaw pressing into Jisung’s skin, making him giggle already.
“Ihihi told you it was nohohothing! Now stop thahat!” the taller squirmed as panic over took his whole body.
Binnie had started moving his chin into gentle circular motions. The feeling wasn’t that bad on his chest, but the second Bin’s head slid over to Jisung’s ribs, he could only pray.
“Was it really nothing? Because I remember you being suuuuper jelous when I tickled Jeongin this morning~ You got all angry and even stopped our shenanigans.” Changbin smiled at the memory, purposefully oppening his mouth widely, just to tickle Jisung more.
“Nohoho it was nohothing! Please!” Han snickered at his hyung’s chin, which seemed to be digging deeper into skin every second.
Before he knew it, Changbin was actually moving his head side to rapidly, his pointy but dull chin rubbing itself along the bones of Sung’s ribs.
“BAHAHAHAHA I CAHAHAN’T! HYUNGHYUNGHYUNGHYUNG DOHON’T!!” Han absolutely shrieked. Air seemed like a delicacy in his situation, as he was struggling to catch his breath in between his laughter.
But Changbin didn’t stop. He instead moved his head along the whole expanse of the younger’s upper body. From his firm abdomen, to his moving chest and back to his absolutely deadly ribs, which had him screaming like a maniac all over again.
No matter how intensely the older masaaged Jisung’s worsts spots, he just couldn’t seem to get enough.
No matter how agressive, overtaking or unbearable the tickling was, Han just couldn’t get enough of it. It made his mind go blank and his body to shake againts his will. He loved it.
“I don’t think i’ve ever seen your face so red!” Changbin smiled at the younger’s clear eximent “You may need a minute to rest…”
Jisung just feebly nodded his head yes, letting his muscles relax. He layed like this for a few seconds before the older spoke up again.
“How do you want me to tickle you next?”
The quokka inmeadetly blushed, covering his face with his now unpinned hands.
“Come on, tell me~” Changbin didn’t budge.
“I want you to do it like you did to Minho hyung today…” the younger barely managed to squeek out.
“Oh God, I remember the way you were looking at us during lunch… I thought I was about to get killed!” Bin laughed, throwing his head back.
“Stop, it’s not funny! I was upset…” Jisung let out a flustered yelp at the memory.
“Oh, come on now it wasn’t that bad. Now keep your hands up for me again, I don’t want you doing any funny stuff while I’m at your legs.” the rapper warned, turning around to face the younger’s lower body.
Han most definetly knew how good Changbin was at getting one of his arguably wost spots - his legs. But he couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t absolutely thrilled for it to happen any moment now.
Bin started of by just wrapping his fingers around one of the lee’s thighs and gently pushing his fingers in.
“Pfffhehehe hyung plehehehease!” the younger snorted, interwining his fingers into his hair.
“Does this even count as tickling? I’m barely doing anything!” the older playfully complained.
Jisung was too focused on a certain hand getting way too close to his upper inner thighs. Just the the thought of helplessly flopping around while the shorter squeezed the soft and sensitive spot made him go red.
“You’re being awfully quiet. Is it because of this?” Bin teasingly asked, grabbing Han’s dreaded spot between his fingers.
“HYUNG. Plehehease not there! I really can’t take it.” the quokka begged.
Changbin stayed silent, using his knee to prevent the younger from clamping his thighs together. He knew Jisung was going to be a screaming mess in no time.
Without wasting any more time, the older lightly pressed his fingers together, squeezing the insanely ticklish chunks of skin.
“Nohohoho I really cahahan’t please! I’ll do anythihing!” Han tried to escape the soon to torture began.
The rapper simply shrugged and proceeded to rub his fingers againts the skin.
“BAHAHAHAHAHA H-HYUHUHUHNG NOJOJOHOHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEHAHHDAJHESA!” Han screamed, losing his ability to even form words, forgetting than sentences even existed.
Changbin giggled, as the younger thrashed under him. His hands that he so desperately was trying to keep away were going mad: they were gripping Jisung’s hair, grasping the soft cussion of the couch, pulling at Jisung’s own shirt and whatnot.
But the singer was definetly fighting back everything in his will not to stop his hyung from stopping his attack.
“CHANGBIHIHIHIHIHN NOHOHOHO P-PLEHEHEheheh-“ the poor victim tried to push out, but his laughter was soon silenced. He really couldn’t handle any tickling in his deathspot.
“You ok? Hope I didn’t go too far…” Binnie slowly let up his fingers, looking behind himself to check up on the younger.
Han had completely slumped his body down and was panting heavily. His hair was a mess, pointing out in all directions and sticking to his swaety forehead.
“Yeah, I’m f-fine…” Sung breathed out, gulping up a few more breaths of air.
“…You think you can handle a little more?” the dwaekki smirked, spreading his fingers on the taller’s knee.
“Ahaha, yeah, I-I think I can… softly though.” Jisung shuffled around a bit at the tingly feeling.
“Softly, yeah.” the older agreed, patting his bandmate’s stomach and turning back to his lower body.
Changbin wanted to target his knees. They were very easy to tickle, since every single touch seemed to make poor Jisung flinch.
“Now be polite and say please!”
“Ehehehe plehehease!” Han giggled, his fingers tangled between his hair.
Bin laughed at the younger’s quick reaction, grabbing his calf and lightly squeezing the soft underside of the knee.
“HYUNG, plehehease NOHOHO! You said sohoft!” Hannie protested, sitting up and grabbing the older’s shoulder’s.
“Geez, calm down. I’m trying to be soft but you’re just so goddam ticklish!” the shorter teased, squeezing yet again, making Jisung twist around and fall right back to his original position.
Changbin tried his best this time. He ran his finger slowly from the younger’s thigh, to his knee and then traced little circles on the sensitive bone.
Han was giggling all the way, and seemed to be enjoying this method much more.
Then, the older switched to just drawing random shapes and lines onto Sung’s hyper sensitive legs, sometimes poking in a little deeper just to stratle Jisung.
At this point the younger was basically falling asleep, so Bin thought this was a sign to stop.
“How are you Jisung? Did you enjoy this~” Bin teased.
“Hyung, stop! Let’s just go to the other dorm, I’m hungry…”
“Oh, so now you want brownies? After getting your very much desired tickles?”
“SHUT UPP!” Jisung sassily demanded, covering his red face and kicking at his hyung.
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Omg this is a longg one. Took me a while too😔🙏 Ummm ut was suppoed to be for Sana, but I didn’t have my phone the day it was her anniversary, so… Happy late blog anniversary Sana! 😁❤️ @itzsana-kiddingmenow
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wvnrqs · 11 months
a song nobody knows.
pairings stray kids x reader genre fluff established relationship warnings none more
a/n divider by @plutism
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bang chan — full of you ( so soo bin )
you would be having a little date at home, where you both were just relaxing and watching movies. at one point, you closed your eyes, tired. thinking you were asleep, he tucked you in a warm blanket and started singing "full of you". you lay in his lap, really falling asleep this time, to his soft singing. he didn’t realise you were actually awake while he sang until the next day, when you started playing the song. it soon unofficially became your song, and you both would listen to it in silence whenever he came over, enjoying the comforting warmth of each other’s presence.
lee know — art class ( beabadoobee )
you first saw your soulmate in a cat café. it was the weekend, and you decided to take a drive. you found this adorable café while searching for a place to have lunch. you went inside, and smiled as you realised that art class, your favourite song, was playing. soon, you found yourself unable to resist the cats’ cuteness. you bent down to pick up a fluffy golden brown kitten with large eyes. but you realised that someone else was about to pick her up too. him. you smiled awkwardly and made small talk. months later, when you were dating, you asked him what was our song. "isn’t it art class? it was playing when we first met," he said shrugging.
changbin — god of music ( seventeen )
you and your best friend were at a karaoke place when her brother, seo changbin, decided to walk in just while we (or only you, because your bsf started eating chips and watching you sing since the third song) were singing "god of music", your all time favourite. to your surprise, he started singing, or rather shouting, it very passionately. you both did a sort of harmony to it. it was a quite special memory you both cherished when you both started dating later on, especially since that was also the first time you interacted with each other properly. and the first time you fell in love with him.
hyunjin — wet umbrella ( rad museum )
you were in an art studio, painting a picture of the beautiful scenery at the beach you managed to capture with your phone. you were playing "wet umbrella" in your airpods, unaware of your soon-to-be boyfriend, at that time known as your best friend, walking over to you due to your engrossment in your painting. he dragged a chair over next to you and stole one airpod from you, popping it into his own ear. you blushed, but pretended not to be bothered. you continued paint and he watched, eyes sparkling like the pretty stars twinkling in the night sky. you took note of this so you could paint him and his adorable sparkling eyes next time. (spoiler: you started dating afterwards)
jisung — luv luv luv ( sung hanbin x jo yuri )
you and han were watching my lovely liar on the couch together. except usually he doesn’t really pay attention and he’s just there for cuddles. but then this HEAVENLY song started playing and he immediately perked up. of course, this became both of your favourite songs and your boyfriend also started watching my lovely liar properly and played the soundtrack literally everyday. it’s his whole playlist atp. who knows why, but you two became closer than ever after finishing the kdrama series. though you two still loved the song and at one point, one of your friends thought that you should just make it "our song", and so it did.
felix — love lee ( akmu )
you were filming a tiktok dance challenge in the mall, to the song you have recently been OBSESSING over, love lee. you were doing one of those public dance challenges. after dancing, you checked the recording, only to find a (pretty cute) guy joining in a few seconds after you started the challenge. you laughed at how shy he was in the video and spotted him just standing there a few metres away. surprisingly, he stroke up a conversation with you, but he was pretty awkward at first. but soon, you both became fast friends. then best friends. then finally, your very own boyfriend!
seungmin — wa-r-r ( colde )
you were both seated next to each other on the bus because they were the only seats available in the crowded area. the bus jolted, and he jerked, dropping his phone. you bent to pick up the phone that had landed at your feet, catching a glimpse of his lockscreen and the song he was playing on spotify. wa-r-r. you raised your eyebrows, showing him your own phone that too was playing that song. you both became friends and bonded over your love for the artist. "song of fate", you called it after you started dating.
jeongin — slow dancing ( v )
you and jeongin had just started dating when you attended your first school prom together. when you heard slow dancing starting to play (which is a song you both love btw), you immediately jumped to your feet. you both started to slow dancing to slow dancing (sorry for the dad joke). you practically had the best time ever, you took tons of cute photos together and danced until your feet hurt and you had to sit down and rest. that day was a memorable one, remembered even after a few years of dating ><
( perm taglist open ) :: bunreis
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seokmashu · 1 year
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theadusa · 2 years
All Dramas I watched in 2022
This is all the dramas I watched this year. I actually watched so many, more than I typically do. I wasn’t really going out a lot so I just watched dramas to spend my time. My goal next your is to not watch as many, lol. There were alot of good dramas this year, and I hope you enjoy my thoughts on all that I watched. Also as a warning I try to  put spoiler warnings as much as possible.
Spring is  Green at a Distance ( 2021, Ko Yeon-soo) 
Main leads: Bae In-hyuk, Kang Min-ah, Park Ji-hoon 
Episodes: 12, 60 min
Thoughts: I had high expectations for this drama. I have only heard good things, and how heartbreaking this drama was. I put it off, for this reason, in February I thought I was in the right emotional space for it. Due to all the hype, I was underwhelmed but I do still suggest it. Nam Soo Hyun (Bea In-hyuk) is the heart of the show and is such a fun character. Kim So-bin (Kang Min-ah) is the most relatable female character I have seen in a while, her anxiety is actually debilitating and not just played to make her seem cute. It is a heavy show, but it has light-hearted moments sprinkled throughout. Rating: It is pretty good, just be careful of building expectations.
All of Us are Dead (2022, Chun Sung-il)
Main leads: Park Ji-hu, Yoon Chan-young
Episodes: 12, 53 to 72 min
Thoughts: This one weirdly took me by surprise. I typically don’t like horror/gore stories, but I love zombies as a metaphor. And when going into the themes of the show it is heartbreaking. When understanding how young they are, the people who they are taught to rely on become neglectful when they need them the most. This is a story about the tragedy of a Government that does not serve the people, both young and old. And the human desire to survive. I do highly recommend this show, however, I am not looking forward to season 2. Rating: a Zombie metaphor done right.
Move to Heaven (2021, Yoon Ji-ryeon)
Main leads: Lee Je-hoon, Tang Jun-sang
Episodes: 10, 42 to 62 min
Thoughts: Like the last two, this show was very much hyped. It was a sweet slice-of-life show about the process of grieving. I lost someone recently so it was comforting seeing people mourn in different ways. Lee Je Hoon was incredible in this as always and gave a moving performance. It isn’t my favorite show I watched this year but definitely worth a watch. Rating: Grieving takes time.
Familiar Wife (2018, Yang Hee-sung)
Main leads: Ji Sung, Han Ji-min
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: This drama is definitely under a man’s rom-com genre. Which is essentially a man taking a rough lesson in learning that he actually needs to be a decent person to his wife. You hate Cha Joo-hyuk (Ji Sung) for the first half of this drama, well at least I did, he was selfish, greedy, and couldn’t understand that he was the problem. I was shocked to see that people actually didn’t like Seo Woo-jin (Han Ji-min), like, she was ballsy and trying her best given the circumstances. This drama is definitely a cute show to put in the background or a fun pick-me-up. I wouldn’t put it on a must-watch list, but I wouldn’t discourage anyone from watching it. Rating: If you could change your fate… would ya?
Secret Royal Inspector and Joy (2021, Lee Jae-Yoon)
Main leads: Ok Taec-yeon, Kim Hye-Yoon
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: I originally watched this as it was coming out. I am a big fan of Kim Hye Yoon, and I was just done with Vincenzo. I however dropped it for a period, and finally picked it back up in February. This drama is funny and has found family vibes. The romance between the two main characters is also cute. It does drag a bit in the middle but it isn’t so bad. Rating: Guy Ferri in Josen 
Coffee and Vanilla (2019,  Shimoda Yuko)
Main leads: Fukuhara Haruka, Sakurada Dori
Episodes: 10, 23 min
Thoughts: Let me save you some time and don’t watch this show. I think this might have been the worst show I watched all year. The ML is awful, he is literally a walking red flag and not in a fun way. The FL is just stupid. I don’t have much to say except I hated every second I watched it, also just too many semi-sexy scenes with such a manipulative undertone, so it can be a bit triggering. Rating: Speed run on every toxic troupe
Dali and the Cocky Prince (2021, Son Eun-hye, Park Se-eun)
Main leads: Kim Min-jae, Park Gyu-young
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: This drama was sweet, and definitely picked me up from the last drama I watched. I like both actors and have been watching Kim Min-jae for a while now. The show is sweet and cute. It is a typical opposite attraction and focuses on when passion meets love. It has found family, a sweet and supportive couple, grief, and growth. Also, the relationship between the ML and the SML is actually so funny. It is just a heartwarming show that is easy to watch. Rating: Don’t watch hungry
Into the Ring (2020, Moon Hyun-kyung)
Main leads: Nana, Park Sung-hoon
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: This show is probably my favorite show I have seen all year, if not my favorite of all time. I love the cinematography of this drama and all the shot setups. It is quirky and fun. Se-ra (Nana) is such a fun and lovely character, who is truly interested in her community. I love political comedies, especially those that focus on small-level government. I also love Seo Gong-myung (Park Sung-hoon), he is unironically my dream man. It's cute, fun, and heartwarming, and everyone should watch it. rating: 10 out of 10 would watch it again
Marriage not dating (2014, Joo Hwa-mi)
Main leads: Yeon Woo-jin, Han Groo
Episodes: 16, 60 to 65 min
Thoughts: This show is typically the most recommended in terms of contract marriage, which I get, it definitely hits all your marks. Two people who despise each other are forced to have a marriage contract in the most contrived way possible. It is definitely a drama that was made in 2014 and has all the problems of that time. The man is just a little too toxic and the woman is a little too stupid. But you just can’t turn away. This show is also an example of why not all assembly drama characters need to be friends, that’s all I am going to say about that. Rating: The best part of this drama is the grandma.
The One and Only (2021-2022, ​​Moon Jung-min)
Main leads: Ahn Eun-jin, Kim Kyung-Nam
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: This was a disappointing drama. I typically like underrated slow-paced dramas, and they have a strong theme of female friendship. The friendship was great, the romance was meh, and the plot was all over the place. Like it is an interesting concept to have a dying girl kill somebody, and an assassin as the witness, but I don’t know I was so underwhelmed by the whole thing. Rating: could be less underwhelming, and less simple  
I Remember You (2015, Kwon Ki-young) 
Main leads: Seo In-guk, Jang Nara
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: Fun fact about me, for some reason I made a goal to watch everything in Seo In-guk’s filmography and this one was up next. This drama is also known as Hello Monster, and it is one of those dramas that gets recommended. It is definitely before the 2016 era, in terms of how this drama feels. It is interesting, and I surprisingly liked it despite the appearance of Park Bo Gum. And I just really liked Seo In-guk being all moody and snarky in this tbh. Rating: A contrived drama is exactly what I signed up for.
King’s Affection (2021, Han Hee-Jung)
Main leads: Park Eun-bin, Rowoon
Episodes: 20, 70 min
Thoughts: Rowoon is in his chaotic bisexual era, and I think that is great. But this show is similar to Mr. Queen, in the fact it is so gay but it also refutes its gayness. But the first 10 or so episodes are so good. I love seeing Rowoon being a love fool and just the politics of it all. But then it got boring, and I got busy so I dropped it. I then picked it up again, cause I just needed to watch the last 4 episodes, and my god. They were a drag to get through. I do think the ending is fine. I don’t highly recommend it to anyone, but if you want to watch I won’t stop you. Rating: Identity crisis and bisexual panic the drama. 
Something in the Rain (2018, Kim Eun)
Main leads: Son Ye-jin, Jung Hae-in
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: This drama, no joke, took me several years to finish. Years. I started it back in 2018, I remember waiting for it to finish so I could start it. And I loved it! Son Ye-jin is such a good actress, and Jung Hae-in is able to keep up. They felt so real, and I loved the moments when the camera would let them have a private moment. If you love any Meg Ryan rom coms you would like this. It does get kind of triggering in the middle, just with the whole family situation. And Son Ye-jin’s character is so complicated, circa women from 90s romcom complicated, and I just appreciate how sometimes she is sometimes wrong but isn’t vilified. Just this drama was so real. Rating: it is just like the month of November. 
Love Rain (2012, Oh Soo-yeon) 
Main leads: Im Yoon-ah, Jang Geun-suk
Episodes: 20, 60 min
Thoughts:I actually tried to watch this when I first got into dramas in 2016, and I found the flashback episodes boring (I still do). I am trying to watch every single thing in Seo In-guk’s filmography so I gave this another try. It gets a little more entertaining once you go to modern day. However, it isn’t the most interesting or good drama that you can watch. Rating: Sometimes bitchiness lasts a lifetime…
Find Me in your Memory (2020, Kim Yoon-joo, Yoon Ji-hyun)
Main leads: Kim Dong-wook, Moon Ga-young
Episodes: 16, 35 min
Thoughts: This show was decent, it was interesting to see how the two leads connect. I loved the atmosphere. I really like dramas that are set between winter and spring. It is such a pretty time. The romance between the leads started out rough but I grew to really like them. I think it is a sweet, definitely melodrama, and I do think it is worth a watch. Rating: Once upon a memory…
Sell Your Haunted House (2021, Ha Soo-jin, Jung Yeon-seo, Lee Young-hwa)
Main leads: Jang Na-ra, Jung Yong-hwa
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts:  I first watched this show in 2021 when it was coming out, and I quickly became obsessed. I, however, dropped the show around episode 12 for personal reasons. I eventually picked it up again, and I still really liked it. It is perfect for any spooky occasion, but at its core, it is a show about grief, and how to let go of that grief. This is something that I had to deal a lot with, and this show deals with it in an interesting way. However, if you are looking for romance, you will only find a vague silhouette of it here. Rating: watch out for the ghost. 
Twenty Five Twenty One (2022, Kwon Do-eun)
Main leads: Kim Tae-ri, Nam Joo-hyuk
Episodes: 16, 70 to 75 min
Thoughts: We all heard of this show, we all sob to it, and we know it all too well. This was an absolute masterpiece. Na Hee Do (Kim Tae-ri) is an optimistic girl with mommy issues, and Beak Yi-jin (Nam Joo-hyuk) is a down-on-his-luck boy coming into adulthood at the fall of his family. They in turn start to rely on and comfort each other, as they navigate the turn of the century with all its uncertainties. SPOILERS: These two characters are magical to see on screen, their love for each other is so great no distance can stop it til it does. This show was so good, but the ending seemed to have shoved me off a cliff, not only with the breakup but how everyone ended up. There were so many ways to get the ending they wanted that felt more deserved. Have the entire group fall out of touch or idk. The most devastating was where Yi-jin ended up, he was the most relatable for me. I also had to give up my entire future due to my family and seeing him and his depression was like looking in the mirror. And we never fully see him recover, he was just given more pain and trauma. END. But I do like this drama and highly recommend it but be warned of the tears to come. Rating: What I thought would forever be Twenty five, twenty-one… comes to an end on 9/11
Forecasting Love and Weather (2022, Seon Yeong)
Main leads: Park Min-young, Song Kang
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: I am a Park Min-young stan first and a human second. That’s why I even finished this drama, also I used it as an emotional rebound off of 2521 so I ended up baring this drama. Anyways it was incredibly boring. I almost fell asleep for half of it. TBH, I would skip this one. It has a bad case of the annoying second leads taking up so much of the screen time that it feels almost forced. Rating: I think we all knew that a show about the weather would be this boring
You are my Spring (2021, Lee Mi-na)
Main leads: Seo Hyun-jin, Kim Dong-wook
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: This is another show which I started when it was airing but dropped, cause I was busy with work. I liked it a lot, it differently had good winter/spring vibes, and I really like Seo Hyun-jin. I did go into it expecting a depressing story where the leads lean on each other and heal. And I wasn’t wrong, you also got an added plot of intrigue which does get boring after a while then picks up a bit at the end. I did like it, and probably most of its disjointed parts probably because I had such a long break between the start and finishing the series. Rating: the Balck cat will guide you.
