#oi ojiro and Tamaki fans come and get your juice
pocketramblr · 4 years
the “Boy kidnapped by father and forced into villainy until he and friends get him out” fanfic trope au but this time its two boys and neither are who you thought of first fanfic timeeee
- So Chimera has a sibling called Manticore, who also has a Sorta Monstrous Human form and a far bigger stronger form. Manticore is a better strategist and leader than Chimera, but is weaker in either form, and thus problems.
- but dun dun, Chimera and Manticore have sons. Sons who got *some* of their quirks and physical mutations, but not all of them. Also, um, Chimera didn’t know, until a rival got too close to the group from information he shouldn’t have. He tracked it to one Ms Amajiki, a former acquaintance and on storming into her apartment found that 1- she was being held hostage there 2- she apparently had a kid who was sitting frozen in fear with someone holding a weapon to him 3- she apparently had a kid with him if the scent was right and had never told him, only for the kid to be used against both of them.
- Ok, good news: he takes care of the rivals. Bad news: he takes Tamaki and threatens him if his mother so much as thinks about calling for help to get him back.
- When Mirio knocks on her door begging to see Tamaki because he didn’t visit all weekend and wasn’t at school, she tells him he had to go to his father’s place.
- At his father’s place, Tamaki is Straight Up Not Having A Good Time, but learns as well as these family members, he has a cousin- the Manticore’s son looks less scary- a long tail, but with fluff at the end instead of spikes, toe beans but no claws. his name is Ojiro Mashirao, and he wants to get out too
- Thats obviously not going to happen for A While, but good news- it does eventually. 
- The boys do a little thing called ‘weaponizing tensions’ and so a fight happens between Manticore and Chimera when heroes strike, and Mashirao gives Manticore a dose of less potent Trigger than they thought they were getting, causing it to fail halfway through the encounter. Tamaki takes the good Trigger and lies to his father that both of the others were caught, and he doesn't care much.
- minor note here, but Mashirao does have a 'monster form' as well, where his tail gets spiked, he gets claws, body gets more lion-like, and teeth sharpen. The problem is it's very painful to shift as his body isn't as well suited to the quirk as his parent's is- and his monster form means some severe loss in being able to think and reason and be in control of himself. For these reasons, once he gets out and gets help, he decides to be a hero without his quirk, just his normal body and tail. And then he'll go back and save his cousin in return for the older boy getting him out. I imagine he like ten at this point.
- "Pocket is that just to make the Shinsou thing worse?" Lol of course
- Another minor note, most of the villains in the parents' group had mutation quirks, most rather scary. The kids were easily the youngest ones there and were frequently just called "the pretty boy" and "the plain boy" with equal derision. Yay more problems
- ok and now it's time for more pain. The remaining people with Chimera's group slowly start dwindling and will continue to. Anyway. Circumstances arise and somehow Tamaki runs into Mirio. That's great except he's not going to tell him he needs help bc he doesn't really feel like getting them both mauled by his father today.
- Mirio does think something sus is up tho
- lol what if I went so far to say Mashirao gets adopted by Aizawa after he gets out? If it can happen to izuku it can happen to him. Anyway point is most of the kids are going off to UA! Everyone that normally would. Erm except Tamaki
- Chimera is actually fine with that friendship starting up again. Mostly bc Tamaki is expected to gather information on the heroes and keep their shrinking group away from them and safe.
- He does, mostly, but it still ends up being the two of them left, then they get split up. Nine- or whatever he was called before the expiramentation- saves Chimera and gets taken back to the last safehouse. Tamaki regrets to see them because he was really hoping that would be the end of it but alas. They're apparently joining this guy's group now.
- Anyway at UA Mashirao is having a swell time being a first year. Except for him being called plain again, and the villains attacking the USJ, and his adopted dad getting super injured there... But mostly he's having a good time.
- Chimera is busy the day of the festival, and Nine is in surgery, and I guess the other two villains in their group don't bother to watch the sports festival. Tamaki does though, in a cafe, and is shocked to see his cousin on the first year stage. Shocked, and worried, but also happy for him.
- Mashirao might not drop out of the third round here. He needs to make a splash to get an internship and hero asap to help his cousin, though it makes him feel sick. He still very much warns izuku about Brainwashing.
- Internships happen, Hosu happens, and when the kids come back to UA Mashirao is suspicious of the Alleyway Trio that the encounter with Stain didn't quite go as reported.
- He approaches them and asks if, hypothetically, they'd be down to fight another villain secretly to rescue a family member of his, because he really needs to keep this away from official heroes. Izuku wants to help, Shoto is always down, and Tenya is a bit annoyed that they seem to be ignoring the lesson they just learned but... On the other hand... The situation is bad and someone needs help.
- Aizawa is getting sus of Mashirao sneaking out with the others and suspects he's upset at him for training Shinsou. He is, actually, that's just only part of it. Finally, he has to come clean about it, and about the same time Izuku convinces them they can trust All Might with this as well.
- Discretion is had, and the raid goes successfully, just before the end of first term. Tamaki has no idea what's going on but is more than happy to tell them about Nine, the Doctor, and the plan there too.
- Andddd then the LoV makes things worse again probably. But life goes on and everyone is alive and safe yay
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