Business Proposal (2022, Han Seol-hee, Hong Bo-hee)
Main leads: Ahn Hyo-seop, Kim Se-jeong 
Episodes: 12, 60 min
Thoughts: Now this is my true pick-up after 2521. I actually never read the webtoon, I just started it cause I heard so much hype around it. It is so good, it's cheesy and it knows it. The chemistry between the entire cast is off the charts. And you care about every single character. Also, Kim Se-jeong is literally born to be on screen. This show was such a pick-me-up, and I highly recommend it to anyone. Rating: This is one Business proposal you can’t refuse. 
Our Beloved Summer (2021-2022, Lee Na-eun)
Main leads: Choi Woo-shik, Kim Da-mi
Episodes: 16, 60 to 70 min
Thoughts: This drama is so good. I watched it as it came out but I did drop it around the 9nth episode for similar reasons to the others. But this one is so slow-paced and so nice to watch. This one also had a love triangle that I didn’t mind too much cause I really liked all the characters. And without it being said, Choi woo-shik and Kim Da-mi’s chemistry is out of this world. The fact that Choi Woo-shik joined the project ‘cause Kim Da-mi was in it, is literally everything. I just really love this drama so much! Rating: My beloved comfort show <3 
Private Lives (2020, Yoo Sung-yeol)
Main leads: Seohyun, Go Kyung-pyo
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: If you can’t tell I was in the mood to finish what I started in terms of dramas. I also started this when it came and loved it. I love Go Kyung-pyo for those that don’t know. I dropped this as always cause I was going through a rough period in my life, but I thought I would pick it up again. This drama is super interesting and refreshing, however like most dramas that rely heavily on intrigue it kind of wobbles near the end. Rating: I would do anything to just see Go Kyung-Pyo….
A Man Defies the World of BL season 2 (2022, Izumi Kawasaki)
Main leads: Atsuhiro Inukai
Episodes: 3, 24 to 29 min
Thoughts: This was a hoot to watch. Which was expected. I watched the first season and loved it and now I finally got to see the second one. Where the protagonist semi-gets a love interest. It is such a fun and easy watch. Worth like the 2 hours you spend on it. Rating: How can an opening song be so fun?
Youth of May (2021, Lee Kang)
Main leads: Lee Do-Hyun, Go Min-si
Episodes: 12, 70 min
Thoughts: Pain is the word to describe this show. The chemistry between Lee Do-Hyun and Go Min-si is off the charts, and their budding romance is sweet. Do be warned it is a tragic tale. A tale of the Gwangju uprising in 1980, I would highly recommend doing research on this uprising and the devastating massacre caused by the dictatorship government at the time. The show is devastating and heartbreaking, there are tedious parts in the middle, with Kim Myung-hee’s friend but it is definitely worth the watch. Rating: Will stick with you forever. 
My Girlfriend (2019, Hu Xiaoshuai, Wei Xiaobao)
Main leads: Xu Weizhou, Qiao Xin
Episodes: 28, 37 to 42 min
Thoughts: This show was cute and predictable, and I really enjoyed myself while watching it. However, I actually can’t remember anything about it to actually form an opinion. It is a good watch when you want something in the background, nice and easy. Rating: I too am cursed by the love gods
Save Me (2017, Jung Shin-kyoo)
Main leads: Ok Taec-yeon, Seo Ye-ji, Jo Sung-ha, Woo Do-hwan
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: This show has been on my watch list since 2017, Netflix took it off their service and I had to go watch it somewhere else. I finally had the gumption to do so recently. The reason I wanted to watch it in the first place is because of Woo Do-hwan. I really liked him as an actor, and still do. This show is such a good thriller, your heart breaks for the people involved, and tbh I have a fear that I would accidentally get recruited into a cult so this applies to me. Definitely worth the watch, though it does get slow in the middle. Rating: Beware the cult…
Full House (2004, Min Hyo-Jung)
Main leads: Song Hye-Kyo, Rain
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: This is one of the shows when you start getting into kdramas it is constantly recommended. I actually never watched it, I did my time with Boys Over Flowers and Playful Kiss. However, after finishing 2521 I urged myself to watch it because they mention the manga so often. Anyways it was so bad like they were just arguing all the time. I didn’t understand why we the audience should root for them. They more often than not felt like petulant children. How can a show be so recommended, but so actually awful? Anyways save yourself and just watch anything else. Rating: How is the most romantic thing the 3 bears???
Clean With Passion for Now (2018, Han Hee-Jung)
Main leads: Kim Yoo-jung, Yoon Kyun-sang
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: This show is just boring. I did not care about any of the characters. Like it was good somewhat for the first like 5 episodes, and then it felt like pulling nails. The romance was cute, however, I just wasn’t interested. Rating: snooze town, population me.
Crazy Love (2022, Kim Bo-gyeom)
Main leads: Kim Jae-Wook, Krystal Jung
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: Now this is what enemies to lovers should be. These two characters literally commit war crimes against each other, but it evens out and they turn into the sweetest lovers. This is such a fun show! Kim Jae-Wook and Krystal Jung have such amazing chemistry. It does slow down a bit in the middle but the cast of kooky characters keeps this show exciting and eventful at every watch. The romance is fun, the characters are simultaneously awful and delightful. The show is great and such a great pick-up during an April slump. Rating: I too enact physical and psychological warfare with my boss
Devilish Joy (2018, Choi Ji-Yeon)
Main leads: Choi Jin-hyuk, Song Ha-Yoon
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: This is such a refreshing drama. It harkens back to the times of Ye old kdrama Melos that we all dearly love. It does have an Amnesia plot, but it actually adds value to the story. It's such a fun drama, and I actually really liked the romance so much. It is so good and heartbreaking, just like any old-fashioned melodrama needs to be. Rating: Will you remember me?
Falling into your Smile (2021, Jia Chang)
Main leads: Xu Kai, Cheng Xiao
Episodes: 31, 45 min
Thoughts: This show was okay. I mainly put it on as background noise, but I found it pretty boring overall. It has cute moments here and there, but sometimes I found the ML so annoying. If you want something that is easy to watch and low stakes this is the drama for you. Rating: Welcome to the boring world of Esports
Tomorrow (2022, Park Ran-i, Park Ja-Kyung, Kim Yu-jin)
Main leads: Kim Hee-sun, Rowoon, Lee Soo-hyuk, Yoon Ji-on
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: This show similar to Move to Heaven has a death of a week storyline or heartbreak (my heart) of the week storyline. It does deal with heavy topics of death, so if you are sensitive to that I would skip this one. It was really well done, and because of its sad setup, it has lighthearted moments which help not to bog down the show. It is well worth the watch. It also has the afterlife bureaucracy that I think kdramas do so well, which is great! Rating: I will love you in every life
Who Rules The World (2022, Yin Tao, Yu Yonggang, Shi Zhanli)
Main leads: Yang Yang, Zhao Lusi
Episodes: 40, 45 min 
Thoughts: This is a material arts and romance drama. I watched it while it was coming out so the 40 episodes weren’t as daunting, and I had time to forget a lot of the plot holes. It is decent, I liked this because of Zhao Lusi. The romance was a little more developed, and the martial arts were fun, albeit with a lot of CGI toward the end. I wouldn’t highly recommend this drama. It was alright. Rating: The politics weren’t actually too bad in this.
My Liberation Notes (2022, Park Hae-young) 
Main leads: Lee Min-ki, Kim Ji-won, Son Seok-Koo, Lee El
Episodes: 16, 64 to 80 min
Thoughts: This is probably my favorite drama of this year if not of all time. It is so good, the cinematography, the story, the writing everything. It is so special. I just love the soft-spoken moments, how people are so flawed but they just want to live peacefully. Son Seok-Koo and Kim Ji-won were such a delight on screen. Yeom Mi-Jeong (Kim Ji-won) is one of the most relatable characters in my entire life, all of them were. This show deeply understood me like no other media ever could. Rating: What if we Worshiped each other?
Again My Life (2022, J, Kim Yu)
Main leads: Lee Joon-gi
Episodes:16,  60 to 75 min 
Thoughts: A little-known fact about me is that I will literally watch anything with Lee Joon-gi in it. This proves this point. This show was obviously not made for me. I thought the plot was too predictable, the male lead a little too perfect, and the woman a little too into him. This show sometimes made me stop and ask did a man write this? It is okay, just not my cup of tea. Rating: Apparently they want to make a season 2?
Radiant (2019, Lee Nam-kyu, Kim Soo-jin)
Main leads: Han Ji-min, im Hye-ja, Nam Joo-hyuk
Episodes: 12, 60 min
Thoughts: This show is actually one of the most original kdramas out there. The themes and plot are both heartfelt and new. I loved every moment I watched this. While it was incredibly devastating to me personally. I would argue this is one of Nam Joo-hyuk’s best performances. I would say for the others but I haven’t watched that many of either actress's back catalog. But Im Hye-ja was such a marvelous lead, and I wished there were more older leads in shows. It is so good. It is great. Rating: Makes me cry like a baby.
Best Lover (Kim Sang Rea Yoo Chul Yong, 2016)
Main leads: Lee Da Hae and Zhou Mi
Episodes: 12, 40 Min
Thoughts: I hate this drama so much. I wanted to watch this as a cute little drama as background noise for finals. It was a contract marriage, which I always like, and Lee Da Hae isn’t a terrible actress so I gave it a go. Also one note it is a Korean-Chinese drama so the characters will be talking in two different languages and no one mentions it. You will get used to it, anyways…Oh boy, where do I start? I’ll start with the FL Choi Hwan Yeong (Lee Da Hae), she was actually the highlight of the drama. She went through the most emotional growth and seemed to have actual importance to the plot. My problem starts with the ML Xie Cheng (Zhou Mi). First off Zhou Mi is a terrible actor- at least here I don’t know him very well- which I can forgive, but the character was also awful. So he was terrifyingly lifeless, and his smile started to creep me out a bit. He often berates the FL for being selfish and messy while being the most selfish and messy. And he never acknowledges any wrongdoing, and worse the narrative never acknowledges any wrongdoing on his part. I was done when [SPOILER] after she witnessed him kiss her stylist that looks like his first love, she runs away. He tracks her down and then berates her telling her that she is embarrassing him and she is entirely selfish, which makes no sense when he is playing with two girls outside his relationship with the FL. Also, any moves he made on anyone were also borderline non-consensual. Like she was hitting him to get him to stop kissing her [END]. But overall The FL is fun, but the ML is trash and doesn't deserve her. I just think I need two things from the ML, 1. Groveling at the FL’s feet, 2. Just an apology for once would be nice. Anyways save your time and watch Crazy Love (2022) now that ML knows how to grovel. Also, I didn’t go into the weird plot and editing choices, and just sound mixing cause my god we can be here all day. Rating: Best Lover? More like Worst Lover, am I right?
Love All Play (2022, Heo Sung-hye)
Main leads: Park Ju-Hyun, Chae Jong-hyeop
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: The style of the show is great, it reminded me a lot of Into the Ring which I love. The fishbowl straight-on viewpoint gives the show a nice stylistic cinematography. The story, however, I go back and forth on. I actually really like the characters even Park Tea-yang ( Park Ju-Hyun) whom many didn’t like. I found her relatable and very human, however frustrating that is. I did find Park Tae-Joon’s (Chae Jong-hyeop) mother to be annoying. And the relationship is kinda immature at times albeit cute. Rating: the park twins for the win.
Dear My Friends (2016, Noh Hee-Kyung)
Main leads: Go Hyun-Jung, Kim Hye-ja, Na Moon-hee, Go Doo-shim, Park Won-sook, Youn Yuh-jung, Joo Hyun, Kim Young-ok, Shin Goo
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: Noh Hee-Kyung is a known writer for writing very realistic people. This show definitely falls under this. The show has an assembly cast of older people and their lives. I love how you can see a generational divide, and how the main focus is between mothers and daughters. This relationship is at the core of this drama. I just have so many feelings about this drama, and I hope everyone watches it. Rating: I hope to keep those dear to me.
Our Blues (2022, Noh Hee-Kyung)
Main leads: Lee Byung-hun, Shin Min-a, Cha Seung-won, Lee Jung-eun, Uhm Jung-Hwa, Han Ji-min, Kim Woo-bin, Bae Hyun-sung, Roh Yoon-seo
Episodes: 20, 60 min
Thoughts: This show had several weaving storylines about the residents of Jeju. Some of the storylines and characters you liked better than others. It is complicated and kinda messy but overall I had a really fun time watching this drama. It was nice watching every week and seeing what people were saying. The drama has a very slice-of-life, lowkey vibe to it. I also just really like kdramas set in the countryside. A note about the teen pregnancy storyline made me so anxious. Fun fact about me: I am terrified of teen pregnancy despite not being a teen. Rating: Fish market rivalries for the win
From Now On, Showtime (2022, Ha Yoon-ah)  
Main leads: Park Hae-jin, Jin Ki-Joo
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: I could not tell you why I watched this show? I don’t even like Park Hae-jin, I didn’t think he was that enjoyable here either. Jin Ki-Joo was great, and the ghosts had good comic timing. The story was so-so. Idk. Watch it if you have nothing better to do but there are better kdramas out there. Rating: I keep thinking the title is the Show Must Go on, but it is not.                                          
Melo is My Nature (2019, ​​Lee Byeong-Heon, Kim Young-young)
Main leads: Chun Woo-hee, Jeon Yeo-been, Han Ji-eun
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: She is the moment. This show is everything to me, the first episode alone will build you up and break you down better than most feature films do. There are many scenes that I can’t get out of my head. I originally watched this back in 2019, but I had to stop because at one point it got too emotionally intense for me. So take care while watching this. But this is one of the most beautifully written dramas about womanhood, and female friendships I have ever seen. It touched something deep inside me, and I loved every moment. Rating: I also love the subplot with the actress and her manager 
My Mister (2018, ​​Park Hae-young)
Main leads: Lee Sun-Kyun, Lee Ji-eun
Episodes: 16, 90 min
Thoughts:  I have been recommended this show so many times throughout the years, but due to how sad it is I avoided it. Which, yeah. It does have a hopeful note letter on it. And I love how the focus isn’t romantic but platonic And it is about two souls meeting during a rough period, it is just completely beautiful. I love Park Hae-young’s writing. I am sad I put this show off so much. Rating: if you have daddy issues you might really like this. 
Kiss Sixth Sense (2022, Jeon Yu-ri)
Main leads: Yoon Kye-sang, Seo Ji-hye
Episodes: 12, 60 to 75 min
Thoughts: This show is literally the most childish show I have ever watched, but it is most definitely for adults. I was actually looking forward to watching this ‘cause the concept seemed so fun but, it was kind of eh. It is only 12 episodes but there are better shows out there to watch, and I found the love triangle/ rectangle exhausting and just immature. Rating: If you can change your fate… Would ya?
Rooftop Prince (2012, Lee Hee-myung)
Main leads: Park Yuchun, Han Ji-min
Episodes: 20, 70 min
Thoughts: I have to be honest I had covid while I was watching this. I remember enjoying it. I also remember I had to do squats while watching it for some reason. But The cast is fun, I did find the ML to be lacking in comparison to the other assemble but it is a fun and easy watch. Rating: apparently Choi Woo-shik is in this???
Beautiful Gong Shim (2016, Lee Hee-myung)
Main leads: Namkoong Min, Bang Min-ah
Episodes: 20, 70 min
Thoughts: Let it be known most media I watched in July I had covid so, that is the vibe of this. I remember hating the sister, thinking the love/hate relationship between the leads were cute. That’s about it. I don’t see many people talk about this drama, I think it is definitely worth a watch, but don’t go in with too high expectations. Rating: How many squats can I do?
Night of Love with You (2022, An Ji Er)
Main leads: Liu Xie Ning, Guan Yue
Episodes: 24, 9 min
Thoughts: Love, Love, Love! This show is disappointingly short, yes is it messy. Yes is there so many plot holes, but the potential is enough. The concept is fun and it takes the concepts of the Villainess Mawha’s into a webshow format, which is so fun. I highly recommend this show for quick and light watching experience. Rating: Sometimes the unexpected is expected, and the expected is unexpected. 
Link: Eat, Love, Kill (2022, Kwon Yi-young, Kwon Do-hwan)
Main leads: Yeo Jin-goo, Moon Ga-young
Episodes: 16, 72 min
Thoughts: This show was such a vibe. Literally the cinematography, and the aesthetics as a whole is so nice. The acting is great, Yeo Jin-goo and Moon Ga-young always deliver and they did not disappoint not one bit. There was the weird sister thing at first, but once that was gone it was so sweet. I highly recommend this show to anyone and everyone, especially if you have mommy issues. Also I just love when kdramas have three generations of women I feel like there is something so relatable with that for me. Anyways great show, great aesthetics, great acting, gets a little bogged in the middle but keep going.  Rating:The Korean take on the 2010 film Eat, Pray, Love, Jk. 
Jinxed at First Sight (2022, Jang Yoon-mi)
Main leads: Seohyun, Na In-woo
Episodes:16, 61 to 63 min 
Thoughts: I was actually super excited about watching this, I really liked the first like 4 episodes. It just went down hill from there. The fantasy element was super interesting, and the set up for the world, but they never quite follow through. I was confused on a couple like- familial relations- that they kinda answered later. It was just messy overall plotting, the acting was subpar (sorry), and its just a bad script. I wished it was so much better than it was. Rating: I wrote a separate post praising this drama, and it literally turned out like this.
The Producers (2015, Park Ji-eun, Kim Ji-sun)
Main leads: Cha Tae-hyun, Gong Hyo-jin, Kim Soo-hyun, Lee Ji-eun
Episodes: 12, 80 min
Thoughts: This one actually shocked me with how much I really liked it. Kim Soo-hyun’s dumbass looks literally is everything to me. I just loved every second. SPOILER I just wished the romance between Cindy (Lee Ji-eun) and Baek Seung-chan (Kim Soo-Hyun) came to full fruitution but it didn’t really… while kind of END. Cindy was by fair my favorite character, I just love a bitch with a heart of gold. Ye-jin (Gong Hyo-jin) lowkey kind of annoyed me, I found her to be a bit of a pick me. I especially hated the relationship between Ye-jin and Seung-chan. Rating: surprisingly Funny…
Better a Lie than a Truth (2022)
Main leads: Niu Yu Kun, Simon Chen
Episodes: 7 + Bonus, 26 to 30 min
Thoughts: This troupe was made for me. I love contract relationships/marriages, I could watch them all the time. I think because it is a web drama there were some contrived and confusing plot and timeline issues, but overall I still liked it. It was nothing groundbreaking and could have been easily toxic but I loved it still. I like the FL, I thought she was charming, and I liked the fact she did not hesitate to beat a bitch. The ML was pathetic and head over heels for the FL which is great, though he definitely needs therapy. Rating: contract marriage for the win
Cafe Minamdang (2022, Park Hae-jin)
Main leads: Seo In-guk, Oh Yeon-seo
Episodes: 18, 70 min
Thoughts: This was such a fun drama to watch. Seo In-guk was charming and funny as always. Oh Yeon-seo’s character was such a fun character also. If you are a fan of the American sitcom  Psych then you would love this show. It has shenanigans, mystery, and a lovely fond family. The cast was energetic and played off each other well. The mystery was fun and interesting. I would highly recommend this show. Rating: The most handsome Shaman I have ever seen
Today’s Webtoon (2022, Cho Ye-rang, Lee Jae-eun)
Main leads: Kim Se-jeong, Choi Daniel, Nam Yoon-su
Episodes: 16, 62 to 70 min
Thoughts: Do not watch this for romance there is no romance in this just very good chemistry. I think I have already said this but I will say this again Kim Se-jeong is a delight to watch on screen. She just has this energy that you want to continue to watch. However this felt pretty disappointing mainly because I started watching cause I thought it was a romcom it is infact nothing of the sorts, so with a change of genre reference I think I would have enjoyed this more. It does bog a bit in the middle but It picks back up in the end. Rating: I was really expecting a kiss…
Once Upon a Small Town (2022, Baek Eun-kyeong)
Main leads: Park Soo-young, Choo Young-woo
Episodes: 12, 30 to 40 min
Thoughts: This one is cute and sweet. There is nothing much to it except for that. The romance felt kind of childish, but there is an innocent charm in that. There is a lot of comparison to Hometown Cha Cha Cha mainly do to its setting of the Korean country side but it is far less melodramatic. Rating: Shockingly the love triangle isnt that bad. 
Never Twice (2019-2020, ​​Goo Hyun-sook)
Main leads: Park Se-wan, Kwak Dong-yeon, Youn Yuh-jung, Oh Ji-ho, Ye Ji-won, Park Ah-in, Song Won-seok
Episodes: 72, 35 min
Thoughts: This is an assemble sitcom with main focus on Park-ha (Park Se-Wan) and Hae-jun (Kwak Dong-yeon) romance. It is adorable and funny, and it has a cute child in the mix. At times it can be devausting but thats the heart of any good comedy. This show I feel like is underrated so definitely show this one some love. Rating: Rich man and poor woman, but this time murder is involved. 
Jugglers  (2017, Jo Yong-hae)
Main leads: Baek Jin-hee, Choi Daniel
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: It's a cute and quick workplace drama, and unlike a lot of workplace dramas it isn’t that toxic. The ML never really throws around his power over the FL, and they try to even it out by making her his landlady, which is definitely a power dynamic. I quickly devoured this drama, ‘cause I did homework while watching, so I didn’t really get the full experience of this drama. I do highly recommend this drama, I liked the characters, and especially the main couple. Rating: Don’t f*** your coworkers, but this is the only exception.
Arang and The Magistrate (2012, Kim Jin-man)
Main leads: Shin Min-a, Lee Joon-gi
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: This has been on my list since like 2017, and I have made attempts but nothing stuck. I have been trying to go back into the back catalog of kdramas and it is October so I thought, “Why not?” The show was okay, I feel like the cast was great but the story lacked or maybe I am just not used to a 2012 kdrama budget. I thought it was enjoyable, and I am glad I got to watch it. It has your typical magic/ghosts which is always fun for this time of the season. I also really liked the ending. I thought it was cute, even if those types of endings are frustrating.  Rating: This was honestly a double win for me cause both Shin Min-a and Lee Joon-gi were in this drama.
The Witch’s Diner (2021, Lee Young-sook)
Main leads: Song Ji-hyo, Nam Ji-hyun, Chae Jong-hyeop
Episodes: 8, 40 to 55 min
Thoughts: This show is pretty quick and isn’t anything too special. I enjoyed sort of, and I do really likes its aesthetics. I just don’t think I payed enough attention to the story overall to fully enjoy it. It is pretty quick, and if you have the time this isn’t a bad watch. Rating: Be careful of what you wish for… 
Little Women (2022, Chung Seo-kyung)
Main leads: Kim Go-eun, Nam Ji-hyun, Park Ji-hu
Episodes: 12, 77 min
Thoughts: I am still collecting my thoughts. I truly enjoyed every part of the show. I loved the usage of the Little Women archetypes in a thriller setting. It was new and it was fresh. I loved the complicated relationship between all three siblings and their fight for their survival. Kim Go Eun as In-ju was absolutely stunning as always. Also, her chemistry with Wi Ha-Joon is off the absolute charts. This was such a good woman running the show, and we just need more of these, TBH. I would highly recommend this show to anyone and everyone. Rating: Don’t let the poison sting you on your way out.
Black (2017, Choi Ran)
Main leads: Song Seung-heon, Go Ara
Episodes: 18, 85 min
Thoughts: I want to say honestly this has been on my list since it came out in 2017, but I had very little desire to watch. But remember it is the time of year when I will be watching all things spooky, so I thought I will give it a whirl. And before I give my opinion, I have two confessions: one, I have watched this through a rough period of homework, and two, I am not the biggest fan of Go Ara. The plot was confusing ( probably ‘cause I was doing homework). But I think I just didn’t have the best overall experience due to the setup, and just how long each episode is. Rating: 90 minutes for each episode of Grim reapers messing around.
 Possessed (2019, Park Hee-kang)
Main leads: Song Sae-byeok, Go Joon-hee
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: SPOILER: For a comedy, the ending was very sad. And I for one have mixed feelings about it. END. I have been trying to watch halloweenie shows throughout the month of October, and tbh I don’t enjoy many thrillers in drama format. I tend to really vibe with character-driven shows. But this one starts off strong, and if you can get through the midway boredom, it isn’t too bad of a show. The characters are charming and have a lot of chemistry together. Take my opinion with a grain of salt, I have also been studying while watching. Rating: Maybe the true killer was the friends we made along the way…
Scum’s Wish (2017, Yoshihiro Izumi)
Main leads: Miyu Yoshimoto, Dori Sakurada
Episodes: 12, 24 min
Thoughts: I couldn’t tell you why I started this drama. This drama hurt in an unexpecting way, this drama haunts my inner soul. It reveals something about oneself, something you never want to admit. Hanabi (Miyu Yoshimoto) is a relatable character, in fact, she is actively desperate for love. And she is so lonely she is willing to take comfort in any warm body. Mugi and Hanabi are just using each other, but because of this awareness, they are able to create a deep relationship. Don’t get me wrong, this drama disturbed me. I think it will haunt me for a long time. These characters are children being manipulated by adults for sexual pleasure, and it's sad and heartbreaking. These characters are awful all around, they use each other and throw each other away. But I was 17, maybe 3 or 4 (?) years ago, and I could see my younger self in some of the teenage characters. I don’t think they handled the topic they were dealing with fully, but it was definitely an interesting perspective. I would never recommend this drama, and if SA (particularly with teenagers and adults) please keep away. This show was a visceral horror to watch. And I had to binge it quickly because they were taking it off of Viki, but this drama is to be consumed slowly and in small chunks. I feel disgusted now that I have seen it. I am now planning on doing a spiral cleaning while watching a nice movie. Rating: It’s complicated…also jail for that one teacher.
Girl From Nowhere (2018, Kongdej Jaturanrasamee, Aticha Tanthanawigrai, Tinnapat Banyatpiyapoj)
Main leads: Chicha Amatayakul
Episodes: 13, 37 to 50 min
Thoughts: This show has been on my list since 2018 when it came out. I am actually a big fan of Thai filmmaking, and oftentimes it gets overshadowed by more East Asian films. This show absolutely doesn’t disappoint, the horror isn’t in Nano (Chicha Amattayakul), a seemingly immortal being here to punish the wrongdoings, but the horror is within those she punishes. And at the core of being human, we have the ability to be cruel, if it means we can survive. I highly recommend it, even though Netflix will take the show by the end of October. Rating: Hi, it’s me. I am the problem, it’s me. 
Girl From Nowhere 2 (2021, Kongdej Jaturanrasamee, Aticha Tanthanawigrai, Tinnapat Banyatpiyapoj)
Main leads: Chicha Amatayakul, Chanya McClory 
Episodes: 13, 37 to 50 min
Thoughts: The second season kept up the same chaotic energy as the first. Starting off strong with Mpreg. This season we are given more characters besides Nanno, we are introduced to Yuri, a girl turned immortal who is more revenge focused than Nanno. It is such a good show, and I loved the ending. I am curious if that is the end completely ( which is fine cause it is a solid ending, but they left it open-ended enough for another season). This show is so good and I highly recommend it. Also note, please listen to any trigger warnings.  Rating: Double the trouble…
Mr. Bad (2022, Lee Ching Jung)
Main leads: Chen Zhe Yuan, Shen Yue
Episodes: 24, 45 min
Thoughts: Was this drama contrived? Yes. Was it cliche? Yes. Do I fully enjoy it? Absolutely. This one kinda breaks my month-of-a-horror vibe, but I will make it up by watching another horror-themed show in November. But this show is cute and light-hearted. The main couple has nice bickering moments. And except for the main leads' occasional jealousy (TBH it was actually decently tame compared to others I have seen), their relationship is really cute and healthy. For dramas like this don’t expect much, cause like always it does get kinda contrived in the end. But overall it was a fun and cute drama to put on in the background. Rating: It was the Fairy all along…
Inspector Koo ( 2021, Sung Cho-y)
Main leads: Lee Young-ae, Kim Hye-jun
Episodes: 12, 70 min
Thoughts: This has been on my list for a while, and is my last spooky drama for the month of October. I am going to watch at least one more thriller/horror drama to make up for Mr. Bad in November but I am going to be watching romance to settle my bones after such a spooky month. This drama is good, I like the characters. It was very Killing Eve-esque. And TBH a theater major would be a serial killer. Also, the OST was so good. Like it had me jamming through this entire series, and it is only 12 episodes so it doesn’t really bog down. Rating: I love dysfunctional women. 
My Girlfriend is a Gumiho (2010, Hong Sisters)
Main leads: Lee Seung-gi, Shin Min-ah
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: This show looks and reads like a Hong sisters drama from the early 2010s. It is exactly what you would expect. Shin Min-ah is very fun in this and doing her goddamn best. It is fun and cheesy and I could not tell you the plot point of this show if you asked me. Rating: I watched it physically, I didn��t watch it emotionally.
Gaus Electronic (2022, Kang Go-eun, Seo Han-na)
Main leads: Kwak Dong-yeon, Ko Sung-hee, Bae Hyun-sung, Kang Min-ah
Episodes: 12, 45 to 48 min 
Thoughts: This one picked up like 4 days before the final episodes came out. And man the way that I went through the episodes. It is literally so funny, and I love sitcoms so this was right up my alley. I love all the cast chemistry, and I love how they played off each other's dumbassery. I also loved the women in the drama, they were all individuals and were allowed to be just as ridiculous as the men. I also loved the Beak Ma-tan (Bae Hyun-sung) and Geon Kang-mi (Kang Min-ah) storyline. It had all the trappings of the poor girl and rich man romance narrative but they subverted it beautifully. And Beak Ma-tan is so funny. I love it when a character doesn’t understand what genre they are in, it is such A funny thing to witness. Rating: It is so funny
 My Secret Romance  (2017, Kim Ha-na, Kim Young-yoon)
Main leads: Sung Hoon, Song Ji-Eun
Episodes: 14, 45 min
Thoughts: I actually started this way back in 2017, I actually remember when it came out. I ended up dropping it, for an excellent reason. Reason: It sucks. After Business Proposal aired people were suggesting it as a similar drama. They are not wrong, it has the same makings. Weird Boss- employee relationship, cheesy, long-term friend second lead shorter than most kdramas. However, Business Proposal is definitely the better of the two. The ML is so pushy and obsessive, and the FL doesn’t actually have any desire whatsoever. TBH I didn’t even know when or why she started liking the ML; he was suddenly kissing her. Not great, the only reason I got through it was because I was writing an outline. Rating: Just watch Business Proposal again or there are so many other rich man, poor woman boss-employee kdramas out there… Jugglers come to mind… So many…
The Killers Shopping List (2022, Han Ji-wan)
Main leads: Lee Kwang-soo, Kim Seol-Hyun, Jin Hee-Kyung
Episodes: 8, 60 min
Thoughts: This show is super interesting and new if you are tired of romance or sad or serious thrillers this might be a good change of pace. It is a whodunit-style drama, following a group of local groceries trying to solve a serial murder case, that uses their store to deliver things to their victims. The mystery wasn’t that shocking, you can guess it pretty early on, but it is fun enough. I do recommend it just not that highly. Rating: I think there should be more whodunits in the world… I mean in media
Kingdom 1 (2019, Kim Eun-hee)
Main leads: Ju Ji-hoon, Ryu Seung-ryong, Bae Doo-na
Episodes: 6, 45 to 57 min
Thoughts: This show is gory so be aware before going in. It is so good though. I watched The first episode back in 2019 and loved it. However I am a big romance fiend, and this has none so I dropped it. But it is good and very prevalent in today’s culture. I love Bae Doo-na's character Seo-bi. It is just such a good performance. I highly recommend this drama to anyone that likes Korean thrillers. Rating: Koreans know how to do a zombie metaphor, they really do
Midnight Diner s1 (2009, Yarô Abe & Takurô Oikawa)
Main leads: Kaoru Kobayashi
Episodes: 10, 25 min
Thoughts: I decided to watch one episode anytime I was up at midnight for whatever reason. And it was nice, this drama is an anthology of many different characters' lives, and we are just getting little peaks of those who are up at such a late hour. Who would eat at a bar at Midnight? A lot of people. A gangster, a businessman, a stripper, two young lovers, and I guess us ourselves. The people it follows aren’t always the greatest people but at the end of the day, they are human. And human beings are one of the most complicated things on this planet. And this show allows for that complication. Rating: a nice meal on a rainy evening…
 Love in Contract (2022, Ha Goo-dam)
Main leads: Park Min-young, Go Kyung-pyo
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: This was my most anticipated show of the year. There are three things I love: Park Min-young, Go Kyung-Pyo, and contract marriages. This show has all three, and it should have been great, it had the recipe for success and blew it. The script was messy and didn't trust the leads. They just didn’t have faith in Go Kyung-pyo to lead for some reason, so they kept insisting on the second lead Kang Hae-jin (Kim Jae-young) unnecessary plot and air time. He was so bad as a second lead, and he fulfilled the real antagonist of the show. They retconned a lot of things. It was overwhelmingly disappointing. They had great things going for it, like the chemistry between Go Kyung-pyo and Park Min-young; Kang Hyung-Seok as Woo Kwang-Nam is such a fun character. Also, I so wanted Woo Kwang-Nam to get with the manager, and finish his arch. I’m just sad and disappointed about this show. I can not recommend it in good faith. Rating: I am Sang-eun and Jiho Shipper first, a Hea-jin hater second, and a Kwang-Nam and manager truther third… obviously a human being fifth 
 Kingdom 2 (2020, Kim Eun-hee)
Main leads: Ju Ji-hoon, Ryu Seung-ryong, Bae Doo-na
Episodes: 6, 45 to 57 min
Thoughts: So good, this is the continuation from the first season starting where we left off. It is such an exciting show and keeps your attention. It is action so things do move fast. I typically don’t like shows like this but it is worth the watch. I also wonder if there will be a season 3? Cause they set it up for one but I haven’t heard any news. Rating: Just as good as the first part.
 Shadow Beauty (2021, Bang Soo-In)
Main leads: Shim Dal-Gi, Choi Bo-Min, Lee Na-Gyung
Episodes: 13, 19 to 25 min
Thoughts: This show has been on my to-watch list for a while now, but I could never bring myself to watch. I heard it was good but the plot never quite interested me. It is an engrossing plot about a girl who isn’t considered beautiful but pretends to be beautiful online. It talks about beauty standards and the cruelty of people. No one in this show is that great of a person. But that is okay. It wasn’t my favorite show, but it isn’t bad and is so short. Rating: may the real Genie please stand up…
Psychopath’s Diary (2019-2020, Choe Sung-jun, Kim Hwan-chae, Ryu Yong-jae)
Main leads: Yoon Shi-yoon, Jung In-sun, Park Sung-hoon
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: I dropped this show a while back, but I decided to pick up again. It was fun, quirky, and decently thrilling. Yoon Shi-Yoon is hilarious as a pushover down on his luck Yook Dong-Sik. Also, he had immense chemistry with Park Sung-hoon. Another thriller in the book with unexplainable romantic tension between the killer and the protagonist. It is worth the watch, the 16th episode is kinda pointless. They wrap up everything in the first 20 minutes, so they are just filling the last 40 with whatever. Rating: This could have been gay…
Triad Princess (2019, Neal Wu, Emma Chen, Cheng Han-wen, Huang Shi-ting)
Main leads: Jasper Liu, Eugenie Liu
Episodes: 6, 35 to 47 min
Thoughts: This show is a 2019 Taiwanese Netflix short drama with only 6 quick episodes. This show follows a Gangster’s daughter who is a fan of a celebrity, and she becomes his bodyguard. Lo and behold he is also obsessed with gangsters, so obviously they fall in love. I actually watched this show up til episode 4 before dropping it back in 2019 to now finally finish it, so do with that information as you will. It is okay overall nothing to write home about. Rating: I don’t have enough of an opinion to write a witty one-liner. 
Welcome to the Show (2011, Choi Moon-Kyung, Woo Chul-won)
Main leads: Im Seulong, Sulli Choi, Nichkhun
Episodes: 1, 80 min
Thoughts: So apparently this was supposed to be a series, around the fictional lives of actual kpop idols set at an award show that they have. Sorta like an unfinished  The Producers, it even has IU. It was okay, I had a hard time finding it and ended up watching without subs, but I got the gist of it. Rating: I understand why it was canceled.
A Love so Beautiful (2020-2021, Choi Yoo-jung, Jang Yoo-yeon)
Main leads: Kim Yo-han, So Joo-Yeon
Episodes: 24, 21 to 25 min
Thoughts: I watched the original Chinese drama back in 2018, and I really liked that so I thought why not give this one a go. I would just watch the original, the cast had far more chemistry. Even though this followed the plot of the original to a t, it seemed more kiddish, somehow. It might have been because the male lead is much younger  (and looks like it) than everyone who worked in the school days, but once a fast-forward seemed comical. Anyways it is short and sweet and you can probably watch it in a day or two if you have nothing going on. Rating: The original is always better. 
Sound of Your Heart (2016, Lee Byung-hoon)
Main leads: Lee Kwang-soo, Kim Dae-Myung, Jung So-min, Kim Byeong-ok, Kim Mi-Kyung 
Episodes: 20, 15 min
Thoughts: This show was such a fun show to watch. It was funny and light-hearted. I never realized that Jung Somin has such good comedic timing. It is such a good show for a quick pickup, and I highly recommend it. I also believe that Netflix has a season 2 that I might check out. Rating: Sometimes life is ridiculous..
Goedam (2020, Hong Won Gi)
Main leads: Various cast
Episodes: 8, 10 min
Thoughts: This show is an anthology of a spirit haunting different people. It is so short you can watch the entire thing in under an hour. If you want a quick spooky show this will do the trick. Rating: Is it a metaphor for our modern surveillance culture?
Soundtrack #1 (2022,  Ahn Sae-bom)
Main leads: Park Hyung-Sik, Han So-hee
Episodes: 4, 36 to 57 min
Thoughts: I wanted something that had wintery vibes and this is definitely it. It is such a cute drama with such good vibes. You also have Park Hyung-Sik in his most natural environment, pining. And man does he put his heart and soul into it. It is such a good winter drama, everyone should watch it to get cozy. Rating: This is a puppy dog and a black cat couple.
Queen of the Ring ( 2017, Kim Ah-Jung)
Main leads: Kim Seul-gi, Ahn Hyo-seop
Episodes: 6, 30 min
Thoughts: This show is interesting in concept, but at the same time kinda uncomfy. This show is labeled as a fantasy cause we are pretending that Kim Seul-gi isn’t pretty. I do think that the main couple despite the lying and deception is kinda cute. However, the ending comes about in a very unnatural way. I think the writers didn’t know how to achieve their desired ending. Rating: I am glad they didn’t villanies Mi-Joo.
Revenge Note 2 (2018, Han Sang-im, Kim Jong-seon, Shim Min-sun)
Main leads: Ahn Seo-hyun, Samuel
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: It was okay. If you are like a young teen, you would probably enjoy this a lot more. Tbh the first one was better, I realize why I dropped this years ago. Also, it has a weird ethical question about the leads and revenge. Rating: eh…
Glitch (2022, Gin Han-sai)
Main leads: Jeon Yeo-been, Nana
Episodes: 10, 60 min
Thoughts: Jeon Yeo-been never misses. If she is in a project you absolutely know it will be well acted. This story is so new and interesting, and the mixture of mystery and sci-fi is just marvelous. It is a pretty short drama, so you can probably watch it in a couple of days or so. It is definitely one of the better dramas I have seen recently, I highly recommend it to everyone. Also, this is another one where it is so gay, but it never fulfills itself. Rating: is it Aliens or a cult or both…..
Nightmare Teacher (2016, Hyun Moon-Sub)
Main leads: Kim So Hyun, Lee Min Hyuk, Uhm Ki Joon
Episodes: 12, 15 min
Thoughts: This was actually surprisingly good. I had little expectations for this show with how short it is. It is a pretty interesting watch, with psychological horror missed into. Kim So Hyun is always a good watch, I really have no complaints. If you just want to watch a quick horror, this would be your guy. Rating: The teacher is an ick
Midnight Diner 2 (2011, Yarô Abe & Takurô Oikawa)
Main leads: Kaoru Kobayashi
Episodes: 10, 25 min
Thoughts: With my continuation with the series I am still watching when I am up at midnight. This show is such a comforting watch, and it is a reminder of the human condition. It shows every side of a person which can only be revealed in the late hours. I just love how people’s stories are weaved through one another. I highly recommend for just a comforting watch. Rating: What keeps you up at Midnight. 
Welcome to Waikiki (2018, Kim Ki-ho)
Main leads: Kim Jung-hyun, Lee Yi-kyung, Son Seung-won , Jung In-sun , Ko Won-hee , Lee Joo-woo
Episodes: 20, 70 min
Thoughts: I watched this up to the 10th episode way back, but I kept seeing tiktok edits to this show that I decided to pick it up again. This show is more of sitcom style with an assemble cast, so if you like sitcoms you would love this show. It is funny, and relatable. All the characters are stupid but in an enduring way. Rating: I actually love when babies are in dramas ‘cause I think they are cute. 
The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim (2021, Joo Brothers)
Main leads: Kim Sae-ron, Nam Da-reum
Episodes: 12, 20 min
Thoughts: This show is quick and simple, it also has the kid who is the younger version of everyone in it. It is actually pretty good for a quick webdrama. I don’t think it is a must see and you are missing out if you don’t watch, but it is pretty good. The cast is strong for how young they are, the script is okay, and it does keep you interest for the time it has it. Rating: Catch that ghost: Highschool edition
 Meow the Secret Boy (2020, Joo Hwa-mi
Main leads: Kim Myung-soo, Shin Ye-eun
Episodes: 24, 28 to 38 min
Thoughts: This show from concept is incredibly strange. Don’t get me wrong I like cats, but the FL falls in love with the cat she rescued. And even weirder they meet when he was a kitten/boy and she was grown. I know cats age faster, it was just weird, and people took a human cat much better than I ever would. Anyways it is kind of cute, but it is incredibly weird in its inception. Rating: I actually liked the SML in this one. 
True Beauty (2020-2021, ​​Lee Si-eun)
Main leads: Moon Ga-young, Cha Eun-woo
Episodes: 16, 73 min
Thoughts: I watched it while it was coming out, but I just had to drop it. I don’t like love tringules, and the entire focus of this show is the triangle. I know this is an unpopular opinion, I actually like Suho and Ju-kyung as a couple. I wasn’t head over heels over the SML, but I did like his character. I just really wanted this show to be gay, like I know the Webcomics it is far from it, but come on. Park Yoo-na (Kang Su-ji) and Moon Ga-young chemistry is good, also I think at one point Ju-kyung calls Su-ji the ideal boyfriend. And then they had to make Su-ji the typical jealous SFL which is so annoying. Rating: Please just recommend me Lesbian dramas
Lovestruck in the City (2020, Jung Hyun-jung, Jung Da-yun)
Main leads: Ji Chang-wook, Kim Ji-won, Kim Min-seok, Han Ji-eun, Ryu Kyung-soo, So Joo-yeon
Episodes: 17, 28 to 40 min
Thoughts: This show is in a style of a documentary, though they have out of documentary moments, that follow several young people and their relationships to one another. Somehow everyone knows everyone, and they are all dating one another to a certain degree. I liked it to a certain extent, however I found Ji Chang-wook’s character to be annoying and a crybaby. Like I understand his heart was broken but he was obsessive. I did like Kim Ji-won in it but I always like her. Rating: Its short and okay. 
More than Blue: The Series (2021, Hermes Lu, Emma Chen, Fei Kung-yii, Tsai Fang-yun)
Main leads: Gingle Wang Fandy Fan
Episodes: 10, 42 to 50 min
Thoughts: I have watched neither films that this show is based on, so my only input on the story comes from this series. It is incredibly sad. I knew this going in, I genuinely thought it would be the cold of winter sad, but it is not it is the heat of the summer sad. I find that more devastating. The back-and-forth storyline confused me at first, but it does add a sense of mystery that can be enjoyable for the viewer. Overall it is a sweet, and sad love story. Rating: Forever isn’t enough.
That Winter, the Wind Blows (2013, Noh Hee-Kyung)
Main leads: Jo In-sung, Song Hye-Kyo
Episodes: 16, 60 min
Thoughts: Oh, wow. I have so many thoughts, and they are all over the place. First off, it's really good from a genre perspective. This is a classic Melo, it has everything you want. Because of this, it is refreshing, cause you just don’t get Korean melodramas like this anymore. And honestly, I am not a big fan of Song Hye-Kyo’s acting, but I thought she did alright. But oh man this show, um, the romance is technically not incest which is a bad start. Like it is a family melodrama, but oh boy was it painful to watch someone fall in love with someone they thought was their own brother. Like a fair warning to all. Rating: It was a melodrama.
Midnight Diner 3 (2014, Yarô Abe & Takurô Oikawa)
Main leads: Kaoru Kobayashi
Episodes: 10, 25 min
Thoughts: The show is still quiet and sentimental throughout its run, however, I feel like this season we spend much more time outside the cafe, which is interesting. And you build up the cast of outside characters more. I do thoroughly enjoy the continued soft-spoken moments and the aesthetics of quite the nightlife of the show. I do think this show is best seen at night. Rating: a little midnight treat.
Seonam Girls High School Detectives (2014 to 2015, Shin Kwang-ho)
Main leads: Jin Ji-hee, Kang Min-ah, Lee Hye-ri, Lee Min-ji, Stephanie Lee
Episodes: 14, 60 min
Thoughts: This show was definitely made with a younger demographic than me in mind, however, it does show someone jumping off a roof. It has Lee Hye-Ri doing what she does best, and the rest of the cast trying their best with the script they had. It was definitely fun to see bigger stars, back when they were picking up whatever role they were offered to them. The show itself is a boring mystery, and the script has the inability to create tension throughout the whole. If I wasn’t in the midst of school where I need background noise to function I would have dropped this. Rating: It is a win for the lesbians, sort of… not really
Fanletter, Please (2022, Park Tae-yang)
Main leads: Choi Soo-young, Yoon Park
Episodes: 4, 60 min
Thoughts: This drama is decently cute and simple. It is very fluffy, and weirdly enough good for a quick pick-me-up. It easily could have been so devastating because kids with cancer are incredibly sad, but they easily balanced the sweetness with the devastating circumstance. The show is short, sweet, and actually decently acted. The setup is wild but we don’t question anything in dramaland anymore. Rating: Lies always lead to the most extreme possible outcome ever. 
Will it Snow For Christmas? (2009-2010, Lee Kyung-hee)
Main leads: Go Soo, Han Ye-Seul
Episodes: 16, 65 min
Thoughts: If you ever want a slow burn you got it in this drama. It is definitely fun to see a young Kim Soo-hyun, but this drama is the definition of melo. It is also kind of hard to follow especially after the time skip but its interesting, and has a good slow burn. Rating: Will it snow I don’t know
Behind Every Star (2022, Park So-young, Lee Chan)
Main leads: Lee Seo-jin, Kwak Sun-young, Seo Hyun-woo, Joo Hyun-young 
Episodes: 12, 60 to 76 min
Thoughts: Apparently this is based off of a French drama, which I can definitely see elements of it. I go back and forth on this drama. I thought it fun seeing actors cameos on this show, and I really liked the main couple. But it can be kind of boring and overall unmemorable. Rating: I would react the same way if I find a man in my bathtub. 
Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories (2016, Yarô Abe)
Main leads: Kaoru Kobayashi
Episodes: 10, 25 min
Thoughts: This is like the revamped version of the original. It is definitely interesting seein the quality changes over the several seasons. This season has more emphasis on the food I feel like- ending each episode with a recipe, a slight call back to season 2. The vibes are usual contentness and loneliness felt only at midnight. Rating: I think writing in my journal while writing this is great.
The Crowned Clown (2019, Kim Seon-deok, Shin Ha-eun)
Main leads: Yeo Jin-goo, Lee Se-young
Episodes: 16, 70 to 80 min
Thoughts: This show is such a vibe visually, and I think for me that is the most notable thing. Yeo Jin-goo does such a good job at portraying the two princes. And the story is interesting enough. I think I would recommend this drama to those that are interested in Korean historical dramas but haven’t fully taken the plunge. It has a nice balance of politics and romance, and the politics don’t completely take over the narrative. Rating: a solid mad clown. 
Revenge of Others (2022, Lee Hee-myung)
Main leads: Shin Ye-eun, Park Solomon
Episodes: 12, 60 min
Thoughts:This show is definitely the thriller of the year, right behind Reborn Rich. The cast is great, and the characters felt so alive. There was a decent size cast and we understand and felt the motives of all the characters. It was heartbreaking in its set up, and fulfilling in its revenge plot. Also, Shin Ye-eun and Park Solomon’s chemistry is off the charts. Rating: if you are going to listen to me about anything, it should be watching this drama.  
May I Help You? (2022, Lee Sun-hye)
Main leads: Lee Hye-ri, Lee Jun-young
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: I Really enjoyed watching this drama week by week. It has a nice mellow vibe, with an underlying grief. This show can be really sweet at times or really devastating, and it balances these two emotions well. The main couple is sweet, and you are rooting for them from day 1. Overall I am really satisfied with this drama and how it ended. Rating: May I help you… find a good drama. 
Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories 2 (2019, Yarô Abe)
Main leads: Kaoru Kobayashi
Episodes: 10, 25 min
Thoughts:  This is the last season of this series. I will miss the midnights I spent with the show. The people in the show are all questionable, but they feel real. We are kept up at night for multiple reasons. Despite our negative qualites we all deserve warm company and good food. Rating: There are more people than you would think.
Reborn Rich (2022, Kim Tae-hee, Jang Eun-jae)
Main leads: Song Joong-ki, Lee Sung-min, Shin Hyun-been
Episodes: 16, 70 to 80 min
Thoughts: Man Song Joong-ki the past couple of years really said, I am sick of capitalism. This is probably the thriller of the year. It is so good an interesting. I think this is a must watch, and if you are new to kdramas this is probably a good one to watch. It had similar vibes to Again My Life but this one actually stuck the landing. Rating: The ending did confuse me, so I had to rewatch the last episode… ooops. 
Alice in Borderland (2020, Yoshiki Watabe, Yasuko Kuramitsu, & Shinsuke Sato)
Main leads: Kento Yamazaki, Tao Tsuchiya
Episodes: 8, 41 to 80 min
Thoughts: This show is so good. I have been putting it off, but with the new season coming out I just had to watch it. The characters are almost all incredibly flawed, but you are endured to them anyway. Arisu an awkward game-obsessed outcast becomes a hero alongside Usagi in the most deadly game ever. This show does have a graphic SA scene in the later half of the series which I wasn’t warned for, so just be warned. I do think it is worth a watch, but there is a lot of graphic violence. Rating: We built this city….
Summer Strike (2022, Hong Moon-pyo, Lee Yoon-jung)
Main leads: Kim Seol-hyun, Im Si-wa
Episodes: 12, 43 to 52 min
Thoughts: I actually didn’t see much promotion for this serious. But I love introverted couples, plus Im Si-wa plays the soft boy character very well. The couples in this are cute, and the vibes are immaculate, however the story is lacking somewhat. In the last 3 or so episodes it turns into a thriller, though viki does label it as such and there are hints of it in the beginning, it just feels out of place with the hometown vibes. Rating: If I had a nickel for every time a chill hometown vibe drama turns into a thriller I would have like 3 nickels which isn’t very much but it is weird it happened thrice. 
Alchemy of Souls (2022, The Hong Sisters)
Main leads: Lee Jae-wook, Jung So-min
Episodes: 20, 60 to 70 min
Thoughts: Wowza, I understand why it is considered the drama of the Summer. It was actually so good. I wish I was able to see it when it was coming out, but now I don’t have to wait after that ending. It was so good, and I’m so excited to start the second part. Jung So-min doesn’t disappoint, plus her chemistry with Lee Jae-wook. It will definitely be different without her. The story and worldbuilding is also so interesting with very little complaints from me. Rating: a Wolf in Sheep's clothing.
Alice in Borderland 2 (2022, Yoshiki Watabe, Yasuko Kuramitsu, & Shinsuke Sato)
Main leads: Kento Yamazaki, Tao Tsuchiya
Episodes: 8, 41 to 80 min
Thoughts: Man what a ride. This season is arguably better than the first. It was such an interesting watch. I was so confused for a while at the ending but it all worked out. I just think this is such a good show, and if you have the stomach for it, you should watch. Rating: Alice, the white rabbit, and the queen of Hearts… 
I am currently watching Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow. If there any shows that you think I should watch in the upcoming year please feel free to recommend me some. I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
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cherriegyuu · 1 year
Boys Planet | Final
I really wasn't going to post anything at all today, not reblogs or anything. But right now, I just need to detach a little from everything else, so I'll talk about boys planet as it feels like a safe topic. I didn't really watch the final, as I was at work, so I just checked the trainees that debuted. Didn't watch any performances or anything else. So I'll just mention the chosen 9 and call it a day.
#1 Zhang Hao - the fact that he debuted was no surprise at all. The actual surprise was the fact that he placed first. I didn't think that anyone could take SHanbin's spot as a center, but I guess I was wrong. It's also surprising that a Chinese trainee, out of all nationalities on the show, placed first. I'm happy for him.
#2 Sung Han Bin - like Hao, he wasn't a surprise. He's a good addition to the group, he's just overall very good. I wouldn't call him an ace or an all-rounder, but he is very good.
#3 Matthew - I thought that he would place 9th tbh, considering the editing mnet did on him, considering how he placed 9th on the last voting. I suppose he has a really big Korean fanbase. Good for him. I like him, he's fine.
#4 Ricky - the biggest plot twist of this whole show, should we call him the dark horse of the season? I liked him, from the start caught my attention, on demo stage, and I was voting for him at first and then I stopped for whatever reason. He's good too.
#5 Gunwook - when Jiwoong was called at 8th place, I was certain that he wasn't going to make it. I really wanted for him to debut, but I didn't think that he had enough fans to carry him through. I'm happy that I was wrong. He was my number one, from day one. He did a fantastic job, on all stages, he's powerful. It will be fun to watch him
#6 Taerae - the main vocalist is here. I'm happy he debuted, the Korean fans really carried him on the show, as I don't think he is actually that popular outside of SK. Master Seokhoon looked emotional when he was called, I would too if my son was there (not really his son, but they do look alike)
#7 Gyuvin - the only one that doesn't really do anything for me, to be honest. But I'm willing to change my mind about him. He's a good dancer, at least
#8 Jiwoong - you know, I have always said that I don't care in which position my favorite ends up, as long as they make it into the group. And I maintain that same thought. He placed lower than expected but still made it, so that's all that really matters.
#9 Yujin - what I said about Jiwoong works here, but I would just like to say that I'm surprised he dropped so much (especially considering how the fans at the site were screaming for him). With that said, and although I do love him, he still has lots to improve, especially on the vocal side of things. He's still very young, so learning comes almost naturally to him. I hope that now that the show is over, he can be more confident and comfortable.
And now for those who didn't make it.
I have always known that Hui wasn't going to make, he just wouldn't. He would stay in the show until the end but would inevitably not make it. Let's start with the fact Koreans seem to fucking hate pentagon, it's like they after them to make sure that they don't do well. Cube fucked up, not the members okay? And he's "too old" for the idol life, according to a lot of people. I don't really care about his age. My only concern was if he was going to be able to keep up with a 5th gen choreography as he wasn't the best dancer (said so himself). I hope he can go back to pentagon (also hope they tell cube to go fuck themselves) or that he can start a solo career.
The biggest surprise for me was Keita not making it to the group. I never thought that Korean fans would vote for him because, apparently, being tall is more important than being talented. But I really thought that international fans would do the heavy lifting for him, but I suppose he was a filler votes for many people until the third elimination. I don't know what is going to happen to him now. Rain has absolutely no idea what to do so a group can grow. Keita not making it is my biggest regret from this show. He was truly an all-rounder, an ace really ( I would dare to say that he was the only ace in the show).
So yeah, this is. Zero Base One was born, ZB1 (what a shit name).
Although I do say this every time I survival ends, let's not do things again (but I'm sure I'll see you next mnet pulls something like this)
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ms4phantasi4 · 9 months
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Minsung | Han/Leeknow
Drama | Romance | Coming of Age | Action | Thriller | Comedy | Gay | Hurt/Comfort | Original Character(s) - Freeform | Sexual Content | Gay Sex | Minor Changbin/Felix | Minor Hyunjin/Seungmin
In the 80s, a small town that was slowly changing. Ji-sung struggled for the majority of his life, sometimes it was avoidable and sometimes it was because he was stubborn. Then Chang-bin a good friend brings up another struggle. Cue Chang-bin's old friend Min-ho who adds to said struggle of realizing his sexuality.
In the end, Ji-sung rolled with the punches and ended up with a new life he thought he could never have.
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mykpopwire · 11 months
media release: ZEROBASEONE Is Predicted to Name Itself as a Million-Seller for the Consecutive Time… Announcing Powerful Charisma with the New Title Track “CRUSH ”!
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ZEROBASEONE is ready to melt ZEROSE’s hearts with ‘100% pure’ immersion and fervent passion.
ZEROBASEONE (SUNG HAN BIN, KIM JI WOONG, ZHANG HAO, SEOK MATTHEW, KIM TAE RAE, RICKY, KIM GYU VIN, PARK GUN WOOK, HAN YU JIN) releases their second mini album ‘MELTING POINT’ on November 6th, through various streaming sites.
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The title track, “CRUSH,” is a powerful track that layers ZEROBASEONE’s versatile emotions on top of Drum & Bass and Jersey Club rhythms. Its lyrics convey the determination of 9 members, who bloomed radiant dreams with the love of their fans, in becoming a stronger being for ZEROSE and protecting them until the end. The group will share an intense thrill with ZEROBASEONE’s powerful performance that represents their determined oath.
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KIM GYU VIN (left), RICKY (right)
In the music video that will be revealed to the public along with the track, 9 members who are in love express a courageous promise to protect ‘you’ who saved ‘me’ with dynamic camera moves. The music video creates unique visuals with interchanging scenes of the members of real life in school look and the members in uniforms that resemble those of knights. ZEROBASEONE’s energetic, charismatic group choreography completes various CG effects between real life and imagination.
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PARK GUN WOOK (left), SUNG HAN BIN (right)
In addition to the title track, the album includes “MELTING POINT” a song following the title of the album and capturing the process of a heart frozen by love melting away, “Take My Hand” which conveys the determination to leap into a new world hand in hand, “Kidz Zone” celebrating a world where we sing and dance together, and ZEROBASEONE's signature lullaby “Good Night” that comforts a hard day and night, making a total of five tracks spanning diverse genres.
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KIM TAE RAE (left), ZHANG HAO (right)
In this 2nd mini-album, ZEROBASEONE intends to resonate with listeners through music that tells their unique story. While their debut album 'YOUTH IN THE SHADE' focused on the dazzling yet unstable side of youth, 'MELTING POINT,' reached through ZEROSE's faith, depicts a more proactive stance rooted in self-confidence.
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Just like highly pure ice melts at 0 degrees, 9 members will expand to the new world with music and performance that carries ‘100% pure’ immersion and fervent passion and melts listeners’ hearts once again while armed with radiant visuals. After naming themselves as a million-seller just one day after the release of the debut album ‘YOUTH IN THE SHADE,’ ZEROBASEONE already recorded 1.7 million pre-orders with this new release and is predicted to name themselves as a million-second for the consecutive time, continuing to carry their name as the ‘5th generation icon.’
Watch ZEROBASEONE 'CRUSH (가시)' MV here!
*photos courtesy of WAKEONE Entertainment
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binniesthighs · 4 years
telepatía | reader x binsung
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a/n: hi cuties! hope ya’ll are are staying seggsy and cozy! ;) this piece is 100% self indulgent (hehe) as well as my first time writing a poly r/ship! since i’m new at it, any and all feedback is super super appreciated!! <3 
telepatía | changbin x reader x jisung 
~aka, my love note to binsung~ 
Pairing: self insert, seo changbin x female reader x han jisung 
Genre: fluff n’ smut 
Tags: poly relationship, long distance r/ship au, established r/ship au, inspired by a song au, comfort fic, lil bit emotional but that’s bc they are in looove, idiots in love, softdom!binnie, hardswitch!reader, softsub!jisung, mentions of food, explicit language, masturbation (f), dirrrrty talking, hehe soft love makin’, lowkey size and corruption kink, unprotected sex, oral (m&f), face sitting, penetration (piv and anal), double penetration (f), nipple play (m&f), fingering (f), squirting, marking, multiple orgasms, creampie, ahhh soft n’ intimate body touching, cockwarming, shower aftercare, i am so sorry i got sooooo carried away teehee 
Word count: 7.9k 
Recommended listening: telepatía by kali uchis 
Two months. Two months that had felt like eternity. 
Your pen tapped at the table to your desk as you watched the minutes pass by. To your right, your desk calendar with your little countdown smiled at you with the little doodles had drawn along with the stickers that you had decorated there. 
Five more days! 
The golden hour of the day passed by outside your window upon the city that you had been calling home for the past two months. It was gorgeous. Unreal even. Studying abroad had been harder than you had expected--although it was often exciting at other times too. There was not a day that passed when you had regretting doing it, but there were other days when you had wished you could just transport yourself right back home; even if it meant it would be for only a couple hours of so. 
During nights like these, your cramped little studio felt even more empty than usual. The colors of gold and pink would smear in the skyline along with pale pink clouds that looked softer and lusher than anything else in the world. In the springtime, the budding and green trees lined the outside of the apartment complex and birds twittering past would flutter their wings outside of your window cracked open slightly. As the days went by, the air warmed and became more humid, and smelled of luxurious primrose and hyacinths. 
Your room was dimly lit by your desk lamp, and you hadn’t bothered to turn on any other light. Pages wrinkled, and your sense of loneliness came creeping in like the cold winter that the new season had now just chased away. You didn’t want the feeling to linger, but you couldn’t help but let it. 
The sheets of your bed were cozy, much like the rest of the way that you had decorated your studio. The cream colored covers felt like silk on your legs, but where nothing compared to the touch that you craved. 
Your phone clicked on with it’s blue-white light, showing your screensaver: a beautiful sunset image of that last walk that you had taken of the two of them before you had left. 
If it were possible, you imagined that missing one person was enough to shatter a heart, but two people? 
You hugged your phone to your chest, feigning some semblance of a hug to the two of them. Your nose sniffled as it grew more stuffed, and you let your suppressed sobs fill up the space of the room. 
You were convinced that you must've been the the luckiest or the unluckiest person in the whole world: two loves of your life, two people to share it all with had been like a dream come true. It was finally something that felt like it made sense. But, to be so closely tied to two people, meant that being away from them hurt two times as much. 
You imagined them with you in your room: they loved to sandwich you in the middle of them. This was their favorite place to have you. Nothing had been warmer and safer than that. Arms and legs would be all tied together in a way that made little sense, and both of their quiet breathing would tickle at the skin of the back of your neck and your forehead. If there was anything that you had guessed you missed most, it would be falling asleep with them. “I love you’s” would be whispered, and all space between you dissapear once the down comforter would be pulled to your noses. 
No matter how hard you pretended that they were there, it was never the same. 
[it takes three to make a thing go right] binnie, sungie, me 
binnie: have you had dinner yet? please don’t forget! 
jisung: [see image] this is what we’re having for breakfast! we wish you were here with us! 
With shaking fingers you opened the picture to view Jisung’s attempts at cooking. He had been getting into it these days. You had almost wished sometimes that you had been there to try whatever he had concocted--even if it didn’t taste the best. Today it looked like he had tried to make fluffy pancakes with strawberries and cream...but they didn’t end up as fluffy as they should’ve been. Changbin was in the background of the picture making a couple finger hearts. Undoubtedly Jisung had asked him to do it for the picture: Changbin was more of the no-nonsense and stoic type with somewhat of a goofy edge. You and Jisung always knew how to make him melt. “You two are my weaknesses you know?” 
sungie: don’t stay up too late either! finish strong before you come back, okay? 
binnie: we really can’t wait to see you, five days can’t come soon enough. 
You sniffled, sitting up. Had they been there then, they wouldn’t have liked to see you cry. Although your heart stung with a sharp pain seeing them so happy together, you brought yourself back together. You knew exactly how it would’ve been: Jisung would dry your tears gently, then cuddle right up under your arm to nuzzle into your shoulder. Behind the both of you, Changbin would spread his arms wide so both of you could be wrapped up in him. 
me: i really miss you both. i miss you so, so much. i can’t wait to see you on Friday. don’t have too much fun without me until then :) 
binnie: you kidding? we’re miserable without you!! i think that we’re both going crazy. 
sungie: he’s right!! it feels so weird, it always has been these past months. 
we’re not complete without you, y/n. we miss you too sooooo much. 
and you know that bin gets crabby sometimes. when it’s just me around... 
bin: hey! the hell you mean crabby?! i’m a frickin angel!!! 
The way that you could read each of their messages in their voices brought you comfort, and you giggled a little reading the words. 
sungie: relax! i’m just trying to make her laugh. did i succeed?
me: you did sungie. :) 
bin: you forget that i’m sitting right next to you sung, you’re playing a risky game. 
sungie: ooooh he talks such big talk, are you seeing this y/n? do you see what i mean? plz come back and save me!!! 
bin: HEY 
me: binnnnn go easy on sungie. 
bin: i do!!! 
i only go rough when he asks me too ;) 
sungie: w o w 
While it did make you laugh, it still hurt a little thinking about how even with you missing, their lives still went on, they ate meals together, went to concerts, movies, out to eat, and, at the end of the day, they still had eachother to cuddle up with to sleep. It hurt even more thinking about how they still had eachother to satisfy other comforts. Of course, you were still involved over the phone and video calls too, but with thousands of miles of distance, your hands alone could never feel as mind-blowing as theirs. 
binnie: there will be plenty of that when you get back too y/n ;) sung has maybe had it too easy. 
me: hmm too easy? 
Jisung send a series of emoji stickers that all conveyed about the same message: oh my god i’m in trouble. 
binnie: anyway, jokes aside, we are really looking forward to friday. sungie and i have been talking about it and we think we just want to spend the night in if that’s okay with you? you’ll be tired too. 
As always, your boyfriends were the most considerate people in likely the whole world. You didn’t really want to be anywhere else, but just with the two of them; as close as you possibly could be. 
me: that sounds perfect. <3 
sungie: get some rest tonight!! in the morning get yourself something nice for breakfast, i can send you some money hehe 
binnie: boyfriend of the year award over here ! ! 
sungie: hey, we’re both boyfriend of the year! duh, she loves us the same??? 
me: that’s very true. 
binnie: pffff
sungie: don’t make me tackle you seo changbin, i am sitting right next to you
binnie: is that a promise? 
me: boys, boys stop fighting, you’re both boyfriend of the year. 
binnie: see? y/n, we’re a mess without you. 
sungie: changbin, you’re my boyfriend of the year too. does that make you feel better? 
binnie: maybe. 
sungie: we’re keeping y/n from getting dinner. we should shut up now. 
we love and miss you a lot a lot. take care until friday! we’re almost there!!!! 
sungie: bin, i love you, but please, shut up. 
binnie: i’m joking!! sungie i’m joking. this is an equal relationship obviously. 
By now, their usual antics had left your tearstained face dry, and the corners of your mouth sore from how hard you had smiled. 
binnie: see you soon! goodnight y/n! 
sungie: night y/n <3 
You clicked your phone closed, then let your weight drop down to your pillow that held the smell of the evening air. 
“It’ll be sooner than you think.” You sighed. 
It was much too nice of a night to be doing homework, so you decided to push it off for just a couple more hours, flicking on your dinky TV set to a local station where they spoke in the language that you had been teaching to yourself for the past couple months. Here and there you could recognize a few words, but you mostly liked it for the noise. 
You pulled your thin sheet over your bare legs, merely enjoying the simplicity of the feeling over your whole body. 
there will be plenty of that when you get back home too. 
we love and miss you a lot a lot. 
Two months for imagining...and you had learned to hone your skill especially, even if it didn’t feel the same. Even though missing them hurt, you could still feel the love from them from thousands of miles away. They had said themselves that they didn’t feel complete without you. 
The silky feeling sheets tickled at the hairs on your arms as your hand teased down your stomach, then toyed with the elastic of your panties under cotton shorts. You blamed it on the night being especially pleasant, or maybe it was just what you and needed at that moment. 
You wondered how much they had missed you, if they thought of you when their hands would run over each other, or perhaps even if they would imagine that you were there with them when they hold each other close, tiny gaps and moans stick on their lips while they would pleasure each other too. You in fact had thought of them: Jisung’s pretty moans and the way that Changbin liked to suck little bites into his neck. 
That spring air hushed into your window with the softness of a song, and curious fingers dipped into your folds and twitching bud which was wet to the touch. Your body jolted at the feeling of your fingers on your suddenly needy clit. Your mind ran wild thinking of the way that both of them had looked beside you, one of their hands dipping under the fabric of your panties and the other lightly twisting at your nipples too. Absentmindedly, your own hand reached to mimic the action on your breast while you remembered. Careful kisses would be pressed into your cheek and neck while they whispered adoring little praises in your ears. 
“You’re so beautiful baby, like nothing else.” 
“We love you so much. My princess, such a good girl for me, hm? You like how our hands look on you?” 
Your body shivered at the memory, and you rubbed circles into your clit, gathering your own sticky slick to rub over the sensitive bud. 
“Yes,” You whispered to the empty room. 
The golden setting sun reflected fractals of tiny rainbows into your room--just as your prism had done hanging in the window back at home. It would reflect on the stucco walls, and the colors would streak on the ceiling. You would catch sight of them laying tangled up in scattered sheets with both of their bodies prowling over you in bare skin. You could trace the curves of their shoulder blades like the edge of perfectly crested waves. A faraway warmth swelled over your body, and you rubbed harshly at your bud craving more and and more. Your legs squirmed under the sheets: much like they would when they would bow their heads to tease at your clit with interweaving tongues, sandwiched between your thighs which they would pull back with starving fingertips. You could almost hear it: the way that your slick would drip over your pussy, and how they would taste it too on each others lips in between. 
Your back arched recalling their praise. They would pull you between them once again, and fill your mouth with adoring kisses covered with multitudes of their love. Jisung would mewl little whines into your mouth, shaking from your hand wrapped around his cock, and Changbin kissed you like you were his reason for breathing: slow, languid, purposeful. He’d sigh out watching the way that you marked up Jisung’s body while pumping himself all the while. 
“Binnie. Sungie.” Their names became your anchor while your rubbed wider, then slower, then faster. Your soaked fingers plunged into your pussy while your head danced with the memories of them filling you up, rolling their hips in as deeply as thye could, kissing into your chest or the crook of your neck. You curved your fingers to tease at your g-spot, but your clit was even more impatient. 
“Do you want to cum for us princess?” 
“I’ll cum for you...” Your breath hitched in that room all by yourself. 
Your fingers wiggled back up to your clit, now hypersensitive from its lack of attention. Instantly, your orgasm built violently behind the twitching bud, and you threw your free arm back to grip into your pillow to steady yourself. Sweat had gathered on the underside of your thighs and on your back: it was a feeling so dirty that it only made your head feel lighter. It was as if they were in the room with you and you could see them clearly: enamored eyes dipped in lust that ate up your form until there was nothing left. 
“C-close.” You shuddered, now with pruned fingers encircling until you drew yourself right to the brink.
You came with a forceful heat that swept over your whole body and sent your hips jerking up into the air and toes digging into the bed. Your incisors bit harshly at your lip, and you stifled your unsteady and high pitched moans the best you possibly could. In your apartment complex, the walls were thin enough for there to be little left to the imagination. 
Your chest shook as you came down and you teased your bud, edging on overstimulation for as long as you could take it. Jisung had liked the way that you would convulse like this and Changbin would relentlessly give little slaps to your aching bud. Once you could take no more, you drew your hand back from the elastic, then you let the euphoria sweep over your body for a few moments of silence and tranquility. 
Yes, you had done it to yourself, but without their help, there was no way that you could’ve shown your body the same kind of fervent love. 
It was as if they could make love to you telepathically, even on this night when the sun was setting, and your bed was empty. 
You hadn’t expected yourself to feel nervous meeting them at the airport. Still, your heart pounded in your chest with a ridiculous rhythm. It wasn’t like you had a completely different face or had changed anything about yourself remotely  that would’ve shocked them. Still, a sense of anxiety swelled in you that was unexpected and unwarranted. Perhaps it was because it was so surreal. 
There was something odd about the airport, it was likely how industrial it all felt with chairs that were lined with thin upholstery and carpets that held all kinds of mysterious stains. But, while it was a bit of a undesirable area, it was teeming with excitement. There were patrons at the magazine stands busying themselves flipping through books and laughing at the outrageous titles, people sitting joyously at the little restaurants and several hyper children tugging the hands of exasperated parents with neck pillows clinging to their strained necks. Further down the way, there was the sign illuminated pointing to the pick up area past baggage claim. 
The air smelled overly filtered, but it was still as exhilarating. You took two escalators down and one moving walkway, then the light of the outdoors flooded the area with conveyor belts and the screens above them. 
“Y/n? Y/n!!!!” Jisung’s voice called over the busy sounds of baggage claim filled to the brim with his excitement. 
Before you got a chance to figure out where his voice had come from, your adorable boyfriend came charging at you with arms outstretched and an inhumanly large smile on his face. He scooped you up holding you so tightly that you had to teeter on your tip toes. While Jisung had a bit of a tiny frame, you never would’ve guessed from the scale of his hugs. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” He giggled out the words with a sense of disbelief, and he swung your body back and forth. “Oh my god I missed you sososo much.” 
Another set of arms peacefully wrapped around you and Jisung and squeezed you in even tighter. In one of his hands, the cellophane from a bouquet of pink roses crinkled. “It’s so nice to have you back.” Changbin cooed, then reached to pat your head with his free hand. 
 You blinked back your happy tears the best that you could. The three of you broke, and you looked at both of your boyfriends right in front of you for the first time in what felt like forever. Changbin squeezed Jisung’s shoulder while the boy wiped a couple tears for the corner of his eyes. 
You were biased, but they really were the most beautiful people in the world. 
“I-I missed you both too, more than you can imagine.” 
The two boys beamed, then presented you with your flowers. 
“‘Hope you like pink ‘cause that’s the last color that they had left.” Changbin chuckled, and you nodded profusely. 
“They’re gorgeous.” 
You decided, after two months of not seeing the damn loves of your life, you deserved to kiss them--fuck the glares that you would get.
First you grabbed Changbin by the cheeks to press a smiling kiss right into his surprised mouth, and kiss him like you were a high schooler starved for attention that was forbidden to them. Still, your boyfriend grabbed your face back, rubbing tenderly into your own cheeks. 
You winked to an equally shocked Jisung, “You next.” 
You kissed the stutters away on his lips, and then ran giddy lips over his which cracked with a smile so wide it made it a little hard to kiss him. He wrapped both of his arms around you to pull you in close and you ruffled up his caramel blond hair the best you possibly could. Beside you, Changbin chuckled out proudly. 
You had closed your eyes to kiss both of your boyfriends like they deserved. If someone had stared, well...you didn’t see it. 
Jisung was out of breath after your parted, then pushed up his glasses in his surprise. 
“That was....” 
“--Lets get home!!” You shined with a smile, then took off in front of them. “Are you coming or not??” 
Jisung decided not to subject you to his home cooking, regardless of the fact that you had said that you wanted to try it. You had ordered take-out, and ate it picnic style on the floor to your living room in front of the TV playing a movie that none of you payed attention to. Regardless of the fact that your jet lag had hit you like a truck, your pure adrenaline upon seeing them kept your eyes from becoming weary. 
The normal questions had been asked: how are you classes, how is the food there, what are the people like, what is your apartment like, have you made friends etc. You asked Changbin about how his classes were going, and how Jisung’s part-time job at the café was and about the silly little things that you used to do as three, but they now had to as two. The consensus was that doing anything as two was strange and even a little awkward at times because they had gotten so used to having you around. 
Changbin cleared the dishes, making space for you to make up your little pillow fort that you would do at times. “It felt like there was a piece missing from us. It was...really hard sometimes too.” 
“It was for me too. Out there all alone...I had never realized that a bed meant for one person would be like, the saddest thing that there is on this earth.” 
“Small bed no more!” Jisung piped, then proceeded to wrap both his arms and legs around you the best he could. “Also small shower no more.” He nuzzled into your chest. 
One of the selling points of the apartment that you shared was actually the comically large shower that it came with. During the first few weeks after you had moved in, it was as if the three of you were physically incapable of taking a shower without the others being there. Changbin joked that it was as if they had made it just for the three of you in some kind of destined way. 
“Hmmm well, I think that we should make use of that as soon as possible.” 
Jisung let out a happy little hum in agreement then angled himself up to plant a couple quick kisses on your mouth and nose. Changbin threw down your array of pillows and other blankets, draping them over chairs to make a little tent like the three of you were toddlers hidden away in your secret place. 
“Sungie sandwich!!!” Jisung suddenly gasped out, “Binnie come on!!” 
Changbin scoffed, “I guess it has been a while...can’t say no to that.” 
Jisung squealed and the two of you made space for your boyfriend to come slide himself on the other side and make a proper “Sungie sandwich.” He kissed careful lips into the crook of Jisung’s neck which made the other boy giggle out in a tizzy: not only was he sensitive there, but it would tickle him too. You reached your arms over to tangle your fingers up in Changbin’s dark locks which were just as soft as you remembered. 
“This feels so amazing.” You sighed into Jisung who had crept his hands up your shirt. 
“It does.” Changbin agreed. “We’re complete again.” 
Small bed no more was right. 
Jisung patted the middle spot, wearing only a white tee and his boxers. 
“Your spot awaits you princess.” 
“Don’t mind if I do!” 
Changbin sauntered over while he brushed his teeth, abandoning the idea of a shirt all together. 
Your eyes widened, “...Bin--” 
“--What?” He smugly smirked. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before?” 
Your other boyfriend scoffed, “He certainly knows that he’s hot, doesn’t he?” 
“He sure does.” Changbin dished out a prideful wink. 
With sarcasm laced in your voice, you turned to Jisung to say, “I’m so sorry you had to deal with that while I was gone.” 
Changbin’s voice echoed from the bathroom “HE LIKED IT!” 
Jisung waved him off, settling to beckon you under the thick and cozy comforter that you had daydreamed of more than once. 
“Are you comfy?” He hushed. 
“Mmhm! Comfiest I’ve been in months.” 
Just as he always would, Jisung would wrap you up so tight that it might’ve been a little suffocating--but it wasn’t like you minded in the slightest. The top of his poofy hair smelled like grapefruits somehow, and you hadn’t realized how much you had missed it. The feeling of your bare legs intertwined, and there was nothing that came close to such a perfect feeling. 
Your other boyfriend clicked off the light, then engulfed the both of you with his rather strong and intimidating arms. You knew for a fact that they were nothing but cuddly and harmless. Being like this with them was what you had missed most, and it was finally yours for the taking. 
“Are you guys asleep yet?” Jisung whispered after approximately five minutes of silence. 
“No,” Changbin murmured. “What is it?” 
“I-I dunno, I can’t fall asleep, I just keep thinking...” 
You flopped over to face him, “What is it Sungie? Everything okay?” 
Your adorable boyfriend stammered, then shied under the comforter in the dark of the room. “I-I don’t know if now is the right time, but...” It was noticeable how his tone had changed; you and Changbin knew it well. Jisung’s pitch would raise and his voice would crack when he wanted something. 
Changbin leaned over to click the light back on. “Sung, you don’t have to be so coy about it. I think that Y/n and I know you better than you know yourself.” 
Jisung’s eyes widened in his embarrassment, “You what??” 
Your headstrong boyfriend sighed, “Use your words Sungie.” 
His cheeks turned rosy, then he peeped, “It’s just that it’s been a really long time and I can’t stop thinking about it, and...Bin and I didn’t really do anything for like a week cause--” 
Your head whipped in Changbin’s direction, “What?” 
Changbin nodded solemnly saying, “Let him finish.” 
“--C-cause I wanted us to wait for when you came back so it could be like, extra special? Or...something like that.” He threw the blanket over his head. “It sounds so dumb when I say it out loud.” 
You really didn’t deserve someone like Jisung. Not in this lifetime or the next. You felt your limbs practically turn to jelly to hug your shy boyfriend. 
“It’s not dumb!! Not at all!! I think that it’s so sweet! You wanted to wait for me? Oh, baby...” 
With the blanket pulled back, you held his glistening eyes with yours. He really was irresistible when he would get like this. 
“I’m assuming that you wanna stop waiting, hm?” 
Changbin joined you in leaning over the shiest of you three, then shrugged down the cotton of your loose t-shirt to paint kisses into your shoulder. In the chill of the room, the warmth contrasted beautifully. 
“Yes or no Sungie? Because I defin--” 
“--Yes! Uh--I mean, yes, but--only if you aren’t too tired or if you want to.” 
“Sungie, how can I say no to you?” You bowed your neck to press loving little kisses into his lips which still tasted faintly of mint. He immediately give into you, grabbing out to hold your neck firmly as you did so. His hips squirmed slightly, as did his legs--he always was such an impatient baby. 
Changbin scooched in closer to caress down your back as you filled your boyfriend with every single kiss that you had been waiting months to give him. 
His voice was as soft as velvet, and full of his immense love for the two of you. Seeing both of you like this made him swell with such as sense of admiration, it was as if it was a high for him. “We’ll take care of you Sungie, we’d love to.” 
Even from Changbin’s praises, Jisung’s whole body would shiver, and you could feel it on your tongue too when you had politely asked for him to allow you entrance. 
Jisung set to work pulling your shirt up over your arms once you turned to Changbin to kiss over him roughly. He had liked it more that way: a collision of lips and teeth grazing over the softer parts of your mouth, gasps getting caught in between and the heat of tongues twisting as if you were as sweet as honey. As soon as you were rid of your shirt two sets of hands greedily crept up your body to twist and pull at your nipples which had hardened in seconds. Your head fell to Changbin’s shoulder while they teased and flicked at your sensitive buds until they hurt. 
“She’s so pretty, isn’t she?” Changbin growled, then cradled your head to lay you down. 
“The prettiest.” Jisung agreed, then hooked his fingers under the lacy part of your underwear that you might’ve worn with the purpose of them not staying on you for long. In return, you tugged at both of their waistbands for them to do the same. Cloth hit the bedside floor, and all that was left was Jisung’s shirt which you pulled off yourself. You only had a couple moments to look in the dim lighting of the room, but both of them had already dripped lightly with pearly drips of pre-cum and their hardening dicks throbbed against the mattress. Not only was it a heavenly sight to behold, but you knew that both of them were entirely for you. 
Changbin leaned down to flick his tongue around your hardened bud, then used his hand to kneed at your other breast with his powerful grasp. Jisung pulled your face towards him with hungry little whimpers that tickled your bottom lip, so you returned the favor by pulling his with your teeth. He recoiled beautifully from the feeling, and you saw your prefect window to slither down his body and wrap your hand around his pink cock. At first, you grazed your thumb over his slit roughly. 
“Did you miss my hand on your cock Sungie? Look at you...so hard for me, so worked up...do you want it that bad, baby?” 
“Y-yes, p-please...” 
Changbin kissed his way up your neck from your breasts sparkling from his saliva, then sucked love bites onto your collarbones and the soft parts of your neck. “Angel, I want to see you with Sungie’s dick in your mouth, can you do that?” 
You nodded, reveling in Changbin’s instructions. There was something about being told exactly what to do that made you feel so pliable. Changbin knew it well. You then worked kisses down your boyfriend’s body, pausing for a moment to flick your tongue over his nipples in the way that made his whole chest flush with pink. He laughed out in his pleasure with an airy breath too. You kissed gently at first, teasing your lips over, then sucking harshly with a trailing of teeth. His back arched, and he let out a delightful “ah-fuck!” 
You finished by peppering other little marks on his chest which faded from pink to violet in a matter of seconds. 
“Babyboy, you wanna taste my cock too?” Changbin greedily rose to kneel, then pumped his fist with tiny trailing breaths. 
Jisung’s eyes turned into full moons at the sight, then nodded excitedly while angling himself correctly. You and your boyfriend exchanged prideful little glances over the other’s eagerness. The pads of your fingers traced down Jisung’s thin frame, ghosting over his flaring abs and drawing little scribbles into his ribs. Your perfect position was set between this quivering thighs which welcomed you easily, and you took his deliciously pink cock in your hand to tease at him with thick stripes. You gathered saliva on your tongue so he could feel it, then used another hand to pump at him too. 
Jisung flattened out his tongue to swirl it around his boyfriends angrily red tip and maintained eye contact as Changbin preferred. As the smallest boy dipped his head in closer, Changbin entangled his fingers with those gorgeous caramel trellises. He sighed out at the feeling of his cock hitting the back of Jisung’s throat, and groaned out lowly once he heard the other choke on it lightly. 
“Fuck baby. Just like that..” 
You then took in Jisung’s length as deeply as you could: and it was no easy feat. Where Changbin dominated in girth, Jisung made up for in length. The action sent Jisung whining helplessly on Changbin’s dick, which only drove the other boy further into his passion. 
“You take me so well Sungie.” He cooed, and pulled out for Jisung to catch a few desperate gasps. 
Your saliva gathered in the corner of your mouth, and you licked it up and down the sides of Jisung’s cock-- but only for a few moments. You swallowed him down, pushing down the back of your throat just as you had long learned how to do. Merely feeling the weight of him in your mouth sent your pussy throbbing and your legs twisting for some kind of sensation. Of course, Changbin had noticed. 
“Open your legs sweetheart.” 
You did as you were told, and his thick fingers came journeying through your soaked folds, and he toyed with your clit and slicked his fingers with your arousal. His index and middle finger circled around you: it was a sensation that you had dreamed of endlessly. 
“Mm, Bin...” You moaned onto Jisung’s cock. 
“Pretty pussy of yours must’ve missed this, hm? My fingers fucking your wet little cunt? I missed it too...” 
You tried your best to maintain your strength once you had returned to sucking off Jisung’s dick, but you only seemed to unravel further. He rutted his hips into your mouth needily--an action which teased at your gag reflex, but you were stronger than that. 
Jisung’s own slobber fell down the side of his neck which Changbin held, just so he could feel the way that he filled up his boyfriends throat. With his other hand, he dipped it further inside your pussy, fucking you slowly at first. You knew that he loved the way that your slick sounded on his fingers. In response, your helpless moans vibrated on your boyfriend’s dick. 
“Y/n, I want your mouth too.” Changbin asked gravely with hooded and darkened eyes. You knew what you had to do next. His fingers slipped out from you, and you loathed feeling so empty, but you weren’t one to disobey him either. 
Changbin made space for you to lay on your stomach next to Jisung and then tapped his wetted dick on your lips as well, leaving Jisung gasping next to you. 
“Fucking show me how much you missed me.” 
You took him in, and you had nearly forgotten how sizeable he really was. It was startling, and as soon as you took in his full length, you had to fight back tears over how thick he really was. Regardless, the way that he could stretch you out like this was purely addictive. 
“Oh...fuck--baby...” Your boyfriends voice dropped several decibels. “My babies suck my dick s-so good don’t they?” 
Jisung nodded in his wonder at you, and Changbin dipped his thumb into his mouth afterword. Jisung always did love the taste. 
Changbin caressed your full cheek, “Don’t forget to share.” 
You took a deep breath, then let Jisung take his turn again. As he did so, you resumed your work at jerking off his dripping tip, and he reached to slide between your folds with long fingers. 
With both of your adoring glances, you and Jisung kissed and lapped up the sides of your boyfriend’s dick and his eyes rolled back at the ethereal sight. 
“H-holy sh-shit--” 
Your hips buckled once Jisung let his fingers plunge inside of you and high pitched mewls sent you clawing at Changbin’s hips for balance. 
“W-wait...” Changbin pulled himself away, and you knew that he must’ve been practicing the best restraint he could. “Sungie, you wanna taste her pussy too? Taste how sweet she is?” 
Jisung smiled widely, despite being a bit of slobbery and tear-stained himself. 
“I’ve been waiting for months to!” 
You looked to Changbin for approval. 
“Sit on his face then sweetheart? Wouldn’t you like to ride his face for me?” 
You nodded in your thrill, and the bedsheets crinkled under the sound of the three of you shifting your bodies back into the proper position. 
As it often would, the windows to your room fogged with steam--even though it was a beautiful spring evening. Pillows were strewn everywhere, and some of them nearly fell off the bed. Nevertheless, you had never been cozier wrapped in the clean threads and with your sweating skin pressed against heated bodies.
Jisung firstly kissed at your wet lips, teasing and humming happily into them. He grabbed onto both of your thighs to open you further then pulled your folds apart to kiss directly on your bud--an action which sent you nearly screaming over how intense it all felt. 
“You can be loud for us baby. There’s nothing to be scared of here.” 
It was as if a switch had flipped within you, and each and every lap of Jisung’s tongue felt like the most euphoric sensation you had ever experienced. He looked utterly adorable under you with his pink and juicy tongue running stripes over your clit. Merely watching him like this was enough to bring you to your first orgasm. 
“D-don’t stop S-sung...” You rolled your hips over his lips. 
Changbin had snaked himself farther down Jisung’s body which glistened with a thin layer of sweat. He clicked the bottle of lube, then smoothed it over his length, finally aligning it over the smaller boy. Your hands grabbed out for something to hold onto: one of them within Jisung’s hair, and the other squeezing painfully into the headboard. 
“Rough or slow Sungie?” Changbin laughed out wickedly. 
“R-rough...” Jisung moaned onto your pussy, “H-hard...” 
Changbin entered your boyfriend carefully, and both of them shuddered at the feeling. The room was full of all of your eroticism, and Jisung groaned out loudly at the connection. From the sounds your orgasm drew itself out too, and it was heightened even more when Jisung moved to pump his fingers deeply into you as well. He curved his fingertips in the way that grazed your cervix, and then sent you quivering pathetically over his face. Lower, Changbin dug his fingers into his boyfriends hips slamming into him without pause, and panting haphazardly. 
“C-can yo-you cum for me??” Jisung whimpered in a way that was much too cute for his own good. 
“Yes.” You answered, then fucked your hips over his plush lips and you clenched your teeth hard against your lip “Mm-fingers, Sung--please...” 
Jisung did as he was told, and maintained his pace stimulating your g-spot then, and begging an orgasm out of your body. He himself whimpered like a puppy while he was fucked out. Had you not been focusing on your orgasm, you wished you could see it all happen. 
“Ji--fuck--” Your hips violently shook, and you came with a searing heat that locked your walls tight around his fingers and dripped even further down your shaking thighs and splattered into his delicate features. It didn’t startle him at all, but he merely licked his lips free of your slick. 
“B-Bin--” He gasped out, then you fell down in your aftershocks to watch the way that Changbin spread out your gorgeous boyfriend with sweat dripping down his chest and from his brow. 
“Ride him, baby.” Changbin immediately ordered. “I want you to cum all over his dick, got it?” 
With grabby hands, Jisung pulled you right into his chest once you had straddled him. He played with your nipples for a few fleeting moments as you got situated pushing his cock into your pussy still trembling from your last orgasm. 
It was beautiful how he could fill you up like this. It was intimacy incomparable a closeness that only you had shared with him. In fact, he had actually been somewhat of a virgin when the three of you had met, and both you and Changbin were his first time. Knowing that he had only shared this part of himself with you and your boyfriend felt intoxicating in a way. 
You flicked your hips over his length, and focused your strength on fucking him slowly compared to how relentless Changbin kept his pace at. 
“I love you baby. Jisung, I love you so much.” You held his gaze. 
Two tears fell from his cheeks--not out of sadness, but of his pure love for you. 
He begged with a quivering lip, “Please kiss me.” 
And you did. You kissed Jisung like he was as fragile as flower petals that could break with the smallest tear. You kissed his lips as sweet as candy and you kissed the last bits of your arousal away on the corners of his mouth. 
Still, “Harder...” He begged, and your hips dipped lower and quicker over him. 
“Want me to fuck you harder babyboy?” 
Changbin threw his hands on your shoulders, then ran them down your spine to feel the way that you moved over Jisung’s dick. 
“Want us to fuck you until you can’t say any more?” You tutted. 
“Fuck, Sung, you feel so--” 
“G-gonna make me cum-ngh!” 
Changbin angled the boys hip up a bit further, and the sound of skin on skin filled the room. 
You sang out the phrase, “~I didn’t hear you say it Sungie~” 
Jisung’s face screwed up, and he gasped out loud enough for the neighbors to likely hear, but that didn’t matter in the slightest. 
“Fuck me please.” 
The thickness of the air in the bedroom clouded, and you fucked your beautiful boyfriend with your tightening walls as hard and as fast as you could, right until you brought yourself to the brink of another trembling orgasm, right over his dick. Changbin gifted a stinging slap to your ass then bit kisses into your shoulder right as you came undone for the second time, and Jisung’s eyes rolled to the back of his head once he came inside you at the very same moment. Your velvet walls tightened around his ribbons of cum inside and you collapsed against his gasping chest to warm him after his release. 
Changbin set himself loose, groaning out loudly as he came too, and shook with delighted laughter that was mixed up in his happy little “oh’s.” and the hitch of his breath. His restless hands caressed every inch of your body that he could as he brought himself down, finally bowing down to kiss right into your shoulder blades and back. Jisung called out his boyfriend’s name too while he shook around him. 
You coaxed yourself free of Jisung’s dick and Changbin wondered in the way that Jisung and made a creamy mess of your pussy. He then did the same watching how his seed spilled out of Jisung as well. 
The three of your sweating bodies clambered flat onto the mattress and the room fell quiet, leaving space for your breaths and the way that the spring evening sounded outside of your window: distant car horns, the hush of the breeze, the ebb and flow of the early arrival of cicadas. 
“Are you okay?” Changbin asked the both of you with worried hands running over both of your sweating forms. 
“Y-yeah. I am.” You smiled. 
Jisung shied his flushed face with one of the bedsheets. “Me too.” 
“I think...if you’d like, maybe the three of us could kind of, sorta, I dunno, stay connected for a little bit?” Changbin smoothed down the little hairs on your arm with the gentlest touch. 
“If Y/n wants to?” 
You exhaled peacefully into both of your boyfriends arms, and gave them a little hum to say yes. Changbin carefully wetted his dick with your slick, then guided himself into you pussy with his half hard dick, and it felt like a dream. Jisung too took a bit of lube in his hand as well, then pumped his dick with a shiver to then slide himself into your ass. The two of them swept over your body with light and fleeting kisses to your neck, shoulders, cheeks, nose and lips. You stayed the same: wonderfully full, and so close to them that it must’ve been unreal. While it hurt a little how they had stretched you out, you wiggled your hips still to feel even more of it. Your boyfriends sighed out at the feeling. 
“Sweetheart, you do that any more and you’re gonna make us want to fuck you again.” Changbin scoffed. 
“What if I want you to?” You traced the way that his deep brown hair curved over his ear. “What if I want you to fuck me like this...close...slowly...?” 
“If she wants to, I want to as well.” 
Changbin held your hips firmly under the blanket, then started his slow thrusts into you with his dick that indulgently grew hard once more. 
He whispered the promise over your lips, “We can do that for you baby.” 
You don’t know how long the three of you had remained as such. Time became nothing of your concern as the night slipped on and both of them took every ounce of their time with you, slowly fucking up into your pussy and ass, the sounds of your slick renewed filled up the room. They brought out a couple more shaking orgasms from your core, each of them followed by careful kisses to soothe your shaking body. 
“Such a good girl for us.” Jisung nibbled into your ear. His hand got tangled with the sheets too where he reached around to twist your nipples between his fingers. 
“How do you want it baby? Do you want it inside?” 
Changbin’s skin filled up your palm, then you slung a leg over his hip so he could hit your g-spot perfectly. 
“Of course. Sung?” 
“--Mm-m’ close too.” 
A few more moments of your symphonic moans, and you unfolded between them: one last orgasm that was so encompassing that you had slipped right into a space so safe, that you felt as if nothing in the world could touch you. Changbin finished off with unexpectedly adorable sounding grunt, and he throbbed within you to the tune of Jisung doing the same. 
“Shit.” Jisung giggled, then nuzzled his head right into the nape of your neck. 
“How was that angel?” 
“Do you even need to ask?” 
The three of you found solace in the skin on skin of it all: three people, three bodies that could be closer than two bodies ever could.  
“Ready to clean off in our big-ass shower?” Jisung wiggled you in his giant hug. 
“Small shower no more.” 
“The problem is, who’s gonna get up first to get the water running?” 
Condensation dripped down the windows, and the curtains blew softly with the spring air invading the room and carrying the smell of flowers and the mist  lingering in grass. 
Water dripped like rain over the pink of muscles and intermingled with the iridescent drops of soap bubbles which held little rainbows in and of themselves. Hair slicked to the sides of faces, and transparent streams coursed down the simple breaths on rising chests. Steam filled up your lungs, a reminder that it was all real. 
You were here with them. It wasn’t some kind of dream that you had painted while in that room alone with yourself and the buzzing of a TV speaking in tongues that you didn’t know. 
Even though they said nothing, but rather touched your body down, you could hear their thoughts like a melody. 
They loved every bit of you, and it was written on their faces times two. 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @eunaeiekim @julesinthesoop
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stay-midnight · 4 years
→Stray Kids reaction to being caught making out with their s/o, with a scenario as well.
Suggestive, gender-neutral uses they/them pronouns.
Requested by anonnie:
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Bang Chan
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Slightly embarrassed at getting caught.
He is the eldest of the Stray Kids and getting caught making out will make him a bit shy at intimacy for the whole day.
You’ll both be teased by the other members.
You’ll also tease him since he’s at fault on why you both got caught
After getting caught you had continued what you were doing.
→ The Scenario:
He invited you for a movie date on the stray kids dorm since he rarely seen you this month due to his comeback.
You were sitting on the couch and focusing on tv screen enjoying the movie that you and Chan were watching—until suddenly and unexpectedly, a hand snaked to your thigh. He squeezed a bit “Channie, what are you doing?” A suspicious gleam was evident in his iris.
He inches closer to you and encaptures your lips a locked kiss, you pull away after a bit “Channie, we are at your dorms right now..”
“The other members are out in practice..” he says and placed his hand on your cheek, “We won’t go that far okay?”
You sighed and gave in, he smiled and turned off the tv.
He then once again engaged the kiss and pin you to the couch as he nibbles on your bottom lip.
“HYUNG!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH Y/N ON OUR COUCH?!” A shout erupted throughout the dorms.
Chan’s eyes widened and pulled away from you—looking to the source of the shout.
There he saw Jeongin standing there with a glare directed at you and Chan
“I– Innie?! Should you be in practice??!” Chan questioned, scratching the back of his head.
“Minho-hyung dismissed us early, enough about that. WHY ARE YOU GETTING IT ON OUR COUCH??” Jeongin shouted again while you sat there silently, slightly amused by the situation.
“YAH! Stop shouting at your hyung!” Chan said with a small glare.
He giggled slightly, “I’ll tell the others!!”
“Wait– Don’t-” he got cut off by Jeongin running to his room and locking the door, a string of giggles bouncing off the wall of the dorm.
You place your hand on his shoulder and smiled, “It’s okay.” you let out a snort.
“They’ll tease me..” he pouted.
You let out a chain of snorts at that.
“Yah, Y/N.. Don’t laugh at me..”
“Sorry, sorry.. It’s just you look cute right now.”
“Cute? That wasn’t what you said last time we’d done it..”
You stuck your tongue out at him and he chuckled.
Lee Know
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Will probably even smirk at the member if both of you got caught
He will most likely flaunt you to his members anyway
He’ll be very intimate with you even when the other members are in close proximity.
He won’t hesitate to show the other members that you’re his.
→ The Scenario:
You were waiting in the dressing room of Stray Kids after they finish their music stage. . .
Minho was the first one to arrive at the room, slightly breathless. “Where’s the others?” you asked.
“They’re still out there..” Minho said as he walked over to you, sitting on the bench and next to you.
“Oh, why? Shouldn’t they re–” you were trying to ask before he grabbed your cheek and kissed you, you pulled away and blinked twice.
“As I was saying bef–” he interrupted you again by kissing you and this time he slipped his tongue on your mouth.
You rolled your eyes at his antics and kissed back, using your hand to grasp his hair, pulling slightly.
The other members finally entered the room, their loud chattering filling the vicinity.
They all saw you and Minho making out and were honestly suprised, Chan gave Minho a dissapointed look while the other members just sighed.
Minho pulled away to look at his members and smirked “What?” Minho said, the smirk still embedded on his face.
Jisung started, “Can you pleasee, just not make out in front of us?, because that is literally what both of you do.”
The other members nodded in agreement.
“Y/N is just too good-looking, that’s why I can’t keep my hands off them.” Minho scoffed.
They all rolled their eyes, “That’s what you keep saying every single time.”
Seo Changbin
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Gets really really shy but usually gets back his composure and easily hide it.
He prefers to have intimacy in private
But this one time he wanted comfort from your kisses.
Needless to say Jisung caught the two of you in the music studio.
→ The Scenario:
You visited your boyfriend Changbin at the studio since he messaged you about having a bit of producer’s block and hasn’t been able to write songs these past week.
Arriving at the JYP building, you tucked your phone back into your pocket and stride inside the building, you greeted the lady at the front as she smiled at you.
You reached the music studio of Stray Kids and walked right in, “Binnie!” you said loudly as you walk over to him with a wide smile.
Changbin smiled at seeing the face of his partner entering the studio, “Are Chan and Jisung not here?” You asked him, looking around the room.
“They left a few minutes ago so it’s just you and I.” He answered as he sat on a stool with a down expression.
“Tell me, why do you have a producer’s block?” You asked grabbing another stool and sitting in front of him as you held his hand.
“Well... I barely have any inspiration, so that’s probably why.” He sighed out, squeezing your hand softly.
“Did you take breaks?” you chimed as you encircled his palm with you thumb to comfort him a bit.
“No.. All I have been doing is staring at a piece of paper hoping that inspiration will suddenly hit me.”
You sigh, “You should take a break and look for inspiration since it won’t come for you, you have to find it.” You move your stool closer to him and cupped his cheek and kissed him.
He smiles and kisses back immediately, finding your intimate contact relaxing.
You continued kissing him while he took the lead, slowly slipping his tongue in your mouth. Due to your heated kiss, you didn’t hear the door to the studio open.
“Bin-hyung? Y/N? What are you doing in our studio?” The male piped up, giving both of you a knowing look.
He pulls away and stares at the male in silence—it was Jisung that caught you making out. Jisung snorted, “Why are you making out in the studio?”
Changbin kept silence in embarrassment, you giggled “I was comforting him Sungie.”
He tilt his head to the side, “Making out is your way of comforting? Tsk tsk, didn’t expect Bin-hyung and you to do stuff like this in a place where you can get caught.”
“I just like Y/N’s kisses okay?” he murmured softly.
Jisung chortled, “I’m telling Chan-hyung~” he teasingly exclaim as he hopped out.
Changbin rolled his eyes but still is embarrassed at being caught. “It‘s okay Binnie~ Maybe the members will go easy on you if Sung spills.” you snickered.
He pouts and hug you, “If he does tell the others, I’ll kill him.” he murmurs which made you chuckle.
“Let’s just cuddle yeah?”
Hwang Hyunjin
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It could go in two ways.
One is that he’ll shy out
Second one is he’ll roll his eyes at the person who caught them.
But mostly the latter.
Hyunjin got a little bit too touchy and well—
Seungmin caught you making out at his own bedroom.
→ The Scenario:
You sigh as you waited for Seungmin—your best friend to come back since he was doing something ‘important’ he told you.
You fiddled around with your phone as you laid on your back on his bed, “Oh Y/N!” Hyunjin greeted as he saw you, after taking a peek in his room.
“Hi Jinnie..” you said, smiling at him lovingly as you scooted over to the right side of bed and patted your side—signaling him to sit next to you.
“So you visited the dorm without telling your boyfriend,” He said, glaring at you playfully. “And Seungmin knows. I’m kind of second-guessing about who are you actually in a relationship with.” He snorted, sitting next to you
You pout, “Minnie invited me to watch a movie because apparently you always hog my time.” you said, playfully hitting him in his chest.
He chuckled, “Then why didn’t he tell me.” he said holding your hands, interlocking it.
“Because the last time you asked him you just gave him a reason that we were ‘busy’ when we were just cuddling in my bed.” you said with a smile at the memory.
“We were busy okay?” he pouts, tackling you at the bed.
“Jinnie what are you—” you stopped speaking at the feeling of your back hitting the soft mattress.
He grins as he pins you down the bed, “Tell me next time when you come over, or else I’ll get jealous.”
You roll your eyes at him, “Minnie is just my best friend, Jinnie.” you said before bursting into a fit of giggles.
Hyunjin pouts and pecked your lips, stopping your giggles and surprising you—kissing back, you find yourself tangling your fingers through his hair.
“Jinn—Mmpf.. We shouldn’t do this in Minnie's bedroom..” he hums in disapproval and continues kissing you.
You heard a bag drop and pulled away from Jinnie making him pout—looking at the open door, you saw a pissed off Seungmin, “Get out stupid! Me and Y/N have a movie marathon!”
Hyunjin rolled his eyes at Seungmin, “Y/N is mine not yours.”
“I was their best friend first, so be thankful I allowed you to date them.” Seungmin fumed.
“Whatever, see you later Y/N.” he said with a wink before smirking.
You fluster and nodded causing Hyunjin to hum as he walked out of the room.
Seungmin smiled widely, picking up the popcorn bag that fell. “Let’s go watch movies now that he’s gone.” Seungmin huffed.
You chuckled and nodded.
Han Jisung
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He’ll get shy and pouty after getting caught.
His cheeks will be beet red.
He isn’t much for PDA but likes to show people that you are his.
He prefers intimacy alone.
But of course as a "heat of the moment thing" you made out at a public restroom.
And of course Minho being worried that you two were taking a sweet time in the restrooms, he went up to check on both of you.
He found you pinned by Jisung at the door of one of the stalls.
→ The Scenario:
You hum as you walked inside the place Jisung invited you in to celebrate with the rest of the Stray Kids, you called Jisung,
“Are you near Y/N?” Jisung asked in a soft tone when he picked up the phone,
“No, I’m already here but um, I don’t know which table your all in..” You answered, fixing the bag hanging from your shoulder—looking around the huge restaurant, trying to get a glimpse of them.
“Oh, we’re on the third floor. Table 80—It’s at a corner.” He revealed as you heard slight excitement laced in his voice which made you smile.
“Okay, thanks Sungie..” You said before ending the call, making your way to the stairs of the crowded area.
. . .
You hopped over to to the Stray Kids’ table with light smile. Jisung perked his head at you—stopping the chattering happening in the table.
“Hey Sungie!” You greeted cheerily, the smile at at your face growing wider.
He smiles and stood up reaching his hand for you to hold—
At the table, the other members seem to be trying to hold back their laughter while you let out a soft giggle at his ‘gentlemanly’ actions.
You took his hand with amusement written over your face and let him lead you towards the table. “Hey Y/N!” Each one of them greeted.
You nod in appreciation as you took as a seat right next to Jisung, “Thank you..” you bowed your head shyly as you were still a bit shy and hesitant towards the other members of Stray Kids.
. . .
The loud conversation at the table of the Stray Kids got a bit louder when the food arrived, you piped in every now and then when you got called at their conversation.
You lightly puncture the piece of steak with fork and placed it into your mouth.
Chewing your food, you felt some sort of awkwardness with the other Stray Kids members as you weren’t close with them yet, but of course for the sake of your boyfriend—you decided to let loose and make friends with them.
“Uh, I’ll just go to the comfort room..” You said with an awkward smile as you stood up—all of their eyes following you.
Jisung also got up and followed you—unnoticed by you.
. . .
You sighed as you look at yourself at the mirror after washing your face.
The door to the rest room squeaked slightly catching you attention as you saw Jisung at the mirror.
“Sungie?” you said in a asking-kind-of-tone.
“Y/N, why don’t you join in the conversation more?” He said with a sad smile embedded on his squirrel-like face. “The others adore you, so you have nothing to be shy off.” he put out a sympathetic smile as he move closer to you.
“I know.. It’s just I’m not used to being talked to and I’m scared of saying something weird or hurtful..,” you let out in a shaky voice. “But, I’ll try Sungie..” you pledged in a calm tone as you look at him.
You look at him longingly as he did so to you, without both of you even noticing it. You and Jisung started to lean closer to each other.
You locked lips with him in a slow, sensual kiss as you tangle your fingers in his tufts of hair.
Jisung then tried to deepen the kiss by slowly inserting his tongue in your mouth and wrapping his hands around your waist.
“Sung—” you try to say when he pulled away but failed as he captured your lips again with his own.
You sighed into the kiss before continued making out with him again. He then lifted you off the ground as you wrapped your legs around his waist—his hands in your butt as he placed you atop the counter.
. . .
Minho scrunched his eyebrows wondering why Jisung and you were taking so long. “Chan, why is Jisung and Y/N taking so long?” he asked, looking at him.
Chan shrugged, not knowing why both of you were taking so long in the lavatory. “I'll go check up on them.” Minho declared lightly, standing up.
. . .
You two were busy making out at the bathroom counter, you both didn’t notice the door to the lavatory slightly open.
. . .
Minho slowly opened the door to the public restroom and saw both of you clearly getting it at a bathroom. He shook his head in confusion, “Couldn’t you both wait until the end of the celebration.” Minho deadpanned.
Jisung turned his head at hearing Minho’s voice, he saw Minho with no expression which made him embarrassed at his hyung seeing both of you in a suggestive position.
He loosened his grip on your hips and placed you back on the ground, “Sorry hyung..” Jisung murmured in a quite shy tone; which made you chuckle at how he was leading you earlier.
He look at you with small glare when he heard your chuckle. “It’s fine, the others are waiting for both of you.” he sighs out before his lips curved into a small smile.
Jisung nods before Minho walked out the bathroom, “You’re totally getting it tonight, baby ~” he hums before grabbing your arm and leading you out the restroom.
(The other 3 will come later, i‘m sorry for the long delay 🥺)
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ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
Sung Han Bin - masterlist
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One shot :
"Question of responsability". Hurt/comfort. (Request 1)
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MY PICKS: Top 10 K-Dramas
Disclaimer: These are totally subjective choices and I've justified them as per my preferences. Consider them friendly recommendations and let me know if you disagree. Also, I've discovered the wonderful world of K-Dramas over the last couple of years and they've really evolved not just in storytelling but also production value so I personally prefer the more recent ones. So for example I haven't put a very popular pick like My Love from the Star simply because I've seen better stuff since (don't shoot me). Anyway, 가자!
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This is my first recommendation for anyone who's just starting out watching Korean television content simply because it's so different from what new viewers expect it to be. It's so gripping and thrilling. I would expect nothing less from Song Jae Jung's writing.
So it's a sci-fi show, set in Spain, about an augmented reality game, that seems to have physical implications in the real world, sending the lead, Hyun Bin on a rollercoaster ride to find answers. Exo's Chanyeol has a recurring role as the game developer, so that's exciting too. I learnt that he was cast because of his love for PubG. Lol.
Every episode will leave you wanting more, and you'll find yourself as desperate to search for answers as Yoo Jin Woo (Hyun Bin).
Granted, mid season, it gets a little complicated, especially with newer nuances of the game unfolding, but fret not because the characters are discovering the secrets of the game with you. So they're as confused as you would be, and that's why this show is so good! More so because the graphics are excellent! You can tell they really spent money on ensuring high quality work. You will really feel like you're part of the game with Yoo Jin Woo.
Anyway, if you are an EXO-L, or you like gaming, sci-fi, thriller and Hyun Bin, this show is great!
2. W - Two Worlds
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Another piece of awesome from Song Jae Jung. I would still rank this show a little below Alahambra, because I think the makers made improvements from this sci-fi drama in Alahambra, in the sense of storytelling. Still, W is just as intriguing.
Oh Yeon Joo (Han Hyo Joo) gets sucked into a comic book where she falls in love with the lead character of the comic book, Kang Chul (Lee Jeong Suk). Sounds like a typical romance drama right? Don't be fooled because there are many many twists and turns along the way.
I feel like there is metaphor in there somewhere about existentialism, the creation and destiny. But maybe that's just me reading into things.
Lee Jeong Suk is extremely desirable as Kang Chul, unsuspectingly charming and endearing, and Oh Yeon Joo is an absolutely relatable character, and how she deals as an ordinary girl thrown into extraordinary circumstances is genuine.
I would say this drama is wholesome, with sci-fi, suspense, thriller, action, romance, filial relationships, and more. And while it's usually difficult to jam pack all this into one show without screwing it up, W emerges exceptional.
3. Extraordinary You
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This show is so cute! If you want just a light hearted, quirky show, this is the one for you.
It's about characters in a cartoon becoming aware of their existence in a cartoon. But don't worry this is NOTHING like W.
The best part about the show is that it's not about the main characters of the said cartoon. It's the story about the extras finding their way in that world, hence the pun intended in the title. The main characters (of the cartoon) are actually the most dull, because they are bound by the laws of stereotypical high school romance. But the real stuff is happening on the sidelines, with Kim Hye Yoon as Dan Oh and Rowoon as Haru.
Dan Oh is a hilarious character and Kim Hye Yoon does a fantastic job of switching emotions when she's in and out of a scene in the cartoon. One minute she goes into character mode, next minute she's bitching at the sorry fate of her character when she wakes up, to the astonishment of the characters surrounding her (who aren't aware of their reality yet).
Rowoon has a quiet charm about him that perfectly complements Hye Yoon. Check it out for a chuckle and a taste of something different.
4. Crash Landing on You
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This show is hard not to like. Apart from the poorly picturized tornado carrying our leading lady over the border to North Korea, this show is a wonderful Netflix and Chill kind of show, I think.
The cultural disparity between the South and North is interesting to watch and also entertaining. Like when they mention buying mobile games at an App store (a literal application store in a Pyongyang market).
Ri Jung Hyuk (Hyun Bin again) and Yoon Seri (Son Yejin) are such a delight in comedic, romantic, and dramatic scenes. But the scene stealer for me was Yang Kyun Won as Pyo Chi Soo, and his unshakeable nationalism that he is ready to set aside for some shampoo and conditioner.
The interesting thing is going into the show, you have an idea of the longevity, so ofcourse, Seri's journey back to the South ain't going to be easy, also her relationship with Ri Jung Hyuk is doomed, and yet you find yourself rooting for them at each step, crying with them during their failures and crying with them even in their triumph. But the most tears were shed for the least expected character, who simply left us all heart broken.
5. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
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In a world where women are expected to behave and look a certain way to be considered attractive by someone they're vying for, here's a food hogging, tomboy, weightlifting champ, with her first crush.
The premise may rope you into the show, but midway you realise that the heart of the show is in its characters, and without realising you become so invested in them that you feel their fears, insecurities, and cherish their victories with them.
This coming of age show really relishes on the quirks of each character, friendship, love and aspirations. It's not a very dramatic story which is probably why it didn't rate very high during its broadcast, but that's part of its charm, and that's why it's been able to gather a significant cult following since.
Lee Sung Kyung and Nam Joo Hyuk portray the most sincere friends and eventual couple. Their relationship blossoms in the most organic manner and it's so heartwarming. They're not cheesy or unrealistic; they even beat each other up! I don't think I've seen that level of comfort portrayed on screen so well before.
Watch out for guest appearances by Ji Soo and Lee Jeong Suk.
6. Strong Girl Do Bong Soon
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I'll be honest, this recommendation is mainly for Park Hyung Sik. He's amazing in the show. And there could be no better supernaturally strong petite girl than Park Bo Young, either.
So there are actually a lot of things happening in the show, story wise, but I promise it all comes together in the end. There is quite a build up and I'm happy that it pays off adequately.
This is like a superhero show with all the spices and flavours of a Marvel movie, but K-Drama style. There's an invincible villain, some idiot gangsters for comedic value, romance (a love triangle infact), functional training, a point of lost hope for Bong Soon, and then her resurrection as a superhero.
It's all there, and more.
But Park Hyung Sik.....
7. Itaewon Class
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This recommendation is simply for the refreshing change of representation on TV. I know a lot has already been spoken about it already, but I have to admit that that's what sets this revenge drama apart. That, and the music. Dayum, Start by Gaho is so catchy! And let's not forget V's Sweet Night.
This show starts off slow but give it 3 episodes before it gets to the real shit.
Park Saeroyi is almost too good to be true, and in that lies his shortcoming. His character is so strong that while watching him I forgot that Park Seo Joon was acting. And despite some unnerving moments I found myself rooting for him. He has some strong motivational lines too, like about his choice for a better life. His determination is almost unreal, as he goes on to take down his mortal enemy.
Some of the best scenes, though, are of Jo Yi Seo (Kim Dami), a sociopathic enterprising genius. She was the one who actually kept me hooked to the series. She added some much needed flair to the show, and as it appears to Park Saeroyi's establishment.
Actually, every character was strong, every character had a strong backstory and motivation for the action, and most importantly they never broke character.
Watch out for Park Bo Gum's special appearance.
8. Love In The Moonlight
Speaking of Park Bo Gum...
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This show is all kinds of weird in the best way! A girl pretends to be a palace eunuch and falls in love with the crown Prince. That is so messed up!
But that's the fun part! And Park Bo Gum and Kim You Jung make it a wonderful ride. Full of quirky romance, political conflicts and hidden identity issues, this show is addictive af!
And even though this wasn't in the show and was just a promo, be sure to watch Park Bo Gum's Bombastic dance. It's adorable!
9. The Third Charm
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I'm sure this is my least popular recommendation. But something about watching this show was so cathartic. I highly recommend it for those who may have gone through heartbreak ever in their lives.
This is probably one of those rare times when I was lost in the story instead of Seo Kang Jun's eyes. Hehe. This story is about an on again off again couple and their journey through life together and apart.
This was meant to be a healing drama, and it really does take you through the emotional evolution that comes with growing up. I think it's the perfect medicine for a healing heart.
10. It's Okay Not To Be Okay
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This show! This is my current obsession. Kim Soo Hyun's comeback couldn't have been more perfect. Seo Yeji couldn't have been a more perfect casting. And the two leads couldn't have had a better chemistry.
This show is all kinds of whimsical and I love it. Also a healing drama, this show deals with.... Baggage....to put it simply. Some baggage may be bigger than other baggage, some even irrevocable. But seeing all the characters overcome this baggage is so fulfilling.
But the charm of this show is in Ko Moon Young's (Seo Yeji) craziness and the Tim Burton-esque setup, that really makes one perceive fairytales in a whole new way. I mean I always knew that fairytales were sanitized German folklore, but I never thought to find a very different messaging from the material. The parables are ingenious, and it really is a pleasure to watch each and every person on this show.
Special mentions: Goblin, Reply 1988, 30 but 17/ Still 17, My ID is Gangnam Beauty, Hotel Del Luna
216 notes · View notes
reeesea · 4 years
Something Sweet: Part Six
~something sweet?~
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine 
pairing: minsung, jisung/minho
warning: mild language
words: 4k ish
summary:  Is this a date? Minho didn't know, and he had a feeling Jisung didn't really know either.
a/n: Its been a while but I hope you enjoy this 4k of just minsung~
Minho walked out the staff door over to the back entrance of the bar finding the quiet and comfortably lit room to be filled with casual chatter from the regulars, and the quiet lyricless mood music filling the space just enough to make silence comfortable. He spots his most recent customer sitting at the bar sipping through a straw at a drink that looks something like a strawberry daiquiri, scrolling through his phone mindlessly. The blue light from Jisung's phone creating a soft contrast to the warm light of their surroundings, making his eyes look brighter than anything else in the space. 
Jisung spots Minho before he gets to him, and his signature happy heart lights up his face once again. 
Minho sits on a bar stool, “Hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.” 
“Oh no don’t worry I just ordered. Im happy to buy you a drink too if you want." Jisung fumbled with his sleeves as he spoke. 
"I would’ve already but I wasn’t sure what you liked, or what you’d be in the mood for.”
Minho laughed softly at the boy's offer, and his blatant offering of his pocket book.
“Don't worry about it, Jisung I can buy my own drink. Besides, I’m not too sure what I want yet either.” While Minho looked at the menu a surprisingly unawkward silence fell over them. Most of their conversations were over text and getting to see one another in person was largely rare. Jisung was surprised that even with the initial anticipation and nervousness of getting to see Minho again, once he was sitting in his company nothing ever felt awkward or wrong. 
Something about the older man made him feel free to wear his heart on his sleeve. Something Jisung already regularly does, but with Minho he feels safe to do so. Minho would always respond to Jisung’s musings with support or equal enthusiasm, and always returned his jokes and flirting with the smile that made Jisungs heart tug in his chest. 
Getting to see his face was almost an added bonus to getting to be with Minho again. No one would deny that his features were beautiful. His face was set with delicate features that were contrasted by the strong and confident way he held himself. His eyes were large and curious in a way that would be described as innocent looking, if Jisung hadn’t already witnessed the mischievous glint they could also hold. He took his time to take in Minho’s details, in order to commit them to memory. Why? He didn’t really know all he knew was that it felt important, and that if he didn't he would regret it later. 
“You know, if you take a picture it'll last longer.” Minho said, having just ordered some random mixed drink Jisung didn’t recognize, before returning the younger’s not so subtle stares. 
“Maybe but I feel like most people are against having their picture taken without their consent”
“Well you have mine now.” The smirk already returned to his face, causing Jisung’s ears to glow red.  Despite his embarrassment Jisung fumbled to retrieve his phone, loading up the camera.  
“Alright Hyung ready for your close up?” Minho only responded with a seemingly fond chuckle while settling into a nonchalant pose, allowing Jisung to take a couple of flattering shots.
“Dang hyung, why aren’t you a model. Look at this one.” Jisung waved his phone in front of the other’s face scrolling to a specifically nice photo of Minho’s side profile. 
Minho scoffed. “Oh I’m so much more than just a pretty face. Don't you know that already Jisungie~” Jisung looks like we were about to object before Minho softly waved him off with a chuckle.
"I’m just joking. And I don't know, I suppose my career just never swung that way.” 
“I find it hard to believe you’ve never been scouted before.” 
“I suppose you are right, I have been. I just chose to finish school instead." Minho stared at his newly acquired drink with THAT expression Jisung still couldn't quite read.
Jisung remembered Minho talking about having graduated university recently, but other than that and his job at the restaurant, much of Minho's career is somewhat of a mystery to him.   
Minho sipped his drink at the brief pause before asking, "How are you doing Jisung? I know its been a while since we last actually talked” 
The sigh Jisung let out told much of the busy week he's had. 
Debut clean up, photo shoots, meetings, and practice, and late night producing before sleep. 
The audible groan and head on the table was answer enough that the week he was having had been rough.
“I suppose I’m fine. Just overwhelmed. But I also feel bad for being so overwhelmed, I should be excited. I mean I’m so lucky…”  Minho nodded along although confused as to what exactly the other was referencing. Jisung mumbled more before pausing. Jisung felt somewhat conflicted on if he should be spilling his groups practically secret debut preparations, but the kind look on Minho's face felt like reason enough to defy his agreement with his company. 
"Okay so, we're preparing for debut right? And I should be SOO thankful that I even get to and be excited about it. But I don't know what it is about this week. I just feel so ridiculously over my head and exhausted.” Jisung sighed again loudly, "Oh shit I'm not supposed to tell anyone that…." 
Minho laughs at the younger's surprised puppy eyes before promising not to tell anyone. 
“Here, pinky promise.” Extending his hand to offer his finger felt a little juvenile for them, but either way it got Jisung to smile and feel comfortable so that's all that mattered. He would do anything to ease Jisung’s mind even for a moment. “Well congratulations Jisung. If anyone deserves the recognition it's you three.”
Jisung smiles softly at his drink, “Thanks hyung, that means a lot… Just these past few weeks I’ve felt pretty useless. We're still busy making songs like everyday, but I’m just not coming up with lyrics as quickly as I usually do. And I’m always confused during our meetings with the company. I guess I just am having some rough writer’s block or something."
"I suppose I can understand, except honestly I feel like I've had a creative block for the past few months." Minho’s laugh still sounded as soft as ever, but the unreadable expression on his face made it hard to believe. That expression was slowly becoming Jisung’s least favorite thing.
"What you stuck on?" 
"Just in a rut. Lately I have been feeling like I’m just moving to move, working to get by. Even with dancing, I feel like I’m just doing it for the crew. I haven't been creative in MONTHS." Minho’s smile didn't reach his eyes that time, and it may or may not have broken Jisung’s heart a little. 
Determined to bring back the crescent eyed expression, Jisung decided that he would find a way to inspire Minho again. The older had been close to his only muse during his writer’s block and it seemed only fair to try and return the favor.
"Do you ever choreograph then?”
"In college I did, and when the other members ask for help, but not really"
"WELL, I don't know anything about dancing BUT I know that when I freestyle or when I write something really good, it reminds me of why I love creating so much. Maybe you just need a reminder."
"Yeah…. Maybe I do" The expression Minho wore now was something closer to contemplative than the somber expression he had been wearing, so Jisung took that as a small victory. 
A new determined expression stretched across Minho’s face, "Okay no more sad talk Han Jisung. Let's make our weeks better right here, right now"
Jisung liked this new side of Minho much more, "How do we do that hyung?" Puppy eyes on full display.
Minho downed the rest of his drink, prompting Jisung to follow. Which he did although much more tentatively, "Well honestly, I don’t know but that karaoke machine’s looking pretty tempting right about now."
“I didn't know you sang hyung?” 
“I definitely don't willingly, but after this week, give me one more drink and I’m game.”
A few more drinks and few poorly sung karaoke songs later the two were back to sitting at the bar. More times than either of them could count they had found themselves smiling at each other without the other noticing. It was obvious that both of them hadn't been this happy in a while. Minho was on maybe his fourth drink and Jisung on his third. 
“I can’t believe that Felix saw Binnie-hyung the other night? And he talked to him?? Like willingly?” Jisung seemingly was in disbelief that his elder groupmate would actually talk to a stranger willingly. 
“Yeah, Lix about had a heart attack when he saw it was Changbin though. Felix is not exactly subtle with his emotions, and hes like your guy’s biggest fan.”
“He seemed so chill when we met him at busking though” 
“Yeah I’m pretty sure he was holding his breath the entire time.” Jisung’s laugh filled the bar with such a bright sound that Minho couldn’t help but laugh along too. That seems to be happening a lot. Jisung’s laugh must just do that, Minho supposes.
“You’re roommates seem really cool though. I’d love to meet them and get to spend time with you again.” The lazy, probably tipsy grin that was plastered on Jisung’s face, as well as his request to spend more time with him turned Minho’s cheeks red. But if anyone would have asked, he would have blamed it on the alcohol. 
“They’d love that we don't get out much as a trio. And Hyun and Lix love new prey- I mean people.” The mischievous grin reappeared on his face at the chance to tease his roommates some more.
“Oh come on I’m sure they’re not that bad hyung. Me, Chan and Bin-hyung are like the opposite. We never go out and rarely meet new people our age. I think Sana-noona is the first new person we’ve collectively interacted with since like 2018.”
“Well now you can say you’ve interacted with three more people your age, with me and my roommates. Although I have a feelin the whole of us together would be a chaotic affair”
“That sounds so fun!” Jisung couldn’t help but perk up at the idea of hanging out with people his age other than Chan and Changbin. He still want to experience the ‘normal’ and ‘cliche’ hangouts of those in their twenties. Much of which he feels he has already lost due to 3RACHA’s continual pursuit of a career. Having not even finished high school in pursuit of his dreams, Jisung couldn’t help but yearn just a bit for the lives of his peers, and to experience all the things he had missed. Jisung, even more unfiltered than usual due to a few drinks in his system, sighed loudly. 
“You sure? That sigh sounded a little heavy for you. You tired of me already?” Minho couldn’t keep the concern and anxiety from peaking out even just a bit. Alcohol had always made him a bit more emotionally sensitive and transparent. 
“Oh! NO No no, I would totally love to spend more time with you. Honestly more than anything else.” Jisungs tried to hide his embarrassment of getting sentimental out of nowhere.
“I uh- I just don’t get out much. I wasn’t kidding when I said we never go out. If we didn't have our performances, all three of us would probably never leave our apartment, and it’s just always been like that since we formed our group.” It took all his will not to let another sigh slip from his mouth. 
Minho’s smile softened along with his eyes. Jisung had been nothing but kind and charming to him, seeing another side of the boy, the more troubled and emotional side, only made the boy more endearing to him. Minho couldn’t help but want to keep him close. In a way it was similar to how he felt for Felix and Hyunjin, but there was something more than just the hyung mentality kicking in. 
“Well you have me now, right? I mean plus Felix and Hyunjin I guess. They're kinda freebies, and tag along whether you want them or not.” 
“Yeah, I guess I do have you now.” The heart, although smaller, reappeared on Jisungs face, and it was a victory enough. Minho hoped that Jisung would accept whatever bizarre friendship they had. Somehow their friendship, although came out of nowhere, really felt like it was what both of them were needing. 
“Also I don't know what professional rapper Han Jisung will be up too once he debuts, but Felix’s birthday is coming up and he loves making a whole night of it. Dressing up, going out, dancing, getting wasted off fruity drinks, he loves it. Anyway I’m sure he’d love it if you wanted to come, you could probably even bring your plus twos.”
“REally?!” Jisung’s eyes brightened and his smile grew to stretch the full length across his face. 
“Of course, really! I just invited you, dummy.” Minho was sure Felix really wouldn’t mind. If anything he could frame it as a birthday present that he got 3RACHA to come to his birthday party. Win-win. Minho couldn’t help but notice the brightness of the smile on Jisung’s face when he mentioned it. Just shows how much the idea of spreading time with them really meant to Jisung. Adorable. That may have been the real win. 
The two sat in silence for sometime. Nursing their unfinished drinks and fighting the uncontrollable grins from fully forming on their faces. Comfortable silence is a rare occurrence for the pair, but somehow they found it with each other on their first date? Outing? Minho didn't know what this was, and something told him Jisung had no idea either.
“Soooo is this that date I was promised or are we gonna ambiguously hang out for a bit longer?” Jisung looked a bit taken aback but commenced rambling to make up for it.
“I kinda had hoped that our first date would be more exciting than me visiting you after work on a whim. I honestly just came in hoping to see you. To be honest I didn't think I would get this far, also I don't even know when your free next, or when I’m free next, and our schedules lining up seems kinda unlikely, But more than anything I would love to take you out a real unambiguous date, ya know so you dont think im some unromantic fool whos all talk and no walk- ” 
“Jisung.” As endearing as Jisung’s unbridled rambling was, it did make the boy a little hard to handle. Not that Minho minded at all.
“Yes?...” Jisung’s puppy dog eye forever making a reappearance.
“Would you like to go get dinner with me the next time you are free?” 
“Yes I would like that very much.” He even nodded enthusiastically.
“Good then our first date is set, you just tell me when and where.” Minho shot a wink the younger’s way. Jisung’s joyful smile didn't seem to have left his face anytime in the past hour. 
Exiting the bar the pair walked side by side, hands brushing past each other in almost every step, remaining just tipsy enough for physical boundaries to blurr, but for the most part sobering up for their journeys home.
“I’m going to call a car to get home, do you need a ride?” Jisung offered hoping to spend even a few more minutes with the other boy. Seeing as their next meeting date was still only a concept. 
Minho hesitated a second, “No, it's alright I can walk, it's not that much further to my bus stop.” He flashed the younger a smile, that was probably meant to be reassuring, but the grin didn’t reach his eyes. 
“Please, I’d feel better knowing you got home safe. And its really no problem.”
“Are you saying that I can’t make it home on my own Han Jisung? Don’t forget whos the hyung here. I usually walk home even later on my closing shifts!”
“Nonono, I am just concerned and feel like it would be the “gentleman” thing to do.” Jisung put heavy finger quotes over ‘gentleman’.
“Oh and since when have you every cared about being a gentleman? Hm?” Minho’s smirk made Jisung laugh, and it seemed the older man wouldn’t easily accept his ride offer. 
“Pah. I am always a gentleman. Thank you very much. And since you won’t accept my offer please at least let me know when you get home safely.” Jisung pulled his puppy eyes out one more time, and even grabbed Minho’s hand for emphasis. 
Minho couldn't deny that the others' soft hold on his own hand and his soft expression, had made his heart skip a couple beats. 
“I’ll text you when I get home, Jisung. Promise.” Squeezing his hand softly for reassurance, he smiled, before having to actively pry his hand away from the warmth and comfort of Jisung’s hand. “Goodnight Jisung.” 
“G-Goodnight Minho-hyung.” Jisung stood and watched as the older man rounded the corner, to his supposed bus stop, trying his hardest not to miss the warmth that his presence had emitted next to him for the past couple hours. 
Damn it I really am gone huh. Jisung’s smile only grew though, at the surprising realization that he had somehow gained a real relationship from his serendipitous run in with the waiter. Thanking past-Jisung for whatever he had done to deserve getting to spend the last few hours with a man that was like something out of his dreams. 
Minho walked home with a smile on his face, but couldn't fight the slight guilt of having to turn down another one of Jisung’s generous offers. Minho wished the part of him that wanted to hide who he was would die off, but sadly the fear of Jisung seeing how small, and honestly shitty, the place he lived was, kept him from letting the sweet boy give him a ride. The more rational part of his brain knew that Jisung wouldn’t care about how he lived or how much money he had, but the fear still won. At least for now. 
Minho climbed up the stairs to their apartment, and unlocked the door, with a small shake. The lock was sticky most days. With the door secured behind him he found a Hyunjin stretched out on their pull out couch, as some western cartoon played on the TV. Minho switched off the screen and threw a blanket over his roommate so he wouldn’t wake up freezing in the middle of the night. Their heating and cooling was anything but consistent. 
Checking the clock on the stove told him that it was already close to the middle of the night anyway. He could hear his second roommate rustle around in his own bed behind their living room screen, as Minho made his way to his own bed. Often being the last come home, he made sure to be quiet as he got ready for bed. Even with the three boys' collective late night shifts, they tended to still have early mornings together, for dance and other performances.  Sleep was their time and it was usually limited time. 
Before officially climbing in bed Minho remembered to text, as he promised, to let Jisung know he was safe. 
Rich boy Han Jisung
Home safe, as expected :]
You’re safe!
I’m so glad :]
I had a great time tonight
As soon as I know I will let you know when I am free 
Ya know
For dinner 
I had fun tonight too Jisung~
Can’t wait 
Gn :)
Sleep tight hyung! ^u^
Jisung attempted to enter his apartment quiet and inconspicuously, but sadly forgot to take into account the fact that his roommates seldom sleep like normal human beings. He entered their loft to Chan currently raiding the kitchen, and Changbin glued to his laptop in their connected living room. As soon as he walked into the well lit hallway, his two flatmates threw him a few raised eyebrows and subtle smirks. 
Jisung hadn’t exactly announced his leaving. The three of them were originally working on a track when the youngest had gotten frustrated and left with not much more than a mumble that usually signified that he was “taking a walk”. Clearly that walk had taken him close to 4 more hours than usual, hence the raised eyebrows. In attempts to fight the awkward and accusing silence that filled the room, Jisung hoped to lighten the mood. Or atleast get his hyungs to avoid teasing him for now. 
“...I brought take out.” Did Jisung purposely stop at a take out restaurant just to potentially bribe his hyungs not to tease him? Maybe. 
It worked, at least partially as Chan made his way from his spot in front of the opened fridge to Jisung to eagerly collect the bribe. The oldest rapper always had a soft spot. It was his stomach. 
Changbin on the other hand, still kept his questioning look on his face that seemed to say Where have you been for the last 4 hours Han Jisung? Clearly Jisung was avoiding that look, and decided the chicken he had brought was suddenly the most interesting food ever. He was happy, happy and his hyungs knew him well enough that four hours walking around and fried chicken weren’t the reason he was practically giddy. 
“So Sungie, find anything else exciting on your little walk? Other than fried chicken?” Still actively avoiding Changbin’s gaze. Jisung simply shrugged, but the wide grin on his face or the pink tint to his ears, were enough to confirm whatever Changbin’s assumptions had been. 
“Wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain waiter at Menu 98, perhaps?”
Before Jisung could answer his phone lit up with a text from the aforementioned waiter. Jisung immediately picked up his phone and responded with a wide smile, that practically spillied all the ‘secrets’ of his night to his hyungs. 
“Sorry hyung what was that?”
Changbin shook his head fondly at the innocent glow on the youngest’s face. 
“Nothing, Sung just glad to see you happy.”
Jisung squinted his eyes happily at that and continued to type away. Chan couldn’t help but feel his heart strings tug at the happiness that Jisung emitted in the moment. He always found himself worried about their youngest member. Jisung’s smile had begun to become progressively rare throughout the years that they had been a group, and he couldn’t help but feel guilty for pulling their youngest member into their life as a music group so young. There was also a part of him that was afraid of losing that smile once they debuted. It was their biggest goal by far, but Chan had seen what being in the public eye could do to souls as pure as Jisung. 
If Jisung really was getting involved with and even potentially dating another boy, not everyone was as kind and understanding about one’s sexual orientation as he wished they were. A warning about it was on the tip of Chan’s tongue but he couldn’t speak up as soon as he saw the way Jisung’s entire face lit up at a new text notification.  
“Thanks for the late night snack, Sungie.”
“Oh, Of course Channie-hyung! It's the most I could do for disappearing for such a long time.” 
Jisung’s heart smile reached his eyes, and Chan couldn’t help but return it. He mentally promised to do anything to protect that trademarked heart as they debuted.
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
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lvanter · 4 years
cafe q, chapter six. han jisung
note: chapter 5 was posted in december sdheksskhjdksqg fm keksffjdjsjsa im sorry
warning: food, jisung has a cold
wc: 1k exactly
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too many loud knocks interrupted jisung’s nap. he got up with a groan, ruffling his hair on his way to the door. he was cursing out whoever dared to knock in his head. opening the door without looking through the peephole first, he asked, “can i help you?” annoyance clear in his voice.
“hi, sung,” you greeted happily.
jisung’s eyes widened and he quickly tried to fix his birdsnest of a hair, “(name)? wh-what are you doing here? not-not that i’m not happy to see you, i was-“
you cut him off with a giggle, “it’s fine, sung. chaeyeon texted me saying you were sick and...here i am,”
jisung put a hand on his chest, “wow, you have a day off and you spend it with me? i’m so honored,”
you rolled your eyes, but laughed, “i brought you food; be nice to me,” you pointed at him, a stern expression on your face.
jisung rolled his eyes, and opened the door so you could walk in, “make yourself comfortable,” while you took your jacket and shoes off, he went to his room and came back out with his duvet. he threw it on the couch before joining you in the kitchen, where you had just set water to boil for the ramen you had brought.
“no, jisung, go rest,”
he pouted, “but i wanna help,”
“you’re sick, go lay on the couch, i’ll be right there,” you point to the couch.
jisung groaned, but did as you said. he landed on the couch, after taking the tv remote. he opened up netflix and began looking for something for you to watch. when he found something, he went to the kitchen to help you carry.
you handed him the yours and his tea, taking your ramen bowls yourself, “what are we watching?” you asked, placing the bowls on the coffee table and sitting down in.
“kung fu panda 2.” jisung grinned. his heart warmed at the smile growing on your face at the mention of the film. he started the film and leaned so he could cuddle you ( jisung likes torturing himself), only to have you push him off you gently, “i wanna cuddle,” he pouted.
“you’re sick, dummy,”
“i don’t wanna be sick,” you flickered his forehead, giggling as he rubbed the spot, trying to make the pain go away.
“fine,” he pouted, going to the opposite end of the couch.
“you’re such a baby,” you teased, turning to enjoy the movie.
15 minutes into the movie, the front door opened and changbin and one of his friends walked through the door.
“jisung, i’m back, and felix is with me!” cangbin called out, not having seen the two of you on the couch, “jisung!- oh you’re out of bed,” he noticed you and jisung on the couch under jisung’s duvet. “hi, (name),”
“hi, bin,” you greeted casually, throwing him a small wave, while jisung simply hummed in acknowledgement.
after taking their shoes and jackets off, changbin went to the bathroom and his friend stood beside the couch and watched the movie with you and jisung.
“felix? i didn’t know you were back,” jisung smiled at his friend.
“i only just got back yesterday,” felix told him, his expression mirroring jisung’s.
“(name),” jisung said, getting your attention, “this is felix, one of mine and changbin’s friends. felix this is (name), my friend and coworker,” he introduced you, not noticing the red on felix’ cheeks.
you smiled shyly to felix, “it’s nice to meet you,”
“yeah, uh, you too,”
“don’t just stand there, lixie, sit down,” jisung patted the free spot on the couch between the you and him.
felix sat down, the blush still on his cheeks. he ignored it and watched the movie, changbin joining, sitting in the armchair, when he finished in the bathroom. while felix didn’t notice how his eyes kept drifting to you for a few seconds before turning back to the movie multiple times, jisung did. and he did not like it.
jisung knew you were beautiful, of course, and he knew other people noticed it as well. he forced himself to pay attention to the film, but found it hard when he noticed felix lean closer to you and start a quiet conversation. he couldn’t hear what was being said, but he assumed it was something funny judging by the way you bit your way to stop a laugh from escaping and interrupting the movie.
jisung found it painful to watch felix make your eyes shine. he knew he was overreacting but he couldn’t help it. he knew how charming and kind felix was and the thought of you dating him made jisung feel like throwing up.
the love struck boy stood up abrupt, “i’ll going back to bed,” he grumbled, harshly pulling his duvet off you and felix. he felt bad immediately after, having seen your look of confusion. he could feel 3 pairs of eyes on him as he speed walked to his room and shut the door behind him.
leaning against the door after throwing his duvet on his bed, he let out a deep sigh. he could hear changbin’s, “what that was about?” and your sad and soft, “i don’t know,” he banged his head against the door exactly 2 times, before walking over and falling onto his bed, curling up under his duvet.
he hit himself for overreacting. felix just talked to you and jisung had thrown a hissy fit. jisung didn’t own you, you could talk to whoever you wanted. but this was felix lee! lee felix! sunshine boy! the boy with the prettiest and brightest smile! and cutest freckles! the most charming and generous boy jisung knew (and jisung knew a lot of boys!).
after letting out a loud groan, jisung decided to try and sleep, still feeling his fever. he closed his eyes and dreamt of you and your shining eyes.
122 notes · View notes
kimsgoeun · 3 years
muses and fcs i wanna use. lmk if you’re interested! 
fcs i wanna use
adeline rudolph
aisha dee
aldis hodge
amanda seyfried
anna diop
antonia thomas
ashley madekwe
brenda song
choi sooyoung
hwang in-yeop
jamie chung
jessica henwick
ji chang wook
john kim
jurnee smollett
kang han na
kang tae oh
kim do yeon
kim tae ri
krysten ritter
lana condor
lee da hee
lee do-hyun
lee pace
lee sun bin
lupita nyong’o
melissa o’neil
mena massoud
michael trevino
ni ni
okamoto tao
park bo young
park so dam
park yoo na
quintessa swindell
rachel hilson
rahul kohli
raymond ablack
rebecca ferguson
samara weaving
song kang
tahirah sharif
timothy olyphant
van veronica ngo
yoo in na
yoon so hee
muses i wanna use (some are more written out than others due to newness lol - down for other plots not listed)
-alisha murphy; 38; fc: billie piper
general practitioner at a small town practice; sweet; married to her job and will drop everything to help someone; surrounds her office/home with different plants; doesn’t really have time for romance but loves love; gives all the advice and never takes her own
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3
-charlotte kwan; 30; fc: jung eun-chae
medical resident; sarcastic/dry humor; straightforward; will stand up for herself and others; slightly competitive; has a good work-life balance
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3 
-chester “chess” mao; 52; fc: lucy liu
works for a supernatural verse if wanted (shapeshifter and/or immortal being)
oddball; works random jobs to have some cash but otherwise lives comfortably (by her standards); likes to help strangers and people in a bind; observant; likes to travel to random/obscure places; isn’t very serious; can sometimes talk in circles rather than getting to the point; loves cats; can be petty when provoked
inspo: phoebe buffay (friends), nick miller (new girl)
plot idea: 1, 2, 3, 4
-cordelia lee; 38; fc: song ji hyo* (alt. park bo young)
works for a supernatural verse if wanted (vampire or magical abilities)
astronomer; lived against her family’s expectations; fell in love at a young age but lost them to unfortunate circumstances; mostly a “spinster” due to it; finds comfort in the nighttime; goes camping; soft
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3
-evelyn wan; 31; fc: go bo-gyeol
interior designer; usually on the quieter side unless she’s talking about her work; type of person to be in love with their best friend and never say anything; homebody; also doesn’t sleep because she overworks herself
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3
-harmony rosales; 26; fc: cierra ramirez
got married too young and is now going through a horrible divorce; ex is an asshole; loves loves, so super sad about her marriage failing; also a marriage counselor; cares about everyone and everything; comes off sophisticated, but is a mess; likes to surround herself with pretty things
plot ideas: 1, 2
-isabelle wollf; 51; fc: rachel weisz
professor of biology and drama; lives in santa cruz; science nerd; goes to play, concerts, and art galleries; comes from money but doesn’t seem like it; disorganized teacher; tends to go on tangents when lecturing/speaking; was in one serious relationship set up by their families
plot ideas: 1, 2
-katharine goodwin; 42; fc: rosamund pike
money launderer; conwoman; pretend heiress essentially; likes to live lavishly; manipulative; will be cold/curt if she doesn’t know them/doesn’t like them; fiercely loyal to people she cares about; willing to get her hands dirty, but prefers not to; doesn’t have family ties
inspo: rio (good girls), mazikeen (lucifer), emily thorne (revenge)
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4
-kayla driscoll; 41; fc: rose byrne
art curator; moved away from her family in australia for her job; paints in her free time; middle child of two sisters; makes bad choices when she’s interested in someone; ignores red flags all the time; always gives people the benefit of the doubt; constantly gives people a second chance
plot ideas: 1, 2
-kim joo won; 31; fc: choi sooyoung
works for a supernatural verse if wanted (fallen angel or immortal being)
enjoys antagonizing people; flirty; doesn’t think about boundaries most of the time; likes having stupid fun; has a difficult time opening up emotionally to others; collects art, clothes, and jewelry; made her money through investments and owning property
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4
-lucinda “lucy” dyer; 46; fc: amy adams
bad at communication; uses physical intimacy as a distraction; black sheep/ostracized from her family; works at a book store; passed law school/exam but decided against her career; smokes and drinks a little too much; witty; comes off standoffish; pretends to not care; lonely; doesn’t know how to ask for help
inspo: fiona gallagher (shamless), camille preaker (sharp objects), jessica jones (jessica jones)
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3
-marlow mao; 40; fc: elodie yung
family made their wealth through shady means; sold out her father’s criminal activity and had to “runaway” essentially; artist; sells her work under a pseudonym; lives in one of those rich, beach towns; personable but private; doesn’t let people know about her past; worried/concerned about her family/her father’s connection’s finding her
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4
-natasha chung; 29; fc: shin se-kyung
event planner for upscale events; temperamental; difficult in relationships (trust issues, jealously, not emotionally available enough, indecisive); doesn’t necessarily trust people in general because her social status/family wealth; can be a tad immature at times personally; badass at work; high-end taste
plot ideas: 1, 2
-quentin dae; 25; fc: nam joo hyuk* (alt. lee young hwa, lee do-hyun)
actual nice guy; carpentry and repairs are his thing; very much a quiet nerd growing up; looks like he has it together, but does not; will highkey freak out and worry during inconveniences; rarely crushes on people and tends to like the same person for long periods of times; is very bad at flirting
plot ideas: 1, 2
-rosaline perkins; 29; fc: elizabeth lail 
architect at a big international firm; moved to paris for a job; found out she was pregnant after a one night stand; didn’t bother finding the bio dad before the move; decided with family support to keep her baby; can either be working in paris or has moved back to wherever else
plot ideas: 1, 2
-sun hee “sunny” park; 29; fc: lee sung-kyung
script supervisor; had a childhood best friend (and crush) that moved away without warning; feels like she’s surrounded by idiots a majority of the time; loves her job but hates it for dealing with people; has worked in the industry for nearly 10 years; super organized; slight control freak; social interactions exhaust her
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
-tara hwan; 49; fc: sandra oh
baker; owns a bakery shop in the city; very confident in herself and her abilities; comes across scary but is surprisingly sweet; likes to end her day with a glass of wine and trash tv; constantly thinking of new baking ideas/designs; doesn’t put up with rudeness or entitled people
plot ideas: 1, 2
-tinsley porters; 28; fc: jodie comer* (alt. adelaide kane, chloe bridges)
doesn’t stick to a job more than a year; like adventure/traveling; gets restless easily; immature at times; child at heart; can be reckless; believes in soulmates; follows treat others the way they’re treating you; avoids problems and serious situations/conversations; orphaned at 3 years old; believer in found families
inspo: peter pan (peter pan)
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3
-winona renwick; 30; fc: poppy drayton* (alt. jenna coleman, amber stevens)
aspiring chef; spent a majority of her time taking care of her father (widowed and an alcoholic) when her mom passed away; lost her mom in her early teenage years; decided to move away for college to live her own life; worked 3 jobs until she found a steady income after graduating; doesn’t know how to do healthy relationships due to her dad; doesn’t want to have to rely on anyone for help or be a burden; passionate when it comes to cooking
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3 
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kpopfcs · 4 years
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kpopfcs masterlist of man faceclaims …
following my recent inspiration to make a few masterlists, i welcome you to one which includes 150 man faceclaims between the ages of 30 to 39 at the time of making this post. all of these men are korean to not complicate anything, and it includes idols, actors, etc. i’m hoping this will encourage the rpc to step out of the comfort zone and explore the use of a wider range of faceclaims, especially those that are unknown and don’t work in western media. some may not have resources. please reblog this to spread the words, and like this if you found it useful! masterlist part 2 of many.
choi dae-hoon (1980) - actor
jo jung-suk (1980) - actor
ryoo seung-bum (1980) - actor
kim dae-myung (1980) - actor
jin goo (1980) - actor
yoon kyung-ho (1980) - actor
jo in-sung (1981) - actor
kim nam-gil (1981) - actor
kim ji-seok (1981) - actor
park hae-soo (1981) - actor
gang dong-won (1981) - actor
kim rae-won (1981) - actor
lee sang-yoon (1981) - actor
park hoon (1981) - actor
ji seung-hyun (1981) - actor
kim jae-won (1981) - actor
lee dong-wook (1981) - actor
jang seung-jo (1981) - actor
lee ki-woo (1981) - actor
lee jin-wook (1981) - actor
jung moon-sung (1981) - actor
kim ji-hoon (1981) - actor
hyun bin (1982) - actor
ha seok-jin (1982) - actor
eum moon-suk (1982) - actor
ju ji-hoon (1982) - actor
jung ji-hoon/rain (1982) - idol and actor
kwon yul (1982) - actor
lee si-eon (1982) - actor
jung gyu-woon (1982) - actor
lee joon-gi (1982) - actor
kim mu-yeol (1982) - actor
lim ju-hwan (1982) - actor
shin sung-rok (1982) - actor
yoo gun-woo (1983) - actor
bang sung-hoon (1983) - actor
jung kyung-ho (1983) - actor
kang ki-young (1983) - actor
kim hee-chul (1983) - idol, tv personality and actor
steven yeun (1983) - actor
kim jae-wook (1983) - actor
on joo-wan (1983) - actor
jo hyun-sik (1983) - actor
kim jun-han (1983) - actor
lee kyu-hyung (1983) - actor
lee hyun (1983) - singer
lee sang-yeob (1983) - actor
park hae-jin (1983) - actor
park jeong-su/leeteuk (1983) - idol, radio personality and actor
kim jong-woon/yesung (1984) - idol
lee je-hoon (1984) - actor
lee joon-hyuk (1984) - actor
yeon woo-jin (1984) - actor
jeon seok-ho (1984) - actor
ji hyun-woo (1984) - actor and musician
yoo yeon-seok (1984) - actor
song joong-ki (1985) - actor
lee dong-hwi (1985) - actor
song jae-rim (1985) - actor and model
lee kwang-soo (1985) - actor and tv personality
lee min-ki (1985) - actor
kim seo-kyung (1985) - actor
park ki-woong (1985) - actor
hyun woo (1985) - actor
lee hyun-jin (1985) - actor
park sung-hoon (1985) - actor
yoon sun-woo (1985) - actor
lee tae-sung (1985) - actor
yoon hyun-min (1985) - actor
shin dong-hee/shindong (1985) - idol, MC and radio personality
byun yo-han (1986) - actor
choi jin-hyuk (1986) - actor
min jin-woong (1986) - actor
ahn jae-hong (1986) - actor
choi si-won (1986) - idol and actor
choi sun-woong/choi woong (1986) - actor
joo woo-jae (1986) - model, DJ and actor
jung yun-ho/u-know yunho (1986) - idol and actor
kim jae-joong (1986) - idol and actor
kim seon-ho (1986) - actor
lee dong-hae (1986) - idol and actor
ki hong lee (1986) - actor
lee sung-hwa/gray (1986) - singer, rapper and record producer
ryu jun-yeol (1986) - actor
choi daniel (1986) - actor
yoo ah-in (1986) - actor
no min-woo (1986) - actor and musician
yoon shi-yoon (1986) - actor
lee hyuk-jae/eunhyuk (1986) - idol, MC
kim sung-gyu (1986) - actor
lee jang-woo (1986) - actor
kim jun-su/xia (1986) - idol and musical actor
lee min-ho (1987) - actor, singer, and model
ji chang-wook (1987) - actor and singer
ahn jae-hyun (1987) - model and actor
im seul-ong (1987) - singer and actor
jung il-woo (1987) - actor
ryu deok-hwan (1987) - actor
shin soo-hang (1987) - actor
kim ryeo-wook (1987) - idol, radio personality and musical actor
kim young-kwang (1987) - actor and model
kwak si-yang (1987) - actor
jang geun-suk (1987) - singer and actor
lee seung-gi (1987) - actor and singer
lee sung-bin/beenzino (1987) - soloist
moon jun-won/joo won (1987) - actor
seo in-guk (1987) - actor and singer
yoon kyun-sang (1987) - actor
yoon park (1987) - actor
kim soo-hyun (1988) - actor
cho kyu-hyun (1988) - idol, musical actor and tv host
jo won-jun/onejunn (1988) - idol
jung hae-in (1988) - actor
lee ji-hoon (1988) - actor
lee soo-hyuk (1988) - actor and model
eric nam (1988) - singer
ok taec-yeon (1988) - idol and actor
shim chang-min (1988) - idol an actor
kim jae-young (1988) - actor and model
yim si-wan (1988) - actor and ex-idol
kim min-jun/jun.k (1988) - idol, dancer and musical actor
lee changsun/lee joon (1988) - actor and singer
park seo-joon (1988) - actor
oh hee-joon (1988) - actor
ahn bo-hyun (1988) - actor
kim woo-bin (1989) - actor and model
lee yi-kyung (1989) - actor
lee jong-suk (1989) - actor and model
jo kwon (1989) - idol, MC, actor and entertainer
jang woo-young (1989) - idol and actor
kim sung-gyu (1989) - idol and actor
lee jin-ki/onew (1989) - idol and actor
baek sung-hyun (1989) - actor
kang bong-sung (1989) - actor
kim kyung-nam (1989) - actor
kim hae-sol/zion.t (1989) - soloist
kwon hyuk-woo/loco (1989) - soloist
kim sangbum/kim bum (1989) - singer and actor
kim dong-hyun (1989) - idol and actor
jung yong-hwa (1989) - idol and actor
lee hak-joo (1989) - actor
han hee-jun (1989) - singer and MC
yoon doo-joon (1989) - idol and actor
choi woo-sik (1990) - actor
kang ha-neul (1990) - actor
kim jung-hyun (1990) - actor
kim min-suk (1990) - actor
hong jong-hyun (1990) - actor
lee hong-ki (1990) - idol and actor
bang yong-guk (1990) - soloist
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